• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Thirty-One: Nightmare Exposition

True to her word, the next morning after that eventful second day back in Ponyville, Twilight begun her endless list of questions. After breakfast, the unicorn instructed Spike to inform any visitors that she would be preoccupied all day, before escorting myself to that underground lab of hers. There, with mountains of papers for the mare to write upon while learning about this entire unknown species, I begun telling her everything I knew about the human race as much as possible.

Suffice to say, it was exhausting. I think I had to down three glasses of water to clear the headache of spending all day running my dry muzzle.

Twilight, however, was restless and relentless, never seeming satisfied with my answers and asking questions upon question over my species and the planet: Where do they come from? How do they think? What goes on in their everyday lives? What's the age span? How do they live in their environments? Were they more advanced in their technology than Equestria? What other species lived on my world? Were they ruled by monarchy or something else? The list goes on.

Since then, I couldn't recall how many days, or weeks have passed, since the studious unicorn began her questions. There were times, of course, where Twilight gave me space to breathe, and some hours off from the 'interrogation' so I could spend some free time hanging out with Spike, or Fluttershy whenever she visits. Speaking of which, the rest of our friends eventually noticed Twilight's sudden focus on me, and already assumptions were being made.

Ones I clearly disregarded with a glare or promptly ignored.

Twilight reassured them, however, amidst her blushing from the exaggerated implications by Rarity, that she was researching about my homeland, nothing more. Which led me to ponder: when exactly would it be time to share the truth with the others?

Well, I was in no hurry to tell them anyway. Probably once Twilight was done with her countless questions.

Yet they were just that, countless. I briefly wondered if months have passed ever since the beginning of these inquiries. Though truth be told, I didn't really mind spending time with Twilight like this, despite the mare starting to ask rather complex, more scientific questions that honestly had me baffled to no end, even when asking numerous times for her to repeat the questions more clearly.

The mare was quick to catch on, however, my exasperation and tiredness over these kind of inquiries. I apologized to the unicorn for not being intelligent enough to respond to them, but Twilight reassured me that the fact I was cooperating like this, and how I didn't even mind her asking months of questions, made her happy and satisfied.

"I'm sorry, however, if the strain of these questions is starting to get to you."

"Twilight, as long as it's you asking these questions, I won't ever mind."

I am inclined to believe, also, that all this time spent in each other's company has opened more gateways to trust. Twilight always seemed to smile whenever I appeared to greet them in the kitchen every morning, and I in turn. We ask each other how we're doing, what she's going to inquire about my world and species for the day, etc etc.

Honestly, I don't think I've ever been this close to someone outside of my family for a very long time. It felt... well I couldn't accurately describe a fitting emotion for it as of yet.

But the message was clear: Twilight was beginning to trust me more than ever. Right next to Spike, who had recently been taking part in the inquiries, assisting Twilight with all the written papers containing the information given from me. It made me realize how easier it would've been if I'd just told Twilight the truth from the start.

Ah well, can't replace the past.

Today, however, quickly cancelled any schedule of our 'sessions', for one tradition being held tonight by the town.

"Right then, just to recap." I began while looking at the pair in costumes, having just exited from the kitchen. "You're Spyro the Dragon, and you're Professor Dumbledore." The former wearing a... purple dragon costume, and the unicorn wearing... a wizard cape, hat with jingling bells and false long white beard.

Spike expressed confusion while Twilight rolled her eyes. "No, I'm Starswirl the Bearded."

"...Who?" Never heard of him.

"He was one of the most powerful and wise unicorns in the history of Equestria." Twilight proceeded to explain, to my indifference. She spoke of him in an admiring tone. "If only he were alive to this day; imagine how much I could learn from him."

"Whatever Gandalf." I said dismissively, inwardly smirking at the bristled mare. Ancient wizard whose regarded highly from the books of history? Now where have I heard that before? "Basically Equestria's Merlin then."


"Some apparent ancient sorcerer who lived during the dark ages of my planet's history." I didn't really put much stock in history.

Spike chuckled. "First the fact that our two worlds share tonight's same tradition, now we have our own ancient wise wizards. What did you call yours, Hallo-whatzit?"

"Halloween." I corrected him.

"That sounds rather silly."

I scoffed in disbelief at Twilight's observation. "'Silly'? 'Silly'? Have you heard what you call yourselves and your lands? You have no right to comment, Dumbledore."

Wisely ignoring that jab to her costume, the unicorn concurred with her number one assistant. "Still, Spike makes a sound point; the similarities between our two words is very intriguing. You said so yourself that the proceedings of tonight were very much the same, correct?"

"Indeed." I nodded. No harm in telling them that, as far as I saw.

While Twilight seemed to think heavily on it, Spike asked again with expressed disappointment. "You sure you won't be joining us, Stardust? I mean, you might find it fun! And you haven't been outside for a while, after all."

"I'm sure, thank you." Hence why I wasn't even in costume, simply wearing the same dark blue cape as always. "Besides, aren't I terrifying enough without a costume?" I chuckled with the dragon. "But no, I've grown out of this childish tradition. You can have fun without my sarcastic presence."

Halloween or Nightmare Night, neither suits my interest any further. If these two want to go out and have fun, then by all means. I, however, have grown out of wearing costumes and going around scaring the daylights out of people. The year before was the last time I did so. Ah the fond memories of terrifying others with a unique trick of mine whenever they approached my house.

"However will we survive?" Twilight giggled while I smirked. "We won't force you to come with us, of course. But will you be all right handing out candy to any visitors?"

"No Gandalf; evidently it'll be a challenging thing to take on." I retorted light-heartedly, pointing to the door. "Now go out there and do... whatever it is you two are up to. And be sure to bring back lots of chocolate."

"Yes sir!" Spike saluted.

Twilight, rolling her eyes at our antics, opened the front door. "See you later then, Stardust."

"Have a happy Halloween, you two."

"Nightmare Night, Stardust."

"Go stuff your face in candy, Merlin."

And after they left, I sighed in content. Peace and quiet at last... until more colts and fillies turn up requesting the bowl of candy... or whatever's left of it after Pinkie Pie showed up dressed as Scootaloo- I mean, a chicken.

Better go get some more.

"It's just you and me now, Nightshade." I commented upon walking by the perched owl, who hooted in agreement while following me into the kitchen. The bird seemed glad for me to have returned also after my stay in Canterlot. I chuckled as memories surfaced up between my constant bickering with Twilight over addressing the small owl-

Ah, the sound of knocking.

After handing out more sugary treats to those little ponies wearing not-so-frightening costumes for about the tenth time now, I closed the door and continued my pacing around the first floor. Thankfully Twilight didn't bother decorating the tree-house with anything. I guess she prefers the library being untouched by silly traditions. I can respect that.

That or she thought libraries were terrifying enough to young ponies.

Occasionally glancing out of the window, noticing no ponies approaching the house, I used that opportunity to call out to that forsaken voice once again. "Specter, it's time we talked." Nightshade blinked at my address to thin air.

Ever since Twilight had occupied my time with devouring information about my homeworld and own kind, I had little time to speak with the voice. But now that there's a clear chance to do so, I'm taking it. The unicorn has her answers - despite not being fully satisfied yet - and it's time I gained mine.

Declined partaking in this festive time of year, my friend?

I scoffed. "I've grown out of that long ago- that's irrelevant." Quickly correcting myself I glared at the wooden ceiling above. "I'd like to get straight to the point; my second task."

Of course. You have been patient enough, and I deem you prepared to take on your second mission.

The calm agreement caused me to blink. "...Oh." Well I wasn't expecting that, I thought he was going to spew out more nonsensical riddles and vague information. All magic cryptic voices pull that bull-[BEEP]. "Well, good. Okay. What's my next task?"

You are aware of the moral lesson-learning conclusions to each event that happens in this world, yes?

"...If you mean the endings to episodes where kids are suppose to learn something out of them, then yes." I answered slowly, wondering where this voice is going with this. "What about them?"

Whether you have realized or not, Jack, but your presence has changed certain conclusions to some of the episodes during your stay in Ponyville. Your persuasion with Applejack to request her friend's assistance with her apple-bucking season. Preventing a fight from breaking out between Appleloosa and the native buffalo's. Saving Rarity with Spike from the Diamond Dogs. And a few months ago, when you prevented Twilight Sparkle from using a spell on those three fillies.

...Huh, thinking about it, why did I help out Applejack again? I recall it having something to do with returning a favour, but aside from that no logical reason comes to mind over why I persuaded that Earth Pony to ask her- our friends for help.

Suffice to say, you have already been conducting your second task before your first one was complete.

My eyes narrowed. "Come again?" If he's saying what I believe he's insinuating...

While not expected of you all the time, your second mission is to create a different outcome from each episode. Understand that not every event will be prepared for you to change, as there are some things that can't end differently. Discord, for example.

...Well that explains why I was unable to convince the man, but...

"Change as much endings to the episodes as I can?" I asked in disbelief. What, did he believe I was all-knowing about the show itself. "You're asking the wrong guy here, Specter; I've only seen a few episodes at best, in no particular order. How am I to know if what happens is from an episode or not?"

Your skepticism is understandable, Jack. But I wouldn't be asking this of you-

"You mean ordering."

- If I had any doubts towards your capabilities. By interacting more with your friends and your surroundings, you might have change some outcomes without knowing it. Do you think you are prepared for this mission?

"...Sure, why not?" I sighed, rubbing my ponified head. Out with one difficult objective; in with another, this time even more challenging one. Though I suppose this time I would be able to do this in my own time. "When do I start?"

The sound of knocking answered my question for me. Sighing again, this time in frustration, I hurried over and opened the door. And to my surprised state, a panicking, chicken-wearing Pinkie Pie frantically yelled to my face. "Run for your life, Stardust! Nightmare Moon is here, and she's gonna feast on us all!"

But before I could even ask the pink Earth Pony just what the hell she's even going on about, the mare already ran off with a high-pitched scream, leaving nothing but dust behind. Which left me to ponder her words while rubbing my sore ears.

Nightmare Moon... But- Ohh.

I believe there's your answer.

It wasn't that difficult to seek out the monarch at all. Shaky hooves pointing in the right direction had me find the Princess of the Night in no time.

What else do I find?

Chaos. Chaos everywhere.

The blue alicorn desperately requesting her subjects to cease running around in fear and panic. Carefully I sidestepped any of the equines who almost bump into me, walking calmly towards Luna and restraining the impulse to shudder at the sight of the large living spiders no doubt spawned by her.


The echoing scream, followed by excessive lightning, did its trick as all the residents of Ponyville halted in their track and bowed in fright. I meanwhile had to shield my eyes from the sight, waiting for the drama to die down before approaching again.

Twilight, it seems, was determined to help the alicorn calm down. "Princess, remember, watch the screaming!"

"No Twilight Sparkle!" The monarch of the moon turned to face the Gandalf-impostor while speaking in that very, very unnecessary tone. "We must use the traditional royal Canterlot voice for what we are about to say!"

"It's traditional to sound like a banshee?" I asked in disbelief, halting in my tracks as eyes lighting like flashlights switched their gaze towards me.


"Who dares- ...Oh." The sight of me seemed to calm the alicorn to a degree. Quickly gaining composure, she continued. "Stardust Balance."

"Princess Luna." I greeted in turn, bowing respectfully before speaking casually. "I wasn't expecting your presence in Ponyville. How are you?"

I think that was the wrong thing to inquire. "How are we? How are we?!" The alicorn already began flying upwards, gesturing to the cowering audience of ponies surrounding us. "These ponies fear and disrespect us! After we've attempted to have fun!"

"Well, you know these ponies; always so gullible." I commented lightly, ignoring any looks given to me. Noticing the clouds forming above the dark blue mare's head, I decided it was my turn to calm the monarch down. "Princess, please come down here, and we can talk about what troubles you, and how best to resolve it."

This must be what Specter was talking about. By convincing Luna to... what exactly? I'm not entirely aware of the situation here.

"I know how best to resolve it; by cancelling Nightmare Night forever!" Followed by more ridiculous lightning that caused me to blink. Give Luna credit for her flair of the theatrics.

Recovering, while the crowd gasped in shock at the proclamation, I called out. "And what good will that do, Luna? Do you want these equines to hate you as much as fear you?" As much as I didn't care about this silly tradition, that doesn't mean I wanted it to be ruined for others.

"If that is their choice!"

"Princess, please listen to us!" Twilight decided to try speaking reason with the alicorn. "It's all a great misunderstanding! We can convince anyone who's skeptical that they have nothing to fear from you!"

"Exactly!" Now I widened my hooves to the entire crowd, who were barely looking up from their lying positions. "Are you really all so afraid and prejudiced to the past that you can't see what's in front of you?! Look up, everyone, look up at your Princess of the Night!"

At my stern command, some slowly obliged while the rest continued cowering. I sighed in irritation; it's a start I guess.

"Recall Zecora? Recall how you were all frightened of her because you didn't know her? Is that different from now? Nightmare Moon is gone, forever, and yet you cower before the true Princess, this alicorn who is saddened and plagued with guilt. And THIS is how you treat her?!"

"Stardust, what are you-?"

I cut off Twilight's confused voice. "What you see above is not a terror of the night who wishes to spell doom upon all. But an alicorn who's looking for a fresh start, who wants to make friends and have fun! Are you all going to deny her that right?"

Either it was the passion in my voice, or my exaggerated tone, yet it seemed to be slowly working; as ponies in costumes began hesitantly looking up one at a time. Above them they could see there wasn't a villain who desires to spread eternal night. But someone else. Someone else new and old.

And the Princess of the Night looked down back at them, her face solemn and regretful as an audience of eyes stared up towards her. Her own eyes no longer as bright as the moon above, but blue solemn and hopeful. It's rather odd, all this fear and hesitation, considering the fact they were kind to this alicorn during the party celebrating Nightmare Moon's defeat.

"Rejoice, my friends, as Nightmare Moon is a ghost of the past. You see, before you Princess Luna, ruler of the night, fair monarch to all." I'd dare say fairer than Celestia. "Princess, please join us all below, not as someone to fear, but as our friend."

That concluded as I offered a hoof upwards, silently inviting the monarch to accept the token of friendship. Looking down rather uncertainly, it took a moment before Luna finally began descending, her own hoof clad in a royal horseshoe touching my own. Cold... but that was irrelevant.

What was important was everyone beginning to stand up.

"That's right, stand up everyone. And teach our friend here how to have a good time." Because honestly, this wasn't my area of expertise. Let these citizens show Luna how to have fun.

And I'll just stand there, proudly, as colourful hoofs met Luna's own one by one.

You're a fast worker.

I shrugged while adjusting the monocle. "I just like getting things over with." A pause as something occurred to me. "I take it you were expecting my intervention?"

In aiding Princess Luna? I expected nothing of you; I simply handed you the task. Figuratively speaking of course. I am pleased, however, with your eagerness to assist the ruler of the night with gaining friends. I must congratulate your resolve.

I waved off the compliment. "I merely forced common sense into those ponies." Honestly, the prejudice was baffling. First Zecora, then Luna. Sure, those were different situations, but the fact these equines weren't willing to accept a changed pony like that,,,

I mean, I can understand where they're coming from. I really can. But still. "Luna, of all ponies, didn't deserve such treatment."

Despite her past?

"We all make mistakes." I countered firmly, checking my costume in the mirror. Excellent. They'll never guess what I am. While I did state I'd never take part in this event again, no matter what world... well, I suppose taking part tonight changed my mind.

I wasn't above some entertainment. I'll dress up and take part in the festivities. One last time.

"Luna wishes to undo her past mistakes, and I don't fault her that."

Indeed. I remain glad, and proud, of your willingness to aid the Princess. However, do not believe for a moment your second task is already concluded with. There is still much to be done.

Speaking of. "Specter, just what is the point of this?" I asked tiredly, finally glancing up at the ceiling, as though expecting something to show up. "Why have me change as many endings as possible? I don't see any significance of it."

On the contrary, your presence, interactions and impact of Equestria is of utmost significance. You will find out your true purpose behind being me soon.

"In short, never."

Soon, Jack, soon. For now, continue performing your second task, After, of course, Twilight Sparkle releases you from the confines of her curiosity.

"Into the wilderness of social interaction. Hoorah." I finished flatly, then hearing knocking.

Curious, I raised a brow before approaching the door. Odd, I thought everyone was preoccupied in the town square celebrating some event of theirs having to do with candy-


"Twilight said thou would be here." Luna explained, looking down at me with a blank expression. "May we enter?"

"O-Of course." I quickly composed myself, allowing the alicorn entry. Already the tall blue mare began looking around the area.

"Hm. A clean area of history and information. We approve." Then she eyed me. "What art thou dressed as?"

"I am dressed as the Corpirate." I answered, gesturing to the borrowed suit, false mustache, monocle and eyepatch. I was quite pleased with myself, who wouldn't want to attire this as their Halloween costume?

"...We don't get it."

"Of course you don't." I replied in amusement. "Corporate pirate. Corpirate." Shout out to Geoff from Achievement Hunter for thinking of this ingenious character. "Anyway, what brings you here, Luna?" I inquired, having quite enough of her blank stare.

"We wish to thank thou, once again, for assisting us." The alicorn answered, gratitude clear in her tone.

'Again'? "There was another time I helped you?"

"But of course!" I winced at the raised tone, which quickly died down. "Thou tried to help us long ago, recall?"

Oh. "I do recall, Princess, yes, but in the end it was all for naught." I sighed. "Just like with Discord..."


I nodded, turning my gaze from her. Disappointment and regret leaked from my tone. "Yes. Like last time when you were Nightmare Moon, I attempted to reform Discord. Didn't work, obviously."

Like Specter explained earlier, some things couldn't be changed. The spirit of chaos included. Does that mean it would be fruitless to try the same things with Chrya- Cryla- Syphilis? Sombra? Shimmer? Tirek? The sirens?

Well, hopefully I won't be around for THAT long.

"...We see." Luna finally said, sounding rather thoughtful. "Regardless, thy willingness to assist us had gained positive results; we have gained many friends and learned of how to have fun. We must admit; fun wasn't a word we were familiar with until tonight."

Without thinking, I smirked while looking at the alicorn again. "Well that's easy: F is for fire that burns down the whole town. U's for uranium... bombs. N is for no survivors when you- I kid I kid." I reassured the expression on her face. "Couldn't resist, sorry. What were you saying?"

As though that never happened, Luna cleared her throat before continuing. "It has been revealed that the little colts and fillies enjoy being frightened by us, and requested our presence here again next Nightmare Night."

Oh, so the young ones prefer being scared every Halloween huh? I suppose that's why they kept coming back to my house back on Earth every Halloween to be frightened by yours truly.

It was a clever trick, wearing a glowing skeleton costume with a cape and an axe. Standing right next to the front door, still as a statue until people approached. Those were the days.

"Thou seems... different somehow."

The unexpected observation caused me to glance up. "I'm sorry?"

"There is less anxiety upon thy features." The mare of the moon clarified, pointing at me in contemplation. "Has something occurred to make you more at ease, like ourself?"

Less anxious? Have I been displaying anxiety without knowing it? I shrugged. "I suppose telling Twilight the truth has lifted a significant weight off my shoulders."

"Ah." Her turquoise eyes brightened. "So she knows then."

"Indeed. Save for her friends."

"And why has thou not told them yet?"

Again, I shrugged. "I've been preoccupied for a while, answering Twilight's never-ending questions about my own planet and species." Luna nodded. "While I've been asking questions of Specter."

"'Specter'? The one responsible for transporting thou to our world?"

"The very same." I nodded. Seeing as how there hasn't been any repercussions for telling the monarchy about that damn voice so far, why not indulge Luna's curiosity now? "He spoke to me tonight, tasking me with a new assignment."

"What might that be?"

Now this I must be careful with. "Simply that I am to interact more with the world around me. The ponies, the landscapes. Pretty much interact with as much as I can, apparently." Something I'd rather not do, but it gets me home...

"Well then," Luna smiled lightly, seeming to pick up on my thoughts. "Why not accompany us back to the others? We are certain many will be thankful for thou saving Nightmare Night."

I scoffed. "I barely saved anything." Irregardless, I followed the mare to the exit of the library, putting on a pirate tone. "Argh, time to plunder their investments... and their candy."

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