• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Twenty-Three: The Fabrication Chronicles

It appears I've severely underestimated the determination of those two.

"I'm tellin' ya Twilight; there's somethin' not right about that there pony livin' upstairs."

"Yeah! I mean the way he yelled at the Princess yesterday? Something's never been right about him."

What was 'right' about me, I suppose, was the gentle stealth I used while walking down the staircase, overhearing just as Twilight had done yesterday towards the two mares addressing their suspicions to the purple unicorn.

I couldn't see their expressions or whereabouts in the main room they were, but for now their conversation was of greater importance. If they're investigating about me, then it's possible other might be too. And I couldn't allow that.

I heard Twilight sigh. "What Stardust did yesterday was inappropriate and beyond disrespectful. But I'm sure he had his reasons." Such as Fawkes the Phoenix apparently dying in front of Fluttershy; who wouldn't be furious then?

Rainbow Dash released a loud scoff. "Yeah sure, just as he had his 'reasons' for glaring at the Princess when she visited Sugarcube Corner. Care to explain that?"

"Well..." Don't even think about it, Twilight. "Stardust did once admit he didn't like Princess Celestia at all."

...Well I suppose I didn't make the unicorn promise not to tell anyone that.

Applejack was the first to react. "Now wait jus' a darn minute: if Stardust has no love for her, then why did the Princess seem like she was gettin' along with him jus' fine?"

Because your monarch is a fool.

"I don't know." Twilight confessed. "But I think she might be more interested in the fact he's not- erm..."

That hesitation caused me to raise a brow, as yesterday's conversation replayed through my mind. How much exactly did Twilight hear between Celestia and I?

"Not what?"

"...No, I shouldn't say." Well I can appreciate her refusal to reveal anything. And I am also grateful to the loyal unicorn for sticking up for me like this, and yet that was rather puzzling to me.

Did she honestly hold me in such high regard?

The orange cowgirl mare's sigh echoed across the wide library first floor. "Twilight, I know you and Stardust are friends. And we think of him as one too, especially after he helped my cousin Braeburn and Appleloosa, but don't ya think there are some things about him that make no gosh darn sense?"

"I can agree there, Applejack." Twilight concurred, her tone that of continous hesitation, as though carefully deciding what to say. "But I promised Stardust long ago that I wouldn't ask him anything abouy those nonsensical traits of his, until he's ready to tell me himself."

Rainbow Dash huffed. "And what if he's never ready, Twilight? What if he's just saying that so you'll never ask again and never find out?"


As Twilight provided no answer, blew out my own quiet frustrated breath. Picking a time to tell the purple unicorn anything never sprung to mind, and why should it? I had absolutely no intention on cofessing to Twilight, to the two mare's visiting her, or anyone else in this godforsaken town the truth of myself at all.

And there were still answers I needed myself. Such as that Superman strength that comes right the hell out of nowhere, and why magic apparently works differently around me. And why I was even brought to Equestria in the first place.

If I had those answered first, then maybe... just maybe...


No, I 'd still refuse to divulge my origins towards the inquisitive student of Celestia or her friends.

Since Twilight refused to speak, Applejack inquired next. "Twilight, is there anythin' you do know about him, besides that ridiculous strength of his, that's unusual?"

Hopefully Twilight was an expert of keeping secrets-

"Well... I-I mean I wouldn't be a good friend if told you two without asking him beforehand, but..."

Please. Don't do it.

But alas, as Rainbow Dash and Applejack must've given the mare a joint firm stare, I winced at Twilight's admittance to what she knew. "I know that Stardust living under the same roof as me and Spike was a task given to him by the Princess. And that's he's not who he says he is."

So today I've learnt today that Twilight is terrible at keeping secrets. The more you know.

"You mean... wait, what do you mean?"

"I mean there's more to him being away from his homeland than I thought. I overheard him and Princess Celestia talking yesterday, and..."

"Go on..." Applejack urged, not unkindly.

No, please don't. "I don't really understand it all myself." Twilight sighed. "But I think Stardust has been deceiving us right from the very beginning-"

"I knew it!"

"Rainbow Dash, please. But I don't believe he has any ill intentions; I think Stardust just wants to return home, and my theory is maybe Princess Celestia asked him to take residence with me while she finds a way to help him."

...You know, I suppose this was, in a way, a good thing for Twilight to be running her mouth to the two listening ponies; I am eavesdropping on how much she knew and believed from my conversation with Celestia.

As the two mare's of an audience said nothing, evidently processing the information, there was a sound of more hesitation before Twilight spoke up again. "There's something else, too..."

"What, is he dangerous?" Ah, always to assume the worst, eh Rainbow Dash?

I imagine the purple unicorn shaking her head. "No... well, I don't think so at least. But what I mean to say is... I also don't think that Stardust is... entirely... what he says he is."

And just like that I felt all blood drain from my face.

Not good. Not good not good notgoodnotgoodnotgood.

"Hey, Stardust! Wait for me!" I heard a desperate Spike call out. Damn, he must of noticed my brisk departure from the library and decided to pursue me. I had a quarter of a mind to order the dragon to return to his home.

But the other three quarters of my mind were where I was focusing the most on; particuly on a purple unicorn's conversation with two other ponies who refused to mind their own business.

She knew. She knew.

Some shred of positivism to this revelation was my certainty that Twilight wasn't exactly aware of what I was precisely, and the knowledgeable student of Celestia was doubtful of her own claim, as it sounded when she informed Applejack and Rainbow Dash of her theory. But the fact remains that the pegasus and Earth Pony were more suspicious than ever of me, and Twilight was getting closer towards the truth.

A truth, I admit, I did a sloppy job of guarding.

Snips and Snails had kept their mouths shut. Trixie was far away and I'm not sure what benefit she'd gain from telling any inhabitant elsewhere. Celestia assured neither she nor Luna divulged the secret to anyone but Shining Armor. Speaking of, I'm not sure if he's kept the knowledge to himself or informed anyone close to him... such as his mate.

But now Twilight knew. And so did a few of her friends; specifically two of the nosy ones.

What was Twilight thinking? Of all ponies she could confess her concerns to, the most rational decisions wouldn't be Applejack or Rainbow Dash. Hell, I'd trust Pinkie Pie to keep the secret more than them!

I am so screwed...

"Glad I caught up to you." I heard the ever-persistent Spike state happily next to my brisk walk downtown. He must have noticed my expression as the lizard's tone changed quickly. "Are you okay? You look uneased."

As usual, when anyone inquires about my health, my muzzle released the immediate responce. "I'm fine, Spike. Just some things on my plate I need to sort out."

Like how to deal with the fact Twilight was most likely going to get tired of the secrecy, and ask Celestia herself the truth about me being here and living with the unicorn and Spike. And that Rainbow Dash and Applejack were probably going to act like detectives during their own investigations.

Thankfully, subtlety was not a trait of theirs.

"Are you sure? You look almost, I don't know... scared."

The choice of word slowed my pace for a moment, my eyes closing tight for a brief moment to retain some calmness. Scared? I was concerned about the whole ordeal, yes, but I wasn't afraid. Something as trivial as this didn't frighten me in the slightest.

But I couldn't ignore it.

"Why are you here, Spike?" I queried instead, opening my eyes again as I continued my destination to... God knows where.

I just needed to be out of the house for a while.

The dragon began running his mouth, and I immediately regretted asking. . "Well Twilight wanted me to complete this dull and long chore, and I was wondering if you would help me complete it. Equestria knows why she'd expect me to clean all the shelves of the library's second floor. I mean, the first floor bad enough, and I need my beauty sleep and-... do you hear something?"

"Only you complaining-"


Whatever impacted into me had my vision swirling around in all angles as my body soared through the air. Pain, confusion and panic were the only emotions I felt right then as my temporary pony form proceeded to crash into a nearby fruit stand, my eyesight then covered in various sauces from numerous healthy food.


"Oh my!"


"We're so sorry, we didn't mean to hit you!"

Three different young voices exclaimed in clear horror, obviously the ones responsible for having me landing on some food shelves. Wiping the combination of sauces off my face, my blinking sight first spotted the Cutie Mark Crusaders, staring at the damage they've caused with shame.

As they should be.

As no one then decided to help pull me out of this mess, I took the liberty myself as pain coursed through the right side of my body. Ah great, more problems to add to my list: a shower and some nurse aid.

What will the world think of next?

"Are you okay?" Spike inquired in concern as I slowly approached the group, wiping whatever food substances I could reach off my body.

"Just peachy Spike."

"We're sorry Stardust." Sweetie Belle spoke on behalf of her friends, bowing in guilt. "We never meant to crash into you like that. Guess we were caught up in our excitement to see Rainbow Dash we weren't watching where we're going."

The excuse incited me to raise a brow. "And what, may I ask, does Rainbow Dash have to make you three so excited?"

"The story of how she got her cutie mark!" The answer from Scootaloo caused me to wince. Ah, yes, those things.

"I doubt it's anything that spectacular."

The young orange filly scoffed. "Yeah right. I'm sure what she has to say will be awesome!"

The typical fangirl.

One of the young children had the gall then to walk closer and pull up my cape, revealing the offensive damn mark I had sealed on my rear end. "Hey, Stardust, why don't you tell us how you got your cutie mark?"

"Yeah!" Rarity's young sister added in agreement. "Since we're pretty much asking anyone anyway. How did you get yours, Stardust?"

First they crash into me, now they expect me to indulge their curiosity? Even if I humoured them, I had no idea how I obtained the godforsaken mark myself. And yet, the three girls were staring at me with expectant, and innocent, sparkling eyes.

...God damn my weakness for children.

I sighed. Well if it gets my mind off certain things, why not? "Okay, I'll tell you three how I gained my... cutie mark."

And I proceeded to indulge their imagination by my false tale. Oh how I once arrived at a kingdom during the coronation of a new ruler, who had her own personal troubles. More specifically her unnatural powers. An argument with her younger and naive sibling caused her to cast the entire kingdom in eternal winter, and the new Queen to run away from home and take residence in the mountains.

Out of compassion and a desire to help, I followed the Queen.

And before I knew it, the Crusaders and Spike weren't the only audience.

Since I was in no hurry, despite hearing Scootaloo groan over the length of the tale while her two friends were mystified, I went into exact detail over how I found the ice castle created from the powers of the troubled Queen. Said monarch was wary of my presence, worried I would try to drag her back to the kingdom and have her tried for being different. Eventually I convinced my intentions were sincere, and that I knew how to help her control her rather unstable gift.

Skeptic at first of course, the Queen eventually relented to my offers for assistance, and with my help, she learned how to control her icy capabilities through positive emotions, the most powerful one being love. Love for her sibling; the only family she had left.

And upon realizing this, the Queen allowed me to take her home where she belonged, and the kingdom rejoiced and forgave their ruler as she got rid of the disaster that had befallen them. The sisters reunited, the younger one learning to never engage to someone she just met. The pony who tried to take over the kingdom arrested and sent to return to his own land.

And as I watched the entire kingdom prosper, by the help of my compassion and understanding what the Queen was going through, then, and only then, did I receive my cutie mark.

Basically, as anyone at home could tell straight at the beginning, I retold the plot to Frozen. Only I left out the part about the annoying talking snowman, the rubbish parents, the forced love interest and his pet reindeer, and the deus-ex-machima trolls.

"Wow..." Apple Bloom was the first to respond after seconds of silence upon concluding my 'tale', just as in awe as the crowd I gained from telling my story in the middle of the town. "So they all lived happily ever after then?"

"They have indeed." I folded my arms, having taken a seat while sharing the fabricated tale. "It was my.. compassion... that gave me my cutie mark." AKA the horrendous thing marked on my posterior.

Seriously, why were these things not shown on the chest or somewhere more sensible again?

"Wait!" Sweetie Belle then exclaimed, as though a thought popped up. "Was there some kind of romance going on with you and the Queen?"

Me and Elsa... well I won't lie and say I've never had the idea before.

I honestly chuckled at the question, the remaining pain on my side slowly fading away as I answered the innocent filly's inquiry. "No; we remain good friends. The moral of the story, my child, is that the love from one's family is just as powerful as the love from romance." I noted some ponies glancing at one another upon saying this.

"'Love will thaw a frozen heart'..." Scootaloo then recited from a quote I used in the story thoughtfully. Then the young pegasus shook her head as though remembering something. "Bah! All this lovey dovey stuff is getting to my head! Come on girls. We need a more awesome tale!"

As though their top priorities suddenly returned to their minds, the other two fillies nodded and hopped aboard the scooter, and before I knew it a cloud of smoke remained where the fillies previously were.


"Well I thought that story was amazing!" Lyra Heartstrings said blissfully as the crowd slowly dispersed, gesturing just how much he enjoyed the tale. "I've never heard of a ruler who can control ice itself."

"Well it's a very small kingdom." I explained, but a smile lifted on my muzzle over the fact someone liked my retelling of the film.

"That was a great story." My attention then shifted to the voice's owner, no other than Bon Bon. "You would make a great storyteller, wouldn't he Lyra?"

Her companion nodded enthusiastically. "Yep!"

I rubbed the back of my head, the flattery getting to me more than I'd like. "Ladies, I am grateful for the comments. But it wasn't the best of a narration."

Bon Bon giggled. "Aren't you humble, Stardust?"

"Simply truthful." While the whole tale I shared was complete and utter bull.

"So you made that entire thing up, didn't you?"

"No Spike," I replied while awaiting the dragon to finish making the ice pack. "I truly went on an adventure to help a monarch come to terms with her ice powers. It was a realistic story." I'm more than certain the townsfolk will figure out it was all a deceptive tale if they haven't already. As for the Crusaders? Eh no harm in them believing it to be fact.

"Okay, no need for the sarcasm." Spike rolled his eyes while approaching with the blasted thing, applying the small bag filled with ice cubes inside against my cape-removed side.


"Cheers Spike." I grumbled out sincerely while wincing at the coldness invading my fur. Even when there wasn't a threat around, I still somehow end up in pain.

Equestria. A world filled with bright happy wonders, and painful experiences to the unwary.

"No problem Stardust." After allowing me to apply the pressure myself, the small lizard took his seat at other side of the table, clasping his hands together. "So, gonna tell me what was bothering you earlier, or what?"


"...I'm guessing that's a no." I nodded in confirmation, gently stilling the ice pack against my bruised side where that godforsaken scooter impacted into. Spike then changed the subject. "Well, on the plus side, you gave everyone an awesome story to listen to. I enjoyed it too."

I shrugged... instantly regretting so as small pain coursed across me. "The girls asked for a story and I happily obliged. I use to read stories to my little sister, you know. And I quite missed the feeling."

Oh don't give me that look Spike; I have no requirement for sympathy.

"Your sister's lucky then." I raised a brow at the unnecessary compliment. Spike then chuckled. "Hey, maybe you can read a bedtime story to me every night, until the day you find a way back home."

"...I won't lie Spike." I sighed in my honest tone. "That idea does intrigue me."

The dragon blinked at the clear unexpected response. "R-Really? You'd do that for me?"

Why not? Spike was still only a child, a baby among his species to that extent. And telling that fabricated tale to the Crusaders and then some residents of the town who decided to take a listen brought back some feeling of nostalgia.

Besides, I see no genuine problem with the idea... aside from the fact almost every storybook I've read in this library was utter [BEEP].

I faintly smirked. "Only if you behave yourself and complete your chores, my young friend." If I had fingers I'd be wagging one at the beaming dragon.

Honestly Spike, don't make a fuss out of it.

"Speaking of which, don't you have a chore to complete, Spike?" Our attention turned towards the voice's owner. Twilight stood within the doorway of the kitchen, looking quite stern towards the young dragon.

Spike then let out a noise of remembrance, slapping his own forehead. "Oh, right! Sorry, guess in all the excitement I've forgotten about it. I suppose it's too late to ask for your help now, isn't it Stardust?"

"On the contrary." As I had no intention in being along under the same room as Twilight, I made an effort to stand up... wincing again at the fading pain. "I would be glad to assist-"

"Actually, Spike, Stardust and I need to talk." Twilight interjected not unkindly, looking at the dragon apologetically. "But as he said, finish your chore today and he'll read you a bedtime story tonight."

Oh no...

As the dragon finally, yet reluctantly, nodded and walked out of the room to complete his daunting task, the purple unicorn took Spike's spot by the table and looked at me with clear concern. "Are you okay? What happened?"

In the split-second of realizing she was gesturing to my injury, I smiled a little while slowly sitting down again. "Had a run-in with the three stooges. Quite literally."

"...I'm sorry?"

"The Crusaders."

"Ah." Twilight nodded, before clearing her throat. "Well then, I guess this would be the perfect time to talk."

...Ah great. Well, this had to have come sooner or later. This ever-persistent mare will probably wish for me to finally tell her the truth. No more secrets, no more deceptions. Just the complete and utter honesty behind who I was... and what I was. Well I'll guarantee her I was no Changling, for starters, if she currently knew what they were.

And after she knew everything, Twilight was most likely going to indulge her friend's curiosity, and I will forever be hounded by endless questions, or perhaps get thrown out of the library or entire town should the residents learn the truth. I may have to take up Celestia's offer earlier than I hoped.

But that doesn't mean I'll simply divulge everything about myself right away to this inquisitive knowledge-seeking unicorn before me, staring at me with those sparkling violet stern eyes. It will take a lot of coaxing and convincing before Twilight could ever hope of gaining pure truthful answers out of me.

"It's time we set up some boundaries."

"I bet it is- wait what?" My sarcastic defensive tone immediately switched to express my confusion. Boundaries? What on Earth was this pony going on about?

Twilight feigned ignorance to my confusion, continuing her prepared speech while a list separated right next to her... oh joy.. "While you have been a pleasant house guest, and assisted Spike and I numerous times with the library, there are some things we need to address if we are to get along more."


This time she smiled lightly at my expression. "I know what you're thinking; I decided now finally to talk about this? Well I thought we wouldn't have to address this, until I discovered yesterday that your residence here was a task from the Princess to you, and not for me."

That's not what I'm thinking and you know it Twilight!

"Speaking of which, we can start with your blatant inappropriate behaviour around Princess Celestia." I was simply bemused by all this. Well if this was a different subject than the one I had in mind, may as well hear the unicorn out. Twilight cleared her throat. "I know you hold some measure of dislike towards her, despite your claims of 'indifference', and I would like that to stop."

"Next you'll ask me to cease breathing." I grumbled sourly while leaning back. Stop making fun of Dumble-mare? But it's so easy to do!

"You can at least show some courtesy to the Princess, after all."

"Only if she gains my respect." Which, let's face it my dear, was as likely to happen as Fifty Shades Of Grey becoming a worldwide hit. Then a thought sprung up. "If I stop being rude to her in your presence, would that do it?"

"...That would suffice." Twilight must have grasped that I would be a jerk to her mentor even without the teenage mare being in the same room. "And in the library, too. I would appreciate hearing no more negative comments when mentioning Princess Celestia within this house. Okay?"

"...Sure, I can do that." It seems I keep forgetting my bruised injury, as I immediately winced again upon shrugging. At Twilight's relieved expression, I inquired. "What else?"

Her eyes glanced at the list, while I groaned inwardly, before addressing the next issue. "Your usage of awful profanities." I knew it. "Such words were removed from Equestria for a reason, Stardust. And I would appreciate it if you would tone down on them, at least a little. In addition, I'd prefer you'd not swear within the library, especially around Spike."

Well at least she didn't request for me never to swear again. "That I can do. Next."

"Let's see... well I would say you could help around the library more often, but you seem to be doing fine in that regard whenever you're helping Spike." Twilight's eyes scrolled down the floating list. "Ah, here we are. I've noticed, along with Spike and the others, that you refuse to allow anyone to help you whenever you're feeling upset or mad over something."

"...What of it?" I asked quietly with a frown.

The mare glanced at me, her features a touch of hesitation before she continued. "I... we would like you to be more open with us, Stardust, to tell us what troubles you and allow us to assist in making you feel better."

"Out of the question." Was my immediate, stern reply. Of course I could just lie to their faces whenever something was making me uneasy, but since we're talking about this. Before Twilight could provide an explanation I continued with no room for argument. "Whatever has me on edge is none, I repeat, none of your or anyone else's business. I will sort out whatever problem I have by my own way."

I always have done.


"No objections, Twilight." My own eyes narrowed against her protesting own. "I do not require your help. While your concern is appreciated, it is unnecessary. There is nothing, absolutely naught you can do to help whatever ails me from time to time. You want me to acknowledge you as a friend? Then respect my privacy and let me handle my own problems, deal?"

Really, was it too much to ask for?

Apparently so, judging by the clear reluctance on Twilight's features. But I refused to waver. They didn't need to know whatever I was going through, even if they were part of or the problem themselves.

"All right." Finally the unicorn relented with a deep sigh, her violet orbs now reflecting regret. "I'm sorry for trying to get in your business like that."

"It's fine, my dear." I quickly reassured the studious mare, smiling slightly. "I am grateful for your kindness and concern, but there are some things you just can't help with, no matter what."

This was the second time I've eavesdropped today. And I have no regrets doing so.

Instead, let's just hope I don't regret ever sharing the truth about myself to Spike... who was currently being interrogated by a questioning Twilight.

"Spike, I understand your reluctance to talk about it, but there are some things I would like to know about our residential friend downstairs." Or currently upstairs spying on you two, my dear.

The dragon began asking suspiciously, "Like what...?" Well at least he wasn't totally obedient to the one who raised him.

After that rather nauseating discussion between Twilight and I in the kitchen, I left the conversation and room straight after the mention of "food" and "diet" became the next topics on her long literal list. No way was that mare going to tell me what to eat and how I was going to take care of my body.

My parents were irritating enough about that.

But I felt relief and some tension evaporate from my body after leaving, over the fact Twilight didn't wish to converse about who I truly was and why I was in Ponyville. I'm still trying to figure out the latter myself, and I didn't need any unreliable assistance. Celestia was, and I loathe to admit as such, more useful in helping me seek out the truth than Twilight.

Wow... that kind of epiphany was just mind-boggling.

"Some examples would who he really is, and why he's in Ponyville." I outwardly flinched at the possible thought of Spike easily giving in. Let's hope not.

"I can't tell you, Twilight, even if I wanted to. You'll have to ask him that." I released a breath of relief and gratitude. Good work Spike!

"But that's just it Spike, what if he never tells me? What if he keeps lying to me, to us, for the remainder of his time here? Do you honestly want a friend who deceives everyone around him?"

"He has his reasons for doing so-"

"What reasons?" This time the mare sounded rather exasperated. "Spike, what is such a great deal about him that he has to hide it from us? Is he a runaway fugitive? Someone from Tatarus itself? An ex-ally of Nightmare Moon's?"

"No, he's none of those things!" I blinked at the unexpected blunt force of the dragon's tone. "He's our friend, Twilight, not our enemy! He helped us out from the very beginning, remember?"


I quite honestly felt... touched by the defensive lizard.

"I know Spike." This time the mare's voice was more gentle. "And I am forever grateful for what he did to help us multiple times. But still, to be friends you have to establish trust. And I get the feeling Stardust simply doesn't trust us."

...I can't lie and say you're just making assumptions, love.

"Well, Stardust doesn't really trust anyone..." Spike answered slowly.

"And he told you this."

There was silence, thank God, before the dragon quickly resorted back to not revealing anything. "I-I can't tell you, Twilight. I promised Stardust I wouldn't tell anyone, not even you. A good friend doesn't break a promise!"


"You're right, Spike. And I'm sorry for asking these questions. But I just feel as though I... we can help him if he opens himself a bit more to us, and not just to you. Please tell me this, is Stardust honestly who he says he is? Because I have checked around for any information or even mention of his homeland, and my searches resulted in nothing. Is everything he's told me, our friends, a lie or the truth?"

Oh, what I've told them was true alright... depending on the perspective.

"Yes." Spike replied without a trace of doubt. "Everything he's told you about himself was true."

"And his homeland?"


Spike's sudden silence unfortunately gave Twilight the answer she required. "I see..." Followed by a sigh. "And you can't tell me anything more?"

Spike sighed in turn. "I'm sorry Twilight... but I promised."

Oh you might be feeling regretful, my young reptilian friend, but I felt proud of you.

"It was nice of you to drop by, Stardust."

"Just as it was nice of you to invite me in, my dear." I responded evenly to the polite Fluttershy, having taken my seat from the other side of the small round table. "And I apologize for visiting unannounced."

The humble pegasus shook her head positively. "Oh, there's no need to apologize. You're just as welcomed here as anypony else I know."

"You're too kind." Spotting a familiar white pet from the corner of my eye, I nodded to the bunny. "Hello Angel." It nodded back, seeming not to mind my presence like last time.

"Tea?" Fluttershy inquired gently while offering the teapot.

"No thank you. Not that much fond of tea."

The yellow mare nodded, pouring herself a cup and speaking next while awaiting the drink to cool down. "May I ask why you decided to visit?"

Good question. Maybe I just adore your pleasant company. Maybe I just needed some peace and quietness away from the tension within the library, and your cottage was the first location that came to mind. Maybe I required some comfort or sympathy from your shy presence as I release the negative emotions I always have pent up within me.

Or maybe I was just being an inconvenience to Twilight and Spike, whether they knew it or not.

In spite of all these optional answers, I chose a more meaningful one. Folding my arms I began. "Just to inform you, as Twilight is already aware of, I believe, neither you nor the others will be seeing me after the night of the Grand Galloping Gala."

Fluttershy blinked, her expression that of surprise. "Oh, are you going somewhere?"

"Celestia's castle." I explained, seeing no reason otherwise. "I will be residing there for a few days or so. I thought it would be wise of me to inform you and the others of this beforehand; so there wouldn't be any misunderstandings; such as any of you believing you've done anything wrong."

It was a decision I finally concluded on while walking to Fluttershy's cottage. The fact that I've drawn too much attention to myself sealed the deal for me. If I spend a few days out of town, perhaps the questions about me will settle down before I return, and no one but the ever-persistent purple unicorn will move on to different things.

Or maybe I'll find a way home before then. Even better.

"I see." The meek pegasus smiled. "Then I suppose I should thank you before I forget to then."

"...Pardon?" What did I do now?

"For trying to take the blame for me when we thought Philomena... you know..." Ah yes, that phoenix. Just the mention of that bird gives me painful memories of yesterday.

"Well." I shrugged casually. "Neither you or Twilight deserve any harsh punishment from Celestia. I would gladly take the fall just to spite that alicorn. So there's no need to thank me."

Instead of giving the usual reaction to my attitude about the monarch, Fluttershy took a sip of her tea before tilting her head curiously, "You really don't like her, do you Stardust?"

"...I find myself disagreeing with most of her actions (or lack thereof)." I admitted without regret. "It's difficult for me to acknowledge anyone like her with such respect if everything she does is nonsensical and unwise for a ruler of her status."

"Maybe you should give her a chance..."

I snorted as a memory popped up. "Twilight told me the same thing, long ago. And so far, it isn't working to that alicorn's benefit."

"But you're staying in Canterlot, in Princess Celestia's castle, anyway?"

"A clear contradiction, I know." I nodded in agreement. "But it was an offer I can't couldn't refuse, for reasons I'm afraid I must keep to myself. Besides," I faintly smiled at the blinking pegasus. "I've been too much of a bother to you lot recently anyway."

I should've expected the urgent objection to my truthful claim. "Oh, now that's not true, Stardust! I'm sure the girls enjoy having you around. I especially do..." I raised a brow as the mare ducked her head for whatever reason, as though hiding that painfully evident blush on her muzzle.

...Was she really that embarrassed from flattering someone?

"You're too kind, Fluttershy." I reassured the pegasus gently. "And I thank you for understanding."

"Of course." She resumed her normal position, beaming before a thought clearly popped up in her mind. "Oh, by the way, I was wondering something."

Hm? "Go on."

"Um... well... I was wondering if... you told me yesterday I was your second favourite pony in Ponyville."

Did I... ah yes I did! "Oh, yes, sorry about that."

"No need to feel sorry." Fluttershy quickly assured me, before continuing with her inquiry. "I was curious... who's your first favourite?"

The instant image of the smiling purple unicorn arisen within my mind. I was tempted to say my little sister, but that was before I remembered I said 'in Ponyville'. I saw no reason to answer her question... but with those soft innocent eyes who can refuse?

"...You promise you won't tell anyone?"

"Uh-huh." The yellow honest mare nodded positively.

"Rainbow Dash."

"Oh... oh!" My short laughter made her obvious realize I was joking, as the pegasus then giggled herself. "Okay then, so who is it?"

"I live under the same roof as her."

"Twilight?" I nodded, and for some unknown reason Fluttershy looked rather dejected. "Oh..."

Not under my watch.

"Hey." If I was within distance I would've placed a hoof on her shoulder in comfort. As the pegasus looked back at me, I smiled crudely. "First's the worst. Second's the best. Third's the one with the hairy chest... pity the third one, Fluttershy, pity the third one."

As she smiled lightly - which was much better - an idea sprung to mind. "So, how would you like to hear that story I told Spike and the Crusaders today?"

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