• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Ninety-Nine: Dragonborn

Author's Note:

New cover done by Mix-Up. By his request, links to both his DeviantART and Fimfiction accounts respectively added to synopsis and chapter.



On that note, enjoy the new season of AJBS!

"And remember, deception is key here; so long as Starlight remains oblivious to your knowledge of the cave, you're safe."

"Got it." Twilight understood, the list I wrote floating beside her. The mare nodded in resolve. "We need to expose her first by revealing her real cutie mark to everyone in the village, then release the encased cutie marks in the cave so everyone can gain their special talents once more." The alicorn paraphrased my instructions. "Anything else?"

The sound of the train whistling from behind her prompted my shaking head. "You're good to go. I just wish I could come with you." You and the mares currently within one of the train carriers, eager to get going where the map sent them.

Trust the cutie map to prevent a celebratory reunion between myself and all of my friends the second I return. Thankfully, I had written down the list of requirements my friends would need to accomplish to complete their task.

Twilight echoed my thoughts. "With your beforehand gained knowledge of what's to come, we can stop Starlight's enforced ideals before they get out of hand." She smiled, glancing over to the doorway into the compartment. "This will be a snitch."

I certainly hope so.

"I have every confidence in you. And our friends."

Twilight's eyes glinted at the quick addition I made to my statement. "I know." Followed by the train making another whistle, and the call of the conductor inciting the alicorn to nod determinedly. "Right, time to get going. We'll handle Starlight, you deal with this task Specter has bestowed upon you." I nodded, inwardly annoyed by the sudden mission handed to me by the spirit of a dead unicorn- And that annoyance immediately vanished by the quick peck on my cheek, Twilight smiling with soft resolve. "Catch you later."

I could only wave while smiling sheepishly as the mare boarded the train, joining the smirking friends who had watched the entire exchange from the window. And the second she entered, the pull of the locomotive forced the carriers to follow, departing from Ponyville posthaste. But before it disappeared from my field of vision completely, a certain pink Earth Pony yelled from the same window.

"Good luck Stardust!"

With a laugh, I waved faster this time in response at the also-waving mare poking her upper body out the window. Trust Pinkie to always have the last farewell. Well... Except that time when it was my turn to go for seemingly good...


They'll be fine. Starswirl obviously took note of my solemn expression.

A nod. "I know." Before walking by various cheerful ponies out of the station, once the train was out of peripheral vision. A quick glance around before speaking quietly, "So, what is this supposed task I am to accomplish instead of aiding my friends against Starlight Glimmer?"

Another voice responded before the old unicorn. Oh please, like they require your assistance. Now that you have handed them the necessary info and steps, what more could you have possibly done there yourself?

This task will require a long journey there. The other spiritual pony replied as though Sombra's snark wasn't heard. For the Dragon Lands are an isolated location from pony society. My steps faltered considerably at the mention of the place, prompting Starswirl's humoured tone. You have quite the road ahead of you.

No kidding... This will be greeeeeeeeat...

Da da dadadada, da da da da da da! Dadadaaaa da da da da da da!

Dadadaaaa dadaaaa, da daa daa daa daa!

And here I thought I was free of your obnoxious humming tone the moment we left your world for good.

Hm? Here I thought you were use to my humming to no longer whine about it. That said, I continued merrily singing the tune to Route 26 as we proceeded on the way to the Dragon Lands.

Da da dadadada, da da da da da da! Dadadaaaa da da da da da da!

Dadadaaaa dadaaaa, da daa daa daa daa-!

My stomach cut me off. Resting time!

Sombra sighed in relief when I ceased enjoying myself, sitting down on the rough ground and pulling out a wrapped treat from my cape pocket. Oh great it was to have this piece of fabric once again! Twilight said it was the only thing - that and the photo of us and our friends - which was left behind after I disappeared in a bathe of light before her, on that hill. They kept it, perched it on top of my throne at the castle. I was grateful, I won't lie.

The reunion with my friends though, after leaving Canterlot High. Let me tell you, that was arguably just as if not more emotional than the catching up with my blood family back on Earth. When the mares and Spike greeted us in the library, they were only expecting Twilight to come back, not the human-turned-stallion who was as dear to them as they were to me. Tears and hugs were shed everywhere - the mares and dragon almost suffocating me with their emotional embraces - and I shared those sentiments. To see everyone again was a joy; feeling like missing puzzle pieces linking up to my heart.

Suffice to say, the entire day then was carried out by hugs, tears and reunions with everyone I've come to know and love in all of Ponyville.

Taking another bite of the muffin, I sighed at the memory, a small smile appearing. I was back now, back where I properly belonged. To people who needed me just as I needed them. Including the mare who was responsible for teaching me what true friendship - and love - was all about. It was amazing how a universe which was originally fictional can change you in ways you never deemed possible.

Life is never quite what anyone would expect.

You're telling me... By the way.


Since we're on the subject, Starswirl, maybe you can answer something that's been bothering my mind for a long time now.

Tch. Don't count on a genuine answer.

Of course, you've earned that right. Starswirl reassured me after Sombra's scoff.

Great! Another bite of the chocolate treat. How was is possible for this universe to exist then, to properly exist? How did you, a fictional being with no real bearing on the overall storyline of MLP, manage to enter the real world, pick up a random human and send him to this world? Can you indulge me there?

I can. My head raised upwards, eager to hear this impossible explanation. Your skepticism would be justified; how would it be possible for you to enter this seemingly land of fiction which defies all laws of logic and science in your world? The truth is, Jack, it was as you said; Equestria was once a fictional dimension, never meant to properly exist.

Okay... Then how is it here?

By the same people who created it. What now? Love is a tremendous emotion of raw power and conviction. The sheer force of will which, shared by countless people on your world, expressed joy and fondness for the show your same kind created enabled its proper being. ...I don't follow. My Little Pony has had a significant impact on your world; its story, its morals, it characters, they have inspired a great many of your kind, and the results to which began the true creation of Equestria and all its inhabitants. Humanity created this world, you see, though shared emotions and will.

...But then...!

That's ridiculous! Sombra snarled in disbelief. Are you sincerely insinuating that humanity created Equestria - an entire universe - through the power of love?

Starswirl chuckled knowingly. A just reaction, but look at what is before. Feel the ground you trod upon, the food you are consuming at this moment. It is all real to you, as it would be to anyone here. As it is. Oh love played a vital role in giving this world life, but that was only the beginning. The bonds which tied many of humanity thanks to this world and those who have saved it time and time again molded this world, crafted its lands and people. Ponies from past, present and future are genuine and alive thanks to the heart and soul of our creators. We owe your people a great debt, all things considered.

Utter nonsense. As if you expect me to accept the idea of our world brought to life thanks to the sheer will of a weaker species.

But then... If Equestria existed because people loved the show that much, could the same thing be said about other universes? Pokemon? Star Wars? Kingdom Hearts? Can many others that were fiction at first exist because of will?

Don't tell me you buy this preposterous theory.

The truth is often more painful than we initially desire.

Painful? The only thing at pain here is my pride!

I waved off Sombra's Vegeta-esque attitude. So this was all possible... Because of my people? I mean, through their love and fondness of the show, it was made into reality.

Indeed so. Starswirl sounded particularly pleased by my acceptance of this scenario. Hey, I've been through plenty of stranger things by now, let's just say I'm entertaining the idea instead of full-out taking it at face value. The mind is a very complex and Godlike creation, It can create worlds, people thought to never exist, art considered unlikely by any other means. Never underestimate the potential of a species. Your kind is capable of far greater things than you assume, my pupil.

Well, that's too bad since I have little-to-no hope about the apparent 'potential' of humanity- Your pupil?

Well, as you have chosen to return here, you had passed the final test. The dead pony explained with a touch of humour and pride. And as such, the reward aside from being reunited with your friends once more has earned you the place of being prepared to become what you have always destined to be.

And that is...?

Pay attention boy; he's obviously making you his next student after countless years of boredom.

Without the last part, yes. He confirmed the tyrant's droll statement. My duty now is to help train who is to bring balance to the world, the one who will see both light and darkness united into an era of peace and justice for all living within Equestria.

Oh, God... Tell me you're not about go all Qui-Gon on my [BEEP], tell me this isn't some prophercised bull[BEEP] where I'm going to bring balance to the Force or something similarly stupid.

In a sense. He ignored my groan. But not a prophecy, don't you worry. This is not a set destiny, I will allow you to make your own decisions, as I always have. Again, feigning ignorance to both mine and Sombra's shared snorts. But consider my teachings a suitable compromise for staying in Equestria, a debt repaid for bringing you friends... And a special mare in your life.

Alright alright. Shoving the empty wrapper back in my pocket, wiping my muzzle, I looked back up the sky with a raised brow, expressing my confusion still. But why me? Why this individual than anyone else from my world?

I imagined his smile. I believe you know the answer.

...No, don't think so.

In your heart. And one day, you will find it. But for now, let us trudge forwards, shall we?

...Fine, we'll save it for another time. But I still many questions, make no mistake about it, oh-wise teacher... Heh, won't Twilight be jealous once she learns the real identity of this spirit guiding me through the world. The only answer to that was Starswirl's light chuckle echoing through my head, prompting my fond eye-roll and continuing onwards to where the Dragon Lands awaited. And to keep my mind preoccupied from the prospect of encountering God knows how many fire-breathing behemoths of death, the hum began to pick up again.

Da dadadaa, da da da da da da-!

Please. Shut up.

Well, since you asked so nicely. I smirked, Sombra let out a small suffering sigh, and Starswirl laughed some more at the banter.

The three S's... Heh.

Wonder how Twilight and the others were doing now...


No doubt they're giving Starlight Glimmer a hard time as we speak. Her forced idealism has gone on long enough. If all goes according to plan, they'll either apprehend her, or the unicorn will escape into the network of tunnels in that cave. Either way, reforming her will be as easy as... Well, as Twilight redeemed her in the finale, making Sunset's redemption look like the work of Tolkien.

And while they've certainly reached the village by now, I've reached my destination.

If the roaring of an overhead dark green dragon ascending over the nearby mountain was anything to go by, anyway, signifying I was close to their landscape. From beyond the forest stood the tall, imposing volcanic mountains I had been near briefly once, long ago. And spotting it, I trudged onwards, repressing the shudders at the predatory screeches from over the large mountain which would reveal the Dragon Lands. And reaching the bottom, I gathered what courage I can, swallowing an apprehensive gulp before proceeding upwards, these sturdy hooves giving me the edge not to fall. Already the heat of the lava from inside the mountain could be felt on my hoofs.

So, Starswirl, exactly what am I doing back here?

You'll see soon enough.

...Ah great, you're THAT kind of teacher.

I would recommend you steel yourself further, however, and prepare to utilize balance in a brief moment.

Why would I-?

My head swiftly ducked at the oncoming shadow, the form of a much small dragon than the massive behemoth I saw earlier swerving over me. And immediately I glared upwards, to see my so-called attacker. Or attackers.

Ah, now I see why.

A group of ten, maybe twelve, much younger dragons flew around my position, glaring down at me with ill-concealed malice and glee. Heh, better meet them at even point. Continuing my walk, the dragons looked stunned by my apparent boldness, but humoured me, awaiting my presence from their new perched places at the top of the huge mountain. In reality, I was slightly anxious, but swallowed the nervousness and slight trace of fear.

Fear which Sombra picked up on, inciting his scoff. You have faced worse, Wright. These dragons will be nothing to you.

Thanks... I think.

"Well well well." Ah, now this individual I remember. Stomping forward menacingly was a tall, lean red-scaly teenager of a dragon with a snarky grin, exposing the white unclean fangs which glinted. He and the rest of his cronies circled me upon my arrival, widened stances with a smug expressions on their reptilian features. "Looks like we got ourselves a lost pony going where he doesn't belong."


Refrained from rolling my eyes - I at least have the decency of manners - a casual smile emerged on my muzzle. "It's been a while. Garble, wasn't it?"

Yellow eyes leered, taken aback by the knowledge of his name. "How do you know my... Wait a second..." Squinting, the dragon loomed closer, and I could just see the cogs turning in his head. "I know you... Yeah... When that traitor pony-lover Spike was here...!" He snapped his claws in recognition, leaning back in smug surprise. "Right, the pony who stopped me from giving that wimp his just desserts!"

"I'm touched you remember me."

Ignoring that dry remark, the teenage lizard grinned rather victoriously at his brethren. "We've got ourselves a good one guys! Let's give this pony the traditional dragon welcome!" That said, the others stepped forward happily, ready to all take me at once. Tch. I sniffed in repulsion. Always so cocky and arrogant in their youth.

Remind you of anyone?

I'm twenty-one! Being called a teenager doesn't count for me.

"Say your prayers, pony." If Garble and these airheads wanted a fight, I'll gladly oblige their masochistic tendencies. That was, until a mighty roar caused myself to jump, and the others to rear the heads in the direction of the intimidating sound. The leader of the gang scoffed in disappointment. "Great, the Princess is here?" Before that immediately perked him upwards. "The Princess is here!" Yellow beady eyes looking back at me gleefully along with the others. "And she'll be happy to see us capture a pony who defied our kind in the past, friend to that pony-lover."

"I'd be happy to attend- Oof!"

"Quit yapping and get going, Princess Ember will want to meet you." And I'm looking forward to meeting her. Glaring briefly in annoyance at the teenager roughly prodding me forward, I obliged them, following them across the volcanic area and towards the grand central piece of the barren Dragon Lands.

Barren as in no trees, no flowers, no anything but the dominance of a much mightier species. A blue serene sky coated by bright red clouds, a rocky landscape with many twists and turns, caverns and caves, lava pools and hoarded gems. From above myself and my escorts, adult dragons soared across the red skies, flying rather majestically with grace despite their brutish common behaviour. In its own strange way, the sight was mesmerizing to behold. It took another unsubtle shove to startle me out of my moment of awe to continue following the impatient teens. Lava spurts burst us around us, dragons perched and resting greeting us with unveiled curiosity, wariness and clear contempt, but I paid them no heed.

If Starswirl brought me here to admire the scenery, well then, mission accomplished.

"So, how's your baby dragon doing?" Garble spoke up eventually, looking over his shoulder with a mocking expression tone. "Still playing pen pals with that fancy-schamcy Princess Celestia? Still learning what it means to have 'friends' and 'companionship.'"

Unallowing this dragon the satisfaction of my irritation over disrespecting my brother, I smiled quite lightly. "Spike is doing well, thank you. I'll tell him you asked." With a low growl, the teenager continued looking forward, proceeding down a rocky staircase deeper into the barren lands.

You could show these overindulgent lizards their place right now.

I could, but miss the chance to not have a formal greeting with Princess Ember herself? Unlikely.

I wasn't aware you were eager to meet her. You do know she has yet to meet Spike and soften from the experience, correct?

Oh I know.

And yet you're still going through with this?

I am.

...What are you planning?

You can read my mind, you tell me. In any case, I think now I understood why Starswirl tasked my presence here in the first place-

"I'd wipe that smug look off your stupid face if I were you," Garble cut off my silent communication with a raised brow. "The Princess ain't gonna be happy with seeing you, especially when she's busy with dragons disappearing everywhere by those pesky holes."

"Pot, meet kettle." His eyes narrowed, whereas some of the other teen dragons around me snickered. Then, his words sunk. "Wait, 'dragons disappearing?' 'Holes?'"

Garble snorted. "As if I need to explain anything to you." Yet as he said this, something felt decidedly wrong. And the red teen took my frozen state as a sign to continue, completely turning and jabbing a claw in my chest. "You humiliated me, you and your pathetic friends! If it were up to me I'd make sure you suffer right here, right now."

A ripple in the air, Grable's threat meaning nothing to me right now. No, there was a presence of something else. It felt tiny at first, but the further I ventured into this landscape, the distortion felt more stronger, and around us I could see visible breezes of the wind.

Something was very, very wrong...

And, mistaking my anxiousness for fear, Garble towered over me with cracking knuckles, his cronies joining him eagerly. "And I'm sure the dear Princess wouldn't mind if we gave our esteemed guest here the pounding he... Deserves...?" His words died down at the spectacle behind me, and I quickly turned around, feeling the ripple which was seriously wrong to begin with.

And I felt balance itself torn.

Something, before the many dragons which startled them to flight from their nests and meals, was appearing from thin air itself, lighting cackling from the hole opening itself, bolts firing in all directions and alerting the nearby reptiles. My escorts stepped back and behind me, clearly familiar with the disturbance before me, as a black hole literally tore into the fabric of reality before us, looming menacing against all directions surrounding it. My fur and cape flapped wildly at the force of such raw power.

The 'hole' that dragon mentioned, I presume...

"A wormhole..." I muttered, unable to contain both my shock and fear at the sight. The clear pain of balance itself was shaking my core, but I tried to yell out to the dragons. "Everyone stay back, it's-!"

To no avail, the thing defying all laws of time and space targeted its first victim. And a large, unsuspecting dark purple dragon yelped in terror at suddenly before pulled through the air. And we could only watch in pure horror at the dragon helplessly being pulled into the rift before any of us could react in time. Before I could react in time. And the moment it was satisfied claiming its meal, the ripple died down considerably, the black hole evaporating like mist with its intimidating lightning bolts, as though it wasn't there to begin with.

Dear God...

Well... The fallen King mumbled without sorrow. That was never in the show...

"What was that?!" Garble echoed my question before I could, and I glanced over to his and his friends stunned state over losing their friend. Confusion and outrage tore at his features. "That's another one!"

"I'm sorry about your friend." The teens blinked at that sincere regret, prompting my to proceed with a commanding tone. "You mentioned there were more of these around the Lands, correct?"

Garble sneered. "I don't have to tell you anything." Emphasized by folding his arms and looking away, along with his cronies. "And don't think you're off the hook! You're responsible for this somehow, I know it."

It's amazing how much like realistic teenagers these clowns portray as opposed to the stereotypes at Canterlot High-!

A feminine scream was heard next. And like anytime where hearing a woman yell in fright, I was on the move, shoving past the surprised dragons towards the location of the scream. Looking into these black holes can wait a moment, someone needed my help.

Perhaps another victim of these wormholes...

Not if I can help it!

My hooves descended further into the caverns beneath the lands, leaping and hopping off stalagmites to fasten my pace, ignoring anyone who tries to stop me. Starswirl, you knew about this perversion against balance?

Regrettably, yes. The voice sounded particularly remorseful. Balance itself is being torn at the seams by these holes appearing throughout the Dragon Lands. If we don't act in haste, they will scatter beyond these lands soon to all above Equestria.


Another scream, helping me down various twists and turns through the maze of the cavern, and that's where I found the dragon clawing holding onto a stalagmite for dear life. A particular blue dragon, to be specific. Oh no! Princess Ember, daughter of the Dragon Lord himself, clung onto the rock with clear fear in her eyes, the dignifying deposition I witnessed on that episode absent completely from her scared features.

"Help me! Please!"

That was I needed for incentive.

"Don't worry! I'm here!" But that call only seemed to provoke the black hole behind the royal, balance screeching into my ears as the pulling winds picked up, quickening my approach towards us. Immediately I landed behind the stalagmite, looking around wildly for anything I can use to pull the dragon to the other side.



Oh no you don't!

The Princess grabbed the offered cape in no time flat, and with my position from behind the rock I pulled back the fabric, careful not to tear it apart from the force. The hole was clearly displeased by this unwelcomed development, and I felt sweet relief as the harsh winds died down abruptly, but that only prompted the blue teenage dragon to fly forward unceremoniously into me.


Together we rolled across the ground, landed a few feet from each other with small groans. Yep, gonna be feeling that one in the morning...

Cease your childish exaggeration. The threat is over, for now. Enjoy the moment as it lasts.

Good point. Rolling onto my hoofs, I shook myself off, remembering who was beside me and walking over quite cautiously. The Princess groaned, rubbing her temple as I inquired, "Are you okay?"

"Do I look okay?" There's that teenage snark. Then, remembering what exactly her rescuer was, Ember eyes - Guess that was why she was named 'Ember' - blinked at me with a blank expression. "You're a pony."

"Wellll that's a matter of perspective."

If I'm gonna be living in Equestria from hereon, might as well embrace the role of pony, eh?

"You don't belong here."

"That's debatable." Ignoring Sombra's derisive snort, I extended a hoof of friendship.

Only for the Princess to swipe off the help. "I don't need your help, and I especially didn't need it back then; I had everything under control." Uh-huh, sure you did. The stubborn reptile paid no heed to my flat look while dusting herself, before the call of a familiar dragon attracted our attention.

"Pr-Princess Ember!" Garble, accompanied by the other stunned teens, gasped in surprise. "That was you screaming for help?" Ember glared disdainfully at him then myself for my low chuckling.

"It was under control." Ember scoffed.

"Repeating it doesn't make it true."

"And who let this pony into our Lands?" She jabbed a thumb in my direction, a disapproving look on her face. "Well?"

Garble stepped forward smugly. "This here is a pony who defied your loyal subjects, your Highness, and we thought bringing him to you would deliver him the justice we deserve."

Jesus Christ, not even a Lannister would humour such petty display of sucking up.

Ember shared a similar sentiment. "Whatever goes on between you and some ponies is none of my concern." Claws on hips. "And just what made you think I would be interested anyway, when there are holes appearing everywhere across the lands sucking many of our kind in to who-knows-where? My father is absolutely furious, and he certainly won't be amused to hear of some dragons wasting his daughter's time like this."

Ohh, someone's a Daddy's Girl.

Situation, Jack.

Alright, alright.

"Perhaps I can be of help to you." Ember turned back to me. "My purpose here isn't entirely coincidental here, your Highness."

"I knew it!" Garble pointed at me triumphantly, gleeful for some reason. "He's to blame for what's been happening to our fellow kind."

Ember raised an unimpressed brow. "I seriously doubt that." Before folding her arms again, peering down at me with unhidden indifference and curiosity. "And just how can you help us exactly, pony?"

Clearing my throat, it was my time to appear dignified. Let's see the pride of a dragon against this. "I am Stardust Balance, Twilight Warrior and Protector of Balance itself. And I am here to offer my services in this dilemma your kind faces, Princess."

The indifferent expression died down somewhat, but she remained unconvinced. "And again, 'Twilight Warrior,' how can you be of assistance to us?"

...Good question. Starswirl?

It will require the usage of-

Look out boy!

Huh- Oh God!

"Everyone get out!" But too little too late. I felt the disturbance abruptly tear open the fabric of reality, this time a gigantic hole ripping apart over the stalactites above, consuming all which were nearby. As though already prepared, the Princess dug her claws into the ground whereas I dug my hoofs in, but less can be said for the other teenage dragons. Yell of fright and protest rang through the cavern, drown out by the growing sound of the cackling wormhole.

Bolts of lightning traced and scarred the ground around us, the hole threatening to take everything and everyone within. And, to be horror, my own discarded cape was absorbed by the power along with many of the dragons. They weren't dead, that much was certain. How did I know this? Because I can-

My own hoofs couldn't save me, as well, as my body began slowly ascending upwards from the pull. And, if I didn't react fast enough, inevitable doom against a cackling imbalanced storm.

To be continued...

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