• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Ninety-Four: It's The End...

Okay... Need... To breathe...

Exhausted, my body collapsed onto the soft patch of grass, taking a long moment to catch my breath after God knows how much training I just did this morning. Must be near the afternoon by now, judging how clear and blue the sky was today. Few clouds in sight. Huh, guess the pegasi must be lazy this morning...

Enjoy the peace while it lasts...

Oh I will. Don't worry.

Grasping the half-empty bottle of soda I used for a pick-me-up, I gulped down the refreshing drink. Ahh. Just what I needed; getting up early and training all by myself in the same morning can take a lot out of ya.

Since Twilight and the others weren't back from their royal trip at the Crystal Empire, something about the Princesses having a meeting with some important figures far from their own kingdoms. I had declined to go, since there was no real reason for me to join them there. I could've spent all morning in bed.

And yet, I got up, quite early in fact. That new routine Twilight decreed about my sleeping patterns was getting more and more effective. And here I thought I never had to get up early for any reason again.

Heh... That influential mare.

You have no regrets?

Hm? About what?

Sombra clarified, Everything. Your friends, your time in Equestria, your relationship with the Princess?

No, of course not...

It was worth every inch of suffering you also experienced here? From rising from your slumbers earlier towards meeting your end numerous times at the hoofs of enemies who tried to those you cherish harm?

...What are you getting at...?

My mind was suddenly filled with images; memories of times where I almost died for whose I am lucky to call my friends. The Ursaminor, the dragon, the hydra, Queen Bronchitis, King Sombra himself, Sunset Shimmer. All this time I risked my life to protect them, to protect her...

That said, those memories shifted, changing into the more positive aspects I've been through; the times I enjoyed life to the fullest with my friends. Dancing together during Twilight's Birthday, babysitting the Cakes' kids with Pinkie Pie, exploring the sight of Manehattan, Rainbow Dash trying to get me to get into the more extreme parts of life, Rarity and I at Canterlot, myself and Fluttershy helping those frogs find a new home, helping around the farm with Applejack, brotherly time with Spike.

And Twilight...

The image of that mare beaming with the most brightest smile she can manage, purple eyes glittering like stars, incited my own smile to widen, staring into the serene sky while all those memories with her and my friends passed through my mind.

Yes, there was pain, but for my friends, it was worth it every single time.

And if it were to happen again...?

Well, obviously I don't WANT to get hurt. But if it came between me or them, then I think you know my answer.

Sombra remained rather quiet. What, were my internal words too much for him to process?

...We better resume with your training.


"Stardust, there you are!"

Hm? Oh!

"Spike!" I greeted enthusiastically, pleased to see the dragon again. The lizard was running up the hill. "Welcome back. How was the trip?"

"Oh, it was great. The food there left a taste I can't describe, but that's not important!" Instead of rolling my eyes at Spike's neverending thought process for food - to be fair, humanity can easily share that sentiment - I frowned at the look of urgency and worry on the dragon's features. "Remember what you said about Tirek eventually making his move on Equestria?"

Immediately, my posture straightened, alert. "Yeah...?" Please me tell this dragon was about to say what I hoped he wasn't about to say...!

Gulping, Spike rushed out, "He's made his move."

"This way everypony! Please form a straight and orderly line!"

The Mayor constantly called out to the citizens, all making their was to the safe location now that the evacuation protocol has been launched. As soon as Spike said that Tirek himself was now on the move - absorbing ponies for their magic and such - confirmed by Celestia herself, I immediately went straight to the Town Hall whereas Spike returned to the girls. Observing from a distance, I kept making sure no one was getting left behind; I won't allow any of these ponies under my watch go anywhere near that demon. Although the dragon had mentioned earlier that Tirek was going to be taken care of.

But if he thought how Celestia and the Princesses were going to deal with the villain would reassure me, he was sorely mistaken.

I mean, I TOLD her NOT to send Discord after him!

Sombra snorted. And when did the Princess ever grasp the concept of common sense? I am hardly surprised by this decision.

Yeah! Luna was supposed to tell Celestia not to make that dumb[BEEP] decision! Now countless more ponies are going to fall victim to them both! I know what happens; Discord helps out Tirek when the latter offers freedom from something, and the creature of chaos accepts. Now all who inhabit Equestria are in danger!

Hell, the least Celestia could've is dispatch some guards alongside Discord to apprehend the villain; stop Tirek from manipulating him. I mean, could Tirek absorb magic from pegasi or Earth Ponies yet, is he just limited to unicorns in his state?

Correct, Specter responded with a solemn tone, Lord Tirek is only capable of taking the magic of unicorns in his current weakened form.

But that won't last for long, will it...?

God dammit...

"Stardust?" My gaze snapped up from the ground, startled at the sudden voice and appearances of particular ponies. Bon, Lyra, Whooves and Derpy were regarding me in clear concern, the cream Earth Pony tilting her head. "Are you okay?"

I sighed. How best to answer that question? No, I wasn't okay. I was mad and scared out my mind. "I'm fine... Just, a little annoyed at some people and worried for my friends is all."

Lyra spoke up next, "Because of this 'Tirek' everypony's evacuating from?" That voice sounded more curious than energetic. Even she understood the seriousness of this.

I nodded somberly, and it was Whooves who spoke after the unicorn, "Is this fellow as dangerous as it appears to be, with all ponies in our dear town retreating to the Everfree Forest to hide?"

I nodded, again, this time gravely, just like my expression. You have no idea, Doctor. Shame we didn't have the Time Lord himself to help fix all this...

"I've never seen him so terrified..." Hm. I couldn't but help but smile a little at Derpy's loud whisper, while the others stared at her disapprovingly. The pegasus grinned sheepishly.

Haha... Right, these were my friends too. And seeing them act so casual...

Putting on a look of conviction, my four friends blinked at the sudden shift of expression, my tone of steel resolve, "I will do everything in my power to make sure you're all protected. This Tirek will be an unwelcome visitor to Ponvyille, and I will promptly kick his [BEEP] out next week to Sunday. I promise you that, my friends."

As though influenced by my speech, Bon took one step forward. "Is there anything we can do?"

"No, you have to- Wait... I think there is." Raised brows and excited grins followed at that, and I nodded to them. "No offence to your kind, but ponies are easily scared, and they will be terrified while hiding in that small cavern." The same hidden cavern where Pinkie discovered that mirror pool. "You need to be their support; encourage them, reassure them. Cast away their fears. Can you handle that?"

With exchanged looks, the four equines nodded determinedly with their own certain smiles. "Leave it to us!" Lyra exclaimed, already running back towards the crowd heading to the Forest. With a grin, Derpy flew after, followed by an exasperated Whooves who gave me a smile of his own before departing.

"Good luck my friend." And he left, just leaving Bon and I.

"You might want to-"

"You're going to fight this Tirek, aren't you?"

...Heh. "I hope not, but it seems to be heading that way."

Blue eyes regarded me clearly, as though staring into my soul. But the expression wasn't judging nor disapproving, but concern and... Understanding. "I imagine Twilight wouldn't want you to."

I chuckled at that, imagining the look on that alicorn's face over the idea. "Probably."

"...Just don't get hurt," Bon eventually said, turning to leave before giving me one last look of bright confidence. "Your friends believe in you. Good luck, Stardust Balance."

Yeah... You too...

Wait. "Bon!" The cream Earth Pony paused briefly, glancing over curiously. Better now than never. "Thank you... For everything!"

The mare blinked curiously for a second, then grinned, continuing to run back to meet up with the others. And I only watched, smiling at those I have befriended ever since the very beginning, without even knowing it until much later.

Life is funny...

Wow... The eerily silence Ponyville now held... I was more use to the cheery energetic noises of the equine going about their everyday lives. But now, the atmosphere almost sent chills down my spine.

"Under my protection, will the ponies of Ponyville be," Zecora vowed beside me, being only she and I left. "Far beyond this Tirek to see. The brewed spell to which I have conjured, will hide them and only leave the fiend to ponder."

And Discord too, I hope.

"I am very grateful to you Zecora," I replied earnestly. The voodoo zebra had crafted a spell which will keep the hidden location invisible to magical eyes and ears. "The less Tirek absorbs magic from ponies, the better."

She nodded, expression as calm and determined. A look I haven't seen since Sombra forced me to attack her and my friends. I repressed that recollection down as Zecora continued, "And what of you, Stardust Balance? Do you foresee this villain as your own challenge?"

I chuckled mirthlessly. "I would, but Twilight made me promise I wouldn't face him alone." Speaking of which, where was Twilight and the others? They should be back from the Castle of the Two Sisters by now, I sent Spike to inform that the evacuation has been initiated.

"That would be for the best," Zecora said, oblivious to my own worry for my friends. "For even one such as you requires safety, and rest. But are you certain you and our friends will not join us, if keeping their magic from Tirek is a must?"

"I intend for them to join you at the place when they get back." Whether they like it or not. "You should probably go and make sure that no one got lost in the forest, Zecora."

The zebra smiled. "Your veiled concern is noted, and appreciated. But do be careful, for against this foe, would you be tainted." Tainted? Zecora looked deadly serious now. "Magic has more value to the world than you know, my friend. It binds all which inhabit to no end. Without it, balance will fall, and only pure disharmony will stand tall. Take heed of my warning, knight, if you intend to pursue in this fight."

"But I just said-"

"Your heart cares for those around you, to the point where promises could mean nothing to you." What? Zecora smiled softly, blue eyes seeing right through me. "It has happened before, has it not? Where you disregarded feelings for sake of besting a villainous plot? You will do everything in your power to keep them safe, even to point of casting aside the concern of your fate."


Zecora took my silence for an affirmative answer, nodding before leaving to depart. But not before glancing over one last time. "You are a good pony, Stardust. And I know, to which everyone - including Twilight - can trust." And she followed after the absent citizens, leaving me to ponder about my own thoughts.


She was right... A hundred percent right.

I WOULD go after Tirek likely without my friends, just to keep them safe. Even if it meant breaking my promise to them. To Twilight... All for the sake of them having more happier lives, even if it meant destroying my own. That's me, that's always been me; the autistic fool who'd rather sacrifice himself just to keep everyone I love happy.

Hah... I'm a [BEEP]ing idiot...

...Whatever, what have I to lose-?



Startled, I immediately leaped back and whirled around in a defensive position, only to be greeted by Pinkie's cheeky grin. "I told you to stop doing that," I only said flatly, relaxing at the sight of my friends... Save for one.

"We're glad to have found you, Stardust, we have so much to tell you." Oh? Do go on, Rarity.

But Pinkie beat her to the punch. "Yeah! We went to the castle where Discord greeted us and left some clues about unlocking the chest we find from the Tree of Harmony by adding some book marks to our friendship book which Twilight figured out and then we went to the Tree of Harmony and put the keys in which were actually things we got when learning something important about friendship and now the chest is almost unlocked but we're missing the last key which Twilight needs to find about friendly but she's in Canterlot so we can't find out until she comes back!"

...Trust Pinkie to provide exposition in just one sentence.

As the Earth Pony breathed in and grinned, Applejack stepped forward to clarify to my flummoxed amusement. "She basically said it. Discord helped us with figurin' out the keys to that there chest by the Tree of Harmony."

...They saw Discord? "When did you see him?"

Rainbow replied, "Who, Discord?"

No, Sombra.

"Just before he left to track down Tirek," Rarity said, regarding me curiously. "Why?"

...Then that means it's too late. God dammit!

"Stardust?" Fluttershy inquired, blue eyes reflecting concern, the mares and dragon noticing my frustrated posture. "Are you alright? If you're worried about Discord, I think he'll be fine... I hope."

Now, meeting the pegasus' gaze, I was greeted with a dilemma. Should I tell her? Did I have the heart to tell her...?

Rainbow scoffed, waving a hoof dismissively. "He'll be fine. Discord won't let some magic-stealing monster get to him."

"Rainbow is right, darlings." Rarity concurred with a smile. "Why, I'm positive the true reason behind Twilight being summoned to Canterlot is to inform her that the fiend has been captured and will be out back in Tatarus where he belongs."

If only she knew... Wait, Twilight's been called to Canterlot? But that means-!

"Besides," Rainbow continued with a smug smirk, "We know anyway that Tirek will get his butt kicked; because Stardust told us that we'll win in the future. So why should we worry?"

Foolish mare, Sombra sneered in disapproval, Time is not set in stone. Has she never grasped the concept of your interference making events worse?

...Which is also why I must do this.

"Girls. Spike." They all blinked at me, regarding my serious expression and tone. "You have to go join everyone else at the evacuation spot."

"Huh? But we know anyway that-!"

"Don't argue!" My expression hardened, whereas Rainbow looked stunned by the sudden heated snapping voice. They need to understand I wasn't playing around this time. "Whether Tirek gets beaten or not, it doesn't change the fact that you will all be endangered by him before so. And I'd rather not have my friends suffer. Not while I can do something about it."

"Darling..." Rarity began as the others grasped the implications, approaching in concern. "Tell me you're not going to do what I think you're going to do."

One look was an answer enough.

"If you think we're gonna let ya take on this Tirek fellow alone," Applejack started, frowning heavily while her voice raised, "Then you've got another thing comin' sugarcube!"

"Yeah! We're gonna kick this guy's butt together! We're a team Stardust, whether you want us to help out or not!"

After Rainbow's words of confident conviction, the girls exchanged glances of determination, more than willing to save the world even if it meant getting themselves hurt. But, if they believed I was going to back down that easily, they've got another thing coming.

"I can't even begin to describe how lucky and happy I am to call your my friends." They blinked in surprise at the sudden shift in tone, and I looked at each of them with my own grateful soft smile. "You. All of you, have been the greatest things to happen to my life. From each of you I've learnt something important; you've all reminded me what it means to live again without fear, without prejudice nor anger. And I will always be thankful for that."

My friends exchanged flattered yet bashful glances at that, smiling and grinning.

I frowned again. "Which is why I must ask you all to stay here." They opened their muzzles to protest, but I held up a hoof. "Listen... Tirek will be coming here regardless. I know where he's heading next, and if in time, I can stop him. But if I fail..." Something gave me pause, the mere thought of falling prey to that monstrosity making me shudder, sighing wearily before recomposing myself with a steely tone to my friends, "Then I want you all and Twilight to succeed where I lost. You have to be here should that reality occur, to protect everyone in Ponyville from that monster by finding the last key to that chest. I have every confidence you can do it. But I need you to trust me, in the meantime... Okay?"

The only reply was silence, the girls and Spike looking at each other uncertainly. Clearly they weren't so confident about the prospect of me facing Tirek alone. But I had to, if it meant they didn't have to suffer for it...

But, to my surprise, it was Spike who responded first, slowly walking up to me with a solemn expression. Meeting my gaze, the dragon then smiled and embraced my chest tightly, as though giving me the last hug that was ever going to happen.

Hugging him back by reflex, I heard my brother whisper softly, "You've got this bro. I know you can do it..."

And hearing that, the mares looked at each other before nodding, approaching next with their own somber yet smiling expression, proceeding to hug around me and each other next. And each mare voiced their own words of support and conviction.

"Gosh, we must be really crazy if we're allowin' ya to do this all on yer lonesome. We're countin' on ya sugarcube."

"Although we do have doubts to your capabilities, we wish you the best of luck regardless. Try not to mess up that mane of yours during the battle darling."

"Give 'im a good kick from me Star. You've got this."

"Take care now Stardust; we'll have a celebration party when this is all over! Yeah!"

"You're the bravest stallion I've ever met... We believe in you."

"And I believe in all you..." Was my response, eventually stepping back from them with my own smile. "And if Tirek doesn't kill me, I'm sure Twilight will." At the very least, they all smiled softly. The alicorn wouldn't really be too mad at me for breaking her promise like that, only more disappointed and refuse to talk to me for a week.

I can live with that.

"Rather her than that monster Tirek fella'."

"And if neither of them do, we'll be sure to give ya a pounding for letting us do this when this is all over!"

"Duly noted." With no further words needed to be said, I turned, heading on my way, steeling my resolve so their looks wouldn't force me to stay. I was doing this for them...

Now, the train, by order of Mayor Mare, was prohibited from entering Ponyville during this time of crisis. I had to travel there on foot... Hooves.

Do you truly believe you can best that monster?

Looking over my shoulder, the mares and dragon were waving to me with their own confident and reassuring smiles. A long time ago, I would've said no to that Sombra. But not, I believe there's a slim chance I can and will succeed.

Do you not feel fear?

Oh believe me I'm bloody terrified right now.

But you will face our foe regardless.

For them... For Twilight.

The King didn't respond.

Sighing, I continued inwards, face masking a calm resolve. Yes I was scared, but my friends gave me the strength I needed.

If I was right, Tirek was heading to Canterlot himself, right after Celestia made one of the dumbest decisions ever; giving all the Princesses magic to Twilight and making her an even higher target for Tirek to pursue. Honestly, I would've sealed the magic away somewhere beyond Tirek's grasp, or lured the villain into a trap somehow. But instead, they made Twilight in more danger than necessary.

Good thing she had a warrior this time that would and will put his life down to protect his princess...

...I had to hurry.

...This is just... Appalling...

Yes... Specter agreed with a more saddened tone than I've ever heard from him. It is.

None... None of the ponies here deserved this. Lying down in defeat, scattered all over the kingdom. Pegasi, Earth Ponies and unicorns alike all having their magic taken by that fiend and discarded on the grounds here like trash. Slowly walking through the Canterlot streets, expression grew more and more sickened by what I was witnessing. The defeated lying ponies barely opened their eyes to see me walking by, and those who do only looked away as though ashamed. As if magic itself was the only thing which allowed them to walk and talk like normal.

But then something else caught my eye, and I felt my body turn cold.

Yes... Not even the young ones were spared from Tirek's endless hunger for power and mayhem.

Seeing the children ponies sprawled all over the ground, making moaning noises which sounded like please for help, I felt my hooves dig into the floor, teeth beginning to bare. Anger was an understatement to what I was feeling right there and then.

Hell, fury was an understatement!

Why didn't Celestia do something about this?! Why didn't she evacuate the kingdom to a safe location as well?! Why did these ponies have to suffer like this?! I passed on the idea of securing the citizens of all towns and kingdoms to their own safety areas where Tirek couldn't locate them. And yet, before me right now, Celestia was going out of her way to ignore my advice!

Hearing the pained sob, my rage quickly dissipated, briskly walking towards the poor kids. And one I instantly recognized, causing my breath to hitch.


Buttons Mash glanced after seeing a shadow looming over his state, eyes glinting in recognition alongside a weak smile. "It... It's you..." He attempted to reach, and I grasped the weakened limb gently. "The... The Hero of... C-Canterlot..."

"Save your breathe," I instructed softly, feeling my heart cracking at the state this kid was in. That all of them were in. My other hoof brushed the colt's forehead in comfort. "Save your strength. Everything will be alright soon..."

Couldn't you have done something, Specter...?

Regretfully, there are some events even I am forbidden from changing... The voice responded, sounding more solemn and sorrowful than ever. It pains me, nonetheless, to see them like this...

"You... You're going to... To save us... L-Like always...?"

"...Yes." Because I absolutely could not lie to this kid. "Yes. I will save you all."

That weak grin extended slightly, voice echoing pain with a crack of joy, "I... Know you'll... Save the day... My hero..." And the colt promptly passed out, limb loosely attached to my own. Gently setting him down, I sighed. There was nothing I could for him now... I didn't have time to find his mother, to my regret.

I had to hurry. Tirek would be at the castle by now...

My eyes continued staring with regretful guilt. Hero... Some hero I am, not managing to reach here in time...


What... Oh no...!

Following that sound, I hurried over towards the lying states of Twilight's own parents, and a familiar blue boastful equine. "Night Light! Twilight Velvet! Trixie!" Sure enough, the three unicorns tilted their heads up to see me, the adults smiling tiredly whereas Trixie only groaned. "Are you alright...?"

Dumb question, I know, but I just wanted to check first. I needed to know!

"Stardust..." It was Velvet who spoke, both she and her husband has one hoof around the other for support. "It is... Wonderful to see you again..."

Light groaned slightly, but grinned regardless. "Figured you'd be here... Where is my little Princess... Is she...?"

Knowing exactly who they're talking about, I nodded, smiling to assure them, and myself. "Twilight's safe, and I'm going to keep it that way." While I have the chance to stop Tirek here and now. That demon won't go anywhere near her, my friends nor Ponyville.

Not today. Not ever.

Hearing the news that their daughter was alright was enough to give them the energy to sit up, with some help from me. "We believe you... Son." Night nodded, both he and Velvet smiling in pure relief. "We are proud of you, and Twilight..."

"We have faith in you. In both of you..." His wife added, expressions that of hope and confidence, despite their own weakened states.

...I won't fail them.

"Where is Tirek now?"

"The... Castle." It was Trixie who answered, attempted to stand but failing miserably. The unicorn swiped away at my offered hoof, still trying by herself anyway. "Ugh... That fiend... That monster stole Trixie's magic. My magic... When Trixie gets her hoofs on him she'll... She'll...!"

"Save your strength," I advised gently. "You'll get your magic back soon," I vowed. I better hurry then...

"Stardust..." Hm? I turned around one last time as Velvet spoke up. "Please... Protect our Princess..."


Light cracked a broken smile at the immediate firm vow, adding next, "We would be proud to call you one of our own..."

"If you don't beat him... Trixie will beat you!" Yet even I could hear the tinge of hope in that frustrated voice of Trixie's.

You guys...

Sombra groaned himself, an impatient exasperation. We don't have time for this. We must hurry boy!


Without even saying goodbye to them - they understand, I hope - I hurried onwards, this time full on sprinting. No doubt Tirek would be at the throne room by now. If memory serves from what little snippets I was aware of. There he would demand to know where the all the alicorn's magic went after Twilight left the kingdom.

Arriving by the entrance of the large kingdom, I did my best not to pause at the sight of the beaten guards scattered around the courtyard, a clear sign of a struggle. Steeling myself, realizing how close I was to that monster, I trudged on, only my movements grew slower and slower upon entering the rather ominous-feeling castle. Furniture flipped over. More guards of various pony kinds lying on the ground in defeat. They barely acknowledged my presence, only staring at the carpet floors in shame or regret.

Alright, as we headed up the foyer stairs, let's recap the strategy here.

It would be foolish to engage Tirek head on, Sombra began, Assaulting from a distance will prove beneficial.

However, Specter interjected, The fiend has absorbed enough magic to take power from ponies even feet away. You would have to be quick in order to avoid his attempts of stealing your magic and attack.

Perhaps a 'hit-and-run' strategy, The fallen King sounded as though the phrase was foreign to him. Speed is the highest priority of method to utilize in this inevitable battle. We must strike, and strike hard.

So attack and retreat then?

Eventually, Lord Tirek will begin to grow frustrated and could cause a mistake on his part which would gain us the advantage.

Alright. What about Discord then? Will he try to attack me or...?

Unlikely. Discord rarely applies his magic for combat. He will most likely entertain himself in observing rather than participating.

Good, that's a relief then...

...There was the throne room.

The doorway completely open, just like the others large doors that have been torn down by Tirek on his way to the Princesses. From the distance, I saw the backsides of Celestia, Luna and Cadence; the first two whose manes were now wavering in the air mystically like usual. From the side, Discord was watching while eating a bag of popcorn.

But my attention wasn't focused on that, but rather the big villain himself, who sent a chill down my spine. Half goatman, half centaur. Narnia called, they want Mr. Thomas back. Black chest and torso, red arms and hands with silver armbands, bottom half grey with dark silver hooves and tail, white goatee, long demonic horns and yellow beady eyes. Though I felt more than terrified seeing the creature, I continued forwards, none of them noticing my presence yet, which gives me the advantage.

Now would be the time.


Trudging forwards, I concentrated. My love for my friends... For her... Mixed with my repulsion and contempt for this monster who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Any ideas of attempting to reason with this demon are null and void; some can't be reasoned with with words. Teeth bared, I arrived at the doorway, standing on hind legs and rearing my front limbs back in preparation, feeling the power of balance surge through me, ready to aid me like an ally who has my back.

Oblivious to my presence, the demon spoke in amusement to the Princesses, having decided to occupy the throne himself. "Getting rid of your magic so I cannot take it from you?" Okay, didn't expect him to sound like that. "That was your plan?"

The royals only stared up at him defiantly. Almost ready...

"Well, how does it feel? Knowing soon that every pegasus, every unicorn and Earth Pony will bow to my will! And that there is nothing you can do to stop it!"

"You will not prevail Tirek..."

Damn right Celestia!


Small yellow eyes widened in surprise, before smoke enveloped the villainous monster, the Balance Shockwave successfully marking its hit on him. Standing back on four legs, I walked over, the footsteps alerting the others to my arrival. Although, Discord hardly looked fazed, as though expecting me, sipping some tea casually as though knowing was happening.

"You...!" Celestia gasped, pink eyes widening in shock. "You should not be here..."

Giving the alicorn a look that clearly said I'll be having words with her later, I cocked my head to the doorway. "Go, I'll handle this."

Luna interjected, "But-!"

No. "Go! Your kingdom needs you!"

At that, the three alicorns exchanged glances, before proceeding to hurry out the throne room, albeit slow due to their lost of magic. That took care of one obstacle. I watched them before a sound alerted me to the throne itself, body tense and ready for battle. Tirek coughed and waved away the smoke, glaring down at the one pony who dared attacked him.

Hope you're ready for this, boy.

I've been preparing a long time for this... Time for all that training to pay off...

My frown deepened when Tirek laughed, a deep booming noise in sheer comical mockery. "A mere Earth Pony! Hahahahahaha- Oof!" That moment of amusement was severely cut off by the charged hoof impacting into his torso, the stunned villain only having a split second before the force behind the attack sent him flying, crashing through the throne and the wall behind it, a large hole leading outside where Tirek once was.

"Oh, that's gonna leave a mark," Discord commented casually from the side as I landed on the carpet. I didn't have it in myself at the moment to tell the creature off for betraying his own friends like this. I'll leave that to Fluttershy.

Hopefully they'll be more focused on lecturing Discord than me after all this-

Stay on guard, Specter advised through a serious tone, my body tensing in response. He will retaliate any moment.

As if on cue, the hole I created burst larger, as a snarling Tirek charged through, and I leaped back from the spot where a punch met the ground. But I didn't react quick enough to the other powered fist impacting my side and causing me to fly out the window.

Thank God this was a cartoon, otherwise the glass would've seriously hurt me.

And, by convenience, I recovered quick enough while flying through the air to land by the side of one of the castle's many towers, hoofs gripping into the bricked wall for support. Using that to leap upwards, I managed to climb up to the roof of the tower in time as Tirek pursued, jumping upwards from another hole he made out the throne room to land on top of a tower himself, glaring balefully at me. I returned that look heatedly.

"Who are you?"

So Discord hasn't told him about me... Perfect.

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

[Insert music King Bowser from Super Mario Galaxy.]

Those devilish eyes narrowed. "No matter. I will make you suffer for interrupting my retribution."

"Go ahead and try."

I may have become soft over the time with my friends, but the fiery wrath of a human being has never died down.

Taking the bait, a reddish orb ignited between his large horns, and a pure malicious energy beam fired. My hoofs leaped off the tower to dodge, landing in a roll this time atop the roof of the throne room. Tirek was right behind me though, and I rolled as the shadow above me smashed through, Tirek falling back into the throne room. But that hardly stopped him, as I now found myself dodging left and right by energy beams firing through the ceiling all over, aimed with the purpose of destroying me.

Then my senses were screaming at me, and instinctively my clenched hoof swerved around, striking Tirek right through the stomach once again. Half of the villain's body rising from the roof was forced back, the ceiling of the throne room falling apart by the relentless battle, Tirek's back smashing against the edge of the wall. Now was my chance. Rushing forwards as he recovered from a moment of being dazed, yellow eyes widened as a leap followed by an outstretched back hoof in the face forced the monster flying, this time his fully body emerging and crashing onto the roof of the hallway leading into the throne room. Standing up, Tirek sniffed, rubbing his nose before grinning widely.

"Not bad. You are indeed stronger than the common Earth Pony. Perhaps there's a place for you by my side once I conquer this-"

Not today!

But Tirek seemed prepared, back rearing as his raised arms blocked my attempted kick. And, grabbing my limb, the villain whirled us around before promptly hurling me far away, smashing onto the top of another tower. Ugh, that hurts. But balance yelled at me to get up, and I quickly composed myself to jump away from another beam, landing on tower after tower while fleeing from the magical attacks that intend me harm, eventually flying right into the window of another tower. Jesus, how many towers does this castle have?! Seemingly safe for the brief moment, I stood up, regaining my breath.

Do not falter! We must not let this demon achieve victory!

You got it!

Feeling that presence loom closer, I reared back my front limbs again, balance preparing for another shockwave. And, surprise, surprise, the look on Tirek's face upon charging through the building shifted triumph to shock at the blastwave hitting him dead in the face, sending the villain out the room and flying, heading headfirst into another tower which crumbled from the impact, send it and Tirek descending down to the far off grounds below. Watching from the window, I took another moment to breathe.

Yet that only lasted for so long, as another energy beam fired from the floor, the red power causing the tower to shake violently, and I already felt it beginning to submit to the magic, preparing to fall. Immediately, I used balance to leap forward out of the falling building, reaching out to another-


A red fist impacted my underbelly, a grinning Tirek looking at me maliciously as his attack made us both fly upwards in the air, before taking his moment to clasped both large hands together for knocking them into me, sending me spinning and descending onto the roof of, you guessed it, another tower. I only regained enough composure to roll out of the way of another outstretched fist, kicking it back with my rear hoofs and proceeding with a punch of my own. Now it became a battle of punches and blocks.

So much for the hit-and-run tactic.

Beneath me I felt the roof begin to submit to the pressure of both magic and balance doing battle. But I managed to land a hit this time, ducking from another punch and jumping onto the other, outstretched hoof landing an uppercut against the grunting villain, and with the aide of balance landed a swift kick into Tirek's face, forcing him hurtling back into another wall. And I leapt to pursue, Tirek only grinned despite his state, and I couldn't even yell at the pain as some force of magic forced me to hover and fly into the wall facing him, and my eyes opened up in time to see another, more powerful, red beam of magic head my way, my limbs raised in an X-position to block the blow.

Ugh... This was more powerful than even the magical attacks Sombra hurled at me during our duels... My teeth grit, my body forced deeper into the wall from the powerful cackling assault, dust and pebbles falling onto my body and cape. Gotta think of something, fast-!


Only a low gasp of pain escaped my throat by the sudden fist connecting into my stomach, the large hand forcing my four limbs back. In retaliation, I snarled myself, gripping onto the red muscular arm in attempt to pull it out. Tirek, at first, only smiled condescendingly... Before that look shifted to confusion and even panic, whereas I grinned myself, despite the pain, my hoofs pushing back the clenched fist and taking advantage of the space. The battle for dominance barely lasted long before my body slid underneath the fist, clutching onto the large limb and swerving around it. Tirek snarled in pain as I begun twisting his arm... Before balance allowed me to twirl with enough force to spin the helpless villain around and sent him flying backwards, landing straight into another defenseless tower.

Without relent, I charged downwards, following after and using the speed and gravity to aid my outstretched hoof, intending to finish this battle ASAP. Tirek emerged from the hole, looking quite enraged and only roaring in pain at the hoof punch into his chest, forcing us flying through the tower and back into a main part of the castle. But not even I could control the force enough as we both began rolling across the floor, roughly hitting against walls and objects. Taking that successful moment to breathe, I moved to get up, checking around for any sign of Tirek and-

Flying through the many walls of the castle. Pain and agony soared through my being as the powerful stolen magic relentlessly pushed me back, room after room until I eventually hit the wall of a particular dark room, light from the outside peeking through the ceiling. Groaning in pain, I struggled slightly to get up, the battle taking more out of me than I thought...

Look out boy!

Sombra's warning was too little too late, feeling a hand clench around my throat, I was helplessly lifted up, Tirek's sneering face and triumphant eyes meeting my own, before smashing me against another wall before I could attempt to counterattack. Argh! Then repeating the gesture over and over again, my body beginning to feel drained from all this. But Tirek was hardly done with the torture, throwing me onto the floor harshly, and I could barley raise my hoofs in time to stop the ruthless steel limbs trampling on my state.


Get up boy! Sombra snarled, albeit panicking. Easier said than done-!

The [BEEP]...?!

Tirek mercifully ceased with the harsh assaults, smiling down at me before... Was... Was the [BEEP]er flying?! Hovering up to the air, the slow breathing monster grinned in full glee, speaking roughly. At least I inflicted enough damage for his own breath to sound pained. "That was a worthy battle, pony. Unfortunately, not even your advanced magic could save you... No, I will give you a fate far worse than taking your magic, for assaulting your true leader! Your shepherd!"

Moaning, I struggled to get up as Tirek expanded the hole in the ceiling while speaking into the daylight sky. But my struggles were put to rest at the magic beam firing into the roof above me.

Everyone... Twilight... I'm sorry...

Those were my last thoughts before the falling debris covered my vision.

To be continued...

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