• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 108: I'll Make A Pony Out Of You!

Everything was now becoming a blur.

Images like running through paint, nothing more concentrated on than the sound of blue pegasus taunting me, provoking me as much as possible just to make certain I keep up with her speed. The mare in question was also a blur as I rushed by, Balance increasing my speed to a level I hadn't experienced since the time I dressed up as a villain and did battle with the cocky pegasus.

Good times.

Beside the mare were two purple blurs as well, one lavender, the other light purple with green scales, here to assist me with tapping into and mastering these newfound abilities of mine. And all the while, a certain wise voice popped up in my mind.

Physical enhancement is merely a step upwards in unlocking your full potential. Strength, speed, sense, all that comes to you in time and far more. With each passing day you learn and practice, the closer you are to achieving your destiny.

Whatever that is.

Then, spotting the lavender blur raise her limb as a signal, my hooves screeched to a halt upon nearing them. Literally. My own limbs began digging into the ground of the track in effort of stopping myself, creating a cloud of dust as a result from the speed and abrupt halting. Rainbow blew away the dust with her wings, whereas Twilight inspected the stopwatch floating before her.

"Ten laps in thirty-five-point-seven seconds," Twilight stated informatively, inciting Spike to jot down the recond into the notepad. With a smile, the alicorn glanced at me. "An improvement from your last attempt, fourty-two-point-six."

I grinned at the clear pride in the mare's tone. But whereas Twilight was impressed, Rainbow expressed seeming indifference. "Eh, not bad." But behind that mare's shrug, I felt how amazed even this pegasus of speed was. "Got a long way to go before you can match my speed though."

...I wonder. If my strength matches that of whatever I was facing, could the same thing apply with racing?

Twilight rolled her eyes at Rainbow's response, still smiling regardless before turning to me again. "Ready to try again?"

"Love, I was born ready." Ignoring the pegasus' snort, I prepared myself on the start of the wide track once again. Remember that race track Rainbow used to test other pegasi to prepare for making that water tornado for Cloudsdale? Same track.

Twilight's voice was authoritative, "On my mark... Go!"

Pretty sure I left their manes blowing by the sudden speed. Because holy [BEEP] was I going fast! I still wasn't use to it, having grown more accustomed to being Mr. Incredible than the Flash. The more I tapped into these powers, everything becoming a quick blur again as I passed my first lap, the more I was beginning to realize I was essentially a mixture of Superman and a Jedi.

"You can do it bro!" Ah, Spike, supportive as always.

"Come on, I can move faster in my sleep!" Ah, Rainbow, arrogant as ever.

Are you one to talk?

Are you?

Third lap.

"I beat ten laps in five seconds when I was a filly!"

You know, I remember the time when you wouldn't accept any of their [BEEP].

Fourth lap...

"The Wonderbolts would be laughing at you right now!"


"What? It's true!"

Recall how prideful and independent you were? The man who would do as he pleased, unfazed by the opinions of these lower ponies? What happened to him, I wonder...?

Seventh lap...

"And you call yourself worthy for a Princess, you can't even complete a lap without looking exhausted!"

How the mighty fall. I am utterly embarrassed to inhabit your pathetic mind, boy. Even your Princess is internally ashamed to be with you.

Shut up shut up shut up!

Teeth bared, growing sick and annoyed with Rainbow and Sombra's respective taunting, my eyes narrowed in intense concentration, every bone in my body desiring to prove them wrong, my limbs picking up more and more speed. The irritation, mixed with the determination to prove them wrong, was powering my run, slightly grateful I took off my cape and hat for this.

"Is that all-?!"

Passing them, leaving them literally in the dust, I took secret delight at the sound of the pegasus coughing from the results. And Balance was, once again, useful as ever as I completed the final lap, probably moving so fast that even Sonic would've been impressed.

Judging by the awestruck expressions on their faces. Pausing the timer, Twilight glanced at the small watch eye-widened, stunned. "Sixteen-point-two seconds..." Spike, upon the mare's nudge, broke out of his own stupor and wrote the results down.

And Rainbow... Well, right then I was feeling internal joy and amusement at the look on her face. Retribution, thy name is Stardust.

...Hey Sombra?


Thanks man.

...Make no further mention of it.

"Well it's... It's still far from my own record!"

With a cocky grin plastered onto my own muzzle, I responded in mocking casualness, "Oh I know. But I didn't want to beat the record of 'Equestria's Fastest Flier,' now did I?" Twilight covered her amused grin at the banter with a hoof, Spike was still looking at me as though I were a Power Pony come to life, and Rainbow looked positively fuming at the taunt...

Then scoffed and looked away.

Now of course, when learning something new and attempting to apply it in real life. There is absolutely one thing above all necessary before trying it out for yourself; something Twilight was more insistent, and far too happy about, to help me with.


"And here is 'The Theory of Balanced Possibilities' by Mareofer Maerone." Another heavy-looking book slammed roughly on the ground before me, right next to the thousand other books the enthusiastic mare eagerly placed all around me. Every five seconds a book chosen from the library's shelves was being chosen by my girlfriend and promptly placed in front of me to study. "I would recommend reading Stallin Hooftaker's 'A Guide to Becoming More Self-Aware to the Unknown of Magic' before that however, then 'Starswirl's Research of Unexplored Possibilities' by Sundrop the Second. Oh, and also..."

Was I the only one more fascinated by the names of the authors than the books themselves?

I could care less about either.

Starswirl's response was far more positive in contrast to the King's scoff. The Princess's eager offer to assist you shouldn't be taken for granted, Jack. She merely wishes to express her desire in helping her Warrior learn more about his own capabilities through a particular subject she adored.

"Hmm, this might help also... Maybe this book about Earth Pony biology, you never know..."


Indeed, and can you honestly blame the mare? Research is a core factor in learning about something new, and also one's self. Princess Twilight's studious personality will benefit you alot in your own quest to mastering your skills indefinitely, such as now.

"I guess..."

Twilight perked her head up. "What was that?"

I shook my head. "Nothing. Just... Starswirl giving me another lecture is all."

"Really?" Before I knew it, the mare was right in front of my face, literally. A full blooming grin on her kissable muzzle as she asked rather eagerly, "What did he say? No doubt imparting some important knowledge to help uncover more of your mysterious abilities, right?"

The mare was practically shaking on the spot in anticipation, by how giddy she was. "Well actually, he said studying was just as important when it comes to becoming better at something..." With a smirk, I added teasingly, "Remind you of anyone?"

But Twilight, this time, was too happy for a hero of hers to agree with her methods to fall for my playful jab. "Well of course! Research and studies are essential to becoming perfect in just about everything." Twilight teleported back to the shelves, this time more thorough and quickening through her searches, scanning pages and book titles alike. "And if Starswirl the Bearded wants you to study more, then we can't argue with that, right? Right, so let's get to work then!"

...This was gonna be a long day.

But you adore that mare too much to care.

A small smile rose on my muzzle at the beaming, excited alicorn chatting away... Yeah.

"Our next test will be examining your reflexes," Twilight said in her all-study mode, standing far-off alongside Spike and Apple Bloom. Before me by about ten or fifteen feet away, Applejack and Big Macintosh were in preparation themselves, having accepted our request for their help for this exercise in particular. "According to what we know, Balance should have amplified your reflexes along with speed and physical prowess. Ready, Jack?"

To dodge a mountain of barrels heading my way? I've faced worse.

At my nod, Twilight in turn nodded to the farmers, whose expression turned completely serious. Although previously hesitant to ideally throw barrels at me, they were reassured I would be unscathed... I hoped. That said, from their respective rows of the wooden circular objects they could spare, about Applejack's size, they began horse-kicking the things my way. I was tempted to punch them, but, as Twilight said, this was test of reflex.

Even if my reflexes told me to hit them back.

And, if I did say so myself, I think I was doing rather well; ducking, sidestepping and jumping away from each hurled barrel my way. Sliding underneath one, swerving around another, and another barely missing me, just brushing against my dark brown mane, then craning my back to dodge another one. From the corner of my eye, Apple Bloom and Spike watched in ill-concealed awe, whereas Twilight appeared both impressed and pleased with the display.

Yep, I dare say I was improving more. Right guys?

Are you asking us?

Who else?

Hmph. Sombra sounded indifferent, as always. A more worthy show of my time than your last sloppy display.

What our friend here means is, further and further you continue to understand and become one with the Magic of Balance. Sooner or later, you shall master the power unseen in Equestria for an awfully long time.

My hoofs sidestepped another barrel. You mean, I'm not the first to use to have used this power?

Thousands of years ago, in fact, while unicorns still only began understanding the properties of magic, Harmony and Chaos alike. It was by complete accident that Balance was discovered, when one studious equine in particular sought to harness both sides of magic as one. This newfound gift brought him along with his followers untold power... Which came with a heavy price.

Another dodge from a wooden object. And what was that?

They were driven mad by the power.

...Oh. As you would.

Sombra was far more critical about the story, Fools. To attempt mastering such power while lacking the basic mental capabilities and understanding of wielding it. They deserved to have snuffed out all those years ago.

A faint smirk emerged on my muzzle, noticing the rows of barrels were now almost completely gone. Sombra, seriously, are you in any position to call out others of growing insane through gaining power?

I am not insane!

The last object kicked towards me through the air, and just for that I chose not to refrain myself, this time my extended hoof reaching out and impacting through the large barrel. Splinter of wood and hammered nails flung by my body as a result, producing a small mess. Applejack smirked, Big Macintosh looked astonished, Twilight huffed and the kids were still in awe about the spectacle.

And my enhanced pony hearing managed to catch Spike whispering from the side, "Awesome...!"

Yep... Ow.

"Heh, decided to show off right at the end there, eh sugarcube?"

I grinned tightly, rubbing my sudden-sore hoof. "Don't know what you're talkin' about, Applejack." The orange mare approached me, amused by the pain my limb was going through at the moment, and shaking her head at my response.

"Hey, I've seen Stardust punch through worst things and barely flinch." Spike sounded curious as he, Apple Bloom and Twilight joined us, the dragon tilting his head. "How come his hoof looks so sore this time?"

"Remember Spike, Starswirl said that Jack's strength only matches against what he's facing," Twilight replied knowingly, smiling lightly at my rubbed limb. "I imagine he's feeling what the barrel would've felt if it could."

...My sympathies to the barrel.

"Though if he hadn't felt like showing off last second, he could've spared himself the pain."

"...I confirm nothing." That brought some chuckles from the others, and Twilight shook her head with a fond small grin.

Why did I get the feeling this next test was going to be a tricky one?

Most likely because this requires subtlety. And you, let's face reality here, are incapable of such skill for long.

Your vote of confidence encourages me as always, Your Majesty...

"Jack? Are you listening?"

"Hm? Sorry, yes, continue."

My girlfriend raised a brow, then nodded and motioned to Rarity, having arrived next into the latter's boutique. "This time we'll be inspecting your mental capabilities as opposed to physical. Rarity has graciously volunteered to help us out with this experiment. Thanks again, by the way, Rarity."

"Oh I am always willing to assist my friends!" The unicorn answered brightly, before a quick doubtful expression took over with a nervous laugh. "This won't hurt, of course, correct darling?"

Twilight shook her head, smiling reassuringly at our friend. "Don't worry Rarity, if all goes well, nothing bad will happen in the least." The fashionista sighed in relief, and the Princess turned to me. "Ready?"

I nodded. "As I'll ever be."

Whether the mare took notice of my own apprehensiveness to the plan or not, she didn't acknowledge it, instead looking back to Rarity with a raised brow. "Alright, Jack here is going to read your heart. Meaning he's going to sense through your emotions for this following test, depending on what and how you reply to my words. Understand?" Rarity, looking slightly curious, nodded regardless. "Wonderful! So then, Rarity, tell me, was it you who devoured that last piece of cake from the most recent party?"

At that, the white mare gasped. "Why, Twilight! I am appalled you would accuse me of such a thing! I most certainly did not!" Twilight, meanwhile, smiled still, and motioned for me to approach, stepping back to examine the results more thoroughly. Okay, let's see if this works.

A yellow hoof placed on Rarity's furry chest where the heart was, I closed my eyes, concentrating. Starswirl said I could read through others better by our bonds. Well, let's see if I can tell whether she's lying or not.

Rarity sounded slightly anxious. "Stardust, darling, you know I would never consume something so greedily as Twilight here suggests-"


I imagined the two mares blinking at the answer, Twilight asking first, "Are you sure?"

I nodded, eyes still closed. "I can sense a trail of deception in her heart when she tried to evade speaking the truth." Like a sliver of darkness, a wisp, crossing her heart like a stream in contrast to the light of her generosity.


But Rarity was more annoyed than Twilight was amazed. "Alright, so I helped myself to an extra piece! But can you in all honesty blame me, darlings? Pinkie's bakery is simply divine when they're not a mess."


"I mean, it's not as if I knew anyone would notice-"


"Alright I suppose I suspected Pinkie would be the first to take note of the last piece's absence-"


"Will you please stop that, Stardust? I have no desire sharing my past history of lies and truths to my friends! Some things are better left unspoken, after all-"


"...Twilight, your special somepony can be positively infuriating at times."

"...Truth." With a smirk, I finally opened my eyes, greeted by Rarity's fuming pouted expression. "But then again, that last one's a known fact."

Twilight, meanwhile, was poorly attempting to conceal her laughter, unable to hide the large grin behind her hoof. Taking a brief moment, the mare composed herself. "Thanks for the help Rarity. If a last slice of cake ever goes mission again, I'll know who to ask."

The unicorn only huffed.

"Over here!"

The sound of an exasperated sigh. "Pinkie, you're not suppose to tell him where you are! He's meant to sense your location."

"Oops, sorry!"

The alicorn was probably shaking her head. "Let's try that again... And you can wipe that look off your face, mister." Eyes still closed, my smirk widened into a grin at Twilight's annoyed reaction, before shifting myself more comfortable. Hind legs crossed on the ground in a meditative stance, this time we were trying another mental ability.

And this one should be more relatively easy.

And yet, knowing you, it will look like an indecipherable puzzle you cannot comprehend.

Pay no attention to him, my friend. You've been doing well thus far today, and I am confident you will succeed this next exercise with flying colours.

"Ready?" I only nodded to Twilight's question. "Okay. Uses those senses of yours, and find Pinkie Pie's signature." With that command, my eyes clenched somewhat, an instinctive reaction when it comes to concentration.

Relax, Jack.

Right... I'm relaxing.

And within Pinkie's room at Sugarcube Corner, it wasn't too difficult pinpointing the mare among the two bright signatures in the room, identifying one of the lights pouring from her soul... Directly above me.

"In the rafters above."

"Bingo!" A jovial Pinkie confirmed from above. "How did you do it?!"

I practically felt Twilight's grin through her voice, "Correct!" A few seconds passed, barely a noise heard. "Where is she now?"

Who knew that energetic Earth Pony was exceptionally skilled at stealth? Or she's just moving so fact I can barely hear it. Still, it didn't take long to track her presence, just another moment of concentration through our bond.

"To the right... Under the drawer?"


"Well done!" And there was no condescension in that tone, just sheer elated pride. "Now where?"

Hold on...


"Correctamundo, my dear Stardust!"

"Precisely. And now...?"

Well, this one wasn't too difficult, from both our bond and the fact the floor underneath suddenly felt soft and furry. Unable to contain a grin, I answered whilst opening my eyes, "As my new meditation seat." Pinkie grinned right back from beneath, before promptly stepping out from under me and-


Making me land roughly on the floorboards. Twilight sighed at our antics, but still smiled regardless, satisfied with the results, I could tell. She addressed the jovial Earth Pony first, "Great work, Pinkie! We appreciate the help." The pink mare bounced around in response, pleased with the praise. The happy alicorn then turned to me. "I think we're almost done for the day."

"Oh good, then I can go back to bed."


"I'm kidding! I'm kidding... I'll sleep in tomorrow."

This time, Twilight huffed, and Pinkie continued hopping around the room merrily.

"You've got to be kidding me."

"Oh, you don't have to be worried Stardust, Harry doesn't bite." 'Harry' meanwhile looked more than ready to bite, judging by the low growls under its breath at my approach. Fluttershy waved off the concern, smiling lightly at her large furry friend. "He's just nervous around others is all."

"...You sure about that?" At her affirmative nod, I sighed, a few steps of safety away from the bear being nuzzled by the fearless pegasus. "Sorry, Fluttershy, but every basic human common sense within me demands to keep away from a bear as much as possible."

"He's harmless." Fluttershy tried unsuccessfully to reassure me, stroking the head of the carnivore. "Isn't that right my snuggly-wuggly Harry?" The bear meanwhile had a content expression at the love and affection it was getting, giving in to Fluttershy's caring nature with relative ease.

...You know it speaks volumes when that mare in particular displays more bravery.

I'm not scared!

Then convince them of that.

It's a bear! Pardon me for being apprehensive about going near it!

Twilight, although looking slightly peeved by the hesitation, smiled quite humourously at my reluctance in this particular task. "He won't lay a paw on you, right Fluttershy?" The pegasus only nodded, still wrapped up in showing affection to the beast. "You only need to communicate with its heart and see what it's thinking and feeling, just like you did with Rainbow and Tank back at Cloudsdale, and Rarity just earlier today. Trust me, Jack."

"I do trust you Twilight... I just don't want to go near a bear."

The alicorn huffed, grinning rather teasingly at my still posture. "Don't tell me the big bad Warrior, who faced the likes of King Sombra, Lord Tirek and other monsters, has finally met his match with a harmless bear."

"...You're taunting me."

"Hm? Oh no, no. Just a little disappointed, that's all... I would've expected more from my brave, handsome warrior."

"Stop it."

"And we made so much progress today already, didn't we? It'd be a shame to stop now, wouldn't it? And here I though you would do anything to keep your Princess happy." Oh that is- ...Sad thing is, I know she's playing me... But she's right. I took one step forward- And completely stopped, Twilight taking note in my sudden shift in expression with a raised newly-concerned brow. "Jack? What is it?"

My head snapped to the left, hearing the screams originating from the looming Everfree Forest. Or not vocally I heard the cries for help, but internally I felt three close signatures from within the dangerous woods through Balance itself. Without even answering Twilight or Fluttershy's worried gazes, I sped past them, excusing myself only with my own worried/resolved look.

Those three signatures felt awfully familiar.

And they should. You encountered one of them earlier.

One of them-

Oh no...

My pace quickened, rushing headfirst into the forest without delay, the presences of youthful light shining all the more the further I approached, in contrast to the darkness I felt close towards them. If those three were in trouble by the dangers of this forest again-!

I swear if it's that damn Cockatree-

"SOMEPONY HELP US!" Scootaloo's cry rang through the forest, sounding more terrified and panicking than anything.

Feeling their presence directly up-close now, I took a faith of chance and leapt, jumping right through the branches and right to where the Crusaders were. With a spin midair, my hind hoof impacted into whatever pounced at the three fillies across the face, and with another spin, my front outstretched limbs clasped together before the creature, a good ol' Balance Shockwave knowing the thing back to the side, rolling the monstrosity across the grassy floor.

Landing before the stunned Crusaders, my stance shifted to standing like a human, taking on a fighting pose in preparation for the beast to get up. "Stardust!" The girls cried in relief, but I barely acknowledged it, focused more on the 3D-animated creature composing itself, fixing its jaw of branches, leaves and the like.

"You three!" I sensed Twilight coming even before she and Fluttershy arrived, joining the fillies from behind me. "Are you alright?" I couldn't see their expressive response, but Twilight evidently followed our gazes towards the creature standing up, and gasped. "A Timberwolf!"

Yep, here was the 3D-animated monster in all its glory. I don't know whose idea it was in a Hasbro's employee's head to make that decision of creating something that way, in contrast to the major 2D animation of everything else in this world, but if they were intending to make these Timberwolves look scary this way...

Well, they only partially succeeded.

In all honesty, the noticeable difference is a bit of an eyesore.

"Let's get out of here!"

Right, indeed Twilight. Just let me stun this thing when it tries to attack again, and then I'll follow-

There are alternatives to combat, you know.

...Alright then Ben Kenobi. What do you suggest?

My mentor sounded particularly amused, whilst informative, You can reach through and sense the feelings and intentions of others. Yeah? Amongst other abilities you've yet to uncover. Now seems more appropriate than ever to teach you a new skill.

Are you sure about that Starswirl? Right now?

The Timberwolf looked ready to pounce, and I felt myself being tugged by an urgent Twilight. "Jack, come on! Don't even think about it!"

Trust me, my pupil. When our friend here pounces, reach out, touch its heart, and connect with it.

Uh, Starswirl, I don't think that thing even HAS a heart!

All living things have a heart, whether you can see it in the physical sense or not. From the rocks, to the trees and the grass. You can sense all life... And connect through them.

...Alright, I trust you.

"Jack, no!" I carefully pushed Twilight back, still regarding the sneering Timberwolf intently, our own motivations separate. But if Starswirl was suggesting what I think he was, that might not be the case for long. "If you try to fight it, I swear I'll-"

"Hey Twilight."


I grinned weakly, blue-green eyes still on the prepared large beast. "What do you call an annoying side-character with no relevance to the plot or anything else, and is just there to be an nuisance and pointless love interest for someone they hardly deserve?"

"Is this really the time for that?!"

There's always time to criticize [BEEP]. And when the creature finally leapt forward, I reared back my right front hoof, before finishing with, "TIMBEEEER!" My hoof thrust out and onto the creature's snout, somehow stopping the advancing tree-wolf completely. Time froze to a halt, and I was suddenly overwhelmed by foreign emotions of hunger, greed and fear.

...Not so foreign then.

It took a few seconds to realize I was, in reality, communicating with the best through its heart and my own, and the Timberwolf was not happy upon reaching that conclusion also. Through the connection, I could hear its baleful snarls, desperately wanting to cut the connection and get back to trying to devour a new meal. Yeah? Not happening pal.

Alright Starswirl, what now?

Act swiftly. Concentrate. Pour your own emotions through the connection, let it feel what you feel. Quickly, your formidable will won't last forever when fighting another.

Tell that to Sombra...

But, already feeling the strain from this connection between myself and the beast, I happily obliged, and fought back the tirade of hunger and hate with my own emotions, expressing exactly what I intended to share. Love, affection, how much I cared for the lives of my friends and all the innocents of this world. All my experiences, the lessons I've learnt being here, and through my conviction, this Timberwolf wasn't going near my friends with any sort of harmful intent ever again! It will not try to hurt them! I won't let it!

Gradually, the snarls before decreasing into whimpers...

Now, release.

As if waking up from a dream, my eyes opened from the golden light just then, greeted by the... Golden eyes of a Timberwolf staring right back at me, my hoof still on its snout. Silence enveloped us both, save for my shallow breathing at the effort. Odd... Its eyes just then were neon green. Now they're gold...

...An effect of Balance-?

Wha-? "Hey!"

Without warning, the damn thing was now licking my face. In other news, Timberwolves have tongues! And I felt leaves traced against the spots it decided to lick, despite my protests. Finally taking the hint, the wolf stepped back, sat on its hind legs, and... Acted just like any other obedient dog.


"Jack...?" Oh, right. My gaze turned to a group of baffled gazes. The Crusaders and Fluttershy regarded the happy beast rather fearfully, whereas Twilight steadily approached with a befuddled expression, glancing from me to the sat creature. "What happened just then, what did you do?"

With a small smile, I began petting the beast on the branched chest, which had it growl... In content. Okay, of all the ridiculous things to happen... "I do believe, my dear Twilight, I just tamed a Timberwolf." That said, I grinned at an awed pegasus. "Want another animal to take care of, Fluttershy?"

You should've kept it.

And what? Feed it? Bathe it? Play catch with it? Nah that's Fluttershy's problem now.

Bah! A tamed Timberwolf would've made a useful asset. Instead, you hand it to a pony who will no doubt make it more domestic, and less dangerous to unleash upon your enemies.

Good. I don't want to sick a wolf on others, especially a large one. I'm not that cruel.



Anyway, after that incident, the Crusaders explained they were seeking out a lost toy one of their fellow classmates somehow lost in the Everfree Forest, hence the appropriate scolding by myself and Twilight respectively before escorting them safely out of the woods. Fluttershy, meanwhile, was getting friendly with our new friend; the submissive Timberwolf eagerly took to the yellow pegasus after her show of affection, following us out with Twilight demanding every detail I could provide about what precisely happened between myself and the wolf.

Still not entirely sure myself.

You yourself bonded with the creature, Starswirl was always happy to explain... Whenever he so desired it, of course, Since it was your first time using such power, your own will interacted and tamed the wild beast's own. In time, you will learn to control that new skill; we wouldn't want you to tame every creature in the world, after all.

So thanks to that, Fluttershy has a pet Timberwolf now... Whom she called 'Sticks.'

Sonic Boom anyone?

What you did back then was influence the light in the Timberwolf's heart, and motivated it to see things in... Another perspective. With your memories and experiences shared, it too experienced these things and became something new, outside of its will of nature entirely.

So I basically enslaved it.

Not a slave. In time it will regain complete control of itself by then. I pictured the warm smile on his muzzle. But I believe its newfound bond with Fluttershy will be sufficient enough to keep it tamed, regardless. Your Balance magic also has the power to connect through the Chaos and Harmony within others, and motivate them, inciting other beings to make different decisions, or look at things from another viewpoint. Yet another skill you have plenty of time to master.

So... Jedi Mind Trick then?

...If you wish to call it that.


Meanwhile, I was relaying all this to Twilight, who was happily jotting all this information down with skipping a beat, smiling with barely-concealed joy at the new things we were respectively learning. By the time my internal conversation with her idol was done, the alicorn stood up from her spot on the floor and walked over to a table, setting the notes with a thoughtful hum.

"This is all extraordinary..." Twilight said outloud in wonder, glancing my way. "We learn more about your limitless capabilities with each passing day. Just imagine, this Magic of Balance will bring more endless possibilities to the studies of magic in general across all of Equestria!"

"Glad I could help," I responded in dry amusement, smiling at the mare's gleeful reaction. Anything that makes this Princess happy, I'm happy.

Except for Sentry... Or Timber. They don't warrant my smile.

Walking forward, Twilight batted her eyelashes in enthusiasm. "I'm so lucky to have you." That statement was far too sincere, I couldn't help but grin, accepting the loving hug the mare willingly gave.

"I wish I could tell you how much I feel the same way, but it wouldn't be enough..."

You may not need to tell her through voice alone.


"Huh?" Twilight echoed upon my curious noise, pulling back with sparkling violet orbs. "What is it?"

Like with the Timberwolf, you can share your emotions through your bond. Except, this bond between you and the Princess is far stronger than anything else. Do you understand, my friend?

"...Ah." The Princess blinked patiently, inciting my small grin. "Maybe I can show you how much you mean to me... Just not through physical means." That said, I raised a hoof, and Twilight understood the gesture, smiling tentatively and bringing the palm of her own hoof against my own, the two meeting.

And the bond commencing, the second I closed my eyes, I was filled with a sense of warmth unlike any other. Affection and caring rolled across the strengthened bond like waves, equal sentiments shared between us meeting one another into a content ocean. A sea of gold and purple entangling, swirling to make the perfect flow of affection. Everything was becoming content to my senses, and I had no desire to stop experiencing what was happening through our bond. Though our connection, I felt just exactly how much this mare cared for me... And how much I cared for her more than life itself. The sea was a glittering distance of purple and gold, mixed together in perfect harmony, and I refused to shy away... And neither did Twilight.

It was... Blissful.

And when my eyes opened, I was staring into half-closed lids, purple eyes staring at me lovingly, a golden hue encompassing our connected hoofs. But I was more focused on the eyes and smile of the most beautiful mare I have ever had the fortune to encounter.

And the shared affection was gestured even more, with our foreheads gently leaning against one another... And I was grateful her horn wasn't low enough to poke me in the eye. That'd ruin the moment.

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