• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Thirty-Six: Danger and Birthdays

"Do you know what I love about Canterlot?" Oh I don't know Rarity. Everything? The white mare in question took a sip of her tea before continuing. "Everything!"

I smirked lightly from my side of the small table. "Shocking." The white cat accompanying us said nothing, licking her own bowl of warm milk. I learned during our travel to the kingdom that her name was 'Opalescence' - I know, even an Oompa Loompa would feel pity for her being named that - mercifully named 'Opal' for short.

The two of us were currently by a cafe, having a break from a refreshing walk around the kingdom itself. Rarity had her own business to conduct in Canterlot, something to do with clothes; I didn't bother asking for details. I accompanied the mare outside out of courtesy and to guide her around, as I was rather familiar with the town of the kingdom more than my classy friend here.

What was I doing in Canterlot, you ask? One simple answer: Celestia.

Yes since Twilight requested her mentor to accommodate Rarity when she arrives in Canterlot, the alicorn saw it as an opportunity to request my presence in turn. God knows why, even Twilight wasn't aware why Celestia asked for me. All I know is she used Rarity's trip as an excuse to get me here. I speculate the monarch wished to know how I was doing in Ponyville, from my own muzzle instead of the words of her pupil's letters.

Not her claim, but it wasn't an educated guess.

"I may have been born in Ponyville but I am a Canterlot pony at heart." The white mare said happily, wearing a large pink hat for some reason. To look more presentable by Canterlot's standards? Tch.

"From your personality, my dear, I can't argue there." I politely dismissed the approaching posh waiter, who walked off again to serve elsewhere.

"Are you sure you don't want anything, darling? The tea here is simply divine."

I shook my head. "No, thank you Rarity. Obviously you're enjoying your time in Canterlot thus far."

"Evidently." Rarity smiled formally, taking another sip with a satisfied expression. "Now, I know we're here to pick up some fabrics for a shop, but Twilight was such a dear to get me that suite at the castle that I simply must make something to express my gratitude."

The selfless words caused me to smile, pointing out in slight amusement. "My dear Rarity, you don't have to repay Twilight for her kindness. She requested a room for you because of your friendship."

"I know, my darling Stardust. But I'd feel guilty otherwise." I shrugged. Suit yourself.

But I won't lie. Having these kind of conversations with Rarity again was something I rather missed. The mare spoke with such formality and politeness that I took some enjoyment out of it. Even on the train to Canterlot, the unicorn herself admitted it was nice to interact with me again, as our conversations were more civil than the rest of the ponies.

"Ooh, I know; an outfit for her birthday party this weekend! Perfect!"

...Hold the phone. What?

"Wait, Twilight's birthday is this weekend?" I asked slowly, the implications dawning on me as Rarity sipped her tea again, regarding me curiously. "As in a few days?"

She nodded in confirmation, raising an invisible brow. "Yes. She didn't tell you? It's this Saturday."

This... Saturday?

"Just so we're clear, Twilight's birthday is this Saturday?" Rarity nodded again, sipping her tea as I felt my own hooves clench. "But that's only a few days from now..."

I can't believe no one told me this...

"Stardust?" The white unicorn inquired in slight concern, upon seeing me stand properly.

"Well Rarity, it looks like you won't be the only one repaying Twilight for being a good friend. See you at the castle." I departed from the cafe without hearing any protests. Rarity's a big girl; she can take care of herself. "Excuse me." I muttered while passing by a snobby-looking couple, who glanced at me with clear distaste.

I had to find something in time before Twilight's Birthday. And fast.

A rare book? No, wouldn't surprise me if she had already collected them all.

Flowers? What am I, cheap?

A new telescope? Well unless she broke her old one during my trip to Canterlot, there'd be no point.

So what then? What would be the most perfect gift for Twilight this Saturday?

Having returned to the grand castle, I had made a beeline straight to my temporary accommodations; the same room from my last stay in Canterlot. Immediately I began pacing around, thoroughly dwelling on what to get Twilight for her upcoming birthday.

So far, nothing.

Tch, this wouldn't be happening if someone had told me earlier about the special event. But no, I had to hear it oh so casually from Rarity. Did Twilight not want me to know? Did she or Spike forget to tell me?

Well, it's irrelevant now. The fact is, I'm aware. And now I have to think of something to get for the unicorn before we return to Ponyville. Rarity mentioned we would be here for a few days. So, ideas. I could ask Velvet what her daughter would love to have on her birthday the most. Or Armor, if he wasn't preoccupied spending quality time with his bride-to-be-

Oh for the love of- who could that be?

"Come in." I responded briskly to the door knocking, halting my movement briefly. The pony behind obliged, revealing herself to be-

Oh... you.

"I heard a guard mention you returned here." The Princess of Love said, closing the door behind her and greeting me with a polite serene smile. "It's a pleasure to see you again, Stardust."

A pleasure... sure.

"Likewise, Cadence." Well the mare before me has yet to do anything to irritate me. But aside from my wariness, I was curious, "How can I help you?"

The monarch of forceful infatuation didn't reply for a moment, instead her bright pink gaze wandered around the room. What was she doing, checking if I made a mess of things? Finally she answered without looking at me, "Princess Celestia informed me of your visit, and I wished to see how you were doing."

I shrugged, carefully keeping a safe distance from the alicorn. Wouldn't want her powers to affect me, after all. "I'm doing well, thank you for your concern. And you?"

"Likewise." Cadence was now looking at me, as though studying the specimen before her. I'd squirm, if I wasn't unnerved enough by what this mare was capable of. "I'm honestly surprised by your visit, Stardust, considering how the Princess told both Shining and I how you departed on bad terms. And the guards here clearly hold disdain over you. I thought it was Princess Luna who requested your presence here, since she speaks highly of you."

Through her words I rolled my eyes. Well of course the guards didn't like me. Ever since my first trip to Canterlot I displayed nothing but blatant disrespect to their ruler. Even after the gala I refused to bow even once to the Princess of the Sun. But they had their orders, and their own captain acknowledges me as a friend, so they hold their tongue, but their eyes whenever I walked by expressed otherwise.

Yet the last statement had me regard Cadence curiously. "Luna speaks highly of me?"

"Indeed." The alicorn nodded, releasing a slight smile. "The stallion - or alien if you prefer - who believed she could escape the control of Nightmare Moon, who defiantly faced her evil counterpart in a brave attempt to reform her. And that respect for you only seemed to grow when you helped her recently with gaining new friends."

Instead of asking the alicorn how she knew all this, I shrugged at the veiled praise. "Yes well, I only did what I deemed was the logical choice."

Still, if Luna regarded me that highly, then it'd make more sense that it was she who invited me here. But Celestia explicitly stated in that letter that it was she who wanted me here. Did Luna ask her sibling to claim it was the latter who asked for me?

"She neglected to mention your modesty," Cadence noted, clearly amused. "Anyway, last I heard you were exploring the kingdom with another of Twilight's friends. May I ask the purpose behind your sudden return?"

"I was... told that Twilight's birthday was arriving soon." I admitted irritably, not restraining the leaked annoyance from my tone. "I only just heard of it now from my friend. And I came back to think of the most satisfactory gift suited for her."

"Ahh." There was a gleam in Cadence's eyes, a light smile on her pink muzzle. "This Saturday, as I recall? You have plenty of time to think of something until then, my friend; it's only Tuesday. There's no rush."

"I prefer getting things over with as soon as possible, Cadence. The earlier I find Twilight something she'll love, the better."

"I see." The alicorn said thoughtfully, gazing at me rather uncomfortably for a moment before turning around. "Would you mind accompanying me then, Stardust? We can think of a present for Twilight together. Plus I'd love to hear more about your time with her in Ponyville, and about your other friend who's in Canterlot as we speak."

...Well, I suppose it wouldn't do myself any harm. Cadence had babysit Twilight in her youth, so she might just be useful. As long as this alicorn keeps her distance from me. I'm not taking any chances with that magical power of hers. "Do you have a destination in mind?"

"Oh, I was thinking the castle gardens."

It wasn't surprising at all that the gardens were repaired; my battle with Blueblood had happened a long time ago now. The Princess beside me asked casually, "I believe this was where you fought my cousin Prince Blueblood, correct?"

I nodded, smiling faintly, "Good times."

Along the walk through the large outside area, I proceeded to describe the other visiting pony to Cadence, who listened with keen interest. Upon finishing, the alicorn looked thoughtful, musing out loud. "It seems my dear soon-to-be sister chooses the most interesting of friends."

"That's one way of putting it." I agreed in amusement.

Since I spent most of my time, during my stay in Canterlot a while back, indoors, I've never noticed how beautiful the gardens surrounding us were. Whoever took care of them worked their magic flawlessly, as everything that got damaged and moved during the battle at the gala was evidently repaired. Various colours and types of flowers bloomed under the sunlight, the grass even and clean, bushes trimmed without a fault and so on.

I was no gardener. But I'd rate the work done here a ten out of ten.

"Though this Rarity sounds like she'd be the perfect mare for designing clothes for my wedding." Cadence continued with a light chuckle, regarding me with interest. "Is she that good?"

"Oh yes. I have never met a fashion designer more brilliant and creative than Rarity." I haven't met many fashion designers, though, to be fair. But I give credit where it's due. I glanced up at the lucky bride with a smirk. "Even those who make clothing on my world pale in comparison."

"Oh?" The smile widened considerably. "Then I'll have to place an order at Miss Rarity's bontique then. There are a couple of things I need completed, clothing-wise."

Imagine the look on the unicorn's face. Rarity would probably faint at the sudden request sent to her place. "I'm sure even Twilight would be shocked by the request."

"I can imagine." The tall pink monarch chuckled lightly, "Speaking of which, how is Twilight?"

"She's fine. Couldn't be better." I answered as we continued walking through the garden, the conversation about the mare in question bringing a smile on my muzzle. "She came to terms with my revelation a while back, and has since then asked me endless questions about my own world and species."

"I can imagine." I heard slight amusement in her tone. "Even as a filly, curiosity was her primary motivation. I suppose you've indulged some of her inquiries then?"

"Like you wouldn't believe; that unicorn hasn't stopped questioning me to this day. Whenever she's not studying about friendship, or interacting with her- our friends, Twilight finds what little gaps of spare time she could find to write down more information about where I came from and how my world works."

Not that I'm complaining.

Before Cadence could share a response, another more formal and older voice interjected, "Her pursuit for knowledge is outstanding, isn't it?"

Oh God...

The conversation about the studious mare was ruined as we both faced the new arrival, Celestia regarding us both pleasantly. "Pardon me, but I was informed you two were here."

"Aunt Celestia." The pink alicorn bowed formally.

"Celestia." I greeted with a blank stare.

The smile didn't falter. "I take it you're still displeased with me, Stardust."

Well, you manipulated me in helping Twilight and the others in stopping Discord. You expect me to do your bidding when I have no obligation to otherwise. You allowed Twilight to be aware of the truth behind my presence on Equestria, without my consent. And you cheated during our games of chess.

So yeah, I'm still quite peeved.

"What do you want?" I inquired bluntly instead. Neither Celestia nor Cadence blinked at the tone; the latter having grown use to my method of talking to her ruler during my stay in Canterlot.

"As always, straight to the heart of the matter." The tall white alicorn said, walking towards us. "Please, walk with me, both of you."

I had every urge then to tell the monarch off for ordering me around, but something stopped me. Instead I grumbled in annoyance while obliging the Princess, walking in-between the two alicorns. Whatever good mood I was having instantly evaporated at the sight of the incompetent pony.

"Stardust here was just telling me about him indulging Twilight's curiosity." Cadence spoke pointlessly.

"My beloved student has mentioned in multiple letters about that." Celestia admitted, nodding. "Clearly you've revealed a lot to Twilight, Stardust; with the amount of letters I receive a week ever since you returned to Ponyville. I trust she hasn't been too persistent in her inquiries."

"Not at all." I answered. Sometimes our sessions tire me, but I have no regrets with answering the mare's questions. "Though as much as I'd love to talk about our favourite mare, I'd rather we get to the point over why you requested my presence here."

Ignoring the pink alicorn's surprised blink at the admittance of how much Twilight means to me, I focused on Celestia. Pausing for a brief moment, the ruling mare glanced at me, seriousness on her features. "I was informed by my dear sister, Luna, that this unknown entity named Specter has bestowed upon you another task."

I restrained showing a reaction. Figures. Of course Luna would tell her older sibling about this right away.

"Specter... the one responsible for bringing you here?" I nodded to Cadence's inquiry.

"And if I am to understand correctly, he wishes you to interact more with the inhabitants of our world?"

"Basically." I answered after a moment.

It wasn't a complete lie; the voice wants me to change some of the conclusions to episodes. Why? I have no clue. But I can't tell either these two alicorns or anyone else on this world that. How would they react to the knowledge that their world is fiction, their destinies written on paper by my own people?

I'd rather not find out.

"Around Twilight and your friends specifically?"

...A sound speculation. Not that I'd compliment her out-loud. I nodded. "Indeed. Though I'm uncertain as to why."

"As am I." Celestia concurred in thought, looking away, frowning, as she continued. "There is no mention of this Specter in any of the books I researched upon. Nothing in relation to Equestria or its history."

"Shocking." To be frank, I don't care who he is or where he came from. My highest priority was going home, and if I had to play Specter's game to accomplish that goal, then so be it. But first, something that was occurring in a few days sprung to mind. "If that's all, Celestia; I really must get going. I have something to do."

"Oh? And what might that be?"

The Princess of Love chose that time to answer, speaking before I could inform the sun monarch that it was none of her business. "As you are aware, Aunt Celestia, Twilight's birthday is coming this weekend. Stardust wishes to find a gift for her."

I threw the pink mare an irritated glance, but she blissfully ignored it.

"Ah, yes. My dear pupil will be celebrating her special day this Saturday." Celestia nodded, a content smile on her muzzle. "I have the perfect ideal book she might like, if you're seeking out a gift-"

"I'm not looking to get her some book." I interjected firmly. The raised brow prompted me to continue. "Nor a telescope nor anything that can be easily given to her by anyone else."

"Something hoof-made then?"

I refrained from snorting at the term. "Something like that... something that would she'd like that no one else could give her..."

But what? What? I'm racking my brain here thinking of something so suitable for the unicorn. Something to express my thanks; for everything she's done for me. Just buying her something from a store or from another per- pony just screams "cheap" in my ears.

"Perhaps something made from the heart then." I glanced at the pink monarch, frowning at whatever insinuation she was making. "I'm sure Twilight would love and appreciate a gift made from the effort and care of a friend."

...That's it!

"I've got it! Cadence you genius!" The mare in question blinked in surprise at the sudden outburst. I nodded in farewell to the pair of them before swiftly turning around. "If you'll both excuse me, I have work to do."

I can't believe I didn't think of it before! The present in mind was something I used to do back in high school, and I'd dare say what I wrote back then was art. Effort and care... two requirements completely fitting what I had in mind.

And I had but a few days to start and complete it. Suddenly I didn't feel like rushing it anymore.

Arriving to the top of the staircase. I knocked on the suite doors that was currently occupied by Rarity. For some reason Celestia decided to have many guestrooms situated as individual towers of the castle, with long excessive staircases to reach to said rooms. Thank God my room wasn't one of them. I just hope this time the white unicorn was on the other side of the door this time.

Ever since arriving to Canterlot, I've rarely seen Rarity at all. The mare was evidently spending more time in the kingdom below, and I the castle itself. But anytime I have spotted her, she immediately dismissed me, albeit politely, by spouting out excuses of visiting formal events and parties and such.

Seems Rarity already made a name for herself.

Alas, our time in this kingdom was up. Thank Christ. Twilight's birthday was tomorrow, and I had no intention on being late for it. I was here at the white mare's temporary suite to escort her back to Ponyville. Can't say I won't miss this place.

The large double doors opened, revealing a surprised Rarity. "Ah, Stardust. Fashionably early as ever."

"Would you expect anything less?"

"Not at all, though you seem to have caught me at a bad time." Hm? I closed the doors behind us as the classy mare continued. "I'm afraid I won't be joining you on your trip back to Ponyville."

The confession incited me to frown curiously. "Okay... why?" Twilight's birthday was right around the corner. So why wasn't Rarity returning with me? "You alright mate?" I inquired to the poor stallion servant who had carried Rarity's stuff up from the first day here, struggling to crawl out of the mountain of suitcases on top of him.

"Oh, I'm fine sir, thank you." I moved to pull him out, and as he nodded in thanks, something to the side caught my eye.


"Oh, Stardust no! Don't read that!" I grabbed the obvious letter lying on the floor before she could magically whisk it away, reading the contents.

"'My dear Twilight,'" I began reading the contents out loud, disbelief and confusion filling my tone with every word I spoke, "'I'm afraid I won't be able to make it to your birthday party tomorrow, because poor Opal is... quite ill..." I glanced at the observing cat in question. "'...And she is no condition to make the long journey back to Ponyville. I do hope you understand. Your friend, Rarity.'"

The said unicorn hurriedly snatched the piece of paper from my hooves, rolling it up so no one else could read the contents. I raised an interested brow, "Care to explain, Rarity?"

"My dear Opal here has been caught with a severe illness." The white mare explained, pain filling her tone.

"...She looks fine to me." I flatly pointed out. Indeed, the fluffy white cat with makeup on her didn't seem apparently ailed, though she did look rather uncomfortable standing atop the pile of suitcases.

"Well... it's a..."

"...Yes?" I pressed in suspicion.

The unicorn looked away, evidently hesitant before sighing and mumbling out some incoherent words.

"What was that?"

"I may have... fibbed a little there."

I nodded. "So in short, you're going to lie to Twilight about your continued stay here."

Rarity winced slightly at the accusation. "It wasn't an easy decision."

It was my turn to sigh, rubbing my forehead in disbelief. "Rarity, why?"

The unicorn quickly explained. "I have been invited to a royal party in the castle gardens by two well-regarded ponies. Who am I to decline such an invitation?"

"So you're choosing to have fun with some high class stuck-up equines, over your own best friend's birthday celebration?" I sought for clarification.

"Mmm well when you put it like that- Don't you give me that look!" The flustered mare pointed at me. "You're no saint either, Stardust; I seem to recall you deceiving us constantly right at the very beginning."

I frowned. "At least I have my priorities straight."

"It's a once in a lifetime opportunity."

"And you honestly believe it's of greater importance than your own friend's birthday?"

"Well, no but..." Rarity sighed again, looking away in clear shame. "I have never been highly regarded by such high-class ponies before, Stardust. Have you ever gotten that feeling of being thought as unique by others of higher status? It's exhilarating."

...Yes, I have. But not in the way you think, my dear.

Slowly approaching Rarity, I heard the saddened mare speak next. "Are you going to tell me off, say I shouldn't go to the formal party and return to Ponyville with you?"

Oh I do. Believe me. Nothing would satisfy me more than to scold this pony, lecture her on her life decisions. That she would be this selfish towards her own friend. Her! The embodiment of Generosity! It was so tempting to tell the unicorn off for this.

But as she said, I was no saint either. "Rarity," I began, waiting for her uncertain dark blue eyes to look at me before continuing, "I can't tell you what to do. Your decisions are your own. But you have to consider the consequences of your actions by doing this. Think about what would happen if Twilight and the others knew the truth. What do you think might happen?"

"They'd never forgive me..." She answered thoughtfully.

Oh I doubt that. The ponies here rarely held a grudge for so long. With the exceptions of Trixie and Blueblood.

"At least think about what's more important to you; the status of class or the happiness of your friends. That's all I can advise you." That said, I spun towards the door, a decision for myself made. "Whatever choice you make, I will stick around depending on it."

"What? Why would you do that?"

I answered the surprised tone without turning, hoof twisting the handle. "Before I left Ponyville with you, Twilight requested I stick around until you depart." In addition, the unicorn would probably want me to stay just to help take care of 'poor' Ofa- Opal. "I am obliging that request, and I refuse to fail her."

Besides, if Rarity chose to stick around for this formal party she's attending, there's still enough time to change the present if I felt unhappy about it. But right now, I'm satisfied with what I wrote.

Feeling a hoof pressed against my gold fur, I glanced behind me at the unicorn, who looked quite... grateful. "You're a good friend, not just to Twilight, but to me also, Stardust. But you don't need to extend your stay here for me."

"I'm a man of my word." I responded, meeting her eyes as I spoke firmly. "And besides, you're my friend too, my dear Rarity; it would be unfair of me to just leave you and Opal here by yourselves."

"Hardly unfair." Her blue eyes softened as she removed her hoof off my side. "Do you really think I should tell Twilight the truth?"

"Absolutely." I replied without skipping a beat, opening the door to the outside world. "But I won't force you to make that choice. Instead, I ask you to consider the repercussions, should you choose to stay here and attend that formal event."

Rarity nodded. "I shall consider it... thank you, my friend." And it sounded as though she genuinely meant it. That, at least, was a start.

In the end, the unicorn chose to stick around and attend the formal event. Rarity expressed that apologetically to me the next day, and my response was to simply nod, and tell her I hoped she knew what she was doing. Nothing personal against her, but I'd rather not feel remorse for failing a simple task Twilight asked of me. I lectured her yesterday, no need for a repeat. Now it was Twilight's birthday, and evening was already passing by. I had spent the entire day re-reading my work over and over again, making sure I was a hundred-percent satisfied with the conclusion.

So far, I was. But there was always tomorrow in case it needed improvement that I've yet to notice.

"Oh, Stardust? You're still here?"

I glanced at the pink alicorn, standing within the doorway, blinking in genuine surprise at my presence. Why? She already knew I was sticking around still until tomorrow. Folding the paper back into the inside pocket of my cape, I stared quizzically at Cadence. "Yes, I did say I wasn't departing with Rarity until tomorrow."

"Haven't you heard?"

Hm? "Heard what?"

The alicorn approached as she continued, "Twilight and her friends arrived in Canterlot earlier. They're celebrating her birthday in the castle."


"You're serious?" I expressed my disbelief, and at her confident nod, that disbelief immediately transformed into elation. Haha! Yes! "So it's not too late after all!"

Cadence nodded, smiling pleasantly at my reaction while stepping aside. "I believe the party recently started, at the royal ballroom below. I'm sure Twilight will love your hoof-made gift."

"As am I." Considering how sentimental she and the pony inhabitants of this world are. I nodded gratefully to the alicorn while walking by. "I can't thank you enough for this, Cadence, and for giving me the idea of Twilight's present to begin with. If there's any way I can repay-"

...Wait. I halted briefly. Specter did demand I change the endings to some episodes. What if I do this...?

I glanced over towards the observing mare. "Cadence, do you remember that Changeling we caught in the town square?"

Cadence blinked curiously, before nodding. "I do."

"Have you ever considered the possibility that, and this is purely on theory, that thing's Queen plans to infiltrate your wedding personally?"

The alicorn of love hardened her eyes a little, those soft features turning to seriousness as she replied, "The thought has crossed both mine and my love's minds. Thankfully, upon capturing the Changeling, Aunt Celestia has been making a sweep around her kingdom for any more out there, standing in as one of us. If Chrysalis has invaded us, we'll find out shortly. Before the wedding."

I hope. Were the unspoken words I heard from their monarch. I nodded. "I'd advise you at least watch out for yourself, Princess. Since you're the ruler of love-" Wow, saying that out loud certainly didn't give the title credit. "- You might be that Queen's primary target,"

There, I said my piece, without giving any implication I knew of the wedding events beforehand. Though I don't know that much, as I've only seen tidbits of the two-parter. All I know is Queen Syphillis disguises herself as the alicorn behind me, smacks Celestia's [BEEP] in, and gets defeated by the power of love.

...By God, Cadence is a Disney Princess!

"I appreciate your concern, Stardust, and I am grateful to your advice- Oh? Is there something wrong?" I followed her gaze to back in front of me, as two white pegasi clad in gold armor intrusively walked into the room. Both were wearing steely expressions.

Then two more came in. Then two after that. Slowly I took a step back, frowning as up to ten of the castle guards walked into my temporary quarters. I'm confused, did Celestia have a message? Was she heading towards the room and these guards are required to grovel as soon as she approached?

Those questions were immediately disregarded as the blank facial features on the stallion's faces switched to that of gleeful, closing the door behind them with sinister grins on their faces.

What the-? Oof!

I had little time to react as one of the pegasi lunged forward, ramming himself into me. and I felt my body roll across the floor. What the hell?! Did I just get attacked? Quickly regaining balance, I halted my rolling and stood right back up, disbelief and anger directed on the grinning guards.

"What is the meaning of this?" Cadence demanded from the side, clearly sharing the same emotions as I. "Why did you attack-? ...Ah."

'Ah' is right, my dear...

Suddenly covered in green light, the magic quickly died down as it began, revealing the squad of Changelings. The decayed-looking alicorns had their blue bug-eyes focused on their target. Of course. I glanced at the frowning Cadence, who stared just as defiantly back at the servants of a villain.

"Changelings." The Princess began, sounding composed with a steel edge to her tone, "You've made a grievous error invading the Canterlot castle like this. I order you all to surrender yourselves at once."

One of them scoffed for me. "We don't take order from you." It hissed. Do they even have genders? The one who spoke gestured to the taller alicorn. "Our Queen demands you to be brought before her. Come with us, and maybe we won't harm your friend."

Harm her-? Now hang on.

"You might want to heed her words, gentlemen." I said next, as some regarded me while others ignored, "I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation."

"There are ten of us, and only two of you." A Changeling spat.

"You know what they say, my friends?" I began, slowly removing my cape to the side. Wouldn't want my work to be damaged by what comes next.

"Quality over quantity?" Cadence supplied correctly.

I nodded, smirking at the mare. "And what quality we have, Princess."

"Indeed." Yet the alicorn kept her gaze focused on the advancing group.

Let's see. My knowledge of Changelings wasn't so much. But as far as I was aware of, they feed on love to grow more powerful. Well since I'm full of vinegar at the moment, there should be little problem. The question was, could Cadence defend herself against creatures that were basically vampires to her? We'll find out now.

And if the Changelings were so weak now, I doubt balance would be needed to kick these guy's arses.

"Get her!" The obvious leader commanded, six of them lunging at the Princess... before being thrown back by a pink force field. "What the- Argh!"

That short distraction was all I required, as my clenched hoof landed straight into the Changeling's cheek, sending him hurtling back. Wow... just as weak as I thought. Hearing snarls, I quickly whirled to the right, my front two hooves pushing against the chest of two more minions, hurling them across the room with as much strength as I could muster, sending them about two feet away.

I don't exercise much, okay?

The remaining standing Changeling managed to deliver a punch, and- The [BEEP]? "Are you kidding?" I couldn't help but laugh in disbelief, despite the circumstances. I barely felt the clenched hoof impacting my face. "My ten year old sister hits harder than you."

And, believe me, she packs quite a punch.

The knocked back Changelings recovered quickly, standing back up and ready to fight. Grabbing the horn of the minion that hit me, I glanced at Cadence, who nodded in determination. Spinning the creature around, I released, and the monarch caught the minion via pink magic, impacting him with quick speed into two more Changelings.

This fight was slowly bringing a grin to my muzzle. I was quite enjoying this battle.

Though my foes shared no similar enthusiasm, as I quickly rolled to the right while green beams of energy flew by me. Ah, they realized melee attacks were futile against us. I noticed to the side their main target effortlessly blocking their attacks, a large pink shield absorbing their magic assaults. Side-steeping another passing green beam, I pushed myself upwards on one hoof, and delivered a swift roundhouse kick to a Changeling's face, throwing him back into a wall. His partner was startled, and I used that opportunity for an uppercut to the muzzle, my opponent flying upwards before crashing onto the marble floor.

Taking a quick second, I glanced at the door. Where were the real guards?

Four more guards advanced on me this time, completely recognizing now I wasn't a pony to take lightly. I made a bring-it gesture, prepared to clobber these jokers one by one. But instead, they grinned as green magic engulfed themselves, using their skills of disguise to turn into-

"Oh, big mistake my friends." It was my turn to look sadistic towards the multiple sneering Stardust's. No holding back now.

Their green-blue eyes widened in shock as I leapt forward, punching one in the nose, elbowing another, placing my back hoof underneath the next and hurling him over us, before headbutting the remainder. The rapid attacks immediately caused them to change back, the standing two rubbing their nose and face from my assaults.

"Oops, I suppose I went a little overboard." They should be grateful they're fighting me and not my battle-hungry brother. Compared to me he's a force to be reckoned with. Multiple blue eyes glared at my false regret, before charging again.

Will they ever learn?

Urgh. Okay that hurt, as two clenched hoofs struck my chest, I heard surprised choking as my own front two hooves lunged forward in retaliation, catching the two minions by the neck, before smashing the two's heads together. Not fatally, I will add. The dazed Changelings slid on the floor, I wonder if they were seeing stars at the moment.

"Retreat! Retreat!"

I frowned at the minion who spoke up. Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? As if we're going to allow you to get away. From the side, Cadence looks to have beaten her six opponents without breaking a sweat, staring impassively at the retreating Changelings with a bright glowing horn.

Suddenly the sound of the door opening forcibly happened, followed by a male voice. "You're not going anywhere, Changelings!"


Staring with composed anger at the hissing creatures, Shining Armor entered the room, a squadron of guards filling in behind him as he commanded, "Detain them at once!"

Suffice to say, the guards were quick to oblige, rather happily I might add. As the quantity of the pegasi outweighed the number of remaining either knocked out or cowering Changelings, it didn't take long to arrest them.

"Are you all right?" Armor asked towards his fiancee, who smiled happily towards him before leaning their head against one another lovingly.

"I'm fine, my love." Cadence assured him, their moment lasting for a short moment before raising an amused brow. "You certainly took your time."

Armor smiled slightly. "One of my loyal guards informed me of a group heading towards your location, in a rather disorganized movement. I rounded up as many as possible before it was too late." His blue eyes scanned the area before speaking in amusement, "Though it looks like you took care of everything yourself."

"Well, I can't have all the credit." Pink grateful eyes settled on me, and when Armor followed her gaze, his eyes widened before a light smirk crossed his muzzle. Then he and his fiancee walked towards me, a white hoof struck out as a token of thanks, which I happily shook.

"Well, it seems, once again Stardust, I'm in your debt." The white stallion said, sounding both bemused and humoured by my presence. "First you saved my life, now you helped the mare of my life."

I shrugged. "Think nothing of it my friend." Though I do wonder... did I change anything from this? Would the real Cadence still be around for her wedding? I guess we'll find out very soon. "I'm just glad I was here to stop those things from kidnapping your beloved here."

"And we are forever grateful for your assistance." Cadence nodded, the the shared smiles making me feel rather uncomfortable by the positive emotions sent my way. "But although I wish we could express our gratitude further, don't you have somewhere to be, Stardust?"

Somewhere to- Oh!

"[BEEP]!" I exclaimed, quickly heading towards the door as several guards were startled by the beeping noise. Twilight's party! I can't miss it-!

"You've forgotten this." Huh? The sight of a floating cape caught my eye, and I graciously caught the fabric, nodding in thanks to the couple. "Have fun, and be sure to wish my future in-law a happy birthday,"

"I will." I vowed, putting the cape back on before immediately departing.

Christ, hopefully Twilight will forgive me. I'm sure my present will change whatever downcast feelings I caused towards that sentimental mare.

That fight in the room took a lot more out of me than I thought.

By the time I reached the ballroom doors I was utterly exhausted, having been to the room once when Armor provided me with a tour around the castle. Inhaling deeply for a moment, before exhaling, I slowly opened the brown doors into the place.

Big shock. The whole place was decorated by party balloons and bits everywhere; a clear sign of Pinkie Pie's previous presence. I say 'previous' because upon first notice, no one was inside. Not a single pony, to my confusion and growing disappointment.

Did they... Did they leave? Was the celebration already over with? Did I miss the whole thing...?

Oh Christ, Twilight... I'm so sorry...

Entering the room, checking around, it was clear at least the mare's had a hell of a time. Hopefully my absence didn't put that much of a damper on things. Maybe Rarity spoke on my behalf, telling them I wasn't even aware of the party.

Would she, though? After our heated debate yesterday?

Sighing, I made my way over to the table holding the food and drinks, spotting the unopened bottles of soda. That brought a small smile on my muzzle. They knew how much I loved the stuff, so they evidently brought some in case I attended. How thoughtful... but now it just makes me feel even more guilty.

Well... can't let them go to waste.

Pulling out the folded paper, I placed it to the side before grabbing a bottle, effortlessly pulling the lid off and downing the sustenance. The refreshing taste of the cold liquid flowing down within my tired body. That hits the spot. Who needs any other pick-me-up drink when you have cola-?

The paper was gone.

Immediately noticing its absence, I panicked, almost spitting out my drink before forcibly swallowing it. Coughing from doing such, I quickly looked around the table for the missing parchment. Where did it go? Where did it go? I can't have already lost it, I placed it right on this spot-!


"Twilight...?" I asked, baffled by the sudden appearance of the purple unicorn, wearing a light yellow dress obviously woven by Rarity and used for this special occasion. Said mare was preoccupied reading the contents of the unfolded paper, the floating item blocking me from seeing her expression. But the visible hair, tail and glowing horn told me who it was. I sighed, "I'm sorry for being late, I -"

My words were quickly cut off, as Twilight proceeded to invade my personal space and embrace me at breathtaking speed, speaking in a quiet yet ecstatic tone. "This is the kindest, most sweetest gift anyone has ever given to me..."

Slowly I returned the gesture, hugging the unicorn slowly upon accepting the warm embrace. For whatever reason, a sense of calmness and... peace took over my whole being from the mare's sentimental embrace.

Eventually we broke apart, those positive emotions departing with her soft limbs. Twilight had the brightest smile on her face, while I rubbed the back of my head. What was with this awkwardness just now...? "Well, I had to express my gratitude somehow, Twilight, after all this time. Despite knowing what I am, you still took me in, treated me as a proper friend still, never pressing me too far for answers. And I wanted to get you something not only special, but also in a way of saying thanks for being a great friend."

Oh good lord, these ponies sappiness have gotten to me... I sound so cliche...

"...Twilight?" I then noticed the leaky wide eyes, tears threatening to fall down her face. Was she that flattered by my truthful thoughts about her?

Noticing my concern, the unicorn quickly rubbed her eyes, speaking hurriedly, "Oh, sorry, I'm just... so flattered by what you wrote..."

I smiled apologetically. "No I'm sorry, for putting you in this state. I forgot how humble you are."

At the compliment, her smile only widened, her cheeks notably pinker as the paper continued floating beside her. "I absolutely love it, Stardust. No one's ever written me a poem before... I don't know what else to say."

"How about, 'you are the most handsome stallion on Equestria, and a great friend'?" I replied jokingly. But her claims of loving my gift were filling me with joy.

"Well... we can agree on the latter." Twilight winked in her own jesting way, before appraising the written poem again. "Still, I can't believe you've written me a poem. Me. This is so thoughtful of you. And I never knew you were a poet."

I shrugged. "I used to write poems during my days in high school. My skills are rusty, I'll admit. So I'm sorry for the flawed result-"

"'Flawed'? It's perfect, Stardust." Wow... hearing that brought some sense of clarity within me. I couldn't wipe the stupid grin off my muzzle for the compliments. Twilight giggled at my attempts of doing so, "I'm lucky to have a sweet, thoughtful friend like you."

"And I'm honoured to be worthy of being your friend, my dear Twilight."

The flattered unicorn looked away shyly for a moment, before inclining her head to a nearby pair of opened blue doors behind her. "Come on, we're sharing my party with another one happening in the royal gardens."

Oh... Oh so that's where you all went. The large windows to my left revealed the crowd of ponies outside. Walking alongside the unicorn to greet the others, the letter returned to my cape pocket for safekeeping. I decided to jokingly comment on the simplistic dress she adorned. "Yellow does not suit you, love."

Twilight threw me an amused glance. "I missed you too, Stardust."

I smirked. "Happy birthday, Twilight."

Her eyes glinted, clearly happy to see me for whatever reason. "So... was the poem the reason you were late?"

I shook my head. "I wasn't told about your party here until recently. I would've been here sooner if I wasn't held up by..."


...No. No I shouldn't ruin the atmosphere. I'll tell Twilight another time. The matter of the Changelings will be dealt with later. I smiled at the curious unicorn. "By your time-consuming mentor, of course."

The studious equine rolled her eyes in mock-annoyance. "Hardy har. Even on my birthday you mock someone I look up to."

"Would you have me any other way?"

"Well... that are a few things about you that could do with some improvement." Twilight shrugged casually, inciting my widened smirk. "Oh, and sorry we didn't drop by your room earlier so you would accompany us to the party; Pinkie was highly enthusiastic on starting the party and... well, you're not fond of parties in general, are you?"

"Depends, unless for a special occasion like this." Like for you. I refrained from adding that misinterpreting statement. "Besides, after everything you've done for me, I'd be an absolute shallow moron for intentionally missing your special day like this."

"I'll keep that in mind during my next Birthday then." We shared a chuckle. Upon arriving outside, any hopes of discretion and being unnoticed by others immediately vanished as the unicorn announced loudly, "Everyone, this is another of my friends, Stardust Balance!"

As all eyes looked at us, I proceeded to glare at the unfazed humoured Twilight. You'll pay for this later...

"I say, you don't mean the Stardust Balance, do you?" A white, posh-looking suit-wearing unicorn with a monocle, blue mustache, and clean blue hair inquired while approaching us. His blue eyes regarded me with intrigue. "The bold stallion who bested Prince Blueblood in a duel?"

I nodded, bowing formally to the stallion. "Indeed so, Mr...?"

"Oh where are my manners? Please, call me Fancypants-" Wow, his parents must really have hated him upon birth. "- It is an honour to meet you good sir." Before I could respond at the delusional pony, he called out behind him. "My dear Rarity, you neglected to mention being acquainted with this outstanding stallion here."

Said mare quickly turned up, wearing her own expensive-looking dress, smiling apologetically at the three of us. "Forgive me, I wasn't aware of Stardust's knowledge of the party."

I shrugged. "I was informed just earlier. Hoping to keep me away, 'my dear Rarity'?"

"Of course not!" The unicorn bristled. "I was simply distracted with everything-"

"Can we not start an argument tonight?" Twilight asked, clearly exasperated. "Please, let's just celebrate a very important day, and discuss something heatedly on another."

Meeting her purple pleading eyes, I sighed while while nodding. "As you wish, my dear."

"I concur with Miss Sparkle here." Fancypants - Jesus what a name - gestured to the partying crowd. "Come, I would like to learn more about your friends, Rarity; particularly the stallion who humiliated that arrogant Prince at the Grand Galloping Gala."

Well, nice to see that even the posh agree that Bluebutt wasn't someone to admire.

"Let's get this party started!" Twilight announced, heading straight towards a table with an old-fashioned record player on standby.

"Oh God she hasn't already danced has she?" I asked the stallion walking with me.

"Indeed she has."

"Oh I am so sorry." I said sincerely to the pair. Twilight's dancing... well, it left much to be desired. And that was me being kind.

Obviously hearing this, the purple unicorn called out. "What, you can do better Stardust?"

"In my sleep. And you already saw me dance before, remember?"

"Then why don't you show off your moves on the dance floor and prove your claim to the others?"

I smirked at the playful challenging tone, passing my removed cape to a surprised Rarity. "Challenge accepted, birthday girl."

A message to you, to say I'm grateful.

To a friend who's kind and never hateful.

Accepting me for who I am.

Who usually makes me happy as a clam.

A pursuer of knowledge, her heart pure.

Undeserving of her friendship, I'm sure.

I am not a hero, or a shining knight.

But a warrior, a man, forever thankful towards his dear Twilight.

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