• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 18,895 Views, 1,952 Comments

A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 184: Friendship Con





Haha! Getting better at it every time!

Dusting off my returned dark blue coat - God I've missed you old friend - I shoved gold hands in pockets and made confident steps towards the pathway onto the front of the compensating building, intending to get whatever urgency was here dealt with. Of course, naturally, I was to be greeted by the most basic cliches among high school could possibly achieve.

"Good morning Stardust!" "Hey Stardust!" "Bonjour Stardust!" "Top of the morning Stardust!" "Have my babies Stardust!"

Pretty certain that last one was entirely within my head. Regardless, I couldn't resist but smile and wave to all the students hanging out across the courtyard, having no real business. But there's no reason not show basic courtesy, was there?

Second I opened the glass doors, the typical aroma of school assaulted my nostrils, but I continued my best to strive on. Quantities of students in teens and just reaching there conversing, laughing and doing all matters they did these days. It almost gave me nostalgic recollections of my years in that youth. Almost.

"Hi Stardust!"


"It's been way too long Stardust! Where ya been?"

"Ohh here and there."

"You're looking better Stardust!"

"It's the coat isn't it?"

"How's Twilight doing, Stardust?!"

"Good thanks! I'll tell her you asked!"

Last time I arrived here wasn't by choice, the incident when Zagreus invaded the castle and Sombra dragged me here for safety. There was almost going to be another time, a month ago, when Sunset unexpectedly visited with some crisis regarding her friends and a stone. The matter was quickly dealt with by her independent hand. I would've gone with to aid her once the bacon-haired teenager returned to this world, but decided I should finally start trusting her.

Sunset's a big girl. Hell, she's more woman than most women. I shouldn't always be there to hold her and the human girls' hands to success, and they were all aware.

In any case, why I was here. Starswirl mentioned some kind of problem prior to my arrival here, randomly moving down some hallway through CHS then and placing faith in my gut. Following words that I should have a keen eye out for any posters that would fancy my interest...

Like that one, just capturing the corner of my eye and immediately provoking my direction towards the colourful poster on the school wall, promoting something that was rather surprising to find in an educational facility of all things. Hazel eyes wandered over in familiarity, scanning the recognizable template for what was being advertised.


The rest displaying some details and a date, all of which perked my brows higher by every word. Not that it was shocking for cons to exist in this universe as well - They were in Equestria, which was a hundred times more stun-worthy - but what was something like this doing in a school? Did a student tape this, some geek too excited that it had to be shared for anyone ignorant? Well, declare me enlightened-

"Hello Pinkie." I addressed in good humour to the bouncy young girl suddenly beside me, the corner of my wide blue-green orb catching the edges of pink floofy hair.

"I didn't know you were going to Friendship Con!" Bright hands grasped my shoulder, whirling me face to face in regarding the beaming, eager expression on the teen's bubbly features. "I didn't even know you liked cons! We can go together!" Shout out to the ballerina outfit she currently adorned too.

"I think it simply just garnered his curiosity Pinkie, that's all." A certain amused voice answered for me, having Pinkie's incentive to step aside so the sight of Sunset Shimmer approached, in that new attire of hers. A coy smirk, Sunset coming to greet her unworthy 'teacher' with a playfully warm fist to the shoulder. "Good to see you Stardust."

Guess we weren't addressing past mistakes just yet again? Ah well, that worked for me; we could sort that nasty business out later, providing me spare time to dwell the right words and apologies to give.

Meanwhile, then, I returned the gesture, tapping the bare shoulder peeking out between the spike-leather. "I know you're a Goddess among the school, Sunset, but if you're trying to lessen appeal, aren't the spikes a little overkill?"

A snort, Sunset only giving the faintest of blushes this time, but no stammering like a certain lavender equine. "Glad to see looking like your gold self again regained your confident to hit on girls behind Twilight's back."

"You make me sound so disloyal."

"Could've fooled me."

We stared... Then burst into laughter, Pinkie joining in louder than between us, my chest heaving up and down in joyful union. Un-pocketing my renewed golden hands, I looked over the bacon-haired pony-turned-human's shoulder curiously. "The girls in class?"

Sunset shrugged. "They're getting there."

"Except for Twilight ever since she's been skipping last classes since last week." Our heads turned to Pinkie, my own tilting by those strange words. Twilight, the human one, skipping school? Doesn't sound like any version of her would do that.

Sunset, sensing my confusion, nodded and decided to clarify. "She has been leaving notes for last school lessons before abruptly leaving the premises lately. Twilight would have some good reason to skip classes."

"Yeah! Like maybe a sick family member, or a new invention she just can't get away from! Or maybe Twilight's secretly harboring two new versions of Stardust here ever since they landed into her lap." Ah Pinkie, always talking gibberish. The pink girl giggled and beamed warmly by my playful pat on the head, smiling faintly myself.

"I wouldn't worry about it, in any case." Sunset folded her arms with a casually relaxed expression. "If Twilight's in any trouble, she knows she can always ask us for help."

Good point. Plus I wasn't sensing anything amiss. The young teen then cleared her throat, regarding me yet again with a brow-raised gesture.

"Not that your visit isn't welcomed, Stardust - Despite what others may think - I'm guessing this isn't just a casual visit?"

"Awww!" Pinkie chimed in with a lovable pout, blue soulful eyes turning to me. "Your Twilight always visits just to hang out. Can't we hang out for once without some super-terrifying-worldwide-crisis?"

"Hmhm. She's got a point." Sunset remarked with a faint smirk, cocking her head as red and yellow streaks flawlessly flowed downwards. "Someday we could just, you know, get together without addressing some end-of-the-world scenario. Just saying."

I nodded. Some day. Kinda wanted it myself, believe it or not.

"So, again, what brings you here Stardust, and how can we help?" Sunset, always prepared to face whatever obstacle presented, dangerous or otherwise. The sheer passionate loyalty and resolve to fight truly admirable. I smiled in gratitude then, supposing it wouldn't hurt to have her assistance, especially when I had no particular idea what exactly I was in for.

"Well..." My hazel eyes wandered to the taped poster, offering my own coy smile in response to their waiting expressions. "Believe it or not, I'm here to attend Friendship Con."

Oh, the looks on their faces was something. Wish I had a camera with me. Sunset's jaw dropped in genuine surprise, whereas Pinkie was suddenly vibrating then in glee, stars in those joyful sky eyes.

Finding me, soon enough, whirled around in the air by an incredibly strong bubbly teen. "This is great!" Her child, endearing-at-this-point voice piercing the echos of the halls and attracting attention. "We can all go together! What are you gonna wear? Oh, don't tell me, I want it to be a surprise! How will you get a costume in time? Oh I know, Rarity! She'd be more than happy to make something for you! What's your shoe size? What's your favourite colours? Do you like Daring Do? Mare-Do-Well? Ohhhhhh this is gonna be so exciting! You can come with us to Friendship Con with Rainbow after school! We can hang out after all! THIS IS GONNA BE FANTASTIC!"

My head was admittedly spinning a little when the eager young woman finally released me, prompting my side and shoulder against the locker for support. Sunset just kept giggling quietly to herself from my disposition, cerulean orbs gleaming only the faintest of sympathy.

Before a rainbow blur almost knocked her down. "Sunset! Quickly, I need your spare pencil- Oh hey Stardust... Did you forget to brush this morning?"

There's an irony to this, but I wasn't clever enough to spot it. Walking and talking happily with Sunset, Rainbow and Pinkie down the street soon being filled with cosplayers all aimed for the same direction. Pinkie adorning a giant a cupcake that took up more than half the pavement, hence why she's walking in front of us there in our own steady pace despite bouncing up and down at times. Sunset cosplaying a cop; make of that what you will. And Rainbow?

First guess and you'd probably be right.

The bacon-haired woman chuckled and shook her head. "For the last time, we're not responsible for naming the con, it's been around long before we became friends."

"You pretty much influence everything that goes on in this town, so pardon my skepticism." I quipped in good nature, grinning hurmouredly, addressing both girls behind me. "A little too big of a coincidence."

Rainbow scoffed playfully whilst Sunset rolled fond eyes. "Puh-lease! If I could, I'd give the con a way more awesomer name. Like... Cool Con. Or Awesome Con! Or-"

"Twenty-Percent Cooler Con?"

"...Steal my thunder why don't you...?" Rainbow grumbled to herself, prompting our small affectionate laughter. Yes, things will be alright for now.

Sunset opted to address something next. "Talking of cons, I'm still surprised you'd even want to go so willingly, fate of the world or not, Stardust. They don't seem like your thing."

"You kidding?" I glanced over my shoulder, eyebrows raised. "Nothing wrong with cons so long as they don't involve scamming people." What were the chances the EQG variants of Flim and Flam might be there too? "Went one time with my Dad and siblings; got myself two pics taken and an autograph signed to my little sister... Good times." I smiled in nostalgia then, remembering those events a few months before returning to Equestria.

Well, this world first when the siren incident was at hand, but the point stood its ground. This might be a fun time; rarely happening in this specific universe.

"Well." The pony-turned-human commented then after a pause of open thoughtfulness, something had seemed to be briefly on her mind. "We're glad you're here." Which was still a surprise for me, all honesty.

"Yeah! Nice to see Princess Twilight's boyfriend has some taste!" Okay, Sunset might be willing to forgive and forget, Pinkie wasn't even in question, but it was Rainbow's seeming lack of a grudge that took me off-guard the most. Not one trace of open mistrust or disdain emerging from the star athlete for any motive. Of all people, Rainbow's trust should be the most challenging to win back.

Even though I wasn't confident I had won back my Twilight's complete faith yet... Anyway, comic con!

"I've always had taste Rainbow." Tapping my own nose with a sly wink. "You just never show me things that are actually interesting."

A playful snort. "That why you're not even wearing a costume?" Blue hand motioned to the golden warrior walking in front of the teen and friend. "Going as, what, yourself?"

"Why the Hell not?" I cheerfully answered in humoured joy, widening my arms before moving backwards, still following after the gleeful Pinkie and smiling warmly towards the blue and yellow girls. "Only I get the chance to cosplay myself. I'm a celebrity of my home, after all."

Sunset's brows both raised in bemusement, smiling in baffled humour. "Wow. Becoming an alicorn certainly ramped up your self-esteem to ten."

"More like a hundred!" Rainbow remarked with her own curious grin. "You've been acting like an entire new person the whole walk here Stardust! What happened back in Pony World?"

"Absorbing all that mixture of harmonic, chaotic, balance and imbalanced magic into my own form as a near-sacrifice for the multiverse came with some side-effects. Nothing too major, but the enhanced boost to my body and magic also mentally shifted core aspects of my personality to shine through; Balance acting like an energy source constantly pumping me up to feel a plethora of good and bad emotion altogether to sustain its own power. Like a symbiotic relationship, but without the feed off." Pausing to take a deep breath, then looking back to the girls coyly. "At least, that's what Twilight theorizes."

"Well I like New Stardust!" Pink arm wrapping around my taller shoulders and pulling me to walk beside the cosplayed Pinkie with what little room on the sidewalk provided then. "Everyone should be more happy than just often! This is going to be an amazing afternoon!"

Sunset chuckled. "All that's well and good, but I still don't understand how precisely taking in all that magic transformed you back into a pony, let alone an alicorn. Wouldn't it have just been impossible?"


"Save the science and magic stuff later!" Rainbow immediately interrupted with a blue finger sticking out in-between Pinkie and I, unable to hide exotic glee as a large building, decorated and filled with so many colourful citizens in various outfits came into view from around the corner. "We're here!"

Wow, it was just like... Pretty much any other con. Despite which, I smiled at the sight before me, crowds of costumed people - Kids, teens and adults alike - wandering around expressing enthusiasm and interest. Children eagerly pulling the hands of their uncomfortable parents that were likely bribed into coming here by the excitement and joy of their young. A whole rainbow of individuals come to spend the day exploring and buying from the various geek stalls which had so many to offer.

I wonder if this world had anime, or some equivalent to it. My little sister would have leapt for joy if that became a thing around here.

"Woo-hoo!" Pinkie yelled with a bounce of enthrallment, her cupcake attire almost knocking people passing by. From the continuous cream dripping from its edges, almost making us slip constantly the walk here. Half of me pondered if that massive bun was more authentic than I originally assumed. Only Pinkie would be capable of trying that.

"Awesome!" Rainbow expressing more enthusiasm for this than I give credit for, fist-bumping the air. A closet geek if ever there was one. Oh no! What would the people at their school think?! "According to the web, A.K Yearling will be starting her autograph session in just-" Pausing to inspect her watch. "Ten minutes! Oh I can't wait to take a photo with me while signing my latest edition of 'Daring Do and the Nine-Tailed Scorpion!'" Pulling out both a camera and a clean book while practically screaming in joy.

...Should I tell her? Nah, I can boast about it later. For now, let the athlete have her fun.

"Oh! I think I see the Daring Do merchandise far off. I'll catch you guys later!" And in a blur without any consideration for discretion and secret identity, the blue-skinned teen was gone, leaving only three. Figures she'd keep the geode on.

Pinkie, meanwhile, was quick to follow our friend's example, pointing wildly yonder. "Look, I see the multi-flavoured cotton candy machine over there!" Gesturing to some large pink machine peeking out from the hundreds of stalls. "Did you know they make cola AND vanilla sundae flavours now?!"

My eyebrows shot up. Cola? Sounded tempting. Alas, the pink teen eagerly hopped on her way over to the candy store, leaving just us two now.

Sunset, sharing my wide smirk, did something else by placing dark large sunglasses over her eyes, prompting my low chuckle and witty remark. "You're gonna have boys chasing you all around the place."

A light jab to my arm, with the amused Sunset replying, "Another word from you and I'll have you arrested for unfaithfulness to the crown." Oh no, anything but that. We both laughed lightly together, moving slightly to a spot so we wouldn't get in the way of further cosplayers and disgruntled adults stepping into the lively spot. "Although, I could do with my own police dogs."

"I sincerely doubt they're well-trained, my dear officer." It was like everything back then never happened. But it still did, and with that in mind. "Sunset-"

"Sunset! Hey!" Interrupted all too conveniently, I guess it'd have to wait some more. Ah well, at least I wouldn't ruin the mood potentially yet. Our gazes switched over to a pale green-skinned female with darker green hair, cosplaying as, by my assumption, some kind of seawitch. Sunset's expression warmed a thousand times more at the sight of an obvious friend.

"Wallflower!" The two girls hugged in equal greeting. Wallflower, didn't I hear that name before...? Was she related to that incident? Pulling back but gripping each other's arms friendly, the bacon-haired teen proceeded to comment more in greeting. "I love the costume. Ursulac right? I didn't think cons were your thing!"

"We all have to try something new eventually. Although this isn't my first time at one." Wallflower giggled tenderly, before gazing down to her own scaly cosplay. "You got it. I like your look too. I guess it's fitting with how much of a hero you are." Huh, never thought of it like that.

Sunset smirked in playful flattery, shrugging in casual warmth. "It's just the first thought that came to me. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are here too if you wanna greet them later."

"Heh... Yeah maybe later. I'm actually kinda glad you're here moreso." Wallflower began rather meekly, tapping her forefingers together with a sheepish expression. "I'm still working on my confidence but... Could you help me with something if you have the time? One of my favourite writers is here to sign autographs and... Well he has a lot of fans cued up already..."

I inhaled softly through nostrils, spotting an inkling of me in this young lady. My own soft smile emerged from Sunset's encouraging response, a yellow hand on a green shoulder. "Of course." Glancing my way inquisitively. "You wanna come with us?"

Ah. Nah, this was their moment to hang out. I shook my head with an offering grin. "I'll be alright on my own. Go and help a friend who needs it." Sunset's brow raised, followed by a nod as both grinning girls eagerly, soon enough, commenced disappearing into the crowd, away from my sight. They'll be fine.

Never mind the look Sunset gave from my declining. Anywho, I leaned off the wall, clasping and rubbing gold hands together. Seriously, I have missed this stronger, more agile and, most importantly, TALLER form. Now, what should I do while they're having fun? Seek out the supposed danger Starswirl, or have a little fun exploring the place myself?


Killing two birds with one stone came to mind. I soon joined the mixtures myself, hands in pockets with a pleasant expression on my face, all feeling immensely right in the world.

"Thank you again sir." And thank YOU again, Starswirl, for the money required to pay for this, holding the signed comic after its famed head writer finished with it. I smiled politely. "My son will absolutely love this."

"Don't worry about it kid." The elderly endearing voice of a man who was considered a legend, evident by the hundreds of queues and almost two hours it took for me to even get near. An aged but kind hand clasping my shoulder with surprising strength, the smile and gleam in his eyes brighter than any beam Celestia could give. "Your son is lucky to have someone like you for a father."

For some reason, that heated up my heart incredibly fast, a little lost for words before nodding with a quick farewell, allowing the next person in line to get their signing and photo, before I could breathe normally again. That man reminded me of someone, and it wasn't Starswirl.

Regardless, I examined the cover to the latest equivalent of the Power Ponies edition. Yep, Spike will be exploding with joy once I come home with this, and just picturing the expression on his face couldn't have my grin stretch wider anymore possible. Would I be lying if I said this was one of my original motivations to journey here, either alone or with the human girls? All that's left now is to get some kind of souvenir for the friends and girlfriend back home. What would Starlight like? She rarely expresses other interests outside of her kite hobby.

Maybe a pet small rock of her own for playdates with Maud. Heheheh. Or maybe her own magician toolset to share a hobby with Trixie. A book of historic fictional magic for her and Sunburst to enjoy? That reminds me, I should get Flurry something too! Maybe a plushie. Oh I wonder if they had their own equivalent to Pokemon here!

Alright, it's settled, the search for plushies. But first, a secluded spot to hide myself in for something. With that, I moved on my way, politely excusing myself passing by others in the various crowd. Most of which teenagers.

"Euan, you're stepping on my dress!" Some bug-dressed girl was yelling irritably at an Doctor Octopus knock-off. Another bug-dressed person, a boy, chuckling weakly by the commotion.

Pinkie might love the cotton candy her human self was preoccupied with at present. Maybe a sample of multiple flavours for her.

"Sorry Osaka..."

Passing by a stall caught my amused eyes. Imagine if I got Rainbow a body pillow? The image caused my snort of laughter. God, the hopeless confusion on her equine face would be more than worth the effort.

"You two should just kiss already..." A man wearing a red cape muttered with a roll of the eyes. Was that a Doctor Strange ripoff? Huh.

The girl growled. "Shut it Neutron!"

Rarity. What would dear Rarity enjoy? Maybe they'd have some kind of perfume stand authentic from whatever fiction it was spawned from. I don't think cosplay outfits were the fashion mare's style.

"Guys please. We're causing a scene..."

"That wouldn't be happening if this big oaf wasn't stepping on my costume constantly. Have how do you put up with these guys Liuv?!"

"Kane, please tell them to stop!"

Fluttershy. Now for her, maybe something for her critter friends, perhaps some animal toys I could spot around here.

"For the love of- Would you two pipe down already." Growled a boy in some oddly-coloured design with a long yellow cape touching the dirt floor. Comic heroes, right? "We're going to miss the photoshoots if we don't get our mindsets together."

"I'm with Infernal." Came the Strange knockoff's response beside him. "You two should just really find a hidden spot-" Hilariously thrown onto the floor painfully by a hurled, precise shoe.

Hm... Applejack might be in favour of candy apples. I'll see if they got any of them here.

Finding a secluded spot behind a stand, I checked left and right before holding up the comic, letting Starswirl do his thing. In a second, vanished, placed somewhere else safe and neat. Rolling it in my pocket would be ruining it. I want Spike to have a perfectly clean, and enjoyable comic as a present back home.

Now for Twilight... Ah boy.

If some might have guessed, despite barely having me leave her sight for just a second until Balance demanded my help, the beautiful lavender bookworm was still outrageously furious with me, resorting to not even acknowledge my presence altogether while in the same room. But at the same time, refusing to let me leave her field of vision unless for bathroom and food breaks.

Suffice to say, it's gonna be a pretty long time until she ultimately forgives me for my past mistakes of leaving. Twilight when she's angry... Oh boy.

Both the hottest and more terrifying thing in the whole multiverse.

Despite this, still, I opted to more than make up for it at every chance. Flowers every morning, chocolates every afternoon, and poems at every evenings. Re-arranging, sorting and respecting the library books again and again, doing house/castle chores for Spike, devoting time and effort in making up for lost time with son and friends alike.

Well, of course, the other mares took their time forgiving me as well. Fluttershy and Pinkie were quick to, obviously, and for that I was grateful for. Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow were still on the fence towards accepting my repentance. Starlight was more forgiving than most, often sparing me from Twilight's neverending surveillance so we could catch up on matters while providing some heavy-handed vocal jabs and lectures, doing most of the work for Twilight whose breathtaking sparkling eyes spoke louder than words.

These things take time, and I knew that all too well. Still, doesn't mean I can't make another attempt here and now. What would Twilight love as a gift from a comic con? A Friendship Con, no less?

...Oh, I have a few ideas-!


A minor aching pain to the back of my head, evidently by some blunt instrument impacting my skull from behind earlier, rendering me unconscious in the blink of an eye. Dammit, still in this form I couldn't operate Balance properly. Even the magic was taking its time to forgive my forced absence.

Blinking dazedly, I took note of my surroundings, having rested with my face in a hard desk. Small close room, perfectly squared, no windows but a door where the noises of excited cosplayers and children alike were having a blast. My wrists, upon attempt to move them, bound behind to the chair I was sat upon. So a brief kidnapping then? Interesting, what poor soul would doom themselves like that?

My answer was provided soon enough by the single door opening, and the sight of a woman in a less-than-formal uniform than she once adorned entering the room. Pale-sickly skin, dark hair with streaks of pink in orderly lines. Stern wide eyes behind absurdly small glasses. How was it difficult to even not recognize her.

Regardless, I tilted my head in genuine puzzlement. "Shouldn't you be rotting in jail somewhere?" At first, no answer, the tall woman taking her seat at the other side of the table, her steel gaze drilling into my amused own. Was I worried? Not in the least!

What harm could this villain possibly do to me?

"I had hoped the naming of this event would attract the attention of my disloyal best student." The former Principal of Crystal Prep started with cold casualness, keeping her sat posture professionally courteous. Perked brows. "Regardless, you will do just fine as bait. Not to mention what my employer demands of me."

"You haven't answered my question." Though raised several more. "How are you out of prison so early? I don't think bribing a minor lasts a few months of a sentence."

"I have my connections." Cinch replied smoothly, looking just as haughty and presumably in control as last time. Guess jail didn't ruin enough of her vanity. "It wasn't difficult to escape captivity and assume a position through this brief line of work. Unfortunately, my actions were brought to the school council, thus prohibiting me from taking any line of work education-wise again."

"My heart grieves for you." Came my flat response, followed by a coy smile, amusing myself. "Oh wait, no it doesn't."

"He warned me you would be difficult." A low sneer following through that cold voice, the deathly eyes narrowing with pure disdain oozing from her repulsive features. "The boyfriend to an alternate variation of my former greatest student indeed. No wonder you stoked the rebellion in Twilight I had worked so hard to shove down."

"That brought about your own downfall." I replied instantly, the reminder of all she caused on the teen spiking my brief irritation, following that with fact. "Twilight is stronger in will and heart than either of us could ever be. Any version of her outmatches us no matter what. Try to keep people in line, Cinch, and the more strength they will gain to break out from the chains. She would have stopped dancing to your tunes eventually, with or without my encouragement."

"Your 'encouragement' cost me everything." Breaking more and more out of character, and I couldn't resist my smug smirk from the criminal on the verge of seething. Coughing politely to regain composure, to my disappointment, Cinch continued more calmly despite the malice still dancing in her orbs. "No matter. I am nothing if not adaptable, I will have my retribution today, Stardust Balance. It has been months in the making, after all."

"So you played a role in setting up this event, naming it the 'Friendship Con' in some vague anticipation of Twilight turning up? Do you anything about your former student at all?" I raised a brow rather incredulously.

"I know Twilight well enough that she is eager to please. To impress. Praise and recognition mean everything to her." Then you knew nothing about her after all, Cinch. "If not for your meddling and causing her this belief that she could disrespect her wise superiors." I tended to have that effect. Cinch leaned closer then, eyes narrowing yet again with sincere cold puzzlement. "Tell me young man, why do you show no fear?"

I blinked, not expecting that sudden turn of conversation. "No fear? You're gonna have to clarify oh-wise blackmailer."

Her pale lips curled in distaste, but obliged in a matter of being professional. "You are trapped here, with no 'magic' to assist you. Your friends in the con blissfully unaware of your present state, and nothing prevents me now from confronting my former pupil for everything she has committed upon me. Not to mention that traitorous woman now running my school." Raising a casual brow in spite of the heavy threats behind her words. "Yet, you express no fear to this. Why is that?"

Gaining information, or just actually curious considering what this supposed 'employer' informed to her? I'll play along, shifting myself a little and clearing my throat openly, offering a small smirk. "Well, do you know what's been happening to me?"

"From the appearance of things, you've regained back the forms which permit you to adapt to whichever world you walk upon." She was very well informed.

"Exactly." I couldn't possibly stop the mild enthusiasm from my British tone if I tried. "I feel everything again Cinch; the feel of the ground, the souls of the trees and grass and insects. The emotions and souls from countless beings. The joy and despair from the people exploring the con in that large room learning new things. I can see again! I'm finally Stardust Balance once more, the Warrior of Twilight!"

No trace of disdain this time, Cinch was openly curious and even tilted her head in real interest. "And you find feeling this power again good?"

"I find it amazing!" Was my joyful response, admittedly giddy. "I can do so much to save and protect the people I love. I can be useful and help when I couldn't possibly before; no longer chained and submissive to the limits of a real human body. The world constantly spinning and I can sense every beating heart, every hopes and dreams of the people I walk by in towns. I can become everything than what my people permitted back home; to finally walk away from the shame and start anew!"

"You're ashamed of your own people..."

I nodded, cocking my head side to side as the eagerness lowered significantly to solemn. "At times, yes. Half of them violent hypocrites, the other half content to complain but do no actions themselves."

"And yet you consider yourself no better than them. You despise your own humanity, yet share no objections of being reminded to your origins by coming here continuously." Cinch pointed out knowingly, folding her arms whilst leaning back.

"I don't deny it." I shrugged, offering a weak grin the villain's way. "I guess we're both the worst of our own humanities."

Cinch said nothing, neither vehemently or coolly responding to deny. Guess her ego was tempered somewhat, that or she's internally regarding me in scorn. Most likely the latter. Eventually, the woman in presumably her thirties slowly stood upwards, getting down to business. "I shall inform my employer of your current stature." How kind of you! "He will want to deal with you himself, considering your history together."

History? "Don't do this Cinch." I called out in rather hopeful pleading as she neared the door. "Vengeance is a dish that will shatter in your hands."

A mere pause, before the fired Principal walked out the door, having nothing more to say. I huffed, no last words from a villain. That's a change. Only hope now was Sunset and the others here stopping her whilst I attempted to escape. Beginning to shift and rattle the chair a little while careful not to fall to the side.

Very tightly locked... Starswirl you wouldn't happen to-

Thank you!

Well that was a wonderful conversation, Cinch, but I can't let you get away with exacting vengeance on the human of my beloved or Cadence. Hand working hard to shove the key in the cuffed hole and begin turning.

"Excuse me! Pardon me! Cinch!" The fleeing former Principal paid me no heed, exuding enough imbalance by now that the sensation of it was strikingly familiar. Should I even ask who her employer was at this point?

Cold, ruthless and eager for revenge? Yep, I knew these raw emotions all too well, having battled an adversary of that nature for an immense amount of time.

The lady attempted to hide herself among the crowd, but I wasn't so fooled, managing to keep track around corners and politely pushing through crowds with halfhearted excuses. Crowds at cons, believe it or not, were incredibly easy to navigate and maneuver through. The people were so scattered, so intently focused on visiting these specific aisles with various stalls, not to mention the famous writers and actors signing autographs and taking photographs, that any large formation of individuals here didn't last long. Hence why it was less than difficult towards shimmering and brushing through supposed suffocating rows of cosplayers and disgruntled adults alike.

Either Cinch was in a hurry to carry out her vengeance, or heard me following from behind. Regardless, the disgraced criminal quickened her pace, passing corners and likely trying to shake me off or seek out one of my friends. Something that brought only a spike of anger within me, frowning as it reformed to determination.

You abused one of my friends enough once, Cinch, it won't ever be happening again!

"Hey!" Some young female dressed within a Sailor Moon knockoff exclaimed irritably as I rushed back, accidentally knocking down her mint ice cream.

"Sorry!" I called back whilst continuing on my mad dash. I'd have paid for it if the situation wasn't so dire. I could see Cinch in a better clearing, the pale sick-coloured villain clearly pausing for a moment to converse with someone.

[BEEP], Sunset! And her friend! Spotting from the corner of her eye, the desperate adult immediately shoved the green-haired shy girl onto the floor close by and grabbed an unprepared Sunset in a hostage-stance, baleful eyes glaring my way as people turned towards the commotion.

"One move, boy, and your friend will be tormented in Twilight's place!" My instinct was to take another step forward, but I refrained myself instantly, which prompted her crude tiny smile. "Ah, so running away has improved your survival senses to a degree. Life is our greatest teacher."

"Spare me the education references, you no longer have the right to use them." I snapped in apprehensive concern, watching Sunset struggle to the hold as cerulean eyes glared at Cinch in heated resolve. That's Sunset, showing fear in the face of no enemy. "You've lost, Cinch. Let Sunset go and we'll make this easy for you."

"What my friend said." The bacon-haired teen concurred in calm but fierce acknowledgement. "You have nothing but bark the moment you were arrested, Cinch."

A cold sneer. "Typical teenage arrogance." To be fair, I was growing out of being a teenager now. What was I, twenty-two at this point? Digging into her pocket, the criminal pulled out some kind of glowing blue stone, and my sense became immediately on high alert by the evident magic it was emanating. Her grin was deadly. "I always hold all the cards."

From the side, Wallflower gasped in realized horror while slowly standing up, whereas Sunset's expression froze to sudden sheer panic, her struggle to be released suddenly becoming more frantic. My brows skyrocketed from the reactions, before a cold suspicion snuck its way into my gripped heart.

It couldn't be...!

"You may have discarded the other Memory Stone, but my employer likes to bend the rules for our own benefits." A benefit provided was a certain sorcerer of imbalance, no doubt. "The wonders this amazing piece of magic has done for me since my release." Cinch smirked while explaining, tugging on the teen's wrist and inciting more outrage from me. Alright, getting angry again! "Stop struggling child!" She hissed through bare teeth.

Oh please, Sunset is a hundred times the mature professional adult than you would ever be you depressing old hag! Still, I opted to remain cautious, in case the stone's power was activated by some special words or something.

"Sunset..." The timid voice of Wallflower spoke up, prompting three gazes to turn to the tearful girl, slightly ruining the makeup and directly focusing on the floor in-between the standoff. "I am so, so sorry..."

"Wallflower...?" Sunset asked tenderly in turn, myself following with a curious frown. The villain, however, snorted with venom.

"Don't attempt to excuse yourself from our plans a month back." What? Cinch smirked maliciously to our baffled expressions. "How do you believe the original stone came into possession in the first place? Did Wallflower claim to have found it? Naive children, she played right into our hands! Your 'friend' her was a mere backup plan in case anything went awry. To erase Sunset Shimmer from history and, henceforth-"

"Setting off a multi-explosion of imbalance that would destroy the whole world. YOUR world..." I finished for the woman, eyes narrowed in utter comprehending fury. Sunset, meanwhile, gazed solely on Wallflower, cerulean eyes searching with worry. No anger or dread. Just simple concern.

All she has done. Everything Sunset had brought for Canterlot High - For this world - with hope and resolve, joy and forgiveness, and continues doing so up to now. To take all that away... You'd have to be a worse monster than most.

The green-skinned girl flinched, staring at anything but the eyes of us or the audience observing in curious concern and sheer incredulity. Softly rubbing her own arm with a meek, "They promised me I wouldn't be alone anymore..." Came the affirmed confession, looking far too depressed for my own liking. "That if I used the Stone, I'd have more friends and recognition than I could ever hope for..."

"Wallflower..." Sunset started to say, but was immediately cut off from the cynical chuckle of the villainous former educator.

"How hunger for attention can become a downfall. The craving to be known, to be seen, to be attracted to. It gnaws in the heart and makes one desperate. You played perfectly to our strings, child."

Wallflower, despite this, shook her head, glaring firmly to Cinch and stomping her hoof- Foot down in sudden determination, looking straight into her eyes then without even the slightest hint of anxiety. "You're wrong. It's because of throwing the Stone away that I have never been more happier now than then. I have friends; people to rely on! Help me with my gardens and insecurities while I can help them however I can in turn! I pity you 'Principal!'"

Sunset and I smiled there by the sheer resolve, someone obviously hanging around the former a lot. Said pony-turned-human glanced to the indifferent adult holding her from behind. "Friendship is exclusive to no one, and Wallflower is one of the greatest friends I could ask for." The expression on the timid girl's face was more than heartwarming there.

"Delusional children." Takes one to know one [BEEP]. The haughty woman scoffed with scorn before raising the vibrant stone in preparation. "Regardless, I have someone else to erase of greater significance. And since magic is now usable on him once more..." And aimed it my way. "I shall exude its power upon the very fool who made everything I worked for go down the drain!"

Sunset and Wallflower gasped, and I straightened, apprehensive and ready... Until something, or someone, caught the corner of my eye sneaking behind the vengeful Cinch in front of the crowd, prompting my small smirk. I then proceeded to make a pose Frieza would be proud of... Or somewhat impressed by.

"Even if you remove me from existence and memory, Cinch, it changes very little." Despite the protest in Sunset's eyes, I forced myself to gaze calmly at the glowing power brightening Cinch's sneering expression. "I've done my fair share of saving people, and that's enough for me."

"A shame none of that will ever matter again- AH!"

An unprofessional scream of shock from the cotton candy attacking and sticking wildly upon her bun, giving Sunset the ample distraction needed to stomp the former Principal's foot and be immediately released. From behind, Pinkie hopped over casually to join a relieved and surprised Wallflower. Sunset then awesomely slapped up the Memory Stone high into the air, disappearing in a rainbow blur. Most of this seeming very planned out for last minute.

Quickly I went over to help, but Sunset raised a hand, giving a gesture and expression that says she'll handle the yelling woman causing a fuss with her hair, prompting the laughter and jeers of the crowd around us.

"Look sis!" A kid among the crowd pointed excitedly in his cheap Spider-Man ripoff. "That lady's going hysteric!"

"I do have eyes Atlas..."

The next few seconds were filled with bad[BEEP]erry, Sunset dropping Cinch to the ground, pinning her there with surprising strength and slapping some handcuffs to the wrists on the criminal's back. It was the handcuffs that really did it for me, my laughter of joyful relief. From the side, Rainbow smirked whilst tossing the vibrant stone in her hand all too casually.

Sunset, meeting my brow-raised gaze, merely smirked with a sly wink. "I've been taking lessons on defending myself. Let's say a certain teacher gave me the inspiration." Ah, I grinned wider in flattered pride, unable to stop myself. As Cinch groaned from her place on the used floor, the bacon-haired teen walked around to be face-to-face, kneeling down with cerulean eyes likely blazing determinedly, her voice light but filled with passion. "You know what Wallflower, Stardust and I have in common Cinch?" A baleful glare with strewn candy-filled hair was the answer, but Sunset continued unfazed. "We learn from our past mistakes, and we strive to be better people for it. It helps to have amazing friends assist you in your hour of need."

Spoken like a true good person who learned so much from the past, for the future. And the three of us shared warm smile, causing Pinkie's grin to widen brightly before - Oof! - pulling us into a tight, warm group hug, prompting our coughs of surprise before endearing chuckles all around. Even if the front of my shirt, coat and pants were now stained with icing.

"This isn't over..." Cinch growled while Rainbow pulled out her phone, presumably to call the real police and-

"Smile!" FLASH. Alright, maybe not yet. The star athlete chuckled in her Daring Do costume, already tapping away at her mobile once taking a pic of the distraught and enraged woman laid on the ground. "We're so making this a trend."

Charming. Regardless, the former Principal and current criminal kept trying to sound imposing with oaths of vengeance. "Whatever happens to me will not last, I have-"

"Oh give it a rest already." I snorted, shaking my head with a wry, knowing grin. "Zagreus has been taken care of."

Eyes widened a fraction in outrage, before attempting cool displeasure yet again. "You wish that was the case."

"'Fraid not."

"You lie...!"

"Sorry, I can confirm." Sunset responded playfully, sharing my amused but smug smirk as we glanced to each other. I suppose the past sensation of delighting in our enemy's torment lingers for a long while. "He's not coming back for you or anyone ever again. You're not getting away as hoped, Principal."

Cinch's features somehow paled moreso, whereas I regarded Sunset with a raised amused brow. "Why, Sunset, that sounded awfully vindictive of you."

Her answer, at first, came a coy wink. "I learn from the best."

"You know. You having handcuffs speaks a lot of volumes."

"They were just for authenticity, Stardust."

"Okay, I'll take your word for it."

A light elbow to my side, playful, as we grinned to one another in fond amusement. From close by, a furious and vengeful villain was being taken into a police car and taken downtown. The other Memory Stone returned to its proper universe. Chances being she was glaring at us with heated vows of retribution? A lot. But honestly? Nothing else could make me care less.

That's one more threat dealt with. A lingering plan of Zagreus' taken down, though it did make ponder briefly why her of all people were chosen.

"You know..." The bacon-haired teen started as the sirens died down, the pair of us hanging out to the side of the entrance into the event-filled building, having been currently on hold ever since the incident back there. "You never did apologize proper... And neither have I."

We finally got there. I nodded, hazel eyes tearing slowly from the busy road to face the younger friend steadily greeting my gaze, emotions sparking for whatever this conversation became. This was it. Reconciliation, a long time coming. Much was to be said, but I don't think Sunset had an appreciation for overdrawn speeches and apologies.

Neither did I. "I am so, incredibly sorry for everything I said back then, Sunset Shimmer." Whatever the heart spoke, I resonated with my tongue, solemn and tender. "I couldn't trust you girls to make your own decisions, and I wasn't appreciative of the backtalk and belief that my ways weren't simply just... I was so full of myself, so confident in my decisions that my brain classed everyone here as idiots that needed guidance... Yourself included..." I sighed with that low confession, refusing to bow my head and keep looking straight in the eye. "I hope you can forgive me, for a start to rebuilding our friendship..."

"...When we first met, a long time ago, you should have been treating me with scorn. As the enemy. But twice you offered to help, in spite of your supposed 'no-second-chance' policy. You reached out to me, guided me. But yours and Twilight's arms were open to forgive, accepting me in my most vulnerable position that it made me feel, for the first time in years." Sunset sighed in return, offering a tentative smile as a warm yellow hand grasped my shoulder with cerulean eyes filled in warmth. "I'm sorry for treating you like that, since the beginning."

I mirrored the gesture. Equals. Friends. "Your passion and attitude to disobey in favour of what's right is what makes you exceptional, Sunset."

"Just as your resolve and no-nonsense approach to issues is something I've always admired about you in turn, Stardust." The bacon-haired teen admitted with a wider small grin. "We could keep apologizing to each other the remainder of the afternoon, but I think actions speak louder than words, don't you?"

Couldn't agree more. A tight, welcoming embrace from another that soothed that last inkling guilt considering everything I yelled to her and the others back at CHS, eyes closed blissfully while taking in a good friend's comfort. And student. Sunset will go far. "Friends again...?"

"Obviously." Pulling back, the young teenager than commented with a sly smile. "Of course, you have our other friends to make up with too."

Fair does. I nodded. "I promise to treat you more like grown-ups in the future." Sunset raised a brow, but another voice soon shifted the moment of humility towards the three girls approaching, the one in the middle looking apprehensive.

Rainbow, to the right, smirked at our postures. "Finally made up huh? Don't think a hug will win me over, Stardust." Waggling a playfully stern blue finger. "You're gonna have to work to earn MY forgiveness." Something in those pink eyes told me I was already on the way.

Wallflower, meanwhile, looked to Sunset with clear lingering guilt, prompting the bacon-haired teen to then hug and mumble something to the shy girl, the two having their own tender moment of forgiveness next. I stepped back, giving them their needed privacy. Upon pulling back, the former unicorn looked between Wallflower and I in thought, looking towards Pinkie and Rainbow then with a warm smile.

"Do you mind if I take these two elsewhere? You can keep enjoying the con if you want." Rainbow perked a brow, but shrugged, giving a thumbs-up and cocky grin before racing back indoors swiftly. Pinkie nodded eagerly, waving as she hopped her way back, calling out during the moment of endearing excitement.

"Talk to you later guys!"

Sunset and I waved back, the former then regarding me in sudden curiosity. "What happened to those items you bought on the way out?"

"Oh those? In a special place until I have use of them again." Thank you Starswirl.

Wallflower rummaged through her pockets, pulling out a rolled-up colourful comic and soon showing off the cover in her own eager joy. "Look, I got this signed by the wonderful creator!"

A nod. "Alright, that makes thing easier then." Hm? Wallflower and I soon finding our arms interlocked with Sunset's own, the young woman in the middle grinning to us both with sly playful mischief. "Think it's time for us three 'villains' to hang out together. I do have some comics of my own I could really use your opinions on."

Hmm... Well I did swear I wouldn't be away from home for too long... But then again, this would also make up for lost time with the bacon-haired teen here, not to mention helping make up for all the bull[BEEP] I put her through with my own self-righteous ego.

...Why the Hell not? "Yeah, I'm in."

"Me too." Our affirmed replies only made Sunset look more elated, soon practically dragging us downtown away from an excited event that, of course, would never be normal for the likes of us. "Do these comics have plants in them?"

"I'll get there." Sunset promised to her friend with a chuckle, before glancing my way with a second of calm warmth. "For the record, Stardust, despite what you said to Cinch back there, I wouldn't trade your existence for the world. Neither would anyone else."

No one but my enemies. I smiled back, the grip of our upper limbs tightening somewhat in affection as we proceeded on the way back to, presumably, Sunset's place. Hey wouldn't that be neat, seeing where Sunset finally lives. I swear to God, if it's not some logical shoddy apartment... Nah she deserved better.

The second I see how [BEEP]ed her place looks, I'm gonna ask Starswirl for millions of dollars and buy her a [BEEP]ing house- No, palace.

No other alternative accepted.

In memory of

Stan Lee.

1922 - 2018

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