• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 18,896 Views, 1,952 Comments

A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 158: Vow to Fight, Vow to Run

It's too early for this.

"- And so, with Starswirl's own magical properties maintaining your physical form at present, I theorize that we can establish and thorough connection to the magic realm into the link invisible between yourself and Starswirl the Bearded."

Way too early for this...

Twilight, looking very pleased with her own lecture, proceeded to motion towards the blackboard with all her scientific discoveries chalked upon. "All we have to do, Jack, is uncover this link from the specific source and utilize the magic there. Luckily, I think I have a good idea as to where the maintained magic lies. All you have to is simply stand there for me while I utilize this practiced reversal spell Starlight and I worked tirelessly on."

"Is it safe?" Spike inquired from the side, asking in my stead. I was currently more resigned in just keeping to the spot and waiting for Twilight to work her magic. It's a fool's errand trying to stop the mare from practicing any spell of hers.

"Of course it is; the spell is relatively harmless to any other equine on initial impact." Twilight paused, and then magically brought the dragon behind her with a nod. "Just to be safe." Ah, I feel so encouraged. Twilight smirked in anticipation. "Ready Jack?"

Not really, but go nuts love.

With no vocal or physical confirmation, Twilight had all the incentive required regardless and fired a pink beam from her lit horn, aimed directly towards the left side of my chest. I couldn't resist from flinching as an instinctive reaction, the magic bouncing off me followed with the walls, ceiling and floor of the library. Spike yelped upon the beam soaring past his side, Twilight following the magic wildly as it finally ceased and hitting a normal book to the side.

Producing a tail and wings.


Twilight sighed as the book began flying to freedom, magically recalling it and not looking deterred in the slightest. "I guessed it wouldn't be so simple; your body's like walking armour against all forms of magic." And then she smiled positively. "Fortunately, this only fuels my incentive to try something else. Maybe we should aim for the head instead, that's where Starswirl's communicating with you from the magic realm, right Jack?"

I shrugged, and Spike asked. "Wait, why were you aiming for the chest in the first place?"

"Jack's magic originally centered from the heart." The Princess started in full teacher mode, all too happy to explain any question given to her. "Balance operates differently than regular magic, drawn from the emotions of the user rather than the horn of an Equestrian. My first deduction was that if we could direct the spell to whatever possible magic may now lay dormant in him, it would reawaken that power and assist us in changing Jack back to normal." Normal? "Err, pony I mean." Twilight added sheepishly at my raised brow.

Spike hummed for a moment, before making another inquiry. "Wait, Dad can still talk to Starswirl, right, even though he's no longer a pony?"

"That's right Spike."

"So then, how about he just asks Starswirl if anything you just said will work?"

Twilight opened her muzzle... And closed it, face-hoofing herself. Didn't think of that, did you love? "Like you were considering it." The alicorn snapped without malice at my expression, grinning lightly to her adopted son. "Great idea Spike. Well Jack, what does Starswirl the Bearded think about my theory?"

Hoping for approval from your hero, Twilight? I chuckled tiredly, shaking my head before glancing to the ceiling. Well mentor? Any of Twilight's thoughts sound plausible to your esteemed wisdom?

You make it sound as though I am a critic among all after my time. The teacher expressed humour before proceeding to answer. There is credit to these ideas Princess Twilight has expressed.

Sensing a but here...

Any spell conjured from regular unicorn, or in this case alicorn, will prove unfeasible from manifested physical power. Twilight is correct regarding the resting magic within you, Jack. Balance lies in the hearts of many, and for few it ever truly awakens. In order to access yours again, a mental concentration of magic is required.

"Well?" Twilight pressed suddenly. "What is he saying?"

"One sec love." And it would revert me back to equine form?

Correct. The triggered power would encompass the wielder and transform him to a state necessary to utilize the full magic. This cannot be presently achieved with the usage of current magic. The answer itself lies in ancient magic unseen for generations, long before my time, I speculate.

Could we find this supposed magic then?

Hmhm. One thing at a time, my eager pupil.

At Twilight's clear impatience, I sighed and finally repeated everything said to me from Starswirl to her. Once finished, my girlfriend looked away, thoroughly contemplating all this information with a rubbing muzzle and thoughtful frown, nodding to herself and making hums of speculation, muttering loudly to herself. Spike and I waited, myself with folding arms.

"If that works... Maybe if she'd... Combining the spell with ancient usage... All deduction points to the cause..."

Spike commented in amusement. "Think we should leave Mom to it?" The dragon then blinked, as though realizing how accustomed he was getting with calling the alicorn Princess whom raised him from birth that.

Won't lie, I was still getting use to it.

"Starswirl's never lost his touch as the wisest being in all of Equestria." Twilight deduced, gazing back to us with a hopeful grin. "It all makes sense. We just need to research untouched magic never before witnessed. I'll talk to Princess Celestia about it, she might have something we'll need in our search for this ancient spell your teacher's referring to. Tell Starswirl the Bearded that Twilight Sparkle says thanks!"

You are quite welcome.

"Starswirl says return the favour by releasing your boyfriend from your current clutches." Spike laughed lightly, Twilight shaking her head with a fond smile, and I smirked widely.

"This one?"


"This one?"


"This one?"


"...This one?"


"It's the exact same one I just showed. Are you even paying attention?"

"Answer's still no, Spike."

The dragon huffed, tossing the shirt to the side with the coat hanging. My son was currently digging through my wardrobe of unused clothing, pulling out random attire for myself to adorn for the day. The occasion? None really, but Twilight was insistent that, despite the fact I was moreso introverted than ever since becoming human again, I shouldn't become too lax and wear PJ's all day.

"It's important to stay active as a human." The mare had said with knowing firmness. "I've looked up what happens to your kind when they get too comfortable around doing nothing, and I refuse to allow my special somepony to fall into the same trap, present situation or not."

Love ya too honey...

"Hmm... This one might do." Spike commented quietly, pulling out another shirt from the hangings with prompted my grimace. The dragon noted my look and grinned humouredly. "Not a fan of red, huh?"

"Red and grey? Pass." I waved dismissively, and my son nodded, tossing it over again and inciting me to roll my eyes at the mess Spike was making. Just wait, Rarity herself will come barging in from the callous care of clothing and-


"What in heaven's name is happening here?!"

Oh, right on cue.

"My intuition was correct." The white unicorn gasped loudly, storming over to the discarded pile of clothes and complaining in thorough despair. "Stardust, just because you are dissatisfied with your newfound condition, doesn't mean it's completely fine with expressing your frustration out on innocent hard work by talented creatures of your world!"

What? "Spike's the one throwing my clothes around!" I defended irritably, but Rarity just gazed at me with an unimpressed look.

"And you're merely sitting there allowing it? Of course Spike wouldn't know any better." Said dragon grinned at Rarity's claim for his innocence. I just groaned. "Now, what is this all about hm?"

"Nothing." I shrugged from the couch, leaning on the armrest boredly. "Twilight just wants me to wear casual clothes."

"And no doubt something more original than that regular black shirt you seem so fond of."

"It's the only shirt I have with sleeves." In my earnest defense. "Do you have any idea how cold I easily get, now again as a human?"

Spike held up a black cardigan with a cover of a pale blue wolf. "Aren't these for keeping you warm?"

"Correct Spike!" Rarity praised the young lizard, smiling and nodding in approval. "Now, it is clear to me that Twilight wishes for her special somepony to become far more proactive and keeping himself in a healthy environment, and that includes on what he wears now. While others may not see the need for your kind to cover themselves up on a daily basis, Stardust, I can appreciate the dedication made into their hard work."

"I suppose this appreciation first stemmed from the clothing you had Spike 'borrow' from my wardrobe a week back?"

The mare flushed at the accusation, scoffing lightly. "Simple research darling. I promise to return them once I am done." Confirmation that I will never see them again. Wonderful. Rarity played ignorance to my flat look, magically reorganizing the discarded clothing and basically everything else in the wardrobe. Once done, the mare stepped back with a nod. "It's a start. Now, since you're clearly having trouble, I shall decide with my thorough expertise as to what casual wear may suit you on this lovely day."

"Oh no Rarity. By all means, don't trouble yourself on my account."

The fashion mistress huffed, glancing over to me with wry sapphire eyes. "Your dry wit remains as constant even as human, I see." And smiled over to the dragon. "Spike, kindly assist me in finding the most suitable attire for your placated father if you'd please."

"It'd be my pleasure Rarity!"

No rest for the wicked... Resigned, I simply sat back and waited patiently. Very, very patiently, almost wishing now that a black hole would turn up so I could take care of it.

Wait, I had no magic to use...

Screw it, so it could suck me up and away from this situation.

"And voila! Charming is it not?"

I took one look at the mirror and downwards again, wondering previously to myself why Starswirl had bothered bringing all my clothes here as though preparing for this scenario. With a weary sigh, I nodded with a light smile to the fashionista. "Wonderful. Thank you Rarity."

The unicorn was more than pleased. "I am more than confident that a certain special Princess of yours would positively adore this display of self-care, Stardust dear." Oh I'm sure. Tilting her head, Rarity added with a furrowed brow. "There is, although, one more matter regarding physical aspects we must address."

Oh God what now?

As though hearing that, the snow white mare rolled sapphire eyes. "No need to look so dejected darling, this is all in regards to your healthy disposition. Where was I?"

Forgetting, hopefully.

"Ah yes."

Damn it.

"It appears with your abrupt transformation back into a human, that has brought significant repercussions to other areas of your body. More specifically, your mane and facial hair." Rarity walked forward then, squinting with thorough inspection up my face. "I imagine, though you'd refuse to confess as such, having those strands cover your face constantly now to be a tedious affair darling."

I shrugged, my hand instinctively reaching up to brush away a strand covering my right eye. "I've gotten use to it."

Rarity shook her head, disapproval etched on elegant features. "Unsurprising, but rather troubling. And I suppose an outright shave would be out of the question for you. I've learnt all this time knowing you." Even she had to smile in good humour at my smirk, continuing. "Still, it wouldn't do harm to at least commit to some style involving your hair for everyone's benefit. It's almost as if you're trying to hide your face from the world."

Well, considering how scared the inhabitants of this world were nowadays by taking one glance at me, it's kind of warranted. "So what, I should tie my hair up or something every time I get up? Sounds tedious."

"Or at the very least, tie your hair back in some manner so you can at least appear you're making an attempt." Rarity replied firmly, putting her hoof down. "Nothing too stylized if you wish it, but just so you're keeping that mane of yours under submission. In regards to your facial hair, meanwhile, that could do with a trim."

"Maybe not trim it. At least, not all of it." Spike pitched in from the side, the dragon rummaging through my cupboards as though looking for something. "Maybe give the beard a style too. Like, a goatee or something. That way you'll look more cleaner and like a royal special somepo- Err, somebody for a Princess. I think Twilight would like that."

Rarity smiled appreciatively, nodding in agreement with the dragon's suggestion. "Precisely! A far more organized and elegant approach than simply allowing this jungle you call hair to run loose."

Normally I'd flat out refuse suggestions over what's to be done with my hair, but Spike's words stuck a curious chord in me, closing my mouth in thought. A goatee... Like a Master-style look... Hmm... I think I could see the appeal there. My hand stroked my rather growing facial hair covering my mouth, cheeks and chin. It was starting to grow a little bothersome, especially food-wise. Tie the hair back and trim my beard to a goatee.

A short image of Twilight smiling her approval at this potential new appearance, remarking how handsome I looked. Wishful thinking? Perhaps, but the alicorn has often expressed lately how irritable my hair must be these days, looking out for my personal hygiene.

"Hey, look what I found!" Our gazes turned to Spike, the young lizard pulling something out of a drawer and presenting the item in question, prompting my grimace. Oh joy. Spike ran over to join us, holding up the damn thing with a proud beam. "You wore this in that time where we were trapped in your world. Figured you'd want to use them again now that you're... You know."

I examined the forsaken glasses in my fingers with a displeased mutter. "Never thought I'd wear these things again..." And I had prayed it would never happen again. At Rarity and Spike's expectant looks, I sighed in utter defeat and unfolded the damn thing, my admittedly blurry vision becoming all the more clearer for me then.

Now, I wasn't totally useless without these glasses. But if you'd ask me to read or look at something far away, then we'd have a problem. Up-close it's fine. My vision was a million times better as a pony than a real human. Hell, I never needed glasses during my five times in Equestria Girls. But I was certainly not fine with walking around with these things in public.

Despite Rarity's newfound stoke of inspiration. "Now I have found another incentive. Stand right there Stardust, we need something new for you to adorn to suit those glasses which, admittedly, give you a more sophisticated appearance, mane aside."

Spike chuckled sheepishly, and I just shook my head with hands in pockets. At this rate I'll miss dinner...





It does have... Something to it.

I believe it rather fetching, Jack. Princess Twilight and your friends would definitely approve.

You think? My fingers grazed across shaven skin, both cheeks and neck holding hair no longer. And with a short trim to my front facial hair, staring into the bathroom mirror greeted me with a newfound appearance, one I was rather growing accustomed to quickly, finding myself smiling. As for the rest of my hair, it was, as Rarity had recommended, all tired back to a short ponytail, albeit tiny rebellious strands sticking out to my sides.

Well no one's perfect. That's what a comb was for. Taking care of those minor nuisances was no issue, I set the comb back down and leaned forward again, giving myself a clear inspection. Yeah... Yeah not bad. My reflection nodded in approval.

Tied back hair with a goatee. It's not perfect, but it'll do with keeping my hair tamed and my friends quiet. For now anyway.

Straightening, I washed away the remains of fallen facial hair and proceeded to depart, finding myself rather invigorated, although that might've been the effect of the shower. Personally, I couldn't stand showers. Oh, nothing against being clean, but baths, I always felt, were more tolerable and relaxing than the shower back home.

Now, what to do next-?

I hissed in surprised pain, books collapsing against my legs and onto feet. Dammit! Blinking rapidly, I stared down at the at the unicorn I accidentally collided into, the pink mare dazed briefly before expression apologetic surprise. "Oops sorry about that Stardust! I wasn't watching where I was going." And magically began picking up the fallen objects.

Shaking my head, I knelt downwards and proceeded to help. "My fault too Starlight. Just because I'm human doesn't mean I shouldn't pay attention to my surroundings."

"Heh. Seriously though, I was too enraptured in... Huh." The mare paused, purple eyes halting at the sight of my features as I held out a book for her to take. "Stardust, you look..."

"Like Rosie O'Donnel's fitness coach?" I prompted with a sly smile.

Starlight grinned humouredly. "Different." She finished, accepting the book and placing it in her bag, examining me more curiously with a light smile. "Cleaner, I'd say."

"You can thank Rarity for that."

She smirked with a perked brow. "And the goatee?"

"Spike's idea entirely."

"I'm sure."

"It was!"

Starlight proceeded to giggle, smiling now brightly. "Well, it suits you. Moreso than that depressing look you've been having these past few weeks." Oh, very charming of you. "Has Twilight seen the new look yet? She'll definitely love it."

"Not yet." Although inwardly, I was quite pleased by the approval and fondness Starlight expressed for the look. I shook my head with an amused smile, rising up again and stepping out of the way for her. "Don't let me keep you from your studies."

"Oh, I was just returning some books to the library. I found that I was too busy making a new friend to study today."

I blinked, expression pleasant surprise. "Well congrats, I'll have to meet this lucky friend sometime soon."

The unicorn giggled. "Maybe I can introduce you both tomorrow. You'll love her, Stardust, she's got this wonderful sense of humour and uniqueness about her unlike anypony I've ever encountered before." At seeing my immediate hesitant look, Starlight added hastily. "And she definitely wouldn't be unnerved by your new look. I mean, she doesn't appear to be the judgmental type! You'd get along just fine, trust me!"

"...We'll see Starlight. We'll see."

So after that confrontation with Starlight, I took to locating Twilight. No results, not even in her favourite spots inside the place. Spike and Rarity had already left as I busied cleaning myself earlier, leaving me to my own devices. I deduced that Twilight was no longer indoors and probably out to see a friend. It'd be easier to know if I had Balance's senses again.

That said, I took around to exploring the castle instead, going in no particular direction but also avoiding that hallway filled to the brim with spider webs, just as a general rule. My feet just guided me up and down the corridors, finding rooms I never really ventured within before. Hell, I even uncovered a treasure room. Empty, of course, but that'd change in the very future. Eventually, my exploration took me towards the roof of the castle, where the small swimming pool and deck chairs waited.

Haven't been up here in a while. Looking around cautiously, my fingers twitched rather apprehensively, expecting a pegasus to fly overhead and scream at the sight of me. A few seconds... Nothing.

Looks like the coast was clear. And, well, Twilight wanted me to go outside more anyway, and here I was.

Shrugging, I removed my cardigan - it was rather warm outside today anyway - and flung it over the back of a deck chair, taking a seat and, as Rainbow would so eloquently put it, 'chillaxing.' I grunted comfortably, intertwined hands resting on my rising and falling chest as I looked up to the blue clear sky.

Lovely weather we're having today. Then again, it's typically that way in Equestria. Mostly sunshines with few stormy weathers. Nothing like England, with its eighty percent of clouds and rain and twenty percent of sun... With rain. My legs stretched, releasing another gasp of relaxation. Not that I didn't approve of rain. I always loved rain. There was a charm and beauty to it unappreciated by many. Ever just sat back and listened to the pattering of raindrops against a window? [BEEP]ing melodious.


So this is what it's come to. No training, no extroverted activities. Just relaxing on a deckchair and admiring the sun and mountains far-off. Reminds me, I haven't been to my hill in ages. Time has flown by. I really wanted to believe Twilight and the others, that the rest of ponykind will accept me as I was now over time, really I did.

But who were we kidding? Equestrians were like timid rabbits. I think Angel would be more courageous in approaching me than a single background pony. Staying introverted was possibly the best option for me at this time, and soon enough my friends would have to comprehend this.

My gaze to the sun was then blocked by a rather enchanting lovely view of a certain alicorn Princess. I had to smirk wryly then.

"Hello beautiful."

Twilight smiled back, retreating a few steps so I could properly sit up to address the mare I loved. "Starlight informed me about your new experimental look, and I just had to witness it for myself." The bright expression told me everything I needed to know, but Twilight nodded happily and continued anyway. "A remarkable improvement, I will say. Dashing, in fact."

"Glad it appears to you so." Was my dry response, smirking tiredly. "It was all my attempt in pleasing the alicorn I love."

Purple cheeks brightened in colour, Twilight grinning regardless. "Well you've succeeded tremendously then. All that's left to do now is persuade the stallion - or in this case, man - I love to start going outside again."

"But love, I am outside."

"That's not what I meant and you know it." She replied in playful sternness, prompting my shrug. A light shove to my arm followed next. "Out with it. You're still bothered about how ponies will react to you, aren't you?"

I snorted humouredly. "Oh gee Twilight, what gave that away? I would've thought those children at the hospital reacting to my appearance was enough of an incentive."

Twilight kept silent for a moment. "You never mentioned what exactly happened back then." Oh, right... "Spike kept rather vague about it too. I initially assumed that you were too nervous approaching the sick foals." A hesitant, tender hoof brushed against my arm. "Was it truly that bad...?"

The physical contact, the coaxing endearing the voice, or the warmth of my special mare's hoof. Any of those had convinced my mouth to spill everything. "You have no idea, how heartbreaking it was." I winced to myself, sounding more harsh than intended. But Twilight didn't look judging, only patient. "To take one step in the room and have children - children - be terrified and stare at you as though you're a creature from their worse nightmares. I-I had to get away, Twilight, flee before their screams...!"

Another hoof cupped my shaven cheek, making me meet Twilight's soothing stare. "Breathe Jack, breathe..." I just realized then I was hyperventilating a little, barely keeping myself composed. "In and out. In and out. You can do it." As always, Twilight's words did the trick, my body quickly obliging to the mare's command, my chest slowing down and agitated hands ceasing with their quivers. Blinking rapidly, I felt my forehead pressed against Twilight's own, feeling her horn brush against my pushed-back hair.

"Sorry." I had to say, quickly so. "It was... A bad experience for me... And them..."

"Don't apologize." Twilight replied softly, maintaining the intimate contact with a tender expression. "Keeping it all in would only harm yourself more."

...She's right. She's absolutely right...

A minute of silence of just taking comfort in each other's hold, mostly on my part for her, until Twilight decided to switch the subject to something far more comfortable. "A goatee, huh?"

I found myself grinning lightly, attempting to force back the distant echos of screaming foals in my head, rubbing the round beard. "Spike's idea. Figured I'd at least do something with it. What do you think?"

"Certainly less messy. And gives you a sense of dignity." Twilight added slyly. "Fitting since you always enjoy displaying a sense of authority around others."

"Someone has to play the adult love." A light shove to my arm was her only response, and my grin widened. "I'm just glad you're not opposed to seeing your boyfriend walk around wearing these godforsaken glasses again."

The purple alicorn chuckled. "I think they further give off an air of intelligence." And finally pulled back, motioning for me to stand and follow. "Come on."

Hm? My body rose from the chair on its own accord, willingly obeying Twilight's command as always. "Where are we going?"

"I've noticed how busy we've been lately. Both with our friends and my research in seeking out a remedy for your reappearance as a human." The alicorn then inquired rather hopefully. "I could do with a break, and who better to spend it with than my special somepony?"

"Not a 'somepony' any longer, Twilight." I pointed out, despite the appeal behind her suggestion.

Twilight fondly rolled her eyes. "Just follow me, Jack." Now and always, my dear Twilight.

"Just sit right there and wait for one moment." The alicorn Princess requested at once, upon our arrival into her rather modest bedroom. Twilight didn't bother pausing to see if I obeyed her statement before walking over to a large wardrobe.

Shrugging, I took a seat meanwhile by her desk and gazed around idly, settling down on a board hanging on the near wall with multiple pinned sheets and photographs. My brow perked, though, by the middle of said board holding three massive letters marked in red with pins connected to almost all the other papers.


Someone's been completely dedicated to her research. I had to smile a little by the devotion. Twilight hasn't been letting up ever since my newfound condition starting from Canterlot. Hell, I dare say nowadays she knows more about the power of Balance than I do, judging from the piles and piles of books stacked between the hung board, evidently making up for lost time.

Starswirl, I dare say you took on the wrong pupil to learn this magic. This amazing alicorn has more potential to master the power now than I.

From the corner of my eye, Twilight made a satisfied noise and walked over to join me, two objects floating between the lavender mare each wrapped in grey cloaks. With a rather shy grin, the Princess of Friendship and my special somepony placed the larger concealed object on my lap with gentleness, the smaller one on the table for, I'm presuming, afterwards.

I regarded the rather moderately heavy object pressing on my thighs with curiosity, looking back up briefly to meet Twilight's earnest expression and encouraging nod. Well, her wish was my command. The object itself was rectangular in shape, and I carefully started unwrapping the thing, pulling off the cloak to reveal the prize waiting inside.

A prize I should've seen coming a mile away, but my brain was having a fart today and I couldn't make the connection.

"I was waiting to give you this on your next Birthday." I heard Twilight comment rather hesitantly. "But considering the circumstances, I'm hoping this would at the very least help make your current predicament somewhat less stressful."

Remember that gift Starlight got for her abrupt graduation? Same thing here. My fingers traced the edges of the large mirror, the reflection staring back a mixture of awe, humour and flattery. And just like with Starlight's new mirror, photographs of specific moments involving my un-chirpy self with my friends attached to the edges of the sides, above and beneath.

Pinkie and I foalsitting the twins.

A photo of Spike and I fighting with toy swords.

Myself with the Crusaders after taking care of them for a while.

At the top center, me and all my amazing friends huddled for a group photo after finally defeating Tirek together. Only one where my smile seemed to be the most warmest and genuine.

Jesus Christ, nostalgia was breathing from my nostrils...

"I measured the length and width appropriate to have it fixated to your wall." Twilight proceeded to add with hopefulness. "Do you like it?"

Well, if Twilight was trying to take my mind off certain other matters, she succeeded for the time being. With a big smile, I grinned to the wonderful mare and answered earnestly. "Like's an understatement love. Once more you trouble yourself too much for me... Thank you."

"Well, keeping my special somepony happy is hardly a burden." The Princess responded humouredly. "Even though maintaining said happiness with him is often a daily challenge." But the widened smile and sparkle in her eyes told me she was more than pleased by my sincere response. "That just leaves one more thing."

And, either it was just me, or Twilight seemed rather more eager by motioning for me to put the mirror aside, giving my lap room for the next cloaked item to land there with care. This one was shaped like an oval, and judging from Twilight's expectant look it appeared this one would be more personal for her. Shrugging, I happily obliged the mare and unwrapped the next gift, wondering at this point if the lavender alicorn was just spoiling me. To my slight surprise, it was another much smaller mirror which greeted my vision-


My eyes blinked, brain pausing for a long moment before the grin on my face only widened tremendously, seeing the reflection welcoming me back softening a lot, seeing as to why Twilight would be more than eager to witness my reaction this time around. I glanced up, smiling at the flushing Princess who pretended not to notice my expression and gaze at the mirror between us.

"I-I figured it'd be selfish of me to do one just involving the two of us." She started, as though desperately trying to justify her actions. "But I wanted to display our love for each other in a different way this time, after you keep showering me with jewelry and often exaggerated compliments." Twilight then fondly twirled the necklace adorned everyday in her hoof, smiling radiantly. "It's my time to show how much I appreciate you... Us."

My gaze lingered back to the special photos, for the most part, containing only of Twilight and I in our most intimate moments. Some photos of which were obviously taken by our friends when we weren't looking.

Our dance together in Canterlot with Twilight's Birthday.

The first date with us looking up to the stars together.

A photo of us leaning comfortably against each other on the train... With Rainbow photo-bombing that specific photo with a cheeky grin. Heh.

And the picture Twilight and I took together in the human world. The one where we had that magnificent dance beneath the stars, the pair of us smiling with bright hope for the future to come. An experience I shall never forget for the rest of my life... Which was probably for the best, because admitting I forgot our first anniversary that night would be a fatal mistake on my behalf.

And many others attacked to the edges of the oval mirror, each one just as significant to me as they were obviously to the mare watching. Twilight spoke again, this time with a more serious and concerned vibe to her beautiful tone. "I've known you for a long time now, Jack, and I don't regret a single moment we've ever had together. That said, I understand now that you don't have the magic capable right now at stopping Zagreus and any imbalance brought against us."

Prompted by the hoof placed on my knee, I gazed up to meet the softened violet orbs, finding my own hand subconsciously meeting the mare's purple limb with tenderness. Twilight kept meeting my stare as she spoke.

"You'd do anything to keep our friends safe. To keep Spike safe. To keep me safe. And that's a trait of yours I will never grow tired of, despite how often it almost drives me insane how reckless that selfless quality gets you at times." It sounded like a joke, but Twilight wasn't smiling at this point, leaning forward with a pleading sparkle to her eyes. "Which is why I hope that this gift reminds you of our... My everlasting love for you, Jack. A plea that, this time, you'll promise not to engage Zagreus by yourself anymore for as long as you're back in your human form. You're far more vulnerable than you've ever become, and it'd... If anything happened to you..." The Princess inhaled deeply, looking back to the mirror solemnly. "I've almost lost you too many times already..."


My expression softened sadly, my other hand reaching up to gently brush the mare's right cheek in hopes of cheering her up, but Twilight just sighed, shaking her head with a tired expression. "I still have nightmares about Canterlot, you know." My hand stilled. W...What? "And that situation a while back at the lake didn't help in bringing back a sense of deja vu involving the Ursaminor..." A wry smile, but everything else in her expression begged for her point to come across clearly. "Promise me Jack... Promise this time you won't throw yourself into danger again without your friends by your side. I... I don't think I can take anymore of it..."

My breath slowed, feeling small tears begin to crawl from within my eyelids. Twilight... She still had worries over the past? Well... Of course she would, what stupid [BEEP]ing question was that? Guess becoming a human again only further increased her concerns dramatically, emphasized by her rather protective stance over me of late.

Glancing back at the mirror because her expression was painful to see, I found myself envious of the photos showing my strong, confident posture as an Earth Pony with the one exception. But even then, that EQG form of mine looked far braver and powerful to protect his friends than I ever could right now...


Something struck me about that particular image, the photo also displaying two gifts shared between myself and the mare I loved that night. A specific token of affection which would impact the rest of our relationship together for years to come. Two small precious items neither of us could really wear in the pony world...


One look at the hopeful Twilight, and my choice suddenly became clear. Simply promising wasn't going to cut it this time. Hastily removing the mirror from my lap, I stood up and said firmly, "Wait here one moment." And hurriedly departed from the room, thankful that my bedroom wasn't too far from hers. It felt more like a sprint than a brisk pace down the hallway, my mind and heart only focused on appeasing the mare I love.

Barging into my empty room, my stride took to the small drawers next to my own desk and pulled out the bottom shelf, finding the very object I sought wrapped up in a tiny safe velvet box. Pulling out the tiny object, I opened it to have the amethyst ring revealed in full, reflecting the light of outside gorgeously. Wasting no time, the ring was neatly placed on my finger - fitted perfectly, thank God - and immediately rushed back to Twilight's bedroom, the mare obediently remaining in the same spot I had left her at.

Twilight blinked earnestly with wonder and curiosity as I quickly approached and knelt before the alicorn, holding up my ring finger with a tone of conviction. "For as long as I wear this ring, I vow as the Twilight Warrior not to engage in anymore danger headfirst without help from my friends. My family." Twilight gasped, and I grinned rather cheekily. "My love for them and the amazing Princess of Friendship is too much for me to let them suffer because of my own mistakes. This ring is a symbol of my promise to obey the wishes of my flawless Princess, and for as long as I stay human, it will never come off-"

"That's all I needed to hear." Was Twilight blissful whisper upon cutting me off, tight purple limbs wrapped around my neck and embracing me warmly. And, of course, the second she pulled back Twilight's eyes were watery with emotion, chuckling in soft relief. "I'll be holding you to that vow, Jack..."

My free hand reached upwards, gently brushing away the unneeded waterworks with a humoured smile. "I'll do my best not to disappoint, my love."

"You better." Twilight was still smiling warmly as she said this, bringing me in for another hug which I endearingly returned. The mare added more quietly with happiness. "You better..."

"And just like that, you promised not to get yourself in trouble any longer?"

"For as long as I remain human, obviously." I shrugged with a sheepish grin. "For Twilight, that'll have to do."

"I'll say." Starlight jabbed playfully, the pair of us walking through the rather serene woods down towards a specific location. The pink unicorn, on the day following after these events, insisted I accompanied her this afternoon to meet her new amazing friend. "Considering your track record, that promise might not entirely last."

I scoffed with a derisive smile. "What would you know? You've only stuck around for one season thus far."

"You think I don't often hear about your tendency to throw caution to the wind by Spike and Twilight mutually?" The mare grinned coyly, nudging my leg promptly. "Face it Stardust, you're a walking magnet for situation."

"...True." Hard to argue with that point. A good seventy percent of my life in Equestria was filled to the brim with getting myself in trouble one way or another. Starlight's just dealing out the facts.

"Still." Said mare commented, smiling lightly down the pathless journey we took. "It must be relieving for Twilight, for you promising like that. She's been nothing but worried about you, you know Stardust, ever since that accident back in Canterlot."


My gaze lingered down to the ring occupying my fourth finger, clenching the hand into a soft fist as I recalled yesterday's vow, and Twilight's heart-stopping reaction from making it. That memory alone brought a small smile to my face, the purple colour of the gem gleaming under sunlight leaking through the branches.

Don't worry love... I'll keep out of trouble for as long as possible.

Until it finds me eventually... Like always.

"It's funny." Starlight added upon my silence. "You'd think with her responsibilities, a relationship would be the last thing on the Princess of Friendship's mind."

I shrugged again after lowering my hand to my side, grinning with good humour. "Some say romance is one of the greatest forms of friendship. You'll know someday yourself, Starlight."

"Heh." She chuckled. "I doubt that."

"Oh I don't know." I added with a coy smirk, my turn to tease the unicorn. "Beautiful, driven, ambitious and intelligent. You'll have admirers yet. Surprised you didn't back at the village."

Haha! With reddened cheeks, Starlight wasn't one to accept defeat easily, retaliating with a sassy grin. "Well then, let's hope my future special somepony doesn't prefer to wear a gown in broad daylight and consider it casual attire."

I shrugged for the third time, uncaring over what the opinion of my new daily clothing has been chosen to become. Hands dug into the pockets of my light blue dressing gown; a faithful companion of mine since I was a child, worn over regular clothes. What can I say? I can be eccentric in my own way, it's no less weird than the [BEEP] Pinkie and others would get up to daily.

"...You really think I'm all of those things?" Starlight's rather meek shy voice inquired, and I looked down to the blushing mare with a sincere expression.

"I've yet to be disproved. Everyone else would agree." That said, I believe we arrived at our destination, pausing at the sight of a massive hole in the center of the woods... With a mailbox situated beside it.

"We're here!" Starlight happily called out the obvious, her previous embarrassment all but forgotten as she then pointed out a familiar Equestrian emerging from the hole. "And look who's here to greet us! Hey Maud!"

Well son of a [BEEP]. Who else would it be?

The grey Earth Pony met Starlight with a stoic gaze as we approached, answering with that ever-so-welcoming flat disposition. "Hello Starlight. I'm glad you're back so soon."

The unicorn didn't look deterred by the reaction in the slightest, smiling warmly to her new friend and gestured sheepishly. "I did say I'd come back with another friend in tow. Maud, I'd like to introduce you to-"

"Stardust Balance."

We both blinked by the interruption, Starlight and I sharing surprised glances and regarding the rock 'enthusiast' with equal bewilderment.

"You already know each other?"

"You recognize me?"

"It's easy to recognize someone just be looking at their eyes. They're a lot like rocks." ...Huh. Maud then glanced to my revealed hand. "I like your ring. That gem's a lovely amethyst shade."

"Thanks." I grinned, just deciding to play along with Maud's uniqueness and nodding appreciatively to her observation of the jewel. "It's good to see you again Maud." Starlight, meanwhile, looked more than thrilled at the interaction between us.

"You guys are already friends?"

"Are you kidding?" I smirked, motioning to the national treasure before us. "We got along like a house on fire, Maud and I. Glad to see my newfound appearance hasn't unnerved you... I hope."

"It doesn't." Came the flat response. "Boulder likes your new look."

"Oh..." I glanced to the mare's pouch obviously concealing the small pet rock. "Cheers Boulder." Wonder when it'll evolve into an Onix. Heheheheh...

Starlight then changed the subject, grinning brightly to the Earth Pony. "So, how are you settling into your new home?"

Expression never wavering. "Pretty well thank you. Would you like to come inside? I made some rock cakes."

Ah, a Hagrid delicacy. Starlight and I shared bemused glances and eagerly nodded, following the new resident of Ponyville inside the hole down to caverns below.

Starlight Glimmer and Maud Pie... What a peculiar match. But you know what? I can already see it clearly works.

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