• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Two: Day of the Night

Previously on A Journey Beyond Sanity...

"Are you alright sir? That looks pretty uncomfortable."

"You could say... I've had too much to drink before going to bed."

"Why, you're in Ponyville. Where else?"

"And you're just in time! The Summer Sun Celebration will be starting tonight!"

"You make it sound as though you've never seen or met a pony before. You're one too, aren't you?"

"You're mistaken. There's no way I'm-"

"I-I don't... but... how... who... when...? How is this possible...?"

"I'm Twilight Sparkle."

"Balance. Stardust Balance. A pleasure."

"Fillies and gentlecolts! As Mayor of Ponyville: it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!"

"The bringer of Harmony to all of Equestria. Princess Celestia!"

"She's gone!"

"You have to get everyone out of here. Now!"

"Nightmare Moon..."

"Hmhmhmhmhmhmhmhm. Remember this day little ponies, as if it were your last. From this moment forth: the Night shall last forever!"

"Do your worst, Moon!"

"Do your worst, Moon!" For dramatic effect my front right limb raised upwards in defiance over the sinister laughter exhaling from the villain's lungs. These ponies within this hall may have a complete lack of backbone, but I refuse to yield to the first, and debate-ably weakest, enemy of the main heroines.

"Seize her!" The Mayor had turned and exclaimed in equal defiance. Okay, maybe not a complete sense of cowardice than I thought. "Only she knows where the princess is!" At her command, I crane my head backwards at the obedient guards clad in golden armor charging foolishly at the arrogant mare. Huh, didn't even realize they were here.

"Stand back you fools!" Did she say fools or foals? Either wouldn't surprise with this world's usage of language.

Oh look at that, the guards got knocked back by lightning. And also... Nightmare Moon is getting away! "Been a pleasure Miss Sparkle!" I yelled over the loud exclamations to the still-shocked unicorn. I have completely no idea why I'm doing this, but... I can't just stand idly by with a wandering insane villain on the loose. "Get everyone into their houses!" I ordered the shaken mayor as I ran by, in pursuit of the retreating blue mist.

Besides, I have nothing better to do anyhow.

"Get back here!" A blue of rainbow followed me outside. Of course Rainbow Dash was also one for making rash decisions.

"You cowardly inferior sibling!" Maybe that will halt the jealous mare... and possibly kill me. But alas, I had to squint at the speeding mist flying over the mountains beyond both my and the pegasus's range. My hoof stomped on the ground, showing my frustration. Goddamnit... I should have seen this coming! I should have prepared beforehand! What could I have done anyway? I had no powers. No abilities. I'm just a stinkin' Earth Pony for Christ sake!

"Nighttime... forever?" I heard the pegasus ask above me, sounding understandably nervous.

Apparently so. "Not if I can help it." I said instead with zeal, ignoring her looking down at me in surprise. Hey, this is a big opportunity for me, regardless. Here is my chance to actually... do something.

To make a change.

The sound of clopping hooves behind me turned my head to a running, looking rather determined Twilight Sparkle with her pet dragon on her back. Oh, of course she's not going to miss out on the action. And knowing her, she's the one with the most information on what is to be accomplished. Without saying a word to her, I pursued, already knowing where she was heading. Twilight was most likely the only source of information.

"Where're they going?"

If the situation wasn't so serious, I would've admired this library more.

But, to hell with it, I allowed my fascinated eyes to wander around the shelves filled with so much knowledge and wisdom with appreciation. As soon as we entered, I closed the door behind us, I stopped in the middle of the first floor and couldn't resist the grin on my face. Oh, fantastic! A library without an obnoxious party going on within it. No doubt Twilight's friends are going to arrive any minute, so after breathing in the smell of knowledge, I nodded to myself and walked up to the pair, Spike somehow having fallen asleep during the run back here.

A few mutters from his dog-looking bed before the worried dragon said in fright, "We-We gotta stop Nightmare! ...Zzz..." Yeah, sounds about right. I kept my distance as the purple unicorn tended to her pet, leaning against the doorway to the room.

"You've been up all night Spike." Oh God; she's right! We've been up all night. And I still yet feel the least tired. Even in pony form my ability to stay awake for long periods of time remains! Even that curse followed me to this world. Damn. "You are a baby dragon after all."

"Yet he talks like a kid." I pointed out the obvious, not really desiring to break the moment. But the situation is now and staring at us right in the face.

"Yeah, he does..." Oh look, I just startled her. "Oh! Excuse me, I didn't know there was anypony else in here." She squinted, as though a memory was coming back to her. "Wait, haven't we met before? Sometime earlier?"

Understandable. "You were busy tending to your pet. I didn't want to interrupt." Until now. I shrugged, stepping back as Twilight exited the dragon's room, turning the light there and heading to the main room. "And yes, though it was a short encounter. We met when you were checking on miss Fluttershy."

"Oh. Yes, I remember. You were that polite gentlecolt. And the one that spoke back at Nightmare Moon too. Did you follow me here?" The unicorn asked curiously, no suspicion within it, as we walked further into the library. Good God, I'm walking beside Twilight Sparkle. Inside her library. Keep your calm, Stardust...

I responded in attempted casualness. "You seemed to be the one with the important information, miss Sparkle-"

"Please, just call me Twilight. You don't have to be so formal." I blinked at the interruption, and smile sent my way. Well, if that was her wish.

"Alright then... Twilight." I stopped as she continued walking and tasted the very word. Twilight... that has always been my favourite. Not many know this but I am very philosophically adept. And 'Twilight' was more than a simplistic word or name to me. It meant a lot of things, but this wasn't the time or place to dwell on it. "Feel free to call me Star-" I cut myself off as a book flew right over me. The hell?!

Ahh, there's the cause. Books being carelessly thrown about as Twilight sought some information she needed. If it wasn't so dire I would've scolded her for harming the poor objects. "Elements. Elements. Elements! Elements!" She groaned in exasperation. What, the Elements of Harmony. The deus-ex-machima to their every crisis? Are they what she hoped to use against the current threat?

Elements-ex-machima. Heheheheh.

"Just how can I stop Nightmare Moon without the Elements of Harmony?!" She was asking me or herself? I was about to open my mouth in attempt to calm the rather frustrated unicorn before I was beaten to the punch... more like a jackhammer to me.

"And just what are the Elements of Harmony?!" Gah! Where the hell did she come from?! Couldn't she knock beforehand...? Oh look at me, acting as though I already own this library. I probably should if Twilight was going to be a pain and be so disrespectful to the stacks of literature around here. "And how did you know about Nightmare Moon huh?! Are you both spies?!"

Oh just shut up you glorified Sonic-ripoff. Yeah by that I mean Rainbow Dash was clearly my least favourite of the main characters. It's fine if other people love her, but seriously I can't stand pompous hotheads. I don't hate her, I just wouldn't be one to stand in the same room as her for more than five minutes.

Starting countdown now.

And seriously? A spy?

Before I could retort and defend the poor unicorn, a certain honest Earth Pony bit back on the yelping pegasus's tail (between you and me I wish she bit harder and ripped off her tail entirely), gaining all three of our attention.

"Simmer down sally; they ain't no spies!" Thank you Applejack. Voice of honesty and reason around here it seems. "But she sure knows what's going on..." ...Where did they all spring up from?! And for that matter, why those five specifically? A rather contrived way of bringing the group together, don't you think?

"And so does he, for that matter." Now I've got six ponies staring in my direction, a certain yellow pegasus' innocent eyes lighting in recognition. Yeah, here, have a death glare in return instead. I wasn't having any accusations tonight, thank you very much. "Take it easy. We don't bite. But ya both know what's happenin', don't ya Twilight and...?"

No comment. If there're going to start assuming right off the bat, then why should I indulge them on it? No no; let Twilight do the work. I already have an idea how thing is going to turn out, regardless. And those inquisitive looks wasn't going to gain an answer from me, anyhow.

"...I read all about the predictions of Nightmare Moon." Twilight began during my silence and staredown with the five other ponies, gaining their attention. "Some mysterious objects called the Elements of Harmony are the only things that can stop her." Yes, magic, the solution to all problems in this world. "But I don't know what they are. Where to find them. I-I don't even know what they do!"

"You'll figure it out I'm sure." I replied before I could shut my spilling mouth, once more garnering their attention to me a few feet from them.

"'The Elements of Harmony: A Reference's Guide'!" Wait what? I could only blink as Twilight suddenly zoomed by and knocked an observant Pinkie Pie out of the way. That's it Twilight, you sure know your manners.

Wait... it just suddenly occurred to me: I'm in the exact same room and presence of the Mane Six! THE MANE SIX!

"How did you find it?!"

"She's Pinkie Pie, that's how..." That pink pony was the second deus-ex-machima of this world. I learnt that much.

"It was under 'E'~!" A bouncing ecstatic Pinkie Pie replied, no doubt glad she could be of help. And suddenly, I was reminded that staying in the same room with these creatures that spawned so much hope and morals to children and adults alike was, while what one can call a success in life, was also wasting my time. All I needed was the location of Nightmare Moon, and then I'm good to go.

..And is that book sparkling? Please tell me it's not sparkling. How could you miss a sparkling book?! Next when you open it, it'll release magic gold dust...

"'There are six Elements of Harmony.'" The purple unicorn began reading out loud. And despite my need to depart, my ears couldn't resist taking in every word. "'But only five are known: Kindness. Laughter. Generosity. Honesty and Loyalty.'"

"Which, if you ask me, are not 'elements' but emotions. You can't craft objects from emotions." I don't care if I'm bringing logic into a fantasy world, my suspension of disbelief can only go so far.

"'The sixth is a complete mystery. It is said the last known location of the five elements was in the ancient castle of the Royal Pony Sisters.'" Now this I'm not familiar with...


Their heads turned this time to my second interruption. "Excuse me?" Twilight asked.

I shrugged. May as well make their upcoming journey more helpful. "Magic is the sixth element." I'm not completely clueless on this stuff.

"And how do you know that?" The flying pegasus asked snidely, obviously still untrusting of me.

"What else would it be?" Was my simple reply.

Why am I needlessly adding more suspicion to my myself. Twilight continued after raising a curious brow at me. "Right... 'It is said the last known location of the five elements was in the ancient castle of the Royal Pony Sisters.'" Now this I'm not familiar with... of course if it wasn't referring to Celestia and Luna. "'It is located in what is now... T-The Everfree Forest!'"

The other five gasped loudly while I raised a brow. Ah yes, they had to transverse the deadly forest to gain the Elements. Well, good luck to them. Obviously I will get no answers on where to find the villainous mare here.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?" Damn. I swore my foots- hoofsteps were quiet when I moved. Obviously I made myself noticed too much. I'll have to be more careful next time. Before I knew it a certain Sonic-ripoff flew right in front of my blinking eyes fiercely.

"While you gain your elements; I'm going after Nightmare Moon. Unlike the citizens of this town, I have no intention of staying behind closed doors and saying my prayers." I replied simply, my tone daring anyone to object otherwise.

And object they did, to my annoyance. First came the worried voice of who I recognized to be Rarity's: "Darling, are you crazy?! You can't just go after Nightmare Moon-!"

"I'm afraid I can. Not to worry I have a plan." It was a plan that requires a lot of luck on my part. But hey, in this world, miracles always happen. I brushed past the surprised Rainbow Dash in my direction to the front door.

"Yeah, Rarity's right; you're crazy if ya think you can take her all by your lonesome sugarcube. Who knows what Nightmare Moon'll do to ya!"

"Disregarding what you just called me." I glanced at the worried ponies who were following me out. "You don't have to be concerned. I know her type. There isn't anything she can do that will put my life on the line." Maybe I'm just being arrogant, or maybe I just have complete confidence with what I'm doing. "Go and seek out your elements within that accursed forest. I will stall that mare as long as I can."

But one purple unicorn was having none of it. Just before I was about to exit the open door, the fierce eyes of Twilight Sparkle appeared and stared straight back into my blue-green own. "That's your plan? Stalling?"

"Yes. It is." Just get out of the way, Twilight. It doesn't matter what happens to me...

"I don't think you know what Nightmare Moon is even capable of."

I scoffed. "Then I'll find out the hard way." We're wasting sunligh-... well, nightlight in this case. I already moved to the side and walked past her. "You're wasting time. Go: find the Elements of Harmony. I'm going to keep her distracted as long as possible."

"How do we know you're not a spy: just going back to report to your mistress about what we're planning?"

I groaned loudly. Okay, I'm putting this pegasus in her place. This time a fierce glare was hurdled in their direction, some of which (don't think I need to specify who) took a step back at the stare. "I would never serve someone as such as her. So shut it you pretentious Pony-Sonic. Now, stop wasting your own time and mine, and find. Those. Elements. I swear I will throw you all into the forest myself if all you're going to do is just stand there and throw accusations about."

Would it be wrong of me to say I took enjoyment out of shutting the shocked Rainbow Dash up? Of course it would be. Yet that didn't stop me.

Applejack was the first to recover. "Whoa whoa, settle down there friend. We weren't accusin' ya of anythin'... well not all of us anyhow. And that last part won't be necessary." I nodded briskly and turned back, ready to head to the direction where that blue mist of the villain was heading. Over the hills. That shouldn't be so bad... I have four legs now, it shouldn't be that difficult to walk there long. Right?

I suddenly felt a soft... hoof on what I assumed is my ponified shoulder, looking back one last time at the library and the eyes of Twilight... and they were apparently pleading. Her palm felt rather... warm. "Don't go... you might get hurt." Were the soft words coming from her upset muzzle.

"...I know what I'm doing." I really don't. But I felt as though I had to reassure her. Gently I shrugged her still palm off me, facing the direction of where I remembered the blue mist took off. "Listen, all of you... what happens to me is irrelevant. Just as long as you can gather the elements to the location of Moon's stronghold and take her out, then I will either be happy or die in peace-" I ignore their gasps of astonishment at my words, "- Knowing that you have defeated the first of many threats of Equestria, and that I helped in some way."

"But... if you'll pardon me saying erm sir, you might get..." My ears strained to hear the quiet protestant voice of Fluttershy, especially that last part.

"Then I'll die, in peaceful assurance that I brought you enough time."

But ah yes, Twilight always was insistent. "You know more than you're letting on; you could help me find the elements-"

"No." I sternly cut her off. "My destiny is elsewhere." You are clearly aware by now I'm just making it up as I go. But that gut feeling persists that I go and take on Nightmare Moon alone. Why? "I work alone, regardless. Good luck Twilight. Others."

"Wait a minute! Just who are you?" Well at least that blue pegasus wasn't sounding accusing this time.

I let out a faint grin. "A madman and a fool."

Without awaiting another reply I ran off, refusing to look back. I have no time for sentiments. To make friends or any of that irrelevant garbage. There was a villain who needed to be stopped. And I can't have Twilight and the rest be slowed down by more baggage. Mine to be specific.

Well... at least I'm not tripping over my own hooves while running. Hey, I might have finally gotten the hang of this after all!

I have made a terrible mistake.

Not much of a surprise, really. I usually do make mistakes, despite my confidence in rushing into these plans. But I couldn't accompany those six in their adventure to first-ever seek out the elements. We wouldn't get along. Plus my tolerance of the energy of Pinkie Pie and smugness of Rainbow Dash could only last so long.

Besides, this way I wouldn't be a liability.

Now here I am, within the, what I presume to be, Everfree Forest; the EXACT place Nightmare Moon fled to, and where the Mane Six will be joining soon. I should've known that mare would retreat somewhere in here, probably at those supposed ruins Twilight mentioned during her reading of the book. Now I'm just wandering around, my eyes glancing in every direction. I refuse to be ambushed by whatever local creatures resided in here.

I'll give the animators credit where it's due. This forest was, to put it mildly, unnerving. If it weren't for the fact there was a mission for me to do, I would have never set foot in this place to begin with. But alas, Nightmare Moon had to be stopped. I can buy them enough time if I just make it to that mare's stronghold... wherever it is. All I have to do is keep moving forward. I haven't encountered a single creature yet, merely their predatory cries. So, if fate was on my side, I can get there with minimal casualties...

I'm probably going to die...

You will not perish.

That disembodied voice caused me to look upwards, the never ending night sky greeting me. I would say that was my tiredness that caused me to hear such delusions... if it weren't for the fact I heard that exact voice earlier a while after my arrival into this insane world. "Alright, who's there?! Reveal yourself already!" I commanded loudly, my tone making it abundantly clear I won't be playing any games with them-

I was greeted with the sound of laughter.

"My, aren't you observant."

Oh good God no...

I braced myself, hunched in that instinctive defensive position at the blue mist appearing from the air, landing right in front me and morphing into that mare of night. Blue turquoise unnerving eyes looked back at me. Lightning accompanying her unnecessarily. I get it. Dramatic effect; just cease already.

"Nightmare Moon." I acknowledged, still in my defensive stance. I won't lower my guard just yet. "We meet at last."

"Indeed; the valiant stallion who dared show such disrespect at my announcement in that pitiful little town." She replied oh so impassively. "I must admit, never had a pony present such boldness at royalty in my life. I find myself intrigued, and yet, dissatisfied by your blatant attitude."

"Sorry to disappoint." I reply evenly over our exchanged death glares. "But in my case: respect is earned, not given. And you have accomplished nothing to gain mine."

"Just as you have accomplished nothing in your feeble little plan to divert my attention. Oh yes, I am fully aware what you were attempting to do." Her eyes brightened over my narrowed ones. "But I regret to inform you it is all for naught; your friends shall fail in their attempt to gain their precious Elements of Harmony. And you will bear witness to it, my stubborn reckless friend."

"...Okay. One: they're not my friends. Two: you're not my friend. Three: they will gain the elements and they will emerge victorious. There is naught you can do about that. And four: if you're here to just gloat and spout generic villain nonsense at me; you're wasting whatever minimal time you have left in stopping them. I'm sure they'll be here soon."

One other thing I know about Twilight is her low tolerance on wasting time. And so far, MY plan was already working right now.

Stardust one. Nightmare zero.

Her move.

Yet I don't like that dark chuckle. "So certain are we, Mr...?"

"Balance. Stardust Balance." Despite the situation I took a light bow, and she blinked at such behaviour. I curse my British roots, but whatever it took keeping her talking and away from disrupting the others. "I would say it's a pleasure, but I'd rather we skip the formalities and get to the part where you reveal whatever it is you want with me."

"Well then, Stardust Balance. I am Nightmare Moon, Mistress of the Night." I'm not sure if she was merely mocking me with her light bow (at least it's confirmed to me now how exactly they bow in greeting). Most likely. "And I concur; such pleasantries are unnecessary. You will be coming with me now."

I couldn't resist the scoff. "And what makes you think I'll... I'll... w-what...?" My head... my eyes... what was happening...? Blue... blue mist was covering around me... Failed to notice the stuff crawling up from my feet... "What are you... doing...?" I feel so suddenly drowsy... so tired... What was she...?

"What was it you said to those foolish mares? 'There was nothing she could so that would put my life on the line'? You are deeply mistaken, my stallion friend. You do not grasp what I am truly capable of!" I heard the roars of lightning after her short speech. My eyelids were already closed, refusing to open. No... no... brain; you have never shut down on me completely once in my entire life. Don't start now!

"You... You... will fall..."

"Shh..." That mockery tone followed by her last words was all I could remember before the inevitable of sleep. "Sleep now little pony. You will bear witness to the downfall of your allies soon enough, Stardust Balance."

Damn you Moon...

A yawned escaped me before I even opened my eyes.

What a dream that was. I was a gold-furry pony and somehow landed in Equestria during the first episode of the show. I swore it was a lucid dream because I can clearly remember every detail and every-pony I met. Last thing I recall from that interesting experience was the first villain of the world appearing before sending me into unconsciousness. Must have been a sign to say it was time for me to wake u-

Hang on... am I... standing? I don't recall my limbs moving upwards from my bed. And this feels nothing like the soft carpet of my bedroom I'm standing on-


Blinking rapidly, my awakened eyes looked up from the still limbs and quickly scanned around the place. I appear to be in some ancient ruins, the remains of a castle, judging by the interior... Okay... so it wasn't a dream.

It was real... fantastic.

Bloody fantastic. I'm still stuck in this world!

Well at least I feel nothing wrong with my body... save for the numbness of my sleeping limbs.

An exasperated sigh escaped my dry lips... I wonder what time it was. Doesn't matter. Let's see... ah yes, Nightmare Moon knocked me out. Which means I must be in the middle of her fortress, and I'm her prisoner.

And I can't move my hooves, at all; they're bound to the stone floor covered in that blue magic.

...Do I even need to say fantastic one more time. I could say 'Allons-y!' or 'Geronimo!' instead, but they wouldn't apply correctly here, even to my sarcastic attitude.

"Well well well. You have awakened."

"Speaking of things I should be sarcastic against..." Was the first mutter to come out of my parched throat as the villain walked towards me from her blue mist. "You wouldn't happen to have a glass of water, miss Moon? I'm feeling rather thirsty."

If she expects me to show even the slightest discomfort at her exaggerated entrance, she was sorely mistaken. At least this completely confirmed that now I wasn't in a dream... is what I'll be telling myself everytime I wake up in this forsaken world.

As though not expecting this response, her eyes were then as narrow as her serpent-like irises. "Even in the presence of danger, you continue to act so nonchalant?"

"I'm hardly afraid of the likes of you. Nothing personal my dear, I assure you."

The irises narrowed more than I thought possible, "You should be. And soon enough, you will fear me, my stubborn little stallion." The mare replied, and I could detect a trace of menace in her otherwise impassive tone, as her face loomed ever closer towards my own. I couldn't resist smirking; what, that old technique? "I thought it would be rude of me not to inform you; your allies have arrived within the Everfree Forest, hopelessly seeking out their precious stones."

She then leaned back and gestured with a raised hoof towards a cloud of mist in the middle of what I'm guessing was her throne, which formed into a sphere-like shape.

Oooh. Free TV. "I'm guessing it comes wireless." I said as I observed the six ponies, the main characters and heroines of this world, walk into the darkness of the forest. Then I noticed something while I squinted to see their mouths move. "But no audio? Awww that's a shame."

"Your sense of humour will neither save you or your friends." The villain turned from the mist back to me, with a smile I really don't like. "Unless, of course, you hear a proposal of mine first."

"...And what might that be?" Despite myself, even if I had the slightest suspicion what she was going to ask, a wave of intrigue rose within me.

"If you value the lives of those ponies, and every single little fool that resides within all of Equestria, you have to do one simple thing."

"I'm listening... hesitantly."

Must. Restrain. Urge. To bite her muzzle as her smiling face was centimeters within my irritated own. "I know your kind, Stardust Balance. Oh yes I do. I know your kind completely. From that glint in your eyes, that raw defiance and attitude, shows you are not one to be pushed around so easily. You have a strong will. I would like that by my side-"

"Buy me a drink first. Then we'll talk..." Just what I need, another old harpie coming on to me...

"Charming." Thank you for noticing. I smiled at her dry icy stare. "Your petty humour aside; join me, Stardust, receive the honour of Captain of my Royal Guards, and nothing in all of Equestria will escape our might! Everypony and everything will respect us or perish under our might!" Dramatic exclamation followed by lightning surrounding us, making me jump at the roaring sounds around me.

...She's serious, isn't she? It hasn't been a full day since my time in this world and already someone was offering me the opportunity to rule the lands? If my brother was here he'd probably shake her hoof in gleeful acceptance.

But I'm not my brother. So that means I have to tread carefully here...

"I admit it's an... intriguing offer. But I'm afraid you will have to spare me some time to dwell on it." Was my calm reply, but mentally I was in the middle of conjuring a plan. Honestly, of course I'm not going to join her! There are better villains out there I could partner with, but I wouldn't join them either.

Stepping backwards from my comfort zone, to my relief, she turned around and already began marching off. Now where was she going? "Then by all means, consider it. But I warn you, should you decline, it will be the last time I ever act so charitable. I sincerely hope you make the correct decision. In the meantime, observe as I deal with those pests."

And just like that, an evil laughter followed by the mare transforming into blue mist and disappearing through the magical window to the other ponies, oblivious to our watching.

Alright, with that out of the way, I can think of a plan more clearly without distractions.

Let's just hope those six won't be in terrible danger enough for cause of concern...

Well, I gotta give them credit. The way those six showed off their individual talents was well done, I am quite unashamed to say.

Except for maybe Applejack, but that may be just from lack of audio on my part. Seriously, to say I'm bad at reading mouth movement would be saying Colin Baker was an underrated Doctor. So my shock was completely understandable when the frightened Twilight willingly let go of the Earth Pony without noticing the two pegasus's waiting to catch her below the cliff. My eyes widened and mouth dropped in disbelieving shock at how willing Twilight apparently was in trusting whatever the farmer/cowgirl said so easily to fall; she didn't even see the two prepared flying ponies.

Speaking of which, I didn't even know it was possible for one to be bother a farmer and a cowgirl at one. I guess this show does teach us new things everyday.

Plus, that was a spectacular failure on Moon's part. I mean, hello? Two flying pegasus's that can easily catch thier friends and land them on the ground safely. What was collapsing the road really going to accomplish?

Now they're walking, Twilight understandably looking annoyed at the no-doubt boasting Rainbow Dash and... they fought a lion with demonic wings and a scorpion tail. Now that is awesome. The lion I meant. And who saved the day showing off her trait here? Why no other than the animal lover herself. I couldn't help but lift a smile; a message to say violence wasn't always the answer. Well done.

And... yes I wasn't hallucinating. I kid you not; Nightmare Moon suddenly decided to pay homage to Snow White. Were they screaming at those trees? You all just fought a demonic lion for God's sake! Where did all that bravery go?! Oh, and Pinkie Pie saves the day. What a surprise... oh good grief she's not...

"The Hell...?" Yes. She's singing. I can identify that kind of movement from the body and lips. It wasn't until then I was thankful there was no audio to hear from it. At least it got them moving forward.

I suddenly shivered. Must be colder than I thought. Or that might just be the night increasing the low tempreture. If this keeps it won't be just my hooves feeling numb. How long have I been here anyway? Because now I feel hungry again. It must be late in the morning by now. How have they not fallen down on the ground in exhaustion? I should say kudos for their determination.

Hmm okay, a rampaging river. How are they going to get acros- What in Christ Almighty is that?! My eyes squinted hard. I... I think it's a sea dragon with... fashioned orange hair... And half a mustache missing. And it's crying. Yep; we went from demon lion to this. Clearly it should've been the other way around. And it looks as though it's Rarity turn to show her stuff. I raised a brow. What was she gonna do? Cut off the other half of the mustache? Tell the deluded thing he's still "appealing" without the other half of his mustache. I swear if that's the reason behind his sobbing state I'm going to-

Whoa! Alright. That settles it: I've clearly underestimated Rarity, because I admittedly never expected her to suddenly rip off the majority of her own tail just to replace the missing half of that stupid facial hair, in the second, what I assume to be the second by now, episode of the first season. I blinked rapidly, before frowning at the sight that the water has ceased acted its rampage because a forsaken sea dragon stopped crying. Give me a freakin' break!

I see you're surprised.

My head snapped up at the same voice from before. Was that- no, too male to be Moon's. And this is the third time I've heard it now. My eyes narrowed and mouth became a straight line; no interruptions to stop me this time.

"Alright. I know for a fact that wasn't my subconscious speaking; who are you and how are you talking to me by, what I presume to be, telepathically?"

Waiting... waiting... wait- oh a reply! And it sounded stern...?

Continue observing them. It is the blue pegasus's turn.

And I'm suppose to raise my expectations for such? I remained staring above at the dusty ancient blue ceiling. If this castle wasn't as ruined, I might have claimed it for my own. "All the more reason I get answers from you instead; Mysterious Voice In My Head."

I believe your opinion over Miss Rainbow Dash will significantly change with what is about to occur soon.

"No. Answers. Now." Does my opinion about any of them really matter? This was far more important!

Just observe.

I was taken aback by the commanding tone. "Who are you to believe I will do as you say?!" No answer this time. "Well?" Nothing. "Hello...?" Oh great, the voice suddenly decided to just bugger off then. A string of muttered curses flew from my mouth as I reluctantly returned my gaze to the six ponies, who looked to be arriving towards a bridge.

Well at least they're closer to the castle now.

And... really Twilight? I would face-palm if possible right now. So what exactly will Rainbow Dash be doing- Oh of course! Show off as usual. Well at least the rope is keeping her from vocally showing off- wait why did she let go? Who is she talking to? What was Nightmare up to now...?

And then there were four. Judging by the ridiculously evil-looking goggles (why pegasus's would even bother wearing goggles if Rainbow Dash doesn't is beyond me) and movement, it wouldn't be that inaccurate to say they were evidently minions of Moon's. Though I don't recall the villain ever having such servants. Oh... Oh I see, playing with Dash's self-esteem are we? Well we're obviously doomed from the start...

Wait, that doesn't happen. So that means...

I couldn't stop the blinking. She... actually declined from what appeared to be an offer to join them. Wow... that certainly was the last thing I expected. It seems Rarity wasn't the only one I underestimated- Of course! Her talent was Loyalty. And this mere episode, which I have never seen before, just slapped me in the face that I have misjudged Rainbow Dash from the start. You know what that means?

I owe her an apology...

...But I probably won't do as such.

You see now?

"Yeah..." Was my distracted reply before common sense caught up. "Alright, you've proven your point. Now how about you start explaining yourself to me?" Do I really need to ask these out loud, seeing as how whoever he was seemed to be communicating from my mind. Someone might think I've gone bonkers.

"Talking to yourself is the first sign of insanity." Like her. Do'h. The black alicorn appeared from her blue mist, exaggerate lightning and all, staring at me colder than before. "But I suppose it would be hypocritical of me to disapprove; I have done nothing but speak to myself for a thousand years. We are, perhaps, more alike than you think."

I raised a bemused brow. "Why, yes: I am certainly inclined to threatening a world with eternal night. I also dabble in wasting away cliched dialogue too. And employing just as stereotypical minions? One of my favourite pastimes. You know me so well Miss Moon. And if I might say so, you're looking rather butthurt; from the ponies foiling your measly attempts to stop them, I imagine."

An unamused raised brow in turn, her voice suggesting I was walking on rather thin ice. "I take it then, from your disrespectful tone, you have decided to decline my offer."

I gave an insincere apologetic smile. "Terribly sorry my dear, but I'm a man of my own destiny. I won't be chained to obedience from someone of your structure." I refuse to be intimated or enslaved at all to this one-time villain.

"Mmm. Pity." That tone obviously suggested no such thing. "Then you are useless to me. As soon as your friends arrive, they shall witness your swift demise." As if that was going to happen. But that unnerving gaze set me on edge regardless.

"Whatever relieves me of your mediocre attitude."

"Mediocre? You are mistaken as ever, Mr Balance. I am the most perfect monarch to ever grace the-"


"Excuse me...?"

"I said no." I replied sternly, ignoring the death threat in her demonic eyes, returning her the same glare. "You know what you are, Nightmare Moon? Truly? A pathetic envious mare who foolishly believes that reigning with everlasting night will accomplish great things for you."

"Ahh, but it will Stardust; these cretins that dwell all over Equestria will soon learn to respect the night, or succumb to its cold wrath."

"Most likely the latter; if you continue use. There will be no one left under your rule. Allow me to explain." I said in a tone to prevent any interruptions. "Perhaps being stuck on the moon has made you madder than I thought, because my dear, without the day: all life in this world will perish. Without light; crops nor plantlife will either grow, meaning less food for the sentient life forms. Nothing will grow until everything becomes a barren wasteland; devoid of the previously dying plantlife and remains of the bones of the ponies you demand respect from. Everything will die."

"Then so be it." Excuse me?! "If they refuse to adapt to the beautiful dark; then it will be their own downfall."

"And yours." I rebutted, not quite believing what I'm hearing. "Don't you see? Everything. Will. Be. Gone. There'll be nothing left; just like on the moon! Yes!" My voice raised higher in conviction as I could see the gears turn in her slightly widened eyes. The seeds of doubt planted; I just need to keep this up. "Exactly like on the moon, where you were isolated for a thousand years! Do you honestly desire to be alone for not just a thousand years this time, but forever?"

"...This is not about me being alone; I have no need for compassion or pity or anything else useless." Aha! I'm getting through to her. The true nightly monarch was in there somewhere. "If in the end it is only I who holds respect for the night, so be it."

"But that's not true, Moon. And do you know why?" Oh my God this just might actually work.

"Hm. Indulge me."

"Because I respect the dark too." I replied with all the sincerity I have, admitting anything deep about me for the first time to a pony. And I know, with the widening of her surprised eyes, it was succeeding. "In fact, I love the night. The dark in fact! I'm a ma- stallion of balance, Miss Moon. I respect and love both sides: light and dark. Black and white. Order and chaos. They need one another to survive. I understand this, your sister understands this... and it's time you did too."

"...What are you suggesting?" Was the only inquisitive, hesitant-sounding voice of the doubtful mare. You see? How things can be solved without violence? The mind was the most powerful weapon of all. The mouth was the cannon to fire the thoughts of the mind. Used for reasoning, one could achieve anything. I've never felt so self-confident over anything in my life. I can do this!

"Turn back on your rage and sorrow, Nightmare Moon. Become the respected beautiful mare you once were before. You can and will be forgiven by all if you do this. Let go of this fiery rage within you, this envy and jealously against your sibling, and lift the night away until the evening to come. What happened that long ago then is exactly that: long ago. You no longer need to hold onto this anger. Return to who you truly are... Princess Luna."

Am I being poetic as sin? Of course I am. But hey, My Little Pony, what can you do? A staredown of the century lasted here, between my pleading eyes and her impassive one. Please work, please work, please work. Please send a strong message that not everyone has to be defeated by combat or the like. Redemption is something few rarely even consider anymore.

The darkness can be used for the good of all. Just as the light can be handled for misdeeds. Neither were strictly bound by simple morality. I can convince Moon, and maybe to an extent Celestia, of that.

After what felt like eternity, the reluctant mare was the first to break away the gaze, turning away from me. "It's too late for that..." Was the quiet response, a tinge of finality. But that won't stop me; not when I'm so close!

"It's never too late for redemption." I said with a soft tone this time. "I know you're in there, Luna. Come back, your sister needs you."

"She never needed me."

"I don't believe that."

"Then you are a fool." Was her blunt sharp reply.

I smiled regardless. "I know."

Just as she was about to open her mouth for what I imagine would be a counter-argument, I raised a brow as the mare suddenly raised her head, her eyes narrowing from what I could see. I couldn't even ask what was wrong as the fallen princess evaporated into that blue mist once again and disappeared from sight. Immediately my head turned to the sphere of mist showing me the Mane Six, and I justifiably sighed in disappointment.

"Well Twilight... if my plan won't work, you're smarter than me to figure out a better one."

You tried. That's all that matters.

Well, I've swallowed my own words before I could even chew them. I might just choke on the consequences.

Twilight's concentration on the stones blinded her to Nightmare's ambush. And even when she reacted to the hurricane it was too late, the elements were in the villain mare's hooves. Oh, yet that didn't stop the unicorn from foolishly jumping into the blue tornado though. Great thinking Twilight.

That was then the 'window' that I watched them through abruptly evaporated into thin air, followed by sinister cackling to the side. I blinked rapidly and turned my head to the left, a smirking Nightmare Moon standing atop the small throne glancing at me triumphantly. Those floating stones around her... they're the famous Elements of Harmony? In a resting state? A gas of purple smoke far at the end caught my attention then, and I couldn't resist lifting a smile of relief at the sight of the purple mare, despite her coughing and gasping in shock afterwards.

"Hey Twilight." I said in casual greeting, throwing her an apologetic smile. I can question that voice in my mind afterwards.

Nightmare Moon continued chuckling with the excessive lightning splitting around us. Jesus lady, can't you get anymore dramatic? I threw her a deadpan stare before looking back at the stunned Twilight, who looked at me in surprise and, dare I think it... worry. Then changed her expression and posture, looking ready to charge. She can't be serious...?

"You're kidding." Oh for once we're in agreement Miss Moon. What does Twilight hope to possibly do with this reckless state. "You're kidding right?"

In response, I could see the horn on her head lighting up from the magic this world possesses. And Twilight started to charge, my eyes widening. No, Twilight, stop! "Don't do it! Stop!" As I said so, the corner of my eye informed me Nightmare was in a defensive position, no doubt prepared to counter the foolish mare. All the more reason. "Twilight, stop!" Yet she heeded not, and the taller charged in return. God dammit Twilight, what could possibly hope to achieve-?

Oh. Ohhhhhhhh.

Before I could even react the surprising purple unicorn was at my side, inciting me to jump as she looked in concern. "Uugh. Are you alright Stardust?" I blinked rapidly. Right, I forgot, she can teleport I'll hit myself on the head later. I nodded firmly after getting out of my temporary stupor and inclined my head to the stones. I didn't even know they've fallen beside me. She nodded in stern understanding before setting to work. "Just one spark..." Her horn began lighting as Twilight leaned down at the stones. "Come on. Come on..." Huh. It looks to be working. The stones were apparently responding, or that was just the magic on her end-


"Twilight!" My mouth exclaimed in shock and concern as the unicorn's body flung far from me and the elements, feeling another presence beside me. Okay, that does it. Even if I can't move my hooves, the taller mare was still within biting distance. My features hardened towards the villain, glaring at her while she seemed to be having problems of her own.

"No! No!" Huh? My oncoming assault froze. Slowly my eyes turned from the panicking mare and cackling stones to the smirking Twilight, and it clicked like a switch in my brain. Ohoho Twilight you- that was then the purple unicorn suddenly gasped in shock, and I immediately looked down to the side as the lightning sounds between the elements were there no longer. Oh never mind...

"But- Where's the sixth's element?!" Nightmare Moon laughed in glorified triumph, and raised herself upwards. What was she-? What?! My jaw fell downwards as the stones shattered from the small ground-quake from the villain's hooves. Wait? Those stones weren't the elements? I thought they were just in some sleeping state, ready to be awakened and turned into those iconic gems everyone knows and loves.

"You little fool!" Nightmare Moon exclaimed to the equally shocked Twilight. "Thinking you could defeat me! Me!" Me the Mistress of all Evil! Oh, wrong story sorry. "Now you will never see your Princess nor your sun!"

Wait... there's still time! "Moon, I beg of you; cease this madness! You can do better than this! Turn back to the princess you once were; the one you were always meant to be! There's still time!"

"Silence you fool! That pitiful mare is gone forever! Nothing you say will ensure her return!" It seems my plea were all for naught. And you're not helping Twilight just lying there in defeat! The glowing mane grew ever so higher as the villainous mare continued her speech. "The Night will last... FOREVER!" Followed by laughter that would make Maleficent proud. And that swirling hurricane once again.

"Not if I can help it." It won't end like this, plain and simple. My hardened eyes turned to the unicorn. "Twilight!" Getting her shocked attention, my blended eyes meeting her purple frightened own. "Listen to me: you can still win! The night will not last forever! And do you know why? Because I know the story; I know how it ends. You will emerge triumphant! Remember what I said before, in the library?"

"W-What?" Twilight asked hesitantly, and I can feel Nightmare's eyes on me as well. But that won't stop me. I'm on a roll.

"Magic Twilight. That is the sixth element. When I said it was speculation on my part... I lied. Simply because I tried to help without giving too much info away." My head lowered a little at the confession, before staring back up in resolve. "I realize now, as I should have sooner (considering the corniness of this world), the elements, Twilight, they're not mere relics, not anymore. They're in you, Twilight Sparkle! You and your friends! You just have to find them within your selves, and awaken them!"

Of course that may not be entirely the case, but it wouldn't surprise me anymore if some plot convenience like that did happen. The taken aback mare blinked at my confident words, no doubt contemplating what I was saying before her gaze suddenly switched to the doorway outside. What was she-?

A certain dark mare interrupted my thoughts, chuckling darkly. "Hmhmhmhm, my my. What a pretty little speech. But you are wrong, you defiant pony. The Elements of Harmony are no more, and there is nothing you can do to stop me-!"

"You think you can destroy the Elements of Harmony just like that?" Both I and the villain blinked at Twilight's sudden words. "Well you're wrong!" Wait... She actually listened?! "Because Stardust is right: the spirits of the Elements of Harmony are right here!"

Whoa! Where did they come from?! I shook my head; never mind that! I couldn't get rid of the grin on my features as all six ponies stared defiantly at the fallen princess. And what's this? The remaining pieces... the shards were suddenly glittering in multiple colours, lifting from the stony ground around us. I raised a victorious brow at the mare. "It's over Moon." Though a sting of disappointment hit me at the epiphany my previous plan to resolve this without violence was all for naught.


"Applejack!" Twilight began confidently, "Who reassured me when I was in doubt: represents the spirit of Honesty!"

"Fluttershy! Who tamed the manticore with her compassion-" That's what that lion was called? I should get me one. "- Represents the spirit of Kindness!"

"Pinkie Pie! Who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the spirit of Laughter!"

"Rarity! Who calmed a sorrowful serpent-" With a hairstyle so bad it'd give Demyx a run for his money! "- With a meaningful gift, represents the spirit of Generosity!"

"And Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own heart's desires, represents the spirit of Loyalty!"

And Stardust Balance! Who's accomplished nothing but act like a complete jerk to everyone around him, represents the spirit of Sarcasm!

... Don't give me that look.

As each time she made these points about her friends, my smirk widened by each of the shards surrounding their true owners. You're screwed Nightmare Moon. And I look forward to seeing it- Wait... she's standing right next to me. That means- oh God no!

"The spirits of these five ponies got us through every challenge you threw at us!" Though to be fair, some of those challenges were just ridiculous in hindsight.

"You still don't have the sixth element! The spark didn't work!" Was that panic in her voice? Oh just look at her nervous state. It's hilarious! With that I laughed loudly, echoing over the sound of the humming shards, perhaps more cruelly than intended, gaining the mare's livid attention. "What is so funny you foolish stallion?"

"But it did, as Stardust said so." I smirked as Twilight answered the question for me. "A different kind of spark!" She turned to her certain friends. "I found it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I cared about you. The spark ignited inside me. When I realized you were all... are my friends!" That was so sentimental I could almost gag. But I grinned regardless.

Now a bright light just appeared above us. What, is God lending a hand? Nope, all I see is the shape of the sixth element instead, the stone descending down towards them. My head titled to the horrified mare, who was protecting herself from the light. "You see Moon. You, though I admit I had my doubts too, severely underestimated them. Such power is not from simple stones, the power comes from the magic, and the heart, of those willing to protect their friends. Magic is the sixth element."

"I couldn't have said it better myself." Twilight said from a distance, before- Argh! Argh! Bright light! Too bright! Cease already! What the-?! Oh they're starting to merge with their elements. The sixth element morphed into a crown- oh so THAT'S how the crown came to be! And a rainbow was spinning upwards, two merging to the ceiling becoming a bright light. And then the element-ex-machina rainbow descends right towards Nightmare Moon's panicked location...

"St-Stop! Or I'll destroy this pony where he stands!"

And mine too.

Oh Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-!

"Noooooooo!" I heard the mare scream in shock and fright beside me as the rainbow missed and wrapped around its intended target. Well there's a relief... "Noooooooooooooooooo!" Haha! Taste the rainbow Moon!

They're rocking you like a rainbow hurricane... The hell are you looking at?

And another bright light, this time I closed my eyes tight to prevent any blindness... wait, my legs; I can feel them! That numbness was suddenly gone. As soon as the light disappeared, I slowly opened my eyes in case of an encore and looked down, the blue mist trapping my limbs evaporated into nothingness. Finally! I quickly moved them about to check their state. Working properly, excellent.

"Oooh! My head." A certain blue pegasus said out-loud in pain, causing me to look in their direction.

"Ugh. Everypony okay?" Applejack called out.

Well, everything seems to be working on my end. "Yeah, just fine, thanks." I called back, checking myself just in case. Not a trace of anything that screamed danger on me. Thankfully.

"Ohh thank goodness!"

"Why Rarity, it's so lovely." Oh goodie, in the end that white unicorn gets her own trinket.

"And look! I'll never part with it again!" And her tail has grown back. How? Why? Who cares; happy ending for all! I think that's the first genuine plothole I've found during my time here.

"No, your necklace. It looks just like your cutie mark."

"O-Oh! So does yours!" Yes they all get trinkets holding the elements. Good for them.

I shook my head in exasperation, ignoring Pinkie Pie's excited tone about her own necklace, and cast my gaze over to the purple unicorn, who was in the middle of smiling up at her new crown. I released a long-awaited sigh; good she's alright... Why do I care? As I said before she was my favourite pony. Simple as that. Don't believe for a minute I have sincere concern for her fictional well-being... heheh...

"Gee Twilight, I thought you were just spoutin' a lot of hooie. But I reckon, we really do represent the Elements of Friendship." Oh you have no idea Miss Applejack. This was just the beginning.

"Indeed you do." The Hell? Magic voice? No, obviously they heard it as well. And just then light was pouring through the ancient windows. Ohhhh... well finally! I observed in fascination as a bright sphere entered through the window, before disappearing and revealing the white alicorn within.

There she was, in all her glory. Judging by the way she appears informs me this was Celestia's first time ever showing up on the, well show.

And the ponies, save for I and Twilight, bowed in her presence. Instead I simply watched. I have no reason to bow in respect or the like, simply because she is not my monarch, nor has she earned my respect, just like the defeated Nightmare... speaking of which...

"Princess Celestia!"

"Twilight Sparkle! My faithful student." It would be touching if I was watching, instead my gaze was set on the unconscious smaller princess, looking quite comfortable in her sleep. Dark blue body, as it should be. I'm not fond of those remains surrounding the sleeping Luna. "I knew you could do it."

"But... you told me it was all an old pony tale."

"I told you that you needed to make some friends. Nothing more. I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon's return. And I knew it was you who had the magic inside to defeat her. But you could not unleash it until you let true friendship into your heart." I covered my scoff with my hoof. I get it, this show is cheesy beyond standards, but I couldn't help it. Luckily they heard nothing. "Now with only another will as well." Eh? "Princess Luna!" Ah.

I heard a gasp behind me as I turned to the awakened princess. What just the sound of her sibling's voice did the trick? Give me a break.

"It has been a thousand years since I've seen you like this." Okay better get out of the way. I retreated backwards, landing on my behind by mistake as the taller monarch approached. Just where was she all this time anyway? Having a cup of tea while her student did all the work?

"Time to put our differences behind us." Oh come on! It can't be that easy! I stared in disbelief as the white alicorn sat down in front of her scared sister, tone being that of comfort. "We were meant to rule together little sister!"

"Sister?!" A chorus of shock from the distance. Er, hang on...

"You didn't know?" I asked to the Mane Six, and they shook their heads in reply. "Huh... thought that was common knowledge." I muttered before returning my gaze to the pair.

"Will you accept my friendship?" Celestia inquired with a soft tone. Silence ensued. As the rest looked on in concern and worry I rolled my eyes. Oh of course she's going to accept.

"I'm so sorry!" See? "I missed you so much big sister!" Huh... that loving embrace is bringing a smile on my face.

Celestia sighed in relief and happiness. "I missed you too."

Wow... that was way too forgiving. And back home people wonder why I question her so-called wisdom.

And oh by all means Pinkie Pie! Ruin this moment with your sobbing humour! We can't get enough of it! "Stop it! Stop it right this instant you forsaken pony!" I yelled to the crying Earth Pony, ignoring the stares of surprised my way.

"Hey!" Oh what do you know she listened! "Do you know what this calls for?!"

Oh heaven please no...

I sighed in long exasperation.

A party. Yeah great. All over the friggin' town too. What could it better? Oh I know: me not being here!

As every single pony arrived in where I presume to be the middle of the sunny town, where blaring celebratory music and ecstatic creatures were everywhere, I, of course, kept to myself, even doing so as we all returned to Ponyville together. I stared blankly at the crowd feet away from me. Well... that's the first two-parter over and done with, I imagine. The threat has vanquished, for now apparently. But many more will emerge. And those six will triumph over them all.

"I have no reason to be here..."

But you did help.

Oh great, the voice returned. "I did nothing." Was my quiet reply.

You assisted them in defeating the fallen princess. Your words encouraged her, whether you realize it or not.

She would have figured it out regardless...

"I thought you'd join in the celebration." A voice beside me cut me off my conversation with thin air, and I turn to a rather somber Twilight standing beside me, observing the crowd of the multicoloured species too.

I gave a snort of amusement. "Parties aren't my thing." Before raising a brow in concern at the state of the unicorn. "You look down, Twilight."

"Indeed. Why so gloom my faithful student?" Said the approaching princess, smiling at the two of us. No I'm not going to act all nervous around Celestia. "Are you not happy that your quest is complete, and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?" Wait what?! But she doesn't- Ohh.

"That's just it." Twilight confessed sadly, eyes fixed on the ground. "Just when I learned how wonderful it is to have friends... I have to leave them..."

Must. Restrain. Smirk.

A pause before Celestia responded, as though making a clear decision. "Spike, take a note please." I raised a brow as the dragon - whom I barely even noticed was there - obeyed and produced some paper and a quill from... a rip through space and time I imagine. "I, Princess Celestia, hereby decree that the unicorn Twilight Sparkle shall take on a new mission for Equestria: she must continue to study the magic of friendship. She must report to me her findings. From her new home... in Ponyville."

I chuckled and took a step back from the addressed unicorn as her friends began glomping her. I won't lie; I feel happy for her... only a little though. I can't get emotionally invested with any of these ponies, not right now. When I'm watching them on TV, certainly. But I still have more bigger objectives in mind.

"Oh thank you Princess Celestia! I'll study harder than ever before!" The obedient pony vowed, before loud obnoxious cheering happened. I winced, but smiled anyway.

"Congratulations Twilight." I managed to say over the noise, before looking at the happy alicorn. "Princess Celestia." All pretense was over; this conversation needs to happen now. "If I may have a word with you... in private ears," I added as the ponies blinked at me curiously.

"Ahh. You're that braver stallion who helped my faithful student and her friends." So she figured out I did not regard them as such. Clever her. I'll be sure to give the monarch a cookie. "Right this way. Please Twilight, enjoy the celebration, I won't be long."

I nodded firmly and followed the walking princess, ignoring the intrigued stares sent my way as we moved a distance from the crowd's hearing; a section of the town emptied.

"I must thank you for helping my beloved pupil." The tall monarch began as we were away from the prying ears of the citizens who were enjoying the party and admiring said pupil. "And I apologize on behalf of my sister for capturing you."

I waved off the apology. "No need. It's a good thing she captured me; I wouldn't have been there otherwise. Besides, I did little to help her; Twilight could have easily solved it all on her own."

"Perhaps, but regardless, you chose to assist my student and her friends in their time of need. You have my gratitude, Mr Balance."

I shook my head. "I still couldn't do anything to help with your-" Wait hang on... I stared up at the alicorn with clear suspicion, who simply looked amused at my expression. "You know my name...?"

The monarch nodded. "I overheard your conversation with Nightmare Moon. I commend you on trying to persuade her, and I apologize for keeping my presence hidden, but-"

She blinked in surprise as I raised a hoof to cut her off, evidently not anticipating an Earth Pony to disrespect her so. "You were there, when you could have assisted your student in defeating Miss Moon? What were you eating popcorn while enjoying the show too?" I can't scarcely believe it. Her own student could have died and all she did was sit back and observe?! The nerve of her!

"I understand if you're upset." Oh clearly. Just look at my disapproving expression. "But it had to be done; only the power of friendship could have defeated Nightmare."

"The same excuse that will be used against future villains, no doubt..."

"Excuse me?"

Sighing, knowing I had little time for this, I shook my head at the ground before looking back up. "Fine. Yes fine. Your decisions are your own. Your judgement has always been questionable to me, Princess, but now is not the time for such; there is a bigger crisis on our hands."

"Oh? But my sister has been reformed. What other situation could there currently be?"

"My situation." I replied firmly, staring up to her eyes that held centuries of knowledge within them. "I need help getting back home... to my world."

A pause. A very understandable pause. Before Celestia recovered from her shock and blinked in rapid succession. "I'm sorry?"

"You heard me: I'm not from Equestria." I replied sternly as the monarch lowered her head as though checking if I was deceiving her. My eyes hold nothing but the truth here, princess, believable or not. "I'm not even a pony for that matter, but somehow I've become one of your kind, stuck on this forsaken world."

"You're not lying..." Wow, just like that? This may be easier than I thought.

"'Not a pony?'" A voice behind said, switching our gazes to the confused blue monarch, walking towards us. "Forgive me, sister, the crowd was just too much for me. I couldn't help but overhear your words." I gave a forgiving smile her way. No reason to be mad.

"It's fine, dear sister, for I feel this must be heard from both of us." Celestia replied softly before turning back to me, her expression hardening a little. I was taken aback by the sudden change. Now she's serious. "Please, start at the beginning."

And the beginning I did. How one night I was in my bed within my own world to somehow awakening within Equestria. Ponyville to be precise. How I tried to understand how and why this was happening to me. How I mingled with the residents here reluctantly, trying to gain a sense on what was happening. How I thought of using the library to find out more. How I planned on stopping Nightmare Moon by my own method. From the corner of my eye Luna looked away in shame at that part as her sister comforted her gently. How I waited for the rest of the ponies to arrive while thinking of a plan to get myself out of being a hostage. All the way to now where we currently stand, discussing the situation.

When I finished, taking a deep breath for my dehydrated throat, Luna was staring at me in curiosity while Celestia looked at the sky contemplatively. "I sense the truth in your words. You are deceiving neither me or my sister."

"What would be the point if I did?"

"However, your story also informs me there are things you are keeping from us." Drat! "I assume there is good reason for that?"

Hey, if you're not making things easier for your student, why should I for you? Besides, there are MASSIVE consequences when you inform someone of specific future events. How would they react? What would they try to do to prevent the terrible parts? No, these things need to happen. It may be frowned upon to allow bad things to occur when you have the power to stop it, but it's how life works.

The bad stuff gives us something to learn and improve from.

"More than you can comprehend." I said sincerely, smiling apologetically. "But I will inform you of this: Twilight and her friends will be faced with many obstacles and challenges in the future. Nightmare Moon, unfortunately, is just the beginning."

"And you are aware of these predicted events?" Luna then asked, her expression looking rather conflicted as though having no idea what to make of me. Well that's justified seeing as how she's been isolated for so long, everything must be hard to take in for the poor princess.

"I do. But you must understand: some things are better unsaid until the time comes."

And to my surprise, the white alicorn actually concurred with me. "I agree." Did I hear that correctly? Her softened gaze returned to me. "You know more than you are saying, but I shall not pry. Though I do hope you at least help us in the meantime?"

In the meantime? The implications were instantly not appealing. "You mean, you have no idea how to help me...?"

Oh great, already my spirits feel crushed as Celestia shook her head. "This is something unusual and never heard of before in my entire life. I wish I could help Mr Balance, but this may just be beyond my understanding. You say you have no idea at all how you came to be in Equestria?" I reluctantly shook my head. "Then I'm sorry, but with no clues, we have nothing..." I sighed in disappointment. Well, it was worth a shot- "Wait..."

Both mine and Luna's heads perked up at the sudden change of tone. "Dear sister, would you please bring Twilight over here?" With a hesitant curious nod, the smaller sibling left us towards the partying crowd in the distance.

I raised a suspicious brow at the patient monarch. "What are you-?"

"One moment, Mr Balance. I have an idea."

What possible idea could this be with Twilight-? Oh. Of course. I resisted smacking myself in the head.

If there's anyone who can help it's her. Though I honestly doubt how much help she can be in this case.

I didn't bother looking behind me as the blue princess returned with the unicorn in question. "Is there a problem, Princess?" Were the first words out of her mouth. I do hope you know what you're doing, Celestia...

"My faithful student, your library has a spare room for one to sleep in, correct?" Hold the phone! WHAT?! My eyes widened to immense maximum as the monarch simply smiled at my behaviour.

"Erm, I think so. I never really had time to check." Why did she sound so sheepish about it? It was a simple question. "Why do you ask?" Yes, exactly what was your game here, Princess? Luna already seemed to get the idea as she looked back and forth to me and the confused Twilight.

"Mr Balance here-" I found myself unwillingly straightening at being addressed by the monarch. "- Is in need of a place to live. He arrived from a place cut off from civilization, and needs to learn the ways of Ponyville and how everypony lives their life here. And requires some friends of his own." No I freaking don't! Yet she ignored my protestant expression. "Plus, we owe it to him for helping you learn about the sixth element. This will be repaid by helping him. Unless of course, you both accept."

Why was she doing this? "Plus with a library around it will help him find what he needs much quicker." Ohh! Ohhhhhh! I see what you're doing. Stardust you idiot! You could have found that out sooner.

"Well I guess it'd be nice to have somepony else around, in case I need extra hooves around or Spike wants somepony to play with while I'm busy." I wish I could say the same; I much prefer to be alone.

As the three ponies stared at me with different expressions, one of encouragement, one of curiosity and one of hopefulness, I found myself staring back before it sunk in: Living inside a library. With Twilight Sparkle.

...Okay now I definitely can't say no.

"Well if it provides food and shelter for me. I guess I can't decline. Besides, I love libraries. I accept." Celestia looked pleased at the certain answer. Luna lifted a small smile while Twilight seemed to beam, for whatever reason. Oh hang on. "But be warned." I added firmly, turning to the smiling unicorn. "I'm not your servant, Miss Spark- Twilight. I will help you in any matter when I feel like doing so. I'll help you out around your library if you keep your word you won't toss your books around like earlier."

A meek smile. "I'll try, though in the state of an emergency I can't make any promises."

I smirked. "Neither can I."

"It's splendid that you chose to accept." Celestia declared. "Ponyville is a lovely town if you give it a chance. Thank you my dear student. Now then, Stardust, why don't you go enjoy the celebration with her?"

"I don't do parties-"

"Come on, Stardust, it won't be so bad." I turned to the smiling Twilight beside me. "You can make some great friends here!"

"I'm not here to make friends-"

"Please." I rolled my eyes... As her eyes were busy pleading to me. Oh come on! You can't seriously be doing this to me. "Afterwards, I can show you around the library and where you'll be sleeping... if I have a spare room. If not, well I'm afraid the couch will be the only available option left."

"..." I sighed in reluctant acceptance before nodding to the happy unicorn. "Fine. Sure. Whatever. If it makes things easier for me, why not?"

"Do have fun, Twilight and Stardust. And be sure to make lots of friends." Celestia said in a farewell tone as the pair of us walked back towards the distant crowd.

"We will! Thank you princess!" Twilight called back, before turning to me. "So, you're new around here too."

"Evidently my dear."

"I was wary at first too, you know. But these ponies mean well. I'm sure you'll make great friends here too."

I scoffed as the music became louder. "I highly doubt that."

Twilight blinked. "Why not?"

"Friendship works on trust. Something I cannot afford to give away. You want to be my friend? I'm afraid you'll have to work for it." I replied genuinely, not trying at all to sound harsh. But really considering my... circumstances, friendship was a thing I couldn't afford while I'm here. I have research to do after this damn getting-closer party.

The unicorn paused for a moment, looking down thoughtfully as I raised a curious brow. Then she looked back up and smirked confidently. "Then I'll be sure to work hard for it."

"I'm hardly worth the effort."

"Everypony is. I like challenges, anyway."

I grinned, admittedly enjoying this attitude of Twilight's. Already she's the closest thing I have to a friend here. "Just don't blame me when you get a migraine." We both chuckled at the joke, and for some reason I already felt my spirits rising as we talked. What was this...?

"Thank you, by the way." The unicorn then said gratefully. "If it weren't for you, I might have never discovered the sixth element, and we never would have stopped Nightmare Moon."

I snorted. "Please; you would have figured it out regardless. And you did in the end. I didn't help you or your friends at all."

"Well... maybe." I smirked at the mock-smugness in her tone. "But you helped us anyway. Thank you for that." I;m not too sure whether I was comfortable with that smile or not. "So thank you, Stardust."

"...No problem."

"But... how did you know what the sixth element was, anyway?"

That was for me to know, and for you to ponder my dear Twilight. As I opened my mouth to say as such-

"Twilight! There you are!" I was cut off by a particular small dragon rushing out of the crowd towards us. "You're missing out on the yummy cake- Oh. Hey I remember you! You're that pony who stood up to Nightmare Moon in the Town Hall!" I nodded, honestly I'm a little taken aback that he would even remember me.

"Yes I am."

"That was really brave of you! I thought only Twilight had the nerve to do that!" I shrugged.

"I just did what needed to be done. No more, no less."

"Stardust here will be staying with us at our new home, Spike." Twilight announced to her pet. Why does she sound so happy about it? I'm not the greatest roommate in the world, as she'll no doubt soon discover.

"Really? That's great!" Before I even processed it the purple-ish dragon was right in front of me, inches shorter, holding out the closest thing to a human hand I've seen all day. "It'll be awesome to have someone else around when Twilight's too busy. My name's Spike. Spike the Dragon. Twilight's number one assistant! It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Okay... I wasn't expecting such manners, despite who the owner was. After my rapid blinking I lifted a small smile and landed the palm of my hoof on his hand, shaking it gently. "I am Stardust Balance. The pleasure is all mine, Mr Spike."

"Oh um, please, just call me Spike. You don't have to be so formal." The lizard rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment. At least that earlier smugness was gone.

"As you wish. You can call me Stardust in return then. I believe we'll get along quite well friend." I may as well play nice to the dragon; I have no intent on making their lives a living hell... provided they don't do the same in turn...

"I like him already." Spike grinned to the observant Twilight after breaking the hand- Hoofshake, who nodded in turn.

"So do I Spike." My head immediately snapped to her after those words. Wait, for real? They both actually liked me? She giggled at my astounded expression. "No need to look so surprised. I'm sure we'll all get along fantastically! Now Spike, what were you saying about cake?"

"Oh! Right! Come on this way! It's the most delicious cake I've ever had!"

Twilight shook her head in amusement, and I couldn't help but mimic such as we followed the ecstatic dragon towards the said delicious-looking cake and Twilight's friends. So... I'm already thought fondly of in this place... Maybe it won't be so bad after all... as we returned to the crowd, only one thought crossed my mind.

"Hold tight little sis... I'll be home as soon as I-"

A loud familar gasp. "YOU! You're new to Ponyville aren't you?! Don't worry: I'll throw another party just for you! Two parties on the same day! WOO-HOO!"

...Sod what I previously just thought to myself. This WILL be as bad as I thought. I glared upwards at the laughter of that mysterious voice in my mind.

To be continued...

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