• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 18,895 Views, 1,952 Comments

A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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A Journey Beyond Sanity: The Movie: Part IV


A cold shudder passed through my form, freezing with the sensation of laying on stone. Well, it was absurdly, brutally chilling and hard, whatever I was laying on just then. With a small groan, I steadily sat upwards and clutching my rather aching head. Great, what the Hell happened to me now?

More to the point, where was I even...?

...I knew this place.

Scarily enough, I recognized the interior in a heartbeat. Why was it unnerving? Because I've been here more times than should to immediately identify this location without fail. And that brought a few uncomfortable notions in me I shouldn't really ignore.

A visible breath of chill escaped my mouth, exhaling for warm breath in rubbing freezing hands. Clear hazel eyes scanning the ruined, abandoned walls to a long-aged castle, dark blue and brittle, succumbed to dust and cobwebs. Nothing to be excited for visiting than for exploration and investigation. I was always a sucker for being curious about the unexplored and intriguing mysteries-

My eyes immediately snapped back towards the end of the room, down the carpet where a tiny stone platform awaited. Alright, he wasn't there the first few times I gazed around the throne room.

Standing upon said small royal platform, a certain golden stallion with a mussy mane and facial hair, darkened in shades of brown from the lack of real lighting emerging through the windows, regarding my direction with nary a hint a movement, or acknowledgement to the presence of his, presumable, future.

Great, we're doing this again? Then this must be another dream since I could hardly recollect what brought me to sleep again. With a reluctant sigh, I strode forward, albeit slowly from the crude cold state of my form, determining to reconcile with whatever point of my life this was, despite the heavier atmosphere in the air pressuring by every step. Why was I in a hurry again? What happened that led to my unconscious position-?

It took a movement. A single, tiny movement, from the flick of the head, for me to finally notice something was off. This Stardust... Wasn't like the other ones?

A short noise exhaled from his equine nostrils, akin to a snort. "You're still referring to us as that?" Those decidedly annoyed and rather bone chilling eyes narrowed through utter distaste, before this past version shook his head with a small sigh. "A given, I suppose. Although I could likely be named as neither."

I frowned, wondering what point he was making. Why were they all so passionate about acting all mysterious when I-?

Another statement, cutting off my trail of thought in a cold heartbeat. "It's funny, how much we utterly detest ourselves. Always finding and even, maybe, conjuring up excuses for self-hate and berating, craving for others to disagree in order to simply make us feel as though we're worth a damn."

Immediately, I opened my protestant mouth, only to find something holding back my tongue, and not of my own free will... Wasn't it...?

"I should have the very right to hate myself at this point." Stardust muttered, sounding awfully drained and... Defeated all of a sudden, looking to the side with clear, remorseful sorrow aching over his more handsome pony features. "We made a lot of errors through life, but this... This isn't something that could be compared."

Another chill, something holding my complete body still like invisible chains, bringing me away from reaching or even speaking to the depressed stallion. And the more the lighting darkened, the stars visibly twinkling out the shattered, aged windows, casting more shadows upon the gold stallion, the more a sinking feeling took root in my heart. A kind of nauseating, despairing sensation I only felt a long time ago.

Back when... Oh no...

His voice amplified to ten again, with the darkest edge to his British tone. "Stardust Balance... Jack Wright... Hm." A low scoff, blood-red eyes that stunned me to cut oxygen for the moment glaring into my very soul, the voice of not one leaking out his darkened muzzle. "No matter what name we choose, our mistakes are still alone. You can claim to be a different person, to be your birth name alone yet again without the aid of this stronger, confident body..."

The world around me shattered, windows exploding in millions of shards all around us, walls cracking and becoming dust in a mere few seconds. The heavy vibrations beneath our feet prompting my dread to worsen, feeling entirely helpless and vulnerable... As I was back as him...!

"But you can't run away any longer. Look where that became of us."

No, no, this wasn't happening. Another bad dream that was too awful to come true. I already had nightmares of this scenario happening ages ago; I didn't desire a redo! I struggling, trying and hard as I might, yet nothing worked. I was encased like prey ready to be gobbled up, invisible cold tendrils brushing against my exposed backside and arms, as if testing me out and deeming me suitable for a well-deserved feast.

Nothing compared to the horror this Stardust became. Would have become. The darkened brown mane flowing like chocolate, malicious flames, the cape becoming the most deepest shade of blue available. Blue-green giving way only to malefic red, teeth sharp and deadlier than ever I've seen it in his form. Regarding me with such disdain... And pity, like I was some lowly life form unsuited for his malevolent being.

"So how can you bear to even look at me? You now know why I was so reluctant to befriend you and the others in the first place... I bring nothing but ruin and depression to people's lives. It's better than I remain hidden, away from the face of the Earth."

The Stardust who ran and sought to sacrifice himself from ever willingly hurt his friends stared down like seeming importance, sniffing loudly. Two voices merged collectively, one of triumph... One of sadness. "Your time is growing short with every passing, dwardling second." Then the glare became much more heated, that of sacred resolve. The following statement closer to encouragement then ever I heard of him: "Don't waste it."

And that was the last heard by this past life, and possibility, before a tap of a dark gold hoof and the world crumbled beneath me. Falling deep into the pit of blackness below. The only source of comfort by a certain, all-too forgiving, wonderful amazing mare that because my only source of light in this neverending void.

"You can't blame yourself for every bad thing that's happened in your life, Jack. Some things are just beyond your control, and we learn from our mistakes as best we can. You just need to forgive yourself, only then can you give yourself a brighter future."





A wave of cold hitting my slouched form, finally alerting me to the waking world. Good thing too, because that nightmare was something seemingly unable to awaken from.

This headache though... Gah...

The world was a brief blur, only concentrating to a dark blue around, the lighting only emerging from something in the center of... Wherever I was... Bright blue and crystal white... Roots in the middle of the rocky interior. Blinking wearily, I pulled off glasses and rubbed my eyes, finally noticing I was sitting down on some sticking-out slab.

And... Ah...

The figure in some kind of new, dark and grey attire, face turning the wall but I recognized the stature and fur colour at this point. Well at least he finally got rid of the Voldemort cloak. I winced, rubbing my aching temple again but not letting that monstrosity of a creature out of my peripheral vision for even a moment. The only other sounds of our shared breathing were the falling of drops from the ceiling, and the low humming vibrations to the glowing tree roots, as I presumed they were, giving off an air of something unique.

Followed, then, from the sound of hoofs moving, those cold, pure black eyes gazing back to my clearing sight, few droplets of water leaking from the ceiling around us. Other than that, dead silence, though my mind picked up on a cackling inferno from the heated, equally disdainful glares across the self-made room.

Although, even if Zagreus seemed a little more calm about the situation. "I hope you appreciate everything I've done." Hm? "It wasn't easy to obtain, even by my power." What now? I only frowned deeper. "A cushion summoned from your own world."

Wha... Oh.

Looking down to the item softening my posterior, I huffed in disbelieving annoyance before standing upwards. Clearly mocking me. Even having the audacity to address me still. "Don't move too much. You're still recovering."

"You neither." I retorted all too casually, rubbing my head still as the headache slowly died away, closing eyes tightly for a second before reminding myself the situation, glaring to Zagreus darkly. "So what now? Am I your trophy prisoner? Keep in mind, your puppet Blueblood tried the same thing."

"Your friends placed a valiant, but futile battle." The abomination of nature responded solemnly. "The fallen King moreso deserves the most praise, facing a final confrontation to oppose me as Canterlot fell." Sounds about right. "Your friends managed to elude the inevitable, now facing a fruitless diversion against my allies at the Crystal Empire."

"You mean minions." I quipped with instinct, before the news processed. So my friends were safe, that brought a momentary sigh of relief. "And I'm still alive because...?"

"Well, it would have seemed such a waste to destroy you as you slept." Of course. Rolling my eyes, I continued walking around in interest, noting all my weapons and spare armour were gone. Vanished. Entirely defenseless but my wit. Reminds me of season one. Zagreus kept being all too casual with his remarks about murder. "I thought you would come to finally appreciate the depths of my power now, before the end comes."

"Implying it'll ever happen." I perked a brow, pacing around the roots and turning my attention to them. If Zagreus kills me with facing my back, at least I won the high ground of not being a coward the most. "Call yourself a mass murderer when you haven't even killed anyone yet. Nothing but your own hyped up promises of genocide. Lesser cartoons than this world with villains have been more bite than bark."

Zagreus wasn't taking the bait, as I anticipated from all our other encounters. Probably the only smart Equestria villain ever. "You know what this is of course?"

"Oh, some..." A low gesture to the roots he questioned about. "Grown roots to a giant tree above. Obviously we're underground."

"Not a mere tree, Jack."

"Than some high-powered tree of magical substance. The kind of power only you would be interested for your... Plans..." I trailed off in dawning comprehension, only one real ideal magical tree springing to mind, glaring to the smirking Zagreus in irritated bafflement. "What could you possibly want with the Tree of Harmony...?"

There was low menace to my apprehensive tone and the enemy took swift note of such. "Have I already touched a nerve, my friend? Is the human spirit that easy to provoke, or the ties the power source above held with your dear friends... Your dear Twilight... Of a sour topic?"

You have no idea you self-conceited monstrous son of a [BEEP]...

My fists clenched, but the [BEEP]hole merely waved away my growing fumed outrage to motion more to the blue and white tall roots going from floor to ceiling. "Look to the roots, Jack. See what others can not."

Well, either this or hearing him openly mock and opt not to kill me yet. Still, frowning to glaring in wary exhaustion, I slowly turned from the pale unicorn towards the glowing roots. Nothing too special than the humming sounds, tender. What would the likes of him desire from an object that radiates purely Harmonic magic?

I'd ask Starswirl if he was even here after I told him to [BEEP] off. But I'm confident this disaster of a creature behind me while I slowly walked around the cables of nature will tell me everything in a moment.

"Almost every living creature birthed in the light shares a connection to Harmony itself. The world centers moreso on the light than it does the dark. Even Princess Luna learnt of this a thousand years ago and sought to brought balance herself. A foolish gesture of arrogance of course, but something to be considered inspirational by ambitions alone. Harmony and Chaos have always been at imbalance in this world because your people desired for it to overflow with light, inches of darkness peeking through here and there to be purposely thwarted."

I had half a mind to roll my eyes. Okay, now he's a history teacher. Will wonders never cease? Sighing quietly, I knelt down before the lowest of roots, a bit slightly amazed from the many more numbers of white and blue 'tubes' peeking from the bigger gaps of wider roots.

"The Tree of Harmony amplifies the harmonic magic of the world to a singular source. The roots before us have not simply traveled upwards to form the very tree we share knowledge of today. Downwards, they extend deep and thorough, past the many layers of the earth's crust towards the very edge of the magical core itself."

"W-Why are you telling me this...?" What's the game here? I stood upwards, looking to the talking creature on my right feet away, frowning with a hard-raised brow. What motive did this baffling demon sharing this time?

Zagreus didn't even give me a direct answer, black voids looking to the roots intently. "All Equestrian life has been born with a defect, one which extends from the horn of a unicorn to the breath of fire from a dragon."

"What defect?" Living?

"Magic." My head snapped to the monster, knitting brows in befuddled annoyance. Just what was Zagreus even saying? "All life on Equestria born in the shadows or the daylight have a trace connection towards the magical core by the center of the planet. The life force of the lands. The skies. The seas. The volcanoes to the stratosphere."

As he was saying this, my gaze slowly moved towards the roots, beginning to glance up in slow, beginning comprehension. A magical core... In the center of the world... Connected to all life... Connected to these roots to the Tree itself...

"And there he sees it..." Zagreus' cold voice slithered. "Imagine, Jack. To hold in your hand... The heartbeat of every living creature in Equestria... And then, the entire world..."

A shudder brushing my shoulders, suddenly weighted by something oppressive. Something beyond me. The sheer will of the implications putting my entire being on edge, the raw power these roots entailed trembling my small human form. The white and blue radiating in warm, pulsating demonstration for what kind of creation, and devastation, it could possibly bring to all who obliviously dwell.

I didn't even sense or hear his approach, a pale hoof grasping my wrist, feeling nothing but cold and dreadful, shockingly gentle and coaxing towards in guiding my hand closer. "Are you ready, Jack...?" Zagreus whispered, sounding rather empathetic and... Encouraging. "To finally be the God you were always meant to be...?"

A God... To hold in my hand, the life essence of all living things in this world. To dictate their thoughts, their emotions. Theirs actions and life paths... To be the God I claimed so many times I was here, to Twilight and the rest-

My hand snapped back, closing in a fist before inches away by the closest root, stepping back from the power and the monster whom desires it. No, I couldn't. I shan't. Looking away fully with closed eyes, fist brushing my bearded chin. What Zagreus was asking. What the world had expected. What Starswirl desired from me for so long. Pressure, expectations, hopes. All of it weighed down on the human being so far from home and wanting nothing more but to be in the safe, comforting arms away from such harsh responsibilities and the realities to it all.

"Why hesitate?" His crude tone sneered from behind, ringing in my good ear and ruptured ear. "Is this the pride of a 'Twilight Warrior' or his shame? Does the prospect of real, dominating power disturb your moral codes so? Absolute power corrupts, but of this scale frightening for a species that craves nothing but such power..."

"There's no such thing as a Twilight Warrior." I moved away towards the the closest wall on the left, turning back to Zagreus with a tinge of anxious exasperation. "No such thing as a hero. No such things as... As a saviour. I'm just a guy, running around... Telling stories... Helping whenever I could. It doesn't matter who, or why, I just do because it feels good!"

My breathing shallow, but spouting every word of sincerity.

"And of course I'm ashamed. A bit of shame never hurts. Nor does pride, not if you let it measured. I've made too mistakes in my life, moreso recent for the rest of my limited existence. But I still fight... I still fight... Because..." I closed my eyes briefly, letting the full truth out that moment, exhaling before gazing back to the quiet, observing Zagreus, voice lowered to barely a whisper. "I have nothing to prove. I fight because they're my friends and I'll do everything I can to keep them safe... That's all I have left to do... I'm the Twilight Warrior... Because I just fight."

Nothing else. Barely anything anymore. And, at this moment, I'd have it no other way. I fought, I protect. But most importantly, I kept on going. All my words of wanting to die and depressive train of thought made way to defending the lives of the innocent. Of the unjust, the vulnerable and hapless. And I'll keep going with every last breath, however long that was then.

Zagreus had stayed silent to this point. And a simple, knowing response to that rather desperate, weary speech. "Conviction, then."

I could only nod with low breath. "Always."

"It grows and spreads within your soul, like an inescapable disease."

Another confirming nod. "I should hope so."

"It will destroy you, in the end."

The matter-of-fact statement returned by, again, a third up and down of the head. "I wouldn't have died for anything else."

"You rely on it."

My stare said it all. "Forever."

And Zagreus merely left it there, as though the confrontation of my feelings was no longer of relevant equation. Perhaps it wasn't.

But that didn't deter from the previous mark of the conversation, myself frowning whilst walking around the roots, though daring not to be an inch of touching them again. "What about you? With your twisted views on Balance, why haven't you been playing God yet?"

Pointedly ignoring, meanwhile, for the moment, the horrifying implications that Zagreus can just control every creature on the planet in a heartbeat.

"My grander scope over the ambitions to my designs are merely significant, moreso, than controlling the hearts and minds of millions." The answer came matter-of-factly, prompting me to glare curiously at the old foe but still wandering around, getting some energy back into my legs. "It's not simply enough anymore. I desire the power to control all of creation. And what these roots connect to shall lead to that power."

The core of magic. Whatever that really was. "How did you find out about it?"

Zagreus, being the monologue station of exposition as if attempting to make some point, explained in a beat. "Amidst the growth of my restoring magic, I uncovered through the haze of other realms, to see deep into the hearts of these Equestrians. A curious spark spawned from the magical properties affixed to their souls, a link that was... Quite easy to follow."

"And now you want to use its power to destroy everything, and bring it anew." I summarized casually. And when the monstrous creation made no attempt of refuting that observation, I added in something quite obvious while pacing back and forth, hands on hips and shake of the head. "Not even you could possibly maintain a body wielding the very heart of magic itself."

Only the tiniest of pauses, before the inevitable affirmation. "It would be a sacrifice worth paying for."

That incited my pause close by, throwing the bewildering pale pony in grey and black sinister armour a look. Somehow I think telling him he was mad at this point would be beating a dead horse. Huffing shortly, I continued on my trek forth and back. "What role does the Storm King play?"

"A diversionary role." Zagreus' poker face remained a hundred percent serious, never keeping me out of sight that it only helped unnerve me every time I walked by. "It was cakewalk in persuading him to rid of his emotional lieutenant. After that, a nudge to help spread my power and regain the greater imbalanced magic I require for this challenge awaiting me."

The Crystal Empire. A distraction so he could get the imbalance from a battle that was never suppose to happen, meanwhile in turn, he'd be snaking off to the core of earth in search of the greatest magical source, as I was spitballing here, and reset the entire dimension, and all which would follow, in his own wake. That's how this demon... No, Devil, intended on bringing his monstrous ambitions to fruition.

What gives this world life, Zagreus would use its power to bring only death.

"All pawns and chess pieces to you." I snarled, unable to contain my incredulous rage at the absurd, terrifying goal this creature possessed. "All life matters so little to you."

"They forfeit their relevance for reality the moment they chose the path to self-conceited ambitions. They crave nothing; selfish gains and destruction alone."

"They also bring life, and happiness to others!" I retorted, refusing to allow Zagreus the satisfaction of believing he's right. "Think of all the good they've done; helping others and protecting nature."

"Think of all the evil they've done." Zagreus stressed in turn, as if trying to make me see the truth. Why? He leaned forward slightly to emphasis his moot point. "The untold number of destruction brought to the very world they ungratefully inhabit. Millions die every little time between for power. Riches. Domination."

Whether we were addressing about humanity or this world's creatures, I would continue fighting back. "All species have their flaws, and that's what makes them special. Life and destruction. Harmony and Chaos. They're perfectly balanced. Otherwise we would have gone extinct a long time ago! Flaws are a part of us; they're what makes us perfect!"

Moreso myself and other kinds I'm referring to, Zagreus. You're an unholy mistake that shouldn't have any right to exist whatsoever; so no part of the equation do you have a foothold in. Harsh, but I was completely done putting up with his overzealous, murder-hungry bull[BEEP].

"Perfect you say..." Zagreus appeared to have pondered that with a raised brow. "That reminds me... There is a question for you, Jack. One I have desired to inquire if ever the chance was made."

I scoffed, turning away again to move, bring more feeling with rolling my shoulders. "Yeah, well put your hoof on my knee and it won't turn out great for you."

"Why did you leave Earth?"

I whirled around instantly. That was NOT the question I expected... Though to be honest I wasn't expecting anything. "Because I did?"

Not satisfying enough, unfortunately. "You jumped at the chance Starswirl gave and left your home in a heartbeat. Why?"

It sounded genuinely curious, and I shrugged, finding really little else to do. "Well it's a boring place, Earth." I answered casually, hands on waist while taking another walk around the roots, distant enough. "You seen how much they try to kill themselves? It was driving me mad."

"Yet you long to return."

Another shrug, not denying it, offering a wry grin with a dash of humour. "I'm terribly inconsistent."

Zagreus clicked his tongue, clearly not encouraged by the answers given yet. "But it is always the same lie."

That wiped the grin off my face. "What lie?" Not meaning to sound so defensive like that.

"You never left because you were bored." Zagreus rather snapped, as if my dancing around was irritating. Should hope so. "No one runs like you do for so minor a motivation." Half my lips exposed grit teeth. "No, something else drove you from home, and not simply to become a spirit's perfect little servant." My glare could only deepen, but the monster persisted slowly. "Just as something drove you equally away from your dear pony friends. Not just me, but something that... Utterly terrifies you."

Those black voids leaned closer, forcing me instinctively to make a step backwards. Fists clenched, disliking immensely the way he was intently peering into my broken soul. He didn't have the right...!

"What was it, Jack? What could motivate a man to leave everything behind on a suicidal crusade so easily? Why leave, than choose to wither away in that form over time in the company of friends? Why not have simply waited for me at your Princess' castle to fight or final confrontation?" The curling of a deep, sinister but ungodly knowing grin. "It wasn't boredom. It was fear. But what would frighten you enough to leave everything behind... Twice?"

This was getting too personal, even for me. Taking a few more steps back against a blue rocky wall, I glared heatedly towards the creature trying to gauge and obtain answers that were, and never will be, HIS to gain. I mustered up enough tone left to mark it as finality. "We're done here." A reminder I wasn't a willing prisoner of his.

"That we are." What? Just like that? All that debate and Zagreus suddenly decides he had enough. The look on his face couldn't express anymore casual distaste. "I have everything I needed, regardless."

Say what? "Then why bring me down here?" Part of me became apprehensive awaiting the answer, my shoulder shuddering.

The faintest of dark smiles. "I was merely experimenting." My frown deepened, then Zagreus clarified calmly. "Humanity succumbs to the promise of power so easily. Godhood would be irresistible... But you... My how these ponies have softened you so."

Joke's on you [BEEP] wipe. "I never would have used this power before I even met them Zagreus."

And if these ponies have changed me for the better in areas, I wear those developments with pride.

"Wouldn't had?" A challenging raised brow, followed by a cold shrug to my inhale. The monstrosity looked away as though I was no long a relevant subject matter. "I would have killed you before you had the chance of becoming such a true deity. Touching the roots was a fabrication, regardless... I seem to have a habit of toying with my food."

"You're too kind." Hands in pockets, I could only glare at Zagreus smiling to himself like he had nothing to fear. [BEEP]tard. "For claiming to not be a villain, you sure do monologue like one of the usual in Equestria." I drawled sardonically, awaiting whatever fate the creature had in mind for me next.

All that answered was a weary sigh. "A shame that low attempt of wit couldn't be replaced for something more useful an autistic child who fears employment, flees from his problems, and relies on little, feminine horses to do everything for him."

Without awaiting another retort, Zagreus disappeared in a heartbeat, leaving behind a dead silence in the empty, rocky room with merely the tender hums of magical roots.

...And he called MY remark a low blow.

Zagreus was his secret name.

Zagreus wasn't the one to blame.

Zagreus is the Starswirl's shame.

The beast that he's been keeping...

Seemed appropriate. Very much so. It's much to dwell upon now, being trapped in a cave for what was going to feel like weeks. Doomed to starve and stick around as the malevolent forces out there win.

No... Not win. Not while I still believe.

Taking a seat onto the blue slab sticking out, I sighed wearily with hands on bent knees. Amazing how much oxygen there seemed to be with scarcely any gaps above. This was the end for me then, it appeared. The lonely little man trapped underground, comforted only by the glowing roots of something that gives hope to the surface above.

Hope. Friendship. The like. Of course, I was hardly alone internally. My hands rubbed the cold fingers, one of which bearing something I never took off since making that fateful promise back home. Either the cold would finish me first, or the hunger. Preferably I'd pick coldness since that... Nah that'd still be as painful. A wry tiny chuckle, regarding the pulsating roots giving life above, almost envying it.

They'll be fine. They'll all be fine. Twilight. Rarity. Applejack. Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy. Spike and Starlight and Sunset and Shining and Sombra and Sunburst. Everyone has each other to rely on; to fight to the bitter end. They'd stop Zagreus, with or without me. They always found a way.

My ring shone against the sea-blue light, prompting me to regard and hold it close to my freezing chest, frowning softly. Twilight was sad again... I don't know why. I could still feel the major depression through whatever bond remained. What or who could have made my angel in such raw pain that it would be felt so here? A surge of indignant rage passed through my being, caring moreso to protect and fight back anyone who dares intend harm on Twilight. The lovable smart alicorn who deserves safety and happiness.

[BEEP] what happens to me.

If I did meet my end down here, maybe I'll end up where Starswirl the Failure was, and learn the secret to communicate with the living above. I can already imagine Twilight have some choice- No, no that wouldn't be fair. Why torment her worse? I'd rather simply vanish from existence in physical or spiritual forever than ever cause Twilight Sparkle more grief than I have so many times before.

Right now, the only option was to press the glowing violet ring against my beating heart, hoping that could at least convey the comfort and love that was needed. That connection we shared, just like our bonds with those we have come to love.

It wasn't magic.




Zagreus sets the skies ablaze.

The stars his flame a gleaming- What the...?

I frowned, looking up to the ceiling in befuddled startle. Did I just imagine that? Some kind of low, rumbling sensation above. A trick of hope? A reassurance of the Tree above that everything will be fine?

That rumbling in question didn't happen again once my ears paid attention, and I failed spectacularly in suppressing an exhale of annoyance. Great, yeah, just a trick of raising my self-hopes that something or someone will come to my salvation. If that was the case, why would they be wasting time with me when Twilight-?

There it was again!

I stood upwards then, glaring in surprise to the ceiling above beginning to shed dust. My salvation, or Zagreus' method of giving me a quick demise of cave collapse? If so that would be rather a blessing-

Okay! That was a big one! The next rumble quaking the earth a bit and causing me to fall onto the seat again. Good thing too, since I needed to lean from the explosion and dust which followed, immediately shielding my face from the falling close debris between myself and the roots, shattering upon the ground and inciting my repetitive coughs and gasping for clear air. Thankfully, nothing broken yet.

"I see him!" My face snapped upwards in shock, followed by my gaping jaw. That voice-! "Yeah it's him!"


"Stardust!" Came the enthusiastic response, that pink head peeking through before the unicorn's whole body leapt down with grace atop the dusty debris, beaming in relieved exasperation. "The places we find each other in, huh?"

"...Yeah." I sighed while running a hand through dark brown, rather dust-filled hair, grinning myself to see the pink mare was well- Ah to Hell with it. Another tight, affectionate embrace followed. She's safe, and that counted at least. Even then I had to pull back and regard her in wonder. "How did you find me?"

"A little help from a little guy who knows the scent of someone who hasn't taken a shower in weeks." What-?


My gaze snapped upwards again in disbelieving awe. "Nightshade!" I couldn't help but cry in amazement to the familiar small owl flying down from the hole onto my waiting arm, the same blank but adorable expression as always. Twilight's pet... Well, both of ours I'd be bold to confess.

"Hoo!" The small old friend wasted no time in making himself home on my raised limb, brushing the feathery head against my cheek. Warm and comforting, just like a familiar mare this little guy belonged to.

Still, I was compelled to ask. "What are you doing here, little guy?" I had to ask with a relieved grin. "I thought I told you to watch over Twilight and our friends a month back."

"He came back when sensing you were in danger." Starlight explained with her own warm, gratified beam, nodding to someone else above. Seconds later, a rope falling down in place. "He found us first, after the others went to go fight the Storm King's army. I just knew Zagreus would be holding you somewhere. We thought it was the Storm King's lair but-"

"Save the explanations for after this is over!" A snappish feminine, rather rough voice called up from above.


"Right." Starlight nodded, looking to me next while Nightshade flew upwards back to where they emerged from. "Coming, Stardust? I imagine this cave must have been suffocating for you?" Years of enduring through P.E, don't fail me now.

Surprisingly, I guessed months learning to fight and survive in the wild made me somewhat skilled enough to climb up a rope no problem, despite somewhat progressive exertion following that. Awaiting at the top, from behind the created hole was the glowing Tree of Harmony itself, seemingly untouched and radiant in its peaceful hues.

Thank God for that. Before me, having tied the rope onto a sturdy, grounded rock on the other side was the dark pink unicorn that suddenly appeared during the heated battle in Canterlot to our aid, evidently having some grudge against the malevolent adversary to join and combat. Bold, but still edgy judging by the ridiculous appearance. Panting slowly, I stood upwards and dusted the grit off my chest, legs and back, Starlight levitating up with the rest of the role following.

And the hole suddenly glowing in its size before magically closing up, the famous Tree emanating more brightness for the moment as ground replaced what was formerly the entrance to my brief prison. Huh.

"We don't have much time." Starlight was quick to debrief then, once walking around me rather fussy-like to inspect for any visible signs of injuries. "Anything broken? Bruised? In need of immediate medical care-?"

"Good grief Starlight, you're beginning to sound like Twilight."

A wry smile. "Now you see what happens when you're not there." I had to chuckle at that light-hearted jest, before Starlight got back to seriousness. "The battle at the Crystal Empire's begun. And they need all the help they can get."

I shook my head there, relying then on information Zagreus had all-too happily provided. "I can't spare a moment. You'll have to join them Starlight. Zagreus is planning to go underground and corrupt the core of the planet-"

"Then we haven't a moment to lose." The newcomer cut in with a stomp of the hoof, regarding with impatient firmness. Her pale blue eyes glinting in her own pained resolve. Sound familiar? "That monster needs to be stopped no matter the cost."

I frowned, briefly wondering who exactly this mare was or what her backstory was. I'd ask either the two of them or Starswirl- No I wouldn't.

"Then we're on the same page." I turned back to the frowning Starlight, who curiously enough seemed to be regarding us in concern. Something on our faces? Aside from our new friend's scar? "The Storm King and Zagreus are in cahoots. Likely the latter is using one of the former's bases for shelter to conduct his grand plan. We just need to know where."

The pink unicorn opened her muzzle, but another voice chimed in. "I know where." I turned back to face the dark pink broken mare, whom answered without a hint of reluctance. "Before they betrayed me, Zagreus had the Storm King's forces start drilling under the lair, without giving any reasoning but behind closed doors. We'll likely find him there."

"Well well..."

"You shouldn't have made the Storm King turn against me."

"It was inevitable!"

Then I finally remembered, my frown deepening by the sight of the unafraid tall equine regarding me expectantly. "You're an accomplice of the Storm King..." Right fist instinctively flexing as though a hidden blade would pop out.

"Was an accomplice." Came the bitter response, the dark pink mare glaring upwards myself in sudden reinforced ire. "And I partially blame you for that."

"You're blaming me for no longer being a slave-"

"We were PARTNERS. An established fact demolished because your villainous friend-!"

"You can't honestly believe still the Storm King would keep you around after getting what he wants?" Starlight chimed in with a note of exasperation, bright lilac eyes pleading to the newcomer's way... Forgot what her name was. "It's insanity!"

The glare darkened Starlight's direction, putting my nerves on full and automatically standing between them, the dark pink mare looking away. "You can't possibly understand..."

"Tempest..." Ah that was her name. The pink friend brushed me aside, desperate. "Whatever promises he made. Do you honestly believe someone like the Storm King would ever fulfill after enslaving almost all of ponykind, simply because he could?"

"It's not-" Tempest held in a breath, seeming to make every effort to compose herself with only the faintest glimmers of doubt. I helped in, pressuring the point Starlight and I were both providing.

"We know his type, Tempest. We've encountered them time and time again." I sighed, rubbing a hand through my own hair. "Power-craving dictators who seek to play the vulnerable with false vows of assistance... Only for when your usefulness end, they no longer have any need of you... And you're left with nothing..."

"...But you can still have something." Starlight added in, offering a light, friendly smile. "If you accept my offer from earlier, and help us end this travesty for good."

Tempest simply kept quiet, and I glanced between the two, one a former villain and the next a... Semi-current. Wonder what history they recently had.

"For now, you're either with us or against us." I had to give the ultimatum right now, unfolding my arms a few seconds later. "You know the way to the Storm King's lair. Any faster route?"

Tempest finally looked back, nodding with her own grim determination. "We can take my flagship. I escaped with it after I was betrayed." Willing to put her own grudges aside for the sake of retribution. That's one good point.

"Then we haven't a moment to lose." We were both in agreement, making a beeline towards the large carrier parked outside. I would make a remark if I wasn't so focused on the present circumstance and what was unfolding the longer we delayed. while doing myself not to stare too long by the Tree of memories.

Zagreus was going to ignite the magical core and blow the entire universe, resetting it as his own. Cyrus vibes anyone? My teeth bared and grinded with heated resolve, eyes narrowing darkly. Zagreus had to be stopped. He just HAD to be. And by God was I going to not waste this final chance and delay myself any longer. I'll fix both mine and Starswirl's mistake indefinitely.

...Then my ears picked up the sound of a few horse trots, prompting me to pause as Tempest kept walking, looking back to the pink mare who lingered by the cave entrance. "Starlight, you coming?" Had no intent to sound swiftly impatient, but something about that lilac stare regarding our direction was worrisome. Was the mare still coming to grasp that I was unharmed, or still raring to go after Zagreus despite everything endured?

"Uh, yeah. I'm coming!" Overhead Nightshade flew to the ship himself while Starlight hastily followed. The sky was looking a curious hue of red along the way.

"Meanwhile on Tempest Shadow's Dirigible of Doom..."

A small giggle. "Her Doomrigible." I snorted, chuckling back then.

The higher we flew, the worse it got.

Blood-red skies. Vanishing clouds. An omen. Another chance, perhaps this time indefinitely, for a final edges of my ruined, scarred leather jacket flapped strongly against the winds, same for my unkempt long hair. Haven't seen a hairdresser in about... God I couldn't even keep track of time anymore.

My position? The front of the massive airship guiding us across land and seas towards the final location of what's to come. Destiny was at hand, and I intended to drag that monster down to Hell with me. However, there was one more concern before doing so.

"She never found a cure."

A drained sigh from the side, a certain pink equine hanging her head in affirmation. "Twilight, she... We didn't have enough time." Right, that's all I needed to hear, and Starlight correctly guessed as much. "I know you weren't expecting any progressive results, but we tried. We did everything we could..."

Ah, never let it be said that I never took time out of my busy 'schedule' to assure a friend in need. "The fact that you made the effort means everything to me." I replied lightly, gaze never leaving the seas and skies.

Silence took hold again, although the only sounds wafting the ears were the currents of high altitude, the seagulls squawking in the air and from below, and the flapping sails and 'wings' from the ship we traveled across. Impressive model, for its time. Obviously movie-material because it seemed too out of left field to make an appearance in just an episode. Tempest was currently at the wheel, as needed; no other crew on board, save for a weird hedgehog-looking mother[BEEP]er currently gorging himself in the ship kitchen, and only she had the experience to pilot this vessel.

"I'm surprised you haven't asked."

"About what?"

"Why I trust Tempest so easily."

"I shouldn't need to." Starlight looked at me inquisitively, prompting my simple vocal fact. "I trust your judgment."

Starlight Glimmer was wise and logical, in her own way. Unlike most ponies, and some humans, the mare doesn't make judgments right off the bat; learning from her own past and giving others a chance before deeming them a friend or foe. Of course Starlight wasn't perfect. No one was because that would be dull. But the unicorn beside me had a calm-headed, mature approach to some situations when Twilight could only panic at. Hence, my faith in her confidence.

If Starlight sees something in Shadow the Pony back there, I, in turn, put every faith in her faith... Christ have I changed. Heh.

"Stardust..." The soft voice to my left started again, sounding faint and weary at first before it shone and exemplified. "There's something I have to ask you. Not a question, but a request." A request? I raised a brow and finally looked to the speaking Starlight, whom had her own determined frown whilst looking out to the seas, wind flapping her purple and blue-streaked mane.

Unlike much earlier up to now, Starlight displayed more boldness than hesitation and worry. Something obviously was bothering her, and now she's going to come out with the truth.

Her lilac orbs glimmered against the darkened sun. "Because, if you really trust my judgement, if you truly believe in your friends' ambitions, if you believe in Twilight... Then I know you'll do as I ask, in the end. Because you're a good person contrary to what you always believe." Where was this going? I suddenly adopted a sense of apprehension, especially by the expression Starlight faced me head-on. "Forgive Zagreus."

A jumble of emotions coursed through my veins. A plethora of smashing thoughts and conflicted emotions messing themselves up to together from shock, disbelief, anger, incredulity, livid and distraught. Because I JUST commented mentally earlier how wise and mature Starlight was compared to most. Why does the world love challenging my beliefs.

"For... Forgive Zagreus..." My features were starting to hurt from how clenched my expression was, staring down at the unicorn not showing an inch of anxiousness from my heated glare. But I wasn't done by just echoing the ABSURD request! "Forgive- Starlight!" I gestured to our front destination in sheer indignant exasperation. "You know what he's done! You know why he is! And you expect me to-?!"

"Yes." Just like that, Starlight showed off another skill of leaving people speechless, never wavering still. "I'm well aware of his past misdeeds; I've partaken in some of them myself." ONGOING misdeeds still! "Just as I'm perfectly acknowledging that because you played an unwitting role in his creation, you take whole responsibility of fixing your mess. But." That gaze softened, reminding me of a certain alicorn that caused my human teeth to clench. The tone didn't help. "Is what you and Starswirl keep trying to do the only way?"

What, did she think I intend to- No, I'm better than that and Starlight knows it! "Banishing him seems the best viable option Starlight. You know for a fact he's no ordinary villain-"

"Just as you were never an ordinary pony." Starlight cut me off swiftly with one raised pink limb, getting back her resolved frown, and I wondered if I had anything done to inspire that. "But you know what? You changed. Equestria changed you, for the better. There's enough proof of that time and time again."

"And, what, you're saying Zagreus, a creature bred entirely of imbalance and darkness, can become a 'better person' too? He's not me!" Thank God for that! "It's insanity to think that some like him can possibly be-"

"'Reformed?' What, not like me? Not like Sunset? Not like Discord? Or Tempest back there. You're saying Zagreus is completely irredeemable in spite of your preaches to always give someone a chance?"

"You're confusing me for Twilight, Starlight-"

"Which is exactly my point! Twilight would forgive him!" And Starlight knew she had me, putting her hoof down firmly and glaring upwards in passionate confidence, too achingly similar. So much similar, that the appearance and voice of a particular Princess took her student's place for the moment. "No one should ever be beyond redemption, Jack. Despite what background Zagreus has, he's a living being with his own thoughts, emotions and ambitions. He deserves a chance of friendship at least!"


My heart pounded against my chest in sorrowful despair, expression dampening to distraught uncertainty. Those sparkling eyes brimming with self-confidence and the resolve to do what's right. The adorable but form set muzzle taking no utter nonsense. It hurt, and it hurt badly.

And Starlight returned in the spot, sharing that equal expression and my feelings were torn in two: Despair and pride. And another voice soon pitched in casually with a clear note of disdain. "A monster like Zagreus can't be reformed." Our gazes turned to the approaching Tempest, whom likely heard some of the commotion. Clear blue eyes gleaming in disapproving anger. "He makes the Storm King look like a child in comparison. What possible evidence do you have that suggests such a creature can change at all?"

We looked back to Starlight, who regarded the wooden drying boards in thought. The deck having seen many imbalanced climates on our way here, staying sturdy and enduring the whole time.

"Maybe he can't..." Tempest scoffed derisively, but Starlight remained adamant in meeting my gaze again with the following, simple words bearing too much meaning. "But we can never know until we try."


The taller, darker pink mare snorted. "If you say so." Before stepping to my right overlooking the view, motioning forwards with her voice drop dead serious. "We're reaching the Lair."

I saw it... An island of black in the distance away from charted areas. A malevolent hold where our enemy lied. We regarded our direction differently. Starlight anxious, Tempest determined, and myself resigned.

And feeling the light part of me yearn in believing my friend and sister's words.

"We're up enough to avoid immediate detection. Those guards can be buffoons when they want to be." Tempest informed us as we stood leaning over the edge, right below the center entrance to the SK's fortress. "The volcanic substance of the island cooled down thanks to the imbalances, permitting the soldiers to start digging down."

Starlight hummed, both concerned but ready for this. "What will be expecting down there?"

"A drilled hole by the center of the base heading down to the core. All the militia and fleet were dispatched for the overtaking of Equestria. We should meet little to no resistance."

Implying Zagreus wouldn't have any back-up of his own... Regardless, I nodded in thanks to Tempest, looking back up to meet her with hazel eyes, coming to a decision I've pondered on halfway across this trip.

"Thank you for telling us all this, Tempest." I started, looking back up to view the stern unicorn. "And as Starlight had a request for me before we arrived, I too have to one for you."

"Now doesn't seem a good time, Stardust." Blue eyes narrowed sternly my way, telling me to get to my point. So I shall.

"I know you what revenge for what Zagreus did to you. You more than deserve that retribution." I acknowledged with a small nod, offering a wry smile. "However, instead of wasting energy doing so, I ask you allow just Starlight and I to handle him, while you do something more constructive with your time."

The look given my way was withering. "And that would be...?"

"Find our friends." Came the answer, Starlight then gasping in light surprise. But I pressed my point once Tempest's muzzle twitched irritably. "They're somewhere outside Equestria, and it's time they came home."

"I know which direction they went." Tempest responded then, but expanding no more than that. Her voice softened by an inch but maintaining the skeptic frown. "Why should I do as you say?"

The first bearing my ring tightened. "Because I'm asking. Simple as that."

"Equestria's their home as much as it is yours and mine, Tempest." Starlight implored next, stepping a little closer to plead her point. "They've done so much for Equestria, and it's time we did so in turn."

"...You were think you can get through the Lair, reach the core and stop that monster all by yourselves?" Tempest asked finally after a pause, raising a befuddled brow and expressing some other emotion for a change than sternness. It wasn't a no, at least.

Starlight and I shared only coy looks, sharing our own secret smile. And our replies in sync to the blinking tall pony in black, "We've been through worse."

Following that, looking between the two of us as though we were simply insane, Tempest sighed in relent before shaking her head. "I can't believe I'm even considering this..." Glancing to Starlight next. "And this is suppose to help me learn the magic of friendship you preached so much about?"

The first answer was a smirk. Second, "When you meet them, you'll see for yourself." Tempest scoffed, but not in aggression, turning around to briefly either check or fetch something. At my raised brow of interest to their history, Starlight gave a sly wink. "How do you think I managed to escape in the first place?"


Taking her word for it, I gazed back over the edge, the volcanic tip waiting just below out feet. So high, so very high. No one said the final battle would be easy to get to. There's always a final level, and it's usually a place with lava somewhere.

One final glance to the ring on my finger, seeing the smile and sparkling orbs I endeared and loved so much. Starswirl... I know you can hear me. This is your final time to make amends. So for that, I ask... No, I demand it.

Give me the power needed to stop Zagreus once and for all.

Something felt more heavy, then, in one of my pockets, but a voice called out before I could take a look. "Here." Quickly catching something in my arms, with Tempest nodding to the thing she threw callously. "You're gonna need something to break your fall."

Lovely. That's how many times since running away have I gone 'skydiving?' I put the bag chute on fixedly, nodding in thanks. Starlight smiled, her pink horn lighting in blue readily. Raring to go. It's as if she knew I didn't bother asking her to go with Tempest because the former would be adamant in joining me for the final confrontation.

Friends stuck together and all. Twilight would still be proud, perhaps moreso than I was in this mare.

"Your friends may have moved beyond their last known place at this point. Finding them won't be easy."

Not easy for a pony, perhaps. But one who knew the scent...

I turned to Nightshade. "Show her the way."

"Hoo!" Cried the small, adorable owl perched upon the lower mast, affirming he'll do so.

Starlight and I shared one look between ourselves, saying nothing, and then to Tempest, whom shared our expression with a touch more firmness. At this time, to my surprise, the dark pink unicorn smirked with devious boldness. "Give Zagreus my regards."

Oui. I grinned, and didn't look back from the turbulence getting a hundred times worse as my hair and clothing whipped tightly against the currents, descending from the airship to face the oncoming storm.

I'm falling free! I'm defying gravity!

I'm diving high! I'm defying gravity!

The winds impacting my teary face was nothing new, but the sights below and around me was. Snowstorms, sandstorms, geysers and hurricanes. Water vortexes and volcanic eruptions in places they didn't before. From over the sea did Equestria look nothing, or the beyond lands, like anything it before. Imbalance becoming prominent, with the reddest shade of the concealed burning sun taking point over most the darkened clouds and unnatural weathers. Everything all felt in slow-mo for a good moment.

And far in the distance, the most brightest rainbow I've seen in years, with differing colours shining over the ends of the drying seas. Another sign of imba-

Ohh come on...

Despite the cheesy moment, I couldn't stop but smile in joyful hope. The sheer colours of lavender, teal blue, plain orange, bright pink, shiny yellow and pure white. Six colours unfit for a rainbow, not by normal means.

Maybe a sign of Balance after all...

The descent was closing in, the deep open hole into the center fortress of the Storm King was growing bigger and bigger. Starswirl, if you could hear now, and you likely are don't hide it, give me the means of stopping Zagreus once and for all. If not the way we planned from the beginning; then something else! Something helpful in this final battle.

Give me strength!

With one pull of the parachute bag - with no training or experience with parachutes whatsoever, amazingly enough - it worked like a charm. His fall abruptly slowing down as the winds quietened down, only a little. From beside me, a certain pink unicorn covered in blue falling with equal altitude. Hazel crossed lilac, expressing my own worry and resolve.

And something heavy in my free hand suddenly appearing, my surprised eyes wondering what kind of possible device the lying teacher have devised for me to utilize this time-




The blue and multitude of various other colours gave way for black and red, the darkness of the interior of the lair, reaching near a platform housed by only two of the King's minion goats in pure rustic dark armour. Starlight land elsewhere to take care of three more close off, an unanimous decision. Cutting the strings off the parachute, my swing in the last second slamming the gleaming weapon, carving into the wall, skidding down above the alerted guards whom were too late to react. Their yells falling to the dark below, cartoon cracking-sounds following. They'll be fine.

Evidently, our unanticipated arrival did not go unnoticed, judging by the war cries of whatever forces remained on this island to guard the lair and who intends to use it.

With the pure gold Kingdom Key with a violet hilt, hand-guard with darker outlines, it gleamed beautifully against the reddened skies above as I outstretched the weapon upwards. Ready for the onslaught of soldiers to try kicking us out.

It gave me strength alright, with Starlight, traveling down the opposite path, fighting in her own magical resolve, the pair of us descending lower and lower to the core of the mountain. Down the pathways and knocking off any soldier in our way. You know it's the final battle when any enemy is cakewalk at this moment. I didn't need a hidden blade or lightsabers. A screwdriver or a suit of armour.

I felt empowered, a resolve unlike anything I've sensed for an awfully long time, back when I fought off that Ursaminor to protect my friends. The dragon. Chrysalis. It was all rushing back to me; the power of hope, of belief. Perhaps the Keyblade, swung and extended in my hand, reinforced that very powerful determination. Perhaps relying on the bonds between my friends. A bond, that I knew for certain.

That shall never... Will never break!

The last remaining soldiers haplessly thrown to the walls and ground, Starlight and I finally met up by the center of the volcano, the pair of jumping down to the large, dark blue crystallized ground where the lava would normally be. One glance between each other told us we were both fine, as we stepped on the new material curiously whilst approaching the gaping, obviously-drilled hole in the center, easy enough to fall in if lacking caution.

"Of course, the imbalances." Starlight announced in realization, regarding the black and azure blue beneath her hoofs. "The lava's completely frozen." Which makes it easier to drill down to get where was needed. Never mind how scientifically impossible it appeared; Twilight would have a fit. "Zagreus is down there."

"He is." I affirmed, nodded with a peek over the edge to the dark hole, expression grave yet again. Hopefully, finally, we'll take him by surprise this time-

...Was it just me, or was there a buzzing noise in the air?

Wasn't just me after all, as Starlight looked upwards the same time as I, surprised next by the loud insect-rapid-fluttering of wings descended to hover above the center of the hole, joining the small party. Characteristics of a panda bear's body and large wasp's wings, stinger and eyes, mixed into one, glaring down before us in heated hunger. A Bugbear. Haven't seen one of those in a while.

Its rider, however, was a sight for sore eyes. Garble grinned all too viciously, crossing his scaly red arms and narrowing beady yellow eyes in pleased contempt. "Well well, looks like you guys showed up. Guess today won't be so boring after all."

"We would have made a house call, but I get the feeling reception's poor here." I casually bounced back, pointing the tip of the Kingdom Key T - Calling it that - at our opposition's flying position. "Stand aside Garble. Any of Zagreus' pawns can't stop us now."

"You better do as he says." The pink equine beside me pitched in, with more slight desperation to her tone. "Please Garble. You don't have to serve Zagreus any longer. We need to stop him before it's too late."

"Ha! You're already too late loser!" Common sense and a chance not to get hurt fell on deaf ears by teen arrogance. "Zagreus is gonna cleanse every last stinking creature from Equestria and make things right. I will become the new Dragon Lord as is my right and destiny, and we'll begin proper. A new reign where dragons rule supreme!"

"...Yeah he's a hopeless cause." I regarded Starlight flatly, to her disappointment. "We can drill some sense into him after we've dealt with Zagreus."

"You'll never get the chance!"

Starlight was quicker to react for us, a pink hoof shoving me and herself out of the way as the buzzing noise suddenly got closer, the dragon and massive bug monstrosity flying by with an attempted sting, impacting hard into the crystal ground and rendering the Bugbear, briefly, useless. We instantly recovered, standing whilst Garble kicked and prod the oversized creature to provoke it to get up and start again.

"...Remember what I said." Starlight suddenly stated while the foes had their guard down, turning to me without a care in the world. What? The faintest of confidence, encouraging smiles on her muzzle that reminded me of Twilight painfully so much. "Forgiveness."

The last thing I've heard from my sister before feeling wind flare up my body, unable to react properly by the front hoofs suddenly shoving me down into the black hole below. Lilac eyes and a forlorn smile greeting me before black and blue.

Should've known that sly mare would pull a stunt like that. Of course Starlight would want to waste no more time and give Garble the distraction needed while I go stop the true final enemy. My descent was short before hitting solid ground, impossibly breaking nothing, and the automatic urge to release a cry of joy by the next sensation.

The hole worked more as a clean slide, taking me down and down deep into the layers of the earth, lopsided with many curved turns and shallow descents. I shouldn't be having fun, but [BEEP] it, I'll take what I can get now! Final confrontation dead ahead where both of us are most likely to fall; why not indulge my kiddish side one last time!

Why not be Jack Wright in my final moments than the Twilight Warrior I became?


The Keyblade remained steadily in my grip, because I feared something would occur the second I released it, something would happen against my favour. Facing Zagreus with no weapons... Heh. There's a sort of poetry there.

But I was never clever enough to pick out subtlety.

This was finally it. The last straw. The ULTIMATE last round. Zagreus intended to use the magical core inside the world to reset the universe in his own image, and the whole multiverse which followed. However dastardly and crule his methods became. The villain so deluded, so sunken in his belief that his means are just, that he was nothing like any adversary that came before him. Everyone as disposable tools and distractions. The entire words that monster's oyster. To face against the Gods and declare his presence of a higher purpose; that no one else, regardless of what was said and done, had anything better to offer for the solutions of imbalance. The problem claiming to be also the solution.

The very part of the problem I had created, from my own conceited belief that my presence wouldn't harm anything too much. That following some old spirit's word would see us through and taking everything the codger said at face value. I was the greatest fool of them all; perhaps the biggest, most pathetic Human in Equestria version out of all the parallel worlds and fanfictions out there. None of them could have possibly damaged the entire multiverse like I was about to. But I'll do them right, in the end. Zagreus will be taken down, and I'll die at the very end. Surprised this heart condition from being in this world as my true self hasn't flared up of late.

Then again, what IS my true self? Who am I really? Jack Wright, or Stardust Balance? Was I both? Was I a mixture now; a culmination of everything I had once been with all that the girls had helped me become? Was I a hero, or a warrior? A saviour or a doombringer? Maybe we'll finally get the answers once the ride finally ends.

"I don't need to save lives or- Or fight danger head-on! I just need to keep helping out my friends, and others when needed to, by just being simply who I am: Spike! Number One Assistant to Twilight Sparkle, and Brother of the Twilight Warrior, Stardust Balance!"

"We were all concerned for your well-being, darling. And after hearing your conversations, your actions are completely understandable. We won't hold it against you."

"And you won't be having a true friendship with just Twilight either, Stardust. We will all be your friends, no matter who you are."

"That's right. I know we got off on the wrong hoof, and I didn't make a good impression to you from the start. But hey, we can let bygones be bygones right? It sounds as though you need more help about friendship than Twilight does. Besides, anypony who's a friend of these guys is a friend of mine!"

"It wouldn't be fair of us to leave ya out jus' because you're from someplace else."

"You're the best Stardust! C'mon everypony, let's open those presents and get this party started!"

"Nothing will improve from feeling sorry for yourself and just sitting around doing nothing productive at all."

"You'll always mean everything to me, Jack..."

A final chorus of random, but connected memories. Encouragement for the heart and soul, all inspired by each voice and happiness resonating through my ears belonging to seven wonderful mare and one small dragon.

For the ride, at last, concluded, sending me rolling across scorched heated ground with little time of recovery, during such bearing my Keyblade in a reverse grip and swiftly standing upwards, glaring around in preparation for whatever might be expecting me. I had to quickly adjust my glasses, partly so I knew what I was seeing next was correct.

Well... It didn't take long to the find the core...

It was breathtaking, as a word to put it. The very large, physical bright sphere, putting all the kingdoms together in shame, greater in mass and height that took up residence near the center of the planet. Blue roots from a certain tree notable above the massive sphere. Yellow in colour, but the sensation from the back of my neck indicated that something was amiss. Streaks of red and orange bouncing off from the core into many stalactites and rock walls, causing various collapses and burnt marks as magic was in evident overheating. The final result of imbalance.

By the front of the magical substance, atop the platform supported by pillars of rock was a creature, laid down on the ground helplessly threatening to be burned alive-


My blade ready, I hurried down the path curving path and steps leading towards said platform where my foe awaited. Where my destiny had finally taken me. Apprehension, dread, anticipation, determination, fear and thrill, lost and hope all coursing through my veins by this very moment; the flow of friendship and balance encouraging me forwards to save the universe and everyone within, stopping this fiend once and finally.

Except... Something was, again, not quite right. Never mind the unstable sphere that grew warmer the closer I approached, or the threat of extinction hanging in the air. No, it was something quite else.

The position of perhaps my greatest enemy... Unmoving. At least, not until I slowed my pace considerably and approached more warily, cautious for any attempts of deception. A low groan, carrying none of the malice or amused hate within it.

It sounded... Pained.

"Zagreus...?" I asked tentatively, holding my gold weapon between us at a good enough distance, wondering what game the monster was playing now... Why was his hood up again?

At my low voice, more twitches of movement, and I stood ready, while Zagreus gently rose from the ground enough to look my direction- By God man! Gone was the new flesh and lease of life; replaced by the familiar charred features the creature once had. For a moment, I had a flash of pity for him. Even lowering my Keyblade only the slightest before keeping my guard up, eyes narrowing in disdainful mistrust.

But black eyes were not even staring at me with their same callous, malicious disregard for destruction and just. Instead, if I could read any other expression in those voids, I would almost identify... Hollowness. Lost. Bafflement and resignation. Couldn't blame him on the confusion part; here I was pondering what the Hell kind of game the monster was trying this time.

"Jack..." A soft acknowledgement of a raspy voice, with the faintest of smiles. "You always survive..."

No distaste or hatred in that tone either. Was I that unworthy in his eyes to warrant contempt now? "Call it luck, but I think life's quite happy to keep me around until I die of a heart attack." Came my retort, holding up the weapon readily. Let's end this.

However, Zagreus seemed to have no intent on finishing this feud at all, a tiny, pitiful laughter escaping the burnt tongue, the pony shaking his head as it hung, slowly gazing to the explosive core itself.

"Unfortunately... Neither of us may survive the way we hope." What now? I glared hotly, taking one, two steps closer, but Zagreus showed no defensive reaction, merely keeping his gazed fixed upon the flowing magic before us. "I was a fool... The greatest fool of all perhaps."

Well... Glad he was being honest about it, at least. I didn't say a word, though, still raising my Keyblade in protection for whatever Zagreus was planning; in spite of the seeds of doubt beginning to take root to the edges of my mind...

"The core... Nothing is strong enough to control it. Even myself." A weary sigh, Zagreus turning back with those repulsive features that made me look like an angel right about now, smiling bitterly. "It is the life source of all living creatures in this world, and would, evidently, not be submissive without a fight. I took the risks, and lost in the gamble... And now, we are all destined to die from it."

He's right. I almost jumped from the return of a grave, dreading and depressed voice belonging to a deceiver, clarifying for what the fellow demon was saying. The imbalance Zagreus had pushed into the core is rendering it unstable; beyond anyone's control. Magic is overflowing, and when successful, it will burst and overwhelm all life. Like a supernova... A whispered awe of pain.

Said core burst briefly, a wave of harsh, scorching red burning the ground close to my feet, forcing me to fall over in recoil by the heat near hitting my toes. Before the wave retracted back to the glowing and pulsating sphere, whipping my hair backwards as the raw, unimaginable power threatened to annihilate all life. And whose fault was that.

His, him and mine.


"I only ever wanted to return things to stability..." Zagreus began, rather tenderly, unfazed by the strong currents and sound of cracking walls. While I slowly stood back up in composure. "No more war. No more disease, and conflict. The separation of balance... Your species... All species have spawned more imbalance than I could ever hope. I am a product of the very thing that brought nothing but pain and misery to all sides... It was my destiny..."

"It wasn't your choice to make..." I responded, internally shocked how weakly understanding I sounded at that moment. "Killing everything? Resetting it all? You'd just be worse than you've tried to stop..."

"Forgive him..."

Because by God, on some level, the things what Zagreus was preaching this very moment resonated with me. We both wanted Balance, but our means opposed each other. We became no better than the tiresome conflict of Light versus Dark. Order and Chaos clashing. Balance and Imbalance at war. We both desired peace; we just disagreed what was the right path.

"Then how...?" Zagreus sneered, a remnant of his old self. "What brings Balance...?" An age old question that brought self-hatred to his voice, and more pity in my core, finally lowering the Keyblade after figuring out that, perhaps, just this once, this pony - This creature of my own creation - was of no threat. Not an enemy seeking destruction.

But new life craving understanding.

"Acknowledgement. Fear. Hope. Dread. Sorrow. Joy. Anger. Resolve. Hatred. Bliss." Came my response, the flowing of words just being there. Even permitting a small, understanding smile. "Ignorance... Knowledge. We achieve Balance not by preaching to others what it means, but knowing what it means for our own selves. Zagreus... Balance isn't about bringing everything together correctly... It's about knowing who you are, and accepting that. Pros and cons, knowing you have both good and bad qualities and never having one always outshine the other. Remember what you are and that you're capable of doing anything, despite what others may say or think. Balance... Is just us... It's just you."

"Always forgive..."

At that moment, something heavy fell in my pocket. Something used for the final resort than either of us originally intended for, Starswirl and I.

Forgive... Not because one may deserve it, but because you deserve peace.

Yes, you, the people reading from above. Balance is friendship as friendship is magic, as magic is balance. All connected in the triangle of peace. And it's time, at last, I finally forgave.

And at that moment, the seven ponies and one dragon all smiled between me, encouraging and filled with warm hope in their transparent eyes and smile. We all know whose exactly I lingered on the most at that moment.

Zagreus, pitiful and sympathetic a state he had become, wheezed softly and kept his head bowed, closing eyes in clear agonized disbelief. "I don't know what to do anymore..." Cutting too close to home it brought such sorrow to my chest. And I could wish to answer that for the poor stallion, without companionship or a home, and alleviate him of this ignorant tragedy.

If not for the sudden, unexpected hard vibrations almost knocking me off my feet, again, digging the Key's tip into the ground and holding on for dear life. More cracking sounds, this time from above, a wave of unstable magic impacting the stalactites above, threatening to descend upon a certain weakened creature's posture. My free hand reached into the filled pocket, something round and very handy for this outcome gripped tightly and pulled out, just as the pillars of rock above began their fast, harsh descent to meet the resigned new life.

Saved by the ball. In the few moments before Zagreus could have met a harmful fate, the whole being tapped and sucked by a red light into the open purple and white capsule rolling harmlessly on the ground, shaking three times. In a morbid moment, I internally joked. Wonder if he was a Dark type.

It was over...

The final shake and an indicating PING sound for a successive capture, I hurried went over to pick up the captured villain and regarded the Master Ball intently, wondering what to possibly do with him now...

If I ever got the chance to do anything, that is.


Ah, look who showed up on time! I turned wearily to face the hurrying pink unicorn, accompanied by a floating Discord. Oh, he joins the party too huh?

"Whoa mama!" The Lord of Chaos took one look to the ginormous core with a shudder and recoil, looking deathly nervous for once in his long life I've known him partially for. "That's some imbalance... Not even I can get rid of all that!"

At Starlight's approach, I pocketed the ball just as the unicorn asked quickly. "Are you alright? Where's Zagreus? What happened to him?"

"...Forgiven." Was my answer, too tired to mellow up hate anymore, throwing a strained smile to the blinking, smaller sibling. "He's no longer a threat to us." Which we might never find out, soon enough.

"Good to know, Starry boy, but there's something worse going on here." Discord sounded bordering on panic, both of us turning to the draconequus who stood ten feet away from the massive flowing sphere. "More time passes and we won't be leaving here at all!"

"Why? What's happened?" Starlight asked swiftly, the pair of us walking to join Discord before the front of the pulsating core. "Is that the core...?" She asked with knowing dread, prompting a shiver down my spine.

Starswirl... For one last time I ask you... Can anything be done?

...There is one way... And judging by the reluctant tone, I wasn't going to like it either. Zagreus overwhelmed the core with too much magic, imbalance or not. It needs a steady outlet, which is why all the world and its inhabitants are connected. Without anything to pour the extra magic into, the more instability grows and all will be vanquished.

So we just need an outlet... And I imagine Discord wouldn't be a great volunteer.

The core is brimming with all aspects of magic. Any Harmony could be transferred to Discord which would only result in further problems.

Killing him or turning him to stone, maybe... Neither I would ever allow, the latter never again. Discord's changed. He's a good person; better than I... Better than...



You know what I'm thinking, Starswirl, and you know you can't stop me.

...All I will ever say at this point now, Jack, is that you are an amazing student to teach, and one I will always regard as a son. You're right, nothing will stop you from doing the right thing, and I couldn't be anymore proud of you for that.

...Right... Baggage there to never be sorted out.

First thing's first, setting the Keyblade firmly dug into the dust, watching it briefly evaporate. "Starlight." The pink unicorn was greeted by the ball thrown into her front hoofs, followed by my one-arm hug, her blue and purple hair filling my left side and nose comfortably. "Tell Twilight that, if I survive, I will let her kill me a thousand times more... And that I'll love her more than all as the selfish human being I am."

"Stardust...?" Starlight inquired softly, lilac eyes clearly baffled by what I was going on about. Instead of explaining, I cupped a warm pink facial cheek with a sincere, affectionate grin.

"You were an amazing sister to have. I only wish we had met since the beginning of season one." And that was the utter truth. Following next with pulling out two certain, folded photos of myself my amazing friends, causing my heart to stop pounding from the realization of what this entails.








Smiling without a care in the world, and making me someone I always wanted to be... The gratitude could never be more immense... I'll miss you all.

The two photos practically shoved in Discord's animal arms, while I clasped his shoulder that caused him to stop floating, offering a smirk. "Don't waste the chance, Discord... She's waiting for you."

A soft inhale, for once the draconequus' eyes shone in understanding and... Sorrow. "Stardust..." A tear? That's new? The creature of chaos immediately wiped it off, nodding in acknowledged confidence. "Go then, Stardust Balance... Save the world one last time."

"Wait, what?!"

I turned back to the unstable, corrupted core of all life, spewing wave after wave of imbalanced magic designed to destroy all in its wake. The ring dug into my chest, right fist closed one final time as I took a long, deep breath, indulging myself a final time.

My hand, held by a purple claw and colourful hoofs. Opening my eyes again, that image engraved in my head under a warm, peaceful day where nothing was wrong, I strode forward, with the back of my mind endorsing others of my past life encouraging onwards, ready to greet me into the unknown.

If I did ever get out of this... I'm going to propose to Twilight, the second we look at each other one last time.


Starlight's cry prompted my pace to run, never looking back, no plans of changing my mind this final second since the mare was obviously held back by Discord. My ears rung to the magical waves pulsing before my closing sight, while I took the final leap of faith.






Uh... Wha...?


I quickly sat upwards, expecting to be greeted by the gates of Heaven or something. NOT a sight so familiar by glance alone, on a spot overlooking the vast greenlands, forests and mountains in the great distance. The setting, beautiful sun beginning to lower behind the mountain heads, signalling the conclusion of another eventful day.

The Star Hill... My favourite hill... It's been too long...

"Too long is right."


For on his spot beside me, a certain gold stallion with a fresh full beard and content hazel eyes regarding the scenery as well, expression unreadable even to myself. Oh, another dream? Hopefully the last one.

"That depends on you..." Stardust sighed, throwing a wry side-glance. "But yes, it should be our final meeting, Jack. For if you survive this, you have a lot to do."

Sounding all too casual regarding my chosen fate, throwing destiny to the wind and leaping into the maelstrom of imbalance. "And if I don't survive...?"

A heartfelt shrug. "Then you avoid facing Twilight's wrath, which is arguably a worse fate." We shared a knowing, affectionate grin then. This Stardust seemed a lot more hospitable than the others I met in these imaginary sequences. "You plunged yourself into the core with intent on your whole body cancelling out the added magic. That would work effectively, true enough. But, whether or not you live from the experience is another matter entirely."

My knee raised for an elbow to be placed upon. "I would have thought the overwhelming magic would burn me to cinders..."

"Magic recoils at your very touch now, and you threw yourself into its heart." Stardust answered curiously, looking upwards briefly in thought. "Hm, reminds me of a certain alicorn. Fitting."

I didn't need to guess who this version was. The Stardust that began truly making amends. Who started learning from his mistakes and fully embrace the core elements of Harmony and friendship. Letting go of past mistakes by the guidance and encouragement of our wonderful friends, before the final battle against the power-hungry centaur. The Stardust who reluctantly sacrificed everything, before repeating that notion.

The Stardust who gave everything then gave up everything. The bravest version to date. I sometimes wished I came back to being him again.

"Don't envy yourself." Stardust clipped a little, shaking his head with sudden stern eyes. "People change. People evolve. Reminiscing to be who you once were invalidates everything learnt."

There it goes. I smiled despite myself, the pair of us turning back to face the glittering sunset. "So now what? If this isn't my version of Heaven, what happens to me now?"

"That depends on you." Came the simple answer. "Do you want to go back for another tomorrow? Or has the Warrior placed down his sword at last?"

"Is that an ultimatum?"

"Heh." The past life perked a grin. "It's a choice. The same choice everyone faces everyday. Life or death. Submission or resolve. Is this finally the end for us? Has everything culminated to this point, where Jack Wright and Stardust Balance finally rest...?"

"You were all the bestest friends I could ever have; you made me a better person than I ever was, although I hardly deserved the effort. You taught me the values of friendship, what it means to have fun, play around, help each other, and in the end, I have no regrets for learning these important attributes."







"...You never gave up." I voiced out-loud next, recalling that heartfelt farewell of so long ago, looking top my younger counterpart with knowing solemn. "You never wanted to go."

"We still don't."

No... No we didn't...

"How about it?" Stardust perked a small wise grin, hazel meeting hazel. "One last cry of a warrior, protecting everyone we know and love. There's still much work to be done."

That there was. The Storm King was still attacking the Empire. Twilight, Spike and the girls still unhappy, too far away. So many friends and allies gone to fight and ward off the invaders of their home. The greatest battle Equestria has ever seen, and I wouldn't participate? Pfft, not on your life! I was born for this [BEEP]!

Let Balance come back!

A golden hoof clasped my shoulder, breaking me from the stir of triumph, as Stardust's blue-green eyes - My blue-green eyes - regarding me with the heaviest layer of firm resolve I had ever seen from myself. How fitting he would be the last of me to encounter.

"Don't take everything for granted." As the world become warmer, all enveloped by gold with those eyes the final sight in this yellow void. The word following carving in my skull. "Cherish what we have, forever." What was happening...? "And more..."

And more? And more what? Why did everything, even in this dreamlike sequence feel... Lighter...?

"And most importantly of all, the magic of friendship... And much more... You all reminded me what those things truly meant, and I will never forget it. You never gave up on me, despite how much of a rude, condescending piece of donkey [BEEP] I truly was... Still am, in some cases. I am indebted to you all forever; each and every one will be in my heart for the rest of time itself. If friendship is magic... Then magic is certainly balance... Thank you."

My entire body felt like it was an inferno. In the best way possible!

There was no pain. No agony. Swimming into the unstable core felt comforting. Soothing even, as magic wasn't repulsed away; the imbalances mixed with the balance instead welcoming my floating being, deep inside the wounded core. I was the maggot sent to aid a cut, and yet I was treated like an old lost friend.

With something MORE familiar welling up in my chest, as my entire body was blazing in golden sparkles as much as I could see. Was this death? Has it always felt so reassuring with open arms? Embraced by magic itself as the warmth enveloped my entire being, gold and white surrounding my dazed vision. The sensation was... Was incredible! Like a right temperature of a bath I could relax in forever; all joints and aches vanquishing in a heartbeat, making way for complete circulation and totally restored bones and flesh. A transformation coated in magic in an experience I had felt many times before, yet never up to this scale.

It felt like Balance.

My vision was getting clearer, the sight of familiar eyes observing me begin to part from the sphere with wide-eyed recognition and dawning disbelief. So I wasn't dead then? The magic itself welcomed me to remove the instability, and we letting me out safely? But something was different; it wasn't just currently relief on Starlight's tearful features, but something else. A case of awe, unlike any amazed expression seen on her pink pretty face before.

Discord was faring no better, his jaw literally dropped to the ground before he rolled it back upwards, conjuring up a towel to rub his eyes as though unable to believe what he's seeing. At my slow, angelic-like descent to ground level, the Master of Chaos then sudden smirked with a faint murmur of "He's outdone me in surprises this once..."

Something felt entirely strange, hazel eyes still adjusting with my sight feeling a lot wider now than before. Like back when I was a stallion so long ago. Gold shards of lightning cackling like a Super Saiyan Two around my body, an immense power unlike anything I had ever experienced before; vibrations in my limbs, hair and... Tail.

Yes, I could feel it, moving about from my rear in eager anticipation, content that I would still live to fight another day as was the rest of my equine form... Though was it just me, or did this returned gold Earth Pony form feel a lot heavier than usual? The magic perhaps-?

"Stardust..." Lilac eyes and a tender, inquisitive expression approached by one or two steps, her face telling so much, and I felt a pang of guilt for putting my sister through that so. Yet instead of having a stern go at me like Twilight would after a tight embrace, Starlight pointed out in awed happiness. "Nice new additions..."

'Addition?' My head craned to see what she-

Oh... The two golden, extended wings rising and falling as though breathing, in rhythm to the lungs in my pony chest. I blinked, before feeling the other strange sensation on my head, as a hoof tentatively reached up, expecting to grasp a gold furry forehead.

Not a gold horn, with the certain promise ring attached halfway down. From above, the core was pulsing still, but with soothing yellow waves and a bright white sphere of no maelstrom and corruption, appearing how it presumed to look before Zagreus' touch and attempted control.





Balance courses through you once more. Starswirl never sounded more happier since all I've known him. And he was right; the magic felt like an old friend returning to nest in my beating softened heart; everything sensing like it was all right for a change. Balance has returned, and it's been ramping up to ten.

My eyes turned back to Starlight, and Discord, the former and latter holding a ball containing a creature that needed help than destruction, and two photographs of memories I would never ever forget.

And my counterpart's word emanated back to me: "Don't take everything for granted. Cherish what we have, forever and more..."

My wings raised readily, horn and body cackling with tapped energy still, and I wondered briefly is this was how Twilight felt; becoming an alicorn for the first time. It was a sensation utterly amazing! The power of a form so rare and reserved only for the worthy... And Celestia... And the core of magic itself found ME desirable to wield such a gift. Bearing me the responsibility to whatever it entails.

Which I had a fantastic idea as to what.

"What now, your Highness?" Discord's joking voice called out, prompting me to turn back and take them away with my smirk, golden horn beginning to light upwards and spark electrical yellow magic unlike anything before.

My voice never sounded so authoritative. Confident. "Let's clean up some loose ends." And I allowed magic to do the rest.

It was like a vortex of colours, transporting our three bodies soaring across the lands in such high speed, and yet we could see everything.

We could see the harsh unnatural conditions drying down. Rainstorms ceasing, droughts concluding, hurricanes and snowstorms grinding to a slow halt. Without the control of the imbalance, it was in disarray, having no idea what to accomplish next. Nothing for much longer, I promised that much. The light of gold magic allowed us to see so much, as we approached closer and closer to where we must be. Where the final conclusion to all this drama and grief shall be. From the corner of my eye, Starlight was grinning in bright confidence, enjoying the flight as much as Discord.

Whom contently used the gold light carrying us across the seas and Equestria like a shower. Rubber ducky and all.

Oceans gave way to deserts. Then lakes and hills, then waterfalls and forests, to mountains and snow. And from the peak over the next mountain did we see the blasts of magic and bodies flying everywhere. With the Crystal Empire's ever tall, standing gleaming beauty watching over the battle like olden days of kingdom wars. The most, probable, intense state Equestria had ever seen. All creatures fighting back against the invaders.

Ponies, griffons, dragons, Diamond Dogs, Changelings and Breezies. Zebras and Parasprites. Defending against the onslaught of the Storm King's ruthless forces, and it was unclear which side appeared to be winning. As we soared over to join the battlefield, the perfect place to land was made prominent from a certain white stallion getting overwhelmed by ten, fifteen goat soldiers in armour?

The magic recognized Shining as an ally, hence why the Prince wasn't blown away by the shockwave of magic as we hammered into the ground hurtling the surrounding forces away at a safe distance. The golden hue of power acting like a beacon to me unexpected of it. The raw magic was immense, pulsating through my returned pony body as Balance roared in preparation for battle, fighting alongside me after so long.

Once the powerful bridge bringing us here, within the heart of the battle, died down did many vocally gasp and cry out in shocking disbelief and joy. A golden stallion with fierce blazing eyes pumped for battle. A pink unicorn with blue-glowing horn in her own fierce resolve. And a draconequus filing nails briefly before getting serious, clenching fists while summoning a small sword, shield and viking helmet.

"All right! You son of a gun!" Shining cheered from behind, and I grinned wryly before getting back to dead severe, glaring heatedly in forwards to the bewildered tall black and white soldiers blocking the path towards the castle. Where the Storm King approached. I could sense it.

My body still brimmed with Balance, evident from the wild cackling all around me as we charged forward. My British command echoing across the battle, vocalized by Balance itself.


My body leaped twenty feet in the air, before one second passed while all four hoofs slammed powerfully onto the ground, knocking back the next wave of enemies feet and feet away, instilling caution and the retreat of others. I would indulge myself further, help everyone take care of these invaders at a time.

But the leader was always a key player to take down. Starlight and Discord understood, sharing a glance with I before heading to opposite sides into the battle, assisting others while I slammed forward, charging like an enhanced bull as a pure yellow shield encompassed my forward form, knocking back any attempted delay while carefully ducking and dodging all but the SK's minions.

It felt so natural, like I never twice parted with the stallion form. My senses, my strength. Everything. Punching and kicking with boosts of power that a simple tap sent a minion reeling. My enhanced eyes picked up on Ember, the blue Dragon Lord, getting into the thrill of battle as we passed by, locking eyes for a second before the thin reptile slammed and swiped with tail and claws and making the soldiers her [BEEP]es. Overhead, dragons, griffons and pegasi worked together in soaring down and operating sky attacks upon the masses of black-armoured creatures.

When I said everything should be balanced; war really wasn't something I had as an objective. Still, I did warn them to be ready. And now look at everyone! Fighting as one! Not quite a friendship lesson, but still something to be close proud of. For once, all residents of the land were brought together in unity, to stop a common foe from taking their home once and for all.

The overflow of magic within you shall not last, Jack. It still requires a great exertion of energy for release. Starswirl promptly informed as I deflected and kicked off an attack by one guard, a great roundhouse to the head of another. The Storm King reaches closer to the Crystal Heart. He must be stopped!

Once and for all! Another minion rolling back to his friends like bowling pins, whereas any extra were sunk down into the ground courtesy of some tunnel-loving canines. I plowed on forward, punching and swiping through any of the beaten forces attempting to stop myself or harm another, especially the innocent little Breezies. If Fluttershy could see them now, she might have a heart attack.

Running through and side-stepping anyone I didn't desire to harm would only delay, so I settled on the next best thing; a volunteer. One close minion with his rusty-armoured back turned, a welcome doormat for my whole leaping body jump upon, then bounce off forward, magic boosting my soar in the air forward all past the remaining edges of the fight, closer and closer towards the beginning houses of the kingdom.

"He warned me you might come a while back." It appears I was expected, meeting up with the tall goat monster standing before the gleaming, breathtaking Heart. His voice sounded both malicious yet casual at once. Something he might have picked up from Zagreus. "Welcome, Stardust Balance." Turning to face me, looking exactly what an anthropomorphic goatman would appear to be. One hand wielding a black staff were some form of crystal at the end, gesturing next with wide triumphant arms. "Welcome to the future!"

My slow approached became a halt, my pony body perking a brow as the cackling energy was beginning to slow down. "Your future's looking pretty grim, your Majesty."

"Hmhmhmhmhmhm. Quite the contrary." Sounding like we were discussing the weather over a nice game of Connect Four. "Thanks to you, my original defeat will never occur. My own lieutenant disposed of before she may have ever gained the chance to betray me. No Princess of cuddly 'Friendship' to stop me from achieving my plans. Equestria to be ruled by a capable, strong leader. A leader who knows that magic isn't a shield to protect the weak." A crude grin as both hands gripped the staff tightly, sparking off some energy from its tip. "But in reality, a weapon to enrich the strong."

Good grief. Another cliche 'power is might' weapon. No wonder Zagreus preferred my company over his. Let's see here. A goat-looking monstrosity that desires absolute conquest, deceives his allies and yearns to take magic from the highest authority.

I have never seen this before!

"None of that will ever be happening, Storm King." My wings folded back, by instinct. Will need to learn how to control them properly later. "Your forces are being overwhelmed and taken down progressively, Zagreus has been stopped and Tempest is bringing the Princess and her... Our friends back as we speak. You're beaten."

"Oh I'll believe that when I see it." Tapping the point end of the staff down once, Blue Tirek gazed intently into the crystal as though suddenly a seer. "Zagreus, you reading me? Report." Nothing. "Hey! Zaggy, report now!" 'Zaggy?' "Is this thing on?" The great invader, to my brief humour, knocked on the crystal and tapped the staff a few more times as though trying to get better reception.

The main villain of the movie, ladies and gentlemen. They should've just brought back Tirek and have him assemble an army from the pits of Tartarus than this cheap knockoff and the breakfast club. Ah well, more easy work for me!

"Hmm..." His attention turned back on me, the blue and white tall goat in black armour smirked as though impressed. "Well well, colour me surprised. I was wrong about you Stardust. A wolf in sheep's clothing who would make a fine General in my army." An outstretched free hand, as though seriously believing that will work. "Come, and join me. You know in your heart you will never truly be one of them..."

A tiny wince, but I tilted my head in acknowledgement. "Maybe. Maybe not." But this was no longer about me. It never was. "How about you, Storm King? All these years of hate and conquering, amounting to your own karma in the end. These amazing, peacefully accepting ponies can teach you so much as they have taught I. Come." A hoof extending welcomingly, as I pressed with sincere intent. "Join us."

A moment of long silence, the befuddled tall anthro regarding my outstretched hoof as though expecting it to bite, or some form of trickery. I could kick his [BEEP] right here and now, but after learning so much, and becoming what I was now, violence as the first answer felt rather outdated.

"PFT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Figured. My extended furry limb lowered while the Storm King clutched his sides and guffawed like an idiot told the most simple joke, wiping a real tear from his eye before regaining composure, grinning wickedly. "A shame. You would have been spared a lifetime of misery and granted luxury beyond your wildest dreams." Believe me pal, I have everything I could want in life right now... Besides I live in a castle. "After all, you and I..."


"- we do so have -"

Finish that tedious sentence friend. I'm waiting...

"- very much in com-AGH!" Utterly unprepared for the gold hoof driving itself into the armoured torso, the conqueror's body leaning forward as a reaction while his stunned pained eyes looked down to the smirking golden alicorn providing his just desserts.

"You shouldn't have done that." With that statement, I gripped tightly on his white pointed beard and flung him over, rolling around more distant away from the protected Crystal Heart, and the niece being tended to inside the castle. Like I said, Blue Tirek. The resemblances were almost insulting.

He should just be gratified I wouldn't cause as much pain to him as I had to the centaur. The Storm King warily stood upwards, free hand grasping his stomach as another pointed the staff my direction. I tensed, readily. According to Starswirl, Zagreus helped him transfer the magic of the three Princesses into the black object early. And as it powered up to attack, I raised my front limb up in an X stance, ready to block and not risk any damage to the Crystal Heart.

The onslaught of magic wasn't entirely bad as I expected. Granted my teeth grit as my body was pushed back on hind legs a little, but barely anything to warrant a scratch on me. I still felt massively empowered, enough to divide the magic in two, scorching across the ground between me before the King snarled, wielding his new toy with both hands next. I was forced to roll and dodge away from the black orbs firing onto the ground I kept previously standing upon, even leaping off a wall.

Still had no clue had to properly use my horn or wings at this point. But you know what... I didn't need to.

Sliding forward on marble crystal ground, ducking a swipe after another orb of magic, the Storm King was helpless as one upper kick sent his staff flying feet above. Ergo, powerless to defend himself from the good ol' fashioned cartoon punches and kicks that, soon enough, sent the Storm King flying over the pathway before making a large dent in the ground. Man, repair work will be a [BEEP]show. And there's still Canterlot to do!

The look of utter despair and dawning horror as the spinning black staff landed harmlessly in my empowered wing, the beaten King reaching out with pleading desperation. Tyrants. When power is stripped, they turn into little [BEEP]es. I almost pitied him... Shame that didn't stop me from snapping the thing in two, and the explosion of magic, harmless, enough which followed soaring high into the air, out of the Empire and over the combating armies. Back to the original owners of their power in yellow, dark blue and light blue. With that going on, smashing the shattering crystal on crystal ground, hard, simply for good measure.

Did I mention how GOOD it feels to be so overpowered again? No, well there's another reminder- My enhanced Balance senses picked up on two lifeforms emerging from the castle, one of which bathing in warm, comforting life.

With a sound burning my soul in affectionate joy, eager to hear the cry after so long. "Un!"

But despite which, I steadied myself, turning to regard the beaming Flurry. and Sunburst with a casual wave. "Hello my favourite niece! Your uncle will be with you in a moment; he's just got to take out the trash." With a look requesting the yellow unicorn to keep her from harm's way, prompting his determined nod in turn. Excellent.

The Storm King was desperately trying to crawl away, his plans and power ruined all under five minutes. One chance, and he laughed in my face for it. Perhaps some timeout will do him some good, now how to do so?

A golden-style Kamehameha? Nah, too flashy. Plus I didn't wanna severely injure the poor bloke. Nah I got something more amusing and befitting a fate in mind; fit for the atmosphere of this cartoon world, and the giggling encouragement of my favourite relative watching with her foalsitter. Smirking in humoured wickedness, I walked over towards the fleeing King, prompting his halt with a grip on the surprisingly short tail.

"If you have no cookies and warm greetings to bring." I started, my hazel eyes soon blazing in fear-striking gold, inciting the King to recoil in terror as our faces were inches apart. The dark growl emanating from my no-nonsense demand. "Don't ever come near our home again."

Too scared to respond. That's okay, his screams of horror told everything as I commenced gripping on white tail harder, spinning around and around with the world becoming a brief blur, the poor former conqueror a playtoy for this next gag. Haven't really done this to anyone since season two. Man time flies.

His childish screams echoed while his form flew across Equestria to outside its borders, while we watched from the castle entrance as the Storm King became a bird without an airship to carry him, assuring to myself he'll land in water somewhere outside of our home. The crying died down eventually the more a blip he became in the corrupted skies. which were beginning to turn a curious yellow of late. I dusted off my front hoofs. There, over and done with.

Before promptly tackled to the chest by a flying, eager niece snuggling into my renewed gold fur with an affectionate "Un..."

I chuckled loudly, embracing and holding my little angel and restraining myself from crying outright, though the feelings were palpable, sinking into the warmth and love this amazing little bundle provided. "I missed you too kid..." Kissing into the pink and blue royal mane lovingly, soft, as Sunburst walked to join us, smiling himself in relieved joy too before clearing his throat as though recalling.

"Not that I want to break up this reunion, we still have a few problems to deal with." Right, and we're going to resolve them now. Starswirl, I still needed an outlet?

Indeed you do, Jack.

One gaze to the gleaming Heart, floating and rested under the mighty white and blue structure. Alright then, let's try a little trick with a certain crystal. If this fails, there's always the Tree of Harmony.

"Well Flurry, wanna help 'Un' restore Equestria back to how it once was?" I gleefully asked the little alicorn in my pony arm, whom giggled and beamed in response. "I'll take that as a yes." Passing by a curious and hopeful Sunburst, evidently eager to see what we'd do.

One outlet. The Crystal Heart. It had the power to affect the magic and hearts of millions in close proximity, and practically every single ruling species of Equestria was right outside the kingdom entrance... If I could amplify its power to ALL of Equestria and further...

Starswirl... Would doing this knock me out for the billionth time?

A warm chuckle, in spite of past differences. Only one was to know.

Hakuna Matata...

One touch to the shining crystal, and the whole world glowed.

I didn't need to see the whole sweep to get the gist of what's happening then. Just the view from down here was enough in observing with triumphant glee at the cascade of gold spreading all across Equestria as we spoke. Perhaps, hopefully, further than that. The entire world and whatever stars that may have been damaged along the way. During which, I couldn't resist concealing my awe.

Storms coming to an end. Unnatural disasters grinding down to a halt. Floods and droughts calming down, reverting back to the natural state. Everything was being done by magic. By something Equestria hadn't witnessed in an awful long time.

Balance! Pure and utter. Balance!

And from the sounds of things, as Sunburst and I hurried over towards the battlefield, the fighting had ceased too, altogether. The countless numbers of friends and foes paused from their fight on ground and air to witness the breathtaking gold spreading across the skies like fire, signaling the dawn of a new beginning. A new chapter for us all. Guards had dropped their weapons, those hovering about the ground making a slow descent, the snow beneath our hoofs feeling a lot warmer now. We all gazed upwards, in pure awe and harmony. This was balance; the balance of magic. The balance of Equestria. The one thing I had desperately wished for time and time again, unable to fulfill on my home world... Is happening here.

Words could not express my joy; pure and true. Nothing to describe the sensations, the turbulence of positive bliss and wonder spreading through my being after so long. This was amazing! Fantastic! The final gift of the magical core restoring all to as it had once been, with every species, residential and new, honoured to watch the rebuilding of a home.

I felt honoured most of all.

All that had been once damaged, by imbalance or Zagreus' own hoof, shall be completely renewed as Balance's present to the world after so long. Species and lands returned back to the way they were before afflicted. Starswirl sounded more awed than the many amazed and wondrous gasps and beaming expressions of the mishmash crowd before us. Balance, once more sweeping the world. Harmony and Chaos, united as friends once more to repair our past grievances. For even if Balance can often ruin the world, like you, like me... It has always has others to rely on to help us see the light.

Three silhouettes were soaring down from the golden-eclipsed skies, like angels descending from the Heavens. Three particular alicorns I was acquainted with all too well, and yet the smile on my muzzle couldn't possibly be any wider. They were okay, and that was a bonus side to it all too. In my arm, Flurry released a loud, elated noise of recognition before flying swiftly out of my limb, into those belonging to a compassionate, relieved mother who couldn't be anymore thrilled for the safety of all, and most of all her child.

And not the only for emerging from the crowd was a hurrying, utterly blissful Prince whom embraced both wife and daughter in sheer tearful joy, clearly having worried sick for her. Couldn't blame him. I briefly allowed my mind to wander, replacing the three ponies before me with myself, a younger alicorn and a reptile son. I had to blink to stop my own tears from coming out at the very wishful thinking.

Hm? Ah. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, both regarding me with their own, small smiles, approaching from the others with Cadence following afterwards, Shining taking Flurry for her for the brief moment as she joined her aunts, the triumvirate of alicorn Princesses before Twilight came around walking together, side by side, in harmonic sync, pausing right before me with their own knowing, warm smiles.

Followed by doing perhaps the most appropriate, deserving thing I could do in both greeting and acknowledging to those I missed... I bowed. Royally and respectfully. And from my ponified ears, I detected Sunburst's sigh of relief. Thanks pal.

The copied the bow, a sign of mutual respect with heads down and eyes closed, lasting a significant moment of letting bygones be bygones for the moment. Balance would want that... As would Twilight.

"Princesses." I then stated with a faint, fond smile, which they returned in sheer, overwhelming warmth.

"Stardust." Celestia nodded, a glint in her wide, ancient pink eyes. "Or should we add 'Prince' to that now?" Ah yes, the new additions. I shrugged half-heartedly, prompting the chuckles. "Once more, you came to Equestria is her final hour of need. We are once again in your debt."

"A flattering gesture, Celestia." I perked a coy brow, before motioning to every observing, half-surrounding. "It's everyone we owe gratitude for. Every single person, from all manners of differing species and backgrounds, came together to protect their home. Today, everyone's a hero, and they deserve just as much praise." And so many smiled to that, finding myself soon enough joined by various old friends beaming in pride and gratitude. Starlight, Sunset, Shining, Flurry, Trixie, Octavia, Lyra, Bon, Ember, Rutherford, Daring, Flash and so many more. My gaze returned to the three known royals with a semi-smirk. "Friendship over all, your Highnesses. I think that's the most important thing to know about Balance, now."

"Your time away from home hasn't dampened your ability to inspire others with your heartfelt and passionate speeches." Celestia nodded in thorough agreement, her grin widening as she turned to regard every single creature obversing, her voice raised to address and leave no one out. "This is a pivotal moment; a history lesson for the future to learn from. Inside, we have never been truly different. Friendship is an extension; a bond which ties all creatures great and small, birthed in the light or the dark, together. Today has proven just that. Let us never forget this moment, as Balance has been restored to Equestria once more!"

The cheers and roars of concurring were almost deafening. Applause, flutters and mighty roars from the greater beasts extending to the Heavenly skies above. My breathing was growing somewhat erratic, not use to such noises after being away for so long. It took the knowing encouragement and smiles of my friends to keep me from backing away and letting all just enjoy the celebrating the most.

"So... Now what?" Sunburst was compelled to ask, looking between everyone close by and gesturing wildly. "Everything's back to normal, impossibly so, and far be it from me to rain on everyone's parade-"

"But what do we do now with the Friendship Festival cancelled?" Shining finished from his friend once Discord shoved a party hat in the yellow stallion's mouth. "Twilight's still out there, somewhere, looking for help."

Deep blue eyes flashing in worry to that, but Starlight beat me in allaying those concerns. "Don't worry about that. She'll be back with us soon." We shared a knowing glance and sibling smirks that some picked up from, Sunset looking back and forth between us.

"There's no reason not to have this festival continue, right?" Ember pitched in, raising a curious scaly brow. "I mean, the battle's over now."

"But Canterlot's in ruins!" Lyra pointed out with a tinge of sadness there, lime head bowed. Luna nodded to the unicorn's observation.

"We briefly inspected the damage done to our home. While we can repair it all with little effort, the problem remains that it would take too long to bring back the Friendship Festival." The Princess of the Night pointed out with her own regret. Like this was her fault.


"That's very considerate of you, Prince Rutherford, but your home may not have the room for every pony in Equestria to attend."

"We'd offer the Dragon Lands, but I doubt many would feel welcome."

"Our tribe has sparse supplies for so many."

"Griffonstone is still being repaired to the glory it once held."

"I don't think a whole festival underground would be healthy for anyone outside our kind."

Cadence sighed. "And Twilight was looking forward to it most of all..." That brought a sudden wave of sadness by almost everyone either associated with the Princess of Friendship or at least aware of her, even now. Almost everyone.

"...Being an alicorn may have driven you mad by now, Starry, because why else would you be smiling coyly like that?" Discord pointed out with a perked amused brow, others hearing looking to my somewhat smug posture in befuddlement, Sunset tilted her head wryly.

"I know that look. That's the 'I have an idea that should be obvious by now' look." Damn right it was! The yellow bacon-haired pony smirked faintly. "Care to let us in on it?"

All too gladly. "Without offense to my amazing girlfriend, the Festival shouldn't been held in Canterlot to begin with." That perked puzzled brows and cocked heads, so I indulged with a wider, knowing grin. "Rather, where it all truly began!"

"Where it all... Oh!" Starlight caught on quickly. Give that mare a kite! Her grin matching my own acknowledged eagerness. I nodded in affirmation, turning back to face those catching on or still confused. They'll all know in a moment.

"And who says just ponies have to attend? It's a Friendship Festival, not an Equine Festival. All are invited! Even those without a leader." Looking to the baffled leftover defeated forces of the Storm King's, grinning to every wide and proud with a puff of a gold furry chest. "And without Twilight to organize everything from scratch... Well, what kind of special somepony would I be not to pick up where she left off?"

"There we go! That's it! Steady there now... Perfect boys, get yourselves some lemonade. Hey, dragons, careful you don't claw off the roof tiles! Griffons, Gilda, don't hog the entire dance floor to yourselves! Discord, what have I said about spiking the punch bowl! Oh God dammit!" I threw my hoofs up in the air, smiling in wide exasperated affection with a shake of the head. "Be careful with the mints and soda dogs!" As who was I kidding, it blew up in their canine faces anyway.

"Someone's having a blast." My head craned to the two ponies approaching my spot from before the repaired Town Hall, one smiling and the other a smirk. "Should've just left the organizing for Twilight when she gets back."

"I don't know how she does it." I shook my head, chuckling with them. "Hmhm, in any case this is a big enough start for repenting what I've done to her, as soon as she gets back."

Sunset nodded, a warm amused expression on her muzzle. "Well, I look forward to learning your reunion later."

Ah right. "You sure you can't stay?" I joked lightly, despite a part of me hoping the unicorn would say yes and party with everyone else currently. "You were one of the main characters in this little adventure of saving the world. You deserve the recognition."

We looked to the festivities going on as we spoke. The hometown, repaired and renewed in all its glory; a result of unification and coordination by all species. Evening has settled in, the skies and land returning to their normal hues as Balance parted away visibly, buts it presence never felt stronger.

Now, creatures of all shapes and sizes were conversing, dancing, walking and soaring altogether, as though past prejudices and mistrust had never taken root. Games and dances were being held, some educating others upon cultures and rocking moves. I couldn't wipe the pleased smile from my muzzle, albeit slightly tired from the rather draining work of spearheading everything leading up to this festival. All for Twilight and friends once they returned.

"I think you've got your hoofs full enough already." Sunset answered eventually, soon jokingly shoving the bland-looking pegasus beside her. "Besides, I got to make sure this clown returns home before his family starts to worry."

Flash grinned sheepishly, rubbing the front limp. "Hey." Playfully claiming annoyance, before gazing to me with sincere friendship. "It was an amazing time here, Stardust, and I can't thank you enough." Nor could I you, Flash, for everything you've done for me too. When our hoofs shook then, it was in mutual respect as opposed to disdainful reluctance on my part.

Sunset raised both brows in joking incredulity, despite some sincerity in those cerulean eyes. "You've certainly changed for the better, Stardust."

"Don't push it." I warned teasingly, before recalling something and rubbing the back of my freed hoof. "Listen, Sunset... I..."

One yellow hoof clasping my muzzle, Sunset nodding with a knowing and fond expression. "I know... We'll talk about the past at a later date." Followed by a warm peck to my cheek and a sly whisper. "That is, should you survive whatever Twilight has in store for you."

Oh hardy har. "I feel pity for whatever boy ends up with you!" I called out in good-natured banter, prompting the yellow unicorn to call back over her shoulder once certain feet away.

"You worry about your love life, I'll worry about mine!" I laughed, watching the two ponies disappear into the crowd to proceed towards the glimmering, breathtaking castle. Yeah, they'll be alright.

Walking through town myself, still amazed by the decor and various species all celebrating together, I couldn't help but give myself a pat on the back. On the way, my eyes spotted many amazing things. Starlight and Sunburst happily catching up in a more secluded spot. The leaders of the nations chatting in a circle, save for Celestia who would be elsewhere, Luna in her stead. Cadence and Shining observing their child and Discord interact. The Crusaders giving some lessons to some mark-less creatures, awed clearly by the explanations. Bon and Lyra dancing their hearts out together on mats. Octavia and Vinyl duet-ing on one street to the satisfaction of observants expressing their joy and enthusiasm for their unique mixture of music.

From a customized stage set up and prepared for the night ahead, sung two certain pop sensations. Applejack's childhood friend and some famous singer named 'Songbird' or something. Also-

A moment of your time.

"Mind the cheese dips, Derpy." Said grey pegasus looked up from the bowl with mouth and nose painted in yellow, her not-boyfriend Whooves alongside her, never looking closer. Guess the incident at Canterlot inspired a few things.

Sorry, what were you saying, Starswirl?

An aged sigh. I could never ask enough times to earn your forgiveness for my deceptions. I have no real excuse-

Save it, Starswirl, I've already forgiven you.

I... You have...? First time hearing the spiritual pony so utterly flummoxed. It was quite amusing that I had to smirk.

Gazing upwards then to watching some griffons and Wonderbolts fly together competitively above. Yes, Starswirl, I forgive you for it all... Because Twilight would ask me to. And like with Zagreus, I forgive because I deserve the peace; no more contempt and grudges.

I'm too young for that, after all.


Hm... Though keep in mind, 'teacher,' I may forgive, but I will never forget. I'm no elephant, but I have a very vivid memory of those who wronged me since childhood. Remember that.

Fair enough. But I could still hear the relieved, warm, gratified affection leaking from the old unicorn's tongue. You're a greater pony than I ever could be, Jack. I restrained the urge to snort, prompting Starswirl's chuckle. Though if you still wish to vent out your frustrations for my misdeeds, I believe my past self is somewhere near the buffet table...

Hah! Thanks but no thanks. I shook my head, continuing on the trek towards the front entrance of the town for no real reason than just to wander. I need to stretch my muscles a little after so much standing around and barking orders, everything in peak, organized condition. She'd have it no less.

From the corner of my eye, a departing Beck. Casey must have left sooner than expected, the green Earth Pony sensing my eyes and meeting my stare... Followed by our exchanged nods as the stallion returned home. The Twilight of that world has him watched on the road to reformation, no doubt. Now I wonder where Sombra and Radiant went...

The topic of Zagreus would pop back soon enough, as a certain taller pony met me by the town's first buildings in, a warm smile accompanying the thousand-year-old presence. "When you organized the Festival up to now, Stardust, you reminded me so much of Twilight that I can see, more and more, I made the right choice in sending to Ponyville, all those years ago."

I raised a brow, following her brief affectionate gaze to the celebrating and cheering civilization, emotion swelling in her beam and pure pink eyes.

"She has made so many wonderful friends since then... Culminating to all this." A wide angelic wing emphasizing to the party, before retracting. "It's a wonderful thing to witness those we know evolve, to reach new heights we never anticipated."

"You knew Twilight would have become a Princess from the very beginning." I pointed out casually, throwing a coy side-glance to the taller alicorn. "You always saw the potential in her."

"Mmmm... Let's call it a gift of perception." Celestia replied in light humour, turning back to face me with an enlightened wise grin. "I saw both a mixture of Luna and myself in her, with Cadence's amazing compassion. Since then, Twilight has become her own pony, and I couldn't be any happier seeing my student as she is now."

"An amazing, wise and passionate Princess of Friendship who has done enough for Equestria and other worlds, spreading the magic of friendship." I nodded in acknowledgement, no point in concealing the gleeful love in my tone when discussing my Princess. "And not just her that all credit falls to."

"Of course. Her amazing friends whom are equally and deservedly acknowledged for their efforts." Celestia nodded still, grinning greatly with me in concurring. "The closest bonds of friendship I have ever witnessed in all my centuries. Twilight's lucky to have them."

"And vice versa." You couldn't possibly imagine how blessed to have them all too...

Smiling warmly, Celestia then popped open eyes. "Oh!" Recollecting something, and a certain hovering ball device in-between her lowered my grin significantly. "I believe this belongs to you."

The Master Ball was covered in a yellow hue, aided by the royal's horn. I frowned a little, placing the sensitive device in both hoofs as though expecting what's inside to pop out and start going on a rampage. "You know what's in here?"

Celestia nodded. "I sensed his presence. It is... Unmistakable. Although we had personally never been acquainted, I know a strong presence of imbalance when I sense it." Huh... Good point there your Highness. She and Zagreus have never met, fancy that. "What will you do with him?" What? I looked back to the softened expression. "I feel the judgment falls to the one who had sacrificed everything to stop him."

Ah... Of course... "He never knew compassion... Friendship or trust." I answered tenderly, keeping my gaze firmly on the ball in my hoofs, sighing, rather drained. "He was everything I could have become, if not for six amazing mares... It wasn't Zagreus' fault what he was, but mine..." And instead of wallowing guilt there, I passed the ball back to Celestia whom magically picked it upwards. "Could you take it somewhere safe, for the time being? When the time comes... I'll do everything in my power to help him."

An understanding nod, followed by Celestia's returned pleased smile. "And I shall keep Zagreus secure and safe until then." Before a tilt of the head. "So many things impossible to be, but you always prove us wrong." A note of eager curiosity in her tone, leaning down somewhat to press. "Tell me, how did you become an alicorn?"

Now who's acting like Twilight? "Discord or Starlight didn't tell you?"

"Full details Stardust, please. This is an amazing change for Equestria, and I wish to know how it came to be." A side-glance followed by a small, amused smirk. "Yet for now, I think you have other matters to attend to... A certain alicorn to catch up with, for example."





Everything in my being stopped, for the sight only about forty feet away, yet feeling much closer in distance. My breathing slowed in acknowledged disbelief, my heart leaping up and down repeatedly with sheer joy and pained regret. But the elation was far more important, seeing into those impossibly Goddess eyes, violet and sparkling like the merging stars above. So far but close.

Festival forgotten, everything else a blur in comparison to the angel frozen just like me, immediately recognizing each other because how could we possibly forget? Eight months of hardships, of deep sorrow and missing the warmth and comfort. Our bantering and playful flirting. The heartwarming bickers and breathtaking heated arguments over the most trivial of matters. All the nostalgia coming back here and meeting old friends tame by comparison to what stood before me, focused entirely upon the beautiful, amazing bookworm matching my stunned and hopeful expression, feeling tears begin to well in my blue-green orbs as though they were hers. We shared almost everything together, so why not this pain...?

"STARDUST!" Pinkie nearly ran to squeeze the life out of my first, held back by a bemused Applejack whom were equally elated to see their old friend. That didn't break me from my stupor to go join and reunite-


That did.


Running. Moving so fast I never felt so exhilarated before; nothing like Rainbow Rocks. The differences in our reunion there was nothing that Twilight was completely safe and with friends. Here it wasn't so cut-and-dry.

But now I know!



Our tears flung into the wind, galloping at high implausible speed towards each other, my heart soaring in joy by the content, relieved and hopeful expression on my beloved's gorgeous lavender features, missing it so desperately! Twilight was here! She was safe! She was unharmed! She was... Was...



Looking more and more [BEEP]ed off the closer we approached, warning bells quickly ringing in my brain as the loving expression on hers shifted to pure unadulterated rage, and mine to sudden fearful flight.

"Run, Dad, run!"

"Jack Edward James Wright!"

[BEEP]! [BEEP] [BEEP] [BEEP] [BEEP] [BEEP]ing [BEEP] [BEEP] [BEEP] son of a [BEEP] [BEEP] [BEEP]!

Rainbow wasn't helping with her own tears - That of joy and laughter - from observing me being chased around like a hen, jumping and yelping loudly from the barrage of pink precise magic almost scorching my renewed brown tail with every shot. This wasn't just [BEEP]ed Twilight. This was Twilight more angry than the time where Pinkie's senses proved her wrong. This was what happens when you frighten a Princess with powerful magic and emotional instability, as we ran around in circles with me fleeing for my life!

"I'm gonna make you wish you never came to Ponyville in the first place you vile, selfish, purely reckless man with an inferiority complex! You're gonna be cleaning the castle floors with your own new impossible wings and carry Spike out to get groceries! You'll spend every free time in the library rearranging and getting a proper education before I send you off to Canterlot High to relive your tragic high-school days! You insufferable, incorrigible, impertinent, arrogant, impossible Warrior who made me worry every second of every day, waiting for you to come home! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WORRIED I'VE BEEN! HOW MUCH YOU'VE MADE EVERYONE YOU LOVE SUFFER! HOW MUCH YOU'VE MADE ME SUFFER! YOU... I... I...!"

At this point I was quivering on the ground, front limbs over my head and hoping Twilight's judgment will be merciful to be swift. Yes, I deserved everything that's coming, never mind the shed of tear leaking out from hearing the utter furious despair in that tone, said voice still as beautiful and Heavenly as I remembered. That at least, was a good thing to coming back here.

I felt her presence standing over before me, and I braced myself for whatever's to come. If I'm lucky the most damaging she'll do is turn me into a frog...

"You never took it off...?" The softened tone prompted me to peek upwards, meeting the tearful Twilight regarding my hour in befuddled emotion. Huh? Oh, the ring... Cautiously, I stood upwards a little, meeting at eye level with a soft nod.

"Not since I made that promise..." I confirmed tenderly, making no movement to reach out yet if Twilight would start ripping my own wings off for study... After beating me up with them. "Because my love for you kept me going..." Silence, for a long moment, inciting me to add with a bit more meek to it, gesturing behind me. "I also organized the Friendship Festival after it was ruined..."

A heavy deadpan scowl. "That's suppose to help soften the pain?"

...Best answer I could given then was a tiny, sheepish grin of vague hope, prompting the scoffing Princess to roll emotional sparkling eyes and shake her head. God I've missed her... Missed her so badly my brain and heart were still processing her being here, right before me.

"I still felt you... Being there for me, when I needed you most." That was then I finally noticed, to my dumb embarrassment, the fellow promise amethyst ring on Twilight's own horn two, a pure matching pair from the other world, telling so much. "Just tell me... Never mind you becoming an alicorn, or setting up another Friendship Festival for me. None of that matters right now."

Some of the others gasped in either sincere shock or joking surprise. But Twilight pointedly ignored them. That or she didn't hear, attention focused entirely on me. The mare often had selective hearing... Though who was I to talk...?

She inched closer, the Goddess scent filling my nostrils, almost sending me keeling over, as firm but emotional sparkling orbs ventured deep into my hazel own, searching for the true answer. "What matters is this... Is it finally over? Have you come back, for good? Have you finally come home to stay with us... With Spike... With me... For good...?"

For good... And to prove that...

"I've caused you enough pain and despair to last a lifetime, and still you love me no matter what." I answered with soft, pure devotion, not a single amount of a blush on Twilight's features, being just as serious. My hoof gently met with hers, palm to palm in total fit.

And the bond we once shared, exemplified through Balance, flared like a supernova, causing our sharp inhales on wondrous awe as we regarded each other silently for the longest moment. Light and light clashing and harmonious after connecting as one, forged back once again as though it never left. Because it didn't. The love never died, never will die. And it's finally time to prove that.

I had, after all, made a promise should I have survived this whole mess.

Swallowing the brief lump in my throat doing this, imagine Twilight's reaction when I suddenly knelt down in courtesy, smiling lightly myself and refusing to back down. Nope, no way or the high way. It's time to stop running, and face the future ahead.

From the corner of my eye, the girls watched in their own anxious and happiness, with Tempest beside trying hard to look like she didn't care for the scene before her. Her eyes spoke everything. Rarity was inhaling softly with hoofs covering her white muzzle, fondly dramatic as always. Rainbow perked a curious brow. Applejack smirked with an encouraging nod. Fluttershy tilted her head with a warm, pleased expression. Pinkie with giddily leaping on the spot. Spike threw a thumbs-up, as though knowing what was coming.

No turning back now. It was time to cement my stay here. Forever.

"Princess Twilight Everdeen Lily Sparkle." Okay I made those middle names up, but it's to help with the growing bile of nervousness doing, her hoof in my raised own as those breathtaking crying eyes widened in comprehending shock. "Will you marry your Twilight Warrior?"




[BEEP]. "Sorry I thought that was too early as well at first-"

Finding myself practically crushed to death by the tight, warm embrace of the crying pure lavender alicorn taking most of my vision, hugging lovingly with her sobs of relief and joy filling my right pony ear, and I hugged back from instinct, closing eyes in elated wonder myself and missing the pure touch, never wanting to let go again.

And from what our bond picked up, neither did she.

Either by coincidence or Discord, fireworks commenced blasting to the skies, though a part of me, for some reason, suspected Trixie. Twilight pulled back for the tip of an adorable nose to meet mine, smiling with her exasperated bliss, our expressions matching in Heavenly content.

"If you ever leave me again, I will make you attend Camp Everfree for the whole Summer." Damn... That's a threat. But Twilight was still expressing pure relieved elation and relief. "Of course I'll marry you, my stubborn Twilight Warrior..."

My heart didn't have enough time to explode by the sudden wave of ponies, and dragon, knocking me onto the ground in their own elation, tightly embracing with snuggles and cries of joy after so long.

"All right Dad! I know you would always come back!" Spike screamed, snuggling into my fur with tears staining renewed fur.

"We all knew sugarcube! And I gotta say that migh' just be the bravest thing I ever seen ya do!"

"Welcome home Stardust..."

"You take awesomeness to the next level Star! Twenty-five percent cooler just!"

"Congratulations are in order darling! We have a lot of busy work ahead of us! Tell me, do you have any preferred styles...?"

"Party party party PARTY! This Festival right now will look nothing compared to the greatest wedding celebration Equestria has ever known!"

I huffed in fondness, pinned to the ground but still able to see Tempest observing with her own small smirk, nodding to my expression with the promise of... Something. Celestia walking by to join the reformed villain, accompanied by an anthro cat, a hippogriff and some familiar pirates, all smirking/smiling with warm satisfaction.

Before beautiful, affectionate purple encompassed my view, Twilight taking the advantage of hogging my freed chest and face. Those sparkling emotional eyes taking my breath away more than the squeezes to all my limbs and sides.

"My Princess... I'm back..."

"My Warrior... You're home..."

And the lips that met made the core and Balance that spread over Equestria feel tame in comparison.


Jack Wright


Tara Strong


Cathy Weseluck


Andrea Libman


Tabitha St. Germain


Kelly Sheriden


Rebecca Shoichet


Britt McKillip


Andrew Francis


Nicole Oliver


Kathleen Barr


John de Lancie


Jim Miller






Chris Britton




Emily Blunt




Who cares?

And so, the curtain closes upon another chapter. The forces of instability finally laid aside for the ushering of a new prime beginning. Where will this take the man, whom had learned so much with great time among these amazing equine, so far from home and accepting another?

We shall see... Oh we shall indeed.

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