• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Thirty-Seven: From Assumptions to Greed

I would've had a decent sleep for the rest of the morning to the afternoon, if I wasn't being prodded by someone who kept repeating my name - well pony name - several times until I woke. And unfortunately, my body responded to the constant interruptions to my sleep, as someone was clearly poking my sheet-covered side.

Jesus Christ, I thought I asked Twilight not to let anyone in my room while I'm sleep-

Forcing my stinging eyes open, blinking a number of times to get a clearer vision, rolling to the left revealed a grinning dragon who was responsible for rousing me from my slumber. "You're awake, great!"

"Spike." I greeted drowsily, my throat parched. Refusing to lean upwards, I closed my eyes for a moment. "What time is it?"

"Eight o'clock in the morning." That early huh? I yawned as Spike continued excitedly, "Well, what are you waiting for? Get up, this is a very special day!" Followed by more prodding.

Ah yes, recent memories say that today was of vital importance, for my young reptilian friend here. That explains his eagerness to get me out of bed.

"Twilight wants you out of bed before the afternoon; we don't want you to miss my birthday party, after all."

Opening my eyes to meet his elated ones, I smiled a little at the youthful energy and innocence. "Well, we can't have that, can we?" Spike shook his head vigourously, that visible filthy smudge on his left cheek still there after a week. Stretching my two front limbs, I finally pushed myself upwards, hoof reaching out to the side of my bed.

"Stardust, what are you- Oh." Oh indeed, my young friend. I smirked at the surprised-turning-to-gleeful facial expression, pulling out the brown-wrapped gift from underneath the bed.

"Happy birthday, Spike."

"Is that... for me?"

I had enough energy to scoff, "No, it's for me from me... Yes it's for you." I passed the present to the excited dragon, who immediately tore the wrapping off to see what I have gotten him.

"Ah sweet! A sword!" The dragon exclaimed happily, grabbing the toy by the bright purple hilt, after his own shade of scales.

"Plastic sword Spike." I corrected him, as the ecstatic dragon held up the item in a knight-like pose. As if I'd be the most idiotic person in existence to gift an infant with a weapon. At the lizard's expression, I was pleased by the fact my present was something he clearly adored immediately. "I'm glad you like it."

I was pleasantly surprised when I learnt that swords were a thing in Equestria, during my stay in Canterlot. I always believed these ponies simply relied on magic as a weapon than anything else. But one time, I caught the royal guards in the middle of a training session by Armor, and swords played a role in it.

"I have my own as well." I said while sitting further up, removing the covers off me and stretching again. "And I think me and you should have a friendly spar after the party, eh?" The enthusiastic grin was enough of an answer.

"Punch, set."

"Buffet, set." I responded, just as pleased, admiring my own handiwork. The long table was filled with various foods. I glanced behind me at the satisfied unicorn. "Is that everything?"

"Yes." Twilight nodded, looking towards the front door. "Now all we need to do is wait for our guests to arrive, and the party can commence."

I looked around. The first floor library was covered in decorations, though not as chaotic as Pinkie Pie's decorations. I was a little hesitant at first over the idea of a party being hosted in the library itself, but the combined efforts of the pony and dragon managed to win me over. I'm not going to avoid this celebration, why would I miss Spike's birthday party?

"There, perfect!" Said dragon announced, finishing up with the last decoration on the wall above. "Everything looks perfect!"

"I'm glad you think that." I chuckled at the enthusiasm. "It'd be a disappointment otherwise."

"Well, not everything is quite perfect just yet." Hm? Oh. I smirked while walking towards the two, as Twilight magically conjured up a cloth towards Spike's direction.

As ever, the dragon remained blissfully innocent, taking the offered item in confusion. "A washcloth? I don't get it." As Twilight gave him a particular look, Spike finally grasped the implications, dropping the cloth and taking a few steps back. "Oh no way Twilight; I said I wasn't going to wash this cheek that Rarity kissed and I meant it!"

"Yes, you're not going to wash your cheek." I said, taking amusement out of this. For those curious, last week upon selflessly giving Rarity some rare gem, Spike was rewarded with a kiss on the cheek. The dragon had vowed never to clean that cheek again, hence the clear dirty smudge on his face. "Wouldn't you want to look presentable to the guests, Spike?"

"I look presentable enough!" Spike objected.

Twilight was smirking herself, in a prepared chase stance with the cloth floating beside her. At that, the dragon attempted to run away.

Attempted to, anyway. "H-Hey! Let go!"

"All yours, Twilight." I said casually, pushing the protesting dragon forwards after my limb halted his movement. The unicorn happily obliged, rubbing the smudge off Spike's face determinedly.

"Team Spike and Star, Stardust..." The disappointed dragon protested weakly.

Twilight giggled. "Sorry Spike, but this one goes to Team... hm..."

As she looked at me questionably, I shrugged. "Team Starlight?" The unicorn nodded at the suggestion-

Ah! I covered my eyes at the loud noise, courtesy of a certain pink Earth Pony. "Happy Birthday Spike!" Pinkie Pie yelled, wearing her own party hat and blowing that obnoxious toy you usually see at parties. "Party time, woo-hoo!"

...How did we not hear them come in?

Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Bon Bon, Lyra, Derpy and Whooves. All carrying present by their mouths. The rest of the Mane Six I understand, but what are the others doing here?

How much did I change to befriend so many, exactly?

"Are those for me?" Spike asked rather disbelievingly.

"You bet they are, birthday boy." Applejack replied, throwing the present into the special boy's arms as they all joined us.

"Happy birthday Spike." Fluttershy congratulated, landing her gift atop Applejack's. The rest followed suit... resulting in the dragon dropping the amount of presents.

Though quickly recovering, there was a clear look of confusion on his face. "You seem flabbergasted, Spike." I pointed out. Was he not use to being given presents.

"Well actually, this is my first birthday in Ponyville. I usually just get one present... from Twilight... a book."

From the corner of my eye, I smirked at the blushing unicorn, who retreated backwards with a clear wrapped-up book in tow. "Shocking."

Well, that was possibly the most quickest party I've ever participated in. After hearing that Mr. and Mrs. Cake had their own special surprise for Spike, the dragon immediately rushed out of the house, leaving all the guests in the dust.

Ah well, more food for me.

Taking a bite out of one of my own baked brownies, the corner of my eye showed Lyra, Derpy and Pinkie enjoying themselves at the buffet alongside me. Of course, the most energetic ones are preoccupied at the table filled with food. Standing on the other side of me was Whooves, whom I was conversing with while devouring the food.

"I'm more than certain our young friend will enjoy the telescope I gave him," The brown Earth Pony said proudly.

"Oh yeah," If he ever gets bored. Looking at the stallion, I proceeded to say sincerely, "I must admit, however, Doctor, that I didn't expect your arrival here. Nor Derpy, Lyra and Bon Bon."

The others obviously listened in to our conversation. "Well of course!" Derpy said happily, chewing a muffin as she spoke, "A friend of yours is a friend of ours, Stardust!"

"That's right!" Lyra agreed, equally enthusiastic as the grey pegasus, mouth also filled with food.

"Well I'm not complaining," Pinkie Pie pitched in, looking up from her plate, face covered in icing from the cupcakes she ate like a pig. "More guests means more fun!"

Whooves nodded, though there was a slightly disgusted expression at the eating habits of the mare's. "It was Miss Sparkle herself who invited us, after all."

I raised a brow at the claim, looking behind me to the purple unicorn, busy talking with Rarity. "I see..."

Following my gaze, Whooves smiled slightly. "I speculate that our friend over there believed that, like our dear Derpy here, any friend of yours is a friend of Spike's. And she's correct on that assumption, Stardust." Noticing they were being watched, the two mare's looked towards us, and both Whooves and I politely waved while they smiled back.

Then the brown Earth Pony looked at me, "By the by, it's good to see you again, considering we haven't spoken to one another for a while, my friend."

"The feeling is mutual." I met his clear blue gaze, genuine in my own friendship with this intelligent stallion.

"I must show you my own workshop sometime, I have blueprints and designs of devices that might fascinate you." Yes, while not the Time Lord himself, Whooves was an inventor, I learned a while back. A stallion with ambition and ideas. I can admire that. Then he frowned curiously, "Though, if you don't mind indulging me, since I've rarely seen you outside of the library. What has been preoccupying your time lately?"

Before I could spew another web of lies, I heard two voices approaching us, directing our gazes to Twilight and Rarity. The latter of which looked apologetic. "Again, I am terribly sorry, Twilight, for expressing my gratitude to Spike like that."

"Don't worry about it, Rarity, even I didn't know he wasn't going to wash that cheek for a week." Twilight assured her friend. Upon reaching their destination, the two unicorn's looked at us. "Excuse us, please." We politely stepped aside for the mare's to get some food, the two smiling in thanks. "Anyway, I think Spike accepted that kiss as his early birthday present, and the best present he ever received by anypony." The two giggled.

"He can be adorable at times." Rarity said pleasantly, picking out her meal via magic. "Loyal. A hard worker. Very helpful and dedicated. You're lucky to have Spike as your assistant, Twilight."

The purple mare nodded, "I sure am. Though sometimes I wished he'd be a lot more productive during daytime; when that dragon naps, it's almost impossible to wake him up. But Spike's only a kid, he needs his rest, plus I have Owlicious to help me with nighttime tasks, and Stardust in case either are preoccupied with other chores."

"Speaking of Spike being only a child." Rarity evidently noticed me listening in on their conversation. Whooves had already moved to the other side of the table, across me. "Is it true that you gifted Spike a weapon for his birthday, Stardust?"

Feeling multiple surprised eyes on me, I chuckled. "First of all, love, it's plastic. It's not going to harm anyone... properly. Second, I am not some kind of monster who would hand an infant a dangerous tool." Noticing Twilight side-glancing at me from selecting her own food, I smirked. "And third, at least my present isn't something I give to Spike every year simply because I personally adore the gift in question."

Rising to the bait, of course, Twilight halted what she was doing and narrowed her eyes at me. "At least my gift is far more educational than a toy sword."

Oh, you wanna do this, love? Let's do this. "At least my present is more practical, and is something he won't grow easily bored of."

"At least mine helps him mature."

"At least mine allows him to enjoy his days of youth."

"At least I'm thinking for his future."

"At least he's actually grateful for my gift-"

"At least he won't potentially hurt anyone-!"

"At least he won't become Twilight two-point-oh-!"

"Oh for the love of- just kiss already!" An annoyed voice interjected, switching our stares to a arm-folding flying Rainbow Dash, who rolled her eyes. "Sheesh."

My glare didn't faze her, but the idea was outrageous. Any curses to be thrown at the blue mare was interrupted, however, as another pegasus spoke, "Wait, are you two dating?"

Knowing exactly who she was asking, our shocked gazes turned to Derpy. "No!" Both Twilight and I denied heatedly. I thought we were past this! I wouldn't date a pony even if it meant saving the entire world from the apocalypse.

Now I could feel eyes everywhere on me, and I slowly looked around. Whooves looked as though he was repressing a chuckle. Derpy, Lyra, Pinkie and Fluttershy regarded us curiously. And Bon Bon, Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash had knowing expressions.

For the love of-!

"For God's sake you peo- ponies." I said in frustration. To the side, Twilight's own features were completely red with embarrassment. Yeah? How do you think I feel? "What's in God's name makes you think we're... dating?" I forced the last word out, as the implications were enough to make me vomit.

To my horror, there were several answers.

"You both spend a lot of time with each other ever since Stardust returned to Ponyville after the defeat of Discord, mostly alone. Spike told me." Rarity.

"Most of the time one of you talks about the other." Rainbow Dash.

"Ya argue often, like any couple argues." Applejack.

"You both clearly care about one another." Bon Bon.

"We see the way you two look at each other!" Lyra.

"And you just look so cute together!" The conclusion, from Derpy.

...Jesus. Jesus [BEEP] Christ.

I sighed, rubbing my own forehead at all these false observations. I refused to meet Twilight's helpless look. "You Goddamn ponies." I muttered in disbelief.

"Oh, and you both have a lot in common."

"That does it." I said in irritated finality after Pinkie's statement. My hooves were already making way towards the door. I didn't need this. I never needed this.

"Where are you going?" I heard the Sonic ripoff ask in amused bemusement.

"Away from all of you." I snapped, opening the front door to the outside world, and leaving before anyone could stop me.

My destination was clear. I needed to calm down, and the only way to do that would be far, far away from all these assumption-making ponies.

"Stardust! A moment, please!"

Not even twenty steps away from the library and I was being followed. I sighed, halting briefly for the stallion to catch up without looking behind.

"I apologize for what happened back there," Whooves began, his expression from the corner of my eye sincere. "I hardly assisted you back there when the teasing occurred."

This prompted me to sigh again, seriously wanting to just be somewhere else right now. "It's fine, Doctor, I'd done the same thing in regards to you and Derpy."

That statement caused his eyes to widen, his own cheeks flushing. "I-I don't comprehend your meaning."

"Of course." I allowed myself a small smirk, before continuing my walk.

Whooves was quick to pursue. "R-Regardless of assumptions made by anyone, it was rather unfair to embarrass you and Miss Sparkle back there, despite the significant evidence- I mean no evidence at all!" He hurriedly corrected himself after I sent a look.

My head shook, tiredly. "I have one heated debate with Twilight, and immediately everyone assumes we're... an item." The concept was beyond absurd. Me, and Twilight? A couple? That's about as sensible as Bella and Edward. We were both incompatible, so why would anyone quickly deem us as life partners?

"Well, from what I heard back there, the assumptions were made for a long time before today." Whooves pointed out, and I shrugged at the sound point. "Without the basic idea of what's going on, with the majority of your time in the library, I can hardly fault them for crafting such ideas."

"I've simply been giving Twilight information about my homeland." I lied, flawlessly I might add. "She wished to learn more from the perspective of one of its inhabitants, and I obliged."

"Ah." Whooves quickly accepted the deceit, nodding. "I understand. I have heard about Miss Sparkle's legendary pursuit for knowledge."

"Accurate enough." I confirmed in amusement. Since it was Spike's birthday today, the studious mare decided to cancel today's session in favour of celebrating the young dragon.

"Anyway, since you clearly desire time away from the party back there, I was wondering if you might assist me with an errand of mine."

The switch of topic incited me to raised an intrigued brow, glancing at the conservative stallion. "What kind of errand?"

Whooves continued, "Well I wish to create another physical design of one of my future planned inventions. There's a workshop with the right materials, and I need somepony to help carry some of them back to my house."

Doesn't sound too difficult. "What kind of craft?" I asked, admittedly curious about this design of his. A TARDIS, perhaps?

A smile was on his muzzle, the brown Earth Pony evidently proud of his own ideas. "A craft that will enable flight to all ponies who weren't born with wings, such as myself. One that can carry more than one pony at once, faster and more durable than a hot air balloon."

...I'm going to make the assumption than my friend here will be responsible for the creation of planes in Equestria. "Tell me, is your last name Wright?" I asked jokingly.

Blue confused eyes regarded me. "No, why do you ask?"

"I jest." I gestured forward. "I'll be happy to help. Lead the way, Doctor."

I was correct in my assumption. The blueprints Whooves displayed when we brought the materials back to his place matched that of a small plane. Body, wings, everything. His house was littered with ideas; drawings, sketches, tools and materials all over, mainly in his workshop. The Earth Pony explained in rather excruciating detail what he was planning for the future of pony kind, and I barely listened to about a quarter of it.

I found myself then staying over for tea - dinner as they call their evening meals - and boy could the stallion cook. And even though Whooves continuously babbled on about his ideal plans for the future of Equestria, he managed to ask questions in-between about my own homeland, which I could only respond with short answers before he started running his mouth again.

I'm shocked I haven't asked this pony to shut the hell up yet, even while we walk back to my place. The stallion insisted on accompanying me, having no desire at all to cease talking. "- I thought about using coal as a main power supply, but my ideal machine isn't like a train, so there has to be something I'm not considering-"


"- Though would, and could, coal be used as a temporary reliance of fuel until I find something more suitable for my design- Hm? Is something the matter?" Whooves obviously noticed my expression, and followed my gaze. "Why, if it isn't our young birthday dragon. And he looks to be carrying a pile of objects towards the library."

"Observant as ever, Doctor." I stated dryly, heading at a brisk pace towards the oblivious Spike. The young lizard was recklessly holding a variety of heavy-looking items, unsteadily walking to the red door awaiting him. "Spike?"

At the sudden tone, the dragon let out a surprised noise, and reflexes caused me to grab a trophy before it impacted Spike's head, as all the numerous items fell down around him. Looking at me, evidently peeved, Spike quickly stood up and dusted himself off. "You scared me, Stardust."

"I say," Whooves caught up, speaking curiously, "My young friend, where did you get all these items? If I recall correctly, some of your gifts in the library did not consist of a rubber chicken, a trophy, a guitar and a sink." He listed off a few of the things Spike was carrying back to the house.

...I won't ask how you remember these things, Whooves.

The dragon rubbed the back of his head, avoiding our gaze while beginning to pick up some of the things. "Well... I sorta got them... from other ponies around Ponyville..."

I wasn't frowning at the apparent generosity of the townsfolk. No, my eyes were narrowed at the tone of his answer. "Really. Everyone was aware today was your birthday?"

"When I told them, yeah."

Whooves and I exchanged a glance. Something felt really, really off about this. And obviously the intelligent stallion beside me had that feeling as well. "And several of the citizens just handed you these gifts after hearing it was your birthday?" Whooves inquired, matching my suspicious look.

Spike nodded, "Absolutely." Yet that tone of his held something I couldn't quite pinpoint.

"What, did you demand they give you something?" I asked, half-jokingly. Yet something in my gut told me that was exactly the case.

And I was right!

The lizard completely turned around, his voice very nervous as he answered. "Well, not exactly..."

Again Whooves and I shared a look before regarding the dragon. "'Not exactly'?" The Earth Pony echoed disapprovingly, "You mean you deliberately informed others about your birthday just so you can gain more presents?"

At the tone and question, Spike seemed to stiffen, slowly looking back at us with a sheepish smile and innocent shrug. Uh no, that's not gonna work on me. "Spike..."

"I couldn't help myself!" The dramatic dragon began after hearing my tone, already on his knees and looked as though he was begging for mercy. "I just never got so many presents from anyone before in my life! I just didn't want it to stop! Don't you know how awesome it is to get so many presents in one day?"

At the confession, my frown hardened, and Spike seemed to freeze at my clear disappointment. "So you admit to intentionally getting more things from others just to satisfy your self-indulgence?"

"I... guess so. I mean yes! Yes that's exactly what I did!"

My glare softened at the frightened look, inciting my sigh. "There's being grateful, Spike, and then there's being greedy." I met the dragon's green uncertain eyes. "I understand your predicament. You're only a child, and have only ever received one present a year during your time in Canterlot. Clearly the lack of presents has never taught you humility. You should be grateful for what you get from those willing to give you something, not demand presents simply because you believe you deserve them."

Both Spike and Whooves observed as I continued with my lecture. This dragon had to learn something. "Can you imagine how the townsfolk felt by your demanding of presents? The guilt? How I feel about this just as I'm certain Twilight would? Disappointment? How Rarity would feel, knowing that the young selfless dragon who gave her a very special gem a week ago became selfish on his own birthday? The sadness?"

The mention of the white unicorn did its work the most. Spike looked away, clear shame on his face. "Wow... I never thought of it that way. Have I been so greedy, asking everypony to give me stuff?"

"Yes." I was being blunt, gesturing to the numerous objects laying on the ground. "In history, greed has destroyed friendships. Remember your act of kindness and generosity when you gave Rarity that ruby heart? The happiness and joy she displayed?"

"Yeah..." The memory brought a small smile to his face. "She was so happy. And that made me happy." Spike looked at the objects surrounding him, before glancing up at us. "I should return these to their rightful owners, shouldn't I?"

"Bingo, Spike." I nodded in approval, feeling satisfaction at my short speech working. "So you understand what I'm saying then?"

"I think so. You're saying I should be thankful for what I've got, and never expect or demand anything from anyone, even on my birthday."

"Well you can always expect something." I said, proceeding to help the dragon by picking some of the objects up myself. "But even if you don't get what you wanted, you should always be grateful for what you did get, and humble to those who gave you those things."

Spike nodded, understanding clear in his voice. "I get it. No matter what you get, always be humble and never demand for more from others." Basically. I smiled in approval, rubbing the infant embarrassed dragon's scaly head fondly.

"So, do you recall which gift belongs to who?"

"I think so..."

"...Well I'm sure we'll find out which owns what as we travel through the town."

"Indeed." Whooves finally spoke up, having already picked some of the items up himself. Huh. Upon noticing my look, he smiled. "You didn't believe I wouldn't assist you two, after you helped me out today, Stardust? We're friends too, remember?"

"Of course." I smirked. Less stuff for me to carry anyway.

As we proceeded on our way to our first town, I spoke to the dragon beside us. "And after we return home, I have the perfect bedtime story for you, about a selfish prince whose greed became his own undoing. I'm sure you'll love it."

Spike nodded, seemingly excited, as Whooves then said to me in a clearly impressed voice, "That was a well thought-out speech just then, my friend. Do you make them often?"

"A trait passed down from my father." And unfortunately I can't seem to stop myself whenever I begin making a speech.

I was in the middle of pacing, as my bedroom door was knocked upon. "Come in."

There was no surprise as Twilight's head poked through the opened gap. "Hey."

"Twilight." I smiled in greeting as she entered. Though for some reason, the mare looked quite hesitant as she walked in. "Something the matter?"

"Not at all." The intelligent unicorn quickly shifted her expression to calmness, reassuring me she was alright. "I was a little concerned that you wouldn't want to see me after... what happened earlier at the party." At that, Twilight looked as though she was trying to repress from blushing.

Ah... that.

"I don't blame you for the other's thoughts and opinions, my dear." My turn to reassure her. "It doesn't surprise me over your kind's naivety."

Instead of objecting to my words about her own species, Twilight slowly nodded. "I'm glad you think that... minus the gullible comment. I'd be scared if you never wanted to talk to me again after those awkward questions from them."

"Like I care what they think of me." I scoffed.

The unicorn threw an amused look. "Clearly you do, otherwise you wouldn't have stormed out of the library like that, Stardust."

...Point taken.

"Well I try not to care what others think of me." I rolled my eyes, before regarding the distant unicorn. "Surely you're not... bothered by their words, are you? If you want I can tell them to pack it in, Twilight."

"Oh no, no, that won't be necessary." Twilight quickly said, shaking her head, but still avoiding my gaze. "But I was thinking, maybe we should lessen the sessions we have together, if we want those preposterous rumors to stop."

...Clearly this was on her mind a while.

"That's up to you." I replied evenly, restraining a compassionate urge to walk forward and comfort the unicorn. "Though I won't lie, these sessions have been the highlight of my days ever since returning to Ponyville."

"Me asking repetitive questions about your home world and species?" Twilight asked in faint amusement, a small smile on her purple muzzle.

"Spending time with you is always worth the headaches from getting up in the mornings." At the honesty, the unicorn looked away, clearly embarrassed. "But seriously, Twilight, if you want us to spend less time with those sessions, I'll oblige to your wishes. Plus obviously you still have your studies of friendship to do. Hell, I'm amazed how you're studying about the two at once so effortlessly."

For a moment, Twilight didn't respond, evidently contemplating. Sometimes I wonder what precisely she thinks that she doesn't share with us, even her own friends. Eventually the studious unicorn spoke, "You really don't mind how much time we spend with each other, despite what the others believe?"

Was that relief in her tone? "To hell what they think." I shrugged. "Besides, they'll learn the truth about me sooner or later." The Mane Six, anyway. Only Twilight and Applejack were currently aware. I planned to tell the others at the seemingly right moment.

"You might be right about that." Twilight concurred, nodding. "Well, I'm flattered you think so highly of me, just as I do you-"

"God knows why."

"- Because I don't want these sessions of ours to end anytime soon as well."

"Glad to hear it." I said sincerely, smiling with her. "So, is there anything else?"

"As a matter of fact, there is." The mare confirmed, glancing behind her at the doorway. "Spike told me what happened this evening. How you made him see he was being too greedy for his own health. Imagine my surprise when I found him writing a letter to Princess Celestia tonight, learning how important it is to be humble with the things you get, and never demand more from others."

I shrugged at the veiled praise. "I did what was necessary, my dear. Spike's sudden hunger for more things was very concerning."

"Yes it was, and I'm glad you were there to stop him before he went too far." This time the grateful unicorn did approach, those purple eyes of her sparkling happily, "It was wrong of me to think that toy sword you got him for his birthday was a sign of poor influence. I'm sorry for doubting you."

"Apology accepted." I replied in amusement. Though something about her statement struck me as peculiar. "Sorry, what do you mean by 'poor influence', exactly?"

"Spike seems to look up to you as an older brother."

At the casual, yet humoured answer, the implications of the very idea caused me to scoff. "Big Macintosh would make a more fitting brother figure for him than I."

"Well, he does have less of an attitude." Twilight chuckled at my look. "Regardless, you seem to have created a sibling bond with Spike. And I won't lie, I don't disapprove of it; considering all you've done for him; when Rarity was taken by those Diamond Dogs, when Owlicious joined us, when you kept Spike company during the Grand Galloping Gala and earlier today when you taught him a valuable lesson. Never mind that you've kept him company most of the time whenever I hanged out with the rest of our friends."

...Huh. Well when this observant unicorn put it like that... I suppose I understand why Spike would foolishly regard me as some sort of brother figure to look up to and learn from. Honestly the idea makes me feel... good.

Honoured. Flattered. Proud even.

"Has he told you he regards me to that extent?"

"Spike implied as much." Twilight shrugged, grinning faintly. "He never stopped talking about you when you were in Canterlot for a month, wondering how you were doing and such."

"Well, glad to know someone at least asked about me."

I smirked as Twilight flushed. "In my defense, I was still recovering from the shock made by the fact that you're an extraterrestrial life form who's been living in my house for a long time." She said meekly.

"Ah yes, Spike had mentioned in his letters you were slowly taking in the news, one time by staring out of a window waiting for her 'brave and mysterious alien' to come back." I concluded my teasing with laughter as a full-on blush returned to the mare's features.

It turns out any worry of mine from earlier about using a plastic sword with my hooves was for naught. While I couldn't twirl the toy blade around all fancy-like, I could still get the job done in sparring with others.

Exhibit A: Spike.

"Okay, you win that round." The defeated dragon panted a little, evidently growing tired of my effortlessly deflections towards his predictable and simple assaults. "Just give me a moment to catch my breath."

I smirked a little, lowering my own blade. This morning, instead of conducting another session with Twilight, I suggested to Spike we spar with our new toys outside. To which he eagerly accepted, to my delight.

I love sword combat. True I've never wielded a genuine metallic weapon of the sort in my life, but the concept always fascinated me. A duel between two with swords had more meaning, a real test of superiority, it lets you analyze your opponent further, and assists you by finding a worthy foe or sparring partner to face against to keep you skilled. The closest I had to swords back home were plastic lightsabers, often sparring with my brother and little sister.

...I grew up with Star Wars, okay?

Speaking of the legendary sci-fi, I used the Makashi Salute with my sword, and waited. From the corner of my eye, having joined us on the hill and preoccupied reading a book on the grass, Twilight glanced at us, meeting my gaze. Her expression seems to be saying "I told you so." Making me think back to our conversation last night-

A movement from the other side of my eye quickly had me block the sneak attack, Spike grinning deviously before launching another series of basic moves. Using my sword with one hoof and he with both his hands, I deflected his attacks to all directions, already seeing the frustration on the lizard's face by my practiced usage of Makashi.

For those asking themselves, Makashi is one of the seven lightsaber forms of combat. Fans of Star Wars remember Count Dooku? Yeah, his style.

Directing his blade upwards, I quickly jabbed the dragon's stomach, forcing him to take a few steps back to catch more of his breath. "That was a dirty move." I commented about his sneak attack earlier, but Spike frowned, obviously catching the approval of my tone.

Hey, warriors fight dirty. I'd be a hypocrite to scold Spike for using a move like that.

The dragon shrugged cockily, "You were distracted by looking at Twilight, as per usual, so I took the chance." ...Okay, I knew that was a taunt. I narrowed my eyes at the smug lizard, who held with both small hands his plastic weapon up defensively.

So, if I inspire Spike as an older sibling figure, then I wonder, after I've beaten his arse here and now, if he'll regret ever regarding me as such.

"Play nice, boys." Twilight ordered from the side, a mixture of amusement, commanding and embarrassment in her tone.

Pointing my blade at the prepared dragon, I said, "Oh don't worry Twilight, I won't go too far." A sinister grin fixed on my muzzle as Spike shifted nervously, and quickly deflected my charging assault.

Like I said, not 'too far'.

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