• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 183: The Twilight Before The Stars


"What is wrong with him?"

"We just found him this way, your Highness."

"I always get what I want... And you will never be leaving my kingdom alive. Welcome, friend, to Canterblueblood."

"We find Stardust Balance guilty on all accounts."

"Warmongers; a history of bloodshed and greed. Selfish and caring only when it benefits your own people, dealing only in absolutes and hoarding power and wealth for your own means than the welfare of the less entitled. Oh yes, your foolish kind are nothing compared to us; no better than Diamond Dogs!"

"What-What would your friends think... What... What would Twi-Twilight think-!"

"Stop him!"

"You're not going down anymore steps Stardust! This ends now!"

"As Mt. Aris fell, the Storm King deemed a poor family of Hippogriffs without connections to the Queen obsolete, casting us in iron and selling us away to the highest bidder, for creatures who find us... Valuable..."

"Are you...?"

"I am the Man Who Walked The Stars."

The dead of night.

The trap was prepared...

All that's left were the fools daring to vent their sick pleasure and ill sense of superiority over the next group of chained slaves. The signal was made, from the corner of my vision, the flick of a gesture from the shadows of the opposite building. I nodded, not taking my eyes off the events happening before my eyes for an instant.

Guards, ruled by an arbiter of greed and envy, and that disease has spread onto them and most of ponykind which plagues this kingdom. All slowly approaching the quivering group of gathered Diamond Dogs from another branch close by. My fingers brushed over the metallic hilt, letting it glint in the darkness.

The signal response was made.

The head of this group of armoured guards, adorned in sickening perverted gold and blue, grinned down devilishly at the unarmed innocent species, raising his hoof and, unknowingly, triggering the very last signal.

All were brought to the attention of a blazing green light producing from the shadows of two buildings, many gasping at the sight of the kingdom's most wanted man. And before the head guard could order their main target's capture, so many things happened at once.

Yells being quickly snuffed out, blurs and gusts of wind followed with the unicorn guards being taken from plain sight, dragged into the shadows. A whirl of green light, the view of the crippled street dancing all around me, and the slicing noise of plasma cutting metal, banging chains and shackles falling to the stone floor gracefully.

All in the total span of five seconds. My griffon allies aided with pulling off the rest of the used shackles keeping the innocent canines enslaved, prompting the stunned yet growing gratified Diamond Dogs to start embracing and "woof-ing" out in relief.

I could almost smile at the sight.

A feathered claw grasped my shoulder. "We should depart." My unofficial second-in-command said earnestly from behind. "We'll miss the next one if we don't hurry. Our dragon friends should have handled the pegasi guards in the east quadrants by now."

I nodded, turning towards the various species and making the necessary gestures. Half escort the canines to safety, the other with us to the next group being needlessly and senselessly abused. They understood perfectly, my hippogriff friend leading the needed half down into the street. I lingered, deactivating my blade and clipping it on, something glittering catching my attention for the moment.

My ring...

I frowned softly, lifting my hand to the starless sky. No constellations or beautiful sight this time but the darkened blue. Now wasn't that symbolism...?

A flash of a lavender smile, sparkling violet eyes.

I winced, finding my breathing grow quiet heavy for a moment, shaking my head in soft self-deprecation. The here and now... The here and now...

Still, was it just me or was my ring glinting brighter than usual... Without any light to reflect off...?

We'll lose our allies if we linger too long, Jack.

Ah, right. I nodded, trying hard not to feel affected by the pure understanding in my teacher's voice, and headed on my way quickly to join the others. The night was barely young, and there was still a lot of work to be done.

"All the patrol guards in the north and east quadrants have been subdued." The honorary leader of the freed and enslaved griffons announced, a male of pure rich brown feathers and darkened white chest and features, immediately upon our return into the main headquarters.

From the corner of my eye, unconscious pony guards were being pulled into a rather spacious closet as per my orders. "Make sure they're well fed." Were my first words joining them by the center of the dusty barely lit room, a rather large table in-between the gathered group.

"In spite of how well they've kept us fed...?" The muttering Diamond Dog was wise not to comment further from my stern side-glance.

The main griffon continued, nodding as if canine's comment wasn't uttered. "Our own scouts are returning from checking out the western and southern quadrants. We should expect them any moment now."

"The pegasi guards have been brought down from the skies in the former quadrants too." Came the rough voice of the dragon, a female this time with lively vibrant scales and fierce pink eyes, to my right. "They are being taken to a secluded location and will be kept fed as well." With said fierce eyes narrowing my way. "Though I fail to understand why we're being nice to those who kept us in chains all this time."

I was so numb at this point not to be fazed by the glare. My hippogriff ally spoke from beside me, leaning forward against the table. "We sink down to their level, and we may as well become the very monsters we have been treated as." Those blazing determined eyes gazed about, daring for anyone else to argue. None did.

Instead, I turned towards the lead canine among us, the shortest but rather bulkiest in this gathered alliance, placing my palms on the wood. "And the tunnels?"

"Ah, still under process." He replied, rather nervously. "You must understand, it has been far too long since we have accessed the underground world. And the limited time here may have pressure-"

"Take as long as is required." I interrupted with a raised hand, though not unkindly. "Until the rest of the scouts return, there's plenty of time to draw up a plan."

"We should be planning now is the issue here." The female dragon interjected firmly. Why had I not learned their names yet? Because it was better not to grow attached at this point. Much better. "We need to take action immediately!"

"She's right." The lead griffon added with his own fierce resolve, claws digging into the wooden surface, eyes screaming in vow to ruin our enemies. "They're bound to notice by now the absence of their comrades and former slaves. We must take advantage before it is too late, and we are soon found and enslaved once again!"

My hippogriff ally, however, was quick to begin disputing their points. "If we rush this, we might as well be handing ourselves to them on a silver platter. We need time to consider our options and advantages carefully. The latter will serve all the more once our scouts have returned."

"While we sit here like cowards, waiting for our enemies to come to us?" The vibrant dragon sneered, leaning over towards us in disbelieving anger. "If we just sit around and wait to take action, then we might as well be in chains all over again!"

Of course, the argument from the table was spurring murmurs of agreement and doubt from our audience, the various species whom were doing their own things perking up at the raised voices from their appointed leaders. I simply stood there, observing the proceedings around with scarcely a visible reaction. Only neutral.

My friend attempted to keep the peace from my left. "We just need a little more time for our scouts to-"

"No doubt Prince Blueblood will be sending guards after us at this instance." The griffon harshly interrupted, glaring all around him as if emphasizing this point and letting it sink in. "We should be preparing to fight back!"

"Fight? Against all those guards?!" The head Diamond Dog asked incredulously, paling fear contrasting against gray fur. He leaned away from the table as if repulsed from the griffon's notion. "We'd get stomped over!"

The tall, lean and hunger-depraved dragon snapped a glare the cowering canine's way. "With that attitude we will. Who would have thought Diamond Dogs would be considered as such cowards."

More murmurs and agreements from the background. From my left, the hippogriff looked more than ready to pop a blood vessel.

That jab, however, had the small gray creature perform a one-sight shift in personality. "You're no better!" He practically screeched. "Getting easily captured like that! I thought dragons were suppose to be big and tough and unable to get bound by chains at all! And how much your kind hoards delicious treasures for themselves!"

"Oh please, like you're any better?" The female dragon growled, taking the bait with relative ease, staring down the visibly quivering canine in ill-disguised contempt and fury. "You just get your dirty mutts on any gold just to feel about yourselves. What makes you think you have the moral high ground?"

"In either case, we griffons always make use for our treasure." The lead mythical creature needlessly added to the heated conversation. "For trade and purchasing goods. At least we use our gathered valuables for good purpose than jsut hiding them away in some dark caves, left to be covered in dust!"

"Arguing isn't going to provide any advantage over our common enemy!" The hippogriff raised both his feathered claws between, making the universal gesture for all else to shut up. "We must cooperate or else this has all been for nothing!"

To little avail. The dragon, griffon and Diamond Dog were proceeding to bicker like children, rousing others around the room to start doing so in turn, breaking the balance of things apart as opposed to working together to work out a solution. The mindless bitterness of what slavery can do.

And yet, think about it... Starswirl softly murmured, as if this pointless debacle affected him deeply. What would Twilight do in this particular instance...?

"I say we fight!" The appointed leader of those fairy creatures, adorned with ragged worn clothing, pitched up from her spot on the table.

"YEAH!" Came multiple voices of triumph all around us.

"I say we wait!" The Diamond Dog argued back.


The dragon looked ever more furious. "I can't believe you all!" She announced in heated passion. "We're going to become sitting dogs waiting around like cattle! We're no better than those pony scum-!"


All jumped, even the hardened cases. And pretty soon, all eyes turned to the young human whom pounded with enough force onto the table with a hammering fist, ignoring the shiver of pain from doing so. But he was far from done.


There, that got their attention. Slowly looking upwards, I gazed dangerously, sweeping over the group of uncertain and openly curious multiple species. steadily removing my fist once the point has been made. I'll deal with the pain later.

"I didn't release any of you to hear childish bickering. I didn't start this resistance to have you all break apart from the slightest disagreement. And I didn't come back here to have all hope die out in an instant just because some of our can't contain our warlike urges." All this said with a low, methodical tone, hazel eyes behind glasses regarding the silent leaders one by one, each with a different reaction.

Save for the Yak and buffalo leaders, whom have become eerily quiet this whole meeting, with no visible reaction from the former but a contemplative gaze by the other furry behemoth my way.

Nodding, I turned back to the group, mouth firm. "Every second we spend here arguing, Blueblood will have the advantage. By tomorrow morning, he would have already won, and this all would have been for nothing."

"Which is why we should be-!"

"All sides are right." I continued calmly, the dragon's passion hardly deterring me. What could anymore? I leaned forward again, pressing my palms against the table solemnly. "We have to take action... And we've been doing so, reducing Blueblood's royal guards at a time." My stare lingered from the dragon and griffon to the Diamond Dog. "But at the same time, patience is a virtue. We will wait for our allies to return and report their findings, then we can initiate the grand plan. Any other way is doomed for failure, without teamwork, an open mind and hope."

"You... Have that much faith this plan will succeed?" The griffon asked rather dubiously, but my words seemed to have the intended effect, looking quite doubtful of his previous thoughts.

My expression remained the same, but the conviction was strong in this quote. "Rebellion is built on hope."

Silence reigned over the room for a long moment, soon replaced by rather loud knocking on the nearby wooden door leading outside. Or rather, a certain pattern of knocking demonstrated by myself earlier for certain members of our grand alliance to return.

The blue hippogriff and I shared a knowing look, before the former gave a nod for one griffon to allow the visitors entry, and entered they did. Various gasps and cries of horror from the back were heard, and I quickly strode over to the 'pony guards' by the door before things could escalate to something regrettable.

"When the setting sun gives away to night."

And instantly, the guards transformed back into the allies we were waiting for. "Stars will one day turn to dust." The lead Changeling answered obediently, inclining his head with a formal bow. "We return with good news... And bad news, my liege."

I nodded, ignoring the last two words of that sentence. "Relay them to our fellow comrade here." Gesturing towards the hippogriff and making room for them to pass. "When the rest of our reconnaissance group returns, we'll begin with the plan." He nodded, and I could feel so many eyes on my back from my hasty retreat to the door.

Not running away. Just... Needed a moment to myself.

"I know I'd be happy to have them, and you, to call my friends..."

Yes, another moment of self-pity and regret to myself. Sue me you heartless [BEEP]s. My gaze lingered at the delicate jewel attached to my ring, still glimmering its amethyst glow despite having no light to shine its reflection from, even the dim lighting from the building behind me.

Sat down on the one step to the front door, I sighed for the millionth time coming out here, keeping my gaze transfixed on the beautiful ring of a promise. A vow to one day tie the knot with a certain someone and keep her happy for the rest of eternity.

Marriage... Ha...

Truth be told, mostly instinct and desire drove me to purchasing those rings that day, just to keep my beloved happy and give her something to look forward to. A means of eternally vowing to keep her safe and in bliss for all time, to make up for my past grievances in favour of a bright, new promising future. Right after Zagreus was destroyed.

"I know I'd be happy to have them, and you, to call my friends..."

My hand reflexively clenched, but the ring stayed in my line of sight. So this was grief, then? The sensation from losing someone you know and lo- ...Even the alternate version of your own girlfriend...?

...Yes, that still counted. She was her own person, and deserves the respect and acknowledgement.

What she DIDN'T was that Goddamn fate handed to her... Dammit...!

I know how you're feeling-

No... Spare me the empathy talk, Starswirl... You're a cartoon character for a show designed to appeal to little girls aged three to five. What could you possibly know about loss on this massive a scale? To lose a loved one this way... To feel so... So...

Helpless? That it was your own failings that led to this and the responsibility suffocating you? That you couldn't do enough to protect someone precious to you, and preserve them from the cold, cruel darkness?

There was neither condemnation nor judgement in Starswirl's tone, but it was enough for me to clench my teeth and shut my eyes tight in pain, failing miserably to cast away the image of that final smile and beautiful sparkling eyes, dimming out from my own errors...


I lost one I considered a son to the dark, a long time ago. My teacher sounded nothing but kind and compassionate, and it hurt that he thought I deserved as much. My pride... My own ambition... Led to the worst mistake in my life... We can never decide what fate has in store for us, regardless how we try. It took a long time to ever even consider forgiving myself for that day, for neglecting him when he needed me most... We can't change the past, Jack, but what's optional is preserving her memory for a better tomorrow. What would Twilight do, in your newfound predicament?

Hm... Grieve and cry a lot, at first... Shut herself out from everyone else for a very long time... Blame herself for hours on end and begin making her own life a miserable Hell... Wondering where it could've gone wrong, what could've been fixed... Desperately attempting to go back in time with her magic before her... Our friends prevents that...

She would be broken...


"I know I'd be happy to have them, and you, to call my friends..."

...But Twilight would never... NEVER... Allow Blueblood to get away with his crimes this day. For the sake of all life, and knowing what her special somebody would do, she would... She'd keep fighting...!

Keep fighting... Until she could fight no more.

And not alone... Her friends between her, ready to fight alongside the alicorn too. Loyalty, kindness, generosity, laughter and honesty. All combined into the magic of friendship. Blueblood when never have stood a chance.

And I... Balance...


My own fist was quivering before my clouded gaze, but I never noticed or care. In the Twilight's memory, the one who sacrificed herself that day, I will not let her down. Let any of them down. Blueblood and his allies will fall.

And Zagreus... He'll tumble down with them.

The light against the jewel glinted brighter, as if from the newfound resolve coursing through me. It felt like a warm blanket draped over my shoulders, reinforcing my conviction and will to keep going. To keep fighting.

Fight, and always belief in yourself and your friends... That's what Twilight would tell me, in this situation.

The door creaked open, and I glanced behind at the small fairy peeking towards me rather hesitantly. "They're here... It's time."

"I know I'd be happy to have them, and you, to call my friends..."

...And fight I will.

Starswirl's final words as I stood up and followed the creature back were something to ponder on later. I lost one son to the dark... I will never allow another to follow.

The second I joined my comrades again by the table, the whole crowd had gathered around, making room for their unofficial leader. Or official, I never really established myself among them. In all honesty my hippogriff friend would be a more stable figure for these poor creatures to be inspired by this moment. What was it about me that would demand their attention and-slash-or their respect anyhow?

Once all whispers and curious mumbles died down, the hippogriff gazed around, and nodded. "As we predicted, the intel provided from our Changeling and griffon scouts have proven beneficial." The dragon and griffon leaders this time stayed silent, simply observing with stone stares. Fine by me, we needed to lay out the plan ASAP.

With a nod to the side, a pair of Parasprites fluttered over to the table with the edges of a long paper in their tiny grasp, dropping the rather big map over the surface. A huge, round shaped kingdom surrounded by a massive lake.

"Current patrols have reinforced in the southern and western quadrants." The hippogriff proceeded to motion to the outer ring of the yellow kingdom. "The slave quarters surround the entire last perimeter of Canterblueblood. Liberate them all, the rest of the citizens would have no other option to retreat than the only bridge leading in and out of the kingdom."

True enough, a large London-inspired bridge at the direct front of the map, faced by the view of the large castle's front. Yes, I think I noticed it on my fall down to former oblivion. How did I survive again? Ah [BEEP] it.

"Made of solid gold..." One dragon muttered bitterly from the side. "Who he'd have to thank for that...?"

"Our infiltrators managed to gather much required information for our plan of attack." Our ally continued, making more various points and motions over the large yellow paper. "The good ol' Prince intended on having a large formal party in celebration of his enemy's execution." Interested eyes turned my way, and I barely flinched, not even from the horror and sympathy from a handful of empathetic creatures. "Fortunately for us, even if his prey escaped from confinement, Blueblood must continue with the proceedings for appearance's sake. His own pride will be his folly."

"The security will be more stronger in the name of a party." The griffon leader commented rather thoughtfully, stroking his feathered beard and raising a perked brow. "Reinforced in fear of his enemy returning."

"Indeed." The hippogriff nodded with confirmation, both palms pressed against the edge of the map. "Many of the guards patrolling the quadrants will be called back to the castle by the end of the week, where the celebrations shall commence... And when our plan will spring into action."

"While the castle is heavily fortified?" The lead canine inquired rather tentatively, justifiably concerned as he looked between the other appointed leaders left and right with barely his head peaking over the table. "Would-Wouldn't that be dooming us from the start...?"

"Unless... We take out the guards one by one...!" The dragon rationalized in epiphany, and I almost smirked at them catching on.

The hippogriff responded sternly, "Our main goal is to release all the currently enslaved griffons, dragons, Parasprites and everyone else. In addition, trap Blueblood before he could escape by subduing all available escort. It is apparent that he has some dragons under his employment too."

"Hypocrite...!" One of the reptile same kind sneered with burning pink eyes, smashing her clawed fist into her palm. "I'll deal with them myself!"

"We have detailed routes and guard schedules secured from our Changeling spies." And he motioned for said infiltrators to join us, the three of them. "All reliable as we can get. We'll be replacing many of the servants and guards patrolling the castle with our own once they've been locked away. Once the route is secure, Blueblood's treasure room comes next."

I imagine he had the sensation to roll his eyes as I from the glint of greed by the griffon, dragon and Diamond Dog's own eyes. Always treasure with them; some things never change. Felt rather nostalgic.

"We'll be leaving that for the Diamond Dogs to secure once things are in the clear. In addition, all entrance and exit points will be secured and blocked passage by our fellow griffons as the dragons take care of the pegasi guards flying around the castle." No missing the many smirks around us. "And finally, comes Blueblood himself." A pair of intentful eyes gazed my way. "Whom will be left with you, once you've managed to infiltrate the throne room. And before we get to the finer details of our assignments..." The hippogriff was regarding me sternly. "Is there anything our appointed leader would like to say?"

In answer, I gazed around, taking note of the various mixed reactions of fear, apprehension and growing hope. By all rights, I should just be doing this solo. No need to get these innocent and weakened creatures involved, even after I helped start to replenish their health and sate their hunger with bags of chips - I didn't want to imagine how starved the Parasprites must've become - and washing equipment coming from thin air. Normally I wouldn't be taking advantage this cruel way.

Except, with the circumstances this time around, things had a slight difference.

Like me, these creatures were wronged horribly. They were abused, enslaved and tortured to do one pony's bidding; in the serving to a mad stallion who believed he could do whatever he pleased. Get away with anything and take what will never be rightfully his. Blueblood has not just made an enemy out of me, but practically all other species outside of ponykind and against justice itself.

They deserved their justice. Jack Wright or Stardust Balance would never go through with this, leading an army of weary and damaged souls into battle. But at this point, I was neither.

I was just a man, another broken soul, with nothing more to lose... Like them.

The ring around my finger felt suddenly warmer, as if in reassurance and encouragement. And my mind's eyes saw her smile...


For her... For all of them.

"Nothing separates us as species or creed. Our ideals or motivations. In the end, we all have a passionate guide for justice. As of this moment, we are all one. We will prove Blueblood wrong that we mean nothing beneath him, that ponies should rule over all. All are equal, and all must be kind. Which is why those ponies outside of the guards and royalty will be allowed to leave before things turn more heated once the time comes. We will demonstrate, as of this moment, that friendship and bonds between all kinds are never impossible, that this tragic lifestyle has brought us all to new heights." And I gazed upon my fellow allies and comrades-in-arms, nodding with the faintest of smiles for the first time tonight. "For our brothers and sisters. For our parents and children... Tonight and thereon, we are all Twilight Warriors... We are all family."

The reaction soon became instantaneous. Murmurs and whispers turning to open statements and cries to roars of triumph and justice from all around us. "Family! Family!" From the corner of my eye, my hippogriff friend glanced over to his smiling wife and child, picking up on his own resolve.

Friendship and family... The two are not necessarily exclusive to one another.

With a gesture to the Changeling spies, I leaned forward with faintest of prideful smirks. "So, here's what will happen..."

Real talk though. Canterblueblood. How [BEEP]ing more pretentious and arrogant could you possibly become? It's like Timber naming his precious camp 'Timber Woods.'

He probably would if he could.

Huffing, I waved for the dragon that dropped on these tiles of the roof to start initiating the rest of the plan, the soaring winds caused by rather abused yet recovering wings blowing in my hair and face. The guards on this side of the castle were already distracted by a group of Parasprites suddenly taking their evening snacks, leaving me sparse time to get this over and done with.

From this distance, the entire kingdom below looked beautiful, the perfect representation of beauty with ugliness here on the inside. Lights like fireflies all the way from up here, and making even the small round wall going around the whole island and kingdom to keep the slaves from interacting with the privilege, as though neither had the right to ever meet and become friends.

Blueblood. The Gaston of Equestria.

Mouth set firm, I proceeded to fulfill with my own task whilst my allies dealt with the servants and security. I wasn't worried about falling... Not sure I was worried about anything anymore... With one down flick of the wrist, the hidden blade above my hand produced, helping me get a firm grip and climb on the diagonal structure of the current rooftop, digging in between tiles and hoisting myself upwards, ignoring the winds flapping the edged of my black coat. I've played enough Persona and Assassin's Creed to get the hang of this.

Maybe I should've wrote a Calling Card before this... The look on Blueblood's face, imagining such, would bring some amusement back into my life.

In another way, this kingdom was a perfect metaphor for the Equestrians' stance against other species. Ponies, as far as I've seen it, either recoil in fear or disgust at various other creatures for no reason but simply because they could. Even Zecora was considered a monster and a threat to ponykind before Apple Bloom proved her wrong. The only possible exception was to the prejudice was Spike.

Griffons were barely acknowledged among ponies.

It took a thousand years for even negotiations with the Yaks to be considered.

There was almost a war between ponies and buffaloes... Which were the former's fault. I still sided with the Chief and his tribe all this time.

Parasprites were considered a nuisance. Again, driven away instead of learning how to help them tame their hungry urges.

Those fairy creatures... Okay they're another exception I suppose.

Dragons have never been negotiated with until the next Dragon Lord knew a few equines. You mean to tell there has never been at least one civil interaction for over a thousand years between a pony and dragon prior to the mares and Ember? Remember how quickly I got along with them?

Diamond Dogs... They could've been easily integrated among pony society.

Changelings... Again, no one but Starlight tried? Not a single Changeling before Thorax wanted to cease their love-sucking ways and try to find another way? Did Celestia ever try...?

All of this, leading to the point where it was perfectly okay for other species to be enslaved! Did Celestia ever knew of her nephew's activities? Was she allowing it? Turning a blind eye? You know, like the Princess of the Sun always did.

Giver her a chance... Sorry Twilight, but I'm through acting so lenient. After Blueblood faces his comeuppance, and when Zagreus has been banished eternally, then I will storm over to Canterlot, into the throne room and have that alicorn answer for this.

Ah. Finally made it.

And instantly, I ducked, hearing the guards muffled from the expensive glass window and their shadowy silhouettes walking by the roof behind me. Looked as though they were in a hurry, hm?

They're gone. Let's proceed.

I nodded at Starswirl's confirmation, the swift sound of plasma slicing open a metallic lock followed with me immediately pushing my way through, the window opening for both sides. And quickly closing it behind me, immediately looking left and right down the lavish hallway. Guards would be too preoccupied to notice the burnt lock, heading to my left down where the throne room was, according to the details our Changeling allies provided.

Everything should be going to plan about then. Downstairs, the obnoxious and egocentric Blueblood was entertaining his guests, unaware of what retribution had in store for the villainous stallion.

The Changelings would be disguising themselves among staff, serving food and... Pouring sleeping powder into them, all for the guests. Guards would be knocked out and replaced, clearing the necessary pathways for all our other allies to get in. Surrounding the castle, dragons would subduing the pegasi guards patrolling around the skies, and griffons with the unicorns positioned by the entrances and outside balconys.

Once the routes were secured, they'd give the signal to the current Diamond Dogs underground, leading them straight to the treasure room. One could envision the hysterical reaction on Blueblood's dreadful face at all his royal and stolen valuables suddenly disappearing down a massive gaping hole in the ground, soon returning to all their real owners.

Also outside, the Yaks and buffaloes were making good use of having the royal guard call for reinforcements, drawing many of the stallions on Blueblood's payroll towards them by causing an active ruckus. They were under strict instructions not to harm any of the civilians amidst their rampage... Though I wouldn't so objected if they knocked down and smashed that obnoxious massive statue of Blueblood I saw earlier by the town center to smithereens.

The Parasprites and Fluttershy's fairy friends, meanwhile, had their own role to play, dealing with the rest of the patrols around the slave quarters in the south and west quadrants. Cunning and trickery played a vital role in their own part, luring the guards and quickly subduing them with traps. I've seen what they had in store... Those fairies were vicious when they wanted justice for other's transgressions.

Aha, so we were right! Those two guards which passed by the window were the only ones protecting the doors to the throne. All that's left to do then was wait... Wait, and justice will finally be ours.



I understand you're grieving, my friend, and desire nothing but for those who wronged you to answer for their errors. Starswirl started, sounding decidedly sympathetic and... Urgent. And for that, I ask one thing of you-

Don't let my personal feelings get the better of me, lest I do something to Blueblood I would one day regret.

But Starswirl hardly sounded perturbed by the casual knowing. You will be the better person, Jack, which is why I urge you, once the time comes... Show the same mercy your friends would in this situation.

Would they though, Starswirl... If our, if my Twilight was the one who... Would anything really be stopping them from seeking vengeance also?

So this is about revenge too.

My heated fists slammed into the double doors, forcing myself inside with grit teeth. Of course it was! Look who you're asking Starswirl! I'm a human born from a world which strive on revenge and bringing the corrupt to justice! Would you see me NOT wanting to give Blueblood payback for what HE did?! Would that even be possible?!


And I doubt the girls wouldn't want retribution either. What would stop them going off the handle?! Could they ever suppress their revenge and let Blueblood face the consequences without things worsening?

There was neither condemnation or worry in his voice. You know what the answer is.


What you're asking of me... I... I don't know if I could ever vow it, Starswirl. I'm not like them... I never was...

But don't you see, Jack? You have never been more mistaken. Don't prove Blueblood right in his assumptions from earlier. Forgive, and not because he deserves as such...


A rumbling from the ground suddenly emerged, and I knew, looking back up, that time was growing short. The grand finale was about to commence.

Let's end this for good.

For once, I permitted myself the smallest slice of satisfaction, Blueblood's rambling voice accompanied by his many guards and servants dying out the moment he spotted a lone human, making himself comfortable on his admittedly soft throne, sitting like a proper King would.

"Admit it." I quipped oh so casually. "You always had nightmares about this."

The Prince proceeded to begin gaping like a goldfish, or when Pinkie hears someone not liking parties- Actually, this clown doesn't deserve to be compared to someone as amazing and joyful as Pinkie Pie. Instead, I'll just state that this white stallion with ridiculous bleached blond mane was gaping like an idiot who had no idea that karma would soon bite him in the arse.

Oh Prince, were you taught nothing at the Gala? Anyone who crosses me faces the penalty swiftly. Why, just ask Tirek.

"I- Ah- Wha- Gah- But- YOU!" There we go. Blueblood was then presenting steadily increasing rage. And pointed harsly in my direction with the command of a child robbed of his chair. "DESTROY HIM!"

Okay, then I allowed myself the faintest of smirks at the onslaught of magical attacks being fired from all directions, hitting their target dead on... And bouncing off all around the throne room and already beginning to make a mess of the place before I could even do so. Careful your Highness, you wouldn't want your lavish decorations to get ruined, now would you?

"Cease! CEASE!"

And once the unicorns eventually stopped at their ruler's command, I tilted my head to the side. "Anyone up for a game of Twister?"

No answer, the Prince openly regarding his former prey with concern, distress and sheer anger, motioning for the guards to slowly go around and commence a semi-circle, as if to prevent me from leaving in any direction again, including the expensively installed stained windows.

That suited me just fine. I had no intention of going anywhere, after all.

Pointing again in self-righteousness, Blueblood proceeded with his typical pretentious monologue. "So, the elusive 'warrior' has made himself known once more. Finally decided to stop hiding beneath the garbage and face your true lord and... Master..."

Hm? Oh, sorry, don't mind me clown. Just sipping from this favourite all-time drink of mine. "Question." I started after the refreshing taste, licking my lips. "Where'd I get a can of Earth coco-cola from? Answer: I'm a God, don't question it." And another sip, regarding the stallion with curled ironic lips. "What was it you said, Blueblood? Other creatures than ponies are always inferior and can achieve nothing together? You've never been more wronger, I feel."

"If you believe you will make it out of here alive then-!"

"Ask me what I want."

The Prince sputtered, the calm interruption throwing his egotistical self off-balance. "I-Irrelevant!" He cried out like a child being denied a chance to establish himself. "You will be subdued and imprisoned by my will yet again! You made a foolish mistake bringing yourself back here, dirtying my throne no less! You think I wasn't aware, of you hiding among the trash outside the deserving civilians who reside in my kingdom?" Then sounding sickeningly gleeful, Blueblood releasing a cold smile. "Yes, only a monster would find a kindred spirit in other monsters. What did you do, human? Hm? Bring them false hope? Promises of riches? Of power? None of which you or they deserve, naturally. Prepare them for war? Your human lust for battle never wavers then, depressingly so. No matter, I will round up these traitors who concealed you from me, and soon-"

"Right now all of your guards out and inside the castle are being taken care of. Staff replaced and all your valuables currently being take from you. All those innocent righteous creatures you enslaved currently being freed to join us in overtaking your obnoxious rule in the name of justice and peace, all with the intent of putting you in your place. You have nowhere to run, no one to protect you; your remaining guards here will be overrun quickly by the onslaught of vengeful dragons, griffons, Parasprites, buffaloes, Changelings, you name them. The second you walk out those doors, it's all over for you." I concluded with another tilted head, placing the coke can to the side after another delicious sip of the fizzy sustenance. "Ask me what I want."

To say my quarry were stunned would be stating it too lightly, the guards looking between one another rather nervously, and then to their openly fearful and disbelieving leader. Go on then, Blueblood, say I was bluffing; I could see it in those youthful but greedy eyes. But the stallion hesitated, as though considering his options. Oh, a modicum of intelligence after all? Wisdom perhaps? Nah, if he was wise he'd have never enslaved countless innocent and equally dangerous if they to be creatures. And judging from the urgency of the unicorn barging into the throne room, one would assume he was well aware that his kingdom was under siege.

A kingdom that wasn't to be his any longer. The reign of Blueblood was finally over shortly after it began.

"What... Do you want?" Blueblood hissed with grinded teeth, as though it physically hurt the male equine in ridiculous formal rich attire to even be forced to ask. In answer, I rose upwards, simply removing the hilt from my black pocket.

"A duel." I announced from the small steps leading to the gold compensating throne, firm and filled with determination. "Another match like at the Gala. If you win, myself and all my allies will surrender themselves to your will. If I win, you will step down from your rule and face the justice for your own actions."

As though the word and implications triggered him, Blueblood proceeded to spat out un-royal-like. "Bah! Like you would ever know the meaning of true justice human scum! You have no magic, no mysterious to say you from the fluke which was our last duel. I will show you what happens when you cross the true rulers of Equestria, and all other creatures will submit to their proper face beneath our hooves!"

"What is a pony, but a barrel of hypocrisy." Came my stoic retort,clenched finger igniting the green blade and finding my own ire rising, the reality and weight to the circumstances fueling my urge to bring this Prince down, once and for all.

Jack, I plead of you, do not allow your anger to overcome you...

Blueblood openly sneered, summoning his own blade via magic before him, the long sword emitting a rather silvery glow as I walked down the steps to meet my opposition. "This beauty was crafted by the ancient warlock ponies as a means of resisting even the hottest of magma." Blueblood took a moment to point the blade upwards as if to emphasize that point.

Oh good, so this wouldn't be over in one-point-five seconds. The guards scattered to the other sides left and right of the room, before Blueblood snarled openly and ordering the visibly nervous paid guards.

"Make sure no one interrupts us. This is between me and... That!" Oh, charming. No wonder Rarity was so swooned by your classic behaviour back then. But his unicorn guards performed as instructed, departing from the throne room swiftly and just leaving himself and I

Good. As he said, this was between us and us alone. The others could have their justice on the unicorn after I am through with him.

Please, Jack...

I held the lightsaber in a two-handed grip, and Blueblood magically held his sword before him, no more words being shared. He knew the rules of combat as much as I. Swordfights and duels were always traditional, and it looks as though the Prince was taking this more seriously than the last time we fought. No signal was made for us both begin charging at one another, the wrath of a human opposing the greed of a pony.

Sparks literally flew, green meeting silver and bouncing off one another, causing both opponents to stagger back. But we immediately recovered, regarding one another with fierce resolve as the second attempted blows came.

And the third.

And the fourth.

The fifth, sixth and seventh...

There was no grace or refinement, no elegance or style. No formalities or fair play, just two vengeful creatures swinging and pushing each other's blades against and from one another, the room lighting up and being echoed with sounds of lightsaber hitting magical sword. It took one blade lock to already decide the outcome of the battle.

An outcome which wasn't turning out to be in Blueblood's favour. Judging by the reaction on his face as leaned close against one another, silver and green caught beside us, the prideful Prince was more accustomed to swift fencing duels rather than the old rules of sword combat. Lightsaber combat something unaccounted for.

The Prince staggered back, with a yell of surprised pain. Not from me pushing the blade back, mind you, but the knee launched against the side of his muzzle, Blueblood immediately on the defenseive from the next vicious onslaught. What, you thought I was going to be fair, Blueblood? You thought I would show any compassion or equal play after all the [BEEP] you put me through?!

Tricking the majority of the royal family, bypassing Celestia's wishes and making me a wanted man throughout Equestria?

Sending bounty hunters and mercenaries after me? Constantly hounding me and never allowing me a moment's peaceful rest?

Teaming up with the worst creature imaginable, all for some petty quest of vengeance? Simply to make you feel more better about yourself?

Threaten my own family? My SON? Planning to marry Twilight just to spite me, and get a more powerful position among the monarchy? Use my friends, my FAMILY, for your own twisted ego and benefits?!

The duel was becoming far more heated, my vision beginning to become more and more focused, putting more power and precision into my attacks than what my lack of muscle and agility would permit. And Blueblood was certainly getting the worse end, distress and concern openly starting to show on those white obnoxious features. I wasn't stopping, never relenting.

For my friends...

For Spike...

For Twilight...


And for the Twilight Sparkle YOU HAD DESTROYED!

Something akin to a guttural roar produced from my throat, taking quick advantage of pushing away his magical sword to the side, and promptly elbowing the side of Blueblood's stunned face to the side, the the weapon immediately clattering to the ground for a split second. That's right, magic can't be used by an equine so long as I'm touching them

Big mistake, your Highness...

The glass stained window shattered openly from the impact, Blueblood glaring up in distraught whilst recovering. "Hey, that cost me a fortune- GAH!"

"I'm sorry." My cold grip and response came to me once dragging half of his white furry body out the window. "I lost the power to give a [BEEP] when you murdered my friend."

Blueblood, wisely, chose to look down at the town below in ridiculous fear rather than question that fact, front hoofs clutching onto the arm tightly holding on his horn as though trying to pry it off... And failing. Pathetically so.

The ridiculous creature frantically glanced back and forth between his position and the man keeping him from falling completely down his oh-so glorious mountain. He began gasping out. "You... You've ruined everything I've worked for!"

"You tried to threaten my friends." No malice or anger in those words, but a cold statement of fact. The vengeful deity prepared to cast judgement upon the mortal fool who wronged him and his loved ones.

But really, what he really should be concerned over was the green blade humming and so close towards the exposed underbelly, ready to conclude this once and for all. And it didn't take too long for Blueblood to begin bargaining for his life, ready to start bawling like a little [BEEP].

"We-We can make reach an agreement, Stardust!" He started against the currents of wind pouring through the broken window, hing legs flailing on the floor inside for ear life. "There's no... No need for you to... Ah... Do anything drastic... Please...!"




"I know I'd be happy to have them, and you, to call my friends..."

I could do it...

"I know I'd be happy to have them, and you, to call my friends..."

End him once and for all...

"I know I'd be happy to have them, and you, to call my friends..."

A miserable scumbag who waster his life on riches and selfish pursuits...

"I know I'd be happy to have them, and you, to call my friends..."

Avenge the formerly enslaved lives of countless other creatures, and many others he had wronged...

"I know I'd be happy to have them, and you, to call my friends..."

Staring into those frightened eyes, reminding me of a child facing his worst fears, pleading and youthful... Far too youthful...

"I know I'd be happy to have them, and you, to call my friends..."

Just like the children he kept to his will...

"I know I'd be happy to have them, and you, to call my friends..."

And the young woman who sacrificed herself because of his selfish exploits...

"I know I'd be happy to have them, and you, to call my friends..."




God... Dammit...

"Whoa- Wha...?" Blueblood questioned breathlessly upon being pulled back up from the window, back into the warmth of the throne room. Yet before the [BEEP]tard could even dare exhaling in relief, my leering face loomed closely to his, uncaring is spit touched his face to make the point across. All the better.

"The only deal that get you out alive is this..." I began coldly, taking some satisfaction by the stallion looking ready to [BEEP] himself. "The price on my head; stopped. All those slaves you captured; freed. Your position on the throne; stepped down from. Go to Canterlot, and turn yourself in to Celestia and face proper punishment for your crimes. If I ever see you a hoof near Ponyville, I will personally drag your sorry arse to Tartarus, and feed you to the Cerberus!"

Already un-liking that image, Blueblood hastily nodded. "A-Agreed!" He consented all too easily. "I'll do as you say! Please, forgive me! It was all Zagreus! He-He gave me no choice! He wanted you gone and used our past rivalry to do so-!"

Oh I did not want to hear it.

The unicorn yelped, falling right onto the ruined floor and already immediately making a quick retreat, throwing open the doors via desperate hoofs.

And promptly being knocked back by a single clawed punch, right down on the floor. Of course, I didn't say anything to him about facing the retribution of those he had wronged too before Canterlot. Not vocally, perhaps.

And the former mercenary cracked his knuckles with a satisfied grin, down at the out-cold Prince. "And that may be considered our resignation, your Highness." The male griffon turning to me with a knowing look, allowing himself a small smirk. "Thanks for freeing my family from his clutches, pal. We couldn't stand being in his debt any longer."

I simply ignored, gazing back to the pitiful unicorn laying down with an almost peaceful expression.

Forgive him, not because he deserves it...

"...But because I deserve peace."

And in my mind eye's the human Twilight beamed in happiness and pride. And, just this once, I let myself release a visible small smile of my own.

...However, peace could be delivered by other means, too. Blueblood was, pathetic he might be, a spoiled child given his riches than earning them. A child who's misbehaved and gotten away with his mischief for far too long. And since Celestia wouldn't have the courage to deliver the proper punishment, another, real adult should. Like any child who gets out of hand, they must be disciplined.

Low groans of agony, before Blueblood found himself, groggily and bruised, belly-first laid across my lap, quickly returning to his sense and struggling in immediate panic. "W-What are you doing?!" Something you never had happen upon you as a colt, little Prince, rolling up my sleeve and rearing back a straight, prepared open hand, other hand keeping the blonde sand tail pulled up.

"Consider this a lesson..." Cocking my head with an added thought. "Good practice for when I have kids. Think of it as volunteering."

So, Garble has eluded our grasp yet again...

I scoffed. Garble was just a teenager biting off more than he could chew. He'll answer for his own actions soon enough. Try as I might, I couldn't bring myself to blame that kid or his minions for what happened in the forest that day too.

Nor those mercenaries, currently reuniting with their freed families.

Just Blueblood... And Zagreus...


Was it wrong of me, to blame Blueblood? I pondered this from the open view of the morning sunlight, pouring from over the hills and welcoming the promise of a bright new day. A day where freedom and balance conquer above all else. From below, the kingdom cheered, ponies and other species who have felt oppressed by their former ruler joining in tandem in celebration and forging a new era.

Guess even the equines here weren't took keen on Blueblood and his mistreatment of the 'lesser' kinds either. So much for pony superiority.

But, again, was it really my place to fault him for what happened to the human Twilight... When it was Sunset, whom was directly under Zagreus' servitude, that forced that version of the person I loved to save me that day...? Perhaps I was just being petty, blaming everyone who had even the slightest connection to Zagreus.

...I couldn't do it. Couldn't bring myself to do to Blueblood what they had done to Twilight...

You make that sound like a negative thing, my friend. Starswirl firmly interjected. As I told you, you're more like your pony friends than you ever thought possible. Even when so far away, the impact they've had on you all this time lingers. Compassion, empathy, kindness, loyalty, and all the rest. You've always possessed these qualities, Jack, but it took those six wonderful mares to bring them out of you, and shine beautifully. And those traits shall never leave you, not after all this time.

But I still almost did it-


You know what... Never mind. I was feeling too exhausted to argue what-ifs and possibilities at this point.

I removed my glasses for the moment, rubbing weary eyes from lack of sleep. God, all this planning and overthrowing monarchies was harder work than I thought. Pretty sure Twilight would be demanding I slept at this point, so early too.

Ha, the irony...

...How did I do it? How did I keep on fighting up to now... Even after what happened...?

The ring.

The ring... Even concealed from the sun in the shadows of my front body, it still sparkled with pure beauty and radiance, as if to reassure me. Were you saying, Starswirl, that... Twilight's bond lived on through this ring, giving me strength...?

In addition, what remains of that other Twilight lives on in that very ring, Jack. The bond between you and the Princess is so powerful, so pure... It can affect even versions of yourselves that aren't directly bonded. That Twilight Sparkle you came to selflessly know and show kindness towards, is returning the favour through that ring.






Somehow... Just somehow... That made me the littlest bit of feeling better about myself.

With a small, warm smile, I pressed the amethyst jewel to my forehead, breathing heavily from my nostrils and closing tired eyes. Good grief, I was tired... And I was already hearing her voice commanding me to get some shuteye.

Heh, yes ma'am...

Starswirl, know any good bedtime stories?

Hmm... My teacher trailed off, playing along and letting the dry humour show. Well, by now your Princess and friends would be freeing my past self and my old friends from the depths of limbo.

Oh nice.





And he laughed in jovial warmth. Oh yes. Happening right now, I should believe. We'll know once the sky turns a completely darkness later on in the day. Suffice to say, this is the tale of a teacher, and good friends, who failed his student, and allowed his own pride to get the better of him. But luckily, that student was saved, by the pure, wonderful magic of friendship...

A message to you, to say I'm grateful.

To a friend who's kind and never hateful.

Accepting me for who I am.

Who admittedly makes me happy as a clam.

A pursuer of knowledge, her heart pure.

Undeserving of her friendship, I'm sure.

I am not a hero, or a shining knight.

But a warrior, a man, forever thankful to his dear Twilight.

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