• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Twenty-Four: Owlicious? The [BEEP]?

"- but upon arriving back to the tower, climbing the aged bricks with steel resolve and a strive to save his cherished maiden, the hope and relief on the former thief's features quickly shifted to concern and confusion. As Rapunzel was seemingly chained down and a napkin tied around her mouth. What followed was horror in her previously panic-stricken eyes as the sadistic witch attacked her champion-"


The interruption of my retelling of my favourite Disney movie ever caused me to sigh in exasperation, as Spike had fallen straight to sleep again without my knowledge of such. Looking down at the lizard from my seat, a small smile graced my muzzle at the sight of the resting baby dragon. How can one stay mad at the innocence and tiredness of youth?

Standing up, stretching my legs and back, the image of my own younger sibling incited my hoof to gently pat Spike's head. "Goodnight you lazy dragon."

And surprise surprise, Twilight was standing by the doorway to Spike's room, deciding to turn off the room's light behind me while I closed the door. "You know, have you ever considered being a hired bedtime storyteller?" The mare asked with a serene smile.

"I imagine the pay wouldn't be sufficient." I replied jokingly with a lowered voice, walking alongside her.

"I appreciate you keeping an eye on Spike like this, as well as telling him those wonderful stories. You have no idea how much of a handle he can be; sometimes sneaking some gems to eat in bed."

"I've dealt with worse kids." I smirked. And it was my small way of repaying Spike for his loyalty and keeping his mouth shut.

"Hm. From what you've told me about Cerys, it sounds like Spike is just as difficult to take care of as she is."

"Debatable." We chuckled quietly.

It was pretty late currently, and I doubt either of us desired to wake Spike up for any reason. Twilight looked at me with a grateful expression. "Again, I must express how appreciative I am that you've been doing this for him since last week. I rarely have the time to read or tell him any bedtime stories."

It seems, ever since I abide to the rules Twilight has set concerning my current stay in the library, the purple mare and I have gotten along more better than usual. When I stopped expressing my disgust for her ruler and mentor, helped around with the library more and ceased swearing within the house, that wove more threads of trust the unicorn was throwing over me. Trust I admittedly felt uncomfortable gaining from someone like her. Honestly, shouldn't this level of friendship Twilight was displaying towards me be limited to her other friends?

I can't lie and say the genius mare hadn't received anymore genuine fondness from myself in turn. But while I was being careful with allowing myself to pleasantly enjoy chatting and being in Twilight's presence all around, she held no such restraints.

But to be fair, Twilight had never made friends before she moved to Ponyville. So the inexperience and amount of emotional floodgates she was opening to me and the girls was excusable.

"You're a busy mare." I said in understanding, restraining the urge to place a hoof of comfort on her shoulder. "Besides, I missed reading bedtime stories... I haven't done that for a while."

The purple observant unicorn immediately knew who I was thinking about. "She's lucky to have such a sweet big brother like you, Stardust."

I shrugged off the compliment, though I inwardly felt flattered. "I try, my dear, that's all that matters."

Besides, it was a blast just telling stories to a child once again. I managed to conjure up a solution instead of reading to the dragon those awful generic storybooks in the library. Instead I've told him the plot to various Disney movies, with some tweaks here and there. I suppose I should thank Frozen for giving me the idea when I told the Crusaders my false tale of how I earned my repulsive mark.

Yet instead of continuing to flatter me, Twilight thankfully chose switching to a new topic. "I'm sure Spike will already miss having you read to him when you stay at Canterlot for a while."

My hooves briefly halted, my attention then wholly on the unfazed unicorn who stopped beside me. "You know about that then." A statement, not a question.

Of course, I have already informed the rest of the Mane Six beforehand, and I presumed that Twilight was already aware. Fluttershy was fine with it, though expressed sadness over my upcoming absence for a while. Rarity was intrigued about it, and requested for me to inquire the Princess about that latest fashion trends in Canterlot. Applejack wished me a future farewell, though the disappointment in her tone told me any investigations of hers and Rainbow Dash's will be halted by my absence. Pinkie Pie seemed happy for me, and I managed to dissuade her from throwing an early farewell party. And Rainbow Dash acted rather indifferent to my future departure, to my own indifference, but I knew she was as disappointed as the orange Earth Pony.

If Twilight wasn't aware of it before I discussed it with it, then why wouldn't I have saved the best for last?

Twilight nodded in confirmation. "And I am fine with it, Stardust. I won't question Princess Celestia's request in you residing in her castle for a few days, despite my curiosity otherwise." Ever the loyal mare. Then the unicorn smiled softly. "But even then, I, Spike and the girls will miss you."

That genuine tone. That reflection of honesty in her eyes. That caring for my well-being. I looked away at the openness of it all.

"Sometimes, Twilight... you're too nice for your own good."

"That is why you are my number one assistant."

"I'm sorry; I didn't hear you."

Twilight repeated herself. "That is why you are my number one assistant." I rolled my eyes in good faith at Spike's youthful ego.

"Miss that! Huh?"

"That is why you're my number one pain in the arse."

"I- hey!"

Twilight giggled. "Stardust, be nice."

"I am being nice." I protested jokingly as we headed to the door to outside. "We're seeing a meteor shower, no? That's why I'm on my best behaviour... what?" I asked in confusion as the two snickered at my claim.

"Oh, I forgot something!" Twilight then proceeded to explain what book she was missing, and Spike obediently left to search for it.

And upon doing so, I raised a humoured brow to the mare nearby. "You know you might be overworking him sometimes, love."

A raised eyebrow in turn. "Don't be ridiculous Stardust. I would never overwork the greatest assistant I've ever had."

"...There's a contradiction in that statement."

"Hardly. So, are you as excited as I am to seeing the passing comets?"

"Even if I'm not showing it? Yes." And I was being one-hundred percent genuine. I have never witnessed a meteor shower in my entire life. How could I refuse the offer to watch it with Twilight, Spike and the others? I've only ever heard glorious things about them. And to see one with my own eyes, in another world or not... well it would be foolish of me to reject the offer.

So hell yeah; I'm pretty excited.

"Hey, what's taking my number one assistant so long?!"

"Give him time Twilight." I chided her in amusement. "And I don't think I need to ask whether you're anticipated for the spectacle in turn."

As if the beaming, the glint in her violet eyes, wasn't an indication enough. "If you did, it would be a huge understatement." I nodded as Spike returned with a massive grin. "Wait, Spike, where's the book?"

"Um, it must have been misplaced. I-I couldn't find it!" I raised a brow at that interesting tone of his. Was him being Twilight's greatest helper that grand a deal for him? Obviously so.

"Hm, are you sure?" At Spike's quick nod, Twilight shrugged. "Oh well, there's always next time. Come on then guys."

Following the pair outside to the sight of the setting sun, my gaze remained fixed on the nervous-looking Spike when the purple mare wasn't looking. Oh come now, just because you couldn't find one single book doesn't make the instant worst at being Twilight's little helper.

Twilight's Little Helper... heheheheh.

"Something funny, Stardust?"

"Oh nothing, nothing..."

Having absolutely no desire to create an awkward atmosphere between myself and the two suspecting mares who were also Twilight's friends, I took my spot a sufficient distance away to observe the spectacle by myself.

I couldn't bring myself to face them. Not now anyway. Rainbow Dash and Applejack, while they were here to watch the meteor shower too, still evidently question my existence. I have yet to speak to them, or have them interrogate me, over Twilight's meaning about my deception towards all of them. Every since the purple mare told them what she overheard between Celestia and I, the two mares, mostly Rainbow Dash, returned to Twilight to inform her of what they uncovered about my homeland.

That being they found nothing. No matter how hard they searched. And Twilight made certain her pet dragon wouldn't be confronted by Applejack or Rainbow Dash. And I can be grateful to the unicorn for that by thanking her mentally.

Thankfully, as I carefully glanced to my left, the ponies were all occupied centering around Spike to spare me a look. That means no interruptions for me, alongside no tension.

I still have yet to make a logical choice over what to do with that pegasus and Earth Pony. I couldn't threaten them into ceasing their investigations. I could uncover a way to disrupt or halt their searches, but the problem there was their stubbornness.

They won't give up over a challenge.

Ah. The show begins.

And my eyes were completely mesmerized by the performance. Ten out of ten- no, eleven. No, even better, twelve.

Or twenty, because the meteor shower was that... that... amazing.

Simply and purely amazing. I swear to God watching it made me block out all noise except for the passing of the giant rocks. Eveything else in my field of vision faded but the stars above. It was truly beautiful, and well worth my time here to observe.

My body lied down, may as well get comfortable as I feel I won't be moving from this spot for a while.

To think, this is the first meteor shower I've ever witnessed with my own eyes, and in another world too. Cerys would have loved it.


Yes... next time, I vowed, next time I'm aware of a meteor shower, I'm taking her with me to any continent in my world to watch it.

And after what felt like eternity, the showering rocks ceased passing by Equestria. Yet my eyes remained fixed on the dark sky, grateful for once, just this once, that I was trapped in this colourful world.

Perhaps... perhaps I shouldn't have complained so much about my arrival here. All these wonderful beings I've met, all those adventures I've had, the dangers and rewards. They were all certainly worth remembering. And I've acted like nothing but a spoilt brat...

Yet... Twilight. Spike. Everyone else. They've accepted me, they desire to help me, regardless of my expressed irritation and continuous silence. Despite my attitude, my dry humour, my bad-mouthing their ruler. They continue to treat me as their friend...

...Huh. Does watching meteor showers always make one so sentimental?

"Beautiful, wasn't it?"

I smiled at the female voice next to me, immediately identifying it. "Indeed... thank you, Twilight. For allowing me to accompany you."

A chuckle. "And thank you, Stardust, for deciding to accompany us." The rustling of the grass informed me the purple mare decided to take a seat beside me. "I don't think I've ever seen you be this happy since the ursaminor incident..."

"Hm?" Oh, I was smiling so widely I didn't even notice. "Ah... yes, well... it's a fitting reaction to my first observation of a meteor shower."

"It's as accurate as my first watching of one when I was a filly." Twilight concurred. I imagined she was nodding thoughtfully. "Just look at them all. All those stars, all those planets, everything we've yet to explore..."

"...Yeah." Oh come now Stardust. You can think of a better response than that. I swallowed and rephrased my statement. "Yes, just imagine all those other worlds out there, all teeming with life we've yet to see ourselves."

"You believe there's life out there, Stardust?" I heard another voice inquire, quickly knowing it belonged to Fluttershy, who was standing to my right.

I nodded, allowing the quote of a Time Lord's incarnation to flow out of my mouth. "There are worlds out there where the skies burn... the sea's asleep and the rivers dream. Ponies made of smoke and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger... and somewhere there's justice... and somewhere else..."

"...Somewhere else...?"

I paused for a moment before throwing a light smirk in Twilight's direction, who looked quite mystified herself."...And somewhere else, the tea is getting cold."

As I heard Fluttershy breathe out a quiet giggle, the purple mare gave me the most curious expression. "Stardust... who are you?"

A simple question that held dozens of answers caused me to turn back and look at the stars, smiling gently as each one glinted like a brightened pattern. "Sometimes, my dear... I ask myself that same question."

Sometimes one gains good sleep with any interruption. And the other times, one get awakened by an unexpected noise.

This, ladies and gentlemen, was the latter.



Slowly my eyes peeled open, once again thankful for the bedroom curtains, to my left, seeing nothing but my open temporary bedroom. And not a sight of a visitor, yet the door was open. I blinked tiredly.

Odd... for certain I heard something-


...Now that I'm slowly waking up, there was some small weight on my bed. Someone, or something was on top of me.

Quickly sitting up, the sight before me wasn't a threat, or Spike deciding to wake me up through childish means, but a small, I'm guessing an infant, feathery bird hooting at me curiously.


"Oh, hello my little friend." I greeted before yawning. What time was it- wait a minute. Owl. In the library.


"So you finally enter the show, huh?" I asked with half-amusement to the blank-staring owl, who decided for some inexplicable reason to take a seat on my lying body. I shifted a little as to not startle the young thing.

"Whoo." It hooted while observing me, and I smiled tiredly at it. I don't know what gender it was, nor could I recall its name.

"Oh, there you are!" I looked to my left at the exclamation, a frustrated-looking Spike pointing at the innocent bird. "How dare you interrupt my friend's sleep! I knew you were trouble when Twilight let you in!"

I was quick to defend the poor thing. "Ah, I don't mind being bothered by our young companion here, Spike." I assured him, raising a brow at his dropped jaw before shrugging. "What? I'm not. But since you seem to know him, or her, would you care to introduce us?"

"Okay. Junior Assistant, this is Stardust. Stardust, this is Junior Assistant." The emphasis did not escape me. "Otherwise known as Owlicious."

"...I'm sorry, was did you say?" Either the haze of sleep was still occupying my hearing, or that was the genuine name.

Spike blinked. "Erm, Junior Assistant this is Stardust-"

"No no; the last part."

"...Otherwise known as Owlicious?"



"...Just so we're clear; his name is Owl-licious?"


My gaze slowly turned back on the observant blinking owl, as all my senses of incredulity incited me to slowly get out of bed.

"You named it Owl-licious?"

"Yep, adorable isn't he?"

I was still tired, yes, but Goddamn was I allowing this to slip by. "Owl-licious. Owl. Licious. Twilight, I think it's time we discussed your levels of creativity."

"Why? What's wrong with the name?"

"What isn't wrong with it?" I rubbed my forehead in disbelief. "Do I name a cat pussy-tizer? Or a dog puppy-entrée?" Honestly, how is it that Twilight can't see how incredibly pitiful and un-dignifying naming the poor bird something like that be? And I thought Shining Armor and Night Light were bad.

"Your point being?"

"It's demeaning to the infant bird!"

"Well I think it's cute." Twilight rolled her eyes at my grief with naming the owl. "Honestly, why are you making such a big deal out of it? You don't have a problem with Spike's name."

"There's a clear difference between their names, love. Spike's name is awesome. Because spikes are awesome." I gestured to the observant owl resting on Twilight's backside. "With that owl... you make it sound as though you want to eat the poor thing."

Said baby owl didn't look as though he even gave a [BEEP] what he's named.

A bemused raised brow. "Coming from the stallion who expressed a desire to dine on Philomena."

"Hey, he looked delicious."

Twilight shook her head while walking towards a desk. "Look, I've got some studying to do. If you're going to complain about it, why not think of a better name for him?"

"...Great idea Twilight." I nodded. "I'll do just that."

...After I've had my glass of water of course. "Welcome to the family." I added, passing by the owl.

Two minutes and sixteen seconds. Two minutes and eighteen seconds. Two minutes and twenty seconds.

Twenty-one... and that's enough.

Setting my body down from standing up the human way, I subconsciously rubbed my back while proceeding to throw my cape back on. I've grown so adjusted to the piece of fabric it felt like a part of me now. Which is more than I can say for this ponified body itself.

Still, a downgrade from my last attempt. I believe two minutes and fourty seconds was the last record. But as long I keep trying, then who knows, I might make it to five minutes of standing up like my own kind before the months concludes.

A knock on my door.

"Come in."

I turned around, expecting to see either Twilight requesting if I've seen a book of hers, or Spike wanting to hang out while said unicorn was occupied. Which, I must point out, I don't do.

It was Spike alright, yet he looked quite worse for wear...

"Why so glum, my young friend?"

As the dragon slowly approached me, I instantly recognized that mixture of expressions. Guilt, regret and sadness. The same combination any child would display when scolded by their parents.

I gestured to the bed for him sit on, and waited with calm patience for the dragon to begin sharing his plight. I'm speculating most of his issues has to do with recent addition to the library.

Taking a deep breath, Spike began spouting out what troubles him. "Ever since Owlicious came into our home, he's been doing everything much better than me with whatever Twilight asks! He got everyone's approval and affection just like that-" He snapped his fingers. "- After everything I've done for them! Worse, he even got me in trouble with that book I accidentally burned and lied to Twilight about! And I... I..."

"You...?" I slowly attempted to coax the rest of what occurred while I was upstairs.

Spike sighed miserably, staring down at the floor with clear depression in those giant eyes. "I let my jealously get the best of me: I tried to get Owlicious in trouble... and now Twilight hates me for it." Hates you? How dramatic. "She said I wasn't the Spike she knew and loved. That means that's disappointment AND disdain she feels towards me... I'm a failure."

I waited for a moment, reaching out to pat the poor dragon on the back softly. Fortunately, as Spike shared his sadness, I was already formulating the most appropriate and logical responses for him.

Clearing my throat, I utilized a calm tone to help soothe the dragon, the same tone I occasionally used to assist my own younger sister. "It sounds to me that Twilight is just temporarily mad and disappointed in her own child. But you know what I think, Spike?"

The dragon sniffed. "What...?"

I smiled lightly. "I think you're just making assumptions. After all you're been through, all those years of raising you, constantly calling you her greatest assistant, do you honestly believe she will despise you, let alone forever, over some faults you created?"

"But, I lied to her Stardust! And I tried to get Owlicious thrown out of the house, and she caught me doing so!"

"Simple child jealousy." I explained with some amusement. "You were simply not use to the idea of further assistance to Twilight, when you've done almost everything for her."

"Exactly!" Spike gestured wildly while looking at me. "And after all that, she gets a new assistant anyway."

"Junior Assistant, remember? Yet you feel competed, that this was all a huge race for Twilight's favourtism and affection."

"...Yes." The dragon nodded sadly and sighed.

"Spike... look at me." As the lizard reluctantly obliged, I put on a more serious tone to emphasize my truthful point. "Twilight does not hate you. She's evidently disappointed, yes, but I highly doubt she despises you in any way. I understand where you're coming from. There will be times where you'll have done something to disappoint her. And this was one of them. You admit to your mistakes, and learnt never to do them again, correct?"


"Well there we go. You're like a brother to her, Spike, or her son, depending on how she sees you in family terms. And she will always, never stop, loving you, despite any actions you take that would imply otherwise."

Well, that was certainly a mouth full. I took a deep breath while Spike inquired hesitantly, "Really... she still loves me despite what I've done?"

"I know she does... and I think you do too."

"...What should I do?"

He sought my advice. I would not, and will not, deny him the reassurance he needed. "Tell Twilight how you really feel. Apologize to her for your mistakes, and to the owl for what you've tried to do. Then you will see, my reptilian friend, that Twilight still loves you, she'll never replace you no matter what. and will always regard you as her number one asset."

"I don't know..." Spike glanced at the doorway with obvious nervousness.

I smiled lightly. "Would you like me to accompany you?"

"...Please." I nodded and proceeded to escort the lizard to wherever the unicorn was. "But, what if she doesn't forgive me...?"

"Then I'll threaten to roast that bird alive until she does." I replied jokingly, and it pleased me that Spike at least smiled a little.

"Oh Spike," Twilight began in sympathy after hearing the downcast dragon out. "I had no idea I made you feel that way about Owlicious moving in." Meanwhile I observed from a respectable distance, as the concerned mare placed a hoof on Spike's tiny shoulder. "I'm so sorry I made you feel as though I didn't love you anymore."

"And I'm sorry too, for lying to you and trying to get Owlicious in trouble."

This went much easier than I expected. Oh who am I kidding? This went exactly as I anticipated. Next to me was the owl in question, perched upon a branch of the library, as were currently outside the tree-house.

Right then, I felt nothing but happiness, happiness over the fact I've assisted in clearing all misunderstandings between a mother and son. Because let's face it, that's pretty much the case with these two.

"So you don't hate me?"

"Of course not Spike, I could never hate you, especially over some trivial things like that! Besides, Owlicious is nocturnal; I need someone like him to assist me at night while you rest. Aside from Stardust, of course." I smirked slightly. "You're still a baby dragon, Spike. But, never forget that you'll always be my number one assistant, and the bestest friend I could ask for!"


"Of course. Just as long as you've learnt from your mistakes, and apologize to Owlicious over there."

"Yes, I'll do that right now." I stepped a few feet away as Spike walked closer, addressing the watching bird. "Um, sorry for thinking you were my enemy in winning Twilight's affection. We good?"

"Whoo!" The owl answered in its native tongue.

"Um, me. You forgive me, right?"

"Whoo." Spike turned to his mistress in rather amusing bemusement.

Twilight giggled at the dragon's naivety. "He forgives you Spike, and so do I. And I hope you, in turn, forgive me for any implications over replacing you."

"I do, Twilight. I do."

The unicorn beamed at her best friend's forgiveness."Now then, shall we send a letter to Princess Celestia about what happened today?" I snorted a little, ignoring the side-look by Twilight. Hey, we're outside the library love; I'm allowed to make as many comments about your mentor as I please.

"Sure thing! But first, do you mind if I talk to Stardust for a moment?"

Twilight raised a brow, but nodded regardless. "Certainly. We'll be waiting inside."

"Let me guess." I began with amusement after the mare and owl closed the door behind them, leaving us to to talk outside. "You're going to thank me for giving you that advice?"

"Was it that obvious?"

"Why else would you wish to speak with me?"

"Well there is something else." Spike shrugged. "But yeah, thanks for helping sort things out with Twilight. I was still scared to say anything when we saw her coming back, but after you told her that I had something to say, I felt I had nothing to fear then. Weird huh?"

"Just the tension of the moment, my young friend." I clarified for him. "But you're welcome, regardless. I'd hate for you to be so depressed over a misunderstanding."

A massive grin, as though what I thought of him honestly mattered. "Well, it's a good thing I came to you anyway; just imagine what would've happened if I decided to simply run away from home."

I scoffed lightly. "I imagine we'd have to save your sorry arse from some monster you've stumbled across."

"Pfft, yeah, and Owlicious was the one who saves my life." We both chuckled at the absurd scenario. Speaking of that bird, I already thought of a decent, more proper name to dignify the poor thing.

But that's for later. Tomorrow. "So, what else did you wish to discuss with me?"

"Hm? Oh right!" Yet Spike already began yawning... uh oh. "I think you should... tell Twilight... the truth..."

And I caught him before his body hit the dirt ground, smiling in amusement at his capacity to fall asleep so suddenly.

And incredulity at his suggestion.

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