• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Fifty-Three: Waltz of the Changelings


"Stardust, I'm glad to see you've arrived safe and sound."

"And I'm glad to see you're well, Armor, though I wish this meeting would've been under more pleasant circumstances."

"Any reason your guards have spears as their primary weapon today?"

"They're more effective against aerial opponents."

"I'm here to stop Queen Syphilis in her tracks, once and for all."

"We'll see."

"Queen Syphilis, I presume?"

"That's Queen Chrysalis to you worm."

"I had planned on eliminating you, but I think it will be alot more enjoyable for you to watch me inflict suffering upon those dear to you."

"You were right back then, about Chrysalis's plan. I've been a fool, not to have been more cautious. She did exactly as we suspected, and it's all my fault."



"I'm so glad you're okay, my love."

"As well as you."

"Aww, how touching."

The chilling tone prompted us to look behind the two lovebirds, where the unimpressed impostor stood, staring at the two ponies stoically. Just the sight of her caused my hoofs to harden, body tense in preparation to beat the [BEEP] out of this monarch. That's right, my dear, I halted your plans; what are you gonna do about it?

Apparently that.

"Honey," The fake Cadence began, mimicking the Princess's voice flawlessly, tone suggesting surprised hurt. "Why are you embracing that obvious impostor?"

...Oh [BEEP] you Syphilis.

The real version picked up on the fake's plan immediately, counteracting the attempt, "Shining," That grabbed the stallion's attention, staring into one another's eyes, "It is me my love, I can prove it!"

"How?" The false mare asked with a tinge of disdain, "Shining, my love, you know better; look at her, it's an obvious attempt to look weak and pathetic so you'd be fooled! Don't listen to her lies."

Cadence narrowed her eyes towards the smug impostor, while Armor himself looked torn between the two, "I won't allow you to take my beloved away from me, doppelganger."

"The feeling is mutual, 'sister'."

Alright, enough of this charade. Two can play this game.

Approaching the Queen of the Changelings herself, who frowned upon noticing my movement, I proceeded to bow formally right in front of her, putting on the hoarsest voice I could muster, "My Queen," Okay, more of a Gollum impression, but if it works, "As per your orders, I retrieved the Princess for you when she attempted to escape the cavern. That Earth Pony, however, managed to escape before we could pursue, so I disguised myself as the vile thing to lure Cadenza here."

And, by success, it worked without a charm. I heard her voice raise in disbelief and rage, "You idiot! I told you to destroy the stallion and return the Princess should they've tried to-!" And stopped as she realized her error.


An uppercut connected right into the impostor's muzzle, and I felt both regret and satisfaction as the alicorn was sent hurling through the air, before quickly regaining her balance and landing on the ground a few feet away, glaring angrily in my direction. Ooh, that looked like it hurt.

"As I told Twilight, Armor, ponies: Gullible to a fault." Without glancing behind me to look at the two, instead I removed my cape. It seems this battle was finally about to commence. And I was prepared.

"You!" The shapeshifter pointed at me and spoke with pure venom. "You've ruined everything!"

"Hm," I inclined my head towards the couple. "I think they'll disagree on that."

The angered Queen roared, and I instantly put up my limbs in defense. Didn't stop my body, however, from tipping over and rolling across the stone floor from the strong green currents sent our way, stopping somewhere further feet away from the others while my still-bruised back moaned in pain. Yep, gonna be feeling that in the morning-

My body quickly rolled out of the way, four hoofs stomping onto the ground I previously laid upon with force, shattering the stone beneath. Standing up, my eyes met dissatisfied green orbs, before the mare herself was finally covered in a green light, firing into the skies above.

Ah, about time.

Her true form revealed at last, and holy [BEEP] what a sight for sore eyes. Taller than both Cadence and Armor, the black alicorn had holes covering almost every part of her body, her pale blue wings see-through resembling that of a bug's wings - even fluttering like a bug - a long blue mane, small fangs, a crooked horn and green sinister eyes burning into my own.

I almost felt sorry for this creature.

But instead of displaying such sympathy, I gestured rudely towards the glaring monarch, "And at last, Queen Syphilis shows her true form."

It sounded like two mares speaking at once from the same throat. "That's Queen Chrysalis, you fool!" Her eyes narrowed sharply, as the two of us began to pace around the now-arena. Surrounding us now with Canterlot guards, displaying their spear weapons in preparation to defend their kingdom. "Right from the beginning, you knew, didn't you?"

"That you were Cadence in disguise upon my arrival to the wedding? It was obvious." I frowned, "How long have you been keeping up this facade?"

"A while, now." The black mare shrugged casually, smirking, "I hoped that my royal minions dispatched to Ponyville would have finished you off before you could attend my wedding, but, alas, it seems you have forced my hoof."

Implying she wasn't aware of the Changeling's message from me. Well, I can remedy that. "You have a choice, Mephiles-"


"Whatever. You can surrender, and leave Canterlot without a fuss. Or, I can powerbomb you into the stone floor beneath our feet, and you'll experience hell."

A pause, as though she was weighing the presented options, before condescending laughter filled the area. A humoured grin took over her muzzle, "I am not like your pony friends, little stallion, idle threats won't work on me. Oh, I've seen what you're capable of, but I have far more power than you can comprehend."

"Power of which you have stolen from Shining!"

The tall lean Queen appraised the Princess of Love after hearing her retort, "'Stolen?' Your betrothed willingly gave me this power; this love he holds towards you. I can't thank him enough for his cooperation. Soon, with his weakening power, the shield will break, and my Changelings shall swarm all of Canterlot!"

Now, here's a thought. If she wanted to marry into the kingdom with a compliant husband and eventually all of Equestria, why didn't she just marry Blueblood?

"You fiend!" Armor proclaimed, anger seeping through that usually calm tone of his, "What do you have to gain from this charade?!"

"The future." The villain replied simply, eyes drifting upwards towards the shield, "The future for all Changelings. Imagine, a society of where all my kind are treated with the fairness and respect they deserve. Where we will rightfully rule all of Equestria!"

"I'm afraid I can't allow that."

Immediately our heads perked up to a descending Celestia, who looked reasonably [BEEP] off. Pink eyes narrowed at her quarry, her frame blocked the shining sun above, as if proving her ownership over the gas giant.

"I will not allow you to endanger any of my subjects." Celestia announced with a regal calmness, that white horn of hers emitting a bright yellow light. "You will be defeated, here and now, Chrysalis."

Yet despite the possible danger, the black alicorn only smirked at her new opponent. "We'll see," And her own magic fired from the black horn, green and yellow beams impacting one another in a struggle for dominance, forcing me to squint at the bright exchange of powers.

Well, it's no Kamehameha and Garlick Gun, but it was still impressive.

Except, of course, the fact the villain's attack was winning. The green energy was pushing back the retreating yellow beam with such efficiency that it almost made me want to facepalm. Even in combat Celestia's pathetic!

But, seeing my chance, I dove forward, extending a clenched hoof right into the surprised Queen of shapeshifters, allowing the white alicorn above to dodge the redirected attack. Hah, take that you walking-talking parasite!

Falcon Punch!

[Insert final boss music from Bowser's Inside Story here.]

As Syphilis's body scraped across the floor, I used that opportunity to look back at Celestia, Cadence, Armor and the observing guards. "I'll deal with her! This fight is now mine and mine alone!"

Of course, the two lovebirds protested loudly, Armor more adamant with his insisting, "Stardust, you can't face her by yourself! We can and will help!"

Yet before I could retort, the deep sinister voice of the Queen's spoke up, "I'm afraid you won't have a choice in the matter."

And what followed caused my eyes to widen, teeth to bare and hoofs clench in palpable disbelief. You've got to be [BEEP] kidding me! Half of the many guards that were surrounding the courtyard begun changing themselves, green fires enveloping them before their true forms were revealed. Beside the impostors, stunned guards stepped back in horror before they recomposed themselves, pointing the spears at the sneering cronies of the Queen.

"Recall the number of my subjects you captured overtime after foiling my plans?" The gleeful alicorn asked rhetorically. "Who do you think released them some time ago?"


At my glare, Armor shrugged rather helplessly, "Princess Celestia didn't want to make it public knowledge." Son of a-! The ruler of Canterlot in question, however, was preoccupied staring down at the scene before her to acknowledge my annoyed expression towards her.

A battle ensued over the courtyard to the castle.

"Now then, where were we?" My eyes looked back at the mocking Queen, who smiled at me evilly, "Ah yes, you were about to pay for ruining everything I've worked so hard for with your irritable meddling."

We'll see about that.

Yet as I stepped forward, Celestia herself landing right between us, focusing on the annoyed black mare, "You will have to go through me first, Chrysalis."

The unfazed Syphilis laughed scornfully, "Have you yet to learn your lesson, Celestia? Shining's love for Cadenza empowers me, you are hardly a match."

But I'm considered a special case? I'm honoured.

"Celestia." I said firmly, walking by the white alicorn. "For once, do something wise and help out your subjects. I'll handle this [BEEP]."

"Stardust, you can't-"

"Just do as I [BEEP] say."

There was a moment of silence, save for the battle cries and grunts of the battle behind us. Celestia finally spoke up while Mephiles and I held the ultimate staredown. "...You're absolutely sure you're capable?"

Not in the least.

"More than you, it seems."

"...Very well." What, that quickly? Guess Celestia finally understood that she'd be an inconvenience than a benefit. "While we deal with the Changelings, you stall their Queen long enough for us to assist you afterwards." Unlikely. "Good luck." Was her last statement before I heard large wings flutter off, Celestia evidently going to assist the others.

Time for all that training to be put to the test.

Chrsa-whatsit smirked. "Hm, such arrogance will be your down-!"

A green shield quickly protected her from my lunging fist assault, and shattered from the following kick to the side. Hoofs skidding the scraped floor, the mare retaliated by firing off a green energy beam in my way, prompting me to dodge, and continue dodging the blasts while occasionally bouncing some off with kicks and limbs.

Now the battle really begins.

Myself moving my body around so her attacks missed, ignoring the stinging singes against my fur from some of her assaults brushing my body. And whenever I counterattacked, the overconfident Queen leaped, flew or blocked my physical attacks, often trying to hit back by slamming her hoofs on me.

One of those times being now.

But instead of rolling out of the way this time, I reached up, my hoofs meeting hers. And Syphilis's eyes widened while her mouth yelled out in protest at my next action, hurling her around and around in a three-sixty circle as her body was then flung across the area. As I steadied myself from the spinning, the Queen landed feet away with quick composure, snarling hatefully at me.

The feeling's mutual, dear.

"You've ruined everything!" More energy blasts, bigger than the last ones. Immediately I began running around, ducking and jumping over the sent beams my way. All the while that villianess monarch continued with her tirade, "My plans for the benefits of myself and my subjects, wasted! For countless years we Changelings have been revolted and repelled at by you ponies, reviled because of who and what we are. We are not to blame for how we were born and what we can do, yet the prejudice of your kind exceeds your ability to understand. You are no better!"

Was she really trying to make me feel sorry for her and her kind? That's kind of hard to do when she's firing bloody energy blasts at me!

"From days of old, ponies have banished us to the corners of Equestria, simply because we feed on love. And who can blame us? Love is the most powerful amplifier of all emotions! We need its power to preserve, to survive! And yet, despite our struggles, you ponies only turn a blind eye, not once have you ever helped us!"

"That does not excuse your actions!" I found myself retorting, pausing for breath while the alicorn recharged her seemingly limitless attacks. "Trying to rule over all of Equestria by marrying into the royal family, forcing two beings in love to be far apart, feeding off their love willingly and without remorse. That is what you call your retribution?!"

Normally, I'd at least try to reason with this mare, as I have done with Nightmare Moon and Discord. But now, after all the [BEEP] she's put me through, her and her cronies, endangering my friends countless times, negotiation is the last thing on my mind now.

All bets are off.

Mephiles gestured to the ongoing battles surrounding us, "Observe, Stardust Balance. This is what it has come to. Years of prejudice and craving for justice leading up to this. Don't you see? Your kind doesn't deserve to feel love, and we will happily take it from them, drop by drop."

"As if I'll allow that to happen!" She flew out of the way from my leaping punch.

"You don't have a choice!" Argh. My hoofs grinded into the stone floor, recovering from the quick energy beam impacting my side. I heard my foe then speak rather casually, "Though it's a shame it has come to this; I've seen what you're capable of, after all. Plus, that conviction, that need to protect those dearest to you. Similar to my caring over my Changelings. We have much in common."

Oh my Goooooood!

"However, it's clear who you have sided with." She continued nonchalantly, while dodging my hoofs with relative ease. A rush of anger coursed through me at her clear mockery, inciting my attacks to quicken, to no damn avail. "While you are indeed skilled, you are far from a match for me. The love extending my powers is stronger than your brute strength."

We'll see about that.

Raising both limbs, they met a huge green beam head-on, defending me. Though at the cost of those limbs now burning in pain. Black smoke emitted from the aftermath as the attack evaporated. The gleeful Queen grinned and-


As if a bus had fallen on me, gravity became ten times stronger as I struggled to even stand up properly, my stomach impacting the ground while a green aura coated my being. God... Dammit... Not again... The same attack she used in the throne room, keeping me still with that smug triumphant expression on her features.

Which quickly morphed to shock as one of her own subjects smacked right into her side, sending her reeling back. As the Changeling fell to the ground from unintentionally impacting into its Queen, the green energy holding me at bay disappeared, the pressure lifting off me just like that.

Now's my chance!

Her eyes widened as I quickly moved forward, uppercutting her stunned expression and sending her flying upwards. But I wasn't done there, with all my strength my hoofs threw me into the air, right in front of the alicorn, and before she can react, both my front front hoofs joined together, reeling back and landing a full-blown punch right into the Queen's midsection. What followed was a snarl of pain before the force of the blow sent her impacting into the stone yard, dusting covering the crash site.

Score one for the human.

Landing on the ground at a safe distance, I found my breath heavier. Yep, I was already tired from the battle. Add that to all the exercise, lack of rest, weighted clothing from yesterday, and all that running back to the kingdom with Cadence, it's amazing how I can still stand up straight.

Just shows how determined I am.

Eventually, the dust cloud cleared, revealing an enraged monarch slowly standing tall again, glaring furiously at me. Bruised marks were now covering her already deranged body, left eyes twitching in anger. "You will pay for that..."

The hiss tensed my body, as I crouched in preparation. "You lost the opportunity to retreat ages ago, Bronchitis." As she snarled dangerously at the incorrect name, I leapt up again, intending to send the mare packing. Yet something happened, the Queen suddenly smirked, and a green fire enveloped her being and then disappeared-

Oh [BEEP]!

I stopped myself, forcing my body to stop and skid onto the ground before I could land a hit on the mare. Teeth grit and eyes widened in shock at the sight before me. Standing there no longer was the Queen of the Changelings, but... But...


The addressed mare simply smiled for a moment, before a sinister grin emerged on her features-


A yell of pain flew out of my muzzle at the green energy blast hitting my chest, sending me backwards. Rolling across the floor, I quickly recomposed myself, glaring at the disguised monarch.

"Stardust?" Twilight's mocking voice emitted from the smirking impostor's throat. "What's the matter?"

Of all the dirty- [BEEP]!

A wave of magic sent my body skidding around, scraping both myself and the floor. "That's right, you wouldn't hurt me, would you?" The false Twilight continued jeeringly, while I struggled to stand up properly. "Even you have a weakness that can be exploited."

What was she implying-?

Suddenly, my body was floating in the air, then smacking into the floor. Then the air, then the floor. And over and over. With each impact a wave of pain coursed through my stunned being, more agonizing than anything I've felt before. Roars of my own pain echoed from my muzzle, limbs stiffening everytime my body landed harshly onto the courtyard ground.

"Stardust!" I heard the collective shouts of concern, coming from both Armor and Cadence.

Ugh... Ow... [BEEP]... Son of a...

"You see now, don't you? The wrath of Queen Chrysalis, ruler of all Changeling kind!" The villain, still 'wearing' the body of Twilight, started her tiresome monologue as I struggled to stand up. My body was quaking and protesting, my limbs groaning and back screeching in silent agony. I felt like vomiting... but I couldn't.

I couldn't... lose...

"What do you hope to accomplish from resisting me?" Syphilis inquired upon noticing my struggle. "You're one mere pony with abominable brute strength, who can't even fend for himself without the help of his friends. Why do you fight?"

Why... Why else...?

"I'll... tell you why... Mephiles..." False purple eyes narrowed, but her expression remained genuinely curious for my response. Very well... I'll oblige her. Stabilizing myself on all four hoofs, I continued, "I might be... dependent on others... and arrogant, reckless, patronizing... unintelligent, hateful... But..."

But there was something... I will fight for...

"I... Always... Keep my promises." My eyes glanced to the left, seeing the two ponies watching the battle, looking desperate to assist me. Already it seemed the Changelings were taken care of, as Celestia and a few of the guards were dealing with the last of them. The rest were watching us, ready to jump in, "I... Will protect my friends, even from you, Syphilis..." My eyes looked back at the smirking Queen, teeth grit after I stated in utter conviction, "Even if it kills me!"

There's a spot in hell waiting for me anyway. Bring it on, Queen [BEEP]!

And she obliged to my silent command, gravity of magic forcing me down again. "How touching, you'll protect them." The fake Twilight cooed in mockery, eyes lighting up in Maleficent-style green along with her horn. "But who will protect you?"

Good question...

But the answer came quickly.

"I will."

The sudden unexpected voice was followed by a brutal energy beam impacting the impostor's left side, sending the surprised monarch flying across the courtyard. The pressure lifted off me, I looked to the one responsible for saving me just then, a grin taking over my muzzle at the welcoming sight.

There stood the real, genuine Twilight Sparkle, purple horn lighting up. And she looked [BEEP] off. Her blazing eyes were focused on the Queen she just attacked, with a ferocity I've never seen before. It was frightening to look at.

"Twily!" Armor shouted in both happiness and relief. Twily? The [BEEP]?

"Twilight!" Cadence yelled evenly, sounding both concerned and ecstatic to see her future in-law.

"Twilight..." Never have I thought I'd be so happy to see her once again.

She seemed not have heard any of us, however, preoccupied regarding our foe. Following her gaze, I noticed the monarch of Changelings has transformed back to her original self. "You've harmed those close to me long enough, vile one!" Was Twilight reciting a fairytale book? "This ends now!"

The Queen's teeth gritted, glaring back at the interrupting unicorn with clear disdain, "The little sister of Shining Armor. Here to see your brother's wedding?"

"That, and to scold him for not telling me about this wedding of his beforehand." From the side, the white stallion smiled sheepishly, yet Twilight remained serious. "So, you're the one responsible for putting my friend's life in danger."

"You've heard of me? I'm flattered." Syphilis sneered, glancing in my direction. "Though, this battle is between your stallion and I. Stay out of it, if you don't want to be destroyed with him."

"I won't let that happen." Twilight no...

And just like that, the Queen's horn lit a menacing green once again. "As you wish..."

Oh no you don't! "This is our fight!" I yelled, followed by violent coughing from my throat. "Ack! You'll have to go through me before you can hurt anyone again, Mephiles!"

The statement forced the angered mare to look my way. "IT'S CHRYSALIS!" And my vision was greeted by a large ball of green light heading my direction, intending to swallow me whole.

Yet a purple shield surrounding me prevented the attack from hitting its target, at the cost of said shield immediately shattering like glass from the impact. I winced, my sight then covered in smoke from the magical power-

A yell of pain attracted my ears, prompting me to look to the right and-


Twilight had been preoccupied protecting me from the blast, that she didn't notice Syphilis charge right into her, sending the stunned unicorn flying. What followed next was a green forcefield surrounding the purple mare, trapping her there. Twilight looked up in shock as the sadistic Queen grinned.

"Never play with the grown ups, little mare."


With the last bit of strength I could muster, I charged forward. Not to hit the Queen who was preparing to attack the trapped unicorn, not to break the shield, but in a moment that every instinct of my body commanded.

Protect my friend!

I won't let anyone hurt her!

And my body screamed, agony washing over my being at the green magic enveloping my entire being. I heard Twilight yell in protest and fear as my body shielded the trapped mare from the victorious Queen's attack. As if the previous assaults weren't enough to kill a man, this definitely takes the cake. No human could survive this much pain!

So why wasn't I dead yet?! Spare me this further traumatizing pain!

Eventually, thank the heavens, the attack finally ceased, and I felt my body collapse from the overbearing agony. I couldn't move... My body was in numb pain, too much for me to even move a single strand of my mane or tail. My vision was blurring and clearing at inconsistent pacing, ears the only part of my ponified body working properly. And all I was hearing was my wheezing breath, Syphilis's triumphant laughter, and the worried screams of my friends.



My body rolled around by someone, forcing me to meet the concerned fearful eyes of Twilight Sparkle. And... were those tears leaking from her eyes? "H... Hey Twilight..." Even my lungs were exhausted, it seems... "Are... Are you... alright?"

The worried mare frowned, droplets leaking down the sides of her face. "You... Jack, why did you... protect me like that...?"

A rough cough escaped my muzzle. Was that a rhetorical question, my dear? "I... would never... forgive myself... otherwise..." My body was too numb for me to feel anything, but from the way she was holding me, Twilight's hoof was holding my own while the other leveled the back of my head for support.


Do I regret this... Not really...

"How sweet." We heard the mocking voice of the Queen of the Changelings, sounding like she was approaching. "He protected you, but at what cost?"

Before I could, as a final act of defiance, let out a sarcastic retort, another, more convicted voice spoke up, belonging to that of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. "To protest those he loves."

And either I was hallucinating, or a bright dark pink light was emerging from the corner of my eye. Twilight looked up, indicting the growing light wasn't a trick, and I could see her purple eyes widening at whatever was happening. My own vision blurred again, and I swore, while hearing a scream of shock coming from someone, black blurs flew over both myself and the unclear Twilight, followed by a bright pink bubble-lick substance, as though pushing the black things away.

And then, nothing.

Huh... I guess... that's that...

"It's over..." Twilight said quietly after looking behind her, resuming her gaze around the area before on the human-turned-pony lying in front of her. "It's finally over, Jack..."

"...Thank God." I managed to say, while blackness began creeping through my vision. "Thank God... you are... all safe..."

Before the realm of sleep welcomed me with open arms, my last sight was that of a concerned tearful Twilight, a scared Spike and the rest of the worried Mane Six.

Thank God...

Did I wake up to the sound of music? No. To the pleasure of aching? Oh definitely.

Jesus... I felt as though I got ran over by a truck...

Every single part of my body felt battered and bruised, and it even hurts to try opening my eyes. Though from what else I felt, I was clearly in a soft bed that was helping in quelling these aches. And it felt a lot softer and more comfortable than the one back home, though I won't tell Twilight that-


Just like that, events of what caused this pain hit me like a tidal wave. Mephiles, the battle outside the castle, Twilight coming to my aid, myself getting in the way to take the full force of the blast aimed at her-

...Was someone speaking to me?

Turns out, there was. A familiar voice was talking while I was thinking inwardly to myself. "You should've seen it, Stardust! How both Shining and Cadence swept that Queen and her Changelings away like that with their combined power by, get this, love! Guess it shows how strong love really is, huh? I wonder if my love for Rarity is just as strong?"

At that ponder, I couldn't help but smirk faintly. Trust Spike to wonder about these things.

"Oh, of course it is, if not stronger!" Then the dragon's energetic voice lowered slightly, "Although, none of us celebrated beating Chrysalis just yet, not since what happened to you, Stardust. Sacrificing yourself for Twilight like that... though you're not really gone, we were lucky that you were quickly being healed as soon as possible."

So, I survived somehow... Hm. I was certain that blast would've killed me.

"We're all worried sick about you, of course, but I think Twilight's worried the most. You should've seen her when you fell unconscious, I never saw her so scared in my life! And I couldn't blame her, we all thought then you were... well, you'll recover soon in no time, I know it." Heh, trust Spike to be the moral support. I appreciated the optimism though. "You should've told us right from the beginning what was going on! Twilight was so furious when she discovered you were not only battling those Changelings and their Queen, but also knew about her brother, Cadence and the wedding for a long time now. And she's especially infuriated that you knew what you were walking into, and insisted on fighting a war against Chrysalis by yourself."

"It was hardly war, Spike..." My mouth finally managed to speak, rather hoarsely. "More of pest control..."

The sound of two items falling on solid floor. "St-Stardust?" Opening my aching eyes after some effort, I craned my head to the right where Spike was, sitting on a small chair right next to the bed I rested on, adorning a small suit similar to the one he wore at the gala a while back. His reaction to my abrupt speaking consisted of the usual comical jaw-dropping expression.

"Hey Spike... What's up- Oof!"

"You're awake! You're okay!" Easy there, Spike! The hug is appreciated, but I'm still recovering here. "Oh, sorry." The innocent lizard grinned sheepishly after noticing my discomfort, yet he continued looking both happy and relieved. "I'm just so glad you're okay! After you've been sleeping for a week, I was so worried that-"

Hold on there. "A week?" I asked, frowning. I've been unconscious for a week?

Spike nodded rather embarrassingly, realizing his error. "Oh uh, yeah. That fight with Chrysalis took a lot out of you. So... yeah."

"Ah, wonderful." I couldn't help but chuckle bitterly. This meant the wedding was held today, and probably already over with. "So I've missed the wedding, huzzah..."

"Um, actually." 'Actually?' I glanced at Spike curiously. "The wedding's been postponed, they didn't want to start without you."


He shrugged at my look, "Hey, after everything you've done for them, it wouldn't be fair to start wedding without the pony who saved their special day."

I hardly saved anything. But still, they've stalled their own royal wedding... for me? I wasn't sure whether to be greatly flattered or immensely embarrassed. Did they want me to be their Priest or something, the one saying "Dearly beloved" and all that? Because I'd be happy to do that, mind you.

"I should be there right now, holding the rings for the two for the practice wedding ceremony. But, you know, I wanted to check on you before doing so." The dragon smiled modestly. "It was either me or Twilight, and since Twilight's Best Mare, I couldn't let her miss it herself."

'Best Mare?' But of course, who else but Twilight deserves that honour?

"I'm glad you're here, Spike." I said sincerely with my own small smile, reaching to rub the dragon's embarrassed head, despite my aching form doing so. "How is everyone else? No one got hurt?"

"No one more than you. Everyone else who fought in the battle have been completely exhausted, but recovered the next day." Spike then frowned suddenly. "What about you, Stardust? No pain anywhere?"

"Just a few aches here and there." I assured the concerned lizard, before pushing back the covers to move out of the soft bed.

"Wait, what are you doing? You just woke up, you should keep resting!"

"And miss out on the practice ceremony myself? Unlikely." Spike quickly moved forward, helping me stand on all four hoofs again. My limbs creaked like gears as they started to function after a full week of resting. "Thanks Spike. Now then, we have a wedding to attend to." That was then I noticed at the side of the room, the pony mannequin wearing the formal attire waiting for me. "But first, help me get changed, will you?"

The wedding has been stalled long enough.

"Sure thing. Oh by the way, Twilight's probably gonna kill you as soon as she sees you."

"Duly noted-... Spike, What are those?"

The dragon followed my limb pointing at the two dropped pony dolls lying on the floor, laughing nervously, "Erm... the top decorations for the wedding cake... hehe..."

"And then the rings shall be placed on the horns, forever sealing their commitment to one another."

Oh so that's how it's done with the ring part of the ceremony. Currently, by the door into the wedding hall, Spike and I observed as the practice run for the lucky couple's special day concluded. Armor and Cadence were smiling at one another lovingly, locking their horns together after the rings have been put on. Neither were wearing the wedding clothes just yet.

"And then the groom and bride conclude the ceremony with a kiss." And kiss they did, prompting my raised invisible brow as everyone else let out an "Aww", too busy focusing on the couple to notice my and Spike's arrival. "Spectacular you two." Celestia commented pleasantly, sounding rather proud of them. "All that's left now is for the true wedding to commence."

"Well then, what are we waiting for?"

Just the reactions I expected, dozens of heads turned in my direction upon hearing my amused voice. Jaws dropped and eyes widened, followed by pure ecstatic expressions.

And I couldn't resist my own grin of satisfaction and happiness. They're safe... everyone's safe... I did it.


Incoming Pinkie embrace at three, two, one... Oof! There we go...

"Pinkie... Still recovering... Please..."

"Whoops." The pink mare graciously released me, beaming happily. "You're alive!"

"Really, was I dead before?"

"We are so relieved you're awake, Stardust." Rarity said with her own elated smile. "We were worried sick after that dreaded Queen hurt you like that."

"And it's about time ya got up, sugarcube!" OW! The orange Earth Pony decided to smack my back congratulatory, oblivious to my annoyed look. "Figures you'd make an entrance like that."

Well, you know me...

"Thank goodness you're okay." Fluttershy said, smiling brightly.

"How are ya feeling, Star?" Rainbow inquired, as the whole group save for a purple mare and the couple gathered around me.

"Oh you know, the usual." I shrugged, wincing slightly at the movement. That prompted their flashes of concern. "But I'll recover; sorry I took so long to wake up."

Applejack expressed humour, glancing behind her. "I don't think that's the only thing ya should be apologizin' about, sugarcube."

Just as she said, the others understood that vague meaning and stepped aside, allowing one particular mare to get a good look at me. Slowly, approaching me, as though determining how best to respond to my state, Twilight looked conflicted; worry, relief, elation, apprehension?

Surely I haven't worried her that much? Oh of course I have, I practically almost died.

"Hey Twilight..." I began quietly.

"Hey Jack..." She replied evenly. Now, what happened to addressing me that in private? "You've recovered."

"Partially." My tone seeped amusement, trying to uplift this unwelcome tension.

"Good." Yet Twilight seemed adamant in keeping the atmosphere that way. Following her statement was a rather rough poke to my chest. "That means I can yell at you now for being the most reckless and idiotic pony in the universe!"

There's the Twilight I know...

"Warned ya..." Spike whispered.

"What were you thinking?!" She stressed the last word, emphasizing her frustration. From around us, the others looked both uncomfortable and humoured. Yeah, laugh it off, why don't you all. "Facing a Queen like that, by yourself without anyone's help?! And then throwing yourself into her blast like that, almost turning you into smoldering ash! Of all the stupid, inconsequential, common senseless things you do, Jack, this has to be the icing on the cake!"


"Don't 'Twilight' me!" Her face leaned closer, as if trying to make me see how devastated I made her for risking my life like that. "You said long ago that your own life doesn't matter to you, well it does to me! And everyone else here! When you threw yourself in harm's way like that to protect me, I thought I... that you..." She shook her head, and by God, tears were leaking out of her eyes.

And it pained me so much.

Slowly, ignoring the aching pain, I reached forward and gently pulled the saddened unicorn into a warm embrace, softly patting the mare's back for good measure. Twilight wrapped her limbs around me rather firmly - Ow. - and spoke into my neck, and I felt wet tears landing on my fur. "Seeing you hurt like that was the most terrifying thing I've ever seen." The confession caused my breathing to temporarily stop. What was she... She didn't... "Please, for the love of Celestia, don't ever endanger yourself like that ever again..."

She was that frightened of losing me...? I honestly don't know what to feel about that, for some reason conflicted emotions were racking my brain like an uncontrolled storm.

Eventually, the warm embrace ceased, yet Twilight kept a soft hoof on my aching chest, and I held on to that hoof with my own. She still looked upset, yet smiled slightly, "But, knowing you, you'll throw yourself into danger no matter what, am I right?"

"To protect everyone dear to me, Twilight, no matter what." I responded, and she nodded, clearly expecting that answer. "You're not... hurt are you, when Queen Syphilis charged into you like that?"

Thankfully, there was a negative response. "No, I'm fine. I've suffered worse hits than that." Twilight then frowned. "Though you look like you need more rest."

"No rest for the wicked, my dear." That got a small chuckle out of her, prompting my pleased smile. And after that, silence. I honestly couldn't think of anything else to say, and Twilight seemed rather hesitant herself, both our gazes locked onto one another as if trying to figure the other out-

Someone coughed politely.

Oh God, just realized how exactly close we were. Immediately we let go of one another, avoiding each other's eyes after that awkward display. Though I managed to glare at the others for chuckling deviously, then noticed the two approaching ponies.

"I believe you said you and my sister were 'just friends', Stardust." Armor said with a raised invisible brow. "Or should we call you 'Jack' now?"

"Stardust will do." I quickly retorted. Nope, not having this conversation with him of all ponies. "And yes, we're just friends, aren't we Twilight?"

"Um, yes, of course." I glanced at the mare, who looked nervous for some reason and continued avoiding my eyes. Twilight then quickly rushed to the side for Cadence and Armor to greet me face-to-face.

The two smiled at each other knowingly. Oh God, what have I done? Yet Cadence, thankfully, switched the conversation, a pleasant grin on her muzzle. "We're glad to see you're okay, Stardust. And we're also terribly sorry for before."


"Our power was too weak to deal with Chrysalis earlier." Armor explained, a tinge of regret in his voice, "We had to recover for a moment until our combined love was strong enough to force that Queen and her minions out of Canterlot for good. I'm sorry we couldn't help you back then before it was too late."

"We're both to blame." Cadence said, the two leaning against one another as they stared apologetically at me. "I hope you can forgive us."

What's there to forgive? "Quite frankly, my friends, I regret nothing." They blinked at my admittance. "I protected my friends, and no one else got severely hurt. I'm content with that right now." At everyone's smile, something occurred to me which incited me to move forward a little, Spike helping me advance. "Although, there is one thing I'm still quite peeved about."

Armor frowned, "And what's that- Ow! Hey, what was that for?!"

"The information about the Changelings escaping the castle dungeons would've been useful before the battle, Armor." I said, rubbing my own sore hoof after whacking the back of the stallion's head.

"It's not my fault!" He protested heatedly, rubbing his own back head, "Princess Celestia didn't want anyone to panic." My gaze aimed in the direction of the white alicorn, who was watching the display with a humoured and serene smile.

Oh, you're not off the hook yourself yet, Celestia...

"What matters is," Cadence said before an argument could take place, tone sounding amused at her own betrothed's expense. "The wedding has been saved, Stardust, because of you." Yet as I was about to protest, the mare held her hoof up to continue, "It was you who rescued me from the cavern underneath Canterlot, tricked Chrysalis into revealing herself, foiled her plans to take over Equestria, and, most importantly, saved all of Equestria from danger. On behalf of Canterlot, we are indebted to you; Stardust Balance."

...God dammit.

"It was... no problem." I ignored the derisive snort of Rainbow Dash behind me. "I just did what was asked of me; protect my friends, no matter what."

"So you did, as expected of our Best Stallion."

Well I-


The couple smiled at my expression, Armor continuing for his bride. "After everything you've done for us, it would be an insult not to give you this greatest of honours. What do you say, Stardust?"

Best Stallion... Me? I knew what it implied, but... Me?

"I think you should accept." Twilight spoke up again, appearing to the side again with a grin, as did the mares and even Spike, all expressing pride and elation. "I can't think of any finer pony to take the position of my big brother and best former foalsitter's Best Stallion."

...Eh, [BEEP] it, why not? I'll indulge them this one time. Plus, it was indeed a great honour-

"Whoa, easy there." Armor said as he and the others quickly lent support, while my limbs were about to tip over. He spoke humouredly, "I think someone needs to rest a little more."

"I accept." They blinked, before beaming in gratitude towards my sincere statement, both shaking my offered hoof. I couldn't help but grin myself. "I mean, what else can I say but 'about time'?" They chuckled at my half-serious words. "I'd be honoured to be your Best Man- err, Stallion, Armor, Cadence. Though, I'll do it under one simple condition."

"And what might that be?" Cadence inquired, sounding both curious and amused.

My gaze cut to the far-off alicorn at the back again. "You let me yell at Celestia without complaint."

The hallway echoed with laughter from the ponies and dragon, even Twilight was chuckling at my request. "Well, that confirms you're okay, alright. I'm- We're glad."

The first wedding I've ever attended, and it's that of an alicorn and unicorn.

Not that I'm complaining, mind you. The whole ceremony went off without a hitch. And I was proud and honoured to be standing with them as the two newlyweds exchanged their vows for one another. Okay, maybe Best Stallion was far from a more worthy reward for all my efforts, but I'll take what I can get.

I highly doubt Celestia has anything I want, luckily for her.

"I now pronounce you mare and colt!" Said white alicorn announced as the rings were placed on their horns.

And just like that, without waiting for any objections or a five minute monologue of quoting from a book. The lucky couple have forever, finally, sealed their commitment to one another. And I won't lie... I felt close to tearing up.

Which is more than I can say for Rarity.

Following then was the wedding party itself. The whole of Canterlot and visitors from far-off lands celebrated the marriage later that night. And, to the slight annoyance of my ears, it was loud and obnoxious, but I tolerated it, just this once.

Pinkie, of course, aided by Vinyl. led the theme of the party to a whole new direction.

Standing at the side, I observed the whole thing with a content smile. I did it, I held my promise and saved the lives of my friends. I fulfilled what someone who relied on me requested. And now here everyone was, celebrating with pure joy and fun, and it brought a sense of warmness in my heart to see them all so happy and carefree.

Hopefully I can take this itchy suit off as soon as possible. I'd sneak away, if my eyes weren't glued on one particular mare, singing away in that angelic voice.

Even now, in that dress, Twilight looked... wow...

Radiant would be the most accurate word I could think of right now.

"I don't believe I've ever seen such a content expression on you before." A royal voice spoke up, and I noticed the Princess of the Night approach me.

...Huh. "Where the hell have you been this whole time?" I asked, not unkindly.

Luna smiled slightly, "Why, keeping an eye on Canterlot during the night, of course." Of course. "But I've heard of the events that transpired, Stardust, you are a hero of Canterlot. Perhaps all of Equestria."

The word caused me to frown. "Don't call me that." My eyes returned on Twilight, the mere sight of her enough to quell any incoming bad mood. Glancing in my direction while still wonderfully singing, Twilight grinned happily at me, which caused a lump in my throat for some reason, before she resumed her attention on the married couple.

From the side, I heard Luna "Hmm..." as though thinking about something. "It seems the blooming of love isn't only exclusive to Prince Armor and Princess Cadenza tonight." My eyes snapped at the taller pony, the dark blue alicorn smirking without looking at me, a glint in her own serene gaze.

"I'm not sure I-"

"Stardust." Luna interrupted, walking off after departing with these words, "Would any normal stallion willingly get himself fatally injured to save a mare just out of friendship?"


Luna too? What will it take for these damn ponies to understand that Twilight and I are simply best friends? My stare cut back on Twilight, who was signing and dancing to her heart's content. And again, that elated smile returned on my features- And finally, at last, I understood now. Luna wasn't entirely incorrect.

Feelings I haven't felt in a long time spurned from my chest by just seeing how happy and thrilled Twilight was, for her friends and her family-


Oh God, I'm infatuated with a pony.

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