• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Forty-Seven: A Promise? That's a First

"You make it sound as though magic is impractical."

"Using it for every little thing? That is impractical."

Another typical morning.

Seeing me off, Twilight shook her head in denial as we approached the front door, "I don't use magic for 'every little thing,' Jack; I'm quite capable of using my hoofs."

"Then start using them." I retorted.

Spike, waiting for us by the exit, rolled his eyes at our banter. "Of course, we can't have anyone leave without a classic Stardust-Twilight Argument." Our glares fixed on him, prompting the dragon to be reminded of who exactly he was complaining about. "Uh... I mean, have fun while at Canterlot, Stardust!"

As though Spike said nothing, Twilight progressed with the debate between us. "Magic is beneficial to all of Equestria; an exceedingly reliable tool and assistant-"


"- Almost as helpful as you are, Spike. I've spent my whole life studying magic, Jack, so you'll have to forgive me if I seem to indulge myself in using it alot."

"...You basically just admitted your laziness in your practical efficiency." I stated flatly, nodding at Spike in thanks as he opened the door for me.

"I did no such thing. And you're one to talk about tardiness, Mr Just-One-Task-In-The-Library-Is-Enough-To-Exhaust-Me-For-The-Rest-Of-The-Day." Twilight replied evenly, her annoyed expression toning down a little as I was about to depart. "But I don't believe we should be arguing when we won't be seeing you for a while, do you?"

Pretending to ignore that comment towards myself, I nodded. "Fair enough, we can continue this debate after I return."

The studious mare nodded in turn, "Oh, and could you do me a favour while you're there?"

Anything for you, my dear. "Hm?" Was my response instead, after patting Spike's protesting head affectionately.

At the action, Twilight's eyes softened a little, "Please don't disrespect the Princess more than you already do. I know you find her actions questionable, but if you'd just her a chance-"

"I've given her plenty of chances to prove she's a capable ruling monarch." More than I already should. At Twilight's pleading expression, however, I sighed irritably. "Alright, for you, Twilight, I'll try to tolerate any ludicrous action she makes during my stay there."

"Absurd only in your eyes, Jack, but thank you." The smiling unicorn nodded appreciatively. "Now, I think you have only an hour left until the train departs for Canterlot. Send the Princess my regards!"

"See ya Stardust!" Spike added, after I nodded in farewell and proceeded on my way.

Whatever it was Celestia wanted, it had better be worth my time.

Already, my first unexpected surprise waiting for me as soon as I arrived in Canterlot began in the clean and pristine grand foyer of the castle.

And it wasn't Celestia.

Standing atop the red carpeted staircase in patient glory, was the majestic kind-hearted Princess of Love herself. The sight as soon as I entered the castle incited my pause, wariness of her abilities still warranting safe distance from the pink alicorn. Yet despite that, I chose to bow formally towards her anyway, as I had alot more respect for this mare than I did for Celestia.

Hell, I had more respect for Luna than Celestia too.

"I'm glad you decided to come." Princess Cadence greeted warmly, walking down the steps.

My hoofs braced in preparation to retreat if this ruler of love tried anything funny. But I returned the greeting evenly, "Princess Cadence. How lovely it is to see you again."

"The sentiment is shared, Stardust."

"I doubt that."

"Oh, you shouldn't think that- Ah." The alicorn grasped I was kidding upon noticing my smirk, her smile widening slightly. "I see that sense of dry humour hasn't left you since your last departure from Canterlot."

"Where would I be without it?"

"Where indeed." Inclining to her right near a hallway, Cadence gestured for me to follow. "I apologize for the misunderstanding, but Princess Celestia isn't truly the one who desired your presence here."

My eyes glanced at the alicorn curiously, as we walked at an even pace. "Oh?" Thank God, it wasn't Celestia. I'm already tired of answering to that alicorn's beck and call, though to be fair Twilight was to blame for visiting this kingdom at Celestia's request numerous times anyway.

The taller pony nodded, clear pink eyes focused forward. "I asked for you to be here."


The flat reaction incited a light chuckle. "My apologies, you weren't in the middle of something back home when I asked for your presence, were you?"

Should I remind her that Twilight's library wasn't my true home. "Aside from another argument between Twilight and I, not really."

"Ah." Cadence said humoredly. "Celestia has mentioned that some of Twilight's letters detailed some of your heated debates. Please, do tell me how Twilight and her friends are doing, and any adventures you've all been caught up in since we last met."

Seeing no reason not to indulge this mare's curiosity. I obliged. As we walked through the castle to seemingly nowhere in particular, I began with the usual; the welfare of Twilight, Spike and everyone else, what kind of shenanigans we got caught up in, and how our friendship grew stronger everyday.

Cadence listened patiently, asking questions during my pause for breath, to which answered as best I could. Those beginning with how Twilight's Birthday went, and then Spike's. Then their Hearth's Warming Day, and their Hearts and Hooves Day. Though for the last part I refrained from mentioning that particular evening out between Twilight and I; the less assumptions are made, the better. Yet upon hearing I at least got some flowers for her future in-law during that event, Cadence seemed to smile brightly, stating how elated she was that Twilight had a friend who shared the thought that the purple unicorn deserved at least some romantic gesture.

In return for the information, the pink alicorn shared what has been occurring in Canterlot since I left that rodeo I attended with Applejack. The kingdom has been as strong and standing as ever, and was eagerly prepared for the upcoming royal event; that being Cadence and Armor's wedding. Again, I offered my congratulations towards the alicorn upon hearing that, and the flattered mare continued by saying how everything was almost prepared for the most wonderful day of her entire life.

The conversation was then added with how Armor was doing, how Luna was still coming to terms with modern day society, and, to my surprise that Cadence of all ponies would bring up this subject, Changeling activity.

"Now that we've reached that part of the conversation, there is a reason for summoning you here, aside from inquiring about the well-beings of Twilight and your friends." Cadence began while stopping in her tracks, but my attention was slightly preoccupied elsewhere for a moment, halting my hooves as well. Following my gaze, I heard the alicorn state thoughtfully, "Ah, I see that room has caught your interest."

"More specifically, the caged door." It was very out of place; all the other doors down this hallway were entirely wood, but this one was made out of steel, as though no one can just easily enter.

"That room contains some of the research, parchments and powerful spells of Starswirl the Bearded; the rest of which are in the archives in a guarded building not far from the castle." Cadence explained, prompting my raised brow.

That name again...

"I've heard of him before..." I admitted, frowning at the steel bars. "Twilight dressed up as him for last year's Nightmare Night."

"Hm, that sounds like Twilight alright." Cadence mused in amusement. "Starswirl was a prodigy of his time, creating and mastering magic that nopony could ever equal to this day."

So I was right, the Merlin of Equestria.

"He was that powerful?"

"That's what history says; it's believed that not even the monarchs of old could rival his power and wisdom." Well considering the monarchy today, that doesn't sound particularly surprising. "He was the most extraordinary unicorn to ever live, and was also Celestia and Luna's mentor."


You mean, a unicorn trained those two? Not an alicorn? But what did this mean? It was my understanding that Celestia and Luna were born of royalty, or was that not the case? Were they unicorns first, but Starswirl's magic made them into alicorns after their training was complete? It would explain Celestia's rather unorthodox method for Twilight's 'graduation' later on.

"Starswirl was responsible for the creation of many spells our society uses today." Cadence said, oblivious to my internal questioning. "Though the majority of his more powerful and dangerous spells are kept in the archives only, such as the ability of time travel, for example."

I couldn't resist snorting at that. Thank God, may as well burn that spell while they're at it. I've always been on edge with the concept of time travel. Though fascinated with time itself, it is my belief that time travel should never be used without proper precaution, and understanding of the consequences. Time travel was very easy to screw up, and there have been many games, books, movies and such where the concept feel flat on its own arse.

That being said, anyone who tried to cross the barriers of time here would get an earful from me.

"Of course, such powerful magic in the wrong hoofs would be disastrous. Which is why we keep some of his research here in the castle, and the rest of Starswirl's studies and written spells in those archives, reserved only for the most potential."

"So Twilight then." I casually stated without thinking.

"That wouldn't surprise me, someday, I'm sure of it." Feeling royal eyes on me, I finally tore my gaze from the locked door towards the pink alicorn. Her expression displayed seriousness. "Now, as I was saying before, there was a reason for your presence here."

"I'm listening." That piercing look, though, sent an unwarranted chill down my ponified spine.

"As you know, Changeling activity has been increasing as of late. Ever since we apprehended that one who was disguised as one of my bride maids, security around Canterlot tightened." The monarch of love sighed solemnly. "Yet despite this, they've managed to infiltrate Canterlot time and time again, as we saw upon their attempt to abduct me, and when that stampede attacked you and Shining. It's clear that Chrysalis is after something, and it involves the wedding."

"Something, or someone."

Cadence nodded, eyes rather downcast. "Yes, and I have a terrible suspicion who that someone is." You don't need to share that inkling, my dear. Noticing my pitying look, the alicorn smiled slightly. "Shining wishes that I be more guarded now, forgetting occasionally that I am quite capable of looking after myself. I swear, sometimes that stallion is more stubborn than a mule."

The exasperated tone caused me to smirk. "I know the feeling, Twilight's stubbornness knows no bounds either."

"Speaking of which." The mood returned to seriousness. "It is also our belief that, considering your timely arrivals to Canterlot, that Chrysalis might also be targeting another pony: You, Stardust."

...Well, [BEEP].

"Any proof to back up that theory?"

"Nothing substantial." Cadence shook her head and frowned, looking more intense than I've ever seen her before. "But we can't take any chances. You might be considered a threat to that fiendish Queen, and that is why I requested you here, to ask a favour of you."

Those dagger pink eyes were now becoming worrisome. Yet I swallowed that tinge of nervousness and stared back evenly. "You want me to stay here, and keep Twilight from becoming a possible target, is that it?"

"On the contrary," The alicorn replied, eyes softening slightly, "With every possibility that Chrysalis and her foul Changelings may attack the wedding itself, I wish for you to stay with Twilight... and protect her and your friends."


As though immediately sensing my hesitation at such a high request, Cadence straightened herself, having leaned down slightly during the conversation. That normal warm expression of hers return, and she gestured to the end of the hallway. "Come, you must be hungry by now. And afterwards I would like you to accompany me through the town square."

The kingdom was as lively and beautiful as I remembered it.

Save for the notable number of guards now patrolling the streets, many and of all ponies of high class walked among each other without a seeming care in the world. The increased percentage of royal stallions in gold armor apparently did nothing to incite worry in these citizens; there expressions seem as calm and sophisticated as the last time I visited Canterlot.

Or maybe they're hiding their concern inwardly.

As soon as myself and Cadence arrived, flanked by a rather absurd number of guards surrounding us. ponies passing by immediately bowed to their respectable Princess of Love, smiling in joy and... hope. Did they know something was happening?

"How I love seeing this kingdom and its wonderful residents." After some persuasion from the alicorn, the pegasi guards escorting us through the town reluctantly granted me entry into their 'circle', allowing me to have my continued conversation with Cadence. "Despite being aware of some form of danger, they continue to act as though nothing had changed."

"Considering Canterlot's society, I don't expect them to suddenly crack under pressure and run off like screaming children." Not yet, anyway.

Instead of responding to that first, the taller pony sighed rather sadly first. Yet she still maintained a facade herself while she nodded politely and smiled lovingly to all the bowing citizens we walked by. "And hopefully that won't be the case. Stardust, we're not entirely sure who we can trust anymore, even in our own kingdom. Canterlot has witnessed several more attacks by Changeling than ever, and we know for a fact many of them hide among us, waiting to strike during the perfect opportunity."

That'd make sense. I don't have enough knowledge over these minions of Crysa... Syphilis, personally; what I do know is that they can disguise themselves as any pony they so desire. And that they feed off love, which makes Cadence a highly obvious target; the wedding episode was proof of that. And that's all. Were they intelligent? Did they have contingency plans in case their first plans didn't work?

Hell if I know.

"As every day towards my wedding comes closer, we are becoming more paranoid than elated." At that tone, I couldn't help but wince sympathetically. No one should have to feel that for their own upcoming wedding. Glancing at the saddened mare, who didn't let up in her facade expression to her subjects, I pondered what to say for her. As though nothing, Cadence smiled slightly, "But I keep my hopes up regardless; I will never allow some minions of a foul ruler, not even their ruler herself, to ruin the most amazing day of my life."

That conviction prompted my smirk. "I can see who taught Twilight to stay strong in a terrible situation."

And Cadence still spoke with that resolving tone, those usually entrancing eyes hardening, "If those Changelings even dare attempt to harm anyone I love or my wedding, then I will show them that love can also be poisonous."


"I'm not sure whether to be impressed or unnerved by you, Cadence." I admitted quietly. There was an obvious side to this alicorn I've never encountered before, and I was only seeing layers of it, breaking through the cracks of the normally serene and kind monarch.

Should I be scared?

"Funny, I once held those reservations over you." What? Cadence met my confused look with faint amusement. "When you interrogated that Changeling like that a while back in such a brutal manner, I was uncertain what to make of you. Your heart holds... so many conflicting and contradicting emotions, yet I knew, somehow, that you wouldn't seriously injure that servant of Chrysalis'; there's a certain tenderness in you that refrains you from acting out so violently."

Oh, I don't know about that. "You mean to tell me you can sense peo- ponies' emotions other than love?" What else was this mare capable of? Did Twilight know of this?

"One of my many gifts." The alicorn shrugged casually, nodding again to some more genuflecting bystanders. "Unfortunately, one of them isn't protecting everyone at once. That's why I asked for you, Stardust. I've seen what you were capable of when we fought off those Changelings. And Shining told me about how you picked a seemingly innocent pony out who was a Changeling in disguise so easily without knowing how."

Yeah... Still baffled about that myself.

"Twilight can fight her own battles; she's more powerful than many give her credit for." That she is. "But that doesn't make her invincible. I know she has wonderful friends who join her in whatever struggles she faces, yourself included. That's why I ask- No, I implore you, Stardust, to look after them to the best of your ability."

...God dammit.

"I can scarcely take care of myself, Cadence." I admitted, a tinge of bitterness escaping my tone. "I can't promise to protect them fully. Twilight and the others... they've helped me more than I've helped them."

Yet that did nothing to break her resolve. "I have full confidence that you can do it, Stardust. When my future in-law arrives at the wedding with her friends, I want you to make sure they stay safe, no matter what." Glancing at her, I noticed the soft reassuring smile, "Shining and I will be there to help, of course, as well as Princess Celestia. You have nothing to fear. Though, Shining told me you didn't immediately accept the invitation. Have you thought about it?"

Not really-

A large vibration caught us off-guard, and I quickly firmly planted my two fronts hoofs on the ground for balance. The hell?! An earthquake?! Here?! From the side Cadence effortlessly recomposed herself, but some of the guards and citizens weren't so lucky. As many fell down by the sudden vibrations, others looked around wildly in a panic, their masks already breaking fully by the unexpected shaking of the ground.

So this was what an earthquake felt like. It was as if every part of my body was ready to hunch over on the ground for comfort. It was as though the stone path we walked on was going to split open any second, taking us and the entire kingdom as well.

What the hell was happening?!

"Your Highness!" One of the golden-armoured pegasus' said loudly while hurriedly approaching the unnerved alicorn, as the earthquake slowly ceased. "We must get you back to the castle immediately!"

"What has happened?" Cadence demanded in a regal tone.

The stallion straightened in response. "A tremor has hit the kingdom, Princess." No [BEEP]! He pointed behind, towards another location. "We believe it has originated from that area where the smoke is coming from."

Smoke- Ah yes I see it.

Black smoke rising another a few rooftops away, at another side of the kingdom. Around us, citizens were already being guided to safety, retreating to their own homes as half the guards made a parameter around the area, a few departing towards the cause of the smoke, and the rest guarding around the possibly endangered Cadence.

Feeling eyes on me, I met Cadence's firm gaze. "Stay here in case anything happens." ...Well with that expression and considering the circumstances, it was probably best not to argue. Cadence then glanced at a nearby guard. "Stardust will be in charge here while we investigate that area."

"But your Highness!"

"I will not cower while my subjects are in possible danger." That quickly shut the protesting guard beside her up, prompting nothing more than a firm nod. Cadence nodded back, looking at me one last time before saying, "Good luck."

She and a few pegasi already swiftly departed before I could return the saying. Yep, now I see who taught Twilight her conviction. But this was no time to be amused. Turning my attention on the guard next to me awaiting my orders, I gestured around us, "Evacuate all the citizens in this area back to their homes. Have some of the men- Stallions fly around to inspect the rooftops. We might be being watched."

"Sir." The white pegasus saluted, quickly turning around to repeat these orders to the others, while I chose to look around the street myself.

It could've been an incident between some ponies of the kingdom. Or another possible Changeling attack. One thing's for sure, I couldn't take any chances. Cadence evidently shared that sentiment. Yet it seems whenever I visit, as do the Changelings. Perhaps the alicorn was onto something earlier upon claiming I could be a viable target to Queen Syphilis.

But why-?

Immediately I froze, at the bug-like azure eyes observing me front the distance, standing out from the shadow of the nearby alley. I already recognized what those eyes belonged to. And I wasn't going to allow it to escape. "There!" I yelled firmly towards the pair of eyes. "Changeling in the alleyway!"

At those words, those blue eyes shrunk back as if in retreat. Oh no you don't my friend. Hearing the stomping hoofs of the guards behind me, and the swift movements of their wings, we pursued our quarry. Thankfully it was the middle of the day, so we easily spotted the blur of a Changeling past the many corner of the alley we chased him through-


My instincts screamed for me to roll forward, luckily dodging the crashing debris from above, garbage and other things falling like rain. Yet it seemed perfectly timed, as the group of guards following me weren't so lucky. Obviously they were the targets. Halting from pursuing the escaping Changeling, I rushed to the side of one of the fallen guards, who groaned in slight pain.

"Are you alright?"

"We'll be fine sir, it's only garbage." The pegasus said in reassurance, trying to pull himself out of the mountain that fell atop him and his men. "Give us a moment."

A moment, I'm afraid, couldn't be spared.

"Get the others out." I ordered of him after pulling him out the rubble myself. "And return to Cadence. Tell her I'm in pursuit of a Changeling."

"But sir- Wait!" There was no time to hesitate, the end of the alley the minion of Syphilis escaped from was near. Leaving the guard, confident he can do as he was tasked, my hoofs hurried as I reached the destination.

Which was... an empty street. A wide empty street.

Hm... I smell an ambush.

And what do you know? I was right!

The second I began walking down the middle of the area, all directions was surrounded then by a considerable quantity of Changelings, all leaping off the rooftops and landing in sync. My body tensed, prepared to kick these guy's arses as I did before. My hoofs clenched, eager to introduce these Changelings to a human's wrath.

"Hook, line and sinker." The one I was facing hissed gleefully. All their wings spread out in preparation, bodies in stances prepared to pounce. "With that alicorn preoccupied with our diversion, you were easy for us to lure into a trap."

Those sinister words incited my frown. "So Cadence was correct, you are targeting me." May as well keep them talking as I think out a battle plan. If they all lunged at me, I can roll out of the way and attack them at one go. If they fire their magic at the same time, I can leap out of the way, and continue dodging while taking them out one by one.

The talking one sneered disdainfully. "Don't flatter yourself, pony. You have been a thorn in our Queen's side constantly. We have been tasked with capturing you, so you won't get in our way for the day of our triumph."

The wedding.

My frown deepened. "Your Queen's plan will fail regardless of my presence there. If you want me to submit, then you're in for a hard time, my friends."

"There are thirty of us and one of you." The black decay-looking equine gestured around, grinning darkly. "You are outmatched, little pony."

"I am so much more than a mere pony."

Green eyes narrowed at the dark tone. "Then prove it."

At those words, the whole group took a step forward, black horns lighting up a villainous green. So they're going for ranged attacks then. That's fine, I could potentially make them harm one another if I kept dodging. That's if they synchronize their attacks. In addition, with this power I have, I could deflect the spells with my limbs back to their owners.

Removing my cape onto the ground, my gaze evenly met the Changeling's own. "You're about to make a very big mistake."

But that did nothing to dissuade him or the others. "No. You made the mistake long ago of interfering with our Queen's plan. You must pay the price."

Well, can't say I didn't warn them. My body lowered slightly, ready to jump up when the dark green spells were to fire towards me-

Or a sudden exaggerated voice out of nowhere can happen instead.

"Halt, vile fiends!" The feminine voice, that sounded quite familiar. Their heads, as well as mine, looked around for the source. "Your assault towards our beloved kingdom ends here! As I, the great and powerful Trixie shall stop you once and for all!"

Oh dear God...

"Who's there?!" One of the Changelings shouted. "Show yourself!"

"As you wish vile one!" Followed by multiple yelps of shock. Our attention then turned to the side, a good number of Changelings now suddenly hanging upside down by the hoof, ropes pulling them upwards.

"What is happening?!" The one I conversed with earlier demanded in enraged disbelief.

The ludicrous scenario prompted my smirk. "You better believe, gentlemen, that she has tricks up her sleeves."

"Indeed!" Accompanied by pink magic blasting from the side, cutting off the ropes and landing the trapped Changelings into dazed states- Violent coughing emerged from my throat by the grey smoke now blinding me, quickly clearing away to reveal the blue unicorn herself standing beside me. In all star-covered cape and and hat glory. "You can now consider yourself and Trixie even, Stardust Balance."

"You remember me, I'm touched." I said in faint amusement as our gazes focused on the the angered minions surrounding us.

"You have a certain persistence about you that stays in Trixie's mind." The blue boastful mare replied, while we stood back to back in preparation.

"Whoa, slow down now, at least buy me a drink first."

"Tch, Trixie wouldn't date you if you were the last stallion on Equestria!"

"It matters not how many aid you, no one will stand in our way!" The obvious leader of the pack hissed, making a hoof gesture as if to prepare its fellow comrades to attack.

"Is that so?" A male voice inquired sternly, and the leader gawked as both Changelings between it were flung back by two coloured beams of magic sailing over our own heads.

"You will not harm any friend of our daughter's." A female voice finished. We both glanced behind us to the source of those voices.

Alright, this was just getting ridiculous.

Twilight Velvet and Night Light, effortlessly casting aside the line of Changelings standing in their way with a sweep, walked forward to join us, smiling in polite greeting towards us. The sight incited my smile of amusement, bafflement and relief.

"How lovely it is to see you again, dear." Velvet said rather happily.

Night nodded, expressing a tinge of smugness. "You've been taking good care of our daughter in Ponyville, I hope?"

I smirked, "As I said a long time ago, she's been taking care of me."

Both parents chuckled at that, then turning their attention to the patient blue unicorn. "And Trixie, it's been a while, how have you been?"

"Um, fine, thank you Mrs Velvet." ...Did the boastful and egotistical Trixie just stutter? This day is getting more surreal by the minute-

"That's it!" Our attention returned on the enraged Changeling, who was evidently tired of the constant interruptions to its mission. It pointed towards us. "There will be no one else to help you now!"

"I'm afraid that isn't the case."

I refrained from laughing.

"Oh come on!" The Changeling screeched in disbelief, before stiffening in obvious fear at the sight above us.

Following his gaze, before us was a flying Cadence, hovering above with a clear disdain towards the group of Changelings. Around her were a large group of guards, and that was then we noticed the even larger number of guards preoccupying the rooftops surrounding the entire street.

...Yep, they're boned.

Meeting the minion's paralyzed gaze, I announced loudly. "Ladies. Gentlemen. Or fillies and gentlecolts as you prefer. Let's give these Changelings a warm welcome, magic and balance style."

What followed next could only be described as pure chaos.

"I have to admit, I didn't know you two had it in you." I commented pleasantly after Velvet finished passing hot cups of tea around, declining one myself earlier.

"Well, don't forget who our gifted children were born from." Light replied casually, his and Velvet's heads leaning against each fondly as he said that. "We are quite adept at magic ourselves."

"Clearly." Those two kicked all kind of arse during the battle in the street. Their attacks were mainly synced, swapping positions with each other and giving those frustrated minions a hard time.

"Though you're not the only one surprised, Stardust, considering how you fought those Changelings." The mother of Twilight Sparkle said, sounding rather intrigued than unnerved. "Your attacks were very brutish and vicious, unlike anypony we've ever seen fight before."

Sharing a knowing glance with Cadence and Trixie, I shrugged. "There's much more to me than the average pony, let's just leave it at that."

The five of us were currently inside the book binding store, belonging to the two adult ponies. It was nearby the previous battle, hence how these two knew where we were and immediately joined in the battle upon recognizing the Changeling's target. Trixie meanwhile was visiting Canterlot to 'grace her presence among others', spotted me getting ambushed and decided to not only settle her debt with me, but gain more popularity for defeating a squad of Changelings.


And Cadence? Having quickly realized the sight with the smoke was a false alarm, magically fabricated fire smoke, the alicorn had immediately returned to my previous location, soaring the skies with her guards afterwards and quickly spotting me before the Changelings could attack.

Now, with the Changelings apprehended and a few somehow managed to escape - good, that'll warn the Queen that I wasn't a threat to be taken lightly of - we currently took a break inside this store. With guards protecting us from outside, thankfully, save for the Changelings, no one was seriously hurt. A few grazes here and there, but nothing life-threatening, despite numerous offers to tend to my 'wounds'.

"Trixie must know, however, as to how you have such power for a mere Earth Pony." The tactless unicorn said after sipping her tea. "She has seen you use it before against that ursaminor, and now just before. Is it because you are-?"

"No. No it is not because of that." I quickly intercepted before she could blabber off the truth, casting her an annoyed glare. Did she presume they already knew? Yet Trixie expressed nothing but curiosity, as did the others save for Cadence. "It's not something I understand myself, but I apparently have the power of balance itself, giving me the ability to equal any of my opponent's strength in physical might or magic."

"'Balance', like your last name." Light pointed out in interest.

"Balance..." Trixie then said thoughtfully, before something obviously struck her. "Trixie remembers; there were rumors of a stallion who utilized 'balance' and bested Prince Blueblood in combat during the Grand Galloping Gala. Which means... you..."

From the side, as the two mares and one stallion regarded me with wonder, Cadence smiled humouredly. "Indeed, and Stardust has also used this power to defeat other foes."

"And to detect Changelings hiding among us."

At the new voice, our heads turned to the arriving Shining Armor, who was watching with seriousness with a tinge of amusement.

Took him long enough.

"Shining!" Velvet already beat her son's fiancee to it, embracing the chuckling white stallion tightly. Night joined his ecstatic and relived wife, hugging his offspring also before both finally released him, allowing Armor and Cadence to have their own moment of loving embrace. Trixie, meanwhile, looked downright uncomfortable watching the display, and I partially shared that feeling.

After a moment, Armor released his bride-to-be and approached me, offering a hoof to shake which I accepted evenly. Then the stallion looked around him at everyone. "Sorry I'm late, I was halfway back to Canterlot when I heard what occurred. Are you hurt?"

"Nothing too serious." Cadence replied warmly, clearly joyful to see her future husband once again. "We managed to stop the Changelings from attempting to attack Stardust."

"Abduct me, to put it correctly." They blinked at the confession. I continued with a wry smile, "Apparently their Queen wants me removed from the picture."

"Oh my." Velvet and Night observed me worriedly, Cadence looking concerned as well while Armor rubbed his muzzle thoughtfully.

Trixie, however, was more confused than apprehensive. "But why? What is Queen Chrysalis after?"

"The wedding." Myself, Armor and Cadence answered at once. The white unicorn continued for us, "We have every reason to assume that Chrysalis' main priority is to attack the royal wedding. Our royal wedding." Both he and Cadence shared a solemn glance. "We're not sure exactly what that villainous mare is planning, but-"

"I do." The truthful words escaped my muzzle before I could stop them. Dammit! As all eyes turned on me, I decided that now was probably the time to let them all in. There was no escaping this now, some small apart of me WANTED them to know. My gaze fixed on a nearby window, and I walked towards it while continuing, "I learned of her plans during my confrontations with those Changelings we fought. As you know, Chrysa-However-The-[BEEP]-You-Pronounce-Her-Name and her minions feed on love itself; it empowers them."

"Yes, they have the gruesome ability to drain the love from others." Cadence commented with a palpable disgust. "How willing they are to do as such is purely sickening."

"Then what their Queen plans to do, you'll find, might be just as if nor more repulsive." My eyes then fixed on the pink alicorn herself, who matched my stare evenly. "She intends to disguise herself as you, Cadence, and marry your betrothed here to get a position on the royal throne."

At the revelation, there was a moment before the implication sunk in. Trixie looked quite surprised, Velvet and Night expressed revulsion, Armor looked at his beloved with concern and... fear?

Meanwhile, Cadence merely looked down, her tone softening, "I knew it all along..." What? Her pink eyes glanced back up towards me, "If what you say is true, then it confirms what I've long suspected and wished wasn't the case. Chrysalis desires to feed off Shining's love for me to fuel her, and then have her children feed off the love of every citizen in Canterlot, and possibly then Equestria."

I won't lie, it's a solid plan.

Not that I'm supporting the idea in the least. God forbid I allow it to happen.

"Stardust, if that does happen at the wedding, then you must do as I have requested earlier; protect Twilight and her friends no matter what." But before I could protest, Cadence how that rather unnerving look in her eyes again, as though daring me to argue.


The addressed alicorn met the stare of her lover. "Chrysalis is crafty and subtle, there's no telling whether we'll stop her in time before the wedding or not, my love. Even if victory is certain, we can take no chances." Reluctantly, after a whole minute of gazing into one another eyes, as though having a silent debate, Armor reluctantly nodded. Satisfied, Cadence resumed her attention on me, "Whatever happens at the wedding, should you accept to go, promise me you will do your best to look after my sister and her friends. I know you can do it."

"I can't make promises-"

"I have complete faith in you. We all do." To emphasize that point, Armor, Velvet and Night all stood between the pink alicorn, gazing at me with determination and hope.

...For the love of-!

What makes them all think I was capable of accomplishing such a task? There's no guarantee I can look after Twilight and the other during the wedding! Hell, I've only seen one clip of the two-parter, and that was 'This Day, Aria' - which begs the question of who the [BEEP] Aria was - so I'm not completely certain what will go down while we're there.

But these ponies, save for Trixie who was looking rather indifferent to the whole thing, who staring at me with clear hope and warmness in their eyes, pleading me to say yes. Yeah, guilt trip me into saying yes why don't you? That'll make things much more better.

On the other hand, the thought of Twilight and the others getting potentially hurt while there... Sometimes I hate these ponies for their damning infectious sentimentality.

"...Captain Armor. Princess Cadence." I began, choosing to ignore the growing relived smiles on their muzzles, and bowed formally, "I graciously and humbly accept your invitation to your wedding. And though I am not perfect or completely suitable to conduct such a task you bequeathed me, I vow I will try my best in protecting Twilight and my friends there, whatever the cost." There, did it, happy?

Clearly so, as Armor and Cadence beamed in gratitude, while the parents of Twilight grinned at my sincere willingness to defend their daughter. "It is absolutely wonderful that our daughter has a good friend like you."

The dark blue unicorn nodded in agreement with his wife. "We were right in thinking you were someone worthy of befriending our dear Twilight."

Ah Christ, there goes the feeling in my stomach again. Noticing my uncomfortable expression, the four ponies laughed lightly while I spoke rather hurriedly. "I should probably return to Ponyville now, anyway."

"Ah, about that." Armor then spoke up after the laughter subsided, sounding rather apologetic. "The kingdom is now under quarantine, in light of the recent Changeling attack; no one, whether by foot or train, will be entering or leaving Canterlot at this time."

Well great. I'm stuck here again. Best option available now was to blame Celestia for this debacle.

"In that case," Velvet, not sounding int he least annoyed by the news, walked by the group towards another room. "Since we're all here, after that exhausting battle outside, let's have ourselves a nice dinner. Cadence dear, would you mind helping?"

The alicorn nodded, "Happily."

"Miss Trixie, you're welcome to join us."

Huh, almost forgot she was even here. The blue unicorn glanced up in surprise at Velvet's offer. "Well, Trixie supposes after what she's been through, it would be rude to decline such an invitation."

"And while they're preparing dinner," Night said casually as the two mares departed for the kitchen, blue eyes glancing at me with interest. "Perhaps you can tell us about the many events that's happened in Ponyville, Stardust, along with how Twilight's doing."

Before I could even respond, Cadence stated rather loudly upon hearing that, "I'm sure Stardust will gladly tell you how he spent Nightmare Night, Hearth's Warming and Hearts and Hooves day with Twilight."

Feeling both eyes of a protective father and brother on me, my face flinched. I curse you, no doubt amused Cadence, I hope Chrysalis succeeds in her plan just for that!

A knock on the large brown door. Probably Cadence wishing to see me before I departed from this kingdom once again.

They should probably reserve this room in the castle exclusively for me, considering the fact Celestia always seems to arrange the same exact room whenever I stay here, intentionally or not. The bed was nice and all, plus the service was of pure royalty. The only downside to it all was the fact how early the servants tend to wake up the castle's occupants. How did Celestia, Luna or Cadence deal with that?

Thankfully, the curfew that kept Canterlot under lock-down was lifted yesterday, I chose to stick around for one more day to say goodbye to many of my friends here in Canterlot: Velvet, Night, Armor, Cadence, Luna, and, surprisingly, Trixie. Though the last one was more than reluctant to ever return such an open gesture of friendship. That's fine.

And what was more of a relief was the lack of Changeling activity since the lock-down over a week ago. Which means Syphilis was either recovering from the forces she lost that were arrested, or biding her time and plotting out when to strike next, and we had a mighty suspicion where and when that'll precisely happen.

"Come in." I said after the knocking occurred a second time, halting my brief pacing to wake my limbs up fully. Glancing towards the opening door, I expected to be greeted by Armor or Cadence.

To my surprise and flat out confusion, it was neither.

"Hi Stardust!"

"P-Pinkie Pie?" Indeed, the pink Earth Pony herself greeted me enthusiastically, hopping into the room without a care in the world. Then my attention focused more on what the happy mare was wearing; a black outfit covering everything but her face, as though she was prepared to commit a bank heist.

"Oh wow!" Pinkie, oblivious to my baffled observation, looked around the room with clear awe. "So this is where you've been living the past week. No wonder you haven't returned home last week!"

"Canterlot was under quarantine, Pinkie, remember?"

Another voice I didn't expect, but one I welcomed more warmly. I turned around to see Twilight, a small smile lifting on my muzzle- Which then immediately dropped down.

My entire body froze.

What... What the hell?!

A clear cut on her cheek, an eye patch protecting her right eye, her entire mane pointed upwards in the style of an eighties punk type, bandages wrapped around the head, and the same black outfit Pinkie wore; the excepting being the multiple rips everywhere. Twilight's smile contradicted the very state she was in, nothing but horror and worry shrouded me like a cold cloak at the sight.

And there was Spike, lying on Twilight's back as though sound asleep. But even from here, I heard an unpleasant groan from the dragon.


Noticing my expression, the unicorn said rather tiredly, "Hey Stardust. Princess Celestia informed us you were here and- Stardust?"

Never mind the damn Princess. My hooves immediately rushed towards the blinking mare, my eyes intent on examining her every injury. "Are you alright? What happened to you?"

Her only displaying eye widened, either by our close proximity or my outright concern, "Um, I'm fine, really. These injuries will recover in no time. As for Spike, well he ate too much ice cream, which rewarded him with a stomach ache. Honestly, you don't have to worry."

Don't have to worry? "I leave Ponyville for one week and this is what happens..." I promised Cadence to look after you and our friends, and I've failed already. How ironic fate can be.

Twilight's expression softened slightly, probably at the regret and bitterness of my tone. "Stardust, I-I'm fine... There's no need to be so concerned..."

Hmph. She was stubborn, but I was even more so. My front hoof gently lifted her chin, hopefully there weren't any more injuries I haven't spotted yet. Ignoring the mare's blush at the invasion of personal space, I leaned forward to examine the mare further. And from atop the unicorn's back, Spike groaned rather painfully, forcing my eyes to glance at him worryingly before resuming on the flushing tired-looking mare.

What happened to you...?

From behind, Pinkie answered that internal question for me. "Twilight tried to prevent a disaster that was warned from her future self, but ended up making the disaster happen anyway!" She explained rather happily, as though this was something to be taken lightly.

"Pinkie..." The injured pony in question said in a warning voice.

"She hasn't even slept for the past few days."


"What?" I asked in disbelief, a frown creasing my features at Twilight, who was preoccupied glaring at the pink mare for blabbering. That was then I noticed the concerning bags under her left eye. "So not only are you clearly injured, but you're absolutely exhausted as well. Christ, I leave for one week and already you've caused yourself to get hurt and fatigued."

"It's nothing to be concerned about-"


"Excuse me?" Twilight blinked in surprise at the abrupt, stern tone.

You're not the only one who can be firm when telling others what's best for them, love. "You're not excusing yourself out of this one, Twilight. We're going back to Ponyville, and I'm going to make sure both you and Spike recover without interruption."

At the serious vow, the mare shook her head in light protest. "I can take care of myself, Stardust."

"Of course you can," I nodded sarcastically, my firm stare regarding her flustered expression, "But I'm not taking any chances. I'll be damned before I let anything worse happen to you."

With those sincere, self-angered words from me, Twilight regarded me with a mixture of flattery and tiredness, "Stardust, I appreciate that you care, more than you think, but..."

"...Pinkie, gently pick Spike up and put him on my back." Twilight was in no condition to be carrying the poor dragon. Speaking of which, my gaze returned on the unicorn herself, who looked curious at my actions. Standing beside her closely, so much so our sides touching, I half-demanded, half-requested, "Twilight, lean against me."

"I- Excuse me?"

"Lean against me, since you're incredibly exhausted." I clarified. Already she looked ready to object to the idea in embarrassment, but I was even more determined. "Twilight, ever since I've arrived in Ponyville, you've been taking care of me, despite my many actions, faults and own self-injuries. Just this once, let me return the favour, alright?"

"...All right." What, that easily? Maybe she's just too exhausted to fight back. Thank Christ for that. As Pinkie carefully placed the groaning pained Spike on my back, Twilight glanced at me from her left, looking both uncertain and... nervous? "Are you sure you don't mind?"

"When it comes to your well-being, Twilight, you're my top priority." Then, realizing how implying that sounded, I quickly corrected myself. "You, Spike and everyone else."

A small smile lifted on the mare's muzzle. Twilight obliged, her body leaning against mine for support. "I guess I do feel a little worn down from the walking... Thanks Stardust..."

...Going to ignore that jolt through my chest, and the rather content smile on the unicorn's face. But on the plus side, the combined weight of Spike - who felt heavier than last time I carried him, shocking - and the exhausted Twilight didn't slow me down in the slightest. Even if it did, I had Pinkie behind me just in case for help.

Speaking of the pink mare. "Now, what were you saying Pinkie?" I asked while we left the room. I'm sure no one in Canterlot will mind that I left without saying farewell this morning.

"Oh, right!" Pinkie began continuing where she left off, "So Twilight got a visit from her future self which is the Twilight here now, who warned of some terrible thing that was about to happen. So she warned the entire town and then the Cerberus showed up from Tatarus itself and-"

And so the Earth Pony babbled on and on about what happened, and I only half-listened, the rest of my attention focusing on making sure neither Spike falls off my back or Twilight falls forward on the ground asleep. But aside from the questions about Twilight's recklessness with time and her irrational methods of halting the disaster that was the state of her, one nagging thing stuck out to me:

The [BEEP]'s a 'Tatarus'?

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