• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 111: Do Warriors Dream of Certain Doom?

A golden land of grass and mountains, bathed in the infinite dawn gleaming across the sky. Stars glitter, peeking through the yellow clouds, aided by the hovering sun and moon watching their shared planet below in united content. The gentle winds brush against the swayed long dry grass, pure white drops of warm snow gently descend like... Well snow. So light the lands has yet to be coated in white as of yet.

And among the patches of grass, the sound of the wind is shared by the cheerful laughter and stomping of feet, as children and adults alike play around in the peaceful lands without a care in the world. Light drops of snow bounced gently off the gleeful beings; three teenagers - triplets - behaving with the minds of innocent children, chasing after a dark-haired grinning playful individual around the grass, followed loosely by a small girl with a ponytail, her father walking after her while the mother watched with a heavenly smile. Another, with hair as white as the falling snow, watched the black-haired man fly around teasing his friends with an exasperated smile and folded arms.

A silver-haired haired man, meanwhile, much older, watched the playful nature of the others with his small content smile, and a glint in his dark emerald eyes that screamed mystery. Beside him, cross-legged on the floor atop a blanket, was a young man ravenously consuming the basket of goods, his monkey-like tail swaying around in satisfaction. And the other being observing his surroundings with a tail of his own - who was one-hundred percent looking nothing like a human - smiled under the white mask, glacier eyes sweeping over the golden landscape.

And, from behind the group of humans, aliens, Nobody and Heartless alike enjoying themselves, stood a tall, majestic castle watching over the peaceful lands. And as the front gate opened, five ponies and one dragon emerged, the equines female and reptile male, rushing over to meet with the waving group to join in the fun and have the best picnic day ever.

Standing atop the balcony, overseeing these events in content, stood two ponies. One Earth, one alicorn. The latter, with violet eyes as sparkling as the stars which glitter through the golden clouds, leaned against the side of her lover in content, releasing a blissful sigh, and the smile on the stallion's widened, together observing their friends and family play together and living in pure peace. No monsters, no threats to the world.

Just genuine, unchanged, peace.

And the Earth Pony, clean fur a golden hue like the world that was his oyster, looked down upon their kingdom, and declared it good. That said, his eyes slid to meet the blissful gaze of the love of his life, before slowly beginning to close, the alicorn's following suit. What better way to display the most happiest of life than the kiss of two completely happy beings?

Nothing can go wrong-


A sudden prod to the side.

And a startled glance prompted the golden stallion to glance over to his left. Nothing. But the second he looked back, expecting to meet those purple gorgeous sparkling eyes once again, annoyed red eyes met his gaze. "Wake up."



Reality shifted back to me, slowly working my brain as I glanced around through the darkness of my bedroom, the sun barely even rising. And just like that, my mood of startled confusion shifted to immediate irritation.

Goddammit Sombra!

Oh as if it was a spectacle worth viewing regardless. The former King made no attempt to express remorse for abruptly waking me up from that wonderful dream. I much preferred your dreams back when you were miserable in your home world; at least then they were far more interesting.

With a grumble, I rested my head back on the comfortable pillar, glaring at the inncoent ceiling. You don't see ME interrupting your dreams, you gloating pain in the [BEEP].

I don't dream. Sombra retorted in his own annoyance, which, I must add, he had no right to feel right now. You saw to that through the total annihilation of my body. Not that I'm complaining too much, mind you, in terms over dreaming; I had enough dreaming of my failure against those forsaken Princesses over and over again for ten centuries.

Do tyrants dream of magic sleep?

Amusing. The tone was as flat as his character. It is fitting, however, you mention that, for my reasoning behind waking you up was not of my own benefit; though it spared me from observing through the rest of that sickening fantasy.

Don't watch it then! Anyway, why DID you wake me up then?

In his stead, another familiar voice, more gentle and patient, answered, My doing, to which I apologize for, Jack.

Oh of course... What's up Starswirl?

I wouldn't have requested Sombra to abruptly awaken you without a purpose, I assure you. As for the reasoning; another crisis is at hand. One to which I feel you would be particularly invested in involving yourself with.

With a tired yawn, I rubbed my face admist the mental conversation. Yeah? Is it similar to the situation at the Dragon Lands, or another episode...?

The latter.



Starswirl let out a small hum of amusement as I shot upwards in surprise, realizing the insinuation. Indeed. I believe we all know what is coming next. Which is why I'm presenting the offer, Jack: do you intend to intervene and help the Princess overcome this threat, or all the resolution to flow naturally, and let your friends handle the scenario without change?

What would be the point? Any interference on your end, should the meddling succeed, will only result in your friends gaining more peaceful nights. Why even bother considering the idea?

...Because I have the option to help a friend out earlier than when it would be intended to. Luna does not deserve all this self-suffering and guilt for... Well, honestly, she barely did anything as her sinister counterpart. Held me captive and banished Celestia to the moon, but that's it.

But will you help her first, or allow events to transpire as it normally would?

...I think you know my answer.

Hmhm. I believe I do.


I smirked, whereas Starswirl continued expressing amused warmth from his knowledgable voice, Better get out of bed then, my student. The sun is due to rise, and the nightmares of your friends will start the next following night.

Already? Ah great... Hate getting up early.

You don't say? After all the previous times you've whined about your new morning routine, we've hardly noted your displeasure until now.

So you're going to face this Tantabus by yourself.


Without the aid of your friends.


To whom you withheld this information from even as you arrive in this kingdom.


And, I ask once more, how these mares tolerate being friends with you, if you intend to repeatedly break your promises with them about facing danger alone.

Well what can I say? I'm stubborn.

And where has this stubbornness brought you numerous times? Sombra retorted rhetorically.Closer to the brink of death. With a wry smirk, I followed after my escorts through the castle hallways, having just arrived to Canterlot and made a beeline straight to the home of the two sibling Princesses. You intend to face this creature which feeds off nightmares alone. Although I could care less as to the feelings of your friends should they unravel the truth, I cannot help but ponder as to why you are doing this still. Together you're more of a match against this creature-

And therein lies the problem.

Oh? Sombra sounded more intrigued this time, as opposed to annoyed by the mental interruption.

I nodded, which wasn't noticed by the guards, while passing a corner. Together, those mares will always defeat any new foe. But what is their greatest strength is also their greatest weakness. As much as I love my friends, even I can acknowledge the problem with the whole 'friendship is magic' spiel; in that they rely too much on each other.

And you have no desire to succumb to this weakness as well.

I don't always have to rely on others to get the job done. Though now I understand and appreciate how important friendship is to overcoming any obstacle, old habits die hard.

Except, my friend, in these circumstances, you will not be facing the Tantabus alone. You will have Princess Luna, myself and Sombra aiding you.

Come again, old one? Sombra sounded repulsed by the very proposal. Why would I help them destroy that weakling's mistakes?

Would you rather have another creature of darkness than yourself inflicting fear on the masses?


My mentor chuckled at the grumbling response, addressing myself once more while I reached my destination, one guard entering the room first to inform the alicorn of my arrival. My point being, Jack, you will not be facing the Tantabus by yourself. It is Princess Luna who must come to terms with past mistakes this time. His tone sounded solemn then, almost regretful. She need not be continuously reminded of her errors in judgement any longer. If you can help her rid of this guilt, she and I will be tremendously grateful.

Before I could reassure the old unicorn, the guard opened the door wide, signalling for me to enter the small private study room, where the Princess of the Night awaited. Walking within, I passed a bowing night guard towards the tall blue alicorn, looking up from a book of hers and smiling quite warmly in my direction.

"I must admit, this is a surprise. Greetings, Stardust."

"Luna." I nodded respectfully, smiling back at my old friend. "You're looking younger everyday."

She tried, and failed, not to look amused by the lighthearted joke, motioning for me to join her. Obliging, I took my seat on the chair opposite the sat mare. "I trust things are well in Ponyville?"

"Yep. And Canterlot?"

"Oh, quite well thank you. Not a threat has yet to present itself. Soda?" My opened mouth, about to express the irony in Luna's statement, shut itself at my surprise over the bottle appearing on the table. Luna smiled with slyness. "My sister tells me you enjoy this... Unique sustenance moreso than tea."

"And, another rare time, Celestia gets something right." I graciously took the bottle, gulping down the sweet drink refreshingly. Just what I needed for waking up too early. "And how is your sister?"

Not even blinking at the casual jab towards her older sibling, Luna instead replied lightly, "Well, and preoccupied as ever with her royal duties." Uh-huh. Yes sitting on a throne all day doing [BEEP] all must be really taking effort out of her. The Princess then titled her head. "Although while I'm happy to see an old friend once again, I cannot help but get the distinct sensation that your purpose coming here isn't strictly to check up on us."

Saw right through me. I widened my front limbs in mock-surrender. "Am I that predictable?"

Luna smiled again. "A twinkle in your eyes reveals all to me. Now, how can I assist you, Stardust?"

"Actually, it's more about helping you." Might as well get to the point. Sooner this was over with, the sooner I can get my beauty sleep. Luna blinked, curiosity written all over her sapphire features. "I know about the Tantabus."

Wow. Blunt.

A mouth agape. "How...?"

This time, I smiled, albeit more wryly. "One of the many impossible things about me, Luna. I know about the guilt and regret you feel, all through this time ever since you were reformed. I know you transformed that guilt into its own living being." Come to think of it, I've mentally done the exact same thing with the Warlord. "And I know it'll only get worse, for yourself and others."

A moment of silence, Luna's guilt-ridden gaze set on the clean table between us, before the mare set her cup down and rose from the royal sofa. My sympathetic gaze followed the mare approaching the bright window, sunlight pouring through and showing more of the alicorn's downcast expression, azure eyes reflecting in sorrow as she stared at the kingdom of hers and her sister's.

"It is true." Her tone was far more solemn, more quieter, but enough for me to pick up. "My actions in the past are not something to simply come to terms with, despite my sister's claims to the contrary... I have deliberately given myself nightmares over the monster I became, as a reminder that I am still capable of bringing great peril onto others." That gaze saddened even further, voice breaking down in pure, unadulterated regret. "I... Do not deserve friendship, nor forgiveness."

And a single tear rolled down her cheek, prompting me to act.

"The Tantabus will only grow stronger the more you succumb to this guilt." Was my firm response upon joining her by the window, the mare slowly turning to meet my gaze. My own expression then softened, more to kindness and reassurance, anything to help my friend no matter what. "And you ARE deserving of those things, Luna. To be fair, you haven't really done anything too damaging to Equestria during your time as Nightmare Moon, so don't beat yourself up too hard."

Luna shook her head, adamant. "But I still attempted to inflict pain on others, regardless."

"But you didn't succeed."

"No... I suppose not." Luna still expressed doubt, alicorn eyes gazing at me uncertainly. "And yet I held you hostage, intending to make you one of the first to have felt my wrath. How can you forgive me so easily...?"

"Because you didn't harm me, or my friends, or anyone else in the end." My hoof gently brushed against the mare's limb, a gesture of comfort as I smiled lightly. "Between you and me, really I'm the one least deserving of forgiveness by anyone, considering the [BEEP] I pulled throughout my life."

Once again, making this about you.

I shook my head, gazing at the all pony with assurance. "But if I can be redeemed for past mistakes, then so can you. Everyone else has forgiven you for these echoes of the past. It's time you do the same too."

Luna looked away again, lingering doubt still present on her features. "I'm not sure I can..."

"And that's fine, because you won't be confronting this guilt alone." Azure eyes glanced at me with uncertain curiousness, prompting my own confident grin. "You'll have a friend with you, this time."

"Are you prepared?"

"I think I should be the one asking you that."

The Princess sighed, sitting right across from me in similar position. Blue eyes kept down on the small space between us for a moment. That's fine; she can have more than enough time to mentally ready herself for what was to occur.

What was that, you ask? Why, we're going to take a fun little trip into her mind, of course, and confront the Tantabus head-on. Then we will have Luna finally overcome her own guilt and we will rid of the parasite indefinitely, and we can all sleep peacefully after the day is done. Easy, right?

"You are certain this will work?"

Good question. Starswirl?

The bond between you is strong. The link of friendship connected to your hearts will be enough to have your own consciousness enter her plagued mind. Everything will be fine, I can assure you both.

Shame then only one of us could hear you. I nodded instead to the mare, smiling. "It'll be fine." And raised an open hoof upwards between us, in preparation. "Whenever you're ready."

Regarding the open hoof with some hesitation, Luna sighed again and recomposed herself, nodding in her own steely expression. "Let us banish this parasite entirely then, before it can latch on to others. I am ready." That said, a dark blue hoof, its royal pony shoe removed, touched equally against my own, and my eyes closed, concentrating, doing as Starswirl instructed earlier. I touch into Balance, and then it does the rest for me, focusing on the bond between us.

And through that bond, I sensed a torrent of emotions: Fear, uncertainly, apprehension, and hope. And all not entirely her own. I wanted to help her as much as she wanted to help herself. As though sensing those intentions, Balance did something else, and I felt a warm sensation overcome my senses, a bright golden light blinding my closed vision. And, for a moment, it felt as though my body was floating in midair.

Until the sensation was open, and I found myself opening my eyes to a ruined room, looking awfully familiar. Night leaked into the dusty old windows, the glittering stars barely lighting up the abandoned ancient large room. And it took one look to the end of the hallway, that I recognized exactly where I was, eyes widening as some painful memories resurfaced.

The throne room of the ancient castle-

Feminine laughter, filled with menace and sinister intentions, prompted my stunned gaze to look upwards, instinctively taking a step back in horror. Of course... This happened in the episode too. A black form slowly descended from the open ceiling of the night, taking the shape of the feared equine from long ago.

Nightmare Moon... Except she wasn't in control.


The response was more laughter, the taller pony standing upon the roughened carpet with grinning fangs aimed in my direction. Huh... Deja vu. I remembered; being a prisoner of the mare in this form, long ago. Back then, I tried to get through to the fallen Princess; make her see reason, give up this pointless crusade for power and eternal night.

And this time, I will do the exact same thing.

"This isn't you Luna! Don't let the Tantabus feed off your negative emotions like this!"

Again, only more laughter, malicious and gleeful. Uh-oh... And her horn was lighting up in dark magic, ready to fire. My own front limb raised in quick response, feeling my other hoofs dragged backwards by the strong attack that I shielded myself from. Teeth grit, I refused to fight back; this wasn't going to be a battle won through physical violence.

Hah... Others would laugh at hearing me think that.

This time, I ducked the next magical beam, and leapt over the next one. Grinning madly, the dark alicon ascended into the air gracefully, rearing her head back to continue her magic assault. I forced myself to roll away that time, though the blast was strong enough to harshly brush against my fur, feeling small bits of stone hit with little pain into my side. But that was hardly deterring. "Luna, enough!"

She wasn't listening. I had to keep dodging.

This would make for some great exercise, if it wasn't a fight for survival. Although this was not a real battle in the outside world, I really didn't want to test my luck if I got hurt in the mental realm, prompting me to duck, jump, and dodge in all angles by the onslaught of black beams barely missing me, or simply being batted away with my strengthened limbs. Meanwhile, the fabricated Mane Six have yet to show themselves.

Although I consider that a good thing. The Tantabus needn't learn the ability to invade others dreams right now.

Again, I appealed upwards, this time myself by the throne with the guilt-ridden alicorn flying above me. "Luna, please!"

And this time, a different response as opposed to mocking laughter. The taller equine snarled, horn lighting up once again. "I. Am. Nightmare Moon!" Ah [BEEP]. This next attack felt more stronger, and I raised my limbs once more to block the assault.

If the job wasn't already done for me. A crystallized wall rose from the carpet at high speed, the magic blasting through but being cancelled out by the assault. Shattered dark crystals flew everywhere, and in place of the former wall stood a tyrant ready for combat, regarding the snarling mare with the expression of a wild lion.


What the hell was he doing here?!

As though hearing that, the taller pony rolled his deadly red eyes, black mane swaying unnaturally as he glanced over to me indifferently. "If you refuse to fight out of pitiful sentimentality, then it falls to me to keep the mare preoccupied." What now? The former King sneered at his opposition, sounding thoroughly unimpressed. "There is only room for one dark ruler, fallen one. And I will enjoy this little retribution for the agony you and your sister put me through."

The reply was another snarl, Luna rearing her head back to fire off another attack. Sombra was more than prepared, mirroring the gesture with a gleeful sneer of his own, a pony ready to fight, and taking pleasure in it. Two beams of unrestrained darkness collided head-on, and I winced at the display. Darkness against Darkness. Chaos vs Chaos.

Hate vs Regret.

Sombra grunted, speaking roughly admist the struggle. "What are you waiting for Jack? While I have this fool distracted, erase the creature from her body. Revert her back to her weaker form." Huh... Oh, right! Deciding to question Sombra about helping my out here later - which I WILL do - I sped by the concentrating stallion, running beneath the preoccupied mare. Luna, meanwhile, broke off the connection and lit her horn again, summoning fallen debris and discarded items to her side.

Sombra only smirked at the show, producing another crystallized wall to protect him from the onslaught of fast hurled objects, impacting into the cracking wall without inflicting too much damage. Giving the irritated opponent a pitying look, the unicorn lit up his red-curved horn in response, and the dark alicorn quickly formed a protective magic shield around her body, breaking apart the sharp crystal spears thrown like lances her way. I leapt back from the falling useless weapons, observing the battle for a brief moment in admitted awe.

King Sombra versus Nightmare Moon... I never thought I'd see the day.

The former, meanwhile, wasn't impressed by my stunned admiration, snapping at me irritably from his position. "You foolish boy! Do what you're suppose to do!" Followed by the unicorn leaping back from another magical beam, this time landing on a rising crystal pillar, ascending to meet the flying alicorn at eye level, both expressions of firm resolve while I stepped back slowly, getting ready at the right moment to leap upwards to meet them myself.

Two more dark beams lit up the room in their own way, the magical attacks of raw power and negative emotions clashing in an equal struggle for dominance. And that was the signal needed; I pounced upwards, Balance enhancing the leap right above the busy mare, taking full advantage of the opportunity. Luna barely had enough time to react admist her struggles, letting out only a noise of protest at the stallion suddenly wrapping himself around her neck and back.

And screaming in outrage at the the Earth Pony placing a glowing golden hoof right into her chest, inciting another blinding light I was beginning to grow rather sick of, pouring all my emotions of fondness, care and the pleading to forgive herself through the bond between us, a determined urging for the Princess to see she CAN and WILL forgive herself, images of memories about all the times she was forgiven: the friends she made, the ponies she grew to love, and those who accepted her right off the bat, myself included. Even an image of the two sister embracing one another in comfort and warmth.

All rather sappy and overblown. Still, knowing my job was done, I quickly leapt off the screaming mare, squinting my eyes at the Princess shielded by a glowing golden orb. Was she...? My hopes were quick to be proven fruition, at the more welcoming form greeting us as the light died down. Luna blinked, inspecting her true body midair in shock and awe, before glancing at Sombra and I in stunned wariness and earnest confusion respectively.

"Stardust..." Luna muttered loudly in continued shock, landing on the floor gently with widened azure eyes staring from herself to me "I... I feel..."

"Forgiven? Hopeful?" My tone leaked of desperation and hope. Please make this work. This had to have worked!

My prayers were answered, in the shape of a small, tiny smile. "You were right, Stardust... I could forgive myself... Thank you." And the Tantabus wasn't even in sight upon saying this. Did that mean...? Her smile seemed to have confirmed everything, and I couldn't resist jumping and whooping in joy, running over to the mare and, out of character for me, hugged the relived happy alicorn. Luna eagerly returned the embrace tightly, whispering softly in solemn bliss, "Thank you for believing in me..."

"No Luna," I responded evenly, "Thank you for believing in yourself." And the hug eventually ended, Luna suddenly remembering the other occupant in the dream room and glancing over in the sneering King's direction with open caution, frowning seriously.

"Princess Luna." The tyrant sniffed indifferently.

"King Sombra." The blue alicorn returned warily, glancing between myself and the unicorn. "Am I to believe you willingly helped in this?"

Sombra scoffed. "For my own reasons, I assure you."

Whatever you say friend. Red eyes leered at me, but I ignored them, smiling between the two with open happiness. "So that's it then? The Tantabus is- Argh!"

"Stardust?" Was Luna's confused reaction to my sudden noise of pain, steeping back in surprise and clutching the side of my mane which developed an abrupt headache. The mare gazed at me in concern, while Sombra frowned. "Are you alright...?"

"Good question... Ow!"

Luna extended a hoof to help, and the former tyrant closed his eyes briefly. Four seconds later, Sombra opened his eyes, red orbs widening in blatant outrage. "You fool!" The disbelieving snarl prompted us to look in surprise at him. "Haven't you pondered the repercussions?"

"Repercussions?" Luna inquired worryingly. "I do not understand."

The King bared his teeth, eyes narrowing in annoyance, pointing in my direction. "The Tantabus remains, and has taken refuge in another's mind."


He didn't mean...

"The bond works both ways."

A new voice popped up, inciting our stunned gazes to look in the direction it came from. Sombra openly snarled, Luna gasped, and I only frowned in earnest confusion. "Impossible..." The alicorn mumbled in flat-out disbelief, clearly trying to grasp the reality before her. "Is it really you...?"

Approaching us calmly, beard swaying from his movement, kind old eyes twinkling in fondness, the aged stallion smiled in the Princess's direction. "Luna. My brave, brave student. How I have longed to express how proud I am of you, and I can think of no better time."

While the flabbergasted alicorn remained speechless, Sombra took that moment to give a snark response, "You say that, yet that creature of this mare's is presently infesting the boy's mind."

Right- Ow!

Starswirl nodded, unfazed by the painful wince of mine. "The open connection between you both provided the Tantabus the means to escape through anothers dreams. Now it is aware that Luna has forgiven herself, and will go through every attempt to escape before it is pulled back to her."

"So what - Argh! - Now?"

Ancient eyes gazed intently at me, and for a moment I felt rather intimidated by the look. "Consider this another test, my friend. You must face the consequences for choosing to confront the creature which plagued the Princess's mind, and rid of it yourself; drive it back to Luna's own subconsciousness."

Finally able to compose herself, Luna spoke in disbelief, "You can't be suggesting he engages the Tantabus alone?!" All eyes turned to her. "It is a creature of my own design. As such, it is my responsibility to-!"

"Hm. I forgot how eager you always were to prove yourself by confronting the problem alone." Luna halted her speech at the soft interjection of her teacher. Starswirl placed a warm hoof on the mare's shoulder, smiling kindly. "Though I haven't been your teacher in over a thousand years now, I humbly request you respect the wishes of your old mentor once more, my brave Princess."

The mare gazed at Starswirl with open uncertainty. "I... I don't want to..."

The stallion nodded knowingly. "You won't be responsible for what happens in Stardust's mind. Trust me. Just as I have faith in you and Celestia, I also have faith in my new student in turn." Thanks... I think. Starswirl smiled at me. "You understand what needs to be done."

Of course. Face a living incarnation of guilt and regret, and force it go home. Simple. I nodded. "I'll leave you two to catch up." But wait, what about...? My gaze glanced over curiously to the observing King.

Sombra sniffed. "If the old fool wants you to battle that creature without assistance, that's his own undoing." Starswirl simply smiled at the harsh jab, his own ancient horn lit, and a bright light emerged from the corner of my eye. Looking at the origins, I was greeted by a tunnel of whiteness before me, awaiting me to step through.

"And another thing-"


Sorry Starswirl! This headache was getting too worse for me. Without hearing his last piece of advice, I ran through, ignoring Luna's cry of worry upon entering the light, and blinding whiteness greeting my vision completely...

...Into an open, familiar field.

Instantly, I recognized where I was. The dream world I conjured up as a representation of the world that is my mind.


..Except something was clearly, terribly wrong.

The sky was darker, much darker. A blacker shade of gold encompassing the clouds and stars above, neither sun or moon to be seen. The grass, likewise, was dark all around me, as if corrupting by an infectious force, and you didn't have to be Twilight Sparkle to know what was happening. A gust of wind brushed against my skin - wait, was I in my real form? - inciting my shudder at the bitter cold sensation.

It was here. And it was close.


Taking one step from my spot alone was enough to initiate a response. The pain in my head grew sharper, this time slowly crawling through the rest of my brain, becoming unbearable by the minute. Teeth grit, my eyes tore all around the place, and it didn't take long to spot the growing purple mass over the horizon, ascending above the snow mountains like a poisonous sky, infecting the atmosphere and environment. The grass beneath began to feel more dry, crumpled up, and the pain in my head only escalated, prompting my shiver and almost-collapse, kneeling down at the raw power.

The Tantabus... It knew. It sensed Luna's forgiveness to herself, and was trying everything in its power to escape. I felt it invading my head, seeking salvation. A raw, distorted voice echoing through the corrupted skies of the approaching creature, taking the shape of a dark purple eyeless pony.


No... I won't let you!

Argh! The Tantabus wasn't happy by the internal response, another wave of hot pain burning my mind, affecting the land around me. Embers were sparking off from multiple patches of the grass, a testament to the creature's wrath and conviction to escape from the realm of dreams and into the world of reality. But I won't let it... I won't...

I... Arggggggg...

It hurts... It's getting too much... Dammit Starswirl! Did you know...? I need... I needed help...

I needed...!

"Giving up already? I thought you were stronger than that!"

What...? Wasn't expecting Riku's cocky voice to suddenly pop up like that. A random quote from a fictional character who fell from grace, and almost harmed everyone he loved...

Heh, sound familiar?

Was that the Tantabus' influence at work...?

"And not just the men! But the women! And the children! And I slaughtered them like animals!"

Another voice, one more furious and sending a wave of dread and hatred from myself. The child murderer, Anakin Skywalker. I'll NEVER understand how people can call him sympathetic. He doomed everything and everyone he loved out of misguided love and arrogance.

What was it trying to tell me... Argh!

No... It wasn't sending a message. It was feeding from my response to the memories. It was... Empowering itself through my own feelings and recollections of the past...

And I was in too much in pain to do anything about it. My body continued kneeling, arms wrapped around my body in attempt for comfort, forcing myself to glare bitterly upwards at the looming creature, fastly approaching in my defenseless direction. No... I had to fight back... This was my world, I should be able to-!

"Booker... Are you afraid of God?"

"No... But I'm afraid of you."


Ow ow OW! That memory was far too painful to recall.

Curse my Godforsaken emotional investment! Elizabeth... I am so, so sorry. To have felt this much for a fictional creation... Heh, aren't I the bigger fool.


This was getting too much. The burning sensation was overwhelming. My head felt as much on fire as the patches of grass around me. The wind was growing harsher, pounding against bare skin and messy dark hair. It was freezing, my body was becoming too afflicted to cooperate with. The Tantabus knew this, and sent another wave of painful memories, forcing them into my burning skull.

"Love will thaw a frozen heart."

Oh how they believed that! That anyone could be saved through the power of love! Yet love didn't seem to be doing a damn thing to help me right now! I was slowly succumbing to the Tantabus' will, and the sickening realization was dawning on me, and the Tantabus reinforced this by shoving more memories down my throat.

All the times I was saved, because of how I almost got myself killed.

Without my friends, I can't do anything... I'm... I'm useless...

No... NO!

The purple mass was now before me, four unstable gigantic hooves stood in front of my knelt presence triumphantly. The Tantabus leered down in its faceless equine form, inciting another wave of fresh painful memories down my numbing mind, using everything in its power to dominate my mind - my fears - and escape into the world of the living.

But then it made the biggest mistake of all. It felt my pain and bitter regret for my own failures, and sought to add another to the poison.

It showed me Xion.

Something inside me snapped, and I snarled upwards at the cocky beast for making that incredible error in judgement. A warm sensation, but without the pain that was searing through my hateful mind, began burning in my chest, brightening my body from the memory of the dying young girl. There were some things you just didn't do, and villains always make the mistake of becoming too overconfident to believe themselves untouchable.

Not even Xehanort provoked HIM with Xion.

Even Maleficent knew better.

Even Kcxja. Kxcja, who gets a kick out of teasing and getting a rise out of anyone including his Nobody counterpart, knew better than to bring up the topic of the latter's beloved.

This was no longer mere provocation. This meant war.

And in the depths of my soul, Caxkj leapt out from the light and snarled viciously at the foe who'd dare provoke him this way. Outraged and wounded, the Nobody has been pushed beyond all limits. It only took the memory of a girl being crystallized before fading into the light to summon the pained teenager.

Caxkj. Considered the most flawed of my OCs because his compassion and empathy was unmatched. His resorts to reason and diplomacy but him as a controversy among the warriors, a being completely made from the light of my heart; my positive emotions incarnate. His value for all living things made him too vulnerable and weak to do what was necessary for the cause. Kindness and patience merged, the Fluttershy of the Twilight Warriors but without the shyness.

Caxkj. Too compassionate for the more brutal ways of his brothers. A contrast to his bloodthirsty fun-loving Heartless counterpart. A fighter in words and logic with an intellect unparalleled, unafraid to show mercy even to the worst of opposition.

Caxkj may have been the most flawed, but he was far from weak.

And that said, the Nobody emerged from the pits of my heart and stood as a barrier between us. Pale determined features, pure white hair the style and length of Marluxia's, but with a fringe matching Zexion's covering his furious right eye, Caxkj stood firmly tall, glaring upwards at the Tantabus without a shred of fear. The wind whipped against the teenage Nobody's hair wildly, sending both it and his Organization coat flapping in all directions. With his trusty cross-hilt sword at the ready, the wounded Nobody made one slashing motion.

And the Tantabus recoiled, one of its misty limbs sliced off without the dark brown blade even touching it, forcing the behemoth to float backwards to shocked outrage. I flinched at the reaction, but Caxkj barely expressed fear from the harrowing roar whipping against his hair. Quite the contrary, the current expression the Nobody was a contrast to his general character.

A heavy frown of pain and anger took place of the typical warm smile and patient expression. Kind emerald eyes replaced by battle-hardened ones. It takes a lot to provoke a living incarnation of light itself, and the Tantabus was going to pay the ultimate price for that error in judgement.

I could only sit there, stunned at the spectacle before me. Sweet, tenderhearted Caxkj was facing off against the Tantabus with an expression unlike anything I've witnessed him wear. Even though I created him, that baleful look was something I never imagined the Nobody wearing. And somehow, through force of will, the OC I made a long time ago had summoned himself here to fight off against the invader.

"Typically, the Light is underestimated for its reliance on empathy and forgiveness, and often viewed as a weakness by overconfident tyrants." Caxkj began, before making another slicing gesture, and the menacing looming entity was forced back once more, this time by a clean invisible gaping slice across its incorporeal chest. "What they don't know," The Nobody added quite conversationally, "While the Light isn't as commonly destructive as its counterpart, it still has the capacity to sting."

I'll try to remember that... Assuming I survived this nightmarish stupidity.

"I sometimes found it curious as to why people have yet to attempt universal domination through Light as opposed to Darkness." Caxkj shrugged, ignoring the beast's outrage. "I suppose it's because it's already been accomplished."

And this time, the Tantabus did retaliate, to the Nobody's own preparation. With a traditional Makashi stance, the brown sword tore and rendered the oncoming purple vapour spears useless, forcing the fallen weapons to evaporate upon contact with the ground. A warrior in his own right, Caxkj was just as deadly as his fellow brothers, though whether it was by his sharp sword or sharp mind was often debated.

"Ohh that doesn't look good." Caxkj noted quietly at something I couldn't see - the teenager was blocking much of my vision by the front - and his gloved grip on the hilt tightened. "Would someone kindly lend a hand while we help our dear father escape?"


"What did I tell you about strategy bro?"

It was one thing to see one of your OCs from when you were twelve defend you. It was another for another OC from when you were eight pop up out of thin air, standing beside the Nobody with a goofy smile.

Tangerine shoulder-length hair, and clothing to match the colour with some white added in a few places. Wack stood opposed against the Tantabus in turn, and immediately raised a hand at the next assault of spears aimed our way, his own power over gravity itself forcing the made weapons to fall harmlessly at the ground.

Oh Jesus! But not fast enough to catch up with most of the quick spears, as one grazed by my arm, inciting my painful wince at the sensation. No blood, thankfully, but it still caused me to gasp in horror and dread at what just happened. Wack immediately whirled around, orange eyes blazing in fury at myself almost getting hurt. The typical idiot of my OCs, and yet here he was with the intensity of a thousand suns.

"You think because you can control dreams mean you can control us?!" Wack yelled upwards indignantly at thet looming Tantabus, summoning his own custom weapon and delivering a curved slice upwards, the orange energy wave bringing outraged harm upon the creature. "WE WILL NOT BE YOUR SLAVES!"

Today was just full of surprises... First Caxkj, looking ready to commit genocide. Now Wack, acting like a force to be reckoned with. Often the lighthearted because of how goofy and Pinkie Pie-ish he was, Wack was one of the first three original characters I made when I was a kid... Imaginary friends, in fact, which technically counts as OCs by definition. A brother of triplets, Wack was always meant to be the underdog, the Ed of the group, the idiot of the warriors and the most lighthearted, moreso than Caxkj.

Who, meanwhile, was being prodded in the chest by the much older OC, Wack gazing at his successor in annoyance. "We've talked about this, remember? You step back as assist, we take the front lines. Remember?"

"Something like that." Caxkj shrugged indifferently, neon eyes set firmly on the Tantabus above.


"Comes with the dress sense."

Okay, things were just getting more ridiculous than ever now. For appearing beside the two was another of the triplets - the second OC I ever created - with dark green dreadlocks and eye colour to match, a custom spear of his own summoned to his hand. Hack stood to Caxkj's right, tall body revealing muscles under battle armour and a smug look to match, his thrill for battle apparent even now.

"And the manners."

And of course he'd show up. The final of the triplets, and the first character of them all. The wisest and calmest of the Twilight Warriors, a blue sword matching the sapphire shade of natural-length hair and sea-blue eyes. All four of them looked identical, but appearance alone didn't define them for who they were. Tack, Hack and Wack, the first of the warriors, formed a protective semi-circle around, Caxkj opting to take the rear of them as instructed, knowing better than to argue.

And Tack. The first of them, the most experienced and developed, glanced in my still-sitting direction, blue eyes twinkling in mirth with that childish grin. "Hi Dad!" Before that expression hardened, the Wielder of Time joining his brothers in the fight to defend their creator. Time, Space, Gravity and Light itself all fought back against the malevolent force that was the Tantabus, which grew more and more frustrated by the four fabricated beings acting as a wall between it and freedom.

And distracted it enough to remove the aching pain searing through my head, and I felt like I could breathe, sitting upwards more comfortable to witness the impossible show before me. And yet, in relation, 'impossible' barely ever seems to fit into my vocabulary. And yet, somehow, four beings crafted from my imagination managed to appear here and now through sheer will and were fighting on my behalf.

All held their own expressions. Caxkj's was firm, more than ready to fight to protect those he loved. Tack's was more calm, focused on his enemy and ready to strike at any given opening. Wack's was more lighthearted again, grinning like a child on Christmas despite the present danger. And Hack... Well, he was living in the moment; one of the few who takes pride and thrill in the art of warfare, and had no qualms doing everything necessary to succeed. The quick-tempered and violent of the triplets, but still possessing a heart of gold, and a mastery over the fabric of Space itself.

"Come on [BEEP]! You gotta give us more than that!"

"Don't aggravate it!" Tack protested to his brother's words, but smiled regardless. A gesture with his azure sword halted a frozen launch of spears, another slashing them into nothingness. A demonstration to his mastery over time itself. "We already have someone mad through provoking." Caxkj made no response to the jibe, his clean slices and light energy attacks doing the talking for him. "Ya see?"

"No kidding. I don't think I've EVER seen him so angry." Wack observed in curious awe, absentmindedly blocking another spear. "Not even Kcxja managed to make him so mad."

Hack grunted, an amused grin on his strong features. "Won't he be jealous."

"Sure you're not jealous, Hack, for someone else being more mad at something than you?"

"Shut your mouth you tangerine-haired clown." Hack retorted, but in good faith, before the Tantabus roared again, a piercing scream I forced to cover my own ears against. Obviously, it wasn't too pleased by the fact its opposition wasn't taking it with the utmost seriousness. "Aww, did we upset the poor thing?"

Caxkj frowned, heavily, after rendering another wave of spears and javelin harmless, meanwhile Hack ripped open a portal from space-time, sending some spears back to its outraged owner. "This isn't working. We need to act swiftly."

Tack nodded, solemn expression matching in sync with the Nobody's. "And I know the perfect solution to ridding Dad's mind of this plague."

Hack snapped his head to him, green eyes widening. "You don't mean...!" The look on his brother's face said it all. "Well [BEEP]."

What? What did he mean...?

Realizing the implications, Wack whirled to face me again, taking a moment from the battle to warn me with that silly expression still. "You better start running Dad. It won't take long before HE gets here, and YOU don't wanna be here when that happens!"


My fourth OC.

The Saiyan.

The Little Titan.

Something akin to horror washed over my still being at the prospect, but that only made Hack react, green demanding eyes glaring at me with a mighty shout, "So get moving you pony-loving son of a [BEEP]! When Supes gets here beforehand, this Tantabus mother[BEEP]er won't survive, and neither will you! And you HAVE to survive!"

"Run to the south!" Tack added before I could ask which direction in this landscape. "Your exit will be there. Get moving!" Right, no time to waste then! Doing as requested of me, I finally found the strength to rise again and begin running, far from the battle itself. In fact, I felt myself more strengthened from earlier. Were they responsible for that...?

Even when distancing myself from the battlefield, I could still hear them as though they were within clear earshot.

"Just because I can doesn't mean I should!" Caxkj was objecting to something.

"You might be our creator's favourite, but you don't have to rub it in our faces!" Wack said jokingly.

He's really brave. I just now realized... My fifth OC was always brave, but I never appreciated how much until now. Caxkj, the most kindhearted and forgiving of the Twilight Warriors. I had focused on his development more than anything else; his background, his story, his relationship with the universe he originated from. He suffered the most out of them all, despite never having written his hardships on paper or PC. I was proud of him, regardless... I was proud of every single one of them.

Caxkj, the Negative Twilight.

Hack, the Master of Distortion.

Wack, the Gravity Defiant.

And Tack, the Champion of Time.

Those four, along with my other creations, were fantastic in their own way. Proven now, by their willingness to help me get through this. I owe it to them... Someday, I will return the favour.

"We've learned that friendship isn't always easy, but there's no doubt it's worth fighting for!"

Damn you Twilight... Curse you for never losing faith in me, now I can't either.


"'Surrender?'" Hack spat in mocking retaliation, his voice rising in enraged disbelief. "Are you as idiotic as you are insane?!" And the following words of outrage prompted my shudder. "YOU HURT US! BECAUSE YOU WANTED TO! AND YOU HONESTLY THINK WE'LL SURRENDER!" It was as though he was the personification of my own anger alone. "WE'RE THE TWILIGHT WARRIORS! WE'LL NEVER SURRENDER, YOU VAPOUR SON OF A [BEEP]!" The green haired man roared in utter conviction, with a voice that would impress Sombra. "NO! YOU LISTEN TO ME!"

"Get over yourself you waste of residual energy!" Tack pitched in, his own fury more tamed, but still leaking from his voice like venom.

"I hate bullies! And I won't be bullied by you!" Wack cried determinedly, that clown persona of his vanishing for the moment.

And beware when someone stops behaving like a clown. I almost pity the Tantabus, invoking the wrath of warriors this way-


That was a nasty fall. My head rose up from the dying dry grass to be greeted by... Oh of course. My exit, I presume. And what else would it be? The TARDIS stood alone, a blue phone box standing tall and undeterred by the winds, waiting for me to open its doors and escape before things go nuclear. I began rising to stand and run-

Ow! Before the headache painfully returned, a last-ditch effort by the creature to escape into the living world with me. Not gonna happen...

"Oh dear me. Let's help you get up, eh?"

Wha... Oh come on!

Hoarse laughter escaped my throat at the scenario before me. "And here I thought this would all be beneath you!"

Suncrush smiled lightly in response, dark green eyes - much like Hack's exactly and almost like Caxkj's neon eyes - glinting humouredly as the man helped me to stand, a curved lightsaber hilt in his other hand. "I'd be amiss to keep to the sidelines and let my fellow warriors have the glory of helping our creator. There we are now."

And just then I noticed Cyrus approach our position, folding his arms across his leather jacket. A cocky smirk emerged on his clean face, head recently shaven as always. "We're the backup crew pops. Now I recommend you enter the TARDIS the second we go join them. Supes will be here to finish off the Tantabus soon."

You two...

I looked between the two older men, frowning at the reality before me. "You two aren't mad...?"

The Sith grinned, clad in silver armour matching that dark grey hair complimentary. "For everything you've fated to put us through?"

Cyrus shrugged indifferently. "We got over it." Before summoning his two hand-pistols from thin air, nodding to the Sith Lord. "Come on, Kcxja and Glacier will be here with the reinforcements- Oh look."

We followed his gaze, along with the cries of battle and triumph, towards the grinning Heartless and member of Frieza's race leading a full army of soldiers towards the Tantabus. The black-haired, tan-skinned yellow-eyed incarnation of my dark side took notice of our gazes, and gave a thumbs up in our direction, calling out as the army sped by.

"Hey Dad! Good luck with making the moves on a horse!"


I felt a pat on my shoulder, Suncrush walking past along with Cyrus, ready to join the fight. "To the TARDIS my boy!" The former called out while igniting the lightsaber, a golden hue illuminating his hardened features. "Let your Warriors handle the rest."

My warriors... Yes. My Twilight Warriors. I was so proud of each and every one of them. Nodding, I turned to depart, before feeling something metallic in my own hand, something the Sith had sneakingly placed in my palm.

The TARDIS key.

Suncrush you old Devil...

And then, the sound I dreaded to hear made itself known, prompting me to run faster to reach the the time ship's doors.


That was Supes alright.


Come on, come on, open!


Twilight! Everyone! I'm getting back to you!


And Tack, Hack, Wack, Caxkj, and everyone else... Thank you.

I made it through the doors right as the final "HA!" roared across the landscape, and into the bathing light.

"Stardust! Stardust!"



"Goddamn whiplash!"

A relieved gasp. "You're okay!" My vision barely had time to adjust to my surroundings before I found myself hugged tightly by a certain alicorn. Luna continued saying in bliss, "I was terribly worried about you! When you wouldn't wake up, despite Starswirl's reassurance, I was beginning to think..." The mare then pulled back smiling lightly in slight embarrassment. "Well, thank goodness I was proven wrong."

With my own tired grin, I glanced around. Yep, same study room before all that [BEEP] happened. Meaning I was back in the real world. The real, pony-talking world I have come to call home. Sighing myself, I accepted Luna's offer of help and was pulled up, standing properly after that uncomfortable position on the floor.

"The deed is done then?" The Princess couldn't resist asking in earnest, "The Tantabus is...?"

With one-hundred percent certainty, I can definitely reply with, "Gone. Completely." ...Right guys?


We just checked for any traces.

There we are then. That said, I looked at the grinning blissful mare in amusement. "Hope you and Starswirl enjoyed catching up meanwhile."

That grin only widened, azure eyes gazing at me happily. "Had I known you were the student of Starswirl the Bearded's student, I would've asked to have spoken with him sooner... If I had rid of my own nervousness first." At that, we both laughed lightly. The threat was over now, I could laugh. "And he chose well. Thank you, Stardust, for everything... Just as I am equally grateful to my former teacher. If you can hear me, I am proud to have been your student..."

And I was always proud to have taught you, my dear Luna.

"He heard you." I nodded, smiling cheerfully at it all, and flat-out ignoring Sombra's noise of disgust in favour of Luna's ecstatic expression.

Okay, so we can all agree that what happened yesterday was a great big cluster[BEEP].


I mean, all my OCs managing to get their own will and fought back against the Tantabus like that... Well, compared to all the other crazy [BEEP] I've been through since my first visit to Equestria, I suppose it made sense for your own fabricated creations to defy the laws of imagination and do as they place.

But what did the implications mean exactly? Were my OCs alive in their own way? Did I develop them so much to give them their own souls? What exactly happened in my mind the other day? Will I ever find out...?


Best not to dwell on it too much, boy. Some matters are simply unexplained.


In any case, Starswirl then spoke up quite cheerfully, I am proud of your endurance yesterday, Jack. What truly happened was a measurement of your own will, those "children" of yours were given life through your will and conviction to protect others. And while we know not whether they stay that was at the present moment, I can certainly say you triumphed through the hardships of past guilt and anger, as with Princess Luna, with support from your friends, knowing it or not. You deserve the rest.

Damn right I do... But thanks, Starswirl, even if you chose to do nothing while I was getting mentally pounded by the Tantabus like that. And thank you, my OCs, whether you can hear me in my mind or not, I've always been proud over each and every one my you.

My... Sons.

I opened the front doors into the castle that was my home, and-

"And just where were you?"

Ohh [BEEP], right.

"Hey Twilight."

The alicorn narrowed her eyes, approaching me with small noticeable bags under her gorgeous purple orbs, poking me in the chest. "Don't 'Hey Twilight' me young stallion. You were absent all day yesterday without even leaving a note, and now you suddenly turn up. Where have you been?"

I shrugged with a meek smile. "Canterlot. Sorry, was too tired, must've forgot to leave a note beforehand. Needed to help Luna with something."

That worried annoyance immediately shifted to curiosity. "What's that?"

"Ehh... Sleeping problems."


Well it's not completely untrue!

Twilight frowned, tilting her head cutely. "Funny that you should mention that, 'cause I had some difficulty with sleep last night."


...Oh no.

"It was a nightmare."

Oh no!

"About Nightmare Moon."

You gotta be kidding me!

"Although Spike appeared to have slept fine-"

"[BEEP] this, I'm going back to bed."

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