• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 18,895 Views, 1,952 Comments

A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Sixty-Three: Darkness Conquers All!

There was nothing else I felt these days but contempt and disgust.

The bedroom was a whole example of that; almost everything tossed over or broken, books scattered all over the floorboards, hung pictures thrown across the room with glass breaking from the impact, the window curtains torn down, and those presents from my Birthday weren't spared either. All of this from my anger.

At who, you ask? The mares? Spike? The monarchs who tried to harm me at the Crystal Empire? Who else, of course, but myself?

Because either thinking about them or even glancing at them, especially the occupants of this library, spurs both rage and regret in my heavy heart. I ruined our friendship; mine with everyone else's, and it's all my fault.

Of course... I wasn't entirely to blame.

The breaking point was at the Empire, and I learnt only soon afterwards that Twilight wanted me there so her brother and in-law could see what was "wrong" with me, resulting in that clash that caused me to spew out harsh yet truthful words at them all. They were as just to blame for the so-called bonds between us snapping in two.

Twilight in particular-


No... Even after all this time, I couldn't bring it in myself to cast fault on her.

Yet the majority of my mind disagreed. Voices from my subconscious urging me to hurl my rage, frustration and hate onto the mare; that she was part of the reason I was stuck on this Godforsaken happy world. And, perhaps, my brain was correct, which only infuriated me further.

They were all to blame, in their own way...

...I had to go.

Yes, that's what I'll do. I'm sick of playing of Specter's rules. [BEEP] him. [BEEP] everyone. I never needed him, them or anyone else. Autism my [BEEP], I can take care of myself! These ponies were more liabilities than assets; everything we've been through has been proof as such.

Ignoring the small protesting voice in my head, I nodded to myself firmly, ceasing my pace and instead directing towards the door. I doubt either Twilight or Spike will notice, nor will anyone else truly miss me.

If anyone did... Then they're damn fools, all of them.

...I'm so sorry, Twilight... Spike... Everyone...

One last moment on this hill wouldn't hurt, though.

My stomach resting atop the soft comforting grass, I took as long as needed to admire the view before me. The vast blue skies, the far-off lands, the mountains. Everything peaceful and serene; everything my home planet was not. A tired sigh escaped my muzzle. As much as I enjoy the scenic view, there were far more important things waiting for me.

My family, for starters.

A brief image of those mares and dragon popped up, before I quickly squashed it. What, brain? Specter? Trying to tell me something? They were not my family. My genuine family is at home, worried sick to death about the absence of their autistic son. Heh, maybe they thought I finally ran away; that idea had occurred to me many times before.

The caressing wind brushing my mane and fur, I closed my eyes.

It was foolish of me from the very beginning; trusting and befriending the people of this world. Equestria had nothing really of value to offer me, a human; a species focused on war and deception than peace and friendship. Why hadn't I seen that earlier... Why did I lower my defenses so...?

...They did this to me.

Again, I blew out a breath. Well, whatever the case, it was time for me to leave now and never return. Twilight and the rest will do fine without me; they've inconvenienced me just as I've inconvenienced them. We'll be doing each other a favour.

...So why did a part of me scream to stay?

"So you are here."


A voice, unexpected and unwelcome, spoke from behind, and I recognized it immediately. Not Twilight. Not any of the Mane Six. Not Spike or anyone else I consider - considered - my friends. But someone I exiled from this town a while back.

These ponies truly were gluttons for punishment...

"It took her long to finally realize that, despite your barbaric actions back then, you helped her by removing the amulet. And for that, she's grateful and sorry for what happened. Now, it is time that she helps you."

Has Trixie learned nothing? Doesn't she know better than to incur my wrath? First the arrogant blue pony returns, breaking her word, but now she hopes that by expressing gratitude and apologizing will save her from her righteous punishment? Well, I'll need to force the reality into her mind myself then.

As I said nothing, Trixie continued rather hesitantly, with a tinge of impatience, "The Great and Powerful Trixie knows there is something not right about you. That pet dragon of Twilight's informed me as much while Trixie sought you out. Your friendship with them is crumbling, and that stops now."

I wonder how easy it would be to break a pony's spine? What kind of fitting reward should be bestowed on this mare for defying me? What human methods of torture could I introduce towards her? Oh the possibilities were endless...

"So," Her voice raised slightly, as though daring to command me, "Whatever you are, release this pony at once! Because Trixie knows that Stardust Balance would never do or say the things he had done that day. Be gone, or the Great and Powerful Trixie will forcibly remove you from him!"

And now she's delusional, or trying to conjure up excuses to my true nature. Ah well, pity has no place for me. Time to put this mare out of her misery.

Starting with a little game...


"W-What?" Trixie stuttered questionably, and I finally stood up, looking over at the confused mare, whose pink eyes then widened in... Terror?

Good. Fear the human, little pony.

"I'll give you four seconds to run..." I said slowly, deliberately, enjoying the fear crawl up on her face. "Before I proceed with the vow I made should you have ever returned here."

Gulping, Trixie took a few steps back down the hill, before her eyes narrowed, "Trixie does not fear you, fiend!" Yet her shaky voice and expression indicated otherwise. As I stepped forward, she retreated again.


Then her body slipped and rolled down the hill, the blue boastful unicorn recovering quickly after a few seconds, staring back up at my looming posture with uncertainty and fear in her eyes.


This was going to be fun...


Her teeth bared anxiously, her horn began lighting up in preparation, inciting my slow grin. Oh good, might as well make things interesting. And she thinks she can hurt me? That's cute love.

"Trixie doesn't know who or what you are!" She attempted one last time, "But Trixie knows possession when she sees it! She would know! Release Stardust Balance, or pay the price!"



And with that, my body leapt, Trixie's eyes widening before she rolled out of the way of my lunging body, my clenched hoof smashing into the dirt spot she previously stood upon. I gave her little time to recover by charging, my ponified shoulder impacting the stunned mare and hurtling her back. Trixie's body skidded across the grass, her absurd wizard hat falling off.

Recovering again, the mare stared back at me with shock in her eyes... Before a hardened resolve, prompting my smirk-

Oh? What's this?

"Hm." I huffed, unfazed by the exact same trick Blueblood pulled long ago, grass from the ground wrapping around and keeping my hooves in place. Really? That the best you can do?

Yet Trixie, not sticking around to see her handiwork, was already fleeing from me. Oh so that's how it is, is it? Without delay I tore the weeds off me, proceeding to give chase after the running unicorn, who was heading towards the town. What, did she think the crowd of ponies will make me lose her, or that I won't harm in front of other pitiful ponies?

Her gravest mistake.

I yelled mockingly, "Run rabbit! Run!"

The mare thought she could flee from me throughout the town? That was another mistake on her part.

No matter which corner she swiftly turned, which street she ran through or alleyway she snuck in, I pursued my target without delay. And quite frankly, I was rather enjoying the chase; it gave me one last piece of entertainment in this damn town before leaving for good, never to look back. Then, as the unicorn paused to take a breath, I took my chance, lunging forward.

Seeing my shadow enveloping her body, the irritable Trixie quickly reacted, teleporting out of my place as my reared hoof than cracked the ground below. Eh typical; once a coward, always a coward. Sensing her behind me, I bared my teeth and growled towards her. Hesitating, Trixie looked unsure what to do next, prompting me to hurl another punch at her.

But this time, instead of dodging, a pink beam fired right into my underbelly, hurtling me back. Goddammit! I grunted in pain as my body skidded across the dirt ground, glaring hatefully at the breathing mare who then continued running.

Getting up, ignoring the inconsequential pain, I made to give chase-



My annoyed gaze settled on the stunned Spike, outside the front door of the library holding a broom. Then a malicious grin appeared on my muzzle, forcing the eye-wide dragon to gulp at the sight of me, before slowly retreating and running back indoors.

Good, now where were we?

Quickly, I continued giving chase. That mare cannot hide from me; I have her scent flawlessly. And afterwards, upon capturing the stubborn mule, I'll... I'll...

Destroy her...

...Yes... Yes, that'll demonstrate to the ponies what happens when they forget their place.

A dark chuckle exerted from my throat. It feels good to be back!

The Town Hall? That's where this foolish mare was leading me towards? To what purpose?

Irrelevant, I have her right where I wanted her: Defenseless and alone.

Standing defiantly in front of the large building, the blue unicorn waited for me, pink horn lighting up in preparation. And slowly, I approached, an anticipating grin on my muzzle for what Trixie planned on doing next. "You are out of options, little pony, there is nowhere for you to run."

Catching her breath, the blue mare suddenly smirked, "Who said Trixie was running?" Then she pointed to the side. "Look around you; these ponies can now see you for what you truly are, vile one!"

What the- Where did they come from? Maybe I was too focused on the blue mare to give these pointless background character any acknowledgement. Ah well, that makes things all the more better.

But Trixie wasn't done, speaking now confidently, "It's over! Surrender and reveal yourself!"

Just what was this mare blabbering on about?

Regardless, I chuckled humouredly, "Hmhmhmhm, 'over?' Hardly, my dear." I continued on my approach, the cowardly unicorn bracing herself, "For defying me, I shall introduce you to a world of pain only his- My kind would be capable of."

Her pink eyes narrowed- What the-?

"Seriously?" I inquired, unimpressed by the childish display, a rope magically binding my body, before I dismissively snapped the thing off me. "Is that the best you can-?"

Followed by a snowstorm interrupting my question, and then I was encased in ice, bringing up certain unpleasant memories of-

...Wait what?

Mentally shaking my head and, with as much strength as possible, my body broke free of the freezing position, ice shards falling all around me. Trixie's frown deepened, before she attempted another trick-

Oh come now, this was just getting silly.

Rearing back both my hoofs, I slammed them together, the shockwave blasting away the mountain of barrels surrounding me. But the persistent brat wasn't done just yet; as her horn lit up again, and I found the gravity of my own body to be increasingly heavily.

The same tactic Syphilis had pulled...

But this time... It won't stop me.

[Insert music Shrouding Dark Cloud from Kingdom Hearts.]

Trixie's ignorant eyes widened then as I trudged forward, slowly, towards her, the pink magic enveloping me merely stalling for time. And the mare evenly retreated, eyes closing tight in pointless concentration, beads of sweat appearing on her features.

"What... Do you hope to accomplish...?" I inquired mockingly, reserving most of my energy towards moving and annihilating this mare once and for all, "Do not deny... What a weakling you are..."

At that, her eyes snapped open again, teeth grinding angrily before the light on her horn brightened more. Have I touched a nerve? Too bad-


"Merely increasing the gravity... Won't save you from..." Almost within reach, a slow grin appeared on my muzzle at how clearly exhausted this childish unicorn was getting. It won't be long now. "The retribution you're about to face... Little pony."

And as always, my intuition was correct.

The magic dying down, leaving me to move freely without restraint again, Trixie all but collapsed in front of me, inhaling and exhaling loudly. Poor mare... Just this once, I shall grant mercy and make it a quick death.

With one final triumphant roar, my limb lifted upwards above the weakling, preparing to strike down my vengeance, "Darkness conquers all!"

Before a voice interjected.

"Not today."


Then, without warning, my mouth began coughing, red smoke covering my vision and enveloping the downed mare. The sound of hooves clopping, and then the damn stuff cleared, returning my sight to the spot where Trixie was.

Or I should say, where Trixie previously was.

"Are you well, my friend?" I heard a female voice inquire from the side, and I turned my head towards the blue mare's saviour.

The zebra...

Coughing slightly, Trixie nodded, "Yes, the Great and Powerful Trixie is well. Thank you zebra."

Smiling a little, Zecora responded, "Call me Zecora, Miss Trixie." Followed by her blue eyes narrowing towards my irritated and growling state, "Now, what ails our fellow pony?"

"Trixie wishes she knew." The cowardly unicorn replied, straightening herself and matching the voodoo zebra's expression, "But whatever is controlling Stardust, it's not going to release him anytime soon."

"We shall see, if that is meant to be."

A challenge, zebra?

"You've made a grave mistake, Zecora." I growled dangerously, tensing to lunge. "That mare must face the penalty of defying me."

"Nopony shall be harmed by you today." She took a step forward, blocking my view form the unicorn, "Identify yourself, lest for possessing Stardust you shall pay."

Possession? These people really are delusional to the last.

"You fools." I said loudly before rearing my head back, laughing at their idiocy, "Hahahahahaha! There is NOTHING wrong! I feel incredible! Which is more than the experience you will feel in a moment."

Before she could inquire or retort, I lunged forward. This zebra will face the same penalty Trixie had faced. Though immediately, Zecora side-stepped, the cloak she adorned not slowing her down in the slightest.

With an annoyed growl, I continued, throwing all the punches and kicks I could use to harm the equine. Yet she effortlessly dodged them all, as though my attacks were nothing, inciting my further annoyance, frustration and tinge of intrigue.

"You've been keeping secrets." I noted, taking a pause to regather my energy.

Dismissing the observation, Zecora inclined her head in a 'Bring-it' gesture, to which I happily obliged. Again, she dodged left right, twirling and side-stepping, ducking and even pushing my limbs away in rapid succession. Who would've thought this bull-[BEEP] witchcraft zebra could fight back without the use of her illusions?

It won't save her for long.

"Stardust, retain your senses, this is not you!" Zecora pleaded a minute afterward, while still eluding my attacks. "Do not become this fiend's fool!" Then she foolishly blocked one of my hits, blue eyes focused on my own. "Think of your friends, of those who you love. Against this possession, shall that affection rise above!"


Taking the chance, I swiftly kicked the clothed grunting zebra in the chest, sending her skidding back a few feet away. Quickly speeding towards her, I raised my hoof upwards to finish the job-

Oh what now?

Feeling something wrap around my limb, I glanced upwards at the glowing lasso, obviously belonging to Trixie. My retaliation was swift; grabbing the rope with my free hand and pulling forcibly, sending both the rest of the lasso and its user towards us. Ducking, I enjoyed watching the surprised yelling Trixie smashing straight first into the zebra, who had little time to react, before snapping off the lasso on me.

Now for the curtain call. Both mares were lying down on the dirt they belonged to, groaning in pain. Let's make this quick before they make a hassle again.

With a hungry grin, I moved towards my prey, ignoring the terrified and puzzled gazes of the crowd. Let them think as they please, in the end, their opinions are worthless. They always have been.

I was superior to them all!


Then, rather unexpectedly, two familiar mares stood before me, foolishly protecting the two downed and recovering equines from me. One cream Earth Pony and a lime unicorn, inciting my displeased scoff.

Really? They're going to try and stop me?

"Stardust..." Bon Bon began, voicing confusion and worry. "What's happened to you?"

What did it take for them to understand? This was my true nature. The nature of a human.

"Move out of the way, pony." I commanded, eyes mainly focused on the frowning zebra and blue unicorn. "They must be taught their place."

Shaking their heads, Lyra spoke next, "No! The Stardust we know would never harm anyone like this, and he definitely doesn't have glowing green eyes like you do!" Obviously the energetic pony was now colour-blind. Poor mare.

"...So be it." They tensed up, anxiously watching my forward movements-

"Stardust! Stop!"

Damn these meddlesome ponies...

Now, the Doctor Who ripoff and his grey companion were defying me, the former daring to place his hoofs on my shoulders desperately. Blue brought eyes pleading, "This isn't you! Cease this peculiar behaviour and let us help you. Whatever is wrong, we can-"

"Shut the [BEEP] up." Followed by me righteously backhanding the stunned stallion away, hurtling him, followed by the sound of a crashing cart.

"Whooves!" Derpy gasped in horror, flying forward to aid her mate. He'll be fine, which is more than I can say for these shocked ponies.

"This is the end for you all." I announced, body straightening and standing proudly. These insufferable ponies will pay dearly for considering and treating me as their equal.

"Trixie will not back down to the likes of you!"

A cold smirked emerged on my muzzle, "As you wish..."

Time to put them out of their misery-

"That's enough Jack!"

Oh come on!

"I told you not to call me that in public!" I retorted irritably, as Twilight and the rest of the Mane Six arrived, save for an absent Applejack. But what did that matter?

The purple unicorn, pink Earth Pony, yellow pegasus, white unicorn and blue pegasus all stood in front of the other group, joining them in their pointless quest of 'stopping' me. Fluttershy looked concerned, Pinkie Pie curious, Rarity uncertain, and Rainbow Dash determined.

As for Twilight... Well, she looked scared and resolved at once.

"Spike was right..." She muttered then, staring directly into my eyes before her own widened, "Who are you?!"

Grinning widely, I sneered, "You know who I am."

Twilight then frowned, "You're definitely not Jack, that's for certain. What have you done with him?!"

[Insert music Forze Del Male from Kingdom Hearts.]

At that, I chuckled harshly, "Oh my dear Twilight..." Was my casual voice, before it darkened, "When have you ever truly known me?"

Before I pounced.

And immediately, they all dodged, the large group separating from the assault. "You get in my way, you pay the price too!" I yelled towards the surprised studious unicorn.

Rarity, of course, tried next, while everyone else surrounded me cautiously, "Stardust, please just listen to us! This most certainly isn't you!"


Rainbow Dash then sped forward, pushing both herself and Rarity of the way of my leaping attack. "She's right Star!" The blue pegasus spoke next, pink eyes watching me warily, "Think of everything we've been through- Whoa!" Narrowly dodging my jumping assault, landing the white mare elsewhere feet away.

Bon Bon then had her go, prompting my heated glare onto her. "There's nothing to be gained from attacking your friends like this!" She said, before Lyra magically threw the surprised Earth Pony out of the way, again making another attack of mine futile.

Growling towards the lime unicorn, she looked rather sheepish and terrified, "C'mon Stardust! You know you wouldn't ever hurt your friends!"

You want to take that risk?

Yet before I could target Lyra next, Pinkie then shouted up, "Think of all the fun we had together! All those wonderful times; the parties, the food, the adventures! Wake up Stardust!"



With that, clasped hoofs repeatedly fired shockwaves left and right, my anger and irritation at these persistent insects quickening my movement and strength. As some were blown away by the shockwaves, I physically dealt with the rest. Grabbing both the horns of a protestant Lyra and Rarity, I effortlessly spun around and threw them over the area, smashing into with the walls or ground. That's if the Sonic ripoff hadn't caught them.

But she was next.

Without delay, I jumped high and grabbed the yelping pegasus by the rainbow tail, proceeding to spin around and around before aiming her directly onto the floor. As her body smashed into the dirt, groaning expressing her pain, I made to finish her off.

"You always were my least liked of the Mane Six, Rainbow Dash." I said in the air, before dropping down, an outstretched back hoof ready to kick into the mare's stomach. Or maybe her wing, and she'll never fly again-

I was then interrupted, my body sent hurtling back by the impacting leaping Zecora. Rolling onto the ground, my glare met the zebra's own, who was obviously defending the recovering pegasus. Oh no you don't. Then her eyes widened at the sudden shockwave, throwing right into the other equine's body, both zebra and pegasus crashing through the doors of the Town Hall.

Then, examining the states of the others, I smirked proudly. Good, these ponies were never a match for me. And this just proved as such. Casting my gaze to the palm of my hoofs, I nodded slowly.

Yes... Nothing could stop me now...


Oh, right, almost forgot about this one.

My gaze then turned on the cowering Fluttershy, who was backed up against a wall in terror. Should've said nothing love, and maybe I would've spared you. Swallowing a lump, the yellow mare continued, "Please... Stop..."

"...'Stop?'" I echoed curiously, before I chuckled humouredly, "Hmhmhm, why I have only just begun, my dear, as you're about to see."

The pegasus was literally shivering at my approach, eyes widening in panic and horror, "Please... This isn't you... You're not Stardust..."

"That's right." I affirmed, almost right in front of her. "I'm not. I never have been." Then, rearing back my hoof-


Suddenly I felt pain around my neck, another lasso wrapping this time around my throat, forcing me to stop and grab the thing choking me. Fluttershy took that opportunity and to fly off in escape, and I felt someone pull me back, desperately trying to hold me off.

Who would dare...?

Painfully looking behind me, I gazed at the blue unicorn keeping me at temporary bay. Trixie... So pathetic as to attempt murder. The unicorn was obviously struggling, devoting all her magic to hold me back.

"Trixie won't... Allow you... To harm anypony!" She announced tiredly and defiantly.

She will... Pay... Dearly...!

With a snarl, I gripped the lasso and pulled myself, successfully throwing the mare off-balance and sending her directly over me into the wall. The plastic cracked at the impact, the mare unceremoniously falling onto the dirt before me, while I snapped the damn thing off my neck.

Now, finally, it was time to cast judgement upon this unicorn.

Horrified pink eyes stared up at me, the blue mare knowing this was the end for her.

"Say goodnight, little pony." I only said, calmly, raising my hoof for the finishing blow. Nothing could stop me now-

Except... For that.

A pink flash, before a certain unicorn stood opposing me, protecting the fallen Trixie with determined violet eyes. Oh of course, who else would be the last line of defense for her own kind?

"Move." I simply demanded.

Yet the mare remained firm, shaking her head with her horn lighting up. Yet despite the hardened gaze, there was a softness there. Her voice leaked begging, and hope, "Jack... I know you're in there. And if you are, stop this madness while there's still time. Don't let it control you!"

At it again with this 'control' nonsense. How desperate can these ponies be to not comprehend the truth?

"Please... You're my friend..."

Trust you to rely on friendship as the be-all end-all to every problem and solution, Twilight...


Composing herself, the student of Celestia's features tensed. "If you want to harm Trixie, you'll have to go through me."

...My hoof reared back.

No... Wait...

Hoof clenched.

This isn't right... Why would I...?

Teeth bared, while Twilight stared straight on into my eyes, before closing her own in preparation.


And my hoof charged.


Barely a few centimeters form her face, my hoof halted, vibrating as the dark part of my mind fought for control. No... No! This wasn't right! I would never hurt Twilight, nor anyone close to me! This wasn't me! This wasn't... Wasn't...

...Oh God, what have I done...?


Forcibly moving away from the two mares, my gaze settled on the blue sky, hoofs gripping my temples as the other unwelcome presence pounded against my mind. The source of what was inciting me to attack the others in the first place!

No... No!


That laugh...!

...My eyes!

With as much strength as I could muster, I forced my gaze to look at the reflection of a nearby window. And instead of blended green and blue eyes greeting back at me, was a clear green with red irises.

Long have I wandered...


And, then speaking through my voice, King Sombra yelled triumphantly, "And now my ascension begins anew!"


Now in control, to which I presumed again, the tyrant stared with a maniacal grin at the frowning unicorns. "You fools thought you could save him from my power? How naive of you. Though I must thank you for not acting sooner, but then again, this outcome wouldn't have altered any differently..."

"What... Who are you?" Twilight inquired, both her and Trixie standing before the King.

Never mind that! Both of you, run!

"You thought the Crystal Heart destroyed me completely?" Twilight's eyes then widened immensely as the epiphany struck her. "A part of me survived, dwelling within this body until I could attain enough power once more!"

So that's how...

"Sombra...!" Twilight gasped outloud, making Trixie glance at her inquisitively before resuming her gaze onto me... Or him... Or us. "But... How?!"

The unfazed monarch casually spoke next, "You'd be surprised how much anger rests in this soul I took for my own, empowering me enough to influence his actions and words; the fury, the regret, the guilt, the self-loathing, the fear of his own being. Why he practically called for me to take control."

So this was all my fault...

"That means... You're responsible for everything!" Twilight pointed, glaring at the smirking King. "The headaches, the nightmares, the arguments, the incident at the Crystal Empire; you've been trying to destroy our friendship!"

"Implying I've failed." With the smirk morphing into a grin, Sombra slowly moved forwards, and I sensed his dark intentions through our shared mind.

No! I won't let him hurt anyone else!

The body paused, and I felt Sombra retaliate at my efforts for control, mentally wincing at the whiplash by this struggle.

I will... Fight back...!


Blinking rapidly, vaguely hoping it was enough to get my true eyes back, I noticed Twilight and Trixie looking startled just then. "Ja-Jack...?" Twilight spoke for the two, worry and hope in her shocked yet concerned voice.

"Tw...Twilight!" I responded, teeth grinding as Sombra continued lashing at my mind, yearning for control. "You have to... Get away... From me!"

"We can help!" Trixie said next, prompting Twilight to glance at her in surprise for a movement before nodding in agreement.

There was no time!

Clutching my head, I moved around, two souls battling for the control of one body. And I must win. I must! Otherwise God knows what will happen to me, my friends, and all of Equestria! It was my fault this whole affair started, and I must be the one to finish it.

You hear me, Sombra?!

Oh I hear you, boy. The deep sinister voice replied, sounding quite amused by my resistance. Go ahead, try to stop me. You only delay the inevitable.

So you think!

With a scream of protest, I began my movements. I had to leave. I have to get away to protect everyone!

And I knew just the place!

"Jack, wait!"

"JUST KEEP AWAY TWILIGHT!" I all but yelled, unable to look at anything right now, my eyes shut tightly as the inward battle continued. "Don't... Come after me..."

Please... Understand...

With my head threatening to burst, I continued running, leaving some stunned ponies in my wake. I had to get away, as far away as humanly possible...

All the while, Sombra's chuckle echoed through my pained mind.

Hmhm, but she won't understand, will she Jack? She and those persistent servants of Celestia will follow, vaguely hoping to save their friend from my control. Ah the innocence of youth, wouldn't you agree?

Must get... Away...

Hahahahaha! I, King Sombra, live once more! And I declare it... Good.

To be continued...

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