• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 142: Changelings Among Us

"Are you really sure you need me for this?"

"Without a doubt." My honest answer, without hesitation. Glancing to the young dragon sitting beside me, I smiled lightly. "You're more than needed to help me sort this mess out before it gets out of hand."

Both Spike and I were currently on route towards the shining Crystal Empire, the young lizard nodding, albeit uncertainly. Twilight was happily informing me how she had planned for us all to visit Cadence and Shining tomorrow to see how they and Twilight's lovable niece was doing. Such a reminder to that obvious episode immediately incited me to fetch Spike and hurry down to the station before both my girlfriend and Starlight could blink, for I came to the realization about something regarding Balance.

I [BEEP]ed up.

Super hard.

Like, really really [BEEP]ed things up. Spike's place as the 'Brave and Glorious?' Befriending Thorax? Singing a mediocre song about friendship in the throne room? None of that will happen now. All because of my decision to confront Sombra in the past and unintentionally steal all the credit.

Not all of it, Jack. The former tyrant pointed out. That brother to your mare has additionally claimed supposed victory over me.

Even worse. With both Shining and I seen as true heroes to the citizens of the Empire's eyes, Spike would play a lesser role than originally in the upcoming episode. I.E, nothing would go as it's suppose to, meaning more imbalance would spawn from it.

I couldn't have the entire event replay itself precisely, I know that. Unfortunately, I was forced to interfere this time in order to have things set in motion. Not with every exact detail, but enough for the real important parts to proceed as they should've.

Would that happen to include that tedious performance your little dragon friend makes in my throne room?

...We'll see.

Hmph. For that matter, what precisely is stopping you from following through with the episode at every detail? Exceptions being your Princess and her student due to their absence this time around, why not simply inform your friends about these events so they can continue carrying the story through?

Do you really think they'll do that? I love my friends and all, but sometimes their emotional states outweigh their logical minds. Scratch that, most of the time they let their feelings get the better of them.

Perhaps... Regardless, you could at least share with them how this rogue Changeling seeks love and affection through befriending the populace, as opposed to that silly little idea your 'brother' had.


My internal conversation was startling interrupted, looking back to the curious dragon next to me. "Yeah?"

Spike frowned softly. "Are you really sure this Changeling won't harm us?"

"Trust me Spike, I am."

"I do trust you bro." The dragon affirmed, leaning slightly. "But still, the idea sounds very... Frightening."

With a hoof on his shoulder, my smile strengthened to help give this young lizard the confidence he needs. "I have faith in your capabilities, Spike. Besides, I'll be right there with you."

Spike nodded slowly, beginning to share my expression before asking curiously. "So, what is it you want me to do exactly? I know befriending the Changeling's our top priority, but I don't understand how we're going to do that!"

"We'll worry about that when we get there." Was my simple response, leaning back against my seat with folded limbs, turning to the window. "First, we have to worry about being hindered by my 'adoring' fans... Should've brought a disguise really." I was in a hurry, in all fairness. The kingdom loomed over in the distance, inciting my brief respite of anxiety. The citizens will only further stall our time...

"Here." Hm? A prodding to my right prompted me to glance in surprise at the offered sunglasses, Spike grinning proudly. "Brought this baby last week. It might help you get past anyone without drawing attention to yourself."

Unfortunately, your human friend lives for attention, young dragon.

Ignoring that. I grinned in gratitude, accepting the black sunglasses and placing them on. "Cheers Spike." Looking back to the dragon. "So, how do I look?"

Spike tilted his head, replying in amusement, "Heh, you look like a jazz musician about to perform a magic trick."

"I'll take that as a compliment." In all seriousness, this gift of Spike's should work like a charm, since last time those crystal ponies couldn't see through Spike's own disguise without him taking it off.

Hey Sombra, as their former ruler you should've taught them to be more observant about these things.

The King replied with a tinge of crude humour,I was far more preoccupied using my servants as table stands to teach them ridiculous basic things.

Servants or slaves?

Pick one.

This is truly pathetic.

I know. When's the last time they cleaned up the streets?

My people have been reduced to sniveling cowards, afraid of a mere Changeling. Only my might is worth their instincts to hide and lock up their doors, not the rumoured presence of four-legged insect who only seeks to love.

"It's like a ghost town here..." Spike commented quietly, green eyes gazing around. "One Changeling has them this spooked...?"

"They probably never encountered a Changeling in their lives, Spike." I pointed out casually, the dragon and I proceeding onwards from the vacant town towards the castle itself. We're wasting no time. Picking something up from my friend, I inquired gently, "You alright?"

He nodded hastily. "Fine, just... Never met a friendly Changeling before myself." Spike grinned uncertainly. "But I guess it'll a learning experience for me, huh?"

"You me and everyone else." I reassured my little brother, smiling humouredly. "Don't worry, I'll introduce you both first after we find him. Right now let's meet up with Shining and Cadence." And the castle entrance was just ahead, the radiant Crystal Heart itself hovering innocently and guarded by two tall purple stallions in impractical glittering armour.

Only two guards. Sombra muttered in distaste. They make a mockery of my kingdom...

"Halt, who goes there?"

Let's get this scene over with. Removing my sunglasses, I spoke with casual authority. "Stardust Balance, the Crystal Champion, here to see the rulers of this kingdom. Accompanying me is my fellow warrior and brother, Spike the Brave and... Something."

Smooth. It's 'Brave and Glorious,' numskull.

How do you even remember that?

Spike stepped forward with gestures. "Yeah, Spike the Brave and... Powerful! What he said! Little brother to your Crystal Champion, who is right here! Recognize us now?"

The two guards shared cautious glances, the other speaking up with narrowed eyes. "Hmm, he doeslooklike our Crystal Champion..."

"But it could be... You know, in disguise!"

"You want evidence?" A grin full of snark. "I can happily provide every profanity in the dictionary if that helps."

"Trust me, he'll do that without hesitation." Spike added.

More uncertain looks. "It's rumoured the Champion has a unique callousness for rude words... Very well, prove it!"

"That won't be necessary." Ah! Three ponies and a foal in a floating carrier approached us, Shining speaking on behalf of them with a serious tone. "There's another means of checking they are who they say they are." And walking past his obedient guards, the unicorn Prince stopped right before me and asked with steel, "Our last conversation, what was it you said after I expressed gratitude to everything you've done for my family?"

A famous quote from Harry Potter? "Always."

Leaning back, Shining's frown morphed into warmness, glancing back to the others. "It's them." Sunburst sighed in relief, whereas Flurry gurgled innocently from her carrier.

Without even thinking, my limbs took me forward to the young child, my mood brightening at the welcoming sight. The tiny pink alicorn outstretched her limbs and let out ecstatic noises at the familiar pony greeting her, and my first instinct was to gently press my hoof atop hers, taking at least a moment to humour the cute child. Sunburst observed with a serene smile, and I felt tension in the air evaporate at the sight of an uncle entertaining his infant niece.

"She's always happy to see you." Cadence stated warmly, walking to the corner of my eye. "As are we all. You as well Spike. Honestly we weren't expecting eight of you until tomorrow. Twilight isn't with you?"

"Still in Ponyville." Spike supplied as I was moreso focused on playing with Flurry. "She doesn't really know anything about the Changeling problem."

"That might be for the best." Shining sighed wearily. "If we can deal with it beforehand, then Twilight wouldn't have to face an awful visit by tomorrow. Unfortunately, that Changeling's more elusive than we thought."

"Just a minute, how did you know there was a Changeling in the Crystal Empire to begin with?" Sunburst suddenly inquired to us. "The entire kingdom has locked themselves in their own homes."

"Stardust knew." Spike answered cheerfully. "No trouble gets past him."

"Another one of your knowing about events before they happened, I'm guessing?"

"Eh." I finally looked back while playfully stroking my niece's mane, answering Shining's speculation with a humoured grin. "I'm not suppose to be interfering here in all honesty, but my role as Crystal Champion has... Complicated things."

Shining nodded. "So you're here to help us look for the Changeling." Then glanced back to the young dragon. "Spike's also going to help?"

"In a different way than you're thinking of." I beamed down to the addressed lizard. "I have faith in Spike's abilities. By the end of the day, this problem will be solved because of him." Spike blinked, then grinned brightly at the encouragement, delivering a thumbs up.

"You can count on me!"

"Well, if you're here to help, we'd be glad for the assistance." The Princess of Love added in relief, "You always had a knack for finding Changelings, Stardust. It was last sighted right outside the kingdom, in the far northwest."

A guard whispered into Shining's ear, prompting the unicorn to state in slight humour. "The guards were wondering if they could accompany the Champion in finding this Changeling, as additional protection." Or just to watch their idol in action.

But at protection, I had to stop myself from bursting out into laughter. No offense, but the guards at Canterlot have displayed more competence and efficiency than... These guys. Sombra, you ever used these guards for anything?

Mostly to protect the kitchen, cells and my personal chambers. I rarely possessed any real use for them. You can see why.

"I'll be alright. I have a fellow warrior keeping me company." Turning around, I motioned for my bro to follow. "Come on Spike."

"Wait, Spike's going with you?" Shining blinked in genuine surprise, whereas the guards around us lowered their heads in disappointment. "Doesn't that seem a little dangerous for him?"

"Nah it'll be fine!" The young lizard glanced to me knowingly, grinning quite lively. "It's one Changeling. How bad can it be?" One Changeling who only wants to make friends. Was the unspoken full statement.

Cadence and Shining shared looks, before the former nodded slowly. "Alright, we trust you know what you're doing. But at the very least, be careful. Changelings should never be underestimated; remember what happened several times in Canterlot."

How could I possibly forget...?

Okay, but if you despise Olaf but enjoy Pascal, then what the [BEEP]?


From Tangled.

Pascal's awesome!

But he's basically fulfilling that role.

No but Pascal's actually funny. Like, sarcastic dry humour funny. I'll take cynical humour against over-the-top humour like that tumor-inducing snowman anyday.

Spike's voice drawled out. "So, what are we looking for around here?"

Gazing around the mass white landscape myself, I carefully kept my fedora fixed to my head in case of the wind. "A small rock basically, just sticking out of the ground."

"Oh... Like that one?"

"Hm? Yeah exactly- Oh." Well what were the chances? "Looks like it. Nice job Spike!" The dragon beamed, accompanying me towards the small black rock. My memory of the episode in question couldn't recall the exact detailing of the rock, so it might be this one. Only one way of finding out. "Next, I need you to climb on my back and hold on tight."

Spike blinked, but obliged as I lowered to the ground for him. "Okay... Then what?"

"We take a trip underground."

"So- Wait what?"


His startled question was then replaced with startled yelling as I punched into the ground around us, immediately greeted with a small hole sinking the snow within. Yep, looks like I was right! Spike gripped around my neck, myself focused with keeping my hat on and landing at the right point. For the bottom of the icy slide held a stalagmite and crevice. And I had no desire bumping into either.

"Hold on Spike!"

My hoofs leaped off before I reached the bottom, carrying over in the air and skidding my hooves into fresh soft snow to cushion the landing. A rather epic action, I'll admit. A somewhat-quivering Spike slowly jumped off my back once it was safe, turning to me in both anxiousness and satisfaction.

"Okay, that was scary... But awesome at the same time." The dragon proceeded to glance around the interior underground. "Whoa! So... Our Changeling friend is in here somewhere? Think he could be disguised as a rock?"

"Could be." It happened in the episode, to my sincere surprise. I always assumed Changelings took the form of ponies than inanimate objects. "We could either look around for our friend by inspecting every nook and cranny."


"Or he could come to us." Straightening, my voice raised to echo through the rather pleasant-looking cave. "You're a long way from home, Thorax!"

...No answer.

Give it time. That soft creature will make his appearance soon enough.

"Hey, check that out!" Sombra was right. Spike approached the seeming 'reflection' following his every move, waving to it and smiling. "I'm looking good huh?"

Smirking, I followed after him. "Don't tell me Rarity's been feeding your ego again."


I chuckled. "Just kidding Spike." Rubbing the dragon's forehead fondly, I glanced back to the 'mirror.' "But he's right, you've got his appearance spot-on, Thorax."

"Tho- Wait... You mean that's-?!"

The stunned question was cut off and responded through a flash of magic, the 'reflection' of Spike morphing back into the creature's true form... At least, until the season finale where they look like laughable Disney rejects. The Changeling's expression was barely that of malice or wariness, but hesitant and... Afraid.

He thought we were intending harm or something.

Keeping a firm grip on a retreating Spike's shoulder, I calmly greeted the black tall insect. "Hello Thorax."

Innocent azure eyes blinked rapidly. "How... How do you know my name?"

"I know lots of things. For example, I know you intend no harm." I gestured between him and they cautious young dragon. "Thorax, Spike. Spike, this is Thorax, Changeling among us. I'm Stardust Balance, a pleasure."

Eyes widened in pure shock. "Wait... The- The Stardust Balance?! You're him?!"

"You... You know him?" Spike inquired slowly, frowning in faint curiosity.

Thorax nodded. "You're infamous among Changeling kind. They call you the 'Scourge of all Changelings,' ever since you've foiled Queen Chrysalis' plans countless times." A heavy frown, looking as though he's prepared to flee. "How did you find me...?"

"I read the script in advance." Even when slightly afraid, Spike snorted loudly, prompting my smirk. Thorax barely looked amused, moreso confounded and ready to escape if needed.

"I'm... I'm not here to hurt anyone! I just want-"

"To love and be loved in return."

"I-" Azure orbs blinked again rapidly. "Y-Yes! How do you know these things...?"

"He's good at that." Spike, finally getting back some confidence, stepped forward slowly and offered a claw. "If he says you're good, then you're good. Nice to meet you Thorax, I'm Spike-!" Even my reflexes pulled Spike back from the sudden snarling emerging from the Changeling, who quickly covered up his mistake.

"Sorry sorry! It's just being so closely contacted by affection gets the better of me..." I felt a pang of sympathy at the shame plastered over the Changeling's face, smiling in understanding.

"And you're hoping making friends will sustain your hunger and keep you from feeling lonely any longer." Thorax hesitantly nodded, and even Spike frowned in empathy, gently approaching our poor friend again with a soft smile.

"Well, that's why we're here." This time, the Changeling blinked in earnest confusion, Spike happily clarifying. "We're here to help you make friends, and have ponykind accept you as one. Right bro?" That's right. I nodded encouragingly.

"Really?" Our smiles answered that for him, prompting Thorax's features to brighten considerably, hope swelling in his heart. "Even after everything my kind has done? I thought you hated Changelings, St-Stardust?"

"Your people have been a repeated nuisance." I confessed with an amused grin. "But I can't judge one for the actions of many. You will forced to invade the kingdom by orders of your Queen. As I understand it, your kind works as a kind of hive mind, so I don't blame you for everything we've been through."

"Plus, it's okay to be different from others!" Spike pitched in, recalling a conversation we had on the train ride. "You might be born different, but that doesn't matter! It's all about what you do now that defines you!" And gestured to himself. "Look at me, a dragon whose friends with lots of ponies! A Changeling can be too!"

...You know how repeatedly I express my pride for Spike?

To the point where every mention of it incites me to gorge my eyes out? Indeed.

Hm. Well, I don't think I've ever felt more proud of him than now. He didn't need some silly, rather forgettable song at the end of the episode to develop his character.

"You'd really do that for me...?"

"Sure!" Spike answered cheerfully, glancing back to me. "So what next? Do we take Thorax back with us and help him make friends?"

Luckily, I had it all planned out already. "Well, first we help him make a friend here and now." And smiled down to the young dragon. "You that is. I'll head back to the castle and speak on Thorax's behalf, whereas you get to know him as a person."

Spike blinked, hesitation and concern at the prospect of being alone with a Changeling immediately getting to him. "I... If you think that's best..."

Placing a hoof on his shoulder, I leaned down and added lightly, "A Twilight Warrior isn't just about fighting people, Spike, but helping others find their way." And looked back up to the watching Thorax. "I'm leaving him in your care. This is an opportunity for you to make your first friend. Don't disappoint me."

"I- I won't!" He nodded wildly. "I won't let you down; promise!"

Spike regarded him, then me... And back to Thorax with a small smile. "Well, if he trusts you, then so do I. You can count on me bro!" And walked towards the Changeling-

Another snarl then apology. "Oops, sorry! Sorry!"

Spike lowered his guard, grinning quite sheepishly. "No harm done." And straightened himself. "So, tell everything about yourself Thorax. Afterwards I'll tell you everything about being friends with ponies!"

Heh. Better leave them to it, heading back the way I came. The ice slide shouldn't be too hard to climb back up using Balance magic.

Without that tedious song sequence, it may prove challenging, for you at least, to persuade your prejudiced stallion friend.

Well... I've had enough arguments with his sister as experience. What worse could Shining do?

"That's completely insane!"

I leaned back against my seat, unfazed by the slam of a hoof against the table. "It might seem ridiculous, but-"

"It is ridiculous, plain and simple!" Dark blue eyes blazed in furious disbelief. "After everything they've done? All the harm they caused? Foalnapping my wife,andchild?! What reason should I have to let a Changeling walk around freely in my kingdom?!"

"You can't judge one creature for the sins of its kind Shining." I argued back calmly, frowning in slight annoyance at this unicorn's persistence.

The Prince shook his head, royal guards sharing uncertain looks around the room. Meanwhile, Sunburst looked between us in slight concern, as though worried one of us will start fighting with hoofs any given moment. Flurry slept in her carrier peacefully, oblivious to the heated exchange between father and uncle.

"Those Changelings have proven to be nothing but trouble." Shining continued hotly, leaning forward with narrowed eyes. "For all we know, it could be a spy, trying to lower our guard and report everything back to its Queen. Changelings are far from 'nice' or 'friendly' as you keep nonsensically arguing."

I snorted. "Alright Grand Wizard, calm down." Yeah, I went there. My limbs folded stubbornly. "Regardless of past misdeeds, this Changeling in particular is only looking to make friends and no longer be a problem to ponykind."

"Then it can stop being a problem to us by leaving. For good."

"Even your sister's not this prejudiced..."

"Not so prejudiced about what?" Our heads turned to the doorway. Huh... I was too distracted countering Shining's rants to sense my girlfriend being here. Both she, Starlight and Cadence entered the dining hall curiously, Shining abruptly rising to greet them.

"Twily!" Both he and his sister embraced warmly, the former then pulling back and pointing my way. "Tell your special somepony how utterly insane his plan is!"

I asked before Twilight could, "Thought you two were coming tomorrow?"

"We were." Starlight replied, sharing a warm smile to Sunburst before adding, "But Twilight was worried you and Spike might be in some kind of trouble after your hasty exit back home."

A rather apt statement by now.

"That's one way of describing it..." Sunburst mumbled in faint humour.

Oh kill me.

"Where is Spike anyway?" Twilight inquired while looking around the room. "And I heard Shining shouting when we headed up here. What is going on?"

"Spike." Shining grounded out. "Is definitely in trouble, since your absurd 'warrior' here left him to play buddy-buddy with a Changeling."


Twilight and Starlight collectively shouted, I rolled my eyes, whereas Cadence glanced between myself and her husband uncertainly. "I'm sorry, Spike's with the Changeling?"

"You left Spike alone with a Changeling?!" Twilight's fury was far more volcanic compared to her brother's equal outrage, purple eyes blazing in disbelief in my direction. The directed anger prompted me to slink back against my seat a bit, Twilight having that effect on me.

Despite how hot it is.

"I'm sure he had a good reason to do so..." Starlight suggested gently, attempting to appease her furious mentor. Cadence nodded, placing a comforting hoof against the purple alicorn's side.

"I agree. Stardust would never endanger Spike without good cause." And looked back to me expectantly. "May we hear it?"

Shining scoffed. "Oh yeah, just listen to Stardust's excuse here. You're gonna love it, trust me."


"Because he thinks this Changeling's a good one and just wants to make friends." The Prince rolled his eyes disbelievingly. "And left Spike so he could teach it about what it means to make friends."

"...You telling them or am I?" I asked sarcastically, annoyed by the scornful interruption. The others looked between us in confusion, whereas Twilight glared at the ground thoughtfully.

"You... Believe this Changeling intends no harm?" Cadence asked for clarification. At my nod, the pink alicorn hummed. "You must understand then, Stardust, that Shining's anger to this is understandable... Albeit a little exaggerate." Haha! The white unicorn withering back at the faint disapproval in her tone and eyes. "Changelings aren't relatively known for being friendly with others."

"It is a conundrum you share before us." Sunburst unhelpfully contributed. "Considering past actions and complete obedience to their malevolent Queen, the notion of a Changeling breaking away from its hive and seeking out companionship is unprecedented. Downright laughable, at best."

I really shouldn't be getting this [BEEP]ed off, but their behaviour towards this is reminding me too much of my own people's attitudes regarding these matters. My eye kept twitching faintly at the fact they refuse to see truth in favour of blissful ignorance.

"Who are we to judge?" I rose from my seat, leaning against the table with blatant irritation. "Who are any of us to judge one for the actions of others? For God's sake you ponies are suppose to be compassionate, empathetic beings! I'm not gonna stick around and listen to this sheer prejudice and unwillingness to give a different species a chance. Spike has more [BEEP]s than any of you!"

"Stardust, we're not saying it's implausible! At least, not completely." Sunburst's feeble attempt of appeasement didn't stop me from turning to leave. From the side, the sound of Flurry yawning prompted Cadence and Shining to focus on their beloved child, giving me time to leave before things escalated between us further.

"Jack!" Twilight hurried to catch up, halting me by blocking the path down. "We're just struggling to grasp the idea that there's a friendly Changeling out there. Please understand, they didn't mean anything by it."

I scoffed, my tone softening now that I'm addressing Twilight. "Twilight, I've endured enough prejudice and ignorance by my own people who can't accept differences in others. I refuse to put up with it here." And brushed past the mare, who refused to give up yet.

From behind, Starlight followed us. "Where are you even going?"

"Back to Spike and Thorax. See how they're getting along."


"You mean the Changeling." At my nod, Twilight blinked. "And you're absolutely sure this Thorax means no harm? Changelings are skilled in being deceptive, as proven time and time before."

"Balance magic love; I'd know if he was tricking us." And halted again, staring sternly towards my girlfriend. "Aren't you the Princess of Friendship? Is it not your responsibility to spread that concept among all who exist? Why should one Changeling be an exception to the rule?" I didn't intend to sound harsh, but my irritation over Shining and the others was getting the better of me.

Twilight winced. "You're right... I'm not being fair." And looked back to me in newfound resolve. "Alright, I'm coming with you. If you and Spike are willing to give this Changeling - Thorax - a chance, then I don't see why I shouldn't."

"Let me come too." Starlight added in determinedly. "I can help convince Thorax that second chances are always possible. Just how you two have given the same thing to me."

"Count us in as well." We all looked back down the hall, both Sunburst and Cadence themselves heading our way. At my look, the yellow stallion looked away sheepishly, but continued, "I've never seen a Changeling up close before, so it should be a learning experience for me. And if there's one of them out there that can learn about friendship, and provide it in turn... Well, it's not something I can just miss."

Cadence regarded Twilight and I intently. "I trust you both to know what you're doing. And as the Princess of Love, it is my duty to make certain that prejudice between others should never create a wall between love. This is also a opportunity to place the past behind us, indefinitely." A wry grin. "Unfortunately, my beloved is still a little hot-headed to see things that way just yet."

"I know how that can feel." Twilight replied cheekily, prompting my annoyed yet humoured glance. Suddenly things were starting to look up.

The slide was no longer necessary, to my slight disappointment, as Twilight and Cadence graciously lowered us to the ground within the cave upon showing them the entrance, the crevice leading into darkness behind us. My hoofs immediately shot out and stopped a worried Twilight and Starlight from hurrying over and ruining the moment, walking steadily towards the unsuspecting Thorax and Spike.

Whom were happily chatting amongst themselves, oblivious to our arrival because of how quietly the alicorns had descended us to the snowy ground. Thorax looked clearly excited and curious as Spike held a smug expression, no doubt explaining everything he knows about friendship, and probably himself.

I sighed lowly. Remind me to have a talk with Rainbow regarding child influences; Scootaloo was bad enough. Before I could say something, it was Cadence who casually walked by me and approached them with a curious yet warm tone, especially after hearing the dragon and Changeling laugh like two chums.

"It looks like you two are making great friends."

The reaction was spontaneous. Spike whirled around in shock, whereas Thorax quickly placed himself behind the young lizard as a sort of barrier. "I thought it was just you coming back!" Spike pointed disbelievingly in my direction.

I shrugged sheepishly. "You know how it is with ponies, Spike, their stubbornness gets the better of them."

You would know.

"Spike, I'm so glad you're okay." Twilight stepped forward next, sounding positively relieved with a small smile. "Jack said you were befriending a Changeling, which I can clearly see. How's the progress?"

Well, she changed her tune quick.

Mostly likely recalling your little statement about her title. To disapprove of this budding friendship between the dragon and Changeling would deem her a complete hypocrite, and she'd rather improve her image than demean it.

That's bull[BEEP] and you know it.

Spike blinked, nodding slowly and releasing a gratified smile over no one immediately making the worst assumptions. He gestured to the shy creature keeping his distance from the others. "Guys, this is Thorax. He just wants to make friends and be loved by everypony." The Changeling smiled faintly, blushing if he could.

"I still don't know about this." Starlight confessed, frowning skeptically. "I've heard about the Changelings back in my village, what they're capable of, all the harm they've caused under orders of their vile Queen. The very idea of a Changeling defying his Queen sounds... Ludicrous."

"I concur with Starlight." Sunburst added beside his childhood friend, nodding. "History states that Changeling kind operate under a hive mind, listening to their dreaded Queen and her alone. What possible evidence do we have that Thorax here is as sincere as he claims? His search for 'friendship' could simply be a ploy to lower our guard and strike when the chance arises."

Because I watched the episode, God dammit.

And you really believe a narrow-minded bookworm like Sunburst will take that as a reliable source?

I have three other people here who can back me up!

It appears that won't be necessary.

Whoa. Spike had suddenly adopted a new stance, taking even me by surprise. His look of uncertainty morphed to something else entirely; a sternness I typically recognized from Twilight or myself. The dragon strode forward, acting as an impenetrable wall with widened arms and legs despite the tiny structure, green reptilian eyes blazing in conviction. And his voice weighed with determination and firmness unlike him.

"Because who are we to judge one person for the actions of his people? Thorax may have been there in Canterlot, but he was reluctant to fight, and just wanted to find peace! Why shouldn't we give him a chance when you're friends with a dragon like me and Ember? Or griffons like Gilda and Zenith? Previous villains like Starlight and Sunset? Or, heck, even Stardust! He was an incredible jerk for a long time, but we still managed to become the best of friends with him! Thorax deserves just as much a chance as anyone else does! And I'll... I'll be damned before I let anyone forsake that chance! He's my friend, and I'm not leaving him to endure alone!" Spike breathed heavily, waiting for whatever happened next.

...I disregard my statement earlier; this was the proudest I've ever felt regarding my little reptilian brother here. I was grinning widely at the sheer rebellion he was displaying, and protecting his new friend with a fierce loyalty.

I must confess, I was hardly expecting such willpower.The King of Fear commented.He even stands up to you readily. Perhaps you've been a greater influence on the formerly cowardly lizard than you thought.

That was the best compliment you ever said, Sombra. Starlight and Sunburst looked stunned, Cadence was regarding the dragon with a thoughtful gaze. Twilight, meanwhile, slowly approached her Number One Assistant... And clasped him into a warm embrace, smiling in sheer happiness.

"Words alone can't express how proud I am of you, Spike." The Princess of Friendship began in endearment, looking between the pleased dragon and flabbergasted Changeling. "As the Princess of Friendship, it's my duty to set an example for everyone, and never exclude anyone from the magic of friendship. Spike's right; everyone deserves a chance, and I'm more than willing to extend Thorax's list of friends through myself."

Thorax looked just about ready to cry. I couldn't blame him, considering the distrust hanging in the air just earlier. He approached and accepted the mare's offered hoof of friendship and blabbered out his thanks, smiling rather tearfully.

"I too offer to extend that list." Cadence than joined them, grinning warmly. "I can sense the sincerity in your heart, Thorax. And if Spike believes in you, then I don't see why I should be skeptic. As the Princess of Love, I will do everything in my power to make certain you'll be welcomed and loved among the kingdom."

As Thorax continued expressing gratitude and happiness for the kindness my friends were providing for him, Starlight shared a rather amused glance with Sunburst. "Guess we shouldn't really judge until we get to know him." The pink unicorn, followed by a bemused yet intrigued Sunburst, joined the group next and offered their own shared friendships with a joyful Thorax.

When Spike glanced my way while everyone else conversed with the gratified Changeling, I winked with a pleased smile, which he returned gleefully. All's well that ends well.

All that remains is persuading the kingdom... And your foolish future step-brother.

Oh, with Twilight and Cadence around? I don't think that'll be a problem at all...

"May I join you?"

"Hm?" I looked behind to witness the radiant pink alicorn approach with a warm smile, accompanying me down the street. "Sure, I was just heading to the library anyway."

A raised brow as we proceeded to walk, paying little heed to the gawking and excited looks of Crystal Ponies seeing their beloved Princess and Crystal Champion. "Not joining in the celebration? You know Spike is being treated as a hero by the citizens."

I grinned faintly there. Yes, as it should be. Everything didn't go through as it should've, but all worked in the end. At the very least, the imbalance shouldn't be too damaging. "I'm letting Spike have his well-deserved moment without me getting in the way." And glanced back to Cadence in mild amusement. "Loved the speech you and Twilight made, by the way, when you addressed the whole kingdom."

"Thank you." The Princess replied sincerely, gazing around in open affection. "I'm just glad Thorax is being treated with respect and kindness now by the whole kingdom. It may take some use for everypony to grow comfortable around his presence, but I have no doubt he'll be loved throughout the Crystal Empire in a very short time."

"Appropriate, with how compassionate your species are."

"Your people don't display much compassion?"

I shrugged. "Depends who you ask." And sighed, smiling quite wistfully. "Honestly, I feel like a proud parent after today."

"Because of Spike?" Cadence questioned knowingly. "Twilight no doubt shares that sentiment. He stood up for a friend and was ready to defend him even from those who'd treat Thorax with scorn or distrust. His friends have obviously been a major positive influence."

I shook my head, meeting Cadence's curious stare. "No... His family."

The beaming expression brightened significantly, mighty satisfied with that resolved correction. "We've all come a long way." The alicorn commented in faint amusement, leaning to the side slightly. "And while we're on the subject, I hear you and Twilight have grown far more closer in your relationship."

I grinned crookedly. "Oh God, what has she been telling you?"

"Nothing much... Mostly how the two of you have confessed your undying love for one another for some time now, and not a day goes by where she doesn't smile just by thinking about you."

I paused, genuine widened eyes regarding the amused mare. "I... She said that?" Something like excitement and blissful bubbled in my chest, focused on the radiant bond between myself and the alicorn I loved.

"To that effect." Cadence replied teasingly, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "That's another reason I wanted to speak with you alone." Uh oh. Her grin turned more into excitement, leaning to my face in anticipation. "Twilight has informed me of many things, but there are several things I'd like to know from your own muzzle, Stardust. Though I couldn't be more happy for you and my step-sister, I ask you share with me everything you think, feel and act around and for our precious Princess."

Something akin to dread rose up next. "Why do I get the feeling this will be more an interrogation than anything?"

Cadence winked coyly. "Only looking out for my step-sister."

By God... Women.

I'm surprised you're still breathing after all that drilling.

Taking a deep breath, I exhaled long and hard, leaning back against the bench and rubbing my headache. Cadence wasted no time, practically providing question after question, demanding details, events, even the slightest feelings of love and affection I felt for Twilight simply for the littlest things she did. The kind of things I'd expect being asked by Shining, or Hell, their parents. But Cadence was needlessly persistent, questioning everything I say or do usually around Twilight, especially what my future plans are involving my love.

I... Couldn't provide an answer then. I haven't really considered much on the future regarding Twilight. I was moreso focused on finding and stopping Zagreus before worrying about anything else. Something I was doing for Twilight, and everyone else I loved.

Something we've slacking behind on as of late. The second we return I propose we continue seeking out our prey.

Right... After the others have gone to bed, I think. Let them rest after a joyful day of befriending a friendly Changeling. The whole kingdom celebrates now-

"Excuse me...?" Oh hello now? A little dark purple colt shyly observed me before the bench, holding up a quill and book. "Crystal Champion, could you sign my book please?"

With a raised humoured brow, I leaned forward, headache be damned. "Now then, what's this?"

The young unicorn looked back to his obvious father for encouragement, then to me again. "Dad said you'll sign this edition of Daring Do, it has you in it!"

Smiling pleasantly, I took the offered book and opened the front page. "Well then, we better prove him right. And I'm writing this to...?"

"Um... Bright Star, Mr. Champion."

Done and done. Finishing up, I took a moment to admire the cover showing myself and the adventurer friend of mine and handed it back to the excited colt. "Here you are. You picked a good book to read."

"Thank you." The little colt said shyly, before adding with pink cheeks. "Um... Mr. Champion?"

"Yes my dear boy?"

"Is... Is it true you teamed up with Daring Do, and fought some giant angry cats?"

Grinning, I answered with enthusiasm to the awed wide-eyed stare. "I did most of the work which Daring was flirting with her arch-nemesis!" Before another prodding to my back incited me to look over the bench and...

Oh... Well now, looks like I won't be taking a breather anytime soon.

So much for concentrating on important matters...

The next few minutes were spent leading a group of children down an open field, smiling like a dumb idiot to myself because of the sheer joy I was having. "That's it kids, orderly line. If we're lucky we'll reach our destination in time- Oh dear! Look!" My hoof pointed to the sky dramatically. "Is that King Sombra?! Quick, run! Run for your lives!" Screams of playfulness and laughter echoed as the children started scattering back, myself adopting a deeper tone and yelling menacingly, "I'm gonna show you all the real meaning of fear!"

That... Was a mediocre impression.

Eh. I shrugged, watching the smiling children run around gleefully, having the time of their lives. They weren't the only ones.

"That was a good impression."

What- Oh!

"It's you." I stated in surprise, once again not even sensing her coming. Standing beside me watching the playful children was the cloaked mare I encountered last time on my visit here, recognizing the dark pink limbs and icy blue mane and tail sticking out of the brown attire. "You have a penchant for somehow sneaking up on me."

"A skill I've developed over years of experience." The unicorn replied, this time with faint humour, nodding towards the playing foals. "I enjoy watching them play... It reminds me of better times..."

Regret, and sorrow. Her emotions weren't as tightly hidden as she'd obviously prefer. "Times couldn't be better." I pointed out quietly. "The kingdom's at peace... Or is there something else?"

The mare looked away, hooded features staring off into the clouds. "You wouldn't understand..." My brow furrowed, both in concern for this stranger and curiosity. Obviously she has dealt with pain in her life, and recalling our last conversation, it obviously has something to do with the former King.

Oh which stays irrelevant. Leave her Jack.

...Who is she, Sombra?

I said leave her. More force to his tone, but it sounded weary than the typical irritation. She's no one we... You should get involved with. Evidently a pony still recovering from my actions as ruler of my kingdom. Scarcely worth your time to investigate.

"...Sombra says hi."

You idiot!

The mare stiffened, prompting me to add. "Little known secret, but what if I told you the former King might be still-"

"- Around?" I nodded, and the pony slowly turned back to me, concealed eyes obviously narrowed, suspicion leaking from her heart. "He's okay...?" And a layer beneath skepticism laid... Wait...


Sombra, who IS this mare? Who is she to you?

"Please..." Now the suspicion made way for desperation, barely controlling herself. "If he's still around, I have to know... I have to see him again! Please!"

Now I was reluctant, slightly berating myself for getting her hopes up like that. "It's not that easy..." I grounded out eventually, but before I could explain or this unknown pony could inquire even further, a voice called out.

"Stardust!" God dammit, not now Starlight! But in my brief moment of looking to the voice's source, I looked back to find the mare had, once again, disappeared in plain sight, leaving me to grit my teeth in active frustration.

Sombra, I want answers the second we get back.

[BEEP] you. Was his sharp reply, taking no hesitation. I am under no obligation to appease your curiosity. My business is my own!

Says the one who invaded my own privacy countless times and knows almost everything about me!

Your dark secrets are child's play compared to my own! Now address this foolish student to your precious Princess, and leave me alone!

Flinching, I turned back to the unicorn, who was slightly startled by my irritated look. "What?"

Starlight swallowed. "Twilight's looking for you. Says Shining wants to apologize for doubting you before."

"...Alright." I sighed, walking back to the castle alongside the mare. Let's get that over with; I now had another goal to complete along with everything else.

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