• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 18,896 Views, 1,952 Comments

A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 114: We Flawed Specimens

Another peaceful day, spent within the confines of this huge castle. At present, I was spending time in my room having some fun with Spike on the PS4. The dragon was growing more and more use to the controls, as was I with my hooves than hands. Except with Spike having it much more easier than I... Explains still why he's beating me on Battlefront.

"Next time we're doing co-op..." A dry mutter escaped me once the round was over.


"Hm? Nothing."

Ah. Then my senses picked up on a familiar presence approaching the castle. Excusing myself, Spike was all too eager to play online, I made my way through the various halls and staircases to reach the front door, opening it open my friend knocking. The grey pegasus held out the package with my name on it cheerfully, and I all too happily accepted the gift.

"You're a saint Derpy." The mare grinned, accepting the bits and took off, leaving me to tear open the brown package carefully. And if Derpy sent the correct mail this time... A white box was revealed, and I opened the lid to find...

Exactly what I was hoping for.

"Someone's happy."

My cyan gaze switched to three mares walking over, Rarity smiling in radiance. "And he's not the only one, for we are to depart to the most glorious city in Equestria! Manehattan!" The white unicorn grinned in excitement, whereas Applejack rolled her eyes fondly.

...What perfect timing!

At my expression to the news, the Earth Pony smiled humouredly. "I'm guessin' ya already suspected that, huh sugarcube?"

"Eeyup." That said, my gaze focused on the purple alicorn, who looked happy for our friends but slightly downcast. And I knew why. Luckily, I just had the remedy! At my approach, my girlfriend regarded the two small pieces of gold paper in my hoof curiously. Clearing my throat, I added in good humour. "And I also know my girlfriend is exceedingly bored today. And what kind of boyfriend would I be to let her stay that way...?"

Twilight took the offered items curiously. "What's this?" Golden tickets to a chocolate factory. Well... Not entirely far off. The mare read the contents of the paper outloud, "'Tickets permitting entry to once-in-a-lifetime exhibition at the Museum of Magical Sciences in... Manehattan...!'" A cute reaction, mouth dropped agape, violet eyes switching back and forth between myself and the tickets I had preordered a couple of days back for this exact occasion. "Are these what I think they are?!"

I shrugged in ill-disguised smugness. "Well, ever since I came back to Equestria, we haven't really had a proper date together. So I thought, while our friends here deal with the friendship crisis in Manehattan, we spend an entire day out just the two of us, and visit all those libraries, museums, and whatever else you want to go to there- Oof!"

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you!" Twilight was downright squealing, embracing me tightly for a moment. Not an unwelcome response. The mare then stepped back, hopping up and down in ill-restrained glee. "Oh my gosh oh my gosh! I'll- I'll have to get ready then! Wait right here guys!" And with the tickets beside her, the mare immediately turned to rush up the foyer stairs... Before rushing back and delivering another tight hug. "You're the best Jack!"


"That was very sweet of you, Stardust," Rarity commented after Twilight returned up the foyer, sharing looks of fond amusement amongst ourselves, the unicorn smiling in adoring approval.

"Does this mean I'll have to watch the Sisterhooves Social alone?" Spike then called out, walking down the stairs in slight disappointment.

Laughing, I walked forward to pat my brother's head humouredly. "Haha! It's probably for the best. You might wanna stick around anyway, Spike, I'm sure you'll definitely enjoy the show."

The train ride there was... Mild, to say the least.

"Ooh! I simply cannot wait for this! I'm so excited Jack! We're gonna have so much fun exploring all the wonders Manehattan has to offer with all its museums, libraries, observatories, not to mention that exhibition tonight. I can't believe you ordered those tickets just for us. You're the best special somepony ever!"

Applejack and Rarity's amusement to Twilight's excited squealing behaviour aside, I was just as gleeful about today as well, to be honest. And seeing the alicorn's blatant enthusiasm to all the fun we're gonna have in Manehatten only boosted my spirits, lack of love for crowded places aside. I knew she'd love the idea of an entire day together in Manehattan doing what she wanted to do and where she wanted to go.

Today, aside from Coco Pommel's little problem the other two have to solve, this was Twilight's day. And I'm gonna make sure the mare stays happy the whole trip.

If I had a heart, I would be expressing something akin to joy at your Princess' sickening elation.

Ah yes. And to make certain today has us having a blast. Sombra, I request a favour of you.

And already you ask for too much. But continue.

My eyes glanced over to a talking Twilight, who was mapping out everything we were going to do upon arrival to the city. All I'm asking for today, Sombra, is no snarky or sarcastic comments until the end of the day. I just wanna have a fun time with my girlfriend without anyone ruining it, internal voice or no. Think you can do that?


...I'll take the silence as a yes.

After arriving at the train station, we went our separate ways from the two mares outside in the bustling streets. Applejack and Rarity had forgotten to ask me to give any hints to todays friendship problem, sucks of them. And Twilight and I began our custom tour around the large city... By that I mean Twilight practically dragged my [BEEP] everywhere around the place in an eager, childlike innocence wanting to see everything in relation to things she loved as soon as possible.

Not one library or anything else typically visited by the highly intelligent were spared. Twilight examined every store, every antique shop, and eventually grinned sheepishly when her stomach started growling after exiting another book place, prompting my relieved laughter. I was also getting hungry.

And we ignored the disgusted customers sending glances our way from outside the cafe.

"Deeeelicious!" Twilight proclaimed cheerfully after swallowing a mouthful of her burger, sauce dripping all over her muzzle. I couldn't help it, my mouth erupted in even further laughter, specks of cake falling back onto my plate. And from within my mind, Starswirl chucked in warm affection.

And then from a cafe, to a walk in the park.

"Ahhhh..." Twilight breathed in fresh air merrily, smiling brighter than the sun. "Still has that same one-of-a-kind scent from our last visit here." Whatever you say love, I couldn't really smell anything other than bird [BEEP].

"One-of-a-kind, just like you."

A light blush, followed by a playful shove in my laughing side. "You're one to talk."

And from a walk, to a ride in a canoe.

The mare shifted, releasing a noise of content as her head snuggled into my shoulder. "This was a wonderful idea, Jack."

I nodded. "I thought so too love. Though the price I paid to rent this canoe. Fifty bits. Ridiculous." And this time, Twilight laughed at my unamused glare to the stallion rowing the boat, pointedly ignoring us as we rode along the stream through the more quieter section of the city.

"I was referring to this whole day-date together than the canoe ride, which is lovely in itself." Ah. Twilight looked up at me, grinning beautifully to cause my heart to pause for a moment. "It was sweet of you to help alleviate my boredom this way, Jack... I'm so lucky to have you."

You know, I often forgot at times how innocent Twilight can be at times. True, she was very mature, smart and wise for her age, but there were times like these where all that is replaced by childlike wondrous eagerness in relation to something she loves. There was no aspect of her I didn't enjoy seeing, that brought a smile to my own face. And seeing her so happy, so elated at what we're doing today, also brought a sense of joy and wonder within my chest I wasn't sure how to define.

Could be love. But then again, it was still too early to say I loved Twilight... Although...

"I'm glad you're having fun Twilight..." I said quietly, brushing my muzzle atop her forehead affectionately. "'Cause today, all I want is to make you have a happy time."

Her smile grew more beautiful than I thought possible, once more leaning into my side. "You've already succeeded."

"Here we are; the Magical Sciences Museum!"

"You've said that three times already love." But even so, Twilight's awed wondrous state was justified. The interior of the building was a sight to behold. Better than outside, where we had only a moment to appreciate the exterior before an impatient eager Twilight dragged me inside the place. And lo and behold, everything you'd expect from a museum event and more. "Nice..." If I could whistle, now would've been appropriate for it.

Paintings, relics and objects of craftsmanship were placed respectfully all around the room for visitors to enjoy. Violet eyes sparkling, Twilight pulled me further within after we presented the ticket to a waiting employee. Her head whipped all over the place in ill-concealed glee. Paintings of art and pictures over places, ponies and items unrecognizable to me. But even with my ignorance, Twilight was having a good time, and so was I.

"Look!" And it begins! A purple hoof pointed at a display case which contained a unique object. "That's the Hexadrat Wonder! It was invented in Canterlot three-hundred years ago by Cancar Idrifit. And there!" This time a book on display as Twilight proceeded to cheerfully walk around and show me the rare pieces of items. Disapproving looks our way from the open happiness be damned. "The instructional book on how to cure all know diseases, written by one Lovania the Revolutionist. It's the only one of its kind," Twilight added knowingly.

...Hang on. "Wait, if that book has the answer to all illnesses, than why-?"

"Oh! Look Jack! The one-of-a-kind painting of Sena Leval, the famous artist and musician who helped with the foundations of Las Pegasus! And there's the singed cape once belonging to Moniu Orcasia, the only pony in known history to have befriended a full-adult dragon... Aside from you, of course, but still!"

...I just noticed these ancient ponies have names that have less to do with real life things and moreso like someone randomly made up fake word names as they went.

Times were different back then.

Oh... Wait, then why is your name 'Starswirl' if that's the case?

...My parents loved stars.


"And there's the section reserved for all known treasures and rare items of Starswirl the Bearded's!" Ha, hear that old timer? You have your own section! "Is he reacting to this right now Jack?" Full sparkling eyes practically demanding my answer. I almost stepped back from the sheer excited intensity.

My mentor chuckled in warm amusement. I am humbled they have dedicated a part of an esteemed museum in my honour. Though my reputation over the years has essentially been exaggerated, I admit, it gratifies me that-

"Yeah he loves it."

What happened following onwards was Twilight basically pulling my by the hoof all around the place, through rooms and corridors showing many different rare and unique items. And though I could barely comprehend half of Twilight's gleeful descriptions over everything we walked by or paused to have a closer look, the fact remains that my idea paid off as a whole; my girlfriend was having a great time.

And you know what? That's all that mattered.

"I wonder if they'll have any flyers with trivia questions on them. We really should've check by the entrance... Oh sweet Celestia...!"

"Sweet Jesus Christ..."

The last room yet to be explored by us greeted the two visitors with a sight to behold yet. Even Twilight was stunned by the massive glass-sphere suspended in midair through obvious strong wires. The massive ball contained a misty, seeable vapour in the shape of a crescent moon. Above the clear fragile sphere were ceiling windows, revealing the setting sun as bright clouds hovered overhead.

"That's... That's a Moon Carrier! The Moon Carrier!" Many heads turned in direction of the alicorn who practically sputtered in eye-wide wonder, a childlike grin overtaking her excited features. Twilight made no hesitation to approach closer towards the interesting object, and I followed. "I suspected, but... I didn't think they'd actually display it here of all places! This is wonderful!"

"Care to tell-"

"Absolutely marvelous!"

"-...What a 'Moon Carrier' entails?" I asked in bemused humour, eyeing the thing with open curiosity. "Because it looks to me like a giant-[BEEP] snow globe, but with a moon instead within."

Twilight was outwardly shivering in delight at witnessing the giant sphere in all its glory, leaning against the display belt eagerly. "It's-"

"Excuse me good sir."


A haughty voice interjected through Twilight's excited lecture, prompting us to look to a beige-coloured unicorn dressed like an aristocrat. Dark green eyes stared in my direction. "Am I correct in assuming that was your obnoxious beeping of origins just now?"

"Yeah...?" Balance gave me an open signal to picking up all emotions my way. And right now, I wasn't liking what feelings were pouring from this pony just now.

Those eyes narrowed skeptically. "As I understand it, you utilized an inappropriate word from a set of vocabulary which Princess Celestia herself banned many centuries ago, indeed?"

"What of it?" Who the hell was this guy to judge me for it?

The pony sniffed, nonplussed from the challenging expression sent back at him and glanced over to the alicorn. "Is he with you, Princess?"

Twilight nodded, frowning. "Yes he is. Is there a problem?"

The unicorn turned back to me, and this time another snotty voice spoke up, feminine and belonging to a female unicorn from a nearby group. "I say, what Princess would desire accompanying someone with such knowledge of vulgar language?" The full group consisting of four other magic-wielding equines nodded in agreement, disgruntled expressions at us.

Or more specifically, me. "She's-"

"And an Earth Pony no less!"

[BEEP]. "Now you see here-"

"Now now." The first unicorn to have approached us made a gesture for peace, before clearing his throat, motioning to the glass suspended sphere. "Young sir, do you know what this object is for?"

Twilight instantly spoke up, "It's a device for-"

"With all due respect, Princess, I was asking your... Friend here."

Interrupt Twilight once, shame on you. Interrupt her twice, think before doing it again. My distaste for arrogant arses like this stallion and his friends before me didn't help matters, and I didn't like the way he said 'friend' in that tone just then.

Nonetheless, I shrugged. "Before you rudely interrupted her, Twilight was just about to tell me what it does exactly."

"So you confess to ignorance?"

"I never said-"

The pony held a hoof, walking over towards the large object. "Then let me clear your ill-educated mind, young Earth Pony; this Moon Carrier was crafted by a genius of his time named Stardust Alignment." Brief traded glances between myself and Twilight. "A unicorn who deemed it unfit for Princess Celestia to bring both the sun and moon over Equestria in absence of her sister. This device was created through magic and science to raise the moon itself should the Princess have approved of it. Alas, she had not, but the idea was revolutionary for Stardust's time."

...Oh. "I see..."

"Clearly you do." The dry sarcasm leaking from the stallion's tone prompted my enraged wince. "Unlike you, friend, Stardust held more commitment in the pursuit for knowledge and assisting all who inhabit Equestria."

Alright, THAT does it! "Do you even know who I am you-?"

Do not succumb to aggravation, Jack. The taunting of ignorance are for the ignorant alone.

A purple hoof assisted in soothing my temper with the elder unicorn. "Calm down. I'm sure they weren't insulting you." Bull[BEEP] and you know it. Twilight stepped forward between myself and the group, a pleasant smile fixed upon her muzzle. "Excuse him, he's... Not really from around the more educated parts of Equestria."

...Why did that sting just now?

An unladylike snort emerged from the thin female unicorn. "An outsider. I should've guessed. Not even more common Earth Ponies would choose to be blissfully ignorant and yet still attend an exhibition for those with more advanced knowledge of magic and science."

I REALLY wish Sombra had his own body back right now...

Clearly sensing my growing outrage, either through the bond or body language, Twilight continued with a defensive chuckle. "Surely just because he doesn't know some things that doesn't necessarily make him unintelligent."

The stallion gave the Princess a very judging look. "Ah yes. Forgive me."

Well... That was easy. Twilight's words alone always had a good effect on others-

"I forgot how young you are, Princess. Do not despair, in time you will learn there are much better suitors out there than an ignorant brute."

The female unicorn added to the group's agreement. "An ignorant brute with a vulgar tongue at that."

Something akin to a growl escaped my throat. And for a brief moment, a trace of fear flashed in the judging eyes of the unicorns. But before I could deliver their just-desserts through my own abrasive tongue - I'll show them vulgar - two soft yet commanding hoofs pressed until my chest, guiding me with purpose back towards the doorway into the room.

"Come on," Twilight said quietly, refusing to turn back to the haughty group with a slightly peeved yet upset expression. "I think I spotted the cafeteria by the entrance."

The nerve of those brown-nosing, flea-ridden egotistical-!

Calmness, Jack. Don't throw yourself in imbalance.

With a frustrated sigh, I firmly sipped from my drink across from Twilight. The purple alicorn looked slightly down-put herself, sipping her own tea in quiet reservation, hastily checking through a flyer. And that brought a pang of regret and further anger coursing through my veins.

Another planned date, potentially ruined. Thanks to those aristocrat [BEEP]tards-

A Princess wouldn't appreciate their special somepony expressing outrage at such quality time.

Yeah? Well Twilight knows this special somebody well enough to think otherwise.

The alicorn, meanwhile, evidently had enough of the down atmosphere, inspecting the laid flyer on the table thoroughly, perking up lightheartedly. "Ooh, according to this, the objects displayed from the Starswirl the Bearded section were acquired to this exhibition all the way from Baltimare. Interesting, right?"

Unintelligent... Brute...

You know, sometimes I forget exactly how judging these ponies can be in comparison to humans. Hell, in minor cases they're even MORE narrow-minded. Everything is just so... Black and white to them, even their esteemed 'wise' rulers. It had taken a while for even Twilight here to accept that there was no such thing as absolute morality, a heated debate between us for the majority of seasons two and four.

"And it says here the Moon Carrier itself was delivered here all the way from the grand museum in Fillydelphia. Isn't that exciting?"

And her words from earlier... Not the snooty unicorn, but Twilight's. That statement about my lack of education about Equestria. I mean sure I knew about events and the people in this world, but that claim earlier gave me pause, and time to think. Despite everything I've learned here, it strikes me now that I never really... Educated myself about the world.

At least, enough to actually live around here normally.

I've lived with am dating the most intelligent resourceful pony in all Equestria, bar none, and all that time I never presumed to gain higher knowledge of my new home. Not once. It was always from seeking a way back to Earth, to now keeping my friends happy and safe.

And Twilight's hesitation when leaping to my defense... She knew I WAS ignorant, on many matters about her own world. Was she perhaps... Ashamed, a little even, to be with someone who knows so little about even the basics of living on her home planet?

"Your tea's getting cold..." Huh? Oh, right. A gentle nudge snapped me out of my temporary brooding and caused me to sip more of a drink I typically disliked, uncaring for the taste right about now. Twilight observed me quietly for a moment, before slowly looking back down to the flyer before her. "Anyway, I think there's still enough time to go see how Rarity and Applejack are doing afterwards-"


The Princess glanced back up curiously. "Hm, what is it?"

This was beginning to nag at my mind already. I had to know. "You're not... Embarrassed to be dating me in some aspects, right?"

A surprised expression, followed with a befuddled frown. "Of course not! Why would you think that...?"

I shrugged, plopping my elbows on the table and hesitating for a moment. Though it seemed Twilight's words were genuine, the positivism in her heart backing up those words, my unsettled mind wasn't laid to rest just yet. "I just... I'm wondering if there were times you're... I want... Need to know if you're not even slightly upset at the fact I lack any real knowledge to anything proper about your world."

"Our world," Twilight corrected with a gentle chiding, shaking her head adamantly. "You shouldn't let what those ponies said get to you, Jack. You know far more than what you're suspecting at present: Places, friends, magic." The alicorn listed determinedly, adding with a light smile. "No one learns everything right off the bat you know."

She's correct, Jack. Learning is an essential key to growth.

"You're smart in your own way. Even so, the reason why you're my special somepony isn't because of any knowledge you lack towards Equestria-"

"Then why?" I couldn't stop myself, leaning forward against the table sharply with an attentive mindset.

Twilight blinked, beginning to frown rather doubtfully. "You... Really don't know? After all this time we've known each other?"

"I know you like me for being, as you claimed, 'wise,' 'kind,' 'brave' and so on-"

"Because you are those things, and so much more."

Shaking my head, my cyan eyes pleaded with my insistent tone. "But I have to know, what is it about me, by the core, that makes you feel I am worthy of being with you? What dependent man is deserving of a Goddess? I have to know Twilight... I know everyone else thinks I've proven myself, but I've yet to to convince myself that..."

A quiet sigh escaped, gazing down at the flyer solemnly.

"My cons outweigh my pros; I'm competitive, tardy, reckless, impulsive, self-berating, childish, ill-tempered at times, and so forth. You probably know me out of everyone else in Equestria." Hell, she SHOULD, being my girlfriend and all. "So how can you put up with me? It's all because of me that this date's going sour. It's because of me the amount of time I've endangered myself and caused you worry too many times. It's because of me you would never has unlocked the Elements of Harmony and learned the true meaning of friendship... The list goes on." And on, more than I would prefer. I finally gazed upwards to meet Twilight's pensive stare. "So what makes the Princess of Friendship believe an ignorant autistic is deserving of her perfection, like those others think...?"

I expected the silence as an answer, Twilight regarding me with a thoughtful gaze and nothing more. No concern, but no disappointment either. And her own emotions were calm despite the edge of worry, in contrast to my own vortex of harrowing emotions in patience for her answer. I simply had to know: what, at heart, made me so special to her?

Suddenly, a tender hoof clasped over my own, a smiling Twilight rising from her seat and gently tugging me along. "Come with me."

My thoughts drifted from hesitation to confusion. "Back here? Twilight why-?"

The mare calmly raised a hoof. "Wait right here." And walked over towards beneath the glass sphere as I obediently stayed on the spot, pointedly ignoring the disapproving sneers at my return. What was Twilight doing this time. The alicorn jogged right in front of the large suspended glass, magically summoning a podium before her and making a gesture to grab everyone's attention. The occupants in the room eventually paused in curiosity as the light darkened somewhat, turning to the Princess.

What was Twilight up to...?

Clearing her throat, the mare addressed the room's occupants with a polite smile. "Fillies and gentlecolts, there's something I'd like to address to you all." One extended wing motioned to the glass sphere above. "It amazes and pleases me how many are knowing of the one-of-a-kind Moon Carrier, and came all this way to view the revolutionary device in all its entirety. It is a priceless artifact, a treasure valuable to those who appreciate science and magic; a symbolism to both sides because of its capabilities."

Several ponies applauded the Princess for that, and she humbly nodded before continuing with a more serious tone.

"I'm sure everypony in this room, in the museum, and in all of Manehattan, have their own valuable treasures, precious to them as the Carrier was precious to Stardust Alignment. As do I, to which many would speculate that treasure being the magic of friendship. Which, in many cases, is entirely accurate. However, there is also another treasure, so precious and meaningful to me like, along with my friends, is something I'd rather never consider living without."

For the first time since the trip here, Sombra spoke in disgusted comprehension.

She's not going to...

Oh, she's going to.

"And that, is my special somepony: Stardust Balance!"

Everything in my body seemed to mentally switch off at such an announcement, her tone filled with nothing but pride, warmth and genuine bliss towards the human who became such an impact in her life for the alicorn to think otherwise. Others were reactive through gasps once they saw which pony those violet sparkling eyes were regarding without shame.

One of them even let out an "Aw."

Twilight grinned, proceeding despite my shocked state, "Yes, at times, he can be quite insufferable; hard and downright mane-pulling to work with. His often act-first think-second mindset gets him into far more trouble than it's worth. He makes me worry endlessly about his own well-being when he's not informing me about his suicidal plans to save others, including my own, with no pure regard to his own health. Impulsive, reckless, uncaring for self-preservation, and will no doubt continue to challenge me regarding many things and ignore my own concerns when the need arises until the end of time. But you know what?"

I winced, those words leaving a harsher sting than obviously intended. What's that love...?

"That's exactly why I like him so much."

...Come again?

Her voice rose in vigour and conviction. "He continues to challenge me on topics, makes me see things from another perspective. And that's why I like him. He throws himself in harm's way for the sake of everyone around him, friend or foe. And that's why I like him. He's brash, and often disregards formality, unafraid to talk back to others regardless of their position of power. And that's why I like him. He'll no doubt drive me insane for the rest of my life. And that's why I'll like him. And that, fillies and gentlecolts, is the core reason behind my affections for this incredible, yet infuriating pony: Because he's flawed."



So... She likes me BECAUSE I have cons? Meaning that since I'm not perfect, that suits her just fine.

...A new degree of respect, appreciation and loving affection for this mare I was incredibly fortunate to be with rose through my being. A small, blissful and relieved grin emerged on my ecstatic muzzle. She liked me... Simply for who I am. How had I not noticed?!

Okay, well, I already knew that! But for her to acknowledge the wrong parts of me and to... To... Accept and adore them this way... She...

The light in her heart, the part of it gifted for you, shines with such radiance it is truly a beautiful sight. You have captured the Princess' heart long ago, Jack, and finally you are beginning to see what this truly means. Love, itself, is a far more complex emotion than many assume. You might love her, she might reciprocate that level of powerful feelings, or neither. But one thing is for certain: the Magic of Friendship and the Magic of Balance have always been intertwined. How far that will continue to grow, and deepen, lies in the hoofs of you both.

...You know what... Perhaps the reality of loving Twilight wasn't too far off after all.

"My friends are the treasure of my soul, but he is the treasure to my heart." Twilight concluded beautifully, and I legitimately felt something begin to fall down my right cheek. "And like the great creator behind the Moon Carrier, we should always treasure those closest to us." That said, the alicorn finally stepped down from the podium, hurrying over to me with such a loving, sincere gaze... Then pausing with a surprised look, smiling in amused fondness. "Someone's getting emotional."

Hm...? Oh right, the tear.

I brushed it off, smiling widely in full affection and adoration for this mare I was SO lucky to be with. "Words can't express how much that meant to me, Twilight... You really like me because of my flaws?"

Twilight shook her head lightly. "Like Balance, I adore you for both your pros AND cons." Then she winked, rather cheekily. "A pain in the plot you can be at times... Many times, that will never stop me from lo- Err... Liking every single aspect about you."

A tight embrace, this time initiated by yours truly, and I whispered into the mare's twitching ear in complete utter cheerfulness. "My dear Twilight... The feeling is all too mutual. You... You're the most incredible thing to ever happen to me... Thank you love."

The brilliant, irreplaceable alicorn leaned into the hug, voice with even tenderness, "You'll always mean everything to me, Jack..."

And from the corner of my eyes after closing them tightly in content, the sneering ponies from before had their expressions shifted. As always, Twilight's words left a positive effect, as they all smiled, regardless how reluctant.

"...Say Twilight?"


"Was it ever revealed how to use the Carrier?"

The alicorn pulled back, curious but thoughtful. "I think so. A dash of magic aimed at the center of the mist. Why do you ask?" At my slight mischievous look, those gorgeous eyes sparkled in understand, stepping out of the way. I widened my stance, Balance ready and willing to help me be a bit of a show-off.

A bit. Of course.

I think some indulgence this time isn't unwarranted.

What followed were awe-inspired gasps and agape jaws at the flash of gold magic firing into the sphere, igniting the reaction within. A bright white shone through the room, and Twilight grinned brightly whereas I smirked at the results; the full moon shining brilliantly above Manehattan. Sly cyan eyes regarded the stumped group of unicorns.

"I do believe ignorance can be compensated by being a total bad[BEEP]."

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