• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 192: Homeyearncoming

You know, learning more and more about this game, about how beating up wild encounters is no longer a function (save for events), capturing counts as grinding, and a system where you are literally forced to catch as much as possible in order to reach the required levels to get anywhere, rather than work through pain, sweat and tears the old fashioned way in grinding by classic RPG formula. This has led me to conclude... Yeah, these latest installments to the franchise insult the intelligence of even toddlers.

But the capturing system making you feel like a real Pokemon trainer was nice. It had that going for it. Exhibit A: Both my son and I rearing back hoof and claw in preparation in getting this damn Chansey.

"On three Spike. One."



Ha! Without breaking a sweat, the large tub of pink in the game was caught via Ultra Ball, prompting Spike and I to high-five/hoof. Couldn't ask for a better partner to get through this boring remake of Kanto. Well, the most fun out of this was Spike's often pleased and eager grin, which was enough of a motivator to get through this handholding excuse of a game.

Let's Go Pikachu, obviously. Twilight's more of the Eevee variety. No shocker that mare would have an Espeon of she could.

Fluttershy would have a Sylveon.

Rainbow a... Jolteon? Maybe.

Rarity, either Vaporeon or Glaceon.

Applejack? Probably Leafeon.

And Pinkie. Err... She'd probably keep it as an Eevee.

Sunset would totally have an Umbreon. Starlight the same as Twilight. Spike maybe a Flareon, and as for myself, well, Vaporeon all the way! Too bad you couldn't even evolve the Pokemon you start with and instead learn these billions of new typing moves for them named after the producer's three-year-old attack drawings.

Remind me why so many praise these new games? Ah well, for now I was content playing alongside Spike, our character avatars running around, capturing wild Pokemon and just chillin'. The way things should be.

"Spike, Jack?" Ah, I was wondering when the Princess would come investigate the commotion, calling out from behind the couch whose back faces the bedroom door. "I need some help re-organizing school profiles, please."

Well, so long as the mare said the magic word. Spike stretched innocently after we paused the game, offering a wide grin. "Well, we needed a break anywhere. My legs were starting to get stiff."

Prompting my joking smirk. "Oh, so you kicking the air up and down while we played was my own imagination?" The answer was a playful raspberry, followed by a light chuckle from close by.

"All right you two, settle down now." The beautiful lavender mare smiled brightly at our approach, evidently pleased to see fiance and son interact positively. Another thing I made her, Spike and others miss so dearly. "Don't leave me out of the banter, okay?"

"Bah, not my fault. Spike picks up this habit of starting playful banters from you, love." As I affectionately rubbed green scales, inciting Spike's sheepishly embarrassed grin, and Twilight's raised dubious brow.

"From me, Jack? I dare counter that you often look for arguments for the sake of beginning them. Not to mention, you do enjoy making an impression on Spike." Magically pulling the baby dragon over to her side, nuzzling his blushing cheek. Ah, was it 'Embarrass Spike Day' now? I was all for it.

"My dear Twilight, I think anyone else would tell you that my reasonings behind arguments are just and valid. Right Spike?"

"Spike, don't answer your father. Celestia knows that ego of his needs to be taken down a notch."

"Spike, ignore your mother. She has, after all, been raised in lies and comfortable surroundings."

"Okay! Okay!" The purple dragon hurriedly called out, after being pulled back and forth by magic or hoof, breathing quickly and holding out palms in prevention from being playfully moved around again. "Good grief, your flirting's somehow a thousand times worse when you're trying to use me for it!"

Oh really? Twilight and I shared the same coy expression, myself smirking cheekily. "Me thinketh the gagging dragon son be too embarrassed by his parent's affections, love."

Those brilliant violet orbs sparkled in their own mischief. "I would be inclined to concur, honey." So imagine Spike reaction when Twilight and I pulled each other into a loving, slow but passionate kiss right before his flustered eyes, gold and purple hoofs cupping one another's equine features gently and enjoying the intimate moment as our hearts flared in joy.

Mmm... Do those soft, enticing lips count as lunch...?

"Mom! Dad! Enough!" Whatever you say son. Next up, our violet and hazel gazes affectionately regarding one another, half-closed, followed by some teasing and blissful nuzzling, prompting Spike's playful gag of disgust. Oh please.

When we're done fooling around, I perked a brow as we turned to the flushed lizard. "Come now Spike. These are things even Rarity would appreciate. We're offering a loving demonstration."


Twilight's giggling was music to my ears, the mare covering her kissed muzzle briefly and managing to restrain herself, grinning lightly to us both. "Alright you two, let's get to organizing. Come on." Spike was all too happy to make a hasty retreat to our destination, while Twilight and I took the slower pace.

Side by side, our bodies close together as brown and purple-with-shades tails affectionately brushing one another. The way things should be. I've said it before, and I'll keep saying it for a really long time.

It's good to be home.

"And it's good to have you home." Came Twilight's reply through our link, followed by a heartwarming peck to my cheek.

By the time Twilight concluded with explaining Starlight's notable absence, we were just about done with helping the Princess out. And the best of what I had to say was alongside a hum. "I never would've guessed the map was such a cupid."

Spike glanced to me curiously. "What do you mean?"

"Two childhood friends, obviously meant for one another, dispatched back to their home town together, for memories of fondness and cherished time when life was simpler... Me thinks the map hath a romantic soft spot."

"I think you're reading a bit too much into it, Jack." Twilight commented in mild amused puzzlement, finishing up from her side of the room as she stacked some papers together. "The map obviously sent Starlight and Sunburst to Sire's Hollow because of their old connection there, and therefore would be the best collaboration in handling whatever friendship problem resides in their childhood home."

Oh Twilight. "I mean, if you wanna take the fun out of it, love, be my guest."

"Hm, never pegged you for a raving romantic. Rarity must have rubbed off on you with all those mane sessions." Twilight teased with a light smile, before inclining her head towards the nearby box on the white table. "Be a dear and help move those textbooks over there, would you?" Sure thing love.

"Wonder what friendship problem's brewing in their hometown." Spike pondered out-loud soon afterwards, tapping his scale chin for a moment before shrugging casually. "Eh, I'm sure they have it in the bag. They took some lessons from me, after all."

Rolled, affectionate sparkling eyes. "Again, Spike, the map has dispatched you on one friendship mission thus far."

"And that's experience enough, my dear mother." My dear- Our brows raised incredulously towards the smug dragon, followed by Twilight and I's looks to each other, our minds reaching the same foregone conclusion.

"He picks that up from you, Jack."

"Is it not a father's job to inspire his young, Twilight?"

The Princess loudly snorted, unable to hide her bemused grin following that brief telepathic conversation, with Spike wincing a little in the middle of it during. Curious. Twilight then continued while filing away what remains of the certification blank sheets for later graduations. "Still, it must be nice of Starlight and Sunburst to revisit their childhood homes. It's always nice to explore the surroundings you once grew up and see what's changed, all the while recollecting precious moments in your youth and appreciating everything that's happened up to now."

Oh trust me love, appreciating MY childhood would be considered unhealthy for me. Spike, by contrast, hummed merrily in agreement with eager nodding.

"Yeah. It's cool to see the places we use to live in and hang out by in Canterlot whenever we visit there. You know, when the world isn't in immediate danger." The young son quipped with a meek grin, prompting our own amused smiles. "That ice cream stand near the corner of that library you studied twenty-four seven in, Mom? I went there while Dad here was in his brief coma. Mmm, after so long they still got the best mint flavour!"

Yes, do talk about my coma as though it was a passing moment, inciting my humoured smirk. Ah Spike, what will I do without you? Twilight chuckled wryly, shaking her own head in affectionate knowing. "And all the headaches you kept on getting from eating your ice cream too quickly. I swear, you were a handful Spike, especially when I was a little filly."

"Mhm, but all for the better, right?"

"Well nothing's perfect. Ow." I casually stated the reaction to the light book smacking my shoulder from intruding in this conversation.

And Spike continued as though I hadn't said a word or Twilight magically berating me. "Heh, maybe we should go revisit all the hot spots we use to see when we were living in Canterlot, Mom. I'm suddenly feeling nostalgic."

"Maybe in the next few days, I could write a letter to my parents to anticipate our arrival then. No doubt they'd like to join in the memory lane too." Twilight beamed, seeming cheerful with the concept of revisiting her favourite spots of youth too. Well, she was still young, but you know what I meant.

As for myself... I wasn't feeling quite as enthused as either mare or dragon before me. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to witness both my love and our son happy, but for some reason... Something was holding me back from smiling warmly. Not even a twitch of the muzzle. Frankly all this talk of nostalgia was...

Getting to me? But why? Could it be I was suddenly craving to look back at my own childhood by physical means too? Was it possible that Twilight and Spike's conversation about recalling wonderful memories, as well as Starlight and Sunburst's return to their old home, was affecting my own old desires? Nah, couldn't be, I had way plenty a time eight to four seasons ago missing my old home every single second. Why in God's name would it starting rising up again now of all times?

Suddenly, I was struck with a new urge to retreat to my old bedroom, to inspect something that I knew played a part in these sudden, uncertain emotions. Spike was blissfully unaware by my abrupt mental dilemma.

"Do you think they still have that fizz cafe at the corner of the market street?"

"Let's not get your father here too excited, Spike." Twilight smiled in wry, light amusement, glancing over my way before her expression dropped significantly by the expression on my bearded features. "Jack?"

Well, better not ruin their appetite for nostalgia, myself forcing a tight beaming towards the two with a short nod. "I think it works best just you two go see your old childhood homes. Don't let the outsider ruin the fun." Before making my hasty getaway out the room, pretty much finished with the chores regardless.

Twilight mentioned neither unicorn appeared entirely thrilled to be visiting their childhood homes. Starlight and Sunburst should be grateful, at least they HAD the chance to just go see their old surroundings whenever they pleased. Not everyone had that luxury.

Least of all myself.

Failing to repress another weary sigh, my gaze lingered upwards on the portrait that had persistently stayed on the blue wall of my room for God knows how long. Years now? Two years? I didn't really count anymore, especially after leaving for eight months, my return home before almost three months now. This home at least. The home I had accessed to because the fate of balance wouldn't depend on it.

Rather than the home that I grew up in for almost nineteen years of my existence, long before my arrival in this colourful, magical world. The corners of my gold furry mouth scarcely moved upwards. How times change.

So why the sudden nostalgia? Why did their talks of childhood ignite such uncertainty and longing in my constricted chest? I had prepared myself a while back before and after my return to this world, growing steadily adjusted to the concept of having never being go back to my original home ever again, my final goodbyes to my blood family in the form of a - admittedly rushed and half-[BEEP]ed - small note left on my old desk. Could it be that I never, truly, fully grew accustomed to the possibility of making such a life-changing decision, that I haven't easily gotten over the consequences? Story of my life, all things considered.


Hazel eyes wandered, soaking in every recognizable detail regarding the cherished family I had grown up with, oh so long ago. My brother, appearing so moody and trying a vain tactic of looking mysterious and uncaring. He never really cared much for open affection. My first younger sister, smiling pleasantly for the typical 'family photoshoot' all siblings usually prepare themselves for. My second younger sister, an angel of sass with her own disarming grin that warmed my heart just regarding it alone, feeling the yearning slowly becoming an ache. My bald, broad father in the center of the frame, the one who absolutely adored any display of affection between himself and his offsprings. A direct contrast to my younger, but ridiculously taller brother.

Heh, even when Cerys was about nine to ten, she was still almost my own height. It's no shock I'd be the runt of the litter, in spite of being the eldest. Speaking of which, there be my son of a [BEEP] body regarding my own fingernails in humoured mildness, not sure what I was thinking back then. Even in photos I wanted to express uniqueness. The absent exception of the black-and-white portrait being Mum, as this was the post-break-up between the two parents. But still, they trudged on despite the hardships of heartbreak.

Tough as steel, my Mum and Dad... Absolutely terrifying when needed be. Almost as much as the fierce passion the alicorn, whom was slowly approaching to join me, displayed when the situation required that righteous anger. Without saying anything at first, the beautiful, comforting alicorn sat gently beside me, leaning her head on my pony shoulder as we both stared at the old portrait in our respective reactions.

My own that of fondness, nostalgia, and yearning, blue-green eyes unable to cease inspecting every single spot of detail, absorbing the good memories of just BEING with these amazing specimens of a family. Regardless how often we couldn't get along, fight over the most trivial matters, or whine about nothing in particular to one-up another, they were still flesh and blood, and I wouldn't have traded those moments with them for the world.

Deryn... Joe... Cerys... Mum... Dad...

It hurt...

"I'm sure they miss you too..." Twilight soothed tenderly from my side, a loving purple wing soothing my hunched back as the beautiful mane and features nuzzled into my neck, her own wondrous attempt of cheering me up. And I appreciated every moment of it.

Yet still, my gaze never lingered from the hung large photo. "Did you ever want to go home, your original home, and just... Stay there?"

"Everypony feels that at some point in their life, Jack." Twilight answered in equal lightness, sighing softly herself as her warm breath brushed my still fur. "It's harder than anyone would think, leaving behind the very place you spent much of your childhood and even teenage life in to start carving your own path, while a piece of you forever yearns to return in the safe comforts of where you once lived."

Nailed it every time, love. Even Twilight sounded regrettably fond and aching to go back home herself, but was stronger of will about it than I.

"I'm sorry for making you choose between us, and your family..." Choosing me over your family...

Finally, my gaze snapped from the portrait to the lavender mare hugging my side, being it my turn to comfort back with a soft peck in warm, gorgeous hair. "I'd make the same choice a million times over." Was my clear confession, never regretting ever deciding that. "You are my family now. My home gave me memories, but you gave me a future..." And that was the simple truth of it, Twilight hugging tighter in to my side as I embraced back all too affectionately, soaking in the emotions shared between us.

Still... I slowly glanced back to the smiles and one frown on the portrait. The ache wouldn't be leaving me. Not yet anyway. God knows, not for a good, long time. Guess that's what happens when nostalgia suddenly strikes you. But yet, why now, of all times? Did being human again a while back play a role in missing my old home...?

I never did truly apologize, did I?

You probably have a lot to apologize for, Starswirl. But please, do go on.

Hm... At least sounding partially amused, but not by much. The old wizard proceeded with explaining himself. For having you choose so unfairly, between that of two futures. To have you be forced a decision no one should truly have been entitled to make.

Wasn't really forced, Starswirl, more pressured than anything. As this internal conversation was going on, I was... Going nowhere in particular, just needing some air to clear my head after the cramped atmosphere indoors of aching to be home, now busying myself exploring the park in Ponyville and watching child equines enjoy themselves to the fullest.

Nonetheless, it was an ultimatum, one abruptly placed upon you, no better than first dragging you from your world to here all those years ago, and it's high time I took responsibility for such. I am sorry, Jack, for taking you away from a future that was yours to justifiably explore.

...A future of mediocrity, of dependence and bills and stress and a negative species. Or a future of hope, of love and care and consideration and possibilities. I think anyone would choose Equestria's bubbling, supportive atmosphere over the high expectations and demanding bee's hive workstation of humanity, Starswirl. The choice to leave there for here was mine alone, and I don't expect any sincere regrets from you for that.

Though you still had much to make up for, regarding WHY I was brought to this colourful universe to begin with.

Then I shall endeavor to learn from my mistakes and resolve our strained bond in wholesome. Sounding like the spiritual unicorn truly meant it.

Sighing lightly, I took a spot on the park bench and observed mildly of the peaceful surroundings. Children giggling, music to my ears, playing ball or having picnics with a chirpy family. Old grannies feeding birds seeds to many vibrate small feathered creatures. A pleasant day under a beautifully nice sky, everything before me the perfect representation of why Equestria would be a perfect world to settle down in.

How would have they reacted, I wonder, to the eldest son living among ponies and becoming engaged to one? Like any sensible human being, probably with disgust, rejection and objection, chalking up these choices to my own autistic nature. Cerys, most likely, would be more enthralled by the chance to meet and hang out with Rainbow. I still remember the former's reaction towards the signed autograph by the Wonderbolt upon my brief months back home. The old home, that is.

If there was one thing I didn't certainly feeling guilty over, from leaving home, was the more open spaces to make my own decisions, to guide my own life and declare where I stood. And I chose to stand by my friends' side - by Twilight's side - because that's where I belonged. Even if I never became a pony again after throwing myself into the core of magic itself, I would still have proposed to the beautiful, wondrous, intelligent and divine alicorn the moment we reunited. My body, heart and soul was hers, and hers alone.

But my friendship, love and care was to all these amazing friends who have stood by me regardless of how long I've been away, multiple times. Or how much bull[BEEP] I had put them through, sometimes without meaning to. There was no guilt, and there never will be, choosing to settle down with Twilight and be around these wonderful friends for the rest of my life as human or pony.

But that didn't mean I didn't long to see my old home. Or at least, speak to my old family one last time. So much left unsaid, and no more a chance to ever do so again, not with the walls between reality and fiction reinforced so tightly in spite of the Zagreus fiasco, or the incident with the anti me.

Hm, 'Zagreus fiasco.' I make it sound so historic... I smiled faintly then, content to watch as little foals, colts and fillies playfully ran around and laughed like beautiful symphonies. You know, marriage did often come with children. That incident with Chronos revealed our certain path would emerge with bundles of joy. True, Twilight would be normally shy, embarrassed and sheepish about such an adult topic. But I, as usual, was far more-minded; just imagine, us having kids of our own.

Yes yes, Spike was and always will be our first child and son. But I was talking biologically. What would our kids look like? They'd have Twilight's flawless beauty, without question, and hopefully more qualities in personality than I. Imagine our potential daughter, having Twilight's brains and wit, and my snark and disrespect. No boy would ever have a chance with her.


Oh hey, there was that weird scaly pony in the cloak, passing by me on the path through the park and giving me some kind of knowing glance. Ugh, no cameo OCs today, thank you, ignoring the look and resuming my stare to the wondrous children playing about, the future possibility warming my heart and pushing back the aching and growing despair. Tilting my head to lean on my hoof in fond observation. Children, the cure to all depression, next to puppies.

And if our future offsprings would be anything like me, they would want puppies in the future too. And hey, who could blame them?

No doubt Celestia would wish to play a role in your children's lives, Jack. Perhaps as teacher, or Godmother.

Starswirl's mild joke almost startled nearby ponies from my near state of ludicrous laughter, giggling to the ground and closing eyes tightly by the very proposal. Well, she's certainly welcome to try. I already had a Godmother in mind, and her name is Sunset! Twilight would likely have it be Starlight too.

"Stardust! STARDUST! There you are!" My casual walk of memories and thoughts grinded to a halt by Pinkie's sudden blur of a rush over towards me, immediately grasping my front hoofs and tugging urgently. "We gotta hurry!"

Her heart didn't really indicate too much distress, but I knew Pinkie well enough that she'd make any matter something to be addressed with when prompted. "What is it Pinkie?" I stubbornly remained rooted to the spot.

"Oh it's awful, just AWFUL Stardust!" You don't say! "Sugarcube Corner is being piled with so many customers, and we need extra hoofs on deck! You're an expert at baking right, we'll need all the help we can get!" Beaming cheerfully before practically dragging me along with unsurprising strength.

Work huh? Ah well, resigning myself to being pulled along at a ridiculously fast speed by the energetic party mare. Why not? Might keep me busy from my own saddened thoughts of home and childhoods.

"Your help has been very much appreciated, dear." Mrs. Cupcake stated merrily while I briefly played with their babbling, lovely kids. The small unicorn and pegasus crawling all over my sat body like I was a kind of giant play toy, as their mother continued from the side while wrapping up some leftover treats. "And, of course, it's always wonderful to have you around again."

Wonderful to be back here and help when I could too.

Lunch hour was over, and the customers all dealt with. I'd call that a great success, a sentiment the owners of this bakery store concurred with. All's well that ends well, now to finally wash off the remaining flour from my hoofs and tail.

Helping Pound Cake and Pumpkin Pie be greeted by their enthused father, I walked over to the sink, proceeding with cleaning up after a job well done. Smiling over to the cheerful Pinkie whom just entered the room. "Yay, we did an awesome job! Eight hoofs are better than six!" Heh, well spoken.

"Well, if there's nothing else now, I'll be taking my leave." Exchanging goodbyes to the happy family, and Pinkie, before making me departure out the front doors. It's funny, playing with those two foals reminded me of how often I entertained Cerys when she was about their age. Every second of which was precious and carved in my heart. I sighed, passing through the streets away from Sugarcube Corner, going back to sadly recollecting good times gone by. The blissful couple and their loving children back there, not to mention all the ones in the park just now... Damn.

More and more, I was missing my home-

"Howdy Stardust! Just the stallion I was lookin' for!" Oh, Applejack. The orange Earth Pony, pulling along a cart of filled jars, paused before me with a wide grin, seeming rather tight. "I was wonderin' if ya'd like to help me deliver these here apple squash jars to the respective houses."

Another good friend requesting my help. Don't tell me all the Mane Six will be asking for my assistance the entire day, because it was already starting to feel as such. Still, who was I to say no, after so long?

"Sure thing Applejack, where are they being delivered to?"

"Thank yer kindly." The farm mare replied back to the Mayor once finishing up deliveries, the cart all but empty now behind us, and more specifically me having volunteered to pull it along halfway through said deliveries. Took a lot of persuasion on my part, believe me. On our exit from Town Hall, Applejack grinned my way lightly in gratified satisfaction. "Great work today, Stardust! Couldn't have done it without ya!"

I honestly doubted that, but I answered with a friendly nod regardless. Felt good helping out good friends and other ponies today. Not to mention, my overwhelming curiosity by the clear fact Applejack was hiding something, this orange Equestrian harboring a feeling in her heart similar to Pinkie's earlier. Another grand scheme this time? I knew them all too well.

"Say, you got some free time now still, sugarcube? Granny Smith's makin' her favourite apple pie, there's enough room at the farm for a slice." Whatever they were planning, keeping me preoccupied certainly played a role.

But then again, these friends knew me well enough, enough to know my weakness for apple pie. "I would love to." Came my answer, unaware that the family gathering, with me as a visit, over eating a pie would bring back further memories ASAP.

So, 'coincidentally,' upon my leaving Sweet Apple Acres, I was then approached by, shock of all shocks, Fluttershy. To my bemused humour, the yellow pegasus requested my assistance too, involving an escort through Everfree Forest to go see Zecora about a special brew for animal comfort in case they got sore. On the positive note, aside from having a cheerful conversation with the typically shy mare to and back, no monsters were encountered, which was partially a shame for me since I at least wanted to get some exercise with my regained Balance powers.

Those training moments with Rainbow were beginning to become droll, my warrior's spirit demanded a real, threatening challenge.

"This is just what I need for Angel's sore paw." Fluttershy commented mildly as she steadily held the bottle on her back in-between sings. Clear sky eyes glancing to me with gratification. "Thank you again for escorting me there and back."

"No problem Fluttershy." I answered politely as we reached the cottage, the yellow mare, like the others, hiding some secret from me. What was so important as to keep me busy? What were they intending? I didn't ask, of course, because I was legit curious as to what they had in store for little ol' me when it's finally revealed by their preparations.

"Would you like to come in for some tea and soda?" A heartfelt gesture, but I smiled in flattered amusement, sensing something new amiss. Almost like the kind pegasus wanted me to say no. Which was honestly fine with me, since I didn't need more reminders from her little critters friends about family.

From over the pink mane and yellow equine shoulder, sunset was beginning to hit. "I have to get going anyway, my dear, it's almost curfew." Oh yeah, did I never mention? Twilight installed a curfew for me. Don't act too surprised.

It was Twilight, after all.


"Stardust, there you are darling!"

Ah, of course, turning myself slowly to the hurrying Rainbow and Rarity, both appearing urgent yet their hearts spoke otherwise. Was it a tag team between the most peculiar of team ups? "Something the matter ladies?"

"Oh it is simply tragic, darling. You see, the Wonderbolts desire a new improvement to their rather bold outfits. Something that speaks their language of resolve and dareness-"

"Something that SCREAMS awesome! And we can't decide what looks better. What's worse, we don't have a lot of time!"

"Yes, the deadline is rather sooner than we'd hope. Your own input would be most appreciated." And they couldn't also ask Fluttershy right behind me? Nah, this was all part of some elaborate ploy to keep me, once again, busy elsewhere while they are prepared for something.

Still, always nice to be asked for your own opinion. I smirked faintly, looking between the two 'panicking' mares, once flying and one standing, before nodding gently. "Sure thing, to the boutique then!"

A mere second later, there should be a competition between Rainbow and Pinkie over who could drag ponies across town the fastest when rushed.

No rest for the wicked. The moment I returned home after such a packed date, my bedroom door had a sticky note attached, requesting me to come by my favourite Star Hill, where, with each step, I could sense my friends, son and marefriend awaiting. Yep, all that to keep me busy before so it wouldn't look too suspicious by the notable absence of others.

And there they are all were, standing beneath a wide yellow and pink banner stating 'WELCOME HOME STARDUST/JACK' within. The many ponies and other creatures grinning strongly and greeting me with pure enthusiasm, Twilight and Spike being among the first to meet my bemused smile halfway down the hill.

"What kept you?" My wonderful son teased while playfully tugging to my left front limb, grinning himself with a party hat, as another was magically placed on my messy brown hair.

"Oh you know Spike, my friends oh so subtle keeping me busy while you are prepared for, shock of all shocks, a party." My knowing grin causing some to flush and smile sheepishly. Ah, what am I gonna do with them? Spike laughed happily, whereas Twilight smirked before her features softened to something far more affectionate.

"Family is never just about blood relations, it's also a choice." The Princess began, warmly cupping my bearded cheek with her tender, proud smile. "And we never stopped thinking of you as one among us." Motioning with one wing further up where the party was starting.

Pinkie blowing and making balloon animals for Pumpkin Pie and Pound Cake as the loving parents observed.

Trixie displaying magic tricks for a bemused Starlight and intrigued Sunburst.

Rarity lecturing the Crusaders about some clothing or another.

Fluttershy and Discord helping Flurry Heart be friends with Angel. Cute.

Shining and Cadence conversing merrily with Celestia and Luna.

Rainbow and Applejack having a playful hoof-wrestle as Derpy, Whooves and Zecora observed.

Lyra and Bon eating and laughing fondly away.

Octavia and Vinyl choosing the right music to play for the coming night as the evening shades blazed over the tip of the green hill.

Twilight proved her point, but kept speaking to hammer it home while looking to me with such sparkling love in those violet eyes it caused my heart to briefly pause. "You've done so much for us, as we have for you, Jack. It's true, no one can ever replace your first family, and it's perfectly acceptable to miss them for as long as you can. But that doesn't mean you are ever, ever alone."

"As we've explained for the billion of times." Spike jokingly said as they helped guide my bewildered state further upwards.

"Hmm, with how stubborn Jack is and the need to repeat the same point, I'd say more the trillions of times, Spike." Twilight answered back in mild amusement, staying close to my side as I was greeted then, tremendously, by a magnificent party cake with icing depicting myself... And those of the old and new families, together as one, smiling and perfectly 'drawn.'

My breath halted. Twilight... Everyone... You didn't possibly have to...

And yet, they did. As always, my feelings were a factor of importance alongside everyone elses'. Guess it was foolhardy to believe even for a second they would let me wallow in nostalgia alone, but then again I never even accounted any of this could happen in the first place.

For that, I will always be grateful to the family I made, throughout my journey beyond incomprehension here. I beamed cheerfully, expressing thanks by gleaming hazel eyes alone to all whom gathered for me to blow out the candles. Welp, why not indulge them after all? The small flames were extinguished in a mere second, prompting their cheers and applause.

But the most heartwarming thing at the moment, moreso than the smiles and cheerful vocals of these wonderful, amazing creatures, was the lavender alicorn snuggling with sheer affectionate care into my right side, inciting for me to return the favour, eyes closed in pure, utter content. What could ruin any of this now?

Well, this following moment wasn't ruined, per say, but rather exemplified by what family was all about. As Lyra then called out playfully, "You know what this calls for?"

Bon raised a humoured brow. "A family group hug."

"Nope." Suddenly, orange eyes mischievously stared my way, prompting Twilight to quickly move away as if knowing what's coming. Oh no. "A FAMILY PONY PILE!"

Ah da- Well I least I wasn't suffocating by the loving pile squeezing my body on the grass, and hearing Rarity's squeal of this happening to these clothes of mine had me laugh into whoever's fur was crushing my muzzle.

Family, am I right? Can't really pick 'em when the path leads you to them.

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