• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 144: Harvesting Diamonds

"Well Mr. Balance, the good news is your fading affliction remains simply that, a common cold. You'll be pleased to know there are no severe symptoms present in your body today."

I nodded with a feigned polite smile. "That is good news. Thank you Doctor."

The stallion in the white coat nodded in turn, gesturing for a nurse on standby to help me out of bed. "Strange though, there were some anomalies discovered after we took a blood test. Although they've appeared to be present for quite some time. Are you certain this is nothing to be worried over-?"

"I'm well aware of this Doc, thanks." Those 'anomalies' being moreso related to my mental disability, but I saw no reason to disclose such information right now. "They're... A part of me, shall we say. Am I free to leave?"

Frowning, the peach-coloured unicorn inclined his head to the door. "The nurse will escort you to reception, where we'll need you to sign some papers before you leave."

"That won't be necessary. I can find my own way down. Thank you for your help, Doctor." With a grin of farewell, I departed from the room into the streaming white hallway, nurses and doctors alike walking with purpose from room to room. And the door closing behind me incited my sigh of relief.

Finally, there that's train wreck over with. Now, onto real business.

My hooves turned the opposite direction to the reception area, having no reason to leave just yet. My eyes examined the pristine halls and marble floor in vague interest. Certainly a marvel, Manehatten's General Hospital. Ponyville's couldn't possibly compare. Still, my reason being here wasn't out of preference between the two; I was on a mission, and sneaking in via feigning illness was the best method to do so.

Starswirl. how close are we?

Not too far. The imbalance should directly ahead with a staircase waiting for us.

Alrighty. That's right, an imbalance had been detected right inside a hospital all the way in Manehatten. Nothing else could've prompted me to arrive here faster. I could have just used my magic to influence the staff into letting me inspect the facility, but I didn't need to accidentally distract them from their own work.

So, gotta find the imbalance, close it then go home. Easy enough. Any clues in helping us find Zagreus would be a welcoming bonus-

"Stardust Balance?"

Huh... Oh!

"Well as I live and breathe." I stated in pleasant surprise to the celebrity walking towards me, grinning lightly. Of all ponies, what were the chances? "Cola... Colo... Lady Rara!" Her real name's hard to pronounce, sue me.

The pop singing Earth Pony and childhood friend of Applejack giggled at the greeting, azure eyes shining in warmth. The white-grayish fur was covered in a modest more casual attire this time, though those streaks of blue clashing with black and dark grey with the mane remained present as ever. "Just Rara will do, Stardust."

"...Nah Lady Rara sounds way better."

A bemused grin. "If you say so." And proceeded to give me a light hug, apparently interaction with Applejack again has given her no more fear of personal space. Pulling back, the singing sensation continued merrily, "How's AJ?"

"She's fine." I shrugged with a light smile. "Same as always, hard at work and being brutally honest at everyone and everything."

An amused chuckle. "So nothing's changed much then."

"I'd be surprised if anything was." And motioned to herself. "What about you my dear? You're looking radiant as always; should I be worried you're inside a hospital?"

The popstar beamed in flattery, answering in reassurance, "One of my backup dancers has come down with the flu. I'm just here visiting." And Rara looked around the hallway, walking to the side so we wouldn't get in the way of brisk staff. "So I had to cancel my next gig, but I was contemplating over doing a small performance for the kids in this hospital."

My smile was warm and genuine upon hearing that noble goal. "That's very kind of you. I'll be sure to let Applejack know your new manager, if you have one yet, hasn't been a massive [BEEP] and exploited your fame... At least, I hope not."

"No need to worry; this new one's sincere. Trust me." She added after seeing my look. "I've learned from my mistakes of the past. He isn't another Svengallop."

"As if your name wasn't hard to pronounce..."

Rara giggled again at my ridicule mutter. "So what brings you all the way to Manehatten, Stardust, to a hospital no less?"

My muzzle opened to make an excuse... But something held me back. Something... Emanating from downstairs. And it wasn't imbalance. Oh no.

But the multiple presences of malicious intent blaring like dark signals. My expression immediately hardened, glaring down to the clean marble floor in befuddled suspicion. That scent... It was familiar yet not familiar at once... Imbalance doesn't seem to be the sole conundrum I must deal with here...

"Is something wrong?"

My hardened eyes gazed back up at a frowning Rara, about to make an excuse of departure before the hallway eclipsed in darkness. Thus following with cries of surprise and terror in multiple rooms around the floor.

I was going to assume that this hospital had a backup generator, judging by the less vibrant lights barely covering the hallway and other rooms. Two things greeted my sight first, one being that doctors and nurses were already panicking around us and struggling for control.

The other being that the singing pop sensation, Coloratura, was now clutching onto my cape with eyes darting around wildly. Then, sighing in relief as the auxiliary lights came back on, her gaze met my bemused stare as she realized what she was doing, stepping back in open embarrassment with a pink hue beginning spread on the mare's cheeks.

I chuckled, looking back down to the floor curiously. I had a sneaking suspicion what had suddenly cut the power to this place. Rara, however, was already starting to delve into mass hysteria. "What's going on? Is something wrong with the power around here? What about the patients needed equipment online? I need to check on-"

A startling sound from the speaker fixed to the corner of the hallway, directing various stares of attention. For starters, a male's voice spoke with evident nervousness despite the forced composure.

"Please remain calm and resume your work posts. We are dealing with some trouble downstairs- Ah!"

Well that didn't sound pleasant. From floors below us I sensed the much bigger waves of fear and dread, mixed in with the greed and raw hunger belonging to whoever entered the hospital with an obvious purpose other than to get a checkup. Rara looked frightened at the sound, and immediately my hoof placed itself on the side of her attire as a gesture of comfort, using my own magic to soothe the distressed mare's heart. Shivering slightly at the warmth, Rara gazed back at me in curiosity, and I smiled lightly.

Whatever was happening, I'll deal with this. No one's going to harm a hospital under my watch; that already makes whoever's responsible the most despicable scum on the planet.

The speaker activated again, and it wasn't the voice of the previous pony. Instead, the owner of said voice was... Scratchy, mustering up as much authority into the com as possible.

"Attention Manehatten Hospital, you're now under our control! You will give us what we want before sunset, or we shall see to it no one ever gets better here again! Hahahahahahahaha!"

Identifying the voice immediately and frowning in disgust, I muttered loudly, "A weak threat, but I expected no better from the likes of them."

The concerned Earth Pony whirled to face me. "You mean you know these invaders?"

"Oh yes." I smiled matter-of-factly. "They're Diamond Dogs. I recognize from the voice they typically use and express themselves. You ponies are typically naive, but filled with charm and grace... Diamond Dogs have never done anything charming in their lives."

"Bring us the owner of this place, or else we shall come up there by force! You have one hour to comply, ahahahahaha!"

It appears we may have found our link to the imbalance.

You think so? Well I'll worry about that connection in a moment. Instead I turned to the nearest member of staff. "You, fancy being a hero to everyone here?"

The young stallion, looking like that of a newbie, motioned to himself in shock. "M-Me?"

"Yes you." I nodded with a light smirk, ignoring Rara's suspicious stare. "Make sure everyone resumes work as normal helping the patients; mass panic will only make things worse. Also, have a message delivered to the manager of this hospital; keep his doors shut and do not comply to the mutt's demands. Got it?"

It was probably the force to my last statement that prompted the young pony to nod rapidly and speed off, leaving just myself and a curious Rara. Ah right, better make sure Applejack's childhood friend and Equestria's beloved pop sensation doesn't get caught in the upcoming crossfire either.

"Go to your helper, Rara, and stay with him." My tone left no room for argument, but the mare was obviously about to protest. "I'll handle the loose canines downstairs."

"We could wait for the authorities-"

"Rara, Iamthe authority."

It took four steps past her for the singer to call out, "Wait Stardust!" Oh boy. Those azure eyes blazed determinedly. "I'm not just going to let my friend take on these dangerous foes by himself. Not to mention, there are children in this hospital no doubt terrified of these invaders. I want to help."

"At risk of your own life?"

Rara nodded without hesitation. "A life in constant fear is a life not worth living. That's something AJ taught me in Ponyville." Straightening her posture, blue eyes gazed intently at hazel orbs. "So, what's our next move?"

...Applejack's close friend alright. Luckily for her, there was little time for debate. Huffing, I turned and continued down, the mare falling in place beside me, noticing my dark grin. "Well first, we greet our guests and free the obvious hostages they have down there."


"With something our canine friends excel at: Being easily distracted."

Well... I've seen better robberies.

Still, these overgrown mutts were doing a swell job keeping scared ponies in line at one side of reception, snarling and growling and petrifying the [BEEP] out of anyone who even looks at them funny with... Whips.

How distasteful.

The Big Bad Leader was evidently the round-shaped furry brute with tattoos on his forearms, wearing a spiky biker helmet and leather jacket in contrast to the black-sleeveless shirts and painted battle helmets of his gang. He was barking - Ha ha - at his underlines with a ferocious disposition.

"Keep everyone in line!" He ordered balefully, beady eyes narrowing at every equine he gazed across. "Until the pony in charge shows up, we're going to make sure everything goes according to plan!"

'Plan?' I wasn't aware these canines were capable of forward thinking. Not the typical mutts I've had encounters with near Ponyville, I imagine.

Reach out, Jack, and that would explain some theories.

Obliging, my eyes widened upon sensing through the signatures of the Dogs more thoroughly. Christ, yeah, patches of imbalance, like clinging mosquitoes, latched onto their darkening hearts. Zagreus was involved, no doubt. But why a hospital? And why Diamond Dogs, again?

Questions we must reserve for another time, Jack. For now, our intention is to keep the frightened citizens and staff safe.

Quite right too, teach. The snarling leader raised his voice upon one doctor tripping onto his hooves and meeting his stare with open fear. The mindless mutt reveled in it. "On your hoofs, pony! Unless you want to be the first to feel my wrath!"

Rara was just in position. From the corner of my eye, the Earth Pony singer was hiding behind the bush right next to the object required. Meanwhile, a nurse offered to help the staggering doctor up, the latter calling out weakly, "Please, we're- We're just working ponies here. We've done no wrong!"

"You dare speak to your better, vermin!" Yeesh. My jaw clenched as the leader raised his fist, extending my own hoof in turn.

"N-No! I didn't mean any offence-!"

"You shall feel my fury, pony scu- Huh?" Sadly, the lead Dog found himself unable to strike with his clenched fist, allowing the two workers to retreat to the side quickly. The leader glared towards his frozen limb in open confusion. "What is this?! Why can't I move my arm?!"

"Hello. You have me to thank for that." Multiple stares of surprise, incredulity and outrage raised upwards to the golden Earth Pony in a dark blue cape and fedora meeting their gazes with casualness. My blue-green eyes twinkled in mirth. "Pardon me good sir, but I couldn't just let you harm an innocent bystander, could I?"

The leader growled at the Earth Pony on the balcony overlooking reception. "What manner of magic is this?!"

I titled his head playfully. "Just Balance magic, my friend. You may not have heard of it; nowadays it's exclusive only to the likes of a Twilight Warrior."

"Twilight Warrior?!"

"Yes, Twilight Warrior!" The recognition was surprising, but it gave me more glee than concern. "Oh I love it when they pronounce that with such scorn." And I proceeded to imitate their snarls with open mockery, only fueling the leader's ire.

The Diamond Dog used his free hand to point with a bellow, "Seize the Twilight Warrior!"

Raising my not-busy hoof, I pointed out merrily, "Oh, I'm so glad I'm the main focus now; otherwise you would've noticed my lovely assistant about to shower you in foam." At that signal, Rara unleashed the contents of the fire extinguisher into the unready face of the leader, resulting in a white mist and yelps of surprise from the leader and his underlings alike.

Throwing the object down afterwards, the grey mare pointed to the doors and yelled out, "Now everypony! Get out while you can!" That did the trick, luckily. Multiple screams of panic and hurry emerged from both mutts and equines, the reception degrading into full-mounted chaos-

Whoopsie! Not today boys!

Balance warned me beforehand, prompting my body to leap over the outstretched hands attempting to grab me, forcing both ambush-attempting Dogs to collide into one another. Sparing them the embarrassment, a swift headbutt between them by my hoofs brought them to blissful sleep, and I landed on the railing keeping me from falling right off. But the mist was already beginning to clear, and the now-free leader of the invading canines rubbed his eyes before glaring with disdain at the oblivious Rara, whom was busy leading other ponies to safety.

Oh no you don't!

A yelp of pain followed with a large body flying in the air prompted the mare to whirl around in shock, meeting my cheerful gaze right beside her. Smiling in relief, Rara motioned to the doors. "Everyone's out! We should follow them!"

"Go." I ordered, turning back to the recovering dogs after that pony stampede. "I have some mutts to clear out."

I could take them all out, here and now.

You could.Starswirl affirmed.But there is more to this than you realize. We must locate the imbalance, otherwise these Diamond Dogs will be the last of our concerns.


Tensing, my body then pounced forward to the nearest doorway down another corridor, pushing through blocking canines through kicks and sweeps. To my small surprise, the corner of my eye picked up on a stunned Coloratura quickly following my whirling state, my body landing on all fours with grace, smiling at an openly shocked pop singing Earth Pony.

"Youarethe Twilight Warrior..." Rara mumbled in awe, regarding me with a new light. "I've heard rumours, but..."

"Another time my dear." I inclined my head, despite feeling somewhat pleased that news of me was traveling fast somehow. "Allons-y!"

Together, both Warrior and Celebrity fled down the corridors without delay. And the enraged roar of the mutt's leader bellowed with echoes, "Don't let them escape! They'll ruin everything!"

"Do you always find yourself in trouble?" Rara inquired over our hurried pace.

Always? "It's what I live for!" And soon enough, even she was matching my grin.

"Some, I've some kind of celebrity at your own gigs then?"

The mare chuckled. "At charity events more often than not. It seems everywhere I go, kids can't help but mention the 'brave, fearless Twilight Warrior who fought monsters like Changelings, tyrants and even Lord Tirek.'" Azure eyes glanced my way curiously. "Did you really battle Tirek himself...?"

I grinned sheepishly. "Ahh not one of my greatest decisions." Still though, kids were talking about me? I was some kind of hero to them? I was led with the impression only Button Mash viewed me as some sort of idol. But this?

I'd say it's idealism well received, my friend.Starswirl commented in warm mirth.Considering your deeds overall, it comes as no surprise how many revere you all across Equestria. News travels fast in these lands, mind you.

Yeah but... I honestly wasn't anticipatingthis...

"You looked surprised."

That observation made me chuckle hoarsely. "Sorry, just... I'm still adjusting to the fame I already have in other places, but to hear I'm this kind of legend among children is just... I don't know how to handle it."

Azure eyes glinted in sympathy. "You get use to it. Contrary to belief, being idolized by young ponies isn't a burden as much as it is a gift." Before turning to look forward. "This must be the Head Doctor's office." Hm? Ah yes. Looks like those directions provided by a staff member earlier was accurate. Rara proceeded to knock once on the door.

A stern voice answered. "Yes?"

The celebrity answered calmly, "Hello? We're here to speak with the Head Doctor regarding the... Situation downstairs."

A pause, but I could smell the anxiety from here. "I have no time to indulge you. Please defer to another member of staff for assistance."

Well it was worth a shot. Rara looked to me apologetically. "Now what?"

Rubbing my hoofs together, I replied simply, "Now it's my turn." And Rara blinked rapidly upon my pushing open the door without invitation.

Though that was pale in comparison to the sputtering shock of the Head Doctor. A dark red unicorn with the usual lab white coat with an expensive mane and cobalt eyes. "W-What? You can't just barge in here and-"

"Doctor Heal-Stein, I presume." I'll get started on the name later. Walking forward with purpose, both my front hoofs slammed on the cluttered desk without hesitation, keeping his startled focus on me. "Let's get past the introductions. I'm Stardust Balance, the Twilight Warrior; the Crystal Champion and Hero of Canterlot, here on behalf of Princess Twilight Sparkle to solve this threat plaguing your hospital. You're going to tell me everything you know and you will do so without hesitation, or I will hold you personally responsible for endangering the lives of innocent patients and your own staff."

I sensed Rara's stunned awe towards my pushing authority, whereas the Head Doctor seemed more reclusive now, leaning back against his comfy chair and attempting composure. "Do you at least have any credentials with you?"

"My hoofs are my credentials." Pushing myself off the table, I walked around the desk while getting to the point, "The Diamond Dogs. What are they doing here?"

"Your guess is as good as mine, Mr. Balance." The stallion shrugged, watching me with a wary gaze. "They had suddenly appeared out of nowhere. There was no warning."

"None at all?" Rara frowned.

I shook my head. "Diamond Dogs typically reside underground, having their own cave system and preferring to stay away from pony-populated towns. It makes no sense for them to suddenly appear inside a hospital in the middle of the bustling city. How did they get here?"

"Again, I am in the dark about this conundrum too." The lead medical sighed, pressing his muzzle into clasped hoofs. "We've checked the areas they aren't currently using for their own purposes; there are no signs of any break-ins, windows or otherwise. It's as if they simply... Appeared from thin air."


"What is it they want?" Rara inquired next, cocking her head in concerned wonder. "What could a hospital possibly hold that something like those Diamond Dogs would desire? Unless they're after check-ups, I don't see the appeal."

"For that matter, unless the walls here are covered in gems, there's seldom the likes of those canines crave would be here." I leaned back against the wall, folding my arms with thought. "Diamond Dogs are infamous for gathering and hoarding jewels, gems and anything of those varieties. Not something a hospital would normally have."

"...Regularly, you'd be correct." What now? The Head Doctor removed his round glasses and wiped them with a cloth, tilting his head. "But just last night, we received a shipment of Healing Crystals all the way from the Crystal Empire. These minerals are to be used for extensive emergencies such as burns, damaged bones and what-not. It could be that these Diamond Dogs have learnt about this and..."

Healing Crystals... Huh.

Rara looked to me in epiphany. "It's all starting to add up, Stardust! They're after these Healing Crystals!"

...So somehow, Zagreus knew about this delivery and magically placed some informed mutts into the hospital to steal them... Right, so I suppose we know why the Dogs were invading, aside from their hearts being influenced by imbalance. But what was Zagreus's end goal in all this... Why game was that monster playing at now...?

The medic sighed again, this time in more remorse. "Had I known it'd bring this much trouble to my hospital, risking the lives of everyone within..." Cobalt eyes reflected in clear guilt. "Words alone cannot express my regret."

"It's not your fault." Rara quickly assured the distraught Head Doctor, walking around the desk to comfort his state. "No one could have anticipated this happening. But no matter what, we're gonna put a stop to this before things get even worse. Right Stardust."

"Hannah Montana's correct." Pushing myself off the wall next, I dusted my hoofs readily with a sly grin. "They want the crystals... So how about... I wonder... Doctor, does this hospital have any sleeping gas that can be prepared in a minute?"

The red stallion blinked. "Well, yes, but they're usually reserved for surgery and-"

"And you know where the containments of those crystals are right now, don't you?"

"On the third floor indeed. Why do you-?"

"Quiet I'm thinking."

"Is he generally this ill-mannered?" I barely heard the stallion whisper.

Rara chuckled lowly. "I heard it's part of his charm."

...Yes. Yes that might work.

"Well my good doctor." My hoofs clasped together excitedly, smiling brightly as I was struck with inspiration. "I know how to deal with this little affliction going around the hospital in one single step."

"Are you sure this will work?"

I nodded, keeping my gaze fixed on the doors ready to be burst open any moment. From the observatory room around the glass on the ceiling, Rara, the Head Doctor and various other staff watched in dreaded anticipation, safe so long as I had anything to say about it.

The singer's voice echoed her concern."If you're sure... Just be careful, okay?"

I smirked. Glad she cared so much. Balance alerted me towards the looming presences of multiple canines, all having been summoned to this specific spot through the intercom around the hospital, appeasing to their requests and informing them the objects of their desires were in this very operation room, ready and waiting for them. And they were here all right, all neatly placed in boxes with only one Earth Pony guarding them.

The emergency lights from outside blared into the dim room, shadowed then with multiple shapes of thin and round entering through, taking both the left and right sides and preventing any means of escape. That's fine, I had no intention of fleeing from this confrontation at all. And arriving last into the room was the big brute himself; the ground trembling somewhat with the intimidating pace he was aiming for.

"Close the doors at least." I rolled my eyes with a lecturing tone, "You're letting all the air out." They sniffed disdainfully, their glares quickly morphing to that of glee at the obvious scent of their desired crystals.

"They're here..." The lead Dog murmured with clear excitement. Smirking, I opened one box, the revealed shiny objects radiant with multiple colours, obviously appealing their greedy eyes.

"Now I know what Twilight sees everytime I'm around chocolate..." I muttered in faint amusement, raising my tone next in sternness. "It's a new low, even for you Dogs, to invade a hospital for your own greed. The alicorns send a message boys: Grow. Up."

"We too send a message." The leader replied in open scorn. "Your kind is weak and frail. You have brought us to the crystals which will serve our species well, because you're afraid to fight back for anything. Even you,Twilight Warrior,recognize the strength we Diamond Dogs possess. Now hand over those crystals, or else!"

"Better idea." Was my retort, staying rooted to the spot despite the leering mutts steadily approaching with hunger in their eyes. "You reconsider your purpose here, and leave without a fuss. Otherwise I will be forced to put you down... In the least fatal way possible."

They barked in laughter, the overgrown largest among them snarling down in repulsion. "We are aware of your prowess, warrior, and we do not fear it. Your kind abandoned you; you are here all alone without friends or protection. It is you who should reconsider your stance here pony. There is nowhere for you to run."

"I don't intend to run."

More outrageous laughter. "All the more better! Feel our wrath!"

But before they could advance further, I raised a placating hoof and pulled off a particular object from my back. "At least let me prepare beforehand." And proceeded to put on the required item.

The leader glared in disgust. "And what isthat?"

"A gas mask."


Pulling it off, my voice was more clear. "A gas mask."

"And... You wear it because?"

"For the gas."

"For what...?"

Yeesh, Diamond Dogs. Rolling my eyes again, I removed the mask to answer much better. "For the gas."

The mutts traded incredulous glances, whereas the confounded leader inquired, "What gas?"

Raising a hoof to signal the observants, my muffled tone answered, "This gas." Before the room was encompassed next in a white mist, startling many Diamond Dogs into surprised yelps to eventual coughs, the panicking canines darting around in wild confusion and appalled shock before the gas started to kick into their systems. Bodies swerved and gagged, breathing for clear air.

And I? I was just standing here with a light smile as multiple bodies of the Dogs fell to the clean floorboards in peaceful rest, the leader the last to fall into unconsciousness whilst feebly reaching out to me... And then joining his brethren in the realm of sleep.

I waited a few minutes for the gas to clear before removing the mask, breathing in the light air with a satisfied expression. My stare gazed over the rising and falling chests of the grey and brown mutts scattered all over the floors, my work not over yet. Immediately heading to the leader first to spare any trouble later, my focus tapped into Balance, ready to purge the dark trace festering on this mutt's negative emotions.

My experience with the buffalo's made this much easier this time around; removing the imbalance from the leader's heart and following with the rest one by one. It felt like peeling off a parasite from an organ... Which is basically what it was in the mental sense. Rara and the others joined me by the time I was finished with the last controlled Dog.

"Done!" I straightened, dusting off my hoofs in satisfaction.

Rara followed my gaze to the lying mutt uncertainly. "What did you do?"

"Let's just call it surgery of the mental kind."

Rather an anticlimactic conclusion, but hey, should everything be resolved with a huge battle and Micheal Bay-style explosions? Not really what the show was about, wasn't it?

All in all, I'm just glad things were resolved before they escalated into something worse. As the staff dealt with fixing the power to the hospital and tending to the newly dazed canine patients, I used what information I gathered from the lead Dog's mind and located the small wormhole in, guess what, the basement. That was how they snuck in.

I had gotten rid of the imbalance immediately afterwards, returning back to Rara and everyone else and greeted by an awakened large Diamond Dog, whom cannot recall event preceding their arrival into Manehatten's General Hospital and was mighty confused with waking up to being treated by kind yet wary ponies. After explaining he and his kind were tricked into invading the hospital based on a false promise, the canine took us by surprise with his sincere apology to the Head Doctor and anyone they may have harmed during their unwelcome stay here.

Apparently the big brute's a big softie beneath the surface.

On the whole, I'd call this a mediocre experience compared to my earlier encounters against these mutts, myself seated by a table within the small cafe near the reception, observing the lead Dog converse with the Head Doctor, the two now speaking as though they were old chums. You know what else was mediocre though? The episode probably going on in the midst of this. Pinkie, Rainbow, Applejack and Fluttershy are playing the Equestrian equivalent to football. Christ that was a snorefest, though not as such as the next one.

Still though, I have a feeling that Hasbro didn't want unicorns to be left out since they have no real reason to be on the field. Really those goal buckets made more sense atop poles for the balls to hit, making the game more fun and challenging. With pegasus's and Earth Ponies it was more logical. But yeah, the episode likely going on right now and the one afterwards was sleep-inducing... Maybe I'll borrow that gas for the next episode before I go home.

"He kinda reminds me of you." Rara spoke up jokingly, staring with me towards the massive Dog oblivious to our looks.

That prompted my snort. "Harsh."

The singer chuckled lightly. "I mean that there's more to you than physical prowess. You saved a lot of ponies today Stardust."

"Don't sell yourself short." My teasing gaze turned to the grey mare. "Equestria's best pop singer also lent a hoof today when you distracted those Diamond Dogs."

Rara glowed at the praise, seeming ignorant to the awed passing gazes of her fans walking in and out of reception. "I just did what anypony would do." I'd hate to tell her what the average pony would've done in that situation. "I suppose hanging around AJ after so long made me develop more of a backbone than I thought."

"I can definitely see her influence in you." I smirked. "Perhaps there's more to the singer than behind her makeup and lovely mane style."

A light blush, Rara looking away slightly. "You like it?"

"I'm a fan of the blue streaks."

"Ah." Still growing pink somewhat, the sensational star motioned to my own attire. "As evident with your blue cape and... Fedora huh? Not the typical hat style going around these day."

"I'm not your typical pony." That said, I jumped from my seat, helping the pleased mare down herself with a polite smile. "So what now Lady Rara? Off to host another gig?"

A charming grin. "Actually, my backup dancer's still recovering, not to mention a lot of distressed young foals are in need of some cheering up." Ah. I caught the sly glint in those azure orbs. "And guess what? I've also been offered to sometime hold a concert for Diamond Dogs who want to hear me sing! Talk about expanding my career, huh?"

Ha! Nice! "I'm real happy for you. I wish the best."

"Thank you." Before a thought suddenly popped to her head, pausing her from turning to depart. "Actually, the kids waiting for me down the hall have heard that their other hero, 'the noble Twilight Warrior,' was currently in the same hospital. Maybe he could assist me in entertaining the no-doubt thrilled young ones together?"

Entertaining kids? How can I possibly say no? I'd call it my own gained reward for today! "It would be my pleasure, my dear Lady Rara. Please, lead the way." And just for playfulness's sake, my left limb raised in offer to escort the smiling mare, who graciously accepted the ponified arm and-



"My hero." Rara whispered with a tinge of ecstatic nervousness, pulling back after the surprising peck to my cheek. Mentally, I imagined an annoyed-looking Twilight and failed to suppress a grin.

Had to be careful now. Wouldn't to go into a 'bad romance.'

Some would call it 'toxic.'

Maybe I should call Twilight on the 'telephone.'

Wait... I believe my reference was that of Miss Spears. Hmm... Let's hope you have a good 'poker face' once we return home, Jack.

"What are you quietly laughing at?"

"Ah... Just some silly [BEEP]."

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