• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 124: The Beast That He's Been Keeping


"We're back from Canterlot!"

"Well, hopefully, that isn't the case and I was simply seeing things. The last thing we need is for her to return and enact revenge on our friends for stopping her forcing everyone to share the exact same cutie mark... Jack, what is it? You look a little pale."

Why not indulge them? It appears this time certain events cannot be prevented. Perhaps time was always meant to be toyed around, as that foolish unicorn will soon demonstrate.

"Guys help!"

"Twilight! SPIKE!"

"Great, not only are my plans ruined, my spell stolen from me alongside my chance for revenge. But now, I'm stuck here with unreliable magic and a pony who couldn't resist interfering where he doesn't belong! What are you anyway, Captain of Twilight's Royal Guard?"


"Seize them!"

"I recommend we find shelter, and wait until morning before continuing the search."

"I told you, I don't need your assistance!"

"Ugh! It always come down to them, doesn't it? Twilight and those girls certainly are the pinnacle of perfect friendships, aren't they? We can't all be like them, some of us have to take different paths to making friends!"

A storm is coming. I sense it. One stronger than the physical realm. Our greatest challenge may be upon us... You have your work cut out for you, Jack...

"So, this isn't your first encounter with that phenomenon back at the castle."


"Twilight's castle." Starlight clarified, taking an even pace beside as we trotted along down the street, pretending not to express mutual disgust at the animation of ponies walking by our line of sights. Hell, still getting use to seeing Starlight looking like a degradation of her former self. "You and Twilight have had dealings with this 'imbalance' before, judging from the implications."

I cocked my head. Very perceptive of her. "Mostly just me. My job is to take care of ridding them."

"And, evidently, you're doing that job spectacularly." Should've saw that coming. I rolled my eyes as the unicorn proceeded, pretending to ignore the curious stares of others. Fun fact, we learned right away this morning that this particular gen had no unicorns, only Earth Ponies and pegasi.

Still doesn't tell me which gen we were currently trapped in. If I had to hazard a guess, we would be in the gen following after the first, making it Gen II. But why imbalance keeps bringing to these various alternate worlds specifically?

By pure chance, or perhaps...

Intentional... Still worthless to try contacting Starswirl, Sombra?

The imbalance remains too strong, it reeks all over the walls separating between dimensions. Whatever presence left by the old mage is faint and fading away slowly.

I figured. No harm in trying again though...

To make matters worse, just with Starlight's magic, my own powers were growing more and more erratic the longer we stayed here. Looking back, it had finally struck me I had more difficulty against Tirek's guards than I should've. The idea of my own magic diminishing like this... It worried me. Worried me a lot.

I had to find Twilight and Spike, and fast.

As if reading my mind, Starlight asked disdainfully, "You really believe we'll find either of your friends here?"

"No harm in looking."

"Hm. We have an entire new world to seek them out, which is fine by you, but I'd rather not endure nor tolerate your presence the whole time. Not to mention." Starlight commented sourly, light magenta eyes glaring around in annoyance at the equines pausing to stare at her. "Being looked at as though they've never seen a unicorn before by all these strange ponies."

"They probably haven't."

The mare frowned. "What, a world where unicorns are non-existent? Even more incentive not to be here any longer than necessary, and that's already passed." In this case, I sympathized with Starlight. Gen IV was certainly a more tolerable world in comparison to its predecessors.

Plus, I didn't fancy looking like a cheap product of cuteness for little children. You're lucky, Sombra, you no longer have a body right now.

The fallen King snorted. Otherwise, I would've damned this world into eternal anarchy and darkness. These equines are a million times more sickening in comparison to your blissful friends. I couldn't help smiling a little at that. It's painful enough witnessing this [BEEP] from your eyes; the imprisonment at that Tirek's castle looks more preferable by comparison.

Maybe we should go back. That fight had yet to finish.

In a vain attempt of redeeming yourself for being unable to best Equestria's version of that abhorrence? That will have to wait, my frie- Jack.

What was that?

Nothing. You just imagined it.

Imagined what?

It is irrelevant.

Because I could've sworn you almost said...

Purely wishful delusions on your behalf. Now, I suggest we cease playing these games and proceed to obtaining the next passage out of this world, should we have no location to your friends around here-

I sensed it too.

"Wha- Hey!" Starlight called out irritably when I sped off, towards the source of the presence suddenly picking up on my faulty mental radar. "Where are you going?!"

"You don't have to follow!" I vaguely sensed the unicorn hurrying to match my speed, her clapping hoofsteps right behind me.

"And lose my only potential ticket back home? You have more knowledge about what brought us here than you let on; until we find a way out, you're not leaving my sight!"

Fine by me. Because right then, I was a billion times more concerned what that familiar dark presence hovering like a storm amongst light; grey clouds beginning to cover a nearby area of the neighborhood. Hurrying, I passed by many equines with agile and grace, extremely thankful for all the lessons taught by both Starswirl and Sombra so far. The crowd only worsened, doing my best to sidestep fleeing Gen II equines fleeing from my destination in eye-widened terror. No need to ask what the problem was, better to confront it directly and be done with it.

It may be another lead to finding my friends and getting out of here.

And JUST as I thought that, another recognizable presence, suffocated by the darkness enough to cloud it from my radar until I got closer. And before me, arriving within a small park after passing the same bus station Starlight and I slept inside, the two people I recognized hardly incited me to halt in shock, terror and relief.

Instead, it motivated me to quicken my pace, aided by the palpable fear and call for help sensed through our bond. The imposing chimera stood little chance by a yellow blur slamming straight into its abominable side, forcing it roll across the ground ungracefully. The instinct to protect my friends - not to mention, my brother - had me impact the three-headed monster to the other side of the clear park, causing dirt and stone to fly all over from the rough trail it created.

And to my right, standing with widened arms and straightened posture, taking a defensive posture to protect the cowering group of mares behind him, a petrified Spike slowly opened his eyes after noticing the chimera had yet to gobble him up. And small, reptile eyes lit up in in ecstatic surprise.

Although Jesus, this backwards animation has done him no wonders.

"Stardust! Is that you?!"

I couldn't resist grinning, my heart erupting in joy and relief at seeing this dragon safe and unharmed. Almost getting eaten by a triple-headed chimera and looking like a shadow of his former self aside. "Protecting your friends from danger Spike? A true Twilight Warrior in the making." The ponies behind him regarded us with open curiosity, where as Spike and I proceeded to embrace each other merrily.

At least, I think they're all mares...

Present danger at hand?

Alright alright. One sec.

With a hoof on his shoulder, I asked my little brother, "Would you mind escorting these ponies to safety while we deal with our old friend over there?"

Spike nodded all too happily, before expressing puzzlement. "'We?'" Another voice answered for me in bemusement.

"Is that a chimera?" The young dragon turned to the source, and gasped in loud exaggeration.

"What is she doing here?!"

"You know me Spike; always making the strangest allies. Now go." Although initially reluctant now, Spike proceeded to guide the concerned group of mares away from here ASAP, while my senses picked up on the spike of anger and rage emerging from the rising beast consisting of a sabertooth tiger, snake and goat all merged horrendously. Joining Starlight to watch it prepare itself, I inquired, "Think you can take on this beast, diminished magic aside?"

The unicorn raised a brow, smirking. "Is that a challenge?"

"I just don't want you being a liability." But even then, my tone expressed more playfulness than seriousness. I wasn't all too worried; I bested this creature two times before. I can do so again.

With the assistance of outside sources.


"The same to you." Starlight and I met the three baleful glares evenly. "My magic and your... Whatever it is you use, we can take it." As though that sounded the bell, the ground vibrated from the charging beast.

No, seriously, a bell went off from somewhere.

Quickly, the mare and I dodge to different sides, the chimera passing right by and skidding across the poor grass, its bulky stature slowly turning around to try again. Not this time. The chimera roared, raising one tiger paw to shield its eyes from the onslaught of magic attacking its feline face. The other heads were undettered, though, and prompted the beast to pounce again, attempting to swipe at the skillful unicorn.

Oh no you don't!

Starlight had enough reflexes to jump back, but my leapt kick managed to strike the goat face successfully. That moment of triumph was short-lived, of course, by the the snake head-tail wrapping around my outstretched hind leg and bringing me along from the ride. Wonderful. Several grunts escaped at the rough grip and landings on the unforgiving ground. Kicking the snake freely off me with the other leg, I spun upwards to stand, the chimera quickly recovering itself, six eyes of pure blackness glaring hatefully and, with collective snarls, pounced once again to attack me.

And then being encased in pink magic stone, courtesy of Starlight. The same move she pulled against Twilight numerous times in the finale, and Twilight had retaliated in kind. However, this time, the spell wasn't as strong as then, shards of the magical stone forcing me to raise my hoofs to shield from the stuff, and my hind legs burrowing into the ground as my body was dragged back by two painful shoves from the relentless creature.

This fight won't last long in our favour. Our respective magic is too [BEEP]ed up to ensure victory. Starlight must already know this. We needed a plan, and fast.

The most evident solution.



Would that work? With Balance being slowly stripped apart at the moment-?

Two paws and three heads charged hungrily towards me, only to be welcomed with a slam into a large blue shield, this time encasing me in magic for protection. Had no need to look to know it was Starlight's doing. But the mare was buying me time, and I intended to use it. With what little I could spare, my body stood upwards and reared two front hoofs between me, concentrating intently for my signature move, ignoring the cracks and tremors made by the constant pounding and clawing against the magic shield. Time to put all that training to good use.

The chimera's short victory of shattering the magical force field was harshly interrupted by the charged up energy meeting into its tiger and goat faces, the stunned monstrosity thrown back through the air and collapsing with a mighty crash, right into a sandbox. Dust and splinters of wood flew everywhere, and and unfazed Starlight immediately went to work, walking by me calmly and lighting her pink horn in pure blue. The mare focused, already straining from the lack of all her magic, by turning the groaning metal and materials of the park playground to her own uses, trapping the unwitting chimera onto the ground perfectly. Slides, swings, monkey bars, you name it. Metallic bars and ropes wrapped around its respective heads and limbs, attaching to pipes planted firmly in the ground, keeping the creature rooted in place.

Starlight was too tired to care about me keeping a steady hoof on her just in case. But despite the heavy breathing, the mare grinned, pleased with the results, and we slowly approached the trapped snarling chimera cautiously, which roared at our movement. Yeah, that's all you can do, isn't it mate?

"That. Was. Awesome!"

Of course.

Our heads turned to Spike, regarding us with open amazement and glee. "You guys were amazing just now! Great job you two! Guess you're not so bad after all, huh Starlight?"

And this time, Starlight was smiling... And it seemed almost genuine, light purple eyes glancing my way. "That wasn't possible without working as a team, I can't deny. Not bad for Twilight's special somepony."

"Not bad for a communist."

She frowned. "What?"

I grinned lightly. "A joke my dear. But yeah, couldn't have done it without you. Great work Starlight."

And she blushed. Oh my God, she blushed. The unicorn turned away, voice squeaking somewhat from the praise. "It wasn't anything I couldn't have normally done..." Whether from embarrassment or unused to sincere compliments - I highly doubted the latter - Starlight was struggling not to smile further from the warmness emanating from human and dragon for her efforts.

It just goes to show. Shades of a decent being not fully brought out yet. The pony that Twilight helped bring out by the end of season five, waiting to be welcomed by others with open arms. And through that, I see similarities of another certain unicorn. Although, I still think Sunset would've made more sense as a pupil to Twilight than this mare before me.

And speaking of which. My eyes turned to Spike with relief, happiness and hope, ignoring the snarls and groans of the imprisoned chimera behind us. "You don't know how happy I am to see you, brother." Starlight looked flummoxed, meanwhile, from the dragon being addressed as a sibling, followed by a warm embrace between myself and Spike.

Thank God. He was safe and sound. That's one down, and one more to go.

"Same bro. I was so worried about you, and Twilight!" Spike proceeded to explain. "When I landed in this strange new world, I ended up in somepony's attic! At first, a group of ponies who were having a slumber party, well one of them, Star, found and mistook me for a ghost or something! And they let me joined in the sleepover after the misunderstandings were clear, which was a blast, by the way. Get this, dragons are considered to be myths in this world! I was the talk of the entire sleepover! Those ponies I was defending just before were those exact friends I made! I should probably go and assure them everything's fine now. Oh! I can introduce you guys to them-!"

A forced cough, cutting the startled dragon off. "Maybe we should hold that off for one moment." Starlight pointed out. "There's still this chimera to deal with."

Yeah, and also. "Spike... You kept saying 'I,' is Twilight...?"

My sudden hope had diminished rapidly from the dragon's mood turning depressed, Spike shaking his head regretfully. "Sorry Star... I haven't seen Twilight at all. My new friends and I were meant to go out looking for you two, before that monster attacked us." Green eyes glanced, albeit fearfully, towards the sneering beast. "And without knowing you were close by, I had to protect my friends. Even if I was at my wits end..."

That feeling of lost and concern changed to warmth and pride, clasping a hoof on the head with a small grin. "The fact you faced this beast despite not knowing to defend your new friends is bravery enough. I'm proud of you Spike, as always." Spike beamed, glowing from the sincere emotions radiating through our bond, opening his mouth to respond-


I sensed it the moment she said it. And even then, there wasn't much I could do to prevent the wormhole forming directly beneath the trapped chimera, sucking the willing creature within before it could take this advantage to escape its chains and attack us. Even so, I immediately pushed Starlight behind me in preparation. Imbalance was my specialty. Bolts of lightning firing from the wormhole in random directions, eventually calming down as the abhorrence of magic disappeared from sight, beast and playground equipment in tow.

"...That happened with the blue creature we fought back in Tirek's castle." Starlight muttered curiously, raising a brow. "It seems everytime they're defeated, this imbalance magic just pulls them through to elsewhere."

I nodded. That was good observation, I hadn't even noticed. "And then we were taken to another world immediately... Afterwards..." Both Starlight and I exchanged epiphany looks of horror.

...Oh [BEEP].

"Guys, what's wrong- WHOA!"

Spike's question was cut off, following by a surprised yelp, as our three selves were pulled down into a dark abyss, suddenly raging below our hooves, after the chimera.

"Ugh... Now where are we?" Starlight asked amongst the collective groans, slowly straightening upwards after that unpleasant transportation here. Really, that was the third one; should've grown use to it by now.

But yeah, that was a good question. Shaking his head slightly to get my proper bearings, Starlight and I gazed around curiously. Another town, albeit more similar to Ponyville than Earth-like this time around. No roads or vehicles as the eye can see. Silly looking buildings, and ponies walking around in, once again, inferior animation. None paid a single glance to the two equines and one dragon that seemingly popped out of thin air. But it was the detail of these inhabitants, along with my friends, that immediately dampened my mood.

Oh don't tell me, Gen III?

How did you possibly speculate?

Oh wonderful...

Spike, after rubbing his head in dizziness, blinked rapidly at the quiet town before us. "Huh... Looks just like Ponyville, almost."

Yes it does... You don't think Ponyville was inspired by this place, do you? That would make sense.

"So, once again, we've arrived in the wrong world." Starlight groaned, quite loudly in fact, prompting some passerbys to glance our way curiously. "Wonderful... How long will this keep up?!"

"Aww it's not so bad." Spike commented cheerfully. "Who knows, maybe Twilight's here!"

The pink equine rolled her eyes. "Oh, that would make me feel better..."

The young dragon turned to me, hope shining in his green serpentine eyes. "Stardust, can't you sense Twilight through that Balance magic of yours? She shouldn't be too far, right?" Well, it's worth a shot. Nodding to the gleeful Spike, I closed my eyes, concentrating. Balance might be a little unstable at the moment, but it shouldn't be asking for too much just to extend my senses-


"What's wrong?" Spike inquired worriedly upon my vocal exclamation, rubbing my own temple at the sudden sharp pain.

It appears any attempt of furthering your senses are for naught. The alternative will be seeking out your Princess by hoof.

God dammit...

"Balance is still unstable, Spike." I informed him, and by extension Starlight. "I'd be able to sense her if we're closer to her, but for now, Twilight's beyond my reach." Which frustrated me as it saddened Spike. I had to know if she's okay. I had to...

Please, Twilight, please be alright...

"Oh..." Spike looked down disappointingly for a moment. Then, the youthful dragon immediately stared back up. "Then, we'll just have to find our missing friend the old-fashioned way! Let's go look for her!"

Starlight snorted, prompting our gazes switching to her. The unicorn was frowning sourly, tone leaking distaste, "And what, pray tell, makes you think I'll assist you in this little hunt? Tell you what, why don't you two go find your precious Princess, and I'll go do something more productive with my time."

Oh. So it's like that, is it?

Growing weariness some of this mare's attitude, I snapped back irritably, "Or, instead of being an entitled little [BEEP], how about you make yourself useful and help us find her?"

Starlight sneered. "Why should I? She's certainly not my friend." Dear lord! Was THIS what I was like long ago?! No wonder Rainbow and Applejack couldn't stand me back then! "What motivation would I have to ensure the safety of someone who caused my whole village to turn against me?! You wanna go find her? Be my guest, but our temporary partnership is on hold for now."

Hardly, my dear...

"What's stopping me from just leaving you here the moment we find Twilight?" That did the trick. Starlight's attempt of a swift departure immediately grind to freezing halt.

The unicorn glanced towards us, purple eyes blazing. "You wouldn't dare-!"

"Wouldn't I?" Big mistake on her part, assuming what I could and could not do. Cyan eyes glared back intensely against magenta orbs. "After constantly belittling me, my friends, my girlfriend? Intending to change history for your own petty revenge, ignoring the severe consequences doing so? All because you thought your one friend was taken from you because of a Godforsaken cutie mark?!" Starlight's jaw dropped, but I was far finished, pushing forward with a heated tone, "I almost pity you, Starlight. But since you intend on emotionally hurting my special somepony, deliberately so, alongside messing around with the very fabric of time for your own precious ego, all sympathy is vanquished. You want to keep being a thick-headed mare whose stubbornness will get herself killed? Fine by me."

There. All is said and done. Because I never felt sorry for Starlight Glimmer, not even until the end. The season five finale was too rushed and forced to make me properly express sympathy and fondness for this mare. Sunset's redemption in the first EQG was better-handled, and that sucked to no extent! It took season six before I actually grew to like this mare, but that was because she was far more fleshed-out. Her motivation behind her villainy was childish and purely laughable.

My best friend was taken from me as a child. Woe be to me! For revenge, I won't make friends but instead carry this silly little prejudice all the way to adulthood and force everyone to change their own self-identities to how I design them.

Starlight is basically Sunset if Sunset had the maturity of a rock - No offence Maud - and caused far more devastation to Equestria than the latter ever could. Thankfully, sympathy for a person was properly expressed to the form of a human version of my girlfriend immediately after this.

But, right now, we had to deal with this.

But you know you would never consider leaving this mare behind, despite all her intentions and jabs. You're far too soft-hearted to even consider it.

Oh I've considered it... But you're right about the first part.

"Come on Spike." I turned around, proceeding to go the other way. "Twilight shouldn't be too far, hopefully." That giant castle in the distance might be a good place to start. But then again, the alicorn would probably be asking around in the streets-

"Alright!" Hm? We glanced over to the unicorn. Starlight was positively fuming, and seemingly reluctant upon explaining herself. "I'll help you find Twilight..."

"You will?" Spike was more gleeful for this news, as I was relieved. Good, that plan worked. "That's perfect! Oh, I know, let's split up; it'd be easier to find her that way."

"An excellent suggestion, Spike." I beamed proudly at the young dragon while Starlight approached. "We'll take different routes in the town, ask around, and meet back here in, say, one hour?" They nodded, Starlight more hesitant to do so. "Good. Let's hop to it."

"Good luck guys!" Spike called out while running through the town square. Starlight, after a moment of a stare down between herself and I, slowly walked off to a different direction than Spike's own.

...So then... Gen III huh? Hopefully won't be a intolerable as the previous two trips.

Don't be so negative about this, Jack. Perhaps you may capture a Spinda while you're here.

Ha! Pokemon jokes. I love 'em.


I will guess you'd like my services as well.

If it wouldn't be too much trouble. But time is short, and Twilight has to be found before-

Yes, I understand the repercussions. Anything to leave this accursed blissful world as soon as possible. I shall return shortly. That said, my own shadow morphed, taking on the form of the fallen King who galloped across the stone ground, passing by many startled ponies. With a small smile, I went a different way.

Starlight then Ahiuzotl. Spike then chimera. Twilight... Then... God I hope not.

Please... Be safe, love...

It suddenly occurred to me I might be shorter than I was back in Equestria. No joke, everyone else seemed far more reduced in height than the regular equines back in Ponyville. Odd, but I won't nitpick there, not when there's a million other things to nitpick about upon observation, strolling through town seeking out the lost alicorn.

Was it just me, or, in comparison to Gen II, this world felt more... Mature? Call me insane, but the atmosphere of this place was different; serenity and peace in the air, yes, but everything was felt far more... Grounded. Must be me adapting to the laws of this universe, or that this gen was the successor to the last one we traveled in. My knowledge in the previous gens were, admittedly, less than impressive. My brother was more a historian regarding these worlds than I was. All I know is this Gen in particular had its own singular Princess, along with her own Spike.

Whom, according to our dear friend Mr. Enter that my brother keeps quoting, was a massive [BEEP]hole.

Pray that Spike and mine don't ever cross paths.

But animated atrocities indeed. If bronies were taught to love and tolerate, then I failed both those lessons constantly. Everything about this world was atrocious to look at, just like the other two! Although to be fair... It wasn't that bad by comparison, but I'd still desire going back to Equestria a billion times more than potentially being stuck here.

And the second we all return to Equestria, I'm going to let Twilight deal with Starlight while I deal with these wormholes once and for all. Spike was almost hurt because of its manipulations. If Twilight's in danger now, moreso than before, because of this imbalance... All bets were off.

Ugh, must have walked around for twenty minutes now. Sunny sky suggests it was late morning or early afternoon, which was all fine and dandy. Maybe now I should ask around, see if anyone here's spotted a purple alicorn wandering around town or popping up out of nowhere.

Hm... Maybe starting with that pink building down this path. Looks like a store. Without hesitation, I proceeded forward, trying not to flinch at how... Playful all these ponies I passed were. It was like an entire town of Pinkie Pies, and that happened once before! I retract my statement about this world seeming more mature than its predecessors.

Pausing briefly for two mares by the doorway to enter through, I followed after them determinedly, arriving into a crowded interior of ponies chatting away and consuming food. Ah, a cafe. That's even better. I was starting to get a little hungry anyway.

Haven't eaten since... Yesterday morning.

"Hi Minty." Wha- Scootaloo?! Oh... No, wait, just a pony with the same fur and hair colour as the young filly. She waved to the two ponies in front of me. "Wanna play?"

The first mare, a light blue equine with pink mane added with a white strand, evidently 'Minty,' answered happily, "Chocolate chip checkers, sure!"

Chocolate chip... Checkers. Hm... Pinkie would love that idea, as well as Sugarcube Corner...

The second pony, a purple mare with a mane consisting of white, pink and blue pointed elsewhere. "A-hem! Look, it's Sweet Berry!" She pointed towards a dark pink pony in the distance arranging an unstable-looking cake, hysterically prepared to fall all over a conversing pony oblivious to the pile behind her.

"Sweet Berry!" Minty warned. "I wouldn't...!"

To no avail.

The gag a three-month-old could predict came true. The top layer of the cake with cherries landed atop the unsuspecting pony's head. Hahaha, hilarious. With that out of the way, I opened my muzzle to make my presence known. "Excuse me, ladies, I was wondering if-"

They all gasped instead, the whole room totally immersed with that display just now. The mare whose head welcomed a cake, meanwhile, disgustingly popped a cherry into her muzzle in satisfaction, prompting everyone else to laugh.


"Pardon me." Better to make myself known and get this out of the way. "If anyone could tell me-"

The purple pony, however, walked forward and, even more disgustingly so, swiped some cream off the other mare's head and proceeded to lick it off her hoof. Charming. "Mm! Yes yes yes!"

'Yes yes yes?'

"Thanks Razz." The hapless victim said after her friend helped clean up her face, gasping then to a bag wrapped around the purple pony's waist. "Is that your Birthday book?" Birthday book? Wouldn't Pinkie be ecstatic?

...This just makes me miss my friends all the more now.

"Yes yes yes it is!"

Oh my God, that's her catchphrase isn't it...?

"It's time for another Birthday!" Followed by more cheers from the ponies in the room.

Wonderful. "Well congrats to whoever, but if you mares won't mind I'd like to-"

"I need everypony's help!" Oh, so THAT'S where they got that term from. Also, are they blatantly ignoring the only stallion in the room? "This one is gonna be a toughie!"

"But your parties are always wonderful," Said another purple mare who sounded suspiciously like Fluttershy.

"We love to be around Wysteria, and Wysteria loves to be around flowers! Even at her Birthday picnic she picked wildflowers, then a bee picked her nose. No that didn't come out right! It landed on her nose. Luckily, the bee just wanted her flower, which Wysteria was happy to hand over!"

...Who the [BEEP] are you talking to? Your friends or the audience?

"So Razaru, who is the lucky pony?" The dark pink pony asked, followed by everyone conversing in wonder. Wysteria? Razaru? You know what, I take back everything I ever said about everyone's names back home. These names sound like a game of Scrabble gone wrong.

"It's Kimono's Birthday."

All Hell broke loose.

Well, I wish. But instead, more gasps and whispers followed by a magic gust of wind breaking through by the doorway, prompting turning the open pages of Razuru's book to, conveniently I'm guessing, the information of this so-called 'Kimono.'

"Oh no, Kimono!"

"Yes yes yes!"

Shut shut shut the [BEEP] up!

"We have never been able to surprise Kimono!" Why, she sounds like a killjoy! Possibly someone I can get along with around here.

"Well, she is the wisest pony in the land." Hm? The Zecora of Equestria or something? How wise are we talking here?

"Excuse me, but-"

"Maybe that's why we've never been able to surprise her!"

"Pardon me, but-"

"If Kimono's so smart, how about we surprise her with a book?"

"If I could just-"

"Kimono is also a real treasure! Maybe a bobble or a jewel!"

"If you could tell me-"

"We could replace the very very special charm bracelet she lost."

"Anyone here could tell me-"

"A new charm bracelet to replace the very very special that she lost!"

Oh for [BEEP]s sake, I give up. And raising my voice probably wouldn't help. Maybe I should just shiut up and wait for them to reveal the location of this Kimono. Then I could go ask this 'wise' pony if she seen a purple intelligent alicorn who'd be considered a Goddess among them.

"Yes yes yes!"

Oh bloody kill me.

God. If I heard that mare exclaim 'yes yes yes' One more time...

So finally, and I mean finally, after learning the location of this mysterious Kimono character from this gossiping mares who get overly-excited over the simplest little things, I had made my way to the place. Seriously, following along the conversation between these equines made me actually beg for Friendship Games to happen already.

Or worse, Legends of-

Well, okay, it wasn't that bad.

But in all seriousness, listening to those ponies converse like that made me miss Pinkie, and by extension, everyone else. With that, my conviction to return home with Twilight, Spike and Starlight strengthened. The second I learnt the location of the 'wise' mare, I immediately departed from the store and headed to that exact place; a small serene spot near the castle right before a lake. A place of relaxation for someone who obviously prefers her solitude.

Only to find out, guess what, she wasn't there!


My hooves stomped back up the wooden staircase leading down to the spot and lake to begin my search again. Like Hell was I going to overhear that group again; the obvious Twilight - Razuru -among them would just start another random exposition about more of her friends. It was like hearing a bunch of toddlers planning a Birthday for the first time. In the end, they all decided to settle on making friendship bracelets individually for 'the friend who's never been surprised.'

Uh-huh, bull[BEEP].

Judging by your stampede across the grass, your search was unsuccessful.

Just in time, Sombra! I was beginning to grow bored. I searched a place where I could potentially find more information, but my results were futile. What about you?

I sensed your frustration from a mile away, Wright. Even here you make no effort of standing out among tedious happy equines. But do be careful, anymore anger would be enough to empower me once more, and it has been so long since I've utilized a body...

Yeah yeah. Again, have you found anything?



The answer hit me through Balance itself, my body halting in stunned shock for a brief moment, a familiar presence smashing into my senses like a tidal wave. Gasping, my head towards the direction of the nearby pony, the one whom I had longed to see again since my arrival in Tirek's castle.

Meaning, precisely, that.

Without much incentive from the King, my hooves sped forward excitedly, a [BEEP]-eating grin plastered on my golden muzzle. Balance's magic increased my own pace, landing to an immediate halt atop a small hill to oversee things. And, just like that experience back at Canterlot High, the sight of her, safe and sound, caused my heart to leap up and down in joy, my breath to quicken and a relieved, blissful smile to widen in full force.

Twilight... She's here...

"You have no right to be here!"

"Says you! This is all your fault to begin with!"

...In the middle of an argument with Starlight, who's obviously found her first. Why am I not surprised? With a content grin regardless, I slowly walked down to join the mares. Hm? Oh, and from the corner of my eye, Spike also observed the heated exchange between alicorn and unicorn in patient relief, just as happy to see Twilight as I was.

A third pony, meanwhile, with purple fur, green eyes and a darker purple mane, attempted to step in between the two mares. Big mistake on her part. "Girls, girls, please." Her voice projected calmness. "Nopony should be fighting this way. Even Phoxjes wouldn't approve."

Who? Ah who cares?

These equines are more pacifists than Equestrians will ever be.

Kinda figured...

Starlight was glaring angrily, however, and pointed forward at Twilight accusingly. "None of this would've happened in the first place had you not interfered with my plans. Paradise was achieved thanks to my equality, until you and your friends showed up and ruined everything for your own selfish ideals!"

Twilight shook her head, calmer than the fuming unicorn standing opposite her. "You forced everypony in that village to view things your way, without ever considering their own opinions on the matter. Making someone see things how you view them isn't equality; it goes against freedom of rights. We had to step in!"

"Spare me the lecture!" Starlight spat balefully. "No one ever complained about my leadership until your unwelcome arrival."

"Because you tricked them. You never gave them the choice!"

The pony standing between them attempted to soothe the situation, raising a hoof for peace. "Honestly, all this bickering. Any issue can be resolved by just sitting down and talking about it in a mature, calm way. Shall we proceed with just that, my friends?"

Twilight sighed, glancing sadly at the other purple equine. "I'm sorry Kimono, but I'm afraid it won't be that easy." Oh so that's Kimono. I can certainly see why those mares would portray her as 'the wisest pony;' she was a million times mature in comparison among her kind. The Princess glared back, evenly meeting Starlight's intense gaze. "Let Starlight and I resolve this our way. This has been a long time coming."

Starlight rolled her eyes, full of scorn. "Finally, we agree on something."

The alicorn shook her head, attempting to appeal to the pony who would eventually become her pupil. "Don't you see, your ideals involved forcing others to share the same marks and restrain from their own personal destinies! What would that possibly accomplish?!"


"But not freedom. It goes against everything friendship stands for; you can't make friends by enforcing ponies to see things differently, you acknowledge and respect the different perspectives of your friends, even if you disagree. Friendship is about equality through kindness and respecting how different they are to you!"

Ten points to Ravenclaw. Always a time for Twilight to make a friendship speech regardless of the situation-


Be on guard. Something is coming.

Starlight scoffed, the other equines and dragon oblivious to the ominous presence close by. "And you think you know so much about how friendship works just because you were crowed a 'Princess of Friendship?' Has it ever occurred to you, oh wise one, that maybe it doesn't always work the way you see it, that some friends are made through different means, and you have to respect that? But you don't, no, you think that friendship is made by respecting others being unique by comparison, even when that uniqueness takes you away from somepony you once knew!"

Twilight's expression softened, moved by the bitterness, alongside Starlight glaring at the ground upon almost confessing her secret. "Starlight..."

And my vision's corner spotted the leaping threat.


No need to tell my twice!

"Look out!" Spike's warning was unneeded, for the black blur attempting to assault the three manes was quickly intercepted. Twilight, Starlight and Kimono looked up in shock as a shadow loomed above them, quickly followed with a gold blue impacting its side and away from the three unsuspecting equines.

Or I should say, her side.

Why, oh why, was I not surprised...



With a confident grin, I glanced over my shoulder. "Hello love! Did you miss me?" Meeting her surprised, befuddled and relieved sparkling eyes before glaring back at the opposition recovering from the intervention, rising from the floor. Black eyes covered over green, the fallen monarch staring down hatefully at the ponies before her. "And hello to you, Chrysalis."

Still possessed, I see. The Changeling screeched vocally, as if to confirm the King's observation further. That makes her unstable and predictable, then. We may use this to our advantage Jack.

Indeed. But first thing's first.

"Twilight, take Spike, Starlight and Kimono out of here. I'll deal with this."

From behind, Twilight expressed incredulity. "What? Not a chance. You're not fighting this battle along again; I know you too well." Unfortunately, true. "Kimono, please escort Spike to safety. Jack and I will handle this menace." The sound of clopping hoofs from behind me, followed with the Princess standing beside me in sheer determination, commenting casually, "Queen Chrysalis again. You and her seem to keep crossing paths."

"I have a way with mares, Twilight."

"No argument there."

Grinning, I stood on both hind legs and assumed my battle stance, slowly removing my fedora in preparation. Twilight, with outstretched wings and purple horn lighting up, readied herself for the upcoming battle as well, Chrysalis more or less matching her posture. And...

Oh? "You're joining in?"

Starlight, on my right, took her own prepared stance. "You're my only lead home. Afterwards, our partnership is officially over, and Twilight and I can settle this dispute once and for all." The two mares between me exchanged stares... Twilight nodding eventually, Starlight mirroring the gesture, and we three waited for the Changeling Queen to strike.

Funny, you'd think Starlight and Chrysalis would be having their battle much later on.

Balance remains un-scaled, boy. Be wary over your own capabilities. Speed over raw strength would prove more efficiently this time around, for caution as well as matching the Changeling's tactic of movement evenly.

Two birds with one stone. Got it.

With that, we had anticipated from the mad Queen something swift; a pounce or a charge forward. What we weren't expecting, however, was a charged up energy beam of pure malicious magic firing like a green Kamehameha. We reacted quickly; golden hoofs aided by blue and pink shields fought back against the power of green with bolts of black rising from it. And I sensed it then; imbalance inside the magic. Chrysalis was corrupted, moreso, aided by whatever force was behind the distortions against the multiverse itself.

And it was pushing us back. Clearly Starlight's magic wasn't working still at full capacity, and even Twilight already looked strained from the force pushing us back. Hooves dragged into the dirt as the power kept forcing us backwards, feeling my own two limbs blocking the magic beginning to burn slightly, my fur feeling as though it's being hit by a flamethrower.


And it followed with a bang.

We rolled across the floor, stunned by the conclusive assault just now. That energy beam had ended with a flash of power, sending us flying back from the sheer intensity and force behind it. Quickly, we worked to stand back up and keep fighting, breathing already strained. The battle against the chimera earlier certainly didn't assist.

"This might prove more challenging than that chimera..." Starlight muttered sourly, wiping a bead of sweat from her forehead. "Any ideas?"

Twilight proceeded to answer, "We could-"

"Not from you."

Oh Jesus Christ-!

The Changeling wasn't waiting for the bickering to start nor end, however, and reared back in preparation, grinning rather evilly, her black horn cackling with green and black magic. And we braced ourselves, ready to strike back.

Only, we didn't need to defend ourselves.

As Chrysalis was suddenly stunned to an abrupt halt, magic immediately cancelling out by the tomato suddenly smacking into the side of her muzzle. The Changeling monarch glared towards the source, a sheepish certain dragon grinning weakly.

And now!

Spike's distraction worked like a charm, that timely intervention allowing an unsuspecting Queen to howl in surprise and pain at the sudden combination of gold, pink and blue magic respective slamming into her, a mixture of two magical beams and one Balance Shockwave sending her flying speedily, slamming straight into a house. Whoops. Chrysalis landed within the interior of a poor pony's house, inciting multiple observants to flee in terror from the spectacle.

And from the detection of imbalance felt within, the fading sounds of a angry Chrysalis alerted me the threat was disappearing through another wormhole, conjured within.

Well... That was easy!

"Way to go guys!" Spike, assuming the danger was finished with, quickly hurried over towards us, grinning cheerfully. I had a half a mind to lecture this dragon for recklessly endangering himself just then. "That Changeling's no match for the combined strength of two ponies, one human and a dragon!"


Starlight tiredly glanced from him to Twilight and I, respectively, raising a brow. "One what?" At our sheepish looks, she rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Now that that threat has been dealt with. We've found your Princess, Stardust, so now we can... You gotta be kidding me." Was the exasperated statement upon two ponies embracing one another lovingly, and a much needed embrace at that.

Because it felt good to hold Twilight in my arms again... And every part of me had no intention of letting go.

"I'm so glad you're okay..." She whispered tearfully, bliss and relief leaking from her breathtaking tone.

Same. Although I had a few things to add there, a slight tremor to my relieved tone, "You scared me to death, throwing yourself into the wormhole like that... Now I understand how you feel every time I pull reckless [BEEP] like that..."

"Well, I couldn't just let it swallow Spike like that." Twilight replied evenly, pulling back to meet my gaze, gesturing for the young dragon to join us. Spike happily obliged, and like a family, we all shared a moment of embrace. "I searched everywhere for you two, seeking help from the townfolk and Kimono there; I was worried sick. Thankfully, you're both here, safe and sound."

"As are you, love." Thank God... Thank God she's safe. Taking a second to nuzzle my nose against Twilight's own intimately, ignoring Spike's embarrassed cough at watching the exchange, I looked over to the watching purple mare, who was smiling serenely. "Thank you, for looking after my Princess while she was trapped here." And I really meant it, Twilight picking up on my inward emotions and nudging my neck in affectionate reassurance.

Kimono opened her muzzle to respond-

Behind you!

I sensed it too late. Our three bodies flung forward from a magical shove, Starlight's scream alerted our surprised states to look her way, her protesting body feebly attempt to pull out of the sinking black hole beneath her hoofs.


Without hesitation, I quickly recovered and leapt forward, grabbing the mare's only free limb tightly... Prompting the imbalance to widen beneath my body as well. But before I could warn them, Twilight and Spike had immediately rushed to help in turn, pulling by my tail with Spike holding onto Twilight's. And the imbalance was all too happy to consume more hapless victims.

"Twilight! Spike!"

Our own screams and yells were soon muffled from the suffocating magic, our vision of ponies watching us drown in the wormhole in horror replaced by immense darkness.

Idiot! Sombra immediately admonished the moment we arrived in this blackened space. The unicorn granted you freedom for a brief moment, and you squandered the chance through a pitiful rescue. Now we're trapped here for Tarturus knows how long!

"You idiots!" Starlight echoed the same outraged gesture. "I tried to spare you all from getting sucked in at the same time, and you return the favour by foolishly acting all noble to help me. Now we're stuck in... Wherever this is for Celestia knows how long!"

"Twilight..." Spike whispered with a quiver. Even in this world of blackness, notably enough, we were are still seeable, our own bodies opposing the darkness without any source of light. "I'm cold..." Without further incentive, I took the initiative and wrapped my own cape around the frightened dragon, Spike glancing at me in relief. "Thanks... Where are we anyway...?"

Good question. Curiosity rising higher than ever before with Twilight pointing upwards. "Look." And so we did, prompting gasps from Spike and Starlight collectively.

Well... This was a predicament.

You don't say...

From the beyond blackness, the only equivalent to a ceiling was dark purple waves hovering above us, adding more to the nonsense that was wherever we were. Was this the void? Are we finally dead? I hope not; maybe purgatory. If anyone deserves to rot in Hell, then it's yours truly. Not them, including Starlight. Maybe this was imbalance itself...? Huh. Maybe I oaughta get a better understanding as to our location through the magic of Balance itself. I attempted to reach out, extending my senses-

Only to gasp and stumble backwards to surprise, the three glancing at me curiously. Shallowly breathing, I swallowed a gulp of dread from the coldness meeting my sixth sense instead of the usual warm Balance that welcomed me.

Because this... This was unnatural. Whatever presence here was far more sinister than anything I've encountered yet. There was no Balance here; just distortion and shredded remains of the magic which kept everything together in harmony. Certainly confirming the theory that we were, indeed, within imbalance itself. And judging by Twilight's realizing expression throw towards me, she knows this as well, prompting my own small nod, dread and coldness welling up, sending a shiver down my spine.

No since Sombra taking over my body had I felt so... So powerless. And not since Tirek had I felt so afraid... The Gen IV one, mind you...

Hm, and those fears are warranted... My own power has diminished. I feel my energy forced back by this sinister force. It appears the imbalance is locking down any magic opposing its own. You and your friends may be, sadly, powerless to achieve anything at present...

Starlight's growl of frustration further proved Sombra's claim, the only magic produced from the horn becoming a short spark. "My magic... It's being blocked somehow."

Twilight attempted it herself, achieving the exact same results. Pink sparks flew from her horn for a split-second, the alicorn rationalizing, "It must be the imbalance cancelling out our magic; we're in the very heart of the distortion itself." Make that, twenty points to Ravenclaw. "We have to find a way out, and fast."

"I won't argue there." Spike concurred with a weak grin, attempting to lighten up the situation.

His efforts were swiftly dampened by a pessimistic unicorn, who whirled around to start pointing fingers... Hoofs. "You are entirely at fault for this!"

Twilight was aghast. "Me?!"

"Who else? If it weren't for warning your special somepony beforehand, not-preventing me from using the spell wouldn't have resulted in being inside a stupid alternate dimension!"

Oh Jesus, really? "We can't be fighting now-"

"But it would've potentially concluded in something just as horrible if not worse!"

"Oh please!"

"You had to be stopped before you could do it!"

"Girls, that's enough."

"Uh... Guys...?"

"Not now Spike. This is important. Starlight, I know you were attempting something that would've harmed my friends."

"Do you always assume the worst?"

"When it's accurate I do."

"I had no intention on harming your friends at all! In fact, I was going to see to it you never would've... Well, it doesn't matter now does it?"

"Involving my friends, it always matters!"

"This bickering is pointless."

"Don't you act so high-and-mighty, Stardust. Twilight, you really need to reconsider your taste in stallions."


"Now you're insulting my boyfriend? Jack's right, arguing and blaming each other won't resolve anything. We need to put our heads together and consider our situation calmly."

"And who, may I ask, put you in charge?"

"I did."

"And who put you in charge, Stardust, Jack or whatever you call yourself?"

"Guys, you really need to see this..."

"In a moment Spike. Mommy, daddy and your disgruntled aunt are talking."

You all deserve to be lamb for the slaughter...

"Don't put me in your little family tree! We're far from friends!"

"Starlight, please, let's just focus on finding a way out of here. We need to work together if we have a chance."

"Speak for yourself Twilight. I'm not so easily-"


"What?!" We all snapped at the dragon, who merely pointed upwards with a shaking finger. Huh? Following the direction of the pointing, we gazed upwards towards...


"- The -"

"- [BEEP]?"

As if any further surprises couldn't have made themselves known today. Instinctively, my hoof reached and pulled Spike back, shielding from whatever was behind the vortex forming before us, the size of a full-powered Tirek ascending in midair, purple, white and black swirling like a whirlpool of distortion, a static noise going on in my head at the malefic energy cackling from the vortex before us, producing a slight headache. No lightning bolts emerged from this hole emerging from nowhere, but the threat was clear as crystal.

But, it was the center of the vortex that unnerved me the most. Nay, terrified me the most. A pure ball of whiteness acting as the core of this storm of imbalanced power, and it felt as though it was merely judging us below, staring into our souls. I winced at the very idea, body screaming for me to keep my guard up at all times, prompting me to shield Spike properly from view of the swirling vortex.

For a moment, silence...

And then... Laughter.

Pure, malicious laughter, rumbling and echoing through the air, vibrating the invisible ground and ringing our defenseless ears. My body tensed up, teeth clenched and face hardened. Balance magic or not, I wasn't going down without a fight. But this, at least, confirms the proposal that this magic may as well be very, very sentient...

I felt it, all around me. The imbalance was alive, and that explained all too much.

Our host, I presume... Sombra muttered darkly, sounding just as ready for battle as I.

Welcome, to my domain!


The deep booming voice startled all of us, jumping at the sheer intensity of the sound penetrating all around us. It was as if the entire void was speaking to us, addressing its 'guests' with ill-concealed glee.

I couldn't help but snap. "Who are you?!" And the voice oh so happily responded, making my insides freeze at the darkness behind its unnatural tone.

Think Jack Wright! What?! As the imbalance raged, only the ancient unicorn would select the expendable sheep, following his bidding in order to rid of what he deems a threat. Ancient unicorn... Starswirl?! Unknowing that the presence of that which doesn't belong, breaking the very fabric of time and space for selfish indulgences, empowering my own being and giving me life!


I am Balance itself!

The [BEEP]?!

"Are you insane?!"

I am perfection!

Balance itself... This distortion truly believed that... That...!

Twilight stepped forward, frowning determinedly. "So you're imbalance itself! You're the one responsible for those holes appearing all over Equestria! The Dragons Lands, Ponyville, the castle! You almost took innocent lives: Spike, Cadence and my niece, all of my friends!"

The voice turned then melancholy.

Years have passed and I have waited...

"But why, for goodness sake?" Spike exclaimed in horror.

You gave me life!

Had a feeling that was more directed at me. "So you claim..."

And I, shall bring you death!

"...That's hardly fair..." Starlight muttered, both in nervousness and ridicule.

Fairness is the plaything of fools. You are nothing!

"We're warriors!" Spike responded hotly, beginning to grow backbone... And immediately cowering back behind us.

And I am a warrior too.

"If you're a warrior then I am Leonardo Da Pony!" If this... This thing, believes it will lay a hand on anyone here, I will see to it it never gets the chance to. But the implications sunk in, regarding what it was and its origins, were terrifying to even contemplate...

Mock me while you can, Jack Wright; the game ends!

The game of traps...

"Not while we're still around it isn't!" Twilight shot back, violet eyes shining in firm resolve. "No one lays a hoof on my friends! Now, according to Jack, you were never suppose to exist in the first place, am I correct. So how is this possible, and how do you know his true name?"

Think Princess! Twilight blinked at the booming voice rising in volume, the center of the vortex beginning to glow brighter, as if in triumph. Think back to long ago! When your precious 'Twilight Warrior' intervened at every chance granted. Remember, how many times he risked his life for the sake of having a means to exist! For his own selfish agendas.

"You're wrong." Twilight shook her head adamantly, muzzle a firm line. "He did those things because he cares for his friends."

"Yeah!" Spike fisted the air in agreement.

And because of these reckless actions, my own existence grew stronger. Once long ago I was without sense, without purpose. A mere glimpse of what could've been, had that old fool not brought your precious human to this world. A human from a realm of reality, where fiction was never to interact with. Imbalance grew stronger with every attempt of his to help his loved ones, beginning with the first interaction of two ponies upon his arrival in your world.

...Lyra. Bon...

The voice continued relentlessly, seemingly enjoying himself as it 'spoke,' As you sought to keep your friends from harm's reach you interfered with the very laws of what was intended to be. Destiny and Balance distorted by your own egotistical path for affection. I grew little every day, every hour, every second from your presence alone within the equine world. You were an anomaly which, ironically so, tore Balance apart as well as restored it. And to think, my very existence wouldn't have grown speedily by the assistance of reality, but slowly through the interference of an equine who resides in the world opposite to Equestria.

"...Sunset Shimmer." Twilight and I breathed in shock.

But the intentions of your ancient role model quickened my power, enabling me to act earlier than fate had planned. When you chose to return to Equestria and seal the gateways between your world and the world you chose, that imbalance from your travel gave me the strength to test my energy on those reptiles. A field test, for what was to come.

So then... Starswirl was right... From the very beginning. All those interventions, constant willingness, and insistence, to help my friends in need, even those I didn't even like, time and time again. Because of my own ego, I single-handedly brought about the potential end of Equestria.

This was all, without a shred of doubt, my fault...

Worry over your pitiful guilt at a later date! Focus on the now! Sombra's own dark voice snarled, more annoyed and tensed than the calm petrifying tone of the imbalance. We are dealing with a foe of immense power! We must destroy it at once!

But how?! This villain was never meant to exist in the first place!

Have any improbabilities prevented you from trying before? Be a credit to your friends and produce a solution.

And as you grew stronger, as did I. Chaos and Harmony aligned where they should have, empowering me enough to endanger your loved ones each and every time, to ensure my own power was unmatched. Every small victory against me only postponed this destined moment. The final key was preventing Starlight Glimmer from activating the time spell; the imbalances you caused by doing so insured far greater damage than anything this equine could have ever succeeded. By taking you through these alternate dimensions, untouched by your filthy hoofs, any change made, regardless how insignificant, was enough to fuel me.

We were played for fools... By this repulsive entity! This abomination, never meant o have existed! If you won't destroy it, boy, I will! No creature deceives King Sombra like this; it will pay dearly! Sombra was outraged, to say the least, his roaring in my head more hateful than the self-contempt I was currently holding.

Five worlds, imbalanced because of you!

"And now what?" I challenged, stepping forward with Twilight, ignoring her concerned gaze and focusing on the white hole glaring back. "You're going to destroy us, indefinitely? That will never happen."

You created me, Jack Wright. You gave me meaning. And now, it will be ensured to remains that way eternally, in the hoofs of your would-be friend.

Starlight's loud gasp prompted us to turn towards her. "This is...!" Oh... Oh God no! Right behind, magically floating in place, was the very parchment I had ripped from her hoofs ages ago, suddenly appearing from thin air and presented in the stunned unicorn's face. As the imbalance spoke gleefully, the mare quietly accepted the offering.

You hold the key to your own happiness, Starlight Glimmer. Oh no... I know what he's trying to do! With my freedom, I can ensure your equal future holds true. By ripping the scroll to pieces, my ascendance shall reign supreme, we will both escape and leave these beings who dare ruin your future to rot. Destroy it, Starlight Glimmer, and everything you desire will be yours once more! Your village, your equality... Your friends!

"No!" Twilight was the first to react, as Starlight gazed down at the parchment on her hoofs in wonders. "Starlight, listen to me, just this once. You can't do this! You don't know the devastation this choice would bring!"

Lighter purple eyes glared towards her rival. "Just as you don't realize the devastation brought by destroying my paradise? The friends and home I've lost because of you?"

"That wasn't my fault!" Twilight was desperate now, as was I. If Starlight tore that paper to shred... It's all over. We'd be completely, utterly helpless against the very force keeping us here. "Don't you see? You'll have friends, but they'll only know dictatorship. Do you truly believe everything will go back to the way it was? No! Nopony should befriend others through practically enslavement; it's monstrous!"

Do not heed their words, Starlight Glimmer. They are fools and pitiful creatures. The voice was now goading, egging the uncertain mare, who looked more and more convinced by the second. They present themselves as obstacles to equality itself. Together, we will bring true Balance to all of Equestria, and beyond even that! All worlds will learn what you have learnt!

"...All the worlds...?" Starlight stared up at the vortex, in curious wonder.

Together, we will show them the true meaning of Balance. Rip the paper apart, and we will be free!

"That's not freedom!" Twilight protested hotly.

"It's forcing others to do what you want!" Spike pitched in, just as objective, and I felt pride for him standing up against a large threat this way. "You'll only make them do what you want without thinking about what THEY want!"

The Princess nodded. "He's right! There's no righteousness to this, no moral, and certainly no friendship! This monster will only betray after it obtains what it wants. Starlight, I'm begging to you here, please, for the sake of everypony in Equestria, don't do this!"

Yes! Listen to them! If it worked in the season five finale, it should work here! For the love of God, Starlight, don't let this demon tempt you with false promises!

And, to her credit, Starlight did begin glancing at the paper between her hoofs rather hesitantly, once again showing faint signs of a good pony buried beneath bitter sadness. But that quickly vanished. Starlight glared back at us, raising the parchment in preparation, two hoofs clasping one edge of the paper. "It's always about the need of others, isn't it? What about me, for once? What about what I want?"

"And you want to do this?"

Starlight's starting bent of the parchment was the answer to that, leading to only one solution left.

"Is it what Sunburst wants?"

And the hoofs froze, alongside her body, muzzle and expression. This was it, the last resort. My trump card. The one final trick to persuading the mare to see things another way, had nothing else worked. Starlight only stared at me in frozen shock, mouth struggling to ask the very question I knew what was on her mind.

Time is short; make this quick.

Stepping forward, I smiled lightly, despite the present threat looming over us. "Yes, I know all about your childhood friend. I know you felt abandoned, simply because he earned his cutie mark before you and was taken away for it. I know you felt no longer wanted, that anyone with a mark was destined to think themselves above others, and you never wanted to experience it again."

Little by little, the expression softened, Starlight nodding. "Then you understand, why I will do this. Why I have to do this..."

Shaking my head in response, I pressed forward. "No, because doing this will only hurt you more. You'll keep lying to yourself that everything will feel safe and in control, because how you control it. That's not how life works, and I think you know that. Sunburst would know that. I've seen the future, Starlight, I know what he's up to nowadays."

"It's true!" Spike added helpfully. "Stardust always knows more than he's letting on!"

Starlight wasn't amused, snorting lightly and looking away. "Probably having forgotten all about me..."

It is natural, for those who deem themselves too worthy to consider interaction among commoners. It was through sheer luck alone that Jack and the Princess's affections for one another grew before the latter assumed such a title. But you need not suffer any further... You know what to do.

"On the contrary, Sunburst never forgot you. Not once." I insisted, not backing down against the imbalance. Mastery over words, don't fail me now. "He misses you more than anything. He's become a successful practitioner of magic, yes, but his life remains incomplete, without the mare who was his best friend oh so long."

Okay, that wasn't... Entirely the case. But need's must.

You would reunite with him, by ripping the scroll. He would be pleased to see you once again, proud of your accomplishments.

"No. He'd be afraid and disgusted!" Starlight started at my raised tone, adding firmness to my attempts of persuasion. "Anyone would be if they saw their friend, someone they once know personally, commit such an atrocity. Sunburst would never express pride for bowing down to pressure this way."

"Starlight..." And Twilight stepped in next, adding fuel to the fire. Her expression was far softer than my own, but her eyes reflected the sheer conviction to do what's right. "It hurts to make friends again after being seemingly abandoned. I understand; I have a friend whom I had abandoned, back in Canterlot... But I did everything I could to rekindle that friendship, as I'm sure Sunburst would too if he knew where you were. Listen to us, not this creature; who only seeks to take advantage of your misgivings."

"And why should I?" Starlight was doing her best, but even I could spot the small leakage of tears beginning to shed from the bottom of her eyes, hoof only gripping the parchment much tighter. "What guarantee do I have that everything will be alright again other than this way? How do you know I'll be able to see him again?!"

Enough! Haha! The voice was beginning frown irritated and wearisome. Not a fan of others resisting ya, huh voice? Destroy the spell now, Starlight Glimmer! Let Balance reign upon Equestria and all of existence for all eternity!

"We know, because he knows." Twilight nodded to yours truly, smiling slightly. "You'll find happiness again, won't she?"

"Damn straight." Smirking, I added next, "And I know for a fact he won't judge you for your past deeds. I've seen your reunion, I've seen how much you miss him and wish to see him again, as is mutual for him. Don't ruin that future now. You can make new friends, the proper way, and Sunburst would only too inclined to be proud and happy for you!"

I said enough!

"And even if something goes wrong the second time," Twilight finished, raising her voice with sheer conviction with me, "You can resolve it together! Friends will always be there to help you!" A purple hoof extended, the mare smiling warmly. "You're never alone, Starlight, and you won't have to be."

Don't listen to them my child. They only seek their own survival. Fulfill your destiny, and rip apart the scroll before it's too late. Without me, there IS NO FUTURE!

But despite the screaming, outrage pouring from the entity throwing a tantrum, Starlight only locked eyes with Twilight, light and dark purple staring at one another, one with determination and one with uncertainty and... Hope. Didn't need Balance to know that. Time seemed still for a long-[BEEP] time, my eyes daring to hope that Starlight would, in fact, choose the right path.

And when the scroll feel into Twilight's hoof, it felt like everything inside me exploded in pure ecstasy and relief. My throat released a breath I didn't know I was holding, Spike and I exchanging ridiculous grins while Twilight and Starlight smiled at each other, the latter more tearful... Followed with a hug.



Oh, right...

I am disappointed, child. Well that was ominous. The voice rose in utter contempt, feeling a s though gravity was ready to crush into the non-existent ground. Your kind is all too deceived through the manipulations of feelings.

With a small grin, we all turned back to face the glowing vortex, myself speaking for them in full-on confidence, "You might have blocked our magic, but you can never encase who we are. Friendship is, and always will be, unstoppable." With that, in a line, three ponies and one dragon stood defiantly before the swirling storm before us, glaring towards it challenging.

Your move, imbalance.

Is that so indeed...?

Shouldn't have aggravated it...

Why- Oh...

I see why...

"That's not good..." Spike gulped, accurately describing the new predicament now at three dangerous monsters, emerging from the shadows. Take a guess as to who. The imbalance's unwilling servants advanced hungrily towards us.

Tch. Balance or not, I can take 'em.

Somehow, I sincerely believe otherwise...

This ends now. They were looming closer as it spoke. I will destroy the scroll myself, and none will oppose my entitled rule. Even closer. There will be no one to stop. Harmony. Chaos. Balance. All are mine to possess. The magic of these worlds are under my judgement. I am the God of Balance itself! Keep talking, while I try to think of something. Every living thing will witness the truth, and all will belong in the hands, of ZAGREUS!

Wait... "Zagreus?!"

No one but the conviction of fools.

As if by magic - hardy har - a miracle emerged the moment the three monsters looked ready to pounce. Ahiuzotl, Chrysalis and the chimera, like us, were forced to shield their eyes at the suddenly blaring light appearing right between us all, a familiar sensation accompanying it.

That presence... I know it!


And with a voice like thunder, the ancient mage's wisdom rumbled through the void. A voice I never anticipated emanating from the unicorn. None will lay harm against the innocent. Your days will soon be numbered, Zagreus.

And before we could hear anything, everything erupted in pure whiteness.

It felt like new air inhaling my lungs, the flow of Balance rushing back into my being with full force. Distorted eyes were forced to blink rapidly against the blurry lights slowly coming into shape, and from nearby, I felt and heard the other three recovering from the disorientate method which brought us back here... Wherever here was.

My answer came once my eyes adjusted, greeting with the welcoming interior of the throne room where we were before this entire mess started. Nothing looked touched nor ruined since our abrupt departure from here. Rubbing my eyes blearily, disbelief ran through me for a brief moment... Then a small smile.

We're back... We're back...!

And a stumped Spike voiced those exact feelings, "We're... We're back! We're back guys!" The dragon was clearly the most ecstatic among us about this, more than happy to be home, safe and sound, after this entire ordeal. And you know what? So was I, embracing my Princess tightly. To say this entire adventure through other worlds - previous gens - being hectic was a grave understatement. Revelations and surprises were all that greeted us alongside weariness and exhaustion. And now, it was finally, all over.

But at what cost? The King sounded incredibly forlorn. That creature remains unscathed, am I wrong old one?

And, although it was great and relieving to hear Starswirl's warm voice once again, I needed to hear the answer desperately. I did all I could. My humblest apologies for not arriving to help sooner, Jack. This imbalance's magic forged a powerful shield to keep all other forms of magic at bay. It took time for me to break through the barrier and find you between worlds.

Funnily enough, teacher, I don't blame you.

No no, I know who's really to blame here...

That can wait a moment until you've answered my inquiry. This imbalance, is it dealt with?



...It's the contrary, isn't it?

The ancient pony sighed tiredly, sounding far more older and wearisome than ever before. Repeating myself, I did all that was possible.

But far from enough, I see.

Alright, can we save the blame game for later, Sombra? Please? I'm tired and don't want to have a mental argument. Starswirl, what happens now?

Now... We will have to observe and react in time. My magic was limited upon entrance within the imbalance's domain, able only to distract it and its minions whilst assisting you all escape. Whether or not Zagreus has been freed has yet to be determined. But for now, one thing remains crystal clear: A dark cloud ascends over Equestria and all the other worlds. Something unforeseen has emerged from the shadows; having grown stronger as it fed off the negative energy spawned from our choices.

So the cowardly tactic of wait and see. That's your play here?

If you have any suggestions yourself, by all means.

Then... We shall deal with it swiftly, once that opportunity arises. Sombra sounded far more determined that I've ever heard from him. Prepare yourself, boy. We are dealing with a threat far more destructive than the likes of that Changeling or monster Tirek. A menace that would ensure total destruction first than complete domination. Whatever the cost, Zagreus must not be set free! Meanwhile, Twilight and Starlight were also looking around in relief, before commencing a stare down, as Spike merrily started kissing the ground in pure bliss.

Agreed. One-hundred percent. That demon of my own creation must be stopped, no matter the cost...

"What in heaven's name has we missed?!" Ah. Rarity inquired in puzzlement upon the sight of one friend making out with the floor, alongside Twilight and Starlight happily conversing without seeming like age-old foes.

For everyone I love... I'll amend this mistake. I promise you all that.

Zagreus sits inside your head...

Zagreus lives among the dead...

Zagreus sees you in your bed...

...And eats you when you're sleeping.

Yes, it was far too much a coincidence for you to have recalled this poem a short while before this catastrophe had begun. No one could have anticipated it being christened to a Balance-consuming entity bent on being released on the whole multiple dimensions.

My question is though, why that name? Where did it get that idea...?

If I were to speculate... It adopted the name from your Nightmare Night journey alongside young Spike for its own. This imbalance has been keeping us all in sight from the very beginning. I would imagine, since your return to Miss Shimmer's world when the walls between them and the original Earth were reinforced indefinitely.

...Well... Could've chosen a worse name, thinking about it. At least this imbalance had the decency to give itself a proper identity than simply addressing itself as something along the lines of simply 'Imbalance.'

In the middle of this internal conversation, my eyes observed Starlight pace up and down in the same hallway nervously, awaiting the judgement of the six mares debating what to do with her from within the door beside me. Luckily, I'm already aware of the verdict, having chosen to wait outside partially to keep the hesitant unicorn company until the final decision was made. And with a small smile, I commented out-loud.

"You don't have to worry. They're not gonna punish you."

Pausing, the pink unicorn threw me a wry smile. "After everything I've done, it'd be kind of warranted."

Smirking, I responded casually, "They never hold a grudge... Well, almost never. Besides, I know how this all turns out. Seen the future, remember? That whole disaster within the void aside." Walking forward, a reassuring hoof placed on the mare's shoulder. "You'll be fine."

Starlight exhaled in relief. "If you're certain... Thanks Stardust." I nodded, prompting the unicorn to inquire as though a spark went off in her magenta eyes. "So... What's he like?"

"Hm?" Who?

"Sunburst. What's he like now, all grown up?"

"Ah." Cocking my head as memories of the episodes resurfaced, I answered with sincere amusement, "A bit of an awkward teen with a small beard." An inferior excuse for facial hair, I must add.

As opposed to the rain forest you call all over your features.

"Who misses his first and oldest friend dearly." Starlight looked away, smiling quite pleasantly, most likely to the prospect of seeing her childhood friend once again.

...Starswirl, did you know about what happened back then...?

Did I know if the imbalance would have grown strong enough to develop a conscious and self-identity, attempting to break all laws of balance for the sake of doing so? Creating a delusional mastermind who won't cease until Balance is properly restored as to how it views the concept?

...Yes, all that.

I... Had suspected such an occurrence along those lines. My vague hope had counted upon you ridding the wormholes spreading across Equestria to keep the monstrosity at bay. But it was all part of a bigger plot. I cannot apologize enough.

You knew something such as this would happen. And just like your old student, that asinine Celestia, you refrain from sharing until it benefits yourself. Call me a villain all you please, at least I'm honest!



Huh? Oh. Quickly removing my hoof off her, I smiled quickly. "Sorry. Just... In the midst of my thoughts..."

The mare mirrored the expression, nodding slowly. "Yeah. Today has been... Quite a revelation, huh? I guess not everything can be foreseen, right?"

I shrugged. "If that was the case, life would get boring pretty quickly." Starlight looked amused by those words, at least. No need to drag this mare down along with my melancholy. Right now, the one who should be feeling the most regret for past deeds, is the one that's unintentionally brought a monstrous entity which almost harmed his friends time and time again into being.

We all create errors in life, my young student... Regardless of whatever happens, know I am proud of you for what has transpired today. Even in the face of an unfamiliar threat, you stood your ground and attempted to protect your friends, allowing enough forgiveness in your heart to plead to young Starlight's light. Now, Princess Twilight will be here to continue with the path Equestria has fated for those two.

As always, it all comes down to destiny...

And addressing as such, did you not plan your own fate to go immediately somewhere else straight after this crisis?




"Sorry Starlight, I gotta go." The unicorn rapidly blinked as I fixed the fedora on my head and began my swift departure. "Tell Twilight I'll be visiting Sunset for a few days, it's an emergency. I know you'll all do fine without me."

"B-But... Er, alright!" Was Starlight's baffled call back as I hurried down- "Wait!" What now? I paused briefly, hopping on the same spot hurriedly, looking over my shoulder to the fidgeting unicorn. "T-Thank you for everything!" I nodded, quickening my pace, the corridor out of sight, navigating through the hallways with relative ease.

Library library library...


My hoofs slammed through the doors, making a beeline hurriedly to the machine in the center of the room. Those events between the two rival schools will never occur again. Zagreus is a large threat, but my mind argues one version of Twilight becoming a destructive demon forced by the actions of other greedy beings was of greater importance.

As always, your priorities are [BEEP]ed.

Sombra, nothing is more important than Twilight Sparkle.

Including an entirely other version of this individual whom you have no connection towards whatsoever?

You bet!

Flipping a simple lever, my eager body leaped head-first right into the flowing mirror. Another train wreck at hand!

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