• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 116: Terror That Flaps In The Night

"It was an accident, you know... The man was never meant to fall into the core of his successes. As he fell, reality shifted and twisted in his vision, distorting his every particle into something... Monstrous."

"What happened to him...?" I smirked at Rarity's question, hidden within the darkness. None of the circling mares could see nor hear my quiet footsteps around them, my voice slow and deliberate, for the scare factor I intended.

"Every cell in his body evaporated. Evolved. Ripped from the structure which bound them together and sent them hurtling through time and space itself. The good doctor became something abhorrent than even the worst of his kind. His body never made it to the core of his machinery before it disappeared."

I was behind Applejack at that point, who gulped lightly. "Then what...?"

The orange Earth Pony practically shivered at my leant whisper to her right ear. "He was never found, not a trace..." Did I mention I was enjoying this, terribly so? Refusing to use the torch helped in increasing the scare factor for this story that even Pinkie looked chilled. "At least, not physically. His sight widened throughout the lands..."

The pink mare shivered when I slyly moved up behind her sat posture next. "For beware the man who speaks in hands... Although..."

"Although what?" Pinkie inquired curiously, despite herself.

Now for the grand finale.

"We should really be careful talking about the good doctor this way... After all..."

"What? What?!"

I refrained a chuckle at Rainbow's impatience. Alright, her honour for the finale then. Stepping behind her in the darkness, I straightened onto my two hinds legs to rise above the pegasus.

"It's rude to talk about someone who's right there."

And all the mares screamed as I had intended, Rainbow following upon their gazes above her and spotting the temporary golden eyes illuminating through the darkness... Then laughter spread among us, Twilight using that moment to light up the library once again, clapping lightly at the spectacle.

"Quite marvelous darling." Rarity complimented in approval, as we all finished chuckling to ourselves. "Clearly this was planned beforehand."

I smirked at the observation. "Ever since I came back."

And it all paid off.


"My turn! My turn!" Pinkie raised her hoof up excitedly. "I've got a good one!"

"You just had yer turn before Stardust, Pinkie," Applejack commented in amusement, "Besides, Twilight hasn't had a go yet, right Twi?"

The alicorn nodded, smiling brightly. "Right, and I'll guarantee you all when I say this will be a story that will have you hide behind your tails." Alright love, I'll humour you. I settled back to my seat in the circle as Twilight cleared her throat, magically pulling the torchlight towards her. "But beware, my friends... This is a ghastly tale of... The Headless Librarian...!"

Rainbow rolled her eyes, and I chuckled quietly. Sound exhilarating Twilight...

Far more original in direct contrast to your blatant plagiarism from a video game.

A very good video game, mind you.

...Your point?

"- At midnight, under a starless sky and blackened clouds, even the moon for all its pure radiance couldn't shine through the magic conjured by the Librarian's Curse..."

Pretty sure you're hardly regarded for being the best horror storyteller yourself, Sombra.

Don't assure unless you know, Wright.

...You mean you actually have a story in mind?

"- Then, when the eclipse finally revealed itself through the shielded clouds, the Librarian disappears, and leaves a storm of messy, opened books in its wake...!"

I have no obligation to answer that. Nor to indulge your childish activities in telling mere ghost stories for this tedious tradition of yours.

Why not? Halloween suits you to a T, thinking about it.

You're not even paying attention to your mare's story.

"- And then, when you least expect it, the signs of the Librarian's return are shown by the sounds of tossed literature... And a ghostly statement... 'Your books are overdue!'"


I couldn't resist bursting out in laughter. Bravo Twilight! The book flying onto Rainbow's head had the pegasus cry out and jump ten feet in the air. Whoa! The even I yelped in surprise at multiple books harmlessly brushing onto me and the screaming mares. Twilight chuckled rather evilly at her show working like a charm.

Then the lights came off, and even my surprise and laughter turned deadpan along with Spike, who flipped the light switch when entering the room, at the large mess of scattered books. Our gazes switched to a satisfied Twilight, both of us speaking in harmony, "We're not cleaning this up."

"Nightmare Night! What a fright! Give us something sweet to bite!"

As ever, my eyes rolled at Spike's merry chant to the pony giving them candy. Y'know, at least saying "Trick or Treat!" was short and to the point. Still, I was having a good time regardless how repetitive the chant was getting to every house we visited. Not to mention, all the little kids wandering around in costumes chanting that as well.

Again, I had considered against joining in the festivities of their "Nightmare Night" - I'm still calling it Halloween whether they like it or not, to Twilight's exasperation - but once again, those mares and Spike convinced me otherwise. And while they were helping out a hesitant Fluttershy to join in the fun, Twilight suggested I accompany Spike around the decorative Ponyville in the meantime for some classic trick or treating. Spike, of course, was thrilled by the idea to have his big brother go with him in acquiring candy.

"Nightmare Night! What a fright! Give us something sweet to bite!"

My enthusiasm, meanwhile, was slowly dampening by the amount of times I kept hearing that ludicrous statement. But at least Spike was having a good time, so my mood wasn't terribly downput from the night.

Speak for yourself, boy. The repeated phrase is beginning to become nauseating to my ears.

I am speaking for myself, Sombra. And what ears? You're a ghost now, remember?

How kind of you to note.

Now now, this is not a tradition for quarreling. The ever-so-wise Starswirl put in. But rather, a tradition for entertainment and social interaction. We should be celebrating this yearly holiday with the good citizens of Ponyville and Equestria throughout. I certainly am having a good time, observing these youthful spirits run around in joy.

"Nightmare Night! What a fright! Give us something sweet to bite!"

Or simply an excuse for foals to consume as many unhealthy goods as possible.

Perhaps. But the thought behind it is what counts. The parents offer their young leniency this time of year to enjoy themselves with as many sugary treats as they desire, and as the houses they visit give to them. The idea behind celebrating Nightmare Night isn't primarily about the defeat of Nightmare Moon long ago, but allowing our young not to be traumatized by the events of history in favour of having a simple good time together.

By hounding ponies' doors for treats, of course.

Wonder if there's anyone dressed as Starswirl tonight... Hell, or even Sombra. Twilight's costume is a gladiator this year. And as for mine, well-

"Stardust! Spike!"


"Hello Bon! Lyra." I greeted the two approaching mares warmly, taking note of their costumes. "A pair of witches I see."

"You bet!" Lyra nodded with a beaming grin, before making a dramatic motion. "And if you're not careful, we miiiight just turn you both into chickens!"

Bon rolled her eyes fondly, smiling at us both. "Nice dragon costume Spike!" The young lizard grinned at the approval, the stitched extra head on his green outfit beside him wobbling somewhat. "And you're a... Superhero, Stardust?"

Not just any hero, my dear Bon.

Don't start.

Swishing the cape to cover my face, I began, "I... Am the terror that flaps in the night."

Stop it. Now.

"I am the one who makes villains wet their beds all over."

Finish those words, Jack, and I'll make you wet your bed next morning.

"I... And Darkwing Du-!"

"Look! An apple dunking contest! Come on Bon!"

Ah dammit. We all watched in amusement as Lyra pointed elsewhere and hurriedly ran towards the competition, the cream Earth Pony shaking her head before looking back at us. "Say, did you hear about the rumour going on at Princess Celestia and Princess Luna's old castle?"

Rumour? Spike and I exchanged glances. "Can't say we have. What rumour?" Spike inquired.

"Apparently, deep within the bowels of the old castle within the Everfree Forest, the ancient spirit of Nightmare Moon herself lurks. They call it: The Curse of the Moon!" That last part was added with an ominous "Ooo-"ing.

"Her s-spirit?" Spike echoed, sounding slightly nervous from the idea.

Bon's voice dropped rather conspiratorially. "Nopony's ever ventured to the ruined castle on Nightmare Night, and that's why. But, if you somehow manage to bypass her vengeful spirit, there's said to be a reward for anyone brave enough at the castle throne room."

And now I'm intrigued. "What kind of reward?"

Bon opened her muzzle to respond, before another cut her off. "Come on Bon! I'm winning the contest!"

The Earth Pony glanced over to an elated Lyra. "Sorry, I better go check up on her. Enjoy the rest of Nightmare Night!"

"You too!" Spike waved back to the departing mare. "Gee, that's a heck of a rumour isn't it bro? ...Stardust?"

A rumour. Nightmare Moon's spirit. Old castle. Reward.


Naturally curious, I see. Although, absurd ghost story or not, the reward part warrants my intrigue as well.

Perhaps a visit to the Castle of the Two Sisters wouldn't harm anyone.

A finger prodded my side, Spike expressing nervousness. "Tell me you're not thinking of going to that broken down castle to see if it's all true, are you?"

I mean, ancient spirit of a darker side of Luna's whose already gone? Ancient castle? Reward? How can I refuse?

With a smirk, I shrugged. "What can I say? This begs to be investigated Spike. Tell you what, after we take you back home, I'll go see it for myself."

At that, the dragon straightened, puffing out his chest. "W-What I meant to say is, I don't want you getting the reward all to yourself, if this story's true. I'm coming with you, no ancient castle of spirit's gonna scare me!"

Childish faux bravado.

"Alright. Stick close to me then Spike."

The dragon gulped. "You mean we're going... Now?"

Hey, anything's better than listening to that chant again for the majority of the night. Plus, we had plenty of time before joining the mares for that maze Applejack's family made. With a grin, I gestured onwards. "Forwards Spike, we have a dead castle to visit!"

Zagreus sets the skies ablaze.

The stars his flame a gleaming...

"Please stop doing that..."

"Hm?" What now? My gaze turned puzzlingly to the young dragon, who was practically clutching against my hind leg the further we traveled within the dark, spooky forest. Really, I had nothing to fear; I could sense the presence of any potential threat nearby. Nothing at the moment. And should anything pop up, I'll be ready for it.

Spike whispered irritably, "Mumbling under your breathe like that. It's really unsettling right now..."

Oh. "Oops, sorry Spike." I apologized with a small grin, glancing over to the young dragon, whose eyes looked left and right repeatedly. "Nothing's coming right now, there's nothing to be afraid of."

"Psh! I'm not afraid!" The young lizard immediately proclaimed, puffing out his chest in defiance to my words. Yeah, uh-huh, okay. But at my raised brow, Spike thought quick to change the subject. "So... What were you mumbling about just then?"

My gaze turned back to the path before us, clearing away some branches. "Just a rhyme I picked up back on Earth."

"Your Earth or Sunset's Earth?"

'Sunset's Earth.' I scoffed lightly. 'Human Twilight's Earth' would be more appropriate. Speaking of which, that wasn't too far from happening now. Friendship Games is on the horizon. I'd have to be quick considering the implications over the timeline; deal with Starlight fast, and I'll make it in time to prevent the fall of Twilight and rise of Midnight.

Oh, right, Spike was waiting for an answer. I shrugged. "My Earth. It's a nursery rhyme from a favourite franchise of mine."

"How does it go?"

I smirked, my voice lowering considerably to fit the tone of the rhyme itself.

"Zagreus sits inside your head.

Zagreus sits among the dead.

Zagreus sees you in your head.

And eats you when you're sleeping."

Spike gulped. "That's some nursery rhyme..."

Hmhm. I rubbed his forehead humouredly. That was then, however, another voice within my mind decided to speak the next verse, sounding just as sinister as I had intended.

Zagreus at the end of days.

Zagreus lies all other ways.

Zagreus comes when time's a maze.

And all of history is weeping...

Another voice, just as low, but with more warmth to it.

Zagreus taking time apart.

Zagreus fears the hero heart.

Zagreus seeks the final part.

The reward that he is reaping.

Eh, screw it. I'll play along. Love reciting this rhyme anyway. Spike almost jumped at my sudden reinforced voice to the next verse.

"Zagreus sings when all is lost.

Zagreus takes all those he's crossed.

Zagreus wins and all it cost.

The hero's heart he's keeping."

Won't lie. Weren't expecting you two to join in. Cheers.

Why not? Getting into the mood of things.

Not to mention with little else to do in here.

Aren't there 'apps' you can play in my head?

Played them all.

All...? Well, if I knew how to install apps into my brain, Sombra, I'd try to help-

From the corner of my eye, Spike stiffened, and we paused briefly again. "What is it now Spike?" The dragon said nothing, glancing around the area wildly. Curious, I extended my senses as much as possible. Still not strong enough to detect all life through the forest yet, but enough to know of immediate danger in our vicinity.

Spike, however, thought otherwise. "I saw something..."

With raised brows, I placed a hoof on the quivering dragon's shoulder. "Calm down Spike. There's nothing-"

"There!" What? My gaze snapped to what Spike was pointing at... At nothing. Hell, I couldn't visibly see anything surrounded us but shadows and trees. The small mist pouring through the dark forest wasn't helping. "I saw a shadow!"


The King scoffed. I have better things to accomplish than idly frighten your little dragon... Despite how tempting the idea presents itself.


Doubt me at your own peril boy-

"Over there! Now there! Quick, there!"

"Spike!" I called for the dragon's attention, who was preoccupied pointing randomly at all directions. With both hoofs on his small shoulder, I gently guided him to face me, leaning down. "There's nothing there. The dark is just getting to you, okay... Okay? ...Spike?"

The dragon gulped, finally responding with a shaking finger pointing behind me, eyes widened with a quivering voice. "T-Then w-what's that...?" Cautiously, my gaze followed Spike's pointing claw, still sensing nothing but-

What the [BEEP]?!

"You?!" The silhouette was unmistakable. Within the darkness before us a shape could be made out, and immediately priority one was to protect my petrified younger brother, stepping between him and the approaching figure firmly, yet still regarding the mare with incredulity. Impossible! Why couldn't I sense her?!

Like, at all?!

Nightmare Moon glared down at us with ill-concealed glee, as dark as the night itself. Serpentine azure eyes gazed upon us, reflecting our stunned postures to her sudden appearance, and the absurdity of it all. And to her right, to add more to this implausible scenario, another figure showed up beside the former villain.

Chrysalis emerged from the shadows, in all her malicious intimidating glory. A small growl escaped, recollections of our last encounter still fresh and opening old wounds. "Spike, stay directly behind me," I commanded through gritted teeth, cyan turning golden eyes still glaring at the grinning villain. How did she found us, and what was she doing here-?!

A tug at my cape. "St-Stardust... Behind you..."

What now? Carefully, my gaze slowly turned from the Changeling Queen to-



It- It can't be! This had to be an illusion of something! Because no way that was Tirek adorning his brown cloak before us. Yellow small eyes gleamed with sinister intent from the dark hood. Quickly, I pulled Spike towards, shielding him from harm between my four legs. Both Chrysalis AND Tirek, together?

That seems to be the least of your concerns. Look around you.

Wha- Oh come on!

Even King Sombra himself emerged from the shadows to Chrysalis' right... Then Garble... The sirens? Sunset Shimmer? Discord? And...?

Oh no...!

Not her... Please... Anyone but her...!

They all surrounded us with cocky grins and deadly eyes, preparing to strike while our guard was down. What the [BEEP] was going on?! This HAD to be a hallucination of sorts.

Which wouldn't make sense, since Spike can see them too.

To your right!

Hm? Oh Christ!

In retaliation to the Queen's sudden pounce forward, Balance kicked in, my front hoof swing forward to bat the charging Changeling away... Only to be met with purple smoke following after the successful... Or unsuccessful hit. My eyes tore in shock after the vapour, taking the form of the smug Chrysalis between the sirens and Tirek.

...Was this the curse Bon meant? No, we weren't even close to the castle!

This must be some sort of defense plan to defending the castle on this night. Sombra's voice rationalized. Meanwhile, the physical form of the fallen tyrant leered hungrily. Perhaps taking on the forms of those deemed enemies or worst nightmares to yourself.

But that's absurd. Immediately, I roundhouse kicked the leaping Garble into purple mist. I don't fear any of these guys... Some trauma from you overtaking my mind maybe, Sombra. Chrysalis perhaps considering our... History. Tirek's and Moon are definite possibilities. But Sunset? The Dazzlings? Garble? Discord? That makes no sense!

God dammit! My next defending hit was met yet again with more disappearing and reappearing acts, and I knew I couldn't keep doing that for long. The villains were drawing closer towards us with every attack each makes. Spike was shaking under my belly, and for a moment, I finally realized.

It's not JUST me.

I propose a tactical withdrawal.


Spike yelped as I suddenly flipped the dragon onto my backside, readjusting my costume's hat and jumping over the charging Discord, landing safely behind him and carrying a terrified dragon away from those manifestations as quickly as possible. Balance kept me from smacking into any trees or tripping overs any branches upon our retreat.

I will say, though, this was one hell of a Halloween.

"Think we lost them...?"

Warily, my head peeked over the large bush giving us plenty of cover to hide, seeing and sensing nothing. "Yeah... If they chased after us to begin with." I didn't hear anything tracking after us. Then again, no noises had come from any of those villain's mouths or movements during that fight. But for the moment, everything appeared safe.

Spike sighed in relief, staring at me in full fearful confusion. "Just what happened back there? Why did Discord attack us? Why were King Sombra, Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek, Nightmare Moon and Garble there? I thought Sombra was stuck inside your head, literally. And Sunset Shimmer, how did she get there, in human form? And who was that purple monster with them? What's going on Stardust?"

Wish I knew. I was just as befuddled as the terrified dragon was. Even moreso, I had further questions. Why didn't I sense any danger to begin with? True I couldn't detect their presences for lack of heart signatures within those conjured manifestations of those villains, but Balance could've enhanced my senses enough to pick on something - anything - in regards to what happened just before. Starswirl, any explanations?

...No answer.

Damn. Well then, Sombra, are you sure you're not responsible for any of that back there?

I would know if that were the case. Regardless, my powers are limited, too much so as to create illusions of enemies old and new. Whatever is behind this is not of my own making.

[BEEP]. That leaves one plausible answer to all this.

"I think, Spike..." I began slowly, pondering over this in unsettled thought. "We were dealing with the so-called curse Bon talked about." The dragon paled, and I added quickly, "But that's mere speculation."

That did nothing to ease Spike's worries, gulping in fright. "The c-c-curse? B-But, we were nowhere near the castle yet!"

"Maybe Moon added the security outside of the castle too." Which sounded completely ridiculous, even to me. Celestia had banished Luna in Nightmare form before she could do anything of the sort. I shrugged, rubbing my beard in thought. "What we saw were obviously unreal forms of our memories... I'm guessing anyway."

Spike tilted his head at my theory, the extra stitched head bopping to another side. "But I've never met those three dragons or purple demon. Do you know them?"

I winced, awful recollection of poor human Twilight being bullied against her will to unleash something she nor her bullies understood... And almost was destroyed in the process. Memory serves of a shy, innocent yet vulnerable girl with no experience or wisdom like her pony counterpart, taken advantage of to fulfill the needs of selfish people...

And the demon spawned because of it...

"One of them, Spike, I have every intention of preventing from ever happening..." This was a vow, a promise, a reassurance to everyone and myself that that event will never come to pass. Midnight will never fall and bring chaos to both worlds. I'd rather die than let any version of Twilight suffer so horribly like Hasbro made them.

In the meantime, Jack, perhaps you should focus on the present situation.

Right, yes, of course, sorry.

Taking a deep breath, I recomposed myself, looking at Spike. "I have a feeling we'll need to get past them somehow."

"But how?" Spike inquired, looking very unnerved at the prospect to heading towards those villains again. "You couldn't even land a hit on them."

Too true. "...Maybe fighting's not the solution." I mused loudly, rubbing my chin again in thought. If not combat, then what? This could be a test for all we know, a way to discover how to bypass such security... But how do you conquer an illusion...?

The same way you conquer a nightmare.

...Right... Right...!

"Maybe... We can get past them without engaging them in the first place!"

Spike blinked, leaning forward. "Huh?"

Grinning in epiphany, I stared at the puzzled dragon. "Think about it, Spike. They've creatures conjured up from not only our fears, but our worst experiences also. We just need to simply walk by them without showing any fear... I think, anyway."

Spike frowned, evidently not following. "But won't they attack us if we go back there?"

"Maybe. Or maybe this is just a test; to get by, you have to conquer your fears. It's the same with a nightmare; it plays a lingering effect on your fears, but over time, it will pass away. They can't touch us, Spike, so long as we simply ignore them."

It's so simple! At least, if that's the theory we're going for. But it's the only idea we have so far.

My little brother, meanwhile, still looked reluctant. "That's easy for you to say... Not that I'm scared of them or anything! Just..."

I sighed. "Spike, you don't need to put up a face of bravery for my sake. I know you're stronger than you think." The lizard gazed at the ground. Leaning forward, I placed a comforting hoof on the dragon's shoulder, waiting for him to look up and see my small smile. "It's okay to be afraid of something. Hell, I have a lot of fears of my own. Some even Twilight don't know."

"Really?" Spike blinked at the confession, turning back fully to face in curious interest. "Like what?"

"Let's see... I hate water. At least, an ocean. Always been scared of spiders, bees and lots of other small insects. Can't stand the little damn things... Um... Afraid of my special somepony, especially when I get her mad at times."

Spike gaped, eyes widening in disbelief. "You? Afraid of Twilight?" At my humoured nod, the dragon slumped back, processing all this. "But... You're the Twilight Warrior! You've shown more bravery than I ever will! How can you be scared of spiders, for crying out loud?!"

"True courage is being afraid, but facing the obstacle regardless, Spike." A small smirk emerged on my features, ruffling the dragon's head. "I was scared off my wit's end when facing Nightmare Moon, Sombra and all that, I won't lie. Though it was less bravery and more... Reckless behaviour."

Spike at least chuckled at that. "Heh, Twilight often says that when you do that kind of stuff."

"And Twilight is never wrong." I grinned lightly, rising to stand. "Most of all, I'm afraid for the well-being of my loved ones. But, so long as I have friends by my side, and those who believe in me, I'll face all opposition. And you have those things as well, Spike, I know you can conquer your fears just as much as I can. You're the bravest dragon I know, little bro." A hoof extended, offered to the young reptile. "Let's go conquer our fears together."

A few seconds of pause and contemplation. Spike stared at the waiting yellow hoof quietly, clearly debating behind that uncertain expression of his. But even at a plausible declination, I knew what my little brother would choose in the end.

My prediction came true. "You're right big bro." A claw clasped my hoof determinedly, Spike grinned despite some nervousness lingering on his reptilian features. "Let's show those illusions we have nothing to be afraid of!"

Wow. That didn't take too long.

About twenty or thirty steps later, our friends from the other side decided to make another appearance. By instinct, my front limb pointlessly shielded the jumping dragon just as precaution. If my theory was true, there was no need for the defense. Yet all the gleaming eyes and widened mouths surrounding and regarding us will ill-concealed hostility warranted some brotherly incentive to protect Spike from harm.

Noble, but as you said, pointless. Now is time to put your approach to this obstacle to test.

Yeah. My eyes cast down at the shaking dragon, resting a soothing hoof on his shoulder. That prompted young lizard to look at me.

"Brave heart Spike," I said with a soft smile, reciting a phrase from the cricketer incarnation of the Doctor. Gulping, Spike took the words to heart and attempted to steel his resolve, straightening and trying to ignore the emotionless chuckles of the illusions.

If I had hands again, I'd hold onto Spike's claw as we began our movement forward, staring directly into the reptilian eyes of Nightmare Moon. The form of the former villain gazed patiently at us, making no movements herself as of yet, simply watching... Waiting. Between her, Chrysalis and Midnight held malicious grins etched over their faces, but we slowly continued, refusing to give them the satisfaction of fear.

...Well, speaking for myself. From beside me, Spike was reverting back to full-fear once again, eyes carefully looking around and ranging from bravado to panicking. And clearly, the illusions were beginning to pick up on this. I heard Discord laugh hoarsely, the sirens snickering scornfully, and Midnight smirking coldly, and that was causing a shiver down my spine. Just seeing Twilight become anything like that... It won't happen again.

They're becoming agitated by your fear. No [BEEP]. Have you learned nothing by this point? Utilize your Balance magic, let it calm your and the dragon's senses.

...Oh right. I can do that!

Before I could let Sombra pitch in another comment about my sheer idiocy, my fur gently brushed against the startled dragon's side, allowing the physical contact to strengthen the bond between us. From the mental realm, I sensed the raw fear, hesitation and yearning to flee from Spike, and it pained me. It terrified me to see my friend, my brother so terrified.

So I did what any older sibling would do, and comforted him the best way I know how.

Spike gasped at the flow of positivism transcending into his frightened heart, young eyes looking to me in wonder. I winked playfully, inciting the dragon's small growing grin in realization. Oh yeah, he knows what's up. A golden hue began enveloping both of us, occupying the outlines of our bodies in a sea of warmth and adoration. The love between two brothers in all but bond paramount. With firm nods, we pressed forward, Garble suddenly leaping forward... Then disappearing into evaporating mist. Gone for good.

Followed by the sirens. Then Sombra. Then Discord. Then Chrysalis... And Midnight... A pang of guilt rose in my throat at the painful image. And finally we reached Nightmare Moon face-to-face. The expression regarded us blankly as we paused before her... Then disappeared upon us stepping right through her.

That... Was too easy.

The fallen King's snort echoed. Had it been your friends, this would've taken longer.

I'm sure we'd bypass them too eventually-

No. I mean if it were your friends put in this situation in your and the dragon's stead.

Oh right... Yeah probably.

And once we made sure the coast was clear, the golden hue evaporated, and I took a moment to hug the gleeful Spike proudly. "That's my little bro! A Dragon Warrior himself!" Spike beamed at the massive praise, ecstatic at conquering through this obstacle and getting so much approval from one he views as a role model.

"Phew! It was a close one. But we made it through. We actually did it!" Spike jabbed a finger to his own chest. "Together, there's nothing we can't achieve!"

With my own widened grin, I motioned forwards. "Come along Spike! Our reward is waiting for us!"

Additionally, you express remorse for the human Sparkle's eventual fate. Yet I see no compassion from you held for the girl at that camp.

Who, Gia Everfree? Psh! I've no time to waste feeling empathy for selfish brats. Even Sentry earnt my pity more than her and her idiotic brother.




The blasphemous statements were warranted, I assure you. For how else can one react properly to an entire mountain of sweets covering the carpet floor of the castle's foyer. I'm not kidding, we were staring with slacked jaws and widened eyes at every kid's fantasy of sweets. Candy, chocolate, all for those brave enough to bypass tonight's challenge.

I swear to God, Spike was drooling. And I couldn't blame him. I'm going to drool any moment just staring at them!

Much preferable if you refrained from that course of action.

With exchanged grins, Spike took the initiative. "Cannon ball!" He wasted no time, diving straight into the mountain of sugary goods like Christmas had come early. Might as well have! "Best. Nightmare Night. Ever!"

Consider this a gift for your efforts tonight.

Starswirl... You had something to do with all this...?

The old being chuckled. A little token of appreciation towards your dedication and effort in your training. I decided to indulge you and young Spike's sweet tooth in favour for passing my trial tonight. Congratulations are in order, 'Darkwing Dust.'

So wait... You were responsible for those illusions? The rumour? The test? You had everything to do with it.

Hmhmhmhm. Being a spirit doesn't prevent me from having a little fun of my own this time of the year, Jack.

Sombra scoffed.

...Well, I'm not complaining! All of this makes up for putting Spike and I through that nightmarish scenario tonight, old man! We're gonna a lot to keep us filled the following week.

It's teeth-rotting time! My hooves charged towards the mountain Spike was gorging himself in.

Let's get dangerous?

You know it!

"Cannon ball!"

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