• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 155: The Hand Balance Deals With Us

What a pleasant contrast to last month.

The love of my life resting comfortably against my side, my friends happily conversing with one another across their seats, my son deeply immersed with the handheld technology played with his claws, and myself gazing out of the window with the looming kingdom getting closer in sight. A much preferable reality than last month's far-from-pleasant trip to a certain camp, to which I'm beginning to actually wonder if I made the right call.

You did Jack. Any other judgement would have costed you more than Sunset and your friends' disapproval.

You know what would've helped greatly, teacher? If you had bothered making yourself known at all during those three days of pure Hell.

Starswirl sounded more fondly amused than anything. That was your trial to face, yours alone, my young pupil. Had I chosen to guide you then, what would you potentially learnt outside of stubborn contempt?

...I don't remember learning anything aside from Zagreus getting his own TARDIS... And how terribly soft I've gotten living in this world.

Ah, but the evidence lies in those very thoughts, Jack. Your affection towards your friends anchored you from returning to the man you once was. Unknowingly, Sunset Shimmer and her friends enabled you to maintain enough composure from purely lashing out towards the camp counselors. Consider this, how would you be any better than them had you acted otherwise towards the camp? Softness be not weakness.

I never claimed to be a better person than them... Also, why the Hell am I still thinking about that special still? Someone help me!

You know they invented a magic potion to help you forget about Legends of Everfree.

It's called bleach.

Then, a prodding broke me from this internal conversation with Starswirl, prompting my surprised state to turn towards the seven mares, Starlight and Pinkie hovering over my seat expectantly. I blinked at everyone's stares. "What?"

Applejack smirked. "Nothin'. Just wanted to stop yer scowlin' like you've been personally attacked by somethin'." The orange mare raised a knowing brow. "Thinkin' about last month again?"

I shrugged helplessly. Meanwhile, a certain rainbow-haired pegasus next to Rarity rolled her eyes. "Shocking. You'd think you'd get over it by now, Star. Ever since you came back from Sunset's world you've been more quiet and grouchy than usual! I'm getting bad flashbacks to the you we first met years ago!"

Years might be an exaggeration... Or maybe not. How time works between seasons is finicky.


Pinkie giggled loudly, drawing some curious stares from other passengers. "We're not mad silly!"

"If anything, darling, we're moreso concerned for your well-being." Rarity added with a faintly amused smile. "Secluding yourself all week, acting more somber than typically so. I hear it took great effort on Twilight's part to convince you to leave the castle today."

Oh yeah, the mare literally had to drag me out of bed then, but that was nothing new. Twilight gave me a look, but made no comment. Starlight chose to interject, "I wonder why Princess Celestia summoned us all to Canterlot. Everyone in town's been saying something's up."

"That's why we've got quite the crowd here." No kidding Fluttershy. The whole train was packed with ponies from Ponyville accompanying us to the kingdom. "Oh, I hope nothing is wrong with the Princess."

"I doubt it." The Princess finally spoke up, shifting slightly from leaning against my side and straightening, smiling enthusiastically in discussion about her old mentor. "Princess Celestia's letter suggests her reasons for calling us is more on the positive side. She has some big announcement to make, although she's very clear I had to bring a certain special somepony along."

Purple eyes rolled to me, and I smirked. "And you answered to her beck and call like always, Twilight. Was I really worth the effort?"

"She was very insistent on you accompanying us." Twilight smirked tiredly. God, no matter what expression she had it was always breathtaking. "And I haven't given up on you yet, honey."

"Shame." I leaned back against the seat in mock-woe, relaxing with folded front limbs as the mighty kingdom only came closer and closer in view. "It must be that important then. Oh maybe she's finally announcing her retirement." Even Spike chuckled at that from his seat. My smirk widened at the physical jab to my gut.

"Princesses don't retire, Jack."

"With her unorthodox methods, anything's possible."

"Oh brother..." Rainbow moaned in hearing distance. "And we haven't even had lunch yet..."

Twilight responded with a dry tone and raised brow. "Oh, and you're one to comment about unorthodox? Last I checked that was your mastered technique."

"At least I confess to it." I retorted, unable to hide the mirth in my voice. "Unlike a certain alicorn Princess who's convinced the sun shines from her old mentor's arse."

Twilight's features twitched, but our bond was powerful enough to tell me she was just playing along. Alluring eyes sparkled michievously. "That's not what you thought yesterday when we were discussing Starlight's future."

Ah yes. "I kept my opinions to myself-"

"That's a first."

"- And you were busy needlessly fantasizing about dispatching your former student to God knows where to follow in Celestia's footsteps." I mock-pouted, barely fighting off a smile. "I'm still waiting to know what fantasies involving us two you had with that spell of yours."

Worked like a charm. Twilight's faces reddened embarrassingly, adding a more forceful jab and looking away pointedly. Hmhmhmhmhmhm. The girls were equally amused. "There's the Stardust we know and love." Starlight commented fondly. "I wonder if our summon to Canterlot has something to do with your relationship with each other."

"What, like the Princess will announce it to the whole of Equestria or somethin'?" Applejack considered the thought, releasing a sly smile at Twilight's vibrant hue. "'Bout time then, considerin' how close the two of you have gotten."

Oh, because that's what I need. Celestia making my love for Twilight public to the world as though it was some grand gesture. Well, it was to me, but that's beside the point. "I think it'll be something else entirely, Applejack. I don't see Princess Celestia publicly announcing our relationship for the sake of it."

You never know. "And she doesn't need to." Jokingly I pulled the alicorn into a loving embrace, smirking coyly. "Because Twilight has me already do that twenty-four seven." The Princess mumbled something in flattery and exasperation.

Spike then called out in jest. "Welcome back dad. We missed you."

"So it's entirely new territory for you hereon?"

"Pretty much." Was my simple response to Starlight's question, shrugging as we patiently waited for other passengers to depart the compartment before our turn. "All new season, all new episodes. All unknown to me. Whatever happens next, I'll be completely blind to."

Yep, that's what it's come to. Season six is over. Legends of Everfree is over - thank [BEEP]ity Christ - so it's all new for what comes next. And I won't like, I'm both anxious and excited about this, doing my best to avoid spoilers on the internet and anything related to the new season. I only knew two things thus far.

We finally get to the know the fate of Applejack's parents.

And there will be three EQG specials this time around. That's right, three. Because one per year wasn't enough and our creator has a sick, twisted sense of humour. The fact they're only about twenty minutes each does nothing to dull the pain.

"I still don't get it." Spike deadpanned skeptically from my left. "Wouldn't it make sense to watch all the episodes beforehand so you know what to avoid? Aren't you just making things easier for Zagreus to become more powerful now?"

Ah, I've got Starswirl for that.

"Knowing your father, Spike, it'll just persuade him not to join in any activities with us even if they were harmless for him to spectate." Twilight replied knowingly, sending a firm expression my way. "And whatever happens next, it's not just Jack who Zagreus will have to worry about."

"Yeah!" Rainbow nodded in agreement, grinning in preparation. "We can handle anything that comes our way and that jerk at the same time! Stardust doesn't need to know the future, not when he's got faith in us. Right Star?"

"Pretty much." I smirked sincerely, gazing around to the mares. "My life's in your hooves, and I wouldn't have it any other way."

"The line's lessening down." Starlight pointed out after a moment of appreciation, nodding forward for us to depart. My sense picked up on the mass quantity of ponies right outside of the station. Some big announcement indeed. The pink unicorn continued enthusiastically. "Maybe yesterday's party inspired the Princess to make some huge... Event...?"

No sooner did we leave the compartment, Starlight's words died down by the two white guards preventing us from further leaving the train, making a path in the curious crowd. One of the pegasi spoke with authority. "We're here to escort you to the castle."

In a fancy carriage ride no doubt. First the train, now this slowly cruise down the streets of Canterlot.

"Now this is luxury!" Rainbow stretched, leaning back opposite me with a content sigh, beaming widely. "Sweet of the Princess to give us a personal escort."

"Quite." Rarity concurred on the far side of the pegasus, Applejack and Fluttershy sat between the two. The fashion unicorn grinned in wonder while gazing outside the open door, a rainbow of ponies as passed by from four stallions dragging the carriage. "It seems to be quite the occasion. I couldn't possibly be more gratified for this entourage down to the castle."

"Do you think the announcement has something to do with us?" Fluttershy inquired to everyone meekly, leaning back slightly at the rather intimidating prospect. "Goodness, I'd much prefer not to be the center of attention if everypony from all over Equestria's attending."

"Psh!" Rainbow snorted dismissively. "Big whoop! This is a good thing Fluttershy! How often do we get this kind of luxury ever?" Multiple stares her way, prompting the pink eye-roll. "Fair enough, but this isn't the usual shtick. Whatever Princess Celestia is planning, she clearly wants us to be there front and center."

Twilight turned to me. "Do you think this is an episode occurring currently?"

"...Probably?" I shrugged, not really sure about it. "Usually an episode takes some time in-between each other. It might be something off-screen."

"With something this apparently huge?" Starlight gazed outside, observing the happily chatting crowd and some gazing towards the carriage in curious wonder. "Seems rather too big to miss, if you ask me..."

"Maybe Princess Celestia or Princess Luna are getting married." Spike pitched an idea. Twilight glared at my ludicrous snort.

Pinkie couldn't look more than thrilled, however. "Ohh! And they need us to set up the biggest, super best wedding party in existence!" And the bright Earth Pony yelled outside the carriage. "Come on, put your backs into it! We have a party to prepare, stat!"

Starlight's magic pulled the overjoyed mare back in, commenting in skeptical humour. "I don't think it's that Pinkie."

"Aw cool!" Spike suddenly called out then, prompting us to follow his awed expression towards the rows and rows of guard ponies suddenly walking by us in sync, with stern expressions and holding lances orderly on both sides of the transport.

The sight prompted my tiny snicker.

"What's so funny?" Applejack asked, hearing my quiet chuckle.

"Ahh seven seasons in and the sight still looks ludicrous. An army of ponies with weapons." Grinning to the others, I put on a high-pitched tone and imitated "Everypony! March! Ba dum dum dum!"

My friends chuckled in turn by that, Spike struggling to hold it together as he followed suit. "It-It must be silly-looking for a human I guess." It certainly was. "Let me try: Fire the cannons!" This time, I laughed at the dragon's very good imitation of royal guards. Twilight was looking torn between endearing amusement and fond exasperation by our mockery of Celestia's elite.

"That's how it went when the Changelings invaded." I suggested coyly, doing another voice next. "We won't let those [BEEP]ers take this land! Isn't that right men?!"

"Right!" Pinkie, Rainbow and Spike collectively answered with high-pitched tones.

"Language Jack." Twilight admonished. "Especially in front of Spike." But the alicorn's eyes sparkled in mischief, unable to contain her own amusement at our antics.

"Ah it's not gonna hurt him Twilight!" Rainbow pointed out matter-of-factly. "Not as if Spike can hear clearly what his Dad is saying."

I smirked. Cheers Rainbow. "Launch the nukes!"

Pinkie giggled and made an exploding gesture and noise, having as much fun as we at all this. All from making fun of an army of four-legged equines with sticks. I told Shining, crossbows would work a million times better.

Spike imitated gurgling pained sounds. "Go-Go on without me guard one!"

I grinned. "I'm not leaving you guard two!" With a playful grieving voice. Laughter followed suit.

Unfortunately, all fun ended as the carriage eventually came to a halt, one guard pulling open the half-door and stepping aside, myself letting the mares and Spike leave first before following suit. Starswirl, any idea what your old student is intending to do?

Some conclusions spring to mind, but let's leave all speculation until after her surprise, hm?

Ah fair enough.

Waiting by the front doors leading into the imposing castle stood Celestia, Luna and, surprisingly, Cadence, Shining and Sunburst. Starlight noticed the last pony and rushed forward, happily greeting her childhood friend. Look Sombra, it's everyone you hate gathered together!


I miss him too, Jack, believe it or not.


"I'm glad to see you all made it here safe and sound." Celestia started warmly after greeting her beloved former student. Twilight grinned brightly in response.

"Princess Celestia, what's going on?" Twilight inquired curiously, motioning back. "It's as if all of Equestria is here in Canterlot."

No kidding. I was beginning to feel unnerved by the mass of stares by countless ponies around the courtyard, all held back in crowds by the royal guards dutifully carrying out their jobs. Still not use to being looked at by that quantity, and neither was the slightly trembling Fluttershy. The pegasus smiled in flattery on my hoof to her side in reassurance.

Luna stepped forward with an enthusiastic grin. "That is entirely the case, Twilight Sparkle." Oh boy, if Luna's this blissful something is really up.

"Everything will be explained in just a moment." The Princess of the Sun continued merrily, turning around. "We haven't a moment to waste. This has been a long day coming, my friends. Come, come."

Wow, Celestia's very eager. All having looks of amusement and curiosity, we followed, just as excited to see what the overgrown alicorn has in mind for us. Although, should I be worried? Previous times whenever Celestia was excited about something, I usually never approved of it.

But... I was still giving the mare a chance, for Twilight's sake.

Lingering behind, Shining joined beside me by the back of the group as we entered the well-decorated foyer, filled with more rows of guards and servants collectively. The taller stallion grinned warmly. "I couldn't be anymore proud."

Hm? "Of what?"

The unicorn winked. "You'll see." Oh, so it's gonna be like this huh...? Shining beamed forward as though nothing else was wrong in the world. "You're gonna love this, trust me."

As the mane six continued pressing Celestia for answers, to my slight amusement, Starlight conversed cheerfully with Sunburst, Luna and Cadence watched the proceedings with fondness, and Shining was walking by me at the back of the group being led further above the castle, giving me not-so-subtle occasional glances with a failed attempt of hiding a smile. It didn't take long for us to recognize where we were heading by the destination neither the throne room nor the dining area, though I imagine Celestia wouldn't have summoned us all simply for a meal.

But the balcony, overlooking the entire kingdom.

Starswirl... Any idea what your former pupil is planning?

It is apparent that Celestia intends upon addressing the whole land of Equestria. Perhaps a speech.

No [BEEP]. Gathered that much. But what on Earth for, is the question. Celestia doesn't usually make large speeches for everyone unless it was deeply important.

Twilight continued grilling her previous teacher for answers without regret. "Is it something vital? Of course it is, but what? Is there some sort of situation which requires all of us to be here?"

The taller alicorn smiled lightly. "A situation, yes, but nothing on the negative side."

Guess who inquired this barrage? "Is it an Equestria-wide celebration? Are we celebrating something? Ooh did you ask us here to host the event?!"

Celestia chuckled to Pinkie's antics. "All in good time... In fact, that time is now." She announced happily the closer we approached the outside balcony, the sounds of countless equines sharing their enthusiasm and wonder for what's to come. The three alicorns minus Twilight turned to face us all. "Please wait here for one moment. You'll know when the time is right."

"The time for what?" Applejack asked in perplexity.

Rarity added to her confusion. "Yes, I admit the suspension is killing us, Princess. Are we to bare witness for a very important change, or something along those lines?"

The two sisters shared knowing glances, Luna then calling out to me for some reason. "Stardust." I felt myself stiffen suddenly by the addressal. "Would you kindly stand in front of the group for a moment?" Uh... Sure? Shining's eyes gleamed humouredly, softly nudging me forward and prompting my earnest confusion. Does all this have something to do with me?

...Dear God I hope not.

"Does this all have something to do with Jack?" Twilight voiced my suspicions, standing beside me before the others. Just having the alicorn this close was enough to ease some minor worries, but my apprehension remained.

In answer, Luna gestured for us to wait as she and Celestia continued forward, emerging to the outdoor world where their loyal subjects awaited. I'd make a comment comparing their citizens to that of sheep, but Twilight here probably wouldn't approve.

"You're right, I wouldn't."

I smirked to my girlfriend's mental comment through our special link. Screw it. Twilight, your people might as well be sheep with how they obediently serve their 'flawless' rulers. The alicorn kept a calm expression, but the mental disapproval across our bond with a faint annoyed sparkle in her eyes said enough. Spike snickered to my left, obviously hearing that.

Now then, back to the balcony.

Celestia extended her wings, evidently for dramatic effect, and I refrained from snorting too loudly. The endless crowd fell silent from the reveal and gesture of their Princess, and Celestia smiled down calmly before her subjects, getting straight to the point and sparing us all from any waste of our time.

"What's this all about...?" I vaguely heard Starlight ask her childhood friend.

"I'm as much in the dark..." Sunburst whispered back curiously. So only the royals seemed to know, but Twilight... Interesting.

"A long time ago," The ruler of the sun began, her voice magically reverberating across all of Canterlot. "My student and her wonderful friends gathered the Elements of Harmony, saved my beloved sister, and restored the world to balance time and time again. On that day where she met those five amazing friends, became the catalyst for a safe and bright future for us all!"

Across my bonds, the six mares were blissful to hear the praise, and I case a proud glances at the beaming Twilight, who leaned into my side somewhat as she heard her former teacher speak about them positively.

"But that wasn't all which happened that day." Hm? Celestia proceeded with a jovially regal disposition. "On that same day, they encountered a lost pony, whom arrived in Ponyville with neither friends nor protection. Time and time again, this lost soul willingly helped my former pupil and her friends overcome many obstacles, asking nothing in return and learning the values of friendship alongside them."

...Oh no.

Oh God no...

Starswirl... Is this going where I think it's going...?

Hmhmhmhm. My own teacher couldn't sound more positively amused. Patience, my young student. Let's see where the Princess goes with this.

"Some may know him, most may have heard tales of this stallion's exploits. The pony who defied the likes of Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra, Lord Tirek. Even my own sister in effort to spare his loved ones the danger. It is time we fully acknowledge, and officially welcome this brave explorer to our world."

My insides froze, sensing the waves of confusion, shock and awe echoing through Balance from all living things in the vicinity.

"Correct, my fellow Equestrians. The pony currently courting the Princess of Friendship; whom you might know as the Hero of Canterlot, Crystal Champion, and, to some, the Twilight Warrior, is not from around me. He traveled to Equestria from beyond the stars, and has done nothing but protect and aided us since that same day my young student and their friends have done the same."

Celestia, you son of a-!

"The time is now, for us all to welcome him to our friend, and acknowledge this otherworldly pony as one of us. He who seeks to correct the imbalances of our world. I introduce you all, to the human among us... Stardust Balance!"

I am going to gut her alive and cook her inwards to Fluttershy's pet Timberwolf-!

But my senses were overcome by the sheer pride radiating from my friends around me, the ponies and dragon all grinning widely with unending happiness shining from their eyes. Twilight hurriedly nudge me by the side, nodding to the balcony with purple eyes commanding me to go out there and address the people... Or ponies.

But I didn't want to!

I'm afraid that reluctance has passed, Jack. Starswirl added with warm mirth. This has been a long day coming, and now you must face the consequences for all your deeds today. And this time, without the negative side of things involving the creation of Zagreus. Go, Jack... Address your people.

But they're not... Oh.

Rainbow added to my teacher's words with a humoured hiss, "Get out there already! They're waiting!"

Oh, right. Clenching my features, I slowly walked over to join the waiting Celestia and Luna- Oof! With help from Rainbow and Applejack shoving me unceremoniously over to them, meeting the countless colourful faces of every living pony in Equestria. My inwards squirmed, breathing beginning to grow shallow at the massive amount of attention by everything around me.

Pegasi hovered to the skies and rooftops, Celestia and Luna standing between and allowing me front and center to glance over the edge by the quieted audience before me... I couldn't do this... This was... This was far too much!

My breathing then halted by the warm presence brushing my heart, the mental link between I and a specific purple alicorn pushing back the anxiousness and fear beginning to fester. Twilight clearly sensed my distress and was doing everything she could to reassure me without physical contact. Carefully glancing back, I met Twilight's gaze, her beaming expression reminding me that, yes, I was capable of doing this.


Taking a split-second to scowl at Celestia before looking back, I pondered for a moment as the countess faces waited, for this alien pony to speak. They were too far below for me to recognize any specific faces, but I imagined some friends of mine were among them. All leading up to this moment, faced with addressing all the ponies of Equestria. My words today could create a significant impact on the future, for myself and my family.

What could I possibly say to mark this special occasion...?

My first instinct decided for me, as I stood on two hind legs and made a Hercule-pose with a massive grin, bellowing to the denizens below.


My attempt of just winging it incited the muffled laughter of my friends behind me, and Twilight's loud but endearing groan.

"I assume this sudden announcement has made you less than amused, Stardust."

"Glad to see I have become more predictable over the years." Was my dry response to the Princess, everyone now gathered inside the throne room since that... Display. "How about a little warning next time before you put me in spotlight for your entire species?"

Luna smirked. "We feared you wouldn't hold any intention of coming had we shared this plan beforehand. We're fully aware of your reluctance to participate in gargantuan events."

"She's got you there." Spike added in quiet humour.

One look from him and back to the sisters, expressing utter irritation. "With good reason. What was the point in announcing to EVERYONE that there's an alien among them? I'll never have a moment's peace again!"

They waved off my indignation, Cadence answering with a fond expression. "Even you would have to admit this would be inevitable, Stardust, the moment you decided to start dating a certain alicorn Princess. Understandable so, of course." Said Princess smiled in sheepish flattery, standing beside we as we faced Celestia by the throne.

Celestia continued jovially. "Your actions and heroics could be ignored no longer, Stardust. It was high time for everyone to recognize that."

And it only took you seven seasons to do that- Twilight roughly jabbed my side with her wing. Rolling my eyes, I protested still, having some reservations about this remaining. "Couldn't I at least had a say in this beforehand? I'm not one of your citizens to make decisions for without my consent- Stop hitting me Twilight, you know it's true!"

The purple mare shook her head tiredly, Cadence and Shining exchanging fond glances as Celestia replied. "As Luna said, we know you'd potentially disagree. Your reluctance is understandable, my friend, but surely life will be much easier now that you're welcomed by everyone around you regardless of origins?"

"Think of it this way Stardust." Twilight's brother decided to contribute from the side, stepping forward with a warm grin. "With this newfound knowledge shared over Equestria, you'll be accepted more by society despite your unconventional behaviour around others. Ponies will understand more, and today would lay the foundations of a revolutionary age. And because of your past adventures, you'll be viewed as a hero all over the land."

"Implying I wanted to be viewed as one..."

Twilight sighed beside me, turning to face my disgruntled state fully. A warm hoof tenderly brushed my lowered cheek. "Even if you're not thrilled by this transition, your friends are." A heartwarming peck to my other cheek prompted me to meet Twilight's blissful gaze. "I especially. This is wonderful news for us all, Jack."

Was it though... Was it...?

"And you're a hero in our eyes, Dad." Spike added proudly, delivering a thumbs-up. "Might as well put up with everypony else thinking so now." Terrific.

"'Dad?'" Shining echoed curiously, looking between Spike, Twilight and I with a humoured raised brow. "Something I should be aware of?"

"Twilight and Stardust finally chose to acknowledge Spike as their adoptive son a short while back." Applejack replied with mirth, smirking jokingly. "Poor dragon, having a human with the temper of a Timberwolf for a role model."

I matched the orange farmer's expression. "Jealous?"

"Of course not! I have Apple Bloom to look up to me."

"And so far you're doing a swell job."

"Alright alright now." Twilight interjected after Applejack scowled darkly from my flat response, the alicorn shaking her head with a faint smile. "Let's refrain from any conflict for today, this is a moment of celebrating the official welcoming of our friend."

"Oh, I have an idea!" Pinkie seemed to have the same mindset, the pink Earth Pony bouncing around the large room excitedly. "An official 'Welcome the Alien' party here in Canterlot! With all the ponies in Equestria invited!"

"Awesome!" Rainbow voiced her enthusiastic agreement. "The greatest party Equestria's ever seen!"

"And Stardust could be the guest of honour!" Fluttershy added merrily, sending me a curious smile. "Would that be alright with you, Stardust?"

...[BEEP] it. "Sure, knock yourselves out. I've long given up saying no to any party you girls make." Why the Hell not? Suppose this was worthy of some celebration. My official acknowledged welcome by the whole world into Equestria... I could deal with the aftermath later. And who knows? Might be actually fun.

A light chuckle followed the mare's enthusiasm. "Hmhm, but before we turn to any of that." Celestia began, putting a more serious edge to her tone rather abruptly. "There is one other matter we must address."

Oh what now? Were all my crimes going to be addressed now?

Pink eyes gazed intently towards me. "As I understand it, your presence here, along with the Equestria body gifted to you, is aided by the power of my old mentor, Starswirl the Bearded. Am I not mistaken, Stardust?" How did-? Oh right, Twilight. "In fact, Luna informed myself of their encounter in her dreamscape when you aided her in defeating the Tantabus." Or that too. "It is my comprehension that my old teacher's magic is keeping you living on this world, indeed?"

"...WHAT?!" Sunburst, Cadence, Shining and Starlight collectively exclaimed, eyes looking ready to pop out from their skulls. Oh right, they didn't know. I cast them an amused shrug before nodding back to the Princess.

"That's right." I was rather curious to what direction Celestia was taking this. "What about it?"

"Well, I believe we may have a remedy for that." Pardon? Now everyone was focused on on the tall alicorn, whom smiling knowingly. "Powerful he may be in the spirit world, even Starswirl's magic was never infinite. The magic maintaining you that form would be draining much of my old mentor's energy. Has Starswirl ever expressed the repercussions to keeping you in this equine body?"

...No, come to think. You've never mentioned anything about that, have you Starswirl?

It was not my complaint to make. He responded rather fondly. It is my choice to spend this amount of energy to keep you in that form, Jack. It's not as if I have anywhere much else to spend my magic on, anyway.

"Are you saying that the magic keeping Jack in pony form is having a negative effect against Starswirl's spirit?" Twilight asked in newfound concern.

Negative? No. Rather a test of my own willpower, all things considered.

Clearly if you're making jokes like that.

"Perhaps not negative, Twilight." Celestia explained, pretty much expressing out-loud what my- Our teacher said. "However, I doubt any of us wish for Starswirl's spirit to be taxed any longer. Fortunately, we may have a remedy to this." Okay? The alicorn looked back to me directly, frowning gently. "There is a spell, ancient and very uncommon, situated for those who wish to remain a pony for the rest of lives. It was outlawed by the previous rulers of Equestria as deemed too reckless and dangerous for any average practitioner to use, but Luna and I uncovered the spell from Starswirl's achieves. I believe it is this same spell which has given you your present form up to now, or a variation of it."

"Oh!" Starlight was beginning to comprehend the alicorn's idea. "You think using this spell will keep Stardust in that form without draining Starswirl's magic!"

My eyes widened by the implications alone. That... That was possible?! Starswirl?!

I recognize the spell they refer to. The old unicorn said rather solemnly. However, I leave that very choice up to you, Jack. This is your decision, and yours alone.

"Of course, the decision falls to our young friend here." Luna commented, regarding my lowered posture with a serious frown. "You can maintain that body without Starswirl's power constantly being drained to keep you that way. You would become a full Equestrian for the rest of your life. Would you like that?"

I mean, spending the rest of time with Twilight, Spike and my friends? That choice was made ages ago. It's the repercussions I'm worried about. For example, would the spell hurt?


That's some comfort... But would it be easier for you, teacher?

Don't be hesitant on your choice for my account, Jack. I will support whatever decision is made, as always. This is your own destiny to decipher.

...After everything you've done for me... Becoming instrumental in making me the better person than I ever was before. If this is my only possible means of repaying you for giving me this wonderful gift, Starswirl... Then my choice is already made.

One look to my friends - to Twilight - before addressing Celestia with a simple nod. "I'm ready."

The tall Princess of the Sun smiled, descending from her throne. "Then let us commence at once."

And five seconds afterwards upon Celestia declaring for us to follow, Sunburst inquired loudly, "So wait, Stardust knows Starswirl the Bearded's ghost?"

"Are you sure this will work?"

"Without doubt. Although a thousand years without usage of the spell may make some ponies uncomfortable."

All four alicorns took a position in a semi-circle surrounding me from a good few feet away, having all arrived into a room large enough for any spell to be utilized without anything getting in the way. Celestia took a moment beforehand to share with Cadence and Twilight the information of using this powerful spell, and that it may require all four of them for to function properly.

"Since we will be using the spell on a human, there may be some backlashes we must be careful for. Thus why it may take more than one of us to utilize the magic." The Princess of the Sun explained patiently. "You may experience some brief discomfort during the process." Ah, that's encouraging. From her stance before me, Celestia smiled. "You have nothing to worry about Stardust. All I ask is that you have faith in our ability."

Well with Twilight joining in that won't be hard to ask. Said mare smiled reassuringly my way, nodding positively, which I responded to. She wanted me to give Celestia a chance... Well, this seems like a good as time as any.

Starswirl, do you think this will work?

To be honest, Jack, I am rather curious to this attempt myself; the spell was originally suited for a variety of creatures such as Diamond Dogs, griffons and even Changelings. In your human form, it wouldn't work in the first place. However, my own magic keeping you as an Earth Pony may assist the Princesses in their efforts.

...Wait, why wouldn't it have worked if I was still in my human form?

A discussion we shall have after the matter, my friend. For now, I must concentrate on aiding my former student and her fellow alicorns in making this magic successful.

From the side, at a good distance back, Starlight took one step forward from the others, calling out in faint concern. "Are you sure you want to go through with this? I'm a little worried if this spell backfires somewhat."

I closed my eyes briefly, composing myself mentally and physically. "Starswirl has done more than enough for me in a lifetime. If this is my only means of repaying him." And hazel orbs opened back determinedly, not backing down now. "Then I'll take the chance." And nodded to the Princesses. "Do it."

At that command, the four mares closed their eyes collectively, placing on calm or intense features. White, blue, pink and purple horns began brightening in magic through their respective hues, building up in magnificent power I would be awed by the spectacle if it was the time to do so. Once all four colours aimed my way, I refrained from the reaction of instantly knocking the combined magic, instead allowing the beams to impact my chest, having taken off my cape for this as per Celestia's request.

A warm fuzzy feeling... So far so good.

I didn't... Feel any different. In fact, the sensation was unexpectedly comforting, like there was absolutely nothing wrong about this.

I would have been concerned had you felt something other than comfort, Jack. The spell has no intentional infliction of pain. The magic appears to be working, through their united magic the barriers between fiction and reality may start to crack piece by... Wait.

'Wait?' That didn't sound-

Ah... Ag...!

"Stardust?" Shining called out worriedly at my blinking state, staring down at the floor whilst ignoring the white hue of energy around my body perplexedly. Agh, for a moment it felt like I was being stabbed in the chest-


Okay, that really hurt! A sensation painful enough for me not to acknowledge the rather surreal scene of me suddenly hovering into the air slowly, teeth and eyes clenching, tears threatening to fall from my eyes. Starswirl, what's happening now?!

No answer-

Jesus Christ!

"Um, is Stardust meant to look in pain like that?" Clearly not Rainbow! Agh!


Something is amiss. Yeah, no [BEEP]! Your body, it's reacting against the shared magic, trying to push it back!

"Something's wrong." I vaguely heard Celestia echo her former teacher. "His original body is unaccustomed to the magical realm; it must be a negative reaction!"

My body felt itself convulsing in midair, limbs twitching and features contorted by the sheer sensation of pain, not felt ever since Chrysalis made mincemeat out of me long ago... Holy [BEEP], this was so Goddamn painful... Ah...!

Tch... Gah!

"We have to do something!" Yes, please Twilight! You can probably sense my pain through the bond- Agh! - do something, quickly!

And do something the mares did... But not in the way I anticipated.

My whole world exploded in light.


My vague ears heard Starswirl's faint call of distress, which was far from a good sign. The pain seemed to only worsen, and I couldn't bring myself to let out any noises of hurt. Instead, in spite of all these horrible sensations, I resorted to open my eyes, struggling with every seconds. What greeted me was brightness, unable to see outside the cocoon of magic the alicorns have encapsulated me inside, but I still felt their magic being used on me to the best of their ability. Every moment was agony, but I still held on, glaring downwards through grit teeth in hopes of seeing whatever was happening to me, regarding my golden hoof...

Regarding my hand intently...


And suddenly, I screamed.









With an abrupt jolt, my body leaned upwards from a laid position and breathed heavily, my unfocused eyes blearily being greeted by a light blue quilt covering the lower half of my rested body. The Hell? Eyes blinking, and rubbing them a few times, my sight didn't seem all that better afterwards. Rather, it remained just about the same, especially when viewing things from a distance.

But gazing around, I could clearly notice that I was in a bedroom, the walls and decor suspiciously like that of Canterlot's castle. If that's the case, what the [BEEP] was I doing here-?

Ugh... And why did I feel a headache the size of Belgian...?

Groaning loudly, bones aching and steadily beginning to function again a clear long time of rest, I leaned back against the pillow and grit my teeth, feeling a rather terrible sensation of becoming sick. Alright, let's assess the situation Jack, headache be damned...

I was summoned to Canterlot with my friends...

We arrived...

Celestia announced my origins to her entire race...

Then she suggested a spell which would make me permanently...


My breathing hitched, eyes widening as my gaze carefully lowered, taking a moment each second in order to compose myself by the strange, yet terribly familiar sensations. By all accounts, the spell should've worked, right? They reassured me everything would be fine, yeah?

Starswirl, it worked right?


No answer. Guess I'll have to find out for myself.

Bracing myself, my hazel eyes looked down.






My pale hand clenched and unclenched, numbness slowly fading and helping making the reality sink in. Repeating the notion, my breathing was now slow and unbalanced, millions of confused and worrying thoughts occupying my head. To further seek confirmation, both my human hands pressed themselves against my bare chest, stomach, back, shoulders and face. My very, very familiar face, like wearing the face of an old friend...

Oh, my God...!

My panicking disposition barely heard the doors open. "Stardust? You're awake!" Starlight exclaimed in shocked relief. "Thank goodness, you have no idea how worried we've been... Stardust...?"

This doesn't make any sense?! Shouldn't I be dead by now?! Starswirl, answer me for [BEEP]'s sake! My real life form should be killing the longer I stayed in this world! So how was I breathing so... So normally?!

Frowning, I performed a double check, slowing my breathing down and placing a hand firmly to my chest, inspecting my seeming healthy self. Of course, this body has always been anything but healthy.

Breathing's fine...

And a steady heartbeat... One, two. One, two...


"I'm alive." Ugh, my own voice hurt, sounding croaked and hoarse. Just how long was I asleep. Clearing my throat, I made another attempt. "I'm alive." Much better, though I couldn't say that for my newfound situation as of present.

"Yeah, you're still alive." The pink unicorn answered lightly beside me. Oh, almost forgot about her. Starlight sighed in loud relief. "Thankfully. We've been waiting for you to wake up for a long while now. Some of us were starting to think you would never get up again... Not since that spell clearly backfired horrendously. I knew something was bound to go wrong."

"Water." We can save the self-pity party for later, Starlight. "Water... And a mirror, please." I had to know. I just had to. Starlight nodded in obligation, magically producing a glass of clean water with the reflective object laying beside my right. I greedily drank in the refreshing liquid, bracing myself for the worst to other hand gripped the bottom edge of the mirror and slowly raised the object, flinching slightly by the amount of willpower it was taking... Starlight, seeing my struggle, lifted the object up for me, allowing me to take in the features of an abandoned past.


"Yep, still as ugly as I remember..."

"Well I'm glad you're well enough to make quips again." Starlight replied light-heartedly. "For the best too, Twilight's been worried sick about you-"

Twilight! "Where is she?" Screw my own dilemma, if that spell did anything in response to the alicorn I loved then I'll... I'll just express my anger to, who else, the very pony who instigated the spell in the first place!

And that wasn't Twilight!

"She's having lunch with the others." Starlight said reassuringly, placing a calm hoof to my pale arm. The warm sensation of fur brushing against bare skin was something I hadn't expected to feel for a long time. "I just finally managed to convince Twilight to join us. But she was still worried about you that I decided to check up on you."

'Finally?' "How long... Was I asleep?" My grip around the glass tightened, dreading for any answer the unicorn provided.

Starlight's hesitation wasn't helping. "You were unconscious for a whole week." The mare confessed. A week... Well, honestly I was expecting worse. "Ever since the spell didn't work and made you... Well, the exact opposite of what they intended, Twilight refused to leave your side the entire time. Obviously she blamed herself for what happened, and took care of you for the majority of our week here. Everyone else stayed to help, of course." A meek grin. "So much for that official welcoming party, huh?"

"...Well, I'd certainly call this more eventful than a party." I managed to grin lightly back, groaning again while sitting up straighter. The fact that Twilight, despite seeing me in this form, remained beside me for a whole week was enough to cheer me up for the most part. "So Twilight wasn't affected by the magic at all then?"

Starlight shook her head with a knowing smile. "No. Just you."

"Then that's what matters." Stretching my... Returned upper human limbs, I inquired next, "So... What exactly happened to me?"


But Starlight's following explanation was swiftly cut short before it could even begin. The bedroom doors slammed open by a newcomer's zeal, a certain rapid breathing purple alicorn entering and taking one look to my sat state, and I smiled warmly at the sight of the mare I loved-


Oof! Okay, that was quite a greeting!

Unfortunately, this body wasn't use to the weight, falling to my side by the alicorn's ecstatic tackle. Hissing in pain, I heard Twilight speak quickly whilst hugging my waist and chest. "I am so so sorry for this! Had I known this would happen I would never have approved of Celestia using the spell! I allowed bad judgement get the better of me because I selfishly wanted the best for you without thinking things through! How are you feeling? Are you sick? Does your body feel different apart from the outside? Do you need anything? Just say so-"

"Twilight..." I struggled with a grimace. "Need air..."

"Oh!" Immediately the mare pulled back, reddened features expressing embarrassment, relief and hope. "But how are you feeling? Sick? Fine? Well of course you're not fine considering you've reverted back to your original human form, and yet somehow still appear to be healthy. I'll have to check your heartbeat-"

"Twilight, being human again won't stop me from kissing you just so you'd stop panicking." That did the trick, as always. The alicorn blinked, now growing sheepish by the joking threat. It then occurred to me that my hands were softly gripping the alicorn's hoofs.

"I think he's just fine, Twilight." Starlight added humouredly beside us. "I was just telling Jack how long he's been sleeping for... And how you refused to leave his side until just moments ago."

I scoffed in amusement, despite the ridiculous dilemma I found myself in now. "Don't tell me, love, you've been by my side twenty-four seven apart from bathroom breaks. What did you sleep on the bed beside me too?"

Twilight's face turned an interesting shade of pink.




In spite of the situation, I had to laugh at least towards my loyal girlfriend. "Is it finally my turn to comment about your personal hygiene, Twilight?"

"How can you be joking-?" The alicorn huffed with rolled eyes, but that annoyance quickly dissipated into a very relieved smile, hugging against my chest again. "I'm just glad you're with us again..." Twilight mumbled softly, lovingly, and my right hand instinctively reached upwards to brush the mare's gorgeous mane, my mind demanding for me to keep her spirits up.

"You know I'd never abandon you..." Was that very reassurance, other arm wrapping around the alicorn's side to pull her in, my eyes feeling close to breaking in tears. From the corner, Starlight observed with a blissful smile, evidently just as happy and thankful to see me alive and well... Somehow.

"I know." Twilight gazed back upwards in endearment, calmly placing a hoof to my forehead. "No temperature. Neither any signs or symptoms for humanly illness. How are you feeling Jack? And be honest."

"...I don't know." It was a fair question. I shrugged helplessly. "Confused, anxious... Think my mind's on shutdown at the moment."

A loud growl from below.

We both looked down to my bare stomach. "Huh... And very hungry." Jesus Christ, felt like I could eat a whole zebra...

Thank God Zecora's not around.

A warm chuckle. "Understandable; you have been resting for a whole week." Huh, never noticed Celestia standing by the doors, regarding the scene before her fondly. "It relieves me greatly to see you up again, Stardust. And just in time to join us for lunch."

My body reacted all on its own at the sound of potential food. Twilight moved off the bed to give me enough space, about to throw the quilt off-

And immediately throwing it back on with a perplexed and very, very flustered expression. Oh [BEEP], NOW I just noticed. "Er... Twilight... I'm naked."

Starlight and Celestia titled their heads curiously, but Twilight understood why this was a bad thing, her features becoming a beat-root red. "O-Oh! Of course, right, let me just get you something... You had clothes from your old home back in the castle, right?" At my nod, the mare hurriedly teleported.

...Oh dear God...!

"Please tell me I wasn't naked the whole time I was taken to this bed and rested?" I pleaded to Starlight and Celestia, the former frowning in confusion.

"Is that a bad thing?"

...I had every inclination to fall back into a coma and never wake up again.

"As I had initially feared, the spell caused a negative impact against your original form." Celestia started upon us all sitting down and tucking in. "I believe the united magic between us alicorns was too much for your Equestrian form to bear."

After Twilight had teleported home to find me appropriate clothing, followed with the flustered mare waiting outside with Celestia and Starlight so I could change, both Twilight and Starlight helped me reach the dining hall since my legs were feeling like jelly, often collapsing on my knees the second I took one step out of bed. Suffice to say, upon our arrival into the hall, my friends were more than thrilled to see me up and about, myself getting bombarded by the likes of Pinkie and Spike with death grips, the others expressing their relief vocally.

And Rarity pitching a comment about my hastily thrown-together clothing.

But my own relief increased ten-fold by the amount of food on the table, quickly consuming everything in front of me whilst plopping down and digging in, ignoring the disgusted looks of my friends and curious expressions of those who have never seen a human body before. Good grief I was starving like Hell, and stuffing my face helped dull the pain. Twilight looked far too happy to make any comment about my eating.

"You may know, the spell was originally intended for the likes of griffons, Diamond Dogs and, yes, even Changelings. I had hoped it would also apply to humans with the help of my old teacher's own magic." Celestia sighed, pink eyes glinting in remorse. "It was never my intent to put you in such a state just earlier, Stardust."

"We are as much to blame, dear sister." Luna added to comfort the taller alicorn. "Evidently we haven't conducted enough research for us to master the spell. Something went wrong amongst the event last week."

From beside me, Twilight's gaze lowered regretfully, and I took a moment from stuffing my face to place a gentle hand on the mare's hoof, smiling lightly and feigning ignorance to the adoring looks of others. "It's really my fault, rushing into this without considering much precaution." And looked back to the two alicorns with a concerned disposition. "Is there a method to reverse this?"

'Cause quite frankly, I did NOT fancy being a human again for too long. True human, not like the cartoons walking amongst Sunset's world. It felt too... Surreal, walking around in this form again, using these legs, my hands. I noticed on the way here, I was too busy getting comfortable living out as a pony for the rest of my life.

The Princess of the Sun hummed. "We have been searching for answers in the archives ever since the incident."

"None of Starswirl's notes regarding the spell ever predicted a complete reversal of the outcome." Cadence piqued up uncertainly. "It may take a while yet before we find any possible answers." That... Did not give me much hope...

"Why don't we just ask the one who made the spell then?" We all glanced to Starlight, whom met my gaze curiously. "Maybe Starswirl himself has the solution. Why don't you talk to him, Stardust?"





"No answer." I shook my head in the negative, to everyone's clear disappointment. Oh wait. "But I do remember, something amidst all the pain I felt during that spell." That perked them up, all leaning forward in interest. I regarded my plate intensely, recalling the panic in my normally-composed mentor's tone. "Starswirl was... Upset by what happened. Scared even. I think whatever the spell did affected him too."

At that suspicion, the ponies all glanced at each other worriedly, but Celestia cleared her throat with a clam disposition. "Then we must do everything in our power to reverse this accident. Once you changed back to human form, Stardust, something shifted in the magical realm. I am certain all the unicorns in Canterlot must have felt it. But now that you're awake." Pink eyes gazed to a certain alicorn with a smile. "We could use the assistance to finding answers."

Noting Twilight's stiffened hesitation, I directed her attention to my reassuring smile. "I'm fine now, Twilight. You should help your fellow Princesses; they're lost without you." The young mare's muzzle twitched at that, but the expression remained reluctant. Fortunately, I had backup by some good friends.

"We'll look after him while you look, Twilight." Fluttershy said with a light smile, herself and the others emphasizing that claim by huddling closer towards me. Personal space has never been a concept in this world.

It was the right thing to do, sending Twilight to help Celestia, Luna and Cadence without me occupying her time and straight-up being a burden. I took up her time enough by staying in a coma all week for my own shortcomings. Twilight wasn't to blame at all for what happened which has caused me my... Current dilemma.

Honestly I'd sooner blame Celestia... Oh wait, it was her idea...


My grip around the edges of the dressing table tightened, renewed jagged teeth grit in disbelief by the harsh reality set upon me. I'm human again. True human. Wonderful. I'm back to this asinine, tiny man with neither muscle nor good looks. A weaker variation of the form I assume in the parallel world to this one. Scowling, I squinted harder at the appalling sight staring at me back from the mirror, not needing glasses to make out the horrendous features of a past I chose to leave behind.

Spots. Spots on my cheeks, forehead and hiding beneath facial hair. My beard scruffy and unkempt, and don't get me started on my hair. It was always a mess looking like a tornado attacks me every morning. Small, tired hazel eyes glared back with such ferocity I'm surprised the glass didn't begin cracking at my heated stare. The portrait of my old family back in the castle was fine enough to remind me of back then, but this? This was just a jab to everything I've been through thus far.

And the more I stared at the pale reflection, the more I begin to comprehend some things. I was human again. Real life human. Would that mean that cartoon physics would never apply again for me? Could I easily stub my toes? Get hurt easily? Severely injured by something which would mean nothing to my friends? Was I perhaps far more vulnerable than I ever was before?

Good grief, the horrifying implications were beginning to frighten me. Twilight and the others had to find a remedy to that spell or else... Or else...


If, under the what-if scenario that my situation would last for a while, that would give that monster further free reign. I doubt I could rely on Balance right now; I'm not sure this body is even capable of using magic. Or maybe it could, since I was still walking and talking just fine in this world with this form.

Heaving a sigh, I closed my eyes and glared down, beginning to tire from all the stress already. Just need to be patient... If I can't trust Twilight to find the solution, who could I trust? And something happened with Starswirl to make him unresponsive. And the idea of me potentially doing something wrong to the old pony's spirit sent chills down my spine.

A soft claw pulled at the bottom of my trousers. Huh? I looked down, meeting the worried green eyes of my adopted son. "Are you alright?" Spike asked, clearly picking up on my mental distress, the only other person in the room after I insisted for the girls to give me some space in order to adjust to my newly returned form.

It was bad enough I was worrying myself. But Spike? Hell no. Kneeling down beside the young dragon, I forced a bright smile. "You're here with me, son. Why wouldn't I be alright?"

Spike smirked, catching along. "Good try." Before adding more optimistically. "Twilight will fix this. You'll see." Of course she will. Despite my own concerns, my hand rose up to fondly stroke the young lizard's forehead, Spike smiling at the gesture after grimacing for a moment. "Huh, that actually feels more comfortable than a hoof." Does it? What are the odds? "You don't have to act so miserably, you know. It's not really that bad."

I deadpanned jokingly. "Spike, I look like Gilbert Godfried's handicapped British cousin."

Eyes blinked in confusion. "Twilight doesn't think you look like... That? She never seemed to mind back when we were all taken to your world because of an evil version of yourself. Remember?"

I snorted by the reminder. "I try to forget." It took me ages to clean up the negative reactions from that little imbalance. Reminds me, I should check up on Casey sometime soon. Shaking my head back to the present, I huffed with a weary grin. "There's all the factor that I'm easily more vulnerable than ever before, Spike."

"Huh?" The young dragon cocked his head in puzzlement. "What do you mean?" In answer, I rose upwards and motioned for Spike to follow, the dragon climbing up the bed we approached and sitting beside me on the edge of it.

How to explain like he would understand...? "You know how... Vulnerable humans are." I started, concentrating with a hardened look. "You live in a world where physics are jumbled, easily capable of surviving anything that's otherwise fatal to my kind minus a few exceptions. And since I'm... Well, this again." I glared down to the two hands above my knees, twisting the weak wrists around introspectively. Another reminder of my discontent. "It doesn't help that this body has never trained or taken good care of itself unlike my pony form, all because of our friend's insistence over my own personal hygiene and bodily health, Spike. I'm, at least right now, useless to do anything."

"...Well, good thing then that Twilight'll find the solution soon- I mean, Mom will find the solution." Spike grinned sheepishly. "Still getting use to calling her that." Hah. We both shared amused smirks before the dragon continued with confidence. "And besides, you're not useless. You never used magic to help anyone out plenty of times before! If you're worried about things like imbalances or Zagreus, then that's what your friends are for! Your family! We've got your back no matter what, Dad!"

Ah the optimism of youth. Even though things seemed bleak, I had this wonderful dragon and all this self-assurance to keep me at bay. "You're a good kid, Spike. I couldn't be anymore proud to call you my-"

Something's wrong.

Our heads whipped around by the bedroom doors slamming open, a certain distressed alicorn entering with distraught sparkling eyes. Without any further prompting, I stood quickly and rushed over to my special somepony, kneeling down before her with concern. "What's wrong?" Twilight didn't answer, at first, simply regarding me with worried eyes. I tried again with some insistence, both hands reaching out on the pony's tiny shoulders. "Twilight, what is it?"

"What in tarnation is happenin'?" Applejack called out, herself and the others following the distraught alicorn in. "Twilight?"

"Darling, you look positively distressed!" Rarity exclaimed worriedly.

Then three more alicorns appeared, the middle of them speaking up. "I'm afraid it's far worse than we dared to imagine." What? Everyone looked from Twilight to Celestia, the latter looking visibly deflated alongside a reluctant Luna and Cadence. "We have checked through every scroll available, and yet, there seems to be no recorded incident of the spell ever working in reverse, nor a means to cure such a consequence."

...Oh dear God...!

"What does that mean...?" Spike asked in concern as the unsettling truth began to coldly graze my mind and inwards. I looked back from Celestia to a wincing Twilight, whose expression was screaming in apology.


The tallest Princess sighed in clear guilt, speaking with matter-of-fact resignation. "It means, Spike, that as of yet there is no viable cure to Stardust's condition." Pink eyes gazed to me with nothing short of remorse. "He may be human again for a very long time... Perhaps, permanently."




I could only scowl in utter irritation upon processing those words. "Goddammit, Celestia."

To be continued...

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