• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 137: Deadbeat Kindred Spirits

With a sigh of contentment, the purple alicorn shifted further into my side, to my own satisfaction. "This was a wonderful idea Jack." My wonderful mare commented blissfully, nestling her head into my neck from our spot on the red and white rug, enjoying the scenic view of ponies and nature bustling with life on a pleasant morning.

That's right, it was my plan to host a picnic first thing in the morning. Twilight and the others were pleasantly surprised by the strike of inspiration when I practically dragged them outside the castle to accompany me in the park. Surprising, I know. Stardust Balance/Jack Wright doing something proactive in the morning, just as the sun turned up?

I dare say I'm improving as a person.

Well, you have been quite content as of late, since your return from the Crystal Empire.Starswirl pointed out.For the better, I would add.

Twilight continued with a lovable grin, "It's sweet of you to take advantage of your routine to make a picnic for us. Isn't it Spike?"

"Uh huh, yeah. Picnics are great and... Something." Oh boy. Twilight and I exchanged glances, the dragon too preoccupied playing away on his own 3DS to take notice of the conversation.

Twilight inquired in exasperated amusement, "This is going to be a regular thing everytime he plays with that device, isn't it?"

I grinned innocently. "I mean... That's usually what happens with kids and their electronic games, Twilight. But Spike's not a human kid, so maybe he won't turn out so bad."


"...Yeah, it'll probably be a new thing." But Twilight only chuckled than sighed to that fact, leaning into my fur once again. Hey I'm not complaining; this was mostly the reason I decided to have this picnic to begin with; another serene moment with the pony I love. Everything else was an afterthought.

From her spot opposite us, Starlight took a bite of her sandwich and watched us with a timid smile. "Thanks for inviting me to this picnic too, Stardust... Though I'm not sure it was necessary."

I scoffed, responding matter-of-factly, "Nonsense, Starlight. You're family now, and no one in a family should be left out of a picnic. Right love?"

The Princess smiled knowingly. "He's right Starlight, you're very much one of us now." The pink unicorn blinked at our sincere words... Then grinned herself, looking down in both flattery and happiness, before taking another bite of her sandwich. "In my eyes, all of our friends are family. Though I'm surprised you didn't invite the others, Jack. Pinkie and Fluttershy would've especially loved all this delicious food."

I cocked my head slyly. "Well, for starters; I had no idea if they're busy or not. And two..." I abruptly stood up, a startled Twilight accepting my offered hoof to stand... And taken again by surprise with a loud "Whoa!" upon me immediately spinning her around and dipping her backwards, in the classic duo dance position. Leaning down at the flustered Twilight, I smirked mischievously. "I'd rather not get too distracted from spending time with the mare I love."

Ah, that adorable red hue covering her face. The Princess replied in shy amusement, "You've definitely been behaving a lot different lately since Yakyakistan."


"Hm. More proactive, for starters; this picnic, our last few dates, hanging out with friends without prompting. It's like I'm seeing a whole new side of you recently."

Perceptive Princess. "Are you complaining?"

A modest grin. "Not on your life." Twilight began leaning upwards to get closer. A morning kiss? How positively delightful-

"Hey, is that Fluttershy over there?" Starlight's interception ruined the moment, we both turned with surprised glances towards the walking pegasus, who didn't seem to have spotted us. "Who's that with her?" The unicorn questioned curiously. Hmm? I squinted a little, seeing the blue-ish green tall pegasus groggily following after her-

Oh... Oh no.

Oh Jesus Christ no, not him... Are we here already? Is itthisepisode?

Your waking-up-to-reality episode?Sombra inquired snarkly.Afraid so.

"God dammit..."

"Huh?" Twilight was close enough to hear my annoyed whisper, myself glaring after the passing-by pegasus. The other one, not Fluttershy of course. "Someone you know?"

"...Yes." But I wasn't allowing the arrival of one of the most irritable characters to deter me. Setting a disappointed Twilight down, I looked to a still-distracted young dragon. "Hey Spike, how about we play a game?"

I refuse to lower myself to the level of that stallion. I'll show I'm not just as lazy and inefficient!

"Mm-hm, sure..."

Rolling her eyes, Twilight beautifully took the handheld out of the preoccupied Spike's claws with a puff of magic, resulting in protest. "Hey!" He glared to the evident perpetrator.

The culprit only smiled and stated firmly, "There are more practical alternatives to play outside in lovely weather, Spike." The dragon pouted briefly, to our amusement, then perked up with a ball suddenly appeared beside him at Twilight's command.

Bouncing the thing up and down, the young dragon turned to me excitedly. "Come on bro, let's play like old times!"

"Gladly, Spike." Leaving behind a content Twilight and Starlight to watch.

"Gosh darn it! Lost another life."

"Spike, please..."

"Okay, let's see if I can-What?!Right off the bat?!"

"Spike, please..."

"Alright. I can do this... I just need to get this next jump right. Steady... Steady... Ha! Got it- Oh come on!"

"Spike, please..."

"Will you stop saying that everytime I die?!"

"Stop dying then, and maybe I'll consider it." Unlikely. You're kinda asking for a miracle when you're expecting someone to stop dying halfway through a game of Crash Bandicoot. The franchise is infamous for its merciless levels. Spike's had, what, over five game over's now playing this remastered trilogy?


"I was so close!"


"Stardust don't!"


"Argh!" I grinned, the child was beginning to understand the pain of my four-year old self from years ago. Spike threw the controller on a thankfully soft sofa, exclaiming in frustration, "This is impossible! You weren't exaggerating Star; how the heck are you suppose to beat this?!"

"Trail and error, lots of patience, and..."

"And what?"

Leaning to the side, I said in low playful taunting, "Gettin' good." Spike's deadpan reaction sold it for me. Laughing, I rubbed his head. "Now you know my pain! Don't worry Spike, practice makes perfect. Tell you what, get through all the levels before the end of the day, and I'll make you those special crystal brownies we made once."

That did the trick. Spike immediately perked up at the prospect of such a reward, grabbing the controller with an air of newfound confidence. "No way I'll lose this time; I've got this!"

Followed with a loud groan emanating from the stomach. Smirking at the flustered dragon, I rose from my seat and said reassuringly, "In the meantime, I'll make us lunch."

Spike raised a brow. "You've been doing that a lot lately, making us all lunches. You sure you're feeling all right?"

"Never better Spike." I grinned with widened arms. "You want the usual?"

"Sure. Just no salad this time."

"Salad then. By the way, watch out."

"Huh? Oh darn it!"

I'm finding myself trapped in a week of repetition.The former King commented as my amused self left Spike to die in the game over and over again.Everyone and their mothers have been stating over and over again how your behaviour isn't typical of you this past week.

They're just surprised, is all. There's no harm there.

And your disposition today has nothing in relation with that pegasus' presence in town, I'm sure.

No idea what you mean.

Meanwhile, a beautiful sight approaches. Twilight smiled upon spotting me. "Is Spike in his room?" At my nod, the alicorn added, "That pony we saw this morning? Fluttershy's brother, Zephyr Breeze. He's getting some work done in the castle, and I need Spike to watch over him."

I raised a brow. Guess those brownies would have to wait, Spike. I completely forgot about the dragon's small involvement in this episode... Partially because I'm trying my best to forget about the episode in all its entirety. "Surprised you're not asking me."

"Well judging by your reaction to noticing him earlier, I'm presuming there's an episode occurring as we speak, and Zephyr's majorly involved somehow."

"...Brilliant deduction as always."

Twilight smiled at the bemused compliment. "I try. Fluttershy and I are going to have tea while Spike watches over him... Would you like to join us?"

...You know what? This works in my favour. The episode never showed Twilight and Fluttershy having tea, thinking about it. "I'll do you one better, Twilight."

"Here you are ladies, or mares if you prefer." Gently placing the hot cups on their tiny plates down before the patient equines. "The classic British mastery over making tea. Do enjoy."

The yellow pegasus smiled brightly. "You really didn't have to, but thank you very much regardless."

Twilight nodded in agreement, adding curiously, "I admit, this looks delectable to taste. Though I'm surprised you know how to make tea; considering you don't like it."

"I mean, it's not exactly hard to do." I shrugged, leaning against one side of the table. "I'm just hoping years of absence from making the stuff doesn't leave a sour taste in your throats."

"Let's find out." Together, both mares respectively took a sip of their warm drinks... And lowered the cups, exchanging pleasant smiles. Fluttershy speaking for the both of them.

"This is lovely. You really know how to make your tea. What's your secret?"

"Being good at something in life." More than I can say for your deadbeat brother, my dear. Playing ignorance to Twilight's raised brow, I turned towards the counter. "Now, time to make lunch for everyone. Any kind of sandwich your brother likes, Fluttershy?"

The pegasus sounded more surprised, but flattered at once. Hell, I was surprised; the majority of me was more eager for Zephyr to leave the castle as soon as possible. "That's really sweet of you, Stardust. But it's bad enough that I'm trying your delicious tea."

"I think it's a great idea for you and Zephyr to stay for lunch, at least." Twilight commented warmly. "Especially with the hard work I've no doubt he'll put into with those windows- Jack?"

"Sorry." I quickly picked up the knife that just clattered on the counter. "Lost in thought."

Buying that excuse, at least, Fluttershy was, I imagined from the skepticism across our bond Twilight was believing something else, the yellow pegasus continued in slight exasperation. "I sure hope so, Twilight. Rarity's was a no-go, and I'd hate if something were to happen to those lovely windows of yours."

"I'm confident everything will be fine. He has Spike making sure he does an excellent job."

Hahahaha, sure...

"He'll do fine... Isn't that right, Jack?"

"I'm not saying anything." Cutting up daffodils in the meantime. Now where's the lettuce- Aha! Sorry Spike, you're getting that healthy diet whether you want to or not. If I'm to suffer, you're to suffer with me.

"As I gather, this whole debacle with your brother is an episode itself." Twilight clarified to Fluttershy's evident confusion.

"Ohh!" She said in quiet epiphany. Then, as though a thought suddenly occurred to her. "Could you... Could you tell me that he does well, Stardust? I know you're not allowed to even take part a little anymore, but..."

I sighed at the hopeful plea, feeling like an [BEEP]hole for saying this to Fluttershy of all ponies. "Sorry Fluttershy." ...Wait. What if I say something that wouldn't entirely be spoilers, but something very predictable? Something like... "He does manage, in the end, to get something done, if that helps."

The pegasus sighed in turn, moreso in relief. "Thank goodness... Wait, 'in the end...?'"


You had one job. Guess you're not so different from that deadbeat clown after all.

Quiet you!

"I'm sure he's putting some effort into cleaning the windows as we speak." No, no he's not. And the second that scene showing Spike doing the job for that lazy piece of [BEEP] ends, I'm throwing his [BEEP] out the front door.

"Hey- No! Stop! Let go of me! It's not my fault he was so eager to volunteer-Whaaaaaaa!"

"And stay out!" I shouted after the flying pegasus, the clown landing on the dirt path before the castle's front steps in a heap. Dusting my hoofs of in dark satisfaction, I grinned in small triumph and turned to the stunned three. "Spike, you've got a Crash game with your name on it." The dragon already felt better at the reminder, quickly turning to retreat up the stairs. Glancing to Fluttershy, I patted her shoulder with solemn exasperation. "I wish you, and also Rainbow, the very best in enduring him."

Fluttershy only released a strained smile, walking by me after sending Twilight an apologetic look. After observing her leave, the Princess looked to me with a raised brow. "Not once going to wish Zephyr the best of luck in finding where he belongs?"

"...Not on your life." Now then, what else was on the agenda today? I wonder if Applejack was busy... Wait I think Fluttershy and Zephyr were going to hers next. Maybe Rarity still needs help clearing up the mess that [BEEP] made. Did they ever once go to Pinkie's?

...I don't remember.



In response, a flash of light before my eyes, Twilight proceeding to pointlessly teleport before me with an expectant raised brow. "There's something getting to you. Don't lie; I've felt it through our bond ever since this morning."

I shrugged helplessly. "It'll pass." But Twilight wasn't done, planting a hoof on my chest before I could make like a tree and scram.

"With you, these things usually don't. They moreso fester until they dampen your mood for who knows how long." Pressing her hoof into my fur, my girlfriend leaned closer with an expression of request. "And it has something to do with Zephyr Breeze. The sooner you tell me what's bugging you, the better I can help my very special somepony."

"'Very' special somepony? Is that an attempt to make me confess?"

"The funny thing is, Jack, I shouldn'thaveto try; you should be telling me what's bothering you out of trust."

"...Fair enough." She's right; the more I let this problem stay, the more it'll grow worse into my subconscious. However, there was more to this than Twilight realized... And I'd prefer to admit. "Thing is, love, Zephyr is only the first line of this season's gimmick of introducing self-conceited male [BEEP]holes." Whoops. I winced somewhat at the disapproving expression, but she gave an encouraging nod regardless. "But with Zephyr, it's a little more personal."

"How so?"

"...I... Well..." Dammit, this was hard to say. But Twilight barely looked impatient, only supportive. At that, I grounded out this painful confession. "I relate to him more than the others... In regards to work, at least..."

A small part of me expected Twilight to laugh at the seemingly silly notion. To my relief, and gratitude, she nodded. "I see. I recall one time you despised the idea of taking a permanent job. This has something to do with your condition, doesn't it?"

I grinned without humour. "You know me so well." Sighing, I divulged everything, this alicorn having that effect on me. "But unlike Zephyr, his reluctance is out of fear of failure. Mine is out of pressure."


"I hate the very idea of committing myself to doing one thing for the rest of my life." The frustration was already leaking from my tongue, unable to contain the loathing I had for what my people expected of me. "Employment? Working beneath other's thumbs? Expected to get everything done right without taking joy in your work? It sickens- No... Itterrifiesme."

Twilight smiled softly, reaching up to brush the side of my face with comfort. "You've been doing fine with helping around the castle, doing chores when Spike's unavailable. Not to mention the small jobs you take in assisting our friends."

"They're not permanent though." I argued. "They're voluntary. I'll always help out when someone asks me to. But to take an actual job, basically becoming a slave to society and deal with stress and pressure for the rest of my life..."

Twilight's expression was gentle, knowing. "You think you're incapable."

"...I know I'm incapable." With a short sigh, I shrugged helplessly. "Sorry I'm not as self-confident about this as you'd want me to be."

A tiny smile. "Well, lucky for you, I know neither of those things are true." What? Twilight chuckled at my puzzled look. "For a start, you're self-confident in your own right, Jack. It's perfectly fine to be uncertain about things. If you weren't... Well, I imagine you'd hate to be so flawless and dull in your eyes."

"...Fair enough." That was a valid point.

"Truthfully, I find your indecisiveness cute at times." Twilight admitted rather slyly, before adding with a note of seriousness. "Second, youaremore than capable than you realize. You're already taking a job right now, aren't you?"

I was? "I am?"

Twilight motioned to nowhere in particular. "Being a student of the legendary Starswirl, stopping an evil being bent on destruction, and working to bring Balance to all of Equestria. That sounds like employment to me."

"Not exactly the kind of job I was thinking..."

"It's bigger than what you're thinking right now, Jack." The Princess couldn't hide the pride in her voice, beaming lightly. "Even under the pressure of these responsibilities, alongside being the special somepony of a Princess, and working to become a better pony than you were in the past, you're walking forward with your head held high and posture straight and proud, aren't you?"

...Jesus Christ, she's right. As always, Twilight brings so many good points it makes my own arguments seem like child's play. How does she do it? Here I was staring at this wonderful, Goddess of a mare in awe and wonder, because every word she just said was made from observation and simple logic, but carried through conviction and an air of wisdom.

Ihavebeen doing all those things without dwelling on the stress of it. Okay true, with Zagreus on the loose I have been feeling rather tired at times, but I've been moreso focused on working hard to think about otherwise. Keeping my friends happy, making my Princess feel special, being a good brother to Spike, a mentor to Sunset, a student to Starswirl, learning the ways of Balance. All of that taken with a grain of salt. And now, it's suddenly occurred to me, thanks to Twilight, how well I've been doing without thinking of the pressured implications.

The Princess's keen observation and confidence remains as persuasive as ever. You have been progressing without thought on stopping through stress, my young friend. You could say our young Twilight here adopted this level of certainty by the influence of those closest to her, leaving a profound effect of her own convictions.

"You've been so focused on your own efforts to worry about failing." Twilight commented after my minute of silence, sounding quite pleased that the message was sinking in. "You're working as hard as you can, Jack, and I couldn't be any more proud of you for it."

"...You're amazing."

The Princess grinned brightly at the quiet, yet meaningful response. "That applies for you equally."

I returned the expression, the seeds of doubt being rooted out all thanks to five minutes speaking with this brilliant pony. "Well, I shouldn't start delaying from work then. Anything around the castle that needs being worked on?"

Twilight tilted her head. "Not since you and Spike fulfilled all the chores before lunch..."

Oh... Brilliant!

"In that case, are you free this afternoon, my dear Twilight?"

The alicorn blinked, then giggled angelically. "You haven't called me 'dear Twilight' in a while."

"Haven't I?" Huh, didn't notice. "Will have to remedy that then on our following date."

At the very thought, Twilight's grin widened. "Well, there is a place I've wanted just the two of us to go to..."

"Once again, I am amazed by your thinking." I said, after another spoonful of the special sundae at my side of the table, ignoring the slight oncoming brain freeze. Twilight, from the other side, giggled after swallowing a mouthful of her own burger. That's right, we were currently dining at that burger place which was in the episode when the Crusaders were being tutored by my lovely Princess here.

"I knew you'd like the food here." Twilight responded, pleased by my own approval. "Though I wish you'd at least consider trying the main courses as opposed to skipping straight to dessert."

"You know for a fact I don't eat hay, flowers or any of that [BEEP]- Err, stuff." Immediately correcting myself at my date's raised brow, grinning sheepishly. "No, but this was a brilliant idea, Twilight."

Smirking humouredly, the mare proceeded to tease, "Is appealing to my humility an attempt for making up the fact you went to Yakyakistan without us?"

"I said I was sorry!"

But Twilight was now chuckling some more, taking a sip of her juice beside her. Oh... Oh God dammit. She was kidding. I now found myself laughing alongside her, ignoring the curious stares of nearby customers in hearing range. Wouldn't be surprised if the whole cafe heard it. Luckily the two of us managed to grab a window booth; those were the best for cafe dates. Anyway, I was just glad Twilight wasn't mad/annoyed still about my own misadventures near the Yak kingdom.

Speaking of which. "How did you find me there anyway?"

Twilight blinked. "Starlight showed me the letter, so we gathered our friends and took the next train to the Crystal Empire-"

"No, no, sorry, I mean how did you find Zagreus and I specifically, on that random spot near the mountain?"

"Oh!" Twilight glanced at the table, frowning curiously. "Come to think of it... I guess I justknewyou'd be there." ...Huh. She looked back up, expression that or wonder, despite the burger's sauce dripping down her muzzle. "Actually, now that I'm pondering about it, it felt as though something was driving me forward, finding you and Zagreus just in the nick of time. Could it be our special bond?"

"Could be." My brows raised. That seems very plausible. "Guess my own connection to Balance impacts my ties to others, depending how close I am with them. The stronger I get, the more powerful these bonds are... I think."

Am I right, Starswirl?

More than you're speculating, my friend.

Twilight smiled, as if enamored by the concept alone. "Maybe I should practice this special magic myself. Why let my special somepony have all the fun?"

I pouted playfully. "Please don't; I have to be better than you atsomething."

Twilight giggled. "I'm not skilled in everything, Jack."

"Well... Not yet."

Another round of laughter, followed with comfortable silence. This... This was just nice. Enjoying the company of my special somepony, eating well-done food and having a general great idea. It's been like that the past week, mind you. Sombra, did I mention my behaviour's been different for the last week?

...No answer.

Anyway, I was enjoying myself... Although...

"A penny for your thoughts?" Twilight looked up, and I added with a grin, "Sorry, a bit for your thoughts?"

She smiled in amusement. "Is it that obvious?"

"You can't hide any of your feelings from me, love." I smiled apologetically, leaning back. "So, what's troubling you?"

Twilight shrugged, looking down to her food. "Nothing really. I've just been contemplating a previous discussion we had... Remember my attempt to turn our friends into alicorns?"

How could I forget? The results almost created an imbalance the size of Hong Kong. "I remember."

Twilight nodded, her expression turning solemn. "I've started to wonder what would've happened, Princess Celestia never made me into a Princess." Hmm? She tilted her head, clearly in deep thought. "I'm happy to be the Princess of Friendship; I wouldn't trade the responsibility that it entails for the world. But now I'm asking myself, what would've happened otherwise, if I was just a regular unicorn nowadays? When I used that spell and reverted back to a unicorn, I was hit with a case of nostalgia... If that makes sense."

I nodded in turn, leaning forward in intrigue to where this conversation was heading. With her silent only audience, Twilight sighed and composed herself.

"I imagine things would've changed drastically; the situation with Discord's thorns, Sunset Shimmer, Tirek... But taking those out of the equation, would I have been any different? Personality-wise, that is. My friends helped change me from a cynical ignorant pony into someone who appreciates the values of friendship. But where would my future have guided me to, if not the life of an alicorn Princess? I could be an academic, a teacher, or maybe a librarian. An inventor or scientist, perhaps." Twilight's voice lowered with each thought. "Would I still be as close to my friends as I am now?"

"Absolutely." The Princess perked up at my immediate response. Without hesitation, my hoof reached and gently grasped her over the table. "Unicorn or alicorn, Princess or another profession, student or teacher, your friends will always love you. You're not defined by your body or what you do for a living, Twilight, but simply by who you are and how you treat your friends. No matter what path you would've taken, your friends will always support you. And as for me..." I smirked, adding matter-of-factly, "I will always follow you on any path you take, as will Spike, Starlight, and all of our friends. So don't ever worry about your ties with those close to you being any different because of other scenarios, okay?"

Slowly, Twilight's mystified blinking changed to a gratified grin, eyes sparkling affectionately. "You're right, my friends will never abandon me whether I'm a Princess or not. I just need to be reminded of that... Thanks Jack."

"Always." I smiled towards her own beaming. Truth be told, Twilight's trail of thought there was entirely justified. Sometimes I doubted my own bonds between myself and my friends and whether or not they'd change if, say, I had stayed back on Earth than with my family here. But no matter what, I'll always love them.

Just as they'll no doubt always love me.

A soft squeeze from Twilight's hoof indicated she heard that mental self-assurance, and we both continued eating our meals in content. Afterwards, I think I'll pay a visit to a certain pegasus; as I felt this needed to be done.

"So, since we're here, and apparently we won't be seeing Zephyr again." Twilight began, smiling curiously. "Maybe you could tell me how he manages to find the self-confidence he needs?"

"...Eh, why not. In detail or the short summary?"

Twilight's smile shifted to a mischievous smirk. "Come now, Jack, you know I love knowing all the facts."

I shrugged, smirking humouredly. "Just thought I'd ask. Anyway, so after they leave the castle, I think it's Applejack's tree orchid they try out next..."

"So you named him Johnny?"

"Mm-hm." Fluttershy hummed, sounding pleased with herself as she observed my gently stroking the wooden chin of her latest pet. "I think it suits him perfectly." The Timberwolf grinned widely at the approval of his mistress. Yep, same guy whose heart I changed with the magic of Balance long ago. Fluttershy had decided to keep him as a pet ever since, to some of the other animal's dismay.

Somehow, I wasn't too shocked.

"I'm glad you're taking good care of him, Fluttershy." We were a short distance from the cottage, as the animal lover had set up a small place of refuge right here for the Timberwolf to live in, so her other woodland friends wouldn't be too afraid. "Though I'd expect nothing less."

She beamed at the praise. "Thank you Stardust." And reached out to affectionately pet the magical animal herself, the tree-dog now practically warbling at the attention. "I'm so sorry I neglected to visit you this morning, Johnny. I was too distracted taking care of a family member." The Timberwolf didn't seem to care about that, leaning into the pegasus' face to reassure her. I stepped back, giving them the moment.

"So, your deadbeat brother finally found his place?"

Fluttershy raised a humoured brow, nodding while affectionately playing with her massive friend. "Oh yes, with a little encouragement from Rainbow and I, we helped Zephyr find the courage he needs to keep trying until he succeeded. And so he did in the end." Good ol' Rainbow. You know I think this was the first episode I completely felt sympathetic for her, and agreed completely about the stallion's overbearing attitude.

"That's good to hear." I said sincerely, smiling at the sight before me. "Because God forbid he takes advantage of other's hospitality like that again."

Fluttershy hummed in agreement, not keeping her serene eyes off the excited Timberwolf. "You were right about everything turning out okay. Although I do wish you didn't have to resort to throwing him out of the castle like that."

"Force of habit." I raised my limbs defensively, grinning sheepishly. "Sorry Fluttershy, but I wanted to do that the moment I spotted him. He hurts me on a spiritual level."

The pegasus sent me a skeptical smile. "He might be overbearing at times, but he's not that bad. My brother just needed a chance to prove himself. Maybe I should introduce you both properly this time, I wouldn't want Zephyr to think there's somepony out there who doesn't like him."

Too late for that. I imagine there were tons of viewers back home who hated his guts. But I didn't have the heart to tell this pegasus that. "It's not just his attitude, Fluttershy... It's also that, out of all the unbearable stallion characters we'll see this season, he's the one I empathize with the most."

"Huh?" Fluttershy blinked, tilting her head. "But you've always had confidence in things you can do."

"Helping my friends? Sure. Doing menial chores? Of course. I refer more along the lines of... Employment."


"Yeah..." I shrugged, expression that of self-annoyance. "The idea of taking a daily job scares me to no end... I'm really [BEEP]ing grateful Twilight hasn't tried forcing me into doing anything of the sort yet."

"That's because she would never make you do something you're uncomfortable with." Fluttershy stepped forward, boldly placing a hoof against my cheek with a reassuring smile. "You try to help even when you don't have to. If you ask me, you already have the responsibility of being a good friend, and you're doing a great job with that."

"...Thanks Fluttershy." I smiled back. "And unlike your brother, I would never consider taking advantage of anyone like he does- Did."

Fluttershy chuckled quietly. "I know." And looked back towards the cottage. "Speaking of helping your friends, would you mind helping me feed my little friends inside? Zephyr's stay here kept me distracted for a while."

Petting the Timberwolf with her one last time, I nodded. "It would be my honour, Fluttershy. And afterwards, maybe I'll finally get a proper introduction with your brother... And maybe terrify him by pretending we're dating, how about that?" Despite the sudden red hue on her face, Fluttershy was giggling behind a covered limb as we walked back towards the cottage.

Yep, everything will turn out fine. I'm sure of it.

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