• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Seven: Dragonstar

"So... Let me see if I've got this right: you're not really a pony, but something called a human being from another planet called Earth, where non-sentient ponies exist, in another universe. And your name isn't Stardust Balance, along with that whole 'rite of passage' thing yesterday being a lie."

"That's right." I confirmed to the processing dragon, constantly glancing to the closed door for any sign of eavesdropping.

"And this world turned you into an Earth Pony because magic doesn't exist where you're from, and some voice inside your head named 'Specter' is responsible for sending you here. And the real reason you were looking through those magic books was to find a way home."

Well the existence of magic on Earth remains a subjective matter there, but no point or relevance in telling the grasping lizard beside me that. "Indeed."

"But the only way to get back is to listen and do what this voice tells you to do, which starts with making friends, and actually thinking of them as friends, with me, Twilight, the others."

I nodded, though I couldn't recall if Spike was included in this task. "Unfortunately." I stated dryly, shrugging at the annoyed look he gave me. "That seems to be the predicament I find myself in."

The irritated expression then morphed to one of wonder. "This all sounds so... so..."

"Far-fetched?" I supplied. "Make-believe? Ludicrous? Something you'd hear from a-?"

"Awesomeeee!" The dragon proceeded then to adopt a posture of a child who just got a brand new bike.

The unexpected, yet I should've seen it coming, declaration incited me to frown in confusion at the excited-looking Spike, staring at me as though I was a sight to behold. "Uh... excuse me?"

The ecstatic dragon then gestured with widened arms towards my lying state, eyes glittering in awe as he spoke more loudly than I would've preferred. "An alien! We have a real alien living inside our house! All this time we've been housing a pony from outer space!" I shrugged rather modestly. I've been called a lot of things in my life, but alien? Well at least he wasn't being insulting about it. "This- This is something that has never happened before in all of Equestria's history!"

Well... I'm sure there were numerous fanfics out there that would say otherwise. But in real life? "Honestly I don't think my brain has even fully processed this whole ordeal yet." I admitted with a chuckle, taking another sip of my drink. "But please keep your voice down Spike."

Yet the lizard, to my exasperation, remained very lively over the fact an extraterrestrial life form was living under the same roof as him. I'm rather taken aback by how accepting Spike was acting over this. "An alien that got turned into a pony, living in Ponyville inside our house. And he's also our friend." I might take his action there as squealing. "Just wait 'till Twilight learns about this-!"

"And that is where we find the bad news of this little revelation Spike." I interrupted him firmly, my glare enough to halt his excited mood. "It's imperative few are aware of my origins, lest it becomes an inconvenience in my quest."

"Huh?" The lizard tilted his head at me in obvious confusion. "But... why not just tell Twilight or the others then? Imagine the looks on their faces-!"

"Their reactions to the truth is irrelevant boy." I cut him off, more harshly than I originally intended. "The last thing I need is constant questions and migraines. You know as well as I do that this little truth would have Twilight pester me to no end about my home planet and how we homo-sapiens function."


I sighed at the earnest confusion. Perhaps I should resort to a different approach. "Spike, do you want my trust?" The lizard nodded heatedly. "Then do this one favour for me; do not, I repeat NOT, tell a singly breathing soul about my true origins. The less anyone else knows about this, the better. Celestia and Luna already know about this ordeal-" And it should've stayed that way. "- And it would be unwise to let this revelation out to the public."

"But Twilight can help-"

"I don't need her help." I countered bluntly. "Please, Spike, the only way to get off Equestria is to start establishing trust with others."

A lengthy pause as I sat patiently, waiting for the hesitant dragon to reach a decision. I was only telling Spike all of this because it would be foolish of me to pretend all I said last night in my moment of facing the bear was glorifying fabrication.

Plus it just felt relieving at least telling someone else of my plight. Spike would always have acted more excited and awed than sympathetic.

"Jeez Stardust, I don't know..." The baby dragon finally replied, rubbing the back of his head in sudden worry. "I'm not sure if I can keep something this huge hidden for long without Twilight getting suspicious..."

"...Well at least you're being honest." I sighed. What to do, what to do... Oh. Sitting back calmly, resting my hooves together, while wincing a little at the movement, I adopted a business-like tone that will buy me the uncertain lizard's silence more. "Alright Spike, how about then in return for your silence, you share half your chores with me."


"And in addition, I can cover for you sometimes here and there, if you ever feeling like taking a nap." The drop of his jaw was quite amusing. "Not all the time, keep in mind. And we will tell Twilight that I merely decided to help around the place a little bit more."

The sight was just getting comical now. "St-Stardust, you don't have to do any of that! I mean alien or not, you're still a guest! I promise I'll do my best to keep myself quiet-!"

"I insist." Besides, spending the day just reading books could only last as entertainment for so long. It won't hurt just to help around the place a little right? "And if you're still hesitant about it; think of this as a way of expressing our new friendship, one pal helping out another. What do you say?"

Another pause as I awaited the answer, an admitted feeling of hope rising in me that Spike was sensible enough to keep this secret between us. And I wasn't disappointed, I let out a grateful smile as the dragon finally nodded with a smile of his own.

"Alright, I guess it wouldn't hurt to have a little more help around the house, plus I can keep one secret. But you have to do one more thing for me."

I raised a brow, hesitantly intrigued. "And what might that be?"

"Tell me everything." Spike said confidently. "About your homeworld and your race."

Hmm... well I'm not the encyclopedia of the human race or the entire planet. But I suppose this wouldn't be going too far in winning Spike's silence. "Alright, but I can't promise to tell you every last detail, such as the biology of humanity. But I'll indulge you, as long as you keep your end of the bargain that you don't tell Twilight-"

"Don't tell Twilight what?" Both our heads snapped to the direction of the opening door, the purple unicorn in question with a bowl levitating beside her, observing us curiously.

Both Spike and I quickly exchanged glances; no doubt we were each trying to conjure up with an excuse. In conclusion I blinked when the small lizard then proclaimed. "That I told Stardust the truth behind the Ursaminor he fought last night."

...Well at least it's a guarantee for now he was keeping his word. But truth? What truth?

The mare shook her head in exasperation while approaching us, the smell of something edible inside that bowl floating beside her. "Oh Spike..." I restrained sighing in relief that Twilight bought the excuse. "I'm sorry Stardust, I didn't want your pride to be hurt."

My pride? "On the contrary my dear; Spike was only just starting to tell me about it. Perhaps you'd like to indulge me along with him?"
At least the subject has now changed... but to one I found myself despising later.

"So do remember." I finished my short speech to the colt pair before me, ignoring their stares of wonder and awe as we were a safe distance from the eavesdropping of the town. "You cannot tell a single soul about my origins, otherwise I will disappear from this planet altogether. Do you understand the importance of which I am telling you?"

They both nodded wildly, still shell-shocked over my confirmation of my words from last night. "We promise sir!" I suppressed rolling my eyes as Snails saluted. "We won't tell anyone what you really are!"

"Yeah Mr. Alien!" Then Snips said. "Nopony will ever know what we know!"

Mr. Alien. Funny. But I nodded firmly instead. "Good, and please refrain from addressing me with names such as 'Mr. Alien', or anything else that can give away my secret." Their turn to nod again. "Now. I don't know what deluded Twilight into believing she had authorization to issue punishment on the pair of you for awakening the Ursaminor last night without consulting your parents first, but since logic is evidently a questionable thing of existence around here, I will bestow some other work you two can do to make up for luring a deadly predator to the town; this time with permission from your family."

After finally being allowed to leave the bed, insisting to a doubtful Twilight I had fully recovered, my mind resorted to immediately seeking out the two colts who, besides from the informed Spike and disappearing Trixie, knew of my true origins, aiming to make sure they keep their mouths shut. But Spike had decided to follow me, and I have plenty of speculations as to why.

The two colts looked at each other for a moment, as though silently communicating. Do ponies have that trick? It would save me a lot of breath, I usually didn't talk much anyway.

But to my surprise, and amusement, the two children bowed to me in courteous respect, the smaller colt speaking for the pair of them. "We will do whatever you ask of us, sir, for we are your humble servants."

Humble what now?

"You're even more awesome than Trixie, at least you're not a liar!" The taller one continued. At least I'M not a liar? Goddamn these creatures will believe anything I'll tell them. "And you fought that Ursaminor last night with your bare hooves! We will do anything you say for the rest of time, your alien-ness."

...A side-glance at Spike who just shrugged at me. "Al-right... As a first order then, stop calling me anything related to I being not from this world." They grinned enthusiastically and bowed again. Hmm, maybe I could used to this. "Very good, now return to cleaning up that carriage."

"You never mentioned anything about disappearing if someone tells the truth about you." Spike stated confusedly, as soon as the pair of the enthusiastic colts were heading back to the town and out of our field of vision.

I gave a shrug. "Well, if it works in keeping their mouths shut." With that I also began walking down the same path, intending to return to the library now that the job was complete, wishing I would stop wincing at every step I took. Okay I wasn't full healed just yet, but my personal injuries mean little compared to making sure no one breaths a word about my origins. And I doubt the far-off gone Trixie, despite all the boasting, would bother telling anyone either.

I didn't need to look to my right to see the dragon walking in a similar pace. "So you just lied to them... when they just said you weren't a liar."


"Huh." I cast the blinking lizard an amused glance. "You seem to be doing that a lot."

"Lying?" He nodded. "Well between you and I, Spike, lying isn't really something I'm accustomed to. Everyone lies, with the exception of Applejack obviously, but I prefer being honest, truth be told, whether brutal or not. I've only been deceiving the fair ponies of Ponyville to prevent them from discovering my true identity."

It was easy to have this conversation as we were out of earshot from anyone, but just to make sure I kept my eyes looking at every possible hiding spot for nearby ponies as we entered the colourful streets.

"If you haven't confessed about being from another world last night, I might never have believed you then." Spike pointed out.

"Honestly I'm surprised how accepting you are of this revelation."

Another side-look at the contemplative child dragon, who was frowning at the sky. "Well... Something just made me believe your words... I don't know what..." Hmm... Could be the work of that elusive Specter. Otherwise, aside from the fact my words last night must have sounded convincing enough to him, what possible reason does this dragon have to believe a single word coming out of my mouth? Then Spike shook his head and gave a small smile next to me. "Oh well, so how are you then?"

Must be inquiring about my injuries. "Rather fine, thank you for asking."

"I meant with coping from what you were told this morning."

"Ah... that." Instantly a frown creased my features, my stare now turning to the ground as we walked by multiple ponies of various kinds. "Yes, it was rather a blow to my dignity, finding out that bear was an infant."

Understatement of the goddamn century my reptilian friend. My happiness over the fact my impaired ear somehow repaired itself being ripped to shreds by the revelation that monster I fought last night, the thing that terrified me to no ends, was simply an infant. I battled an infant. First a female griffon, then a child bear; this world was TRYING to make me hate myself further. I would NEVER even consider the thought of engaging a child, no matter what creature it was, in combat.

"Cheer up Stardust." The supportive voice belonging to Spike said beside me. "Look on the bright side, at least you didn't seriously hurt the Ursaminor; you were only defending yourself and the others."

"Doesn't make me feel any less dirty..." I confessed with a long-awaited sigh. "But yeah... it could've been worse I suppose."

"And Twilight did stop you before things could've gone worse." That she did. And I will thank her for it later, just as I thanked her earlier today for not only providing me with breakfast in bed, but also some equipment to help me pass the time; fictional storybooks, stacks of paper for me to write on, and some quills with a bottle of ink. The purple unicorn claimed the pile of books in question were those she personally considered to have the best stories in the entire library, needlessly apologizing if I didn't find them as good.

And then needlessly blushing slightly when I told her I trusted her judgement.

"So..." The dragon broke me from my thoughts as we continued back to the tree-house. "If your real name isn't Stardust Balance-" I quickly looked both ways and behind, pleased that no other pony was within hearing range. "- then if you don't mind me asking, what is it?"

I found myself seriously contemplating the question. I guess it wouldn't do much harm to share such information. There wouldn't be any consequences for it, I suppose. Truth be told I've been getting so use to my cover-up name I've already almost forgotten my true identity. Ah, what the hell, in the grand scheme of things it really didn't mean anything.

"Well since we're friends, there's no harm indulging your curiosity." Halting and turning fully to the dragon, I let out a small smile and bowed politely. "Jack. Jack Edward James Wright. Resident of England and visitor from the planet Earth... well more like 'held prisoner from', but still. A pleasure to meet you Spike."

The dragon shook my outstretched hoof enthusiastically. "The pleasure is all mine, Star- Jack."

"Please, just call me Stardust during my stay here; it helps me blend in, plus I've been growing rather fond of the name." I requested, feeling a sense of delight that the lizard was obliging like this. I just have to be careful with this thread of trust we have created together, and not put too much on the line.

For now, I've only told the curious Spike that I was from another world, nothing more. As far as I can tell, there wasn't a single reason to tell him, or the monarchs for that matter, the truth about THEIR world. As tempting as the idea was, I had no need to give them all depression that their world was simply pure fiction.

I know, I know; if it's all fiction how am I standing on the very ground of Equestria? Well truthfully half of my mind remains convinced I've gone completely insane and I'm right now inside a mental asylum.

"It's still so hard to take in." Spike then said, his voice returning to that awe-struck tone from this morning, the pair of us resuming the walk. "That we have a resident from outer space. It starts making sense, thinking about it, from the different way you react around stuff like you've never seen them before, or that one incident of your first trip to the library's bathroom-"

"I thought we agreed never to speak of that incident again Spike." I interrupted with a forced smile, inwardly wincing at the unpleasant memory.

"Huh, oh yeah... it was funny how long it took Twilight to clean up the mess-"

"Spike- Ack!"

"Are you okay?" The then concerned Spike inquired to my sudden cough. And I nodded after the sensation quickly resided. Odd, I must've choked on my saliva or something-

Or... maybe that wasn't the case.

"What are you looking at- Oh." The baby dragon let out a gasp of surprise at the sight above, as dark smoke had been covering the sky without our notice.

A storm? Was someone's house on fire? No, for now it looked to be only covering Ponyville, and my eyes quickly followed the cloud of smoke to the source; an icy-looking mountain far-off from the town. Evidently this hasn't happened before... not while I first arrived anyhow.

"Why is there smoke coming from that mountain?"

"A good question Spike." I replied plainly.

"C-Could it be a volcano?"

Let's not start making assumptions outloud and begin a town panic. "...Well there's one way of finding out." I said, slowly taking my intrigued eyes from the smoking hill of rock and towards the direction of the tree-house. "Come on, let's go back and- what do you think you're doing...?"

My body then started to groan in irritation as the pain from the blunt Ursa's attack last night was still there. Doesn't he know I'm still wearing bandages underneath my cape?

I glared in distaste as the dragon had suddenly decided to climb onto my back. "Well, we're going back to the house, right?"

"..." He shrugged at my deadpan stare, but I was having none of it. "I don't recall in any part of our deal where you were free to hitch a ride on my back at anytime. And quite frankly I have no obligation to carry your lazy arse around." With that statement, I sat down and the pouting lizard slid off my back, flinching as I felt my insides yelp in protest-

The dragon let out a burp, and I forced my aching self to duck as the green smoke that morphed into a letter floated above us. Quickly catching it, I looked at the lizard and nodded seriously, having an inkling what the contents within the royal paper were about.

"Listen up! Smoke is spreading all over Equestria!" All over Equestria? I raised a perplexed brow from the other end of the bridge and glanced up at the covering cloud in question. Is the name of this world also code for 'just around Ponyville'? Because I don't see the smoke heading in any other direction. "But don't worry." Twilight continued after the gasping and exchanged worries of the ponies. "I've just received a letter from Princess Celestia informing me it is not coming from a fire!"

And how would Celestia know that? I refrained from asking while the residents on the other side all collectively sighed in relief.

"It's coming from a dragon!" More gasps of shock, while a strike of surprise and intrigue hit me. "But I urge you all not to panic; this problem will be dealt with as soon as possible!"

"Well, aren't you the pony-pleaser?" I called out humourously as the purple unicorn side-glared at me in turn.

A dragon. As in a full-sized deadly beast with a craving for hunger and destruction? This should be interesting...

"What in the name of all things cinnamon's swirl is a full-grown dragon doin' here in Equestria?"

"Sleeping. According to Princess Celestia he's taking a nap. His snoring's what causing all this smoke."

I heard the Mane Six discuss about the beast behind me, while my gaze was meanwhile settled on outside the window, where the blank smoke was getting worse and worse by every hour or so. A dragon's napping is the cause behind this inconvenience huh? Well on the bright side at least that pesky sunlight won't be bothering my eyes for a while. And yet, there was that forbidding sense of danger from the previous night, rearing its ugly head again. Well right now I'm wary of trusting my fear instincts after that had me recklessly fight a baby Ursa.

"I'll tell ya what we're meant to do: give him the boot?" I sighed in exasperation from hearing the blue pegasus' less-than-ideal suggestion.

I scoffed loudly. "Yes, because violence is the ultimate solution for everything. Let me know how that works out for you Rainbow Dash... Provided you don't become roasted pegasus first." I let out a hidden smirk at hearing the pony's grumble of displeasure.

"Stardust has a point, we need to instead encourage him to have his nap somewhere else. Princess Celestia has given us this mission and we must not fail. If we do Equestria will be covered up in smoke for the next hundred years!"

"Right well have fun with that." I said, stretching my limbs if my body wasn't still injured, turning to the six ponies. "Your suggestion is a sound one, Twilight, but pardon me when I express doubts that negotiating with a giant killer dragon will work easily too."

"You don't know that, he might be a reasonable lizard." I snorted; perhaps in any other kid's show certainly. "Anyway, girls, go back to your homes and gather some supplies. We've got a long journey ahead of us, meet back here in an hour."

And once again, I noted with a tinge of bafflement, the student of the most powerful alicorn in existence goes off to face the dangerous threat instead of the mentor. Why doesn't Celestia just handle this situation? She's the ruler of Equestria, yes? Alright, so why doesn't she just order the dragon to sleep elsewhere? If it was as grave as Twilight was projecting here, then why can't the alicorn Princess deal with this matter personally? Or maybe this is just a test for her loyal student and I'm thinking too deep into it.

Nothing new on the latter then.

After the five other mares left, the last being a hesitant Fluttershy, that was when I decided it was time to head back to my room. I have some planning to do myself, but a sudden voice halted me from advancing further. "Stardust." I turned to the purple unicorn who said my temporary name, glancing at me rather uncertainly while preparing some stuff into her travel bags. "I don't think you need to be reminded, but you're-"

"Let me guess." I cut her off with amusement, smiling slightly. "I'm far too injured and would only be a hindrance to the group in your rush to prevent the smoke from covering the skies. I know, I wasn't planning to come with you anyhow."

Twilight shrugged apologetically. "I know it sounds like something you don't wanna miss out on but- I'm sorry what?"

I smirked at her surprised blinking. "I'm not stupid Twilight, nor as prideful as you believe. Don't worry, I can take care of the library while you're gone."

Her dropped jaw was just hilarious to see. "That's... Very mature of you Stardust." I shrugged while she gave a smile in relief. "I'm so glad; I was worried for a minute there that you would make things difficult."

"Oh believe me my dear; I try my best not to make things difficult." Only when it needs to be. I nodded in farewell to her. "Take care. Let me know of the aftermath."

"I will." I heard her vow behind me while I ascended the staircase, heading straight to my room.

Like I said, time to do some planning of my own...

I flinched for the umpteenth time now since removing the bandage wrapped around my waist, carefully peeling off the thin white cloth before discarding it with the fallen others. I'll clean them up later, as an hour since the ponies departed to gather their equipment for the hike to the danger must be close now.

Taking one slow step after another, I felt satisfaction that I wasn't suffering any worse aching from discarding the bandages, but I couldn't let this aching pain slow me down during my path to the dragon's lair. Okay, one step after another, a quick walk around the room... yep good to go. I inspected my body, no signs of injury; Twilight wasn't kidding when she claimed to have removed any trace of physical harm on me.

I did tell her I wasn't coming with them... But I didn't say I wasn't coming at all. The potential threat that was a giant killer dragon was I'm certain minimal compared to the threat that was previously Nightmare Moon, but a threat nonetheless. Those ponies might require backup in case they get themselves into a dangerous stand-off with the beast.

Whether they like it or not.

A knock on my door immediately caused my body to stiffen, calling out bluntly. "Yes?"

"I'm just letting you know me and the girls are going to the mountain now." The voice of the purple mare spoke called from the other side. "We won't be gone long." I swear there was an added mutter of "Hopefully..."

"Have fun." I replied briskly, waiting calmly as the footsteps of Twilight became distant, before throwing my dark blue cape back on, quietly opening my door and exiting the room, making sure not to make any creaks on my way downstairs.

I always had a talent of stealth, and I will use such skill to follow the group of mares to the deadly creature. Of course I won't be alerting them to my presence the whole time... in case they didn't need any help that is. Hearing the entrance to the library shut, I quickly scanned the main area with from the stairs before descending into the room, heading straight to the window for observation.

Twilight looking at some map. Fluttershy trying to get out of going with the group. They're now departing in a hurry... alright then.

Time to move out.

Exiting the tree-house, I made sure the door was locked behind me before turning, finding myself glaring at the distant mountain they and I were going to. I may be injured, and I think Twilight mentioned something earlier about a few cracked ribs (but she also said the pain of such was nullified), but these were minimal compared to the shattered emotion that was my pride.

And I'm going to regain that pride by either facing the dragon in talks, or combat if need be. I was afraid of that infant Ursa, true, but that fear made me forget about something very vital which I can use to my every advantage.

No one dies in this world.

Of old age otherwise, maybe. But not by murder or accidents. If I can use this world's logic and laws of physics to my advantage, that dragon will be either persuaded or scared away. The plan was simple: just be there for the Mane Six while staying out of sight until something turns ugly. And something usually does in stories like these-

"Stardust?" Dammit. I winced in annoyance as Spike, holding a white bunny I identified as Fluttershy's pet, approached towards me, confusion on his features. "What are you doing?"

I found myself biting back my own tongue. I think I already gave my own intentions away by just staring determinedly at the mountain. Or if I'm lucky enough maybe he'll believe I'm simply praying for Twilight and the other's safety-

"You' not thinking of going with them, are you?" Or maybe not. I continued to say nothing as the concerned expression on Spike's face then slowly morphed to panicking. "But, you're still hurt! You can't possibly go confront that dragon like this-!"

"Why not? I deal with one everyday don't I?" I chuckled as the lizard was unimpressed.

"First you nearly got killed by the Ursaminor, now you're going to face off against something ten times more deadly." Spike, along with the rabbit in his arms shook their heads. "Why would you do this?"

Ah the question of 'why', the one word I've had a lifetime finding it difficult to provide answers towards. But I'm getting off-track here. "Hey, since my arrival into this damn world I've only fought an infant bear, an infant for Christ's sake! Twilight and the others may need some reinforcement." With that I looked at the dangerous hill of rock, speaking with as much determination in my tone as last night. "I may suffer the consequences for my actions today like I did last night, perhaps worse this time, but that means little to me. I'm going, regardless of who says otherwise. Goodbye Spike."

I only took four steps forward before the dragon called out. "Wait... there's something I want to know first, in case you don't make it back. I mean I'm completely sure you will but-!"

"Get on with it Spike." I snapped without looking back.

I heard a deep inhale before he spoke again, sounding hesitant for whatever reason. "You say you’re from another world, and you don't seem all that caring for anypony else other than me, Twilight, Rarity and the rest. So then, last night... why did you do it?"

"Fight the Ursaminor? I believe you know why-"

"No, I mean... why did you get in the way of the Ursa's attack, why did you save Trixie's life like that, without a moment's hesitation? I mean it was a good noble thing of you to do but... I thought you didn't like her?"

That single genuine-sounding question had me raise a brow before glancing over my shoulder at the perplexed lizard with a frown. He was serious... I really needed to explain to him why I saved another life? "I have a soul Spike." Something which Equestria and its inhabitants questionably lacks, and I don't mean that in a harsh way. I finished speaking while walking after the running ponies. "A boastful arrogant mare she may have been, Trixie doesn't deserve a fate like that. I did what I had to, nothing more, nothing less."

Ow. Ow. Ow.

The repetitive pain coursing through me caused a grimace with every slow step I took trekking up the mountain, thankful at least that hooves weren't as slippery as human feet as I was somehow climbing up the rocky terrain with ease, a distance away where the far-up others couldn't see me in plain sight. I had to wait a long moment when the yellow pegasus took her sweet time following her friends, having decided to take that moment to relax my aching bones after the long walk.

I often walked alot, but not in the expense of pain.

Tch, well I can't go back while I'm all the way out here.

On the off-chance Twilight's plan won't work, which it inevitably won't anyhow, they might require backup from the shadows. I'll stay out of plain sight, hence why I'm climbing up, painfully I might add, on another part of the terrain a distance away from the determined ponies. While I admire Twilight's dedication to negotiable possibilities; the girl can be quite narrow-minded sometimes, not seeing the bigger picture and what-if scenarios.

Again, why doesn't Celestia just handle this problem...?

Oh, Fluttershy fell back down to the bottom. I shook my head, but not at the fear of Fluttershy; that was completely understandable, yet slightly confusing considering how facing Nightmare Moon was considerably worse than confronting a dragon. But I was shaking my head at how the poor mare was obviously being forced into this mission of theirs. And what's this, Applejack's going down to provide Fluttershy with some words of encouragement?

No she's instead dragging the still pegasus by the tail, how that isn't painful I'll inquire another time, and I was thankful for the number of bushes and rocks mostly obscuring me from the climbing ponies' view. But it appears Applejack is 'guiding' the frightened Fluttershy around the mountain... wait a minute.

Releasing a string of quiet profanities at the aching, my body was finally relieved to be on balanced ground again, as I slowly followed the two mares evidently using another way to climb the rocky hill.

I don't know what's worse; the continuous pain running through me after no hours of rest, or Pinkie Pie's 'wonderful' singing.

But the Earth Pony's terrible lyricism and obnoxious hopping from edge to edge, as I observed from around the corner of the path, seemed to work as Fluttershy, with the assistance of her friends, was pulled across and continued walking on with the exasperated five. I wonder if any of them will eventually snap at the mare for her cowardice.

Now that they're gone from sight, walking around terrain, I slowly walked from my spot, prepared to use a small jump across the tiny gap-

And releasing a loud groan as the hop was enough to make me lie on the ground as soon as I landed. Dammit... even a little jump hurts? I'll have to be extra careful then if I face that deadly lizard within the mountain. I'm not even sure how long my body will last without a moment's rest, as I can't let those mares out of my sight for too long.

Standing back up again, wincing at the sharp stabbing feeling in my back, my teeth gritted to prevent unleashing more curses.

But internally I was damning Specter to hell.

To say that was cutting it close was a massive understatement; it's a good thing I was far away from the ponies, otherwise that small avalanche might have been the end of me. Luckily none of the falling rocks were anywhere near me when Fluttershy screamed in despair.

But now my features were expressing both amusement and annoyance at the temporary situation, waiting patiently for the six mares to climb over the small dirty hill caused by the avalanche. At least this was an excuse for me to take a rest, and a sigh of relief escaped me as I lied down on my stomach carefully, allowing the pain to continue its mission to fade away.

I'll need all the energy I have if I was to face that dragon.

Hopefully I won't have to, but that gut feeling informed me that won't be the case. Not that I don't believe they were capable of beating the beast on their own, but if I can at least do something to prevent any major harm on any of them, then that'll just be as well. The plan right now was to sit back as Twilight and the others confronted the beast, hiding and analysing the area, see if anything can be used to my advantage in case the mares need help. If the dragon was sleeping inside the mountain, I could use those sharp rocks you see in every show dangling on the ceiling if there were any, or I could disable its flying capabilities by landing a boulder on its wings if it had any.

Speaking of wings, I haven't pondered it until now, but do dragons have to reach a certain age before they develop wings? A certain smiling baby lizard popped up my mind. Spike has no wings, or were there just a type wingless dragons in this world too-?

Oh they've already made it over the small hill. I'll wait a few minutes before following, standing up again after those minutes were up, my body aching but fortunately not as much as it were previous. That's an improvement.

So, from the sound of things right above this rocky staircase I hid myself on, the entrance to where the dragon resided was right on that floor.

Eavesdropping can do wonders, often leaving to grave misunderstandings or benefits. And so far what I'm gathering right now is above me Twilight and the rest were trying to convince a terrified Fluttershy to come with them into the cave, to persuade the giant beat to leave and sleep elsewhere, but to no avail. And during their conversation Fluttershy admitted why she was brave enough to face Nightmare Moon but not a dragon.

Well at least she had an excuse.

From my standing on the rocky stairs I gave a pitying look at thin air as the fives mares eventually failed in persuading their pegasus friend. Boy, no pressure on her. Jeez if I didn't know any better I'd almost call them inconsiderate of other's feelings, and that's coming from me.

At least, when I heard Twilight explain the plan to the others, I may not have to engage the dragon in either talks or combat anyway-


My eyes widened in surprise as my head immediately turned to see, at the top of the stairs, Fluttershy looking at me with shock of her own. In the midst of my thoughts I mustn't have heard her footsteps. A shame really, I was impressed by how I was keeping up the stealth and managing to make it all the way here without submitting to the pain.

"Hey Fluttershy." I greeted her plainly as the yellow pegasus walked down to join, her expression then changing to that of concern when I grimaced at the aching. Yeah, I've been doing that a lot even when I'm just standing.

"Are you alright...?"

"Oh you know, still recovering from last night. Nothing special."

"W-What are you doing here? I thought you were-"

"Staying behind while you girls have all the fun?" I finished the question jokingly, chuckling as she blinked. "I simply followed you all, in case you required backup if things got too intense. If I'm lucky, that might not be the case." I admitted to her. No point in stalling for lies now.


...That's it? I raise a bemused brow. "Nothing to say? No lectures? Because that's the last thing I need right now, I'll tell you what." I felt some satisfaction for lifting a small smile on her features. My front hoof rubbed my side absent-mindedly, as an attempt of easing the pain. "So... sounds to me you don't want to face that dragon."

The pegasus then looked away at the statement, appearing ashamed. What, did she mistake it for an accusation? "Well I... I... I can't face-"

"You don't need to explain it to me." I cut her off gently, using that soft tone I used last time we spoke. "Nor do you have any reason to feel shame for your fear. I understand what you're going through right now."

Fluttershy turned back to me, expression of surprise again. "You do?"

I smirked humouredly. "What did you think I felt when I faced that Ursaminor the other night?"

"But... you got into a fight with him anyway." Fluttershy pointed out lightly, some confusion in her quiet tone.

How best to explain this...? Ah. "Fluttershy." I began softly, using a tone of voice rarely reserved for either soft-hearted people or my little sister. "What do you think courage is?"

"Erm... well, it's uh... facing something... bravely?" The yellow pegasus replied, clearly uncertain with her own answer.

"Close." I said gently, restraining the urge to reach out and place a hoof on her shoulder. So far I'm glad our voices weren't being overheard by the others, who sounded as though they were desperately attempting, and failing, to appease the giant dragon and get him to leave. Maybe I'll have a crack at it after I'm done with this. "True courage isn't about facing something and overcoming it; there's more to it than that my dear."

"Oh... well, what is it then...?" Fluttershy sounded genuinely intrigued.

I took a deep breath, leaning against the rocky wall for a moment to regain my breath. "True courage... is facing something, while you still fear it. Fighting to protect those you cherish even if fear is coursing through your body. That is the true meaning behind bravery."

Carefully pushing back from the wall, I smiled slightly at the yellow pegasus who was evidently taking my words in. "You don't have to face that dragon if you don't want to. I'll confront that beast should things get unpleasant."

Then there was protesting. "But, you're still hurt-!"

"Fluttershy." I interrupted again, this time more firmly while raising a hoof. "What happens to me... Doesn't matter. The safety of you and the girls is far more important than my own. Just do me one simple favour, and don't get in my way. Can you do that, as one friend to another?" I requested gently, hoping this mare understands what I was saying.

Just as she was about to reply, probably to object to my words some more, no doubt thinking them as a horrible thing to say, the loud voice of another pegasus interjected. "Alright that's it!" We both looked up as the voice continued with finality in its tone. "We've tried persuasion, charm... whatever it is Pinkie Pie does. It's time to stop wasting time! I'm going in!"

She's obviously serious. "Oh this I have to see." I said quietly before walking up with the nervous Fluttershy, peeking over the top of the staircase to the area above.

"Rainbow, no!" Twilight called out in futile protest. And despite the fact of the blue pegasus being my least favourite of the bunch... that didn't mean I wanted to see her get harmed.

A loud roar, mightier and more deadly than the one I kept hearing from the bear last night, caused Fluttershy to stiffen behind me and all hair on my body stand on end. The quickly defeated Rainbow Dash flew out of the cave and knocked down the others, who quickly recovered as another roar came out of the large cave.

I heard the yellow pegasus gasp as the gigantic awakened dragon finally emerged from its sleeping hole, and even though we're all in impeccable danger, I felt rather glad that they at least made the killer reptile look like a credit to its species. Coloured in red all over with the exception of the front yellow belly, red scales and yellow deadly eyes. I felt my hooves grasping the edge tighten as we saw the ponies quickly get beaten by a cloud of furious black smoke, somehow knocking them into a nearby rock and the impact shattering the thing.

Fluttershy's squeal for her friends then alerted the beast to our presence, as yellow dangerous eyes slowly turned to us. Ah c- So much for discretion. I'll glare at the mare for it later.

"Fluttershy..." I whispered to the stunned pegasus beside me as the creature slowly advanced towards us. "Aid the others. I have an idea." A very stupid idea, but an idea nevertheless.

"What- Stardust no!" Fluttershy called out weakly as I revealed myself from the staircase fully, standing defiantly against the leering beast despite my limbs shaking a little in fear. Not for the fear of death or becoming dragon food.
But the fear of never seeing my family again...

And I find myself asking for the third time; why wasn't Celestia taking care of this?!

"Stardust?! What are you doing here?!" A shocked Twilight called out, but I ignored the dazed ponies and set my gaze on the beast, slowly walking sideways to keep the thing distracted enough for Fluttershy to reach her friends.

"You, yes you!" I called out to the irritated dragon, who seemed intelligent enough to comprehend words. "Your resting is causing a disturbance to nearby village. Might I suggest with the greatest respects that you sod off?" Yes I know that was the wrong thing to say, as apparent when I heard the gasp of Fluttershy while she flew to the damaged mares. But whatever it takes to keep the reptile's focus only on me.

The dragon growled in evident frustration, no doubt wishing it could sleep in peace. "I understand of your need to rest, my friend. I know what it's like to be constantly disturbed from your slumber by annoying females. You should meet my mother sometime." Then that'd be a competition of who can frighten me the most...

But my words seem to be taking effect, as the dragon had stopped leering at me and was now regarding its confronter warily. Good. I continued as more persuasion was put into my tone. "You are evidently an intelligent understandable dragon, therefore you must comprehend that your sleeping in the mountain is doing harm to innocent smaller fragile creatures. I kindly ask of you, as one living species to another, to please find a resting spot elsewhere, lest you cause more suffering to the weak and helpless."

I concluded with a respectful bow, wincing at the continuous aching as my brain screaming in protest for lowering my defenses as such. If this doesn't work I'll have to resort to combat, even if I can only put up a little. Yet I don't see any black harmful smoke around me, ready to throw me off the cliff. Slowly I looked upwards, trying to maintain my composure as the beast was literally stroking its chin contemplatively, as if my words were something of his time to think about.

This... This might actually work-!

"Oh come on, he doesn't actually think that'll work does he?! That dragon is too stupid to understand anything!"

...I freaking hate you Rainbow Dash.

The giant lizard reared its head back at the insult, turning back to the recovering ponies and releasing a roar of rage. I don't blame it. But instead of expressing indignation, I felt nothing but panic and terror as the beast advanced on the scared others, ready to shoot more black smoke from its mouth and nostrils.

And just imagining the outcome, I felt my eyes narrow and features harden, this time fully ignoring the screaming protesting pain in my body as I quickly moved, running up the cold skin of the beast and jumping off the back, front right hoof clenched and reared backwards as the dragon turned to the foolish attacker.


But I didn't stop there.

Quickly grabbing the other side of its nostrils after punching the surprised deadly predator directly in the face, I delivered a clean roundhouse kick to the other cheekbone, concluding with the last opportunity to uppercut the face as I fell downwards.

I grinned when I landed on all fours, despite the heavy wobbling of my legs from the pain I've suffered with using my tired aching body for such attacks, as the giant dangerous reptile recoiled its head back in disbelief and anger, returning to that deadly leer towards the bold stallion standing feet away from the rest.

So much for persuasion...

"What in tarnation was that?!" I heard the shocked voice of Applejack, feeling all eyes on me. I'll be wondering that myself after this is all over my dear.

"That was so incredibly awesome! Did you all see that?!" Pinkie Pie called out, more excited than frightened of all things.

"Twilight... Did you know he could do that?" Rarity inquired, surprise evident in her tone.

"I... I didn't. First the Ursaminor, now this..." The stunned unicorn answered.

"We're even now Rainbow Dash." I called out in my deep panting, referring to the fact she saved my life the other night- what the... why am I seeing black covering the sides of my vision? The dragon hasn't even attacked yet-

"Stardust!" Numerous voices called out as I suddenly felt a blunt pain to my left side, throwing me across the area and landing in a rolling heap, my entire body making a symphony of agony at the swipe from the dragon while I was distracted by myself.

I didn't dodge; Piccolo would be disappointed.

Letting out a string of curses in the midst of my groaning, I felt the ground beneath me shake, indicating the unfinished dragon was approaching. Ah great.

As it took all my energy to stand back up, my body and brain demanding I lay back down to rest, I felt natural fear as the gigantic reptile looked down upon me, ready to finish off the prey who dared assault him.

So... this was the end huh-? Oh wait I almost forgot, this world won't let me die-

"How dare you..."


My exhausted head struggled to stay upwards at the sudden appearance of Fluttershy, who continued berating the dragon to my genuine shock. "How dare you!" Whoa! I blinked rapidly at the sudden boldness the yellow pegasus was now showing to the taken aback beast, as the small mare landed on its nose. "Listen here mister: just because you're big, doesn't mean you get to be a bully!"

Suddenly the brief memory of me defending Fluttershy during that griffon fiasco sprung to mind, and I couldn't resist the small smile on my face. She must have heeded my words...

"You may have huge teeth and sharp scales and snore-smoke and breathe fire, but you do not, I repeat, you do NOT hurt. My. Friends!" A round of applause for your favourite pegasus ladies and gentlemen! I felt a chuckle escape my battered body as I grinned in approval. So this must be that secret bravery she rarely displays... "You got that? ...Well?"

The giant killer dragon pouted, yes pouted, before it... spoke. "But the rainbow one and golden one hit me."

Oh bull-! That was my final thought before my body couldn't handle the pain anymore, and submitted to the blissful embrace of unconsciousness.

Blackness. Blackness. Blackness.

Nothing but blackness after the dream was concluded, barely remembering any of it.

"...should... up soon."

A voice? Sounded very familiar to me. As I return to the realm of reality multiple stabs of pain struck on all sides, causing my restful features to twist in displeasure. Lovely, I'm waking up to a world of pain, literally. And what's worse? That pesky sunlight assaulting my eyes again since I've been in Equestria.

Equestria... Ah yes.

My eyes quickly adjusted to the bright light- wait... wasn't there smoke covering the skies earlier? In my tired state my mind quickly reached the idea the matter has been resolved with already. But what happened... oh, I couldn't handle the pain any longer so I collapsed into unconsciousness. Wonderful.

My eyes carefully peeled up. If I'm in pain, that means I haven't become dragon chow... which also means-

"I wonder, while he's in this state after he wakes up, I can tidy his messy excuse of a mane without any protest." A certain white unicorn said from one end of the new bed I realized I was in. This wasn't my room either... and I'm surrounded by all six ponies, whose attention wasn't on me for the moment.

"You'll have to wait for a moment then Rarity; 'cause as soon as wakes up I'm gonna beat the livin' applesauce out of him!" Wow, violent much my fellow Earth Pony friend?

"I'll be sure never to wake up then..." I managed to force out hoarsely, gaining everyone's attention and instantly regretting it due to some screams of joy.

But thankfully Applejack quickly acted and prevented the ecstatic Pinkie Pie from attempting to glomp me, and my eyes looked from their happy and relieved faces to the room itself... colour and equipment tells me this was a hospital room.

Ah great...

"Stardust... you're awake." A quiet gentle voice stated.

"Astonishing perception Fluttershy." I managed to smirk admist the pain while the pegasus looked away abashed.

"How do you feel darling?" Rarity inquired gently.

"I've been better." I answered truthfully. The fact I'm taking all this pain in so well is both mysterious and quite disturbing.

"Well, it's about time you woke up!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed dramatically, throwing her arms up. "Do you have any idea how worried we all were for you?!"

"You shouldn't have been." I pointed out automatically, before wincing when attempting to sit up. Ow ow okay, not a great idea right now...

"Take it easy now, you're still severely injured." The calm concerned voice of Twilight said, and my eyes rolled to the right at the purple nearby unicorn in question, smiling at me in relief. "I'm so glad you're alright."

And for some reason those simple words were enough to ease the pain a little. As I smiled slightly back in gratitude, I then turned back to all the observing ponies. "What happened?"

Applejack obviously got the meaning. "Well after you fell down sugarcube, Fluttershy here managed to get the dragon to leave the mountain. It was the bravest thing I've ever seen her do." She inclined to the bashful pegasus, who was currently avoiding the approving looks of the others.

"Heck yeah!" The blue mare added. "She made the giant thing bawl like a big baby! It was awesome to watch!"

Did my exhausted mind hear her correctly? "It's true." Rarity confirmed upon seeing my doubtful expression. "The dragon shed quite a number of tears after being lectured by our brave friend here. Why, not even I had the gall to do such things. Today, Fluttershy truly became the most fearless of us all."

"Yep; it was superly duperly incredibly wonderfully awesome!" Of course Pinkie Pie would add in her two cents. "Oh, I know! We should throw a party, just to celebrate Fluttershy for standing up to that horrible dragon!"

But my attention remained fixed on the yellow pegasus, who still wasn't looking at any of us, but when glancing at my serious stare she swallowed her embarrassment and finally spoke. "I-I only did what I had to to protect my friends. I couldn't stand by and watch you all get eaten..."

"And we appreciate that Fluttershy, we really do." Twilight said kindly.

The small smile on her face grew. "But... really it's all thanks to you, Stardust, for giving me that advice at the mountain."

I shrugged, immediately regretting such upon flinching in pain... oh I just noticed now I was wearing casts. Wonderful, but no reason to ruin the moment now. Tearing my eyes from the white bandages I simply said. "I didn't do anything."

"That's not true." The disagreeing yellow shy pegasus shook her head, pointing at me. "You said to me that true bravery is standing up to someone even when you're still afraid. Well I was afraid, but you made me realize it was okay to be scared and still stand up against anyone who wants to hurt your friends. So.. thank you Stardust. I mean it."

For one of those few times, I found myself speechless. Fluttershy would've bravely defied the dragon anyway, but... the fact she was insinuating I had been a source of encouragement for her against the killer beast filled me with a sense of accomplishment and pride.

You know what, who cares if I lost to that dragon? Who cares if I contributed little-to-nothing during that confrontation? Who cares if my own attempts failed? This felt like a victory for me more than anything else at the moment.

"...If you girls don't mind, I'd like to be on my own for a while. There are some things I need to dwell upon." Like how and where that inexplicable strength used first against the griffon, then the Ursaminor, and now the dragon came from, for starters.

"Of course." Rarity nodded. "Come along then girls, Stardust needs his rest; it has been an eventful day after all."

"Agreed." Applejack also nodded, before suddenly raising a firm brow at me. "But don't think you won't be hearin' the end of this from me sugar." No doubt referencing to my reckless behaviour earlier.

"I look forward to it." I said calmly as the orange pony scoffed lightly, before looking at the leaving yellow pegasus. "Fluttershy." I called out quickly as the others were heading to the far door, as she glanced over to me in question. Call it a felling; this just needs to be said. "I'm proud of you, for today. Thank you for saving my life." Was all that was said, nodding at her then dismissively, restraining the pride to show on my features as the shy Fluttershy walked out with a bright smile on her face.

Feeling one remaining presence after the others left, I sighed. Well, may as well get this over with. "And then there were two." I pointed out lightly, turning to the nearby Twilight, my smile dropping instantly at the frown on her face.

"You could have gotten yourself killed."

"...I know."

"You followed us even though you were still recovering from your injuries."


"You tried to fight a dragon, despite your injuries."


"And yet, even when now you are in a hospital, you still take all this lightly."

"Let's just say I view matters entirely different than others." I shrugged, despite learning I shouldn't do so in this state the hard way again.

Twilight then looked down and shook her head in evident disbelief. "You are such a surreal pony."

"Nothing new there, I assure you."

"Just what were you thinking?!" I blinked at the sudden change of tone. Okay I wasn't anticipating this. "Do you have any idea how worried we were, how I was, when you recklessly threw yourself at the dragon and almost gotten turned yourself into dragon food?! Never have I met a pony so... so... foolish! Not even Rainbow Dash, despite her actions today, acted that impulsive."

I frowned. You think I'll be taking all this in without any kind of fire on my part? As if. "I only followed you all in case of backup, should your negotiation tactic not work. And look and behold; it didn't work." Two can play this game.

"You attacked the dragon, though I can approve over your attempt to get the dragon to see reason beforehand, without a single concern for yourself. How reckless are you?"

"Only when it's necessary."

"There was nothing necessary about that!"

"What would you rather I have done; allow you and the others to become a dragon's next meal?"

"We were handling the situation just fine-"

"Clearly, as seen when you were all blasted into a rock, stunned and prepared to be a reptile's next cuisine!"

"Even so, what you did today was probably the most foolish thing I've ever seen you do."

"Saving your lives?" You know, in the midst of my own frustrations, I'm beginning to enjoy this; I rather like this tempered side of Twilight. That's two secret sides of two ponies I've witnessed today. "You're welcome, by the way."

"For what, getting yourself seriously hurt?!"

"With the fact it stalled the dragon from finishing you all off, yes!"

"Do you have no concern for your own life whatsoever?!"


The purple unicorn's mouth fell open, obviously shocked by my outburst, and I felt just as surprised. That... that wasn't supposed to come out. My brain quickly resorted to making me take deep breaths for calmness, as I and Twilight were busy staring at one another with no idea what to say. And for once I was grateful to be intruded by someone, as a clear throat caught our attention.

"Excuse me for interrupting." The obvious doctor pony said, looking sincerely embarrassed for some reason. "But I must request for you to leave for the moment, Miss Sparkle, while I check on my patient."

A long pause before the mare said quietly. "Of course... I hope you get better soon Stardust."

Oh seriously? "Twilight." I called out, but it was futile as she left the room without looking back, evidently upset. Well done Stardust, well really freakin' done. You made one pony leave the room happy, then another saddened. You deserve a medal for equally balancing out things.

Yeah that was my special talent...

Huh, never thought of it that way...

"So then, Mr. Balance." The male equine brought me out of my thoughts, smiling at me while approaching as though I was a fragile piece of equipment. "I'm Dr.-"

"I could care less; cut the patronizing talk and just get on with it." I fiercely cut him off with no regret. Instead feeling guilt I shouldn't be feeling for that second argument I've had with the purple unicorn yet...

"Remember, not a single spot goes unclean." I said to the hard-working colts, quite pleased with the effort they were putting into. "I want this tree fully polished before the day is done."

"Yes sir!" They chorused obediently, glad themselves to be serving their extraterrestrial 'master'. Well not that I think of them as my new servants, perish the thought. But I can't lie and state I'm not taking some enjoyment out of this. As soon as I was able to move about again after the last few days trapped in St. Bore Hospital, my immediate mission was to deliver the full course of punishment on the two colts for the Ursa fiasco.

This time they were being punished with me gaining their parent's permission.

If they do well, maybe I'll bake some brownies as rewards for their efforts... ah hell I'll bake brownies anyway just for the sake of it. I missed doing such for the last five years, and quite frankly I always enjoyed it. Not even this cast on my front left limb supported by a cane will stop me.

"You sure you should be walking around like this?" Spike asked in concern next to me as I observed Snips and Snails clean the wood outside the house.

I shrugged indifferently. "Eh, one damaged leg and a few broken ribs won't stop me. I'll be fine."

"If you say so." He replied, obviously unconvinced. "But I don't know if Twilight'll believe that."

No I imagine she wouldn't. "I'll handle whatever exaggerate worry she throws at me."

"I don't think she exaggerates about worrying for her friend."

The scene at the hospital replayed in my mind, causing a snort. "Oh I don't know about that." Fortunately no such re-enactments occurred during my return to the library.

Unfortunately, Twilight has given me nothing but the silent treatment upon my return. At least, that's what I assume she's doing.

Yes apparently our petty argument days ago reward me with nothing but her silence, only nods of acknowledgement then ignoring me ever since my discharge from the hospital. Does this bother me? Not in the slightest.

"Did something happen between you two; ever since you came back she hasn't even said a word to you." Spike then inquired, rather hesitantly as though it were a sore subject to me.

I cocked my head. "A trivial spat back at the hospital when I woke up. She'll eventually get over it I'm sure, give it a few days at most."

"If I didn't know any better, punishing Snips and Snails when she's already done that would look like you're just spiting her."

I scoffed humourously. "Spite, moi? Never."

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