• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Thirty-Eight: A White Hearth's Warming

"You sure you don't want to come with us? You might enjoy it."

"I very well doubt it, my dear." I replied to the inquisitive Fluttershy. "And besides, I have work of my own to accomplish. What better time to do so, after all, then with no distractions?"

Currently we were at the Ponyville station, the rest of the Mane Six and Spike already inside the train that will take them to Canterlot. Celestia had requested their presence to play some roles for the upcoming play, in celebration of this most festive time of year. As if the decorations around Ponyville, and constant snow falling down hasn't been indication.

That's right, it's Christmas Eve.

Or rather, as they call it, Hearth's Warming Eve... I wish I was making that up.

After a few weeks of rehearsals, costume-designing and criticism over where to improve - the last part by yours truly - the group were prepared to depart to the kingdom. I was here to see them off.

"You're completely sure?"

"Yes Fluttershy, I'm a hundred percent certain." I chuckled. "You'll probably have a better time without me, anyway." Referring to the several times I blatantly told the group where to improve.

Suffice to say, their acting may be the only quality that will save the play.

Hey, I've read the script; the plot was [BEEP] all confusing. The dialogue sounded as though it was written by a five year old. The names of the characters were utterly ridiculous; with the exception of 'Commander Hurricane', 'cause even I'd name my own child that if I could. And I KNOW for a fact Twilight shoehorned that lesson about friendship for the final scene.

A loud whistle was heard behind the yellow pegasus, prompting her to glance to the transportation. "Well, if you're really really sure Stardust... I guess we'll tell you what happened when we return."

"Please do so." I gave the mare a kind smile. "You'll do great, my dear. All of you. Now, go, and knock 'em dead."


"...It's an expression. It means surprise them with your amazing performances."

"Oh." The cold must be getting to her, as Fluttershy's face looked quite red. "A-All right, see you when we come back." I nodded in farewell, as the shy pegasus hurriedly entered the compartment, the doors immediately shutting behind her.

Yeah, they'll do great. I thought to myself as the train slowly, and loudly, departed from the station, the roofs of all compartments completely covered in snow. Thanks to my criticism and guidance, they will become the best part of the play. Though honestly, Celestia's request for them to play key roles in the play at the castle baffled me a little; they weren't actors, so it was clearly favourtism.

Ah, I'll scold the alicorn for it later.

Now, as much as I love hanging around in this winter wonderland, there were things to be done. It was no lie to Fluttershy upon my statement that I had tasks to do.

And... heave!

To some effort, the large black bag was successfully pulled through the front door of the Golden Oak Library. The snow from outside followed as a trail, but that'll be easy to deal with. Ignoring the coldness of my hooves for walking around without warm clothing, aside from my cape, I shut the door behind me, rubbing my front two limbs to heat them up and in satisfaction. The first task was complete, now for the second.

Getting everything out of the bag.

Moving around, my hoofs reached up and grabbed the opening, pulling it down carefully so the contents within won't fall out. Thankfully, everything was sealed in nice cardboard and plastic boxes. Oh no, they're not presents, they're something else for what I have planned when those seven return from Canterlot.

I proceeded to pull one item out each time, some heavier and lighter than others. So far, nothing was derailing from my plan. And it was rather, if I do say so myself, a brilliant idea. What better way for them to celebrate Christmas than a surprise Christmas party waiting for them within the library?

About half of Ponyville's populace departed to Canterlot to watch that history play. Which means less distractions for me, according to the estimated time Twilight made over how long they're gone for, I'll have this party set up in no time-

This is unlike you, Jack.

God damn! Almost dropped the box containing the machine for melting chocolate. "Couldn't pick a more perfect time to speak up, eh Specter?" I asked bitterly towards the observation. And I was in such a pleasant mood as well...

Since your friends have departed to Canterlot, I thought 'why not'? I imagined the owner of the aged voice shrugging. I am pleasantly surprised, however, by your willingness to host a party for your friends upon their return.

"Yeah well, have to make up for my adamant refusal to accompany them." They - that's to say Twilight, Spike, Applejack and Rarity - insisted I go with them, even though I'm not participating at all with the production. My declination was final; from the moment I read the script, I knew it was going to be a bore for me.

Even during their rehearsals, I struggled to remain interested, often wandering around through the winter wonderland I adored.

You will be missing quite a historic show. Specter said, sounding rather fond of the play in question. The founding of the three unique types of ponies, uniting to create the proud and peaceful society which stands strong today.

"Ruled by an incompetent monarch, no less."

He continued as if I didn't speak. Pegasi. Unicorns. Earth Ponies. Their fighting amongst one another ceased by the epiphany of friendship and harmony. Why, I recall when-

Pausing from removing another package out of the large plastic bag, I looked up and raised a brow. "'When'...?" Not that I care what he has to say, except if it's about my circumstance, but the voice seemed to cut himself off.

But before he could continue, a knock on the door interrupted our conversation. I rolled my eyes, knowing this meant Specter won't be speaking another word anytime soon. Typical.

Carefully pushing the bag out of the way, I opened the red snow-covered door. The visitors in question caused me to raise a brow. "Bon Bon? Lyra? Shouldn't you two be in Canterlot?"

"Hello to you too, Stardust." The cream Earth Pony replied sarcastically, in a friendly manner. "And yes, we would be there, if Lyra here hadn't made us late to the station."

Said unicorn was oblivious to the annoyed glance of her friend, instead greeting me happily. "Happy Hearth's Warming, Stardust! We would've taken the next train, but then we saw you dragging a large black bag to the library, and wondered what was up."

"I see." I said dryly, stepping aside to allow the two entry. It was a festive time of year, why be impolite?

"From what I understand, isn't Twilight, Spike and the others playing the main roles?" Bon Bon inquired as I shut the door behind them, raising a curious brow at the large plastic bag. "Shouldn't you be with them?"

I shrugged casually. "Maybe, but I decided to stay here."

"Oh. May I ask why?"

An energetic Lyra replied for me, "Isn't it obvious Bon?" The unicorn pulled her own head out of the entrance to the bag and gestured to the placed boxes on the ground, grinning. "He's making a surprise Hearth's Warming Eve party for our friends!"

Guilty as charged.

"Indeed?" The Earth Pony sounded amused as she regarded me. "That doesn't seem like you, Stardust. Did Twilight or Spike ask you to do this for them?"

What, was it that unbelievable?

I shook my head. "No, this was all my idea."

"I see." Bon Bon said thoughtfully, walking around to inspect the items. "That's very thoughtful of you, yet I thought you weren't a fan of parties."

"I'm not." I reassured the mare firmly, pointing at the scattered boxes. "This is for them; I'll have no participation in joining the event when it begins."

A roll of blue eyes. "Of course you won't Stardust..."

"Oh, idea!" Lyra suddenly spoke up, as she pointed her hoof upwards. "Bon, let's help him in making this party!"

Err no, no that won't be necessary-

"Why, that's a fantastic idea Lyra." Bon Bon concurred with her friend, grinning. "What better way to celebrate a special holiday than by helping a friend of ours host a party for our other friends?"

"You don't have to do that." I insisted, the idea of allowing anyone to help me filled me with reluctance. "I'm sure you have other things to do, ladies-"

"Nonsense." The Earth Pony cut me off, adamant over her friend's idea. "We can watch the founding of Equestria next year. This is a time of working together, and helping others whenever in need." But I wasn't in need-! "Come on, Lyra." The unicorn obliged with an ecstatic nod, and without permission both started pulling out the rest of the packages out of the bag.

...Oh boy.

I sighed, joining the two mares. Guess there was no choice on my part. I'd tell them to leave, but then I'd be contradict myself with my intentions over doing something nice for my friends during this festive time of year.

"Well Stardust, you can't say your effectiveness hasn't been doubled with our help."

No I can't. Reluctant as I was to agree, everything was progressing more smoothly with the assistance of these two helpful ponies. Any concerns of mine quickly dashed away as soon as the two proved themselves right away. Setting down the last ornament, I glanced towards the other two. Bon Bon was attending to the buffet consisting of nothing but sugary treats, and Lyra was setting up the tinsels around the shelves of the first floor.

"Okay, I think that's everything." I said in satisfaction, referring to all the packages being opened. Now to deal with the garbage. "I'll throw the boxes away and-"

"Oh oh! I can do that!" The lime unicorn from atop the ladder proclaimed happily, jumping off without hesitation and immediately jogging towards the discarded boxes. This prompted Bon Bon and I to exchange bemused glances.

Lyra was far too energetic for her own health, but at least she wasn't as bad as Pinkie or Derpy.

Picking up some of the cardboard and plastic via magic, the mare hummed as she walked towards the entrance... before immediately being thrown back into a roll across the room by the force of the opened door.

Bon Bon and I were quick to catch the dazed mare, floating boxes falling by the front door. But upon hearing heavy panting, my gaze switched from the lying unicorn to the terrified Earth Pony by the door.

Whooves made no hesitation to speak up, pointing outside in terror. "Monster! There's a monster in Ponyville!" By our uncomprehending stares, he shrugged helplessly, "Thought you'd like to know." Before promptly fainting on the spot.


"'Monster'?" The cream mare beside me echoed in concern, as I slowly moved towards the front door. "He doesn't mean- Oh no..."

Her words incited me to look back. "What? What does he mean?" I inquired, frowning at the implications. A monster? Here in Ponyville at this time of the year? And Bon Bon seems to know what he's talking about?

Gulping, the mare explained with clear worry, "T-This only happens a few times during Hearth's Warming. A horrifying creature visits Ponyville, and feasts on the sugary treats we make. Cakes. Muffins. You name it. Its body is made completely out of snow, with ice fangs and claws and tail."

My tone betrayed the dullness. "...That sounds made up."

"It's real, Stardust!" I blinked at the heated tone. Obviously she wasn't tolerating my skepticism this time. "It visits only a few times to Ponyville, in no particular order- Wait, Stardust! Where are you going?!"

Where else? I needed to see to believe.

"Checking this apparent creature out." I replied casually, nodding to the unconscious Whooves. "Stay here and look after these two, Bon Bon. I'll be back shortly."

"B-But it's too dangerous-!" I slammed the red door shut before she could even finish, the warmth of indoors quickly leaving my body. Thank God I have fur, and a cape. The former was a major advantage while trapped in this infernal world during weathers such as this.

Now that, time to encounter this so-called beast.

It didn't take long to track down the creature's location; the screaming and directions the citizens were running from helped. Side-stepping ponies as they ran by me in terror, I discovered there was a current festival in the middle of Ponyville; activities, stores for decorations and stalls for food taking up the area. No wonder the beast was here; the smell of the baked goods could be felt from the nostrils of those from the mountains-

...What the [BEEP]?


I was incredulous and impressed by the sight before me. 'Snow cat' would be the appropriate term for this animal; the shape and body of a feline belonging to the upper class, body completely coated in pure white snow, blue sharpened ice for fangs sticking from it's mouth, ice whiskers and ice claws from the white paws. The only thing that was remotely fur was the white and blue striped tail, with a spear of ice at the end of it.

The snow cat's attention was currently focused on a pie nearby, sniffing the food with barely-concealed hunger. Well, at least it wasn't out for the blood of the innocents. But still, I've never seen anything like it. Was this another creature that appeared sometime later in the show? Why was it here now, when Twilight and the others were currently in Canterlot? Were this to return to find the town in an aftermath state of chaos, and track down the beast to its lair afterwards?

If so, this was one hell of a Christmas episode.

Either someone wanted to make it memorable, or they hated the tradition. Probably not the latter-

I found myself stiffening as the creature lifted its gaze from the pie for a moment, then visibly relaxed as it instead turned its attention next to some sugar canes. Good. Now, how to get rid of the creature? It obviously was only after the treats, according to Bon Bon. I could make a trail of sweets leading to outside the town and into the forest. Or just use brute force and scare the creature out of town. Or maybe negotiate with it; I've been proven time and time again that almost all life on Equestria has a basic understanding of communication and can even speak in English back.


Oh [BEEP]...

I felt much more colder than the snow was granting me, as the startled snow cat turned its ice blue eyes on me, a heavy growl erupting from its mouth. I'd look back at Lyra and yell at her for shouting my name, if I didn't feel so frozen. Time seemed to still, my green-blue eyes meeting its white irises. Well great, now what was I going to do?

Feeling a few presences behind me, I heard Bon Bon whisper urgently, "Stardust, what were you thinking?! It's probably going to eat us now."

"You'll be fine." I assured the mare, not sounding certain myself though, without turning to look at her. That stare of the creature's seemed to have me trapped. "Just run, run and find shelter. I'll deal with this creature."

"Are you insane?" Lyra asked incredulously, and I lost the ability to roll my eyes. "What are you going to do, fight it? After it's done snacking on those treats, we'll be next!"

The treats...

Finding it in me to frown, I've noticed something peculiar. The creature was simply staring at me; no prepared stance to leap forward and tear me apart, just a warning growl and apprehensive posture, as though... I was going to attack it.

Was... Was this creature afraid of me just as I was unnerved by it?

I wasn't an expert in reading expressions, or seeing emotions behind one's eyes, but if I were to speculate, the snow cat seemed only interested in the food, nothing more. Was it waiting for me to leave, so it could continue deciding which sugary goods to take back to its home?

I wonder...

"Stardust, what are you doing?" I heard Bon Bon hiss from behind, feeling a tug from my cape. Ignoring that, I proceeded with my idiotic idea.

Warily, I took a tentative step forward, wincing as the creature growled again. I've made stupid mistakes in the past that almost got me killed. But I'm not quite dead yet, am I? This world refuses my destruction, I doubt it's changed its mind now, especially at a time like this.

A few steps forward, my gaze steady against the beast's own. Yet it made no movement of withdrawal; it stood completely still, as it now considering me a threat or not.

Well, in for a penny.

"Hello my friend." I said slowly, prepared to combat this snow cat if necessary. I had balance on my side, after all. All I had to do was concentrate on my anger against the best, and combine it with my desire to protect my observing friends.

Though the problem being... I feel no anger towards this magical feline. Just wariness.

Reaching the stall the beast was occupying, I hesitantly reached out. Not to stroke the cat, God no, not yet anyway. No instead I carefully picked up a delicious-looking fruitcake from the stand, hovering it between us. A wall of protection in case the creature decided an Earth Pony was a more ideal snack. Next, I pulled off another reckless stunt.

"Here you are, my friend." I held out the plate towards it, trying and failing miserably to put on a soothing voice. "In a gesture of goodwill."

Please don't bite my hoofs off. Please don't bite my hoofs off. Please don't bite my hoofs off...

Cautiously, the evidently suspicious creature approached, sniffing the food offered. There was silence, apart from the sniffing of course, and I briefly wondered if my tombstone would say: Died because of the Christmas spirit.

Or Hearth's Warming spirit, rather...

"This is a time of year for all creatures to join in harmony." I explained quietly, so not as to anger the ice-fanged creature that was as tall as me. "Do you agree?"

At that question, the snow feline slowly opened its jaw, and I felt my limbs freeze at the gaping mouth and ice fangs, ready to devour them. I heard panicked gasps from behind.

Oh please don't bite off my hoofs-!

I flinched, time standing still further as the creature proceeded to bite into the food and... leave the plate and my limbs unharmed. For a moment, my brain slowly processed this information, but I found myself wincing again as the creature was quick to devour the first half, effortlessly devouring the entire fruitcake in just two bites, nothing but saliva and snow remaining on the plate.


Slowly setting the plate on the snowy ground between us, I simply stared, flabbergasted by it all. I'm still breathing... and this creature didn't look as though it wanted to go mano-a-mano on me. Quite the contrary, it looked... satisfied, turning its attention back to the food, still clearly hungry.

Exhaling a breath I didn't know I was holding in, I sighed in relief. "Still hungry, my friend?" I inquired quietly, and at the confirmed noise from the snow feline's mouth, I chuckled lightly. "Then by all means, eat until you're satisfied. I'll pay for it all."

The creature happily obliged. And without thinking things through, I reached and petted its side in relief. Aw [BEEP]! ...Though it didn't look as though it minded, so I exhaled, thanking God once again, and continued.

Huh... the snow on its body felt like... fur.

"Stardust...?" I heard someone call out hesitantly, and to my surprise I look around to see an audience. Ponies wrapped up in warm clothing, staring at me with unrestrained shock. Bon Bon, Lyra and Whooves were at the front, expressing both bafflement and worry.

I shrugged, feeling whatever tension was there leave my system. "Come on over." I waved the three towards us. "He won't bite. Won't you my friend?" A growl, though not an unfriendly one, escaped the mouthful creature. "I'll take that as a yes."

Beside, if it tried anything, I have it in my power to uppercut the feline.

Out of the three of them, Lyra was the first to join us, looking understandably terrified. I gestured to the creature I continued petting, as it glanced at the still unicorn briefly. "Don't worry, she's not your enemy. None of these ponies are." Its wary stare diminished after a moment, seeming to accept my assurance as it continued feasting on the treats loudly. "Lyra, say hello to my new friend."

"Um... hello..." Was the squeaking response, and I rolled my eyes. Honestly, have some dignity.

"He won't bite, Lyra. I'll make sure of that. Come closer." Swallowing a little, the hesitant mare slowly moved forwards, amber eyes reflecting pure fear. "If he does hurt you, you can kill me for it later."

"I'll hold you to that..." Lyra replied quietly, slowly reaching out as the feline's attention was completely on the food stall, placing a gentle hoof on the creature's side. Rubbing that spot for a moment, the mare slowly relaxed, joining me in petting the creature. "Huh, it feels like fur. Hey Bon! Check this out, I don't think it wants to hurt us!" The beast didn't seem to mind the loud tone.

A wary Bon Bon followed our example, then a terrified Whooves, and soon the creature found itself surrounded by intrigued, uncertain and friendly ponies. And the feline seemed to adore the attention, making content noises hearing there during breaks from devouring the sugary goods. My comprehension of the situation was almost too much to bear...

It worked... I don't believe it...

Sabre Frost.

A creature that moves across the lands to the coldest of environments, a Sabre Frost is a cousin to the Sabretooth Tiger. Typically hunting alone, a Sabre Frost is drawn by the scent of anything associated with sugar, having a curious sweet tooth. They can smell as such from an estimate of twenty miles away. The white fur is often misconceived to be snow, used for the feline's to blend in through the snowy terrain. The apparent 'ice fangs' and claws are not ice also, but fangs and ice believed to have turned blue by their ancestors during the heavy snowstorms that plagued the land long ago.

A Sabre Frost will only attack others upon being provoked. But they are not usually violent creatures. Studies show that a compromise can be reached between pony and Sabre Frost by handing it sugary consumables. If approaching one with this tactic, be warned: it can smell out deception or ill-intentions.

"Fascinating..." I mused loudly, reading the information about this 'Sabre Frost' after the whole even was done.

"What's fascinating?" Bon Bon inquired from the side.

Glancing from the book to her, I replied, "Information about our feline friend." Who, by the way, was already long gone now.

A deal was made between the town - more specifically I - and the Sabre Frost after managing to convince everyone he wasn't a threat. I provided it with as much sugary goods as it desired, in exchange that it wouldn't harm anyone during its stay here. The creature seemed intelligent enough to understand and agree with my terms. And after we said our goodbyes, I warned the townsfolk that he might return next year, so they better prepare some treats for him the next Hearth's Warming Eve.

It was, after all, a time of giving.

"I still can't believe what happened back there," Whooves stated, clearly coming to terms with it as he shook his head. "I was certain that thing was going to attack you."

Walking over, I passed the book for the stallion to read about the Sabre Frost himself. "As was I, but thankfully, balance was on my side today."

"You mean luck right?"

"Yeah sure, that."

"Weren't you scared when you went near that thing?" Lyra asked from the side, sounding quite confused as she helped direct some of the ponies nearby to put which decorations where. "I mean, that must've been terrifying to do!"

"Oh it was." I confirmed, noticing some of the workers ceasing to observe me for a moment. Ah great, I've got an audience again. "But that's the thing about courage, my dear; you do it anyway, even when you're afraid."

"Ahh." Comprehension dawned on Lyra's features, as she nodded positively. "I get it!" I bet you do.

"It's a shame the Mayor's in Canterlot to watch the foundation of Equestria." Bon Bon commented, smiling. "After what you did today, she might've given you a reward."

A scoff escaped my muzzle, knowing full well what that would entail. "In front of the entire populace of the town? No thank you." Speaking of which, did I mention the majority of remaining citizens of Ponyville were currently in the library with us? No? Well now you know. After doing the two a favour, they decided to display their gratitude by helping us finish with creating the party.

The sound of the door slammed open behind me. "They're arriving!"

I nodded to the Earth Pony. "Thank you Cheerilee." Quickly inspecting the room, it was to my satisfaction. Yes, I'm more than certain that Twilight and the rest will love this. Pointing to a perfect spot, I said firmly, "Places everyone." And they all obliged quickly, carefully making room so when the mares and dragon enter the house, they'd see everything we've worked on while they were gone.

Thankfully, the incident with the Sabre Frost didn't inconvenience finishing the party at all.

The red door was beginning to open, and taking my place at the front of the crowd, I covered my ears in preparation for what's to come.


...Sometimes I despise having these ponified ears, the fact my ear infection being gone notwithstanding.

Nevertheless, Twilight, Spike and the rest appeared flabbergasted by the announcement... before fully-fledged grins graced their muzzles. Ah, knew they'd immediately love it. Quickly the crowd from both sides of me moved forward to join the pleasantly surprised ponies, allowing me to blend in as I proceeded to sneak around.

"A party, for us?" I heard Rarity ask, sounding flattered.

"Woo-hoo!" The loud exclamation from a celebrating Pinkie Pie, as I saw leap up from the crowd blissfully. "Now this is what I call a Hearth's Warming Eve!"

"You said it, Pinkie." Applejack concurred. "We sure weren't expectin' this, were we girls?"

The door was closer. I politely shoved past through the crowd. "Ah, if you'll excuse my friends, Derpy must be back by now. I'll escort her here." Whooves said, exiting out the entrance to the cold wonderland while I sneakily followed him.

So close...

"You did all this, for us?" Twilight asked next, while I was directly behind them. Right in front of the door...

"Well, it was all Stardust's idea. He wanted to make the party all by himself, but after helping us out today, the whole town decided to return the favour." I froze, feeling a vast amount of stares on me.

God dammit Lyra...

"Stardust?" I heard Twilight inquire, sounding incredibly surprised and curious.

"Hold on, ya mean you planned all this?" Applejack asked next, sounding understandably disbelieving.

Reluctantly glancing behind, I nodded to the stunned mares and dragon. "Yes. I thought I'd have a party made for you all to celebrate this tradition, as an apology for not coming to Canterlot as well, and to express gratitude for having such amazing friends."

Did I really just say that? Damn you Christmas; you're making me softer than ever!

"...Who are you, and what have you done with the real Stardust?" Rainbow Dash asked jokingly. The rest, on the other hand, looked rather touched by what I've done and said.

I snorted. "Oh don't worry, Sonic, I blame all you for making me so... sentimental." I gestured to the well-decorated party. "Now, go and have fun. Tis' the time to celebrate with your friends."

"If that's the case, then why are you leaving?" Rarity then asked.

A shrug was my first response. "Well, for starters, I'm still not fond of parties, especially with a large crowd. No offence." I added to the rest of the audience. "Secondly, this isn't my party, nor tradition, to celebrate. As some of you know, things work differently in my homeland-"

"Does that really matter?"

The amused tone caused me to blink. "I'm sorry?"

Rarity shook her head, sharing the same exasperated expression as Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Spike. "Just because you're from somewhere else, doesn't mean you can't celebrate the same tradition as us."

"Yeah, who cares where you're from? You're our friend no matter what." Now it was Rainbow Dash's turn to be sentimental.

"It wouldn't be fair of us to leave ya out jus' because you're from someplace else." Applejack added.

"We care about you, Stardust. And it would be wrong of us not to include you with our holiday." Fluttershy said gently.

"Can't you just, for once, put aside your hesitation for parties and friendship and join us in the party that you - and all these wonderful ponies - made for us?" Spike asked pleadingly.

And finally, it was Twilight's turn. The mare decided to walk closer as she spoke, using a soft tone. "Friendships can be made no matter who you are or where you come from. To us, Stardust, you're family."

...God dammit.

"I hate you ponies sometimes..." I blew out a breath, all thoughts of leaving diminishing by all this sentimental garbage. "For making me so soft..."

"We love you too, Stardust." Rarity replied happily, all of them knowing not to take this supposed hatred of mine seriously. "As I'm sure Twilight does most of all." A growl escaped my throat as said unicorn began blushing at the clear implications, looking at the smirking Rarity in shock.

Rainbow Dash didn't want to miss out on the teasing, looking around with mock-thought. "Hmm, I think I see a mistletoe. Maybe I'll-"

"You do that, Rainbow, and I'll burn down the presents I got for you." I cut her off heatedly, yet the threat did nothing but incite elation within a certain pink Earth Pony.

"Presents?!" I rolled my eyes at Pinkie's excited outburst. "You're the best Stardust! C'mon everypony, let's open those presents and get this party started!"

Yet as the crowd began turning to enjoy the event, I noticed Spike walking towards me, beaming. "Yes Spike-? Oh." I blinked at the embrace, the gratified dragon hugging my chest.

"Happy Hearth's Warming, Stardust."

...Well, I can't be annoyed at that.

"Merry Christmas, Spike." I responded while rubbing his head fondly, having told Spike and Twilight long ago how the tradition worked on my world. And before I knew it, I felt another being hug me, additionally filling up the warmness in my soul. Sighing not unkindly, I added, "And you, Twilight."

"And us." ...Oh no. Suddenly multiple pony limbs wrapped around me. First the Mane Six, then Bon Bon and Lyra, and feeling two more from behind which indicated Whooves and Derpy had arrived.

"No, get off me. All of you, please. Stop this. Personal space is a must." Yet despite my weak half-heated protests, they firmly ignored me, chuckling at my feeble words. Obviously there was no point in fighting them.

Besides... the warmth and love they were providing me with felt very... I don't know what to call this feeling.

...Merry Christmas you God damn ponies... and dragon.

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