• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 135: Fallen Snow




There is an option to cease redundantly humming within your mind. It's already obnoxious enough vocally.


Eyes clenched shut, one hoof was placed firmly on the surface of a solid rock. Feeling, waiting, concentrating enough to sense anything noteworthy. Where was I and what was I doing this time, you ask? Answer: Remember that collapsed cavern Zagreus had attempted to trap Strongheart and I inside?

Yeah, I was standing atop the rubble of it at the moment, finding a spot stable enough to withhold my leverage and allow me to focus on my senses, putting Starswirl's teaching to good use. My closed vision was coated in golden lights, reaching out to the life stream all around me, breezing by like gentle rivers.


Damn, I thought for sure there'd be something here we could use.

Evidently all traces of his presence here have evaporated over time.

Meaning we are wasting our time here. Hurrah.

I sighed, opening my eyes and stretching, looking around the still desert extending for miles with a furrowed brow. Well, can't say it wasn't worth a try, right guys.

Indeed, it was wise of you to suggest we retrace our steps over past influences originating by our adversary.My mentor replied without skipping a beat.Where shall we try next? We have the Dragon Lands and that area where you fought off the Chimera attacking young Spike to inspect.

...Huh. Actually, the next place I had in mind was... Somewhere different.


I shook my head at the young buffalo waiting for me, skidding down the side of the former cavern and landing with grace. "Nothing, sadly." It was difficult to hide my frustration, huffing in trepidation. "Any trace of him is gone, sorry."

It was my idea, as Starswirl said, to re-check areas where surges of imbalances emerged from previously. I thought that if there was anything that could be led to a trail in our hunt for that monster, then we might have better luck than sitting around and waiting for something to happen. That's always been the norm among my friends, but I wasn't them; I won't just sit back and patiently wait for the danger to come to me.

Strongheart, daughter of the buffalo tribe's Chief, smiled lightly. "Don't apologize. I'm sorry you came all the way here for nothing."

"Not true." I replied with a reassured grin. "It's always nice to see you, Braeburn and everyone else again." Not to mention, the delicious apple pies they make in Appleloosa. But I'm getting off-track. "Are you sure no one has been behaving differently since I left?"

The young female buffalo's answer came as a relief. "Thankfully not. Looks like whatever magic was corrupting the hearts of my father and our tribe has long been vanquished. You still have all our immense gratitude for that."

I shrugged modestly. "Just cleaning up my own mess mostly."

Strongheart blinked. "Huh?"

Sorry, are we choosing to waste further time here? We have an abominable creation to track down.

Oh, yeah. Quite right too. "Wish I could stay, Strongheart, but I have to look elsewhere. Tell your Dad I said 'hello' to the tribe."

"Okay... Oh, before you go!" Strongheart's sudden words had me pause briefly.


"Would you come to visit the tribe, when you next have the chance?" The young brown-fur buffalo sounded almost nervous in making the request. "There's something we - Well, mostly my father - wishes to do in expressing our gratitude for what you've done for us."

Next time I had the opportunity? "Sure." I smiled at her, nodding confidently. "Just don't try escorting me there on a train carriage." The reference had Strongheart's cheeks redden.

I'll admit, I never imagined you willingly coming here without partaking in one of those asinine events.

Truthfully, neither have I. But pressing matters push me into visiting this world and getting this over with. But what amazed me more, however, was the fact this concert stage was still and standing here, the wooden surface terribly dust from negligence since the final contest a while back.

You'd think the structure would be taken down by now. The Battle of the Bands happened like ages. What did dear ol' Principal Celestia not have enough money to hire demolition men, but enough to fund a school trip to a place which would endanger everyone going?


Doing so, doing so. In a similar stance back in Equestria, at the ruined cavern, my body knelt downwards, fingers pressed against the surface wood of the large stage. My teacher mentioned how my magic isn't as operable as it is in Equestria when I'm in this cliche world, but surely Zagreus must've left something here for me to detect.

It's a gamble. The imbalanced magic must've been powerful for it to fuel the three sirens with the necessary amount of strength to reach their true forms in this universe. We cannot overlook anything.

I'm doing the best I-


Something made me shudder just now. I don't know what, but there was... A sensation. Alien and unclean, and it passed right through my being.


I don't know... This felt... Different... Clenching my eyes harder, my fingers pressed with more firmness into the wood, trying to feel that sensation again.




Nothing. Guys?

I cannot sense anything at present, regrettably.

I share that sentiment. It was either a trace of Zagreus's magic, or a breeze in the wind that had you shudder.

God dammit. Standing up straight, I rubbed the back of my head and glared at the floorboards, spotting the standing-out lever from the corner of my eye and idly wondering what numbnut chose to install a trapdoor here in the first place. I know I feltsomething...Maybe I should try searching the room beneath the structure.

A sound suggestion.Sombra offered one of his rarely-provided compliments.But you may be stalled for a brief time first.

Why's that?

"Stardust, is that you?"

Oh... That's why.

Approaching at a steady pace, the yellow-skinned teenager looked just as surprised to see me as I was to see her. Though I can't say her presence was never welcomed with open arms, but this really wasn't the time. The pony-turned-human frowned curiously, a slight smile dancing on her face. "You could've told me you were coming. My friends and I would've have been more than happy to greet you."

Jumping off the stage, I dusted my two hands off and replied casually, "You were probably busy with schoolwork. Besides, this isn't a social call."

"Oh." Sunset looked both puzzled and amused, tilting her head. "Just like the other three times you visited, huh?"

"It's not intentional-"

"I'm not saying it is." My friend cut me off quickly, gesturing in reassurance whilst folding her arms, grinning lightly. "To see a good friend of mine again, I'll take what I can get." Then cerulean eyes glanced around the place. "Is Twilight with you?"

"No." I shook my head, clarifying. "She and the others are at Rarity's boutique; reading a review together about a new store our favourite fashioner opened up in Canterlot." Yep, that episode. Another which I couldn't participate in, given the current threat.

Sunset's grin widened. "Really? That's great! Give Rarity my congratulations when you have the chance." Will do. "So... What are you doing here then?"

I smiled faintly, turning back towards the dusty concert. "Work." And added after noting the following teenager's confusion. "I'm tracking down any leads on that creature human Twilight and I encountered at Crystal Prep." No harm in telling Sunset here, I suppose.

And you use to be far more cautious. Whatever happened?

My friends happened.

"The same thing that used Shining's body as a vessel and tried to blow up the entire school?"And almost got you killed.Were the unspoken added words.

"And gave the sirens that power to retain their real forms during our battle with them." I pitched in, leading to the girl's shock.

"What?!" Sunset hurried to walk beside me, eyes widened. "You mean it was this 'Zagreus' who helped the Dazzlings that night?" I nodded. Sorry to say, that was indeed the case. At least, how Starswirl theorized it, but it makes sense - A word I use very loosely when relating to anything in either these universes - so I'll take my teacher's word for it. The teen frowned heavily, staring at the patch of grass we trod while walking around the stage. "Hm... Is there anything we can do to help?"

I grinned, admittedly thankful for the willing cooperation. "None that springs to mind... Actually." Sunset's face brightened in hope after deflating for a second. "There is something you girls can do; if you spot a scarred-person in a dark cloak, inform me immediately, in person or through those books we use."

Excellent idea, Jack. It's not implausible for Zagreus to find some means of accessing this world as well. Miss Shimmer's assistance would be invaluable as all of our allies.

At the risk of putting your friends in danger further, I might add. Be cautious, Jack, should anything happen; I don't want more guilt in your conscience to give me a migraine.

The yellow former student of Celestia nodded, grinning determinedly. "I'll relay that to the others afterwards. You can count on us Stardust!"

I smiled at that confidence, grateful for such loyal friends, ever here. "I know. So, how's this world's Twilight getting along at her new school?"

Ah... Still need to get more use to that.

Shaking off the usual disorientation from going through the dimensional portal, my eyes quickly resumed focus on the empty library around me. Could've been worse. Now, back to matters involvingmyEquestria. How was the search in Sunset's world? A total bust.

Thus narrows our search down to fewer selective spots. The closest locations are where the Chimera ambushed Spike, and the lair of the Diamond Dogs the future version of Chrysalis lured yourself and Prince Shining into. Where shall we check next?

Hmm... Well it's been a while since I've seen my dear pals the diamond-hoarding mutts...

"Hey, you're back!"

That may have to be placed on hold for a moment.

Yep. An eager baby dragon rushed into the room, prompting my small smile despite the internal interruption. "Hey Spike. What's up?"

My brother grinned in response. "Twilight and the others aren't back yet from Rarity's place, which gives us plenty of time to- Well..." And just like that, he was suddenly nervous, and I found the sheepish dragon's behaviour humourously endearing.

"Go ahead Spike. What's on your mind?" I encouraged.

Green lizard eyes darted around briefly, before Spike swallowed his initial anxiety and blurted out, "I was wondering, if you had time, we could start training together finally. I wanna be a Twilight Warrior too, remember?"



"Oh, better idea." His expression brightened up in revelation. "Maybe you'll be the Twilight Warrior, and I can be the 'Rarity Warrior.' What do ya think? I'm sure Rarity will appreciate the gesture. Heh, 'cause as we both know I'll risk my life for her."



"I can't train you."

It hurt me more than it pained him. His face visibly deflated, prompting my internal flinch. "Oh... You mean, not right now, right?"

[BEEP], this was hard. "Not... For a while." My muzzle grounded out, blatantly hating myself for letting this poor dragon down like this. "Zagreus is still on the loose, and anything I might do to you, Twilight or our friends which would have a major impact on Balance would possibly make him stronger."

"Oh..." Disappointed eyes glanced to the floor. "I get it. So me becoming like you isn't a good idea."

"For now, not really." My hoof brushed against Spike's dropped shoulder. "I'm sorry Spike. I know how much you want to be helpful... But, truthfully, you're already helpful enough being supportive of your friends."

"But that's not enough." Spike glared upwards, irritation dancing on his youthful features. "I'm tired of being... Being comic relief! I want to be just as strong and protective of my family, as they are with me!"

From within, Sombra inquired dryly,Reminds you of anyone?


But any intent on reassuring the determined dragon of how happy and proud I was to his devotion and loyalty to friends was put on hold by a further interjection. A feminine voice spoke in a hurry, "Stardust, you need to see this!"

God dammit. "What is it?" I asked the panting Starlight, impatience leaking in my tone. Spike also looked put out by the interruption.

Stopping beside us, the pink unicorn motioned to a rolled-up message bearing... A royal seal. "It's for you, from the Crystal Empire. They've spotted Zagreus!"

Five seconds after Starlight's claim, reading the letter myself, my departure from Ponyville was swift and with purpose, reassuring an agitated Spike that we'll continue the discussion later, as well as asking Starlight to let Twilight and the others know I'll be out probably for the whole day, coming back afterwards.

Y'know, if there'llbean afterwards of course.

I'm confident there will be.

A short time later on, the train finally arrived at the Crystal Station, my eager self the first to step off the platform and into the glistening kingdom, prompting the gawks and stares of my many fans. The majority of my walk towards the castle consisted on hurrying signing autographs and kissing the foreheads of small pony children, pointedly ignoring how much fun Sombra was having out of my expense.

They were already waiting for me. Two royals, and their kid's babysitter with the cradle floating beside him, accompanied by guards standing tall and ready. Shining and Cadence grinned merrily at the sight of me. Wish I was in the mood to return the gesture.

"We're happy you made it." Shining stated upon my approach. "Sorry if this all seems official-"

No time. "I can't waste further time." I quickly interjected, holding up a hoof. "You saw Zagreus?"

They blinked, sharing knowing glances, and Cadence nodded. "There are reported sightings of a pony with the description you provided on your last visit. As per your request, we sent you the message the minute we heard about this."

And I am very grateful for that, really. "Where is he?"

Shining answered next, inclining his head to the side. "According to our guards, he's been sighted on the mountains housing Yakyakistan."

Yakyakistan... If Zagreus was there, it was possible he had sinister plans for the brutish natives.

Or, perhaps, your reptile allies taking refuge in the caves of the mountains.

Either implication was dreadful to ponder about.

I nodded, partially to myself. "Thank you, both of you. I have to go find him." And turned, preparing to waste no more time and get this all over with-

But a white hoof stopped me. "Yeah, I don't think Twilight would be too happy if I left you to face this battle alone." Hm? The unicorn Prince grinned humouredly, a glint of conviction in his sapphire eyes. "Why do you think I assembled these guards standing with us? We're coming with you."

Yeah... No. I shook my head, inciting the white pony to blink. "The magic that monster has is unfathomable, Shining. He'll take control over the minds of your soldiers in a heartbeat. They'll be a hindrance than an asset, no offense."

Shining, however, remained unfazed by the revelation, nodding instead. "In that case," And turned to his wife, speaking with calm confidence, "Looks like it'll be just me. Look after our precious angel while I'm gone, okay?"

The alicorn only smiled, filled with love and conviction her beloved will make it out alive, in contrast to my admitted skepticism. "Promise me you'll be safe."

"Always." And the two shared a loving kiss, Shining then beaming from her to their small miracle resting in her hovering cradle, before turning back to me in conviction. "Ever been to Yakyakistan, Stardust?"

"I'm friends with the locals." I confessed, frowning at my friend. "Are you sure about this, Shining? I can't promise I'll protect you."

"Good." He winked, displaying a sly expression reminiscent of his own littler sister. "Because I can promise I'll be the one protectingyou."

Despite how many times I tried and insisted, Shining stood unflappable, accompanying me to the trail leading towards the Yak's kingdom in self-confidence. The Prince only dismissed my warnings and pleas for him not to get involved with statements related that Twilight would have never wanted her special somepony to face this battle alone, Shining knowing full well about my... Reckless streak.

"Besides, since Twilight isn't here, obviously you were planning to fight this guy alone." He added with a tease, the pair of us trekking against deep snow, the Prince adorning that snow gear he used during the Sombra fiasco. I was having a hard time keeping my fedora from joining the powerful breezes.

Well, since my girlfriend's persistent brother was sticking with me, might as well draw out the plan on confronting our shared adversary. Find Zagreus, ambush the [BEEP]tard and, with hope, apprehend him. Doubtful it'd be that easy, but with Shining's help, it could be mush easier; I just hope I can prevent him from falling under that madman's influential spell.

The Prince has an iron will; a strength of heart unparalleled by many. I'm certain he will be just as capable in our battle against this foe.

Tell that to the human Shining Armor that Zagreus took over ages back...



Shining continued with a casual, but serious voice. "Who is he then, this 'Zagreus?' Obviously he's considered a threat from the disdain in your voice whenever he's mentioned. How dangerous are we talking here?"

"More than you can imagine."

A raised brow. "Yeah?"

I sighed, indulging the Prince's curiosity, firm stare on the snowy path we trailed across. "He's a creature comprised of imbalance itself."


I nodded. "Yeah." How best to explain... Ah. "Imagine, say, you're making a decision, over something like choosing tea or coffee in the morning. It might seem insignificant, but going by multiverse theory, that's a version of you that chooses different than the one you chose."

"Ah right. Every action has a reaction; a choice results in a parallel effect." Shining grinned rather sheepishly. "Twilight liked to voice her studies out-loud when we were younger."

Of course she did. Hell, she still does, even in times we're meant to be cuddling in peace together. Where was I? "Right, but there are certain actions out there, events, that must always happen no matter what. And if anything happens to, say, change these fixed events, even very, very lightly... Balance would be affected greatly."

"And the change of Balance would cause a negative reaction, spreading imbalance."

I raised a brow, very impressed. "That's right."

Shining nodded, seeming to understand the seriousness of the threat present to us. "So this Zagreus character is the very incarnation of imbalance itself. That's... Well, nothing like anything we've faced before, certainly." That's putting it mildly. I had to smirk. "What is he after?"

"Good question." I cocked my head. "World domination, global extermination..." Thinking about it, the enemy wasn't precisely clear about what he was after. "Whatever it is, it can't be allowed."

Shining straightened his muzzle. "And how are we gonna stop him?"

Another excellent question. "Zagreus, as we theorized, is only gathering power in the shadows as we speak. He's too weak to spread imbalance around the world, and needs to recover his strength and stamina after getting himself a new body."

"So we have to apprehend him before he can reach full power." Shining rationalized flawlessly. "How'll we do that?"

Ah... "I don't know... Yet." Blue widened eyes glanced to me, and I sighed regrettably. "I'm hoping an... Ally of ours might have the key to doing just that."

You need not fret, my friend.

Good. "We have to focus on stopping Zagreus, first, before he lays harm to any of the natives here. You can imagine the devastation if he manages to get a firm grasp over the Yaks."

Shining nodded, looking back to the landscape of nature working against the pony intruders. "So we'll need a plan before we engage him then. Understood, let's think on it now while we're getting to Yakyakistan."

A sound idea. And that was what discussion was spent as we made our way through the snowy harsh land, trodding through snow and defying the pushy breeze. Recalling the way there from my last visit, albeit faintly, it didn't take forever for us to reach our destination, spotting the blur of large wooden gates from the distance. Wasting no time, Shining and I hurried over, Starswirl instructing me to keep a Balance eye for any signs of instability. As we were halted by two furry guards by the gates, Shining stating royal business on our behalf, I sunk into the depths of Balance in preparation as one of the Yaks went inside to fetch their own Prince.

So far... Nothing. I could sense the multiple life forms, illuminated by the light in their hearts, but no imbalance. Although interestingly enough, shades of grey streaked across the Yak's signatures too. Makes sense, they weren't as close to Harmony as ponies were.

As you traverse among the lands the further you reside in this world, you will find many inhabitants, from Breezies to dragons, coated in various shades of Harmony, Chaos and, indeed, even Balance. These Yaks hold their own sense of morality and justice, albeit not entirely in line with the ideals of Harmony, but far from the fringes interlined with Chaos. It's a possibility Zagreus will look for all means to take over the innocent creatures across the lands.

My glare stuck to the closed gates. Not while I had anything to say about it. You said you had a means of imprisoning him, Starswirl?

At the correct timing and precise moment, I do. We will all have to play our part, but this spell requires your efforts in keeping our adversary at bay long enough for the distraction to emerge successfully.

Will it work, however? That remains the glaring enquiry here.


There is no guarantee.My mentor spoke with such graveness in his voice.We can only hope for the best. If nothing else, we will withdraw and dwell on a new plan. For now, we focus on locating Zagreus's exact location before proceeding with anything else.

Shining nudging my side brought me back to the real world, directing my attention on the middle Yak exiting the native town with his own guards. My girlfriend's brother took the initiative, stepping forward with a polite tone, "Prince Rutherford I presume. It's a pleasure to finally meet you-"

"Is pony with you?" The sudden question was directed to me. At my nod, Rutherford stared at the startled other Prince with hidden eyes... "FRIEND OF WARRIOR IS FRIEND OF YAKS!"

That was easy enough. And as the Prince spoke, I reached out carefully... Nope, not a trace of imbalance I could sense. Zagreus didn't seem to be controlling the natives here at the moment. But the same couldn't probably be said for...

I walked forward next, getting straight to business. "Apologies, Rutherford, but I'm not here for a friendly visit. A pony in dark cloak was rumoured to have been sighed in your land. Have you seen anyone matching that description."

The Prince stroked his own chin, taking a long moment. Shining and I exchanged glances in the meantime. Great, don't tell me we have to wait for this woolly mammoth to jog his memory- "Yaks have seen such pony."

"I- You have?!"

Shining was just as surprised. "Whereabouts?" And with further adding with slight pleading, "Please, we're in a hurry here."

Rutherford clarified without further prompting, "Yaks spotted cloaked pony near the dragon cave. We think not much of it, assumed pony was friends of dragons like you."

Oh [BEEP]...

"'Dragons?'" Shining blinked, taking this news with a grain of salt. "I didn't know there was a dragon dwelling around here."

Rutherford nodded, a proud smile plastered on his muzzle. "Yaks and dragons good friends, after Warrior and pony friends helped them make up involving misunderstanding-"

"Yes yes, thank you." I quickly interjected, addressing their leader seriously. "Rutherford, keep all your people inside, and make no contact with this pony if you see him. He's a threat to everyone around him, and won't hesitate in laying harm to any of you."

The stubborn Yak exhaled steam from his nostrils. "Yaks not afraid. Yaks will fight any threat to Yak cause!"

"...Worth a shot." I turned, not bothering to waste further time to argue. "Come on Shining."

The pony Prince whirled around in surprise. "But we have to insist-!"

"We'll only waste further time." I snapped, already departing swiftly to the direction where, if memory served, the dragon dwelling resided. "Zagreus can't get away! Not again!"

"Stardust, slow down!"

"No time Shining! The dragons could be in danger!"

The unicorn hurried to catch up, following me inside the illuminated caves leading deep into the snowy mountain. We just missed being swept up by a blizzard in the horizon, but that was the least of my concerns right now. My own concentration was forward, extending my senses towards where the nest awaited, Shining's pleas barely making an effect on my mind.

"Dragons are well-known are being self-capable. Please, calm down and we can discuss our next course of action-"

I whirled around, prompting the surprised Prince to stumble backwards somewhat. "There are children down there too. Innocent dragon children who have no need to get mixed up in this." Shining blinked, taking in this news with hollow breathing, and I realized how snappish I sounded just then. I huffed, glaring to the side in self-regret. "Sorry, I'm just..." God dammit. My body turned back forward, speaking out in demand, "Go home, Shining."

"No." And he walked to my side, expression as authoritative and confident only a Prince could carry. "I'm not leaving you to fight this battle alone. Not this time." This time? Shining smiled wryly. "King Sombra. Remember? I still feel bad leaving you to fight him then."

I shook my head, grinning in amusement. "That's fine. I had your sister helping me."

"Somehow, that doesn't ease my guilt." Nodding to the side, Shining's expression shifted. "Come on then, let's not keep your dragon friends waiting." Right. The unicorn Prince added as we moved down the crystallized cave. "Though now I'm starting to get curious how you managed to befriend an entire next of prideful dragon."

I scoffed. "Try the entire species of them." Oh how amusing his reactions were. Reminded me too much of Twilight's whenever I do something unbelievable. "I saved their, well, former Lord's daughter and the whole species from Zagreus's own power."

The first response was rapid blinking... Then hollow, disbelieving chuckling. "Is there anything about you that doesn't defy all forms of logic...?"

Which is ironic, considering how I'm the most logical person around here, despite if Twilight disagrees. "Your sister thinks it's a trait of mine."

Now Shining full-on laughed. "So her letters to us whenever mentioning you says. More and more, I'm inclined to believe they weren't exaggerating." I found myself laughing alongside my friend, the tension in the air diffusing for a brief time.

It only returned in its entirety once we made our way down the slide into the lair of the waiting dragons. Funny, I forgot the sensation of fear I once felt after my first visit down here, but it was quick to make a return from the multiple reptilian glares surrounding us, curious stares of baby dragons watching from behind their mother's tails. Shining visibly tensed up, wary and ready for battle, despite our odds.

Hopefully, that won't come to pass.

At least, I couldn't sense any imbalance looming over us. Must mean this creatures were safe... For the moment.

And one of them, the dragon I recognized the most, rose her head from her self-made nest, sparkling blue eyes narrowed in our general direction. The same dragon who spoke on behalf of everyone resting here, looking after their children. The sapphire mother dragon addressed us in pure coldness.

"The Dragon Stalwart."

Though, was it just me or did she sound almost... Regretful...?

"I'm sorry."


A hoarse mocking voice, making my fur stand on end. "Always walking in without caution, aren't we 'Stalwart?'"


Our stunned gazes turned to the scarred pony, standing within the shadows. In a dark grey cloak, black gleaming eyes regarded us with hungry intent. How did I not sense him-?!

"Watch it!" Shining called.

Whoa! That was close! The Prince and I were quick to dodge and swerve around the multiple blurs attempting to smack into us, my eyes widening in further sickening horror at the growling teenage dragons evidently sided with Zagreus, either on their own accord or under his power. Garble and his cronies grinned with sheer triumph, the red brash lizard whistling in his claws.

Now what-?

Above you!

Sombra's warning came too little, too late.

To be continued...

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