• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 18,899 Views, 1,952 Comments

A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 165: All Hail King Stardust!

"You're being unfair to her and you know it."

"Am I- Oh, thank you Velvet." The mother beamed merrily as though there wasn't a heated exchange occurring between her daughter and a human, setting the plate of cookies down between Twilight, Starlight and I upon the table before leaving us to it. "Where was I? Ah yes Twilight; am I being unfair for Celestia clearly having the easiest job in the universe, according to Starlight's description?"

Said unicorn was looking back and forth between us with a bemused and awkward presence, seeming as though she was trying not to crack a smile.

"Bold claim for someone who's never ruled Equestria for a thousand years." The Princess of Friendship, meanwhile was matching my expression with utter perfection. "When Princess Luna was - also according to Starlight's story - completely exhausted by the end of the day fulfilling her sister's role. Does that scream easy to you?"

"Now who's being unfair?" I snorted, taking a warm chocolate chip. "Luna had the disadvantage of being dreadfully tired from staying up all night fixing countless ponies' dreams. Celestia might as well have cheated."

"Celestia was also tired!" Twilight argued back, leaning forward with passionate defense to her old mentor, hoofs slamming on table. "It's not easy having royal duties, Jack! I should know."

"Duties? Twilight you barely do anything involving royalty! Besides, smiling all day? Judging a flower contest? Having your picture taken at a children fundraiser? Solving a minor dispute and reassuring a few ponies? Pray tell, love, what about any of that sounds difficult?"

"You'd be surprised, if you'd be more productive in your lifestyle." Ooh, that was a low blow. Even Starlight snuffed a chuckle behind her hoof. "It might sound like a breeze at first, but performing these duties, daily, for a thousand years? Who wouldn't be utterly exhausted from them?"

"Yeah... You'd think Celestia would retire by now. Make way for the new and all."

I swore I heard teeth grinding. "She's doing just fine Jack."

"Well she's doing a fine job of smiling all day and acting placate while everyone suffers for it, certainly."

"No one is suffering!"

"No one who doesn't think for themselves!"

"Starlight, tell him/her!"

The pink unicorn barely restrained her growing amusement, immediately shying back from both heated glares demanding the mare's support. "I think I shouldn't get involved in this..."

"Love your logic by the way." I turned back to Twilight after rolling my eyes, smirking incredulously. "How one minor dispute between siblings results in utter devastation: 'Oh no, a normal argument between two sisters? Nightmare Moon will return!'"

The Princess glared. "What is your problem?" She looked compelled to ask, now frowning suspiciously. "At the gala you swore you'd give the Princess a chance."

Well, that was thrown out the window ever since Celestia signed my death warrant. "That doesn't mean, love, I'm just going to shut up and accept everything Starlight's been telling us." Said unicorn only grinned in sheepishness. "Hell, while Luna did at least a decent job with Celestia's duties for the day, it was Celestia who had to rely on her sister to fix one nightmare one mare was having." I emphasized that with one raised hoof and a stern expression towards the objective alicorn. "Let's face facts, Twilight; Luna has the toughest job between them."

"I mean... He does raise a point there." Ha! Starlight glanced to her former teacher while pointing out. "Princess Luna does have to check on the dreams of every pony in Equestria and make sure they're pleasant. That sounds rather tougher than what Princess Celestia has to deal with... Heh..."

Maybe I should address what's going on. Well, Starlight, while Twilight and I were still staying at the alicorn's parents' place, decided to drop by and announce how the map summoned her to Canterlot to solve a friendship dispute at the royal castle. After a hyperventilating, excited and equally nervous Twilight was informed, the lavender mare did everything in her power 'not to get involved,' and keep check on Starlight's progress especially after learning who was having the problem in the first place.

Celestia and Luna. Two siblings acting like... Well siblings. Of course Starlight succeeded in solving the issue, but the whole time I was wondering as to why the map would send someone outside the Mane Six. I thought that thing was solely connected to those six? Did that mean the map could just dispatch anyone, or someone just close to the six mares?

Was Hasbro just breaking their own rules again? Who knows.

"I'm not denying that Princess Luna doesn't have it any easier than her sister does." Twilight began after a moment's pause, gathering composure with a firm look. "But as Starlight clearly told us from her story, both Princesses have their share of burdens and pressuring responsibilities, and neither were use to fulfilling the other's respective roles. This tells us a great deal about them."

I scoffed while leaning back with eyes to the ceiling. "It tells me a lot, sure."

Two sighs responded. "The point being, that both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are at equal with their responsibilities and appreciate one another for their hard work. They simply needed to be reminded of that. We shouldn't dismiss one of their duties because they sound less complicated than the other."

"It did seem like a lot of hard work for Celestia to do, now that I think about it..." Starlight added with a mumble. Twilight looked relieved by that affirmation.

"It's already bad enough to have one pony close to me badmouthing my teacher since day one." The Princess of Friendship smiled faintly. "I was worried you were growing to be a bad influence on my pupil, Jack."

"It's not my fault that Starlight doesn't take [BEEP] from anyone just like me, Twilight-"

"Language, Jack, especially in my parent's house."

I rolled my eyes. Salt of the Earth, Twilight. "But I still don't agree. I can't. Luna clearly has the shorter end of the stick with staying up all night and checking on the welfare of every pony ever. Celestia just has to stand there and look pretty all day. At least Luna does something which benefits her subjects and gets closer ties to them because of it!"

"They adore Princess Celestia just as much as they adore Princess Luna." And therein lies the issue. "Both contribute to Equestria equally." Twilight scowled from my automatic scoff towards anything she usually had to praise about Celestia, then pointing with a firm hoof. "I'd love to witness you overseeing her duties for a time, Jack, and maybe you can put your bits where your muzzle is!"

Really? "Where and when? Bring it."

Twilight frowned. "You seriously think you could do a better job?"

"Putting on a smile all day, getting my pictures taken and judging a competition, while sorting out tiny disputes by disgruntled cartoon ponies?" I retorted all that with an incredulous grin. "Twilight, they're only made difficult by Luna because, again, she hadn't slept at all and was ill-prepared after Starlight suddenly switched their cutie marks around."

"Thanks for that reminder..."

I waved off the pink mare's eye-rolling mutter. "But me? I'm a grown adult Twilight, even if I behave otherwise sometimes." Well, maybe most of the time. I don't claim to be the most mature shining example of grown-ups everywhere. "I could do her job in no time flat."

Both teacher and student shared a glance, Twilight then asking slowly. "So... If by some hypothetical chance you were offered to take over Princess Celestia's role for the day, you would accept that?"

"Only a day?" I snorted with a grin. Please, don't insult me love. "Everything would be improved with what I'd have planned for Equestria."

Abruptly then, a small smile appeared on Twilight's purple muzzle, as if the prospect of her special somepony ruling was an entertaining one. "How about a full weekend, then?"

"Much better." I nodded. "I could do it."

"It wouldn't be easy." Starlight pitched in with a humoured grin, both she and Twilight silently communicated with sly and knowing looks. Invisible girl talk, of course. "A whole weekend fulfilling Celestia's role? Luna could barely manage a day, remember?"

"Because she was exhausted." Whereas I was getting exasperated from repeating this simple argument. "For God's sake, you ponies always take something simple and make it overly complicated. I have the mental capacity to accomplish this scenario without any fault whatsoever, even without the help of my friends."

Something sparkled in Twilight's eyes, although that was nothing new. I swear there was an entire galaxy living behind those lively violet orbs. "Of course you do honey... Excuse me for just a second. There's something I need to check with Princess Celestia regarding Starlight's tale."

I shrugged, fine by me. By all accounts, I've won the argument. That said, I looked back to a smirking Starlight with a curious grin.

"So tell me more about this Daybreaker, because that sounded sick."

"This had better be good..."

Twilight and Starlight rolled their eyes, the latter flashing her mentor an apologetic expression whereas the Princess responded. "It will be, Jack, as I've repeated as much the last seven times now."

Prepare to make it eight in a moment. Heaving a sigh, I followed after the two equines towards the royal throne room, barely acknowledging the passing guards and servant not batting an eye to the bipedal life form walking around as if he owned the place. Hell, the staff here was probably use to bizarre occurrences considering whom their employers were.

Five in the morning. This mare gets me up at five in the morning, practically dragging me from the couch and Starlight out of Shining's old bed after I insisted she used it instead when the unicorn was offered to stay a night too. But yeah, Twilight insisted waking me earlier than much usual - much, much usual - and forcing us to attend a morning stroll down a barely lively Canterlot served a good purpose.

Unless Celestia was announcing her retirement, I was going straight back to bed.

I'm certain the Princess has a sound reasoning.

Oh hey! You've been quiet these last few days old one.

Indeed. My own teacher sounded both amused and somewhat tired. I was addressing some instabilities in the magic realm. Things have been rather hectic up here for better and worse.

Any signs leading to Zagreus?

Afraid otherwise. Damn. Alas, our foe continues to lay low despite his unfortunate several advantages against us nowadays. It is clear Zagreus is preferring to taking his time with us and patiently waiting at the right opportunity.

Or he could just be waiting for us to come to him.

...That is also a possibility.

...Really? I was just kidding there, Starswirl.

The mental conversation was interrupted then by a timely arrival to the throne room, guards opening the doors helpfully and the sight of the tall, regal white alicorn within welcoming with her benevolent smile. Twilight grinned warmly at the view, her pace quickening to meet her former teacher and practically second mother with Starlight and I approaching from behind at a steady walk. Rising and descending from her throne, Celestia met Twilight's embrace softly and even I couldn't help but smile at the sight.

Mostly because of Twilight's own happiness.

"Thank you for agreeing to this, Princess." The purple alicorn started with a note of sheepishness in her affectionate voice. "I'll admit, I wouldn't have even considered this route if I thought it wasn't potentially essential."

Celestia chuckled. "I'm always more than happy to help Twilight." Following that with a wink. "Especially with the added benefit of finally gaining a few days of rest and relaxation. It's a win-win for us all, I think."

Was I missing something? Help with what? Was Celestia going on vacation? Was Twilight taking over for the day? One glance at Starlight showed the mare actively avoiding my expression and displaying a sly smirk.

Definitely out of the loop here.

"Are you absolutely sure about this though, Princess? I trust him more than anything, but I thought you'd initially have reservations about this arrangement."

"Hmhm, I'd endured his presence here before Twilight; and let me tell you, his own ideas to improving the kingdom have been rather helpful in dire times. Canterlot will be in good hoofs."

"Hands would be the more appropriate term, in this instance..."

Another look at Starlight before I could no longer hide it. "Excuse me." Both alicorns turned to me as I raised a hand in question. "What exactly's going on? Is Celestia going on vacation or something?"

Twilight smirked. "Not exactly."

"I will still be here to raise the sun." Celestia added with an amused smile. "The rest of my duties this weekend are to be handled by someone whom, according to my former pupil here, was passionately certain he could attend these responsibilities for the next three days without any problems whatsoever."





Twilight's grin widened. "You heard correctly, honey." The Princess of Friendship motioned to the Princess of the Sun. "Princess Celestia will be catching up on much-needed rest." And motioned in my general direction. "While you will be handling all her regular fulfillments for the next three entire days."




"Sorry, my brain is trying to process this. Are you saying that... That..." Finally, it clicked, my voice turning to quiet awe and sheer incredulity. "I will be ruling Canterlot? ...For three days?"

"An entire weekend carrying out the responsibilities and hardships a royal must overcome everyday of their life." Twilight nodded with a proud smile. "Without any assistance from Starlight and I whatsoever, although of course we'd be more happy to give some small advice here and there. Instead, we'll be watching from the side and see how you perform in accepting these responsibilities. Personally, I'd call this a good experience for you, and Princess Celestia thinks so too. You'll grasp a deeper understanding under the workings of royalty and see for yourself that it's not just all 'standing around and looking pretty' from your eloquent summary...?" The Princess trailed off by rising chuckles.

"Hmhmhmhmhmhm... Hahahahahaha..."

Oh Twilight...

Oh Twilight Twilight Twilight...

"Hmhmhmhmhmhmhm. Hahahahahahaha. Hahahahahaha! HA HAHAHAHA!" My head flung back in sheer laughter and triumph, catching the bewildered ponies off-guard. Well, that explained why seemingly all the staff of the castle were currently observing near a stained window. But by God!

You have no idea what you've just unleashed, ladies!

"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea..." Starlight commented in apprehensive nervousness, stepping back after my moment of hilarity. "I think he's finally gone mad, no offense Twilight."

"Oh I've always been mad, Starlight." Grinning, my elated expression turned to the two Princesses. "Oh my dear Twilight. Having researched humanity all this time you should know better; my kind aren't responsible nor mature enough to wield this type of power, which you've just given on a silver platter, three days or not."

The plans I had in store for this kingdom... Oh how you've basically made things worse for you, love, but better for everyone else.

"Just for the weekend, Jack." Twilight pointed out after a pause, frowning in doubt and question. "Don't let this newfound position go to your head."

Too late! HA!

"Well, I for now believe this was a sound idea." Oh, me too Celestia! Trust me! "You have the future of Equestria in your capable hands, Stardust, which I believe is far from a distasteful choice. I presume you'd want to get started right away?"

Oh, absolutely! "But of course Celestia. Go and have your rest; I've got everything under control." Both Twilight and Starlight frowned in sync, not hiding their suspicion at my sly tone. Celestia seemed none the wiser, however, smiling lightly and nodding to us all before departing.

"Then I shall leave you to it. Thank you so much again for recommending this idea, Twilight, and thank you for accepting it, Stardust. Have a good day."

It took a few seconds until we waited for the Princess to be out of earshot, before Starlight pointed out questionably. "You do seem rather okay with basically ruling an entire land, Prince Stardust. Are you just growing delirious from sleep deprivation?"

Prince... I don't think so.

"She's right Jack; you're surprisingly accepting of this sudden transition." Twilight added with a wary frown. "You understand this won't just be cakewalk, right-?"

"As my first decree I shall only be addressed by the staff and subjects as King Stardust. None of that Prince [BEEP]." My gaze snapped to the blinking guards and servants alike, pointing with fierceness. "When you're a ruler in my world, you're a King or Queen and will be addressed as such. Am I clear?"

"Yes King Stardust!" They called back in quick obedience.

"Hmm. 'Your Majesty' also works too."

"Yes your Majesty!"

"Much better." I then motioned to the two equines beside me. "Secondly you shall address the Princess here as Queen Twilight for the time being." Ohh, something about that title with Twilight's name just felt right. "And our friend here as Princess Starlight. Treat them as you would me, or accept the consequences."

"But I'm not a-"

"Yes your Majesty!"

"You are now." I smirked to the flummoxed Starlight, both mares flushing by the new positions of power I was handing to them. "You have just as much a right to be considering your accomplishments." The pink unicorn's cheeks turned a deeper shade of red by that sincere admission. Meanwhile, the blushing Twilight frowned.

"And why am I suddenly a 'Queen?'"

Easy. "Because even though I'll be doing everything, there's only one pony I envision ruling beside me on the throne." Haha! It was adorable how easily flustered this beautiful mare got; Twilight's cheeks shifting to five shades of red while Starlight smirked.

"This might as well be a learning experience for him." The unicorn then stated with a knowing glint, sounding rather teasingly mischievous. "For future reference, huh Twilight?"

"A-Anyway!" Twilight clearly had enough of the being embarrassed by constant implications from two people close to her, hastily summoning a scrolled list and letting it roll across the floor. "We-We should address your duties for the day, Jack. You have a meeting at ten forty-five from ambassadors from Manehatten and Las Pegasus-"

"Yeah, we'll get to that in a moment." Sorry love, but I wasn't going to let my new position of power go to waste. I'm King now, just as I always wanted. Sombra would be having a fit. While Twilight blinked irritably from the interruption, my gaze looked back to patient staff and gestured to the room itself. "First of all we're giving this place a new paint job, after I am fitted with proper royal attire for this occasion." Couldn't imagine the people taking a sudden new ruler in casual wear seriously. "Next I'll be addressing the guard's schedule; there are tons of improvement needed with how overall poor they are at their job."

"I happen to think that-"

"The King has spoken! Go forth with your duties and bring me the best fashion tailors in Canterlot, and the excellent painters and decorators around!" The staff obediently bowed and hurried to carry out their duties, leaving only Twilight to glare at me in annoyance and Starlight to look properly amused.

"I think Stardust was made for this, Twilight." The unicorn said humouredly. Damn right I was. Now, to sit on my throne. I eagerly paced forward up the steps and took a careful sit down on the comfortable cushion, a definite upgrade from the seat back home.

Leaning back, I grinned widely, feeling all the power entrusted to me with a sly smirk at the amused mares. This is your fault to regret, Twilight.


"Oh yes." I nodded with a content sigh. "Also, Twilight, I will be going by my full Equestrian name; Stardarus Baltarium." Twilight rolled her eyes with a faint smirk as Starlight giggled behind her hoof, prompting my smirk to widen. "I will be a benevolent ruler who will treat his subjects as equals and kindness."

"I'm glad to hear that." Twilight replied half-dryly, half-pleased, bringing up the long list again. "Now, if we finally can turn our attention to your to-do list as the new Prince- Sorry, 'King' of Canterlot. There are more important matters to address before putting on new clothes and decorating one room-"

One room? Twilight you're so naive it's hopelessly endearing. "I thought you'd approve of the clothing idea." I gave a sheepish grin for Twilight scowl to the constant interruptions. "Wouldn't you want to see Canterlot's new ruler taking his role seriously by expressing with appropriate attire."

That gave the mare pause. "I... Suppose that's a fair argument." Twilight conceded with a nod, smiling lightly then. "Yes, good thinking Jack. I'm glad you're taking this matter with the respect it deserves."

Of course love. I shifted then with a humoured smile. "Also, this throne is really comfy you know, although a little lonely up here. How about you try it for yourself, love, say... On my lap." Twilight was now hiding her whole face behind the list, Starlight blushing in embarrassment and humour for our antics, whereas I grinned. "Hail to the King baby."

Ohh yeah, I'm looking great.

A shame Twilight nor Starlight were able to see it at the moment, both equines hiding behind a curtain as the tailors worked their magic on me. But suffice to say, I was looking quite King-like, if I did say so myself. Starswirl, thoughts?

It possesses an air of regal, certainly.


"I hope you're not intending to take too long, Jack." Twilight's wonderful voice called out with a hint of impatience. "We do have a schedule to keep up with."

"Why, my dear Twilight." I called back slyly. "What happened to not providing help at all and letting me do my own thing?"

"First of all, leaving you to your own devices entirely often spells more trouble than good results." Harsh. Was that how you addressed your new monarch, dear? "Second, you'd be completely hopeless without me." Okay, fair enough. "I'm just here to remind you of the duties which are more crucial than dressing up or re-decorating the walls."

I sighed, glancing down to the tailor by my ankle. "Even when you're ruling they still nag at you." The stallions around me fixing my robes barely hid their smiles, whereas a purple alicorn then called out irritably.

"Care to repeat that, honey?"

"Oh nothing love! Just harmless chatter with the workers." Followed with amusing gestures aimed towards the oblivious mare on the other side, though I imagined she suspected I was doing something to mock her. Once the tailors stepped back with the go-ahead and light bows, I turned towards the mirror where the attire was fully complete.

Oh yeah... Yeah this was great.

I felt like an entire new person.

"Are you done yet?" Starlight inquired, her timing flawless.

"Hell yeah! See for yourself ladies!"

"A ruler doesn't use such language..." Twilight trailed off upon walking around the curtains, both mares pausing at my stunning view. I know right? The alicorn tilted her head. "Huh." Was that all? Come on you walking dictionary, there's bound to be more words to describe your new special somebody. "Well it's... Almost not as eccentric as I was originally anticipating."

Starlight, on the other hand, possessed a different opinion. "Wow. Stardust, what has become of you? It's like you've transformed into an entirely new pony... Err, person!" She said this without jest nor mockery.

I looked down where they were staring, quite pleased myself with the results. Golden robes trailing from my neck and shoulders past my feet, teal blue draping down here and there matching with the glowing colour reflecting light off the window nearby. A collar fixed around my neck with a certain lavender hue. All in all, I think it suits my role these next few days perfectly.

All I needed now was a crown.

"Although, come to think of it." The pink unicorn squinted. "It gives off an air of... Nobility? Huh, you look more like a noble than a royal now that I look more at it." Eh, either works. Starlight then smirked at the decor around my neck. "Blue and gold I understand, but I love the purple collar."

"Take ten guesses who that's a reference to." Two sly glances at a certain alicorn, whom flushed by that statement and realization. Smirking, I addressed the tailors who worked hard enough with fantastic results. "Brilliant work gentlecolts. Have a day off on me. Order from your King."

The stallions bowed all too happily and made their gleeful departures, looking as pleased and satisfied with the hard effort paying off as I was. Starlight smiled wryly as the ponies walked by. "That was generous of you."

"I like to reward people for their efforts." I shrugged with a grin. "And they happened to do a grand job with this." My arms raised, emphasizing the massive sleeves almost falling down my upper limbs. Both mares smiled, the unicorn addressing her former mentor in amusement.

"And you're worried the power will go to his head."

"I never said such a thing." Twilight hastily glanced to the rolled-up list, attempting to draw our attention elsewhere entirely. Aww, you doubt me Twilight? Not to worry, soon I shall put all your fears to rest-

A formal knock, followed with a royal servant peeking his head through the door. "The ponies you requested for are here, your Majesty."

"Excellent!" Exactly on time! I clasped my hands together and grinned widely towards the two mares. "Hold that thought Twilight, there's some redecorating to do with my name on it."

The list dropped, revealing the deadpan stare. "It'll have to be brief, Jack. We're already wasting enough time-"

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, Twilight." Was my playful retort with a wink, tugging at the long glittering sleeves. "Just let me handle this, then we can start on the list, okay? You said it yourself, I need to give off an air of royalty appropriately. And I always dress for the occasion."

Twilight and Starlight traded bemused glances and replied in sync, "Since when?"

"- And I want some light blue stars right on top of each banner, lining between the windows. Shade the lights next with some dark blue and purple, that'll be nice." The lead decorator nodded with a patient and went to relay those orders, but not before I called out before forgetting. "Oh yeah, be sure not to scratch the paint off the chair while you're working around it!" With hands on waist in satisfaction and a smile, I turned back towards the two watching mares as ponies all around us worked on floor, walls and ceiling. "This place was long overdue for a makeover."

In contrast to Starlight's smirk, Twilight rolled her eyes with an exasperated outlook. "It was fine the way it was before. Classy, elegant and modest, exactly like its ruler."


"Excuse me Princess..." One worker muttered after accidentally bumping into Starlight's side, the unicorn frowning with a accusing glare my way.

"You really had to have them address me as that, huh?"

"Why not? It suits you."

Starlight rolled her eyes. "That's debatable." The unicorn looked around with a raised bemused brow. "You really have a thing for blue, huh?"

"Blue's a great colour. We need more blue in our lives." I nodded with an air of wisdom, prompting both mare's amusement.

Starlight chuckled. "So, what's next 'Stardarus?'"

I pointed in mock seriousness. "That's 'King Stardarus' to you peasant!" ...And we both laughed. Twilight, meanwhile, taking the job at hand with the utmost of intensity as ever, sighed and brought up the persistent scrolled list right before her focused eyes.

"What's 'next' is finally directing our attention to the schedule at hand." Twilight started without jest. "We've already delayed long enough." She paused, as though expecting some rebuttal. Hearing none, the mare smiled in satisfaction and continued. "Aside from the meeting which is just in an hour and a half, Jack, you also have a cake-baking contest at twelve-"

"What in pony's name is going on here?"

Ah, was wondering where you were!

Princess Luna's expression was justified; positively stumped by the throne room normally ruled by her sister suddenly being given a new look, ponies left and right walking past her with barely any acknowledgement, hard at work with the wallpapers and paint they were all-too happily providing in the name of their new King. The dark blue alicorn carefully ventured in our direction, giving my new appearance a once over before uncertainly addressing the lavender fellow Princess whom would have all the information needed.

"I'm hoping you can explain... This, Princess Twilight."

"Good morning Princess Luna!" The younger alicorn greeted the royal merrily, nodding with a bright smile. "Suffice to say, Princess Celestia will be taking a short break this weekend from her daily duties, and allowing someone else to take the reins in the meantime."

Deep azure eyes gazed around again. "I see..." Before looking back to the purple equine. "Attending the duties of my sister is no easy feat, as I'm sure Starlight here has relayed to you. It is bold of you to accept these responsibilities for a brief time, Twilight."

Ohh aren't you gonna be in for a shock...

Starlight and Twilight traded a sheepish look at that, the former meekly responding, "Ahh, about that..."

"It's not exactly me who's taking over for a while, Princess."

Both of Luna's brows raised highly, looking from their flustered expressions to my growing smirk, the cogs slowly turning as her expression shifted from curiosity to bewilderment. Thus following with a statement quite unlike the tall alicorn to emphasize her unexpected incredulity.

"You're kidding."

Even the workers paused from my loud laughter, taken aback. Starlight quietly giggled behind her hoof whereas Twilight glared at the two of us for being useless in assisting her growing embarrassment, the lavender alicorn clarifying towards the befuddled Princess of the Night. "We agreed that it'd be good for Jack to learn headfirst the responsibilities and hardships of ruling so he realizes it's no easy feat."

"...Ahh, yes, I comprehend now." A knowing glint in Luna's eye followed with that faintest of smirks. "Is this wise, however? Not that I doubt Stardust's efficiency, but to suddenly place one with no royal experience into such a position of power..."

"I wouldn't have recommended this to Princess Celestia if I thought he couldn't be trusted." Twilight smiled in assurance. "Eccentric as Jack may be, he knows when to put his foot down and take the job at hand with the seriousness it deserves."

"Plus, he's got us to keep him in line just in case." Starlight added in light humour, wrapping a limb around Twilight with a matching smirk.

I snorted. "Glad I have your vote of confidence, girls." Before looking around, an idea then springing to mind. "Hey, we should do a coronation in my honour!"

Twilight's flat response? "You're not being officially crowned as a King, Jack."

"Not yet." I grinned at Twilight's expression, which barely changed by the second. I huffed. Okay love, you win. "Alright, we'll start on the schedule next love." The alicorn beamed in satisfaction, whereas Luna and Starlight shared amused glances.

"These two are quite the enigmatic couple."

"Ha! Tell me something I don't know."

"- So you see our plight, your Majesty. All we ask for is a measly thirty percent of tax cuts for the local manors in Manehatten."

"Whereas we request a forty-five percent decrease towards our private houses in Las Pegasus, your Majesty."

I love how these matters can't be resolved with the actual ponies ruling the cities in question. Do they have no mayors there? Resting on my throne scratching my itchy cheek, I asked drolly to showcase just how utterly tedious this meeting was. "Your cities have the means to secure large amounts of money, Las Pegasus especially. Tell me, aside from selfish agendas, what would decreasing your taxes serve?"

"Selfish? You misunderstand, your Majesty. We seek the best intentions of our esteemed civilians at heart-" Yes, only the luxury and privileged I imagine. "- And with this proposed decrease, you'd be benefiting alot of lives for the good of healthy living."

I vaguely nodded. "Mmhm, and what about those living in the less lively parts of your cities? Would they be benefited as well?"

One coughed a nervous laugh. "King Stardust, it is not our fault those unfortunate enough have no means of gaining these same benefits if they aren't working hard enough-"

"All I needed to hear." Straightening upwards, I leaned forward with a firm expression. Time to get these two jack[BEEP]es out of here and from wasting my time anymore. "Regardless, your requests are unreasonable and unjust. Why should the rich be blessed with less taxes to pay over the poor? A ten percent cut will be made on all property, but that's all I'm being generous for."

"Te-Te-Ten percent?! That is an outrageous finality-"

"You'd rather five percent? I'd be far too happy to indulge you."

"Now, your Highness, let's just see reason and... Discuss this... Without..." The other ambassador trailed off, both stallions shrinking back from the cold glare looking down upon them. The Las Pegasus representative gulped and nodded hastily. "V-Very well, as his Majesty decrees! Ten percent on all property!"

"Good, now get out of my throne room before you [BEEP] all over the carpet. I just got that decorated for Christ's sake." They couldn't be anymore hurried to leave. And the second they were out of sight, I turned to the nearby servant standing obediently. "Have a list of all Equestrians in Las Pegasus and Manehatten living in poor condition made and brought to me posthaste. No one is to be left out."

Starlight, both she and Twilight observing from the side, blinked rapidly as the servant left to complete as instructed. "Planning something?"

I stood, craning my neck around and stretching. "No one deserves to suffer, Starlight. Just gonna make sure those living in poverty are at least given more to sustain themselves or their families."

Twilight smiled in pleasant surprise at that, affection sparkling in those eyes, looking quite proud as I descending down the short steps with a nod. "That is very noble of you, Jack." Eh, I try. "Although it was a little abrasive of you to scare off those ambassadors like that."

I scoffed with a snark grin. "Like you weren't anymore pleased to see those entitled snobs leave."

Starlight snickered without shame. "Touche."

Wow, what a day!

Arriving into the foyer of the castle after a pleasant day out, I turned back to my accompanied companions and grinned cheerfully. "That wasn't so tough. And I had free cake the whole afternoon. What were you complaining about again, Twilight?"

"I wasn't." Twilight smirked back in good humour. "I was only repeatedly warning you not to take this all lightly. Royalty isn't a game, Jack."

"I know... Though if it was, I'd be a champion."

"You sure you're feeling all right, Stardust?" Starlight proceeded to ask with one step forward. "You were kinda swaying back and forth on the carriage back to the castle. I think trying all those cakes wasn't that good for you, not to mention the little meetings you attended all over the kingdom today."

"Nah, I'm fine Starlight." I waved dismissively with a confident smirk. "Even if some of those cakes were... God awful..."

And full-on tiredness caught up, my body immediately lurching forward and collapsing on all fours, Twilight and Starlight quick to assist with placing both my arms around their backs. Okay, my head was growing dizzy a little, forcing me to blink multiple times in order to focus before me clearly, even with glasses on.

"Guess someone has bitten off more than he can chew." Starlight commented lightheartedly, both she and Twilight sharing a wry grin.

The alicorn added with fond exasperation. "Come on Jack, I think you deserve some rest for today. There's still two days left of this after all, you'll need your beauty sleep."

Beauty sleep? Now you're just joking love.

Managing a small grin as both mares practically dragged me down the hallway, I looked to the concentrating Princess and asked, "Would my Queen care to join me in thy chambers?"

Followed with a bewildered, beet-red Twilight dropping my laughing state on the marble floor, Starlight glowing just as red but unable to hide her own amusement to her former teacher's expense. Worth it!

Day two.

And what a great start to it, two pegasus guards speedily pulling down a half-carriage consisting of myself and my two lovely 'assistants,' both equines beside me as we ventured through the bustling kingdom. Ponies from left and right stared with open curiosity and befuddlement by the same man riding the same carriage as opposed to Celestia or, recently, Luna, as yesterday.

Canterlot had been informed, of course, over the change in royalty yesterday. As Celestia caught up on much-needed rest, the infamous Stardust Balance was taking over for the day. Of course, not many recognized the bipedal life form seemingly claiming to be that same well-known Equestrian, especially that particular man with folded arms and the biggest [BEEP]-eating smirk on his face being carried through the lively kingdom, on his way to celebrate the opening of a new art store.

The fact that Starlight was trying desperately hard not to laugh only made my grin widen. And Twilight was doing no favours either with her twisted expression of tiredness, endearment and amusement to her boyfriend's antics.

Yeah? Here's something for ya.

Removing my glasses, something else produced itself from my long sleeve and covered my eyes instead. And both hands raised to the sky with peace signs, the largest grin I could muster which I knew would make Twilight groan.

Her facepalm could be heard through the whole of Canterlot, Starlight's snickering growing larger by the fact Twilight's boyfriend was wearing sunglasses and making peace signs with his hands to his royal subjects.


"Yes Twilight?"

"At what point will you come to acknowledge that this is far more difficult than you care to admit?" My girlfriend asked flatly, the three of us now dining together for lunch; a feast ordered by yours truly from the work staff. And let me tell you; for all of Celestia's faults, her workers did not disappoint. "And not just that, but you're making the ponies in the palace work harder too. Double shifts for guards? This pointless buffet? Not to mention your little stunt on the carriage earlier. Admit it Jack, you're taking way more advantage of your newfound responsibilities than you'd prefer to reveal."

"It's all right for you, with your royal education!" I retorted rather playfully from across the table. "I have to work with what I have and with what limited knowledge I have over the inner workings of monarchy. You have to admit I'm doing fine so far!"

"All I'm asking is that you confess you're growing more exhausted than you're caring to show. We're not gonna think any less of you for it."

"It's fine, it's fine!" I waved with a wry grin. "Twilight, love, you put this in this position, and I'm gonna do everything in my power not to disappoint you. I'm doing alright up to this point, right?" My fingers counted off the list. "I've stuck to the schedule, made some lives easier, made a lot of ponies happy, and now I'm setting up a meeting of my own accord this afternoon."

Overall, I think I've been doing just fine this last day and a half. Hell, the Equestrians around me didn't seem to mind putting up with my antics and decisions. And the castle has never looked nicer with all the blue, gold and purple everywhere. Starlight had joked earlier that I was developing some obsession after an examination down one hall.

But yeah, I lik to believe I've been doing decent for a newfound ruler thus far.

A sigh. "Alright, you have been performing admirably, that's a given." Aha! Twilight grinned lightly. "I've never doubted your capabilities, Jack. In fact, I'm quite pleased you're so devoted to this temporary role... Wait." Uh oh. And suddenly, the mare frowned. "What was that last part, about setting up a meeting?" Summoning and thoroughly looking at the list again, completely ignoring her own lunch.

Here it comes. I casually took a bite from my sandwich alongside Starlight as the Princess gazed back up with an incredulous stare.

"And just when, were you intending on sharing this new info with us?"

"It's a surprise, love." I answered whilst licking my lips of the crumbs, shrugging again. "You're gonna love it though, trust me."

Her expression said otherwise. "...What exactly are you planning now?"

Starlight chose to interject humouredly. "Knowing Stardust, it's a probably a meeting to set up a pool of soda in the castle's own courtyard."

"No, no... Though that sounds like a great idea, Starlight. I should've had you as my adviser instead."

The unicorn chuckled. "Isn't that what we're here for anyhow?" Meanwhile, Twilight groaned in susceptible despair. Oh, that alicorn will be eating her groan in a moment.

"No, seriously Jack, what are you up to?"

"All in good time Twilight."

That quest for all knowledge possible was legendary as it was limitless, the purple alicorn teleporting right before me with wings expanded in effort to halt her amused boyfriend. "You're not taking another stop near the throne room until you've told me what's going on in that head of yours. Who exactly are we meeting in that room?"

Sorry love, ain't stopping for anyone. Smirking, I idly slid past the frowning Princess and reached the doors just in time, being sure to call out to ease Twilight's misguided concerns. "Trust me love, you're gonna love this."

"Every time I hear that from your mouth Jack..." She sighed, both her and an equally curious Starlight following while I began opening the doors.

The pink equine commented as we stepped inside, "It might just be our friends invited to see Stardust ruling Canterlot..." Well, you weren't half-wrong Starlight. "Thorax?!"

"Oh, hey Starlight! Fancy seeing you here, heh..."

Twilight blinked. "Ember?"

"Long time no see Twilight. Spike not with you?"

"Prince Rutherford?"


"Chief Thunderhooves?"

"Good afternoon Princess. I must say, your new ruler's taste in decor is very expressive. Could do with some more brown, however."

And both mares finished together in incredulity, "King Zenith?"

The proud griffon in question puffed out his chest with a royal smirk. "In the flesh." Before all pairs of eyes turned to the very person inviting them in the first place. "Is Stardust not around? I was led to believe it was he who invited us the other night."

"What?" Twilight's head whipped to me in bewilderment. "When did you have time to arrange that?"

I folded my arms with a teasing smirk. "When you weren't looking, my dear."

If it wasn't my intense gaze that made it apparent, my recognizable [BEEP]ty voice did the trick. Expressions of dropped jaws and rapid blinking met my humoured gaze. Yeah, they had zero idea as to my newfound state. Probably should've referenced that in the letters, but why spoil the surprise, eh?

"St-Stardust?!" Ember's eyes almost popped from her head, the young teen dragon gesturing to me befuddlingly. "What... What happened to you?! You look... Err... Different!" That's alright Ember, call me a freak if you want. I was use to it.

And suddenly, the woolly yak was right in front my face and taking a big whiff of the person before him, as if checking for confirmation I was who I claimed to be. Rutherford proceeded to regard me contemplatively behind those hidden eyes. Yeah that's it buddy, think real hard, you can do it. Show the viewers back home you're more than capable of processing deep thought than just shouting at everything-

And karma bites me in the [BEEP].

"PONY FRIEND! YAKS ALWAYS HAPPY TO SEE YOU REGARDLESS OF NEW LOOKS!" And thankfully released me and providing myself enough time to get back some oxygen, Rutherford's gripping embrace not exactly that healthy towards humans.

With one hand on my chest, I grinned weakly in amusement at the smiling yak before me. "Glad to see you too, Rutherford." That smile only widened, and I hastily took a step back before the behemoth could provide another 'fuzzy cuddling' once again.

Starlight chuckled behind me.

Next, good ol' Zenith approached with a piercing gaze, thoroughly inspecting my new body and features, then nodding once. "Well now, it seems many events have transpired since we last interacted with one another. I recall the stubborn courageous Earth Pony who helped me regain the Idol of Boreas and restored my kingdom to its glory, but what has become of him... Until now."

"Indeed." The Chief of the Buffalo tribe nodded in agreement, standing beside the shorter griffon with a stern disposition. "I remember when a brave Earth Pony risked his own life, twice, to assist my tribe and rescued my daughter. Tell us old friend, what has become of you to leave you in this... State?"

"Ehh suffice to say, Celestia [BEEP]ed up again and now I'm paying for it." Barely restraining the growing smirk from Twilight's expression towards the casual response, extending my arms with a warm grin. "But enough about me. I called you five representatives of your own species for a reason. How's your new kingdom going, Thorax?"

The addressed Changeling started, blinking in that eyesore of a new appearance. Yeah, as I said before, not a fan of this new design. It looked like a kindergartner's drawing of a bug covered in glitter. "V-Very well, thanks! Everything's going just fine I think." Followed with a nervous chuckle and grin, Ember and Zenith eyeing the Changeling covered in melted fruity pebbles curiously.

Alright, let's save him from any embarrassment. My hands clapped together. "Excellent! Now we can get started on why I called you all here."

"Erm, Stardust?" Our heads turned to Starlight, the unicorn appearing just as puzzled as her mentor. "What exactly is going on?"

Ah right, one more thing. "Girls, if you could just wait outside for a few moments. I'd like to conduct this meeting alone." Twilight looked more than ready to protest, but I quickly added. "Think of it as gaining experience in these things without heavily relying on you, love."

The alicorn frowned, hard, as though doubting every word I just said. She knew I was up to something, but slowly nodded anyway, Starlight waving to Thorax friendly before the two equines began leaving the room with the doors shutting behind them. Excellent, for a second there I thought she wasn't going to accept.

"Okay Stardust, you got your Princess and her friend out, so what's the deal?" Ember asked immediately, regarding me with an expectant stance. "I know you, pony or... Otherwise. You always have something up your sleeve. Fess up."

"Now now." Zenith replied with a regal wave. "We shouldn't be addressing Canterlot's new King this way." And the male griffon smirked in barely-concealed amusement, throwing me a glance. "But the Dragon Lady raises a valid point; I trust there is a good motive for requesting our presence here?"

Oh yes, there was. "Of course, of course, and I think we'll get to it immediately, huh?" Placing a hand against Rutherford and Thunderhooves' backs, I gently pushed forward with intent and a sly grin. "I brought us all here in hopes of benefiting all our species at once before the end of the day. As you all tell, I'm not wasting any time with this brief moment as King of the Ponies."

I'm trusting that you're aware of Princess Twilight and young Starlight hiding behind a concealment spell from the nearby window.

Tch. Like I would've expected anything else from them, sometimes those two are just dangerous together.

"I see your disposition hasn't dampened your drive for taking action." The buffalo chief commented with an approving smile. "Tell us, what proposal do you have in mind?"

"All in good time, Chief. But first, I gather you're all a little weary from the trips here. Would anyone care for refreshments?"


"...I think there's some snowcakes left in the fridge."

"...THAT'LL DO."

A heart.

A heart.

My kingdom for a heart.

...Mmm, bed...

In the most unroyal fashion possible, my body paid on top of the goddamn comfortable mattress upon dropping atop it, my body finally resting after another hard day at work. Second day complete, all that's left is for Luna to take the reins and check on everyone's dreams. I had insisted to the mare yesterday to catch up on sleep like her sister since she obviously had little time to. I knew the feeling.

Starswirl, how'd I do?

All things considered? Marvelous. Your Princess should be thoroughly impressed from your efforts today, as she was yesterday.

Speaking of which, my uncovered ear picked on the sound of hoofsteps entering the spare chambers, belonging to my two stalkers from today and yesterday. In every desire to rest, I kept my head to one side and eyes closed, hoping they'll indulge me. Hearing the two stand beside my large bed, I made no attempt of revealing I was awake, though, in fact, they shouldn't even need to guess that having known me at this point. Twilight especially.

Speaking of which, I picked up on the lavender mare's sigh. "Of course." And refrained from smirking from the exasperated affection in her melodious voice.

Starlight chuckled next. "It has been a long day. Frankly I'm surprised he didn't collapse like he did yesterday." Oh cheers for the reminder.

Twilight expressed such amusement next. "This man's a walking paradox I swear. One of the least proactive individuals outside of anything which interests him, and somehow always easily exhausts himself."

"Heh, guess that's just part of his charm, huh Twilight? At least you're proud to see your special somepony working so hard and taking this role seriously... For the most part."

"...Yeah." The alicorn quietly confessed, and I pictured the wide smile on her lavender muzzle. "I'm very proud of him."

Well, that at least erased any tinges of doubt towards Twilight's own reluctance to giving me this temporary responsibility in the first place. I like to think I was at least doing some decent work as a royal while it lasted. Working this job was difficult, I'll grant you, but exaggeratedly so as Twilight predicted-

My body almost stiffened at the warm touch brushing my hair. She... Was aware I was still awake, right? I then heard the alicorn stroking my dark brown mess of disgruntled hair comment solemnly. "I was partially worried, you know. Jack has been... So depressed ever since becoming human again, especially after his confrontation with Sunset and friends at Canterlot High. It's true I wanted him to realize that royalty wasn't a responsibility to be taken lightly, but that's a small part as to why I wanted Jack to do this in the first place."

"What's the other reason then?" Starlight asked in my stead. Yes, indulge us Twilight. I'm all ears as to your real purpose behind this initially seeming ridiculous plan in the first place.

It was a little hard to hear the response, because Twilight's little affectionate motion on my head was making me want to sleep, into a peaceful trance. "Because little else seemed to be working, and Jack often expressed how much he hated how Princess Celestia decided things for the benefit of all that I thought this would... Potentially... Cheer him up."


"I just... Wasn't anticipated his response however. I thought he'd hate it at first, and slowly grow into the idea! But..."

"He's been enjoying himself."

"All this time! Jack looked positively gleeful at ruling, despite present circumstances and unknowingly distancing himself from us. Jack couldn't have looked more thrilled to take over for three days, and has been putting in more than a hundred percent of effort into things with his own added charm here and there. I think either being human again has given him an incentive to take things more seriously than usual, or he's happy over the prospect of making other's lives happy over am entire kingdom."

"Or..." Starlight began with knowing humour in her tone. "Stardust is doing this because it's what you want him to do, Twilight, and it's making you happy."

I heard the alicorn scoff in amused fondness. "I doubt that. He seems pretty comfortable telling others what to do."

"That's nothing new." The pink unicorn responded lightly, but continued with her own, fairly accurate hypothesis. "But I've seen the way he's been looking at you with not-so-subtle glances ever since he accepted the position, constantly making sure he has your approval with every decision, every step Stardust takes. So yes, I think Stardust just wants to appeal to your good side, Twilight, since I'm beginning to suspect becoming human again has questioned his own self-worth. Spike often tells me how doubtful he was of himself in the past, and that sounds awfully familiar to me."

"...If that's the case, then he shouldn't have to worry as much." Hm? I heard the smile in that breathtaking voice. "I'll always be proud of this stubborn lovable man, regardless how often he tends to push my own buttons."

Charming... But I couldn't stop the small smile rising on my face at that very reassuring statement.

It's the third day.

We gotta find Majora's Mask quick before the moon descends on us all and wipes away everything.

You've been met with a terrible fate, haven't you...?

You jest, old man, but there's nothing more accurate than those words related to my trapped state as a complete human again... And speaking of humour.

"Yes. Yeeees." I leered with exaggerated glee towards the combatants. "Give in to your hatred. Let it empower you."

Finally, I was seeing for myself how well the guards fared against each other, observing two pegasi do sparring in the throne room itself, despite Twilight's initial objections to ruining the carpet. And I was encouraging the battle the best way I knew how.

Putting on my best Emperor Palpatine impression.

And, from the side, Starlight was loving every second of it.

"Kill him. Do it, and your journey towards the Dark Side will be complete." Of course, everyone knew I was joking... I hope. Didn't stop Twilight from shaking her head repeatedly while desperately trying to hide her smile behind the hovering list. I was also grinning like a maniac, making slow hand gestures and pointing as a senile old man would. "Heheheheheheh!"

Now cackling like a senile old man. It was the last day of my rule, in fairness. Gotta use this opportunity while it lasts. I mean, who wouldn't take advantage of this?

As one of the two was swiftly disarmed after some rather intense dueling - or, at least, a child's play version of duels - I perked up with a wide grin. "Hmm, the magic is STRONNNNNK with yoooou!"

Both pegasi had zero clue how to respond, resulting in me just waving them away to get some rest. From the corner of my eye, Starlight was grinning as though Christmas had come early. Though she'd deny it, that mare was easily amused by things. But at least it was an improving contrast to the party pooper known as my girlfriend over there just inspecting the schedule.

"Your arrogance blinds you, Princess Sparkle." I sneered playfully. "Now you will experience the full power of the snark side!"

"Is it possible to learn this power?" Starlight timely called out.

I smirked. "Not for a pony."

I was having way too much fun with this, and who could blame me? Of all the Star Wars movies, Palpatine was perhaps the greatest addition to them all, including the prequels. That man had the best and most hysterical lines to quote because of how they were expressed alone. Maybe The Last Jedi could've been saved if only they had Snoke revealed to be Palpatine all this time.


"If you're finished amusing yourself with watching the guards fight to exhaustion." Twilight proceeded to state with her eyes fixed on the schedule, stepping forward. "You have that brownie contest to judge at the Canterlot Bakery in half an hour."

Only one thing to say to that.


What a fantastic end to my monarchy!

Replying to letters and reports!

Dear God Celestia, hurry up already. You've had three days to rest and I haven't seen you since. Guess she really needed the much-needed sleep from standing there all day and looking pretty... What? Ya think because I was in her horseshoes I'm gonna make things easier for her?

Pfft, do you even know me?

"Having fun?"

I barely glanced up to the unicorn entering the cozy study room, replying casually, "Yeah, tons of it." While trying not to sound utterly dull off my mind. "I love writing down the same signature paper after paper. Fun fun fun."

"Heh, pleased to hear it. I'm sure Princess Celestia will be glad you're..." She approached closer, peeking over the desk to see what precisely I was doing and releasing an amused smirk. "Copying her hoofwriting to write down her name on every paper. At least you won't get the blame from signing something you probably shouldn't have."

"Remember, this is all on Twilight and Celestia for even suggesting I become a ruler." Speaking of which, I was expecting a sigh or huff of fond frustration from the former since this conversation began. At least a lecture about how I shouldn't even be doing something like that. Raising a brow, I glanced up to see the lavender pony... Only to be met with Starlight's features alone.


"Where's Twilight?"

"Starswirl's Archives." Ah. "While you're finishing your duties up here, Twilight thought it'd be a good idea to make another check for any reverse spell against your... Condition." Starlight grinned meekly. "She sent me to check up on you. And yes, she's still confident we'll find something down there."

Of course she is. Twilight never gives up when her heart is set on solving a problem. A trait I loved about her... But in this case, well...

WILL she find something, Starswirl?

We could only hope.

Sighing, I set the quill back in its ink bottle and stretched my upper limbs, leaning back against the chair with a wry smile towards Starlight. "So, how did I do, as a ruler?"

A shrug. "Twilight seemed to think you did fine-"

"I'm asking you, Starlight."

"Oh..." Followed with a sincere smile. "Well, if you ask me, I think you were doing great, Stardust. You took the job to heart - even if you acted like a goofball at times - and obviously made things better for many Equestrians. So yeah, you didn't half-bad, not even letting your position as human stop you."

Heh. I smirked in gratitude. "I'm glad to hear that, cheers Starlight." The unicorn beamed happily, prompting my smile to widen. "And you didn't do half-bad as a Princess in turn."

That incited a raised brow. "But I didn't do anything."

"Which is pretty much the basis of royalty in Equestria, so good job!"

Starlight rolled her eyes, shaking her head with a humoured grin matching mine. "Except for Twilight, right?"

"Oh yes, of course."

"What about Princess Cadence, and Prince Shining?"

"Them too, I guess."

"And Princess Luna?"

"Well... I mean, turning nightmares into regular dreams doesn't overall improve the economy and welfare of the kingdom, Starlight."

"But putting on sunglasses and making peace gestures to the citizens does?"

"I mean... It boosts morale."

She chuckled. "Relax, Stardust, I'm only teasing." Yeah yeah. Starlight proceeded with a smirk. "Kinda sneaky for you to arrange that meeting with Thorax and the others without Twilight's knowledge though."

My fingers interlocked, innocently shrugging. "Not the first time I've done something so important behind her back, Starlight. You should've seen the [BEEP] I was up to long before I even acknowledged those girls as my friends."

"Like what?"

Oh, too tired right now to recall a perfect example. "You'll have to ask the others; they're way better at remembering something than I." Oh wait, never mind. I cocked my head to one side. "Although, I don't think any of them are aware of the time I once told Celestia to go [BEEP] herself."

"Yes. And as I recall, you were rather passionate towards distancing yourself from anyone and was fearless against anyone telling you otherwise."

Our heads perked up to the source of the voice, and I cracked a challenging grin. "What, implying I don't have the [BEEP]s these days to keep doing that, Celestia?"

"Since you've mellowed considerably from those days, I wouldn't call it afraid exactly." The tall alicorn about my human size stepped further into the study room, smiling benevolently as though nothing at all had changed. "And kindly refrain from using such language in my personal study room, Stardust." I shrugged, no promises there.

"Princess Celestia!" Starlight ran towards and greeted the alicorn with a widened grin. "Did you have a good rest this weekend?"

"I certainly have." The Princess of the Sun nodded down to the unicorn. "And I trust Canterlot was placed in good hands since my brief retirement?"

I'll let Starlight answer that one for me. The pink equine looked back and forth from me to Celestia and promptly responded with a faint smirk. "I like to think so, although Twilight may express some trepidation following her special somepony's attitude towards some of your duties."

"Well, I'm here now to relieve her of this trepidation then." Celestia glanced around for the moment. "Is she indisposed at the moment?"

"She's in the Archives." Was my reply, beginning to stand upwards with my back popping into place. God knows how long I spent copying your signature with precise accuracy, Celestia. "She think there's still an answer to my condition down there."

"We think, Stardust." Starlight firmly corrected. Yeah sure, whatever you say. The unicorn looked back to the taller mare with a fixed grin. "I don't think we'll be seeing her for the next few hours or so."

"Hmhmhm, she's always been persistent that way." No need to tell us that. Celestia looked back to me with a warm smile. "Thank you so much for overseeing the kingdom in my absence, Stardust. I knew you wouldn't let me down."

You nor Twilight. "Anytime." As best as I could muster without sounding a little bit hostile for the fate you're put me through. And the more I stared at this oblivious alicorn, the bigger a reminder it was. Starlight chose this moment to interject, proceeding to inform Celestia of what precisely I've been up to amidst her own rest.


Yes, my friend?

There is no cure, is there?

Something in his voice suggested he was aware I would eventually inquire this. As I said, there are many mysteries regarding ancient magic, locked and hidden away around the furthest corners of Equestria-

That's not what I asked.

...No. The stallion had never sounded more defeated until now. As of present, there is no known cure. Understand, your condition is unheard of, in the case of becoming human again. And magic having no outward affect on you only burdens methods further. What doesn't assist, especially, being that the creators of this world - your own people - have never dwelled on a matter such as this and devised a remedy. I'm afraid, Jack...

...Just tell me, Starswirl. I can handle this...

...There may be no possible means, regardless how hard we try, to save you from this tragic predicament.

My hands only gripped the edge of the desk tighter, as tightly as humanly possible. Celestia and Starlight were utterly oblivious from their pleasant conversation to notice my grit teeth and quivering eyes.

I see...

"Spend every moment you have with the ones you love, rather than wallow in self-pity and despair."

My nostrils inhaled deeply. "Celestia." Both mares turned to me, and I struggled to maintain a stoic expression in spite of the growing turmoil within my beating chest. "I have one final request to make, before I hand the throne back to you."

"Alright, what's the occasion?"

"Occasion?" I echoed, looking down to the alicorn dressed beautifully beside me. Mane wrapped in a lovely bun with elegant pink and gold attire, blue star earrings matching her perfectly with the sparkling stars in those entrancing eyes. "Does there need to be one in order to spend time with the mare I love?"

"A fancy dinner at an expensive restaurant, first-class table and an arranged balcony for us to watch the stars together." Twilight sent me a knowing smirk. "It's as if you're trying to appeal to my good side, again."

I shrugged with a helpless grin. "Maybe I'm just making up for not exactly meeting your expectations the entire time during my reign as King."

Twilight giggled at that, leaning up with hoofs against the railing and responding in humoured affection. "On the contrary, 'your Majesty,' you had met my expectations with flawlessness." A perked brow. "I'd been shocked and convinced you weren't the real Jack had you took everything with absolute seriousness and not taken a little bit of sun from your temporary position. Still." The Princess of Friendship glanced up to the night sky again, seeming to pay no mind to the classy music reverberating from indoors. "You did far better than I had originally anticipated, Jack, putting in a hundred-and-one percent effort into your role despite it suddenly coming from nowhere for you. Truthfully, were you expecting something like this to happen on day one?"

"Not really." I shrugged, following her gaze. The stars were enchanting to look at tonight, a clear sky and all. "Honestly I suspected something the night before, but considered you wouldn't risk your idol's role being ruined by the antics of your untamed special somebody."

A playful nudge to my leg. "You didn't ruin it, aside from the temporary decor around the place."

To that, I snorted. "And what's wrong with a little blue? Your own brother has blue hair and eyes. Your father is made entirely of blue save for the eyes!" I gestured in dramatic hand-waving. "Hell, you originally had your first crush on a guy with blue hair!"

"Not in this world I didn't."

"...Damn, touche."

A perked brow. "Are you complaining?"

"Hell no, but-"

"Good, because I'd hate this evening to be ruined."

I smirked. "But Twilight dear, you love hearing me whine so."

The Princess snorted in turn, rolling her eyes with a wry grin. "Of course I do, because I oh so adore hearing you complain and moan at every little thing. It's an endearing quality of yours I find utterly charming. You certainly know how to woo a pony, my handsome Jack."

"...Not every little thing."

And Twilight laughed, prompting my amused fond grin. The Princess turned back to me then with an adorable breathtaking smile. "In all seriousness, this was a wonderful conclusion to your reign as King, Jack. I'm glad I wasn't completely erased from your mind following your newfound position of power."

"Twilight, you were always on my mind." Was my amused and genuine response, looking down with affection towards the gorgeous equine. "Everything I did, was to appease you, keep you happy. The reason I put in so much work and effort these past few days, aside for the benefit of this kingdom and many others, was to make sure I met your expectations and proved how good I could one day be as a ruler."

At that confession, the Princess flushed from the insinuation and meekly looked away, asking with shy hope, "Do you think that'll ever happen one day...?"

What? Ruling beside you, my dear Twilight? Despite my eternal condition? Despite Starswirl confirming earlier there was no cure to my physical ailment? Despite the potential to die any moment? The thought of the two of us, overlooking Ponyville as benevolent rulers, together, completely and purely happy in the future, from the balcony of our castle back home? Our friends, sister and Spike - our family - standing between us with their own content and prideful expressions as we all oversee another dawn to a wonderful era of peace and prosperity? A world with no Zagreus, no imbalance, no friendship trouble or worries? A world I had always desired to have with you, my love, forever beside me?

"...Yes." I answered quietly, my hand on railing reaching to cover her warm hoof, prompting Twilight to regard me back. I smiled lightly, not even joking as I strongly suggested I want this kind of future with her. No one else. "There's nothing else I want."

And despite how often Twilight shied away or became immediately embarrassed from any talks or implications regarding an eternal future together, the Princess of Friendship only smiled blissfully in return. And the stars in her eyes were far more beautiful than the glimmering lights above could ever be. "Me too." She whispered back with bright cheeks and radiant hope.

And looking at those innocent eyes, filled with love, warmth and affection. The eyes of someone who's never had to deal with the hardest decisions nor should have to, deserving of everything good and fair in the world. Twilight, Spike, Starlight, everyone... They all deserved happy lives. Considering everything they've done...

...I've made my choice.

Refusing to let Twilight see my smile lessen to one of sadness, I added with slyness instead. "At least now you get a good idea what I'd be like as future King."

The Princess played along without fault. "Future Prince, you mean."

"Nah, King is way better. When you rule a nation, you're a King, end of."

"Right, and it's probably likely you'll end up letting me do most of the work while you sit back and play video games with Spike and beating up monsters in your spare time."

"...Doesn't sound any different than usual, love."

Twilight winked teasingly. "And I wouldn't have it any other way, honey."

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