• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Fifty-Nine: Tricks up their Sleeves

"Drink this should you desire serenity." Without hesitation, I eagerly took the offered wooden cup off the table's surface and downed the bubbly purple contents. "Careful now, one gulp is not a necessity."

Ugh... No kidding.

"Thanks again for letting me visit, Zecora." I said to the calm zebra, grimacing at the bitter lingering taste. "Lord knows I needed to be away from the lib- Well Ponyville for a while."

"It is of no concern, with your dilemma." At this, my eyes suspiciously cast on Zecora, who was happily sipping her brewed tea at the other side of the stump. Something you wanna share, my voodoo friend. "Though I'm more intrigued as to your agenda. What brings you to my home, friend, that you cannot return to your own?"

A sigh escaped my muzzle, drinking the bitter calm tea that was working its effects without fault. Even Zecora could tell that something was up. Big shock. Well, I had no reason not to confide in this wise zebra, who has so far behaved more Yoda-ish than Celestia in the entire show.

"In truth, a lot of things." I admitted quietly, as she observed me with interest. That prompted me to clarify, "I just... Have a lot of things on my mind. Not stuff you'd understand - no offence- and I just needed to be away from the others to get a clear head."

Two of the following things troubling my mind were the fact that I've yet to return home; my real home. And Twilight. Not that I will ever admit either to the zebra.

"Ahh, conflict reflects through your eyes." The voodoo zebra nodded knowingly, sipping her green tea before continuing. "Over truth, feelings and self-lies."

'Self-lies...?' What could this zebra possibly-?

Then, I was startled as Zecora suddenly snapped her head to the right, staring at the back open window with a contemplative gaze. "A bad omen I sense, in Ponyville are these events." Come again? I frowned as she looked back at me with a stern gaze. "Return to your friends, you must, Stardust."

"...Okay?" I replied slowly. A rather impolite of dismissing me, but sure, if there's something wrong in Ponyville. "Do you have an inkling towards this supposed 'omen?'"

"Only that it relates to that which makes your heart bright." And my eyes widened at the serious command. "Now go, and aid your Twilight."

The atmosphere within Ponyville, upon my return from the cryptic zebra's hut, was dour, to say the least. Walking down the path into the town, I noted the air was different, and not a pony was in sight. Briefly I pondered if the Changelings had returned for vengeance, but I squashed that thought immediately.

I don't need that bull-[BEEP] again. Whatever omen Zecora sensed, it had better just be a false alarm, or else I'm giving that riddle-spewing mare a piece of my mind.

That said, I continued on my way where the whole town would likely be. The Mayor most likely called everyone to Town Hall to make some bull-[BEEP] announcement about something I could honestly care less about. Hence why I wasn't projecting an idea to myself over what the announcement could be. ...Nope, not a pony in sight just yet, though I was nearing the center of the town without delay. What threat could we possibly be facing now, if Zecora's prediction became true?

But if I swear to God, if it has anything to do with Celestia's upcoming visit to Ponyville tonight, I'm gonna-

"Stop picking on my friends, Trixie!"

...Well, it looks like it wasn't the Mayor making any announcements today.

Arriving at the Town Hall, I noted the crowd, Rarity wearing an eyesore dress, Rainbow Dash with an abnormally large right wing, and Snips and Snails literally stuck together by their horns. And Twilight, facing off against the returned grinning blue unicorn. The Boastful and Egotistical Trixie this time was adorning a black cloak and red-silver-black necklace of a pegasus, which looked quite sinister looking in appearance with its red eye and the ruby pendant in the center.

"You and I have some unfinished business." Trixie began gleefully towards her rival, "My magic's gotten better since I was here last. And I'm gonna prove it: Me and you. A magic duel. Winner stays, loser leaves Ponyvile... Forever!"

...I swear to God her eyes just glowed red for a brief moment.

Despite that, however, I scoffed loudly, attracting the blue mare's attention. "Twilight is far too mature to accept such a petty challenge, Trixie." I stated while walking up towards them, Spike joining me to help assist Twilight if necessary. "You'll never as adept at magic than this skillful unicorn before us."

Whether Twilight acknowledged my truthful praise or not, she agreed with my first statement, "He's right, I'd never make a deal like that!"

Trixie, however, wasn't the least bit fazed as her foe turned away. "Hm, your choice." And suddenly her horn glowed red and-

No. "Put him down, Trixie." I demanded, while poor Spike was suspended in midair by magic... Then squished into a ball, bouncing on the ground repeatedly as we glared at the smug unicorn. "Trixie, I swear to God..."

Rolling her eyes at my vague threat, Trixie shrugged and concluded her torture to Spike by hurtling him into an conjured barrel, inciting my unamused growl.

"Pathetic." I stated with a growl towards the unfazed mare, "That you would target a defenseless child like that."

"Stardust, I'll handle this." Twilight said firmly, stepping forward. "Why are you doing this?"

"Why?" Trixie repeated in palpable disbelief. "Because you humiliated me!" Followed by a magic flashback to Twilight using her magic against an Ursaminor. Huh, don't remember that; probably because I was unconscious when she dealt with that threat against the town. "After you showed me up with that Ursaminor." The scene shifted to ponies pointing and laughing silently at the blue hurt-looking mare. "I became a laughing stock... Everywhere I went I was laughed at and ostracized. I even had to take a job at a rock farm just to earn a living!"


"Laugh it up!" Trixie sneered at my expression. "A rock farm, because of you, Twilight Sparkle!"

Then, without warning, it was Pinkie who spoke up heatedly. "Hey, you're lucky a rock farm would take the likes of you!"


But that retort was quickly followed by Pinkie's mouth literally being torn off and thrown in a bin, disabling her ability to speak.

...That might could be either painful to her or a blessing for me.

"Now I want revenge." Trixie concluded, normal pink eyes glowing devilishly red again. So I wasn't hallucinating that... What kind of power was she misusing now...?

Regardless, I frowned heavily. "Twilight has done nothing to you." Her teeth grit at the truth. "She only saved her friends and an entire town from a mess you started. So sorry the lives of others means something to her, which can be more than said for you, Trixie."

"Grr... Stay out of this Stardust!" A blue hoof pointed dangerously at me. "The only reason I'm not practicing my magic on you currently is because we've been through a lot together at Canterlot. This is between me and your marefriend here."

Before I could retaliate, I felt a calm warm hoof pressed against my furry chest, Twilight meeting my gaze seriously. "I hate to concur with her, Stardust, but she's right; this quarrel is between me and Trixie." Looking back at the mare, Twilight raised her voice, "And no amount of magic you do will make me accept this preposterous duel of yours, Trixie."

"Is that so?" Then as red beam from the arrogant unicorn's horn flew over us, inciting us to follow the magic aimed at... The Library. The whole tree-house was uprooted from the ground, quickly placed upside down, books being shook out of the place, Nightshade desperately attempting to rescue the poor literature. "Well, have I changed your mind?"

A part of me, looking at the damage Trixie was doing, wanted to tell Twilight to accept and kick the blue mare's arse. Another part of me suggested calmness and a more rationalized approach to this situation... While the rest of me wanted Trixie's head on a-

Whoa... Where did THAT come from...?

Instead, I met Twilight's uncertain gaze after looking at the damage herself. "Whatever decision you make, I will support you one-hundred percent." Even if it was a dumb choice.

Nodding, Twilight closed her eyes as though concentrating, then determination expressed on her features as she turned back to the patient blue unicorn. "Alright, Trixie, let's duel!"

It's time to duel!

"Good luck, Twilight." I said before stepping away to give the competitors some space. "Kick her [BEEP]!"

The purple unicorn nodded grimly.

"Excellent." Trixie said in satisfaction. Everything then thankfully returned to normal... Save for Pinkie's still-missing mouth.

It took a lot to refrain myself from smiling at that.

Trixie began laying out the terms, "If I lose, I won't set hoof in Ponyville again. But when you lose, you're the one who's banished from this one-horse town." 'One-horse?' The [BEEP] does that mean?

Ah, whatever. "You've got this Twilight!" I stated loudly while standing with the others.

"Don't let that bully win, Twilight!" Spike pitched in.

The two unicorns stared one another down, expressions of glee and resolve, before the duel commenced.


A red beam fired off, sending a wagon and barrels flying across and almost landing on an innocent bystander, before Twilight ceased the flying objects and gently placing them out of harm's way. Then she looked back to Trixie, who began sending numerous pies at the purple mare. She quickly retaliated by conjuring up a Parasprite, which happily devoured the hurtled pies and burped out another of its kind. Twilight quickly made them disappear before that could become another issue again, already looking exhausted.

...THIS was a 'magic duel?' I expected more of magic beams, attacks and shields being thrown around, not... This. It was more of a competition than a duel. I didn't pay to watch this, but I already felt like I was being ripped off. I wanted to see Harry Potter [BEEP] going down, not a contest of showing off.

Still, Twilight would appreciate some encouragement. "Don't let this [BEEP] think she can win, love!" Followed by cheerful praises from the mares and Spike. Twilight sent us an gratified glance before focusing back on Trixie.

The duel continued with... A cloud of snow falling on Twilight and part of the town square. Twilight shook off the snow while the rest of it melted, glaring at her smug opponent and finally fighting back, a pink beam directly hitting Trixie's face... And a large mustache as the result.

...Seriously? The mares beside me giggled at the move, while I gave the smirking Twilight a flat look.

Trixie cut off the absurd mustache before making her next move, "Snips, Snails. Step forward."

Oh this should be good...

"U-Uh... What is it, of great and powerful Trixie?" Snips inquired while both bowed at her presence, inciting my eye roll. Again, seriously?

The red magic engulfed them, and when said power evaporated, the two colts transformed into... A toddler and an old stallion.


"An age spell?" Twilight asked in surprise, "But, how can you do an age spell? That's only for the highest level of unicorns!"

"I don't know about you Spike." I muttered to the dragon hearing me. "But I think a spell like that should also be considered illegal."

"Probably why only highly advanced unicorns can use it." He whispered back.

"...Fair enough."

"Well, Twilight, give up?" Trixie inquired mockingly, looking quite pleased with herself.

Sighing for a moment, Twilight attempted to, I presume, mirror that exact spell on the two poor males. Both old stallion and foal floated in midair while she performed her spell.

"Come on Twilight, you can do it!" Spike said in hope.

"Of course she can." I replied, yet I couldn't help but sense I will be eating my own words.

And, to my horror and disbelief, I was correct!

Twilight collapsed in utter exhaustion, prompting me to run forward. Both Snips and Snails fell harshly back onto the ground after Twilight's attempt to return them to their original ages, and a part of me wanted to tear someone viciously apart for doing that to not only a small baby, but an elderly as well.

"Trixie is the highest level of unicorn!" The blue mare proudly proclaimed while I helped Twilight stand back up.

"Are you alright?" I asked, while Trixie laughed manically at her supposed victory.

"No..." Twilight looked away in shame. "I failed..."

The hell you have. "You tried, that's all that matters."

"And now it's time for you, Twilight, to leave Ponyville forever!" My teeth gritted at Trixie's words, having half a mind to slap the mare for her insolence.

Even the rest of our friend agreed she was going too far. "That's enough, Trixie!" The others formed a protective line in front of us, Applejack speaking on their behalf.

Rarity added in, "You've proved your point, but you can't possibly expect Twilight to leave Ponyville!"

Well, technically, she can, if the rules of a magic duel are legit...

"You fools!" And some magical force pushed me away as Twilight was suddenly glowing red, floating over the ground. My enraged eyes fixed on the confident Trixie, "She's already gone!"

Oh no you don't!

"Wait!" Her red eyes snapped to me at the interference, prompting me to continue. "I will not allow you to force Twilight to leave her home like this! Not while I have a say in the matter."

"Your opinion means nothing to Trixie, Stardust." Trixie scoffed, preparing to hurl the purple helpless unicorn out of the town.

...Then an idea came up. Fine, if words won't do, then perhaps action will suffice.

"Then I challenge you, Trixie, to a duel!" The others stared in surprise at the proposal, though Trixie looked more intrigued by the offer. This incited me to clarify determinedly. "A duel not decided by mere parlor tricks or showing off, but brute force and assaults. Magic against balance. You win, then I'll leave Ponyville in Twilight's place."

"And if Trixie loses?"

I smirked lightly, "Twilight gets to stay, and you leave Ponyville for good. I never want to see your repulsive sight again."

A pause, Trixie looking to be seriously contemplating my offer.

Then Twilight spoke from her floating position. "Ja- Stardust, you can't!"

"I can and I will." I retorted without looking back. "Don't argue with me on this, Twilight. If anyone here deserves to be booted out of this town, it should be me."

"Don't be stupid, Stardust!" Rainbow Dash protested, "Neither you nor Twilight should be kicked out-!"


We all regarded Trixie, who was grinning rather excitedly at the prospect. "Imagine Trixie's reputation upon defeating a user over balance itself. Not even balance can triumph over the superior magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie!"

"Don't be so confident, my dear." I said dangerously. "Simple parlor tricks are insignificant compared to the power of the stabilizing force of the universe."

Her glaring eyes narrowed gleefully, "We shall see... But first." Hm?

"Twilight!" I heard Spike yell behind me, prompting to look behind and-

That [BEEP]!

While the others chased after the flying poor Twilight, who was heading out of the town, followed by a gigantic glass dome sealing up the entire town, I glared back at the blue unicorn after a moment. "That was a big mistake."

Red eyes shone maliciously, "No bigger than your own, Stardust Balance."

Trixie's influence over Ponyville had already dampened the atmosphere. Left and right ponies were serving her will, while muttering their support for me from the corners of the muzzles. While both of us were preparing for the upcoming showdown - by that I mean I was preparing while Trixie was enjoying herself controlling everyone - we agreed on a location outside the town while still within the glass dome for the duel to commence.

And as the blue mare approached, I couldn't help but sneer at the way she was using the two colts. Poor Snips and Snails pulling the attached sleigh with all their might. Enjoy it while you can, harpy.

"Darling, are you positively certain about this?" Rarity inquired worriedly, the five mares and dragon behind me while I waited for my foe. "We do not doubt your skills, but Trixie appears to be have gotten stronger with her magic."

"I agree with Rarity." Applejack added, standing beside me with a concerned expression. "We already lost Twilight, we don't wanna lose you too."

"It won't happen." I said calmly, eyes still focused on the smug blue unicorn, who leaped down from her sleigh while Snips and Snails collapsed in utter exhaustion. "Trixie will be gone, and Twilight will return."

I call that more than a fair trade.

"Nice of you to show up." I spoke outloud at the approaching mare, motioning for the others to step away from what would be our arena. "I was beginning to think you've gotten lazy with your new abilities."

"Pah! The Great and Powerful Trixie is never tardy!" She responded evenly, red eyes shining brightly. I still need to uncover how she's doing that. "Although Trixie is surprised that you've turned up in turn, and not weeping over the banishment of your special somepony."

The mockery prompted my twitching eye. "Twilight and I are-" No, you know what? [BEEP] that. "Well, I'd be a more luckier pony than the poor sap who ends up with you."

From the side, Spike let out a "Oh snap!" And I smirked.

Trixie glared, obviously not liking the insult. "The time for talk is over! We may have been allies in Canterlot, Stardust, but Trixie's thirst for retribution is stronger than our acquaintanceship. Prepare yourself!"

We took our prepared stances, myself removing my blue cape and tossing it to the side, idly noticing Spike catching it before retreating to the others. "Just so we're clear: I win, you leave and Twilight returns. You win: And I leave in Twilight's place."

Trixie grinned sadistically. "Indeed. Trixie thinks it'll be more entertaining to watch Twilight weep for her dear sweet Stardust's banish-!" Trixie had to leap away before she could finish that irritable statement, stepping back in shock as my clenched hoof punched into the soil she previous had just stood upon. "Wha- Hey! You didn't allow Trixie to say 'Draw' first!"

"Your first mistake." And before she could rebuttal, I stretched out my back right hoof, delivering a roundhouse kick that landed a mark on the mare's left cheek, sending her back. Trixie quickly had to stomp her two hoofs into the ground to slow down, rubbing the side of her pained face while staring in astonishment.

Followed by rage.

"You... You hit Trixie!" Her own hoof clenched angrily, the mad pony sneering at her unfazed opponent.

I raised an unimpressed brow at this pitiful mare. "An accurate observation-"


Okay, that's pretty powerful...

My right limb immediately raised up in defense, hoof skidding across the dirt as the red beam pushed me back harshly, forcing me to rethink my strategy. The original plan was to cloud Trixie's rational thought with insults and damaged pride so I can catch her off-guard, but clearly that wasn't working. And this power... Ugh... Not even Sombra used this much against me-

The [BEEP]? Feeling myself being lifted off the ground, my eyes met Trixie's gleeful red irises before my world started spinning. The grass beneath my hoofs had wrapped themselves around my other three limbs, pulling me upwards before deciding to smash me against the soil repeatedly, and I winced in pain with every impact.

Ow! [BEEP]! [BEEP]! Dammit! [BEEP]! Son of a-! [BEEP]!

And to add icing to the cake, they concluded, by Trixie's command, by releasing and throwing my unwilling body against the wall of the dome, and I felt the glass crack behind my pained back. What followed was me landing as a slump onto the ground below.


That hurt. Grimacing at the aching, I attempted to stand back up, glaring in justified anger at the blue smug mare. From the corner of my eye, the others expressed worry and relief. Guessing some are glad I can still fight.

"Come on Star! She's got nothing on you!" Rainbow cheered in support.

Trixie then chuckled, "Hmhmhmhm. Be thankful Trixie didn't decide to punish you too harshly for hitting her."

Growling, I pounced forward like I did the first time, intending to land a hit directly in the mare's snout... To no avail.

My hoof hit the air.

Trixie laughed mockingly from behind, "Poor Stardust Balance; all brawn and no brains. What does Twilight see in you?"


My turned clenched hoof once again met nothing.

Trixie tutted disapprovingly, "Are you even trying?"

God dammit!

"Trixie has fought rocks harder than you."


"Twilight should be ashamed."

...That does it.

As though somehow knowing where Trixie's next teleported spot was, my hoofs pulled back before thrusting forwards, smashing against one another and producing an enraged good ol' fashioned balance shockwave. I still need to think of a name for the move.

Regardless, it hit its target. The stunned Trixie was sent flying back into the dome, a yelp of pain escaping her gritted muzzle. Slowly recovering, she look up in shock and anger, "How...?!"

She teleported before she could finished, my hoof smashing into the soil once again. And seeing the red light from the corner of my eyes, my extended limb swiped away the beam. Our gazes met, matching ferocity, resolve, and perhaps the most dangerous emotion of all.


This rage... This power... It was incredible! Something within me screamed for retribution, and Trixie made herself a delicious target.

I felt this inexplicable urge to longer forward and tear this boastful pony asunder. To rip apart her and everything she loved just for the things she's done. Trixie didn't even deserve to step foot in this town, nor was she worthy enough to call herself Twilight's adversary, and today will prove that.

This mare will pay...

Calm yourself.

Well look who shows up!

Without thinking, my head threw upwards in condescending laughter. "Hahahahahaha! 'Calm myself?' After everything this mare has done? I think not!"

"Has he gone mad?" Trixie asked in confusion and annoyance. "Who is he talking to?"

You are allowing the fury within you to fester, Jack. Remember who you are doing this for.

"It must be Specter!" My ears idly heard Spike's realization, while an image of a certain troubled purple unicorn conjured up in my mind.

"...I do." I said quietly, focusing back on the waiting and infuriated Trixie. "And I will make sure this mare never bothers Twilight or my friends again."

Red eyes narrowed, horn lighting up in eager anticipation, "You can try..."

I can... And I WILL succeed. To hell with Specter.

Slowly, we began pacing, circling one another to wait over who would make the first move. Ladies first, my "dear" Trixie. Yet those red eyes caused me to briefly ponder; what was the origins behind them? Had Trixie acquired that much power to cause such a deformity to her eyes? Seems likely, but I don't recall my brother ever mentioning Trixie having red eyes during the third season of the show, nor that necklace around her neck...

...Wait a minute...

...Wait a goddamn minute. Hold the [BEEP] phone...

And, as though noticing what I was staring at in particular, Trixie only grinned knowingly, inciting my widened infuriated eyes. Of course... That item around her neck was... Boosting her power somehow!

Which means...!

"You dirty [BEEP]!"

Then Trixie's eyes widened in surprise at my sudden pounce, teleporting again out of the way as my extended hoofs aimed to wring her furry neck. And my limbs blocked, swiped and away and even stomped on the numerous attacks and objects the unnerved mare was using to halt my warpath.

"You call yourself the 'Great' and 'Powerful,' when you're nothing more than a dirty cheating coward?!" I practically roared while stomping on the leftovers pies that failed to stop me. Hell, not even the ice Trixie suddenly summoned didn't cease my movements. "Using a magical artifact to give you the edge, and then have the [BEEP] to call yourself Twilight's better?! Despicable!"

Then, without warning, a sudden blast of red energy impacted right into my face, and my sight was greeted by pure red, the red I was already seeing moments ago.

"Trixie is far from cowardly! This amulet will make Trixie more powerful than even Princess Celestia herself!" You make that sound as though it's suppose to be impressive. It isn't.

"I AM more powerful than Celestia..." Was my calm, growling reply as the haze cleared, a stunned Trixie staring at me agape, pink widened eyes reflecting rage and... Fear...


"Now you understand..." I began slowly, approaching the backing away mare, again deflecting her assaults without difficulty. "You are nothing, Trixie, you always have been... And I will enjoy reminding you of that, right now..."

As my eyes then focused on the amulet, Trixie gasped sharply, he back pressed up against the glass barrier. "Y-You can't! Only the wearer can remove it, and Trixie refuses to do so!"

"Hm... Well, let's test that theory." With that said, my hoof grabbed the still object... And pulled as hard as possible.

"Hey! Let go!" Sorry love, but that thing's gotta go. "I said LET GO!" A magical red shield began forming around us, as though the amulet was desperately trying to defend itself. The ground beneath began shaking, the glass above us cracking by the sheer pressure of the amulet's power. But I paid them no heed.

I... Will get that thing off her... If it's the last thing I do!

My teeth grit, waves of pain burning through me as my gripped hoof felt a stinging hot sensation. Fine, it wants to play the hard way? I can indulge it. This amulet, a mere trinket, means nothing to me and my power!

"N-No... Stop...!"

Then, inch by inch, the amulet began responding to my physical demand, my gold smoking hoof beginning to tear the thing off Trixie rather successfully. And with that, the power radiating around us, the retaliation of the magic began dying down, the trinket finally obeying the one who deserved its usage more than this arrogant unicorn.

And, with one last tug, a blinding red eyes coated my field of vision.


As the light cleared, I rubbed my eyes with my free front limb, and what greeted me was the sight of a lying Trixie, who was looking at herself, then the amulet clenched in my hoof, before her expression shifted from shock to anger, and then... Horror.

...It's done. I've finally done it.

Examining the object more closely, I noted with some mild surprise at the blackness covering my smoking hoof, which held the intact object. Well, guess I had to pay the consequences somehow, but it was over now anyway. A part of me wanted to adorn the item, and test out s its power personally. But even I knew better than that.

"You animal..." Oh yeah, Trixie was still here. My idle gaze cast down on the glaring mar,e who looked close to tears. "To think that you'd... Even Trixie is appalled by your brutal tactics. You're no better than that Ursaminor!"

Oh just shut the hell up.

"Rather an animal than someone like you."

With that said, and as much strength as I could muster, Trixie's eyes widened in terror as the amulet began cracking under the pressure, and red glow emanated from the damage.


The damage was already done, thank God, before she could do a single thing about it. The snapped amulet fell unceremoniously from my singeing hoof, right in front of Trixie's frozen hoofs.

"As I said Trixie. You are nothing." As the mare stared aghast at the broken item, I began with dealing with the rest of the problem, walking around the stunned unicorn to the cracked dome. Without hesitation I leaned my clenched hoof back, and swiftly punched the glass surface, noting with satisfaction at the payoff as the cracks began spreading upwards.

Now then, for the finale-


Right, my friends were here. All five mares, two colts and dragon were staring at me, looking conflicted as though deciding whether to look horrified at my actions or congratulate me on a job well done.

Well, either way, I did what any human would do. So I'm pretty much content with what I did. Trixie will be fine; it was a kid's show after all.

Walking by the mare, I paused for a moment without sparing a glance. "If I ever see you in Ponyville again..." Then my cold eye met her tearful pink ones. "Then not even Celestia will save you from my wrath. Be thankful, though, that I'm not even kicking you out the same method you used on Twilight."

Okay, I've done enough. Time for a drink of nicely refreshing soda-

"Something is wrong with you."


I heard hoofs shuffle, indicating the mare was now standing up. "You... You're not Stardust Balance. I know him, and not even he would have gone so far as you did today..."

...What was this delusional mare blabbering on about now?

"Beware, friends of Twilight." I imagined Trixie was now focusing on the stunned audience. "Something is not right with your friend over there. I can feel it..."

...Whatever you say, sore loser, desperately trying to sow seeds of distrust between myself and the ponies.

Shaking my head at Trixie's hallucinations, I continued on my victorious path, noting with grim satisfaction the falling glass around the town.

As I said; kid's show. No one's going to get hurt by the sharp falling objects.

Finally, after over an hour of searching, I found the book detailing the artifact I previously destroyed.

Now let's see... Alicorn Amulet... Grants the user exponential power to their magic... Corrupts the wearer over time... Can only be removed by he or she who adorns it.

Well, that wasn't the case any longer.

Recalling the battle before however caused me to wince, as both guilt and regret rose up in my being. Okay, forcibly removing the amulet off Trixie was a little... Well it had to be taken off her anyway, and I doubt the unicorn would've done so willingly. And with that power, Trixie could've not only hurt others, but herself as well.

I practically did her a favour.

And yet, in the state I left her in, was it really worth it?

The door opened from the side, and before I could quickly retreat to my room, the others noticed me. "Jack...?"

Exhaling slowly, I turned to face them, unable to repress the smile on my face at seeing Twilight again. "Hey Twilight..." I replied quietly, "You alright?"

Before she could respond, Applejack interjected, "We should be askin' you that, sugarcube." While walking up towards me. "What in tarnation happened back there?"

Honestly, I'm not so sure myself. Instead, I silently passed the open book to a curious Twilight, who read the contents while I looked at the others, taking the offered cape from Spike and putting it back on, "Thank you Spike. Is Trixie gone?"

Rarity nodded, "Indeed." Ah, so it was too late to apologize to her then... "She left Ponyville after we retrieved Twilight, and then..." Then the mare stopped herself, as though she was about to say something I wasn't going to like.

"The Alicorn Amulet!" Twilight exclaimed, eyes widened and saving Rarity for now. "Of course, I should've recognized it sooner. No wonder she utilized the age spell so flawlessly." Further reading the page, the purple unicorn then regarded with confusion, "But... How did you remove it? The girls here told me what happened."

I shrugged mildly, "Magic I guess." Or balance. "Honestly does it even really matter now? The amulet's destroyed, and Trixie's left Ponyville for good."

Twilight, as always, demanded her curiosity be indulged. "Of course it matters! Nopony can just rip off a powerful object from its wearer like that!"

"Well, I just did."

Before Twilight could retort, this time it was Fluttershy who spoke up, "Stardust... Your hoof..." Hm? Oh, right. Completely forgot about that. All eyes were then drawn to the burnt-marked blackened right hoof, and I subconsciously shook it a little to wave off the remaining pain.

"Let me see." Ow! Without waiting for a response, Twilight handed the book to Spike and grabbed my singed limb, examining the damage like a medic would. "I expect this is the consequence for forcefully removing the amulet."

Astounding observation...

"Will he be alright?" Applejack inquired with worry. I'm right here!

"Fluttershy, get a bucket of water from the kitchen." The yellow pegasus nodded, quickly walking off to do as tasked.

"Anything we can do?" Rainbow asked. Yeah, nothing.

Twilight shook her head. "For now we need to apply some coldness to the hoof. But if it remains, we'll have to consider the possibility that the amulet may have cursed him."

"A curse?!" Rarity exclaimed melodramatically. "I knew we should have stopped him when he tried to pull the amulet off."

"Coulda woulda shoulda." That said, I tore my damaged limb off the unicorn, frowning at their ridiculous concern. "It'll heal in time. There's no curse."

"Ya don' know that!" Applejack objected.

Rolling my eyes, I began turning around, having enough of this. "Tell Fluttershy to deliver the bucket to my room then, if you're that worried. But right now, I just want my peace, after everything's that happened to day. No arguments."

"Jack." Twilight spoke up calmly as I reached the staircase, prompting me to glance back at the mares and dragon. Stepping forward, still looking annoyed and concerned, Twilight smiled slightly, "Though your methods today were questionable, thank you for winning back my residence in Ponyville."

Uh... Sure, it's no problem...

Simply nodding, I proceeded upstairs, befuddled with myself. She's thanking me for almost hurting Trixie? Or that I supported her the whole time? And why did a part of me instantly dismiss her praise as though it meant nothing to me...?

Does it not occur to you that today you might have gone too far?

Scoffing, I kept my gaze on the lands below, night having fallen earlier. "I stopped Trixie before she went too far, didn't I?"

I was referring to your statements towards Miss Trixie earlier, before and after forcibly removing that amulet. It would have been excusable if it wasn't so willing of you.

Oh, so now Specter was lecturing me over my actions? "It's too late to tell me off, old man. The damage is done."

Indeed, and it's the repercussions which we should be focusing on next. A moment of silence, thank Christ. I had absolutely no desire to speak to the voice, while I can relax on this hill. Oh, by the way, the Princess is standing behind you.

"...Fine." Then my voice raised to address the alicorn. "What do you want Celestia?"

"Twilight informed me you might be here." The Princess of the Sun replied, and I didn't bother turning to face her. "I merely wished to express my gratitude for today for my student and subjects. It was good of you to defend Twilight's honour, and stop Trixie from misusing the Alicorn Amulet even further."

Why do I get the feeling that's not all?

"However," Knew it. "Twilight and her friend's retelling over what occurred today are... Unnerving to say the least. Is it true that you had taken the amulet off Trixie with your bare hoofs?"

"Yeah...?" Don't tell me Celestia was going to lecture me as well.

"I see. Might I inquire as to how you accomplished such a seemingly impossible task?"

Well for starters, I decided what's possible and what isn't. Secondly, "No clue. I just knew it had to be destroyed before anyone could use its power further. Blame the accomplishment on balance, I guess."

"...Perhaps." Celestia said after thinking it over. "Though I would have preferred you didn't break the amulet; it is a priceless artifact, after all, and would have been valuable for future generations to study."

Scoffing, I glanced behind at the impassive alicorn. "Don't you have a show to watch? Twilight's worked hard to impress you, yet here you are talking as though you have something important to say."

Celestia frowned softly, "I understand that you are not fond of me, Stardust, but-"

"Understatement of the Goddamn millennium." I snorted, looking back at the glinting stars above. "Unless you have something wroth my time to say, [BEEP] off."

There, said it. And I don't regret it.

"...Very well." Celestia finally agreed, getting straight to the point. "Twilight is concerned for your well-being, and it seems your friends share those concerns. They inform me you behaved today that wasn't quite natural of you." Of course they'd worry... "They believe removing the Alicorn Amulet that way has had a cursed affect on you, which is why Twilight has asked me to check on you personally."

...Goddammit Twilight...

Then, from the corner of my eyes, yellow lights began glowing from behind, and I turned around curiously- Gah! Jesus! The alicorn was now right up in my face, how did she get so close without me knowing. Her head bowed, Celestia placed the tip of her horn on my covered back, and I suddenly felt a warm sensation, like a heatwave passing through my body.

A voice in my mind snarled in contempt at the personal touch, and I couldn't really blame it.

And then the horn ceased lighting up in bright yellow, Celestia straightening herself and opening her pink eyes, regarding me now with... I don't know what, but for whatever reason, the monarch was now frowning thoughtfully at me.

"What was that...?" Celestia asked quietly.

Hm? "What was what...?"

Staring down at me for a moment, the alicorn finally shook her head. "I thought I sensed... Never mind. Perhaps I am overthinking too much."

"Or not enough."

She then smiled softly... Was that sadness in her eyes? "You honestly despise me so?"

"Yes, now [BEEP] off... I have nothing more to say to you." Nope, not even that look was going to make me feel guilty for the likes of you, Celestia. You're the worst monarch in media history. Hell, I've seen Disney Princesses that can rule a kingdom better than you.

"...Alright, if my presence irritates you so." Finally! But as she turned, Celestia glanced over her pony shoulder, "But beware, Stardust, I could sense your anger and disgust; the darkness resting within your heart. Please, for your sake and those around you, don't allow it to fester." That said, the alicorn walked off, presumably back to where her people were waiting.

The Princess is correct, Jack.

For the third time tonight, I scoffed, "Alright then, you can [BEEP] off too, Specter."

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