• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 18,895 Views, 1,952 Comments

A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

  • ...

Chapter 212: Best Gift Ever!

T'was the day before Christmas, and all throughout town.

Every creature was stirring, including the mouse.

[BEEP]ing rodents.

"Can't thank you enough for helping me clean out the rodent infestation." Bon started in light-hearted gratitude as the pair of us strolled through the marketplace; typically packed given the holiday. Adorned with the protective warm wear as snow was all around, just as beautiful and ironically heartwarming like the last Christmas.

Can you believe it's the Equestria equivalent of Christmas Eve and the decorations back home haven't been put up yet? Me neither.

Pulling out something from her equipped pocket, the cream Earth Pony displaying the packet of green treats on the palm of her hoof. "They didn't tell me mice would be attracted to lime-flavoured mints. I hope this won't spoil Lyra's present tomorrow."

"I'm sure she'll love them." I reassured kindly, smiling in pleasant attitude. Why not? Nothing went wrong so far, and added with the sight of snow and spirit of the holiday, nothing should really go wrong.

Always a festive ocassion to be jolly, wouldn't you say?

Hah, oh indeed. Didn't mean, though, considering who my friends and the mare I was engaged to were, some exciting [BEEP] was bound to happen some point during this holiday.

"Hearth's Warming Eve is almost here!"
There's so much left to do!"

Ah, naturally. The mandatory holiday song to start off this brilliant afternoon. Bon and I gazed around the shoppers and vendor owners singing their hearts out, expressing the joy and wonders of the once-every-year festivities.

"Still need to shop for all my friends,
But what to get? No clue!"

"This one is nice, and that's so cute,
Although that's pretty, too!"

"Why do I make all these gifts each year?
I doubt I'll make it through!"

"One more day before the cheer!"

Although how I'm even hearing some of my friends when they were in different places altogether, is a mystery. I blame magic.

"Shop! Pay! Box! Wrap! Bow! Repeat!"

"One last chance before the holiday's here!"

"Box! Wrap! Bow! Again!"

"One more day to make the holiday great,
One more day before we celebrate!"

"One day, and then it's here."

"One more chance to bring that holiday cheer!"

"Because that's what Christmas is all about..." I muttered humoured, enticing a soft elbow jab from Bon.

"Hearth's Warming Eve is almost here,
A day for us to share!"

"Friends and family all together!"

"Pies and Apples and a Pear!"

"Together families, lots of work,
There's so much to prepare!"

"With all the planning we still have to do,
We've got no time to spare!"

Nice of the Apples and Pies to spend the holiday together at Sweet Apple Acres, considering their past differences. Though they more than made up for it... Could really go for some apple pie right now.

"One more day before the cheer!"

"Stuff! Box! Wrap! Card! Bow! Repeat!"

"One last chance before the holiday's here!"

"Stir! Pour! Bake! Again!"

"One more day to make the holiday bright!"

"One more day, and I can sleep at night!"

"The family's almost here!"

"One more chance to bring that holiday cheer!"

Sharing a wide glance with each other, both my friend and I joined in the next verse run across the snowy Ponyville.

"Before the fun, there's preparation! (Just around the corner!)
Shopping, cooking, decorations! (The complications!)
It's all worth it in the end,
Spreading joy to all your friends.
Even when it never, ever,
Ever seems to end!


Cue the next lines belonging to a special son and somepony. The smile raised on my voice hearing them all the way from the castle, always delighted hearing their voices, despite the urgency in them.

"Hearth's Warming Eve is getting close,
We're not prepared, I fear.
Twilight, you should take a break-"

"No time for rest, that much is clear!

I made a list and checked it twice,
There's lots to do on here!
Oh, if I can't get everything done,
I'll have to wait and celebrate next year!"

Unable to resist my weary snort. Looking to Bon with a dry smile, I inclined my head, "Excuse me Bon, my fiancee's having another meltdown." Trotting off to seek out the duo rushing around the marketplace, just as the last verses were commencing.

"One more day before the cheer!
Shop! Pay! Box! Wrap! Bow! Repeat!
One last chance before the holiday's here!
Box! Wrap! Bow! Again!
One more day to make the holiday great!
One more day until we celebrate!"

"Please, oh, please make it really, really great!"

"One more gift, try to hurry, don't be late!"

"Box! Wrap! Bow! Repeat! Gotta concentrate!"

"Just one more day until we all celebrate!"

Perfect conclusion, just as the whole group managed to meet up- Whoa! The tail end of a list, catching my hind leg, dragging me along with the others by a shockingly strong Spike. Those balance lessons were really paying off!

Eventually, we came to a halt, Rainbow being the first to struggler her way out the long paper and remarking irritably, "Do we wanna know why you're moving wrapping paper in town?!"

Spike rebuttled with a frown. "Not wrapping paper: A to-do list" Pointing to the cause of overexaggerated duress, and I held a small, ebmused sigh.

Here she goes again.

"Two of these!" Flash. "Three of those." Flash. "Maybe ten of those, just in case!" 'Least she's paying for them on her mad frenzy of buying unnecessary stuff.

"You guys wanna calm her down or I?"

"I'm fine, just grabbing a few things, do I need this- No that's silly, nighty night!" Rolling my hazel eyes as Applejack and Pinkie joined us obsering Twilight being... Twilight.

Lovably, if tiredly so.

"Traditional holiday meltdown?" Resounded by nods and groans from the rest of us, and Applejack took initiative, approaching the craved alicorn first. Eh saves me energy. Gently pushing the levitating purchases down, the Earth Pony spoke soothingly, "Now Twilight, how's your day?"

"I got way behind grading midterms and Cadence and Shining Armor are coming here with Flurry Heart for Hearth's Warming Eve, and I haven't started decorating and I don't know what to get any of you and-!"

"Stop." The magic cutting a pony off, right there. "Take a breath."

Watching the farmer mare calm down our leader, I remarked in dry humour. "I'm hoping our future kids won't nearly be as over-the-top panicky as her Mum."

Rainbow snickered at that, jabbing my side cheekily. "Fifty bits they'll be worse."

"Now, I think I have an idea that might help." With the rest of us joining the duo closer, curious to what solution Applejack would propose for Twilight's concerns. "What if we change up how we give gifts this year, and do a Hearth's Warming Helper?"

What? Fluttershy vocalized what we were all thinking. "What's a 'Hearth's Warming Helper?'"

"Whenever the whole Apple family got together, there were just so many of us, it didn't make sense to buy everypony gifts." Well... Yeah she has like a gajillion cousins, I could see how easily bankrupt getting every single one presents would be. Never mind how tedious. "So we put our names in a hat-"

"Secret Santa!" I spoke up then in realization, prompting questioning gazes. My turn to explain, "We have that back on my world; everyone has their name in something - usually a bowl - and when someone picks the name out from putting their hand in, they have to get that person a specific present while keeping it a secret."

"Exactly!" Applejack nodded with enthusiam. "Instead of getting everypony a present, you just get one for the pony you picked out of the hat."

Perhaps this was the human in me, but natural greed demands I get presents from everyone. Still, it was a good idea, if only to alleviate Twilight's exaggerated fears.

Pinkie, however, dawned scepticism on processing the idea. "Wait... So instead of lots of presents, I only buy one of you a present?" Cue incomprehension through raised pitch. "WHAT KIND OF GAME IS THIS?!"

Indoors voices, Pinkie...

Rarity pointed out the pro to this, "Well it would save time."

Spike added on, displaying that ever not-so-subtle infatutation on the fashion unicorn. "And you could get the pony you pick something really nice! Heh...!"

Clearing her throat, sparing the young dragon any further embarrassment on his part, Rainbow moved the subject on with zeal. "The less shopping the better! In!"

Serene eyes of Fluttershy gazed to Twilight. "Will that help Twilight?"

The lavender alicorn was way on board like the rest of us. "I was stressed about shopping." Twilight glancing to me hopefully, and I gestured with my wings in emphasis.

"If it relieves you of the stress, love, I'm all in." Before all gazes fixed on the most reluctant among us, and Pinkie exhaled loudly in resignation.

"Fine... I will ONLY buy ONE present for my secret Hearth's Warming Helper buddy." That's the spirit.

Pulling down her stetson - because what else did we have to use? - Applejack proceeded with getting this underway, "We just need to put everypony's name in this here hat." Twilight was way ahead, ripping a part of her list with the symbols of her friends among us, creating folded papers to place into the hat at random. Applejack providing a quick shuffle via shakes, then stating in mild enthusiasm, "Ya'll ready? No peeking!"

Might as well, taking mine out after Fluttershy, closing eyes momentarily using magic to keep the piece afloat. Opening them with everyone else, I gazed down at whose cutie mark I was to give a present for.



That was... Interesting.

Alright, present for my 'special pony' set. Alongside, one extra for my special sompony. Perfect.

Now, with that out of the way, I could get to work doing what Twilight was too busy to; decorating the castle. Should be eaiser now, with magic's help, and for this holiday I didn't feel particularly nitpicky about using just my hoofs. Thus, wings and horn.

By contrast, my Princess, too preoccupied being herself, was trying to craft up the best present for whomever she got. I didn't ask; I'm sure there'll be a likely guess when I see what Twilight's been cooking up. Spike was wherever he was-

Door burst open. "Hey Dad, do you-?"

"Don't have Rarity."

"Oh." Door slam, and I rolled my eyes humouredly, continuing the work above. Apply red brow to the blue bow in pattern of the upper corners to the dining room, then a dab of pink with some yel- Actually never mind the yellow, pure pink will do. Streams of red going over the ceiling.

Or would navy blue work? Maybe.

I personally feel the blue compliments the ceiling.

True enough; blue works on almost anything anyway. Now for the floor; a recoloured carpet will work. Chairs shaded with a velvet curtain, mixed with a dash of white fluff.

While some would consider this a tedious part of the ceremony, I consider it just as essential. My mentor remarked warmly from the depths of my mind, merriment sung in that aged voice. After all, there would be no payoff without effort in the beginning. Ponies coming together in harmonious celebration of an old time event, brought with unity of kindness and expressing their love for one another.

Yep, yep. Before you go into a long speech about the joys of Pony Christmas, Starswirl, let's just not get distracted getting things done as Twilight won't.

Now then, where would these blinking lights go-?


Flying up then in speed, clutching the bow connected to a stream threatening to fall off the upper edge of the wall, then another with my rear hoof. And another, and another, before having to resort to my head. Huffing from my rather embarassing disposition. But that wasn't the end of it.

"Do you require some assistance?"

What? "Sombra- Whoa!" One of the streams catching my back leg, causing a sudden pull and having me descend right to the floor, left suspended mere inches from it, upside-down. Decor falling around me from above.


Bemused green eyes gazed down at my state from approach, the former King of the Crystal Empire perking a brow as he remarked dryly, "I can't leave you alone for long, can I?" Magic pulsating from his curved horn, and moments after, I was released and turned back on four legs.

Without another word, already redoing my work for me. Effortlessly, I might add. Tch.

He does have more- I know I know!

Exhaling in faint amusement, I regarded the old friend-once-enemy, smirking lightly. "Not that I'm not appreciative of your help, Sombra, but I'm surprised you're even here. I thought you and Radiant were looking at hidden treasures outside Equestria."

"That was the plan." The unicorn affirmed with a nod, satisfied when retying the last bow and turning to face me, and my mind half-expected a cold sneer than that warm expression. "But upon hearing the holiday was around the corner, she desired for us to spend our Hearth's Warming Eve surrounded by friends."

Heard from who? I shrugged, nodding with a grin. "Well, it's a nice idea certainly. Shining, Cadence and their daughter will be around later, if you and Radiant don't mind any initial awkwardness."

His emotiones spiked up then, but not those reminders. Something else. "It's funny you mention awkwardness..." Sombra started with a rough cough in his grey hoof, glancing away briefly, embarrassment clear in his heart and on his features. "While Radiant is looking through that relic store, I excused myself to come here, to you... Because I need your help."

My help? Huh. My smile widened, but not in mockery, just pleasantly surprised. "Well, this IS new. You were always fiercely independent, Sombra, but I sense it's about something you have scarce experience with?"

The stallion huffed in humour. "It seems your acquirement of extra appendages have enhanced your senses." Nodding to the wings that twitched in acknowledgement, and I chuckled.

"I call one Star and the other Dust."

"Very original for a 'writer.'" Sombra drawled, rolling green eyes before returning back to his uncharacteristic sheepishness. Shuffling his hoof slightly. "I... Seek your expertise on this holiday... I wish to get something special for Radiant, but I have zero ideas as to what. Hence, I require your assistance..." Sighing softly, jade stared in hazel in hopeful expectation. "Will you help me find a present for her, Jack?"

Heh... Heheh.

"Sorry, enjoying this a little too much." Nonethless, I was grinning wide, nodding once in confirmed willingness to aid a good friend. "Of course I'll help you."

Had plenty of spare time anyway, as my presents for others were prepared. I can spare some time helping Sombra find the perfect gift for his soulmate.

Leaving it to Spike and Twilight after they've sorted their gifts out, then they can do the rest of the castle. At least until after I've finished helping out an old friend.

"Alright, Operation Radiant Present is a go!" I beamed merrily to my unicorn ally as we strolled down the wintery market, seeking out what we desire to be considered flawless that his marefriend will love. "First up, marketplace, and if that doesn't work, we'll try elsewhere."

"You have no idea how much this means to me." Sombra expressed sincerely, and as ever, the sheer gratitude coming from him was overwhelming; I had to rear my head back every time. He gazed to the white ground crunched from multiple hoofs, sighing tiredly. "She deserves nothing less, after everything I've put her through..."

Nope, not having it. "Save the self-hate for AFTER the holiday Sombra, like I do! 'Lest Twilight kicks my pony buttocks." Adding a tinge of my British roots in that last word for comedic effect.

It seemed to work, if the low grin on his grey muzzle was of any indication. "Hm, regardless, the help is more than appreciated my friend." The pair of us coming to a halt at some point within the busying marketplace, gazing around intently together. "I am out of my depth, I must admit."

Suffice to say, as was I, a little.

Getting gifts for Twilight had become less and less stressful the longer we've been together; Christmas and Birthdays felt nothing compared to, say, anniversaries. As for the pony I picked out of Applejack's hat, well, possibly the easiest gift to get someone ever.

What, you thought I'd reveal who it was anytime soon? Hah!

Humming loudly to myself, I eventually turned back to Sombra, raising an expectant brow. "So, you had any ideas so far?"

The stallion grimaced. "Of course! I would... No." Huffing with a shake of the head, looking exaggeratedly disappointed with himself, glancing back my way. "Again, this is not my area of expertise. I was hoping you would already have ideas?"

Just then, a speeding blur moved by us. "Hi Stardust, hi Sombra!" In the form of Pinkie, whom was heading off somewhere I didn't dare ask.

Shrugging, I considered it. Let's see, knowing Sombra's friend... Which I am ashamed to say I knew really little of. Details first: "Alright, well, let's think about this. What is Radiant's main interest outside of you?"

Giving a faux glare at the friendly jibe, the unicorn gazed up to the white sky in thought, obviously recalling everything he knew about his reunited special somepony. "Hmm. She has always possessed an interest in history." Okay, that was a start.

"Any particular kind?"

"Hmm." Swaying his head side to side, the former King pursed his lips, before shrugging. "Anything new that you wouldn't find in the common library, I imagine." Taking a moment, he reassessed his statement, "Definitely history one wouldn't encounter in regular Equestrian spots."

Regular spots disallowed. Hm, well given my journies, that wouldn't be too hard, all the places that I and my family's been... To...


Bearded grin stretching across my pleased gold muzzle. "I know just the place, and if we hurry, we'll make it back before midnight."

"Here you go!" The large book slammed down by Sombra's feet, courtesy of an energetic Kirin. "One History of All Things Kirin and Night for your special somepony! Hope she enjoys, which I know she will!"

"Uhm... Thank you... Miss Blaze." Sombra nodded unsurely, magically picking up the large text into the side-pack, throwing me a rather equally uncertain glance. "You're confident Radiant will love it?"

Sheesh. He of little faith.

"Positive." I nodded, smiling to the gleeful Kirin. "Thank you Autumn."

"No problem Stardust!" Autumn Blaze replied merrily, gesturing to her own town of activities going around in the midst of snow. Most of which was being melted by her fiery alternate forms. "We too understand the important of gift-giving on All Kirin's Eve, just helping somepony learn more about our people is a plus in my book!"

Yes, their traditions were more... Interesting. Instead of trees, they were using hoof-crafted designs to decorate for their homes. Instead of lights over their homes, they're fireflies. Instead of presents being wrapped in paper, the gifts were - and this is perhaps the most unique - marked with some specific brand by fire magic before passed to the next Kirin. Twilight would be loving this if she weren't so busy panicking back home about getting her secret somepony something.

I should get back to her soon. That mare never lasts long under pressure. "We'll get out of your hair now, Autumn, the last thing we need is to disrupt another species' traditions."

"Awwwwww! Do you have to?" The energetic Kirin downtrodden by the fact of our intended departure, pouting openly. "I was hoping we could do some Kirin Jigsaws together; it's traditional!"

Sombra turned to me. "I won't stop you staying here if you wish, whilst I return to Ponyville."

But I shook my head, giving a bemused smirk. "If I'm absent too long on Christmas Eve, Twilight will never forgive me." Or Spike, and right now I couldn't decide which was a worse prospect. Gazing back to Autumn with a small smile. "Thank you for offering, Autumn, maybe next year."

Looking quite reenergized then. "I'll hold you to that!" She swore, adding with new waves of enthusiasm. "Bring everyone else next time too; Applejack will love the Raspberry Sweet Pies we make every All Kirin Feast!"

I didn't have the heart to tell her how lacking in taste buds Applejack had to any fruit outside of apple.

You know what's interesting? Life in Equestria is like a double-edged sword.

On one half, it's filled to the brim of joy, adventure with sights to glory and discoveries to make. All accompanied by the pleasant, adoring atmosphere of an equine species that know only warmth and compassion... When the writers allow it.

On the other half of the land, it shares its own dangers. Omens and threats to everyone and everything, lurking around the corners when you least expect it Such as the predicament we both find ourselves in this very moment.

"If I were still inside your head, I would chatisize you for having your guard so lowered you couldn't sense this."

"I see years being trapped in a glacier hasn't improved your sense of self-awareness, buddy."

"Silence!" The Spider Queen screeched from above the prisoner web, eight red eyes glaring down at us from her grey and purple bulk form, hissing out every word as though having an uncomfortable lisp. I knew the feeling. "Food doesn't talk; food gets eaten!"

Her children clamoring excitedly around the web, all looking eager to gorge on the fresh 'flies' caught in the web. This wouldn't have happened had Sombra not decided to take a shortcut and drop the book down a crevice.

I believe the shortcut was your suggestion.

Hey, according to Twilight I was a 'responsibility-dodging blame-maker,' and damn will I hold up to it. Besides, how was I suppose to know the snow would sink it through the hole like that?

"Eat! Eat! Eat! Eat!"

"We dine on fresh pony tonight children! A wondrous Hearth's Warming Eve Banquet!"

Spiders celebrated Christmas, who knew?

"Right, I have a plan." I murmured lowly to Sombra, not taking my eyes off the looming mother of this army. "I'll activate my Stand and charm the Queen while you cut us out of here."

"...Your what?"

"My Stand. You know, from JoJo?"

"Never heard of it."

"Hm, must've been after you left my head. Anyway, a Stand is like a unique power; abilities varied between an each specific person."

"As idiotic as it sounds." Sombra eyed the children getting closer on all their legs. "I'll humour you; what does your 'Stand' entail?"

"「Wright Power」."

"...I'm sorry?"

"It gives me the ability to flirt with any female with no repercussions."

"Oh good grief-!"

"Mmmmm!" The Queen leaned ever closer, presenting watery open pincers. Yikes. "My children have never tasted alicorn before."

When Sombra passed me a nod, I smirked up coyly to the large arachnid. "Oh, well, let's keep it that way. Three!" The former King of the Crystal Empire charged his horn in green power, slicing up the web strings like a glowing scythe, freeing the pair of us in matter of moments. Extending my wings to fly, Sombra then called out.

"The book!" Radiant's gift laying before five of the smaller children. As the creatures pounced, I levitated one and rolled it into the siblings of brothers and sisters, buying time quick for the unicorn to grab the present. Seeing him do so, I took flight, wings flapping upwards.

Swiftly grabbing my friend and just narrowly missing the leaps of more of the arachnids, moreso narrow by the snapping pincers of the Spider Queen we soared past to the crack above. In no time at all, they sped back into the outside snowy world, the breezes disjointing my flight pattern, causing the direct smash into a pile of frozen white substance, hard yet soft at once.

Pushing my own head out of the snowy hill, I grunted, shaking the stuff of my brown mane and dusting my cape- Ah gross, web on my cutie mark. Off you go!

Groaning lightly himself, Sombra recovered from being half-buried in the ground, picking up the fallen history book feet away and checking its condition. Somehow, I doubted Radiant would care more about the state of a book than the state of her partner's well-being.

Once pocketing the book again, making sure it hadn't suffered any damages, Sombra cast me a wry expression. "We never speak of this to them."

"Agreed." I nodded; this was a holiday and it will stay that way. No worrying about dangers or causing our loved ones to worry about our misadventures.

Swear to God, if some danger presented itself back home while we were away...

Continuing on our journey, Sombra soon inquired in curious exasperation: "Were you really going to try and seduce that creature?"

"Hey, desperate times."

"...You just wanted to see if you could."

"That's your word alone mate."

"Hey thanks pal!"

"No prob; yer generosity gave me enough bits to feed my family for the holiday!" And just like that, a sense of accomplishement filled me. Both Sombra and I leaving the hayburger stand in the middle of nowhere to continue out path forward, fresh warm food warming our hoofs.

Well, my wing and his magic, but you get the idea.

Taking a bite into his Crystal Burger, the ex-King inquired expectantly, "Why do we not teleport back to the castle?"

"Because I haven't hundred-percented that technique yet." It was harder than mastering flight. "Last long-ranged test had me teleport into the bathroom... While Starlight was occupying it."

Let me tell you, that unicorn can hit harder than you'd expect.

Eyeing me with that same, ever-exasperated bemusement I always felt back when he was in my head, the former ruler of the Empire asked next, "Flying us there is not an option?"

A glance to the cloud-filled skies, hazel eyes narrowing whilst swallowing a good chunk of bun. "It's getting too dark; I wouldn't see a thing by the time we make it back there."

Accepting that, Sombra nodded, continuing leading the way, as if by natural instinct. "Then walking is our most viable option." No [BEEP], and what a walk it will be! The night sky with a dark tinged blue, almost coated by the continous snowflakes raining all around us. I made an effort to quickly finish my burger before tasting any potential frozen water.

Too late.

"It could be worse." Sombra wasn't done talking, confessing out-loud in his musings, "This would be like the time you almost froze to your demise in Mount Everhoof."

My bristling was NOT because of the snow... Mostly. "Those directions wer eintnetionally wrong and I was set up." Prompting Sombra's snort, and my retaliation. "And you would know about being frozen, wouldn't you King Glacier?"

Green eyes glared to me, but with neither the spite or irritation as they once held. "Unlike you, colt, spening over a thousand years trapped in ice has made me immune to the weather." Oh, that would explain the lack of shivering, as contrasted to my original theory.

"So not because of your heart of ice?" Sombra snapped his head towards me, opening his muzzle to come up with some sharp retort himself... But stopped, doing something else; something which I followed soon enough.


"Ah, I missed this, truth be told." The grey unicorn made the admission as we trudged onwards, enduring the daunting weather. "Radiant has developed a razor tongue herself over the years, but you were a level of sharp wit no other pony could contend with since our departure from Equestria."

"Here I thought you just wanted to be as far away from me as possible." Came the responding quip, but otherwise, my next statement held sincerity. "I'm glad I left an impact... It's good to see you again, Sombra."

"Hmm." Staring straight ahead, that hummed acknowledgement was soon replaced by total resolve. "Come, old friend." Finished with the burger, the young body with an old soul declared with fierce desire to see whom he cherishes this Hearth's Warming Eve: "I sense we're not too far now."

Neither did I, and whether that was because of Balance or hope I couldn't tell at the moment. But who said it couldn't be both? Off we went, reminiscing of old times both good and bad.

The differences being up to interpretation.

We must have been journeying back for... Six? Eight hours by then? Goodness, time flies when you're trudging through horribly freezing snow wishing you brought more protective snow gear. There was a lesson to be learned here, kids: Shortcuts lead you astray.

Perhaps, more appropriately, that the easier path is seldom the most worthwhile.

Yeah yeah... Jesus, I'm amazed I could still feel my hooves at this point. From beside, the grey unicorn scoffed, taking one glance my way and giving a knowing short smirk.

"Mentally complaining about our circumstances?" What? "I know you that well, Jack."


"Just... Stardust, Sombra..." I took a moment's breath, squnting through the nightly gales of winter. "I prefer... Only Twilight calling me that..." Was it just me or was the sky getting even darker somehow-?

A green magic caught me. "Steady now." As my old friend and once enemy helped my keep stable on all fours, offering a small, compassionate smile that nearly had me keel over from how... Uncanny vally it was on his face. "We're almost there."

Something I said around five hours ago...

Nonetheless, we marched onwards, myself - to my own embarrassment - having to be supported from time to time by the ancient King. Sombra's higher tolerance of the cold being a greater advantage for us, and I just envied it the whole time. By then, we were traversing up a rather steep blanketed hill, moving our way onwards for the top, hopefully for a better vantage point of our location. The bigger hope, that we were much, much closer to reaching our final destination.

Someone tell Elsa to turn down the volume a little. Ha, haha...

God that was terrible. I am so sorry viewers back home.

Sombra, clearly picking up on my idle thoughts, decided to help make the journey easier by keeping our minds off it through conversation. "You know..." The former ruler started solemnly, pale green eyes intent up to the top. "When I was trapped inside your mind, it wasn't just fury that drove me to despise you... I was jealous, too."

Almost tripping over from that admission, I glanced to the unicorn with open incredulity. Amazing, I could still [BEEP]ing emote in this weather. "Sorry, 'jealous?'"

He nodded, refusing to make eye contact as he poured out this dark past. "I saw through your memories, on your arrival to Ponyville all to the time we became one... Your chemistry with the would-be Princess reminded me painfully much of myself and Radiant... That someone like you would have achieved the happiness and peace I had sought alongside somepony so similar to the one I cherished so deeply... A thousand years trapped in that glacier couldn't compare."

Oh... Damn.

But desiring no empathy, Sombra shook his head, barrelling onwards. The weather becoming quickly forgotten around us as we had this talk. "You and Twilight were everything Radiant and I had, that I ruined, and that memory hurt." The makings of a low hiss, before emerald eyes finally met hazel, acknowledged and sombre. "It was wrong to lash out on you, simply for my own failings... I am truly, deeply sorry for the pain I've caused you and your friends, Stardust Balance... You are more an Equestrian than I would ever be."

Looking into that solemn gaze, filled with regret but hope for a forgiveness he believes (probably) he didn't deserve, I took that moment to consider. The answeres escaping from the chest than the mind.

"I forgave you a long time ago, Sombra, as has Twilight, Spike and the rest. You're no longer my enemy, but a good friend." The tension drained from his pony shoulders, and I grinned lightly, sensing his blissful satisfaction at that final gate being mended between us. "The most biggests step of bravery, Sombra, is forgiving yourself... That's something my friends taught me long ago." I took a moment's pause. "After, oh, drilling it in my head for the billionith time." We both laughed, our warm exchange nullifying the cold around us.

Water under the bridge, overall. Chuckling gently under his muzzle, the once King smiled warmly towards me, and again, it was still rather unnerving, but I dared not spoil the moment. "Now, Radiant can stop worrying about me being overly concerned for the judgment of my friends." More emphasis in that final word, and I couldn't stop the rising grin on my face.

"Good... You always were too Sombra for your own good."

"Says you- ... You did not just do that."

"Do what?"

"God damn it Stardust..."

"Haha! I guarantee you if I had been in RWBY than MLP, I would've gotten with Yang!"

"You're still watching that?"

"Ehhhh, no. But I heard from Starswirl there's another me who got together with..." My words trailed off, from when we finally reached the hilltop, and I exclaimed in a manner that would make Pinkie proud. "WE'RE HERE!"

Paradise of warmth and comfort awaited, from the lit tree-castle down by the end of this hill, around a mile or so away. Beside, Sombra's aura was exuding of joyful relief himself, ourselves trading satisfied grins. Without awaiting another word, the King than magically ripped off a long piece of bark his size from a nearby strong tree, throwing me a challenging smile as he placed the wood beneath his hoofs.

"Last one there must endure the lecture of both our partners."

Ohoho! Ripping off some bark for myself, I gave Sombra the biggest eager grin I could muster. "First one there won't get coal in their stocking!"


Well, turned out, the race to the castle entrance was entirely unneeded, since we were BOTH about to be vaporized by our respective girlfriends for being out a while. However, before I would endure my own's wrath, I motioned around towards the practically destroyed entryway with signs that [BEEP] went down around the place. "The Hell happened here?"

"Winterchilla and pudding. Don't ask." Spike advised as he passed by us, a tray of warm treats in claws, moving by the unimpressed Twilight and Radiant. The latter, of whom, rapidly approaching the grey unicorn she knew since foalhood.

If that's even a word around here.

"Do you have any idea how worried I've been?" The blue-haired mare started in a mash of frustration and concern, demanding eyes staring into a sheepish green, as Sombra reared back from the full fury of the unicorn he cherished. "You've disappeared without a note for ten hours! Do you have any idea how much panicking I would be, ESPECIALLY on a day such as this."

"Night, technically..."

"Don't you be cheeky with me, Som!" 'Som?' "I was going to have the entire town scour all over for you if need be. The worst part? No message! No indication you'd leave whatsoever! Do you have any idea what implication that sends, to someone who's been looking forward to spending Hearth's Warming with another pony she's missed desperately for a thousand years?"

I was... Getting some serious deja vu right now. One glance to Twilight, and the look on her face informed me I was not getting anymore leniency. Oh goodie.

But Sombra saved himself further from being yelled at by a righteously indigniated Radiant, from magically producing the book from his travel pack... Albeit slightly ruined from the adevntures we had all the way making it back here. From the mere sight to a special hobby of hers, the female unicorn paused from her ranting, ice-blue eyes gazing from the book to her lover, whom appropriately rubbed the back of his black-haired mane.

SERIOUS deja vu.

"Stardust was helping me find you the perfect gift..." Levitating the item for the mare to take, as Sombra continued in knowing hope. "You were always a devotee of education and history, so I thought this would make your holiday... Happy Hearth's Warming, my Hope."




Naturally, the result was as you'd expect. Radiant tightly embracing her childhood friend while we watched the scene in content, thrilled for their reunion and the misunderstanding immediately cleared. Yeah, as always with this time of year, anything that goes wrong, quickly goes right by the end of it.

Which is said of nearly every catastrophe in this world, but it's a double dosage for Christmas.

When they broke apart, loving blue staring in equally affectionate blue, Radiant advised Sombra in a coy, exasperatedly firm manner, "At least let me know when you do stuff like this before trotting off, Som."

"I'll do my best." The unicorn male promised in sheer devotion, looking at his beloved like a mortal worshipping a Goddess. No other apt comparison for it.

...Okay, maybe whenever Spike sees Rarity.

By my side, Twilight commented lightly as we observed the scene, "The same applies to you, Jack." Mhm. "You can take down all the decorations when the holiday's over." Eh, a lighter punishment than other times.

From the corner of ours eyes, then, approached a curious Shining and Cadence, with their ever bundle of joy carried by the mother. Both unicorn stallion and alicorn mare taking one look at the former tyrant, whose green met Shining's cobalt, and I inhaled through grit teeth.

This was gonna go well.

Fireplace I've missed you so!

Not so much the antics of our friends, hence why a large white-fluffy creature was occupying much of the room, but thankfully there was still enough space for the rest of us. Radiant and Sombra cuddling on one couch reading the book he brought her, Shining and Cadence on another - the males of both sides trading cautious stares, but at least they're tolerating each other, which was progress - Fluttershy snuggled against her large bunny friend, Rainbow bickering with Discord about what makes a proper gift, Applejack and Rarity quietly observing their bickering with mutal fond exhaustion, Pinkie and Spike having a contest for who could down the most Christmas treat.

Flurry Heart, babbling and giggling wondrously to the food contest going on before her playfully innocent eyes.

If only Starlight were here, but her wish to spend Hearth's Warming with Trixie were respected; if only to keep that blue mare out of trouble in case the holiday made her do anything rash.

All in all, a proper familial setting. It was impossible to wipe the smile off my face from this perfect scene. Twilight mentally agreed, sending a wave of affection through out strong bond as we watched from the fireplace, nestled against one another.

"I should really stop worrying so much about ruining things." The beautiful lavender mare remarked gently, and I could hear the wry grin in her voice. "Really, I should start realizing that, with our friends, anything that goes wrong always turns out right in the end."

"I don't know." I gave a halfhhearted shrug, content not to move too much given the adventure I've had today. Was about ready to sleep, personally. "Your exaggerated freakouts can be adorable at times."

A light tap of disapproval in the bond. "'Freakouts' that are often justified, dear."

"The keyword is 'often,' love."

Twilight sighed, but not of weariness, just playful affection. "I can never win a game a wits of your." Mhm, mhm. "Intellectual challenges on the other hand."

Yeah, fair play. As we gazed into each other, my warmed gold palm cupping a purple face, I murmured contently, feeling everything was right in the world: "Happy Hearth's Warming Twilight..."

Violet sparkled in bliss. "And Merry Christmas, Jack..." Any better moment would be with a kiss, but that was best saved in privacy, lest anyone ruins the moment.

I.E, Discord.

Love and unity; the core tributes to the holiday. Starswirl mused with his own happiness, feeling it no better time than to deliver this short speech. Be proud of what you've earned, my friend, and where it will take you in the coming future.

Funny... I couldn't be anymore proud. Looks gazed back to Rainbow and Discord arguing the best hypothetical present for Fluttershy, I gasped shortly in realization.

"That's right!" Prompting violet eyes to gaze my way, Twilight pulling back as I shifted upwards, using my own magic to pull over some folded paper. "I have something for you, love... It's, uh, not a book though."

The alicorn snorted dismissively. "You know I'll love anything you give me, Jack." Raising a hoof then in mock-firm. "'Nothing' doesn't count."

"Well damn." Twilight magically slapping the pillow against my head, and I laughed, catching the warm smiles of Cadence and Shining watching their younger sibling interact with her special somepony. Unfolding the sheet, I took a breath, chuckling rather meekly. "I wrote you... A song."


The next noise she made was louder than the last. "Like father, like son." What? But Twilight gave me an encouraging expression, giddy glee felt in her being. "Go on, I'd love to hear it."

"It's uhhh, a bit corny."

"Corny? You? Hm, first time for everything." Twilight shrugged with her own wit, now positioning herself to face me fully and listen to what my heart had to say. However, something reminded her: "Wait, what about your Hearth's Warming Helper?"

I blinked, and grew a mischievous smirk, as Twilight pondered,

"I know it's not me you had a gift for, and no one has offered you any gifts yet..."

As I slowly pulled a waiting gift to my own being, the alicorn realized and exuded completely, flat exasperation.


"You know it Twilight!" As I rapidly opened the gift from me to myself. "Hah! Merry Christmas me!"

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