• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter One-Hundred: Fus Ro STAR!


"And remember, deception is key here; so long as Starlight remains oblivious to your knowledge of the cave, you are safe."

"With your beforehand gained knowledge of what's to come, we can stop Starlight's enforced ideals before they get out of hand. This will be a snitch."

"I have every confidence in you. And our friends."

"Right, time to get going. We'll handle Starlight, you deal with this task Specter has bestowed upon you."

"Feel the ground you trod upon, the food you are consuming at this moment. It is all real to you, as it would be to anyone here. As it is. Oh love played a vital role in giving this world life, but that was only the beginning. The bonds which tied many of humanity thanks to this world and those who have saved it time and time again molded this world, crafted its lands and people. Ponies from past, present and future are genuine and alive thanks to the heart and soul of our creators. We owe your people a great debt, all things considered."

"Don't tell me you buy this preposterous theory."

"My duty now is to help train who is to bring balance to the world, the one who will see both light and darkness united into an era of peace and justice for all living within Equestria."

"Well well well. Looks like we got ourselves a lost pony going where he doesn't belong."

"It's been a while. Garble, wasn't it?"

"A wormhole..."

"Everyone get out!"

And the first thing I latched onto was the nearest thing preventing me from being sucked into the cackling wormhole above us.

I.E. Ember's tail.

"H-Hey!" Sorry Ember! The dragon, meanwhile, had cleverly dug her claws into the ground, holding to dear life along with the other nearby dragons who managed to find something sturdy to grip onto in time. Others, not so fortunate. Behind me teenage dragons were yelling in fright and protest, their voices dying down the second they enter through the pulling hole which eagerly devoured as much as it could.

As this rate, the entire cavern will be sucked into the hole. We need to do something! I certainly don't fancy getting sucked into another dimension! Again! It wasn't helping that I was beginning to feel my grip on the scaly tail slip. [BEEP]!



Starswirl's voice rung into my ears calmly, a wave of soothing washing over my panicking mind. You can rid of this hole, but only if your concentrate. Embrace your anxiety, but recall a more positive memory of anyone or anything.



Doing as the aged unicorn instructed, I ignored Ember's vocal protests and the other dragon's screaming to focus. Embracing that fear coursing through my veins was easy enough, but recalling a good memory right now was beyond a piece of cake. Wincing repeatedly at the wind whipping against my fur, my eyes tightened shut. I can do this.

I can do this...

Twilight would have faith in me...

And the image of said mare, smiling in encouragement, helped calm my down somewhat.

Excellent. Now, you must focus that power of unity on the wormhole above you.

Right... How?

Release one hoof, and point it upwards. What?! My eyes almost snapped open, but Starswirl was unfazed, persisting. There is little time Jack, raise your hoof facing it, facing this distortion of balance. ...God dammit. Reluctantly, I let go with one hoof, prompting the other to slip further at the endpoint of the Princess's tail. My released hoof eagerly flung upwards to face the stormy maelstrom, concentrating all my focus on the hole above. Now, grip onto balance. Feel the waves, and calm them.

And how precisely do I... Wait.

Yes, I felt it.

As though my hoof was gripping onto something else physical before me, a bizarre sensation was felt by the palm of my limb. Opening my eyes, I glanced upwards in anxious confusion. Nothing there, but the feeling was... Rough, for lack of a better term. Like a messed up blanket that needed to be straightened out.

Now, close the gap.

And I did just that.

As though by clenching my hoof once, the black hole responded by effectively disappearing- Ow! And leaving to land harshly onto the ground, along with Ember and the other dragons who managed to hold on to something. The harsh winds died out, replaced by a serene cold breeze in the midst of these caverns. Ugh... Groaning slightly, I carefully rolled onto my hooves, dusting myself off.

Ember was doing the same thing, glaring upwards in confusion. "What was that...?" And I followed her gaze, met with nothing but stalactites and a rock ceiling. Your guess was as good as mine, Princess...

"You... You did something!"


Shame, the hole didn't take this nuisance.

Pointing accusingly at me, Garble marched over towards us with a fierce glare, trying and failing to look imposing, like any other teenager.

Are you going to take jabs at every teenager you come across?

Only if they make it easy for me.

The red dragon continued with a triumphant snarl. "The second you looked up at that hole-thingy, your eyes turned gold. I saw it!" Gold? Well... That's not the first time that's happened... "You're involved somehow; this is all on you!"

Rolling her eyes, not buying his bull[BEEP] for a minute, the Princess of the Dragons looked at me with a raised brow. "So then, that was you who stopped us from almost getting sucked into that thing."

Seem to be the case. "I did say I was here to help, your Highness."

Whether she appreciated the formalities or not, Ember made no comment. Instead, she nodded, seemingly to herself. "Think you can rid of them again next time they show up?"

"Certainly," I responded immediately, paying no attention to Garble's agape expression. "I have no intention in leaving anytime soon, not when others are in danger."

Ember scoffed. "Save your noble intentions for your kind, 'Warrior.' We don't truly need your help."

"Yeah!" Garble added gleefully, eager to see me shut down. "You're just a pony who happens to have the magic to get rid of these weird holes sucking up all the dragons in the Lands. Big whoop." Ember rolled her eyes.

And I felt like sharing that sentiment, but this was more important. "I'm the only chance you have to saving your whole kind. I ask of you, Princess, to let me assist in recovering all dragon kind and stopping these black holes indefinitely." At her skeptic look, I tried a different tactic. "Your father certainly wouldn't appreciate you turning down reliable help."

Garble scoffed, waving dismissively. "Sure, like the Dragon Lord would accept help from a pony."

Ember scowled. "He certainly wouldn't," She concurred with the joyful red dragon, looking away briefly in contemplation, eyes cast on the watching dragons from nearby, all looking wary and fearful of something. Presumably the black holes and myself. With a sigh then, she turned back to me with a more softer expression, albeit barely. "Don't expect us to welcome you with open arms by helping us."

Treated with respect by the dragon species? Yeah, I can picture that, just like I can picture Fluttershy's deadbeat brother as my best man.

"Wouldn't dream of it." I smiled, inwardly delighting in Garble's expression. Careful, you might catch flies. Offering a hoof, the response I got was more rolling eyes followed by a reluctant hand-hoofshake. That'll do. That said, my expression turned serious again, answers I desired from her. "But first, I need to know everything you know about these wormholes suddenly appearing and disappearing."

"Wait just a second-!"

But one raised blue claw silenced the outraged Garble, amber eyes fixed on me. "Will that help get rid of them?"

"It'd help me understand the situation more clearer. Knowledge is power, my de- Princess."

Ignoring that slip of charm, Ember nodded with a frown. "It all began about a month ago-"

"Oh come on!"

"One more word from you and you'll have another dragon to fear than my father." That had the intended effect. Stepping back, Garble gulped, nodding wildly.

I admire her tactics.

You would-

Another scream.

All heads turned in the direction of that sound, prompting Ember to hiss, "Looks like it's back."

I nodded. "Then let's not waste any time then. Come on!" Hurrying by a stunned Garble and many other dragons, stepping aside from Ember's barking "Move!" Both human and dragon rushed towards the exit of the caverns where another of the species was in danger.

Well, that went easier than last time.

The more you grow accustomed to your powers, Starswirl said while we observed Ember console a dragon family from almost getting sucked up into the absent hole. There will be less difficulty, which would be best; these dimensional holes must cease indefinitely.

But where did they come from? Sombra inquired. They were certainly never established in the show so far as we are aware, and we never witnessed them when Spike visits these Lands once more in the future.

My eyes glared upwards at the red sky, no more different than the rocky terrain I stood upon. Valid points from both of you-

"They started no less than a month ago." Hm? Ember decided to join me, folding her arms while staring up herself in contemplation. "They began small, and we ignored them for a while, thinking they were some magic tricks. We started growing agitated, however, when these holes commenced taking our gems, sucking them in to who-knows-where. Over time, the meal eventually went from our own food to... Us."

"So they grew stronger over time..."

She shrugged, seemingly annoyed and indifferent at once. "Guess so."

"Have you considered evacuating the Dragon Lands until this crisis was over?"

Amber eyes regarded me as though I'd grown three heads. "Are you for real? Leave our homelands? Not in a thousand years. These lands are ours to claim, and have been for countless generations. Some magic holes aren't going to scare us into leaving!"

Their pride will be their downfall.

Whatever you say Palpatine.

"Securing the dragons in their caves then?"

Ember shook her head. "These holes only seem to pop up now wherever there are dragons. No one is safe. Until you are no longer useful, or my father comes up with something to deal with these holes, there's little we can do."

So much for keeping their kind safe until all this is over.

But there was something I can do. "I promise you, Ember, I will do my best to get rid of these wormholes around your home to the best of my abilities." Her expression shifted to puzzlement, apparently not expecting such a sincere vow towards her own species. I smiled humouredly. "I might be a pony, but I'm not beyond helping other kinds."

A voice of snark spoke from behind us. "And that's why your kind's pathetic." Jesus Christ, he's still here? My exasperated head turned to a smug Garble, enjoying himself mocking pony kind. "Always so 'nice' and 'helpful' to everyone you come across. There's no point to any of that, why bother helping us?" His eyes leered. "Is it because of your shrimpy friend Spike?"

Before I could retort, it was Ember who stepped up in retaliation. "If all you're going to do is provoke the only one getting rid of our problems here, then clear off. We don't need your constant whining Garble." Like, even the Princess of these prideful beasts is sick of Garble's [BEEP].

The red dragon growled in outrage, gesturing to my smirking form. "You can't seriously have our kind be relying on him, can you? He's a pony!"


Ember frowned. "I've noticed."

"And you're still letting him help us?"

"He is a means to an end, nothing more, nothing less."


"You stay out of this!" Both dragon teens snapped at me. I frowned, ignoring Sombra's low snickering. This was getting out of hand.

"He humiliated me with his friends!"

"Not my problem."

"He turned one of our kind against us!"


"And... That doesn't bother you?!"

"The only thing that bothers me right now, Garble, is you wasting our time with your needless whining. Swallow your darn pride for once and listen to reason- What?!" Amber eyes glared ferociously in my direction.

Done politely coughing, I addressed the two rather sternly. "The Princess is right, we should be focusing right now on dealing with these holes spreading throughout the Lands, not some childish rivalry."

While Garble was seething like nobody's business, Ember nodded, calming down slightly. "At least the pony is speaking some sense."

"Em- Princess please." I quickly resorted to changing the subject, as much as I enjoyed watching Garble get shut down like a [BEEP], I could hear Twilight's voice in my subconscious demanding me to focus. "Is there anything else you about these holes we can use to our advantage? Do they have exact locations for popping up? Do they appear simultaneously? Is there an exact estimated time behind their showing up?"

The blue royal raised a brow, pondering the question briefly. And to my relief, she answered that wasn't a negative, "So far as I've seen, they only appear one at a time whenever a dragon least expects it-"

A sudden roar, which sounded like a cry for help.

We snapped our heads to the right. "- Like that."

"Then let's go."

Okay... That was the, what, tenth hole I sealed up now.


Great... Thanks for the reminder.

Already beginning to feel drained, I paused briefly, breathing deeply, in and out, to recover for the next wormhole to pop up across the lands and prevent it from taking more unsuspecting dragon kind.

I still desire to know how these 'wormholes' came to be.

Yeah... Starswirl?

...I know not.


Why did I picture the wise unicorn shrugging? To be fair, I am not as omniscient as Equestrian History claims me to be. These wormholes are a contrast to their natural counterparts; whereas a regular wormhole is powered through anti-matter, it appears these holes are energized through, shall we say, 'anti-balance.' I don't know of their true origins, but I do have a suspicion as to why they remain.

Do share, oh-wise one.

A short pause. I believe... It is due to the negative repercussions we among others have inflicted upon balance itself. Huh? The dimensional travelling, the interference's against more prominent moments of our world. Every action carries a consequences, my friends, and it appears those consequences have revealed themselves to us.

My eyes cast to the ground, mulling over the implications. So then... It's my fault...

I would be more to blame than you, Jack, Starswirl said in reassurance, If that is indeed the case. The more balance cracks by the cross-travelling between worlds that were never to meet, the stronger the backlashes shall become. But, we need not worry. Oh? I have closed the rift between your world and Equestria, after sending you to Sunset's world, so the cracks are slowly mending as we speak.

Well, that's a relief. So then, we're just dealing with the after-effects here?

Essentially. Of course this is all, again, mere speculation on my behalf.

Well, if this theory of yours proves truthful, Sombra spoke up, What of Miss Shimmer? Surely the gateway towards her new homeworld connected to this one, alongside the continuous travels between them, will suffer more imbalance against the forces of nature itself?

Ah, an excellent question Sombra. You see-

Before I could hear his explanation however, something red with claws abruptly grabbed the front of my fur, pulling me to face the sneering lizard. "Just you wait," Garble hissed with a hint of malicious glee. "A shame your pathetic friends aren't here to watch when I'm through with you. The moment your deal with Princess Ember is over, I'll 'deal' with you personally- Argh!"

Now that's just plain rude of him.

"What the... Let go of me!" My answer was applying more pressure to his rather thin wrist, my hoof grasping the limb with an annoyed expression. The teenager cringed at the pain, feebly trying to pull my grab off with his other hand. "Ah! I said let go!"

Your Princess isn't here... You have an opportunity to make this fool suffer. He is, after all, like your kind.

"I am so sick," I began coldly, staring with ill-concealed irritation and bitterness at the worried eyes. "Of teenagers. It's amazing how you reflect so much of them where I come from. If you ever try to threaten me again, then you will find yourself with an unusable claw. Do we understand one another?"


Ember voiced up that exasperated tone. "Enough. Warrior, release him." As you wish. The red lizard immediately began soothing his own wrist, glaring balefully in my direction - I wholeheartedly returned the gesture - while hobbling past an eye-rolling Ember. "I see not even male ponies are susceptible to showing dominance among one another."

"I'm one of a kind." I gestured to myself with a teasing grin. And although she appeared indifferent, I noticed a glint of emotion in her amber eyes, something almost close to respect.

Don't delude yourself.

Walking towards me, having taking a long moment to check on her subjects, Ember rubbed her scaly head with an exerted expression. "Although I appreciate your help - Don't make anything of it - I have the feeling closing up the holes like that won't last forever. We need to do better."

Princess Ember is correct, Starswirl concurred in my head.

"We also need a way to bring back all the dragons who got sucked into those wormholes."

"Thank you Captain Obvious," Ember said dryly, staring down at me. "And I suppose you have a plan to do just that?"

Not right now-

...Hang on.

"You said these wormholes only show up nearby a dragon, correct?" Ember raised a brow, but nodded. "Do they grow bigger when around more than one of your kind?" Another nod. "So, hypothetically, if the entire population of dragon kind-" Save for Spike. "- Was rounded up in one specific area..."

"Is this going somewhere?"

Yes, what are you planning exactly, boy?

I think I have an idea... It's highly unlikely to work, but there's little else I can think. "There might be a way to seal up the holes for good, and save your people." That said, I shared my thoughts with the two ponies occupying my mind for their input.

I imagined Sombra raising his brows at the suggestion before him. A bold presentation, but this plan would rely on mere ideals. We don't know if it will work.

But, as Jack said, we have very few other options. Starswirl pointed out. Meanwhile, Ember was looking at me with a tapping foot and clear impatience. Bring all dragon kind together, attracting all the negative energy to create the black hole...

And seal up all that energy at once.

"Well?" Ember started glaring.

"I have an idea." Although that's one plan to take care of the holes for good, we still had no clue how to bring back all the dragons who've been sucked into those dimensional rifts.

Or maybe we do. Because as soon as I thought that, the spirit of Starswirl spoke up thoughtfully. I do believe there is a way we can, as they say, 'kill two birds with one stone.' A brief pause. A rather violent saying, I must add.

"You're absolutely certain this will work?" Ember inquired for the umpteenth time, inciting my low sigh and eyes rolling in her hesitant direction.

"If it doesn't, feel free to beat me up about it if we get sucked up to God knows where."

"I'll keep that in mind." Before the Princess hesitated again. "But-"

I interrupted what she was clearly going to repeat, "Yes, I'm sure it will work." Or at least, I hope so. With all the dragons in the Lands we could gather centered in one location, we were putting many lives at risk. I was putting them at risk. Following Ember's example, teenagers, children and adult reptiles alike had their claws and tails dug into the rocky ground to keep themselves stable for the inevitable, whereas I had my hind legs firmly planted, needing my front limbs for this to work, if it does work.

Starswirl, I hope we know what we're doing.

Have confidence in not just I, but yourself. Was the patient response. Already, in this open field, dragons were beginning to grow restless around me. Remember, you must hold the wormhole long enough for my magic to bring back the captured dragons.

"We're putting a lot of faith in this plan of yours." Ember spoke up again, and I refrained from sighing loudly. But clearly she took notice of my exasperation, frowning. "We're putting the entirety of dragon kind at risk here, all based on a hunch. Tell me, Warrior, what reason do we have to trust your word?"

"You seem to have trusted it far enough to reach this point." I pointed out, motioning to the area of reptiles of all weight and sizes bracing themselves for what's to come. Ember followed my gesture, and for that moment, only briefly, did I catch a flash of apprehension on her features. She was afraid, afraid for herself and her subjects. "I won't let anything happen to your people. I promise." The dragon gave me a indiscernible look.

And here I thought you didn't make vows lightly.

That was before I met Twilight... I wonder how they're doing.

Pretty well, all things considered.

How so-?

A snort cut my internal conversation off. "Assuming this does work." Ember regarded me skeptically. "If it works, what are you hoping to get out of this?" Huh? Amber eyes rolled in annoyance at my confused look. "Everyone wants something, and I don't think you'd be helping all dragon kind out of the goodness of your heart."

"You'd be surprised."

Ember scowled. "I don't-"

"Not everyone helps others to get something out of it, Princess." I cut her off, not unkindly, smiling in good humour. "If I wanted something, would I not have approached your Dragon Lord first?"

That, this time, was answered by a low smirk. "You wouldn't be here if that was the case." And a strong ripple of wing brushed against fur and scales alike, prompting us to glance upwards at the unnatural phenomenon.

And balance was beginning to cringe at the oncoming storm. "It's starting..." At my somber statement, Ember nodded and raised her voice.

"Brace yourselves!"

The moment that order was made, however, balance shrieked in warning. Ripples, stronger, harsher than what was felt the other previous time began emerging above us, replacing the sky as bolts of dangerous lightning cackled, demonstrating the oncoming wormhole's might. Falling right into the trap, the large, intimidating hole, larger than anything we've witnessed so far, covering almost the entirety of the area surrounding us, appeared like a Great White Shark, caught in a cage.

And now to seal that cage.



With Starswirl's encouragement and Ember's expected look, I thrust both front limbs upwards, concentrating. Dragons from all around us gripped tighter into the ground, holding on for as long as possible in order for this plan to work, putting trust in their Princess's word, and by extension my own. With closed eyes, I focused, picking up on my anxiety and fear over what loomed above me and putting everyone here at danger. The chaotic storm of my emotions followed by the hope and faith I had in mine and Starswirl's abilities.

Trust in one's teacher.

But, as though expecting the action against it, the wormhole only began growing in size. Though my eyes were closed, I could feel the raw power, pounding like a battering ram against the walls of balance itself, cracks little by little emerging from the sheer wrongness of what was happening above me. The gale winds grew stronger, my fur picking up on the pull of the wormhole, emphasized with mys hind legs beginning to wobble under the pressure. My teeth grit, feeling my own grip through balance latch onto the 'edges' of the hole in preparation. This had to work, this just had to.

You know, Sombra started commenting casually, as if there wasn't a strong storm threatening to tear everything into it in a moment's notice. Must I point out this was a considerably reckless idea to begin with? As always, your ability to focus only on the big picture will seal your fate.

Duly noted...

Concentrate. My self-proclaimed mentor said sternly.

I'm trying.

Forcing my body to rear back against the strong pull, I did everything in my power to shove back the winds with my own will. However, to my despair, that showed little progress, and then it almost felt as though the imbalance was mocking me for my attempts, brushing against my mental grips towards the edges, then reinforced its own prideful will by forcing another gale of wind down upon us. From around me, I heard dragons cry out in roars of exertion and panic.

"What is taking so long?!"

Ember raised a good point. Starswirl!

Keep it steady. Steady?! Despite the situation, the aged unicorn sounded like he was enjoying a cup of tea. Don't relent. Embrace your fear.

Embrace it?

Balance must be kept in check. You need to rely heavily on the positive and negative aspects of your memories. Think about what would happen if you failed, and think about those you are fighting for.

Seemingly growing impatient by the resistance against it, the hole fired more shards of lightning, dancing across the scorching fields in attempts of scaring some of the dragons into releasing their claws. The roars of fear almost prompted me to open my eyes, but I couldn't; this mental battle against the imbalance was keeping my attention and energy at bay. Within the fight none other could see, more battering rams smashed against the shield I conjured up, threatening to devour my sanity in sake of sating its own hunger for these innocent reptiles.

And the consequences of one scenario caused a devastating thought in my mind.

These dragons. They wouldn't be dead, far be it for this world to do such a thing, but could endure worse; wandering aimlessly God knows where. Together, alone, for the rest of eternity, doomed to wander a fate than their natural habitats, forced no longer to have a home of peace, where they could live among one another in harmony, despite their rather violent approaches to life.

They were flawed? But weren't we all...?

Another ram. I almost fell to one knee.

"Warrior...!" Ember's panicking call caused my closed eyes to clench harder.

No, these dragons were purely innocent. There was no right to take them from their homes and seal their fates indefinitely. I will do everything in my power to save them. You hear me, wormhole? You think your resolve is stronger than mine? You don't know half the [BEEP] I've been through since first arriving in this world, and that experience has helped me become far better the man that you could ever hope to be!

Images of Twilight, Spike and all my smiling friends appeared in the white void of my mind.

Ember made another weak shrill. "Stardust!"

And golden eyes opened, glaring with defiance and iron will into the cackling storm. And a cry which echoed across the lands, stunning even the Princess beside me and no doubt the entire population surrounding us.


And just like that, imbalance retracted, the power it dared enact war against forcing it to rethink its strategy. But I wasn't going to allow it anytime for that. Mentally, my shield grew, the cracks fading, and my grip against the repulsive force tightened. If this wormhole could feel, there'd probably be uncertainty to the point of fear now.

Jack! Starswirl's own resolved tone broke through my thoughts. I've succeeded in retrieving the captured dragons.

Demonstrating this point, Ember glanced upwards and cried out in shock. "Look!" And before us, scales and wings of multiple size and colours flew from out of the large wormhole. "It's working!"

So it is. The fallen King spoke in acquiescence. Now we must destroy this imbalance.

Be patient, wait until the last of their kind manages to escape. It took another dragon to fly from the wormhole after a moment of nothing. Which just happened.

Right then!

In the mental battle, the hole squealed in disbelief and outrage, beginning to grow agitated by its escaped victims and demanding retribution. And at the lightning bolts daring to strike near Ember's feet, my own steel glare hardened, mentally beginning to pull the edges of imbalance against one another.

Ignoring its cries for mercy, my voice raised with the intensity of my resolve. "I am the Twilight Warrior, protector of Balance! Guardian of all living things! And you will not harm these creatures ever again!"

But, like all things, that was easier said than done. Realizing the futility of its protests, the imbalance managed one last trick, having no desire to go down alone. And suffice to say, I finally knew what it felt like to be struck by lightning. My physical body had no preparation by the sudden strike of a blue bolt, the power surging through my body with significant pain.


Thankfully my usage of balance soften the blow... But not enough for me to lose my grip on the ground itself. But by this point, my attention was on sealing the wormhole for good, even if my body was beginning to be sucked slowly into the dying storm.

If a sudden blue claw didn't harshly grab my tail. I was too concentrated to express pain.

With one final clasp of my two hoofs together, the storm finally died out. Bolts of lightning disappeared with nothing to guide it, a blood red sky filling the lands now with the large wormhole gone indefinitely. How did I know indefinitely... Well, balance was reassuring me the threat was over.

For now, perhaps.

What does that-?

Oh right. My body promptly fell to the ground with nothing pulling me upwards then. From my field of visions, dragons soared against the skies triumphantly, more than pleased to be safe once against. The ones who were caught by the wormholes earlier, I presumed, were flying the most, reliving their freedom.

And that was before amber eyes blocked that vision with a raised brow. "We're even now." Ha! A small smirk raised on her lips at my hoarse laughter, reaching out a claw to help me upwards... Before realizing her own gesture and quickly retracting her limb. Ah well, once thing at a time.

Rolling onto my hooves, I stood, wobbling only slightly after that display of might by my own two hoofs. I owe balance a huge debt, as ever. Looking around at all the reptiles, I asked, "How is everyone?"

Whether she was surprised by the concern for her own people or not, Ember didn't express as such. "Worry about yourself." Before gazing around idly. "Everyone looks to be accounted for, at least... I don't know what you did just then, but..." Amber eyes met my blue-green orbs. "Is it finally over?"

At the solemn question. I mulled it over. Was everything done with now? Can these dragons live without fearing some magical black hole taking them away one by one again? But at the Princess's expression, I couldn't resist smiling in false reassurance. "I am a man of my word."

At the usage of 'man,' another brow was raised. But Ember nodded regardless, and, perhaps for the first time since meeting her, a small, genuine smile raised on her lips, and she turned to address the dragons assisting one another. "The skies are ours once more! The threat has vanquished! We are all safe!"

My ears were unprepared by the shattering triumphant roars sailing across the lands.

I never thought I would feel intimidated again. Not by a character of the show, at least. With Tirek no longer a factor, Starlight and the sirens not really a threat to take all too seriously, and Midnight Sparkle I just felt overall pity for, I thought I could live on Equestria forever without a moment of fear against anyone else dwelling the world.

That was, until I met the behemoth of a Dragon Lord face-to-face.

Perched atop a mountain made into a throne, the dark green, arguably blue, scaly titan with red-orange wings, black steel chest armour, two horns pointing downwards and dark red eyes observing my posture with seeming stern indifference, waiting, watching, ready for any moment to banish this pony who wanders his lands.

Never thought I'd meet the Dragon Lord himself this early... Then again, I thought the same thing with Ember. And I had been introduced to Shining way before he was a thing in the show. Funny how these things work.

Anyway, Dragon Lord. Slowly, I approached the behemoth from the ground below his throne, pausing at what could be considered a respectable distance, and bowed rather humbly. Better not disrespect something that can eat and swallow me without needing to chew. Red Death from How To Train Your Dragon ain't got [BEEP] on this! The Lord of his kind glared down at me... Before nodding slowly, whether in approval or amusement, I knew not.

"So!" Was the booming voice that rocked the ground around me. "You're the pony who saved my kind, and by extension my daughter as well."

"To her chagrin, of course." Before I could stop myself. Those large eyes narrowed, I cringed and inwardly heard the mental slap of a forehead. No doubt Sombra. The behemoth glared scornfully for a long, long moment...

Then his voice rumbled, emitting that of a large chuckle.

"Yes, I wouldn't blame her." One claw gestured. "Approach." Well, better then getting eaten I suppose. Obliging, I reached to a point where my body was almost shadowed by the mountain of a throne itself, pausing by his command. "What is your name, little pony?"

Very direct.

Yes, I couldn't help but share Sombra's approving tone of the titan. Straight to the point, I like that. "Stardust Balance, your Lordship." It was a wonder how he managed to hear me all the way down here.

"Are you afraid, Stardust Balance?" The impossibly large dragon leaned forward, a small grin emerging on his facial features. "Does my imposing size intimidate you? Do you feel afraid I might punish you for daring to trespass my lands? No pony is permitted among us you know, and so few exceptions are made. Not even that weakling Celestia may freely converse with my subjects, much less myself." Those red eyes narrowed again. "So tell me, are you afraid?"

...When in doubt, just joke and hope things won't turn deadly.

"Probably more so than your daughter's temper."

The Dragon Lord blinked, before rearing his head and laughing uproariously - forcing me to rub my ears at the sheer volume - his grin growing in size. "You have guts, little pony. I can respect that, almost as much as I can respect your boldness for saving my dragons from wasting their miserable lives away in some holes." Respect? Well, wasn't really anticipating that. "Although, it strikes me that these magic holes are conveniently vanquished by a pony who arrived out of nowhere and can conveniently make them go away for good."

"My thoughts exactly, your Lordship!" Garble called all the way from his spot. Surrounding us were dragons of all ages, observing the spectacle with curiosity and eagerness, no doubt wanting to see this pony who helped them get eaten or stomped.

The titan made no response to the teen's addition, making a "Bah!" noise and waving dismissively. "So longer as the danger against my subjects have passed, I could care less about the details." Relief shuddered from my still body, and the scaly monstrosity gazed down upon the Earth Pony once again, speaking in a more serious tone. "Regardless, you have saved my subjects, willingly and selflessly I might add. My daughter informs me so, without any motives on your own behalf."

"Well I-"

"But excuse me if I deem that hard to believe." Leaning downwards this time, I promptly took a few steps back at the leering gaze watching my every moment, the Dragon Lord now hissing. "I do not take kindly to owing your kind a debt, little pony. Speak what it is you desire, and I will grant it... Depending if it's within reason, of course."

Within reason... What would dragons deem within reason there? I opened my mouth to say that there was nothing I could want from them, before stopping myself, mulling over these implications. Here the Lord of all Dragons himself was offering a reward of anything I desired, a grand opportunity like no other.

Save for getting transported to a different universe, meeting the bestest friends ever and the mare of my life, and so on.

Squandering this chance might not be so idealistic...

At last, you're thinking.

Shut up... Although, I think I know exactly what I had in mind.

"As you wish, Dragon Lord." Beginning by raising my voice, I strained as much as possible for the whole crown above the cliffs to hear, motioning all around me. "I have no issues with your kind. In fact, one I call a friend is of dragon descent himself, one I am proud to call my brother." I waited for that to sink in. "And that is what partially motivates me to ask this, in reward for helping your people. I ask not for fame, or treasures, or anything of value to dragon kind... But your hand in friendship!"

My eyes met that of the Lord's, who was decidedly quiet, expression undecipherable.

"I beseech thee, Dragon Lord, not to be thought of as an enemy or nuisance, but a friend among your kind! I know it would be too much to ask for an improved relationship between our respective races." At least, right now, anyway. Wait until Ember gains the Gaunlet, then we'll talk. "But I ask to be treated as equally among your subjects. A man... Stallion, who may visit and interact without hostility from either side. That is my request to you, your Lordship, no claim for power, but an offer of companionship!"

The Dragon Lord, seemingly nonplussed by the crafted speech, only leaned back in response, eyes still regarding me blankly. I guess now we just wait for the big answer. Either he begins laughing, addressing me as a fool and that pony and dragon kind can never get along. Or he-


Or that.

"Kneel, pony." I happily obliged, a little nervous but feeling rather good about this. His shadow loomed above me. "Stardust Balance, you are hereby known as the Stalwart of the Lands! Friend of the Dragons! You will be treated as equally like any other of our kind, free to visit and leave at your leisure." Signified by multiple roars of approval and respect by dragons all around us, and their Lord returned the gesture... Before blinking with a humoured grin at my own roar.

What can I say? Getting in the mood.

Oh please, let's not indulge your already insufferable modesty to the point of unbearable egotism.

Tch, you want unbearable ego, go talk to Timber.

This is a worthwhile moment my friends. Starswirl stated warmly as I gazed around at the cheering dragons. Not many can claim to be friends with such a prideful species and tell such a tale. Not only has balance, and by extension Equestria, been saved today, but also an entire kind who, too, will learn the true meaning of friendship themselves soon enough.

Season six, that is.

Hm. Very true. There was amusement before he stated sincerely with a mentor-like tone. I am proud of you, Jack. You will be the one to bring balance to Equestria, and magic itself. But for now, enjoy this celebratory moment. You have earnt it, my friend.

"Oh come on!"

Well, all good things come to an end. Thanks Starswirl...

But, hearing that complaint from a certain red dragon amongst the roars and cheers, the Lord raised his head and spoke with a demanding tone of finality, "And if anyone treats the Stalwart as anything inferior, they will answer to me!"

Garble promptly shut up.

Nodding in satisfaction, the titan glared down at me with a sudden large cocky smile. "You will join us, little pony, for the celebrations. We will show you how us dragons express our gratitude!"

Any hopes I had for rest upon getting back was dashed the moment I opened the doors into the main foyer.


Ah grief- Oof!

"H-Hello Pinkie..." I coughed, sputtering slightly at the oxygen cut from my lungs. The pink Earth Pony happily squeezed me to the point where my suffocation was noticed by the humoured others.

Thankfully, Applejack came to my rescue. "Uh, Pinkie? Mind lettin' 'im breathe?"

"Oh, right!" Oh thank Christ! I happily absorbed air in and out again whereas Pinkie beamed unashamedly. "We were wondering where you went! We haven't seen all day since we came back this morning!"

The morning? Well it was evening now, by the time I walked all the way from the Dragon Lands.

And I was completely, utterly, exhausted.

But, seeing that warm beautiful smile along that perfect muzzle, those sparkling eyes which gave me hope and the sense of something worth fighting for, I felt significantly energized there and then. It was in Twilight's expression, just as content at seeing me as I was with her: Welcome home.

Right... This was my home now... Can't wait to see their reactions upon learning I'm living here forever now.

"We thought you've gone back to your world after we couldn't find you!"

Rainbow rolled her eyes in good nature. "We knew that Specter gave him a task to do while we were busy in that town."

Oh yeah. "How did that go, by the way?" At that, uncertain expressions were suddenly exchanged between the girls, and I felt myself tense at the sudden notion. Did something happen? Did I already [BEEP] up somehow by giving them beforehand instructions-?

"Starlight Glimmer escaped." It was Fluttershy was informed me first, looking down slightly.

"Indeed, the fiend got away before we could catch up with her." Rarity added, nodding to herself with a downcast expression. "We apologize, darling."

Apologize? "What for?"

Rarity glanced up at that. "You're not annoyed by this development?"

"Not in the least." I smiled at their relieved looks. What? They think I'd yell? "I'm just glad you're all okay. Starlight can be dealt with later. We'll see her again, this I know." And that, I will prepare for with the utmost of attention. "And the town?"

"They got their cutie marks back." Applejack stated merrily. "Exactly where you said they were. We gave 'em all back to their right owners after smashin' the glass under Starlight Glimmer's nose. And Twilight here exposed her own cutie mark right in front of the townsfolk."

"I tried to persuade her the importance a cutie mark has and what it means to a pony." Twilight sighed, shaking her head in clear regret. "But she was adamant, and escaped before we could stop her."

Rarity placed a hoof on comfort on the alicorn's side, smiling lowly. "You did try, dear, that was all anypony could do."

"She's right love." I grinned lightly, reaching forward to the mare I lo- held affection for more than life itself. "Some people are just stubborn in their beliefs. Like how I am when I say Celestia is an incompetent hack." The others rolled their eyes humouredly, and although Twilight looked initially annoyed at the jab towards her old mentor, a small smile did raise on her muzzle.

"Oh how I missed that snark of yours..." Followed by a brief almost tight hug. Ah yes, that has been a thing these last few days since I returned. The reality of me coming back was reminded with warm hugs and occasional firm kisses by the sweet alicorn, who, I thought, was still grasping that I was back. Then, she pulled back with a sudden inquisitive grin. "So, how did your task go? Where did you go?"

"...Can I tell you that after I get my rest?" At their humoured yet denied looks, I sighed tiredly, rubbing my face a little. "Yours was a friendship problem. Mine was a balance problem. Suffice to say, for once, I saved the world without it being part of the official canon."

...So I assume, anyway...

Starswirl spoke up, I'm as puzzled as you are, my friend. There will be times where things occur even beyond Princess Celestia or my own perceptive. In time, we will unravel this mystery. But now, I believe your friends are waiting for a story.

"...Can I at least have some soda first?"

The earnest question was met by laughter all around. "You haven't changed at all."

"Nah." Applejack replied to Rainbow's entertained assessment as we all waked deeper into the blue castle. "I'd say he's changed for the better."

Twilight grinned, regarding me with serene, loving orbs. "And I wouldn't have him any other way."

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