• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Twenty-Five: Party of Choice

Go to the party, she said.

It will be fun, she said.

Well I'm clearly having fun, aren't I Twilight?

I sighed while observing the crowd, all of us within the upper floor of Sugarcube Corner, keeping my respectable distance from the occupants whom were enjoying themselves. I suppose the benefit to this that it was a rather small - shockingly - group of ponies - AKA the Mane Six and I - who were invited to celebrate the Birthday of a [BEEP] alligator.

I admit, I was rather surprised at the casual mention that Pinkie Pie even had such a dangerous pet, running amok in her own home. My concern dashed away, however, when Twilight assured me the worse that reptile could do was stick itself to my fur; as "Gummy" didn't have any teeth whatsoever.

Poor thing.

Anyway, Pinkie Pie seemed to have desired my presence here too for whatever reason, and Twilight insisted I didn't disappoint. My hesitation died down when I noted just how tiny this party was compared to the pink Earth Pony's other hosted events; even though it's celebrating the Birthday of her own pet.

Guess Gummy wasn't a crowded guy either.

"Hey Stardust! Enjoying yourself?"

As if my flat stare towards the unfazed energetic Pinkie Pie wasn't enough of an answer. You know, I don't think I've even had a decent conversation with this mare for a while, not since I believe during the whole griffon affair.

With good reason.

"Well my ears aren't bleeding yet, Pinkie." I replied casually, but to refrain from acting like a complete [BEEP], I forcibly smiled slightly. "Though I thank you for inviting me to this celebration."

The main reason I was even attending was the promise of free food. More specifically, chocolate. I can never say no to chocolate... unless there's nuts in them.

"Thank you for coming, and thanks again for bringing those yummy brownies of yours!" Pinkie Pie grinned appreciatively, and I inwardly groaned at the epiphany that we were now entering a conversation. "I thought you might like it yourself with there being less ponies around. Plus being in the library all day is not fun, isn't it?"

"We clearly have different perspectives on the word 'fun', my dear."

Pinkie happily paid no mind. "So, can I get you anything?"

I shook my head politely. "Gracious of you to offer. But the best you could do, Pinkie, would be to give Gummy my message of Happy Birthday."

"Okay!" The pink mare nodded enthusiastically, immediately rushing to no doubt find the reptile in question.

I sighed again, my gaze fleeting around the group of the Mane Six, gaze finally landing on a certain purple student who was clearly having a blast. Smiling away while dancing with Fluttershy.

This was your entire fault, you damn unicorn, dragging me to this event because you pleaded to me in that soft tone of yours and, or maybe I was imagining this part, batting your pony eyelashes at me.

Yet that thought of cursing Twilight was anything but sincere. My own stare softened a little at the sight of her, enjoying what the party has to offer. Before Pinkie dropped by the dance floor, unintentionally pushing Twilight and Fluttershy off the floor, the former almost hitting the nearby wall.

If I wasn't precisely there.

"Thanks." A flustered Twilight said while I gently set her down, smiling at me in embarrassment before an idea clearly perked up as the pink Earth Pony called for everyone to join the dance floor. "Why not join us Stardust? Maybe you can show off some dance moves from your own land."

Before I could even provide an immediate refusal, Pinkie must have heard as she called out. "Great idea Twilight! Come join us, Stardust!"

"What? I bet he doesn't even know how to dance." Rainbow Dash scoffed with a smirk, but I could see it in her pink eyes.

A challenge.

"It just so happens I do know how to dance." I answered confidently and with no lie.

I once danced alot, in my high school years, when trying to impress the female crowd. Did it work? Obviously not.

But the art was not lost on me.

I walked past the eyebrow-raised Twilight and gestured with with my hooves. "Step aside, ladies and Birthday boy, and watch as I school your arses."

A few seconds later, as the natural feeling of my ridiculous moves from years ago controlled my ponified body, I couldn't help but smirk at the gaping audience, the blank-staring Gummy and a wildly cheering Pinkie.

"So I heard you busted out some sweet moves at the party last night."

I groaned tiredly, rubbing my forehead while reading a random book detailing the history of Cloudsdale. "News travels fast I see."

"And I didn't get to see it?"

I raised my brow without looking up at the complaining lizard. "You weren't there Spike, recall? You had chores to complete."

"Well, yeah, but you never told me you ever knew how to dance."

I shrugged, my shoulders still aching from the 'exercise' last night. "You never inquired. It wasn't really something I generally do. It was once a pastime of mine, one that I never felt to utilize again for a long time."

Though I won't lie, I rather enjoyed doing so again; just like when I began baking brownies after a long absence using the skill.

"Until last night."

"Until last night." I confirmed, rolling my shoulders lightly while my exhausted limbs stay lying on the grassy environment. Hm, interesting; the creation of that fortress in the sky was delayed a majority of times due to construction disagreements between scientific pegasi and the monarchy of the past. Who knew?

"Maybe you can show them again, at the Grand Galloping Gala."

Spike's innocent suggestion had me throw my head upwards in laughter, echoing the very hill the dragon and I were currently resting upon. The very idea of owning the high-class formal participants of the event through human dance moves was hysterical. Maybe I'll finish my dance to their shocked features with a moonwalk.

Because no dance is truly complete without the moonwalk.

"I'll think about it." Though as I said that a thought struck me. Better now than never, as said gala looms ever closely. "But now that you mention the gala, there is something I need to inform you, Spike."

"Sure. What's up Stardust?"

My gaze settled on the curious lizard, turning my attention away from the lying book for just a moment. "I won't be coming back with you lot to Ponyville after the gala is concluded; Celestia has requested my presence in Canterlot for the next few days afterwards, in hopes of returning me back to my own planet, in addition, in hopes of, however futile, learning more about my own species."

Now seemed like the perfect time to discuss this with the rather sensitive dragon. After the whole owl incident - said bird was currently resting within the library - I refrained from telling Spike about my inevitable temporary departure from the library until the whole affair was completely behind him.

"Oh..." Disappointment, Spike? The infant reptile looked away for a moment, obviously in thought, before asking, "But, you'll be back right?"

"...Probably." If Celestia doesn't find a way to return me home.

If Spike seemed unnerved by that honest answer or not, he didn't display the appropriate expression, instead looking back at me with a smile. "That settles it then; you can tell Twilight the truth then before we go to the gala!"


Spike clearly anticipated that instant rejection to the idea, rolling his eyes. "Of course you'd say that. But Stardust, this just screams perfect timing! Think about it like this; you tell Twilight you're from another world before or during the gala; giving her time to adjust to this before you move back to Ponyville with us."

I was about to mouth a retort, but something in my mind told me to cease. Tell Twilight right before or during the gala, so she can process this information while I was absent. That driven curiosity of hers will die down a little, enough for me to return without any pestering questions...

"...Alright Spike, I won't lie: the idea has merits." I admitted sincerely while Spike grinned at the compliment. "However, we must also consider the flaws of this idea. For example; Twilight would still bombard me with questions about my own home world and species the moment I step foot into that house again."

"Not if I answer some of her questions beforehand." The dragon suggested, "That way, there won't be so many questions for Twilight to ask you personally when you come back." I'm shocked we're even having this conversation.

Hell, I'm shocked I'm even considering the idea.

"Plus, you said so yourself that you need to think of Twilight and the others as true friends in order to get back home. You can tell her first before the others. Maybe one at a time. Besides, you can trust Twilight to keep a secret."

I scoffed. "Oh yes, Spike, because our dear unicorn has truly proven herself capable of withholding a secret." As shown when she blabbered out what she overheard between me and Celestia to the ever-suspicious Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

And trust? THAT was something I cannot afford. Never again.

"Oh come on Stardust, I'm sure Twilight won't spill the beans on you like she did about my crush with Rarity." I raised a brow at the arms-folding dragon. Two examples, Spike; you're not entirely helping with Twilight's case here. "Plus, you'll have to tell her sooner or later. To be honest... I feel kinda bad lying to them like that. Nopony, not even Rarity, deserves to be tricked like that about their friend."

My gaze lingered on the downcast lizard for a moment, before sighing and resuming my stare to the open book before me. Yet my attention remained on the conversation. "It's for the best that they remain oblivious, Spike. I'm sorry if this is hard to you, my young friend, and I am proud of your devotion to keeping this between us, but right now, I think, Twilight and the others are simply not prepared to learn the truth. Wait 'till they mature more, first."

Or after I leave this world for good.

"Hopefully, that won't be for long." I heard the grass beside me rustle, indicating Spike was standing up, making a groan that informed me he was stretching. "You'll have to trust them sooner or later, Stardust. I gotta go help Rarity with the trash, I'll see you around. And despite what you think, we all care about you... and I know you do too."

I restrained the urge to chide the young lizard for believing he knew how I felt. Instead I nodded briskly. "Don't let me keep you." As Spike departed down the hill overlooking the entire town to my left.

Left alone once again, I sighed again for the umpteenth time, resuming my read of the book.
Huh, so it was the rumoured Sonic Rainboom that inspired the creation of Cloudsdale. Go figure...

After finishing with the book, noting from the light of day it remained the afternoon, I closed the stack of literature and rolled my neck, the joints snapping back into place as I stared down at the thing for God knows how many hours.

Limbs and shoulders still aching? Yep.

Placing the light blue and white book back inside the brown travelling bad, having no desire to walk back with the thing in my mouth, my gaze then settled on the vast land surrounding me. From the town to the forest. The plains to the mountains. The rivers to Canterlot.

I've yet to tell anyone exactly how beautiful I thought their world was. Maybe afterwards when I reveal to the others what I was-

Hang on. Where did that come from?

I shook my head in disbelief. Either exhaustion was catching up to me, or my mind was seriously considering Spike's words. Hopefully less with the latter, as I meant what I said in terms of informing the mares about my proper origins.

While it would be a huge relief off my chest, and evidently Spike's too, divulging the truth to them, it would be grave consequences. Very severe ones. Aside from Twilight's never-ending thirst for knowledge, there was also the reactions of the others to consider: Rarity no doubt inquiring about the fashion trends in my world and what materials were used, Fluttershy asking about the wildlife, Applejack and Rainbow Dash always being suspicious and untrusting of me; more than they currently were.

Pinkie Pie? Well the worse she'd do I imagine was throw a "welcome the alien" surprise party... and inviting every single pony in the town to celebrate their extraterrestrial resident.

The possibilities just reinforce my resolve; I can't tell them. I simply can't. Not yet anyway-

"Hey Stardust!"

My serious train of thought was rudely interrupted by the Earth Pony herself, causing me to place a hoof on my chest for self-calm after my immediate jump on the spot.

God damn it Pinkie...

"What do you want?" I asked flatly as the enthusiastic mare decided to stand right in front of me, wearing a basket on her head filled with obviously sealed envelopes.


"You're invited to Gummy's after-party!" She proceeded to explain happily while pulling out a random card and placing it front of me, myself glancing at the envelope for a moment before focusing back on Pinkie. How did she know it was the right invitation- never mind. "What do ya say?"

Having no pleasure or desire to stand up, I simply gave the Earth Pony my complete undivided attention, responding with the most honest, yet final answer I could muster. "No."

Pinkie, of course, didn't give up. Yet there was a curiously saddened look on her bright pink features. "Really? Are you busy like everyone else?"

'Like everyone else'? I raised a brow before answering. "No, I just don't want to go."

"Oh come on, you went to last night's party-!"

"I'm still recovering." Literally. I felt more aching than a retired elderly wrestler.

"Pleeeeeease. Pretty pretty pretty pleeeeeeeeeeease." I rolled my eyes at the obnoxious whining, wishing she'd just leave me in peace.

And there seems to be only one quicker option to that matter.

"If I say yes will you leave me be?" She nodded positively, beaming at my reluctant sigh. "Well, I guess since I won't be around Ponyville for long... why not?"

"Yippee!" Pinkie jumped in the air, very happy at my acceptance to her request. I meanwhile was already regretting it. "Finally! Somepony who says yes! Sure it'll be a party of three, including Gummy, but that's fine; we can still have fun!"

"Whoa whoa, slow down Pinkie." I calmly instructed the beaming mare. And as she seemed to slowly oblige with that sickening bliss of a grin, I inquired curiously. "What do you mean 'just the three of us'? Are all the others occupied?"

"Uh-huh." Pinkie's nodding was just as energetic as her personality. "Everyone else is busy with their own errands. Especially this afternoon, and that's when the party will happen!" The mare 'hmm'ed' loudly. "Very coincidentally, isn't it?"

I shrugged. "Could be hosting you a surprise party." I joked, yet the jesting suggestion din't stop the mare from taking it seriously.

How ironic.

Pinkie gasped. "You think that's what they're all up to? A surprise party for Gummy?"

"...Probably." I said with indifference.

The Earth Pony smacked herself on the forehead, eyes widened as though my joke was a revelation. "Of course! That explains their suspicious behaviour! Thanks Stardust!"

"No problem-? Hey wait, you still have yet to tell when the party is-!" I called out futilely as the energetic mare sped from sight back to the town, my words dying down the further Pinkie was away.

...Well that was pointless.

And I might have spoiled the surprise, it hosting Pinkie a party was truly the case.

...Ah well, I thought while opening the envelope to see if the time was of the event was there. I'm sure it wouldn't come back to bite me.

"I'm the one who spilled juice over Twilight's copy of Magical Mysteries and Practical Potions!"

"I freaking knew it!" I called out, joining the interrogation Pinkie was using against Spike, the three of us and the baby toothless alligator the only occupants of the early party. I knew the Earth Pony wasn't going to inflict genuine harm on the dragon, so I observed with amusement as Pinkie shone a light in Spike's face and proceeded to interrogate him. "I knew Nightshade wasn't the one who spilled that drink. And Twilight had to nerve to target me and him for it."

"'Nightshade'?" Pinkie cast a questioning glance at me for a moment.

"My name for the owl."

"I thought his name was Owlicious?"

"That's what Twilight and Spike call him." I shrugged. Hell, even Gummy was a more dignifying namesake than the one the unicorn bestowed to the night bird.

"Uh-huh. So, what else do you have to confess Spike?" Pinkie continued with a stern tone, myself leaning against the party table with folded limbs, feigning ignorance to the pleas of help in Spike's eyes.

Now this was a party.

"Um... and I'm also the one who used up all the hot water in Ponyville yesterday when I took a Sip-An-Hour bubble bath."

"Huh, well thank God I didn't take a shower then." I commented with a raised brow, rather enjoying myself here. These are the kind of things Spike gets up to behind mine and Twilight's backs? What other juicy secrets was he hiding?

"And sometimes, when no one's around, I do this." The dragon grabbed the nearest mirror towards him, proceeding to act like he's Terry Crews. "Looking good Spike; looking real good!"


"I don't you'll get any answers out of him, Pinkie."

"We'll see about that!" The determined Earth Pony shoved the fragile object out of the way, glaring at the scared-looking Spike. "Tell me whether or not our friends are hosting me a surprise party this afternoon!"

"I-I-I-I don't know!" Okay, now it was time for me to step in.

"I think his words are sincere, Pinkie Pie." Placing a calm hoof on Pinkie's small shoulder, I glanced at the nervous lizard apologetically, passing the plate of sparkling gems towards him. "You know what Pinkie's like, Spike." The apology was accepted as soon as Spike began devouring the valuable objects.

"You really think they're hosting a surprise party, Stardust?" The mare looked at me imploringly. Oh God, no, not a saddened Pinkie Pie. I can't handle that kind of bull. "They've been avoiding me all day. Maybe that's the case or... they don't like my parties anymore."

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa!" The pink Earth Pony blinked at my tone of disbelief. "Let's not begin making assumptions, my dear. If there's anything my temporary life in Ponyville has taught me; it is that everyone here enjoys your celebratory events. Even me, and I don't usually enjoy parties in general!"

"Well, yeah, but they might have, I don't know, grown tired of my superly duper parties. I have been doing them for a long time..."

I sighed, realizing my hoof was still on her in comfort. "Pinkie, look at me." I commanded softly, and as the mare obliged with huge blue eyes staring, I continued. "I doubt they would ever, ever, grow exhausted of your parties."

"...You think?"

"I know." I smiled before finally removing my gold hoof off her shoulder. Normally I would be relieved at the sight of a calmer Pinkie Pie.

But if calmer meant depressed too, then I immediately changed my mind.

"Mmph mpfh mmp mmmp!"

"Speak without your mouth full, Spike."

The dragon obeyed my scolding, swallowing whole, to my brief concern, before repeating himself happily. "I've never grown tired of your awesome parties, Pinkie Pie! And Twilight never said she has either!"

I smiled in appreciation at the backup. "You see, Pinkie Pie? If anything, it just reinforces the theory of the surprise party, no?"

"Hmm..." Oh dear, my expression shifted to a frown. Pinkie Pie was looking thoughtful again, not good. But that immediately changed as she returned to her energetic self. "Oh, I know! We'll wait for one of them to show up! If they ARE hosting me a surprise party, then they'll take to that party!"

"A sound idea." I nodded. I don't think I was going anywhere for a while. And as the happy mare beamed again, my attention then focused on the lizard - Spike that is, not the one incapable of speech - with a raised eyebrow. "So, what's this about using all of Ponyville's hot water again?"


I winced at the loud exclamation, and grimaced at the smell of the place, while Pinkie Pie let out a gasp of joy at the party obviously hosted for her. Well [BEEP] me, I was correct after all! The pink Earth Pony started running around the decorated barn with clear glee, as her friends congratulated whatever reason was behind hosting her such an event. Was it a thank you party for inviting them to Gummy's yesterday?

"Happy Birthday Pinkie Pie; we knew you'd love it."

Oh, I stand corrected.

"You did all this for me?"

"Of course." Twilight answered the happy gratified pony, smiling along with the girls. "We had to keep this a secret from you, so we made up excuses in order to prepare the party without you knowing."

I couldn't help but release a small smile at that, though admittedly a little unnerved - I dared not say hurt - that the mares didn't request for my assistance in preparing the party. Though I imagined that was due to my general indifference about the ordeal.

"So Stardust was right; he said you were all hosting a surprise party!"

"Uhh bull-[BEEP] I did!" I quickly defended myself against the glares sent in my direction. "All I said was that you five could be doing that. Besides, blame your lack of discretion; it was pretty obvious from the start what you were all planning."

"Why I oughta-"

"Thank you thank you thank thank you!" The energetic Earth Pony cut off Rainbow Dash's empty threat, squeezing the life out of the group to express just how happy and grateful she was. Adorable. "Let's get this party started!"

"Right you are Pinkie." Applejack responded while playing a disc from an ancient contraption for the music to begin, and I raised a brow at the device.

As the ponies, and Spike, began enjoying themselves, I raised a brow at the location of this special event. Why a barn of all places? Already I felt my fur skin crawl at the mental image of thousands of insects landing on me. A farm was always infested with vermin and bugs, I knew that from experience.

Hence why I immediately resorted to leaving, very slowly and quietly as the Mane Six played a game of walking behind each other with their hooves on their backs.
They didn't need me to ruin their fun.

Gently closing the red and white barn door behind me, my hooves immediately resumed my destination towards out of this farm. The last these ponies needed was me complaining about the stench of this barn, and to declare this the worst surprise party I've ever witnessed. Besides, I wasn't a party person, even if last night possibly suggested otherwise-

"Going somewhere?"


I winced while grounding my teeth, slowly looking over my shoulder at the sight of two particular mares outside the barn door, staring at me with clear suspicion.

Well great, so these two finally decided to speak with me at least.

"Ya weren't seriously thinkin' of just gallopin' outta here without sayin' goodbye, were ya?" Applejack inquired with a raised firm brow, and I got the feeling running away would be futile.
When attempting to run from these two.

"You're right... goodbye."

It was worth a shot, but Sonic the Pegasus was already right in front of me, blocking my path forward to out of this damn farm. I held a dislike for farms' I understood their importance, but I'd be caught dead ever working in one personally.

"Can I help you?" I asked with an even stare to the blue mare's intimidating own.

"Sure thing sugarcube: ya can start by tellin' who, or what, you really are." I refused to look behind at the approaching Earth Pony, yet Applejack stood beside Rianbow Dash, pointing at me rather rudely. "Rainbow Dash and I ain't fallin' for thye lies you're spread across Ponyville; about where you're from, how ya earned yer cutie mark, and why you're livin' in Ponyville with Twilight and Spike."

"For that matter, why exactly ARE you living with Twilight and Spike? Princess Celestia won't tell them anything, and they respect that."

"We, however, are always concerned about our friends. So it's time for you to fess up, Stardust, and tell us who you are and where you came from."

"And why you're even here."

This was not planned. This was not what I anticipated. Well, really, what else to expect; a little subtlety from these two? Gimme a break. Twilight and Spike were respectable enough when and when not to ask about these things. This orange Earth Pony and blue Pegasus before me were a different story altogether.

But despite their hardened glares and eyes expectant for answers, I gave them the indignation they deserved.

"I will not tell you who I really am, where I come from, or why I'm even here-"

"So you HAVE been lying to everyone!"

"-Simply because it's none of your godforsaken business. Either of you. Honestly can't a man have his own privacy?"

"What's a 'man'?" Applejack asked, completely ignoring my rising irritation. "Is that what ya'll is called?"

"It doesn't matter." I'll slam my head against the wall for my slip up later. "Move aside."

"I don't think so."

The gall-!

"We're only stoppin' ya, Stardust, because Rainbow Dash and I simply want to know-"

"What possible benefit would be gained from interrogating me like this?"

"Learning the truth-!"

"You can't handle the truth!" I yelled in anger, yet the mare's remained unwavered by it, only their eyes widening but displaying no fear. "Even if I told who I am, what I am, it wouldn't matter because neither you two, nor anyone else in this godforsaken town, would believe me anyway!"

But the flying Rainbow Dash folded her arms, staring at me with a challenging expression as Applejack looked stern. "Try us."

I didn't have time for this- my teeth were literally grinding right now at the nerve the pair were showing to me. "You know, I have the power to force you both to stand aside." I said through closed teeth, allowing a wave of threatening to hang in the air.

Yet Applejack didn't breathe it in. "Like you would hurt us."

"You think you're invincible, my dear?"

The orange mare shook her head, the scornful tone obviously not getting to her. "Nah; you just don't have it in ya to attack us. Not when you care what Twilight thinks." At that ludicrous observation, my quaking body stilled. Applejack raised a knowing brow before continuing. "Whether you know it or not, Stardust, you care about Twilight, Spike, and the rest of us. Your threats are as empty as a clear sky."

"Don't be absurd." I retorted in disbelief. "I don't care what Twilight, or you lot, think about me." In fact, I don't care what anyone thought about me! No one's opinions about me mattered, not anymore.

Applejack had the audacity to scoff. "Try tellin' yerself that first partner, before tellin' anypony else."
My mouth opened... before shutting tightly.

Why... why do these ponies think they can read me like an open book? My breath hitched in for some reason, as though... as though some part of me was agreeing with this damn ponies! But that can't be correct; I couldn't have possibly allowed my to become vulnerable in that regard to these residents of Equestria!


"I think you've broken him, Applejack." I heard Rainbow Dash barely whisper to the observant mare, who stared at me then with an expression akin to... pity.

"Hm. Come on Rainbow Dash, we're leave our guest here alone for now." At the pegasus' reluctant nod, Applejack regarded me one last time before walking by. "It's only a matter of time before you tell us all the truth, sugarcube. I know ya don't wanna tell anypony about yerself... but if you want to be our friends, ya gonna have to trust us... and we you."

A childish part of me urged and yearned to look back and yell profanities at the two mares returning to the loud party behind me. But what would that accomplish? More evidence to exactly how screwed up I was? Right now a bigger part suggested I leave this dump immediately, and take solitude somewhere I can find some measure of peace after that hectic confrontation.

And I knew just the location.

"There you are!"

I groaned tiredly, hiding my head in my crossed hooves at the voice of the pink Earth Pony heading my way, who was obviously looking for me. Great, just after that heated debate with Applejack and Rainbow Dash, this was the last thing I needed.

"Not now Pinkie Pie..."

But my quiet words evidently fell on deaf ears, as the shadowed grass I stared at from my lying state shook a little from the arriving hooves. I really didn't need this right now. Pinkie Pie must no doubt be more energetic than usual; who knew how much she ate from that filthy barn.
I felt a prodding against the fur of my limbs. "Hellooo? Anyone in there? I would like to speak to Stardust Balance please."

"He's not home." My voice must sound muffled to the pink Earth Pony. But as the poking continued, I sighed in annoyance before glaring up from my temporary residence in my limbs, the setting sun blocked by the mare's body. "Please stop doing that."

"There you are!" Pinkie ignored my disgruntled expression, grinning down at me. "What are you doing hiding like that, silly?"

"Oh you know, thinking."

"Ooh, about that what?"

"None of your-... never mind." I sighed. I wasn't in any mood for this. Rubbing my forehead tiredly I added quietly, "I don't understand why you all even bother..."

"Hm? Bother with what?"

"Putting up with me..."

...Ah [BEEP], I just confessed this to Pinkie Pie of all ponies. How much more could I possibly botch myself up further? At the ever-approaching Grand Galloping Gala?

There's hope yet.

"Because you're our friend, silly!"

I rolled my eyes. "When I shouldn't be..."

"Now don't be like that." My gaze turned back from the side to the stern-looking Pinkie. "Tell em what's bothering you."


"Because you helped me today, so I'll help you." The Earth Pony sat down, staring at me expectantly.

God damn you Pinkie...

"Will it make you go away quicker?"

"When you feel better."

So never then. Excellent. I sighed before beginning, "You know, Pinkie, that I am one filled with many secrets; things I can't possibly divulge to you or any of the others."


"So what boggles me is this; why do you all insist on being my friend, when I've been doing nothing but spread deceit and lies from the very beginning?"

It was a puzzle I worked since the end of the afternoon dwelling upon, trying to find the most correct and logical answer to the fact these ponies wished to my friend. What possible benefit was I to them?

What made them interested in me so, of all ponies?

"Oh, that's an easy one!" 'Easy'? Pinkie proceeded to explain with a smile as bright as the falling sun behind her. "You saved our lives more than a couple of times; against that dragon and then the hydra; when you stopped it from grabbing me. You gave the others advice and gave comfort, especially with me today. Plus despite all that negativity of yours, your dislikes to parties and fun all around, there's a big softie in there ready to be adored and loved by cherished friends!"

...My only response to the insight was rapid blinking.

Pinkie then opened her eyes after hugging the air, as though a thought struck her. "Oh! Speaking of which! That's why I came here, to thank you for reassuring me earlier, Stardust, when I started doubting my friends!"

Despite how upset and angered I was, I shrugged modestly. "I hate to leave a girl depressed, Pinkie. Even if it's you of all ponies-"

"Ya see?" I frowned at the interruption. "You just proved my point, Stardust! You're more a big softie than you let on! You care for us all, no matter what you say. I can see it in your eyes!"

"My eyes." I said flatly.

"Mm-hmm." Pinkie Pie nodded confidently. "I know you have secrets and you don't want to share them. But you'll trust us one day to tell us of them. But there's no need to rush. I certainly don't mind if you're keeping secrets from us. It's not as if you're an alien, after all!"

But before I could grant the mind boggling pony awkward silence, the Earth Pony asked a question that caused me to blink. "Why are you afraid of making friends?"

"...Afraid?" I frowned in confusion and irritation. "I don't fear anything."

"Mm-hmm. Suuure you don't." She had the nerve to roll her eyes playfully at my unamused glare, before adopting a layer of seriousness. "But why so hesitant, Stardust? You can tell me. I won't tell anypony else."

"...Well, I suppose you're more capable of holding your tongue than Twilight is." Which seems messed up. I sighed... eh, [BEEP] it. Why not? Pinkie will probably forget this conversation in the next five minutes, I imagine. That attention spam of hers isn't a regard I hold highly. "Truthfully, my dear... I just don't see the purpose."

"What do you mean?" Those blue bright energetic eyes gleamed at me with innocent curiosity.

"...As you know, I live in a land far from here." Pinkie nodded comprehensively. "And eventually, I shall return there sooner or later." Hopefully sooner. "So really, I fail to view the motivation behind befriending anyone here. It just seems overall pointless if all I'm going to do is cause sadness upon anyone when I leave and never come back."

If there's one thing I despise doing; is making someone intentionally upset. I only insult Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and other ponies because I know they can withstand my jabs. I know they won't allow my verbal assaults to get to them.

But to create a bond between anyone here with a level of close friendship... well really it's just begging for heartbreak.

"Hmm... are you sure this isn't a test, Stardust? Because these questions are really easy to answer!" I rubbed my forehead to express how incredibly frustrating this blabbering Earth Pony can be. "Memories, of course."

At the answer, I raised a brow. "Memories?" I can clearly see where this was going, but may as well humour her.

Pinkie nodded happily. "Yep. Think of all the fun times we've had, like last night, and the many fun times we'll have in the future! You don't have to be living in the same place as someone to keep being friends. As long as we all remember each other, all the adventures and fun we've had, and the friendships we create. then that's all that matters. We'll never forget each other, because we're friends, and nothing can ever break the bonds we made through our tale!"

"You, me, Twilight and everyone else. We've all been through some exciting adventures, haven't we? And it's those journeys which strengthen our bonds of friendship. And our memories. The more we hang out, the more we learn about each other and ourselves, that bond between us all will never be separated by anyone! So who cares if you'll leave us all one day? We'll never forget you, and you'll never forget us. You know why? Because we're all friends, Stardust, and our memories will forever remain deep in our hearts!"

"...Huh." The only genuine response I could muster by this childish speech that yet held wisdom within it.

The Earth Pony, oblivious to my stare, ceased laughing lightly before standing up. "So, you feel all better now?"

...You'd make a decent Kingdom Hearts character, Pinkie.

But, admittedly, this talk between myself and the happy-go-lucky Pinkie Pie did help me... somehow. Whatever disdain and regret I felt from the earlier conversation with that pegasus and orange Earth Pony slowly died down from Pinkie Pie's comfort.

...I can't believe what I'm ever thinking to myself.

Comfort from Pinkie Pie. God help me.

I sighed, slowly moving upwards myself while brushing the dry grass off my underbelly. "Sometimes, Pinkie, for the annoying creature that you are, there are some qualities of yours that simply shine."

"Aww shucks." I rolled my eyes at the bashful nature. "And for being such a grumpy stallion, you're sweet, kind and always there to help when we're in danger."

Lies, lies. All lies.

You know, when thinking about it, I suppose today could be considered an example as to why I shouldn't be keeping these mares in the dark for so long. The anxiety and doubt Pinkie Pie felt when her friends were keeping to themselves must show, maybe, how they felt with my secrecy. Well I didn't intend to make them feel that way, but it's a matter of necessity. Spike had to agree to the faults of the idea, should this conversation happen between us again.

Before or after the gala.

Hopefully I'll be gone after.

Then Pinkie had the gall to embrace me, hugging me rather lightly compared to the displayed when she nearly strangled her friends with that affection. "Well, I better get going. Oh, and here's a piece of my Birthday cake for you." A small colourful cloth with the obvious sugary food inside was gently placed down, before the pink mare proceeded to turn and depart. "See ya tomorrow Stardust!"

Yet instead of scolding the Earth Pony for hugging me, different words altogether escaped my muzzle. "Pinkie!" She halted at my call from above, and I swallowed before continuing to her curious gaze. "Thank you... And happy Birthday my dear."

"Okie dokey lokie!" I shook my head, though this time in slight amusement, as the pony waved before proceeding to roll down the hill like a child, yelling the ever obnoxious "Whee!"

Just this once, I'll be content with it.

And then my gaze switched to the party napkin lying on the dry grass, the piece of cake inside ready to be eaten by an undeserving individual.

God do I feel sorry for myself. I laughed lightly to myself before rubbing my face to compose myself. Ah great, the damn mare was rubbing off on me.

But still, just staring at the kindness presented towards me, the determination to be my friend, the hope I will one day let them in. They never gave up on me, no matter how much I pushed them away.


I will tell them... after the gala.

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