• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 167: The Wendigo Incursion

Alright... This seems like a good spot.

Another chill passed through me as my body rested beneath the tree with rapidly falling leaves, the marks of Winter spreading through this area. Red leaves scattered, but enough shade above to provide some shelter as I took a long breather from a daunting walk. Morning was already shining above the horizon, and my eyes itched from exhaustion.

Couldn't sleep yet though... Not until I was certain I was far enough...

Setting my duffel bag beside me but at close proximity, my mouth sighed deeply, fingers feeling somewhat stiff and further wrapping the gown around myself, the chilly frost beneath my shoes and bosom doing little to assist. A short break, that's what I'll take. It's been quite a long walk since my departure from home... What time was it anyway...?

Eight fifteen in the morning, Jack.

So I've walked for around eight hours since leaving huh? Impressive, even for me... And my growling stomach only affirmed this point, yearning for good food. My body shuddered again, and not simply from the cold.

I could do with some breakfast right now.

And just like that, a white wrapped paper appeared in my lap, the contents within radiating enough heat to keep my front body warm and toasty, grease touching my investigative hands. My suspicions were confirmed upon opening the paper, revealing some well-known delicious food made from experts. Chinese experts, in fact.

Mmm, it's been too long...

Thanks Starswirl.

Simply looking out for my student. And the ancient unicorn added from there while I chowed down on chippie for breakfast. Although I'm certain the Princess of Friendship would hardly tolerate such consumable as a suitable beginning meal.

Yeah, well, you're talking to the guy who drink coke at six in the morning as a substitute for coffee. Couldn't stand coffee, so sue me if I had to make do. Twilight can complain among countless other things after I return, except not for a very long time.

A very, very long time...

...How far are we from home, Starswirl?

Hmm... Roughly a safe distance from your friends locating us right off the bat. Came a moment's answer. In the direction we're taking, it would take them quite some time in following our trail. As of now, we're nearing the mountain from the opposite side of the Crystal Empire, towards a small isolated village.

Meaning, best stick to this path before Shining orders his own guards to join in the inevitable search for me. I'm not sure the stallion would be too happy about what I've now done to his sister after making a valuable promise-

What the-?!

My eye caught the movement from the corner, the medium-sized bag suddenly shifting as though something was squirming in it. Immediately, I placed the bag of warm chips down and set to open the travelling storage item, letting whatever snuck inside to get some air. And quickly leaning back in stunned disbelief by the body immediately poking out with tiny eyes and an expectant disposition.


...How did I not notice him for eight hours? "Nightshade?" Outwardly expressing my earnest incredulity, and who could possibly blame me? I don't recall the own ever sneaking into my bag when I was so careful in packing last night. The nocturnal bird simply blinked in return. "What are you even doing here? Why were you in my bag?"

"Hoo!" The young owl made a gesture as though it was obvious, hopping himself out of the bag and onto my thigh, continuing to gaze up with a meaningful look.

I frowned. Well, whatever he was going to try, I wasn't to be dissuaded. "Go home, Nightshade." Because the last thing I needed was the owl, too, becoming an easy target of my ultimate foe. "You're much safer there." He blinked in false innocence, prompting my eye roll. Like he wasn't intelligent enough to understand me. "I mean it Nightshade, this isn't a road you can accompany me with."

Another long stare, before Nightshade seemed to make a decision, forcing my head to lean away somewhat by his newfound position on my shoulder, brushing up features to my left cheek as though reassuring me. "Hoo."

It appears our young friend has picked up his owner's stubborn tendencies, and refuses to allow you to confront this danger alone.

My first response was a huff, shaking my head in disbelief. Great, now the owl's picking up on the worst traits of Twilight and I. My gaze lingered on the blinking night bird for a long moment, conflicted about this. Indulge him, and endanger his life in my crusade to stopping Zagreus forever? Or scare him off into returning home, where it's much safer? And yet, the second option incited a pit of despair in my stomach, the idea of scaring away an old friend far less than appealing.

Or maybe I simply didn't want to be too alone...

My lips thinned, exhaling slow air before picking up the greasy bag again, not wanting the chips to get cold before I'm finished. Nightshade eagerly accepted the offered meal, nibbling the chip sticking into his beak and prompting my fond smirk at the cute sight. "You have absolutely no intention on leaving, do you?"


"Well, that figures." I suppose someone aside from Starswirl had to keep me company, in case any danger was around to my ignorance. Of course, I was in danger right now the further I strayed away from home, into the open and easy pickings for the mad pony bent on universal extermination. But young Nightshade here could come in handy for keeping watch while I slept at night.

Regarding the opened other bag, I sighed again and reached out, not wanting anything in to spill from the contents within before something stuck out, a corner of a small photograph demanding to be pulled. My hand froze, carefully grasping the tender item and pulling the small photo towards me, the sight upon it causing my breathing to slow somewhat, wondering why I even did that to myself.

Are you sure you've made the right decision?

...I don't think it's a matter of 'right' anymore, Starswirl. Moreso of necessity and for the sake of keeping these people in the photo safe. I knew for a fact that they weren't Zagreus' current target; that honour belonged to me. And so long as I stayed there, I was only endangering them with providing little assistance and no longer having the magical means of stopping that monster in his tracks.

No Balance.

No physical strength.

No brains or cunning.

Just wits and a lightsaber.

...Which only burns people.

I'll just have to make do.

...No teacher, it wasn't the 'right' choice to make, but it was the needed one. I know those girls; they'll do everything in their power to keep a dear friend safe at the cost of their own. And my life was far from worth that. Zagreus was, is and always will be my opponent. My responsibility. My mess to clean up. They stood no chance, and I wasn't allowing them to be dragged down with me. The Elements nor magic of friendship could save them from my own folly.

If I died before confronting him, then all was lost.

...What do you intend to do then? He sounded neither judgmental nor resigned, thankfully, but accepting and patient. Sitting up, careful not to scare the owl off my shoulder, I gave Nightshade another chip before mentally answering.

For now, walk, walk and keep on walking, eventually wait for Zagreus to come find me. I was a walking magnet of imbalance myself; my own being here an instability against the reality of this universe. He'd be drawn to me, especially without the presence of my best friends around to defend me. Inevitably, a showdown between us will finally occur, and I'll have to prepare myself for anything he tries.

Especially when two demon versions of my best friends are beside that walking abomination.

In the meantime, just continue going down the path I was currently taking, leading me to some place of refuge for a short rest and to catch up on much-required sleep. Haven't napped at all since my last goodbye to Starlight. Speaking of which, the more I dwelled on it, the more it stunned me that Starlight never really made any attempt on preventing my leaving last night. It wasn't like her to do this...

She sensed your conviction. Your desire to keep your friends safe and happy at all costs, and knew persuading you last night was non-existent. Personally, I had believed Miss Glimmer would have insisted first on accompanying you down this daunting journey.

Tch, nah! Nightshade was more than enough when it comes to putting my friends at risk. Starlight had the responsibility of keeping Twilight from doing anything reckless because of my sudden departure.

The image of Twilight predictably panicking and flailing around all over the castle prompted my small smile and misted eyes, heaving another sigh while gently placing the photo of myself and my friends back into bag... Although taking another long look at it first.A recent one, consisting of my pony self, Twilight, Spike, the mares and a nervously grinning Starlight being pulled into a group embrace between Twilight and I.

All happy.

All acting as though nothing was ever wrong.

All peaceful.

All... Deserving of a happy ending.

...Thus strengthening my resolve to end this matter quickly.

With the white paper of chips finished, Nightshade evidently picked up on my feelings and comfortably placed himself back in the bag, only his head popping up and obviously wanting to keep himself warm from the blasted weather. I slid the bag around my right shoulder and nodded, looking back to the direction I was first heading towards.

Alright... Next stop, wherever the road takes me. And hopefully, to Zagreus.

And as I walked, I tried to ignore every step sending wave after wave over pangs of regret and the yearning to see my family again.

We were already off to a great start.

"Back! Back you beasts!"

The giant-[BEEP] vultures cawed and soared around us, backing off from the azure humming blade whirling around to prevent any vulnerable spot they attempted to take advantage of. Fantastic, getting ambushed by three hungry birds whom happen to have spotted Nightshade's head poking out from the bag earlier and made an attempt. Thankfully my bird was now completely hiding inside, leaving me to deal with the creatures.

They made one attempt, I had managed to dodge, roll out of the way, pull out my lightsaber from the gown's pocket and activate it with a bad[BEEP] pose. I swung, spun and stabbed the air to make the message was clear. One attempt on Nightshade's life, and it's a three chicken course tonight.

It only took one more swing for these birdbrains to obtain the message, flying over me and the concealed owl before cawing loudly again and flying off, presumable to lick their wounds with those burnt feathers. Ha! Victorious!

Switching off the blade, I pocketed the hilt again before kneeling down to pick up the bag with the hiding Nightshade inside, said owl poking his head out briefly and "hoo"'ing in relief once the sight of vultures disappeared. Damn right, that was a close one. And, luckily, my old friend here wasn't hurt in the process.

Slinging the duffel bag on my shoulder, we continued onwards, that tiny skirmish only a mild inconvenience when the village was just in near sight.

Meanwhile, you should likely tend to that wound gifted on your left shoulder.


I glanced to the present claw marks through clothing and reaching flesh, wincing at the view. Yeah, almost forgot about that. Maybe the cold was making me numb to pain, who knows? My other hand instinctively reached up to brush over the wound- Ow. Bad idea. Luckily they appear to be only light scratches, blood hardly pouring out like a fountain.

I'll deal with that once we reach the settlement. In the meantime, here we were? The blatantly aged village was just ahead of us, presenting a small population and modesty with its stone buildings and... A chapel? Well isn't that fascinating? All we had to do now was carefully walk down this slope.

Or slide down it, as nature decided. Thankfully it wasn't too much of a bump ride.

Rising up once reaching the bottom, I dusted the snow off my [BEEP] and legs with a sleeve and trekked onwards, feeling my companion shudder from the bag. Don't worry buddy, we're reaching warmth soon.

So I'm going to address two things which have caught my attention upon arrival. One, to my luck, the natives of this aged settlement have barely reacted with hostility or apprehension from the presence of someone considered alien to this world.

In fact they... Barely acknowledge me at all.

Which led to the second thing, everyone else was just walking around with barely an expression or reaction, not even noticing any fellow ponies passing by. I wouldn't call their expressions flat or lifeless exactly, moreso... What's the word...?


Where exactly was I, to be at a place where Equestrians with acting so aloof about everything and anything around them...?

I do believe I have an inkling. But before we dwell further on this, perhaps some shelter is in order.

Yeah, our bodies need to feel warmth again. This dressing gown can only keep me from freezing stiff for so long. Hazel eyes quickly scanned around for any building of refuge from outside the chapel at the end of the village.

Ah, a lodge!

And again, ponies inside hardly acknowledged me, simply muttering about and conducting quiet conversations to themselves. But forgetting that for a moment, my body was immediately greeted with warmth, an open fireplace nearby keeping the large interior toasty. Wasting no time, I hurried over and slung the bag down beside me, squatting down myself, derobing my gown and extending palms to soak in the heat of the welcoming fire, a relieved smile working on my face.

Wonderful... Feels good. Nightshade concurred, popping out of the bag to join me with a shiver of delight. I grinned, rubbing the owl's head affectionately, mouth too accompanied by heat to speak. Instead, I rubbed my hands next and continued bathing in the warmth, deeming my long trek through snow and around a mountain worth it.

"There are better choices from warm clothing when you're going out in the cold, Jack." Twilight's imaginary voice spoke to my right ear, sounding amused and exasperated. "Dressing gowns are meant for indoors, and are completely impractical against the winter breeze. Bring a scarf next time, okay honey?"

I scoffed, glancing over to remind the alicorn that scarves weren't my preferred kind of attire... When said alicorn wasn't even beside me to begin with, my mouth hanging open for a long moment and looking back to the fire, Nightshade oblivious to my expression. That's right, Twilight wasn't with me. None of my friends were with me. I chose to face this battle alone...

Completely... Alone...

My squat position shifted with my posterior landing firmly on wooden ground. It was as if it finally sunk in. For the first in a very long time, I was choosing to go through this adventure by myself utterly. No one to back me up, no one to support me, no one to keep me on my toes and remind me what I'm fighting for...


I was doing this by myself... And that sinking realization was stinging my heart...

And then, Starswirl interjected. It's not as if you're facing this battle by yourself entirely, Jack. Your friends are with you in spirit. Our young nocturnal friend beside you is with us. And I am facing this destiny alongside you. You are never alone, Jack.

I... I guess...

And if you require a reminder as to what you're fighting for, simply take one glance at the ring presented before you on your finger. My eyes carefully obliged, regarding the purple gem centered on the jewel ring which glistened beautifully, as though responding to my uncertainty. Shining with such colour which reminded me of the eyes of a particular pony.

As though Twilight herself was watching over me...

For her and your friends, Jack. Your family. That is what you're fighting for.


Right. Okay. Nodding slowly, my arms lowered as I shifted myself comfortably. Fighting for them... That's correct. I was going to fight - and die - so they could have the future I never will.

And I'll be damned before Zagreus attempts otherwise.

Well said. I envisioned the unicorn nodding in affirmation. In the meantime, after we tend to your wound, perhaps a little investigation around this settlement should help clear our minds. I must confess, I am intrigued by the apathetic behaviour which airs over this village.

Fine, a quick look around, but we couldn't stay long. We had to keep moving... Right after another thirty minutes spent by this fireplace.

"I spy, with my little eye - which is rather a contrast to the size of everyone else and their human counterparts - something beginning with... S."

Hmm... Sky?



Not close enough.


Not really.


"Bingo! Schoolchildren!" I answered the owl whom might've made the correct guess or not, gesturing to the group of foals nearby which, to my honest surprise, were actually expressing emotion. Some of them were looking at me in open astonishment and wonder.

And that beats fear anyday.

One adult cleared her throat, a stuffy-looking dark pink unicorn mare gesturing to the taller Earth Pony stallion with flat looks. "Keep your attention focused on what Father Pooper has to say children. His wisdom is a matter be to taken to heart."

...Nah too easy. Didn't stop my smirk though.

'Father Pooper' cleared his throat next, his features a little more tighter as though what he had to say was deeply serious. "Indeed. One must pay close attention to the knowledge I have imparted on our village, just as my father had before me, and his father before him." I rolled my eyes moreso at the cliche than the overdress black get-up and white collar the stallion adorned. What, no bible to be carried around mate? "This wisdom is sacred, the creed of our civilization, one that has been carried over centuries before the times of Princess Celestia. Let us begin with reciting the creed. All together now."

And everyone took deep breaths. That is, the children than the adults, and all recited in perfectly flat dispositions.

"There is no emotion to be expressed.

Anger and joy we must repress.

To vanquish conflict in our hearts,

keeping the monsters free at large."

"And that is merely scratching the surface of our way of life, children." The obvious priest continued, dispassionately sweeping his silver gaze over the small crowd. "If even a single emotion is released - anger, sorrow, hatred or bliss - it spells certain doom for our home and all of Equestria. Keep this creed ingrained in your hearts, cast aside burdening feelings for the sake of making our land a better place." And the stallion nodded once to the mare whom returned it, taking his leave straight towards the chapel.

"Come along now students." The evident teacher stated after taking his place, motioning to a nearby building on the side with less emotion than a crab. "Next we shall memorize the history of what brought our settlement into being." Leaving me was jaw agape and a few young foals glancing behind to me curiously.


The Hell.

Was that about...?

I do believe... This village seems to function on a society which prohibits the outwardness of emotions.

...What am I in, a settlement for Jedi? What madness have we stumbled into?! Nightshade seemed to agree with that deep frown on his bird features, sharing with me an incredulous look.

"I think it's time we should have a discussion with ol' 'Father Pooper,' don't you think?"


What happened to a brief investigation before leaving?

That was before I uncovered this settlement bans the very things which make ponykind so beautiful.

"I believe in a thing called love!" Was my announcement into the aged chapel, startling the only other occupant in the large interior. "Just listen to the rhythm of my heart!"

The place had the same appearance as any regular church interior. Minus the exception of the large stain glass window at the end looking anything but religious. The image presented was that of a unicorn, Earth Pony and pegasus standing in a triangular position with something shining in the middle. Above them, the depiction of a monster with sharp teeth and red eyes in the form of grey clouds. But my fascinated attention was more directed on protesting this decreed way of life by passionately expressing myself towards the blinking grey stallion in the black robes.

"May I... Help you, sir?" The pony had paused after soaking in my appearance, properly maintaining an air of composure after being taken aback by the sight of an unknown creature storming into his church while reciting song lyrics. "I'm afraid the chapel is closed at this time, so if you would come back this evening-"

A church closed off in the middle of the day? Now I've seen it all! Walking right up past the empty rows, I stood right before the shorter priest and pointed with intent. "Yes, I would like to file a complaint to the horrendous teachings you are giving to your new generation."

He only blinked once. "I fear I am oblivious to what you're insinuating, good sir. Would you care to explain yourself?"

"Gladly." I folded my arms with an annoyed disposition. "I refer to the 'conceal, don't feel' approach you're 'educating' on the children. What's the big idea, banning emotion; what gives life meaning to begin with?"

"Ahh, I see now." He nodded then, looking away with an uncaring posture. "Another ignorant wanderer oblivious to the truth of things." Ohh is that things are gonna be then? No wonder not many ponies live here. "Do you know where you even are, stranger?"

"Humour me." I replied flatly.

"We are in the Town of the Forgotten, hidden from the rest of Equestria for a solemn duty to preserve all life by making the greatest sacrifice of all." I almost sneered. Town of the Pretentious sounds far more fitting. "Our ancestors settled here for the sole purpose of preventing a repeat of disaster a thousand years ago, before the birth of the current Princesses themselves."

Celestia and Luna, evidently. "Sacrificing what exactly? Emotion? The ability to express yourself freely? A life of no joy, happiness and wonder?" What kind of life was that?

"Precisely." The priest answered without missing a beat, motioning then to the stain window above. "In the name of all life on Equestria, this is what we must give up in exchange for the protection of all. With that said." Pooper turned to me with a scrutinizing gaze. "Kindly tone down your own voice, stranger. The less emotions spread, the better we'll be."

"But why?" I demanded to know, my hands emphasizing my disbelief. "What exactly could be so terrible we have to repress all emotion? What are we dealing with here?"

"Surely you must know?" Now it was his turn to look slightly incredulous, showing his own emotion at last. Before that quickly vanished. "It is in all folklore; the monsters which have plagued these lands before Equestrian kind dominated over them. The monsters we have struck back, concealed away to the corners of the land... This village included."

This only raised a billion more questions, so I settled on the one referring to what this priest was implying. "Are you saying these 'monsters' are sealed away in this very village?"

The stallion nodded stiffly, beginning to walk by me. "Come, I will show you. Then you will be enlightened as to why we must never display a single ounce of feeling."

Oh, THIS I needed to see. Nightshade and I followed without hesitation. With Starswirl suddenly being unusually quiet...

"This. This is where our greatest enemies are contained."

"...A giant storm drain."

"Your incredulity only betrays your ignorance. Our darkest foes lurks deep within the contents of this underground realm. Creatures whom, long ago, fed off the negative imbalances of emotions and conflict in order to strengthen their existence and spread Equestria with a cold, thorough winter for all of eternity."

"...It's a massive sewer cover."

"Our ancestors decreed, upon these vile forces being pushed in retreat, that they shall be sealed here and guarded for all time, watched over by their descendants. And thus, to sacrifice their devoted existence to save countless lives, the Town of the Forgotten was founded. And to this day we guard this lair with a noble cause-"

"You're guarding a manhole cover."

"It is our solemn duty to-"

"Mate, it's a [BEEP]ing sewer cover. It literally says so at the bottom."

"Ancient text devised by our ancestors. As you can see, the cover is deigned with art from the fallen language of our ancient predecessors, foretelling what horrors these beasts would unleash-"

"Those are just patterns to make the cover look pretty-"

"Our ancestors were responsible for this!" The priest were just beginning to show the edge of frustration, steam huffing from his nostrils with a stern glance my way. Like I was bothered, I merely stood there with folded arms and an expectant expression. "And everyday we take turns to watch over-"

"No one was watching over it when we arrived." Fascinating, my first solo exploration outside the normal civilization of Equestria, and I arrive in a village of self-deluded lunatics.

Was it just me, or did I catch his teeth grinding slightly. "It was about to be my turn." Okay, whatever you say pal. "Had you been Equestrian, you would not be so quick to question our creed. What are you, stranger, to blaspheme our guidance and quest to preserve all life across the land?"

Easy. "A person who's acquainted with your kind long enough to know that you can't function properly without emotions."

"Nonsense!" He disagreed ridiculously, gesturing with melodrama and a firm disposition. Pooper then motioned to himself. "T'was emotions which summoned these beasts to our land in the first place, and our steel resolve which thwart them back. In our tales of old, feelings and sensations brought nothing but conflict, arrogance and greed; magnets which drew the dark creatures toward sour infighting ancestors and used that greed for their own ill intentions. Emotions inhibit logic, reasoning and justice. And so, every stallion, mare and foal must recognize these follies if we are to gain a better tomorrow."


Yes Jack, you are hearing all this correctly. And even with all the patience and wisdom I have acquired in my days on the physical and mental planes, have I never perked an incredulous brow at what drivel this pony speaks. Starswirl really meant that with how he emphasized 'drivel.'

"That's... Nuts!" I could start to express my own exasperated disbelief, my voice rising to the point of pitching somewhat with how incredulous I was growing. "You can't just abandon every emotion entirely! That doesn't [BEEP]ing work! Joy! Happiness! Love! What about positive emotions?! You're inhibiting what it means to live! To experience why we even exist at all!"

Ban emotions? What [BEEP]ed up society have I even stumbled into? It sounded more like a town of cultists than a town serving to protect Equestria! And what about passion? What do they emotionless faces while they're procreating? Do they not express pride when their children grow up or graduate from school? Is it just a village where emotions are never shared twenty-four seven, even giving the often expressionless Maud Pie a run for her bits?

The [BEEP] was this nonsense?! What threat could be so devastating- Wait, I'll ask that question to him right now!

"Maintain your feelings, stranger. We are far too close to where those monster lay-"

"And further more, what exactly is this threat which makes us abandon what give life meaning?! What could possibly prohibit us from expression happiness or anger-"

Now he was beginning to shows traces of nervousness, but I was too wrapped up to calm myself. "I plead of you good sir, keep your emotions in reign-"

"Sadness or despair. Affection or love. Pride or disappointment. The very things which makes us... Well pony in your case." As if I could call myself one of their kind anymore. I could only stress this with a disbelieving stare down to his sweating state. "You're slowly killing yourselves watching over a storm drain!"

"Sir, please-!"

"A [BEEP]ing storm drain used to drown water... In the middle of a snowy field right next to a Goddamn mountain-!"


"What?" Before I felt the sensation below us too, the fluffy ground providing little to soften the trembling spreading around us. The [BEEP]? We both looked down, or more accurately we both regarded the large manhole cover beginning to show wisps of white steam escaping the edges.

"What have you done?!" The priest called out in irritation and newfound terror, showing more emotions than he'd likely care to admit, but giving a good question nonetheless. "You have doomed us all with your troublesome emotions! You fool!"

I prefer to call them passionate... But yeah. What exactly have I unleashed now? Starswirl, you picking up anything?

Be ready for any surprises.

That's not an answer-!


We both fell backwards, my backside hitting rather crunchy ground albeit roughly from the blow and impact, the force of the air unleashing itself from the popped-out manhole firing like a weapon into the sky. Immediately, I hurried to get myself back up, hands clenching shut and teeth grit for whatever monstrosity I may or may not have unintentionally released to the world again. The steam rose to the sky like a cloudy sprout of water, spreading itself among twenty feet into the air for a good estimate of about twenty-one seconds.

And, finally, dying out.

And then...








Nothing's happening.

I voiced as much to the similarly baffled stallion, whom slowly rose himself and carefully inched towards the source alongside me, the pair of us cautiously opting to peek over the now-open gaping round hole leading into deep darkness. One ear of mine may be impaired, 'cause I'm human again and all, so I leaned my working left ear down with care, and listened.


And nothing.

And nothing much more.


It would seem... My teacher mused. There may have been some kind of misunderstanding among our friend's ancestors.

Misunder- Are you saying that...?

"I don't understand..." Priest Pooper frowned deeply, showing far more outward emotion now than he ever had just a few minutes ago. "Our ancestors warned us... So why is nothing happening...?!"

Pent up steam from the inner layers of the planet being unleashed after all this time, perhaps. Nothing too implausible. There may have been mistranslated among this town's generations, the truth lost to time. Either way, I sense no hosility dwelling down there or just being released after a thousand years of confinement.

"The-The Wendigo... They should be attacking us right now! Spreading their violent disease over us-"

"Hold on." I had to interrupt, just so I heard correctly. "The Wendigo?" Repeating myself with more emphasis. "As in, those cloudy creatures which were forced back through the unification of Earth Pony, unicorn and pegasus kind? That kind of Wendigo?"

A glare my way. "What are you jabbering on about now? The Wendigo were forced back into the inner layers of the land through the prohibition of emotions... What? What is so amusing to you?"

My short chuckles developed into full-on pure laughter, feeling deeply amused for the first time in weeks. Because now, now everything was beginning to add up, and the cold did little to compose my hearty vocal laughter from the undeniable truth presented before me. Wendigo. THAT'S what they were afraid of!

When said fears were terribly unfounded to begin with!

"Misunderstanding indeed." I managed to say after my moment of ridicule was over, grinning in bemusement towards the baffled equine in dark robes. "The Wendigo were never pushed back by repressing emotions, priest. Everyone else in Equestria knows the true story; the Wendigo were banished from Equestria entirely out of love and compassion, through the power of friendship between all pony races. Don't tell me you've never heard of this!"

That oblivious blinking made this too good to be true.

Seriously, this tale was told six seasons ago, and even I remembered this!

Five seasons, to be more accurate.

"What- What happened...?" The typically-firm pony was now asking with nothing short of newfound wonder and caution, as if a new world was being revealed right before his very eyes.

Well, who was I not to indulge the ignorant, eh Father Pooper? "Allow me to share with you the tale of six ponies who brought the land together... After we head back indoors, being out here for so long is [BEEP]ing freezing for me."

All in all, that was terribly anticlimactic.

I am forced to concur, my friend. I was rather curious to see if this forewarning was true, having never encountered the Wendigo creatures in my whole physical lifestyle.

What, really?

Mmhm. Alas, they were before my own time. My travels across Equestria, during my youthful adventurous days, never gifted me the sight of those legendary beings. Sometimes I had struggled to even find validity of their existence.

Well, since you can see everything that goes on in Equestria now. Do they exist?

Well... No smoke without fire, Jack.

Fair enough. Maybe one day I'll see them for myself. Of course, I very much doubt they'd be anymore terrifying than the interpretations from Until Dawn.

Cloud monsters that turn you frozen solid? I'd take that over agonizing death from flesh-eating decaying creatures anyday-

Ah, look who approaches.

"I see you are leaving us." The priest greeted with a wry look, eyeing my bag and Nightshade resting firmly on my shoulder. "Where will you go now, stranger?"

I shrugged. Right now, my only destination was a point far from all civilization before Zagreus could find me. "Wherever the wind takes me, I suppose."

Perhaps acquiring a map in the next local town will aid us.

I knew we were forgetting something when I packed.

We were in a hurry, after all.

It didn't hurt you to at least remind me, back then?

As I said, we were in a rush.

Whatever... I rolled my eyes, looking back to Pooper. "Hopefully we'll meet again, one day." Even if I sincerely doubted that, considering my luck these days.

The stallion had no experience in smiling, so instead provided a curt nod. "Perhaps." And spoke with the faintest of... Well, emotion. "Your retelling of our ancestor's history was... Enlightening. I shall complete to the best of my capabilities in informing the town of our... Ignorance, and reforming from our mistakes. It will take a long while, but our village has endured worse trials over its centuries of establishment."

That's good, a decent start at least. "I'm just happy I could help." Heh, Twilight would definitely tell me to show more pride in my accomplishment today, approving of my resorting to educating the masses over accurate history...



Well, I was just happy I could help, all the same...

If Father Pooper took any notice of my sudden downtrodden behaviour, he never mentioned of it. "May we at least have the name of our visitor, to reference for showing us the truth."

"Star-" Before I stopped myself, blinking briefly and finding my brain and tongue hesitate on saying that name. Did I even have the right to call myself that anymore, as a human again? Hell, did I have the right to call myself Jack Wright anymore? "No one. Just... No one."

And that said, my legs carried me away from the curious leader of that village, aiming to get away as quickly as possible. As though sensing my internal dispute, Nightshade rubbed against my right ear with comfort.

Stardust Balance...

Jack Wright...

Somehow, neither of those names felt worthy of me to use anymore. For, in the end, I felt like a massive failure, all things considered... Tch.

Maybe I should start calling myself 'Nobody No-One' instead... Doesn't sound too implausible a name by Equestrian standards.

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