• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Sixty: Be Prepared!

"- But then if the balance of Equestria operates differently than your world's, then it there's a fifty/fifty assumption that it would also have aided in your trip to our world. Also we must consider the possibility over Specter being a user of balance itself; perhaps a servant or messager. We could also presume that Specter originated from the very concept- Jack, are you even listening?"

Hm...? Oh.

Rubbing my face, I quickly responded, "Yes, sorry, I just... Never mind, continue please." Leaning against the surface of a desk, I was currently in the library's basement with the ever-so inquisitive Twilight, conducting our typical morning session which, I'll be honest, we haven't done for quite a while.

With good reason. I've had a lot on my mind.

Twilight nodded, continuing while gesturing to the blackboard, showing numbers and Math figures that someone of my intellect would have his brain turned off staring at. "As I was saying, the possibility of a connection between your arrival here and the concept of balance shouldn't be ruled out. We'll have to analyze the concept more to assist us in finding out how exactly this Specter brought you to Equestria, and why. I suggest we conduct more thorough research before requesting for some assistance from Princess Celestia, who might shed some more light on the subject. What do you think? ...Jack?"

"I hear you." Shaking my head tiredly, I sat up straight, meeting her rather annoyed gaze. "Sorry, Twilight, I just... It doesn't matter."

Sighing, as though relenting to suppress her own eagerness for more research and studying right now, Twilight approached. "I suppose we can wait a moment before proceeding. Another restless night?"

"You have no idea..." Last night's images plagued my thoughts, inciting my shudder. That dream over King Sombra and the Diamond Dogs singing 'Be Prepared' followed by a hefty number of nightmares; night after night, and they only seemed to be getting worse. "Could be the soda..." I added jokingly.

Twilight, however, was far less than amused, shaking her head in exasperation and concern. Yet before she could open her mouth, a younger voice spoke up. "Is the session over yet?"

The purple mare sighed, glancing up. "Yes Spike, you can come down now." The dragon eagerly accepted, rushing down the staircase to greet us, grinning in anticipation for whatever reason. "Just one second."

As Twilight conveniently walked towards her piled notes, Spike approached my position next. "Uh, hey Stardust." I know that tone; that's the tone that says he's going to ask or say something which I will probably dislike or disapprove of. Alright, lay it on me buddy. "Wanna go camping?"

...Sorry, did he just say 'camping?'

At my look, Spike quickly explained himself, "It's just that Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Applejack, Apple Bloom, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo are going camping in the woods and I thought it might be fun if we, ya know, joined them." The dragon looked quite excited at the prospect. And Twilight seemed to barely acknowledge his words, focusing on her notes. "So, can we?"

"...What's stopping you from going with Twilight here, or Fluttershy, or anyone else more qualified?" I had to ask, befuddled as to why Spike would ask me, of all people. Or ponies, whichever.

The dragon shrugged, "Well, I just thought that you might enjoy it. It could be fun and... It's a great brotherly activity..."

Okay, now I have to be totally honest with this child. Sorry Spike, but no amount of brotherly fondness is going to persuade me to partake in that.

"I hate camping."

"O-Oh..." His expression turned to disappointment in a millisecond, the dragon looking down. "Well... That's alright... I suppose I can always ask Pinkie or Fluttershy..."

"Spike." Twilight, on cue, spoke up, smiling pleasantly at the downcast lizard... Though it looked rather forced. "I think I left one of the new quills upstairs. Could you bring it for me?" Spike merely nodded, sadly returning to the first floor above. And, waiting until he was out of earshot, Twilight regarded me with clear annoyance. "You could've been less crass about it."

Scoffing, I rolled my eyes, "I'm utterly exhausted, how else was I suppose to be react?"

"Like someone who didn't look or sound utterly repulsed at the idea. A simple 'No, thank you' for example."

Shaking my head, my eyes glanced back up in ponderment. "What incited him to ask me anyway? He knows I'm more of an introvert."

"Because I asked him to." At the confession, my confused gaze met Twilight's serious own. Sighing, she clarified, "I thought it might do you some good; you haven't been yourself ever since the whole Trixie affair. And... I'm worried about you."

Worried? "I'm fine-"

"So you keep telling everyone. But I know that's far from the case." Shaking her head, the mare's tone and expression softened. "You've been alot more... Distant lately, around me and everyone else. You stay out of the library for the majority of the day now - which is fine for you to explore the outdoors - yet you barely interact with our friends for more than five minutes before excusing yourself, so forgive me if I believe something's troubling you, and hanging out with Spike and the others for a few days might help you."

Of course, Twilight would notice when something's troubling me, and would do her best to help rectify the problem. But this time, this time it was something she couldn't do anything about.

"Alright... I haven't been feeling like myself lately." That I can admit. Twilight listened intently, letting me continue. "These recent nightmares. My frustration over being unable to return home worsening, and my... Forget it." I managed to shut myself up before revealing the last problem, revolving around the very unicorn hearing me out. "But I'll be fine, Twilight. My problems have always been my own, and I will deal with them myself."

"Don't do that, Jack."

What now? "Don't do what...?"

"Shut your friends out like that." Ah. Then the mare invaded my personal space for the umpteenth time, placing a comforting hoof to my side. I gulped at the touch, yet Twilight only expressed concern and comfort. "After all the progress we've made, I don't want you to shield yourself from us again. Our friends will agree... We haven't done anything to upset you, have we?"

"What? No, no!" I quickly reassured the mare. "Never! Well, not 'upset' anyway..."


"Then what?" Twilight frowned slightly. "Because sometimes I can't help but feel that you're avoiding us... Or someone specific at least..."

Can't. Keep my. Bloody. Mouth shut. "Nothing, don't concern yourselves over it." I lied through my teeth. Good going Stardust, you're a bloody moron who can't help but slip up all the time, can you?

Whether Twilight saw through the deception or not, she didn't comment on it. Instead, she sighed again and nodded, stepping back. "Alright, but we're here - especially me - when you're ready to talk."

"I appreciate that..." Even if it is none of your damn business- Whoa, slow down there, no need to think such hostile thoughts towards Twilight of all people.

I'm more tired than I thought...

"Will you at least consider joining the girls with Spike for camping?" Oh God, she was giving me the adorable look, those pure violet sparkling eyes and kind smile... "For me?"

Now, any teenage or young man would immediately abide to their crush's wishes upon giving them that deliberate - or sometimes unintentional - look. I, however, am more resistant; my exhaustion, self-irritation and autism winning over my infatuation for this beautiful mare.

"No." Twilight pouted - that's right - searching my deadpanned gaze for a moment before looking away in disappointment. "Sorry, my dear, but nothing on this planet will ever convince me to go camping. Not even my friends."

But hopefully there'll be something on this world that'll convince my nightmares to [BEEP] leave me to my [BEEP] beauty sleep.

Running. Running. Running.

Dark. Darker. Yet darker...

I couldn't exactly recall why I was running, but from the looks of this place, it was better than just standing around and waiting to get mauled alive. Large black corridors, the walls and floors aged and broken, large holes beneath ready to consume a man whole. I had to be careful not to trip through one as I fled from the monsters. The only sounds were my footsteps, shallow breathing and, if possible, the sweat running down my face.

Not good. It means my pursuers are fans of jumpscares-

Oh [BEEP]!

My arse fell roughly onto the creaking floorboards by my startled state, as before me was one of the monsters which sent chills down my spine, and a voice in my mind screaming for me to run.

Standing there, watching my with empty sockets, only red glow emanating from where the eyes once were, stood a familiar character I had hoped never to see again. The animatronic bear, with their broken mouth wide open, silently regarded me as though waiting for me to react some more.

Before it moved.


Pulling myself back up, I quickly sprinted back the way I came, taking a right from the previous corridor instead of forward. Panic overtook my sense, as every urge to run from Freddy overpowered any illogical sense to fight back. I don't wanna be an animatronic!

I then took another right and-

"[BEEP]!" I practically screamed in fright, falling on my [BEEP] again at the small black-haired, grey-skinned girl with a red dress. In her still hand held a pair of scissors, rusted and ready to be used as a murder weapon.


Then soulless black eyes looked up towards me, a creepy smile on her dead features, prompting me to take off again, running down another corridor instead of retracing my steps. God dammit, I think having my eyes slowly stabbed out would be worse than being stuffed to death inside an animatronic costume! I need to get out of here, to escape this cursed elementary school, before I become another victim of this cruel reality.

Aha! A staircase! Just what I needed- [BEEP]!

Oh [BEEP] me! Standing atop the wooden stairs, darkness pouring out all over him, stood another creature I would rather not deal with right now. The sight incited me to run back, away from the Slenderman who pursued with teleportation.

I'm trapped...

I reached a fork in the corridors, three separate ways and each bearing the monsters within. The only safe way seemed to be the door behind me, and without hesitation I began pulling, terror overflowing my mind.

Come on! Come on! Open you stupid door!

Yet it wouldn't budge, to my horror. It seemed affixed to the wall, almost like a decoration. Meaning... I'm a goner...

...Oh [BEEP]...

My body stilled, shooting upwards at the chilling laughter surrounding me, and slowly, cautiously, I turned. Freddy, Sachiko, and the Slenderman all walking out from the darkness of the three corridors, slowly and tortuously approaching with their limbs raised. This was it... I'm dead. My back to the wall, I slid down, just waiting for the end to come. And pretty soon, the three entities stood over me, glaring at me gleefully, even though one of them doesn't even have a face.

Someone... Please... Help me...

Then, unexpectedly, the walls and floor began melting, a dark purple voice all around us. And the three beings, to my shock, began... Morphing together, swirling to become another entity as one. And a terrified scream escaped my throat at the leering green eyes with red irises, black vapour all around them.

"Someone! Please!"

And it my wish was granted.

The black vapour and evil eyes evaporated, along with the purple void. Oh Christ. Without thinking, my head was in my hoofs, tears trailing down my eyes. Good God, that was horrible...

"You are safe now."


Feeling a presence above me, I carefully peaked my eyes out, and the sight that greeted me was the last I expected. An alicorn, blue as night, smiling at me serenely, as though her arrival here was exactly the comfort I needed.


She nodded, offering out a hoof. Slowly, I accepted it, helping me stand up. "The monsters are no longer here, Stardust. You're safe... For now."

...Didn't like the sound of that. "But... What are you doing here? And where are we?" Looking around, my eyes widened then as I recognized the street we were in. "This is... My home!"

My Earth home!

Luna nodded again, as though this wasn't all that impressive to her. "I've taken you here as a means of comfort, in order to escape the nightmarish realms of your dreams."

Of my... Wait a minute...

"Then this... Is a dream...?"

"Indeed. I understand you have been having nightmares these past few weeks. I'm sorry it took so long for me to assist you."

"Well I... hang on." Grasping her words, I looked back at the calm mare. "Assist me how? Aren't you just a figment of my imagination right now?"

The majestic alicorn chuckled, "Hmhmhm. Many have assumed as much before you, Stardust. I am the Princess of the Night." Her wings unfolded as she announced her title. "It is my duty to help my citizens overcome the fears of their dreams. Twilight Sparkle has written to my dear sister about your plight, and I was obligated to assist you. After all, you've done so for me."

My hoofs clenched beneath the solid road, glancing at my old house for a moment before frowning, "Then you mean to say... You invited yourself into my mind...?"

"If you wish to think of it that way-"

"Get out."

"I- Excuse me?" Luna blinked in surprise at my angered demand.

Pointing, I continued with justified irritation, "You have no right to be here. You can't just invade my dreams whenever you deem it fit, no matter if I need help or not. That's not for you to decide. Get the hell out of my mind."


"No!" My eye twitched at the hesitation. "These dreams - these nightmares - are my own problem, and I will deal with them as I see fit. I don't need you to guide my hand out of this."

"Please, hear me out." Luna practically pleaded, looking quite saddened at my anger. "Your friends worry for you, understandably so. I've seen what you're experiencing in these nightmares, and it does not bold well. Let me help you in vanquishing this darkness from your mind-"

"Get out!" Stepping forward, I was face-to-face with the hopeless mare. "[BEEP] what anyone else thinks! Especially you!"

"Stardust..." The blue alicorn said, depression leaking from her voice as eyes became downcast.

But I was having none of it. And, quite suddenly, a black winds began overtaking the area, an emphasis of my anger. Luna, looking shocked at the raw power, glanced upwards with widened eyes of shock and... Recognition?


"And don't ever come back!" I screamed in conclusion as her wings picked up on the wind, sending her into the night sky out of sight. Thank God.

And behind was a dark chuckle-

"-Jack! Jack!"

Huh? What?

Immediately my body shot up from the bed, looking around wildly. The hell was- Oh. Finally I noticed both Twilight and Spike, the former leaning on the edge of the bed while the dragon was a distance away. Both looked rather panicking.

"Spike... Twilight?"

Breathing out sighs of relief, the purple unicorn spoke first. "Thank goodness. We thought you weren't gonna wake up." Eh? "You were yelling in your sleep."

Was I... Ah.

"It's nothing to worry about now." Yet Twilight placed a warm comforting hoof on my forehead anyway, as though checking the temperature. "I'm fine Twilight... Really. It won't happen again."

Leaning back, the mare asked with clear concern, "Are you sure?"

Probably not. "Absolutely, go back to bed, both of you." Spike, rubbing his exhausted eyes, happily obliged, yet Twilight lingered for a moment, prompting my own tired sigh, "I'll be fine, love."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No... No I'm good. Sorry for waking you-"

"Don't." Huh? "You have nothing to apologize for, apart from almost scaring me and Spike to death." She smiled without humour, before walking towards the bedroom door. "If this does happen again, then we're doing something about it, whether you agree or not. Okay? Goodnight Jack."

Yeah sure...

Another day of my friends checking up one me. Twilight constantly asking me about my health, vaguely pleading for me to tell her about the dreams. Not gonna happen. Spike being unusually quiet today, contrasting his typical carefree or complaining personality with the chores. Fluttershy visited today, though, asking if I wanted to help her with her animals. I politely declined, of course, as I wasn't feeling up to it.

In fact, I haven't been feeling up to doing anything these days... What was wrong with me...?

As evening was turning late, I was on my was to the staircase, intending to retire early. But then, a voice called out, "Hey Stardust." Turning around, I noticed Spike walk up with a hesitant smile, "You going to bed?"

I simply nodded, not wishing to open my mouth right now.

"You sure about that?"


Seeing my expression, Spike motioned for me to follow, "'Cause I've got something to show you." Alright, what was the dragon up to now? Both tired and slightly curious, I walked after the infant lizard. Did he have a new gem to show off, or was he going to share a secret with me? "In here." Spike said before entering a nearby room.

The room with the fireplace, to be exact, where Nightshade usually resided for his own solitude.

And inside was the owl himself... And Twilight, both cozying up to the active fireplace with content expressions. Along with... Marshmallows attached to sticks being roasted by the fire.


"Ta-da!" Spike then announced, gesturing top the entire room, to which I've finally noticed the... Peculiar decorations around the place. Leaves, branches, rocks... along with two tents near the window. It's like they've turned this room into a jungle for some reason.

"Alright, I'll bite... What the hell is this?"

"Our camping site!" The dragon replied enthusiastically. "I know you hate camping outside, so Twilight thought we could do it indoors!" Looking up, the unicorn smiled pleasantly.

"...That's not camping though."

Both dragon and mare rolled their eyes at my confused observation. "Well duh. Which is why we added all these leaves, branches and rocks to the place." So you have. "So whaddya say; wanna camp out with us, roast some marshmallows, tell spooky stories and whatnot?"

Over Spike's energetic head, Twilight sent me a look, daring me to decline the offer. After all, Spike practically said that they did all this for me. "...Marshmallows you say?"

Spike grinned, nodding happily. "Uh-huh."

"Sure, why not?" May as well indulge them after their hard work. Clearly ecstatic by my answer, Spike dragged towards the two, stepping over the laird branches and rocks. Very immersive.

Next thing I knew, I was sitting too comfortably close with the others, the four of us sitting by the fire, waiting for the gooey substances to finish being cooked. Spike and Nightshade were closest to the fire, though out of harm's way, waiting for the food to finish so they can devour the delicious treats.

Can owls eats marshmallows?

And Twilight and I were just lying behind them, enjoying the sight of the two eager kids waiting to eat. Silence had taken over the room, the only occasional sound being the cackling fire... And it was quite relaxing. I can see why people enjoy camping. This peace, this atmosphere, just interacting with the ones you lo- Err, are close to. What can be better?

Then I felt Twilight's head lean against my furry chest. And my heart rate accelerated. Her horn brushing my jawline, prompting me to return the gesture, resting my head atop her comforting own, hoping she wouldn't mind. Apparently that wasn't the case, as Twilight only seemed to snuggle into my chest further.

...Yep, just got better. A part of me wanted to fall asleep right now...

And without really thinking logically, my free left hoof wrapped around her back, inciting the mare to look up, and I to meet her gaze, sparkling eyes reflecting beautifully from the fire. This was like a dream... It then occurred to my fuzzy brain how exactly close our muzzles were, and Twilight's eyelids began closing slowly, her mouth inching upwards. Almost instinctively, I responded in kind and-

"They're done!"

[BEEP]! God damn mother-[BEEP]!

At Spike's happy announcement, our eyes widened, and Twilight quickly retracted her head away from me, looking at the floorboards in clear embarrassment, and I don't think the heat from the fireplace is responsible for the redness on her cheeks.

I was so close! Dammit Spike!

Wait... I was so close to what exactly...?

Time progressed, the four of us munching on our own roasted marshmallows. Yum, I'll have to say... Though I prefer them soft. Still, I couldn't even bring myself to meet Twilight's eyes after what just happened then. And I'm trying to ponder what exactly did happen, because there was absolutely no way that Twilight Sparkle reciprocated my feelings.

Devouring his marshmallows in no time flat, the young dragon then said excitedly, "Done!" The sight incited our mouthful chuckles, at least. Well, Spike's enthusiasm isn't something I can be mad at. "Next, let's tell some spooky stories!"

At this, I raised an invisible brow after swallowing my food, "Oh, I don't think you want to hear the kind of stories I have in mind." Twilight glanced at me from that devious tone. Well, I can't lie, it would serve a little payback for just then.

Spike scoffed, folding his arms in challenge, "I can take on anything you've got!"

"Ya sure about that?"

"Now Jack-"

But the excited lizard cut off Twilight's warning tone, "Yeah! You go first then, Stardust! I won't get scared!"

"...Very well. Ahem." Slowly, a grin crept on my muzzle after clearing my throat. "But first, someone turn the lights off. We can't have a campfire without the only light source being the fire."

The dutiful owl volunteered, flying over and switching off the room's lights. Perfect.

Looking back at Spike, who, with the flames from the fireplace lighting up his face. slowly looked apprehensive at my expression, I started my retribution with a slow, calm tone, "It all began at a pizzeria..."

"Spike! Wait!" A distressed Twilight called futilely after the sobbing dragon, who had fled the room after hearing about halfway through my tale.

"Well... That went well." I couldn't help but comment.

At this, I was treated to Twilight's infamous glare. "'That went well?!' I think you just scarred Spike for life, Jack! What were you thinking?!"

"Ah he'll be fine." I waved dismissively. "I wasn't too gruesome with the details. I haven't even got to the best part yet." Although Spike ran off right at the beginning of the part about the frontal lobe, which was admittedly disappointing.

The purple unicorn, however, wasn't amused, which could be an understatement. "I can't believe you shared such a horrific story with us, especially with him! Look, even Owlicious is frightened!" I glanced at the pointed bird, who was shivering under her own wings. "Did you even think before you started telling the story?"

"Of course I did." I nodded. Yes, I was mostly thinking of payback. "Besides, many children back home wouldn't be that scared at that dumbed down version of Five Nights At-"

"How can you be so callous about it?" Twilight's voice was close to yelling. "You might have given them nightmares for weeks now!"

Oh good, maybe Luna can bother them instead of me now.

"It's not my fault they couldn't handle-"

"It is most definitely your fault!" I frowned, not liking this tone Twilight was using against me. Then she poked roughly into my chest. "Spike just wanted us all to have a nice campfire together, and you've ruined it. I hope you feel proud of yourself."

...[BEEP] this.

"Now where are you going?" Twilight demanded after I brushed past her.

"Outside." I replied hotly. "The real outside, not this farce of a campfire. I don't need this right now."

"You can't just walk away from these things-!"

The door slammed shut before I could allow the infuriating mare to finish, my hoofs stomping towards the front door. Screw this, the last thing I needed was to be scolded by her of all people. Wonder if Sugarcube Corner's still open by now.

Exiting the house, I leaned against the red door for a moment, and exhaled slowly. Christ... What a night... Maybe I was a little too cruel to Spike and Nightshade just then by telling them that kind of story. Hell, Twilight attempted to interrupt me numerous times as though I was going too far. Yet a part of me wanted to continue, as though watching and hearing the two kids suffer brought some sense of delight.

...What was wrong with me?

Shaking my head, my hoofs began moving. I needed a drink, and a lie-in. Soda is always the cure for anger and depression... At least for me anyway. This nightmares are getting to me more than I thought-


Unexpectedly, a certain alicorn landed right before me, her height blocking the moon from my gaze, illuminating her body. And this, certainly, was also the last thing I needed right now.


"Stardust." She greeted far more politely, "Going for a stroll?"

"Something like that." I shrugged. "What do you want?"

If Luna was upset by my bluntness, she didn't show it. "I wished to speak to you sometime during tonight. It seems fate has made us both fortunate."

I snorted, "That's debatable."

"Stardust... I apologize if my trespassing of your dreams has upset you." Luna began, sounding as though she was carefully selecting her words. "But, it wouldn't benefit you to keep these problems to yourself like this. I'm sure Twilight and your friends will agree."

"Let them ponder." I immediately responded, already walking forward. "I don't need you, or the others, to interfere with my life. The fact I've let them in so far is more than enough. Goodnight Luna."

"Stardust, there is a great darkness within you." The alicorn then said while I walked by, inciting my pause. Her azure eyes stayed on my figure. "I sensed it last night, and it was that same presence which banished me from your mind. Whatever it is, you mustn't allow it to grow, otherwise it will consume you."

That does it.

"You know what that darkness is, your Highness?" I asked mockingly before facing her fully. "That is the darkness of humanity, and there's nothing you can do about it. This supposed chaos within me has always been around, and has always grown. Hell, I practically embrace its power, whenever the light fails me. Now, if you've got nothing better to say, leave me alone, and go invade someone else's privacy like you did the other night. Besides, calling the kettle black considering you gave in to your own darkness long ago, eh?"

Truth hurts, doesn't it Luna? The mare finally expressed sadness.

"It is true that I once submitted to my own selfish desires..." Luna began quietly, looking lost in thought. "Jealously, a lust for power, to make others love the night as much as they adore the sunlight. It almost destroyed me, and I just don't want the same to befall my friends."

"How noble of you." I commented dryly, resuming my walk. "You can start then, next time, by asking to enter someone's dreams rather than invade them at your own pleasure. Otherwise, you're no better than your sister."

"...Would that include your dreams, Stardust?"

Halting for a brief moment, I called over my ponified shoulder. "Not on your life, my dear." Before continuing, effectively leaving Luna in the dust.

Was I being a bit mean? Maybe. Probably. But I consider a fair lecture after that invasion of privacy last night. And Twilight wonders why I'm reluctant to let people in.

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