• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Forty-Nine: Whirlpool Balance

Already. Regretting. My. Resolve.

"C'mon Star, ya barely even made it to twenty trees!"

A growl escaped my parched throat at Applejack's encouragement, who was observing me a few feet away as I continued pounding my back hoofs into the trunks of the apple trees. Apple Bloom, bless her soul, was assisting by catching the fallen apples I forced to leave their trees. When my friends learnt of my new plan to improve my physical muscles, Applejack was eagerly the first to help me.

By helping out with her farm. As if that wasn't stressful enough the last time I assisted around here.

"Twenty-one! Don't give up now!" The orange mare said after I paused to rest my limbs. This was utterly ridiculous. I have to credit Applejack and her family, though, since this was what they did everyday.

Why was I doing this? Why else? To prepare for that wedding. God knows how many Changelings will be there, disguised as guests and the staff. Also, if talking with that Queen of theirs won't work, which was Plan A, then there's every possibility that brute force will be required.

"How much... Of this will I have to do?" I finally asked during kicking another trunk, the small yellow filly catching the fallen fruit with ease onto the basket atop her head.

Applejack shrugged, "Until ya feel tired out." Oh wonderful.

Rarity, also watching me use physical effort, added in the encouraging tone, "But don't let that stop you, Stardust. We have every confidence in your resolve."

Hearing of my assistance to Sweet Apple Acres, the white unicorn wanted to see this for herself. And the moment she spotted me doing some farmwork under Applejack's commands, she expressed how proud she was of me to be doing something after spending the majority of my time in the stuffed-up library doing absolutely naught but read books.

If only she knew...

"Applejack dear, you wouldn't mind if I borrow Stardust to help me afterwards, would you?" I heard Rarity inquire as my back was turned, focusing on my next targeted innocent tree. If apparently all life was sentient on Equestria, would that include nature itself? Would the trees be feeling pain to constant hooves bashing against their trunks?

"Sure thing Rarity." The Earth Pony affirmed happily. "Twenty-three Stardust! Ya almost reached the number ya got up to last time!"


"I heard that!"

From the side, Apple Bloom giggled loudly, "Golly, I don't think I've heard Applejack be this proud about anypony for a while." Lucky me.

"Over there please darling. Thank you." Rarity said gratefully after I obliged, setting the bags of equipment to the side. "It was so nice of you to carry my shopping for me. All of the items in there are needed for my customer's orders."

"Glad to help." I muttered rather tiredly, feeling relief on my back after ridding the heavy equipment off me. Rubbing the sore part of my ponified body, I sighed. "Anything else?"

The white mare threw me a humoured glance, "Don't tell me you're exhausted already. After everything I've seen you do since your time here in Equestria, this must be of relative ease for you."

"Doesn't work like that." I shrugged. "Even I can't explain it clearly."

"Hm. Well, there's still much more work to be done. Thank you for your assistance and- Ah yes, I know how to repay you." Repay me? Rarity grinned rather excitedly and gestured to a nearby closed curtain, red and golden fabric mixed together, evidently hiding something. "In fact, that's part of the reason I requested your assistance today. I was planning on keeping this a secret from everyone until my special customers adorn them, but, considering it was you who recommended my work to her, I can make an exception."

...Wait what?

Noticing my confused expression, Rarity's grin brightened. "Oh yes. Imagine how surprise, flattered and gratified I was to learn a Princess wanted me to make a few dresses for her. More specifically, a wedding dress and bridesmaids dresses."

And with that, Rarity pulled away the curtains via magic, revealing the expensive-looking dress in question, fitting on the pony mannequin it rested on. It was literally sparkling, as though it was just washed this morning. Knowing Rarity, she must've cleaned the dress everyday. Rarely does the mare nearby present her work before its finished.

"Ever since our return to Canterlot after Twilight's birthday, I received a letter from Princess Mi Amore Cadenza herself." Rarity struggled to contain the glee her expression was displaying, regarding her dress as though it was a work of art. "Though my knowledge of her is limited, but she's a Princess all the same, after I checked for proof of such a claim. The niece of Princess Celestia herself! In the letter, she requested I create a few bridesmaids dresses and a wedding dress for her special day, and I worked tirelessly day and night working on the perfect dresses for the Princess ever since. Just last night I finished up the other dresses and had them packaged to Canterlot. In addition, she requested I not share this order with my friends, except for the stallion who recommended my work."

Now I remember. During a conversation between Cadence and I, Rarity was brought up. Evidently the Princess of Love was impressed with the unicorn's apparent work, and wanted to see what she was capable of herself.

"The letter stated I was recommended to her by a very close friend of mine, one who had accompanied me in Canterlot." The grin stretched so much it looked prepared to snap off in half, as Rarity regarded me in pure bliss. "You've obviously exaggerated my skills so much for a Princess to desire my work, but I am thankful all the same Stardust. I'm not sure how I can ever repay you for not only having the honour of making a Princess her wedding dress, but probably making part of my work a piece of history. I am forever grateful."

Her words were completely happy and sincere. And it pleased me, also, that Cadence took my word for it and asked for Rarity's assistance for her upcoming wedding. Who said I never did anything for someone else's benefit?

"You deserve it, Rarity." I said, as the white unicorn looked away bashfully. "I may know next to nothing about fashion, but you're the damn best fashioner I've ever had the luck of knowing."

"You're too kind, Stardust." Oh, was the white unicorn flushing at the praise? Stop the presses. "If there's anything I can do to return the favour, please don't hesitate in asking."

...Actually, while we're on the subject.

"There is one thing."

"Simply name it, darling."

"How did you know I wasn't from this world?" I inquired, this question having plagued my mind for a while now. "When Fluttershy accidentally slipped out my secret back at the library, you didn't seem the least bit surprised."

"Ah." Rarity nodded, "Yes, well that was back during the Sisterhooves Social event. I was going to inform you and Applejack we were departing for the spa now, and then I overheard your revelation. I was, suffice to say, quite surprised." She shrugged at my raised invisible brow, "It's part of the reason I welcomed your company to Canterlot. I knew you had no intention in harming me or our friends, and I wished to learn more about the alien living among us."

"I see..." Well, that certainly explained a lot. I nodded thankfully, "I appreciate you telling me this, Rarity. It'll remind me to be more careful with where I say these kind of things."

The white mare smiled, "Of course. Now then, I believe Applejack still requires your presence at Sweet Apple Acres. I must put the finishing touches for this dress, and then have it delivered to Canterlot at once. But I'll be with you two shortly."

Alright, now's the time I finally took a break.

After lifting and carrying God knows how many barrels across the farm, I placed the last one down with the others, my hooves and back collapsing in relief from all the physical work. Loud inhaling and exhaling emitted from my ponified mouth and nose, while I wiped away the sweat that was a constant inconvenience on my face.

Wonder how Twilight would react to me partaking in all physical labour. The mare in question was currently preoccupied helping the pegasi of Ponyville prepare to lift water from a lake via custom-made tornado to Cloudsdale in order for the city to produce rain water... Yep, still sounds as absurd as when I first heard it. The explanation to how it's done was so half-baked that even [BEEP] Miles 'Tails' Prower would call it a little far-fetched.

"Need a drink?" The helpful young Earth Pony asked, Apple Bloom, asked when approaching my state. "We have some apple juice in our house."

Leaning against the wooden barrel, I glanced at the filly. A drink sounds refreshing right about now. Except for one thing, "Pure?"


"Would you mind adding some water to it? Not really a fan of pure apple juice." Not keen on apple juice in general, truthfully. Always preferred blackcurrant than other fruity drinks.

"Um, okay." Apple Bloom nodded at my seemingly strange request, before rushing towards the farm house. "Be right back!"

Passing by her, Applejack and Rarity walked towards my exhausted state, both smiling for some reason. "You've done some mighty fine progress, Star." The orange mare praised, sounding quite sincere.

Rarity nodded. "I concur. You'll become a stronger stallion in no time." Oh yeah, because that's what my goal was. To become a pony muscleman. But right now I didn't have the energy to snort. "Applejack has invited us to have lunch here. Will you be joining us?"

"Depends. What are we having, apples?" Applejack grinned positively at the rhetorical question. I shook my head, "Your family probably eats more apples than the entirety of my race."

"Oh?" Rarity raised a curious brow. "What do humans eat? I've never presumed to ask."

"Fruit. Vegetables. Meat. Sugary food-"

"Whoa whoa back up there sugarcube. Did you say 'meat?" Applejack's eyes reflected surprise at the information. "Like, animal meat?"

"No. Human meat." I smirked at their expressions. "I jest, only the truly sickening would resort to cannibalism. We eat animal meat, yes."

"What... What kind of meat?"


"Not pony meat, if that's what worries you." No one in their right mind would do such a horrific thing. The two breathed out sighs of relief, prompting my light laughter and then coughing. Yep, Apple Bloom better hurry with that drink. "Let's see... Cow meat, pig meat... Fish... Chicken, turkey, lamb... My particular favourite is pork..."

Applejack, while I was counting off the list of human food, was glancing nervously around the entire area... Oh right, because the majority of those animals reside here.

"Lamb?" Rarity echoed, sounding quite appalled at my taste. "You even devour... baby animals?"

"Humans aren't saints, Rarity." I shrugged helplessly. "We don't choose what our taste buds are. In our world, edible animals are considered fair game. They help us grow stronger. But don't worry, I have no intention on snacking any live creatures while I'm here." I reassured them, yet they still looked quite perturbed and disgusted by the information.

Before the conversation could continue, an energetic Apple Bloom returned with a glass of watered apple juice on her back. "Here ya go, Stardust! Hmm, what's wrong sis? You look like someone just showed ya an orange."

Due to Applejack's paranoia, the three of us were having our lunch elsewhere, as far away from Sweet Apple Acres as possible. I had repeated to the orange Earth Pony numerous times that humans don't eat meat like natural predators; we cook them beforehand. But that only seemed to make the farming mare more adamant in keeping me away for now, while I was hungry.

Instead, we went elsewhere where my stomach can be satisfied by the sweet taste of... well sweets. Sugarcube Corner. And Pinkie Pie was all the more eager to help sate the hunger of a friend of hers.

And I welcomed it all as though they gifts blessed upon me. This was exactly required to restore my energy after all the physical effort today.

"I think we underestimated exactly how much energy you needed." Rarity commented in amusement. No [BEEP] my dear. I was completely famished, and the afternoon had only just arrived. My muzzle, however, was preoccupied with chewing the cupcakes and muffins given by Pinkie, who was watching me eat happily.

From the side, as they were dealing with other customers, Mr and Mrs Cupcake occasionally glanced at my table, expressing both surprise and humour towards my ravenous devouring. As long as it's all paid for, they don't mind the mess, I was informed.

Fine by me, these treats were great!

"Not that I call a lunch though," Applejack said casually, eating a sugary apple pie of her own. Only myself and Pinkie Pie were the ones with the most food, sharing the delicious treats. "But better than eatin' meat, right Stardust?"

Swallowing a banana muffin, a smirk graced my sugar-coated muzzle. "Only if it's chocolate, the greatest food of all time."

"Hear hear!" Pinkie yelled in agreement, the sugar rush clearly getting to her already. Both Rarity and Applejack exchanged glances before shaking their heads fondly. "But you know what's better than eating chocolate? Eating with your friends!"

"As opposed to eating your friends? Debatable, Pinkie." What perfectly timed reactions. Applejack spat out her piece of pie, landing on Pinkie's amused face. Whereas Rarity looked ready to choke on her food, but luckily swallowed it in time. Both glared at my laughing state, and then at Pinkie for joining in.

"Don't be silly, Stardust! Who would ever eat their own friends?" Pinkie asked after the shared laughter subsided.

Rarity shook her head again at our antics, a small nervous-looking smile gracing her features. "No one here... Correct, Stardust?"

"Absolutely." I nodded genuinely.

"Glad to hear it." Applejack muttered before proceeding again to devour her pie. Still don't trust me, my dear? I suppose that's understandable.

There were two minutes of eating, the only vocal noise being that of Pinkie chewing with her mouth open, before Rarity spoke up again. Her dark blue eyes regarding me, "Although, there is something I'm curious about, Stardust."

Drinking some soda to help me swallow the chocolate cupcake, I spoke when my muzzle had space. "What's that Rarity?"

"Why the sudden desire for physical activity? You've never expressed doing anything that would exhaust your body before, so what's changed?"

"Yeah." Applejack nodded, observing me as well. "I thought ya hated working to the bone. Did somethin' happen?"

Hm, what to tell them? The truth? No... Not completely anyway. Cadence wanted the wedding to be a secret from Twilight before the time is right. Oh wait, I have an idea.

Leaning forward a little, the rest followed suit as I said quietly, "You have to promise not to tell anyone, not even the rest of our friends." The three nodded convincingly, eyes reflecting curiosity at this supposed great secret I'm about to share, "I can't tell you all of it, but here are the basics. Sooner or later, Twilight will receive an invitation to a royal event, where you'll all probably be invited to as well. The event is being held for a member of the royal family."

I glanced to the side, in case some eavesdropper was present. But the other occupants of the store were either buying treats from Sugarcube Corner's owners, or pleasantly devouring their delicious purchases. Looking back, I noted Rarity's eyes widened in realization to my words. I shouldn't be surprised.

My voice continued quietly, "But, this royal member has enemies, enemies who wish to do her harm. There is belief that these foes will attempt to infiltrate the event and cause chaos. Naturally, there will be security around the place, but apparently it's not enough. So, that same monarch made me promise that, in case something does happen there, to protect Twilight, you three and our friends no matter the cost."

"Who is this monarch?" Applejack asked evenly, not sounding at all threatened by the thought of enemies potentially harming her or our friends.

"I can't tell you." My eyes met Rarity's, who expressed through her face that she understood it must be kept a secret. Thanks love. "I've been asked not to share any information that would ruin the surprise."

"A surprise party?!"

We made an annoyed glance at Pinkie's outburst. As she grinned and rubbed her head sheepishly, I shook mine. "No, Pinkie. But this Princess would rather Twilight be kept in the dark, for now."

"So it's not Princess Celestia." I nodded at Applejack's assumption. "Princess Luna, or someone else who knows Twilight?" At my silence, the mare noted my firm eyes and nodded, leaning back thoughtfully. "Well, now I can see why you're preparin' for it, sugarcube. But you know we can take care of ourselves, don't ya?"

"I'm not taking any chances." I said as we all straightened up. Argh... My back still hasn't fully healed from the use of lifting things all morning. "If there's one thing I always do, Applejack, it's keeping my word. I vowed to protect you all for this Princess, and I will keep it. Hence why I must prepare myself for this upcoming event."

Rarity smiled at my determined words. "That is very noble of you, Stardust. And we appreciate it, don't we girls?" Both Earth Ponies nodded.

"That's why we're gonna help ya out." Excuse me? Applejack smirked towards my curious expression. "I know what it means to keepin' a promise, and to protectin' those you care about."

"Yeah! Let's make Stardust the strongest pony in all of Equestria!" We all looked at Pinkie humouredly. She shrugged with a sheepish grin, "All of Ponyville then."

"I mean, let's not go too far." The table was filled with our shared laughter. But all the same, I was gratified and flattered by their willingness to help. "Well, who am I to turn down any assistance to maintain my vow?"

Applejack winked jokingly, "That's what friends are for, sugarcube."

"Are you quite sure you want me to do this? I've never practiced magical attacks in my life."

"Positive, Rarity." Followed by a firm nod, as my body straightened in preparation. From the other side of the hill, the white unicorn expressed clear reluctance at potentially hurting her friend. Kind of her, but should this be a success, it was unnecessary.

From the side, Pinkie and Applejack observed with interest and nervousness of their own; mostly nervousness on Applejack's part. I had asked them to stay out of the way while this experiment of mine was going underway. Rarity will attack me with magic blasts, and I was going to test how much this ponified body can take these assaults before keeling over.

"I'm not entirely certain about this, I won't lie. I have no desire to hurt you, Stardust."

"I know, but it's one way of finding how much my body can endure this world's magic."

There was hesitation, before Rarity slowly nodded. "Very well, but don't say I didn't warn you." That said, her white horn began lighting up in that dark blue colour, aimed squarely in my direction. My body tensed, hoofs clenched into the soil, teeth grit as the light became bigger and more vibrant.

Hakuna Matata.

The attack came faster than anticipated, and I felt myself wince upon the impact into my body. And then... nothing. Slowly opening my eyes, my attention turned down to the chest area where the magic struck. Huh... Didn't hurt in the slightest, my body barely took a step back from the blast. It only felt like a small sting.

Less painful than Blueblood's assaults.

Looking up, I nodded at the waiting Rarity. "Again." The white mare nodded at the command, looking slightly less reluctant to do so, no doubt relieved I wasn't hurt in the process.

The second attack struck. Then the third. And the fourth. And the sting only increased partially with every impact, yet there were no marks on my furry chest where the magic hit. It took up to six times before I asked Rarity to cease, which she happily obliged to.

"How are you feeling?" The white unicorn inquired, sounding awfully concerned.

Rubbing the spot where the attacks kept hitting, my only reaction to that was a small wince. Yet I remained in the same spot, unmoving from the assaults. I suppose Rarity wasn't as powerful as Blueblood to take me down so easily. Perhaps I could ask someone else for help next time, such as Armor, Cadence or Twilight-

No. For some reason thinking about asking Twilight to attack me felt... Unnerving.

"It hardly hurts." Was my thoughtful response, regarding the mare once again. Alright, time for the next stage. "This time, I'm going to try and block the attacks. I'm ready when you are, Rarity."

"Can't we take a break first?" I raised a brow at Rarity's question, the white mare looking reluctant again. "Using magic like that is a lot more exhausting than it appears. Plus, I'm still hesitant in attacking you like that again."

"Sure thing Rarity." Applejack answered for me, sounding stern. "Stardust doesn't mind, don't ya?"

My eyes met Applejack's stern ones. Well, I suppose a short break wouldn't hurt anyone. "Alright. Five minutes. Then we'll get back to the experiment." My ears picked up on Rarity's exhaled relief.

"Cupcakes anyone?" Pinkie then offered out a plate of delicious different flavoured cakes, having brought snacks earlier. The two mares graciously accepted them, while I politely declined. The happy-go-lucky Earth Pony shrugged, "Oh well, more for me!" And began devouring the treats with as much manners as Spike with his gems.

While they ate, my hooves started to pace. So far, so good. My back was utterly exhausted from all the heavy lifting today, but thankfully this test of mine has nothing to do with carrying anything. Instead, I was potentially inviting more bodily harm on myself by the power of magic. But luckily, Rarity had never practiced using magic attacks in her life, only for carrying equipment or creating clothing.

So there's no real danger here.

And, over the next few days or weeks until the wedding, I could ask another unicorn for help if Rarity wasn't available. Cadence and Armor were currently preoccupied with the Changeling menace and their special approaching day. Velvet and Light? Nah. Lyra? There's a possibility. Celestia? Not on my life. Luna? Well I suppose she wouldn't object to helping me become stronger in protecting her royal subjects.

And if none of them work, there's always Blueblood, who's probably eager for Round Two against me.

"Um, hey Stardust." A rather hesitant voice called out from behind me, prompting my attention to turn.

"Yeah?" I asked Applejack, who was expressing a slight smile.

"While we're here, I just wanted to apologize." Apologize? "For myself and Rainbow Dash intrudin' on your business like that a while back. It was unfair of us to do that to ya without any right to."

Oh yeah, that. I waved dismissively. "Water under the bridge." I assured the orange relieved mare. "It's not something I hold a grudge over, Applejack. While you two were a little intrusive, I don't hold it against you. Just be a little more respective of other's secrets, alright?" Applejack nodded in gratitude.

"Ready now, Stardust." Rarity's voice directed our attention towards the mare, the prepared unicorn returning to her previous spot, assuming a battle stance. I nodded while Applejack returned to her spot with Pinkie, my body tensing again and my front limbs raised upwards.

"You may fire immediately."

The unicorn obliged, horn emitting that dark shade of blue again before firing a few seconds later. Have to time it right, and... Got it!

My left hoof effortlessly bounced away the blast, the magic attack soaring in the direction of the sky I aimed it towards. Our gazes followed it until the magic faded from our field of vision and a small grin of triumph spread across my muzzle, looking down at my hoof.

It worked!

"Again, Rarity." The mare looked quite startled at the impatient tone, before nodding and firing another blast. Again, deflecting it was so easy and efficient, I had no intention on stopping until either Rarity was tired out, or my hooves ached to the core.

After successfully performing my experiment, the training continued. A whole week after the test, Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie, in their spare time, assisted in my physical exercises. To say it was daunting was putting it mildly, but as the training progressed, my tiredness decreased every passing day.

Twilight, Spike, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, meanwhile, were still busy with the whole getting-water-to-Cloudsdale nonsense. No matter how many times the purple unicorn explained it to me, insisting it was necessary for pony kind everywhere, my disbelief remained firm. Eventually, Twilight gave up on trying to persuade me to see things her way, to which I jokingly inquired to the mare why she thought that'd work in the first place.

Still, I applaud their efforts for... Sending water to Cloudsdale.

Anyway, as the evening passed by, the four of us, meaning myself and the three mares who have helped this past week, were taking a moment to relax, lying on the grassy hill I usually visited for peace and quiet. Even Pinkie Pie wasn't making a sound, finally taking notice in the joys of a moment of serenity-

"Oh! Look over there!"

...I spoke too soon.

We directed our attention from the yellow sky to where Pinkie was pointing, and both my invisible brows raised at the sudden tornado that seemed to come out of nowhere. It was a fair distance away from Ponyville, and thankfully a longer distance from our location.

"Hm. I thought it was getting a little windy." Rarity commented pleasantly, not seeming all that surprised at the sight of potentially lethal natural disaster. "So the pegasi are finally beginning their work. It's quite a sight to behold, is it not?"

"It sure is." Applejack agreed, as we all stood up at the sight of the blue tornado. "Now all they need to do is send the water up to Cloudsdale."

Why do I get the feeling that's easier said than done?

Pinkie Pie, of course, was overly excited. "Isn't it amazing?" She practically yelled in awe. "That's one super-duper tornado they've made there. All their work has paid off- Hey, is it just me or is the tornado slowing down?"

...How can you possibly tell from this distance? Oh, that's right, you're Pinkie Pie.

But I can see her point. It was getting more noticeable as the pegasi-created natural disaster was slowly dying down, a ball of water all that remains until it fell back into the pond it presumably came from.

"Oh dear." Rarity said in concern.

"That's a darn shame." Applejack commented, sounding both disappointed and worried.

"Well, there's always next time!" We all looked at Pinkie for a moment, who shrugged in confusion. "What?"

So, obviously that didn't work. Guess science emerged victorious against the pegasi's attempt to carry water via wind to a city in the clouds. Oh well, maybe it was a test run. Maybe Rainbow pushed her fellow pegasi too hard. Knowing her, however, one failure wasn't going to be enough to dissuade the blue pegasus from trying again.

And after a few minutes of waiting, I was correct.

"C'mon Rainbow! Fluttershy! You can do it!" Pinkie yelled as though the two mares would hear her encouragement.

"Yeah! Don't let one failure stop y'all!" Applejack added with equal volume, as I rubbed my ears towards their vocal enthusiasm.

"Cloudsdale is counting on you two and all pegasi! I know you're capable of succeeding!" Rarity pitched, her usually elegant voice heightened with the other two in support.

...Eh, [BEEP] it.

"Don't let disappointment win!" My voice raised, cheering along with the other three as the wind grew stronger, blowing away our manes, fur and tails. "That is child's play compared to many other obstacles you've both faced!"

My view towards the whole event aside!

And the more we cheered on our friends who evidently can't hear us, the more it seemed to work. The tornado was clearing growing stronger, if the harsh winds was any indication. My hooves clenched hard into the soil below, as I felt my body begin to react by the strong winds. The others showed similar reactions, thought hat didn't stop them from supporting our friends.

And that won't stop me either.

"You're almost there!"

"Don't give up now!"

"We're all counting on you!"

"For all of Equestria!"

And, at last, it all paid off.

A huge spout of clear water fired from the top of the tornado, making its way towards the destination of where the city probably was. The gigantic water spout flew across the sky like a rainbow, heading to Cloudsdale which was most likely nearby, as I couldn't see where the water was ending up. Not that it mattered, they've clearly succeeded.

And for that, I felt nothing but pride for them. They did it. There was never any doubt about it.

"Woo-hoo!" Pinkie punched the air in celebration, while the wind died down and the tornado from afar dispersed back into a large quantity of pegasi. "They did it!"

"They sure did Pinkie!" Applejack said in even excitement, hugging with the pink mare and Rarity. "I knew they'd do it!"

"We all did, Applejack!" Rarity corrected her friend happily, grinning alongside them. Hell, even I had a large stupid grin on my face for what our friends have accomplished. "It would've been foolish to ever doubt either Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy for achieving this marvelous event!"

Preaching it to the choir there, Rarity.

"Come on!" The ecstatic pink Earth Pony was already running ahead, "Let's go congratulate them, and then have a celebratory party!"

"That sounds like a swell idea, Pinkie." The orange mare nodded, walking after the energetic Pinkie Pie, before we persuaded them as well.

"I am absolutely proud for what our friends have accomplished, along with all pegasi in Ponyville." Rarity said as we walked down the grassy hill, sounding extremely pleased. "They've done a great service for all of Equestria."

My head nodded in agreement. "Indeed. There was never any doubt to their skills. Although..."

The humoured tone incited Rarity to glance at me curiously, "'Although...'?"

"It still doesn't excuse what we just witnessed being absolute utter bull-[BEEP]."

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