• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 180: HydroStardust Zone Act II!

The mare shifted, releasing a noise of content as her head snuggled into my shoulder. "This was a wonderful idea, Jack."

I nodded. "I thought so too love. Though the price I paid to rent this canoe. Fifty bits. Ridiculous." And this time, Twilight laughed at my unamused glare to the stallion rowing the boat, pointedly ignoring us as we rode along the stream through the more quieter section of the city.

"I was referring to this whole day-date together than the canoe ride, which is lovely in itself." Ah. Twilight looked up at me, grinning beautifully to cause my heart to pause for a moment. "It was sweet of you to help alleviate my boredom this way, Jack... I'm so lucky to have you."

You know, I often forgot at times how innocent Twilight can be at times. True, she was very mature, smart and wise for her age, but there were times like these where all that is replaced by childlike wondrous eagerness in relation to something she loves. There was no aspect of her I didn't enjoy seeing, that brought a smile to my own face. And seeing her so happy, so elated at what we're doing today, also brought a sense of joy and wonder within my chest I wasn't sure how to define.

Could be love. But then again, it was still too early to say I loved Twilight... Although...

"I'm glad you're having fun Twilight..." I said quietly, brushing my muzzle atop her forehead affectionately. "'Cause today, all I want is to make you have a happy time."

Her smile grew more beautiful than I thought possible, once more leaning into my side. "You've already succeeded-"






T'was my immediate reaction to anything wet coming in contact with my body, immediately sitting upwards from the small puddle of water I found myself suddenly laying in- Ooooh! Okay, not the wisest course of action, rubbing the back of my head next with a long, drawn-out hiss of pure unadulterated pain. Yep, that hurt alright...

"Hoo!" Well, at least Nightshade looked okay. I managed a weak pained grin towards the owl perching onto my shoulder from the side, having obviously waited for me to wake up from... Whatever happened.

What did happen... We explored a cave for shelter from the cold winds... We were greeted by pictures and drawings all over the damp walls... I touched a mirror... And...


I sighed, the pain dulling very slowly over time, rubbing the owl's head fondly. "Trust there to be a hidden trapdoor to a slide triggered by touching a mirror, eh?" Came my wry smile and disposition.

"Hoo!" That's what I figured, looking upwards to the gaping black hole with small drops of water falling from in the ceiling I had obviously emerged from. Ugh... Starswirl, some paracetamol and water, if you could please.

A small blue box containing the combatant to inner pain landing in my waiting hand. Acquiring water for you won't be necessary, my friend.

Eyes blinking, I looked around next, standing myself up from the puddle and taking a step back, wincing irritably from the wet back, hair and pants. Wonderful. Also, Starswirl, this could be seawater for all I knew.

Need not to fret Jack. This water becomes magically purified the second it enters this domain; it is more than safe to drink, including for wary temperamental young men.

Hardy har. Rolling my eyes with a faint fond smile, I proceeded to head over to the miniature waterfall leaking from the cracked wall, swallowing my two pills of painkillers and guzzling down the water cupped into my two combined hands. Okay, didn't taste like seawater and I felt no notion of getting sick. In fact it tastes... Pretty good.

Huh. But wouldn't we be somewhere under the sea by then, if the direction of that slide which took us was any indication? Were we somewhere below sea level?

Actually, where the Hell were we even? I gazed around again, a shot of nervousness crawling up my spine at the amounts of small water pouring through crack of the stone walls, floor and ceiling and producing tiny waterfalls and puddles. The ancient evidently-decayed walls were coloured light blue and pale yellow, and the closest thing looking to a way out of this small rather cramped room was that obvious door by the side with the indented symbols on it.

Starswirl... Where exactly were we...?

Before I could give my teacher a chance to explain, I headed right to the door itself, scowling faintly at the lack of a doorknob of any indication of an opening mechanism. Please tell me I didn't have to solve some puzzle or some similar bull[BEEP] in order for entry... Or exiting in my situation. Scratching my bearded neck, I huffed lowly, stepping back with hands on hips in order to figure a way out.

...Wait, where was my bag?

Out of the way for the moment. I believed you'd appreciate the possibility of keeping it from getting too soaked as we explore deeper into these ruins.

Ruins eh? How charming. What were we about to encounter another Babylon, again? Some ancient forgotten civilization that was inhabited by ponies who liked the water, abandoned and decayed to time?

"Hoo!" Nightshade caught my attention, the owl motioning with one extended wing down to the certain cylinder weapon hilt on my waist.

Ah. "Way ahead of ya." And Nightshade flew off my shoulder to keep a safe distance as a I worked, the green blade immediately igniting in my grasp and emitting a bright hue. Still not too certain about the lightsaber colour suiting me. But ah well. With both hands tight, I went to work, stabbing into the stone door and slowly forming a circle.

Pretty sure there weren't any architects here to throw a hissy fit for this.

And, done! Faster than intended, I ended with pulling the lightsaber from the burned decaying walls and gave a finishing kick, trying my best not to grimace from the faint brief pain of inducing such a bad[BEEP] moment and certainty flinching at the loud smashing sounds of stone hitting the equally rotting ground, leading to some kind of rather long, elongated hallway. Deactivating the blade, I curiously stepped over the the burnt edges of the new hole with Nightshade back on my shoulder. Time to find out where exactly we were.

The structure of the hallway itself, despite its aged appearance, was rather pleasant and well-detailed to look at, especially the equally symmetrical and specific pillars holding the area upwards. Whoever lived here spared no expense... And had some love for water, judging by the gushing sounds of obvious water falling by the large open wall nearby leading to some probable spectacular view. I walked over, trying to ignore the feeling of wet socks and stepping more through large puddles of water.

And I took one look from the open wall to the breathtaking view around me.


"Hoo!" Nightshade was equally in shock, adopting the similar flabbergasted and open awed expression at this gorgeous sight in spite of my distaste for water. I was suddenly reminded of a certain water level from Sonic.

And no, not Labyrinth Zone.

Starswirl... Where WERE we...?

I could envision the smile on my teacher's face upon answering. If my hunch deems correct, and I have little reason to doubt, welcome, Jack, to the first and forgotten civilization of the Seaponies. A note of pride himself as I also imagined the grey unicorn motioning with a sweep of his cape to the massive structures of stone walls, pathways, waterfalls, water slides and the deep blue ocean right below to the bottom of the beautiful underwater location.

...Hydrocity it was then.

Here we are. Book detailing the history of this place and whatever creatures had resided here long back... According to Starswirl, anyway, since he claims to can read the foreign language. Plucking the rather heavy-sized book beneath my armpit, I had proceeded towards the water slide which stationed right in the center of the huge library, few staircases here and there to the sides but nearly as cool as the appeal of sliding down inside a library.

My clothes were wet as Hell already from the fall and my further exploration into this city, so why not?


That slide had stops bettwen each floor, and I hoisted upwards from the end with a satisfied grin, having then holding the book cover to my chest to prevent the pages getting wet. How they managed to keep all these books dry for so long is a mystery as it was admirable. Clearly these seaponies respected knowledge and history.

Heading to the small reading podium where Nightshade waited, I set the book down and already begun opening through, waiting on my teacher's own command to pause so he may read the more interesting comments out-loud.

What first came out of his old non-existent muzzle was, Fascinating...

Well, don't keep us suspense Starswirl. Share with the class.

And the ancient unicorn indulged me, reading through the contents with my own eyes. Felt less weird than it sounded. ' Not too long ago, the Kingdom of the Hippogriffs had thrived in-'



Heh. Sorry continue.

Starswirl cleared his invisible throat, proceeding to read off the pages. 'The Kingdom of the Hippogriffs had thrived in peace and prosperity, housed on top of the mighty Mountain of Aris. For over a thousand years our kind was devoted to the elated ways of life, welcoming all other manner of creature and extending our homes had they in need of them, as decreed that all are equal and must be treated as such by our dear ruler; Her Majesty Queen Novo. And yet, the hospitality and tales of our generosity did not appeal to some; as demonstrated by the recent attack against our home by the ruthless Storm King and his cruel Lieutenant.'

A cold shudder passed through my body, the rather ominous history lesson immediately putting me on edge. Storm King, I know I've heard that name before...

Our dear pirates were involved with his dictating crusade, if you recall, Jack.

...Oh! Yeah, that was it. The very Storm King who enslaved Captain Calaeno and her crew to deliver cargo and abandon their swashbuckling ways?

The very same. Starswirl answered simply, resuming his focus on the contents below my hazel eyes and slightly-wet glasses. 'His army was relentless, his intent to enslave our kind for his own crude bidding. Forced to make a decision, we used the magic of the Kingdom's most precious treasure and submerged ourselves from the outside world, Queen Novo leading us to sanctuary beneath the currents of the oceans around Mount Aris. The Storm King and his minions were certain never to follow or track us.'

Chin plopped atop my two interlocked hands, I nodded in genuine interest by this tale. Go on.

And Starswirl did. 'For a while, we strayed away from our home until it was clear the threat has passed. From the resources we took with us, and the knowledge we learned from the sea life below, we had constructed a temporary safe haven for our kind to reside in until that day we could return. This city forged under the oceans became our first rekindled hope for a brighter future, and the guarantee that, one day, we shall return to our true home and rebuild from what the dreaded Storm King and his pony servant had devastated.'

Rubbing a hand through my hair, it felt as though my chest constricted a little at the evident pain and despair they were going through at the time, even building this place. The brief moment of history was enlightening, I'll grant that.

So, as I understood it, after the Ministry of Magic banned Hippogriff kind from ever interacting with wizards or Muggles, they built their own home and established a monarchy in charge by a mighty Hippogriff Queen. Then, everything changed when the Storm Nation attacked and drove them from their home, going under the sea to co-exist with King Triton and his kingdom of Atlantica. Eventually the Queen's youngest son fell in love with the King's youngest daughter who wanted to see more outside of the sea life in spite of the urging of a Jamaican crab who may or may not have the hots for the King, and it all went to [BEEP] from there.

How fascinating indeed. The only real question was then, where were the Hippogriffs... Or 'seaponies' if they're calling themselves that now, at this moment? Did they return to their true home?

In a manner of speaking, yes. Soon enough, once her spies reported that the Storm King had left their mountain, the Queen led her people back home. However, having no desire to be invaded again and taken advantage of in the midst of rebuilding the demolished kingdom their enemies had wrought, a second kingdom was established and built, from the materials of underwater tools and magic alike, right underneath the mountain which was their former home, vowing one day to return.

You know your history, Starswirl. Or did you guess that alone from the book and what we just read?

I am, let us say, a fellow acquaintance of Hippogriff kind... Starswirl answered like the vague [BEEP]tard he often liked to portray himself as.

Uh-huh... So when did all this happen? A thousand years ago? Was the Storm King as old as Celestia and Luna?

Quite the contrary, my student, this happened all too recently as the book suggests. No more than a very few years ago, during before Princess Luna's darker persona returned to wreck havoc across Equestria and was prevented so by the Bearers of Harmony... And yourself, of course.


I looked around upon Starswirl's answer, hands on hip and an incredulous skeptic gaze sweeping across my face. If this happened a few years back, then why does this place looks like it aged a few hundred years?

You'd be surprised how quickly aged something can look once unattended for a while, Jack. There was a hint of mirth in his typical sage-like tone. Especially a place completely made beneath the vast sea.

So the Storm King will be opposed by my friends sooner than later?

It isn't long now. Came Starswirl's rather solemn response, our mental conversation occurring as we explored further into the ruins of the old city, Nightshade taking the front lead as we headed down some stone steps on one of many open pathways. Don't ask me where we're even going. The Storm King and his second will invade Canterlot and enslave the pony masses. The Princess and her friends shall eventually stop them both, naturally.

How long?

One month away, once the first ever Friendship Festival commences.

Friendship Fest- Twilight's own doing, I'm guessing.

Indeed. The first of an annual celebration for friendship with all ponies in Equestria invited to attend and express their bonds with their most loyal and supportive friends. Starswirl didn't even attempt hiding the pride in his voice.

Mmhm. Also the perfect time for this Storm King to invade and enslave everyone at once. Got it. Still...

I paused, right by the edge of the pathway, looking over the vast harrowing waterfalls and beautiful aged structures with hands in pockets, a small smile raising on my bearded mouth. A Friendship Festival. Sounds exactly like something Twilight would do. And the fact she may be doing it still, despite her special somepo- body's disappearance... That brought me comfort.


I looked back to Nightshade, nodding for him to proceed onwards and I followed. Twilight and the others will beat this new villain, no doubt about that. From your own descriptions, Starswirl, this Storm King comes across as some generic-arse regular movie villain there for the sake of having an obstacle for the girls to overcome.

The teacher sounded terrible amused, despite himself. You wouldn't too incorrect there Jack. Some would concur that the real essential obstacle would be the Storm King's second-in-command.

And would he be?

She, Jack, is named Tempest Shadow. An alias forged from her burdened past; an Equestrian which fate was not kind to since foalhood. And in the process, deems that all ponykind must experience her own despair-

She gets redeemed, doesn't she?

Without any shred of doubt.

Just what we need, ANOTHER reformation. Please tell me, despite it being a film which sounds like every trope in the book will be in it, that this Tempest's turn from the Dark Side of the Magic is in some way more believable and thought-out since Sunset's?

...If it reassures you, Miss Shadow does not get reformed right off the bat. It comes from placing herself in harm's way for your Princess.

Oh, so the Darth Vader route then? And I'm going to guess the Storm King is basically the Equestrian counterpart to Sheev Palpatine?

You will find many parallels between them, I regret to say, Jack.

Oh wonderful! Discount Vader and the Emperor! Starswirl none of this movie's plot is sounding appealing for me. And what role do the Seaponies serve in... Also why were they called that if they weren't even ponies originally? Why not 'Seagriffons' or something that makes more sense?

In answer to your first question, Princess Twilight and the rest stumble upon their kind after seeking out help to save their land. For the rest of the tale... Well, we'll save all that for another time.

Right... Didn't wanna be given too many spoilers. Not that I really cared since the more I heard of this film, the less invested I was beginning to be. Sounds like another plain cash-grab on Hasbro's behalf. At least tell me how Twilight looks in movie animation.

You'd fall in love all over again.

Well... Good. Glad to hear that.


The walk and talk around the decaying city ended leading me to another large waterfall up close, choosing to take a seat upon the edge nearby and start admiring the sight of clear water crashing down to the deep ocean at the bottom of the landscape. Nightshade joined me to the side, and I rubbed his head absentmindedly whilst regarding the flowing blue water.

Forced away from home, trying to make a better future for yourself and those you cared about. Ruthless villains giving you the hard decisions and making your life a living Hell... Hitting closer to home than I would've liked.

This Queen Novo sounded like someone I'd respect right off the bat upon first impressions.

Oh I think you two would get along spectacularly. Starswirl interjected my thoughts quite warmly. Her Highness is compassionate yet firm, kind yet stubborn, motherly to all yet stern and leading. You would find a lot of similarities between yourself and her, and I'd dare say, Jack, if not for Princess Twilight, that would be another ruler you would likely be inspired by once you one day rule a kingdom.

Ha! That raised a self-deprecating smile on my tired face. That possibility passed me by the moment your old student condemned me, Starswirl. It's too little, too late now, to indulge myself with the scenario of ruling alongside Twilight for a peaceful and friendship-spread future.

Then indulge me, Jack. Tell me how you'd see yourself ruling with the Princess benevolently.




She'd make all the best decisions. I would make the wisest recommended course of actions. She'd have compassion, I would have sternness. Our negotiation meetings with other kingdoms or businesses in the role of good cop, bad cop... Good Queen, bad King...? We'd overlook the balcony to the sun setting over our peaceful town. Our home. Our friends between us and Spike leaning back against our arms, Twilight and I watching over the resting Ponyville with pure content, pressed in each other's embrace.

...Everyone would be happy.


I sighed.

And Starswirl continued before my own depression could start overtaking my mood and senses yet again. Perhaps it's not altogether too late, my friend. There's still time to make this image a reality.

Tch... First I'd have to focus on getting out of here.

Abruptly, I stood upwards, startling the owl beside me a little, and stretching my front limbs with a crane of the neck, feeling getting back into my legs and knees. Alright Starswirl, way out. I suppose the Queen hadn't commissioned some other means of escape for non-Seapony... For Hippogriff kind?

God the Harry Potter jokes write themselves...

We could seek out more clues from the library, or perhaps the throne room itself. If my memory of Hippogriff architecture remained accurate, it shouldn't be too far ahead now. Just a few more pathways and water slides to go.

Oh yay, more water slides. There's a plus, so long as they didn't land me in a pool or something.

So Starswirl, how exactly was it you knew Hippogriff kind? Get the feeling there's enough time for a tale whilst we traversed through this pony equivalent to Hydrocity.

If you can believe it, my friend, my first encounter with the Hippogriff occurred a few years before my own passing. You see, Stygian and Flash Magnus were feeling quite adventurous once we explored with curiosity over Mount Aris based on what Princess Celestia had shared with us...

Massive blue and white stone doors with more symbols and art engraved onto them, as if beckoning for me to take a peek. How inviting, who was I to refuse? After descending from these large stone steps leading to what could obviously be the abandoned throne room itself, I placed one palm against the decaying structure, repressing to shudder from a sudden chill going down my spine.

So, our only means of getting out without drowning by the sea currents was through here then, Starswirl? The Queen would have had some escape hatch perfect for land dwellers?

Hippogriff kind was still growing accustomed to their new transformations at the time of this refuge's construction. Should something go wrong, it is highly likely they would have prepared for it, especially for their Queen. My wise teacher paused briefly. We can only hope whatever we may find in there will still be operational.

Well, wasn't that just hopeful? I sighed yet again, giving a determined nod before glancing over to the Nightshade, the young bird once again perched on my shoulder and regarding me with open curiosity.

If something were to happen...


He knew right away. I could create a small portal for our young friend without damaging Balance too severely.

Good. Do so, put him in a location on land the closest to this underwater city. Should anything arise, at least Nightshade would be safer out of harm's way.

Nightshade seemed to have picked up on my intent, meanwhile, once he gave a defiant "Hoo!" just before I gently but firmly grabbed the sides of his soft feathered body and practically threw him into the small golden portal with enough size for an owl, closing behind him. Hope he landed somewhere soft.

Sorry Nightshade, but rather you be safe than I. I was already afraid of myself drowning soon; wouldn't want a good loyal friend of mine to endure the same potentially tragic fate.

Steeling myself, both palms of my hands pressed against the two doors, and pushed. Surprisingly it was easier than expected; the creaking stones were being opened without much protest, drops of water leaking down from the top onto my determined fingers, the entrance leading to a large round well-structured room untouched for years.

Pillars circling the room with glass windows revealing the sea life and fishes outside. A rather compensating-looking light blue throne at the end of the arena-looking location.

And an unmistakable figure beginning to walk across said throne, standing between it and myself clearly having waited patiently for me.

My body froze, before my hands clenched. Teeth grit, features frowning with steel conviction. One hand quickly reached to my belt, grasping the cool metal hanging from it and de-clipping the weapon. Figures.

All in opposition towards the carefree expression yet malevolent glint in Zagreus' dark cold blackened eyes. "The accursed fate of these creatures; driven away from their home from cowardice and lack of initiative to fight back the invaders." My darkest enemy started, those soulless eyes glaring around to the empty abandoned throne and back to me. "And yet, it wasn't long before the urge to return home consumed their senses. For how could anyone simply abandon their true homes long enough." Zagreus paused, but the mockery was clear in his wide smile.

In answer, I simply ignited the lightsaber in my right hand after removing my gown to the floor, the green humming hue lighting one side of my pale but determined features. Zagreus didn't appear the least intimidated, shrugging callously before nodding.

"Of course; naturally still intent on stopping a creation of your own making. Make up for one of your countless mistakes in life. No one to help you. No one to save you. A lonely little man driving everyone away, daring not to endanger those he grew to love out of shame and regret." Zagreus's grin widened further, the unicorn taking one step forward and forcing me to put my guard up readily. "I think we may both agree that you were never truly deserving of any friends... Were you Jack?"

My grip tightened.

And Zagreus sighed. "Very well." My eye flinched at the mad pony's next action, horn blackening with sinister intentions. "Time and time again I have made the error of playing nice, hoping others would destroy you for me." A long, silver sword and hilt imbued with dark imbalanced magic appearing by the monster's side. "But it seems I must finally deal with you myself... After all..." Zagreus then tilted his head, as if considering. "If I am incapable of ridding myself of one powerless little human..."


Enough guard up with preparation time to block back the speed and magical weapon swinging down onto my raised blade, forcing me to a two-handed grip. But Zagreus wasn't done, and I could barely keep up with the wild, powerful swings continuously knocking my lightsabers to the sides, scarcely managing to meet those heavy attacks before the monstrous creation met my own blade after an attempted uppercut, a blade-lock lasting for a good moment.

But being this close to Zagreus... I had to shudder then from the cold blackened eyes staring back at me so closely. There was no smile this time. No mockery. Merely stern contemplation and a vow to kill. "Then I may as well have no right to exist either..."

Damn right you don't!

With a mighty cry, I managed to push back my foe, using that advantage to press my own attacks. The battle of lightsaber and magical sword became heated and fierce, despite knowing that Zagreus was, for the most part, toying with me, his blade swinging and blocking in midair without any physical effort on his part. And yet, he kept moving and approaching as though he WAS physically wielding his weapon. Perhaps wanting me dead up close and personal.

Makashi wouldn't save me either; my enemy's swings were too wild, too oppressive. I was forced to keep a steady two-handed grip on my lightsaber, reverting back to what could be mistaken for a sloppy Form III. Zagreus seemed by relying on something akin to a mixture of Djem So and Juyo, the monster wasting zero time with ruthlessly attacking my defensive state as though seemingly determined to rid himself of my presence for good. Again.

Sparks flew, lightsaber impacting with sword, green clashing with silver in synchronized conviction. This wasn't going to last long, I just knew that.

For example, myself being forced to roll away from an attempted powerful over-swing, his own sword smashing down and even creating a denture on the stone floor. Ah boy. For the most part, my legs and head seemed to be his favourite targeted jabs and swings, making me sidestep a few times and bat the weapon away.

Zagreus then leaped with a backwards roll midair, dodging my own spun swing towards his pony torso once given the chance. Without waiting to recover, Zagreus charged forwards with a horrendous snarl, making a stabbing motion with his pointy sharp blade.

Now! My body leaned to the left, arm extended upwards from where Zagreus would have jabbed my right hip, slamming my own elbow to the to the blunt edge of the weapon and keeping it momentarily confined between my arm and side.

But Zagreus was prepared to meet my intent, one forward leg swiftly blocking my round kick raised upwards, and more easily ready to challenge my next attempted swing of the green blade in my left hand then, aiming for his head. A blast of black magic met my swung weapon, and I had to hiss at the intensity and realization of being suddenly disarmed; the lightsaber flying through the air, deactivated.

But I wasn't disarmed for long, knocking back Zagreus with a knee to the muzzle in retaliation, actually forcing him to stagger backwards. Grinning widely, I grasped the hilt of the sword trapped between my waist and arm and charged forwards myself, the villainous unicorn then forced on the defensive... Though not for too long.

A black glowing forcefield bounced the blade off, but that quickly disintegrated by the punch of my free hand, immediately ridding of the magic. Zagreus hissed, sidestepping my next swing and attempting to kick own own side with a powerful horse roundhouse. I blocked with one arm, despite how temporarily painful that felt for me, before disarming me yet again with a powerful blast of magic. Kicks and punches were exchanged next, Zagreus knowing that magic alone would not kill me.

So why, after leaping back to recover briefly, did the unicorn start lighting up his horn in preparation- A rumble from the ground and in the ceiling soon caught my attention, immediately looking upwards with concern.

And rolling and leaping out of the way with panic by the falling rain of debris, all intending to land atop the helpless human being desperately trying to survive. The room shook violently, ceiling smashing repeatedly into the ground as though the whole city would be collapsing. At this rate, I wouldn't put it past the deranged stallion-

One piece of debris caught my ankle after another try to dodge, my face wincing at the stabbing pain to my flesh beneath the shoe. Oh that wasn't good... But on the plus side, the small earthquake and falling debris ceased for the moment, even though the small waterfalls emerging from above were proving to be another immediate concern.

Zagreus, however, was far from finished, appearing with a leap atop one piece of ceiling and growling with gleeful darkness, teeth bared sharply before making a forward motion with his head. And I wasn't given enough momentum, never mind my pained ankle hindering movements next, to dodge enough the next onslaught of hurled stone debris with the attempt to throw me against the wall and crush me to death.

Almost succeeding too.





Not all the magically thrown stone pieces hit me, but there was enough to send me rolling across the floor, clutching many bruised and, likely, bleeding spots all over my beaten body. There wasn't enough right then to describe the exact agony and yearning to go home, safe in my friends arms and away from all this yet again.

As I slowly attempted - Emphasis on the word tried - lifting my pained body upwards, hissing and cursing repeatedly from the sensations of every movement I was making, something silver glinted beside my kneeling state.

And Zagreus's voice called out casually. "Years of torture and mockery by your peers. Soon to be forgetten by your loved ones. Your life has endured many hardships, Jack." He sounded ever so closer, with the noise of a sharp blade skidding across stone. "It's finally over for you my friend... You may finally rest in peace."


Peace in knowing that you'd be stopped once and for all.

With a green ignited blade, I held up the humming lightsaber to my two hands, standing with a slouched posture, and turned to Zagreus with a hoarse whisper, and tiny abused grin. "You got that right..."

Zagreus' expression of callous triumph shifted to unpleasant shock with widened black eyes at my final solution, the green blade swinging not towards the corrupt stallion.

But the glass window to the ocean right behind me.

It was kinda weird, though... I swear I heard Twilight call my name just as the water engulfed everything in sight.

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