• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Seventy-Nine: It's Magic, You Know!



Note to self: Thank Rarity again for the suggestion.

Both pony and human-turned pony stood in awe at the gorgeous sight before us; liquid rainbows descending like waterfalls into the multi-coloured lakes and streams. White clouds pouring down the rainbows like fountains. The area partially covered in a white mist, complimenting the location in its mystery and beauty. They certainly weren't kidding about this place being the perfect spot.

Winsome Falls.

The location of our first date.

"It's magnificent..." Twilight mumbled quietly, slightly out of breath. Yes I suppose constantly teleporting until we reached this area does that.

Hearing that, I smiled humouredly and glanced at the mare. "You need a moment?"

"No, no, I'm fine." Twilight shook her head, grinning forcibly back, before gazing around the landscape. "It's certainly wondrous, isn't it? I've never anything so beautiful in my life."

"I have." Twilight looked at me curiously, then upon seeing my playful gaze, the red hue made another appearance, ducking her head shyly.

Ah it's always fun to tease her.

Clearing her throat, she continued with a content smile, "This is perfect for our first official date, Jack. Rarity was right; I can't think of any better place for us to spend time together like this..." The red hue on her face deepened, and I couldn't resist smiling, swallowing my own inner nervousness.

"She certainly wasn't exaggerating," I concurred, taking in the place with her, "This is amazing... And to be here with you, Twilight... Well, times that by a hundred."

Yep, still got it.

My grin widened as Twilight's face was practically glowing red now, contrasting against her normal purple fur. But even so, she looked quite pleased herself to be here, lighting up her horn to pull something out of the bag of essentials. And of course, it was a book. A large one, at that. Twilight immediately flipped open the pages, "Now, this book tells all we need to know to have the perfect first date. It says we start by holding hoofs occasionally, alongside eye contact so you know you have each other's attention. Then over lunch we typically talk about our interests and find out more about each other and what we have in common. Also, a romantic walk around in close yet respectable distance-"

Always one for beforehand preparation, eh Twilight?

"Or." My hoof grabbed the book before the alicorn continued reading outloud, waving it playfully. "We could not play by the rules and simply just enjoy each other's company. That's really what a date is."

Twilight quickly reached out, but I raised the book from her reach, prompting her light frown, "Jack, the book please."

"Nah, I'm good."


"How about a kiss and then I'll consider it."

The alicorn then resorted to climbing up my own chest to grab the object, but I still teasingly kept it from her grasp. But even through her annoyance, I could see the playfulness in her beautiful sparkling eyes. Eventually, the mare relented, taking a step back before-


A second later, laughter was heard alongside the rainbow waterfalls. I found myself rolling over the grass with the attacking Twilight, the pair of us laughing like it was nobody's business, the book all but forgotten. And my heart was soaring in joy; as if everything was perfect right at this very moment.

The rolling concluded with myself victorious, standing atop the lying mare, who shared my ecstatic grin. "I claim dominance," I said gleefully.

Then Twilight suddenly smirked. "Oh?"

Hm-? What the-?

And, by her magic, I was the one then lying underneath the triumphant pony, who was smugly looking down at me. "You were saying?"

"You cheeky-"

My amused retort was cut off by the lips pressed against my own, my muzzle immediately returning the affectionate gesture, hoof reaching up to brush a strand of her mane. Eh... Alright, she won that round.

As we left rather early in the morning, it gave us ample time to reach this destination via teleportation. As such, we were now having a lovely picnic lunch together, carried with us inside the travel bag. Fresh hay and salad sandwiches - the former for Twilight and the latter for I - laid perfectly on the organized picnic blanket among other things, and we quietly observed the waterfalls, the sounds of the liquid pouring and crashing into the lakes echoing through the Winsome Falls. And, let me tell you, I can't think of anything better than this.

"The Falls were first discovered three-hundred years ago," The sudden statement incited me to look at the smiling mare, who was now recounting knowledge she picked up, as always, "When a couple of ponies got lost through the lands as a royal embassy."


"It is." Twilight gave me a mock-exasperated expression. "It then became known as Winsome Falls, after one of the emissaries, Winsome Cloudberry, named it after himself."

"How modest of him." I grinned humouredly.

The alicorn nodded, looking at the landscape again. "But it remains a mystery to this day, how exactly the rainbows from the clouds become liquidized so quickly and merge together with the Falls' lakes. Maybe I can discover how while we're here!" Ahem? "Such an epiphany might give us answers to... Oh, right." Twilight grinned sheepishly at my amused look, glancing at her own sandwich apologetically. "I'm here to spend time with my special somepony, not indulge my curiosity."


Standing up, I brushed the bit of my last sandwich off me and offered a hoof to the curious mare beside me, smirking. "Well, the day is young. Why don't we indulge your insatiable quest for knowledge while we're here. A walk, my inquisitive Princess?"

Twilight grinned, happily taking the hoof. "Why certainly, my surprising Warrior."

Heh. I chuckled as we walked, the fur on our sides brushing against each other from the close proximity we moved together. "Hmhm, typically Princesses go for knights, not warriors."

Twilight shrugged, eyes glinting in amusement and affection. "Maybe I'm not that kind of Princess."

I returned the teasing in full. "You're right; you're unique in every way." Twilight blushed at the compliment, prompting my own amusement to grow. "Haha! Thought you'd be use to the compliments by now love."

Twilight pouted - That's right, pouted - frowning lightly, "Pardon me for never being showered by praises or flattery by someone else before. Much less a being from another universe entirely."

"Oh yeah, poor you to get hit on by a human, than cowardly stallions who can't see true beauty if it slapped them across the face."

She raised a brow at my dry statement. "At least they'd be more well-mannered than you can occasionally not be."

"'More well-mannered?' Their patience might run out if their Princess expressed more interest in her books than her special somepony."

"I don't- You..."

I smirked at her expression. "Me."

Twilight regarded me with an irritated look for a brief moment, before smiling rather slyly. "At least they're not getting wet right now."

"Wha- Agh!"

Now that was a cheap move.

Without a split-second of hesitation, Twilight ended the witty argument with a shove, dropping me into the rainbow-patterned lake to my right. And, once again, I found myself covered in soaking water, this time made entirely from rainbow. The water wasn't deep, thank Christ, so I was fortunate to see the grinning mare observing me with that glint in her purple eyes.

That was a side of Twilight I seem to continuously pull out.

And speaking of pulling...

"How romantic of you," I stated sarcastically, sitting up and edging closer towards the mare, who simply smiled.

"More than I can say for- Whoa!"


My two hoofs swiftly reached and pulled at Twilight's front limbs, forcing her to join me in the rather warm lake beside, a splash of multiple colours as the result. The yelping mare immediately sat upwards, glaring at me for acting out my retribution. "That, was a dirty trick."

"All's fair in love and war," I retorted simply, grinning smugly.

And Twilight matched that grin suddenly. "In that case."

Now, I honestly wasn't expecting a splash war with her while we were here. But, as always, this alicorn takes me by surprise. And I was loving every second of it. And from Twilight's playful taunts and laughter, she was too. Balance and magic playfully battled as water was thrown left and right towards the opposing foe. Not even the waterfall above could supply enough with the amount we're splashing over onto the grass and pathways. Some were even mini tidal waves, and the last impact of rainbow water clashing against each other resulted to a large spew, landing everywhere.

And as the chaos died down, but Twilight and I were grinning at each other childishly, and we laughed to our heart's content. After which, we just peacefully sat in the warm liquid, just regarding each other fondly.

Yep, nothing more perfect. Just what did I do to deserve this deity?

"And I declare myself the winner," I announced playfully.

Twilight raised a humoured brow. "Indeed?"

"Well... We're even now, my dear Princess." I smirked, and the alicorn looked away again, both shyly and as though in thought. Of course, she's always thinking; never stopping. And that's another thing I loved about her. "You should let out that childish side of yours more often."

"As should you," Twilight retorted, smiling blissfully. "Seeing you getting excited during that adventure in Spike's comic was kinda cute."

I didn't miss the teasing in her tone, inciting my mock-glare. "You said you wouldn't make fun of me for that!" And another round of chuckles was exchanged, Twilight then speaking in a more somber tone after a few seconds of silence.



"I was wondering," She began, eyes staring at the multi-coloured water in thought. "About your opinion on something."

Uh oh. "Then you're doomed already."

She gave me a look. "I'm serious."

I nodded. "Sorry, go on." I admit, I was intrigued as to where she was going with this.

Sighing for a moment, Twilight seemed to brace herself before proceeding, "Do you think I deserve to be a Princess?" She continued before I could respond, "I mean... I'm more than honoured to be one, and I trust Princess Celestia's judgement. And, after everything we've been through, I could understand why she chose me to be a Princess. But... Sometimes, I wonder..."

"...If your mentor might have made an error in judgement."

Twilight hesitated, before slowly nodding. "I prefer not to doubt Princess Celestia. But no one is prone to mistakes... Sometimes I wonder if I even deserve such a title, or these wings," Said wings, dripping from the lake, extended slightly for emphasis, "The whole thing still feels a little surreal at times, like a dream, a wonderful dream. And yet... Do I even deserve such responsibility? To wield a position of power that high? How can I possibly match up to the skills of Princess Celestia, or Princess Luna, or Princess Cadence? How can I-?"


She snapped out of it, shaking her head, "Sorry... But I hope you understand."

"I do." But really, what else kind of reward had she been expected, being mentored by royalty? "If I were in your position, I'd be asking myself those questions too." Leaning forward, I spoke with sincerity, "But let me tell you this love, that if any pony deserved to be a Princess, it's you without question. You are the most gifted, talented and amazing pony of your time. I mean it." I added at the flattered yet uncertain look, "I'm more than glad it's you who's been chosen. The Princess of Friendship suits you more than anyone else... Although..."

"...'Although?'" Twilight echoed, as if eager to hear me continue.

...Well, since she's asking. This has always been a subject that has been bothering me myself, after all.

Sighing, I confessed, "I won't lie, Twilight, there are a few things about your ascendance that does baffle me."

"Such as?"

How to say it politely? "Why you in particular?" She blinked, inciting me to clarify quickly, "I mean why just you, and not the others? The mares who joined you in these dangerous tasks of facing villainy and overcoming obstacles together. Rarity, Fluttershy and the rest; true they weren't students of Celestia's, but after all their own trials and everything you've been through together, they deserve at least a reward of some sort. It just doesn't seem fair..."

This has been something that has bothered me for a while, from the beginning of first learning about Twilight's ascension to an alicorn. Why not the others, too? I'm guessing this was one of the many heated debates from the brony community ever since Twilight became a Princess. No Princess of Kindness? Princess of Loyalty? Generosity? Twilight's the central character, yes, but everyone just about loves the Mane Six equally.

Of course, I don't plan on telling this mare anything about the split between the fans because of her ascension.

"I can see what you mean..." Twilight looked down thoughtfully, frowning softly. "It does seem rather unfair to our friends..."

"Also..." I continued, waiting until she regarded me again, expression asking me to go on. So I obliged. "It just seems a little... Unfair to you too." Twilight tilted her head curiously, and I could help by smile slightly at the adorable gesture, "I mean, you might be incredibly intelligent, resourceful and faced many trials... But you're still a young mare, with life so much ahead of her. I'm honestly not sure you should be facing such big responsibilities at a time like this. If Celestia had made you an alicorn much later..." I sighed, annoyed by myself as always, "No, forget it-"

"I understand." Twilight interjected kindly, smiling lightly. "I appreciate the thoughtfulness, Jack." Followed by another frown, "And I see your point. Maybe... I shouldn't have become a Princess just yet. Maybe not at all. But, if Princess Celestia trusts me that much to assume the role of royalty... Then I can't disprove her."

Of course. Her faith and loyalty to Celestia is unwavering, and I could never break that, not even if I tried. "I know. I'd expect nothing less." My words were soft and sincere. "You'd make an amazing Princess, Twilight... Oh wait, you already do." She smiled happily at that.

"Maybe... I can ask the Princess about rewarding our friends somehow too. You included."

Tch. That'll be the day. "As if."

"Wha- Hey!" The wings managed to block the majority of the large splash sent Twilight's way.

Huh. "Those wings really do suit you love." At her expression, I simply grinned deviously. "Round two, my Princess?"

Before we even knew it, evening had already struck. Twilight were already admiring the sunset, golden rays of warm light leaking through the transparent mist. And we both watched upon a good vantage point, my left side and her right practically connected now by how literally close we were, and I swore my short tail behind me was interlocking with hers.

"Best date ever..." I couldn't help mumble in content.

"Yeah..." Twilight sighed peacefully in agreement, resting her head on my pony shoulder. How women find leaning against a man's shoulder comfortable, I'll never know. "Nothing can be better than now..."

I hummed, subconsciously leaning my own cheek on the mare's head. It's amazing I haven't poked my eyes out yet by our constant close proximity; that horn of hers could be quite painful if I wasn't careful.

"It's funny..."

Hm? "What is?" I asked, hearing the purple alicorn's quiet mutter.

"When I first came to Ponyville, studying the magic of friendship, this never occurred to me... Finding an alien who would also become my special somepony." Twilight shifted slightly, "Sometimes I wonder if it's all a dream; you and me, like this."

"...Same." I confessed quietly, rubbing her soft mane with my cheek, "If it is, it's a dream I never want to wake up from."

The gesture was returned just as affectionately, a warm purple hoof wrapping around my own golden one, "And to think, none of this would be happening right now if it weren't for that awful King Sombra, huh? Fate can be funny sometimes..."

Ah, yes. That...

I couldn't refrain from frowning, the reminder of that stallion's cursed influence rather a stab in the wound. Although the others have claimed it wasn't my fault what happened in the first place, nor for almost hurting them, it doesn't change that none of it would've began in the first place had I just let Twilight and the others handle the affair at the Crystal Empire in the first place. Almost everytime I intervene, myself or someone else gets hurts. The ursaminor, dragon in the mountain, the hydra, cockatree, the battle against Queen Mephiles, King Sombra's influences, and that night at Canterlot High. The amount of times I almost died, or someone else nearly got hurt because of me, simply because I can't resist but try to help.

Humans seem to make things worse, as always.

And yet, Twilight was right. If it weren't for the whole incident of slowly becoming the fallen King's puppet, none of this would've happened in the first place. I wouldn't be here, now, watching the sunset with Twilight Sparkle at Winsome Falls after probably the best day of my life. So far anyway. So, in a bizarre way, I should be grateful, I guess, to the King.

Who, I must admit, has been rather silent since our arrival here. No harsh jabs, no grunts or grumbles of displeasure. Nothing. It was a fresh relief, certainly, but I couldn't help be unnerved.

"Jack?" I heard Twilight ask, no matter curious about my own silence after hearing her statement. And feeling her shift, I gazed down into those vast sparkling orbs, so full of innocence, knowledge, warmth and conviction. The same eyes that make me feel like I'm among the cosmos themselves.

And, in that moment, I knew, she had to know.

"Twilight... Do you trust me?"

She blinked at the sudden question, before nodding sincerely. "Of course I do."

She deserved to know.


"Undoubtedly." Twilight tilted her head. "Jack, what's this all about you?"


Sighing, I nodded to myself and cleared my throat, "Twilight... I... Have not been entirely honest with you."

The mare smiled wryly. "Somehow, that doesn't surprise me."

"About Sombra."

The mention of the unicorn King caused her smile to instantly vanish, replaced by a soft frown. "What about him?"

...Come on Stardust. You can do this! You trust this mare just as much as she trusts you! If anyone deserved to know, it's Twilight.

"Jack...?" She tried again at my stalling silence.

So tell her, you damn coward!

"A small part of him still remains in my mind," I said quickly, in one breath spouting out the secret and inwardly cringing for doing so.

There, I said it. And now for the fireworks.

For a moment, there was complete silence, Twilight's reaction slowly, comprehensively, shifting from confusion... To shock... Then horror, "W...What...?"

Gulping, I nodded grimly, "Yeah... But don't worry; it's all under control."

"'Don't worry?!'" Just like that, the stunned alicorn stepped away quickly, regarding me with shock, terror and concern, disbelief storming in her eyes, "If what you're saying is true, then I can't do anything but worry! King Sombra remains in your consciousness!" Twilight then began immediately pacing swiftly, clearly thinking of a solution, "We have to write a letter to Princess Celestia immediately; she'll know what to do."

"There's no need, really," I pointed out, partially irritated at myself for ruining the perfect mood so swiftly. "Sombra lost most of his power; he can't even influence my decisions anymore."

"You can't know that!" Twilight insisted, "He could be controlling you, for all we know!"

"But he isn't." I shook my head, trying my hardest to calm this panicking mare down. "Specter assured me of that; Sombra's too weak right now to even gain a foothold in my mind. He's no danger... Currently, anyway."

Twilight remained adamant, as ever. "It's still too dangerous. He could return to his full power and take over you anyday now. He could be doing that right now!" Twilight then paused, realizing her own words and staring at me agape.

Knowing immediately what she was thinking, I had to resolve this quickly, "Twilight, look at me. Do I look angry or gleefully evil the last Sombra influenced me? Have I been arguing and yelling at anyone as of late?"

"Well, no... But Sombra could've learned from his mistakes. Adapted!"

"He would ruin the chance to reform himself I've given if that was the case-"

Wrong thing to say. I winced at Twilight's raised voice, "You mean you allowed this?!"

This was not going well. I nodded, forcing myself not to look away at the intense gaze, "No one is beyond redemption, Twilight, you know that by now. Sombra is too powerless right now to do anything to me, you or anyone else. I gave him a chance to start over; to learn what it means to take a different perspective at life than his own tyrannical ways. Does he not deserve the same chance you and our friends have given me?"

"That's different; you were never a villain to begin with!"

"If there is any chance, however small, I have to helping someone through the road to redemption," I stated firmly, "Then I'm taking it. You would do the same thing, Twilight."

The mare didn't respond for a moment, simply regarding me silently. For a moment I hoped she would understand. But instead, the Princess shook her head, "Unbelievable..." She muttered quietly in disbelief, looking back at me with eyes burning of anger and worry, "Why, just why are you always so reckless? Do the consequences of your actions mean nothing to you Jack?! Not even dating me has made you think more carefully not to throw your life away like this, again?! This is incredibly irresponsible and dangerous of you!"

Now she's just not being fair. My frown darkened, stepping forward determinedly. I wasn't backing down so easily. "As opposed to the amount of times you've willingly thrown yourself in harm's way? When I endanger myself, it's not okay. But when YOU and the rest of our friends do so; suddenly you praise yourselves as heroes?"

"You know that's not-!"

"I am sick," I said through bared teeth, anger and disappointment. "Sick of letting people decide my own destiny for me. I am sick of everyone thinking they know what's best for me." My own hooves began pacing admist my own frustration, "Everyone thinking they can decide what I can or cannot do, simply because of my condition! I decided this! Me! I let Sombra back! I gave him a chance to reform himself! I shouldn't be condemned for it!"

Even to myself, those words were bull. But I was far too angry and irritated to care.

"Maybe if your decisions weren't so foolhardy in the first place," Twilight retorted hotly. "Others would actually try to trust you!"


At my horrified gaze, Twilight realized her error, covering her muzzle in horror before slowly shaking her head, "That isn't what I... That's not...!"

No, she's absolutely right. "Oh I get it." I understood, swiftly turning around, not wanting to even look at anyone right now. My voice produced cold bitterness, "Not even you trust me... I understand... Well, I'm glad you made your feelings on the matter clear."

I needed to be alone...

"Jack!" Twilight called hopelessly, but I forced myself onwards, away from this drama. Away from all of it. Not even Twilight trusted me to make my own decisions.

That really... Really, hurt.

Well done Stardust. As always, you [BEEP] it up.

Sighing in self-loathing, I kept my gaze glancing from the glittering night sky, to the peaceful sounds of the falling liquid rainbows, to the reflection matching my solemn gaze below. Everything that could've gone completely right today, didn't, because I'm a [BEEP]ing idiot who says wrong things at the wrong time.

Even I'm not immune to ruining my first official date with someone.

Twilight was right... I'm a fool.

Only if you deem yourself so.

My head perked up at the sudden wise voice, prompting me to look up. Specter?

Princess Sparkle had the right to be informed; regardless of the consequences.

I sighed bitterly. And look where that revelation got me; Twilight no doubt no longer trusts me, for good this time.

And you believe that because...?

"Well why wouldn't I?" I retorted hotly, frowning hard at the innocent night, "From the very beginning I've lied to her and everyone else about pretty much everything... And now this... I don't deserve her..."

It was a mistake... To even consider dating her...

Was it, though?

I snorted. "You tell me, oh wise one. Was it? Was deceiving her and everyone else worth rewarding me Twilight's affections? Was endangering myself, almost getting myself killed, worth the trouble when it all got sorted out with or without my intervention? Was anything I did here... Worth anything at all...?"

My voice slowly trailed off, the implications so mind-numbing to believe and, quite frankly, made me feel awfully small.

Specter, however, answered with that calm aged voice of his as always, You focus on the negative, Jack, but that is nothing new. Although I am pleased to observe how progressive you've been in becoming a better man by the influence and affection of your friends; the Princess especially. I would think that you becoming the being you are now was proof enough that, indeed, your trials so far have been worth the effort it took to reach this point.

"Despite the pain that I-?"

No one despises you for your past mistakes, Specter continued gently, as though consoling me. Even the Princess knows you have no intention in harming anyone. You just desire to make everyone happy, and to return home... If the latter is, of course, still a priority.


There was no mistake in this task of reforming the fallen tyrant. You know there is good in him, because deep down, you see a part of yourself within him. ...What? Eventually, Princess Twilight will reach this conclusion too, and will evidently assist you in this daunting task. After, of course, you have spoken with her.

"I doubt she even wants to see me..." Especially after that argument, on a day like this. Aren't I a great dater? "Let alone speak to me..."

I imagined the spectral pony smiling. It is in her nature to forgive, my friend. Twilight cares for you as you do her. In time, she will understand and respect your decision. But you must go to her, now.

"...Of course." I nodded, smiling a little at the glinting stars above. "Thanks... Specter..."

The voice then sounded rather humoured, Expressing gratitude to me. That's a start.

"Don't push it." I glared at the chuckling voice, before shaking my head and turning around. Specter was right though, I needed to see Twilight. I couldn't let it all end like this. With that in mind, I hurried towards the picnic spot at the other side of the Falls, hoping she hasn't possibly left me behind in her own anger.

Sometimes, Twilight being emotional can lead to some rash decisions...

Ah, there she was!

Sitting on the blanket itself, back facing me with her gaze set fixed on the stars above, or most likely the large moon, gleaming down like a lighthouse. Instantly, I felt nervous again about approaching the upset mare, and I swallowed a lump, slowly moving towards her, careful not to make any sudden noises.

"Sometimes, I look at the stars, and I can't help but think of my friends."

Jesus! The sudden conversation halted me in surprise, but Twilight continued with a calm tone regardless.

"Each and every one reminds of all the friends I've made, all the ponies who are close to me... And it terrifies me to even bear the thought of losing someone I value so highly..." Twilight paused, tilting her head as though thinking for a moment, then carried on with a more somber voice, "The constellations remind me of the bonds I made over time, and the nearby planets remind me of the ponies who are closest to me the most. Spike included, of course. There's Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy... And you."

...I couldn't think of an response, so I let her continue.

"Hm... It's funny, comparing who I am now to the me who wanted to just do her daily studies for Princess Celestia... My friends mean everything to me now; I wouldn't care what happened to me so long as those I loved were fine. Are fine." And, at last, the mare looked down and turned to face me.

And my breath stilled at the sobbing yet smiling face.

"But... There's someone I cherish, perhaps more than even my friends. I didn't think that'd ever be possible, but he somehow managed to accomplish it... Like always, he does something that completely takes me by surprise, in both good and bad ways."

What... Have I done...?

"Twilight..." My own voice was breaking down at the sight.

But she continued on, her tone leaking sadness and worry alongside that facade of calmness. "And he almost got himself hurt... Too many times for my taste... And the possibility of him going through that again... It scares me, more than anything..."

That's enough!

Feeling control once again, I immediately ran forward, doing what instinct and affection drives me to and embraced the crying mare tightly, burying my own muzzle on the fur of her back. And, without delay, Twilight returned the hug, sobbing into my golden chest.

"I don't want to lose you..."

"I know..." I said in my own regret, teeth and eyes clenching shut at the guilt and horror of doing this to the mare I... Cared for more than anyone, "I know..."

"Jack..." I heard Twilight choke, burying her face further into my fur. "Please don't leave me..."

"Never," I immediately responded, hugging the mare much tighter, not enough to start suffocating her, but to provide as much as comfort as I could, even rubbing her back gently. "I don't want to lose you either... I just want everyone to be happy... Yourself included..."

"I am happy," Twilight confessed quietly. "With my friends... And you."

Then... What more needed to be said?

We stood in that position for a long time. A stallion comforting his mare. A man consoling his lady. Neither was relevant; I just cared only for Twilight well-being right now. If I had known giving Sombra another chance would cause Twilight to be like this...

I WAS a fool...

And, to my disappointment, the hug ended. But, to my relief, the tears stopped flowing, and yet I still planted a hoof on her cheek for comfort. Twilight smiled slightly at the gesture. "I do trust you, Jack... I just don't want to potentially lose you again to that awful pony..."

Of course. "I would be worried too if our roles were reversed," I said reassuringly, although the very idea filled me with dread, "If anything happened to you... I would never forgive myself." Twilight said nothing, providing another, this time brief, hug, to which I returned eagerly. Then, as silence filled the air save for the rainbow waterfalls, I remembered something and chuckled dryly. "Sorry for ruining our first official date."

Yet the alicorn adamantly shook her head. "I'm as at much fault here. It's true," She added before I could object to that misplaced regret, "And... You're right; I should be more trusting of you. If you say you can reform King Sombra... Then I'm more than willing to help you see this through, as friends and... You know."

"Yeah." I smirked humouredly at Twilight's red face. Too much to say "lovers," eh love?

But at least now... The air was clear, and Twilight stopped crying.

Now, how best to continue where we left off...?

"The night is still young, you know." Twilight blinked at that, and I offered a free hoof to her. "Another dance under the stars, my Princess?"

A smile crawled onto her muzzle, and a purple hoof touched mine. "Why certainly, my Warrior."

"So..." I began, just as we were reaching the house, a tired Twilight leaning against me for support. "Apart from that argument, I'd say that was a successful first official date... If you agree, that is."

"It was... Wonderful..." Twilight said while panting slightly, shaking her head wildly before being able to walk by herself again, smiling brightly at me, "I enjoyed every moment of it... Aside from that small hiccup." I chuckled lightly, and then the mare looked away, "It was my first real date with anyone... I was honestly nervous the whole time..."

"...Ditto." I confessed quietly, "Dating the great Twilight Sparkle was almost nerve-wrecking to me... Surprised I haven't died from embarrassing myself yet." Prompting Twilight's flattered yet exasperated look. "But yeah... I've had an amazing time... We should do this again sometime soon."

"Sooner that later, I hope." Twilight, matching my grin, resumed her gaze at the library. "And we're back in time for the Equestrian Games Ponvyille Team Tryouts tomorrow. We'll want to rest as soon as possible to support Rainbow's team."

"Oh yeah, that thing," I said humouredly.

"You're coming with us tomorrow to the tryouts, of course?"

"I mean... If there's food right? Of course I'm going," I added in amusement at Twilight's look, raising my limbs in surrender. "As if I won't cheer my friend on for something so important." To these ponies, anyway.

Twilight nodded. "Good." Before her expression and tone softened again, looking hesitant as we reached the front door, turning back to me. "And... About King Sombra..."



"Are you absolutely sure you know what you're doing?" Twilight asked immediately, purple eyes regarding me in concern. "I trust you, as your friend and special somepony, but... It is Sombra we're dealing with here..."

"...I know," I said evenly, nodding before placing a hoof on the mare's pony shoulder, smiling reassuringly, "And, if I am in any danger of sort-"

"You already are."

"Then I will tell you immediately. I will come to you if any problems arises between me and him."

Twilight stared for a moment, eyes searching my own, "You promise?" At my resolved nod, the mare then sighed, looking away briefly then back with a small relieved yet content smile. "Just as I promise to help you through this, Jack."

"I'd expect nothing less, Twilight." That said, I opened the door open for the Princess, and she bowed her head in polite thanks.

"Although, I feel as though we should tell our friends-"

"Tell your friends about what, dear?"

The [BEEP]?!

What the...?


I really shouldn't be surprised anymore. The Mane Six and Spike, all waiting for us inside with patient grins and teasing expressions. Rarity was the one who spoke first, "You were saying?" She inquired after Twilight and I exchanged stunned glances.

Rainbow then asked with a playful wink, "You kids had fun?"

"You all... I swear..." I muttered while Twilight shyly avoided her gaze from the teasing looks.

"Aw c'mon now." Applejack winked as well, smiling in welcome. "We just wanna know how the date went."

"It was..." Twilight started before I could, beaming rather lovingly towards me. "Amazing."

And that was more than enough for me to return the expression, hoof brushing against her own. The fact she enjoyed herself as much as I filled me with joy and bliss. Thank God she was so forgiving, otherwise that small argument would've ruined everything! "I can certainly say, as first dates go, this was the best one ever." Twilight's grin widened at that, a happy blush on her adorable face.

"Aww..." Some of them cooed... And Spike and Rainbow gagged in disgust. Ah, sucks to be them.

"Oh splendid!" Rarity exclaimed happily, trotting over and whisking the surprised alicorn away with her to the next room. "Now be a dear, Stardust, and let the girls have a talk." As the other mares followed, Spike and I exchanged looks before hearing the white mare say, "Now, darling, tell us everything that happened, starting from the beginning!"

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