• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 103: Agent T!



Upon hearing my growl, Nightshade wordlessly, gratefully handed me another quill before returning to his perch in the room. That was, what, the fifth quill I broke now thanks to my immeasurable strength? Internally I heard Sombra downright snicker in amusement at the mild irritation of this newfound strength of mine. Rolling my eyes, my attention resumed on the list below.

Okay... How about... The event involving Applejack's celebrity friend? I feel we can intervene there.

Pointlessly, yes, I can concur.

So long as we remain careful taking this step.

Alright, so we'll put that in the 'change' box. Now, what about the incident with Daring Do, Rainbow and that critic stallion?

I'd say... Leave that as is. We would have no real incentive to be there... At least, you wouldn't have.

Good point... Check that off the 'Not Change' list. Although we're definitely changing the events involving Starlight's manipulations of time, along with the event at the Crystal Empire from the season six premiere.

If you feel that is best, I shan't condemn you for it.

How kind of you, Sombra spoke dryly, And what of Midnight Sparkle? I gather you won't permit that repetition of the moment.

Oh, absolutely! No way in Hell am I allowing any version of Twilight to become something like that. If I hurried dealing with Starlight, I can quickly depart for Canterlot High and stop those events from getting out of hand. I think you'd agree, Starswirl, that the continued interactions between both universes is a direct violation of Balance, correct?

Hm... And what of the fourth Equestria Girls?

What fourth Equestria Girls? I've never heard of a fourth Equestria Girls. There has never been, to my knowledge from back home, a fourth Equestria Girls-

Oh, Twilight's here. I sensed her bright presence entering the room-



"What are you up to?"

"Thank you Nightshade." The owl graciously handed me the next quill. My direction then turned on my girlfriend. "Hey love. How's Winter coming along?"

"We're getting there." Which reminded me, I'll have to to stop Rainbow from wrecking the Cloudsdale Factory later on. "The leaves have been cleared, and the pegasi have already began spreading the snow clouds over Equestria."

I grinned at the prospect. "Wonderful, I love Winter."

Twilight smiled. "I know." Before glancing over to the desk I sat before with open curiosity. "What's this, a list?"

Shifting myself carefully to shield the view from the written events, I explained, "As you know, I know of the upcoming events of this world from season five to season six, alongside the next two EQG movies." I inclined my head to the laid long sheet of paper. "This list has all the written events, and I'm deciding which ones actually should I participate in and change without making any severe consequences."

"Oh I see!" Twilight nodded, her curiosity even further extended as she attempted to peek over my shoulder to read through the list at the names of episodes with either ticks or crosses next to them. "You're being careful in choosing which inevitable event to intervene with that would require your help, as opposed to simply throwing yourself into any problem believing you alone can achieve solving."

"Well, I don't want to solve these problems alone." Twilight beamed at the sincerity, prompting me to continue while shifting myself still, "Spike gave me the idea to write a list." Said dragon was primarily focused on playing Kingdom Heart 2.8 to acknowledge that, eyes glued to the screen as he enjoyed himself with the PS4. "I thought about it recently: Would it be right of me to interfere and solve every problem without giving the others a chance? Starswirl reminded me that these things happen for a reason, and they mostly if not always are there to teach us all important lessons about ourselves. So... Yeah, that's the list."

I might as well have been playing God. It's one of those times where you think about what you could or would do, but also considering if you should. Should I change every event? Do I have that right to do so? Was it really my place to intervene aside from my friends, making it so that they never learnt their lessons?

Before I could react, though, a flash of light from the corner of my eye was followed by the list now floating before myself and Twilight, the latter responsible. The mare began reading outloud what I wrote, continuing on from episodes we already passed, hence lining them out, "'Tanks for the Memories,' 'Appleloosa's Most Wanted...' 'Princess Spike?' ...'The Cutie Re-Mark...' 'The Crystalling...' 'Legends of Everfree-'"

Alright that's quite enough.

"Sorry Twilight, can't let everything not be a surprise." Was my swift apology whilst snatching the list from the air, setting it back down before she could proceed to inquire. "And, knowing you, you'll try changing every event if I clarify on anything."

The alicorn outright pouted at the accusation. "You know me better than that, Jack."



I raised a brow.

Twilight huffed, adorably so I might add. "Fine." Before turning towards the doorway with a small smile. "I have to go and check how the town's doing. They might need help clearing up the fallen leaves. I'll be back to read through that list later!"

"The Hell you will!" Was my playful retort towards her departed teasing. But, checking she was completely gone by sensing her distancing light, I released a relieved sigh. Honestly, I wasn't entirely too fond of people looking at any work of mine while it's unfinished without my consent.

Alright, back to work-


"...God dammit!"

...How long have I been meditating here?

Three hours, Was the predicted response to my still position on the library floor. A sufficient improvement than the last time. Continuing on with this exercise will provide massive successful control over your newfound abilities.

Whatever you say Yoda. Although, admittedly, I was rather surprised, and impressed with myself, over how long exactly I've stayed rooted on the spot this time in this cross-legged position. I requested neither Spike nor Twilight to disturb to this progress... Although, to be fair, the former was moreso concentrated currently on the wonders of my PS4, and the latter the coming of Winter.

...Brace yourselves.

Starswirl, in all his grand knowledge, proceeded with that teacher-tone of his, The power of Balance is a flowing current; a grand mixture of brightened light and ink darkness, to form a clear gold of promised peace. Life is connected through Balance, from every creature's beginning to end. It guides our actions, encourages our incentives. You can acknowledge it, or run from it, but it is always there.

...So, literally the Force then? I'm learning how to use the Force.

And with this power, at spirit with Chaos and Harmony at once, you shall be granted many skills to learn, adapt to and master. Your previous familiarity with these abilities were but a glimpse at the raw, unyielding strength Balance truly possesses. Tranquility, rage, kindness, aggression; Balance relies on these united contrasts to one another. And if you dive into the endless current, you may encounter new abilities beyond physical capabilities.

Such as? Sombra inquired, sounding genuinely intrigued himself.

Abilities such as detecting the Harmony or Chaos in one's heart, as demonstrated previous times before. Starswirl began using an example. Think of the time you and Applejack attended the rodeo event, Jack, long ago; how you sensed the ill intentions of that Changeling. And, during Princess Twilight's coronation, you felt her presence approach because of your close bond with her. The stronger your connection is to an individual, you will be easily find it more identifiable to sense whose presence is whose over time. Recently that has been the case, you can almost detect who is who. correct?

It was rhetorical, but I think I understood. So the more I stuck around with my friends, whenever I try reaching out to sense them I'll know immediately who is who by their... Spirit, I guess?

Essentially. The teacher affirmed. Another ability, also recently revealing itself, was the circumstances involving the human Miss Rainbow Dash in your battle against the sirens. When you were capable of communicating with the woman through her mind... Or should I say, her heart.

Her heart?

Yes, I too ponder about that. Explain this newfound skill to us, old one.

He sounded partially amused. Very well. As you knows, the bonds which ties friendship is often knotted through the heart, reaching out and making connections whenever and wherever possible. Balance is a magic which affects the inner essence of all life rather than simply the physical. As magic itself fills all of Equestria with incentive, motivation and pure energy, Balance exists on a far more complex level. Your strengthened friendships which occurred over time during interactions with Miss Dash allowed your own emotions to reach out through that bond between you, preventing her from exposing her own capabilities to the sirens themselves. However, as the ability was new and unmastered to you then, your friends also felt the internal command like a sharp lance.

So... Telepathy, but only between friends.

If that makes things less challenging for you to understand, yes. Strangely enough, I didn't feel patronized then. And, again, these are but glimpses for what is to come, my friend. New powers, once Balance has deemed you worthy of utilizing them, will come when their time arises. Further powers such as reading more specific emotions in others as opposed to merely Light or Dark, concealing yourself from the senses of others, influence others decisions and mindsets to benefit yourself and your friends.

...Could I also levitate things with my mind too? Or shoot lightning from my fingertips... Eh, hoofs? The questions were a joke, but Starswirl answered with the utmost serious regardless.

Through Balance, everything is limitless.

...By God, this is the Force.

Also, sensing emotions in others; isn't that Sunset's ability in that EQG movie we don't talk about? Or... Reading past thoughts or memories of others through emotions... I don't know, it never made sense to me.

If we are not to discuss it, why bring it up?

Well, I felt it was... Partially involved.

In a sense, Starswirl replied eventually, If you would like, I could begin explaining the differences between the two. Your meditation right now has vastly improved to the point any interruptions from myself or Sombra will no longer disrupt you.

...You sure about that?

Yeah I'm with the boy; we seem to be distracting him good enough.

Ah, but do you feel more calmer now? Do you feel your powers less uncontrolled? The current of emotions stilling considerably?

...Good point.

Though, while we discuss the subject over the foreseeable future. The former tyrant began thoughtfully, We have yet to hear your plans involving the events of the movie.

What? I thought I explained what we're going to do with Friendship Games when we reach that point ages ago-

No, neither that nor Legends of Everfree. I refer to the movie, the upcoming event many of your kind have long awaited. Sombra sneered slightly at the mention of my own kind. Where Equestria apparently falls and your friends must seek the help of an underwater city... Or something.

Oh, that!

...Yeah no idea still. The information we received so far back when I was in my world then was little and awfully vague at best. Presumable the whole world gets taken over by a ground of banded villains and forcing the Mane Six to seek help from, well, under the sea. And, just like that, the mere thought of everyone else in danger so forced a shudder down my spine, prompting my eyes open from the long meditation.

That was the only event I knew little next to nothing about... That and season seven. And that ignorance really didn't help my clenching my teeth somewhat at the prospect. Once again, my friends will find themselves in mortal danger, and I might be powerless to stop it this time...

...No. No, this ignorance changes nothing. Whatever happens, I will help my friends face through it! I can prevent these happenings by knowing or by accident, either way to keep everyone throughout all of Equestria safe.

And as admirable as your resolve to keep your friends safe is, Jack, it is perhaps wise not to rush head first into this scenario until we learn far more of these coming events. Additionally, we should be best keep this between only ourselves.

Wait, you mean, don't tell Twilight?

Correct. We needn't incite unnecessary worry and concern when there are other matters beforehand- Wait, what are you doing?

Going to tell Twilight.

...Do you never obey your elders?

Only when I feel reason to. In this case, I promised Twilight there would be no more secrets nor lies, and that's what I was upholding to the end. She and the others deserved to know about these events impacting their- Our entire world.

It hardly took effort to track the mare down by her bright signature, finding the mare in the midst of reading... In my room...

And the subject the mare was looking through with ill-concealed eagerness was- I cleared my throat, speaking casually, "Having fun taking a sneak preview?" At least I was amused by the sudden startled response, the list flying in the air by her jump then returning my mood to that of annoyed confusion, recognizing my blunt handwriting from a mile away. "How did you find that? I thought I hid it after finishing up... Spike."

Twilight grinned apologetically, the long paper floating harmlessly beside her. "He just happened to mention where he saw you hiding the list when I assigned his next chore." She defended the absent dragon who was downstairs. I would know, I can sense him down there. "I know you didn't want me to take a peek, but... You know..."

...That sounded like one of my own lame excuses to get out of these scenarios. Shaking my head, I smiled in exasperation. "I didn't not want you to see it, Twilight... Just not until I was done sorting through it myself. I needed to finish up deciding which episodes would require my help or not."

"And so you have."

"...How much have you read?"

"Oh... Some... Most... All of it." Ah great. Twilight shrugged sheepishly, purple eyes regarding the list again openly. "You could've written a synopsis for each upcoming event, you know. I can barely figure out what each of these 'episodes' implied. But I'm guessing Rainbow's behaviour about Tank's hibernate mood is todays episode." The mare smartly guessed, eyes on todays episode name.

"Correct." No point in denying it.

"Hmm, how long exactly before you would've withheld this information from your friends?" From me, like always. Were the unspoken words. But I detected no hostility in her tone for it, and nothing flickered in the mare's heart to suggest anxiety. So I was in the clear... For now at least.

I approached the mare, taking the list from the air while giving Twilight a solemn look. "Actually, Twilight, that's why I'm here." She tilted her head, waiting. Okay, time to not beat around the bush. With a sigh, my muzzle spilled out the info, "The bottom of the list says MLP Movie, as you've noticed." She nodded, eyes expectant. "Well, here's something you should know regarding that."

And Twilight listened in attentive detail, and I forced myself not to grimace nor cringe at the flickering of emotions I felt swirl through her. My bond with Twilight was arguably the strongest out of all my friends, Spike a close second. So, naturally, I felt her emotions more than anyone else... For now. Anyway as I explained in clear detail, those purple orbs widened a few times, mouth agape at the mention how their world will be in danger and we may be too powerless to stop it. By the time I was done, explaining about the existence of merponies - Yeah, don't get me started - Twilight was openly frowning, taking all this info in slowly, processing each piece of information carefully.

"Is there nothing we can do to prevent this scenario?"

"Not to my knowledge." Shamefully so.

"There must be." Ah, there was the fire in those violet eyes, igniting with the resolve to keep her friends protected from harm's way. "I refuse to believe there's little we can accomplish to stop this villainous takeover of our home - all of Equestria - not without a fight first. I'm not letting my friends get hurt just because your people want to entertain themselves." That iron determination caused my heart to skip a beat. Another reason I cherished this mare so...

Ahem. Task at hand.

"I appreciate you telling me all that you know regarding that future, Jack," Twilight said sincerely, a light smile for a moment before full seriousness overtook her features again, the alicorn tapping her chin in ponder whilst looking away. "Mark my words, we will do everything we can, together, to stop this event from ever happening. We can meet these merponies another way... Merponies, I think I know them."

"You do?" Sombra snorted.

She would.

Twilight nodded. "Ancient history tells of another species of ponies who reside within the deepest of the seas, living amongst the marine life in a peaceful co-existence. The authenticity has been a controversy among many. More often than not, many have doubted the genuine existence of these 'Ponies of the Sea,' an argument which has spanned out for many generations from historians and explorers alike."

With good reason! Sombra retorted, knowing full well Twilight couldn't hear him. The lack of compelling evidence to support their supposed existence hardly does wonders on their behalf. If they are not a fabrication - as your kind, boy, would be so thoughtful to include - then I will simply give up on the intelligence of your species in their entirety.

That implies you had faith in my kind to begin with, Sombra.

Starting with you, there is a glimmer of potential.

...Thank you?

"But if they exist...!" Twilight looked back at me in wonder. "And we get their help in defeating the villains who take over Equestria... Then imagine the possibilities. We could learn more about these secluded species than any historian had recorded so far!" Suddenly, I found myself enveloped in a tight, gratified hug. "Oh Jack, I don't think I've told you enough how you're the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me!" If I was capable of blushing at that moment, that would've been the case. And yet, Twilight abruptly released me, again thinking out-loud in sudden worry. "But wait, that would mean the hostile takeover of Equestria first, as you said. We can't allow that to happen under any circumstance! We'll need to-!"

"What we need, Twilight, is to calm down right now, and focus on that later." Purple eyes glanced at me in shock, the alicorn clearly having not expected my dismissal of the future event. Sighing, I continued before she could retaliate, "Twilight, believe me, I don't want this event to happen either, more than anything. I want my friends safe and living a peaceful, happy life." Which, let's be honest, was far too late by this point. "But right now, worrying and planning with no real knowledge of what's to come won't help us in any way. We need to focus on what's happening now."

Twilight was still staring as though I suddenly declared myself a Jedi Knight. Well, to be fair, I only just learnt I may as well was going to be a Jedi with all this Balance training. Then, slowly, she nodded after brief hesitation struck. "You're... Right. Worrying about the future when it's long ahead of us won't do any favours for anyone. Guess I didn't want to imagine my friends being in danger any further." A small grin. "You've surprised me once again, Jack; you always worried about the future yourself at the times to the moment of shutting your friends out to presumably keep us safe."

And look how well that turned out. "Guess I've grown."

A proud smile. "We all have." And the emotions I felt from her at that moment warmed my chest: Pride, admiration, affection... Love? I dared to hope that last one. But behind that, there were remnants of anxiety and concern, but that was understandable. The Princess sighed, looking back at the list on the desk. "Alright, let's worry about all that later. Right now, we need to focus on helping Rainbow Dash. Her snappish behaviour earlier caused some concerns, but this episode name only confirmed my suspicions." That said, she looked at me. "So, are we going to intervene this time around?"

I smiled. "Of course we are."

"Then what do we do?"

Letting me take the lead? Well I'll try not to fail and disappoint, love. "Do you know where Rainbow is now?"

Twilight shook her head. "Last I saw her, she was concerned about Tank's inevitable hibernation and took off."

"...Uh oh." That said, I closed my eyes tight, reaching out to the ties among my friends.

"What?" But I ignored Twilight's inquiry, focusing on the bright lights in my friend's heart. And there were plenty of those, including Bon, Lyra and the like. But, thankfully, it was easier to sense my more closer friends due to the strong bonds. Though all the signatures I felt through Ponyville from the ground to the skies above, I tried to seek out Rainbow's presence. And only five bright lights, one being my inquisitive Princess beside me, stood out from my reach around the town.

Which only meant one thing...

"We need to get to Cloudsdale, now."

Twilight blinked as I immediately opened my eyes, frowning in concern. "Is that where Rainbow is?"

"Yes, and if we don't stop her, those workers at the Rainbow Factory might get sacked for sabotaged equipment."

From within, Sombra scoffed mildly. Once again, your melodramatic reactions makes itself known. The pegasus' interference in that factory won't bring harm to anyone. You know this.

Well yeah but... I don't know, maybe someone got hurt off-screen. Besides, I'd be doing those workers a favour.

Now you're merely grasping at straws.

Twilight, meanwhile, understood the dangers of messing with the forces of nature itself, including artificial nature crafted by pegasi hoofs. "Let's not dwardle then."

I can say, aside from the Wonderbolts Academy, this might just be my first official visit to Cloudsdale. Or not, I couldn't recall. But that was hardly relevant. Passing by directions and protestant workers alike, Twilight and I hurried through the factory where everyone was on lunch break, according to the equines we found in the cafeteria. Knowing exactly where Rainbow was heading, it didn't take me long to recognize and call out a few things I saw in the episode.

Leading us into the very room we sought, the blue pegasus midway to sabotaging the large water tank above.

"There she is!"

"Rainbow, stop!"

Thankfully, the blue mare indeed paused at our respective calls, glancing down at us in bafflement whereas I proceeded to stop Tank from unintentionally wrecking the workplace even further. The tortoise was strapped to a lamp, but not even that stopped it. Luckily, my hoof did.

"Guys?" Rainbow questioned with a mildly annoyed frown. "What are you doing here?"

"Jack knew what you were up to." Twilight stepped forward. "We're here to prevent you from causing anymore damage to the factory."

Pink eyes narrowed in our direction. "If you know what I'm planning, then you understand, it has to happen!"

"It doesn't though." Twilight shook her head adamantly, attempting to appeal to the stubborn mare. "Stop before it's too late! You can't stop the coming of a season like this!"

"Can't I?" Rainbow challenged with a glare. "And let Tank go into hiber- That! Absolutely no way am I letting that happen."

The alicorn huffed, and the tortoise leaning against my limb yawned in exhaustion. "The consequences otherwise will be far more severe, Rainbow! Preventing Tank from going into hiber-"

"Don't say that word!"

"-nation will only hurt him more. He needs to rest for the Winter, it's in his nature!" For a brief moment, uncertainty flickered in those pink eyes, prompting Twilight to continue, "He'll only be sleeping until the end of Winter, he'll be completely fine. You don't have to be so worried for him."

"I'm not worried!" Rainbow scoffed, fooling no one. "It's just not fair for Tank to hiber- No, you know what? I'm through talking. I'm gonna stop Winter altogether if that's what it takes, and you can't stop me!"

This wasn't working.

Astute. Sombra snorted. Honestly, this mare's exaggeration to her pet's natural behaviour is both amusing and exerting to witness. She makes it sound as though the reptile was dying, or something far worse.

We needed her to see that Tank will be fine, and trying to prevent his hibernation will only hurt him than aid him. But how? That mare can be obnoxiously to the stubborn even to the point where my words will do no good.

There is a way.

Well, don't keep us in suspense. What can we do?

And as Starswirl proceeded to explain, Twilight refused to give up on convincing our friend yet. "Lack of sleep is bad for Tank's health!"

"Tank can get plenty of sleep when we're done playing!"

"And what about the other creatures that need Winter to rest?"

"They're not Tank! I mean, sure I care about them, but I'm practically doing them a favour!"

"By being selfish? Rainbow, this will only hurt him more! Not to mention, the damage you could cause here will have tremendous backlash!"

"Why. because your all-seeing all-knowing special somepony told you?"


"To heck with this, I'm gonna do it whether you want me to or not! Tank will never have to hiber- That word ever again when I'm through with this thing!"

...Alright, I understood.

Prepare yourself.

Nodding, I looked upwards at the determined Rainbow, keeping the sleep-deprived tortoise under my gentle hold. "RAINBOW DASH, STOP ACTING LIKE A PETULANT CHILD AND LISTEN TO US!" That had the intended effect, the sudden commanding yell pausing the mare from tearing open a pipe connected to the large water tank. Even Twilight was slightly stunned by the outburst, but relieved when the blue mare stopped what she was doing.

"You didn't have to yell."

Ignoring the response, I continued, "If it got your attention. Anyway, you can't go through with this. I've seen what happens, and I refuse to let it occur again."

"Why, does someone get hurt?"

"Well no-"

"Then why should I stop?!"

Oh Jesus... "Because your selfishness was never properly acknowledged in this episode back then, but it's going to be now. You're too focused on what you want, you're not wondering what Tank wants!"

"Please!" Rainbow rolled her eyes in disbelief. "You're saying I don't know my best friend? Of course Tank wants to hang out with me more, not go to sleep for an entire season for no reason whatsoever! I'm doing him a favour!"

"There is a reason for it! Plenty of them!"

"Besides." Rainbow proceeded smugly as though Twilight hadn't objected vocally. "You know for a fact I stop Winter, right? So how can you stop me now?"

Get ready then, my dear Rainbow. "Because you don't stop Winter, Rainbow. You only just cause an entire blizzard all over Ponyville and cry about it in bed afterwards." That prompted the blinking reaction. "You only made things worse for yourself, but you have the chance to stop that happening, here and now."

"You're lying!"

"Do I look like I'm lying to you?!"

Though I preferred not to yell at my friends, especially to get the point across, that tone should make it convincing enough. They knew for a fact my temper moments were enforced by brutal honesty. Not even Rainbow could challenge that. "But... But I can't have..." Rainbow's gaze slowly shifted to the resting tortoise, expression beginning to panic somewhat, voice trembling, "You have to be lying..."

"Rainbow..." Twilight began, sounding deeply concerned for our friend. I didn't blame her, although personally I found the blubbering acceptance to Tank's hibernation a little childish and ludicrous. But I wasn't going to voice it out-loud. "You have to let him rest. Tank needs to hiber-"


Alright, time for Starswirl's plan then. "Come here Rainbow. If we can't convince you, I think Tank will." The blue pegasus, warily eyeing me, slowly descended from the large water tank to join us, standing before me and the tortoise. Wordlessly, I held out a hoof, taking Rainbow's own and placing them on Tank's shell, doing as my mentor instructed, closing my eyes tightly to begin the connections of their bonds strengthened by Balance.

And letting their bonds do the rest.

I barely caught glimpses of what memories Tank was sharing with his owner. Only brief images of the tortoise, being much smaller than I noticed earlier, involving dirt, sleeping and awakening to a new Spring. And, sensing the turmoil in Rainbow's heart begin to lessen than increase, I suspected Starswirl's plan was working like a charm.

It was over than I expected, as myself and Rainbow opened our eyes, the latter focusing with a conflicted look at her pet/best friend, whereas I noticed Twilight's curious yet concerned expression, making a calm motion with my freed hoof. At the gesture, the alicorn walked over to us, and that seemed to have triggered some reaction from our troubled friend.

"There's really nothing I can do...?"

I shook my head solemnly, stepping back to give the two space. "I'm sorry Rainbow, but Tank needs to hiber... You know. If he doesn't, you'll only end up causing him... And yourself, grief."

Twilight nodded, placing a comforting hoof on the pegasus' side with a soft expression. "Winter has to come, Rainbow. You won't have to worry, Tank will be fine, and will be waiting to hang out with his awesome owner and best friend after Spring has come."

And, at last, the mare gave in to the rather painful truth. "Is that what you want, buddy?" Rainbow practically choked, stroking the tortoise's shell with a weak grin. "You wanna hiber... Hibernate for a while." At the yawning response within the shell, Tank then finally showing his tired reptile features, Rainbow sniffled, but smiled. "Well... If that's what you want... Oh Tank! I don't want you to go!"

But she knew, deep down, he had to.

I commented quietly to Twilight as we gave the two their moment, "I still think this reaction to Tank's hibernation is a little... You know..."

The mare nodded, observing the two embrace with our pegasus friend sobbing with a sympathetic yet somewhat pleased smile. "I think this is exactly what Rainbow needed, to understand..." Before glancing at me curiously. "But what did you do just then, to make Rainbow see the truth this way?"

Exactly as Starswirl suggested. "Allowed Rainbow's to see into Tank's heart." I met Twilight's surprised look with my own small smirk. "Turns out, I might have the power to read minds... Arguably one of the most useful superpowers ever."

You do realize you only prevented your favourite weather from getting better.

Yeah well... It'll get better over time. Winter's only just started.

Hmph. Was Sombra's unimpressed reply as I ducked another of Spike's hurtling snowballs. All this to make your friend endure the painful truth early. Was it worth it?

If it helped people close to me? Of course! "Heads up!"

"Whoa!" Spike let out a dodging noise, and Sombra made no comment afterwards. Behind his small snow fort, the dragon geared up for another assault, whereas I hid behind my own wall of frozen defense. Now with Winter here, I made no hesitation in dragging the dragon outside to play with me in this gorgeous weather. With snow descending majestically, my little bro and I proceeded to take advantage of the wonderful season by doing what all siblings love doing best this time of the year.

Initiating a snowball fight.

"You missed!"

"Next time I won't!"

"There won't be one!" Curses! The dragon blocked my next snowball, and his own brushed past the fur on my left cheek. Payback time! "You'll regret accepting my offer for this snowball war, Spike!"

"You'll regret ever challenging the Greatest Snowball Thrower in all of Equestria to begin with, Stardust!"

I dodged another one with a wide grin, uncaring if my blue scarf wasn't enough to keep the cold snow from freezing me over. I missed out the chance to spend more time with my friends here last Winter, I won't screw up that again! What Spike didn't realize was, to my advantage, Balance assisting me by sharpening my reflexes and warning me of danger beforehand.

Such as now!

In short, you are, as I believed it is called, cheating. Sombra observed flatly when I ducked another hurtled ball.

Cheating? Nah. What Spike won't know won't hurt him.


But that snowball might.

Rolling backwards from the successful hit to the face, I was admittedly relieved my newfound strength didn't make the frozen liquid hit harder than it should, by the flustered tone Spike used under the gaze of a smiling Rarity greeting his lying vision. "Hey Rarity... You look lovely this time of year."

"Ever the charmer, Spiky-wikey." The unicorn humoured my little bro, helping him get up and dusting the snow off him. Followed by her was the rest of the Mane Six, myself greeted by Twilight and Rainbow.

"Looking cute in that snow wear, Twilight, as always." The alicorn blushed lightly at the compliment under the yellow hat, and I then addressed the smirking pegasus. "And you, Rainbow? How are you feeling?"

She cocked her head in response, shrugging. "Fine, I guess. Tank's in hibernation now... Still getting use to that." Mm-hm. I can tell by the sadness still remaining a small piece in your heart. But then, she grinned. "But hey, what can ya do, am I right... He'll be fine right?" At my nod, she sighed in relief. "Phew! At the very least, he heard one more awesome story of Daring Do before getting some sleep."

Glad to hear it- My hoof caught the snowball without me even looking.

"Aww come on!" Spike called out in complaint.

At the display, both mares raised their brow in surprise, impressed. But not before one certain smart mare immediately figured out what was going on. "Jack, you're not using Balance to win a snowball fight, are you?"


I shrugged at the accusation and Spike's cry. "I mean... It's no different to using magic in a snowball fight though."

"But Spike's not using magic-"

"Anyway! Rainbow, glad you've accepted Tank's temporary long rest. You're a good owner to care so much for your pet - and your best friend - like that." Rainbow grinned, and even Twilight smiled at the praise despite initial irritation at my purposeful interruption- Ha! "Nice try Spike." I added while ducking the next snowball.

"That does it!" Spike said in frustration, looking at the others before grinning mischievously. "Anyone wanna help me pound my unfair big bro with snowballs?"

"Oh! Oh! I do!" Pinkie instantly joined Spike's side, making forming snowballs from the ground at a breathtaking speed.

"Sure, why not? I'm game." Applejack added humouredly, a competitive spark gleaming in her eyes.

"So long as it doesn't get too messy." Oh Rarity, have you forgotten who your friends were? "Perhaps the rest will join Stardust's side in this snowball brawl, then?"

Rainbow smirked. "You're so on! Fluttershy, come join us!" The yellow pegasus looked uncertain - Ah she'll have fun - before coming over to join. And one exchanged look with Twilight, with a glint resolved playfulness in her violet orbs, told me all I needed to know.

There's gonna be a loooooot of hot chocolate after this.

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