• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 101: Calm Before The Storm

"...Stardust. Stardust!"

"Ugh... Five more minutes..." Do they really have to wake me up now? My blurred vision immediately shut at the ray of sunlight penetrating through the windows, tossing to the side, bringing up my cover to shield my face from whoever abruptly woke me up... To no avail.

Hm... My bed felt more softer than usual...

"Well, you asked for it."

Hmm... Wait-


Something small but filled with mass leaped onto my bed, proceeding to jump on my covered body repeatedly to hammer in the message. And, to my surprised confusion, it was neither my mother nor little sister dragging me out of bed this morning. A familiar dragon head beamed down at me from his spot on top of me. "Time to get up, big bro!"

"Spike...?" Before everything came back to me. Ah... Right. I was no longer on Earth, but Equestria now. This castle was my home now... I really needed to get that stuck in my tired brain. Yawning, I leaned my head upwards, Spike retracting his face to give me space. "What time is it?"

"Twelve in the afternoon."

"Oh... Well thank God, thought I overslept."

Spike rolled his eyes at my prompt head-drop onto the comfy pillow. Yep, million times better than the stiff thing I called a bed back at my... Former home. Thankfully dropping off the bed himself, two baby claws proceeded to grab the dge of my blue duvet and began pulling. "Come on Stardust, Twilight says it's time for you to get up."

Oh she did huh? "Good for her." The dragon ignored my annoyed scowl as the cover was completely pulled off my bed. Sighing, I began sitting up, stretching and yawning as you do. Just let me grab my cape and-

...Oh. Right.

Spike followed my gaze to where the piece of fabric would've been, placed on the corner post of the bed, and looked at me with a sympathetic expression. I shook my head. It's fine, I was over it... Mostly.

Sentimental value for a cape... I will never understand the human nature of compassion.

Good morning to you too, Sombra...

"Anyway, we should get going. Twilight wants to see you in the dining room."

Grateful for Spike's statement, I nodded, getting off the soft bed myself and following after the young dragon into the bright hallways. Again, really love the blue they added here. But, letting my brother's statement sink in, I inquired with a raised brow, "Thought we cleaned up Pinkie's mess in there last night?"

After an exhausting day of keeping Twilight preoccupied as the mares decorated the castle to make Twilight feel more at home. And even now I still question whether hanging the roots of the old library on the ceiling into a chandelier was entirely respectful or not, but I never voiced that opinion.

I did however voice to my girlfriend that new hairstyle she tried out at the spa, while it was nice, didn't honestly suit her.

Spike, still knowing these halls far better than I did, nodded while guiding me to the dining hall. "We did." Followed by us arriving at some large set of doors - like the majority this castle had. Can you say grandiose? - that I recognized was the entrance to said dining hall from yesterday.

Note to self: Properly tour around the castle myself-


The second Spike opened the doors into the room, ponies cheered, confetti fired all over and balloons soared above to the ceiling. My friends - my new family - all beamed widely with a colourful banner stating: WELCOME HOME, STARDUST!

Now, the me of the past would swiftly turned around, [BEEP]ed off by the gesture.

But now, recovering from my startled state, I simply grinned myself. "Yep, it's good to be back." Spike looked positively ecstatic at the honesty.

The second I stepped further in, however, I was dragged into the room by an eager Pinkie and grinning Rainbow, greeted by... Well greetings and hugs from friends I made all over Ponyville. The Mane Six, Bon, Lyra, Whooves, Derpy, Vinyl, the Crusaders, Big Mac, Cheerilee, Snips, Snails, Zecora and so on... Wait, no, that's about it. All were speaking at once, barely giving me time to make out some of their statements.

"It's so great to see you again-!"

"We thought you were gone for good-!"

"How did you get back-?"

"Do you like the party-?"

My rescue came in the forms of Twilight and Applejack. The former teleporting me a few feet from being crowded - which caused some disorientation for a split-second - and the latter to say humouredly, "Give 'em space everypony. Poor guy just got out of bed, after all."

Prompting Rainbow's good-natured snort as the others chuckled. "Nothing's changed there then." Hell, even I joined in the light laughter.

Twilight turned to me with a smile. "We planned on your welcome back party for a while now, but I guess my own hesitation to call this place home stalled those plans a little. I asked Pinkie to help me set everything up this morning whereas Spike invited everyone here." The tone was slightly teasing. "Guess your oversleeping habits was useful for once."

Oh ha ha. With a joking grin, I casually retorted, "Love, this will never top the personal welcome back gift you gave me at Canterlot High." Karma! The sheepish alicorn began blushing brightly, whereas the others exchanged curious yet amused looks. I added to all my friends, "But I appreciate all of this. I've missed you all."

Apple Bloom tilted her head. "But you were only gone for a short while."

I shrugged, remembering that whereas it was months since I last saw them. Starswirl returned me to an earlier point on their time so it was only a brief departure for them. "Felt much longer to me."

"Well, in any case Stardust, we are happy that you're back." Then Rarity seemed to hesitate about something. "Out of curiosity, how long will be here this time-?"

Ah, yes. They didn't know about my choice-

"Hey, hey!" Rainbow spoke up rather heatedly before I could answer, "Let's worry about that later! Right now, we have a party to celebrate the return of a pal!"

"Right! So let's party!"

Twilight nodded, turning to the dragon. "Spike, could you check how it's going in the kitchen?" The dragon pouted slightly, obviously wanting to join in the festivities as everyone resumed the party, before nodding with a light smile, pausing beside me as he was departing.

And provided a tight hug. "It's great to have you back, big bro."

The feeling is mutual, little bro...

Twilight gave him a loving look, before grinning at me happily. "Shall we?" Motioning to he nearby food table. I eagerly walked beside my special somepony.

...Nope, still didn't sound any less silly.

"You didn't have to do this, you know."

Twilight rolled her eyes in good nature, saying warmly, "I gathered you'd say that. That's why we made it a surprise." Purple gorgeous eyes glanced at me. "For a moment, I was afraid you'd storm out like the last time we hosted a welcoming party for you."

I snorted playfully at the relief in her tone and expression. "You've been a terrible influence on me since then."

"You mean I and our friends, right?"

"Mostly you."

"You make it sound like a bad thing."

"You made the bad choice of dating me."

"And I live to regret it to this day-"

"Gosh, you two need to get a room." Our glances turned to a scoffing Rainbow, happily helping herself to filling her plate with all kinds of goods. "Your playful flirting doesn't need to be shown in public."

"I think it's adorable," Fluttershy said with a kind smile, prompting the blue pegasus' eye roll.

And I think it's sickening...

Twilight, also refusing to rise to Rainbow's bait, smiled warmly at Fluttershy's sentiment, using her magic to pour her and myself both glasses of punch. I took the offered glass with a grateful smile, offering a toast. "To my ever-persistent return on ruining your lives?"

The purple alicorn shook her head whereas others by the table exchanged fond looks, clinking her glass against my own. "To my over-exaggerating special somepony, who will always be welcomed home."

I replied simply, "You're one to talk about exaggeration, Twilight." Before taking a sip, feeling my heart warm at Twilight's sincerity.

Yes... This was my home. Here, now and forever. But I've yet to tell Twilight that, as I could see the plain reluctance in the edges of her beautiful violet eyes. Before I could rectify those worries, however, someone else spoke up, "So?"

I tore my gaze to meet Bon's inquisitive blue orbs. "So what...?"

The cream Earth Pony smiled, her girl-friend rapidly consuming many of the treats on the table. "Aren't you gonna tell us what's been happening since you returned back to... Your place?" She cast a careful glance to the three Crusaders. The only three ponies in the room who were oblivious to my true origins, though they seemed rather happy rapidly eating the food on the table along with Lyra to care, save for Sweetie Belle, who perked her ears up in interest.

"I'd rather hear how all you were doing since I was away."

Bon gave me a humoured look. "Nice try Stardust."

"Damn, worth a shot." Even Rainbow leaned forward to listen. I shrugged casually. "Not much to say, it's been over a year since I've last been there, as you well know. There were tears, hugs, vows of never letting me out of my family's sight again." That earned a few chuckles and understanding looks between the mares. "And in my absence, loads of new things I missed out on; such as Undertale, Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Then the next year we had Pokemon Sun and Moon, Dragonball Xenoverse XV... Batmans V Superman... Ghostbusters... Hm..."

Twenty-sixteen was a... Mixed year, to say the least.

"Although I got a PS4." Now that was a great Birthday gift. A shame now I left all that behind... Everything, behind.

Sombra scoffed. You've no one to blame but yourself this time, boy.

"A what now?" My gaze turned to a curious Whooves, who decided to join us, and the others blinked at the unfamilar name.

"A gaming console." Was my answer before gulping down the delicious punch. "Hey Twilight, do we have any soda?"

As though expecting the sudden change of topic, the mare sighed in amusement. "I'll check in a moment, since you decided to go nuts with the stuff last night. Honestly, it's not healthy for you; I ouaghta start giving you a limit to how much you can drink a day."

Pfft! Good luck with that! Even Sombra was laughing in my ehad at the absurd idea. "Ahh you love me too much to do such a thing to me." And this time, I laughed out loud at Twilight's bright red face, ducking behind her glass at the teasing and adoring looks everyone who heard that was sending us.

Even the Crusaders went "Aww!" Whereas Scootaloo was more "Yuck!"

Ah kids.

"He's gotcha you there Twilight." Rainbow added in unhelpfully, in Twilight's case anyway.

Lyra, swallowing a huge gulp of food, asked next, "Hey Star? Earlier you said it's been longer for you. How much longer?"

Ah. Get ready for a shock, ladies. "Well... I had my twenty-first Birthday back at my other home."

And just like that, the loud music echoing the dining room screeched to a halt, and I found myself whirled around and in the clutches of a bewildered Pinkie Pie. "What?!" Apparently the mare picked up my words during her dancing to the party music. "We missed your twenty-first Birthday?!"

"...Yeah? It's fine though-"

"It's not fine! It's not fine at all!" Whoa! The Earth Pony unceremonously shoved me to the ground, staring down at me with a widening gesture. "We need to fix this, ASAP! A.S.A.P!"

"Pinkie, it's fine-"

"I know! We'll host your Birthday party after this one! Be back in a jiffy!"

...Why do I even bother? Common sense dictacts that one must never start a futile battle against Pinkie's hunger for throwing parties given any excuse. Although, that would mean even more free food, an extra Birthday cake, presents and more soda.

So why am I complaining?

Starswirl chuckled. Miss Pie certainly is infectious with her positive energy.

Both Twilight and Whooves helped me up, looking bemused and amused at Pinkie's sudden resolve, as the pink Earth Pony rushed out the doors. "One must admire that determination."

Twilight nodded at Whooves' words, glancing at me with a smile. "So, you're twenty-one now." I nodded. Nothing to make a big deal out of. The purple mare then grinned. "Happy Late Birthday then."

I chuckled along with her. "Thanks love. Although I can say the best Birthday present of all was returning to my friends... And this one beautiful mare who always brightens my day just by looking at her." Twilight shyly turned away, prompting my sincere yet teasing compliments. "Her smile putting her above Goddess status."

"Jack, stop..."

"Her sparkling eyes more illuminating than the stars themselves."

"You're exaggerating..."

"Embracing her in Sunset's world the best thing to happen to me upon coming back to my true home."

At this point, not even the red colour of the rainbow could match with Twilight's features, but even she had a small smile on her muzzle at my words. "You can be ridiculously corny at times, Jack..." Whooves, meanwhile, looked deliberately uncomfortable, quietly excusing himself to give us a moment. Twilight's eyes turned back to me again, reflecting something beautiful from within. "I missed you... More than anything..."

It took a moment to process how close our muzzles were. "I missed you more than life itself, my Princess..."

And, unfortunately, all good things must come to an end.

"Stardust! Stardust!"

Our heads immediately retreated back, prompting my vocal annoyed noise, while Twilight looked silently fuming. "What is it Spike?" I asked in heated exasperation at the dragon's approach. My little brother, however, seemed more concerned with something else entirely than the look on my face.

The dragon gestured wildly to the doorway. "Something's happened. You need to see this! It's in your room!"

My room...?

Although looking slightly disappointed, Twilight expressed curiosity. "What do you mean?"

Spike shook his head. "I don't know, some stuff magically appeared in Stardust's room! I don't know how to explain what they are!"

Good timing too, Sombra commented casually, As the ponies surrounding you were eager to witness you and your Princess's intimate moment.

Rolling my eyes at the statement, I nodded to the Spike. "Let's go see then." Glancing at Twilight afterwards. "You coming?"

She nodded in turn. "Of course."

Before another voice popped up. "We all are." Joined by the mares save for Pinkie. Applejack looked back at the other guests. "Keep on partyin', we'll be right back."

I grinned at the support. "Well then, if it's something dangerous, I'm glad to have you all backing me up."

Rainbow looked taken aback. "Okay, who are you really? What happened to the Stardust who got himself in danger all the time just so we didn't have to?"

Very funny.

No way...

No absolute way...

"No absolute [BEEP]ing way..."

"Language." Twilight chided from beside me, yet sounding surprised herself at the number of items in my room that, as Spike said, appeared from nowhere. And I knew these various items all too well...

Well now. Sombra mused. I trust this was the handiwork of that old unicorn.

Starswirl denied nothing, no doubt observing as I, the mares and Spike walked closer towards the objects. Consider it a reminder, that even though you're far from an old home, the past won't always be left behind.

"I was just walking by the room," Spike explained as we stopped before the pile of equipment amongst other things. "Then I heard something so I looked in, and all these things were in here!" Puzzled eyes turned to us, more specifically me. "Do you have any idea what they are?"

Applejack hummed, closely examining the large plasma TV leaning against the wall. "Nope. Never seen anythin' quite like 'em. Guys?" They all shook their heads, echoing statements of negativity, save for one.

"I have." All eyes turned to me, but my attention was more solely focused on everything Starswirl placed so carefully in my room, picking up one thing with a [BEEP]-eating grin blooming on my face. "My PS4, my 3DS, Gamecube, Nintendo 64... Ha! My lightsaber lava lamp." The thing I haven't used in eons! "And all the games that come with them!"

Fondly clutching the Gameboy Advance, Rarity inquired from behind my nostalgic state. "Oh, these are from your world?"

Rainbow picked up the Gamecube, staring at it and the controller closely. "What's this thing do?"

"Hey, easy there! Those are delicate equipment." To my relief, she obliged. "And that, Rainbow, is another gaming console. A Gamecube, to be more specific; one of the greatest consoles to have ever been designed ever." And that's a fact!

"And this?"

"3DS, Spike."

"And what about this, darling?"

"A TV plasma screen, Rarity. It's for watching programs as well as playing consoles such as PS4 or Gamecube."

Twilight then pointed upwards. "And who are they?"

I followed her curious gaze. "Who are- ...Oh."

Because only then, by her gesture, had I noticed the large picture hanging off the wall. A picture that was made well over two years ago... And hasn't stopped me from smiling yet.

"My family..."

Or at least, most of it. In black and white style, the portrait consisted of my grinning Dad, wrapping his arms around both sons between him, one trying to look indifferent and the other as emo as humanly possible. In front of the males, sitting down, were my two sisters, both smiling pleasantly with the younger bundle of joy giving a thumbs-up.

But how... Only one of this picture existed, and it was at my Dad's place.

I hope you like the copy I designed through my magic. You need not worry about feeling too much sorrow for departing from this family from hereon.

Heh... Thanks, Starswirl...

To Twilight, I pointed out at the hanged photo. "Bald guy in the middle's my old man-"

"And those two sitting down are your sisters. The one on the right's Deryn and the left's Cerys." Twilight guessed correctly, nodding with a smile. "They're very pretty."

"Oh, the little one is adorable." Fluttershy began cooing.

"So she's my number one fan huh?" Rainbow asked cockily, grinning. "Then which one of those between your pops is you?"

I grinned humouredly. "The one looking like his hand is the most fascinating thing in that pic. The other with the bowl haircut is my 'edgy' brother."

At that, Twilight leaned closer, examining as though the photo was a work of art. "So, this is what you actually look like."

From two years ago, but yeah...

"Your beard was certainly better trimmed back then." I rolled my eyes. Trust Rarity to notice that detail! "I must say though, I fail to see how in any way you deem yourself unappealing; your features aren't as repulsive as you've claimed."


Twilight looked at me. "You look like a wonderful family, Jack. No wonder you were so anxious to go back to your real home, as I'm sure you are now."

Alright, that does it.


No, I'm not keeping this from them. Not this time.

Inhaling, I said through tight smile. "It wouldn't matter anyway, since I'm not going back." Prompting everyone's heads to turn to me, blinking.

"Why, whatever do you mean darling?" Rarity inquired in confusion. "I thought your stay here was temporary."

"I never said that."

"But, you can't stick around. I mean, as happy as we havin' yer here, it wouldn't be fair to keep yer from your family."

"Unless you're forgetting, Applejack, you're all my family too." I shrugged. "Besides, I can't go back now, even if I wanted to."

Rainbow and Fluttershy exchanged glances. "Why not?" The former asked.

Sighing, my muzzle replied in somberness, "The paths between dimensions were beginning to break the laws of balance itself. I had a choice, presented by you-know-who, stick around in my old home, or go back to the ponies - and dragon - who reminded me that life does have meaning, and has given me more happiness than I felt in years." I let the implications slowly sink in, their eyes widening and jaws agape.

"But that means...!" Yes it did, Rainbow.

"You chose to leave your own family, for good..." Applejack started.

"...For us?" Fluttershy finished, all three sound shell-shocked by the decision.

I nodded. "For once in my life, I made a life-changing decision without anyone else making it for me. Hence, why I'm back here. To the people I call my second family, the ponies and dragon who changed me into the man - or, well, stallion now I suppose - today." At their continued floored expressions, I couldn't grinning lightly, a little uncomfortable by the reactions. "So... Yeah, you're stuck with me forever. How about that?"

Finally, one recovered his composure. And I eagerly welcomed to soft hug Spike provided, the dragon speaking in my fur blissfully with unhidden relief, "I'm fine with my big bro sticking around for good. You won't hear me complain."

Rarity approached next, placing a hoof on my side with an uncertain yet pleased smile. "Well, it would be unfair to say I disapprove of your choice - despite me doing so - but I will never hold that against you."

Applejack grinned, tipping her hat. "Even though this seems like a pretty silly choice yer made, yer always welcome among us, sugarcube. We ain't ever gonna judge you for choosin' one family over the other."

Inwardly, Sombra scoffed. These overly-forgiving equines. I swear...

Rainbow took the initiative next, punching my side lightheartedly. "So what if we have to deal with your grouchy attitude forever? We can handle it."

Fluttershy smiled lightly. "Welcome home, for good then, Stardust."

And, just like that, my friends welcomed me back with open arms. I won't lie, I was relieved myself, glad these mares and Spike understood and wouldn't hold my decision against me.

Well... Save for one...


We all turned to the departing purple mare, who glanced over her shoulder at Applejack's call with a forced smile. "I... Gotta be somewhere." Before making a hasty exit, and everything in me willed for me to race after her, though a white limb briefly halted my advancement.

"Give her time, darling." Rarity said with a sympathetic smile. "Not everyone would accept you chose them over birth family right away."

And let Twilight stay upset? You must be pulling my leg.

At my look, however, the white mare sighed in acceptance, stepping back. "Oh if you must. Why even bother stopping you when your mind is set to it?"

Thank you Rarity. Without hearing other protests, I departed after Twilight, politely walking by a Pinkie by the doorway, whom I heard after entering the hallways determinedly, "So, what'd I miss?"

It wasn't too difficult, tracking the mare down. A little bit of balance helped me sense the light in the mare's heart, revealing her location in the large library the castle now held. Without knocking, the door was slightly ajar, I let myself in, recalling that this was only second time entering this particular room.

First was after returning from Sunset's world. And speaking of which, the deactivated machine - crafted by wood and magic from the Albert Einstein of her time - along with the mirror stood firmly in the center of the room, but that wasn't my target. No, instead, I found the purple mare shuffling through some papers, seemingly oblivious to my presence.

That was until I approached closer, prompting Twilight's sigh without even turning to face me. "You didn't have to follow me here."

"When my special somepony is distressed, I did."

Twilight shook her head. "Not distressed, just..." She tilted her heard, as though contemplating the right word. "Well... Guilty, I suppose."

What? "Guilty?"

The Princess set the papers down, finally looking at me with deep regret behind those purple orbs, expression utterly uncertain. "It sounds selfish but... I can't help but get the feeling, while you chose to leave your family - your whole family, indefinitely - for our friends, but also mostly for... Well, me, I guess."

...As always, she was accurate even without being completely certain of it.

And as though hearing that thought, the mare began looking stunned by the quiet revelation, turning away. "I knew it... Trust you to always make a decision without any real thought put into it."

Wait a minute-

"I didn't mean it like that!" Twilight added hastily, noticing my protestant expression. She sighed, staring at the floor briefly, continuing quietly, "But... You chose us, you chose me, over your family. Your own flesh and blood... How can I respond to that? How can somepony choose some mare over those who raised and had been with him for most of his life?"

"...You know you're not just 'some mare,' Twilight-"

"That doesn't matter!" The mare snapped, eyes this time sparkling heatedly at me. And the renewed irritation and guilt prompting me to step back once. Twilight proceeded to prod me in the chest. "The point being, as always, you haven't learnt not to make such absurd decisions. Your own family! Your family! I know you hated your life back on Earth, but did that excuse finding any reason to leave everyone you care for for good? Of course it didn't! It doesn't! We're... I'm not worthy abandoning your family for...! I'm just... Me..."

...In all honesty, I've should've expected this. As always, my guard was down just because everyone else seemed cool with my decision. Twilight, ever so intelligent, ever so diligent, always the skeptic, the one who points out the holes in a decision or plan and even protests to what could be deemed simply idiotic.

Reminds you of anyone...?

Twilight, after my silence, sighed, shaking her head with her expression turning more solemn. "Did you at least tell them goodbye, properly, this time?"


"Define 'properly...'"

Purple eyes were now full-on glaring. "Jack."

The stern tone had me answer in sheepish embarrassment. "I left them a note..."

Twilight groaned disbelievingly. "You left them... Ugh..."

"It was late at night," I explained, but even to me that sounded like a weak excuse. Twilight was rubbing her forehead in annoyed exasperation, continuously shaking her head at my rather irrational actions. "Look, what I did was stupid. But you know me Twilight, never one to properly think things through. Yes, I chose my friends. Yes, I chose you. I chose to live in here for the rest of my life because I'm happy here. I will miss them, but it was as Pinkie once said, the memories of everything we've been are more important than regrets."

Yes, I won't acknowledged what I did wasn't rash or not planned out in the slightest. It was a spur of the moment, and one I will feel a pang of guilt for from time to time. But I've accepted that. I make dumb[BEEP] choices all the time. I'm not a good person, despite what others say, but I certainly won't try to be a bad one to everyone I cherished.

Despite doing so by leaving your family behind for a fictional equine and her friends?

Well... As I said, I don't think things through.

"It's too late for me to go back. So, I'm here now... For good... If you'll have me." Was my weak offer, gesturing with widened limbs.

Glancing at me through her seeming migraine, Twilight sighed, slowly accepting the embrace with her own. "Of course you're staying here. Don't even begin to believe I'll kick you out just for choosing possibly the most regretful decision you'll ever make."

I chuckled quietly. Good, I wasn't being kicked out yet. That's a start. "I thought that was betting away the library."

That, at least, prompted a low chuckle from Twilight. "Amongst other errors." Before the comfortable hug departed, the alicorn still looking slightly guilty, yet smiling lightly to remain positive in the face of such a revelation. "I still can't believe you essentially decided some royal bookworm over your own flesh and blood."

"Wouldn't most stallions?"

"...No, don't think so."

"Idiots," I stated casually, but sharing the mare's amusement. "Although, who am I to talk? Aren't I the well-rounded idiotic warrior?"

Twilight sighed, her hoof clenching my own. "With one exception; you're my idiotic warrior." And her eyes lit up like the stars hidden above the blue sky.

That prompted me to vow. "I promise you, Twilight, no more secrets. No more lies-" Ignoring Sombra's derisive snort. "-With my newfound knowledge, I'll make sure everything goes fine from hereon. I know more of what happens now than I ever did before. And I vow to you, my pony Princess, to be the best damn human special somepony to have ever walked the Earth, worthy of the angel before me."

Expecting a blush from her, instead I was greeted to a shake of the head once again. "You don't need to promise me anything," Twilight said sincerely, leaning forward a little. "Although I would appreciate complete honesty, just assure me you won't throw yourself recklessly into danger like, say, almost all the other times you've done so out of some foolish notion of protecting us."

...Ah. "Can I take a rain check there?" Twilight frowned. "I'm kidding. I've learnt my lesson since Tirek." AKA, the time Twilight risked herself for my sake. The mare obviously understood the expression from the memory, placing a warm hoof on my cheek for comfort. Leaning into the touch, casting aside the memory in a heartbeat, the touch prodded me to say, "You want me to be honest? Alright then. I'll start being honest, beginning with the identity of my mentor."

Wait what?

Even Starswirl sounded genuinely surprised. Are you certain about this?

Yes... More than anything. No more lies, no more deception. This second chance in Equestria gives me time to become a new man, better than the grouch I was back when I started, in season one. They never have to deal with that again. And I'll start with telling this mare everything from here on... If you don't mind.

I trust your judgement, Jack. The wise unicorn reassured me, and I pictured his smile. Perhaps it would do you good to confide in the mare about your training in the upcoming future.

Sombra scoffed. Or merely to gain more in her favour. But by all means, tell her everything. I actually look forward to the reaction.

Twilight, meanwhile, was waiting, knowing full well about my internal conversations. Sighing, I nodded, no turning back now, and looked at Twilight with serious expression. "The truth is, Twilight, you knew Specter from history all this time."

The mare tilted her head, not following just yet. "I did?"

Are you deciding to be needlessly vague? And you call Celestia's methods of which bull[BEEP].

"He was awfully close to Celestia and Luna."

"He was?" Twilight squinted in full curiosity. "Funny, you'd think I'd recall any mention of him."

"You and Cadence were certainly excited about the exhibition dedicated to him."

"Huh? But that exhibition was about Starswirl The... Bearded..."

I couldn't stop the wild grin rising on my face at the facts slowly sinking in. "And you particularly loved the bookend I got for you of him."

"But... Wait, what are you saying? He can't be..."

I was taking too much delight in the bewildered expression. "You dressed up as him for Halloween." This time, Twilight kept silent, grasping the revelation in sheer shock, absorbing the fact her boyfriend was now the pupil of a legendary dead wizard. "So now, I'm being taught by his ghost. Funny how things were, right-?"

"You're just messing with me, right? Because what you're implying is purely impossible. Simply too much to comprehend!"

My rather smug look was all the answer needed.

"Specter is Starswirl the Bearded... Your mentor is Starswirl the Bearded..." Twilight began repeating this outloud, slowly looking at me in awe and wonder. "My special somepony knows Starswirl the Bearded... The Starswirl the Bearded; the unicorn who mastered and created spells many use to this day! The pony who revolutionized magic itself, defined magic and what it meant to be a unicorn! The unicorn who trained Princess Celestia and Princess Luna to be the best Princesses of their generation! My special somepony knows Starswirl the Bearded!"

Hearing all that, the wizard in question sounded positively amused. I am flattered by her exaggeration. Celestia and Luna have always been far the better ponies than I could ever hope to be. Meanwhile, Sombra was grunting, no doubt displeased by the notion of someone declaring the other unicorn far more of a legend than he was.

Whereas I was pressed nose-to-nose with a wide-grinning Twilight, who was clutching me very closely as though searching my every soul with those radiant violet eyes. "And you're his student!" Twilight gasped loudly, giving some space. "Did you KNOW this? How long have you known?!"

With a smile at the enthusiasm - which was an understatement - I answered sincerely, "Since the battle against Tirek."

"And you never told me?!" But Twilight inhaled sharply again, proceeding to sprint around the room before I could retort, purple horn lighting brightly. All over, scrolls, quills and books of various colours and sizes began circling around the room. "Do you realize what this means Jack?! We have found a way to communicate and learn from the greatest unicorn who ever lived!" Followed by me being dragged forward by her hoof to a spot, all the items floating around the room surrounding us rather neatly. With a note pad and quill at the ready, Twilight grinned eagerly, an expression I found both bemusing and endearing.

I was the cause of that enthusiasm... I love it.

"Tell me everything you know about him. Start from the beginning; leave nothing out!" It was an energetic demand, to learn about one of her heroes. Well, who was I not to oblige.

It certainly beat keeping her upset about my decision to choose her above my family anyday.

So, what do you think?


Thank you. Starswirl?

Very fetching. I think they quite suit you.

Rarity had shared that exact sentiment, despite the choice of the hat I currently adorned. The white unicorn in question, meanwhile, had a head start back to the others, keeping them ready for the surprise.

The surprise that was my new outfit.

I figured, now this was my new chance of a fresh new life in Equestria, a different look was needed to commemorate and solidify this new opportunity of starting again. Rarity accepted my idea gleefully, helping me choose from multiple assortments of the boutique in order to find something which screamed me and new me at once.

If that made sense.

It doesn't.

It certainly does. Starswirl remained the more positive of the two voices in my head. I especially am fond of the pendant attached to your new cape Miss Rarity generously crafted for you. Oh yeah, my eyes glanced down endearingly to the silver item in question on my chest. A testament to how far you've truly come.

I meanwhile, am less fond of the silly hat you choose to wear. Sombra sneered.

But before I could hear the fallen King whine some more, Rarity's expectant head poked through the doorway. "Ready?"

I nodded, following after the mare when swallowing my initial nervousness. No need to be afraid, they'll love my new look. The white unicorn and I already reached the followed room, Rarity entering first through the curtains to present me after her following announcement.

"Ready dears? Feast your eyes on the new and improved Stardust Balance!"

On cue, I followed through, and was greeted by gasps of awe and approval. The mares and dragon took a moment to stare, before smiling/grinning in clear approval and amusement, and that prompted my own pleased grin. They liked it, that was a relief. Take that, Sombra, only you mock my choices-

"Nice fedora, Star!"

You were saying?

Sighing, I approached the others off the stage, Rarity summarizing my new look. "A bluebonnet-coloured fedora, as you've well spotted Rainbow darling, with a golden outlined band centered around it." At their humoured looks, I shrugged. Yeah, I'm wearing a nineteen-sixty's styled fedora now. Deal with it. "And the new cape, simplistic of course but a more azure blue than its previous darker blue predecessor. I wanted to add more character to it, but Stardust here was firm in keeping it how it was." The unicorn cast me a faintly amused glance. "Although that hardly prevented me from adding one touch, one I shall think Twilight would especially adore."

The mare perked up at her name, following her friend's gesture to the silver pendant which attached both front edges of my new more longer cape. I raised my chin, thrusting my chest out slightly to let Twilight see the thing in full view.

And at the widened eyes of my girlfriend, Rarity boasted in satisfaction, "Half your cutie mark, half his own." Too right. The small piece of jewelry's right side was half of Twilight's magic mark, and mine of the heart with half the star centered within it. "A perfect representation of our favourite 'Twilight Warrior,' no?" Inciting the others to chuckle.

"You're really gonna stick to that fedora?"

"I think it makes him look nice..."

"I think it's pretty rad!"

"Superly-duperly rad!"

"You look mighty dashin', ain't he just Twi?"

Yet despite the teasing, Twilight was smiling at the gesture. "I love it Rarity. It suits Jack flawlessly." And I couldn't repress the flattered grin on my face for that. Purple eyes glanced up from the pendant to meet my gaze. "Do you like it?"

"I wouldn't have worn it if I didn't," I retorted humouredly, glancing at the unicorn. "Again, thanks Rarity." She waved off the gratitude gracefully, grinning lightly herself. That said, I nodded with a smile to Twilight, then the others. "This is the beginning of my new life, here in Equestria. With my new family. Be prepared everypony, I'm here to bring fun and nitpick at your lives for all eternity."

That was followed by laughter among all within the boutique, and even Pinkie to call out cheerfully, "You know what this calls for?"

Applejack chuckled. "Gee Pinkie. Is it a, say, group hug?"

The pink Earth Pony beamed widely. "How'd you guess? GROUP HUG!"

And this one I welcomed with full arms. Fresh start, fresh beginning. And with a family who'll never abandon me.

Despite Sombra's cumbersome scoffing to the contrary.

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