• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,613 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 8 - In Pursuit of the Truth

Arc and company enjoy their supper before heading back to their respective rooms for a good night's sleep. Arc awakens early and, after escaping from Ember's vise-like grip, heads to the bathroom to take a shower. He stands there for a few moments tapping a finger against the shower wall.

“What to do today...”

Arc turns the water temperature up.

“That should help me think. Well... I have to meet with Steel Hammer about Sereb's saddle. But that won't take too long. Maybe a good long ride is in order. After all, I do need the practice. Who knows when trouble will strike!

He dutifully cleans himself before stepping out of the shower, dries himself off and puts on some clean clothes. Arc leaves the bathroom to see Sereb stretching as he awakens.

“Have a good night's sleep Sereb?”

“Actually yes. It is much better than sleeping on the cold, hard ground.”

Arc looks down at the small rug Derpy used on her last visit. “I'll have to see about getting a larger area rug. That is, if this is going to be your usual sleeping area.”

“That is not necessary, but I thank you just the same.”

Arc turns toward the door. “Why don't we see about getting some breakfast? You and I have a busy day ahead of us.”

Sereb stands and nods. “I am ready.”

Arc and Sereb head toward the cafeteria. Upon entering they find Ember, Flash Sentry, and Arc's squad together at a table. The pair heads over to the buffet as Arc gets a plate of food for himself and one for Sereb. He looks to Sereb and gestures at the food.

“Can you eat any of this?”

“I am... unsure. However, I would like to try.”

Arc walks toward the others, food in hand. “I was hoping you would say that.”

The pair heads over to the table. Arc sets the plate of food down on the floor for Sereb. He then sits down with his own plate and begins to eat.

“Another day.”

Ember looks up at him. “Big plans, Arc?”

“After breakfast I need to see if the Hammers were able to finish work on a saddle for Sereb. Assuming they were successful, Sereb and I need to take a long ride together. Get better acquainted with riding. That sort of thing.”

Flash Sentry thinks for a moment. “A creature riding another creature. It just doesn't seem natural to me!”

Max nods. “We'd better get used to it. Sereb's one of us now.”

Xenos turns to Arc. “Anything else on your schedule for today, sir?”

“I had an idea while I was in the shower earlier. This is probably a good time for me to head on over to Baltimare and see about talking to Tempest's sister Cerulean Skies. While I'm in town I'll also head over to the Baltimare Courthouse and see about getting a look at Ember's case file.”

Ember looks over to him. “Need a claw with that?”

“Nah. It's just going to be a simple matter of walking in, getting the file and leaving. I'm not going there to make any new friends!”

Hugh chuckles. “Nothing is ever that simple with you, sir!”

Max turns to Ember. “You should probably sit this one out. If you were to accompany the commander to Baltimare it would be seen as conflict on interest in your case.”

Xenos nods. "Yeah! The commander himself shouldn't even be doing this!”

Hugh looks up from his plate. “True Xenos. However, Baltimare has already reported that the case doesn't exist. That and the only ones who have the authority to literally go anywhere they want would be the princesses and the Hero of Light.”

Ember folds her arms over her chest. “Well, I don't like it! But I also understand where you guys are coming from on this one. I'll stay here, Arc.”

“Thanks for understanding."

Steel Hammer enters the Cafeteria and walks over to Arc.

“Good morning Steel Hammer. How did it go?”

“Pretty good actually! It's been awhile since I made anything this fancy though.”

“As long as it's functional and durable I'll be happy.”

Steel Hammer points a hoof to the door. “It's in my cart just outside the Main Entrance if you're ready.”

Arc stands. “I am! How about you Sereb?”

“Yes. Oh, and the breakfast was delicious!”

“Glad you liked it. Well, let's go see what Steel Hammer came up with.”

Ember stands up as well! “Oh, this I have GOT to see!”

Flash Sentry gets up as well with the troops. “The squad and I have maneuvers to run now sir. We'll catch up with you another time.”

Max turns to Arc. “When do you think you'll be back, sir?”

“I'm planning to return before the sun goes down. Why do you ask?”

Max looks down nervously. “I… just wanted to let Saffron know if you were going to be back for supper.”

“Oh... good idea.”

“Good luck in Baltimare, sir!”

As Arc leaves with the others, Max looks after him with a mischievous look on his face!

“Hurry back now, commander!”

Arc, Ember, Sereb and Steel Hammer walk to the Main Hall and out the front door. Silver Hammer and Platinum Valve are waiting with the cart.

“Good morning Mr. Arc! I can't wait to show you what we came up with!”

“I've got to hand it to my husband. For saying he's so out of practice, he did a wonderful job! He even remembered to put your Insignia on it so everypony will know who you are!”

“My dad can make ANYTHING!”

Arc walks over to the cart and picks up the saddle. “I'm beginning to see that! Well Sereb, are you ready?”


Arc sets the saddle on Sereb's back. It is of simple design similar to what would be seen on Earth. The only main difference is the addition of two hard leather handles built into the saddle! On either side is the Insignia of the Hero of Light! Silver Hammer and Steel Hammer show Arc how to properly attach the harnesses.

Silver Hammer tightens the belts and steps back. “That should be perfect. Just remember, you want it tight. But not so tight that it causes discomfort.”

Steel Hammer nods! “If done correctly, Sereb should be able to run as long and as fast as he wants without chaffing.”

“Good. I was worried about that.”

“Thank you for taking my comfort into consideration.”

Ember looks him over. “I gotta say, that saddle does look good on you Sereb!”

“Thank you. I will wear it with pride.”

Steel Hammer turns to Arc.” Well, time for the moment of truth. Hop on and tell me what you think.”

Sereb kneels down and allows Arc to mount him.

“This already feels a LOT better than bareback riding!”

Sereb nods. “Agreed.”

Silver Hammer looks the straps over one last time. “Try walking around a bit. See how the saddle rides.”

Sereb walks around a bit.

Arc nods! “I like it!”

“As do I.”

Steel Hammer nods. “Good. Now Sereb, try running.”

Silver Hammer quickly turns to Arc! “Be sure to use those handles we incorporated, Arc! Falling off at top speed would hurt even you!”

“I'll give it a try.”

Sereb runs down the road and back.

Ember nods, impressed! “That looks like fun!”

Arc grins! “Oh Ember! You have no idea! Hey Sereb! Why don't we see what you can really do?!”

“What did you have in mind?”

Arc calls forth his armor. “I want you to run down the road again, but this time at maximum speed! We both have to test our limits!”

“I concur.”

Sereb is nearly a blur as he and Arc careen down the road and return to stand in front of the others! Arc stumbles off of Sereb and removes his helmet, looking a bit green.

“Okay... that's going to take some getting used to.”

Ember laughs! “Good job on your part though Sereb. Arc, not so much!”

“Now don't you worry Ember. When I get back this evening, I think I'll be used to the movements. At least my stomach hopes so anyway.”

Arc suddenly runs to a nearby bush and leans into it heavily.

“You okay over there Mr. Arc?!”

He stands up and wipes his mouth. “Yeah, I'll be okay. Just had to... uh... empty my stomach a little. I knew I shouldn't have had those eggs...”

Ember rolls her eyes and folds her arms over her chest. “If you're done fertilizing the bushes over there, you pansy, don't you have work to do?”

Arc shoots Ember a withering look. “Very funny. How about you try riding Sereb at Mach 5 and see how your stomach appreciates it?”

Ember shakes her head. “I'll pass. Flying is my choice for fast-traveling.”

Arc composes himself and walks over to the Hammers.

“So how much do I owe you for the saddle?”

Steel Hammer shakes his head. “Nothing. This one is on us!”

“What?! But you worked hard on this! I couldn't possibly...”

Silver Hammer interrupts. “Arc, you've done so much for us! Now please... just let us do this one thing for you.”

“Yeah, Mr. Arc! We have to repay you somehow!”

“Well, okay... thank you, all of you! I promise to use this for the betterment of all ponykind!”

Steel Hammer nods and smiles! “We can't ask for more than that, Arc. Good luck out there!”

Arc puts his helmet back on and turns to his faithful steed. “Well, are you ready to go Sereb?”


Arc again climbs onto Sereb’s back. “Okay, here we go!”

He opens a portal and turns back to Ember.

“See you at supper. Wish me luck!”

“Be careful out there!”

Arc and Sereb enter the portal and reappear on the ancient sigil leading to the Dragon Lands. Sereb looks over his shoulder at Arc.

“Where do we go from here?”

Arc points north. “Across the river is the city of Baltimare. Like I said at breakfast, we need to head to the courthouse and see about getting a look at the case file.”

“You mean the one that supposedly does not exist?”

“Right! We also need to have a talk with a pony named Cerulean Skies. She's the sister of someone whom needs to be taken down!”

“Who's that?”

Arc grimaces. “A mare who made a deal with the devil, Tempest Shadow. With any luck Cerulean Skies can tell me where I can find her!”

Sereb walks toward the river.

“How shall we cross?”

Arc thinks for a moment before responding. "Give me a second. I got this."

He charges up his magic and Blinks the pair across the river.

Sereb looks around, wide-eyed. “That was... unsettling.”

“Well, at least we didn't have to go swimming.”

“You raise a valid point.”

Arc, riding Sereb, walks toward Baltimare. The pair enters the city and looks around.

“This is... really impressive! It's almost like the big cities back on Earth!”

Sereb looks around at the citizenry. “We are attracting quite a bit of attention.”

Arc shrugs. “Well that can't really be helped. One mythical creature riding another mythical creature tends to turn heads.”

“Where shall we go first?”

He reaches into his ring and pulls out a piece of paper. “Let's see if we can find Cerulean Skies' home first.”

Arc spots a Royal Guard and waves him over to ask directions. The guard readily complies when he notices the insignia on Sereb's saddle and Arc's armor! He points to a nearby map next to a bus stop and points a hoof at the street in question.

“Thank you, guard.”

The Royal Guard salutes. “Happy to help, sir!”

Sereb looks at the many shops that line the street as they continue on. “This city is quite the center of commerce.”

Arc sighs. “Agreed. I'll be glad to get out of here.”

“Why is that?”

“It just seems so... impersonal here. Give me Ponyville or Dodge Junction any day!”

The pair follows the guard’s directions and soon find themselves in a rather rundown part of Baltimare.

“Many of these dwellings do not appear completely stable.”

Arc sighs at the sight of so many run-down houses. “All civilizations, great and small, have their wealthy and their poor. I doubt many of those who live here do so by choice.”

Sereb points with a paw. “There is the house.”

The pair approach a small house that appears in worse condition that the ones around it. Arc dismounts at the front steps.

“Well, this is the right address. Let's see if the lady of the house is home.”

Arc knocks on the door, but there is no answer. He turns back to Sereb.

“Maybe she’s at work.”

Sereb raises his head and sniffs at the door. No. Someone is in there. I can smell it.”

“Really? That's handy!”

Arc knocks again, this time more loudly! There is the light sound of shuffling hooves approaching the door. It slowly opens an inch or two to reveal a sky-blue unicorn mare with a flowing white mane who appears very nervous! She takes one look at Arc and Sereb and quickly slams the door! The sound of hoofsteps retreating quickly can be heard from inside!

Sereb turns to Arc. “That was... unexpected.”

“Not really. We ARE pretty intimidating looking. That pony must have been terrified when she saw us!”

“What do we do now?”

Arc puts a hand on the door. “I think I can Blink through this door. Although I hate to break in like this, we don't really have a choice.”

He concentrates and Blinks himself inside the small house. Looking around he hears the sound of muffled whimpering.

“Cerulean Skies? I'm Hero of Light Arc. Can you come out please? I just want to talk to you.”

There is no response.

Arc thinks to himself. “She must not believe me.”

He turns around and unlocks the front door to allow Sereb to enter.

“Think you can sniff her out?”

Sereb raises his head and walks to the center of the small living room.

“She’s hiding in the closet.”

Arc walks over to the closet and knocks lightly. “Miss? I'm not going to hurt you. Can you please come out?


“Ma'am, I really need to talk to you about your sister Tempest.”

The closet door opens a crack.

“You... you know my sister?”

“Kinda. To tell you the truth, it's kinda complicated. Are you Cerulean Skies?”

“Yes, I am. But how do you know that?! Are you Bill Collectors or something?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Like I said a few minutes ago, I'm the Hero of Light. Now I'm really sorry about barging in here like this, but I really needed to talk to you.”

Cerulean Skies opens the door and cautiously steps out. she notices the Crest of Light on his shoulder and bows slightly! \

“I... I'm sorry for not opening the door, sir! I just thought it was my creditors coming to take what meager possessions I still have!

Sereb looks around the single room house. “There does not appear to be much here worth taking, miss.”

Cerulean Skies seems startled to hear Sereb speak!

“Don't worry. Sereb here won't hurt you either.”

Cerulean Skies breathes a sigh of relief! “Good! Not that it really matters but, the way my life has been going lately, it might have been a nice clean way out!”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I haven't any money or possessions to speak of. Most of us in this neighborhood have to borrow money just to eat! The bank does give reasonable rates, but over time the interest compounds! Me and many of my neighbors really don't have any hope of paying back our debts as things stand.

There is a loud pounding at the front door. An angry stallion’s voice can be heard yelling from the other side.

“Cerulean Skies! I know you're in there! Open up or else I'm coming in after you!”

Arc frowns. “Is this... legal?”

Cerulean Skies shrinks back fearfully. “The debt collecting is. Breaking in... not so much!”

The stallion has started bucking the door! It doesn’t appear to be able to take much more abuse! Arc storms over to the front door angrily!

“Oh, I'm going to put a stop to this right now!”

Arc unlocks the door and opens it wide!


The stallion appears quite shaken at the appearance of Arc and Sereb. Cerulean Skies hides behind Sereb. He appears suddenly much less sure of himself.

“Hero of Light, I... uh...”

Arc looks at the deep hoofmarks on the door before angrily turning to the stallion before him! “Malicious destruction of private property, disturbing the peace, threats?! Is this how collections are done?!”

“Well, I...”

Arc grabs the stallion by the front of his uniform. “Get in here!”

He half drags the stallion inside and pushes him onto the couch! Folding his arms over his chest, Arc glares at the stallion menacingly!

“Now what is it you want here?!”

“I... um... Cerulean Skies, she... she owes the bank some... uh... money, sir.”

“And you were sent here to break her door down to get it?!”

The stallion shakes his head. “I'm sorry about that. I still need to meet my collections quota or else Mr. Rich will...”

Arc is suddenly livid! “Filthy Rich AGAIN?! Does that guy own EVERYTHING?!”

Cerulean Skies nods. “He owns the bank, yes. And I didn't know it at the time, but he also owns the Collection Agency here in Baltimare!”

The stallion sighs and looks up at Arc. “Okay, look! I'm really sorry for my earlier behavior. Miss, could you just give me SOMETHING I can take back to my boss? It doesn't have to be much! Even a possession of value that can be auctioned off would do!”

Cerulean Skies looks down at the floor, sadly. “I... I haven't a bit to my name. And you've already taken anything I have of value. I'm sorry, but I literally have nothing to give!”

Arc sighs and turns to the stallion. “How much does Cerulean Skies owe the bank?”

“I’m sorry, sir, but that is between the bank and…”

“The Hero of Light has asked you a question! You WILL answer it!”

“Fifty bits, sir!!!”

Arc narrows his eyes. “Filthy Rich sends collectors for a debt THAT small?!”

“Please sir! I'm only doing my job!”

“How many other ponies in this neighborhood are you visiting?”

The stallion looks away nervously. “I'm sorry sir, but I really can't tell you that!”

“I see.”

Arc turns to Sereb and winks.

“Sereb... eat him.”

“Quickly or slowly, sir?”

Arc steps back. “Surprise me.”

Sereb slowly walks toward the stallion, growling.


“Hold off on eating him, Sereb.”

Arc returns his gaze to the stallion. He touches his ring and pulls out a bag of bits. Counting out fifty, he throws them to the stallion whom quickly picks them up and puts them in his collections bag!

“Thank you sir! I can make my quota now!”

Arc turns away from the stallion. “Just... get out of my sight! If I ever see you here again, let's just say my partner here will be eating well. Now LEAVE!”

The stallion quickly jumps off the couch and out the door! Cerulean Skies turns to Arc, wide-eyed!

“I... I don't really know what to say.”

Sereb nods. “One might start with a thank you.”

“Yes, of course, thank you sir! I'm sorry for earlier! Was there something you needed to talk to me about?”

“Yes... but first can you tell me how things got to this point around here?”

“I suppose so. As you probably already know, Equestria's economy is in quite the slump. It's been affecting the poorest people the most! I'm the only one on this street who has a job! Or at least I did up until yesterday.”

“What happened?”

“I was the secretary down at the courthouse. Lately there has been quite an upturn of... let's just say, shady legal dealings going on there.”

“What?! Does the mayor know about this?!”

Cerulean Skies nods. “He does, but... his authority to do anything about it is pretty much nonexistent! He's been petitioning the Captain of the Royal Guard to send an investigator, but keeps getting letters back saying there isn't enough evidence to warrant an expensive investigation!”

“Decimus again?! I hate that stallion!”

“I spoke to High Justice Hawthorne about this just the other day. The next thing I knew, I was out of a job! Now I wish I had grabbed some evidence before they threw me out!”

Arc turns back to her. “What kind of evidence?”

“The files are full to bursting with examples of wrongdoing! You'll see when you go through them! I should have just done it myself...”

“I guess whistle-blowers don't really have much protection around here, huh?”

“No, we don't! I had been helping feed much of the neighborhood with my meager earnings. The loss of my income is devastating to say the least! Please Hero of Light, can't YOU do something?!”

Arc nods! “Don't you worry Cerulean Skies. I will! Truth be told, I actually have business of my own at your local courthouse!”

“If you would like, I can take you there! But didn't you say you wanted to talk to me about my sister? Truth be told I even tried writing to her some time ago asking for her help in this matter.”

“I do indeed. However, let's take care of this first! Please lead me to the Baltimare Courthouse.”

Cerulean Skies nods. “Okay. But it's going to take quite a while to get there. The streets will be packed with the lunch hour rush!”

“Leave that to me.”

Arc, Sereb and Cerulean Skies leave her house. He mounts Sereb and extends a gauntlet to Cerulean Skies.

“Come on up!”

“What?! But...”

“If the roads will be as bad as you say, this will be the fastest way there! I say the citizens of Baltimare have suffered long enough!”

She nods. “Well... okay.”

Arc pulls Cerulean Skies onto the saddle in front of him. He puts an arm around her midsection and uses his other hand to hold onto the saddle. Sereb runs down the sidewalk as Cerulean Skies calls out directions!

Cerulean Skies giggles excitedly! “Wow! This is FUN!”

Arc nods! “I know, right!”

Sereb approaches a crosswalk. Cerulean Skies appears frightened!

“The light's red!”


“I'm on it.”

Sereb runs faster and jumps over the crosswalk and oncoming traffic before landing safely on the other side of the street.

“Nice one, Sereb!”

“Thank you. I try.”

Arc looks to Cerulean Skies. “Tell me of Justice Hawthorne? Who is he?”

“He's Baltimare's High Justice. Princess Celestia herself appointed him to his position many years ago. Although it appears somewhere along the path, he lost his way. Now he dispenses ‘justice’ at his own discretion!”

Sereb growls! “A judge's duty should be protecting the innocent.”

Arc nods. “I agree. Can you prove these accusations, Cerulean Skies?”

“I can. But I'm forbidden from ever setting hoof back in the courthouse!”

“Stay with me. I'll get you inside.”

That may be difficult! He has a veritable army protecting the courthouse! Nopony could break through those defenses!”

Arc, Sereb and Cerulean Skies see Baltimare Courthouse at the end of the road. Many guards surround the building's main entrance. They see Sereb's advance and move to defensive positions!

“Arc, what are your orders?”

“We're going right in the front door! Don't slow down Sereb! Break their lines!”

Cerulean Skies looks up to Arc, frightened! “But sir! There's just too many of them! Those are all Elite Guards!”

“Never mind that Sereb! CHARGE!!!”

Cerulean Skies covers her eyes with her hooves. “I can't look!”

As the trio nears the soldiers Arc uses his magic to Blink them past them! Sereb slams against the courthouse doors and tears them off their hinges! The guards inside appear to be less than courageous as they scatter at Arc's advance!

“Which way, Cerulean Skies?!”

She uncovers her eyes and points a hoof down a corridor. “Th-that way. The Records Room!”

Sereb charges down the hallway toward a door at the end guarded by two Elite Guards.

“Stop Sereb. Let me down.”

Sereb obeys. Arc dismounts and walks quickly toward the guards. They approach him quickly!

“I'm sorry sir, but you can't come in he...”

He is cut short by Arc's gauntlet meeting his face! Arc turns to the other guard and hits him hard with a Telekinesis spell! He flies across the room and crashes against a wall! Arc, Sereb and Cerulean Skies quickly enter the Records Room!

“Sereb, barricade the door!”

“Yes sir.”

Sereb closes the door and lays down in front of it.

Arc nods, somewhat surprised. “That will do it!”

He turns back to Cerulean Skies!

“I'm not sure how long that will keep them out of here. Show me your proof, Cerulean Skies!”

Cerulean Skies runs over to the filing cabinets! Oh no! I forgot!

“What is it!?”

“They took my keys away when they fired me! I can't open any of these cabinets!”

The sound of pounding at the door grows stronger and more focused!

“I am not sure how long I can keep them out of here.”

“Which cabinet do you need opened?!”

She points to a cabinet next to her! “This one! The “Recent Case Files” contain the most conclusive evidence!”

Arc grabs the handle and rips the drawer open!

“There you go!”

Cerulean Skies wastes no time sifting through the files! She runs over to the table in the center of the room with Arc and throws down several of the case files!

“Look here! The sentencing for a convicted murderer was a two bit fine! An arsonist received five minutes community service! A shoplifter was given twenty years! These files are nothing but injustices! What more proof do you need?!”

Sereb looks to Arc. “This door cannot take much more abuse.”

Arc slams his fists down onto the heave table! “I can't believe it! This is monstrous! Sereb, let them in!”


“You heard me! Let the Elite Guards in then get behind me and protect Cerulean Skies

“Very well.”

Sereb leaps behind Arc and shields Cerulean Skies with his large body! The door bursts inward and a horde of Elite Guards rush in and surround Arc! The commanding officer steps forward quickly!

“You're under arrest... whatever you are! Come quietly now!”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Under arrest?! On what charges?!

“Are you insane?! You break down doors and assault guards! On whose authority do you commit such actions?!”

Arc points to the Crest of Light on his shoulder. “On my OWN authority! You are harboring a criminal! I am here to take him in to face justice! Where is he?!”

“Sir! Who are you talking about?!”

“I have just been shown evidence that proves Judge Hawthorne has committed numerous acts of injustice! Stand aside so I may arrest him!”

None of the elites moves.

“STAND ASIDE! That is, unless you think you can win against the Hero of Light! Any who stand with Judge Hawthorne are traitors to this land, and will be treated as such!”

The commander takes a step back. “Guards... TAKE THIS FOOL DOWN!”

The guards advance! Arc touches his ring and calls forth his Spear of Righteousness!

“Have it your way, fools!

Arc lunges forward and engages the traitors! With a mighty swing of his spear he knocks down a half dozen Elite Guards then throws them at their companions using his Telekinesis magic! The guards fall back to the Main Hall!

“Sereb, you and Cerulean Skies follow me! Keep her safe! Do not engage the enemy needlessly!”

“Fear not. No harm will come to her.”

“Good. Let's move!”

Arc grabs the hastily gathered evidence against Judge Hawthorne and puts it in Sereb's saddlebag. They walk down the hallway toward the Main Hall. The Elite Guards have overturned the tables and are preparing to use them as makeshift barricades!

“Stand your ground! The High Justice must be protected! Show this traitor the power of justice!”

Arc looks around the chambers at the forces that stand against him. "You don't get it do you?! You cannot judge ME! I am JUSTICE ITSELF! Can you not see that the High Justice has perverted what is supposed to be pure and right?!"

The Elite Guard Commander points his spear at Arc. “Hero of Light, the law states that we must not interfere with the work of the High Justice or allow anypony else to do so! But you have done so... BRAZENLY!”

Arc steps forward, fearlessly. “All I am guilty of is bringing justice to the downtrodden! While you sit idly by, cowering behind your laws and traditions!”

“ENOUGH! I'll not hear this nonsense!”

Arc looks around at the Elite Guards. “You were meant for more than this! To protect the innocent! But if your precious 'laws' bind you all to inaction, then you no longer stand for the citizens!"

He throws his spear at the Scales of Justice in the center of the room and knocks them over. Turning back to the Elite Guards, he addresses them again.

“What say you all?! Will you stand with me?! Or... will you stand on the side of one who withholds justice from those whom cannot pay?!”

None of the Elite Guard moves.


The Elite Guard Commander rushes forward to attack Arc.


As he charges forward Arc knocks his opponent’s spear away with his left arm and counters with a crushing blow to his opponent's head, knocking him across the room into the fallen Scales of Justice. He does not rise.

Arc turns back to the Elite Guards. “Now... let me pass... or I will show you all the TRUE power of justice!"

An Elite Guard walks toward Arc and points a hoof down the hall. “The High Justice is in his office.”

“Thank you. Sereb, Cerulean Skies, follow me.”

They part and allows Arc and company to pass unhindered. Arc’s group walks down the hallway to a large double door.

“This is the High Justice's office, sir.”

Arc nods.” You two stay out here. Allow no one to pass, Sereb.”

“It shall be done.”

Cerulean Skies looks at the door, nervously. “Be careful! The High Justice has many friends in high places! He's pretty much untouchable!”

“I'll remember that.”

Arc pushes open the large double doors and walks into the High Justice's office. He sees a middle-aged stallion sitting at a large desk, writing.

“What?! Who are you?! I gave strict orders that I was not to be disturbed! Where are my guards?!”

Arc points a thumb behind him at the closed door. “They're back there cleaning up the Main Hall. A couple of them are probably taking their commander to the hospital.”

The High Justice goes back to his writing. “Oh? What happened to him?”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “His face had a close encounter with my fist.”

The stallion puts down his quill and looks to Arc. “What is it you want from me?”

Arc walks over to the desk. “I want your resignation, the case file involving a dragon named Ember, and any and all evidence you've been withholding you piece of filth!”

Hawthorne chuckles. “Well, I'd love to help you sir, but I just don't know what you're talking about. I am far too busy at the moment to listen to anypony's problems or dispense justice.”

“You mean for those who can't pay for their justice, right? Like a certain dragon? I still want that file, Hawthorne!”

“Not for anyone. And I don't know what to tell you regarding the case file you requested. Perhaps my secretary lost it.”

Arc walks around the desk to the display cabinets and shelves that line the walls. They are filled with many awards and precious looking trinkets from a lifetime of practicing law.

“I see. Pity. I'll just have a look around then and see if you haven't misplaced them, eh?”

Arc approaches the cabinet and begins to look over their contents carefully. Suddenly he starts grabbing things off the shelves indiscriminately and throwing them to fall to the floor. Most of the items shatter upon impact.

Hawthorne looks over, wide-eyed. “Hey! You can't...”

Arc turns around, interrupting the stallion. “Can’t I?! I'm the Hero of Light! You really think you can withhold justice from an entire town because you think it's funny?! Now where would that power come from?!”

Hawthorne waves a hoof up and down. “Alright, alright, calm down!”

The judge hastily starts going through papers. He grabs a bottle of cider on an end table near him.

“Here... have a drink!”

Arc quickly grabs the two shot glasses near the judge and throws them through the window.

“Now then! If you don't start telling me the truth RIGHT FREAKING NOW, the next thing going through that window... IS YOU!!!”

Arc reaches toward the High Justice slowly.

“All right! All right, I confess! I might have taken a few bags of bits to show leniency!”

“May have?! Either you DID or you DIDN'T! Pick one!”

“Okay fine, I did! But you would have done the same! That was my retirement fund! I mean... this job doesn't pay nearly enough!”

Arc nods. “Thank you for cooperating! I'll be taking you in now.”

Hawthorne laughs. “Good luck getting the princesses to listen to you, a young whelp who's still wet behind the ears! I've known them for DECADES! Believe me when I say that I'll be back in my office here before the peons get through sweeping up the broken glass!”

“We'll see about that!”

Arc turns his head toward the door.

“Sereb... Cerulean Skies... you can come in now.”

Sereb and Cerulean Skies enter the office together. Cerulean Skies looks around the office.

“Wow! You sure did a number on this room, sir!”

Arc nods. “We're escorting the High Justice to Canterlot.”

He opens a portal to Canterlot Castle. They step through and find themselves in Arc's quarters.

“Alright Hawthorne. This way.”

Hawthorne nods smugly. “Very well, ‘hero’.”

Arc leads the group toward the Princess' Audience Chamber. The judge shakes his head.

“You don't really think this case against me will stand, do you?!”

“You're the prisoner! Let me do my job as the arresting officer!”

“Very well!”

Arc stops outside a large double door.

“Sereb, watch the prisoner. I'll be right back.”

Cerulean Skies turns to Sereb, confused. “What do you suppose this is all about?”

“I haven't the foggiest idea. But Arc is quite cunning. He most certainly has a plan.”

“I sure hope so.”

Arc emerges a few minutes later.

“Okay. Now we can see the princesses.”

Hawthorne paces impatiently! “It's about time! I have a dinner date tonight and I would hate to miss it because of this… slight misunderstanding.”

Cerulean Skies looks to the judge, angrily! “The only date you should be interested in is your sentencing date!”

Arc approaches the Royal Guard Commander outside the Audience Chamber. It is surprisingly empty.

“I have a prisoner here that needs to be brought before the princesses immediately!”

“I'm sorry sir, but the princesses are not seeing anyone at the moment.”

“Oh? Is something wrong?”

The Royal Guard Commander shrugs. “I can only assume it is something of greatest importance, sir! Forgive me, but I don't have the details.”

Arc nods. “Very well... this way prisoner!”

“What?! Where are you taking me?!”

“Uh... the dungeon obviously!”

“How dare you! I'm not some common criminal you can just throw in a cell and forget about! I demand to see the princesses!”

Cerulean Skies smiles wickedly at the judge! “You heard the guard! No one is seeing them today! Hope you like prison food!”

Hawthorne grumbles as he is led to the Dungeons and locked in a cell. Arc turns to the prison guard. “See to it this prisoner is allowed no visitors! I will report his case to the princesses personally. Ignore any of his ramblings! He's delusional!”

Hawthorne bangs on the bars of his cell, angrily! “Don't you know who I am?! I am the High Justice of Baltimare!”

The prison guard nods. “I understand sir! We've dealt with his kind before.”

“Good. I must return to Light's Hope now.”

Arc, Sereb, and Cerulean Skies leave the prison and return to the corridor.

Cerulean Skies kneels before Arc, respectfully. “Thank you sir! Thank you for bringing Hawthorne's tyranny to an end!”

“You were the one who was brave enough to tell me about this, Cerulean Skies. I should thank you for your service to Baltimare.”

“It was nothing sir. Now, is there anything I can do to help ensure he goes away for good?”

Arc nods. “Actually yes. I'd like you to come back to my base so I can take an official statement from you. That and it's almost suppertime. We can have a good meal, get a good night's sleep, and you can make your statement in the morning. Then I can bring you back home.”

“Thank you sir!”

Arc opens a portal to Light's Hope. The sun is just sinking below the horizon as they appear in the Main Hall. Raven runs up to Arc as they step off the sigil.

“Thank goodness you're back, commander! The mayor just called! She said you're needed at ONCE at the Town Hall!”

“What's wrong?!”

“I'm not sure! She only said to send you over immediately upon your arrival!”

He nods. “I'm on my way! Cerulean Skies, you stay here and have some supper. I'll be back as soon as I can. Let's go, Sereb!”

Sereb nods. Arc jumps on his back and the pair rush down the road toward Ponyville!

“Are you hungry miss?”

Cerulean Skies nods. “Yes, I am!”

“Give me a moment to make a quick call, and I'll be right with you.”

“Thank you ma'am!”

Cerulean Skies walks across the room and sits down on a bench to wait. Raven talks to someone on the phone, a wicked smile creeps across her face!

“Yes, he's on his way! Don't worry about that... no, he doesn't suspect a thing!... You just take care of things on your end and get the drop on the commander! If all goes well, he won’t know what hit him!”

Raven hangs up the phone and smiles with satisfaction.

“Have fun... commander.”

Raven gets up from her desk and walks over to Cerulean Skies.

“Now if you will follow me miss, I'll… take care of you now….”

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