• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 9 - Solutions

The following day, Scootaloo and Arc return to the apothecary’s shop. They find the captain from last night speaking with the elderly stallion.

“And that’s where we stand, sir.”

“Most troubling.”

Scootaloo frowns. “What is?”

The captain nods to her. “Good morning, Scarlet Filly. We were just discussing the sick foals at the hospital.”

“How are they doing?”

“According to the hospital staff, only marginally better.”

The apothecary nods. “Yes. However, with no further poisoning, they believe full recoveries will come in time.”

“That’s good to hear. How was the poison administered?”

The apothecary sighs. “Some of the nurses were apparently changelings masquerading as some of our own.”

Frowning, the captain nods. “They were adding poison to the foal’s food at mealtime.”

Scootaloo frowns. “Well, so much for that.”

The elderly stallion grimaces. “That only leaves the matter of what exactly they wanted.”

“The one I brought you last night told me they had wanted to use Vanhoover as a source of food.”

The captain puts a hoof to their chin thoughtfully. “Yes, well… that seems rather unlikely. Given how far we are from The Badlands, that is.”

“He seemed so certain of himself though.”

The apothecary turns to the captain. “We would do well not to dismiss the cunning of our enemies so easily. After all, had the Scarlet Filly not intervened, I believe we’d all be in deep trouble by now.”

“Yes. They had infested every level of our city. At least as of last night, that is.”

Scootaloo sounds hopeful. “They’ve all been rooted out?”

“Every changeling that was switched with our citizens was rounded up late last night.”

The apothecary smiles. “That brings an end to their plans here.”

“Indeed. And we’ll be more vigilant from now on too.”

The captain turns to Scootaloo before continuing.

“We all owe you a great debt, Scarlet Filly. I’ve seen to it your name was prominently part of the official report I sent to Canterlot regarding this matter. Last night I even called Canterlot to inform them of the comings and goings here. Captain Decimus of the Royal Guard has already spoken to me and asked that you be officially congratulated and properly rewarded.”

“Oh? Thank you.”

“Stop by the station later for payment.”

“I will. But there was something else I wanted to ask you, captain.”

“What is it?”

“How big a threat are these changelings to the land?”

“Until this event, they hadn’t been seen or heard from in years.”

The apothecary nods. “They were quite the problem many years ago. However, Princess Celestia dealt with them when I was but a foal.”

“She did? How?”

“By leading our army to wipe them out.”

The captain sighs. “Rather bloody. But it had to be done.”

“We knew they were still down there in The Badlands. However, the princesses promised not to invade again as long as they kept to themselves.”

The captain nods. “They had done as told up until now. But I guess nothing lasts forever.”

Shaking his head, the apothecary grimaces. “This may very well lead to another war between Equestria and the leader of the changelings, Queen Chrysalis.”

Scootaloo shudders. “I hope not. But we all need to be ready.”

“Right. In fact, I’m heading back to the station to go over our emergency plans with the other captains. Would you join me, Scarlet Filly?”

“I’m not much for such things.”

“That’s understandable. However, I do need to give you your reward and a personal message from Captain Decimus.”

“A message?”

“Yes. It was flown here via special courier very early this morning. It sounded urgent.”

“Very well, captain.”

“Let us be off.”

“One moment.”

She turns to the apothecary.

“I just wanted to say, from one herbalist to another, how lucky this town is to have somepony like you.”

“Thank you, miss. And I just want to say that Equestria is lucky to have such a dedicated protector as you.”

“Maybe our paths will cross again one day.”

“One never really knows what the future holds.”

“I suppose. Take care of yourself.”

“And you as well, Scarlet Filly.”

“In any case I wish you well, mister… I’m sorry, but I guess I never actually asked your name.”

The apothecary chuckles.

“Grand Pear, miss. Take care out there.”

Scootaloo nods and leaves the shop with the captain. Making the short walk to the station, they head for his office.

“So… what exactly does this Captain Decimus want with me?”

“No idea. The letter was sealed. It could be anything really.”

Scootaloo sighs. “Great.”

Arriving at the office, the captain holds the door open and allows Scootaloo to pass before closing the door behind her. Motioning to a large bag of bits on the desk he turns to her.

“That’s for you from the capitol.”

Scootaloo nods and puts the sack in her saddlebags as the stallion sits down at his desk and pulls open a drawer. Removing a sealed scroll, he holds it out to her.

“And this is directly from the office of the Captain of the Royal Guard.”

Accepting it, Scootaloo dutifully puts it in her saddlebags next to the bits.

“I’ll read it later in private.”

“A prudent idea. After all, a personal message from the castle is something to be taken seriously.”

“Captain, can I ask you something?”

“Of course.”

“Do you believe this incident was isolated?”

The captain sighs and shakes his head.

“I do not. The fact that the changelings have reached so far into our land shows either a mindset of bravery or desperation. However, neither will end well for Equestria.”

“That makes sense.”

“In any case, please do whatever Captain Decimus asks of you. It may sound less than meaningful, but believe me when I say that everything he asks is of great importance.”

“I understand. When I met him in Canterlot he tasked we with hunting down a very high level bounty.”

“The Hero of Light?”

“Yes sir.”

“That matter is a very… difficult one to understand.”

“What do you mean?”

“Hero of Light Arc was very well known throughout the land before his disappearance under mysterious circumstances. While his methods may have been a bit… out of the ordinary, Equestria will have need of all its heroes in the days to come. Especially if the changelings do decide to invade.”

“Do you believe he’s innocent?”

“Honestly, I don’t know what to think in this matter. Part of me wants to believe it’s all just a big misunderstanding. But the other part wants to find him and put him on trial for his actions.”

“Trial? But I thought…”

“At least then he’d have the opportunity to explain his actions before the nation. Maybe even prove his innocence. If he were still here, I don’t think the changelings would dare attack in force.”

“If I see him I’ll do what needs to be done.”

Heading for the door, Scootaloo leaves the office. The captain looks at the closed door for a long time before speaking.

“I’m sure you will, Scarlet Filly.”

Meanwhile, Arc and Scootaloo return to their room at the inn. Closing the door, Scootaloo sighs and looks out the window absentmindedly. Arc sits on the end of the bed and looks to her.

“What are you thinking?”

“You could just read my mind.”

“I guess so. But I’d rather you told me willingly.”

“This whole matter with you being a criminal doesn’t sit right with me.”

“Admittedly I don’t feel like a bad guy. But what can I do about it?”

“Well… maybe you could turn yourself in.”


“Hear me out on this. The captain said you’d get a chance at a trial. If you’re really innocent you can prove it then.”

Arc sighs. “Remember, I don’t know if I am innocent though. Really need my memories to be sure.”

“There has to be a way to get them back.”

“Like magic?”

“Something a bit more tangible.”

“What did you have in mind?”

“A potion maybe?”

“You know of one?”

Scootaloo shakes her head. “No. But that doesn’t mean one doesn’t exist.”

“If it did, I’m sure your mother would have said something.”

“Maybe we just need to ask another apothecary. Somepony more experienced. Like Grand Pear!”

“Well, it’s worth a shot. Let’s go.”

Leaving their room, they make the short walk to the apothecary’s shop. Entering, they find Grand Pear resting his head on the counter. Walking up to him, Scootaloo gently nudges the sleeping stallion’s shoulder.

“Grand Pear?”

Slowly raising his head, the stallion looks down.

“Oh… hello again, Scarlet Filly. I figured you’d left town already.”

“I will soon enough. But before I go, I was wondering if you knew anything about the existence of a potion that could restore lost memories.”

“Maybe, yes. Let me consult some of my books on the topic though.”

Walking over to a bookshelf, Grand Pear pulls a large, old tome from its place. Returning to the counter he sets it down and opens it.

“Let’s see here…”

Flipping through the pages he eventually comes to the one he wants and scans the page.

“Can I assume you mean loss of memory due to trauma?”

“Kinda, yes.”

“Was it caused by a physically or mentally traumatic event.”


Arc calls out to her. “Kinda both.”

“I’d have to say both actually.”

“Oh my! Are you alright?!”

“It’s not for me, sir. Truth be told, I have a friend who’s been through quite a lot though.”

“Well, it looks like there is such a potion to fit that bill.”

“Great! What is it?!”

“You need a Potion of Tranquil Thoughts.”

Scootaloo sounds confused. “’Tranquil… thoughts? But they’re not angry, or anything.”

“Memory loss caused by both physical and mental trauma make scars that run deep. The memories are indeed still there, of course. However the mind has repressed them forcefully. The potion I mentioned will help calm their psyche and unblock the memories.”

“What do we need to make it?”

“That might be a problem. You see, a few of the reagents are very rare. Some of them might not even exist anymore.”

“I have to try!”

Grand Pear nods. “Alright. You’ll need…”

1 - Crystal Vial
1 - Cup of Pure Spring Water
2 - Drops of Ogre’s Blood
5 - Petals of Lavender (dried and powdered)
1 – Dash of Turmeric
2 – Sage Leaves (dried and powdered)
2 – Drops of Dragon Fruit juice
1 – Dash of Poison Joke pollen

Scootaloo grimaces. “Any idea where I’d get this stuff?”

“The vials are produced in the Crystal Empire to the northeast. Nopony has seen an ogre in many long years, so I can’t be of help there. Lavender, Turmeric, and Sage can be found in my back room. Dragon Fruit was once found in the Dragon Lands across the Celestial Sea to the east. And the Poison Joke is said to be found somewhere in the Everfree Forest just south of Ponyville.”

“That’s a lot of traveling!”

“Yes, it is. But for such a powerful potion your friend might believe it’s worth the time and effort. I’ll write this all down for you and give you the common reagents that I have on hoof.”

A short time later Scootaloo trots out of the shop. Arc joins her as she walks down the street. Reaching their room at the inn, they enter. Arc flops down on the bed and sigh as he stares up at the ceiling. Scootaloo grins.

“This is great! With this recipe we’ll finally be able to restore your memories!”


“You don’t sound very excited, Big Brother.”

“Well… part of me looks forward to remembering. But another part is really enjoying traveling with you.”

“That doesn’t have to change. I mean, you’ll still be you.”

“Will I?”

“I don’t understand.”

“Maybe I’m a bad individual. Maybe I’m a nice guy. Heck, I might just be a real jerk.”

“That isn’t likely.”

“One never knows.”

Scootaloo sighs as she puts her hooves on the side of the bed. “You might be right, Big Brother. But don’t you want to know the truth?”

“Kinda. But what if…?”

“There isn’t any other way to know other than to just remember. Now as nice are you are I’m betting there’re others out there whom care for you. As long as you’ve been gone, they’re probably worried sick.”

“Alright. But I want you to do something for me, Scootaloo.”

“What is it?”

“If I turn out to be a jerk, don’t feel like you have to stick around.”

Scootaloo sighs. “I’m your thrall, so I don’t really have a choice in that.”

“Is there any way for me to release you from that?”

Scootaloo shakes her head. “Only when you die, I suppose.”

Arc groans. “Great.”

“Why don’t we think about our next move?”

“Which is…?”

“Reading that letter from Captain Decimus.”

Arc nods and sits up. “Guess we might as well do that.”

Scootaloo pulls the scroll out of her saddlebags and gives it to Arc. He appears confused.

“But this is supposed to be a letter to the Scarlet Filly.”

“I know. However, I’d feel a lot better if you read it.”


Breaking the seal, Arc unrolls the scroll and begins to read.

Scarlet Filly,

Word has reached me in Canterlot of you actions in Vanhoover regarding the discovery of a potential infestation of changelings. I’m told you were most efficient in dealing with the threat, and did so without any loss of life (enemy combatants notwithstanding). Hopefully you will be as efficient if you happen to come across the individual from the wanted poster I gave you during our earlier meeting.

In any case, there is another matter that I need handled. My scouts report that a group of rebels have formed a settlement south of the Rainbow Falls. Attached to this note is a map with the exact location of this unofficial settlement. Your task, should you choose to accept it, is to assess the capabilities of this group. You’re to infiltrate them, learn their objectives, and if necessary eliminate the one in charge of them. There is very little intel on their leader… not even their appearance is known to us. However, from what we’ve gathered they’re very large, powerful, and able to keep their minions in line through sheer intimidation. Bring proof of their demise and you will be handsomely rewarded for your efforts.

My gut reaction says that I don’t need to tell you just how precarious this time for our nation is. With the lack of proper royal leadership we’re vulnerable to attack from the surrounding nations. While we can do little to avert that potential threat, we must do our best to thwart any internal power struggles, lest our enemies capitalize on Equestria’s precarious situation.

I look forward to hearing a favorable report from you.

With regards,

Captain Decimus

Arc rolls up the scroll and tosses it back to Scootaloo. She grins.

“Sounds like a big reward awaits us!”


“You don’t want it?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not really. But I’m more concerned with just how Captain Decimus learned of what we did.”

“I’m sure a report was filed after the captain got off the phone with him.”

“Of course. But for it to be sent to the capital, delivered to his desk, prioritized over everything else, read, write us a letter, and have it sent here is something that should have taken much longer than it did.”

“I admit it does sound a bit suspicious when you put it like that. But what about stopping a potential rebellion then?”

“It sounds like the captain doesn’t really know what to make of this group. They could be harmless.”

“We won’t know for certain if we don’t investigate though.”

“I suppose not. Very well then.”

“So we’re going?”

Arc shrugs. “Might as well. But first I want to take the train to the Crystal Empire to buy a crystal vial.”

“I hope we have enough money for that.”

Arc glances at her saddlebags. “That bag of bits is pretty big. I’m sure it has to at least be close.”

“What if it isn’t?”

“Then we do a few odd jobs to raise the rest of the money. A city that big has to have a huge Writ Board.”

“And from there we head to that spot on the map?”

Arc nods. “Right. Look here. See this gap in the mountains?”


“We’ll head south and pass through here. Then we’ll walk the plains north of the Neighagra Falls until we come to the river. From there we just follow the plains north of that lake to the town. It’s quite a journey, but should be somewhat safer than what we’ve been doing.”

“More nocturnal walks?”

“Might as well. After all, we don’t want to be seen.”

“That and I like the calm of the night. It’s really nice.”

“Because you’re a Crimson?”

“Maybe. But we both have more endurance in those forms.”

“Makes sense.”

“When do we leave?”

Arc pulls out a schedule from the bedside drawer. “It says here there’s a train leaving for the Crystal Empire in a couple of hours. I want us to be on it. Let’s do a little shopping and take a shower before heading out.”


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