• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 9 - Transporting

Early the next morning Arc along with Auriel, Twilight, Dinky, and Sereb appear on the sigil outside Rarity’s shop. Her, along with the rest of the Mane 6, are waiting for them. Pinkie is the first to speak (naturally).

“Have a nice trip?!”

Arc chuckles. “Oh, yes. Short with no turbulence.”

Applejack smiles at him. “It’s good to see you again, sugarcube.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Yeah! We need to get together soon to talk more about…!”

Fluttershy interrupts her friend. “Not now, Rainbow Dash! We have work to do!”

Twilight nods. “Right. I’ll head over to the library with Applejack, Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy. Rarity will help Arc get ready.”

Arc grins as he turns to his daughter. “Right. Just as soon as I walk Dinky over to the orphanage.”

“Can’t I come too, dad?”

“I’m sorry, sweetheart. But Tartarus is no place for a sweet filly like you.”

Sereb turns to him. “Shall I escort her there, Arc?”

“Thanks, but I’d kinda like to say ‘good morning’ to Derpy too. It’s been awhile since we talked.”

“Actually I’d like that, dad.”


“You’re really busy right now. That and it’s just a short walk, after all.”

“Um… okay.”

He kneels down as Dinky walks over to him. The pair embrace as the others watch, smiling.

“Be good for your mom, sweetheart.”

“I will, dad.”

Dinky and Sereb walk down the path together. The wolf turns to her..

“Is everything alright?”

Dinky sighs. “Kinda.”


“I really wanted to come too.”

“That would be unwise.”

“Yeah, well… that’s why I didn’t put up a fuss.”

“Your father has many responsibilities right now. But I am sure he wants to be with you too.”

“At least it should only be for a day, right?”

Sereb nods. “Correct. With luck, we’ll be back before nightfall.”

“Maybe even in time for supper?”

“That is possible, yes.”

Dinky giggles. “Good!”


“I have an idea.”

Meanwhile, Arc turns to the Mane 6.

“I’ll head to the library as soon as I’m ready.”

Twilight looks to the others as she speaks to Arc. “Okay. We’ll leave you in Rarity’s hooves then.”

“Don’t worry about a thing! See everypony soon!”

Waving after them, she turns her attention back to Arc and gestures to the door.

“Shall we get started?”

Arc nods. “Sure.”

Entering, Rarity leads Arc upstairs to her bedroom. A new set of royal raiments sits draped over the bedspread. Closing the door behind her, she trots over to the bed and picks up the garments with her magic proudly.

“I’ve gone over these with as fine a brush as I have. Every stitch and seam is perfectly done. Now, I don’t know who makes these, but they’re clearly the BEST at what they do!”

“That they are. But I’m sure you’re just as good.”

Rarity giggles. “Thank you, but I’m not at this level of craftsmanship yet. Now then, let’s get you into this outfit and see if it needs any minor alterations.”


Removing his clothes, Arc takes the pants from Rarity. She watches him steadily as he puts them on.

“How do they feel?”

“Pretty good.”

“Not too tight in the… front?”


Rarity appears relieved. “Good. Shall we move on to the inner tunic?”


Arc puts on both the inner and outer tunic. Rarity helps him tie the sash around his waist as he puts on a new headband. She sighs as they finish.

“That looks very nice.”

“Yes, everything feels pretty good. Um…”

“Is something amiss?”

“Kinda. You don’t seem yourself today.”

Rarity sighs. “Is it that obvious?”

“It is, yes. Do you want to talk about it?”

She walks over to the window and looks out over Ponyville as she speaks.

“Twilight called me yesterday afternoon.”


“She told me about you two spending some… quality time together.”

“You’re not mad, are you?”

“Oh, no, no, no! Twilight of all ponies needs a special time set aside just for her! Especially now of all times! It’s just… well… I’ve wanted to do things like that with you for a very long time now.”

“You have?”

Rarity nods. “And more.”

Arc blushes slightly. “Oh.”

“I’m sorry. That was a bit too forward.”

“No, no. I… I’m looking forward to advancing our relationship soon too.”

Rarity smiles. “Twilight said as much on the phone. Truthfully, I’m longing for the day we can put all this Hero of Light and Lord Regent business behind us.”

“So am I.”

“That IS surprising!”

“Is it?”

Rarity nods. “Very! We all thought you really enjoyed it!”

“Oh, I do. But I need to start thinking about my future… with all of you.”

Rarity’s eyes light up happily. “All of… us?!

Arc nods. “Yes. That and Dinky, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Babs Seed. We can raise them together. That is… if it’s okay with all of you.”

“I’d love that! While I can’t speak for Derpy or Applejack, I’m sure they’d agree!”

“When I come back to Ponyville… we all need to have dinner together.”


Arc nods. “Along with the fillies too. Everyone needs to get better acquainted if this is going to work.”

“It may not be the easiest thing we’ve ever done, but… we’re willing to give things a chance.”

“Me too.”

“But what happens if it doesn’t work out? The whole herd idea, I mean.”

“We’ll all still be friends at the very least.”

“Could we be… more?”

Arc sighs. “Time will tell, I suppose.”

A short time later Rarity steps back and looks Arc over.

“There we are! Everything looks absolutely PERFECT!”

Arc nods as he looks himself over in the full length mirror. “That it does, Rarity. Thanks for all your help.”

He turns to her and kneels down. Attempting to give her a hug she steps back.

“Oh no, Arc! We can’t!”

“We… can’t?”

“I don’t want to get my white fur all over your nice new raiments! Whatever would the demons think?!”

“Probably wouldn’t even notice actually.”


“They’re not exactly high society over there. But I still wanted to look somewhat presentable.”

“Well then, I’ll abstain. Just one thing though.”


She motions for Arc to come closer. Leaning in, she whispers in his ear.

“Remember, when you come back home to Ponyville to stay, I’d like it if we could spend some quality time together… in the bathtub.”

Arc nods. “I’d like that, Rarity. But right now we need to get over to the library and make sure everything is going well there.”

“Yes, I suppose we do.”

Leaving the room, they see Sweetie Belle walking groggily down the hall.

“Arc? What are you doing here?”

“Rarity was just helping me look my best for a bit of a day trip I’m taking.”

“Where’re you going?”

“To Redemption Village. It’s to the north of here.”

Sweetie Belle nods as she heads for the bathroom. “Have a nice trip.”

Rarity turns to him as the door closes behind the filly.

“I’m very sorry for her attitude, Arc.”

“That’s okay, Rarity. She must’ve just woken up. Uh… she does know we’re heading out, right?”

Rarity nods. “Oh, yes. I told her last night over supper. She’ll probably head back to bed for another couple hours though.”

The pair leave the shop and head down the road together. Rarity smiles at him.

“This is nice.”

“Walking together?”

“Yes. It just feels so right!”

Arc chuckles. “Sometimes it’s the simple things that make being with someone special.”

“Oh, I agree. You and I’ve never gone on any wild adventures. Not even out on a bona-fide date. But I’ve greatly enjoyed every second we’ve spent together, Arc.”

“Me too. Hopefully soon it can be a regular thing for us and the others though.”

Arriving at the library they see Auriel standing at the top of the stairs with a clipboard as the others walk past her carrying crates. She marks them off as they go by and turns to Arc and Rarity as they enter.

“We’re almost ready on this end, Arc.”

“Good. Did that new keg work?”

Auriel nods. “Oh, yes. I’ve already Blinked with it, so we should have no trouble transporting the essence along with everything else this time.”

“Is Aurora ready to go?”

Auriel looks toward the basement stairs. “Kinda.”

“Uh oh. Is there a problem?”

Rainbow Dash flies by with a crate. “Not really.”

Fluttershy nods. “She’s downstairs with a large, metal cask.”

Twilight smiles. “That’s holding the essence.”

Pinkie rubs a hoof lovingly on her party cannon. “Yeah! She’s keeping it company!”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “Keeping… what company?”

Arc sighs. “It’s kinda complicated.”

Pinkie bounces over. “Not really! I mean, I keep my measuring cups company sometimes! But then again, doesn’t everypony?!”

Auriel grimaces. “I don’t think…”

Sereb walks in the door.

“Little Dinky is safely with her mother at the orphanage, Arc.”

“Good. How’s she doing?”

“Derpy appeared very happy to see her.”

Twilight smiles and nods. “Well, that was quite some time to be away from Dinky.”

Auriel sighs. “I know how she feels.”

Before long everything sits in a pile on the main level. Calling forth his gauntlet Arc opens a portal as he turns to the others.

“Everyone head on through and move outside the sigil on the other side.”

Nodding, they comply one at a time. Auriel approaches last.

“And we’re off.”

Arc nods. “Yup. I’ll get Aurora from the basement and meet you there.”

As she enters the portal, Arc allows it to close before heading downstairs. He finds Aurora kneeling in front of the metal keg.

“Aurora, it’s time to go.”

“We… understand.”

“Something wrong?”

“Not really, no. It’s just… this place was where all but one of us originated. Now that it’s time to leave…”

“…you feel nervous.”

“Is that wrong?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not really. Most everyone feels a bit apprehensive before they move. New place to live… new people… new surroundings.”

“It really is a lot to process.”

“I suppose so. But one might also look at it this way. Things will change, yes. But change doesn’t have to be a bad thing. You and the Consciousness will get to have so many new experiences in Tartarus while bringing life to the barren wasteland.”

“Yes, well… we suppose that’s true. We see it as a great honor to be allowed to do so.”

“Then let’s get moving.”


Extending a hand, Arc helps Aurora up before kneeling down to carefully pick up the keg. The pair return to the main level and sit down on a crate next to each other. Aurora puts a hand on the keg and pats it gently.

“Now, now… we’ll be there soon. Just be patient.”

“Here we go.”

Powering up the sigil, Arc and Aurora along with all the materials vanish. They reappear on the sigil just outside Redemption Village. Twilight and her friends, along with what may very well be the entire village’s population, is waiting for them. Rainbow Dash flies over.

“Glad you two could make it!”

Arc chuckles. “Sorry for the delay. We got a little sidetracked.”

Auriel appears concerned. “Is everything okay?”

Aurora nods. “Oh yes. The Consciousness simply needed some extra… convincing.”

Pinkie giggles. “Did Arc do it?!”

“Just a few words of encouragement.”

Rarity smiles. “Well, if everypony is ready now, we should get underway.”

Fluttershy looks around at the beautiful surroundings. “Do we have to?”

Twilight nods. “Yes, Fluttershy. Now let’s get moving.”

Applejack picks up a crate and loads it into a nearby wagon. “Let’s get ‘er done!”

Everyone assembled picks something up and forms a convoy behind Arc and Mythic Honor. The pair speak as they walk.

“Thanks for convincing your citizens to help with this.”

Mythic Honor laughs throatily. “It wasn’t too hard! At least not after I told them who’s idea it was!”

“And they’re okay with this?”

“Yes. But only because you’re behind it, sir! Had anypony else suggested it, well… I don’t think the response would have been the same! Well… then again they might’ve been willing to help even if it didn’t mean we could finish and get back here for one of our town’s famous lunches! Swimmingly Stew!”

Arc puts a hand to his stomach. “Uh… is that what I think it is?”

Mythic Honor nods. “Yup! Apparently I somehow add some nice flavor! Not sure how though!”

Arc attempts to change the subject. “Any trouble from the cave?”

“Not since we left that place, no! Of course we still have around the clock guards standing by to raise the alarm if need be!”

“Glad to see you’re being proactive.”

“We can’t let anything bad happen to our new home, after all! I mean, where else would we live! Maybe the moon, or something! But let’s just stick to this place!

“Yes, well… I do appreciate it.”

“In any case, we’ll take the materials as far as the Gates of Tartarus! After that you’ll need to find a way to get them to where they need to go! We apologize, but nopony wants to go any farther than that for fear of being roasted, toasted, and burnt to a crisp! Or worse!”

“It’s okay. As long as we can borrow a couple of your wagons, I think we’ll be able to handle it from there. By the way, I need your help with something else.”

“Oh?! Does it have to do with alchemy or macramé?!”

“My armor was pretty much obliterated on a mission recently. Can I bring Steel Hammer back here to use your magic forge again?”

“Sure! Anytime you’re ready, I’ll be here! Unless I’m not, I suppose! Just be aware that if the damage is too great we’ll need to melt the whole thing down and start over!”

“Is that bad?”

“Very! With the adamantium patches used in the past, it’ll have to be separated and reforged! Kinda like making a sandwich, but in reverse! If you could get some more hydra scales to compensate, that would help too! But then again, it might still not be enough!”

“What do you mean?”

“You can only repair armor so many times before it starts to lose its overall durability! Microscopic cracks form and the plating can fail when you need it most! Or were you asking about the sandwich idea?!”

“Well, at the moment I don’t have time to head to the Dragon Lands and ask the Marquis for some more scales.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “Could you not merely summon him?”

“I could. But that just feels so… inappropriate. Something like this requires a trip to his village and a face to face conversation.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “But do you really need it?”

Fluttershy appears confused. “Need what?”

“Armor. I mean… you’re retiring after this, right?”

“I suppose so, Rainbow Dash. But I’d still like to keep functional protection around just in case.”

Rarity nods approvingly. “Very prudent, Arc.”

Twilight sighs. “Agreed. One never knows what the future holds.”

Mythic Honor chuckles. “So, what’s it gonna be?!”

“I’ll keep my armor with me for the time being. Even heavily damaged, it still offers quite a bit of protection. When there’s time I’ll come back to have it reforged properly.”

“No, no! I was asking about the whole sandwich idea!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “We were talking about my armor, not sandwiches!

“I know! Stop thinking with your stomach and let’s try to stay on topic here, Arc!”

“Um… okay. About the armor though…”

“Just so you understand, as things stand it’ll be weaker than before.”

“Yes, yes… that’s understood.”

Arriving at the cave they enter. All the townsponies quickly set the crates down and leave as Mythic Honor looks to Arc.

“I’ll let you take it from here!”


“It’s always a pleasure! Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get going so I can get back to work on my experiments! And grab a sandwich! I’m suddenly very hungry for some reason!

Twilight is suddenly interested. “You’re a scientist?!”

Mythic Honor nods. “In a manner of speaking, miss! Although I prefer the title of ‘alchemist’!”

“Can I ask what you’re working on?!”

“A great and complicated experiment! One that will revolutionize EVERYTHING! I’m trying to turn apple juice… into orange juice!”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “Come again?”

“I want to turn…!”

Aurora tilts her head to one side, confused. “Metamorphosis of some type perhaps?”

“Kinda! You see…!”

Arc interrupts him. “Well, we need to be going now. Applejack, you, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie will pull the wagons through as Fluttershy hovers above and holds my cloak over you. That will allow us to bypass the barrier.”

Rainbow Dash backs away from Mythic Honor nervously. “Y-yeah. Let’s get started.”

Applejack nods. “Right behind you.”

Pinkie hops along happily. “WEE!!!”

Mythic Honor turns and head toward the mouth of the cave. “Take care of yourselves in there! Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”

Fluttershy sighs. “We will. At least I hope so.”

Rarity holds her head high. “Everything will be fine as long as we stick together.”

Applejack grins. “Darn tootin’!”

Aurora nods. “Many plants together make a forest.”

Pinkie beams. “That and we have a demon princess with us!”

Auriel sighs. “I don’t really think that will help us.”

Rainbow Dash puts up her front hooves and shadowboxes. “Why not?! Somepony comes after us and you can just tell them to scoot!”

“The truth of the matter is… I’m not actually supposed to be in there. Banishment, and all that.”

Twilight smiles. “If anything, Arc’s presence will help keep us safe.”

Fluttershy looks around nervously. “Maybe he should go in first them.”

Rainbow Dash lands next to Arc and nods. “With me by his side! Anything comes CLOSE and we’ll WAX em!”

Arc sighs. “Let’s try to avoid that, shall we Rainbow Dash.”

“Uh… why?”

Sereb nods. “I do believe Arc is attempting the peaceful solution.”

“Right. If anything we want to avoid another conflict with the demons.”

Auriel looks to him soberly. “That might not be possible, Arc.”

“Maybe. But we have to try.”

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