• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,613 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 12 - The End of the Line

Arc turns back and looks down at the charred pieces of Captain Decimus' armor! He kneels down and picks up Decimus' Captain's Insignia before turning back toward the castle! The onlookers step aside to allow him to pass. Ember approaches him carrying his spear, which she returns.


He walks past her as he puts the spear back in his ring. “It had to be done.”

Ember nods soberly as Max approaches.

“You did the right thing sir.”

“I'm not sure I totally agree with you. However, this will certainly prevent any future attacks from him!”

Arc's squad nods as he looks at the insignia in his hand before putting it safely in his pocket. He turns to the Royal Guards and his squad.

“Keep a close watch! The princesses still need your protection!”

The Royal Guards straighten up and salute Arc along with his squad as he rushes back toward Princess Luna’s room!

“Let's see how Twilight and Auriel are doing on a cure!”

Arc, Ember, Sereb and Shining Armor hurry back to the princesses' room! Twilight and Auriel are working at a feverish pace to finish synthesizing the cure! As Ember closes the door behind them, Arc turns to Doctor Whooves as he kneels down next to a bloody Trixie lying on a nearby couch!

“How is she?!”

Doctor Whooves looks up as he finishes stitching up Trixie! A nurse approaches with bandages to cover the wound!

“She'll be fine. This cut really isn't as bad as it looks!”

Trixie winces in pain as she looks to Arc. “Sorry. I've always been a bleeder.”

“There you are miss! Just rest for now.”

Trixie nods. “Thank you, doctor.”

Doctor Whooves walks back over to the machines and continues to monitor the situation. Sandstorm Mirage walks over to Trixie.

“Do you want me to help you to your quarters, lieutenant?”

“Yes, thank you.”

Shining Armor nods to her, clearly impressed by her! “Alright. You were very brave back there. Foolhardy, but brave.”

Trixie narrows her eyes. “Gee… thanks.”

Arc nods. “Just rest now. You've done your duty already.”

He gently pats Trixie's head a few times before she leaves the room with Sandstorm Mirage. Arc then hurries over to Twilight and Auriel.

“How's it coming you two?!”

Twilight does not look up as she continues compounding! “We're going as fast as we can!”

Auriel nods as she adjusts the heat on a nearby Bunsen burner! “Just a few more minutes and we'll have something!”

Ember looks relieved! “Great! Then what?”

Twilight rechecks her notes! “Then we'll turn it over to Doctor Whooves for a final safety check and a few last tests!”

Doctor Whooves nods, not taking his eyes off the instruments! “I should be able to complete my work in a little under an hour, sire!”

“Good! While I don't really feel like a nap, I think I should inform the princesses of our progress!”

Shining Armor nods. “Agreed! They should be told their imprisonment is nearing an end!”

Ember looks to everyone working! “Yeah! It's not like you can do anything more for them here!”

Sereb points a paw to the door. “I must recommend a rest after your battle with Captain Decimus. You have most certainly earned it.”

Ember looks to him, concerned! “Are you sure you're okay Arc? That was quite the expenditure of energy back there!”

“I'm fine! Really! Watch over the princesses for me while I'm asleep, okay Ember?”

“I'm all over it!”

Arc motions for Sereb to follow him. The pair leaves the room and walk next door to his room. Arc lies down on the bed.

“You know what to do.”

Sereb’s horn glows. “Indeed I do.”

A few moments later Arc falls asleep. Sereb nods as he sits down to guard Arc.

“Rest well”

Arc awakens in the Lunar Realm. He looks around the room, horrified!

“This looks bad!”

The walls are so heavily distorted they are crumbling! The balcony is gone and the door is so heavily warped it cannot be opened! Arc hurriedly Blinks through the door to the hallway!

“We're running out of time!”

He hurries down the hallway which is so distorted it is literally twisted! Upon reaching Princess Luna's room he finds the door inoperable! Arc quickly Blinks through it to find Princess Luna lying on her bed breathing heavily and sweating! Princess Cadance is sitting by her bedside bereft of all hope! He rushes over to the bedside!

“Princess Luna?! What's wrong?!”

Luna pants as sweat pours down her face! “I... can't... hold it... together... any... longer...”

Cadance nods. Her voice devoid of feelings! “Any luck Arc?”

Arc nods! “Yes! Twilight is almost done making the cure! As soon as Doctor Whooves gives it a final approval we'll administer it!”

Luna cries out in pain! “How... much... longer?!”

“A little over an hour! We're so close!”

She looks over to Arc with a weak smile. “I'm... sorry. I can't... go... another... hour. Thank... you... for trying... so hard... to... save... us... Arc.”

He puts both hands down on the bed and leans toward Luna! “Come on! You can't give up now!”

Luna holds out her hoof shakily to Arc as a nearby wall crashes down! She looking over to Cadance! “Sorry...”

Arc takes her hoof in his hands! “Please!”

Cadance takes Luna's other hoof in hers and offers her friend a weak smile. “It's okay Luna. You're not alone in this. I'm with you here to the end!”

Luna nods before looking over to Arc with tears in her eyes! “Please... Arc. One... last... request...”


A chandelier falls to the floor and shatters as cracks cascade across the ceiling. “Carry... on... without... us. Find... Celestia! Restore... her... to... the... throne! Tell... her... sorry... for... me.”

Cadance begins to cry as well! “But... what if he can't?!”

Luna lets go of his hand and puts her hoof on Arc's cheek as a weak smile crosses her face! The door falls off its hinges!

“Then... Arc... will... lead... Equestria... as it's.................... King.

“I... I'll do my best to find your sister! I promise! She'll sit on the throne again!”

Luna nods weakly as the balcony falls off the castle and careens down into the vast nothingness below!

“Thank... you... Arc...”

Cadance walks around the bed to give Arc a final hug, as tears stream down her own face!

“Please... don't forget about us Arc! Lead the nation with justice and wisdom, just as you always have.”

Arc nods and holds Cadance tightly as he replies softly. “I will!”

With great effort Luna opens a portal back to the waking world.

Luna weakly points a hoof to it as the floor beneath his feet cracks!

“You... must... go... now! Castle... breaking... apart! Live... Arc! Leave... us...! For... Equestria!”

Arc runs toward the portal, sadly. “I... I'm sorry...”

The portal closes behind Arc. Cadance climbs into the bed next to Luna and wraps her hooves around the failing Alicorn! She lays her head on Luna’ shoulder!

“I... I don't know what happens to us when we... die. But you can stop now. I... I'm ready to go... Luna.”

Luna closes her eyes as the Lunar Realm crumbles around them!

“It... won't... be... long... now. We… we’ll see... you again… one day... Tia...”

Arc opens his eyes and bolts upright!

Sereb raises his head! “Arc?”

Jumping out of bed and running back to the Princess' rooms, he enters just in time to see Doctor Whooves placing defibrillation paddles on Princess Luna's chest!


Princess Luna's body convulses from the doctor's attempts to restart her heart! The nurse watches the monitor’s next to the other bed!

“Doctor! Princess Cadance's vitals are falling rapidly!”

Twilight runs over to her foalhood friend and takes her hoof! “Cadance! Please! Hang on!”

Arc runs over to them! “The Lunar Realm is crumbling! Where's the cure?!”

Auriel puts something into a vial and holds it up! “Here! But it isn't tested yet! We don't know what will happen!”

Doctor Whooves throws the paddles aside and begins CPR! “We have to get her heart going again! Come on princess!”

Sandstorm Mirage takes the vial and a syringe and draws out some of the contents! “I'll test it on myself!”

Auriel shakes her head frantically! “No! It could kill you!”

Sandstorm Mirage bringing down the syringe! “Better me than them!”

Suddenly the syringe flies across the room into Shining Armor's hoof! In a flash he jabs it into his side and depresses the plunger!

Twilight gasps! “BROTHER!!!”

The empty syringe falls to the floor with a positive thud! Auriel runs over the Shining Armor and quickly examines him before looking over to Twilight! “Everything looks alright! No way to know for sure without a full physical though!”

Cadance's heart monitor starts beeping crazily! Arc runs over to Princess Luna and takes her hoof! “We’re out of time! Doctor Whooves, inject them!”

The doctor quickly levitates the vail and two empty syringes over to himself and fills them! “It's now or never!”

Doctor Whooves injects Luna as Auriel rushes a syringe to the nurse! She quickly administers the cure to Cadance! Twilight holds her friend's hoof tightly!

“We should know in just a moment if we saved them, or if we...”

Twilight's voice trails off as Ember puts a claw on her shoulder.

“You did everything you could, Twilight.”

Shining Armor joins Ember in comforting Twilight. “No matter what happens, Princess Cadance would be so proud of you!”

Several tense moments pass as both Doctor Horse and the nurse resume CPR on the princesses! The nurse looks over at the Cadance’s monitor and stops CPR.

“I believe it's working! Princess Cadance's leg just twitched and she’s breathing on her own!”

A moment later Cadance slowly opens her eyes. She looks around, weakly.

“Is this... the afterlife?”

Twilight throws her hooves around Cadance’s neck! “CADANCE! You're alright!”

Arc turns around to look at Cadance. He takes her hoof and gives it a squeeze!

“You're safe and sound in Princess Luna's room in the REAL Canterlot Castle!”

Cadance looks around the room. “Is... is it finally over?”

Twilight nods happily! “YES! You're safe now!”

“And... Luna?”

Arc turns back to Doctor Whooves. “Is she responding as well?!”

Doctor Whooves stops CPR and steps back to rub his eyes, sadly. “I'm sorry. Her body is just too far gone. Brain activity is all but nonexistent and her vital organs are failing. We did everything we could, but in the end... it wasn't enough to save Princess Luna.”

Auriel falls to her knees! “What?! But... but we worked so hard!”

Sereb nods respectfully. “Princess Luna will always be remembered. Not how she died... but how she lived.”

Cadance closes her eyes as tears course down her face!

“Luna... she... she didn't give up. Not even at the end! She used every bit of strength to hold the Lunar Realm together in hopes of rescue.”

Arc looks down. “Princess Cadance... I'm sorry.”

“What... for?”

“I failed to save Princess Luna. In doing so, you must now continue on alone.”

Twilight shakes her head! “You're not alone! I'm here with you Cadance!”

Cadance smiles. “Thank you... Twilight.”

Arc looks to the doctor. “If Princess Luna's body was stronger, do you think she could have made it?”

Doctor Whooves nods sadly. “Without a doubt. She's not in any pain at the moment and will pass away peacefully in a short time.”

Arc looks over to Luna, with determination! “There's one more thing we can try.”

Twilight sighs. “What could possibly save Princess Luna now?!”

Arc calls forth Eidolon's Ward and begins channeling power from the Sapphire in the breastplate.

“A little bit of magical ingenuity.”

Ember looks at him, warily! “Arc? What are you doing?!”

A ball of magical energy forming between his palms. “I'm going to try and use the power of my armor's healing enchantment to rejuvenate Princess Luna's body! Maybe then she'll have the strength to come back to us!”

Doctor Whooves shakes his head! “It may also kill her!”

Sereb looks to the doctor. “The princess already walks along the precipice of death. What is there to lose?”

Ember runs over to him! “Arc, don't! That jewel has saved your life more times than I can count! You can't just throw it away on a “might work” plan!”

Arc continues to channel the energy! “True. But there are billions of humans and only three alicorns!”

“Yes, but there's only one YOU!”

As the last of the enchantment is removed from the jewel, it's color fades from a dark blue to black. “We can find another one! Well, here goes nothing!”

Arc takes hold of the raw magical healing essence in his gauntlet! With his other hand he begins to transfer the energy to Luna. He strains to regulate the energy!

“Come on Princess Luna! This land still needs both you and Princess Cadance! I've no intention of becoming Equestria's King right now!”

Doctor Whooves looks over the various machines! “I... I think it's working! Her vitals are slowly coming up as is her brain activity!”

Cadance looks over to her friend. “Luna... come back to us. Please...”

Arc leans heavily on the bed as he transfers the last of the enchantment to Princess Luna! In a short time, Luna is able to slowly open her eyes!

“A-Arc? Is that... you?”

He nods as Ember rushes forward to help Arc steady himself! “Princess Luna! You're okay!”

She nods. ”Cadance?”

Arc leans heavily on Ember! “She's okay too!”

“Luna... you did it.”

Luna looks over to Cadance and shakes her head, weakly. “N-no Cadance. Arc did it. I don't know how, but he saved us both.”

Arc straightens up as best he can and recalls his armor. “It... really was a team effort. Twilight and Auriel really deserve the most credit. They were the ones who developed the cure.”

Twilight nods! “I couldn't have done it without Auriel!”

“And I couldn't have done it without Twilight!”

Twilight smiles at Auriel! “We make a pretty good team! But none of this would have happened if Arc hadn't done such a good job taking care of Equestria!”

Arc lets go of Ember. “I just did what I could to keep everyone safe. Although I am looking forward to you two taking over again.”

Doctor Whooves shakes his head sadly. “That may be a bit... complicated, sire.”

“What do you mean?”

“Just look at the princesses! Do you really think they'll be able to rule anytime soon?!”

Arc looks over to the princesses in their weakened state. “I see what you mean.”

Luna raises her hoof a couple inches shakily. “Arc?”

Arc leans down and takes Luna's hoof in his hand. “Yes, Princess Luna?”

“I… I hate to ask more of you after everything you've done, but please take care of Equestria a bit longer.”

Arc smiles at Luna. “I will.”

Cadance sighs weakly. “Thank you Arc. You've done so well thus far. Please keep up the good work. Aunt Celestia would be so happy knowing Equestria was being watched over by so vigilant a protector such as yourself.”

She tries to reach up with a hoof but cannot.

“My body... it feels so stiff.”

Doctor Whooves nods. “The two of you have been asleep so long that your muscles have deteriorated. We'll have to start physical therapy as soon as possible. Princesses... the road to recovery will be long and hard for both of you.”

Twilight nods! “But you won't face it alone, Cadance!”

“Nor will you, Princess Luna. I will stay in Canterlot until you and Princess Cadance are strong enough to again rule over this land.”

Luna nods weakly. “Thank you, Arc. For everything really. I must confess I didn't believe we were going to make it out of that one!

Doctor Whooves walks over. “Lord Arc, forgive me but the princesses should rest now.”

Twilight looks to the doctor, wide-eyed! “What?! But... we just got them back!!!”

Shining Armor puts a hoof on his sister’s shoulder. “Twily, I know your happy to have Princess Cadance back, but look at her! Please... for her sake give her a rest!”

Cadance looks up, weakly smiling. “I don't think I'm the only one who could use a rest now. Care to join me, Twilight?”

Twilight nods and climbs carefully into the bed next to her friend! She wraps her front hooves around the Cadance’s neck to gently nuzzle her! “I missed you so much.”

“As did I, Twilight. As did I.”

Cadance and Twilight fall asleep together almost immediately! Arc turns to Shining Armor.

“Would you please escort Auriel to one of our Guest Rooms! She's almost asleep on her feet!”

“Yes sir! Right this way miss!”

Auriel yawns. “Thank you. I believe I shall take you up on that.”

Shining Armor and Auriel leave the room together. Luna slowly turns to Arc, weakly.

“Arc, tell me... are things really peaceful right now?”

“They are. Other than a bit of an altercation earlier today, everything is back to normal!”


Arc looks away. “I've already resolved the situation. Now please, get some rest.”

“Arc... I'm... so tired right now. But... I'm a bit worried that if I close my eyes, I won't open them again!”

Doctor Whooves nods. “Fear not, Princess Luna. I'll stay here and continue to monitor you and Princess Cadance if that would make you feel better.”

Luna shakes her head. “Thank you doctor, but that's alright. Would you please leave us?”

Doctor Whooves bows. “Yes, your Highness.”

He leaves the room as Arc gestures for Sereb and Ember to follow him. Luna looks Arc in the eyes, looking a bit embarrassed!

“Please... don't tell anypony else about this.”

“I won't. What's wrong?”

“I know I'm being irrational and a bit silly about this but... I can't shake the feeling that this is all just a dream!”

Arc sits down next to the bed and takes Princess Luna's hoof in his hand. “I'll stay with you until you fall asleep.”

“You really don't have to do that. I know you must have many other things to do today.”

Arc gently strokes her mane. “I do. However, helping you and Princess Cadance recover is at the top of the list! Now please... get some rest.”

Luna yawns. “I will. Just please... take care of things... after I fall asleep, okay?”

“I will.”

In only a few minutes Princess Luna nods off. Arc slowly stands up and covers her up with another blanket. He then walks over to Twilight and Cadance.

“Rest well. You three have certainly earned it.”

Arc leaves the room. Sereb and Ember are waiting for him in the corridor along with the Royal Guards whom anxiously await word of the princess' condition He looks around at all assembled!

“Everyone... the princesses are going to be fine. They just need to rest now.”

A cheer erupts from all assembled! Arc waves his hands in front of his face wildly, hissing!

“Will you keep it down?! I said they needed rest!”

Everyone present looks rather pained as they do their best to stifle their cheers!

“Right now, they're still very weak and will still require around the clock guards. Stay vigilant!”

The Royal Guards salute Arc and return to their positions as Arc turns to his squad, Ember and Sereb.

“Let's go.”

Ember nods. “Lead the way!”

Arc and his friends walk quickly down the hall. Max turns to him, nervously.

“Sir? Are the princesses going to be alright?”

Arc nods. “With some rest and a lot of physical therapy, yes. They'll be able to retake their proper place on Equestria's thrones.”

Xenos breathes a sigh of relief. “That's good to hear! Everypony in the land has been so worried!”

Hugh grins! “When are you going to announce this to the public, sir?!”

Ember smiles! “Yeah Arc! I hope you weren't going to try and keep this all to yourself.”

“As soon as Kibitz can set up a public speaking event. We're heading over to see him about that very matter right now!”

Viktor nods! “That's good to hear! Everypony should know of this!”

“And they will very soon!”

Arc and his squad make their way to Kibitz's office. He opens the door and steps inside. “It should be a simple matter to...”

Sereb lunges at Arc’s back! “Look out!”

He pushes Arc out of the way just in time to save him from a flying vase! Sereb lands on top of Arc along with Ember and pounces at their attacker!

“Sereb, wait!”

Sereb stops! His claws inches from Kibitz's face!

Ember looks over as she shields Arc with her body! “Quick thinking!”

Kibitz lies on the floor with Sereb on top of him! “Good heavens sire! Please forgive me! I thought we were still under attack!”

Arc stands up and dusts himself off. “That threat has been dealt with. Good job on the save though Sereb.”

Sereb nods as he lets Kibitz up. “Thank you Arc.”

“How may I be of service today sire?”

“Cancel audiences for the day.”

Kibitz frowns. “But sire...”

Arc interrupts him! “I need you to set up a public speaking event immediately! This one needs to be broadcast all across Equestria on all frequencies! Send word to every town and city in the land that everyone needs to hear what I have to say!”

Kibitz nods! “Yes sire! I'll see to it the proper equipment is delivered and set up as soon as possible as well as alerting the media to be in full attendance.”


“If I may be so bold sire, what is it you intend to tell the country?”

“I want everyone to know that the princesses have awakened and are now resting comfortably in Canterlot Castle.”

Kibitz grins excitedly as he runs out of the office! “Goodness me! I've been waiting to hear this news for what feels like forever! I'll get right on this sire!”

Arc calls out after Kibitz! “See that everything is done as quickly as possible!”

Max laughs! “He took the news well!”

Ember nods. “The princesses have been his whole world for as long as he can remember. It's only natural for him to react in such a manner.”

Sereb smiles. “Indeed.”

Viktor turns to Arc. “What now sir?”

Arc smiles. “Lunch?”

Ember facepalms! “Why am I not surprised?”

Xenos laughs! “There's the commander we know!”

Hugh shrugs. “Well I suppose it is an opportune time to eat. The preparations for this event will take some time to make!”

Arc nods. “Agreed! Let's go!”

He and his squad make their way to the Dining Room along with Ember and Sereb. Saffron emerges from the kitchen momentarily and approaches Arc.

“What would you like for lunch today sire?”

“Just something quick. Oh! And tell the kitchen staff to keep the radio on!”

Saffron looks confused. “Sir?”

Ember looks over to her. “Arc's going to be making a public announcement today.”

“Good news, I hope!”

Arc laughs! “Very! Stay tuned for further developments!

“Very well, sire! What station?”

“Any of them will do.”

Saffron hurries back to the kitchen. “Will do!”

Ember looks over to Arc. “Why didn't you just tell her?”

“Because I want everyone to hear this news from me, the legitimate ruler of Equestria. Not through secondhand sources.”

Sereb nods. “It is best if they hear it from you directly, Arc. To hear it from another would certainly make it look like you were trying to hide this from everyone.”

Arc nods. “That's what I was thinking.”

Max smiles at him! “Good idea sir!”

Xenos chuckles! “Yeah! Hopefully it won't be long until everyone knows!”

Hugh looks out the window. “That's up to Kibitz now.”

Viktor nods! “He won't let us down! I'm sure of it!”

Ember turns to Arc. “The princesses are lucky to have him around! Kibitz really is the glue that holds things together around here!”

Saffron returns shortly with sandwiches and coleslaw.

“I'm sorry it isn't a bit nicer, but this was the quickest meal we could come up with!”

Arc picks up a fork. “This is fine, Saffron. Thank you.”

“I'll bring out some dessert in a little while.”

Ember laughs! “You know Arc all too well Saffron!”

“I do what I can to keep you all fighting fit. Enjoy!

Saffron returns to the kitchen. Xenos looks over to Arc as he munches away happily!

“Sir! You eat like this all the time?!”

Max looks to Arc as he picks up a sandwich. “Begging your pardon sir, but how are you not the size of a house?!”

Ember nods as she eats. “I've wondered that myself!”

Arc grins! “I get plenty of exercise and do my best to sleep properly!”

Hugh raises and eyebrow. “You sure it's not a magic thing, sir?!”

“Well, I do have the power of stress on my side.”

Xenos looks confused. “Sir?”

Arc sighs. “Leading a country is not all parades and banquets you know. If I make a mistake, it could spell the end of Equestria!”

Hugh nods. “You've done an excellent job so far sir!”

Viktor holds up a glass! “Yeah! No wars, new allies and you've restored the princesses to health!”

Ember nods in agreement. “Twilight and Auriel did most of that. But they are right Arc. I don't think anyone else could have gotten us the results you did! Maybe not even Princess Celestia herself!”

Arc shakes his head. “That might be going a bit far Ember. While I've never met her, from what I've read she's quite the leader! She built this land from the remnants of the three warring races and brought order and stability where once there was none!”

Sereb chuckles! “Like you did in Abyssinia.”

“Yes. But more so! I'm told she is a great warrior as well as a kind leader and teacher!

Ember looks to him. “Sounding awful familiar there Arc!”

“Alright. But she also has the wisdom and knowledge gained by living for thousands of years!”

Max smiles! “I'm sure she would approve of everything you had to do to get us to this point sir!”

Hugh nods! “Right! You're certainly not the first leader to have to make hard choices!”

“I suppose. But that doesn't make my job any easier.”

Viktor looks over. “Look on the bright side sir! With the princesses back on their thrones all of us will soon be on our way back to Ponyville!”

Xenos looks out the window. “I miss the old base! Good times there!”

Ember nods! “Yeah! When do you think we'll be able to go back there Arc?”

“Not for quite some time I'm afraid. The princesses are awake now, but that's about it.”

Max looks confused. “Sir?”

“They can't stand, walk, or hardly even move without help! Heck, they can't even get up to go to the bathroom! Can you imagine them trying to give audiences lying down?!”

Ember frowns! “To say nothing about having to wave over a nurse to empty their bedpans!”

Max sighs. “I didn't realize they were in such a state!”

Shining Armor walks into the Dining Room and approaches Arc.

“I brought Auriel to a Guest Room and helped her lie down. She'll be fine after a good long rest.”

“Good. How's Trixie?!”

“She's resting as well. The doctor gave her something for the pain, but it also makes her very sleepy. It's probably for the best right now.”

Ember nods approvingly! “She was really something back there. The way she stood up to Captain Decimus was remarkable!”

“Yes. I'm very proud of her!”

Arc nods and sighs. “In any case, I’m glad you’re here, Shining Armor! I'm probably going to be Lord Regent for a while yet while the princesses regain their strength. Until further notice they are to have no visitors other than those they ask for by name!”


Ember frowns! “What are you doing?! They're not prisoners, Arc!”

“I know that. However, in their current state the two of them look rather... frail. I don't want a bunch of visitors wearing them down with their well-wishing. That and I don't want the population to know just how weak they really are!”

Max nods understandingly. “Thank you sir! They deserve as much!”

Viktor sighs. “Yes. Their dignity must be preserved!”

Saffron emerges from the kitchen carrying a cake. Arc looks to the Captain of the Royal Guard.

“Would you like to join us, Shining Armor?”

“I would. However, I think I had best get over to the Town Square and see to it everything is in order for your speech!”

“Thank you, Shining Armor. I'm counting on you.”

Shining Armor nods and leaves the room. Saffron sets the cake down and begins cutting it.

“I hope everypony saved room for dessert!”

Arc grins! “I for one did!”

Ember drools slightly. “Me too!”

Saffron quickly serves the cake and gives everyone a slice before picking up the empty cake platter and heading back to the kitchen.


Arc takes a bite! “I already am!”

Saffron returns to the Kitchen smiling as the group eats their dessert.

Ember looks to Arc as she eats. “So... you got a speech somewhere for the occasion, Arc?”

Arc shakes his head. “Physically, no. I've been thinking about how to make this announcement for a while now though, so I'm just going to go script-less.”

Sereb nods. “A bold move.”

Xenos speaks between bites! “You're braver than I, sir!”

Hugh smiles! “Agreed! I certainly couldn't stand before all of Equestria to deliver a speech. Scripted or not!”

Max looks to Arc, confused. “How exactly does one just come up with such things out of the blue sir?”

“It's actually pretty simple. I just imagine the audience as my closest friends and loved ones. After all, it's easy to talk to them, right?”

Ember nods. “Makes sense to me, I guess.”

Kibitz enters the Dining Room.

“All preparations have been made sire! The Town Square has been made ready with all the sound and broadcasting equipment you requested. Canterlot's media is also there now awaiting your announcement!”

Arc looks over to those assembled. “Everyone ready?”

Max salutes! “We are sir!”

Hugh nods! “You got that right!”

Viktor smiles at the prospect! “It will be nice to bring the public some good news for a change.”

Xenos laughs! “They're ready for it!”

Ember turns to Arc. “I'll keep a close eye out for those who would try anything cute!”

Sereb growls! “As will I.”

“Thanks everyone. Now let's get to the hanger!”

Arc and company quickly make their way to the hanger. Arc, Ember and Sereb quickly board the chariot as Arc's squad takes their places in the front!

“Let's go boys!”

The chariot takes off! In a short time they arrive at the Canterlot Town Square! It is filled to bursting with what must be every pony in the city! Ember looks out over the assembly!

“Word of your speech has drawn quite a crowd, Arc! This is a much larger turnout than your first speech by far!”

Arc nods! “Agreed. That and they don't seem as nervous this time around.”

“That was to be expected at the time. Changes like a new ruler tend to make everyone a bit on edge.”

Sereb nods. “They come now to catch a glimpse of the one who turned back their enemies and brought them peace once again.”

Arc sighs. “I didn't do those things alone Sereb. You know that! The two of you were there with me!”

Ember chuckles. “True Arc. But that's not how they see it!”

Sereb smiles. “If Equestria had come to ruin, you alone would have borne the burden of being held responsible for such things.”

Arc narrows his eyes. “Gee, thanks...”

“However, by that logic, you alone bear the glory of this success. It is only fair.”

Arc sighs. “I'll be glad when this is all over!”

Ember nods! “You and me both Arc.”

“Do you wish for me to bear you to the podium?”

“It would definitely make you look very dignified!”

Arc nods. “Alright. Let's do that.”

He gets into the saddle as the chariot touches down in a small area that is cordoned off with velvet ropes! Several ponies take pictures in rapid succession of Arc and his entourage! As Sereb steps down from the chariot behind Ember, Arc looks side to side to smile and wave!

“I should have brought my sunglasses.”

The trio slowly makes their way toward the stage. Arc dismounts Sereb and Ember flanks him! He looks over to the sound booth near the podium's stairs. A mare with a white coat, wild blue mane and a music note cutie mark appears to be making last minute adjustments. Arc approaches the sound booth.

“Are we almost ready, miss?”

“No sweat, sire! I got this! Name's Vinyl Scratch by the way!”

He extends a hand! “Arc. Thanks for getting this all ready in such short notice.”

Vinyl Scratch gives Arc's hand a firm shake, with spirit! “It's no problem! This is what I DO!”

Arc mutters to himself. “She's stronger than she looks.”

He clears his throat

“Are we able to broadcast from here?”

“Yup! As soon as I flick a few switches here, every radio in the COUNTRY will be playing your melodious voice! Heck, maybe even a few border towns will hear whatever it is you wanna tell us!”

Arc nods! “Oh, believe me, this announcement is worth the time and trouble.”

Vinyl Scratch gestures with a hoof. “We're ready on this end sire! Anytime you want to get started, feel free to cut loose! I'll see to it every glorious detail reaches everypony out there!”

“Alright. Here we go.”

As Arc, Sereb and Ember approach the podium the crowd’s cheers grow louder! Ember leans over to Arc.

“See? They love you!”

“Not sure how exactly that happened.”

Sereb nods. “Everyone loves a hero.”


Arc sighs. “Let's just hope they don't love me so much they forget about the princesses! They're the rightful leaders of Equestria after all!”

Ember gestures toward the podium. “Only one way to find out!”

He takes a deep breath before stepping up. “Okay. Here we go.”

Arc walks over to the podium. He looks left and right while waving to the crowd! The cheers and clopping of hooves is deafening! After a few moments of this Arc motions for silence. Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out the pocket watch and opens it before setting it down on the podium before him.

“Good afternoon everyone. There are a few things I need to talk to you all about, if you have a moment to listen.”

Everyone in the audience chuckles slightly.

“I want to start off by letting all of you know that the threat of war that has loomed over our heads since I came to power has been lifted! This was in no small part to General Virtuous Lance and his invaluable military advice! Sadly, he could not be here today, as he is currently watching over the Crystal Empire! As you may or may not know, General Wind Rider HAD been in charge of the empire ever since Princess Cadance came to Canterlot in an effort to help Princess Luna with the day to day affairs of running a country! However, during Yakyakistan's initial invasion, the general planned to surrender the city without a fight! He didn't even want to evacuate the civilians to the safety of the castle! When I relieved him of command, he took matters into his own hooves and again sought to surrender the city to the yaks! While he was being escorted to the castle, he again decided to make a run for it! The general created a diversion by badly injuring a nearby innocent mare who was helping evacuate the city's inhabitants! For these reasons, General Wind Rider is a fugitive at large and is to be considered very dangerous! Anyone who has information on his whereabouts should report them to the nearest guard, post haste!”

Arc pauses to take a drink of water, the assembled ponies murmur to each other.

“However, it's not all bad news! After I personally met with the leader of Yakyakistan, Prince Rutherford, I was able to convince him to cease hostilities against Equestria! I do not expect any more trouble from our yak neighbors to the north!”

All assembled stomp their hooves and cheer!

“Now then, moving on to the next topic on the agenda! I'm sure everyone saw the warships, including my own flagship the Lunar Destiny, heading toward our eastern border recently and are concerned about their family and friends in the military! The truth of the matter is, I was originally invited there by the king and queen of Abyssinia themselves, supposedly to talk peace! When I arrived, I found that the situation had changed since that letter was written! As I entered their capital city of Panthera, I met no resistance of any kind! Not even civilians! Upon reaching the palace, the king and queen immediately surrendered their crowns to me... unconditionally!”

The ponies again cheer and stomp their hooves!

“You may be wondering why they would do so! I will tell you! They did so out of desperation and love for their citizens! A nationless coward known only as the ‘Storm King’ had robbed and pillaged their land into poverty after killing nearly every soldier they had with a toxic gas he MERCILESSLY sprayed over their forces!”

Arc looks over all assembled as they murmur nervously!

“Their entire country faced certain death by the slow scourge of starvation! I saw with my own eyes... a tiny kitten whom I at first thought was DEAD due to her heavily emaciated body! Those warships you saw contained food, water, medicine and medical staff! We saved that little one! We saved that entire COUNTRY! I went to the Storm King with my bodyguards who stand with me now! Together we told the Storm King... that Equestria would not stand by and watch as he terrorized the innocent and took that which he did not earn! We would not stand by and watch him harm another living creature! And we would not stand idly by... AND ALLOW HIM TO TAKE EVEN ONE STEP INTO EQUESTRIA!!!”

Arc slams his fist onto the podium as the assembly again cheers and stomps their hooves!

“The Storm King counted on Equestria to be passive... he counted wrong! Despite my repeated attempts to convince him to surrender, he refused! In the end, I had no choice but to order my troops to take him down! By this action, not just Equestria, but the entire world is now that much safer! Abyssinia... is now our ally! Equestria's first, I'm told! I know all of you want peace! Well, this is the first step toward that lofty goal! Honesty... Loyalty... Kindness... Generosity... Laughter... and the Magic of Friendship! These were the tools I used to befriend the king and queen of Abyssinia! If you take nothing else away from my speech today, know this! Peace CAN be attained! But only if we're willing to stand up to schoolyard bullies like the Storm King!”

The assembly clops their hooves together and cheers at Arc's words! Arc looks down at the pocket watch before him and smiles before looking up and continuing.

“Now, there is one last thing we need to talk about! The state of our own nation, and it's leaders! I'm sure you all remember my earlier speech when I became your Lord Regent! When I told you of the illness that had befallen both Princess Luna and Princess Cadance! I'd like to share what we've learned of their condition, and whom is responsible! A pony whom for many years was a dear and trusted friend of the princesses... sought to take their authority for himself! He hatched a plan to poison them with an herbal concoction that would put them into a deep sleep for all time!”

There is a collective gasp amongst the ponies as they mutter nervously amongst themselves!

“He was the one whom invaded Canterlot Castle earlier today with his demonic army! He was the one who brought low our beloved princesses! And he was the one who fought his way to the princesses' room to administer that final dose of the herb that would keep them asleep... forever! Thankfully the Royal Guards led by Captain Shining Armor along with my own bodyguards and I were able to carry out a plan to banish his army in an effort to fight him on a more level playing field! As he and I squared off against one another I gave him an ultimatum! Surrender peacefully... or die! He chose the latter... he chose poorly! In the end his lust for power was his undoing! His life ended... outside the princesses' chambers! That traitor was none other than... Captain Decimus!

There is a collective intake of breath from the stunned ponies!

“During the battle, Princess Celestia's faithful student Twilight Sparkle along with a friend of mine from Tartarus, Auriel, were able to finish synthesizing a potential cure! With no time to test the safety of this new drug, Captain Shining Armor selflessly injected himself with the substance to make sure the princesses would not come to harm! I immediately ordered the cure to be administered to them! Doctor Whooves has examined them and confirmed that they will both make full recoveries!”

The audience cheers and clops their hooves together like never before! This goes on for some time! Eventually the audience quiets down to allow Arc to continue.

“I will now take a few questions from the media.”

“Sire! What are the current conditions of the princesses?!”

“They're resting peacefully, but will need a lot of physical therapy before they can again rule the land!”

“Does this mean you'll be ruling Equestria in the interim, sire?!”

Arc nods! “Yes. I will stay on as Lord Regent until Doctor Whooves gives at least one of the princesses a clean bill of health. At that time, I will step down and they will again rule Equestria.”

“How did the Storm King and Captain Decimus meet their ends? I mean... are you sure they're gone?!”

“The Storm King was knocked off a cliff and Captain Decimus was, for all intents and purposes, vaporized! While they both got what was coming to them, I didn't see any reason for them to suffer needlessly.”

“Has there been any word from Princess Celestia?!”

“I'm sorry, but her mission is classified.”

“What do you plan to do after the princesses retake their thrones?!”

Arc smiles. “Head back to Ponyville and catch up with my friends and family. Oh! And buy some cupcakes! Then take a nap! Ruling is quite tiring!”

Another reporter begins to ask another question, but Arc holds up a hand for silence.

“Thank you all for coming, but that’s all the questions we have time for. Before I end this speech, I would like to thank our military forces and the crew of the Lunar Destiny! Without their service none of this would have been possible! Now I need to get back to the castle to check on the princesses and take care of my other royal duties!”

The audience clops their hooves together and cheers as Arc, Ember and Sereb leave the stage and again board the chariot. Ember turns to him as they take off!

“That was splendid Arc!”

Sereb nods. “You sure know how to work a crowd.”

“I just told them the truth. Nothing more, nothing less.”

Ember looks to Arc. “Weren't you worried they would be angry?! I mean... you did just admit to killing Captain Decimus! He's a legend here in Equestria!”

Arc nods. “A bit, yes. But I stand behind my decision. It needed to be done!”

“Do... do you think he's finally gone for good?”

“I hope so Ember... for his sake.”

Meanwhile... in a dark enclave somewhere, a cadre of hooded figures sat around a radio listening to Arc's speech. Suddenly Light’s Bane pierces the radio squarely through the speaker as Tempest stomps it with all her might!

“ARC!!! How could you?!”

Wind Rider frowns. “So, what are you planning to do now?”

Tempest walks away, spear in hoof. “Avenge my love! What else you fool!?”

The Storm King chuckles! “Oh... touchy! Can we watch the battle?!”

“I don't care! Just don't interfere, or you're next!”

Lord Goldstone nods! “Well, just don't lose now! I've got a lot of money riding on this match!”

Tempest quickly puts on her special forces armor. “I'm coming for you Arc! And I will NOT make it quick and painless!”

The Dark One nods! “Good! Fulfill your destiny! Take Arc's soul and use its power to save this world!”

“You may want to rethink that”.

Tempest spins around! “What?! Impossible!”

Captain Decimus steps out of the shadows to stand before the group. The Storm King looks sad.

“Oh poo. I guess the reports of your death were greatly exaggerated, eh?”

Decimus chuckles. “In a manner of speaking.”

Tempest grabs Decimus by his armor and roughly pulls him to another room!

“Get over here!”

The Storm King frowns. “A lover's quarrel! Typical.”

Lord Goldstone shrugs. “Oh well. I guess Arc lives another day!”

The Dark One turns to leave. “Worry not. His luck will run out eventually.”

Wind Rider turns to the others.

“Well then... perhaps somepony should expedite the process.”

The Storm King claps his hands! “As long as it's going to be painful or embarrassing for Arc, I'll love it!”

“Gather round fellas! Let an old master tell you how it should be done!”

Meanwhile... Decimus is forcefully pushed into a wall!

“And here I thought you would be happy to see me!”

Tempest throws her spear across the room in anger and hoofs Decimus in the face! “THIS is for making me worry!”

Decimus stands back up unsteadily. “You always did have quite the punch.”

Tempest lunges at Decimus again. But instead of hitting him, she throws her hooves around his neck and kisses him passionately! As Tempest breaks off the kiss, he looks her in the eye.

“What was that for?”

Tempest smiles! “For coming back.”

Author's Note:

How does Decimus keep doing that?! The wife was NOT happy he did... again. So... what do all of you think? How DOES he keep coming back? Only I know for certain. But you will have to wait until much later to finally find out! All will be revealed in good time.

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