• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 11 - The Drive

Arc and company sit around the table silently eating bowls of soup. Auriel walks into the kitchen wearing the military outfit from before.

“I’m ready whenever you are, Arc.”

“Good. Sit down and have a bite to eat.”

“Thank you, but I don’t really feel hungry.”

Sereb sighs. “A tired warrior is soon a dead one.”

Auriel gasps. “What?!”

Ember chuckles. “He means you need to keep your strength up.”

Xenos nods as he ladles a bowlful of soup and hands it to Auriel. “Yeah. Can’t sneak into a top secret military base on an empty stomach.”

Ember looks to Arc.

“So were finally doing this, huh?”


“How well do you think it’s going to go?”

Arc sighs. “Probably as well as anything else we’ve done.”

Hugh winces. “That bad, sir?”

Xenos shrugs. “I wouldn’t say our previous mission have gone ‘badly’ per say.”

Viktor nods. “Right. Just not according to plan.”

Sereb groans. “A failure in the plan tonight will not end well for us. However I am in this to the very end, Arc.”

Max forces a small smile. “That’s true. We’re with you all the way, sir.”

Rose smiles. “Me too.”

Ember clenches a fist. “Right!”

Arc looks around the table. “I appreciate that. How… uh… are you holding up, Max?”

“Honestly, I think I might need some time off after this mission to think things through, sir.”

Arc nods. “Sure. I’m retiring after this, so all thigs considered, we’ll all have time to think where to go from there.”

Xenos sighs. “But we’ll still be part of the military, sir.”

“I suppose so, yes. However, I can send you anywhere you want to go before I resign.”

Hugh looks hopeful. “Together?”

“Probably, yes.”

Viktor grins. “That would be nice.”

Max turns to Arc. “How about Light’s Hope, sir?”

Ember nods. “They could be transferred to Flash Sentry’s command.”

“Yes, well… his own military career is probably coming to an end.”

Auriel gasps. “You’re not going to fire him, are you?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No, no. He’s looking to get out of the military and pursue a family life.”

Sereb grins toothily. “A noble goal. But there is still Sandstorm Mirage. He would be the next logical choice to head the base, Arc.”

Arc shrugs. “Who’s to say Light’s Hope would even stay open? With no Hero of Light it would be kinda redundant.”

Max smiles. “The next one to take up that mantle could probably use it, sir.”

Ember nods. “Right. It’d be a waste to just tear it down.”

Hugh snaps his fingers. “Maybe they’d need extra help?”

Viktor turns to Arc. “We could serve as their personal guard.”

Xenos gives a thumbs up. “Yeah. We’ll watch their back like we did yours, sir.”

“I’ll recommend that to the princesses when the time comes.”

He look up at the clock, sighs, and stands.

“But for now we need to get moving.”

Auriel appears nervous. “Aren’t we a bit ahead of schedule?”

“Kinda. But I… need to do something before we head to the base.”

Rose looks confused. “What is it, Arc?”

“You’ll see.”

They head out to the garage and head in via the side door. In place of the Jeep stands a strange looking white van-like vehicle. It is roughly the length and height of a compact car. The Hero of Light’s seal is emblazoned on either side. Sereb raises an eyebrow.

“Somehow I thought it would be… bigger.”

Arc sighs. “I had to partially shrink it down to fit in here.”

Opening the overhead door, Arc turns to the others.

“Let’s push it into the driveway so I can bring this thing back to full size.”

Xenos and Rose give the vehicle a push. It rolls neatly through the door. Arc raises a hand and cast the Matter Compacting counter spell. The vehicle grows to roughly the size of a small bus in but a few moments. Ember grins approvingly.

“Now we’re talking!”

Arc turns to the others. “Rose, you take the driver’s seat. Xenos, you’re co-pilot. Everyone else in the back.”

They pile into the vehicle and look around. The interior is spartan for the most part. Empty save for an extensive control panel in the cockpit. Behind the driver’s and co-pilots seat sit two more sets of controls. Arc walks over to the first console and puts a hand on the seat.

“Auriel, this will be your station. From here you can power the shields with the Bloodstone and your Dark Magic.”

He reaches into his ring and pulls out the Bloodstone. Looking at it a few moments he carefully hands it to Auriel. She accepts it as she returns to her normal form and places it in a small device designed to hold it securely. Auriel sighs as she presses a few buttons.

“All O.R.B. systems are running normally. We’re ready to move out at any time.”

Max looks to Arc. “So Auriel will do what exactly?”

“Control the dark power from the Bloodstone.”

Viktor grimaces. “That sounds dangerous.”

Auriel nods. “It would be for anyone who isn’t a demon or other dark creature. This power would easily corrupt anyone else whom tried to use it.”

Xenos looks to her, clearly concerned. “Are you sure you can handle it?”

“Yes. I’ve already used its power under Arc’s supervision.”

Arc smiles. “She did just fine.”

Ember gives a thumbs up. “That and she willingly gave up the stone after each session.”

Sereb nods. “Right. Auriel could have run off with it anytime. But she chose not to.”

Arc grins at Auriel. “I trust you. But let’s look at the other station.”

Walking to the second console Arc presses a button as numerous monitors activate.

“This will be the ops station. There are cameras all over the exterior of the vehicle along with small drones that can be deployed to give our all around view a boost. Viktor, can you handle this?”

“Yes sir. I’ve been practicing with that simulation program from Canterlot for some time now.”

“Good. We’re all counting on you and Auriel to get us out of there when the time is right.”

He gestures to the empty bay behind them.

“This is where the rest of us will ride.”

Rose looks around. “No extra seats, Arc?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. We’ll need the extra space for Princess Celestia. I’m told she’s roughly the same size as her sister. And if she isn’t able to stand, she’ll have to lie on the floor.”

Max winces. “Won’t that be uncomfortable for her?”

“Probably. But it’ll be a lot better than where she’s been I’m assuming.”

He points to several overhead compartments.

“We’ve been stocked with blankets, bandages, medicine, and a few other things that should help make her more comfortable, or even save her life.”

Sereb growls. “Or ours.”

“That too.”

Arc looks to Rose and sighs.

“Let’s get moving. Stealthily though.”

“Very well.”

Rose presses a button and the magic-based engine comes to life. A very faint hum is the only indication the vehicle is active.

“Activating active camouflage. Ready, Auriel?”

Auriel puts her claws on her console. “Ready.”

Pressing a few more buttons up front Rose looks to Auriel.

“Begin power transfer.”

Auriel takes a deep breath. “Here goes nothing.”

Channeling the dark magic from the Bloodstone, Auriel presses a button. The vehicle vanishes from sight. Viktor calls out.

“Instruments show we have cloaked successfully.”

Arc nods. “Release a drone to verify.”

“Yes sir.”

A small hatch opens on top of the vehicle and a drone flies out quickly before turning back to scan the ground below. Viktor looks over his monitors.

“I don’t see us.”

Ember grins nervously. “Hopefully no one else will either.”

Sereb nods. “Agreed.”

Arc smiles. “Recall the drone, Viktor. As soon as its aboard get us underway, Rose.”

“Yes sir.”

A few moments later Viktor turns to Rose.

“Drone safely recalled.”

Rose turns around. “Arc?”


“Before we go, might we name this machine?”

Sereb groans. “I do not believe there is time for that, Rose.”

Xenos looks to Arc. “She’s right, sir. Every vehicle needs some kind of designation.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “Well… Sunburst did say he had built the ultimate land vehicle. How about the ‘Landmaster’?”

Max nods approvingly. “A powerful name for a powerful vehicle, sir.”

Ember grins. “I like it!”

Auriel smiles. “Very. This chariot is certainly capable of traversing all imaginable terrains.”

Arc grabs onto a bar overhead. “The Landmaster it is then. Let’s go, Rose.”

The vehicle slowly pulls out of the driveway and down the road as Xenos turns to Rose.

“Remember, if we spot any traffic they can’t see us.”

Rose nods. “I’ll do my best to keep us safe.”

Arc walks over to the Rose. He whispers something in her ear which she appears to agree to. As the vehicle turns Max looks to Arc.

“Sir? This isn’t the way to…”

“I know, Max. We need to make a little… detour.”

Sometime later Rose pulls the vehicle into the an empty parking lot. Xenos looks to Arc, confused.

“What are we doing here, sir?”

Arc sighs as he calls forth his armor. “There’s something I want to say to… someone. All of you please stay here. I’ll try not to take too long.”

Opening the back door Arc steps out. He looks toward the building for some time before muttering to himself.

“It’s been quite some time since I was here last.”

Cherry calls out to him. “Not as long as you think, Arc.”

“I suppose not. At the time I thought the building was being robbed. But now I need to be the one to break in.”

Grabbing the door handle, Arc is surprised to find it unlocked. Inside he walks through the entryway, his way lit by a few lights left on for safety. Soon he reaches his destination. Pushing open the large double doors he steps into a massive room. Cherry sounds confused.

“Where are we?”

“This is the nave of Lord’s Chapel. The church my family went to when I was a kid.”

“It’s very pretty. The architecture kinda reminds me of some of the more fancy buildings in Canterlot.”

“I suppose so, but…”

Arc stops as he sees a man enter the sanctuary via a small side door. Walking up to the altar he lights several candles before stepping back to survey his work.

“Who is…?”

“I think that’s Father Kavanaugh. Let’s go find out.”

Stepping forward slowly, Arc closes the distance between himself and the man. As he nears, he clears his throat softly causing the man to turn around.

“Can I…?”

He looks the armored figure up and down.

“The Hero of Light?”

Arc nods. “Yes sir. I… came here to speak to Him.”

Father Tim gestures to the altar before them. “Go right ahead. I’ll wait in the narthex.”

The pastor turns to leave. Arc steps aside to allows him to pass. Reaching the altar Arc kneels down and removes his helmet respectfully before speaking.

“I, uh… know I haven’t talked to you in a while. But this might be the last chance I have to do so. There’s a lot of things going on in my life right now. Friends… family… and an entire nation’s citizens counting on me to get the job done.”

He pauses before continuing.

“It’s up to me now to right the wrongs I’ve seen. Secret bases… paramilitary operations… oppressing an entire town’s citizens… taking away their freedom… it has to end. And I believe I’m the only one who can stand up to those whom desire to keep everyone under their thumb. If I succeed, everything will again be as it should be. Both here and back home in Equestria. If I fail… well… I suppose then I’ll finally have the chance to talk to my mother and grandparents again.”

Arc smiles.

“I’ll try to come by more often. If I survive, that is. Um… I just ask that you keep my friends and I safe tonight. And help us get the princess to safety too.”

He reaches for his ring and pulls out the pocket watch.

“Looks like it’s almost time. If it’s my fate to fall here, then so be it. If that happens, please look after Derpy and Dinky… Shelly and Lily… Ember, Auriel, Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, Rarity… and Hammer. Everyone I know and care about. Well… here I go. Protect those of us whom are heading into battle, and help us to bring about an amicable resolution to the most ugly of matters.”

Arc puts his helmet back on and stands. Turning around, he slowly leaves the nave and returns to the narthex. Father Kavanaugh sits on a bench waiting for him.

“Is there anything I can do for you?”

“Pray, sir. That’s all anyone can do to help us now. The rest is up to me and my friends.”

Father Kavanaugh nods as Arc extends a gauntlet. Shaking it he smiles at the armored figure before him.

“We know you’ll do what’s right for everyone, Hero. Christ be with you.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Arc walks out the front door and returns to the vehicle. Ember opens the door for him and steps aside.


Arc nods soberly. “I am. Take us to the alpha point, Rose.”

“Yes, sir.”

Arc sits on the floor with the others as the vehicle takes off. An hour later they come to the edge of a large lake. Rose stops and turns her head to look at Arc.

“We’ve arrived.”


He turns to look at everyone.

“This is it. Thanks for coming all this way with me, everyone.”

Viktor nods. We couldn’t let you have all the glory, sir.

Xenos grins. “Yeah. That and everyone needs a little help once in a while.”

Hugh grimaces. “Hopefully we can get in and out without incident.”

Max sighs. “But we’ve got your back if that doesn’t happen, sir.”

Ember brandishes her claws. “That goes double for me!”

Sereb growls. “I am as well!”

Auriel looks to Arc soberly. “I’ll do my best too.”

Rose clenches a fist. “And if this doesn’t work, I’ll make the biggest distraction I can to draw their fire.”

Arc looks around. “Thanks everyone. Now let’s go save ourselves a princess!”

Everyone cheers as Arc turns to Rose.

“Do it.”

She nods and presses a few buttons. The Landmaster extends several large tank treads before retracting its wheels. Rose slowly drives forward into the water. A few moments later the vehicle is completely submerged. Ember frowns as they drive along the lake bed.

“I don’t like this."

Xenos grimaces as the outer shell of the Landmaster creaks. “Neither do I. It just doesn’t feel natural.”

Auriel looks up from her console. “It’s just a bit of applied science, everyone. Nothing to worry about.”

Rose sighs. “Can everyone please stop talking. We need to be conserving oxygen.”

Arc gasps. “Sunburst didn’t add extra oxygen tanks?!”

Auriel nods. “A few, yes. There wasn’t much room to spare though.”

Arc puts a finger to his lips as he looks to the others. A short time later the vehicle stops as Rose turns to the others.

“We’re right in front of a large door. I’m going to try cycling various signals in an attempt to open it.”

They nod wordlessly. A few minutes later Rose smiles.

“Got it!”

The sound of the doors slowly opening reverberates through the water. Rose drives them through and down a long, narrow tunnel. Eventually they see light. Spotting a large ramp Rose pilots the vehicle toward it and out of the water. She quickly presses a few buttons.

“Amphibious mode disabled. Opening vents.”

Everyone breathes a collective sigh of relief as fresh air fills the cabin. Arc looks through the windshield.

“Looks like we’re in the Maintenance Bay. See anyone out there, Viktor?”

“Nothing but machines, sir.”

“Good. I thought Hammer might be here.”

Ember frowns. “It’s pretty late, Arc.”

Auriel nods. “She’s probably long since left for the evening.”

“I hope so.”

Arc turns to the others as he pulls a crate from his ring.

“Everyone has their missions. Max, take Xenos and Hugh. I want you to set those charges in the places we talked about earlier.”

“Yes sir.”

Xenos grins. “They won’t know what hit them! But we thought you did this the last time you were here.”

Arc nods. “I set explosives in their power plant, yes. But I figured we should have more set up just in case. These are for a backup explosion should we need it.”

He turns to the others.

“Rose, you and Viktor will stay with the Landmaster. Call out any changes you detect via radio to the group. Auriel, Ember, and Sereb, you’re with me. Everyone get their robes on.”

They do so. In a matter of moments everyone is ready. Arc puts his hand on the door release as he looks around at his friends.

“Everyone ready?”

They nod soberly as Arc takes a deep breath.

“Okay. Here goes nothing…”

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