• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,614 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 5 - Uninvited Guests

Making the fight to the Gates of Canterlot, Ember quickly identifies the pony in charge and approaches him!

“Miss! You need to get to safety! Canterlot is about to be attacked!”

Ember nods. “I know. The Hero of Light sent me here to help you!”

The Town Guard Commander looks amazed! “What?! The Hero of Light is here?!”

Ember nods. “Yes, he’s protecting Princess Cadance right now.”

“That's a relief! It's good to know that even if we fail here, the princess will still be protected! However, I can't allow a civilian to do the work of the Town Guard! Please get to safety!”

Ember sees Trixie approaching at a distance on foot. “I'm not a civilian.”

He looks her up and down. “You're certainly not part of the military. What are you then?”

“Same as you... a volunteer. But it looks like the time for battle has come.”

Ember points a claw at the approaching pony.

“That's it? This is the pony whom we're supposed to stop?!”

Ember raises her spear! “Don't let your guard down! Even the princess is afraid of her!”

The commander turns to his troops! “Get ready! On my command...”

Meanwhile, back at Light’s Hope… the orphans awaken to find the windows covered in Magic Barriers and Coco Pommel, Derpy, Dinky, and Raven sitting nearby. Pipsqueak walks over to the adults with Aquamarine.

“Princess Luna? What's going on?”

“Well, Arc is in Canterlot protecting Princess Cadance at the moment. He was worried something might happen while he was gone, so he put the base on lockdown.”

Aquamarine looks to Coco Pommel, frightened! “What does that mean, Miss Pommel?!”

Coco Pommel walks over to the filly. “It means nopony can get in here until Arc comes back. Don't worry little ones. I'll keep you safe!”

Flash Sentry enters the barracks on patrol. Coco Pommel looks over to him.

“Flash Sentry, the orphans are awake. Might we head over to the Cafeteria for breakfast now? It smells ready.”

“Only because Saffron refused to leave her kitchen before making breakfast! In any case, I suppose so. But everypony must do so together!”

Coco Pommel nods. “Okay. Let me explain it to them before we head over.”

She turns to face the orphans who look confused.

“We’re all going to head over to the cafeteria for an early breakfast now. Everypony stay together, and obey any orders Flash Sentry gives you immediately and without questions!”

The orphans nod. “OKAY!”

The orphans, Dinky, Derpy, Coco Pommel, Raven and Princess Luna all head to the Cafeteria. The orphans are noticeably frightened at the lack of guards

"Miss Pommel, are we in danger? Where are Mr. Arc’s guards?!”

Coco Pommel looks to him and smiles. "I don't think so Pipsqueak. But just in case Arc left almost all of his troops behind to protect us. They’re in the Main Hall!”

Dinky looks to her mother. “Mom? Why is dad in Canterlot?”

“There's a very dangerous pony heading for Canterlot Castle. Your father went there to protect Princess Cadance.”

Dinky looks worried Is he going to be okay?”

Derpy pats her daughter on the head. “Oh Dinky! You know your father! He'll be fine!”

Aquamarine looks down the corridor to see the soldier garrisoned in the Main Hall. “Miss Pommel? Why are the guards all wearing different armor and carrying weapons?”

“Arc was worried with him gone somepony might try to break in here and hurt Princess Luna.”

Aquamarine looks back at Coco Pommel, determination on her small face! “Don't worry! We'll keep Princess Luna safe!”

Platinum Valve nods. “YEAH!”

A short time later one of the guards watching through a window calls out!

“Sergeant! I think you better take a look at this!”

Sandstorm Mirage runs over! “What's up? Is there trouble?!”

“I... don't know sir! But this is creepy!”

Sandstorm Mirage looks out the window to see several figures gathering in front of Light's Hope. They are completely covered in black cloaks from head to tail!

“Keep an eye on them! I'll notify the lieutenant!”

Sandstorm Mirage runs down the hall to where Flash Sentry is patrolling!

“S-sir! I think we may have a problem!”

Flash Sentry puts a hoof on one of his swords. “Details!”

“There's... uh... a bunch of weird looking ponies gathering in front of the building.”

“Weird looking?”

Sandstorm Mirage nods. “Well, they're all wearing black cloaks, and...”

Flash Sentry’s eyes grow wide! “Black cloaks?! Get back there and inform the troops to prepare for battle!”

“Y-yes sir!

Sandstorm Mirage runs back to the Main Hall as Flash Sentry rushes to the Cafeteria!

“Everypony listen up! Drop what you’re doing and head to the barracks now!”

Coco Pommel jumps up and grabbing her spear! “To the barracks now little ones! Quickly!”

The orphans, Dinky, Derpy, Raven, Coco Pommel, Steel Hammer, Silver Hammer, Platinum Valve and Princess Luna all head quickly and quietly to the barracks.

Flash Sentry turn toward the kitchen door and shouts! “Saffron! Let's go!”

Saffron runs out of the Kitchen with a Kukri strapped to her side!

“Sorry! I'm ready now!”

Flash Sentry and Saffron run down the hall towards the barracks.

“You're not fighting! Stay with the orphans!”

Saffron looks at him defiantly! “I'm part of the military too! Kinda... I mean, I can't just stand by and let anypony hurt these poor orphans! They've suffered enough!”

Flash Sentry nods. “Fine! Stay with Coco Pommel though!”

They reach the barracks. Flash Sentry pokes his head through the door and looks to Coco Pommel.

“Barricade this door with the furniture! We'll do our best to protect you!”

Coco Pommel nods! “Go Flash Sentry! I'll take care of things here! Stay safe!”

Flash Sentry closes the door. The orphans and Princess Luna help Derpy barricade the door! They then make another makeshift barricade in the corner of the room. The orphans sit behind it fearfully with the Hammers, Princess Luna, Raven, and Dinky. Derpy, Saffron and Coco Pommel stand in front of the barricade.

Aquamarine begins to cry! “Miss Pommel. I'm scared!”

Pipsqueak looks around and speak in a worried tone! “I wish Mr. Arc were here!”

Coco Pommel smiles at them. “So do I... but don't be afraid. Nothing will harm any of you as long as I am here!”

Luna nods. “Should the enemy reach us, I too will fight! It has been far too many years since I have known the thrill of battle!”

Dinky stands and looks around at the orphans! “See everypony, we've got nothing to worry about! There's an army of soldiers between us and the bad guys!”

Pipsqueak does not look reassured! “But! What if they get this far?!”

Luna chuckles. “Then I will show them what it is like to face the wrath of an angry alicorn princess!”

Derpy turns to them, clutching her Spear of Hope. “And I'll teach them what a Templar can do!”

Coco Pommel nods as she holds the Spear of Devotion. “They won't soon forget their battle with a Paladin either!”

Dinky nods at the others. “I'll fight too! You guys have nothing to fear!”

Saffron pats her own weapon. “You are well protected by many who love you. Do not be afraid.”

Raven cowers with the orphans. “I wish I had your courage, Dinky!”

Meanwhile, Flash Sentry has rejoined the vanguard in the Main Hall!

“Any movement, sergeant?”

Sandstorm Mirage shakes his head. “No sir. There's a half dozen or so of them out there though. All they've done so far is stand there talking to each other. Wait! Something's happening!”

The black cloaked ponies’ horns begin to glow and they each bring forth several large shadow creatures! They gather in front of their summoners for several moments. The cloaked ponies silently point their hooves at the front door as one. Their shadow creatures charge the doors!


The Royal Guards and Arc's squad stand resolute in the middle of the room. Several powerful blows later the doors fly off their hinges and the shadow creature charge forward, claws at the ready!

Flash Sentry looks at their assailants lumbering toward them and draws his twin blades! “WE HAVE TO HOLD THEM HERE!

The creatures fearlessly throw themselves at the waiting defenders! Flash Sentry stand resolutely on the front line. As they approach, he swings his blades! Two of the creatures turn to dust at his hooves!


As they are defeated the shadow creatures disappear into nothingness! Roughly half of the creatures have been defeated! Max turns to the others!

“Keep fighting! We can win this!”

Hugh looks out the ruined front door. “Wait! What are they DOING?!”

The robed figures horns glow again! They re-summon their fallen shadow creatures and point their hooves at the brave defenders! The monsters again charge at the vanguard and the battle rages on!

Viktor shouts to the others! “Is it just me, or are these guys getting stronger?!”

Flash Sentry dispatches another pair of creatures! “You're right! Hold them off! I have an idea!”

Flash Sentry runs down the corridor as Xenos smashes a monster into pudding!

“I hope it’s a good one!”

Meanwhile, back at the Gates of Canterlot, Ember’s mind races!

“What would Arc do right now...?”

The Town Guard Commander draws his weapon. “Get ready troops!”

“Wait! Commander, I'd like to try talking to Trixie first!”

The commander looks at Ember as if she’s lost her mind! “Go ahead! It's your funeral!”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Thanks.”

Ember walks toward the mare. She can practically feel the dark magic surrounding Trixie!

“Here to beg for mercy?”

Ember shakes her head. “Um... actually I was just going to ask you to... stop?”

Trixie looks at her, confused. “I'm sorry... what?”

“I mean... what do you hope to accomplish here!”

Trixie laughs! “All I want here is satisfaction! You seem like a rational dragon to me! I'll make you a deal! You bring Princess Luna here to me, and nopony else has to get hurt! I get my revenge and everypony else gets to keep their limbs! Seems like a win-win to me!”

“Why do you want Princess Luna so badly anyway?! I mean, she really went easy on you during the trial from what I heard!”

“She tried to send ME, the Great and Powerful Trixie, to a prison full of common ponies! She should have gotten rid of me when she had the chance! So, why isn't Arc himself here to stop me?! Am I not worth his time anymore?!”

“He's with the princess right now. You'll have to go through him to get to her!”

Trixie smiles a wide, wicked smile! “I sure hope so! I'm not exactly too happy with him either!”

Ember narrows her eyes. “Say what?”

“If it wasn't for Arc's meddling in the aqueducts I never would have been caught! The blame for what happened to me is on him too!”

“What?! Arc took you in when no one else would! He tended your wounds and kept you safe at Light's Hope! If not for him, you would probably be DEAD now! You owe him EVERYTHING!!!”

Trixie falls to her fetlocks and appears to be in a great deal of pain! She looks up to Ember as her eyes return to normal.

“Listen... tell Arc... I'm sorry.”

Ember gasps! “Trixie?! How do we save you?!”

Trixie gasps! Her voices strained! “Please... kill... me! Save... everypony... else...

A moment later her eyes return to normal. Trixie stands up and composes herself.

“Not that again! Now, where were we, dragon? Oh yes! I think you were about to surrender to my superior abilities!”

Ember raises her spear. “I can't let you pass!”

Trixie shakes her head. “Are we really going to do this the hard way? Fine by me!”

She shoots a blast of Dark Magic at Ember, knocking her over the gates of Canterlot!

“Get out of my way, weakling!”

The commander shakes his head. “I knew this wouldn't work... Alright everypony, CHARGE! FOR THE PRINCESSES!!!”

The Town Guards run full speed toward Trixie! She effortlessly takes them down one by one, almost seeming to enjoy the carnage she causes!


The Town Guard Commander is the last to fall! Ember gets up and runs over to him.

“Hey! Are you okay?!”

He looks up at her. “Please... protect the princess...”

The commander passes out.

Trixie walks over to Ember. “So, you have some fight left in you after all? I'm glad! I was afraid this would be over far too quickly! Hopefully Arc himself can put up more of a fight than these losers did!”

Ember holds her spear tightly and grits her teeth. “Leave... Arc... alone...”

Trixie laughs! “Aw... what are you gonna do about it? You know what, I like you! You've certainly got more spirit in you than these pathetic excuses for guards. How about we duke it out, right here, right now? Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you. After all, ... I want you to be alive to see what I'm going to do to Arc!”

Ember charges at Trixie who Blinks out of the way just in time! She blasts Ember with Dark Magic in the back and laughs as she falls to the ground!

Ember rises to her feet. “Is... that it?”

Trixie nods at her approvingly! “Oh, you ARE a tough one! That gives me an idea! I think I’ll let Arc live long enough to watch me tear his precious Princess Luna apart!”

Ember moves to attack Dark Trixie but finds herself on the ground yet again! Her armor ripped to shrapnel and for the most part blow away! She coughs up some blood from the blow!

“You're so inspiring! After Princess Luna is dead, I think I'll put a few holes in Arc's chest and let him bleed out! If he's a good sport about it, I might even lay him next to his dead princess' body so his last moments will be filled with the pain of his failure!”

Trixie bursts into uncontrollable laughter at the thought of such a prospect! Ember slowly makes it to her feet. She stands but does not look up! Her fists are clenched in total rage.

“Oh, just give me another minute to enjoy this, will you? Don't worry, I'll get back to beating you in just a moment!”

Ember quietly mutters. “I don't care...”

“I'm sorry but I didn't quite hear you. Would you speak up?!”

Ember looks up! Her eyes filled with unspeakable rage! “I said, I don't care what you do to me...

The air is suddenly filled with a strange energy.

“...but... you... STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ARC!!!”

Ember's Spear of Courage glows brightly! It quickly spreads over her entire body! Trixie is unable to look at Ember for a few moments until the glow subsides!

Trixie looks at the dragon before her. “My, my! You're just full of surprises!”

Ember's destroyed armor is replaced with golden full plate armor complete with helmet. Her wounds are healed and her eyes are glowing white!


Ember charges again at her opponent! Trixie fires another blast of Dark Magic toward Ember, but she effortlessly knocks it away! Trixie fires blast after blast at the brave young dragon but they do not even slow her down!


Ember levels her spear at Trixie's chest! The spear easily pierces Trixie's heart but Ember doesn't stop! Instead she uses the momentum to knock the mare on her back and pushes her body along the ground for fifty feet or more! Stopping, she picks Trixie’s body up, still on the point of her spear, and launches her high up into the air!

“Survive… THIS!!!”

Ember throws her spear straight up at Trixie. It blows through her midsection as if it were paper and keeps going! The brave young dragon flies straight up and hits Trixie in the back, her spine snaps from the force of the blow and nearly knocks them both into a low orbit! As the two of them plummet back toward the ground Ember punches and claws Trixie's body well over a hundred times before stopping to look her opponent in the eye!

“Have a nice fall, Trixie!”

She stops about a thousand feet up and uses her wings to hover. Watching Trixie's limp body hit the ground brings a smile to her face! Looking up, Ember sees a glimmer of light from her falling spear! Reaching up she catches it and careens down toward Trixie! A Mach cone forms around Ember's body as she nears her target! Only a few feet above the ground Ember breaks the sound barrier and slams spear first into Trixie, causing a blast that can be heard for miles! As the dust clears Arc and the others can see Ember walking slowly back toward Canterlot with her spear over her shoulder!

Ember shakes her head as she walks away. “...wuss.”

Meanwhile in the Audience Chamber, no one can speak! They can only stand there with their jaws on the floor! Even Arc himself is speechless!

Cadance is the first to collect her wits. “H-Holy Dragoon Armor?! Ember… who ARE you?! At the very least I’m glad she’s on our side! She is… right?

Arc nods, astonished! “Completely! Note to self... never EVER get on Ember’s bad side!

Pinkie hops around happily! “Well, I guess that takes care of Trixie!”

Applejack removes her hat and wipes her brow! “Whew! I'm sure glad THAT'S over!”

Fluttershy looks down nervously. ”Um... it is over, right?”

Rainbow Dash grins! “It HAS to be! NOPONY could have walked away from that! Ember looked so AWESOME doing it too!”

Twilight walks over levitating the book from Sunburst. “Girls, I hate to be ‘that pony’, but I don't think this is the end of our troubles!”

Cadance nods. “I agree. All this did was slow her down! Anything of note in the book Twilight?”

Twilight continues reading. “Sort of! I have good news and bad news.”

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes. “What's the good news?”

Twilight looks up from her book. “To defeat Trixie, we have to cut her off from the Alicorn Amulet's power by removing it.”

Rarity looks down at the crater Trixie’s body made when hitting the ground. “Well, that shouldn't be too hard!”

Applejack looks to Twilight, nervously. “And the bad news?”

Twilight sighs. “There are only two ways for the amulet to be removed. One, Trixie has to willingly do it herself.”

Pinkie shrugs. “Meh, somehow I don't see THAT happening!”

Cadance nods “And the second?”

Twilight turns through pages frantically! “The only other way is... to kill her!”

Rarity looks confused. “But I thought there was no known way to do that!”

Fluttershy walks over to Twilight. “Any suggestions from the book?”

Twilight shakes her head sadly.

“None, I'm afraid. How do we kill something THAT powerful?!”

Arc looks to Cadance. She nods her head soberly.

“I ...I know how.”

Twilight’s face brightens! “Really?! That's wonderful! What is it?!”

Arc looks down at his ring. He sadly touches it and pulls out a very ornate dagger.

“This is the Dagger of Eternal Slumber. It's a weapon whose sole purpose is to... allow the user to inflict a mortal wound that even Alicorn Magic can't heal!”

Rainbow Dash looks at the weapon, horrified! “Are you saying it's supposed to kill an alicorn princess?!”

Applejack turns to Arc, angrily! “Why the hay do you have such a thing?!”

Cadance sighs. “Princess Luna gave it to him.”

Twilight’s eyes grow wide! “WHAT?! WHEN?!”

Cadance looks Twilight straight in the eyes. “A few minutes after he took up his Insignia and became the Hero of Light.”

Arc nods. “She handed me a fancy wooden box with this dagger I've kept it in my Magic Ring so as to keep it close while at the same time hidden from everyone!”

Cadance nods. “I suppose there's only one last thing to say Arc. Will you use this dagger... and kill your friend?”

Arc cannot answer, but can only hang his head. A single tear courses down his cheek. Suddenly a voice rings seemingly out of thin air!

“You can't do this to her, sir!”

All the ponies look around, confused!

Arc stares at the weapon is his gauntlet and sighs. “I would love to agree with you. But what other choice do we have?”

“Sir, before Trixie was turned into... that... she told me to warn you! In her last sane thoughts, she was calling out for YOU! Please, don't give up on Trixie! She had faith in YOU, so don't lose faith in HER!”

Arc looks up and nods with determination! “You're right! There has to be a way to save her!”

Rainbow Dash continues to look around. “Seriously! Who is saying that?!”

Applejack looks out the window. “Hey, we've got movement down there!”

All the ponies rush to the windows! Meanwhile, back at the Gates of Canterlot...

Ember holds up her spear and looks it and herself over! “I can't believe I did it! I finally figured out how to use this thing!”

The sound of laughter can be heard behind Ember. She spins around!


Trixie walks toward Ember laughing! She appears unharmed.

Ember again raises her spear! “So, you didn't get enough last time huh? Ready for round two?!”

Trixie shakes her head. “Sorry, but I really don't have time for this! I have an appointment with a princess!”

“You're going to MAKE time then!”

“Feeling left out? Don't worry! My new friends here will see to it you're not bored!”


Trixie's horn glows with Dark Magic. She opens several dark rifts! Monsters pour out of them and lumber toward the Gates of Canterlot!

Trixie looks at Ember. “I'm heading to the castle now. You can either pursue me, or try to keep my pets out of Canterlot. If you won't cooperate, I'm sure the civilians would make excellent playthings for them!”

Ember charges forward to defend the gates! “Damn you Trixie!”

“Ta, ta! Have fun!”

Trixie turns and walks toward Canterlot Castle. A Royal Guard watches through a spyglass as Trixie walks toward them! He turns to Captain Decimus!

“Sir! The Town Guard has failed! Trixie is on her way! What are your orders?”

“Hold your ground! We have to stop her here!”

Trixie walks across the drawbridge. As she reaches the halfway point Captain Decimus pulls a small remote out of his satchel and a key. As he inserts the key into the remote, a single red light comes to life.

Captain Decimus smiles wickedly! “Good bye, stupid unicorn.”

The captain pushes the button and detonates the explosives he ordered placed under the drawbridge. It buckles and collapses into the moat!

“And that is how you deal with these... little problems.”

Captain Decimus turns around to walk back into the castle. He hears laughter behind him! Spinning around he spots Trixie using her Dark Magic to hover over the fallen drawbridge!

“That wasn't very sporting of you, Captain Decimus. But if you're going to play dirty, let the master show you how it's done!”

Trixie aims her horn to the archway over Captain Decimus. She fires! Several tons of the castle wall land on top of Captain Decimus, crushing him! The rest of the guards flee in terror as the call for retreat breaks out!


All the Royal Guards scramble to climb over the rubble. Trixie takes a few moments to look over her handiwork.

“Why Captain! It looks like YOU are the one who is ‘out of order’ now!”

Trixie blows a hole in the castle wall, making a ‘door’.

Meanwhile back at Light's Hope, Flash Sentry runs to the barracks door and pounds on it!

“Princess Luna, I have a plan, but we need your help!”

She quickly unbarricades the door with her magic and opens it”

“What do you need?”

“We're being attacked by an endless wave of shadow creatures of some kind! I need you to raise the sun, but it needs to be done all at once! I'm hoping the shock will dispel them! Then we can deal with the root cause!”

Luna nods. “I can, but raising the sun that fast would require quite a bit of energy.”

Flash Sentry nods! "What do you need?!”

“Time. Buy me as much as you can!”

Flash Sentry nods! “Will do, your highness!”

Derpy walks over to the door. “I'm coming with you, lieutenant!”

She takes up her spear and brings forth her armor!

“Be careful, mom!”

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “But, I can't! If anything happened to you, the commander would...”

Templar Derpy runs out of the barracks past Flash Sentry.

“Come Flash Sentry! We have monsters to slay!”

He sighs as they run back toward the Main Hall! “Fine... just please be careful!”

Princess Luna closes the door and re-barricades it. She then sits down in a corner with the orphans and begins to gather her mana! Meanwhile, Flash Sentry and Templar Derpy arrive back at the Main Hall! The troops are having a hard time holding back the never-ending onslaught of shadow creatures!

Templar Derpy lunges at several of the beasts bravely! “YAH! Get out of our base!”

Flash Sentry rejoins the fight! “New plan, boys! We're buying time for the princess! We just need to keep them away for as long as we can!

Only the largest of the creatures dares to approach Derpy! Just like in Tartarus, the smaller ones appeared to be harmed by her aura! She quickly surveys the scene around her.

“Flash Sentry, I have an idea!”

“Let's hear it!

“Pull the troops back to the hallway. Make a bottleneck!”

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “If we do that it will limit our mobility as well!”

“Trust me! Just do it!”

Flash Sentry sighs. “Fine... it's not like this could get any worse!”

He turns to the troops.


The troops immediately obey! Derpy remains in the middle of the room to fight!

Max looks back! “Miss Derpy, what are you doing?!”

“I was just preparing to do... THIS!”

Templar Derpy flies straight up and drops down hard! She plants the Spear of Hope firmly into the floor, as an aura of Light shines out from it in all directions! When the creatures touch its aura they immediately turn to dust!

Xenos nods! “Great plan! We should have no problem stalling for time now!”

Meanwhile, outside Light's Hope, the black robed ponies are confused to hear the sounds of battle cease even thought their beasts enter in droves! Their leader steps forward and turns to his companions.

“This is... peculiar. Come! Let us investigate this vexing situation.”

Two of his acolytes accompany him while the rest stay outside to maintain the summoning portals. Upon entering he immediately sees Derpy holding her spear and generating an Aura of Light! He points a hoof at her as he turns to his acolytes!

“Stop her!”

They charge at Derpy! Flash Sentry rushes forward and thwarts their unwelcome advances! The acolytes fall as Arc's squad flies over to the leader and surround him. Flash Sentry points a blade at him menacingly!

“Surrender now! End this attack!”

The leader chuckles. “You really have no idea the powers you are fighting against, do you?”

Flash Sentry doesn’t take his eyes off the intruder. “Don't know, don't care! Last chance... give up!”

The leader pulls a dark staff off of his back and holds it in front of him. As he does so everypony falls to the floor, unable to stand!

Max struggles to raise his head! “What the hell?! My body feels so heavy!”

Sandstorm Mirage fares no better. “What's going on?! How are you doing this?!”

The leader looks over as he plants his staff. “Just a little gravity altering spell. Not to worry. Once we get what we came here for, you will be released.

He walks over to Derpy's spear and kicks it over. The Aura of Light quickly fades. He walks to the door and motions for this troops to follow him.

Using all her effort, Derpy raises her head to look at them! “Please! We have foals here! I'm begging you! Don't hurt them!”

The leader turns to look at Derpy. “Not to worry. If they cooperate with us, nopony else will be harmed. If they don't... well... let's just say I make no guarantees about their futures.”


The Black Robed Leader and his followers step over the incapacitated troops as their shadow creatures follow closely behind them. Templar Derpy lets go of her spear! She slowly crawls away from the staff, straining every muscle in her body to gain every inch of movement!

“Dinky... mommy's…coming…! Don't… lose... Hope!

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