• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 9 - Noctournal Conversations

Arc puts down his fork as the servants step forward to clear the table.

“That was quite the meal, Lord Gestal.”

“Thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

The pattering of raindrops outside gives them pause.

“Sounds like a rainstorm is rolling in, Lord Gestal.”


Ashe turns to her father. “Why don’t we have Lord Arc spend the night here? It would certainly be treacherous for him to return to Equestria tonight.”

“Yes, indeed. I have several very nice guest rooms that you would be welcome to.”

Arc nods. “Thank you, sir. I accept.”

“Wonderful. I’ll show you to your suite.”

“Father, let me do that. You look like you’ve had quite a busy day.”

Gestal sighs. “Very well, Ashe. Lord Arc, I leave you in my daughter’s more than capable talons. Should you need anything more tonight don’t hesitate to ask the servants.”

“Thank you, sir.”

They stand as Ashe extends a talon to Arc. He takes it and they leave the Dining Room together. Coming to Gestal’s room he turns to Arc and Ashe.

“This is where we part.”

“Pleasant dreams, sir.”

“Good night, father.”

As her father’s door closes Ashe pulls her talon from the cruck of Arc’s arm. She frowns and gestures to the pair to follow her.

“This way.”

Ashe leads Arc and Ember to a large door. Opening it they step into a luxurious room with two twin beds. Ashe frowns as she closes the door behind her.

“I believe you’ll be comfortable here.”

Arc nods. “Yeah.”

Ember turns to Ashe. “I see you’ve dropped the obedient daughter tone from your voice.”

Ashe rolls her eyes. “Of course. No need to keep up that façade for you two. So why don’t you tell me why you’re really here, Lord…”

She is cut off as Arc turns and grabs her by the throat. He roughly shoves her against the wall and replies angrily.

“I’m here because SOMEONE sent a rebel assassin to kill me!”

Ashe gasps for breath. “What?! But… it wasn’t us!”

Ember folds her arms over her chest. “Oh really?! That griffon’s cloak said otherwise!”

Arc nods. “Yes! It was your commander!”

“But I didn’t…!”

Ember scoffs. “You didn’t have anything to do with it, huh?! And I suppose that rebel ship that crashed into us on the way here wasn’t your doing either!”

Ashe frowns. “A ship… crashed into you?!”

Arc grits his teeth. “Yes! Now I dislike intensely when you and your ilk come after me! That much I could overlook! But when you sacrifice others while trying to kill me, that’s where it crosses the line!”

Ember turns to him. “We should get rid of her, Arc! She’ll just keep sending thugs to take you out until one of them succeeds!”

Arc sighs. “I know. But we can’t.”

“Why not?!”

“You know why.”

Ember glares at Ashe as Arc releases his grip on her throat. She falls the floor and gasps for breath. Arc looks down at her coolly.

“This is the last time I’m going to warn you, Ashe! Next time I see a rebel in Equestria, I’m going to send someone over here to come looking for YOU!”

Ember brandishes her claws. “Count on it!”

Ashe takes a few moments to catch her breath before looking up at Arc angrily.

“We didn’t have anything to do with that! Honestly!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “I don’t really care if you confess or not. Just don’t let it happen again.”

She slowly gets to her feet and looks slightly worried.

“What happened to the commander?”

“I turned him over to the Council of Lords to face justice. Last I saw, Arbiter Ghaleon was dragging him away.”

Ashe gasps. “What?! We have to get him out of there!”

Ember frowns. “Whoa there! What’s this ‘we’ stuff now?!”

“Don’t you know what they do to prisoners here in the Griffon Kingdom?!”

Arc shrugs. “Throw them in the dungeon I would guess.”

“Yes! After they’ve learned all they can from them!”

Ember grins. “And that’s a bad thing, how?”

“Because he knows all about whom REALLY hurt me the last time you were here, you fools!”

Arc groans. “That’s… not good.”

“Of course it’s not! If he talks we’ll BOTH be in hot water!”

Arc sighs. “So what are we going to do about this?”

Ember brandishes her claws. “How about we silence him… permanently.”

Ashe gasps. “What?!”

Arc shakes his head. “I don’t think that’d work too well. He’s already taken a spear to the midsection twice now, remember?”

“He did?! Is he alright?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. He just regenerated. But we’d better concentrate on thinking of a way to break him out.”

Ember frowns. “Break him out?! But what if we get caught?! Equestria would look like traitors in the eyes of the council! That and it’s not like we can just walk in there!”

Ashe grins. “Who says we can’t?”

“You have an idea, Ashe?”

“That’s LADY Ashe to you, peasant!”

Ember points a claw at her. “Oh go cry to your daddy, brat!”

Ashe glares at her. “Why you…!”

Arc growls. “Enough! What’s your plan?”

“It’s simple really. If it works, we’ll spring my commander and the show the government that we’re still ready and able to take the fight to them!”

Ember rolls her eyes. “And if it doesn’t?”

Ashe grins. “Then methinks you’ll have quite a bit of explaining to do.”

“I don’t like that particular outcome.”

Arc sighs. “Nor do I. But the alternative for leaving that guy in there is worse. Fill us in on the plan… Ashe.”

Sometime later the trio walks down the dark and deserted streets of Griffonstone, cloaked. Cherry calls out to Arc telepathically.

“This is not a good idea.”

Arc sighs inwardly. “I know. But what other choice do we have?”

“Well… I can think of one.”


“It’s just the two of you here, and she’s wearing her rebel leader cloak.”


Cherry sighs. “At some point during this… mission, if you saw some guards, you could knock her in the head and turn her over to them. Say you saw Lady Ashe leaving the manor and decided to follow her.”

“It would be a perfect alibi, yes. Then I would get credit for capturing the rebel leader AND be vindicated in stabbing her back then.”

“That you would. Now I don’t like the idea of betraying anypony. But she really is a bad individual that needs to be locked up.”

Arc nods. “I’ll think about it. Thanks for the idea, Cherry.”

“Whatever you decide to do, please be careful.”

“Yeah. We’ll both have to keep a close look out.”

They arrive at the Aviary. Ashe looks around a corner at a couple guards standing on either side of a stone archway before turning back to Arc.

“We need a way to get past those two without raising the alarm.”

“I take one, you take one?”

Ashe turns to him and rolls her eyes.

“You’re very subtle, Lord Arc.”


“Like a broken leg.”

“If we take them down simultaneously…”

Ashe interrupts him. “Then the guards in the towers would see their comrades fall and raise the alarm. No, these two need to stay standing.”

“So we just need to get past them silently and without being seen?”

Ashe frowns as she fixes her gaze on the guards yet again. “Yes, I believe that’s what I’ve been trying to explain to you in great detail.”

“I can take care of that.”


“Do you trust me?”

Ashe shakes her head. “Not even a little bit!”

Arc shrugs. “Close enough.”

“What are you…?”

Without warning Arc puts an arm around Ashe’s neck. The other he plants firmly around her beak in an effort to keep it shut. She attempts to free herself, but Arc shifts his weight to her back effectively pinning her to the ground. Focusing his magic he casts a Blink Spell. The pair vanish and reappear some distance past the guards on duty. He leans in close to Ashe’s head and whispers.

“Calm yourself. I got us inside.”

Tugging at her beak Arc is able to raise Ashe’s head. He turns it to show their location before speaking again.

“I’m going to let go of you, and you’re going to be quiet alright?”

Ashe glares at him but nods. Releasing her beak Arc carefully gets off and allows both of them to stand.

“Why did you…?!”

“Because you never would have gone along with that.”

Ashe angrily hisses at him. “Of course not! A commoner such as you should never be allowed to hold the aristocracy like that!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Sorry for getting us safely past the guards.”

“Yes. And having the honor of your miserable life, I suppose.”

“Don’t get too excited.”

Ashe motions for him to follow. “Trust me when I say that having you on my back isn’t nearly enough to get me excited.”

She leads them down numerous corridors for some time. Arc frowns.

“Are you sure you know where you’re going?”

Ashe nods. “Yes. I’ve studied the Aviary’s blueprints at great length.”

“That’s how you knew about the tunnels in the Dining Room, huh?”

Ashe scoffs. “The entire place is littered with tunnels and catacombs. Paranoia of our country’s leadership.”

“Well, maybe they have good reason to be.”

“And what is that supposed to mean?!”

“The rebels are quite the thorn in their side. But even so, it is wise to have extra ways out of here.”

“In case Equestria attacks, you mean?”

Arc shrugs. “Anyone really. I’m sure the princesses back in Equestria have their own escape routes.”

Ashe stops at a corner and looks around it. At the end of the corridor is a large wooden door. Two Griffon Royal Guards stand on either side of it. She turns back to Arc.

“There’s only two on duty.”

Arc bumps his fists together. “Want me to deal with them quietly?”

Ashe shakes her head. “No, I can handle them.”

“You sure?”

“Yes. That and they need to see me.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Why?!”

“To report that the leader of the rebels is alive and well.”

“Hubris, eh?”

Ashe puffs her chest out proudly. “I see it more as showing my resilience.”

“Fine. You do you.”

Arc leans against the wall as Ashe takes a deep breath and hurries around the corner. The sound of blows can be heard for several seconds before two thuds ring out. Hearing a light whistle Arc rounds the corner. He spots the guards lying face down on the stone floor.

“Let’s go.”

Arc points a finger at the unconscious guards. “What about them?”

“They’re fine.”

“No, I mean we can’t just leave them here.”

Ashe groans. “Why not?”

“Anyone passing by will see them and raise the alarm.”

“They’ll do that either way!”

Arc grabs the pair by their talons and drags them toward the dungeon door. “Yes, but missing guards are less suspicious than unconscious ones.”

“Fine! Just hurry up!”

Ashe grabs the keys from one of the guard’s belts and unlocks the door. Entering the dungeon, Arc walks toward the first empty cell.

“Open this one.”


“To get rid of some baggage.”

Ashe does so as Arc tosses the guards inside. Grabbing a dirty blanket he covers the pair before turning to back to her.

“That should keep them out of the way. Even if they do wake up, they can’t call for reinforcements.”

Ashe grins. “Deliciously clever.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment. Let’s go.”

She leads them deeper into the dungeon. Arc looks left and right at the other prisoners, all of whom appear to be asleep.

“They looks pretty thin.”

Ashe frowns. “Yes. Feeding time is rather sporadic here. However rest assured that they ARE fed.”

“Bread and water?”


“I hope it’s better than the stuff the Footpads eat.”

“Probably not.”

Arc sighs. “That explains it. Uh… where are we headed anyways?”

“The maximum security section. My friend would certainly be kept there along with the rest of the nation’s most dangerous criminals.”

“Awaiting trial?”

Ashe grimaces. “More along the lines of execution. The Griffon Kingdom doesn’t hold onto those whom it deems beyond redemption. Prisoners are interrogated heavily for hours or even days on end. When the jailors believe they’ve learned everything a prisoner will tell them, they’re put on death row.”

“For how long?”

“Usually until the next sunset.”

Arc looks out a barred window. “So as early as tomorrow?”

“It’s a tradition in our land. Think of it as a final act of mercy. After all they’ve endured, the prisoner is allowed to see one last sunset. However as the sun slips below the horizon… well, I’ll let you put two and two together.”

They come to a large steel door. Ashe unlocks it with the keys from earlier. Entering, they see a narrow hallway with small cells on only one side. Ashe turns to Arc, nervously.

“We should stay to the right. These prisoners might actually have the guts to try and grab us.”

Arc nods. “Agreed.”

Walking down the corridor they hear screams. Arc frowns.

“Sounds like someone’s having a rough time.”

Ashe gasps. “It’s him! This way to the interrogation room!”

Hurrying along their way they come to the source of the cries. Peeking inside through a crack in the door they spot Arbiter Ghaleon standing before the rebel commander, spear in talon. The griffon’s hind legs are shackled to the floor while his talons are held high above his head exposing his underbelly. Ghaleon frowns as he speaks.

“Now then, I’ll ask you again. Who is the rebel leader?”

The commander remains silent. After a few moments Ghaleon puts the tip of his spear against the griffon’s neck. With a quick slicing motion he cuts his victim from shoulder to hip. Blood flows to the floor and follows a large trail to a nearby drain. His victim screams out in agony as his wounds slowly heal. Ashe gasps.

“This is monstrous!”

Arc nods. “Agreed.”

“We have to get him out of there!”

“Yes, but without letting the Arbiter know it was us.”

Ashe turns to him. “I think it’s time to put your part of the plan into action.”

Arc grins. “Good idea.”

Touching his earring, Arc whispers.

“Spear to Birdie. Come in.”

Ember frowns and speaks into a radio.

“Birdie here.”

“It’s time. Do it and move onto the next objective.”

“Yes sir. Birdie out.”

She sighs and walks toward a stack of crates as a fireball forms in her claws.

“Of all the codenames he could have picked…”

Tossing the fireball against the crates they begin to burn. She turns and repeats the process several times to other boxes in the room before hurrying out the door.

“That should do it. On to the next storeroom.”

Meanwhile, Ashe turns to Arc.

“Can’t your Honor Guard move any quicker?!”

Arc shrugs. “Things only burn so fast, you know. If they didn’t, she could get caught in the…”

A large blast is heard through the corridor as Arc continues.

“Sounds like she was successful.”

Ashe grins. “And not a moment too soon! This way!”

Meanwhile. Ghaleon turns toward the door momentarily before looking to the commander.

“Incompetent whelps. Stay right here and I’ll be back as soon as I can to continue this… discussion.”

He runs through the door and hurries down the corridor toward the exit. Meanwhile, Arc and Ashe step through the door before it closes and make their way quickly to the prisoner. Ashe unlocks his ankles as Arc does the same for the talons overhead. The griffon falls to the floor and lands in a pool of his own blood as Ashe hurries over to him.

“It’s okay! You’re safe now!”

He looks around weakly before his eyes focus on Ashe’s mask.

“Is… is that you, my dear?”

Ashe nods. “Yes! I’ve come to rescue you!”

She turns to Arc, nearly frantic.

“Wait! Ghaleon will see the guards are missing from the entrance and seal us in here!”

Arc grins. “Don’t worry about that.”

Raising a gauntlet Arc opens a portal.

“Hurry! Before he comes back!”

The rebel looks at it nervously. “Where… does it lead?”

Ashe hisses. “Anywhere but here is preferable right now! Come on!”

Putting a talon around her friend, Ashe helps him through the portal. Hearing footfalls approaching Arc jumps through himself. The portal closes mere moments before several griffons burst through the door led by Ghaleon. He looks around at the empty chambers as he clenches a talon angrily.

“Run all you want, maggot. Eventually your luck will run out.”

Meanwhile, the three reappear on the sigil aboard The Equinox. Ashe and her friend look around.


Arc frowns. “My airship.”

The rebel looks at him nervously. “What… are we doing here?”

“It’s one of the only places in Griffonstone I have a sigil. We needed to make a quick escape, after all.”

Ashe glares at him. “You didn’t put one in your room back at my family’s estate?!”

“Oh, yes.”

“Then why…?!”

Arc heads for the door. “Because I needed to show you something.”

“But my friend needs help!”

“Our very next stop. This way.”

Arc leads them out the door and down the corridor toward the Infirmary. Entering, he motions toward a bed.

“Lay him there. I’ll fetch the nurse.”

Walking toward Redheart’s office the commander turns to Ashe.

“I didn’t tell them anything.”

Ashe smiles as she raises her mask. “Yes, I know you didn’t.”

Arc returns with Redheart.

“So what seems to be the…”

They stop in their tracks as they see Ashe leaning over the railing. Her beak nuzzles her friend’s cheek. Arc clears his throat loudly as Ashe jumps back.

“Oh… um… that was fast.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Yeah, well… Redheart, look over our… friend here.”

“Yes sir.”

She gets to work. A short time later Redheart looks up to Arc.

“I wasn’t aware anypony could lose this much blood and still be alive.”

“Yes, well… I can.”

Ashe pats his talon. “Shhh… don’t talk. Save your strength.”

Arc nods. “What’s the prognosis, nurse?”

“His red blood count is increasing faster than I thought possible. He’ll be fine with some bedrest.”

Ashe appears nervous. “Are you certain, nurse?!”


“I’m… feeling okay. Really.”

Arc frowns. “Good. Because I need to ask you something.”

“Yeah?! Well get in line! You’re not the first one to question me tonight!”

Ashe glares at Arc. “Can’t this wait? My friend here needs to rest.”

“I only have one question.”

The commander chuckles. “You want to know why I attacked you the other day?”

Arc shakes his head. “No.”

Ashe turns to her friend. “So you DID try to assassinate him?!”

“Of course! Our fallen comrades needed to be avenged!”

He turns back to Arc.

“So if that’s not what you wanted to ask, what is it?”

“Please step this way. Nurse Redheart, I’d like to introduce these two to our other guest.”

Redheart nods nervously. “This way please.”

She leads them into the back room. Putting a hoof on a drawer she pulls it out to reveal the bloody body of the dead griffon pilot. Ashe grimaces.

“Ugh! What happened to this one?!”

Redheart sighs. “Cause of death was due to extreme physical trauma. Nearly every bone in his body was broken.”

Ashe turns to Arc. “Who did this?! Are you Equestrians interrogating innocent civilians now?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No. He died in an airship crash. What’s left of his vessel can be found on my ship’s deck.”

“So you found him like this?”

“Not exactly.”

Ashe frowns. “Do you always talk in riddles?!”

Arc clenches a fist. “Do you always order your rebels to crash their airships into mine?!”

“How do you know he’s one of ours?”

Redheart walks over to a locker and opens it. “He was wearing this at the time of his death.”

The nurse removes the rebel cloak and ship’s log. She gives them to Arc. Turning back to the pair he tosses the robe at Ashe.

“Does this look familiar?!”

Ashe looks over the cloak. “It’s certainly one of ours, yes. But as for the griffin himself, I really couldn’t say.”

Ember glares at her. “Can’t?! More like won’t!”

The commander shakes his head. “No one knows anyone’s true identity in the Griffon Liberation Army. That way if we’re captured, the government won’t learn anything of value.”

Ashe nods. “Right. You can’t tell what you don’t know.”

Arc narrows her eyes. “Then what about you two?”

Ashe blushes. “Wha-what about us?”

Ember throws up her claws in disbelief. “Are you kidding?! You two were all over each other earlier!”

The commander scoffs. “We’re not younglings.”

“While it’s certainly a risk, I’ve grown very… attached to my officer here.”

“When this is all over we’re planning on getting married and leading the Griffon Kingdom into a new age of peace and prosperity.”

Ashe looks over at the body on the slab and sighs.

“This one must’ve seen an opportunity and taken it upon themselves to speed our plan along.”

Ember frowns. “I doubt it.”

The commander shakes his head. “There’s no way to know at this point though.”

Arc frowns. “Yes, there is.”

He holds up the ship’s log.

“The last entry in here is a confession of someone in the rebels blackmailing this griffon to go on a suicide mission.”

Ember points an accusatory claw. “Yeah! That and… he…!”

Arc sighs. “He was still alive when we reached him.”

Ashe appears genuinely concerned. “Did he say anything?”

“An apology.”

Ashe turns to her friend.

“Do you know anything about this?”

“No, my dear. But I’ll pass the word along to the other members. We can’t let things like this happen to the very griffons we’re trying to save.”

Ashe nods. “Agreed. Lord Arc, would you please turn this griffon’s body over to the authorities?”

Redheart turns to Ashe. “A medical team is scheduled to pick him up tomorrow morning.”

The commander sighs. “Good. At least they may be able to find out who he is and see to it he’s given a proper burial.”

Ashe looks out the window. “Yes. However we should be getting back to the estate, Lord Arc. It’s late and we don’t want to be missed.”

“I suppose not.”

Calling forth his gauntlet Arc opens a portal. Allowing the two griffons to go through first he turns to Redheart.

“See to it the body and everything associated with him are transferred to the proper authorities before we leave tomorrow.”

“Yes sir.”

Arc and Ember walk through the portal together and find themselves back in the luxurious suite. The commander turns to Arc.

“I’ll escort Ashe back to her room. That is, unless you want to try arresting me again.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, you can go. But know this. If I ever see you in Equestria again it WILL be our last meeting. Immortality, or not.”

Ember brandishes her claw. “I’ll help!”

The pair leave the suite and return to Ashe’s room together. She turns to her friend.

“Did you really have nothing to do with that?”

The commander puts a talon on her cheek. “Of course not, my dear. I want to see our goals come to fruition as much as you do. But not at the needless cost of life.”

Ashe smiles. “Good.”

“Why don’t you get some sleep? I’m sure you had quite the night, what with rescuing me.”

Ashe nods sheepishly. “Yes. But you be sure to get some rest yourself back at base.”

“I will.”

The pair embrace and nuzzle beaks before the officer heads for the secret door. Ashe watches him disappear into the dark corridor as she closes the door behind him.

“He couldn’t have. No… no, he wouldn’t have lied to me about something that serious. Of that I’m certain.”

Meanwhile, Arc sits down on one of the beds and sighs. Cherry calls out to him.

“Something wrong, Arc?”

“He was lying.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Come again?”

“That griffon. He knew exactly what we were talking about regarding that cargo ship.”

“I think a blind dragon could’ve seen that.”

Arc lays back. “Yeah. And I just let him go.”

Cherry sighs. “You had no choice, Arc. After all, Equestria probably couldn’t hold him, and the Griffon Kingdom would’ve just kept torturing him until he cracked.”

Ember grimaces. “At least the council would have their Rebel Leader then.”

“Right. But then she could tell them about what I did to her.”

Cherry groans. “I don’t think they would have believed her at that point.”

Ember shrugs. “And even if they did you could just say that you had no idea who she was when you fought her.”

“Either way, it would be a dangerous gambit for Equestria. I do wonder one thing though.”

Cherry sounds genuinely curious. “What’s that?”

“How did Steel Hammer and Silver Hammer do this for so many years?”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Do what? Be the Heroes of Light?”

Arc nods. “I’ve had this job for over a year now, and I’ve gotta say the stress is really starting to get to me.”

Cherry sighs. “In the past the Hero of Light, or plural in their case, were always acting from the shadows. They kept their identities secret from everypony.”

Ember frowns. “Why’s that?”

“Probably to have some semblance of a normal life. All they had to do was remove their armor and nopony would know them from anypony else. That and they rarely directly intervened in matters publicly.”

Arc grunts. “I’m in too deep to back off now though.”

Ember turns to him, concerned. “So what are you going to do?”

“Finish what I set out to do. Find Princess Celestia and bring her home again.”

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