• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 5 - A Social Affair

As the sun sets the following evening, Arc emerges from the Bathroom wearing a formal suit that is perfectly accented with his pauldrons, gauntlets and boots. He turns to Ember and Flash Sentry as they finish shining their respective armor.

“So, how do I look?”

Ember sighs. “Nice! Vulnerable, but nice!”

Flash Sentry nods. “Ember’s right, sir! You shouldn’t be out and about without your full armor!”

“Especially after the creepy guy from the fire showed up spewing doom and gloom!”

Sereb growls! “How do you suppose he followed us here?”

Cherry speaks. “Here to the Griffon Kingdom, or the library?”

“Both, miss. Canterlot Castle is the only place such a device exists. He certainly didn’t come with us.”

Flash Sentry puts a hoof to his chin thoughtfully. “He must have very wealthy friends then! The cost to construct that transdimensional device must have been astronomical!”

Ember furrows her brow. “Do you think the Dark One had anything to do with it?”

Arc shakes his head. “I don’t think so. Wiseman doesn’t seem the type to keep company with slime like that!”

Cherry sighs. “Maybe. But that doesn’t stop him from following you around, Arc!”

“I will keep my nose peeled for any non-griffon scents, Arc”

“Good idea, Sereb.”

Ember folds her arms over her chest. “There’s GOT to be something more we can do?!”

Arc shrugs. “All he said was you two needed to be vigilant! Keep your guard up.”

He thinks for a moment.

“But don’t make it look like you’re expecting trouble! It’ll raise suspicion!”

“How do we do that, sir?”

Arc sighs. “I have no idea. Look, both of you just do your best, okay?”

Ember puts on her armor and calls forth her spear. “That we will! Count on it!”

Flash Sentry salutes him. “Neither of us will let you down, sir!”

Sereb nods. “Indeed.”

There is a knock at the door. He shouts loudly as he calls forth the rest of Eidolon’s Ward.

“Come in!”

The door opens and Natalya walks in. She is clad in basic Footpad armor.

“It’s almost time for us to leave, Lord Arc. Are you and your Honor Guards ready?”

He nods. “That we are!”

Natalya looks him up and down. “Lord Arc? I don’t presume to tell you how to dress, however the other party-goers will most certainly turn their beaks up at your appearance!”

Arc chuckles as he looks at his armor in the full-length mirror. “Thanks for the tip, but I have something special in mind.”

“Very well, sir.”

She gestures to the door.

“Shall we be off then?”

Arc nods as he mounts a fully armored Sereb with a freshly shined saddle. “Lead on.”

Ember and Flash Sentry take their places on either side of Arc as the group walks out the door. They leave the Grand Aviary and walk down the deserted streets toward Lord Gestal’s estate. Arc looks around.

“It’s awful quiet out here.”

Natalya nods. “It’s always like that when the sun goes down. Griffons aren’t usually much for venturing out after dark. That is, unless they have somewhere important to be!”

Flash Sentry chuckles. “Like us?”


Ember frowns. “Why? Are griffons afraid of something out here?”

Natalya shakes her head. “No. We just find it rather hard to fly in the dark. That and there really isn’t anything to do around here.

Arc nods. “Makes sense.”

Flash Sentry turns to him as they near the brightly lit estate. “I hope you’re ready for this, sir!”

“I believe I am!”

Ember shakes her head. “Don’t get too confident, Arc!”

“Agreed! So let’s see how I do, shall we?”

Natalya mutters to herself as they approach the gates. “I have a bad feeling about this.”

Lord Gestal’s huge ivory white manor looms behind a large gate. There are several Griffon Royal Guards defending it. One of them is checking invitations as Arc and company approach him. He looks at the rather strange group before him.

“Something I can do for you?”

Arc removes the invitation from his magic ring and gives it to the Griffon Commander. “I’m Lord Arc from Equestria. Lord Gestal invited me to his little gathering.”

The Griffon Commander takes the invitation and looks it over before turning to his subordinate.

“This is certainly authentic! Is his name on the guest list?”

Griffon Soldier looks over a clipboard in his claw. “No sir!”

Arc folds his arms over his chest and does his best to speak in a regal tone. “Perhaps you don’t know who I am!”

The commander replies in a condescending tone. “No, I do not! Should I have?!

Natalya steps forward. “Sir? If I may! Lord Arc is here on a diplomatic mission from Equestria at the request of their princesses and the Council of Lords!”

“That may very well be, Footpad! But even with an invitation, he MUST be on the list!”

A voice from behind them rings out.

“Ah, Lord Arc! Good to see you again!”

They turn to see General Blackbeak approaching them, flanked by his own guards. The commander and his troops straighten up at the sight of him.

“General Blackbeak! How good of you to come!”

“Yes. I shall grace tonight’s gathering with my presence.”

He looks at Arc and gestures toward the mansion.

“Shall we, Lord Arc?”

“B-begging the general’s pardon, but while he does appear to have an invitation, his name does not appear on the guest list!”

“That is most strange! I’m sure Lord Gestal would love to meet him though.”

“But sir! I… I couldn’t possibly…!”

The general interrupts him. “Commander. Lord Arc is Equestria’s Hero of Light! Do you REALLY want to tell him no?”

The commander and soldiers appear suddenly frightened at the sight of Arc. “What?! He… he is?!”

Blackbeak nods. “Yes, you feather-brained idiot! What keeps him from ordering his Honor Guards to dismember you is beyond me!”

He points a claw at Natalya.

“The former lieutenant who went up against them was defeated in seconds! In fact, I turned my head to speak to him for but a moment and it was over after one swift blow! So I want you to consider this. If his guards are that strong, think about what he HIMSELF could do to you!”

The guards look at Arc with evident fear in their eyes. Arc turns to them and holds up a fist. He activates one of his Magic Blades but does not speak.

“L-let him pass!”

Blackbeak nods as he enters. “Wise choice, commander!”

Arc laughs as he follows the general. “They couldn’t have kept me out anyways!”

All the guests are on or near the front steps mingling. The general turns to Arc.

“Here is your chance to meet the rich and powerful of our society. Do try to make a good first impression, Lord Arc.”

Arc nods as Sereb approaches the front steps. “Oh, I shall! Just you watch!”

Everyone stops talking and turns to look at the bizarre creatures walking toward them. Natalya clears her throat.

“Presenting Lord Arc! Equestria’s emissary and Hero of Light!”

Arc gracefully dismounts. As he walks up the steps seamlessly recalls his helmet and chest-plate to reveal his more regal attire. The nobles smile and nod approvingly. Nataly takes Sereb by one of the handles on his saddle.

“This way, big fella.”

Sereb softly growls. Prompting her to let go.

“Uh… follow me?”

Sereb follows her toward the rest of the servants and aids as Arc, Ember and Flash Sentry enter the estate with the rest of the nobles. Blackbeak chuckles.

“Very impressive, Lord Arc!”

Arc smiles and nods to as his Honor Guards move to flank him. “I try!”

“So tell me, how are you enjoying our hospitality?”

“Very much so! The castle food is quite tasty!”

“Glad to hear it! I do hope my former lieutenant is, shall we say, up to your standards.”

Arc nods. “Yes indeed! I’m very satisfied with her service thus far!”

“Very good! Perhaps she’s finally found her true calling as a servant!”

Another griffon approaches the pair. His body is varying shades of brown other than his face. The general appears pleased to see him.

“Ah, good to see you were able to make it, Lord Gunter!”

The new arrival puffs out his chest, haughtily. “Naturally!”

Blackbeak gestures with a claw. “I’d like you to meet Lord Arc from Equestria. He’s here on diplomatic business!”

Gunter looks Arc up and down as he extends a claw. “You’re a big… whatever.”

Arc firmly takes the claw and shakes it. “That I am!”

Gunter winces slightly. “Strong too!”

“My apologies. Sometimes I don’t know my own strength!”

“Yes, well… in any case, I’m Lord Gunter. Chief Advisor to King Guto! How are you enjoying our land thus far?”

“It’s very… different from Equestria.”

Blackbeak laughs. “We’ll take that as a compliment!”

Gunter smiles wickedly. “Are you… acclimating to our culinary tastes? I’m sure it’s not quite what you’re used to!”


Blackbeak interrupts. “Why don’t we head inside so Lord Arc can try some more of our fare?!”

“A grand idea, my friend!”

Arc nods happily! “Lead the way!”

They walk into the Main Hall. It is filled with servants carrying various dishes and drinks. One of them approaches with a tray of various meats. General Blackbeak and Lord Gunter take a clawful of food and down it quickly!


Blackbeak nods. “Lord Gestal’s chef has outdone himself this time!”

The servant approaches. Arc takes a piece of meat off the tray and eats it. Gunter chuckles to himself.

“What do you think?!”

Arc nods happily! “Wonderful! What kind of meat is this?”

Blackbeak smiles slyly. “Cow!”

Gunter chuckles. “Anything to say, Lord Arc?!”

“Yes! I’d like some more!”

Both look at each other astonished as Arc eats several more bites of the meat before following them with a few cherry tomatoes from another passing servant.

“You… you like meat?”

Arc nods as he looks at the pair with a wicked smile of his own. “Love it! We all need a little blood in our diet, wouldn’t you agree?”

Gunter laughs. “You got us that time, Lord Arc!”

Blackbeak smiles and nods. “I was trying to guess what excuse you would use to avoid eating flesh all day!”

“Sorry to disappoint, but my kind…”

The trumpeters play as their host appears at the top of the stairs. He is an older griffon with coat, wings and feathers all of the same shade of brown. The lord is wearing a formal business coat with a small pair of glasses perched neatly on his broad beak. A younger female griffon accompanies him. Her feathers are brown as well, but with snow white plumage and green around her eyes. Arc can’t help but notice she appears quite bored with the entire affair.

“Welcome to my home, everyone. We hope you enjoy yourselves tonight and eat your fill of Chef le Grand’s finest!”

The female griffon at his side nods. “Do not hesitate to tell us if there is anything we can do to make the night grander than it already is.”

The pair descends the stairs and mingle with the other guests. Blackbeak turns to Gunter.

“Lady Ashe is looking lovely tonight!”


Gutner turns to Arc, grinning!

“Lord Gestal’s only daughter. Quite a sight, eh Lord Arc?”

Arc nods and takes a glass off a passing tray with the other two. “She looks charming! Is she in politics as well?”

Blackbeak drinks the contents of the glass in one swig and tossing the empty glass to a servant. “Lord Gestal is grooming her to replace him. Although confidentially I hear it isn’t going too well.”

Gunter nods, downing his beverage is several smaller sips. “Yes. She doesn’t appear to have any drive to lead the Council of Lords!”

Arc takes a sip of his drink before dumping the rest of his glass in a nearby potted plant. “Why’s that? It certainly sounds like quite the position!”

Blackbeak frowns. “She and her father haven’t always seen eye to eye on numerous issues!”

Gunter nods. “The girl may be a bit too… sweet natured to carry out that role effectively.”

Arc takes some cheese off a passing tray. “Oh?”

Blackbeak leans in close to Arc. “I’m sure you can understand this, Lord Arc. But sometimes in the course of one’s duty, we find that we must do things a bit… distasteful.”


Gunter nods. “I’m sure you have plenty of stories in that regard from your time as Equestria’s king, eh Lord Arc?”


Blackbeak grins. “Care to tell of them?!”

“I’d be glad to!”

He tells the story of how he faced the traitorous Captain Decimus in one-on-one combat just outside the princess’ rooms. Gunter and Blackbeak nod approvingly!

“Quite the story!”

“That is was! However, I would have thought you would rejoice at the chance to remove an enemy of your position.”

“Equestria is a bit safer with him gone. But that wasn’t the end of the matter.”

Gunter looks confused. “Oh?”

“The hardest part was telling the princesses that I had just executed one of their closest friends.”

Blackbeak nods. “They’ll get over it!”

Arc takes a handful of grapes from yet another passing tray. “Already have.”

Gunter frowns. “That is quite surprising! The Equestrian princesses are well known for their wise and fair ruling of your land!”

“Tell me, Lord Arc! How did you break the news to them without getting blasted to pieces?!”

“I simply told them the truth about what happened. They saw it was, sadly, necessary to protect the realm.”

Gunter muses to himself. “Telling the truth… sounds crazy. But I guess it could work as a last resort.”

Blackbeak looks over. “Lord Gunter?”

“It was nothing! Just thinking to myself! How about another story, Lord Arc?!”

“How about the time I took on Prince Rutherford of Yakyakistan?”

Blackbeak laughs! “Perfect!”

As Arc retells the story of his exploits in Yakyakistan, Ember and Flash Sentry scan the crowd. Ember frowns as she mutters to herself.

“The most dangerous thing around here is all the bad acting everyone is doing! Maybe that Wiseman guy isn’t as wise as we thought.”

Arc smiles at them as he finishes telling his tale. “Fortunately it all worked out in the end!”

Gunter nods. “Quite the accomplishment, taking down the leader of the yaks!”

Arc nods as he looks toward Lord Gestal. “Yes, well… I should probably give my regards to this evening’s host.”

Blackbeak looks past Arc toward Lord Gestal on the other side of the room. “This may not be the best time. It looks like Lord Gestal and Lady Ashe are having another one of their arguments.”

“Does this happen often?”

Gunter nods. “All the time. They have, shall we say… differing opinions in a great many subjects.”

Blackbeak sighs. “This will probably take a while. Perhaps you would like to mingle with some of the other guests?”

“Perhaps in a bit. I could use some fresh air though.”

Gunter points a talon toward a nearby open door. “The Gardens out back might interest you. Lord Gestal spares no expense in his efforts to make his daughter happy!”

“Thank you. I’ll do that.”

Arc, Ember and Flash Sentry make their way to the back of the house and out the door. Before them stands numerous statues of what they assume to be the lord of the house’s ancestors. Flash Sentry and Ember sigh.

“It’s good to be out of there, sir!”

“Agreed! Those lords and ladies are just stuck up jerks!”

Arc looks confused. “What do you mean? “

Ember turns to Arc and frowns. “Couldn’t you tell those two toadies were plying you for information?!”

“That they were, sir! Good thing you remembered what Natalya said and talked yourself up big!”

“Big? I was just being Honest!”

Ember nods. “That may be. But a lot of your stories would sound far-fetched to those who didn’t live through them!”

Flash Sentry chuckles. “I witnessed several of them first hoof, and even I don’t believe some of them actually happened!”

“So, am I doing all right?”

Ember shrugs. “To be honest with you, just okay.”

“Forgive me, but you’re not very good at being an arrogant jerk, sir.”

Arc sighs. “Maybe I could try harder. But I’m afraid I’ll just come across as… I don’t know…”

Ember sighs. “A noble?”

“It sounds bad when you put it like that.”

Flash Sentry nods. “They’re not all that different than the nobles back in Equestria.”


“Being born into a life of privilege can have that effect on anypony!”

Ember turns toward the house. “These nobles also have a lot in common with dragons! The bigger the horde, the bigger the ego!”

Meanwhile, back in the Main Hall Lord Gestal and Lady Ashe continue to argue.

“My dear daughter, you have a lot to learn about social order!”

“All I’m saying is we would do better to raise our nation’s rank and file’s intelligence!”

Lord Gestal rolls his eyes. “What possible good would that do?! The commoners cannot help with matters beyond their understanding anyways!”

“These matters wouldn’t be beyond them if we only…”

There is a suddenly commotion from outside. A moment later several dozen robed griffons burst through the front door and several nearby windows with drawn weapons and heavy armor! The bodyguards quickly surround their wards and shield them from harm. Lord Gestal frowns.

“Rebels?! What is the meaning of this?! Where are my guards?!”

The rebel leader points a claw behind them. “They’re back there. Don’t worry! My troops will take good care of them!”

Lord Gestal frowns. “What do you want?! A fight?!”

“We already got that getting in here! Don’t ruffle your feathers, old man! We’re not going to hurt anyone! That is, if we get what we want!”

“You’ll get nothing from me, brigands!”

The robed leader nods. “Oh, I think we will!”

He points a claw at Lady Ashe.

“All we came here for is your daughter!”


Blackbeak steps forward with his Honor Guards to stand between Lady Ashe and the rebels.

“Bring it on!”

“You have my word that she will not be harmed!”

Lord Gestal rolls his eyes. “The word of a common traitor is hardly…”

“Turn her over to us, or things get rough!”

Blackbeak points to the rebels before him. “Yeah! For YOU!”

“I’ll go with them, father!”

He turns to her, wide-eyed. “No! You can’t!”

“It’s the only way. I’m sorry, but there’s just too many of them.”

She slowly approaches the leader.

“If I come quietly, will you pull your troops back without incident?”

He nods. “I will.”

Lady Ashe sighs. “Very well. I…”

Suddenly the griffon finds himself knocked out of the way by an unseen force! Ember and Flash Sentry fly down together, grab Lady Ashe and fly her safely back to her father’s side! The rebel griffon points a claw angrily at the pair!

“Get those…”

He is cut short as an imposing figure suddenly Blinks in front of him. Arc, fully clad in Eidolon’s Ward looks down at him as he calls forth his Spear of Righteousness.

“You sure that’s a good idea?”

The rebel, clearly surprised, does his best to compose himself. “What the…?! Who are you?!”

“Lord Arc of Equestria.”

“Well then… Lord Arc, I suggest you stand aside and let us be off with our prize.”

Arc does not move as Ember and Flash Sentry quickly move to join him! The rebel gestures to the troops under his command.

“There are three of you, and dozens of us!”

Arc nods. “Then how about I even the odds? SEREB!”

the large wolf jumps through a broken window! he knocks several of the invaders out of his way before reaching Arc! General Blackbeak and his own Honor Guards move to defend Lady Ashe and Lord Gestal! The general draws his blade!

“Stay behind us!”

Arc nods. “Still want to do this, whoever you are?”

“We cannot leave without Lady Ashe! Warriors, attack!”

The invaders rush toward Arc and his Honor Guards! Ember takes up a battle-ready stance and grins!

“Oh, this’ll be fun!”

Flash Sentry draws his blades. “For Equestria!”

Arc and Sereb charge headfirst at the enemy alongside Ember and Flash Sentry! Several are beaten back by Arc and Ember’s spears while others are stopped by Sereb’s claws and Flash Sentry’s twin blades! Any that get past them are quickly knocked away by General Blackbeak and his Honor Guards! One of the rebels turns to their commander.

“Sir! They’re too strong!”

“Grrr! Everyone fall back! I’ll cover our retreat!”

Their commanding officer fights with great determination as his forces flee into the street! He turns to Arc!

“You’ve made a shambles of this operation! Now you’ll pay!”

He rushes headfirst at Arc! Ember turns to stop him!

“Look out!”

Arc turns to face his opponent. “Keep back! He’s mine!”

As the commander brings his blades down toward their intended target, Arc blocks them with his spear and parries the attack! Staggering his opponent in one swift motion, Arc Blinks behind him and gives him a swift kick to the backside, knocking him down. Arc lunges forward and using the butt of his spear hits the commander in the head, rendering him unconscious.

Arc chuckles. “Too easy.”

General Blackbeak’s Honor Guards rush forward to take the fallen combatant into custody as the general himself walks forward with Lord Gestal and Lady Ashe.

“That was quite a display, Lord Arc! Well done!”

Lord Gestal slowly approaches Arc as Ember and Flash Sentry again flank him. “Lord Arc, was it? Might I see you in my office?”

Arc recalls his armor and spear. “Certainly.”

Lord Gestal turns to the general as they pass. “Call for reinforcements and secure my estate!”

“I’ll see to it personally, sir!”

Lord Gestal and his daughter lead Arc, Ember and Flash Sentry to his private office as Sereb returns to Natalya and the other servants. He turns to Arc their Honor Guards close the office door behind them to wait outside.

“First of all, I want to thank you for saving my daughter! But I must ask, how is it you just happened to be passing by?!”

Arc looks at him, confused. “I was at your party. You invited me.”

“While I am certain I did not, your heroics were indeed impressive! I’ll see to it your name is always at the top of my guest list from now on!”

He chuckles.

“Oh, where are my manners?! I am Lord Gestal. Head of the Council of Lords! And this charming young lady by my side is my daughter, Lady Ashe!”

Arc bows at the waist. “A pleasure, Lady Ashe. I hope you weren’t injured in the attack.”

She smiles at him. “I was not, thanks to you. Now if I may be so bold, what house do you represent?”

Her father nods. “I too am curious about your origins, Lord Arc. At the risk of sounding rude, you do not appear to be from our land!”

“I represent Equestria as its emissary and Hero of Light.”

Lady Ashe looks to him, surprised! “You mean to say you came all the way here from Equestria?!”

“That I did!”

Lord Gestal rubs his chin with a claw, frowning. “Forgive me, Lord Arc. I had heard someone was coming soon. But you arrived much earlier than I anticipated!

“Is that a problem?”

“No. We are always welcoming of one as esteemed as you!”

Lady Ashe curtsies respectfully. One does not expect to be rescued by a former king!”

“I was Lord Regent of Equestria for but a short time while our princesses rested and healed. But if I may, Lord Gestal, who were those we fought?!”

“Simple malcontents that want to bring our society to utter ruin! Nothing more.”

Arc frowns. “Begging your pardon, sir. But they were fairly well equipped for simple rebels.”

“We suspect them of being sponsored by one of the neighboring countries.”

“I’m not sure I like where this is going.”

Lord Gestal looks at Arc, apologetically. “Forgive me, Lord Arc! But I had suspected Equestria of having some involvement in their antics. That is until I saw how ferociously you defended my daughter during their attack!”

Arc nods. “Equestria only wishes to further friendly relations with our neighbors.”

Lady Ashe nods. “Yes. It is not like the princesses of Equestria to stoop to such deplorable methods! However, due to our nation’s recent military activities, we thought they might be looking for some way to get back at us.”

Lord Gestal nods. “Our council recently voted on whether or not to go to war with your nation. Please forgive us, but we were under the impression that humans were bloodthirsty and violent!”

“It fell to my father to cast the deciding vote.”

Arc smiles. “I see. Thank you for voting to abstain.”

Gestal looks to Arc, stoically. “I was actually planning on voting for war.”


Lady Ashe steps forward. “While my father and I don’t agree on much, I was able to convince him that going to war with Equestria would have led to the death of both our nations.”

“We heard about your victory against the leader of Yakyakistan and how the Abyssinian king and queen surrendered to you without a fight! I’m sure now that we made the right choice in staying off the battlefield!”

“As am I! War costs lives and resources! Neither of which I want to throw away!”

Lady Ashe smiles. “Agreed, Lord Arc!”

“Lady Ashe. Do you have any idea why they wanted to take you?”

She sighs. “Leverage, most likely.

“They could have blackmailed me to get what they wanted.”

“Which is?”

Lord Gestal frowns. “To bring about chaos and anarchy for starters!”

“Tell me, Lord Arc. Does Equestria have such things as rebels?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not that I am aware of, no.”

“I see. Why do you suppose that is?”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Perhaps because our leaders are so accessible. The princesses will see anyone who has a grievance and listen to their problems.”

Lord Gestal raises an eyebrow. “Even ordinary citizens?”


Lady Ashe turns to her father. “You see?! Perhaps we should try to open a dialogue with the rebels. Maybe there is a peaceful solution to this after all!”

“No, Ashe! We do not negotiate with factions or terrorists!”


“It is not the griffon way to talk to those beneath us as if they were our equals! Someday you’ll understand that!”

Lady Ashe turns on her heels to leave the office, huffily! “Refusing to even listen to what they have to say will be our downfall!”

She slams the door behind her. Lord Gestal looks back at Arc apologetically.

“Please forgive my daughter. She is young and inexperienced in the ways of life.”

Arc nods. “Yes, well… she may be on to something though.”

“What do you mean?”

“Is there really any harm in talking? All you have to do is listen! You’re under no obligation to actually ACT on what they want! That and I believe it would make your daughter very happy.”

Lord Gestal shakes his head. “You are new to our land, Lord Arc. Please understand that many sacrifices have been made to bring us this far! These rebels would callously roll back centuries of progress in order to further their own agenda!”

Arc sighs. “I’m not trying to tell you how to run your country. Just how Equestria would handle such a matter.”

“I understand that, Lord Arc. While I appreciate your input, we’ll handle this group… one way or another.”

Arc nods and extends a hand. “Very well. I enjoyed your party, but now I think it’s time I retired for the evening.”

“Thank you for coming. I’ll make sure your name is on the guest list next time.”

Arc turns to leave the office. “Looking forward to it!”

He closes the door behind him as Lord Gestal sits down in his chair and swivels to look out the window.

“Hmmm… I’m certain I didn’t send him an invitation. Very puzzling. Very puzzling indeed.”

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