• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 8 - A Little Action

Arc and Scootaloo sleep peacefully through the day. As the sun begins to set Arc opens his eyes and looks around. Nudging the filly next to him, Arc pats her face.

“Time to wake up.”

Scootaloo slowly opens her eyes. “Do we have to?”

“Yeah. Ruby will be expecting us there before nightfall.”

“I guess she will.”

Arc frowns. “Something wrong?”

Scootaloo looks confused. “No. Why?”

“I thought you enjoyed working last night.”

“But I did.”

“Then why do you just want to stay in bed?”

Scootaloo sighs. “It’s not like that.”

“Enlighten me then.”

“You see… ever since you and I started hanging out together, I’ve been more… balanced. Things don’t seem as bad as they were. Even losing my parents was bearable because you were there with me, Big Brother.”

“Oh… um… I’m glad for that.”

“But there’s more. When we sleep together I just feel so safe and calm. Like nothing in the world could hurt me.”

She looks up at him and smiles.

“I really like you being my master. Now I know you don’t like when I call you that. But it’s the truth.”

“Thanks. In truth, I’m also really glad you’re my… um… what was it called again?”

“I’m your thrall.”

“Yeah… that.”

“You don’t like that word either, do you?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not really, no.”

“We don’t have to use them if you don’t want to.”

“That would make me feel better about this situation, yes.”

“Can I keep calling you Big Brother though?”

“Yeah, that part’s okay. But we should eat something before we head over to the ranch.”

“There’s still some bits left from catching that bad stallion the other day. Want me to head out and get us some food from the store?”

“Sure. But I could just as easily come with you.”

“I suppose. But this would be a good time to test out some abilities.”

“What do you…?”

“As your thrall, you can see and hear what I do if you concentrate hard enough.”

“I can?”

“Sure. At least you should be able to. Can we give it a try?”

“Um… okay. Go down the street and buy us some vegetables and bread.”

“Okay. Now as soon as I leave try focusing on me like you do when we speak telepathically.”

“I’ll try.”

Scootaloo grabs her cloak, throws it on, and runs out the door. Arc hears her small hooves echoing down the corridor. Focusing, he calls out to her.


“I hear you.”

“Now what do I do?”

“Focus harder.”


“I dunno.”

Arc chuckles. “That’s helpful.”

“Hey, I’ve never been thrall before! Well, unless you count my dad making me do stuff I don’t remember.”

“I’ll keep trying.”

“Focus on my consciousness.”

“Not sure how, but I’ll try.”

A few moments later Arc sees the street from down low.


Scootaloo giggles. “Sounds like you figured it out.”

“Y-yeah. This is kinda disorienting.”

“It is?”

“Your head bobbing from walking. It’s messing me up as my brain feels like I’m walking, but I know I’m not.”

“It feels kinda funny to me too.”

“Doesn’t hurt though, does it?”

“No, no. Just a new sensation having somepony in my head. And being conscious of it, that is.”

“I can get out if you want.”

“Um… I kinda like it actually. If you want, you could even directly control me.”

“Let’s save that for another time. This is a bit much for me at the moment.”

“Okay. I’m about to head into the store now. You want anything in particular?”

“Just whatever you think would be good.”

Arc watches as Scootaloo looks over the racks of produce before picking up a basket and filling it with an assortment of goods before walking toward the counter to pay. Spotting a jar of cherries, she stops to look it over.

“Kinda gives one a sense of accomplishment to see these here.”

Arc smiles. “I doubt they’ve processed the one’s we harvested already.”

“Maybe not. But…”

She is cut off as a commotion rings out nearby. Scootaloo turns her head to see a gruff stallion holding a knife in the cashier’s face. Arc calls out to her.

“Get behind that shelf!”



Scootaloo does as she is told. Peeking through the display, she watches as the stallion forces the cashier to open the register and empty its contents into his saddlebags. Smirking, he pushes the mare hard, knocking her into a produce bin before running out the door. Gritting her teeth, Scootaloo steps out from her hiding place. Arc calls out to her again.

“Don’t go after him!”

“What?! But I could…!”

“I’m not with you!”

“We can’t just…!”

“Yes, Scootaloo, I know. But now isn’t the time. Pay for the food in your basket and come right back.”

Scootaloo sighs. “Yes sir.”

Waiting for the cashier to compose herself, Scootaloo pays for the few things in her basket and returns to the Inn. Entering, she sets the basket down on the small table and frowns.

“That just felt wrong!”

Arc nods. “I know. Trust me, if I’d been there too we’d have mopped the floor with that scumbag.”

Scootaloo grits her teeth. “Want to go look for him?”

“I doubt he’d hang around town. If it were me, I’d have run off to my hideout.”

“Where do you suppose that is?”

“Somewhere outside of town most likely.”

“We could go looking for it.”

“I suppose so. But let’s gather more information first.”

“Why? We could take him, Big Brother.”

“Probably. But I want to know just who we’re dealing with before we charge into this. Now then, let’s eat and get moving.”

A short time later Arc and Scootaloo walk up to the farmhouse. Scootaloo knocks and waits patiently. Ruby opens the door a few moments later and smiles down at her.

“Back for more cherry picking?”

Scootaloo nods. “Yes, ma’am. Big Brother and I had a lot of fun last night.”

“That’s good to hear. Now then, I’ve already put the wagon out in the orchard along with a pile of empty sacks. Is there anything else you need?”

Arc calls out to her telepathically. “Ask her about what happened in town.”

Scootaloo shakes her head. “Nothing really. But I was wondering if you could tell me something.”

“What is it?”

“I was at the grocery store earlier today when a mean looking stallion pulled a knife and robbed the cashier.”

Ruby gasps. “What?! When was this?!”

“A couple hours or so ago.”

Ruby frowns. “Sounds like they’re at it again.”

“Who is?”

“A while back there was a gang of outlaws that terrorized Dodge Junction. Their leader was taken down, and his group scattered. But every so often they come by to cause trouble.”

“And nopony’s caught them?”

“It’s not usually something this serious. A fight at the saloon or a few missing items at the shops is all. To hold up the store itself sounds pretty brazen though.”

“What about the guards?”

Ruby sighs. “We only have a single lawpony in town. He can’t take on a whole gang though. I’m sure he’ll petition Canterlot for assistance after this though.”

“Good. They need to be taught a lesson.”

“That they do. But don’t you go after them though. I heard what you did in town the other day. Mind you, I think you were very brave to take on a bounty. However, I don’t want you getting hurt over this.”

“Thanks, ma’am. I’ll leave it up to Big Brother though.”

“Good. Well, I’m going to turn in for the evening.”

“Night, Miss Ruby.”

With a nod Ruby heads inside. Scootaloo turns and walks down the path to the orchard. Arc follows her silently.

“You’re thinking, aren’t you?”


Scootaloo grins. “I’m pretty sure I already know, but what about?”

“What we could do about that gang.”

“That’d be great! Especially if there’s some kind of bounty on them!”

“I admit, I’d like to be paid for taking care of this matter. But if there are guards coming, we could just wait for them to handle it.”

“Yeah. After all, that IS their job.”

“We’ll go see the sheriff about it tomorrow.”

“Why not right now?”

“Two reasons. One, he’s probably at home having supper right now. And two, we have work to do.”

“Makes sense.”

Arc and Scootaloo work through the night picking cherries in their own special way. As the sun rises over the horizon they hear Ruby walking toward them and the full wagon. She smiles at their progress and gives Scootaloo two large bags of bits.

“Another fine night’s work.”

“Thank you, ma’am.”

“Would you and your brother like to stay for breakfast? I’m sure you’re both hungry after all the work you did last night.”

“Politely tell her no.”

Scootaloo shakes her head. “No thank you, Miss Ruby. Big Brother and I need to be going now.”

“Alright. Take care.”

She waves after the filly as she leaves. As Arc and Scootaloo crest the hill they look over the town. Sighing, Scootaloo turns to Arc.

“I know you wanted to see the sheriff later today, but could we maybe do it now?”

“If he’s around, sure.”

Entering town, they spot a stallion putting something up on the Writ Board.

“I think that’s him.”

Arc nods. “Yeah. Let’s go see.”

Walking up to the stallion they spot the gold star on his shirt. Scootaloo clears her throat.

“Excuse me.”

Looking down, the sheriff nods.

“Yes, miss?”

“I wanted to ask you about some bad stallions that have been causing trouble around town lately.”

“Oh? Why?”

Arc calls out to her telepathically. “Tell him you witnessed the grocery store robbery.”

“I was in the grocery store yesterday when it was robbed.”

The sheriff sighs. “Quite a bit of commotion over that one. I’d like to go after the lot of em. But I’d need help to do that.”

“More guards?”

“A posse, yes.”

“Can I help?”

He chuckles and pats her head. “No, no. You just stay out of their way.”

“But I can help!”

“I know you probably could. After all, you took care of that other stallion the other day. But nopony can handle this mess on their own. It’ll take teamwork, planning, and superior numbers to bring this menace to heel.”

Arc grins as he calls out to her. “Ask if you can help weaken them.”

“What if I could help in some other way?”

“Like what?”

“Do any of their members act independently?”

“Pretty much all of them do. After their leader was collared they left town for quite some time. They only returned recently.”

“Why’s that?

“Probably because we’re a fringe town. Other than Cherry Hill Ranch, there really isn’t anything out here.”

“So there isn’t really anypony to stop them?”


“Sheriff, I think we can help each other out.”


“Like you said, nopony can stop this on their own. But I might be able to pick them off one or two at a time.”

The sheriff sighs. “If it was anypony else suggesting this, I’d tell them to think twice. But you’ve shown that you can handle yourself. Tell you what. Canterlot reimburses us for reward bits paid out on wanted posters. I’ve just pretty much stopped putting them up since nopony around here wants to risk going after them. You can have them if you’ll do me a favor.”

“What do you need?”

The sheriff gestures to the Writ Board and the wanted poster he just put up.

“This stallion here is a real piece of work. The innkeeper tells me he’s been staying there for a week now, but never pays. When they changed the locks to keep him out he just broke down the door. You bring him in and I’ll pay his bounty in addition to giving you the whole stack of wanted posters. Do we have a deal?”

Scootaloo nos. “Sure. What can you tell me about this stallion?”

“He’s pretty big, but not really dangerous unless you cross him. Only other bit of information I could get out of the innkeeper was that he’s kinda slow. Both physically and mentally.”

“Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Talk to the innkeeper if you want to know more.”

“Will do.”

Scootaloo reaches up and grabs the wanted poster. Turning, she trots toward the Inn as the sheriff shakes his head.

“I’m not sure if that’s the bravest or most foolhardy filly I’ve ever met.”

Entering the Inn, Scootaloo heads for the front desk. The innkeeper looks down at her.

“Hello again. Something I can do for you?”

“Actually, I was kinda hoping to help you.”


Scootaloo holds up the wanted poster.

“I’m told this stallion is staying here.”

The Innkeeper sighs. “That he is. But he’s never once paid for his room. The sheriff said he’d talk to him, but I don’t think it went too well.”

“Well, I’m here to see him about paying up and leaving.”

“He’ll wreck this place if you make him mad!”

“What if we fought outside?”

“I suppose that would be best. But what could a little filly do about somepony as big as him?”

Scootaloo giggles. “You just leave that to me. Now then, what time does he come out?”

“Early. He’s a morning pony apparently. Should be down anytime.”

Arc calls out to Scootaloo. “Wait outside until he shows.”

“I’ll wait for him outside then.”

“Very well. Just please be careful!”

“No worries there.”

Scootaloo leaves the Inn and sits down on the porch across the street. A short time later a massive stallion walks out and heads down the street. Looking at the wanted poster, Scootaloo nods soberly as she calls out telepathically to Arc.

“That’s got to be him.”

Arc nods. “Agreed. But that is one big stallion!”

“We can take him.”

“It’s just that you might get hurt in the process.”

“I’m tougher than I look!”

“Yes, well… let’s not test that theory.”

“What should we do then?! Let him get away?!”

“Oh, I didn’t say that. Follow him.”

Scootaloo grins as she stands. “You hoping he leads us to others?”

“No. I’m guessing he’s going to head out of town though.”

Following the stallion, they leave town and walk a short distance. Arc turns around and looks back.

“This should be far enough.”

“For what?”

“To take him down without anyone else seeing. Call out to him.”

Scootaloo clears her throat and yells out.


The stallion stops and looks back. Spotting the filly, he rolls his eyes.


“I want you to do something for me!”

“If it’s about buying filly scout cookies, I’m not interested.”

Scootaloo pulls out the wanted poster and holds it up.

“This you?”

The stallion narrows his eyes. “What if it is?”

“Then you’re coming with me!”

The stallion laughs throatily as Scootaloo frowns.

“You’re going to take ME in?!”

“Yeah! Me and Big Brother are going to teach you a lesson!”

He chuckles as he looks around. “And where is this brother of yours?”

“He’s… he’s invisible!”

“That makes sense. Look, I have things to do today. That and I’m not too keen on fighting a filly. So why don’t you and your imaginary friend head back to town now?”

“Sure. But you’re still coming with me!”

The stallion sighs and again turns to face Scootaloo. “Tell you what. If your imaginary brother wants to fight me, I’ll take HIM on anytime. But I’m not going up against somepony who barely comes up to my knees.”

Arc walks toward the stallion as he calls out to Scootaloo telepathically. “I’ll take him up on that.”

Scootaloo grins. “He says he’s ready to go right now!”

“Fine! Tell him to come over here and I’ll teach him a lesson he won’t ever…!”

The stallion is cut off as Arc’s fist meets his jaw. Looking around, he sees nothing. Suddenly another blow comes out of nowhere and hits the other side of his mouth. Scootaloo laughs.

“Give up yet?”

“Unicorn Magic, huh?! Your brother must be a real coward!”

He looks all around and shouts.

“Come out and fight me like a real stallion!”

Arc taps the stallion in the shoulder. Turning, he puts himself in just the right position to take a boot from Arc to the gut. Doubling over as the wind is knocked out of him, Scootaloo walks over and looks him in the eye.

“You looking to give up now?”


He swings at Scootaloo, forcing her to step back. Arc grabs the stallion’s tail and throws him into a rock. Looking up at the filly walking toward him, he gazes around frantically.

“Who… who ARE you?!”

“Wouldn’t you like to know.”

Jumping, she hits the stallion in the jaw. His head slams against the rock, knocking him out. Grinning, she looks at her quarry.

“We did it!”

Arc grins. “That we did. But he was right about one thing.”

“What’s that?”

“You need some kind of alias.”

“A what?”

“Something for everyone to call you without giving up your true identity.”

“Like what?”

“Crimson Eyes?”

Scootaloo shakes her head. “Little too on the nose.”

“Yeah, you’re right. Come on. We can discuss it on the way back to town.

Sometime later the townsponies turn and stare as a filly appears to drag the stallion down the street and toward the jail. The sheriff motions for her to follow him inside. Opening a cell he allows Scootaloo to toss the massive stallion inside. With a flick of his wrist Arc sends the stallion rolling into the lockup. As Scootaloo walks back outside a cheer rings out from several onlookers. Turning, she spots the sheriff walking toward her with the bounty.

“Here’s your reward… um… what’s your name?”

“Just call me… um… the Scarlet Filly.”

The innkeeper hurries over with her original bag of bits.

“You’re welcome to stay as long as you like! No charge, miss!”

“Thanks. Not sure how long I’ll be in town though.”

The sheriff nods. “Well, in any case, we appreciate the help.”

“No problem. Now, I need to rest after that little diversion. But I’ll come see you later, sheriff.”

Those gathered part as Arc and Scootaloo walk past them and back to the Inn. Returning to their room Scootaloo turns and grins.

“That was awesome!”

“You did great back there.”

“Thanks, Big Brother! What are we gonna do next though?!”

Arc chuckles as he heads for the bathroom. “Take a shower.”


“After working all night in the orchard and taking down that stallion, we need to get cleaned up.”

Scootaloo looks down at her dirty cloak.

“Guess that makes sense.”

Arc removes everything down to his shorts as Scootaloo tosses her cloak aside. Together they enter the bathroom and start the process of cleaning up.

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