• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 2 - Stakeout

Early the next morning Arc awakens to the feeling of Ember in his arms. He smiles and holds her close for a few minutes before gently patting her face.

“Ember? It’s time to wake up.”

She slowly opens her eyes and looks up at him happily. “So it wasn’t a dream.”

“Which part?”

“I’ve always wanted to wake up in the arms of a big, strong, sexy dragon.”

“Um… you’re welcome?”

Ember giggles. “Thanks, Arc. Do you want to make some eggs together?”

Arc rolls his eyes. “I thought we went over this last night!”

“I mean for breakfast, silly.”

“Oh… sorry.”

Ember traces his scaly face with a claw. “But if you want to do that instead, I’m still willing to…”

Arc throws off the covers and quickly gets up. “Let’s get moving.”

Ember laughs as she stands up. “That’s one of the reasons I’m attracted to you, Arc. Any other dragon’s first instinct is to bed a female.”

Arc sighs as he puts on his magic robe. “I’m doing my best to put such thoughts out of my mind.”

“You still want to, huh? If it makes you feel any better, a dragon’s chances of producing eggs after copulation are extremely low.”

Arc sighs as the pair head downstairs together. “So there is a chance then, huh?”

“My body is certainly mature enough to mate and reproduce, yes. You see, female dragons have an innate desire to find the strongest and most powerful male dragon they can and make eggs with them.”

Arc turns to her as they enter the Kitchen. “Is that because you like me so much, or because I’m the only male dragon on the planet?”

“Both actually. My body knows you’re the only male in the area. So naturally it wants what it wants.”

Arc pulls a skillet out of the cupboard. “I see. Does the same apply to back in Tartarus and Equestria?”

“What do you mean?”

Arc sighs as he heads for the stove. “There were no dragons in either place. Is that why you… wanted me?”

Ember opens the refrigerator and removes the eggs. “Kinda. Like I said, a female dragon’s body wants what it wants.”

“So if you were to be left alone and apart from me, you would gravitate to the biggest and the strongest?”

“Eventually, yes.”

She walks over to him with the eggs but stops a few paces from him.

“Is this about what I did when you got back from Equestria?”


Ember blushes. “I… had a lot of pent up emotions. With you gone, there was no release to be found.”

Arc takes the eggs from her claws. “So without me here, did you gravitate to the next biggest and the strongest?”


Arc looks at her silently. Ember sighs.

“Maybe. Okay yes!”

Arc smiles at her. “And what did Xenos think of that?”


Arc turns to the stove with the eggs. “Nothing?”

Ember nods as she walks over to a cabinet for another skillet. “Right. I… didn’t do or say anything to him about it.”

“Really? As forward as you are with me, I would’ve figured…”

“It wasn’t him I had my eyes on!”

Arc turns to her. “Really? But he’s the biggest.”

Ember smiles. “I know. But ever since I started hanging around you, I’ve learned that the biggest doesn’t always mean the best.”

“Glad to see I’m rubbing off on you.”

They are silent for a moment.

“That… came out wrong. I mean… you know what, I’m going to stop talking and go back to the conversation at hand.”

Ember looks confused. “Uh… okay.”

“So you had someone else in your sights, huh?”

“At the time, yes. I didn’t say anything to them though.”

“Why not?”

“I didn’t want them to get into trouble because of me.”

Arc frowns. “What kind of trouble?”

“Your squad is part of the Equestrian military. I was worried that if they and I were to have any kind of relations, they might be in trouble with their commanding officer. Especially since you and I already have a… special relationship.”

Arc shrugs. “I don’t mind.”

Ember drops an egg onto the floor. “You… you don’t?”

“We’re all adults here. If they want to have a relationship with you, that’s fine with me.”

“With me only?”

“Well… I don’t want them forming attachments with other human women if at all possible.”

Ember blushes slightly as she cleans up the fallen egg. “So what’s different about me?”

“You’ll be coming back to Equestria when our mission is complete. Any girlfriends they make here wouldn’t be able to follow.”

Ember sighs. “I suppose that makes sense. But it just seems so cruel to them!”


“Shouldn’t they be allowed to find love as we have?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. But once we rescue Princess Celestia they won’t have any reason to stay here. That would really hurt them and their girlfriends.”

Ember frowns. “This isn’t because the girls here are human and they’re ponies, is it?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not at all. After all, Cherry and I fell in love.”

Ember brushes his side with her tail. “And there’s you and I.”

“Species really isn’t that big a deal to me in this situation.”

“But what if they DID meet someone special here? Couldn’t you just let them stay?”

Arc shakes his head. “I read over the military enlistment papers that every soldier signs. They can date only while off duty, but that’s about it. Technically the entire time they’re here they’re on duty.”

Ember frowns. “So you’re not allowing it?”

Arc sighs. “I’m not going to tell them ‘no’. But at the same time… okay, we’re getting off topic here.”

“Very much so.”

“So if it wasn’t Xenos you were looking at, who then?”

Ember looks around warily. “Can this just stay between us?”

“Of course.”

Ember sighs. “Xenos is a really nice guy and all. He and I spar together regularly, you know. We really have a lot in common. But he already has someone back home.”

“He does?”


“Anyone I know?”

Ember nods. “Miss Pommel, as he calls her.”

“Oh… I see.”

“Xenos does talk about her all the time.”

“That much I do know. Is he actually in love with her though?”

“I don’t believe so, no. But it’s more than just a crush. To me it appears to be more like a strong mother/son relationship.”

“I don’t understand why that would be an issue for you then.”

“She’s all he ever talks about when you’re not around. I doubt he even notices me.”

“Have you said anything at all?”

Ember shakes her head. “No. It would feel, to me at least, that I was trying to come between him and Coco Pommel.”

“If it makes you uncomfortable, then yes I agree.”

“Thanks for understanding.”

“Any of my boys would be a fine candidate for you, Ember.”

“I know.”

“So if not Xenos, then who?”

Ember smiles. “Viktor.”


Ember nods. “Yes. He’s not very physically strong, mind you. But he’s very intelligent. Much like you, Arc.”

“Glad to see you looking at brains instead of raw brawn.”

“Like you said earlier. You’re rubbing off on me.”

Arc blushes slightly. “Please don’t say that, Ember.”

She looks to him, confused. “But it’s true.”

“Yes, well I… um… SEREB!”

The sound of paws running up the basement stairs can be heard.

“You needed me, Arc?”

“Y-yeah. How is everyone down there?”

“Your squad is resting peacefully and Rose is continually scanning them for changes to their condition.”

Ember nods. “She’s really dedicated.”

Sereb chuckles. “I believe she is doing her best for Arc, yes.”

“For me? But I had her directives removed.”

Ember looks to Arc. “Could she still be acting on them?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Twilight and I verified that they were removed… twice.”

Sereb nods. “There is only one logical explanation then.”

“What’s that?”

“She is doing so of her own free will.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “A machine that thinks and chooses for itself. Sounds like something out of a science fiction book.”

Ember frowns. “What do you mean?”

“Well, to put it negatively, there have been plenty of stories written where a machine goes out of control due to poor or complete lack of programming.”

Sereb looks concerned. “Do you believe that Rose may do so as well?”

“I don’t.”

“But she IS capable of doing so, right?”

“Yes, Ember.”

“And if she acts on those ideas?”

Arc sighs. “Then I guess it would be my job to take her down.”

Ember shudders. “Let’s hope we don’t ever have to.”


The three finish their cooking with seven plates with food being the end result. Sereb uses his magic to levitate the plates downstairs as Arc and Ember follow him each carrying a tray. Arc looks over at his squad still lying on their bunks.

“Good morning, boys. Feeling any better?”

Max blinks a few times. “C-commander?!”

Hugh appears skeptical. “Is that really you, sir?”

“Yes, it’s me.”

Ember turns to Sereb as she passes out glasses of water. “Didn’t you tell them yesterday?!”

Sereb nods as he levitates four plates to the squad. “I did, yes.”

Viktor looks Arc up and down. “Forgive us sir, but we didn’t really believe him until we saw it for ourselves.”

Xenos coughs. “Yeah. Sereb mentioned it to me when he grabbed some clothes for you.”

Max looks at Arc’s attire. “Did they not fit, sir?”

Arc lifts the robe and points to his tail. “They did. All except for this. I didn’t want to ruin the jeans.”

Hugh grins. “Wow!”

Viktor grins. “So you’re all dragon under there, sir?”


Max appears nervous. “Is it… permanent?”

Rose shakes her head. “No. As soon as the toxin is cleaned from Arc’s system in a few days he can safely return to his human form.”

Xenos blows his nose. “That’s a relief!”

Hugh nods. “I wasn’t looking forward to telling the lieutenant about this change.”

Viktor shrugs. “I’m sure he’d understand.”

Ember chuckles. “Yeah. Flash Sentry is a pretty easy-going stallion after all.”

Sereb places the remaining plates on the nearby table.

“We should eat as well. Eggs are not very tasty cold.”

Ember sits down. “Agreed.”

Arc sets his tray of drinks down on the table and sits. He turns to Rose.

“Care to join us? I brought you some water.”

Rose shakes her head nervously. “I… um… actually need to… ah… clean myself. Excuse me.”

She walks quickly upstairs. Arc turns to Ember.

“What was that about?”

“No idea.”

Max shrugs. “Nothing happened before you came downstairs, sir.”

A few moments later the sound of water running can be heard. Xenos points a thumb toward the stairs.

“Sounds like she just needed a shower.”

Viktor turns to Sereb. “Do androids sweat?”

“No. However they pick up dirt and dust like the rest of us.”

Ember nods. “That makes sense.”

Arc frowns. “I suppose it does. But Rose seemed kinda… different when she spoke.”

Hugh appears nervous. “Should we talk to her?”

“No. I’ll handle it.”

A short time later they finish eating. Ember piles the empty plates onto her tray and heads upstairs.

“I’ll get the dishes going, Arc.”

“Thanks. I’ll be up to help in a few minutes.”

Ember nods and walks upstairs. Arc turns to his squad.

“You four going to be okay?”

Max sneezes. ”Yes sir. We’re on the mend.”

Viktor clears his throat. “That and you’ll need Rose’s scanners to help locate Miss Cherry, sir.”

Xenos looks toward his station. “We can call you on your earring if something changes.”

“I suppose that’s right.”

Viktor turns to the computer from his bunk. “I just wish we could do more to help.”

Sereb nods. “As do I. But every time one of you tries to get up, it doesn’t end well.”

Arc frowns. “What?”

Max hangs his head. “We just don’t have the energy, sir. I’m sorry.”

Hugh sighs. “All of us are.”

“Nothing to be sorry for. All of you just take care and get better.”

Xenos gives Sereb his empty plate with the others. “Yes sir. Please be careful out there.”

“I will.”

Arc heads upstairs. He and Ember quickly do the dishes together. As she dries her claws Ember turns to him.

“So what’s the plan, Arc?”

“I want to head over to the Channel 7 News building and wait for Minerva to show up.”

“Then we nab her and get Cherry back?”

“I’m not sure yet. We’ll just have to play that part by ear.”

Ember looks at him quizzically. “By ear?! Don’t you WANT Cherry back?!”

“Oh coarse! I meant the part about nabbing her.”

“Oh… why?”

“She could refuse to tell us anything. Then what?”

Ember brandishes her claws. “I can be VERY persuasive.”

Arc shakes his head. “We’re not going that route.”

“Why not?!”

“Because that’s not what heroes do, Ember. And Cherry wouldn’t want that either.”

Ember sighs. “Fine.”

After putting the dishes away the pair parts ways. Ember turns to Arc.

“I’ll go let Sereb know we’re ready to go. You wanna check on Rose?”


Arc heads upstairs and knocks lightly on the bathroom door.

“Rose? We’re about to leave. Are you ready?”

The door opens and Rose steps out. She appears somewhat downcast.

“I… yes, Arc.”

“What’s wrong?”

Rose does her best to compose herself. “It’s nothing.”

“Very well. If you want to talk about it later, I’m all ears.”

Rose nods and follows Arc downstairs. Sereb and Ember are waiting for them.


Arc nods. “Yup.”

He grabs his keys and heads for the back door. Sereb raises an eyebrow.

“Arc? What are you doing?”

“We’re going to drive there.”

Ember looks surprised. “We are?”

Rose tilts her head to one side. “Why?”

Sereb frowns. “Do you not have a sigil near our destination?”

“I do. However when Minerva shows up I want to be able to follow her without drawing attention to us.”

Ember looks down at the wolf. “I suppose Sereb is a bit conspicuous.”

Arc nods. “Not to mention he can’t comfortably carry all three of us. Let’s go.”

They make their way to the garage. Rose turns to Arc as he puts his hand on the driver’s door.

“Should I drive?”

Sereb looks confused. “Come again?”

“In your current form you do stand out, Arc.”

“That’s true. But you don’t know how to…”

Rose interrupts him. “You forget that I am an android, Arc. As such, I am fully capable of learning and have done so by watching you and the others.”

Ember shrugs. “I think Rose is right, Arc.”

Arc nods and tosses Rose his keys. “Okay. Ember and I will cloak and sit in the back seat then.”

Sereb looks to Arc. “May I ride up front as well?”

“Sure. If you want to.”

Arc and Ember get into the back and sit down. Sereb jumps in and hops over to the front passenger seat. He turns to Rose as the pair behind them get comfortable.

“Just take it slow your first time, Rose.”

Rose nods as she sits down and starts the engine. “I will do my best.”

Ember looks out the window. “I’m glad the windows back here are darker.”

“It’s called ‘tint’. That helps during long rides on very sunny days.”

Rose presses the button to raise the garage door and heads down the driveway to the street. Arc turns to her.

“Do you need directions?”

“I downloaded a map of Angel Grove to my data banks and have already plotted the shortest path to our destination.”

Ember chuckles. “Efficient! I like it!”

“Sounds good. But we’re not going to the station.”

Ember frowns. “We’re not?”

“Understood. I assume you would like a building with a nice vantage point?”

Arc nods. “Exactly. When we get over there we’ll find a nice place to lay low while we wait.”

Sereb turns around. “This may take some time and patience, Arc.”

“Yes. But it’s probably the easiest way to find Minerva.”

Ember shrugs. “I guess. She has to come into work eventually.”

“Exactly. A nice tall building nearby should provide ample cover and visibility while we wait.”

Rose shakes her head. “No such building exists, Arc.”

“How do you…?”

“I know each and every building within the town limits. Believe me when I say the Channel 7 News building is the tallest structure for several miles.”

Arc puts a claw to his chin. “Hmmm… we could stop for a couple pairs of binoculars.”

Sereb turns around and grins. “Why not use the Channel 7 building itself?”

Ember frowns. “But we’d be seen!”

Arc shakes his head. “No, we’ll all be cloaked. Good idea, Sereb!”

He turns to Rose.

“Thanks for thinking ahead. It’ll make this mission that much easier.”

Rose silently nods as they continue on. Soon the station comes into view.

“Shall I park in the public lot, Arc?”

“Yes. That’s perfect.”

They pull into the lot and park. Sereb turns to Rose as she turns off the engine.

“Now all that’s left to do is find a way to safely and stealthily scale the building.”

Arc grins. “I have that figured out already. Rose would you climb back here please? You too, Sereb.”

Rose looks confused. “Okay.”

“Very well.”

Sereb hops over the center console and lands in Ember’s lap as Rose carefully follows him. Arc takes the android and sets her in his lap. Ember looks over with a hungry grin on her face.

“I’m next!”

“Very funny. Everyone ready?”

Sereb looks confused. “What for?”

Arc leans over. “Give me a hug, Ember.”


She does so as Arc looks at the TV station and concentrates. In a flash Arc Blinks them onto the roof of the building. They fall backwards together. Sereb looks around.


Ember sits up angrily. “A little warning next time would be nice!”

Arc chuckles. “Sorry.”

Rose stands up and walks toward the edge of the roof. “The best vantage point of the parking lot is over…”

“Rose, wait!”

She stops and looks back at Arc, clearly confused.

“What is it?”

“If you’re going to be that close to the edge you should be cloaked.”

Ember frowns. “What? Why’s that?”

“If anyone were to spot her they might think she was a jumper.”

Rose tilts her head to one side. “What is a ‘jumper’?”

“Someone who stands on the edge of a building intending to fall to their death. The police would show up and ruin our stakeout.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “Stakeout?”

“A stakeout is where we sit and wait for our target to come to us.”

Rose nods. “How long do you think this will take?”

“It’s hard to say. But she’s scheduled to come in today, so I can’t see her taking too long.”

Ember rubs her claws together to warm them. “Which I hope is soon! It’s REALLY cold up here!”

Sereb chuckles. “Really? I find it rather nice.”

“Very funny, fur bucket!”

Arc chuckles. “Don’t worry, Ember. I brought something that might just help you.”

He reaches into his ring and pulls out a sleeping bag. Ember glares at him.

“I’m cold, not tired!”

“I know. Watch.”

He unzips the sleeping bag and spreads it out before wrapping it around Ember.

“How’s that?”

“MUCH better!”

Rose steps forward. “I think I might have an idea as well.”

“What is it, Rose?”

“Follow me.”

She leads them to a large rooftop unit nearby. Ember grins.

“Hey! The air coming out here is warm!”

Arc nods. “It must be exhaust from the bathrooms.”

“Who cares where it comes from?! We won’t freeze to death up here now!”

Sereb looks toward the edge of the roof. “I shall take the first watch.”

Ember turns to follow. “I’ll join you, Sereb.”

“But I thought you would like to stay warm.”

“I do. But I can take it.”

Rose turns to Ember. “Why not wrap yourself in the bag and put your cloak over it?”

“I would. But then you and Arc would be cold over here.”

Arc shrugs. “I’m just fine with the heat from this unit.”

“And I do not require warmth. “

Arc nods. “You take it, Ember.”

Ember takes the sleeping bag. “Thanks!”

She and Sereb walk over to the edge. Ember cloaks and sits down as she turns to Sereb.

“Aren’t you cold?”

“I am fine.”

“Are you sure?”



Sereb turns to her. “Is there something you want to ask me, Ember?”

“I was hoping you would get in here with me.”


“You’re really warm.”

Sereb chuckles. “Very well.”

Ember opens the cloak and lets Sereb in. He sits down on her lap and peeks through at the ground below.

“Thanks. That feels a lot warmer already!”

“It’s fine. But would you answer me one question, Ember?”

“What is it?”

“Why did you take the first watch? I would have guessed you would rather spend this time with Arc, would you not?”

Ember sighs. “I would, but…”

She turns her head to look behind them for a moment.

“…but Rose needs him right now.”

“Something is bothering her?”


“Any idea what?”

“Not a clue, Sereb. But I’m sure Arc will figure it out.”

Sereb keeps his eyes focused on the company grounds below. “Yes. He is very perceptive.”

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